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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1905)
THE MORNING 'OKEGONIAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1905. II HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: Scandinavian or German pre ferred; must bo a good cook: liberal salary paid and good home. 780 Corbett St.; take S car. 8HIRTMAKERS WANTED: GOOD "WAGES paid to high-class, thoroughly experienced persons; none other need .apply. Jacobs Shirt Co.. Hamilton bldg., 131 3d st. 60 AMATEURS WANTED TODAY. BIG SAL ary. easy -work. Newman's School of Acting, Jfc Theatrical Agency. Foresters' Hall, 6tn and Washington. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework; must be good cook: no other need apply; good wages. 054 East Morrison st. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT rrn. chambermaid, general workers. St, 1xuls Agency. 2301 Yamhill. -Phone Black 2881. WANTED GIRL. FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, one willing to go to tho country; good wages; call mornings. 748 Johnson. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; must be good cook. Apply 549 Hoyt st. SITUATION WANTED matk. Bookkeepers and Clerk. YOUNG MAN WITH 15 YEARS' BUSINESS experience In Portland, and bent city refer ences, wishes position on road for good local house. C 0. Orcgonlan. TOSITION BY COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER; temperate, reliable, not afraid of work; best of references. M 14, Orcgonlan. POSITION BY COMPETENT BOOKKEEP rr and salesman; temperate, reliable; best of references. P 7, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN WITH large wholesale, house wishes position even ings, 7 to 11. K 7, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. BY CREAMERY MAN, 7 YEARS' EXPERI ence in butter-making and pasteurizing milk for city trade; graduate Wisconsin Dalrv School: can furnish best references. Earl Kent. 41C E. 30th. Tacoma, Wash. MAN USED TO STATIONARY AND hoisting engines wants a position of trust; first-class city references furnished. M 8, Oregonian. JAPANESE. GOOD COOK. WANTS Posi tion private family; boarding-house or res taurant. Henry Tahara, P. O. box 125, city. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN FUK nish domestics, eervants, farmer and all kinds of help. Black 032. 268 Everett st. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION WHERE he can go to school. Japanese Mission. 121 16th st. Phone Clay 854. A BOY, BRIGHT. HONEST, SOBER, wishes Indoor work, close In; good refer ences. Q 8, Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO do housework and cooking. Japanese Ho tel. Phone Hood 362. BARKEEPER. 10 YEARS' EXPERIENCE, good appearance, in or out of city. A 9, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED DISHWASHER WANTS work; can also do short-order cooking. A ti, Oregonian. WANTED SITUATION AS STATIONARY fireman or engineor, experienced. Phone Main 2371. JAPANESE BOY WANTS WORK AS CHAM- ler hoy In hotel or lodging-house. G 9, Ore. ironlan. WANTED SITUATION BY JAPANESE BOY to cook. Taka. who is line cook. B 9, Ore gonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position. Address G 8, Oregonian. Housekeepers. SITUATION,, WANTED AS HOUSEKEEPER, or position oi iruEt dj- very cajwute imuuie aged woman; good references. 2301& YamlillL I'hunc Black 2SS1. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WISHES HOUSE l.eeplng. widow preferred, or will take riiarge of rooming-house. S UG. oregonian FOSITION WANTED BY YOUNG WOMAN as managing housekeeper. Address J 7, OregoBlan. Domestics. LAME GIRL, EXPERIENCED IN HOUSE work. teaching rvenlngs, desires to assist family. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SSL WANTED BY EXPERIENCED COLORED woman, general housework or chamberwork, Call 40 Hoyt at. Phone Main 40S2. VERY CAPABLE SWEDISH AND GERMAN girls desire situation, aecond work. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. WANTED SITUATION GENERAL HOUSE work in private family. L 7, Oregonian. Dressmakers. AN EASTERN DRESSMAKER CAN MAKE a few more engagements by tneday; city references. Phone East 1889; call evenings. Miscellaneous. AN EXPERIENCED LADY WANTS CHIL dren or Invalids to care far; will give good home and best of care; can give good refer ences. Call at SO Park st. Phone 3201. WANTED A POSITION AS CASHIER IN A respectable business house; best of reference. Louise Le Grande. Phone Hood 232. I LADY WITH SEVERAL YEARS' EXPE rlence as restaurant cashier can give cash bond. H 0. Oregonian. BEGINNERS ON THE PIANO. 25 CENTS per lesson. 449 Irving. WANTED TO KENT. ORDER OF RAILWAY CONDUCTORS 251 Alder ex., telephone Main 933 desires the address of families and others having nice ly furnished rooms for rent; preference will be given to those having bath ac commodations, telephone, good car serv ice, etc. Rooms for uso of our visiting members in attendance on National Con vention in May. E. A. Clem, secretary. WANTED Rooms In all parts of the city. Apply 220 Goodnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main 62 GO. BOARD WANTED BY YOUNG LADY IN strictly private family on the West Side: good home wanted and will pay well if everything desirable. A S. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT 10 OR 12-ROOM house, olthcr furnished or unfurnished; will pay liberal rental. Address P 8, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT A HOUSE OF 8 TO 10 rooms. D 8. Orcgonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY YOU HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR your second-hand furniture or anything you cannot use. Phone 5655. Portland Auction Rooms, 211 1st st. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and thorn; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 02 N. 3d. Phone Hood 617. TO DOG FANCIERS DOGS BOARDED AT Overton Park Kennels; White Pomeranian dog at stud. Phone Scott 3842. WANTED G ENTS" SECOND-HAND FUR coat; must be cheap; answer kind and price. II S. Oregonian. WANTED HOUSEHOLD GOODS. TOOLS OR goods or any description; highest price paid Prosser. 200 4th. v ' SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 60c AT HOLLA baugh's. 267 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT. tie of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR RENT. Booms. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR rent, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 570 Mill st. ROOMS. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING PRIV lledges or partial board. 209 14th. near Jeff. Cheapest and best located rooms In Portland. (1 week up. Gtlman. 1st and. Alder fits. NICE. PLEASANT ROOM. CHEAP; PHONE, gas. heat and bath. 671 E. Morrison st. FOR RENT ONE LARGE FRpNT AND 3 small rooms. Gas, heat. 129 13th st. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM ; GAS, bath and phone, tonu D. 0th st. S. FURNISHED ROOMS. WPTH BATH AND phone. 221 10th st., cor. Salmon. 41 ELLA ST. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. Bath, gas, phone; fine location., FOB KENT. Room. THE GARLAND. 621 WASHINGTON ST (bet. jym ana 20th sts.) Kurnisbea apartment, single, en suite. Sunniest, brightest roomlng bousc in the city; large bay windows In all rooms; every room an outside one; Jiew building. Just completed; new furnishings, IS rooms; furnace heat, electric lights, hot and cold water; free baths and phone; rates nominal. NEW LANGE HOTEL. European plan: electric lights and bells jestsT rfei steam heat and elevator; baths free to guec rates 50c 703 and SI per day: special by the week. Elegant cafe and bar In con nection. Corner 0th and Washington sis. Sam Bauman. manager; F. Lange. prop. THE AUDrrORIUM. 208". 3D ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon, one block south of Baker Theater Elegantly new furnished, steam heat, hot and cold running water In rooms; free bath; rooms with private baths; elevator; rates. $3.50 per week and up; $1 day; tourist solicited. IN A BEAUTIFUL NEW MODERN HOUSE. very centrally located on West Side; some elegantly furnished rooms, with every con vcnlence, private bath, etc.; suitable for gentlemen and man and wife; rooms have not been occupied. C 6, Oregonian. HOTEL AVELON (EUROPEAN) 41314 Washington St.. 4 blocks west of the im perial' Hotel; newly-furnished rooms, single or en "suite; hot and cold water, steam heat, electric light, bath and all modern conveniences; tourists solicited. NEW BUILDING. JUST COMPLETED; Ev erything nrst-ciara and up-to-date; rumace beat, phone and bath free; large parlor for use of guests, hot and cold running water In each room; don't fall to sec this elegant home. 207 14th St., near Taylor. SUITE OF NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for couple or 2 to 4 gentlemen; steam heat, gas, bath and telephone; fine location. Phone Main 4503. C7 N. 20th st., near Wash. Ington. THE COSMOS. S. E. COK. 4TH AND MOR. rlson; best down-town rooms In the city; heat and service night and day; rates $Xot per week and up. including bath; $1 day. SUITE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN connection with kitchen; gas range; other single rooms; seven blocks of Fair Grounds; no children. 315 N. 22d st. 190 12TH ST., NEAR TAYLOR ONE FRONT tmite; il one room; all modern conveni ences; private family. Call afternoons and venlngo. FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM. SUITABLE tor one or two gentlemen; gas. pnon-. pain, use of piano. 504 E. Pine. Phone East 320. BEAUTIFUL FRONT ROOM; ALSO- OTHER rooms; everything first-claw, modern; E. Side, near Steel bridge. 310 Crosby st. THE KINGSTON FURNISHED ROOMS. I'JOh ia. aajoinmg mner Theater; jz.&u per wt-cic and up; steam heat. Phone-Hood C57. LADY WOULD RENT BEAUTIFUL ROOM to appreciative gentleman; modern, cen tral; depot cars to door. 420 3d. WALKING DISTANCE, NICELY FURNISH od room, men only; private residence; all conveniences: $8 month. 2t2 10th. THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON NKW- iy furnish front room, modern; tourists accommodated: board If desired. COSY SUITE OF TWO ROOMS; ALSO SEP arate room, flt for two gentlemen or ladles; phone, gas, bath. 290 Jefferson. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN conveniences; breakfast if desired; every thing first-class. 552 Yamhill st. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS. WITH water, $8 per month. 1 block from East An keny car line. 33 E. 22d st. N. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT BED room, gentleman, private family; gas. heat, bath. 551 Taylor. Main 2300. 1S8 PARK ST. TWO NICELY FURNISHED front rooms, block Portland Hotel; vmodcra convenience; rent reasonable. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH USE of kitchen, free bath, gas and electric lights. Call 310 E. Crosby st. THE TEMPLETON, 20CA 1ST FURNISHED front rooms, single and en eulte, bath, tran sient, electric light. ONLY 50 PER MONTH SUITE OF TWO good unfurnished rooms with gas stove. 3S2 E. Yamhill. 250 7TH TWO WARM ROOMS IN A BEAU tlfuily furnished home, very modern, with phone, gentlemen. Booms With Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO tel. 105-107 10th su. cor. Morrison; there are a few vacancies: fine rooms, nicely furnished, steam heat throughout the house; porcelain bath, plenty of hot water, handsome dining room;, table and service first-class. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, BEST Lo cality, west Side, 2 doors from .washing ton st. Gas and bath; walking distance to town or Fair grounds; breakfast and lunch if desired: if two occupy room, spe cial rates. 42 N 21st st. THE L1NDELL. NEW FAMILY HOTEL. Market, between 3d and 4th. Electric light, gas. steam heat, porcelain batlis. elegant out side rooms-, first-class table. Very low rates. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION ItJTH TEAK: rooms with board: tire of newlng-room; ue 01 library; weman s Excnange. Aacress Airs. Anabcl Russell, superintendent, S10 Flanders. ELEGANT OUTSIDE ROOMS. STEAM HEAT, electric light, uorcelaln baths, first-class ta ble, two people, $40. $45. $50. month. Llndell Hotel, .Market, net. ad and 4 th. .WEST SAVIER ST. PRIVATE HOME; Ex ceptionally nice rooms and surroundings; meals served; close Fair entrance. L 8, Oregonian. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM WITH OR without board; gas. bath, telephone; quiet, private family.- Phone Main 4449. 509 Mill street. NICE LARGE ALCOVE; ALSO SIDE ROOM neatly furnished, first-class home cooking; reasonable; tree pnonc, gas ana hath. 50: Clay. HOTEL BROWN. 2T1?V GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elevator;; transients; both car lines. THE 'HESPERIAN. 533 MORRISON ST. family hotel, rooms en suite or single. wmi ooara. not ana coia water. VERY NICELY FURNISHED FRONT PAR lor; also front room, with board; modern conveniences. j w. i'arK. ROOMS. EN SUITE OR SINGLE; TABLE ana tcrvice iirst-ciass; modern conveni ences. Waldorf. 147 lath. LARGE FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR 2; aiso single room; gooa Doara; price mod erate. 275 Clay. 295 10TH LARGE, PLEASANT ROOMS, with good home cooking; furnace heat. nam. gas, pnonc 3S9 ALDER ST. LARGE FRONT ROOM AND board, suitable fcr two; home-cooking; all conveniences. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. HOME cooKtng. modem conveniences, 543 for two. 295 10th. THE ELM. 13TH -WASHINGTON PLEASANT rooms: moaern; snort orce until 1: dinner. 304 ALDER. COR. 10TH ST. NICELY FUR nished room, with first-class board, reason able. NICE LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, THE OZARK. 225 11TB BY. ROOMS EN tulte or single, board, hot and cold water. LARGE FRONT ROOM; ALSO SINGLE room, witn ooara. auo Aiornson-iutn. C15 MORRISON Desirable, large room; two or three people; dosto. .rnone 4314. Flats. MODERN FLATS. THREE ROOMS, HALL nc alcove: range. :4u aiontgomery; no chii dren. Phone Main 2359. FOR RENT A NEW MODERN SEC-ROOMED flat on 18th, near Market, Call 330 13th st. FOR RENT OR SALE FLAT OF 5 LARGE rooms, close In, $200. 205 StarK, upstairs, 146 11TH FLAT OF A ROOMS. UNFURNISH ..I TV.r.nn V.ln 11tT Housekeeping Booms. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms on West Side; state terms. K 9, oreconian. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms: phone, gas, sink. 254 Montgomery st cor. 3d. SUITES OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FIRST sna second floor, bath, gas, phone. 516 Yam hill. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison Houe keeping rooms; transient: bath, electric light. THE LEWIS. 195 10TH ST. SELECT FAM lly rooming-house. Phone Main 4334. CHEAPEST GOOD HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS close In. SO 10th. near Stark. FOR SENT. Housekceplag Booms. THE ONEONTA. 18T 17TH ST.. NEAR TAM hlll New house, elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen: steam beat and "baths; free phone on each floor. EAST 12TH ST. 3 UNFURNISHED, newly tinted rooms; pantry, new shades. gas. bath, furnace; lower floor; wanting distance, near cars. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms In nicest brick mock on East Side; gas ranges, bath. .etc. Logan bik.. 10SJ4 Union ave. Phone Union 3283. SUITE OF 2 OR 3 NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; gas range: every thing moderrL-and complete; also single rooms. 288 Jefferson St. $9 PER MONTH 3 ROOMS FURNISHED housekeeping fta with water, phone, wood shed and pantry. 030 7th-st Terrace, near Sheridan. THE LOWNSDALE NEWLY FURNISHED large housekeeping suites; gas range ana sink; 15 to $25 month. Lownsdale and Alder. 70S EVERETT ST.. NEAR WASHINGTON Neatly furnished housekeeping apartment, with homelike accommodations; residenco lo cality. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING' SUITES; $S per month and up: new and clean. The Goldsmith, cor. Goldsmith and Alblna aves. THE HEILER. 2S0H Grand ave. Fireproof brick, lighted with xas and electricity: fur- nlf hed housekeeping suite and single rooms. 889 CTH ST. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng apartments, light front rooms, basement rooms, furnished or unfurnished. XICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF HOUSE- keeplng rooms, first floor, use of phone and bath: no children. 210 Park. cor. Main. TWO VERY LARGE ROOMS. FURNISHED for housekeeping: modern conveniences; nno location. 390 Park Main 4303. 72 FIRST-2 OR 4 NEWLY PAPERED FUR nlshed bay-window housekeeping rooms; rea sonable; respectablo people only. LIGHT. CHEERFUL ROOM:?. FURNISHED for housekeeping, running water, gas, bath, phone. .114 Mill. cor. 0th. IICELY FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED rooms, newly painted and papered; cheap. 595 Jefferson, cor. Stout. TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS, NICELY FL'R- nipncd ror housekeeping; gas, bath ana pnone. 225 12th. cor. Main 2 WELL-FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, corner; yard, bath, phone: low rent. 34 Union ave. North. 402 4TH FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, quiet, respectable location, walking distance; reasonable. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Inir rooms, convenient cax. bath: S22.50. 205 11th st.. near Taylor. 205t4 WASHINGTON FURNISHED ROOMS in fruit os and single, with housekeeping ana without. Hood 446. 347 MARKET 4 LARGE ROOMS. PANTRY. nam, rurnunea for housekeeping; wood and gas stove; adults. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE- keeplng at 575 Main St.; heat, lights, bath. Phone Main 4CG0. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT AND BACK t arlor. gas, phone, kitchen If desired. 31 ntn, near Claw FOR RENT PLEASANT FURNISHED Housekeeping rooms to "a couple; lower floor. 555 Y'amhll! st. 5103 UNFURNISHED ROOMS: PART OP house; phone, electric lights, bath- Phone Union 2S03. 92 17TH. COR. FLANDERS-TWO FUR nished housekeeping rooms to parties with out cnuarcn. Boasc. 5 MORE PEOPLE MADE HAPPY YESTER day by going to Gevurtz. reliable Rental Agent. By going there one can save a great deal of worry and running around. Try them ana una out ror yourseu. jst and Yamhill Office hours from 12 to 0 P. M. only. WHY WORRY AND RUN AROUND HUNT- lng houses when If you would go to Gov urtz & Sons' Rental Agency, they will put you in a home in a short time? Try them and be sure. lio-l5 1st st. Phone Main 12S0. 18-ROOM HOUSE. FOR RENT, FURNITURE for sale; new building, near imposition grounds; rent $G0; one year's lease; furniture new; price $1500; paying house; a decided bargain; terms cash. 11. B. Edwards, 1S5-1U1 1st et. IRVINGTON SPECIALLY DESIRABLE NEW bouse of highest class, to responsible party only: 7 large rooms and basement. Owner, G75 Clackamas. IRVINGTON SPECIALLY DESIRABLE NEW house of highest class, to responsible party only: large rooms ana basement. Owner. C75 Clackamas. s'fc; S-IS. Otto J. Kraemcr, Chamber of Commerce. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 248 STARK ST., rcnu ana insurance rnont aiain na. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. Psoas uJn less, omce 110 N. sa ct. HOUSES. FLATS AND COTTAGES FOR rent in any pirt of the city. Powtre Fur niture Co., let ana Taylor. J3S-FINE 6-ROOM FLAT ON MILL ST.: bath: modern. Powers Furniture Co., 1st ana xayior. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. CLOSE IN; rent $20. Osborn Hotel. Eat Side. Phone East 375. NEAT COTTAGE FOR RENT IN SUNNY- slde. Call at 251Vi Y'amhlll St., West Side. upstairo. 0-FINE 7-ROOM FLAT ON PARK ST. modern. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. 6-ROOM COTTAGE; GAS. BATH, LARGE basement; mocern improvements. 430 Har rison. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. 497 MARKET st. See Harry Scbatz. 271' Morrison, room C $16 FINE 3-ROOM FLAT ON EVERETT ST. Powers Furniture Co., I3t and Taylor. $20 FINE 5-ROOM HOUSE ON 12TH ST, Powers Kurniturc co., 1st ana Taylor. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE, 350 3D ST. unfurnished rent $30. 4 N. 6th st. FOR RENT C-ROOM COTTAGE. $12. IN quire Z40 sneridan su Furnished Houses. A MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. NICELY FUR nlfhcd. 8 East 10th St., cor. East Ankeny, Call from to 13 A. ii. mono East 154 G. LOWER FLOOR OF COMPLETELY FUR nished hous to parties without children. 100 Cherry St.. 3 blocks norm 01 steel bridge. NICELY FURNISHHD FIVE-ROOM HOUSE good location: East Side: references; $25. Portland Trust Co., lou Third. 4-ROOM COTTAGE IN WALKING DIS tance. East Side, $20. Hatfield &. Smith, J65V6 Fourth St., room 32. NEATLY FURNISHED COTTAGE. FIVE rooms, bath, gas, electricity. 014 Everett room 1, Mulkey bldg. NICELY' FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT large grounds; good location; block from car. 401 12th st. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE: ELECTRIC lights; central. Inquire 273fe 71b. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE CO., 37 Washington bldg., 4th and Washington, has the largest 'list of reasonable bargains In rooming-houses and business chancea in the city. FURNITURE 5 ROOMS -COMPLETE. WOOD and fruit for Winter; cheap rent; modern cottage; gooa location; no agents, a 100, uregoman. 10 ROOMS. WEST SIDE. MODERN. WITH large possibilities; $C95. American Brokerage Co.. 3 vtasmngion mas., an and Wash - Ington. 18 ROOMS. WEST SIDE. MODERN, FINE location: hw. American Brokerage Co., 37 Washington oidf.. iin and Washington, K BOOMS. A BARGAIN. ON WEST SIDE for only $450. American Brokerage Co.. 37 wasmngion oiag.. -iin ana anington. cm 9-room flat at bargain, if taken lmtnc- ritstnlv- nrlc 750. Call 4th f SNAP-$150. FURNITURE 5-ROOM HOUSE- all new; part cash; balance Installments; rent t. xasi rargo. MUST SELL 'FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM flat In good location; price $150.- Phone Wr 1022. FOR KENT. Stares. TO RENT A NEW TWO-STORY BltlCK building, flno store and 1C rooms above; also two stores in frame building on 1st st.. for saloon or other business; good business location. Inquire of Bernstein & Cohen, attorneys, rooms 31-34, Washing ton bldg. FOR RENT BRICK WAREHOUSE SPACE: also transfer and storage. Inquire Portland Implement Co., Front and Taylor. STORES FOR RENT 2D AND SALMON. Ap ply 310 Mohawk bldg. Offices. PART OFFICE AND DESKROOM FOR RENT To manufacturers agent or other mercan tile man of good recommendation, half of a large-size office; light, heat and Janitor tervlco included. Apply room 517. Commer cial block. FOR RENT PART OF LARGE OUTSIDE office, wall furnished. 324 Chamber oz coa mrce. Winter and bummer ftesorts. HOTEL MOOREv-v CLATSOP BEACH. SBA- (. will w. ..w. Wl.t.. PERSONAL. GREAT SPECIALIST COMING DR. W. Au gustus Pratt, B. S. M. D., the world famous American Face , Specialist of New Y'ork and Chicago, will positively treat all defects -of feature, every wrinkle and all facial blem ishes by his celebrated Immediate process, for one week In Portland, commencing Febru ary 20, at suites 61. 52. 53. Selling-Hlrsch building. Washington, bet. West Park and 10th sts. Advance engagements mado at rooms S2 and 83, same building. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKL NEW ESSTI- tute. refitted, fully equipped for all classes or work pcrformjd at John Woodbury". New York. Hhveyour work done at home. Dr. A, L. Neiden. the world's beauty king, meth ods employed by Aza Holmes-Rlbbecke, the only graduate plastic surgeon and dermatol ogist on this Coast. Portland's best physi cians tor reference. Parlors, 364 Morrtsoa. , MADAME VAUGHN. ONLY GRADUATE dermatologist In Northwest, permanently removes birthmarks, plumps, wrinkles, saggings. scars, eczema, pimples, moles, freckles and all blemishes. Dermatology taught for professional purposes. Third floor McKay bldg., 3d and st&rk. Phun Main 706. 77 WOMEN WANTED 8UFFERINO FROM irregular, painful or stoppages, icucorine (whites) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler, UoOfc Xam hUl at. Poitland. Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write, inclott 10 2-ccnt stamps. a handsome man or a beautiful woman roon fade when tboy lose control of the nerves. Serine Pills cure all forms of weakness. Prlco $1 a box, ti for $5, with full guarantee. Address J. A. Clemenson. druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill sts.J Port land. Or. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHEA. GLEET. SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES. OLD SORES, NIGHT EM1S SIONS. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and all .affections of private organs permanently cured. Dr. Walker. 181 1st t. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our painless method of treatment; wo treat diseases of women only; consultation free, private and strictly confidential. A. Ra dium Institute, 3d and Morr.. Aluky bldg. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 A month keeps your ciotnmg cleaned ana pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co., 347 Washington, opp. Cordrays. BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR AND CURE rheumatism in 4 to 10 days with Barkc Tonic, 75c a bottle at nil druggists. J. A. Clemenson, druggist, Portland. Or., whole sale agent. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB- erts Nerve Globules. One month's treatment, $2; 3 months'. $5. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents. Wocdard, Clarke & Co., Port land, Or. LADIES. ATTENTION: ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Waters for sale by leading druggists; $2 per box; sale ana rename, a. u. bkia more & Co.. Special Agents. 151 3d st. WANTED LADY SOLICITOR. CAPABLE of handling a largo proposition; a bright woman ;au make $500 per month on this proposition. C 8. orcgonlan. $8-2 CONNECTING FRONT ROOMS. FUR nished. to gentlemen; In Hat; no other room ers; East Side, close in; good car service. S 8. Oregonian. . We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er tire ana etyie. zdc; business cards, $i Brown St Schmale, 229 1st, Portland. Or. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE ACCU. rately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Phar macy. 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. LADY. GOOD LOOKING AND WELL EDU cated, having, $4000, wishes to marry. Ad. dress Box 325, Oregon City, Or. $1 REWARD FOR THE ADDRESS OF J. F. Bowen. late at 91 H Grand avo, S. C. Moore. 189 1st st. MRS. M. S. SAVAGE, Dressmaker. 73 Lewis bldg. Main 4730. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR home. Ida. Keznor, 12 11th. Phone Main 4858, BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS eases. 434 Alder st. Phone Main 4832. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. OFFICE DISBURSING QUARTERMASTER. Portland. Or.. Jan. 10. 1905. Sealed dm- posals. in triplicate, will be received here until 12 M.. Feb. 7. 1005. for furnishing lumber, moldings, stairs, window sash and frames, blinds and doors for construction of brigade headquarters bulldinc. cold storage building and pumnhouso ut Fort William McKinley. Manila. P. I. Further Information-furnished at this olHce. United States reserves the right to rejfeot or ac cept any or all bids, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked. "Proposals for Brigade Head quarters building, etc. Fort William Mc KInley." and addressed to Jesse M. Baker. Capt., Quartermaster. U. S. A.. Disbursing Q. M. PROPOSALS FOR FRESH BEEF AND mutton or frozen fresh beef: Vancouver Barracks, Wash.. February 1. 1905 Sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering frozen fresh beef at Forts Davis (Nome) and St. Michael, and fresh beef at Forts Egbert. Gibbon, Llscum (Valdez), and fresh beef and mutton at Fort William H.Seward (Haines Mission), Alaska, for 12 months, beginning July I, 1905, will be received here until 11 A. M., March 16, 1905, and then opened. Information fur nished on application. Envelopes con talning proposals should be Indorsed "Pro posals for Beef, to be opened March 10, 1905," and aaaresseu to Major George B Davis. Chief Commissary. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED BIDS win oe received uy n. a. it iimn, uaiies, -until Vh Iffcir, for thi .wi., tlon of a two-story 'residence; $3000 bonds rcquircu. Aipi to j. wrunaaii, ine uaues, ureguu. tor uiatiia. Stockholders' Meeting. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of the Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph Company will be held at tho omce oi tne company, south east corner -of West Park and Alder streets, Portland. Or., on Thursday, the 9th day of February, 1905. at 2 o'clock P. M. for the purposo of electing a board of directors to serve for the ensuing year: for the pur pose of voting upon me proposition of In creasing the capital stock of the com nanv from $15,000,000. divided Into 150.. 000 shares, of the par value of $100 each, to $25,000,000-. divided Into 250.000 shares. of the Dar yalue of $100 each: for the Dur- pose of amending section 1. article 1. of the present ny-iaws. increasing tne num ber of directors froni 13 to 15: for the Dur- pose of amending section 3, article 1, of the present by-laws, to increase the ex ecutive committee from 5 to 7; and for the transaction of such other business as may come beforo the meeting, r. w. Eaton, secretary. LOST AND FOUND. LOST WEDNESDAY EVENING. BLACK and whlto pup fox terrier with round black nln rptllrn fn t-t V 11th IOST GOLD LOCKET. WITH RAISED MON ogram t'f Greek letters. Return to 60S Chamber of commerce ana receive tewar-I LOST ELKS' CARD. ADDRESSED L. H t'cters. j4arii-ni, umu. r iuucr picasc au duress it a. ureKoi LOST COLLIE DOQ. SABLE AND WHITE. Return to 451 rianaera st. ana receive re ward. LOST DOG COLLAR. LICENSE TAG 273. Reward at 20S Worcester block. BUSINESS CHANCES. cheap rent, must eell. Owner.J O 94, Orc- BUSINESS CHANCES. MERCANTILE AND MANUFACTURING business Partita wishing to engage In en terprises of this character can obtain val uable Information from the Ames Mercantile Agency. A jlst of bona fide business open ings In this city and adjacent country Is open for Inspection at rooms of the Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. j I HAVE FOR SALE ONE OF THE FINEST ceres ox. puing umDcr in utcsuui growth, very long, convenient location, near Buttevlll. on Willamette River, splendid land, about 4 mile from railroad; timber man can clear $100 per acre handling this piling; price. $20 per acre. O. W. Eastman, Oregon Cltx. Or. CHEAP FOR CASH OCEAN WAVE. ONLY used short time, seats C4 people: a great money-maker for picnics and gatherings of any kind; is now set up and can be seen; also other good money-making amusement enterprises. Call or addreus E. J. Arnold. room 14, Washington building. Portland. ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER. $300o: part cash, balance on time, or In ex change for Improved city property, farm r acreage; satisfactory reasons for selling given. This Is one of the best propositions now on the market. For particulars addre&s V 8, .Oregonian. FOR SALE 9-ROOM COTTAGE. NEWLY furnished, near Fair grounds, for $550; rent $20 per month. Restaurant Located near Fair grounds and doing good business. Room 39, 1C5V: 4th. Phone Clay 538. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF A WELL-AD- vrrtlsed business chance office can bo bought cheap for cash or a one-half Inter est; office for rent. Room 39, 105 Vi 4th. Phone .Clay 53S. PARTNER WANTED GENTLEMAN OF good address may secure half-Interest In new patent, just out; staple article; largo profits; small capital required. Apply In person or write- ttt O. Grimm. 3C9 Harrison st. NOT IN THE ROOMING-HOUSE TRUST IF you desire an honest house at an honest price, sea F. S. Keating, 504 I have some good bargains. Let me show them. NEW HOUSE AND TWO LARGE LOTS ON 5c car-lin. blocks from station, at ex tremely low price of $225; terms. Oregon Associated Exchange, 2sSH Washington st. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLMAN TO buy or take controlling Interest In sawmill; good opening; $10.(XX) to $25,000 capital re quired. Address Box 340, Oregon City, Or. UP-TO-DATE GROCERY" BUSINESS. ESTAB- llshed trade, central location. This la one ot the beat stands In town: $4000 required. The Ames Mercantile Agency Ablngton bldg. A GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. DO- Ing $20,000 per year; poetoWee In store: can cellation, $40 per quarter. Inquire of J. D. Kenworthy. of Wadhama & Kerr Bros. 5-ROOM- RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE in rooming-house of 10 rooms; lively min ing town Eastern Oregon. This will stand close Investigation. B 8, Oregonian. FOR SALE A WAGON SHOP. WELL equipped with power and machinery, doing a good business: In a good Valley town; good reason for selling. D 7, Oregonian. WE ASSIST IN FINANCING MERITORIOUS enterprises; stocks and bonds guaranteed, corporations organized and financed. 37 Russel building. Portland. Or. FOR SALE BOARDING-HOUSE, COM- plete, for 14 persons; excellent location; paying basis; owner leaving city; terms. Address E. 8. .Oregonian. COUNTRY GENERAL MERCHANDISE. P. O.. etc.; done last year, $22,000 Invoice $4300; price $3000 cash, books open, old established. Hall & Co.. 102 1st st. ONE OF THE MOST ELEGANT SALOONS In the city for sale; a snap If taken at once; must leave on account of Ul-neaith. x. 4, Oregonian. GILT-EDGD PROPOSITION SOME SHARES for sale In most promising mine In Pacific Northwest; sure diviaena-payer. - a, ore gonian. STORE OWNER WANTS PARTNER; $400 required, which goes Into tho business to extend It; profits large. Call 248's Stark st. ENERGETIC MAN WITH $200 CAN MAKE $25 week; experience unnecessary: no night or Sunday work. Call 248 & Stark st. DO YOU WANT A ROOMING-HOUSE? WE have some unfurnished locations thru might Milt you. Call 317 Fenton building. S4 6th st. FOR SALE LEASE ON GOOD STORE. VERY central, on wasmngion si. me neaiy in vestment Co., 210-214 Ablngton, ltiGi 3d oL FOR SALE RESTAURANT: CENTRAL, good business; lease; cheap rent; sickness causo of selling, t o. vrugonian. $1800 WILL BUY A CORNER IX)T WITH dwelling and store building; steady rent, $25 per month. Call & . rarn st. FOR SALE A GENERAL MERCHANDISE store In the country uoing a goou business. Address D 71. Oregonian. WANTED A PARTNER WITn $300 IN A good business, targe prom; musi oe goou solicitor. J 92, Oregonian. FOR SALE AT ONCE. GOOD-PAYING MIL linerv business: must sell: bargain Inquire I. White. Arlington. Or. WANTED A ROOMING-HOUSE IN GOOD location, from 10 to 20 rooms, for cosh; no agent. U t. oregonian. SNAP. IF TAKEN AT ONCE ROOMING house, downtown: owner leaving city. Ad dre&s F 9. Oregonian. T?nt caT.E A LARGE. NEWLY FURNISH ed roomlng-houae; no agent. Address A 2, Oregonian. SWELL SALOON AND POOL HALL. HEART of city; buy of owner; bargain. D 9, Ore gonian. PLANING MILL FOR SALE CHEAP, WITH gooa macmiierj aiu swi -. v- gonlan. PRIVATE FUNDS LOANE 50 PER CENT valuation; low ri&. itiu, u.u . wfn TrtAX? A T r. 1 Vll n TPT ffVT Wm. O. Beck, room 307. the Falling bldg. r.nnpoVAVMAV TO Itl'N PONY SAW HANSEN 20 N. 2D ST. A SNAP-OY'STER AND CHOPIIOUSE: LONG lease; cheap rent. Inquire at 240J4 Y'amhlll. WANT A PARTNER WITH $100 IN GOOD, paying business. Auarese i v. oregonian Party with some capital can buy territory for qUICk-seling articles, vxii m w ucuw, FOR SALE UMBRELLA STORE; GOOD reason for selling, can oi aa su SALOON BARGAIN TODAY AT $1100. See 24SH Stark st. BUSINESS INVESTMENT; SMALL CAPITAL. V 03. Orcgonlan. FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsible iirms; easy paymcnis nu muuij l-juiuku- tiai: aiso on personal property; rooming-houses a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, wiinoui ir.oriuc rnnfl.'ontlal. Month, i'rmonth. Week. $5r-Repay to us $13.33 or 50.115 or $3.25 S2-Repay to us $ 0.05 or $3.35 or $1.05 515 Repay to up $ 4.00 or $2.W) or si. 00 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 2D. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO., 217 OREGO nion lilriv 1nnnt tnnnev to rellablu Rilemen. trainmen, ' motormjen. conductors or other salaried employes, just on nis noic, in sums of $10 to $100. Returnable In convenient weekly or monthly payments. Payment sus pended In case of sickness. Confidential. No inquiries. MONEY' ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE teamsters, etc. without security; easy pay ments; largest business in 4U principal cities. Tolman, 223 Alblngton bldg. Clay 175S. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or eaiary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Palette. 304-0 enton bldg. i'none jiain itoo. $5 LOANS AND UPWARDS, ON ALL KINDS Ot Security-Wlinoui uewj. . a. iiiinway, room 10, -Washington oiog. .rnone ciay isn. IMMEDIATE. LOANS. LOWEST RATES ON furniture, pianos and chattels. Eastern Loan j in cv.,..-1ntr -IH nnl n.ilc r'l-n- .Vw T.OAN-3 ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND OTH er securities; lowest rates. S. W. King. room 45, Washington bldg. Phone Hood 415. MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF SE- curity; building loans a specialty, w. ii. Nunn, 552 Sherlock oik. rnone ciay S2U. State fimds loaned. G per cent. W. B. Thomas, nt nnt Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS 5 AND 0 per cent. wm. Dennoim. 22o Falling bldg, PRIVATE PARTY makes real estate, personal. chattel, salary loans, tiut larquam bldg. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas Coun ty lands, xj. x itiiey, wm cnam. com. FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wage-earner needing money before pay day can get it from us: no commlssWn or Interest In advance; no mortgage or lndorer required. Repay weekly, monthly or semi monthly In amounts from $1 and upwards, thus avoiding the payment of the whole amount out of any one payday; and have six months' time. If desired. NELSON & HINDLEY. 303 McKay bldg. LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; loweov rates; strictly con fidential. Employes' Loan Co., room 710. The Dekutn. 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 224. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Assaycrs and Analysts. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 208 STARK St. Prices: Gold. $1; copper. i; sliver. 50c PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANA- lyst; goid dust bought. 223 & Stark st. Business Colleges. GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWRIT- Ing. famous budget bookkeeping, actual business practice; positions found for grad uates; day and night school. Holmes Busi ness College. Y. M. C. A. bldg. Main 513. Carpet Cleaning. Sanitary carpet cleaning, suction and com pressed air combinea; carpets cieanea on door without removal. Main 6534. East 2594. Clairvoyants. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. 50c, 50c. 50c, 50C. 50c. 50c, 50c. 30c. 50c. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. 303 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 6TH. $5 COMPLETE LIFE READING. 50c. THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PAR LOR HE WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL NAME. AGE. OCCUPATION. YOUR MOTH ER'S MAIDEN NAME. AND WHOM AND WHEN YOU WILL MARRY, and what you called for, without asking a question; will tell the namo of your sweetheart or anything you want to know. He sends you away much wlicr and happier than when ycu called. How can I have good luck? How can I succeed In business T How can I make my home happy? How can I marry tho one I -choose 7 How can I marry well? How soon can I marry? How can I conquer my rival? How can I mako anyone love met How can I get a letter? How can I get a good position? 303Va WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 6TH. THE. GREAT. ONLY AND ORIGINAL BUD AH BERNIQUE. $5 COMPLETE LIFE READING. 50c. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. BORN WITH A DOUBLE VEIL. EDUCATED IN EGYPT AND INDIA. TELLS YOUR NAME. TELLS YOU WHEN AND WHOM YOB WILL MARRY Positively mentioning your sweetheart's full. name. Settles love quarrels and promptly reunites the separated, no matter how long standing. London's most famous palmist and clair voyant la acknowledged by press and public the greatest living DEAD TRANCE ME DIUM. She tells what you camo for before you utter a word; doea not ask questions, no mat ter what your trouble may be. Call and she will guide you with certainty higher than human power. Tells you ths truth, good or bad. HOURS 10 TO 8. DAILY -AND SUNDAY. 2911 MORRISON. COR. 5TH. SAME FLOOR AS BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS. PROF. VAN CORTLAND, CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST, $5 FULL LIFE READING. 50c 313 WASHINGTON. COR. UTH. HE WILL TELL YOU YOUR NAME. AGE. OCCUPATION AND WHAT YOU CALLED FOP THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PARLOR OR CHARGE YOU NOT ONE PENNY. PROF. M'INTYRB, CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. Beduced Charges. 60c 50c This Week $5.00 Headings 60c 50c Satisfaction guaranteed or no fee accepted. HE WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL NAME. AGE. OCCUPATION. Tells life from cradle to grave. Consulta tion on all affairs, good or bad. Cosmos Bldg., 2084 Morrison. WOULD YOU KNOW THE FUTURE CLEAR as crystal? See Prof. Hale. Telia Just vhat annoys, perplexes, worries you; tells what your wish Is. helps you to gain It; makes you happv; gives names, dates, facts of marriage. love, law, money, changes; all without you speaking a word, r your money back. Hours 10 to S P. M. dally. 231 5th sr. opposite Courthouse. Low fee, 50c MME. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN. Sci entific revealer. tells life from cradle to grave. Consultation on all affairs. Good ad vice, suro help, mistake impossible; re stores lost love and unites separated by sympathy; locates burled treasure, jfee. $1; letter. $2. 207 Park. Chiropodist and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists; parlors room 2uB Drew bldg.. 1C2 2d st. Phono Main 1361. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He Is tho man you are looking for. YOUNG LADY" GRADUATE CHIROPODIST; patrons can rely on skillful treatment. 10 Benson block. 5th ana jaorrison. Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL CO., wholesale dealers; best coals; foundry and smelter coke. 3S B st. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commis sion merchant. Front St., near Main, Port land, Or. Cosh advanced on consignments. TAY'LOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, ianerlock bldg.. Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts.. Portland, or. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 stark. Black 914 GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. SHELVES. houses bunt ana repaired. us 4th. Clay 174, Dancing. MRS. GRANT'S adult and children's classes. Western Academy. Morrison St., cor. 2d. Dressmaking'. KEISTER'S Ladled Tailoring College Par- terns to measure. Alisky, hail 400. 2C5 Mor. Dyeing- and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner. 50o Jefferson. Tel. Main 2513. Fraternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety or . v.: protects tne living, j. i. Mitchell. Sup. Sec. G12-C15 Marquam bldg. Harness "and Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOIX sale saddles and harness mfrs.. saddlery nnraware. learner an kinus. 7-74 5th st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddles and harness mfrs., leather and saddlery hardware. SO-SO 1st. Main 220. Junk, Hides and Felts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers. raetais anu sacks. ji iron: st. Lands. LAND SCRIPS. GENERAL LAND PRAC tlce. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. T"S tabllshed 1858. Leather and findings: Stock. ton cole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos, lbo Front st. THE BREY'MAN CO.. LEATHER MFRS.. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leatner or an kinds. 72-74 5th. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAW- mllls. logging macninery: hydraulic pipes, Ai a ! n o. All IHrtrlc wrulr,1 1AJ V- ..k THE H. C. ALBRE CO.. SECOND-HAN machinery, sawmills, etc. 248 Grand ave. Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS For bargains seeweKs; no agents: 20 per cent 54cu. w l rjuiii, wr, nwiiitr. Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AVI) FOREIGN r. J. GEISLER. 530 CHAM. OF COM.. U. S and foreign patenU a specialty Safes. n.lTH THICtf WALLS. NOT FIRE-PROOF Lockouts opened, repairs, steel celling, safes exchanged. DIeboId work. J. E. Davis. 6C 3d. Paint. Oils and Glass. HA SMUSSEN Si CO.. Jobbers, paint?, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2. and Taylor. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Stop Drinking-. GUARANTEED cure: send 50c: tablet form: mailed in plain packngc; has cured tnou sands. L. L. C. Co.. 614 Grant bldg.. S. F. Osteopathy. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH. osteopathic physicians; graduates Klrkaviuc. Mo. 409 Oregonian. Phone Main 1242. Sani tarium. 614 4th. Consultation free. DRS. ADDIX & NORTHRUP. 416 DEKUM oiag. Phone Mam 349. Examination free. Massage. LIFE IS AS WE MAKE IT PERSIAN MAS- sage strengthens the muscles, cleanses the skin, soothes the nerves; Perslon vapor, tub baths and massage. The. Frances, 9th and Morrison. Red 2838. LADY GIVES CABINET. SPONGE. ALCO- bol baths with magnetic treatment: also manicuring and chiropody; strictly first-class. Call v and be convinced. 145V: 6th st., Mar quam House. NEWLY FURNISHED FLAT, EXCLUSIVE- ly for massage, magnetic, vapor ana tub baths, by young lady with young lady as sistant. 2S9& Stark st.. bet. 4th and 3th. THE SNOWDEN BATHROOMS. WITH AT- ifnuanta; vapor and steam baths; also mas sage and electric treatments. 234!-, Morrison s rt.. cor. 2d. room 3. dtar rooming-house. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES VA. por. electric thermal, alcoholic, medicated baths and magnetic treatment. Parlor 10. Benson block. 5th and Morrison. Y'OUNG LADY FROM ST. LOUIS GIVES massage, vapor and tub baths; tub baths a specialty. 110 "a 4th., cor. Washington. VAPOR AND SPONGE BATHS. MASSAGE ana magnetic treatments, by experienced, young lady. 331H Morrison St.. room 16. EASTERN LADY. FORMERLY 200ii 4TH. just returned; pleased to meet old as wen as new patrons. Room 2. 144"s- 0th. FRENCH LADIES GIVE BATH AND MAS- sage treatment. SOS 5th st. Main 59S6. Northwest Viavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. Call or eend stamp for Health Book. Rubber Stamps. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. TEL. Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals- stencils. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. 1G5& 4th et., Russel bldg., hours 9-5. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CONSULT ed dally at 412 Alder, cor. 11th. Main 6179. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. 307 Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison, sittings dally. Hood 403. MRS. STEVENS, spiritual life reader, scien tific palmist. 50c. 343i Yamhill, cor, 7th. Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. am anu iioyu i'aone .uain 1408. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 348 1st. near Market. Phono Black 3133. Second-Hand Dealers. SUGARMAN & SONS, highest prices paid 2d hand furniture, stoves. 233 Front. Red 3175. Storage. FOR RENT 15.000 ft. storage room in first class brick building; centrally located. For information address N S. Oregonian. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED, packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large three-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage Office. 12S 1st C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 547. C. O. PICK. OFFICE 88 1ST.. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 590. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; commodious fireproof brick warehouse. Front & Clay st. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT St.. household goods and furniture, plane, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all tiiu.uuiu- nrucici at reasonable prices. C. F. HARDER. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved: furniture, china and glassware packed for shipping by experienced packers; alt' work guaranteed. Phone Eaat 1612. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 54 THIRD ST., wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sokl and repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. Wholesale Grocers. AE-&r.LI-AVIS' ."WHOLESALE GROCERY, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK t TC?S?-econd and Washington. F. L. LIPMAN . . . . ... ... President . (San Francisco.) R. LEA BARNES Cashier WALTER A. HOLT AssUtanT Sler (Portland.) General banking business transacted. Ex change sold and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Head Office. Toronto. Canada. Capital paid up $8,700,000 Reserve 3,500,000 Tranmcts a general banking business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward and Interest allowed on mlnlmumSnonth ly balances. Bates on application. 244 WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD. Manager Portland Branch. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest cor. Third and Oak sts. Transacts a general banking business. Drafts issued available In all cities of th United States and Europe. Hong Kong and Manila. Collections made on favprable terms. President J. c. AINSWORTH Vice-President.. W. B. AYER Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier . A. M. WRIGHT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President A. L. MILLS Cashier ..J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available in Europe and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston. Chicago, St. Louts. St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points of .the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in sums to suit on London, Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln, Hong Kong, Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlstianla. Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Mos cow, Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. NO. 109 THIRD ST. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. CAPITAL. $300,000. We conduct a general banking business. We receive savings deposits. We issue time cer tificates and certificates of deposit payable upon 10 dnya call. 30 days' call or 00 days' calL with interest at 34. 34 and 4 per cent per respective'Iy. Call or send for our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BEN J. I. COHEN President H L PITTOCK Vice-President B." LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secrotary LADD &. TILTON, BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1S50. Transacts a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and all points in the UnitctS-States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis. Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and various points In Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin, Frank fort. Hong Kong, Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu. MERCHANTS NATIONAL RANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE- W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, available in all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce Building. Third and Head office. 55 Old Broad Street. London. This bank transacts a general banking busi- ness. makes loans, discounts bills and Issues letters ef credit, available for travelers and the purchase of merchandise In any city of the ' world. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Interest paid on tlm.e deposits. W. A. MACRAE, Mgr.