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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1905)
THE MORNING OEEGONIAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1905. FIND POKER GAMES Sheriffs Force LocateSecreted Playing, CLOSE DOWN CONCERT HALL Underground Game Located in the "Harmon's Place" and Others Found in Cigar and Grocery Stores-Captives Get Bail. "Harmon's Place," a concert hall, billiard-room, and saloon, was closed by Sheriff "Word yesterday afternoon because, as an additional attraction for the pat rons, a "stud" poker game was installed. The gambling department was located In an underground floor, and was thought to be Impregnable, but the Sheriff won an easy victory. He did not storm the prem ises, but, after ascertaining beyond any question that the law was being violated, walked in quietly, accompanied by Dep uty Sheriff Grussi, and placed the propri etor, W. "W. Harmon, under arrest. The next move was to march the employes and patrons out, lock the door and put a Dep uty in charge as custodian. Harmon was escorted to the Courthouse and was released on $250 ball. Within an hour after the raid was made District Attorney Manning filed an Information against Harmon charging him with con ducting a gambling-house: "I will keep his place closed," said Sheriff Word, "unless he gives me a writ ton agreement that no gambling will be carried on in future. He said he would do so today. When I get the agreement I will turn his place back to him, not be fore." Poker in Cigar Store. Sheriff Word took a walk and happened into the cigar store of Al Harris, at 273 Washington street. He arrested Harris tor conducting a poker game, and. next proceeded to the store of J&ichardson Bros, and arrested them on the same charge. , "I didn't find them playing in either place," said the Sheriff to a reporter, "but I have heard so much I considered that it was my duty to act." Harris, together with A. B. Richardson and T. D. Richardson, were released on (100 ball each. District Attorney Manning Immediately filed an Information In the State Circuit Court against the three men, charging them with running draw poker games. Sheriff Word was the complain ant in each case. Yesterday morning, before Judge George, Al Harris pleaded guilty to an in dictment returned by the last grand jury charging him with running a nlckel-In-Ihe-slot machine, and was fined $200, which he paid. REMONSTRATE AT ASSESSMENT Alblna-Avenue Property-Holders Ask Review of Council's Action. A petition to review the action of the Common Council in the matter of a re assessment amounting to $11,000 for the improvement of Albina avenue, from Page street to River street, was filed in the State Circuit Court yesterday by Ralph Duniway, attorney. The improvement was made a year ago and consisted of wood blocks, which took the place of a macadam pavement. The remonstrants are: James W. Applegate. Mary Evans, W. H. Foster, C. H. Jackson. The Alliance Trust Co., Mary Phelps Montgomery. "VV. H. H. Morgan, Paul Wesslnger and Henry Wagner, executors of the estate of Henry Weinhard. deceased; David Brown, Anna Brown, Dirk Van Rassum, John Michell, Irene A. McKenny, William H. Wlgers, W. D. Walsh. They allege that the old pavement was much better than the new and was so firm that it could not even be plowed up, and had to be removed with dynamite. The new pavement, the remonstrants assert, has not a concrete bed. only a gravel foundation. The cost objected to is "$400 to $500 per lot. which Is. in some certain cases, more than the lots are worth. HAS NO RIGHT TO PAINT. Suit Brought Against Painter to En join Him From Operating. Suit against John T. Stoneroad to en join him from following the painting bus iness was filed yesterday in the State Cir cuit Court by E. H. Moorehouse. The complaint recites that Stoneroad owned stock in the E. H. Moorehouse Company, which Moorehouse purchased from him in June, 1902, with the understanding that he, Stoneroad. would not engage in the same line of business for 10 years. The company is engaged in the business of selling art materials, decorating, wall papering, etc Moorehouse alleges that a large part of the business of the com pany was painting, and that Stoneroad has gone into the painting business- and is interfering with the patronage of E. H. Moorehouse Company because he Is ac quainted with its customers. Under his agreement It is charged that Stoneroad must not engage in this line of trade in Portland until 1912. TIRED AFTER THIRTY YEARS Mother of Ten Children Gets Divorce on Grounds of Cruelty. The domestic infelicities which have for a long time existed between Augusta B. Leader and Joseph H. Leader were set tled yesterday, by Judge Frazer, who granted Mrs. Leader a divorce on the grounds of cruel treatment. The parties have divided their property. The Issue of the marriage has been ten children. The three children who are still minors remain in the custody of their mother. The litigants were married in 1874 In Wis consin. Mrs. Leader testified that her husband cursed her and abused her. She told of occasions when he struck her with his clenched fist, knocking her down. These occurrences were frequent. Once he struck her with a waterbucket, and cursed her in the presence of their chil dren. v ASKS SALVE FOR HONOR. Edward Bradbury Asks Damages for Merchant's Abuse. "Pay me $1 or take off those shoes. I will call an officer and have you arrested. Those are my shoes you have on your feet They were taken from my store. You are a thief. You shall not leave this store until you have taken those shoes off." These words Edward Bradbury alleges were spoken to him by Samuel Mazurov sky, a merchant at 8 North Third street, on January 25, 1905, in the hearing of Jacob Smith and others. Bradbury avers that the charges made by Mazurovsky were false and scandalous and Injured his good name and reputation. He seeks a salve for his wounded honor, and yester day filed suit in the State District Court against Mazurovsky for $2500 damages. Legal Jottings. G. M. Haugh testified that her husband, John Haugh, deserted Tier two years ago. They were married at Oregon City, May A, 190L Judge Frazer granted the plain tiff a divorce. Warrants for the payment of salaries of county officials were drawn by County Clark Fields yesterday, and hereafter will be drawn on the first day of each month. Ashley & Rumeiln, brokers, have been cashing the warrants at par on tho first day of the month, and have waited until the 12th or 15th before receiving repay ment. The warrants draw interest at 6 per cent, but at present do not run more than two or three months, because the county is fast getting out of debt. The brokers fjgured that It was not profitable to advance money for 12 or 15 days on warrants, and pay Interest on the money without receiving any return. True they would receive whatever Interest the coun ty paid on the warrants while they were outstanding from one to two or three months, but the brokers thought this in sufficient, especially as they pay an em ploye a monthly salary to stand around the building and purchase warrants. The banks offered to take the warrants at par, and County Clerk Fields decided to issue them in future on the first day of the month. Because of desertion Hugh C. Frlsbie was divorced from Matilda M. Frlsbie by Judge Frazer and was granted the cus tody of a minor child, a girl 10 years old. The litigants were married at Vancouver In October, 1892. Decisions Today. Judge George will decide tho following cases this morning: State vs. Goodwin; motion to set aside indictment. State vs. Brcyman; motion to set aside Indictment. Ball against Hughes; motions and de murrer. State vs. Buchanan; demurrer to In dictment Walker vs. Brice; motion to refer. Dickey vs. Jackson; motion to make re ply more definite. Jennings & Son vs. Miller; demurrer to complaint. Wahl vs. Haines; motion to strike out parts of answer. Blanck vs. Selandcr; motion for refer ence. Multnomah County vs. First Presby terian Church et al.; demurrer to com plaint. State vs. Sigler; demurrer to indict ment. Ball vs. Warner et al.; motion to strike out. Thompson vs. Anderson; motion for re ceiver. Webster vs. Cate & Powell; demurrer to complaint. Dechenbach vs. Rima; motion as to en try of mandate. Healy vs. Postal Telegraph Company; cost bill. McGowan & Son vs. Gorman; motion to set aside default. Ambler vs. Hood et al.; demurrer to amended complaint. Myers vs. City of Portland; motion to strike out parts of answer. La Force vs. Whipple; motion to dismiss appeal. KYSTERY EST NEW JERSEY. Man With Defective Memory Sus pected of Cunning Murder. PLAIXFIELD. N. J., Feb. 2.-George Williams, a young grocer in the village of Watchung, was found shot dead In his sleigh onthe road yesterday. Williams had started out to drive a well-dressed stranger to Warrenville. and that was the last seen of him until he was found dead. The stranger has disappeared and no motive for the crime can be learned. Footprints In the snow, apparently made by a man walking backwards, led from the sleigh to the house of a French man named Pollock, whom the stranger said he wished to visit. The house was apparently deserted and Pollock cannot be found. The footprints were followed to the railroad station, where the stran ger boarded a train for New York. George H. Wood, an ironworker, sur rendered to tho police at New York City tonight. He was held on suspicion that he knew something about the killing of Williams. Wood is Mrs. Pollock's grand son. An autopsy showed that Williams had been shot from behind through the heart. A bullet extracted from the body proved to be of the same calibre as some found In Wood's room in a hotel. Wood said his memory was partly a blank regarding what happened to him or where he had been for nearly a week. He told the police he left New York City last Monday with a Mr. Mack, for whom he had worked in the iron business. He said their destination was to be Scars dale, Pa., where Mack was to start him in business, having given him $1000 for that purpose. Wood says he remembers scarcely anything more. Whether they were in Scarsdale he says he does not know; neither does he remember what became of the $1000 or Mack. He says he has an Impression he was In Trenton, but was positive he was not in Plainfleld. BOASTS OF BAD DEEDS. Man Who Says He Is Pal of Carbarn Bandits Is Captured. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 3. Andrew Kur owskl. for whose arrest a reward of $500 was offered some time ago in Chi cago, is in custody here and has made a confession that he is a pal of Marks and Van Dine, the Chicago carbarn bandits, who were hanged last year. "I came to St. Louis," he said, "to plunder u.nd rob. I have shot 15 men, some rataily. I have been a bandit ever since I was 10 years old. I must have been born one. When I came to St. Louis, Wednesday, from Memphis. where I kept the police in not water for three months, I planted $1000 , worth of booty. Kurowski, who Is 23 years old, and gave his father s name as Jacob Kur owski, a merchant of Chicago, was av rested at the Salvation Army Bar racks. Hoch Married Pasadena 'Woman. CHICAGO, Feb. 3. Pasadena, CaL, po lice have confirmed the marriage of Johann Hoch to Martha Harzfeld in Chi cago. Word was received by the police here today from the Chief of Police at Pasadena that the woman had recognized the picture of Hoch as the man who, under the name of Jacob Erdorf Hoch. married her In Chicago. Free, but Again a Prisoner. ST. PAUL, Feb. 3. Allen Goucer. a con vlct In the Minnesota prison, accused of murder In San Francisco, was released today to a California detective by the State Board of Pardons, Goucer s term would have expired In March. Feeder to other banks. How Pan-American Hunt Used Sav ings Bank in Chicago. CHICAGO, Feb. 3. W. S. Rector, who was cashier of the Pan-American Bank here, admitted on the witness stand today that, under the direction of President Hunt and Secretary-Treasurer Travers, of the company, many thousands of dollars In cash and securities have been trans ferred from Chicago, with little or no returns so far as known by Rector. Railroad stocks and bonds representing a face value of $51.00!) were sent by Hunt and Travers to C. F. Carrier, banker at Elmlra, N. Y., reputed to be Hunt's uncle, The only return was $S00O, said Rector. Large sums of money were traneferred through Chicago banks to Hunt's private institution In New York, to a bank in Boston, on which Hunt asserted he had an option, to the Pan-American Banking Company s branch bank in the. City of Mexico and to the Russo-Chlnese Bank at San Francisco. Rector asserted that he knew nothing of any reason for such transfers. Hunt Held Without Bail. NEW YORK, Feb. 3. William H. Hunt, president of the Pan-American Banking Company, of Chicago, who has been under arrest here chargejj HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Eoains. JI.M to $3.00 Per Dy. Aecordlac to Location. J. r. DA VIES, Frt. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Rooms 50c to $1.50 First-Class Restaurant In Connection HOTEL SCOTT CO. A. J. DE1TZ, Manager Portland's Newest and Best Equipped Hotel Rooms single or en suite "with private bath. European plan. Elegant cafa In connection. Free 'bus vrtll meet all trains. SEVENTH AND ANKENY STREETS. PORTLAND. OREGON. DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE PAINLESS DENTIST Who can fill or extract any number of teeth without in flicting tho slightest pain to the patient. The largest and best-equipped dental office on the Pacific Ooast. 342 Washington Street, Corner Seventh 'Phone Main 2119. with embezzlement from that Institu tion, today was held without ball for 30 days to await extradition papers Irom Illinois. Counsel for Hunt an nounced today that efforts would bo mado to secure the prisoner's release through habeas corpus proceedings. One of the Wives Does Not Talk. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 3. Martha Harz feld, tho former wife of Johann Hoch. the alleged bigamist and wife-murderer of Chicago, who resides in Pasadena, refused today to discuss the matter of her mar riage to Hoch in any way. She stated that the Chicago police were aware of her whereabouts, and If any information from her regarding Hoch was required. It could be secured. M ordered by a Hostile Tonjj. RENO, Nev., Feb. 3. Gee Sing Tooy, a Chinaman, was found dead In his cabin this morning. Tho cabin had been set on fire. The only portion of the body not touched was the head and neck. Across tho throat was a deep gash, show ing that the head was nearly severed from the body. The deceased was a mem ber of one of the tongs, the enemies of which had threatened him. G0KTSACT P0E PARK WALKS Concrete Will Be Laid Before Open ing of Fair. At yesterday's meeting of the Parte Board it was decided to award a contract to the Diamond Sand Compan: . subject to the approval of the Council, for the con struction of north- and-south and diag onal cross concrete walks In the City Park blocks. The contract amounts to $3020. It Is the opinion of the Board that the walks should be laid immediately, so as to make the park presentable for the opening of the Lewis and Clark Exposi tion. The proposed improvement of Davenport atreet, reported Auditor Devlin, will en croach possibly 60 feet upon Pennoyer Park. In his opinion the street should be Improved only to the park entrance. The Olmsted reporta of Portland's public parks will be embraced in the annual re port of the Board. A GUARANTEED CURE TOR TILES. Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pllcx Tour druggist will refund money II Pazo Oint me nt falls to cure you In 0 to H days. 50c DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Feb. 3. Maximum temperature, 43 deg.; minimum, 32. River rending at 11 A. M.. 3.Sfeet; change In past 24 houn rise 0.6 foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. trace: total .since September 1. 1004, 20.77 inches: normal, 27.16; deficiency. 0.39. Total sunshine- February 2. .1005, none: possible, 0 hours and 47 minutes. Barometer (reduced to a level), at 5 P. M., 23.77. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. ST Wind. gS 1 Zlz a (-P Z o oo 2l 2. 2 cs 3 3 e 2 or; ? STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck Bolce Eureka Helena Kamloops, B. C North Head ..... Pocatello Portland Bed Bluff Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City... San Francisco Spokane Seattle Tatcosh Island Walla Walla .... S2J T J 4NW 2o(0.O0 12 E 30) T 4 W 50,0.00 8,N 20.00! 4 N (Cloudy (Clear ICloudy jClear (Clear ICloudy Cloudy (Cloudy IClear (Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear (Cloudy ICloudy ICloudy (Cloudy (Cloudy Ib.U.UU -if CO 34 43 0.00 4.N T 4,NW 0.00,18 E 0.0OI 4'V 64 4 Jo.oi; t$jN 541 T 50;0.00: cJnw tfN -R 4:N 30.E 4jN T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. No Important change has occurred In the weather In the North Pacific States since yes terday. No rain or snow of consequence has occurred, and the temperatures remain practi cally stationary. Except In the Willamette Valley where It Is clear, the. weather generally continues cloudy and threatening. The Indications are for rain or snow Saturday In Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho, and for rain In Southern Oregon. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight, February 4r Portland and vicinity Increasing cloudiness; winds mostly northerly. Western Oregon Increasing cloudiness north, rain south portion; northerly winds. Western Washington Cloudy, with rain near coast; easterly winds. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Rain or snow. Northern Idaho and Eastern Washington Cloudy and occasionally threatening. EDWARD A. DEALS, DUtrict Forecaster.- PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON FXrat-Class Check Kestaarai. CesBected With Hotel. C O. DAVIS. Sec mad Treaa. :THE: ESMOND HOTEL OSCAR AXDEBSOR, Miaisar Front and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREGON TOEE 'BUS TO AND FROM ALT. TRAINS. Rates European plan, 50c. 75c $1-00. $1.50. (2.00 per day. Sampie rooms la connection UNCALLED-FOE ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS. AND MAT "BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GONIAN OFFICE: A 2. 84, 37. 100. B 85, 89. 94, 09. C 5. 05. D 3. 4, 71. 80. 87, 07. E 3, 06, 98, 09. F 3. 6, 8. 64, 95, 97. 99. G 2, 54. II 6, 87. J 1. 5. 0. 55. 82. 85. S7. 99. K 3, 6, 88, 03, 00, 07, OS, 100. Jj 8, 7, 73, 87. 31, 82, 90, 09, 100. M 01. 06. N 1, 3, 6, 87. O 1, 3. 5. 7. 53. 72. 87. 90. P 5, C, 18, 55, 87, 89, 95, 96, 07, 99, 100. Q 5. 6. 7, 91, 99, 100. R 5, 6, 7, 86, 07. 81. 3, 5. T 1, 2. 3. 4, 01. 97. U 3, 4, 99. X 2, 3, 8, 87, 07, 89, 100. Y 2, 4. 0. 56. 00, 96, 99. MEETING NOTICES. MASTER PLUMBERS' ASSOCIATION. Members nre requested to attend the funeral of our late member, Henry Lokey. to take place today (Saturday), at 2 P. M.. from Flnley'a undertaking parlors. By order, T. J. ROWE. Secretary. ALBINA LODGE NO. 101, A. F. & A. t M. Stated communication this (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. All M. M. cordially Invited. By order W. M. A J. HANDLAN. Sec FUNERAL NOTICES. SALTMARSH At Central Addition, on tho Montavllla car line. Feb. 3. 1005. Sylvester Saltmareh. aged 78 years, beloved father of Tcssle Salt marsh and Mrs. C. F. Casey, of Santa Barbara. Cal.: Mrs. J. W. Bruce. Anna and C. D. Saltmarsh. of this city: Mrs. H. J. Faulkner, of Jacksonville, and Josephine Saltmarsh. Lebannon Or. Funeral services will take pUce at the residence of Mrs. J. W. Bruce. Central Addition. Sundav. Feb. 5, at 2 P. M. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend. Interment In Bralnard Cemetery. ADY In this city. Feb. 3. 1905. at 491 Rail road Tt the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Holston, Mary Ann Ady, aged 82 years. 1 month. 3 days. The deceased left two sons, Alfred nd Jasper Ady. of Champoeg, Or., and four daughters, Mrs. Holston. of this city; Elizabeth Geeland. of St. Paul, Or.; Mrs. Sarah Huffaker, of Garden Home. Or., and Mrs; J. M. Poland, of Cottage Grove. The Interment will take place Monday at Champoeg. Or. LEMIEUX Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral serv ices of David U. Lemleux, which will be held at St. Francis Church, cor. 10th and Sa vier rts.. at 2 P. M., Sunday. Feb. 5. inter ment Rlvervlew Cemetery. The funeral will leave Flnleys chapel at 1:30 sharp. CURTIN Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral services of Johanna Curtln. which will be held at the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, corner Williams avenue and Stanton street, today, at 9:30 A. M. Interment at Mount Calvary Cemetery. CASON Funeral services over the remains of the late Eliza J. Cason will he held at the M. B. Church. In Oregon City, at 1:30 P. M., today (Saturday), February 4. Friends In vited. HARLOW In Phoenix, Ariz., Jan. 30. Fred erick Everette Harlow, Jr., aged 2 years and 6 months, son of Frederick E. and Luctle Harlow. DUNNING. McENTEE & GILBAUGH, successor ,to Dnnalag & Campion, under takers and embalmers, modern In every de tail. ?th and 1'lne. lhoaa Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Undertakers and em balm era, have inored to their new build ing. Third and Salman. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. 1. KIN LEY & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cox oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. F. 8. DUNNINO. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. NEW TODAY. 5 ACRES, AND ALL CLEAR. IN GARDEN and fruit; good. 4-roora house and fair barn; good chicken-house; 4 blocks from car. 5c fare, close In; It sold this week, $2000. W. W. Espey, room 1, Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE-NEW 5-ROOM. COTTAGE; $1600; monthly payments. O. MI Smith. 730 Cham ber of Commerce. THUEMAN STREET $850 Lot 50x50, cement walk laid, streets Improved, sewer, gas, wa ter all laid. Telephone Main 44. Between 22d and 23d. TWENTY-SECOND STREET $825 Lot 50x50, cement walk laid, streets Improved, sewer, gas. wa ter, all laid. East front. Phone Main 44. WAREHOUSE SITES Blocks, halves, quarters and single lots, all on track. West Side. R. M. WILBUR, 306 McKay bldg. AMUSEMXNTS. Marguam Grand Theater W. T. PANGLE, Resident Manager. Phone Main 868. LAST TWO PERFORMANCES TODAY. Special-price matinee at 2:13 o'clock. Last performance tonight at 8:15 o'clock. The bis musical comedy success, 'TILE SILVER SUPPER." Matinee prices. $1.00. 75c. 50c. 35c. 25c Evening prices, Jl.BO, $1.00, 75c, 50c, 35e. 25c MARQUAM GRAND THEATER "W. T. PANGLE. Resident Manager. Phone Main 8C8 Monday and Tuesday nights. Feb. 6 and 7. 10O3. EDNA WALLACE HOPPER. In the Encllsh comedy success, "A COUNTRY MOUSE," preceded by "CAPTAIN JANUARY." Prices Lower floor, $1.50, $1.00. Balcony, $1.00. 75c. 50c. Galery, 25c and 35c Boxes and loses. $10.00. SEATS ARE NOW SELING. COLUMBIA THEATER A. H. Ballard, Lessee and Manager. Oaly Three More Performance of Moths of Society Oae of the Season' Choicest Offerings Don't .Minn It Matlaee Saturday. Prices that never change: Evening. 60c, 35c 25c. 15c Matinee. 25c. 15c 10c. Down-town box office all day. 327 Morrison St.; Phone Main 110. Evening at theater; Main 311. Next Week Starting- Sunday Matinee Plncro's Charming Love Comedy, "SWEET LAVENDER." QRAINf) THEATER (Formerly Cordray's.) Farewell Performances Matins THIS ITiailllCC AFTERNOON and Tonight BlancheBates IN The Darling of the Gods" Empire Theater a$iSer- Phone Main 117 for seats. Prices All matinees. 10c, 15c, C5c. Nights. 15c. 25c. S5c. COc. Last two days of the Noble Stock Company, presenting tonight and and tomorrow matinee, "FOR LOVE AND HONOR." Saturday night only, splendid production of "CARMEN." ONE SOLID WEEK. STARTING SUNDAY MATINEE ROWLAND & CLIFFORD'S Greatest Sensation r OVER NIAGARA FALLS Astounding electrical effects. All special scenery. Large select company. STAR THEATER Great New Bill Today BELASCO & CO. 4 GIRDELLE.B FAMILY 1 FRYE AND ALDEN. THE IiAURElXS. DAISY VERNON. NAT CARR. EDISON'S PROJECTOSCOPE. Admission, 10c. Reserved box seats, 25c. Shows 2:30 to 4:30. 7:SO to 10:30 P. M. BAKER THEATER Third and Yamhill sts. Keating and Flood. Mgrs. Largest Vaudeville House In America MLLE. VENITA. BABY RUTH. HOLLY AND LESLIE. CAL KRATUS. . LYDELL AND BUTTERWORTH. HARRY W. WRIGHT. JEANETTE STUART. J. W. WOOD. THE BIOGRAPH. All for 10c Afternoons and evenings. THE LYRIC THEATER Seventh and Alder Streets. Every Afternoon and Evening. THE NEW LYRIC STOCK COMPANY. In the Laughable Farce-Comedy, "THE PICNICKERS" Specialties between acts. Performances at 2:30. 7:30 and 0:15 P. M. Usual price ot admission, 10 cents. BIJOU THEATER Sixth and Alder sts. HOME OF COMEDY AND DRAMA. The Bijou Stock Company, under the manage ment of A. R. Thorne, presenting the farce-comedy In three acts, entitled "THE NEW TUTOR." Performances at 2:30. 7:30. 0 P. M. Admission to any part of the house, 10c. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." "House keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents; 10 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cento, etc. No dis count for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," SO cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 uvrds, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 .cents, etc. first insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount ua der one month. IMPORTANT Tho low second-time rate on advertising that runs either in the classified columns, or under bead "New Today," will bbe given only when advertising Is inserted on consecutive days. Dally and Sunday is sues. Advertising that Is scheduled to ap pear at Intervals of one or more days apart will be chanced for at full one-time rate each insertion. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 15 cents per line. Qrst Insertion; 10 cents per line of each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonian, and left nt this ofQce, should always be inclosed la sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required oa such letters. The Oregonian will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken thruugh the telephone. NEW TODAY. ffO Anft 40 x IOO feet on Davis 4JUUU street, near 15th street. eoCOA SO x 100 feet on Everett JMJUU street, between 19th and 20th streets. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce $500 to $1500 to Loan On Improved real estate security. 718 Orego nian bldg. NliW TODAY. Real Estate FOR SALE BY The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 19fin 100x125 feet and cottage -of 5 1uw rooms, basement, bath and good barn. (A. 339.) B fiflH 100x100 feet, facing east on 0"U Hendricks ave.. bet. Shaver and Falling sts. (A. 30S.) flA 200x125 feet, few minutes' walk OUU nm peninsuiar station. .St. Johns car line. (A 291.) Sinnn - 39th near E. Lincoln, lot 50x j4. rt and new house of 4 rooms. (S. 216.) S firn Faradlse Springs, lot 43x112 feet p otiiF Rnj nouse 4 rooms, hard finished. puro well water (S. 215.) SIRft B- Taylor and E. 3Gth sL, cor AOt,u ner lot and nice cottage 5 rooms. hot and cold water, bath, gas and electric 4Ight. (S. 214.) S fifl M.t. Tabor Heights, attractive P uu" building site. 02x100 feet; this Is very cheap. (M. T. 1GC.) efono Piedmont Park, lot 50x100 feet and first-class house 7 rooms. rents 510 a month. (A 305.) S17fQ Ivy street. bet. Rodney and PA f uu Williams ave.. lot 50x105 feet and house of 5 rooms and bath. (A. 29S.) $14-00 Sunnyslde. E. 37th near E. Tay-. lor, lot and comfortable cottage of 5 rooms, terms $500 cash, bal ance on time. (S. 212.) KOO Cr- Mason st. and Mississippi -ouu nvc 100x100 feet and house of C rooms; sewer in and streets Im proved. (A 297.) COflKn Rodney ave., near Eugene st., uv lot 50x125 feet and house 6 rooms, hath. etc.. gas fixtures. (A. 303.) SSfiXO B. 20th near Belmont St., lot and pvuw tWQ h0Uje3 rente(i 'f0r $30 B month. (E. P. 240.) S2700 Stephen's Add.. E. 9th st.. lot f uu 53x100 feet and two houses, well built, brick foundation, rented for X25 a month. (E. P. 239.) West Piedmont Lots coxioo feet HtBixieumuui cjose to the railway company's new barn. Thl3 Is the new transfer point for St. Johns cars. Price of lots $200 each and upwards, on very easy terms; graded streets and water piped to every lot. fif Inline Lots $100 each. $5 down and Ot. UUU11I 55 a TOontn. All lots are high and sightly. Water piped to every lot. Abstracts Furnished Titles insured THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. I FOR SALE $3800- Elght-room house on full lot. Thurman rt., near 25th; built In 1S0S: now In good condi tion; full brick basement, cement walk, ex cellent car service. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 109 Third st. 1 I MOUNT TABOR. WEST AVE. STATION Choice building lots, also commodious modern house of 11 rooms with -Vz acres or two lots, nice grounds, electric lights, water: two mall deliveries dally; 5 to 10-mlnute ear service; 25 minutes to 3d St.; price low, part cash, balance OVi per cent. Geo. H. Andrews. Phone Scott 903. FRED LAND! FREE: LAND I A chance to secure a home and make money; only cost Is for water right, which averages $10 per acre; under state control. For particulars write or call at office of Co lumbia Southern Irrigation Co.. 539 Wor cester blk. FOR SALE, $250. In Woodstock. Portland's most attractive suburb: lots 100x100; every lot a corner; $10 down. $10 per month. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 100 Third Street. IRV1NGTON BEAUTIFUL NEW HOUSE. 7 large rooms and basement: finely fur nished, modern in every respect; cannot be duplicated for $1000 more than price. C75 Clackamas st. A BARGAIN AT SUNNYSIDE. NEAR CAR; highly finished modern 5 large room houso, porcelain bath, pantry, etc.: $1000, worth $2200; $050 down, 515 monthly. F. Dubois. 2051,i Morrison, room 3. MODERN 14 -STORY COTTAGE. ELE gant location: a bargain $2350. Inquire on premises. 2S9 Clackamas St., bet. Will iams ave. and Wheeler at. FOR SALE THREE HOUSES WITH 50X100 feet, renting for $50 per month; on Lincoln st.; price. $4100; easy terms. Parrlsh, Wat kins & Co.. 250 Alder st. FOR SALE THREE LOTS IN PORTLAND, Or. ;wlll sell cheap r or take a loan. Address nt once owner. Miss Lanora B. Burnett, Se attle. Waah. FOR SALE THE HALF OF LOTS 5, 6. 7, S. block 3. Waahougal. Wash. Make me an offer. G. W. Harvey, 1170 East Madison St.. Portland. Or. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains op O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lents, Or. Take Mt. Scott car, 3c 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE: PRETTIEST little home In Upper Albina. cheap. 023 San Raf ad St.; 15 minutes' walk to Portland. TTOTl SALE LOT 60x150 AND 8-ROOM house; $2600. Apply on premises, 297 Til lamook, txt. William ana itooney aves. $4500 NEARLY NEW MODERN 7-ROOM house; electricity, bath, gas; Improved streets. Owner, 212 E. 30th st. INSIDE LOT ON 17TH AND GLISAN FOR sale, reasonable price. The Ames Mercan tile Agency, Auingioa uiug. $ 1000 CORNER LOT. S. E. COR. HOOD and Grover sis.. 100 feet on Hood st. See owner. 211 Glbbs st. I FOR SALE CORNER LOT. 60x50; 13TH AND Feuygrove sis.; cueuy. muuuc luwu ox. Northern Hotel. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. NICE LITTLE HOME; $1150; small payment down, balance montniy. Phone East 675. CHEAPEST IRRIGATED LANDS IN ORE gon for sale by A. C. Palmer, 418 Ore gonian bldg. 3 NEW MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGES AND lots, E. 30th fit.; easy payments. 43ft 1st st. Hood 455. payment down, balance monthly. Phone East 075. FOR SALE 10-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, 129 10th st., bet. Washington and Alder. WE BUILD HOUSES. EASY. PAYMENTS: zurnish lots IX desirea. uiz commercial Diay. section. 3 miles west Scappoose; well tlm be red: reasonable. T. E. Budd, 110 1st st. 3 ACRES NEAR WEST AVE.; $1100. 43 1st. Hood 455 FOB SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED 'AS ADVERTISED 160 acres rich bottom land, one mile from Kelso; 1S5 acres cleared; good 6-room house, large barn, new silo. 5 horses, 50 cattle, new mower, wagon, corn, planter, plows, hay rake, steel harrow, new double harness, new cream separator, cans and milk utensils. buggy and harness and many other tooia and implements. Price only $7000. cash, balance mortgage at 8 per cent Interest. This Is one of tn ncest oairy rancnes in tne country. IMUS & WILLOUGHBY. Kalama, Wash. attention: Do you know that Central Oregon has the best future or. any place in tne North west? Fine climate, good soil, plenty of fufcl and lumber. Do not buy until you make Investigation; lands from S5 to $25 per acre. Write your wanta to Riley Glrthoffer. Ehanlko. or. $2.60 AN ACRE AND UPWARDS FOR 22,000 acres of farming, dairying and fruit lands, lying in Benton and Lincoln Coun ties. Oregon, along the line of the Corvsliu & Eastern R. R. Will be sold In large or small tracts, -lensi oa application. J. D. WILCOX. 202H Stark st. $900 WILL BUY BUSINESS LOT ON Williams ave.. near Weidler st. Inquire 340 Williams ave. WANTED TO BENT FARMS YOUNG MARRIED MAN WANTS A FUR nlshed farm for rent. Address M 7, Ore soman. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for imme diate use. LOWEST PRICES. EL F. & F. B. Riley, 608 Chamber Commerce. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. T1M- erea. larm or grazing iana: an sizes, lowest prices. H. B. Compson, U1S Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH- er guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate. Maglnnls & Son. 227 Falling bldg. LAND SCRIP FOR IMMEDIATE USE FUR- nished; will take any Government land. Whltten & Bryant, 718 Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER scrips: general land practice. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. We're again In the marliet with low-priced scrip. L. W. Whiting & Co., 40S Ablngton. WANTED REAL ESTATE. DESIRE TO PURCHASE C TO 8-ROOM modern residence: near car line; close In; West Side; state price, location: terms cash; real estate agents barred. H 7, Ore gonian. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. to iu.uuu; also business properties. J5C0O to $20,000. Have buyers. L. W. Whit ing & Co.. 408 Ablngton bldg. WANTED SEVERAL LITTLE 4 OR 5-ROOM modern cottages, not too far out; must be cheap for cash. F. Dubois, 2053 Morrison, room 3. WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH. 5-ROOM cottago; state location; price not to ex ceed $1200. O S, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. EKCHANGE-$2300 HOME. FULLY FUR- nlshed. drawing good rent. lawn, vhade trees, flowers, barn, chicken-coop, woodhouse. cellar. In mining and smelting town; for Improved farm land; must be good soil and good mar ket. Address L 93, Oregonian. 1C0-ACRE FARM IN SWIFT CO.. MINNE- sota. finely improved, with livestock and farm Implements, to exchange for Willam ette Valley land; will give or take difference In value. 37 Ruasel building. Portland. Or. EXCHANGE WHAT YOU DON'T WANT FOR what you do want. Forbes. Westman & Whlrley. 37 Russel building. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. WANTED BY AN EXPERIENCED MAN. A partner with some capital to start light liv ery, sale, breaking and boarding stable. Ad dress Williams, 108 W. Park at. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles on Coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. 6-YEAR-OLD MARE. CITY BROKE. $35; new buggy and harness, $oo. ij i-ront st. Pianos. $235 CASH BUYS $425 PIANO. USED FEW weeks; need money. A 01'. oregonian. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterlte; it rolls, easy to lay; neda no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roots. Elaterlte Roofing Co., room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND 2D-HAND BIL ll.ord and nool tables: easv navment- urn ' rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures, cheap prices. .Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. FOR SALE A 3-YEAR-OLD HEREFORD null, or will trade for one of same breed: to be seen at Union Stockyards, city. C Mln einger. 1C0 CORDS FINE FIR WOOD ON BANK river at Holbrook for sale or trade. 321 Morrison st. Ralston. CHEAP 700 CORDS BIG FIR WOOD. 4 foot lengths. Fred Voget. Salem. Or. Route 9. HOP ROOTS FOR SALE. ENGLISH CLUS tcr. Address E. A. Kerts. Greenville. Or. BUY YOUR WOOD AND COAL OF HOOVER. 313 Water st. Phone Mala 4500. HELP WANTED MALE. THERE IS MORE DEMAND THAN EVER for competent salesmen, bookkeepers, sten ographera and technical men, and we need men for many such positions now open. Pacific Commercial Bureau, suite 45. Con cord block. 2d and Stark. DBYGOODS MAN WANTED FOR ONE OF our stores on the Sound: good salary and permanent position to a hustler who under stands his business; no others need apply. Call today at O. M. Co. MEN We teach the barber trade in the short est possible time at small expense and guar antee positions. Write for catalogue. MOLER SYSTEM COLLEGE. San Franclico. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE BA kery wagon, must be well acquainted In city and possess commercial qualities. Apply be tween 5 and C P. M., at 300 Washington. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co.. School ot Practical Plumbing. Send for catalogue. Ad dreM 4073-75 Easton ave.. St. Louis. Mo. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS; COMMIS- slon; Exposition publication, newspapers, magazines, periodicals. Clyde's Advertising Bureau. 638 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED YOUNG MAN IN OFFICE; GOOD opportunity for advancement; must be quick and accurate at figures and write good hand. Address O 7. Oregonian. 61) AMATEURS WANTED TODAY. BIG SAL- ary. easy work. Newman's benool or Acting ic Theatrical Agency, Foresters' Hall. 6th and Washington. GOOD PAY FOR GOOD MEN SELL SICK and accident benefits; well-established home Institution. New. popular plans. 401 Mar quam bldg. SADDLEMAKER. WHO CAN ALSO WORK on harness; a good Job for the right man. Address P. O. box 304. Colfax. Wash. BRIGHT, ACTIVE MAN FOR SPECIAL OUT ldo work. Address, giving business experi ence and references. B 5, Oregonian. STEADY WORK FOR MACHINE MAN. 4 carving, turning and bandsawlng. River side Mfg. Co., 972 Macadam. PREPARE FOR EXPOSITION WORK; barber trade in 8 weeks. Chas. Halstead, 215 Morrison st., Portland. BOOKKEEPER FOR GRAIN COMPANY, good salary; first-class city salesman; gro ceries. 45 Concord block. WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH $100 CASH for good, legitimate business; no agents. E 5, Oregonian. WANTED TO CONTRACT FOR CUTTING and driving of 1,000.000 feet of logs. X 9, Oregonian. THREE CARPENTERS, ONE COOK. CALL early. National Employment office, 291 Stark WANTED ENERGETIC CITY SALESMAN; commission; references required. 84 3d st. BUTCHER WANTED FOR HELPING OUT at 791 Mississippi ave. Take "L" car. Men wanted to learn barber traot. Barber College, 741 Howard at.. San Francisco. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST. CURES ALL PRI vate diseases of men. SALESMAN. CITY. COUNTRY; BIG WAGES. 215 Commercial blk. A DRUG CLERK OR ASSISTANT IN CITY. N 7. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. TWO FINNS. ANY HUSKY FARM HANDS. $20 now; women cooks, $20, $30. Everybody. Drakp'st. 205 Washington. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES EARN $20 PER 100 WRITING short letters. Send stamped envelope. Best Mfg. Co., Valparaiso, Ind. WANTED A CHAMBERMAID AND A girl for general housework. Lange Ho tel. 0th and Washington. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL housework; no washing. 5S2 Schuyler st. Telephone East 1984. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL BOUSE work. Inquire 674 Washington st., or phone Main 409S. STRONG YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework In small flat, family three. Inquire- 403 0th. WANTED EXPERIENCED DISTRIBUTOR. Apply Star Laundry Co., Union ave. and E. Ankeny st. WANTED A YOUNG WOMAN STENOG rapher and cashier for wholesale house. R 7. Oregonian. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: Sunday dinner 2 P. M. Call morning. 658 Lovejoy.