MOENDsG OBEGOiNTiJtf, THURSDAY, PEBRUABY 2, 1905. DOES NOT GARRY Plan to Revoke Saloon Licenses Fails. SPIRITED DEBATES OCCUR Councilmen Take Sides Battle of Words. in a OTHER BUSINESS FINISHED Junket to Los Angeles Agreed Upon With Understanding That Com mittee Is to Go Instead of Entire Council. Trrr. COUXCIIS WORK. NORTH END COMBINATION HOUSES Sensational attack of Albce upon Rumelln. After spirited discus sion matter Is amended and Chief of Police will be Instructed to enforce law. LOS ANGELES JUNKET Ordinance passed appropriating money. Nine Councilmen appointed by Mayor will go. Possibility of Mayor vetoing ordinance. TANNER-CREEK SEWER Execu tive Board not authorized to repair the sewer at a cost of $5000. HILLSBORO ROAD FRANCHISE Rereferrcd to etrect committee for ad justment of route. "A certain member of this Council," said Councilman Albee yesterday, point edly and looking directly at C. B. Rume lln, "was quoted in this morning's Ore gonian as saying: 'Mark my words; those licenses will not be revoked. Now, is there any any man In this Council, even though he be backed by the machine, who Is autocrat of this body; who can whip enough men Into line to pass or defeat .ny measure regardless of right or wrong? If so, I want to know it, and the public must know it sooner or late!-." Albee re ceived, no reply. Rumelln made a slight noise by blowing upon the edge of a card. This remark of Albee's was but one of a number of the most candid assertions on record in the Council chamber of the City of Portland. When the resolution proposed by Albce to revoke the licenses of 23 saloons In the North End came up for discussion In the Council meeting yes terday it was the occasion for a very long and heated discussion, in which al most every member of the Council partic ipated. Upon the introduction of the ordinance which was included in the report of the liquor license committee, Flegel moved for the adoption of the report, but re ceived no second. Wanted to Amend Report. "I have not been able to get through my head." said Rumelln, "how the con duct of these saloons affects the liquor license committee. I do not want to line myself up as a champion of combination houses, but the people have seen my views In this morning's Oregonian. "I move that this resolution be amended and the Chief of Police instructed to en force the law. I had a conversation with the Chief of Police this morning and he told me that he thought the liquor license committee knew what they were licensing and I move the report be amended as I have proposed." Only a Forerunner. "In my mind," said Louis Zimmerman, "this is only a forerunner of what is to come. I have a list of about 30 more sa loons here. The question in my mind is, 'what are we going to do with them? Do we want them in the North. End, in the residence district or in the business sec tion of the city? Portland is not a city of one class. We have several classes here and we need them all. We have a population of 130,000 or 140,000, and we are trying to make it 200,000. and pretty soon we will want to make it a quarter of a million. "These people in the North End cannot go around with the MOO. They can't come to the Portland or the Imperial hotels. They cannot even go into a saloon up town and buy a glass of beer. Where are you going to put them? The police regu lation is the only thing that you can put over them. I have lived here 25 years and conditions are better today than they evor were. I don't want to move. I don't blame the gentlemen for introducing the resolution because they think they are right, and I too think that I am right." As Zimmerman resumed his seat a large crowd gathered in the gallery broke into boisterous hand-clapping. Flegel Enters Discussion. "I've given this matter some consid eration in the past two years," said Flegel. "To take Mr. Zimmerman's Idea, what are you going to do with the people In the North End?' In one breath he says, 'Jot the police regulate them,' and in another he says, 'leave them alone for there is no place to put them. These women do-not live in these places. They go there, are employed there and stay there from 6 o'clock until early morning." He then referred to the ordinance which he read. Continuing, he said: "It is not a question of police regula tion. It is a question of absolute mandate. I take exception to my friend's assertion as' to conditions. A few years ago there were. I believe, 34 of these places, and today there are precisely 23 flourishing combination houses. It is not a question of polico regulation. These women go to the places, remain in them and ply their trade. In direct opposition to the pro visions of this ordinance. I tell you it Is a question for the liquor license commit tee and not police regulation. It is for them to say what is and what is not a proper place. They have already can colled the licenses of places conducted by notorious thieves and thugs. The revenue does not cut much figure in my estima tion. Men will run saloons without wom en If the other fellows will. They have told me that if women are in saloons across the street they cannot do business without them, but if the women are run out of all the saloons they can. and they won't keep women in them if they know they must not." Rumelln Defends His Views. "I hope," Interposed Rnraelln, "that Mr. Flegel did not misunderstand me. I am not a champion of the combination houses, but I believe it to be the duty of the Chief of Police, and not of the license committee, to regulate these places. I maintain that when the licenses are granted it is the Chief's duty to see that the saloons aro conducted properly and I would like to see ae thing tried." Sharkey had been restless for some time and took the floor immediately Rumelln finished. Much to the amusement of the Council 'and the gallery,, he waxed elo quent. Sharkey IVjakes Remarks. "'I don't know whethor I am a cham pion of the. combination-houses or not I will say that I have no interest in any saloon in this city or iri any other city and in no combination-house, so of course the finances do not interest me. I don't care whether they run or not. But from the social side, are we going to deny these people the same privileges that we enjoy ourselves? "The sailor or the soldier or the long shoreman wants a place to go and have a drink. Society men go to our "hotels and have their cocktails just the same as the sailor goes to a house and has his. Sometime ago a body of people came to Governor Pcnnoyer. former Mayor of Portland and protested against these places. He said: 'Is dancing a crime? Is drinking a crime? No. Do you dance? Do you drink? Yes. Well. If 3'ou will, when you next give an affair, extend an invitation to these people in the North End, I will see that their operations are curtailed.' Now, if you please, I put this matter to you in the same way. If you will make these people our social equals, I will be in favor of closing the combina tion houses. If God created men equal let us try and see that all men are equal." Albee Answers Opposition. "One point that strikes me," said Albee, "among the opposition, if I may term them such, is that Mr. Rumelln says the matter may be amicably settled by the Chief of Police. Notwithstanding the question of law alone, ho feels that we should all fall down on what is irrevocably our duty, because one man may not do his duty. Another gentleman comes for ward with the argument of finance. An other member takes the social side of the controversy. Mr. Flegel has clearly es tablished the law side of the question and our duty is plainly before us. One mem ber of the Council shows his views on the proposition In an interview in this morn ing's Oregonian. He is further quoted as saying: 'Mark my words, those licenses will not be revoked. Now is there a man in this Council, even though be be backed by the machine, who is autocrat of this body; who can whip enough men into line to pass or defeat any measure regardless of right or wrong? If so, I want to know it. and the public must know it sooner or later." Receiving no reply, Albee con tinued: Appeals to Councilmen. "This is not a question of police regu lation. The women are in these places, the liquor and women are together. You all know your oaths of office and I appeal to you as Councilmen of the City of Port land: I appeal to you as men." "I want to say to Mr. Albee, as presi dent of this Council," said Zimmerman, ''that some time ago when the advocacy against boxes was commenced, it was I who agitated it in the Council, the ordi nance was passed, the boxes went and if the ordinance had not been repealed it would be a law today." "I desire to say," answered Albee, "that Mr. Zimmerman is slightly mixed on his dates. The ordinance has not been re pealed and I Jiave hopes that the Su preme Court will uphold it." Rumelln Moves Adoption. "I move that the resolution be adopted as amended; that the licenses be not re voked and that the Chief of Police be instructed to enforce the law," said Rum elln. "Second the motion," affirmed Merrill gleefully. When put to vote, Albee, Bent ley, Flegel. Foeller and Whiting voted aye; Sharkey, Rumelln, Merrill, Sherett and Zimmerman, nay. Called upon to decide the tie ballot. Mayor Williams voted in the affirmative. The resolution as amended was recorded carried. Vote to Take Trip. Alter a great deal of desultory discus sion and after two Councilmen had voted in the negative and then in the affirm ative, an ordinance appropriating $1500 to pay for the Los Angeles journey was passed. A committee of nine Councilmen will go instead of the full Council, and guests as previously agreed. There was a vigorous effort on the part of several Councilmen to break the proposed journey, on account, it is said, of retaliating against Albee and Flegel, who constitute the reform element. For a Jlme it looked as though the opposition would succeed. Remarks after adjournment would indi cate that Mayor Williams will veto the ordinance insofar as it Is asserted that, regardless of any balances in the mis cellaneous fund, nothing in excess of $1000 may be appropriated In one year. Other Business Transacted. Herman Wittenberg, when given the courtesy of the floor, entered a spirited protest against the holding up of an im provement on Holladay avenue. The Ore gon Real Estate Company was, in his opinion, responsible for the delay. Bltu lithic pavement, he averred, had been investigated and the property-owners wished nothing else. Rumelln proposed an amendment permitting competitive bidding. This was defeated, and the Im provement eloquently championed by Messrs. Wittenberg and Sharkey was granted. The requested appropriation for the re pair of the garbage crematory came in for a lively discussion, which resulted in the matter being tabled on motion and second of Flegel and Bentloy, until the Health Board submits an outline of what they wish done, as requested by the Coun cil two months ago. Authorization of the Executive Board to repair the Tanner-Creek sewer for the sum of 55000 was tabled. Assessment for the payment of tho con tract on the construction of the First street bridge was tabled after a spectacu lar array of pro and con arguments, in which Zimmerman and Flegel figured con spicuously. Protests against the granting of a fran chise to the Oregon Traction Company for the construction of the Hillsboro roa"d on Pottygrovo and Overton streets were not honored. The matter was re-referred to the street committee. A recommendation of the license com mittee to reduce the licenses of the Ore gon Water Power & Railroad Company on their Oregon City and Springwater lines, received a severe slap at the hands of the Council. It was hopelessly de feated, and the Oregon Water Power Com pany .will continue to pay $25 and $50 a quarter respectively instead of $5, as re quested. Numerous other matters of mediocre im portance including petitions for street im provements, sewers and protests were re ferred to various committees. NEW BEEDGE BREAKS DOWN. Morrison-Street Structure Is to Be Closed to Traffic During Repairs. Owing to the breaking of a steel shaft, the new Morrison-street bridge could not be opened after 11 o'clock last night, and boats were unable to pass through. One steam schooner was obliged to tie up at the foot of Oak street. This morning the bridge will be forced open and kept in that position until the necessary repairs can be made. The street-cars will cross Burnside-street bridge and observe the schedule under which they ran during the construction of the Morrison-street structure. New Coinage in January. WASHINGTON, February 1. The monthly coinage statement shows that during January, 1905, the total coinage executed at the mints of the United States amounted to $8,538,752, as fol lows: Gold $7,819,050; silver, $681,012; min or coins. $78,290. These amounts are exclusive of 55, 386,000 pesos coined for the Philippine Islands. Strike Spreads in Silesia. BRESLAUr Feb. 1. The strike la the Sileslan district is spreading. At the Koenigen Louise mine 23$7 out of 3000 miners in the. morning shift have struck work. Willamette ,r Sewing Machines and "Peninsular" Stoves and Steel Ganges Are All on Sale at Exceptionally Low Clearance Sale Prices Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Telescopes, Entire Stock at Greatly Reduced Prices During ttie Clearance SaleThird Floor Flannel Bargains Heavy mottled flannels for gowns and bathrobes; best designs and colors, big va riety, yard 12 Light and dark colored Outing Flannels in the best Sc and 10c styles on sale today at, yard 6V2$ 35c Scotch Flannels, in light stripes, 36 inches wide; great value, yard 25 75c Flannel Waistings in stripes and figures, best styles; grand value, yard 37 Wo mens' Neckwear "Women's white silk Stocks, with silk embroidered tabs, all colors; 65c values. .19 "White linen Turnovers, narrow divided, tabs embroidered in leaves and orchids; -50c, 65c, 85c values 29 Pique Stocks, double and nar row Turnovers, slightly mussed; 25c values, each 1 Neck length black coque feather j Boas; $1.50 values 49 Chenille Stole Boas, brown, gray and black, beauties $12.50 values $ 8.75 $20.00 values $13.89 $22.50 values $14.49 $25.00 values S16.98 The Meier Frank Store Clearance Sale Last Three Days Time is flying; only three days remain in which to reap the harvest of phenomenal Clearance Sale bargains distributed throughout the entire establishment High-grade Dry Goods, Cloth ing, Shoes, Crockery, Etc., priced at the lowest point of the year Family wearing apparel needs, as well as homefurnishing goods of every description should receive your prompt at tentionRemember, every article (a few contract goods alone excepted) at a reduced price prices as cause customers to think of this store every time they think of Blankets. There's warmth and comfort stored' up for you in our Third-Floor blanket department Soft, fleecy, generous-sized Blankets and Com forters in all grades, market at the reduced Clearance Sale Prices. The shrewd housewife will antici pate her needs for many seasons to come at the big saving to be effected by taking advan tage of the great Clearance Sale now in progress 10-4 white -Oregon j -wool Blan kets, pink or blue borders, un equaled value, pair... $4.35 Pull-size white wool Blankets, extra heavy, colored borders; reg. $7.50 value, pair. .$6.10 10-4 Oregon gray Blankets, all wool; greatest value ever of fered at this low price. $2.70 10-4 Oregon mottled Blankets, all wool; extraordinary value at, pair $3.05 Extra heavy mottled Blankets, full size; best $6.50 value, pair $4.65 Donnaline filled Comforters, handsome patterns and colors; great special values at, each $2.30 and $3.05 Entire stock of medium quality Blankets, cotton, cotton and wool, at great reduced prices. Silkoline-covered Comforters! full size, white cotton filling, best; patterns, each $1.07 Silkoline-covered Comforters, extra large size, lanated cotton filled, big variety of patterns great values . . . $1.70, $1.95, $2.30 Pendleton Indian robes at Clear ance Sale Prices. Hosiery Sale "Women's heavy four-thread, soft finished cotton Hose, fast color, all sizes; best 50c A-alue for, pair 29 Women's Maco cotton Hose, spliced heel, double sole, all black with white sole, ribbed top or hemmed top, broken lines; best 35c values for, pair 23 "Women's outsize cotton Hose, me dium weight, excellent quality, all sizes; best 50c values for, pair 29 "Women's fine-ribbed, light-weight lisle Hosiery, all sizes, splendid quality; great special value at, pair 18 "Women's outsize fleece-lined cot ton Hose, fine gauge, medium weight, all sizes; 35c values on sale for, pair 23p Women's fine quality drop-stitch Hosiery, outsize, fast color, all sizes ; best 35c values on sale for, pair 23 Boys' and Girls "No-Mend" Hosiery, foot and heel reinforced with linen thread, three weights, seamless or full fashioned; sold everywhere at 35c pair, sale price, pair 18 Boys' athletic Hosiery, heavy rib bed, all sizes; 25c quality at, pair 15 Girls' fine, imported German cotton Hose, 1 and 1 ribbed, double knee and sole; all sizes, pr. 15 Entire stock of infants! Hosiery, in all grades and styles at low clearance sale prices. "Women's and Children's Knit Underwear, our entire stock, all grades, best styles, marked at quick-selling clearance sale prices. Men's and Boys' Underwear at clearance sale prices. Supply your needs this week. February "American Boy" Is Now Ready for Distribution to Boys Holding Purchase Cards New Model "Work" Aprons for Boys Attending Manual Training Schools Second Floor Great Clearance Sale Table and Bed Linens The future of the linen market is uncertain Russia at present produces' from 60 to 75 per cent of the world's flax Today her men are fighting instead of cultivating her fields You know the history of cotton during Civil War times You are not likely to have an 1 a E ' ALL- s g j, 1 1 yy - large stock of high-grade linens for your choosing, linens of es tablished reputation, John Si Brown & Sons' famous "Sham rock" brand Damasks, Napkins, Sets, Doilies, Cloths, Etc., every yard at Clearance Sale Prices Buy liberally Center-Pieces, Doylies, Cloths, etc., marked at Clearance prices. ' Webbs" grass-bleached all-linen Huck Towels, best made, 40c values, 32 ; 50c values, 39 ; 60c values, 42h 75c values, 55. Special large size Marseilles pat tern Bedspreads, best patterns, $1.40 values for $1.04 each: $1.75 values, $1.28 each; $2 - values, $1.48. y?c All Bleached Table Damasks, all tt 7 graaes, at uiearance prices. Half-bleached Table Damask, heavy quality, 65 inches wide, yard 44 72-inch half-bleached Table Dam ask, best patterns, yard.,.66 72-inch silver bleached Table Damask, extra value at, yard All Table Napkins at low Clear ance Sale Prices. John S. Brown & Sons' finest Table Linens and Sets ; the fin est Table Linens the world pro ducesall at Clearance prices. Clearance Sale of Boys' Clothing Boys' 2-piece Suits, in dark blue serges, chev iots and fancy tweeds splendid styles at greatly reduced prices $2.50 values. $1.65 $3.00 yalues.$1.98 $3.50 values. $2.35 $3.95 values.$2.80 $4.50 and $5.00 values $3.45 Boys' Kilt Suits for Little Boys, 2 to 4 years, navy blue and red ; attractive tf AS styles; best $5 values P2tO Boys' Reefers. and Topcoats; this season's very best styles, in all sizes, grand values at $ 5.00 Coats.$4.10 $6.00 Coats.. $4.65 $7.50 Coats. $5.95 $8.50 Coats.. $6.95 $10.00 Coats. $8.15 Second Floor. Boys' fine Percale "Waists, ages 6 to 12 years, "Mothers' Friend" and "Star" brands; desirable patterns and colorings, a g $1.00 value H&C Entire stock of Young Men's Suits and Over coats greatly reduced in price, prices. Young Men's Raincoats at low Clearance Second Floor. Great Carpet Sale Portland's largest and best Carpet 'Store offers the best grade carpets, all kinds, im mense varieties, at the very lowest possible prices By tak ing advantage of the Clearance prices the saving effected is sufficient to buy you an extra rug or twd Third Floor 65c Melrose Ingrains, best pat terns, yard 45 2-ply "Wool Filling, yard...72p All-wool, extra heavy Super, $1.00 grade, yard 8l 85c Smith's Hotel Brussels. .77 $1.00 quality Brussels at 85 $1.25. "Windsor Brussels, will not fade, yard $1.05 Prosaic Velvets, best wool velvet, at, yard $1.35 $1.75 Royal A,xminsters, fine pat terns, yard $1.44 $2.10 Bigelow Axminsters $1.89 Men's Furnishing Goods 29c The most particular men in town are buying their Fur nishing Goods here because we supply them with the new est and best at a saving they appreciate Men s heavy peppenll twill Night Shirts, best $1.00 values ; in 9 all sizes, on sale for. each I C Men's and Boys' Golf Shirts. 2 collars to match; regular 50c val Ties, each Men's colored border Silk Handker- cmeis, newest patterns, oUc q values, each -C Men s and Boys Uolx liloves, also fleece-lined Gloves, all sizes, 50c values for, pair Boys' and Girls' flannel Shirts, in navy, garnet and brown, all sizes; best $1.00 values, on sale for, Q each rC Boy' all-wool Sweaters in navy, maroon ana oxlorcl; regular $1.UU values on sale at the low q I price C Men's 50c Four-in-Hands, immense variety of desirable patterns and colors; value extraordinary at Men s 2oc ieckwear, m iancy silks, iour-in-nands, tecks, r bows and midsets: marvelous values at. each 1JC Men's heavy-ribbed Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, in fff all sizes; best values ever offered at, each Portland's Leading Cloak Store A clean-sweep sale is in progress in Portland's leading cloak and suit store Every garment in the entire stock is decisively reduced in price Suits, Coats, Cravenettes, Costumes, Wraps, Waists, Petticoats, Etc. A few specials $6.00 TO $20.00 COATS AT HALF PRICE "Women's 25-inch, 26-inch, 27-inch, 28-inch Jackets, in cheviots, coverts, tweeds, kerseys and crushed plush, tans, blacks, blue, brown and castors, in Iialf-fitting and tourist styles, all ize. Coats selling regularly at $6.00 to $20.00 each; J your choice at 2 $20.00 RAGLANS FOR $9.85 EACH Women's cashmere Raglans brovn and black mixtures, collarless, fancy braid trimmed, belt all around, shirring, etc. Best $20.00 values are on sale at Women's $14.00 Raglans, in fancy tweeds, belt all around, roll col lar, mutton-leg sleeve. Splendid garment that we jfcf have sold hundreds of at $14.00 each; your choice. . .H TAILORED SUITS AT HALF FRJCE 30 Women's Tailored Suits, in cheviots, broadcloths, tweeds and coverts, black, blue, brow and mixtures, jackets are tourist style, with or without vest. This season's models, f pifp ranging in value from $25 to $75 ; your choice. . -Z2 Women's Shoes Women's dress and walking- Shoes In patent leather, patent colt, vicl kid and box calf, light or heavy sale?, all new, this season's foot wear: every pair guaranteed the equtbU.of the best 53.50 shoes on the market; your 0 choice at. pair ti.CrCr Women's vicl kid. spring heel Shoes, In sizes 2 to 3 only. 52.50 values, being cleaned up at the low price of, c pair t jC Old ladies' lace and Congress Shoes, the 52 values, c a pair 3l.iy Children's ftslt Jullettcs, pair.... 40c Our entire stock of women's, men's and children's fine Shoes at low Clearance Prices. J. & T. Cousin's make, French. Shriner & Urjier Shoes. Johnson Bros.' Shoes, etc, etc. Family Shoe needs should be supplied this week if you want to save money. Towels! Towels! Unbleached Turkish Bath io Towels, 20x40-In. values.... IOC Bleached Turkish Bath mt towels. 18x36 inch, each. lUJSC Bleached Turkish Bath t a Towels. 20x40-ln.. 20c val lC 18-3G-inch Hemstitched Lin- iq-. en Huck Towels, each liJG Hemstitched Linen Huck Towels, ID x39-lnch, Webb's famous 5 grass-bleached Towels Knotted Fringed Damask Towels, 18x36-inch. greatest value tr ever offered at. each IOC Unbleached Turkish Bath Towels, lSx3C-inch, great . special value at, each IOC Hemmed Huck Towels, 16x26-lnch, the best 10c Towels money g can buy. on sale at. each OC Hemmed Huck Towels. 17x32-inch, thousands of them. 12V5c Towels,, extraordinary values at, q each - OC 18x36-inch Hemmed Huck j Towel3. each 1 1C Famous "Rubdry" Bath Towel, made of long-flber Egyptian cotton, ab sorbs the water quickly, a great value Hf&C Knotted Fringe Damask Towels, 21x42-Inch., 35c value, for 24C Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, 22x 46-Inch, best 35c values, each , 5DC Soap Sale Kirk's Geranium Glycerlno. 3 cakes 17c Juvenile Soap for. cake 11c Kirk's Brown Windsor at, cake.. 3c Mennen's Talcum Powder, can.. 12c Williams' Shaving Soap. cake. 4c. Pure White Castile Soap, cake... 7c 2-lb. bars Pure Castile, 25c value, bar 16c 4 In 1 Castile, long bar.... 4c "4711" White Rose Soap. cake... 11c Witch Hazel Soap. 3 cakes lie "Cutlcura" Soap, great bargain. 10c Fairy Soap. "If floats." doz. cakes.35c Old-fashioned Soap, large cake.. 7c Jockey Club Soap, per box 17c 3 cakes Peau jl'Espagne 17c Infants9 Wear Embroidered flannel Skirts, cam bric waist; 51.25 values 9Sc Infants' Slips, tucked yoke effect; best 75c values SOc 75c Scotch flannel KImonas ....50c Long Scotch flannel KImonas. .81.12 Cream outing flannel Skirts, cam bric bands; reg. SOc values. .. .37c Crocheted Capes, pink and white and blue and white: 51 value, .73c Crochoted bolero Jackets, pink and white and blue and white.... 63c 36-Inch embroidered flannel. 47c 18x34 quilted Pads for buggy... 32c 15c Diaper Pads, each 12c 15c quilted Feeders, each 10c GOc pique Shoes, pair .....43c Leather Buggy Straps 38c Black kid Moccasins 15c WHITE FAIR" Thousands and Thousands of pieces of the daintiest .white Lingerie on sale at Clearance Sale Prices. The fine muslin underwear, made In America, can be purchased at ex ceptionally low prices it you Duy us week. Second Floor. thl DINNER. SETS 60-pIece German china Dinner Set, blue, violet or. pink decoration. Value extraordinary at 914.00 100-plece set, same as above, for 910.50 100-plece Havlland china Dinner Set. pink decorated, gold on knobs and handles. Great value at.... $22.05 60-piece Havlland china Dinner Set, green floral decorated, gold finish, open stock pattern. Unequaled value at 820 .50 100-plece set, same as above. .938.75 60-piece semi-vitreous Dinner Set, pink decorated, gold edge. Great est value ever offered at 87.20 100-plece set. same as above.. 910.80 60-piece semi-porcelain Dinner Set, . heavy green decorated. Marvelous value at this price 97.52 100-plece set. same as above.. 911.25 60-piece semi-porcelain set. pink decorated, gold edge. A Dinner Set you can't equal around town for less than 510.00 97.52 100-plece set, same as above.. $11.25 KITCHEN GOODS Kitchen Goods of every description at low Clearance prices Enamel ware. Tinware. Woodenware, Granlteware, Cutlery, etc., etc SHEETS, PILLOW CASES, WASH GOODSj ETC. 81x90 Sheets, 60c value, each... .40c 72x90 Sheets. 55c value, each.... 44c 63x90 Sheets, 50c value, each 39c 81x90 Sheets, 55c value, each.... 46c 72x90 Sheets, 50c value, each.... 41c 42x36 Pillow Cases each 11c 45x36 Pillow Cases, two great lots, remarkable value at each. 15c, 16c 12-yard pieces of long cloth for the low price of, piece 91.08 Our best 7c and 8c Prints, in the best patterns and colors at this low price, yard 4c New fancy silk dot Organdies, all the leading shades and designs, popples, roses, violets, apple blos soms, etc. styles desirable- for evening and Summer gowns, SOc values, yard 33c Dress Ginghams, in all colors and immense variety of patterns at. yard - Oc Entire stock of White Goods, Lawns, Nainsooks, India Llnpns, Swiss, etc, all marked at exceptionally low Clearance Prices. Take inventory ot the linen closet.