12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TU33SDAY, JANUARY, 31, 1905 A t imm THE DIVES Liquor License PnmmiHoo i lrUfniIllU.es 1 i Passes Resolutions. WOULD REVOKE LICENSES 34y Recommends Thxt 23 Unlawful Combination Retorts in the North Eas Be Forced by the Council to Close Their Cocrs. Then, cone bask to y aid preposition x-ed let u Hon ir btbnr robbery aasd fYnm rslm t n iHur 1b m-vnue ta La4s ZbMBcnua yeeteeaar ke meetia ! the H-ejuor Heosa-c wraMtK. Mr. ZJauacr fcad uc pat fart aa emphatic ar SHRtW tcstftri the proposal of CmmM ca FScl aad Alba- ta revoke the M- aw the ssashtaiHoa hwiM hi Pertlasd "He have alre-ade- vesea SmjO stare tbaa v bave ga. Now yaa cut ta take away W0 Bre af oar rmMM aad yu nat to dre SA to the rasrWge errcneiary. llotr are yo g"ag 4 Rt" afcd Zis:- Then earn bark to ar oM vrepestoen and Jet as Manas bga rwtb.' said Xr Aibev- Jt X Jat as lecttlsaatc a lbs running; mt oomMosOaa houses, and there are saaay meat U 4N be dad to lake out a JtaasuM- fer Msjhway rabbery. partlca-iartr tM sc the FsAr year. It is a riear pais of low. I have eeasukrd 3iCB3erou Mlaoo a tawyors above the city na4 the- tass av that K Is axalast the law Uf oooh loiuw to remata open SLad fwrthor that M U bssmi the law for Tim to stm tatok- Mmom whost w know tnat tatey see malatasasag eowihlnitlon house A Question of Revenue. "Where aee we cotes to jet the rev enue penrtvtrd Mr. Zamrsnan. "I mm ThtoVWiC snore of sny eath of of fice than of the revstwe and I doa't eoa zi&rr awoer derived trom thoe aowrcea food, 2 have oonoiostve froai that It Is BSatest the law. a-nd when X hare seen tfe houswii sutofa jar open eyes I want then out of buws." W hit boolnors hove yo to vote Store thaa yo have cot? That Is asalaat the law." ersoaaHr I aa wsWiij. to stand Crood for X. if K iHoanti-s aeewsary I am wlUlnf to riaoe ovorytbias I have u acakr the &f sood." il ! ciAar to me." ld Mr. Beattey. ht Mr AJher is risfrx. We have aa--w'ttlartf aeted acalaot the law aad aow -thai he has frwstd eoaehislve roof that we are arooc theev hi hat one ooarse S t us to aoeoae K ae do aot revoke thene hrai us aa araad iury can return ladictineata acaeatt ws. No Fear cf Grand Jury. i doa't care aaythiac ahoat tbe crand S'Jrf saM Mr. ZlmmwuM a. Tbre woa't he aay snore araad Jary this year and we a'll he falrh-d a Jaly. I am talklox to yoa )m Nke I talked to the grand Jury. "TiV e aee gwMinc snore aesey from the aalooa ipie than aaswae e la the dty. and If we revoke the Neaso they w4N aN I j oot of htutaeos aad the csty wM lose So fear. The woa't no oat of busJ ress. aot 4mrtma tsas year, fioaimstec that half of rtium aad sm oat of burtntm. the i-thera aM a y for new Meoaxwi to nn JSitiuate KUtwm aad we a4M have a covd Tfoaa from thsa. axsued Mr. ' Las than haaf of thm wl co oat of twstaeas." aosd Me. HMUac. hut aa 9m aa thoy aet thar Krenfccs tby wit have the mmm back acaoa and the plaTS wOM be aa bad a thes- evor aere. No thoy woa't." showtad Mr. KleceL Resolution Finally Passed. It the Coynanmoa aOM stand tat oa this KfosMa aad lot the aloea men aeo that ma bmitatma I ItM yw they -alii rua alratcht salooa." said Mr. Albee. ouarttsnaa Alboe's rawliiasa room saeaduts that th kaMt of 3 eembtaa tlOR hottsta ta the North Had be re voked was hasHr carried. Mr 3auaorsaaa frented a Mst of tisan of iZ othec aalotas. the character Of a Mirk wttt be tavastlcated. GETTING EEADKG EOOMS BEADY Sellwood to Have Circulating Library With Lecture Course. Owtas to the delay t cUln posses Btos t the battdaac a tmattta ave tsue i be Jewod Library At-oealiea will bt waahie to the readtec OKattnc Marary rowms aatfl next wek. AM the dotasts are betas cmt4ete4 aad the twoms are be ins hi ted aa Mm lsoox. af tae Port laad Irbrarj as ready to ead up 16) hooks a as Use roosas are road. These are 'otaams laatatilu Sor adults aad aiao yoaas laae. This aualwr J lit b tK-r i n4 waa aeeiary. Be rtdea thase bioks thore M be masa nra aad daily pafwrii. leode of Soll ToMi vtM fara-a oate masaxtaos. aad fca takoa haid was aa oathusiaara that tneaa laoHiat Par earroat ex peasas SStt aatr boa aahM-rthed. be a.4e moaif fr Autas ap tae rooms. Ihe batlJtas U a two-ary atrae turr Taw f ninir oa the lower floor wttt be omj4 b tae raadtas-rooma. Kiarirtr Mshts at41 be ttd in the rooms Mioa Tavior. waa has a ktador Kirlea ta Mtuai wtH have oharse. On the 1 1 road floor a hey' csub wiil be orsaatsod aoSer tae daracttoa of Rev. 2 A Tbomaioa. aad vOM be sHted ua as a Ci ma ream. Arraansaats are betas made far a exart-r t luetatma. Mrs. T. C Btil aad atbers la fioHwawd aN a4st la the dufonscloa of the rMMa aad several pictures ae beea promlsod. The Mbrary aaarters yrU be kept &jfec eery i onatns exeeat Saaday uatst abuat tiX a oek aad aoobahlt tw boars la the ml date af the aas. to cfve apportu- ml to take out book. As aaaa aa the date of opeaeas is M"W doBaOtea) tbe time will be aa- ' oua od. aad the peoMe wtM be a- 1 vitad to aartieipaxe ta a public doJiea- I tioa af the Whrao A N. m . pr-tmiaeM basiooso aaa. Is presides, suad Mrs. It- It Kara, af tae SeMwood achoal, H eenxr- of the atsoeiatiea. KILLED OK THE STEEET. Tragic Fate of Judge Keiley, Twice Rejected as Ambassador. rA&IS. Jan. aa Cacsut-Geaeral Gowdy htm heec hsfarsed by the authorities that a. str&acer reee-acty rua aver aad kttled on the Place de la Concorde has been ideattfied aa farmer Chief JuFtiee Keiley. of the latornationtl Court af Appeals ef Cairo, EtrjK. who reoeatiy has been re etdi&S hi Iaaeaa. 'WASHINGTON. Jan. 30 -ABtheny M Keiley ttrvt aame late National jiromlnence thraush his nomination by President Oereiand in JSS aa Minister to Italy. His caputataeat was canceled en account of the objections af the Italian Government, lie waa then accredited by President Cleveland aa Minister to Vienna, but the Austrian Government also declared Mr Jit -ley to be persona son srata. the first subjection beicr thxt he held ultra, asoa- cScsalre to This ere una wai not satisfactory to an Influential cirole la Austria, and It ru then altered that hU Catholicism, was lax. from which charge he was warmly defended br the Administration at Wash Secretary Bayard addressed a note to the Austrian Government. In whlah he cesuaented on the unreaaanable Bs of race and religious distinctions. The Secretary cren went so Jar aa to nay that the appointment would be al lowed to stand even though It resulted In a cessation of diplomatic relations be twetn the United States and Austria. To relieve the Administration of Presi dent Cleveland of further exnbarraecsnent Mr. Krtlry resigned and later was appoint ed to the International Court at Cairo. He realised la April. 1KC. owing. It was understood, to the death of his wife. His record In 'Cairo waa distinguished by ability. Mr. KeHey founded and for a time edited the Norfolk Virginian, and tbe Index and News, of Petersburg, lie was Mayor of BlehEBond for one term and was after wards chosen District Attorney of that oty. For 12 year Mr. Keiley waa presi dent of tbe National Irish Catholic Be nevolent Union. His brother Is Bishop Benjamin KeHey. of the Diocese of Sa vannah. Ga. Mr. Keller waa about 70 ?rzr VIEW WILLAKETTE VALLEY. Eastern Railroad Officials Enjoy Spe cial Trip Through Country. It B. MHler. seneral freight asent of the O . R. & N.; A. Lb Craig, seneral pas aeager agent of the same line; AV. Canaan, general freight and .passenger agent of tbe Bouthern Pacific lines In Oregon, accompanied by P. C. Stohr, aa- ststnat trade director of the Hani man .rtcm. from Chicago, composed a party wmeh returned yesterday morning from a trip throcsb the Willamette Valley and Southern Ore ten. The party went by special train on Sat urday mertrias. leavias the city at o'clock, in company with the special be&r las J. C. Stabbs. traffic director of the llarrimaa Maes, and bis party, which had been here to attend tbe conference be tween the traffic representatives of the transcontinental lines and the North Pa cific Coast Jobbers and Manufacturers' Association. The time was set so early in the morn inc. la order that the entire trip between Portland and Ashland could be made in tbe daytime, and the scenes and advan tage f the Willamette Valley and of Southern Oregon could be pointed out to the Kastera visiters. Mr. Stubbs and his party milt remain In San Prandsee for a abort time and wHl then return to Chlcase. the headquarters. Mr. Stebr. who has been recently ap pointed to SH the place Wt vacant by the appointment of Ben Campbell to the Great Northern, returned to Portland in order that he mlsht remain here for several daya and become acquainted with the leeal eoadittoas aad with the business and Haes over whlcn he Is to assume & partial ooatroL lie will remain here for perhaps a weex. and in that time will have visited the different sections covered by the Har rimaa lines. After bis visit is concluded Mr. Stohr wltt leave for Eastern Oregon and Waahfastoa. to visit the Mnes of the O. R. & N. serving those parts f the two states. lie wilt then return to his beadouarters at Chicago. "1 want to remain In Portland lens enoush to became better acquainted with the conditions and the people." aJd Mr. Stohr yesterday afternoon. "I am not a strancer in the city, bavins known many of the old-time residents. I have met many people from this part of the West as they wore traveling through the Hast, and 1 think a great deal of Portland as a city. I tbialc it is one of the most prom ising cities In the United States. I want to become acquainted with the conditions here, as this is my first trip over the Harriman Mnes as an official of that sys tem, and I want to familiarize myself with the tblnrs needed here. "Portland will have a sreat thins in tbe Lewis aad Clark Exposition." contin ued Mr. Stohr. "I have met people throughout the East who are asklns of railroad men what to expect on comlns here, it lc known and is being talked about from oae end of the country to the other, aad 1 am sure will be a sreat suc cess and win so far toward buttdlng the otty In future years." SALLY CITY STATISTICS. Articles of Incorporation. Artiefos of tooaniarattea ef tbe MuKaoaiah MeefcaaUal X&aufaeturlnc Campsar were tiled Is tbe Ceuatr Clerk's etflee jrtri by V. A. SerHsx. J M. Tuule and F. C. Heeeker: apMat steek. SIftkOOO. Tbe objects anaeuoeed are to maautaeture aad - rssoMoe aad states trsetlMi e&rtncs. etc. Marriage Licenses. LMter R. KoHoek. 28: Xarjorle Iarhni. 21. Kocrrt Vortb, St. W'alU Walta; Emm btortz. 2d. WllMus '. Koike. Bather B. !wis. 23. Grant T. WWkelsebM. SO; Sderetdea Mae uart. 2Z. hert Yaua, 22. lUlem; Leeaa lUrr. IB. Births. Jaauarr lt. to the mtfe ef WMMam il. Hob bkrd. l'rltBi. Or., a dauxfetrr. January St. to tbe wtfe of Gearce etmmnt, Cedar Grove, a daucbter. Jaauary 2b. to tbe wife of Simon GerUKnan, Sbd Krwm street. tm1n son. Jaauary 1. to tbe wife of Thomas Barrett, CM FK reet. s dauabter. January 26. to tbe wWe of Waker Turner, eta HUmt Tbirtr-first Mreec. a son. January 2d. to tbe wtfe of Mekko Prout, Mt Lariat street, a son. Deaths. January 2d. Cbrlitlaa Kaae. ased S2 years 1 awatb and 4 Cars. Good Samaritan Hospi tal lateravat Prnewster. Mleh.. January 31. January 2T. Uesiie OOUreM. ard 16 years 3 saeaiba and 2 dara. Eaat Tweaaetb and Irv lsr nrrrt Interaent Asbland. Or., Janu ar St. Jaauarr 2. Adam St. Jaba. iced t0 ears, Norab Iea SaaMortum. latermeat Ah bxad. Or.. Jaauarj- at. Jaauar 2 Heary K. Loac. aged 60 years BMatbs sod 17 da. S0 iUst Slxtb street Nofta. latermeM RHer Vie- Cemetery. Jan uary ai. January 2S. Mar Heareth. axed S3 jears 8 ntMMhs aad 20 days. Pattoa. Or. latermeat Crawed Cemeter-. Jaauar' 29. Building Permits. Oeerze P4ea. nortfcraj oomer Twenty, seteatb aad Tburtnaa; SiSOO. Soldiers' Home Cottages. SALEM Jaa. 30. (To tbe ESMtor.)-I wish : to eaM atteatMs to a meaacre introduced in . tse prcwei ix-swiature wcacn i eenstser vn- wU uspaMUc la every sense, and which u BJd upon a mistaken senttoeataUty fld y praetleal reasooinx. rL'T If ,b tM th tpectteB " lhe Sssiiers Home of a sy.tem of osttaxe. to kHiax at the home. TMs measure was before a former LerlsCatur. of which I waa a mem ber, and K was set aside for the reason that by sueh a movement an immense expense utd be entailed upon the state, which waa aeter esatemplated In the osbeme ef taktnc are of tbe needy veterans; also Sor the reason that to Flare a let ef women on the premises would mean continual trouble. Jarrlnr. diaoord. jealousy, and probably scandals innumerable, and there would be at least two commandants necessary to preserve peace aad discipline a more tbe "eottatea." whereas oae is capa ble now of manaxlnc tbe whole institution. 1 believe, also, that lnvestixatloa would de velop the fact that many ef the oil veterans there wbo have wives Uvlnx are now at the home as much for their peace of mind and body aa fer tbe necessities of support, and It is doubtful If a majority of rush veterans would vote to have, their wives brouxht to tbe xrounds permanently. Then there are the un married taeo and widowers, wbo would at once become Jealous of the household demands aad attentions bestowed on the family men all reesIUuc la tbe worst kind of conditions which can surround soch a place. Svery loyal citizen feels like doi&c all la his eower for tb care aad comfort of tbe old veteran, but a movement to plant a lot of women as perBiaaent residents around the Soldiers' Berne lo not calculated to Increase taae views that were friendly government. HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Kesess. SI.M to SS.tO Fer Day. to a. X. DAYUJi. rrss. St. Charles Hotel CO. (rNCORPORATXD.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Earopeaa Plaa Reaaax 50c te $1.5,0 Flrst-Class'RestaHraat In Ceaaectlea If HOTEL SCOTT GO. I A. J. DEITZ, Manager Portland's Newest and Best Equipped Hotel Rooms single or en suite, with private bath. European plan. Elegant cafe In connection. Free 'bus will meet all trains. SEVENTH AND AN KENT STREETS. PORTLAND. OREGON. DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE PAINLESS DENTIST Who can fill or extract any number of teeth "without in flicting the slightest pain to the patient. The largest and best-equipped dental offico ou the Pacific Coast 342 Washington Street, Corner Seventh Phone Main 2119. that rare or enhance that comfort. Uealdes. If onee beron. such a ccbeme would become exeeedlncly costly to tbe Mate. FORMER MEMBER. The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver and regulate the bow els, but do not purse. XlaJLT METEOROLOGICAL REPORT.. PORTLAND. Jan. SO. Maximum tempera ture, 5 drx. . minimum. 35 ties. River reading at 11 A. M.. & feet; chance in past 21 hours. 0.7 feet. Total precipitation, S P. M. to 5 P. M.. none, total since September 1. 1001. 20.77 inches; normal. 2C2S; deficiency, 5.51. Total sunshine January 29. 1005, 2 hours and 2S minutes; potslble scnthlne, 9 hours end SS minute. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at S 1. M-. 29.B3. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. si! it STATIONS. g S; 1 5- - o o i " C3 o ? Baker City 2S1 T j A W Snow Hlrtmarck ( -j;o.oe, w cloudy Bae ISMja: 4 V Snow gufk W T i a; rt. Cloudy Helena jlS'O.oo, ,sv Cloudy Kamleeps. B. C 22ifi.W. 8 W Rala North Head .UHo.tWj 4KR Clear PeoateUe 32; T 4 NV Snow Portland rS,'0.Kt,M'E Oear Red BlafT ;io; T i t;sV Rain Renebur Hfitt 4.N Cloudy Saeramnte 52' Tit NU' Cloudy Sak Lake Citr it2(0.oo; IJRW Cloudy San Franelseo ;it T 1 4, NW Cloudy Spokane 34 o.Wl e,N Clear Seattle -!2iO.(XyiO.NVr Clear Maiia Walla i3t.0.tx 4;S1Y Cloudy WEATHER CONDIViONS. Urbt fails ef enow have occurred today In Eastern Oreron and Southern Idaho, while llrht rain is reported in Southern Oregon and Northern California. Elsewhere in the Pacific Coast states fair weather has prevailed. A disturbance or moderate energy is central this evenlns efT the northern coast of Cali fornia, while an area of hlRh pressure of con siderable magnitude Is over British Columbia and Montana. The Indications are for generally fair weather in Northwestern Oregon and the Sound country and Hght rain In Southern Oregon. East f the Carcades light snow U probable. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at S P. M. for 2S hours ending- at midnight. January 31: Portland and vicinity Generally fair; winds mostly northeasterly. Western Oregon Generally fair north, occa sional rain south portion; winds mostly north eaaterly. Weetern Washington Generally fair; brlek winds, mostly easterly. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Occaplonal snow. NEW TODAY. Tenant Wanted For well-located, three-story frame building 85 rooms on upper floors and seven storerooms on lower floor. Washington-street propertj'. Wakefield, Fries & Co. Phone Main 14. 229 Stark St. ABSTKACTS OF TITLE Otr rvcarda are complete aad u Ws raraJsh abstracts promptly. ta data. MORTGAGE LOANS Oa Improved Portia 3d Real Estata. sBctrcurr abstxacz a trust co. Z1C-XU c-b amber of FOR SALE A lot with three houses on Lincoln street, bringlnr J50 per month rent; price $1100. Or wilt sell one house and fraction of lot sep arately. This Is s bargain. PARRISH. W ATKINS fc CO.. 2S0 Alder St. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 318 Worcester Block General aractlce. Xnrestlcatlona, Sialste work. Special aad periodical audita. Phone West IL EVERETT Bet. 22d and 23d. in Mead's Addition. Tbo choicest 73x100 ft. facing- south. For sale cheap. F. V. Andrews A Co., Hamilton bldr 1S1 3d st. Tel. Red 3192. PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON ahst-Claos Cheek Restaurant, Connected Wltfa HetoL C. O. DAVIS, gee aad Treaa, THE ESMOND HOTEL OSCAR UKlSil. Mhisst Freat aad Merrlsea Streets PORTLAND - OREQON TREE 'BUS TO AND FROM ALL. TRAINS. Bates European plan. COc. 73c SL00. S1.30, par day. Eampls rooms In connection. CLASSIFIED AD. EATES. "Booms." "Rooms "and Board." "House keeping: Booms," "Situation Wanted." 13 words or less. 15 cents; it to 20 words. SO cents; 21 to 23 words. 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional Insertion. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today." 30 cents for 13 words or less;. 18 to 20 words. 40 cents: 21 to 26 words, 30 cents, etc, Orst Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der ono month. IMPORTANT The low second-time rate oa advertising that runs either In the classified columns, or under head "New Today," wUl be given only when advextislajr Is Inserted on consecutive days. Dally and Sunday lasae. Advertlslar that Is scheduled to appear at intervals or ono or more days apart MriU bo charged tor at lull oae-tlme rate each In sertion. "NEW TODAY" (gacgo measure agate), 13 cents per line, first insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional 'insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Orecoaian. and left st this office, should always bo inclosed ua sealed envelopes. No stamp is required oa such letters. The Orrgonian will not be responsible for errors bt advertlsemeat taken through tho telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. By J. T. Wilson, at salesroom. ISO First street, at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson. AucUoneer. At Baker's Auction-House, corner Alder and Park. Sale at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Co., Auctioneers. At the Portland Auction Rooms. 211 First, bet, Taylor and Salmon, at 10 o'clock. Gua A. Low!:. Auctioneer. At Oilman's Auction Rooms. 413 Washington sL. at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. GUman, Auctioneer. B0R'. LOGAN January 30, 1003. to Dr. and Mrs. Ray W. Logan, of Moro, Or., a girl. CARSTENS January 29. to the wife of C J. Caretens. formerly the wife of the late at torney Eugene Showers, of Portland, of near Gaston, a 12-pound daughter, the. parents of whom are the best pleased couple in that sec tion. Dr. C L. Lsrge attending. MEETING NOTICES. A. & A. S. RITE. OREGON CONSISTORY, NO. 1. Regu lsr meeting in memorial Hall, Scottish Rite Cathedral, this evening at S o'clock. By order MASTER OF KADOSH. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Officers and members of Oregon Lodge. No. 1. will meet at K. P. Hall, Marquam Bldg.. Tuesday at 1 P. M. to attend the funeral of late Bro. Henry R- Long from the residence at E. 6th and Wasco sts. All knights are requested to attend. EUGENE H. DOWLING. a C. E. D. CURTICE. K. of R. & 3. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT. NO. 1. I. O. O. F. Special meeting this (Tuesday) evening, January 31. 1905. at S o'clock. Oddfellows Temple. Royal Purple Degree. Visitors espe cially welcome. E. E. SHARON, Scribe. FUNERAL NOTICES. BATTER Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral serv ice of Eleanora W. E. Jjatter. which will be held at Flnleys chapel, at 2 P. M.. Tues day, Jan. 31. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. BATTER Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral serv ices of Eleanora W. E. Batter, which will be held at Flnley's chapel at 2 P. il. today. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. BELL In this city, at the residence of her caugnter. Mrs. li. a. severance. 2G7 Knott t.. January 29, 1005. Hannah Emetine Bell, ased S3 years 9 months and 9 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which win be held at the chapel of J. P. Flnley & Son to day at 3 JO P. M. Interment st Lone Fir Cemetery. DUNNING. McENTEE GIXBATJGH, successors to Dnaalng Campion, under takers and em bairn, era, modern In every de tail. 7th and Viae- Phone Mala 430. IVody assistant. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Undertakers and cmbalmers. nave moved to their aew build lag. Third and Salman. Zady assistant. Telephone No. 387. J. P. FINLEY & SON. Funeral Directors, cor. 3d aad Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Xadr assistant. Telephono No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Aider. Eady assistaat. Teleaheaa East 82. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE A FINE. NEW. WELL-BUILT S-room residence, good location. West Side; all modern Improvements; large attic aad cement basement; COxlOO lot. O 97, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE; 11600; monthly payments. O. M. Smith. 730 Cham ber of Commerce. TOR RENT FARMS. 10 ACRES FINELY IMPROVED. H0C3E. barn, etc; street-car line. u. x xnomp Jc Co a oa. COLUMBIA THEATER A. H. Ballard. Lessee and Manager. ALL THIS WEEK MATINEE SATURDAY, An Instantaneous success, MOTHS OF SOCIETY BeauUfully presented by tbe Columbia Stock Company. Most elegant gowns and richest stage settings ever seen in Portland. Prices that never change: Evening, 50c, 35c, 25e. 15c. Matinee, 25c, 15c. 10c. Down-town box office all day, 327 Morrison st.; Phone Main 110. Evening at theater; Main 311. Marfluarn firanrl Thpalpr JW". t. pangle. neiideat Uinirtr Phone Main 863. Tolght at 8:15 o'clock, last performance tomorrow night. XWIS MORRISON In "FAUST." Prices SL 75c, 50c. 35c, 25c, Seats are. now selling. Empire Theater Gc5af?rker- Phone Main 117 for teats. Prices. 15c, 25c 33c. and 50c Noble Stock Company. Tonight. Tomorrow and Wednesday Nights. "THE MOONSHINERS." Thursday. Friday Nights. Saturday Matinee, "FOR LOVE AND HONOR." Saturday Night Only, "CARMEN." All next wek, "Over Niagara Falls.' STAR THEATER Great New Bill Today BELASCO CO. 4 GIRDELLK.R FAMILY 4 THE LAURELLS. DAISY VERNON. NAT CARR, EDISON'S PROJECTOSCOPE. Admission. 10 cents. Reserved box seats. 25 cents. Shows 2:30 to 4:30. 7:30-to 10:30 P. M- BAKER THEATER SHE'S COMING I SHE'S HERE!!! WHO? YEN IT A; In her spectacular dances Your neighbors will tell you. 7 Other big acts T. All for 10 cents afternoons and evenings. LYRIC THEATER iCorssr Alder and Utveath.1 HIOH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30; 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday. 3 to 19 P. M. This ad. and lOo will admit two paopls say matlnte. except iSusoaya and holidays. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER, BIJOU THEATER, Portland's handsomest family theater. Home of Comedy and Drama. 6th and Alder. Monday Jan. 30, and during the week. Bi jou Stock Company under the management of A. R. Thorne. will present for the first time in Portland the Screaming Farce-Comedy In three acts, entitled "THE NEW TUTOR." One performance In the afternoon and two at night. Sundays continuous. Admission to any part of house 10 cents. ROSE EYT1NGE Pupils prepared for stage, pulpit, platform or parlor. Either private lessons or class work. For time aad terms, apply at 261 Thirteenth Street PHONE MAIN 1203. FOR t3 ALE REAL ESTATE. NEW. 5-ROOM HOUSE. HARD FINISHED inside, water piped In to sink; large lot. 23 old fruit trees; for 1600 spot cash; also two large C-room houses. S30 down and $15 per month; a 5-room cottage, $25 down and $15 per month: some choice building lots. i blocks and blocks, very cheap, easy terms. See Joe Naih. In the white house at Nashville Station, on the Mount Scott car. Phone Union 1501. e FOR SALE $2500 Seven-room house, at lit. Tabor: first-class plumbing. ML Tabor water, electric lights, cement basement. H-block from car line. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 109 Third street. FREE LAND! FREB LAND! A chance to secure a home and make money; only cost is fer water right, which averages $10 per acre; under state control. For particulars writs or call at office of Co lumbia Southern Irrigation Co., 639 Wor cester blk. FOR SALE THREE LOTS IN PORTLAND, Or. ;wlll sell cheap; or take a loan. Address at once owner. Miss Lanora E. Burnett, Se attle. Wash. 7-ROOM HOUSE. VER1 NICE. IN HARD wood finish; must eell: also 5-room cottage; can make terms to suit buyer. Phone Main 6278. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lents. Or. Take ML Scott car. 3c FOR SALE LOT 50x150 AND 8-ROOM house: $2600. Apply on premlsee. 297 Til lamook, bet. William and Rodney aves. $4500 NEARLY NEW MODERN 7-ROOM house: electricity, bath, gas; Improved streets. Owner, 212 E. 30th st. INSIDE LOT ON 17TH AND G LI SAN FOR sale, reasonable price The Ames Mercan tile Agency. Ablngton bldg. $1000 CORNER LOT, S. E. COR. HOOD and Grover sts.. 100 feet on Hood at. See owner. 211 GIbbs st. SEVERAL NICE IMPROVED LOTS. CHEAP. Central Alblna. L. M. Davis, owner, Mo hawk bldg., city. 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. SOUTH PORT iand: easy terms; $1500. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 22S 3d. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. NICE LITTLE HOME; $1150: small payment down, balance monthly. Phone East 675. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. $1850: SMALL payment down, balance monthly. Phone East 675. WE BUILD HOUSES. EASY PAYMENTS; furnish lots if dsxlred. 012 Commercial bldg. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for Immediate use. LOWEST PRICES. E F. A F. B. Riley. COS Chamber Commerce. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP, Tlil bered. farm or grazing land: aU sizes, lowest prices. H. B. Cozspson. 618 Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH cr guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate Maglnnla tc Son. 227 Failing bldg. LAND SCRIP FOR IMMEDIATE USE FUR nlshed; will take any Government land. Whltten & Bryant. 718 Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER scrips: general land practice. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. We're again in the market with low-priced scrip. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 40S Ablngton. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE $2500 HOME. FULLY FU fi nished, drawing good rent. lawn, ehade trees, flowers, barn, chicken-coop, woodhouse. cellar. In mining and smelting town; for Improved farm land; must be good soil and good mar ket. Address L 88. Oregonlan. IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY TO Ex change for rooming-house. Hatfield & Smith, 165H 4th sr.. room 32. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED HOME ON INSTALLMENTS, bouse two or more rooms; not particular as to state of repair; would like rather large plot of ground; not too far from cars; give location, price and terms. X 10, Ore gonlan. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. $2000 to $10,000; also business properties. $5000 tO $20,000. Have buyers. L. W. Whit ing A Col. 40S Ablngton bldx. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE 5 OR 10 ACRES. ALL IN FRUIT. full bearing-. i-nnie from Vancouver, waan. II. A. Haeeltlnc owner, 284 Stout St.. Port land. FOR SALB FARMS. farms; few exceptional bargains just in. 55 ACRES Fine buildings of all kinds. 400 acres under cultivation, well fenced. 15 acres prunes, rood drier; 1 miles from good town in Yamhill County. This is an up-to-date place in every respect; easy terms; $17 per acre. 34S ACRES Big barn, cheap house: 75 acres under cultivation. 100 ready for plow; lot small fruit: all good level land; 1H miles from good live town In Polk County: $16 per acre; terms easy. 60 ACRES All In cultivation, of which there are 25 acres of hops In fine condition, ail cleared and plowed: yield last year. 37.000 pounds; latest Improved hophouse; one of the best yards and small farms In Polk County, IK miles from town: railroad runs past place. Price only $6500, part cash. TAFT ft. CO. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Block. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 160 acres rich bottom land, one mile from Kelso: 135 acres cleared; good 6-room houe. large barn, new silo. 5 horses. 50 cattle, new mower, wagon, corn planter, plows; hay rake, steel harrow, new double harness, new cream separator, cans and milk utensils, buggy and harness and many other toou and Implements. Price only $7000. cash, balance mortgage at 8 per cent interest. This Is one of too finest dairy ranches In the country. IMUS & WILLOUGHBT. Kalama, Wash. ATTENTION! Do you know tthat Central Oregon has the best future of any place In the North west? Fine climate good soli, plenty of fuel and lumber. Do not buy until you make Investigation; lands from $5 to $25 per acre. Write your wants to Riley Glrthoffer, Shanlko. Or. $2.50 AN ACRE AND UPWARDS FOR 22.000 acres of tanning, dairying and fruit lands, lying In Benton and Lincoln Coun ties. Oregon, along the line of the Corvallis A Eastern R. R. Will be sold In large or email tracts. Terms on application. J. D. WILCOX, 202K Stark st. 15 ACRES NEAR OREGON CITY ELECTRIC line: all clear; good 8-room house: $3000. Rlsley & Starkweather, Milwaukee, Or. FOR SALE-160 ACRES VIKGEt LAND: 19 miles from city. Sea . D. E. Budd about bargain. 110 1st at. FOB, SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Sarnesav BARGAIN $160 BUYS TEAM. WAGON AND harness; team is 8 years old; weighs 2400 pounds; are sound: work single or double; harness Is new. wagon is In first-class order. Call Regal Stables, 14th and Bumaide sts. SNAP $45 BUYS BAY HORSE. 7 YEARS old: weighs 1075 pounds; sound and suitable for delivery, farm or express; also good, light farm wagon and single express harness. Call Regal Stables. 14th and Burnslde sts. PAIR OF HORSES. 7 AND 8 YEARS OLD; weighs 2600 pounds: are sound: work slngie or double: suitable for ranch; also new heavy harness and good 3-Inch farm wagon; sell separately. Call 23 North 14th. WAGONS AND OTHER VEHICLES FOR sale or hire; also horses. Hubert & Hall. 264 4'h. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles on Coast tor sale or hire. 211 Wash. FOR SALE 2 CARRIAGES OR CABS; RUN three months. 204 Jefferson st., room 10. SEVEN HEAD OF GOOD. YOUNG HORSES for sale cheap today. Front and Jefferson. 10 HEAD' OF HORSES FOR SALE AT MON tavllla Livery Barn. Phone Union 22. 24 HORSES FOR BALE AT 4TH AND BURN aide. Pianos. $235 CASH BUYS $423 PIANO. USED FEW weeks; need money. A 52, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Elaterlte; it rolls, easy to lay;. needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co.. room 2, Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND 2D-HAND BIL llard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. FOR SALE A FINE SIX-FOOT SHOWCASE, a National cash register and a Hall's fire proof safe, all nearly new. 329 Washing ton street. FOR BALE A 3-YEAR-OLD HEREFORD bull, or will trade for one of same breed: to be seen at Union Stockyards, city. C Mln singer. 160 CORDS FINE FIR WOOD ON BANK river at Holbrook for sale or trade. 321 Morrison st. Ralston. FOR SALE A VERY FINE ST. BERNARD pup (male); $5 If taken at once; worth $25. Apply 72 6th st. CHEAP 700 CORDS BIG FIR WOOD, 4 foot lengths. Fred Voget, Salem, Or. Route 9. Bargains in typewriters; supplies, office goods, rubber stamps, safes. Coast Co.. 231 Stark. BUY YOUR WOOD AND COAI, OF HOOVER. 313 Water st. Phone Main 4593. FOR SALE COUNTERS. SHELVING AND show-caaeo. 105 N. 14 th st. HELP WANTED MALE. THERE IS MORE DEMAND THAN EVER for competent salesmen, bookkeepers, sten ographers and technical men, and we need men for many such positions now open. Pacific Commercial Bureau, euite 45, Con cord block. 2d and Stark. LOGGERS. MILL AND YARDMEN. LABOR ers. city and country: men and teams, farm hands and milkers, restaurant and raesa-housa help; work of ail kinds. Canadian Employ ment Co., 249 Burnslde and 226U Morrison. Phone Main 3074. PERSON TO CALL ON RETAIL TRADE, established business; $26 and expenses paid -weekly; expense money advanced; position permanent; previous experience not es sential. Addres Trade Manager, 323 Dear born. Chicago. MAKE MONEY. EASY WORK. BIG SALARY. dramatlc. vaudeville, acting: stage dancing taugnt; class lessons, sue in all branches; positions secured. Newman's School of Act ing. Lange Hotel, Gth and Washington. WANTED MAN THAT UNDERSTANDS the meat business, to take orders and de liver; salary according to experience. Na tional Market. 394 E. Burnslde St.. cor Grand ave. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co.. School of Practical Plumbing. Send for catalogue. Ad dress 4973-75 Easton ave.. SL Louis. Mo. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS; COMMIS slon; Exposition publication, newspapers, magazines, periodicals. Clyde's Advertising Bureau. 63S Chamber of Commrece. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS SOLICITOR FOR monumental work; must nave experience and references. Aaaress watts Marble works The Dalles, Or. GOOD PAY FOR GOOD MEN SELL SICK aud accident benefits; well-established home institution. New. popular plans. 401 Mar quam bldg. ENERGETIC PARTNER WANTED; PROS- perous country newspaper; fine climate; no opposition; experience unnecessary. A 4, Oregonlan. MAN OR WOMAN. GUARANTEED $10 DAY through office; experience unnecessary: lit tle cash required start. 234! Morrison si. room 1. SADDLEMAKER. WHO CAN ALSO WORK on Harness; a good job for tne rlgnr man. Address P. O. box 384. Colfax, Wash. WANTED FIRST-CLASS VEST AND PANTS maker; none other need apply. C. O. Mc Williams, Baker City, Or. YOUNG MAN. STENOGRAPHER. SOME EX perlence: one familiar with drug terms pre ferred. V 4. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PLANER MAN. night work. Inquire of Standard Box and Lumber Company. SHOEFITTER WANTED BY REID Sc Hertache Co.. 9 and 11 North 1st st., city. WANTED ENERGETIC CITY SALESMAN; commission; references required. 84 3d st. Men wanted to learn barber trade Saroer College. 741 Howard St.. San Francisco. WANTED BOY OR MAN TO WASH DISHES. Wigwam Oyster House. 235 1st at. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED BUTCHER. Call at the Oregon market. j WANTED A MAN TO DO CARPENTER work. 211 Washington st. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST. CURES ALL P Ri val diseases of men. SALESMAN. CITY. COUNTRY; BIG WAGES. 215 Cossmercial blk. KELP s WANTED FEMALE. WANTED-STNGERS. DRAMATIC PEOPLE; performers; musicians, male and female quartets, for vaudeville circuit. Portland World's Fair, traveling companies. New man's Vaudeville Circuit. Lange Hotel, 6th and Washington. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALU KINDS CHAM ucrciatcs. cook, waitresses, nurse gnris. sec- Send girls, housekeepers, housework. $13 to 0. Canadian Parlors. 228& Morrlsea, Fhoas am 1323. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS. ""era. cnarqoermaias. general workers. Su Louis Agency. 2304 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. HEPPNER HOUSEWORK. $20 (TICKET). uiucrs uij . restaurant waitress $o; assist ant housework $2. Drake's. 203 H Washing ton. WANTED GIRL to rio nrvpR a t. wnrrs-p. 2 small family; good wages. Call room 203. the Brown, Hawthorne and Grand aves. WANTED AT ONCE RELIABLE, ENER- getic business woman, mature years, to take management of office. D S7. Oregonlan. WANTED SEVERAL PRIVATE STUDENTS in penrcansaip: weu-anown professional pen man. M 93, Oregonlan. LADIES OR GENTLEMEN WISHING EM- pioyment; good salaries, call room 34. Bel vldere Hotel. 9 to 12. WANTED A COMPETENT CHAMBERMAID. swede or German preferred. St. Helen a Hall. Portland. ' GIRLS WANTED MACHINE OPERATORS at G. P. Rummelln & Sons. 126 2d St., near Washington. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR DINING- room work and assist in kitchen. Apply 270 6th a WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- worK and cooking. 161 24th st. Telephone Main 3116. WANTED LADY SOLICITORS. -APPLY any day next week. Multnomah Institute. 66 6th st. WANTED WAITRESS FOR PRIVATE boarding-house; must be experienced. St Alder st. WANTED COMPETENT CHAMBERMAID; none otner neea apply. 63 N. ISth ot., cor. Davis. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, 2 in family 581 East Main, cor. 14th. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family. 615 East Pine cor. 16th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family. Apply 4C9 Hall st. WANTED A WOMAN FOR HOME BAKERY; per montn. n. 6th st. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 715 Flanders st. GIRL FOR GENERAL small family. 282 12th. HOUSEWORK. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL- HOUSE- worjs. f none iast 243. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK. 69 N. 7th st. HELP WANTED MALE OS FEMALE. WANTED VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE FOR road show; call after 1 P. M-, Tuesday. 301 Taylor st. Chas. Llpman. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookaeepers and Clerks. POSITION BY COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER, temperate, reliable, not afraid of work; best of references. M 14. Oregonlan. BY COMPETENT OFFICE MAN AS STEN ographer or bookkeeper; city references- H 4, Oregonlan. GENERAL OFFICE MAN. 0 YEARS' Ex perience; good references. S 97, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. COLLECTOR'S PLACE WANTED BY MAN with references, who can give bond: wouirt like to make himself; otherwise useful when not out collecting. Address X 6, care Ore gonlan. WANTED SITUATION IN HOTEL BY MAS and wife; man Al clerk or steward; wife, cashier, stenographer; good references. F 4, Oregonlan. JAPANESE, GOOD COOK. WANTS Posi tion private family: boarding-house or res taurant. Henry Tahara. P. O. box 125. city. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN FUK nlsh domestics, servants, farmer and all kinds ot help. Black 092. 283 Everett at. A BOY WHO IS BRIGHT. HONEST AND with a good character, wishes work close In. K 4. Oregonlan. WANTED WORK OF ANY KIND BY young married man; out of city preferred. G 4, Oregonlan. A GOOD JAPANESE COOK WANTS Posi tion in private boarding-house, or family. P. 4, Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION; DO ANY work for noon for any store. Y. T.. phone Black 152. JAPANESE BOY WANTS . A SITUATION where he can go to school. T 4, Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION WHERE he can attend school. H. H.. J21 N. 15th st. WANTED SITUATION BY JAPANESE BOY as boarding-house cook. Address. 245 First. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. COMPETENT LADY STENOGRAPHER DE sires position: experienced; with best of references. Address C 84, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER "WISHES position; references. J 4, Oregonlan. Housekeepers. RESPECTABLE, MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, daughter 15. desires situation housekeeper: widower's family. 230 YamhllL Phone Black 2381. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING. PLAIN SEWING BY THE day. Phone Front 2108. SEWING BY THE DAY. FIT GUARAN teed. Phone Main 6033. SITUATION WANTED VERY CAPABLE second girl, first-class family; wages $20 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. Miscellaneous. GOOD JAPANBSE GIRL WANT POSITION In family to do housework or waitress. Ad dress Shi'na L, P. O. box 937. FIRST-CLASS COOK WANTS POSITION; no laundry- X 7, Oregonlan. BEGINNERS ON THE PIANO. 25 CENTS per lesson. 449 Irving. WANTED AGENTS. Solicitors 3 first-class men; we pay $4 to $8 per day. Apply at 23 Labbe bldg.. Portland. Or. WANTED UP-TO-DATE PICTURE AGENTS, ladles or gents. S01 Dekum bldg. WANTED TO RENT. ORDER OF RAILWAY CONDUCTORS. 251 Alder street. Telephone Main 933. Desire the address of families and others having nicely furnished rooms for rent, preference will be given those having bath accommodations, telephone, good car service, etc Rooms for use of our visit ing members in attendance on National Convention in May. E. A. Clem, secretary. WANTED Rooms In all parts of the city. Apply 220 Goodnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction ot Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main 62G6. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; Sunday dinner. 2 o'clock. Call 693 Marshall st., Wednesday, between 9 and 10. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN (CARPENTER) room, with or without board; close In; state price. N 4, Oregonlan. WANTED MI SCELLANEOCS. WILL BOARD SMALL GIRL. FROM 10 TO to. 12 years of age; good home and piano; references exchanged. Address Q 73. Ore gonlan. WANTED ONE ROLLER-TOP DESK AND one typewriter desk, immediately; must be cheap and good. Address E 96, Oregonlan. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at ths "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood M7. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50c AT HOLLA fcaugh's, 2C7H Taylor, bet, 3d aad 4ta, mpsoE f