I VOL. XLIV. XO. 13,774. P0BTLA3SD, OBEGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1905. PRICE FIVE GENTS. EATEN BACK Russian Attack Ends in Disaster. BATTLE IN BUZZARD Terrible Sufferings of Soldiers in Snow. VICTORY OF NOCl'3 MEN Japanese Now Move to Cut Off Russian Left WHY KUROPATKIN FOUGHT Belief In Japan That He Was Ordered to Win at Any Coct Both Sides Lose Heavily The Details, SPECIAL, CABLE. ' TOKIO. Jan. 21- The troop -which twice captured Port Arthur, once from the Chlnere and then again from the Jtusfilans. have administered a defeat to General Kuropatkin's army from which ft cannot posaibly recover dur ing the Winter. Field Marshal Oyama has vent a dispatch to Imperial head quarters Indicating that the conquer ors of Port Arthur were sent by him to meet the enemy in the bloody battle just decided, owing; to their long prac tice under arms and their tried abil ity to withstand the hardships of this awful JJanchurian Winter. The result Z tb struggle so far has proved the wisdom of his course. Every dispatch received from tho .front in is at Wifcter horrors such' a co other luutlUg army ever .had. to contend. wjOu 3aany inches of snow cover th country as far as the eye can The rldgea are enow-filled. Avalanche upon avalanche has tumbled Into the trenches. Inflicting- untold tunrlng upon tho soldiers therein. lore men have been Incapacitated by the ravages of the cold than by Rus sian bullets, and It Is no uncommon Jght to meet -whole croups of Japan ese soldiers prostrate In the deep snow, usable to move, benumbed -with the cold, their hands, feet and faces frost bitten and the driving snow- piling tip over them like a living grave. Prom the first moment of the struggle to the hour when the last telegram received here was sent, a blinding (now storm has been howling over the battlefield. Winter Counted Rcssla's Ally. The descriptions received here make ll almost incrodible that General Ku Vopatkin should have decided to begin tils 'advance movement in the face of such conditions, but be Voubtle&s figured that bis men Xould be more Impervious to the terrible cold and lashing wind than the Japanese. H was correct, in asmuch as those of the Japanese re serves which were sent out to meet the Attack suffered roost and went against the storm ere they came within range of the enemy's guns. At times the movements of the regiments were so low that they seemed to be- rooted in The snow, only swaying slightly for ward under the pressure of the bllr sard. Field Siarshal Oyama's dispatches have convinced the military author! ties brre that be was by no means anxious to engage in the battle and. In fact, permitted the Russians to take several positions in his vicinity to kt the troops from the unspeakable strain of fighting in the storm. But the Russian advance was made with such energy and determination by large bodies of troops occupying miles of ground that Oyama finally decided to cevpt the challenge. Greater Feat Than Ncgi's. A largo portion of General Nogi's array, both his regulars and his re serve, were placed in the vanguard. Among them were thousands of veter ans of the Chlno-Japanese war. who. having done service In Manchuria in the Winter, were able to make prog ress and tue their arms where less sea' soned troops would have been para lyzed. The victory gained over the Russian right array is considered here even a greater feat than was the cap tura of Port Arthur, for. while the battle raged, there were ne trenches to seek protection in and every shot of the enemy was made mere deadly by the indescribable cold. For this rea son the news from the front that Field Marshal Oyama is new following up his advantage with relentless energy has been received with amazement. May Cut Off Russian Left. General Oku telegraphs that he is engaged In executing an enveloping movement around the Russian forces which, by occupying the neighborhood of Pokotxal. are protecting the Russian left, Jf he succeeds, he will have ep srated the Russian left array from the center placing- it at the mercy of the Javanese now crossing the Hun River to the right Bhore, where Field Mar shal Oyama Intends to make his vic tory complete by driving the Russians out of their camps and Winter quar ters and forcing them towards Mukden and then to the westward. Imperial military headquarters have so far failed to receive advices of the number of casualties. Those who fell wounded are. it is feared, doomed to death through exposure, as the hospi tal corps are not able to work prompt ly and with dispatch in the blizzard. Conservative estimates received from correspondents at the front by Japan ese newspapers place our losses at 5000 killed and wounded at least, but all agree that the 'Jtasslan casualties' -were twice as heavy. - Ordered to Win at Any Cost. This fact leads the authorities here to believe that General Kuropatkln was under orders to win the battle, no matter what the cost, and that he be gan his movement with a disregard of human life even more appalling; than that which characterized the Japanese attack upon Port Arthur. It is pointed out that., if Kuropatkln acted under special instructions, he has been sent to defeat for the third time by those who desire to wipe out every setback at home and on sea by compelling a victory In Manchuria. -The Russian rnmm-jnflfr .-Itr la believed here, would not of his oiiMW'sivt sent his men Into battle at this time. Every in dication but a week; ago pointed to his desire to prevent a. dash during, the Winter. HE BLAMES THE WEATHER. Kuropatkin's Explanation of Failure of His Attack. ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 30 (11:00 P. M.) General Kuropatkin's attempt to break through the Japanese left wing and out flank Field Marshal Oyama's position on the Shakhe River seems to have failed en tirely. Few details, however, aro avail able beyond the information contained in the official dispatches. Field Marshal Oyama, as at the battle of Shakhe River, appears to have answered the Russian ad vance with a counter-offensive movement. but no great disposition was shown to carry tbo warfare Into the territory held by the Russians. At the "War Office there Is an inclination to lay the chief blame for the failure of the movement on a sudden change of tho weather to intense cold (20 degrees below zero), with a high wind, which drifted the snow and rendered it hazardous to expose the troops to camping in the open plain and also impeded the transportation of guns, supplies and the wounded. The operation intrusted to the second army, under General Grippcnberg. the capture of Sandepas proved too bard a nut to crack, and the Japanese, faking ad vantage of the check of the Russians, hur ried up their reinforcements and assumed the efferauYe. oh tho Hun .Slver, as well as along the railroad and the Grpat Man- a aria 3nd. The tvjwlaasf livwwer. np i y have beta completely n-ecs8rul j on the defensive, repulsing alltae Ju-p ancse attacks. Under the circumstances ' General Grippenberg decided not to press the attempt to storm Sandepas, which Is situated In a flat country and therefore more difficult to take by assault than a position in a hilly country. Owing to the flat trajectory and the enormous penetration of modern projec tiles, the capture of tho outer-line trenches on Thursday entailed heavy casualties. There is no official estimate of the losses, but It Is expected that some thousands on both sides were killed or wounded. The news of this defeat, coming at this time, is especially hard for tho Govern ment. The popular Idea continues to be that the advance was undertaken in order to divert the attention of the people from events in European Russia. JAPANESE MAY NOW ADVANCE Every Available Man Pushed to the Front, as Russians Found.. MUKDEN, Jan. 73, via Tien Tsln, Jan. 30. Official reports published in the army newspaper show that the entire east was undisturbed except by small scouting af frays during the fighting at Holantal and Flechiachungtxu (Helkoutai and Chen chiehpao). The army is now working under the new organization, and entirely new orders throughout, these even af fecting the newspaper correspondents most vigorously. The creation of Increased fortifications in the center by both armies, resulting in both sides heaping their reinforce ments on their flanks, reaches a point where that side falling behind will slowly be forced to precipitate a battle. The present state of. affairs is apparently due to the clear, cold weather. The Japan ese have advanced every available man to the front. It Is reported that Xiao Tang is deserted by Foldlers. The railroad south of Llao Tang is strongly held, and eccial!y the bridges, which the Cos sacks report are unapproachable on ac count of the armament of tho former Rufjtlan defenses and the supplementary Japanese works. In addition to Holantal and Flechla cbaungtzu. three other villages, not Im portant, wero occupied by the Russians, two of which have already been relin quished. More has been learned of the magnitude of the Japanese strength opposite the Russian offensive movement, and as the Japanese appear disposed to thow their strength, it probably will result In the Immediate restoration of the original lines of defences, if not in a Japanese ag gressive movement. The final reports give the losses at Ho lantal and Fiechlachaungtzu as less than at first announced. The Russians appear to have satisfied themselves of the strength of the Jap- ADVANCE IS ABANDONED. Russian Plan Failed and Only Result Is Serious Losses. ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. 30 P. M.) The Russian advance movement against the Japanese left has failed and General Grippenberg has notified the Emperor he has discontinued the offenslre. General Mistchenko and General Kon dratvltch. while not seriously injured, have been obliged to relinquish their com mands. The War Office gives no estimate of the Russian losses, but they are be lieved to be heavy. Revolutionists Arc Driven Out. BERLIN. Jan. 31 The PniKSUn Gov ernment has expelled two Russian stu dents who were arrested yesterday on the ground that, being engaged la advocating a revolution In Russia, they were not -de drablo rttfdcsts. AN EQUAL GH President's Policy on Commerce. Laws. MATION MUST CONTROL If Constitution Does Not Allow This, Change It BEST THING FOR RAILROADS Policy of Administration on Control of Corporations and Railroads Is Clearly Defined In Speech to the Union League. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. SO. President Roosevelt was the guest of honor and principal speaker tonight at the 42d anniversary banquet of the Union League- The President came to this city over the Pennsylvania road from Annapolis, where he attended the ex ercises this afternoon Incident to the graduation of the senior class of cadets. An immense throng greeted Mr. Rosevelt at the railroad station, and he received an ovation on his way to the Union League. At the clubhouse he pas sod through two lines of cheer ing members to the reception-room, where from 6:15 to 7 o'clock he stood and shook hands wltix several hundred prominent citizens. Tho first troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry, acted as the President's escort while he remained In the city. When President Roosovelt arose to make his address he was greeted with long-continued applause. Then the enthusiastic assembly stood and sang "The Star-Spangled Banner," accompanied by the First Regiment Band, X. G. P. President Roosevelt in his address said: This club was founded to uphold the hands of Abraham Lincoln when he stood as the great leader In the struggle for Union and liberty. "We have a right, therefore, to appeal to this club for aid in every gov ernmental or Koclal effort road along the lines marled o'tt by Lincoln. T2r gnu Pr Ident taught niiiny leetona -which wo who come after htm .should learn. Amonr tho. ' P'oyQ mft tftgtto theao fraCtSl&Qn tha for wi or lor woe we are" Indluolubt bound together. In whatever part of the country we live, whatever our social stand ing, whatever our wealth or our poverty, whatever form of mental or physical activ ity our life work may assume. Lincoln, who was, more . emphatically than any other President we have ever had, the President of the plain people, was yet as far removed as Washington himself from the slightest taint of demagog'. With his usual far sighted clearness of vision he saw that In a Republic such as ours permanent prosper ity of. any part of our people was conditioned upon the prosperity of all; and that on the other hand any effort to raise the general level of happiness by striking at the well-being of a portion of the people could not but be in the end disastrous to alt Bight Principles Essential. The principles which Lincoln applied to the solution of the problems of his day are those which we must apply If we expect uc cessfully to solve the different problems of our own day problems which are sc large ly industrial. Exactly as It is Impossible to develop a high morality unless we have as a foundation those qualities which give at least a certain minimum of material pros perity, no it Is Impossible permanently to keep material prosperity unless there is-back of it a basis of right living and right think ing. In the last analysis, of course, the dominant factor in obtaining this good con duct must be the individual character of the average citizen. It there Is not this condi tion of individual character In the average citizenship pf the country, all effort to sup ply Its place by the wisest legislation and ad ministration will In the end prove futile. But given this average of Individual char acter, then wine laws and the honest ad ministration of the lawn can do much to supplement it. If cither the business world or the world of labor loses Its head, then it has lost something which can not be made good by any jrovernmental effort. Our faith SALIENT POINTS OF THE It is impossible permanently to keep material prosperity unless there is back of it a basis of right living and. right thinking. -. Neither this nor any other free people -will permanently tolerate: the use of the vast power conferred by vast wealth, especially in its corporate form, without lodging somewhere in the Government the still higher power of seeing that thus power, in addition to being used in the interest of the individuals possessing it, is also used for and not against the interests of the people as a whole. AH great business concerns are engaged in interstate commerce, and it was the intention of the founders of our Government - that interstate commerce in all its branches .and aspects should be under National and not state control. If the courts decide that this inten tion was not carried out in the CiistitulipriT$hen the Constitution, if not construed .differently, will have to be ainOTded. The greatest need is for an increase in" theRo"wer of the Nationali! Government to keep the-pat highways of commerce? open alike fo all on reasonable and equitable terms. ' - There must he lodged in some' tribunal the powerfver ratesandv especially over rebates, secured m an manner, whiEh will protect alike the railroad and the sfiipper, and' put the big shipper and the little shipper on an equal footing. f We are striving to see that the man o small means has exactly as good a chance, so far as we. can obtainit'ffor himas the man of larger.'means; that there shall Be equality ofopportunity for the-qne ns for.the other. :y y Ours.is not a Govemmenit which recognizes-classcsT It is basetl in tho future of the Republic Is firm, be cause we believe that on the whole and In the long run our people tSlck clearly and act rightly. " Most Control Corpora ties. Unquestionably, however, the great de velopment of industrialism means that there must be an Increase in the supervi sion exercised by the Government over business enterprises. This supervision should not take the form of violent and UUadvlsed interference: and assuredly there is danger lest it take such form If the business leaders of the business community confine them selves to trying to thwart the effort at regu lation Instead of guiding it aright. Such men as the members of th,ls club should lead In the effort to secure proper supervision and regulation of corporate activity by the Government, not only because it Is for the interest of the community as a whole that there should be this supervision and regula tion, but because in the long run it will be In the Interest above all of the very people who often betray alarm and angef when the 'proposition Is first made. Xelther this people nor any other free people will permanently tolerate the use of the vast power conferred by vast wealth, and especially j prjaVhUr "ity corporate form, wifctrm,- lodging MJonsewhere lri the Gor&roCent the still higher-power of seeing that this power. In addition to being used In'the Interest of the individual or Individu als possessing it. Is also used for a&d not against the interests of the people as a whole. Our peculiar form of government, a Government in which the Nation Is supremo throughout the Union in certain respects, while each of nearly a hundred states Is su preme in its part of the Union In certain other respects, renders the task of dealing with these conditions especially difficult. lio" finally satisfactory result can be expected from merely state action. The action must come through tho Federal Government- The business of the country Is now carried on In a way of which the founders of cur Con stitution could by no possibility-have had any idea. Should Amend Constitution. All great business concerns are engaged in interstate commerce, and it was beyond question the intention of theTfounders of our Government that Interstate commerce in all its branches and aspects should be snder National and not state control. If the courts decide that this Intention was not carried out and made effective In the Constitution as It now stands, then in the end the Con stitution, if not construed differently, will have to be amended so that the original un doubted Intention may be made iffective. But. of course, a Constitutional amendment Is only to be used as a lasE resort. If every effort of legislation and administration shall have been proved Inadequate. Meanwhile the men In public life and the men who direct the great business Interests of the country should work not In antagon Ism but in harmony toward this given end. In entering a field where the progress must of necessity be so largely experimental it Is essential that the effort to make prog ress should be tentative and cautious. We must grow by evolution, not by revolution. There must be no hurry, but there must also be no halt; and those who are anxious tbat there should be no sudden and Violent changes must remember that precisely these sudden and violent changes will be rendered likely If we refuse to make the needed changes. In cautious and. moderate manner. Must Sula HCTArwls. - -XLrdie prsect ynosieat the greater, nrrtl u tor. an increase hi vie jer ut n-3 -.- (jtlonrfjtfcweromentc Jcrep the sreat, pigh- 2trar"oi commerce-open xiikb. to ail onirra.- sonable and' equitable Jerms. 'Less thana centtrry ago (these highways wer; still; as they had been since the dawn of, history. cither waterways, natural or artificial, or else ordinary roads for wheel vehicles drawn by animal power. The railroad, which tvs utterly unknown when our Government was formed and when the great principles. of our jurisprudence were laid down has now be come almost everywhere the.' most Import ant. and. In many large regions, the only form of highway for commerce The man who controls its use cannot be- permitted to control It In his own Interest alone. It is not only just but It is fh the Interest of the public that this man should receive the amplest payment for the masterful business capacity whirl!- enables him to benefit himself while benefiting the public; but in return he must himself ' recognize his duty to the public. He will not and cannot do this if our laws are so defective tbat In the sharp competition of the busi ness world the conscientious man Is put at a disadvantage by his less scrupulous fel lows. It Is in the Interest of the conscienti ous and public-spirited railway man that there should be such governmental super vision of the railway trade of the country as to require from his less scrupulous com petitors, and from unscrupulous big ship pers as well, that heed to the public we! fare which he himself would willingly give. and which Is of vital consequence to the small shipper. Bvery Important railroad la engaged In interstate commerce. Therefore, this control over the railroads must come through the National Government. 'Character of Control. The control must be exercised by some governmental tribunal, and it must be 'real and effective. Doubtless there will be. risk that occasionally. If an unfit- President- Is elected, this control will be abused; but this Is only another way of saying that (Concluded, on Page 4.) PRESIDENT'S SPEECH 1 - CITY OF BLOOD Battle Rages in Streets of Warsaw. DRUNKEN SOLDIERS KILL Strikers Raise Red Flag and Open Attack on Troops. NO RESPECT-FOR-AGE OR SEX Day and Night of Slaughter in Pol and's Ancient Capital Over 1000 Are Killed and Wounded Jewish Quarter Attacked. . MANY DROWNED AT RIGA. BERIJJf. Jan. 31. The Vceslcbe ZI tung's Riga letter sajs the official re port of the number killed and wounded In the riots there is far below the actual number, elnoe it only included those de livered at the hospitals, whtle unknown numbers lost their lives by drowning. When the soldiers fired on the crowd many rushed down the rocky shore to escape across the river on the Ice, which broke under them. A snowstorm was prevailing at the time and the temperature sinking, which caused the river to freese over again, and In con sequence no bodies have been recovered. SPECIAL CABLE. "WARSAW, Jan. 31 (1:30 A. M.) Another day and half a night of horrors have passed. As this dispatch is sent, the city is ruled by savage mobs and more savage soldiers. Both are Intent upon killing. No official statements are obtainable at this hour, but when the cost in human lives comes to be counted there will be found dead by the hundreds men, women and children. Bvery principal street has been turned raw a -aattieneia. it is- impossible to re cord, the events of the oast 21 hours-ln. chrjoglcal ordrr;"for many .conflicts" occurred: at the "same time In sections of theclt$r!dl7 distant from each 'other. Thrbugh3ulh-dfty and night the fight ing the-streets continued unabated. Everybody young and old, men. women and children was attacked by tho soldiers and ruthlessly mowed down. One soldier aimed a saber blow at a woman. In self- defense she drew a revolver and fired a shot which went wild. A second later a volley was directed at her, and she fell dead, her body riddled by a score of bul lets. This is but one of a hundred in stances. For the most part the soldiers who rode and tramped through the streets during the late afternoon of Monday were drunk. They seemed to take particular delight In attacking harmless persons. They killed for the mere sake of killing. Every hour brings new reports of acts of almost inconceivable brutality commit ted by individual soldiers. One drunken Cossack killed two children before his comrades could deprive him of his car bine. As the night wore on, the strikers grew bolder. The red flag was raised over several houses and large bodies of men made open attacks upon the military. Shortly before midnight fusillades were directed at passing soldiers from windows in various streets. The riots begin to assume an anti-Jewish character. The streets in which many Jews keep shops are especially marked for plunder. The "Woladlska, inhabited al most exclusively by Jews, Is reported to be the wprst for rioting in the city. At 3 o'clock Tuesday morning a. state ment was Issued by the Chief of Police, placing the number of casualties In this city during the riots so far at 10GO. It is believed that this estimate Is very con servative, as It includes, only those killed and wounded reported to the authorities. STORY OF THE FIGHTING. Strikers Shoot and Stab Soldiers- Hunger Makes Mob Desperate LONDON, Jan. 31. The correspondent at Warsaw of the Dally .Mall telegraphs as follows: f. . 'The street-railway service here has bjijn, partly resumed, with soldiers riding before and behind most of the cars. Some cabsare running. Street fighting contin ues, and the mob Is growing in a danger ous -fashion: tJChere have Been frequent COUlSM)D3'DCCWCn i"C people ana Banners. Revolutionists attacked the , -troops wwltlr revolvers and knives. -ft- "The principal disturbances . today oc curred In Noviswiat street, a leading business thoroughfare. At 11 o'clock Sun day night a reglmenrbf Infantry marched to this thoroughfare from Smolna. street. when somebody fired drt-them, where upon ( the troops -wore ordered to forsaa square and fire front four sides. - ' .'"Any. . criticism of the, troops must be qualified, by the fact that they are. fight ing under trying conditions, being Con stantly exposeoito snipers ana occasion ally stabbed by. passers-by. Generally the troops are well-behaved, but sometimes there are excesses'-by individual soldiers who have become intoxicated. One such soldier killed two -children before his coin raaes were, able, to disarm, him. "There have been many sad cases -of wholly innocent people shot accidentally as .they turned street corners. There are trsaabrs that hundreds have been killed in flghtins In the suburbs: .but I have per sonalty Investigated every such report and learned that there has been a cosipara Uveiy small death roll. ""-Fighting was renewed this .morning. people firing from their houses on the troops in Neveswlat street. "I cannot find a single shop unharmed. All have been plundered, and most of them have been burned. Jewish shops have been the special mark for plunder. "In the Wola district, which Is reputed to bo the most riotous, I found reports much exaggerated, bat the district is held by an enormous body of troops, and has the appearance of an army headquarters. A mob of desperate and hungry women tried to thrust soldiers bayonets astde to get at a bakery. The guard proved good natured and avoided hurting the women. I am accustomed to the scene of misery, but the haggard, starving wretchedness of these women wlB haunt mo to my dying day. "The troops and people had a little pitched battle here, before military rule was established. Even now the slightest weakening of the military would result In an immediate recrudescence of vio lence. Many rioters, who have been ar rested were found to be armed, with long knives and a uniform kind of revolver, confirming reports that the revolutionary party some time ago succeeded in smug gling thousands of revolvers. "The situation on the whole has not im proved. The rioters avoid open conflict, but seize every opportunity to kill ' the troops. Many people are afraid to venture into the streets, but young- women of the lower and middle classes court danger in the worst disturbances, merely for the love of excitement. Food is almost un procurable, and bread is at famine prices. The ambulances are busy day and night. "God help Warsaw!" BOMB CAMPAIGN BEGINS. One for Russian Diplomat, 'Another Thrown at Paris Police. PARIS. Jan. 30. The police early today discovered a supposed bomb with a tube attached, containing a lighted fuse, in front of the house of Prince Troubetskoy, an attache of the Russian Embassy here. The policeman extinguished the fuse and Informed the authorities, who are Inves tigating the affair. The bomb was bottle shaped and of small dimensions. It was filled with a green powder. There were two tubes In the center, one of metal and the other of glass, containing acid. Owing to faulty construction, the acid could not have mixed with the powder, and, as it Is, the bomb could not have done damage. A meeting was held this evening in the (Concluded on Page 4.) CONTENTS OF TODAY'S PAPER The Weather. TODAY'S Generally fair, winds mostly north' easterly. YESTERDAY Maximum temperature. 45 de grees; minimum temperature, S5 degrees; War In the Far East. Nogl's veterans repulse Russians, and Japanese now move to out off Russian leit. Pago 1. Both, armies suffer terribly In blizzard. Page I Kuropatkln ordered to- win battle at any cost. Page 1. " , ;Jafcan "snswers--rpsaia's charge that ihe vES latea uninese neutrality, rage s. All powers agree to respetimtegritytoC-China. , Page 3. . The Octbreak.' ln; Russia. Warsaw the sceuc of terrible-riots. Thousands slain. Pare I. Many drowned at Riga In fleeing from the troopa. Page 1. Etate of siege proclaimed in Polish . cities. Page 1. Provincial council warns Czar to grant free dom or lose- crown. Page 1. Bombs placed against door of Russian diplo mat and thrown a t police in Paris. Page I. Foreign. British furious with Russia for attack on Con sul at Warsaw, and demands explanaUon. Page 2. Russians accuse Britain of Inciting strikes, Page 2. British evidence before North Sea Commission closed. Page 2. National. Senate flxea day for .vote on statehood bill. Page 5. House committees report Klamath Irrigation bill. Page 3. House passes bill ' dividing Washington into- two Judicial districts, and Foster will sup port It. Page 5. Supreme Court unanimously decides against beef trust. Pageil. House committee agrees on bill to regulate railroad- rates. Page S. Arizona likely to be left out of statehood bill. Page 5. Political. Canvass of Denver voteCln Colorado contest shows one-third of ballots to be fraudulent. Page 5. ,, . Presfdent Roosevelt SDeaks on control ot rail. roads and corporations at Philadelphia; oif1 foreign policy and .the Army and Navy at Annapolis. " '.Page, 1. Domestic Federal Supreme Court decides to heae'Harrl man's appeal In mrser--uItXL Page' 4. (Appeal of postofflco boodlera denied., "Page 4. Hocb. the Chicago Bluebeard, captured. Page 3. Commercial and Marine. Northern Securities drops eight points on Su preme Court decision. Page IS. Good demand for cash wheat In the East. Page 15. Advances In barley and wheat at fean Fran cisco. Pare 15. ' 'r Contrabandcargo tcr5i. awaiting steamer. Steamer Oregon goes on San Francisco . run. Page 14. , Pacific Coast. Edwin .Stone, ot Albany, succumbs to In- . Juries and bums received In a Newport, Or., hotel.-. Page 7. Decisions banded down In the Oregon Supreme Court. Page 7. Two Olympia, Wash., saloonkeepers arrested. for running gambling-honsess.. Page 7. rger McintyreJj'iT 'axrestSiaNeV- "S Tork. Paetto CoBatlstetuMS. ' Proceedings In Senate and' House at .Salem. Page 6. Sensational charges against State Senators in uaiuornia. 1'age i. Firemen's pension bill meets opposlUohat Portland and Vicinity. l Liquor license committee recommends- that -' licenses of 23 combination houses In. the North. End be revoked. Page12. ' v Sheriff Word,. wins onY'in fils flgatvagalhs Members of theCounctf agree tOf appropri ate si&uu xor trip tnrougn rjautcJrnia- Page IV Dressed in woman's clothing, masculine robber goes through rooming-house in daylight. Page 11. Two Portland boys gaining scientUlc recogf Ing birds. "Page 14. Dr. Sohannon arrested and charged with practicing- wlthdutj a Ucense. age 10. Police and city detectives, raid ig mitt" establishment ana arrest seven men. Page 11. Olympic games, atr to be held during- Lewis asa v.jar .exposition, jrage 4. Madame Melba. xlvea ovation during her oQsert. Pase 8. S I M1QPBLK Court Condemns Beef Trust IT VIOLATES THE LAW Federal Supreme Court Unanimous on Case. JUSTICE HOLMES1 OPINION Operations of Packers Are-Interstate Commerce AND THEY RESTRAIN TRADE Government Wins Suit on Every Pointer Court Only Suggesting Slight Changes In Injunction " Attorney-General's View. WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. The Suprema Court of the United States today decided the United States vs. Swift & Co., known as the beef trust case, charging conspir acy among the packers to fix sprlces on, fresh mcatj and like products. The opinion was handed down by Justice Holmes and affirmed the decision of the. court below, which was against the pack ers. In his opinion. Justice Holmes discussed at length the various contentions of the packers, and disposed of them individual ly. He admitted that some of the charges were less specific than desirable, but said this was necessarily true on ac count of the vast extent of the field cov ered. He added that, sufficient evldenca. fenBes and a&'ofTefls6'bt- -such a nature the packers under 'the-Sherman aritl-trtutt law by tltcT lower courts' out suggests cerv tain modifications; The opinion watf -concurred In by all the members of the court. What the Charges Were. Summarizing the bill. Justice Holme said: . "It charges a combination, of a dominant proportion of the dealers In fresh meat throughout the United States not .to hid against each other in the livestock mar kets of the different states, to bid up prices for a few days in order-to induce the cattlemen to , send their stock to ih& stockyards: to fix prices at which they will sell and to that end to restrict ship ments of meat when -necessary; to estab lish a uniform rule of credit to dealers and to keep a black list; to make uniform and improper charges for cartage, and finally, to. get less than lawful- rates .from the railroads to the exclusion; ot compet itors." - ' Referring to the allegation of lack- of continuity, in the charges, ha said: "Whatever may be thought concerning the proper construction of the. statute, a bill In equity Is not to be reafl and con strued asan Indictment would have been read" and. construed 100 years ago,, but It is to be taken to mean what it fairly conveys to a dispassionate reader by a fairly ex act use dfiEngllsh speech. Thus read, the bill seenis to us Intended to, allege suc cessive elements of a single connected schemeJ'? " ' ! He disposed of the chargeof, 'multifa Rrlousness'in the followlngplanguager W i-awMppues to tne .rrust , The -scheme, as a. whole -gee ms to us to he wlthfti reach of the law. The constitu ent elements, as.we have stated them are enough togiv& to the scheme a body add, for alUthat we can ..say. to accomplish it. Moreoyer, whaieverwejmay-hikottiern separately, whenjvetake-thenijip as dis tinct charges- they are- alleged" as 'elementa of the.icheme.'-Tft Is ' suggested! 'that fha pever-ctej.charged are lawful and that juiojt'can oiajta no amerence. isut they arer bound together as the parts of a jingle plan. 'The plan may make the parts .unlawful, Intent, is almost essential to jroch a-.conventlonand Is essential to such -aiJLanempi. v cere acts are not -stiff Icient In:limBelves to proauceria) result - whlc n the law seeks to preventfor -instance, the monopoly-but require, furtaei; acts in additIan-fto the roere' forces of Mature toi bring hat result io 'paes, ariUntent a bringr fp'pass isnecssaryi:rorder to-produce a .dangerousprobablllty' that'- it will ' h&ppen.1. VTrust Attempts Monopoly. The combination alleged embraces -re" strafnt And" monopoly of trade within, a .single? state, , .although - ifaeffect; upon, conomerco among; thea'tateer'lan.oi acci dent, secondary) gemote or merely .prob able" ' Speaking further on the question of in terference .wilhijinterstite commerce JifsV tlceolmesisaidjthaiia: charge was made bt a.cbinbInattion of lhaepezuvsnt dealers to restrain ihe competlflonof aajente whfc -ptbchasfr stock 'for' theat'lk the stockyas. '. ' "The purchasers iand their slnghtri ing estaolIshmentB are," he si3,v'Msse Iy in "different-states from, those-of th stock-a"rds, and" the sellersf'".e-f tle. cattle, perhaps; 'It la? Tib I too"rnSchA?te assume,' largely? in different staCw froiav either. ' The- Intent of the eoasMriatfon.; -Ur, not merelv .to' restrict com-dntidirm afwwne- -parflesbuf,;. as we "fcave- said, by" force or the; general allegation at ,thr-ead ot the blili to-md In arj attempt to TnjhiTrD llze commerce among: states S ' -, He added: "Wlsen ;ea.tItie? ar--wt for sale- frdm a place- ln.;pae'at,'w4ff the expectation Jhat they will thw tran-. clt' after purchaser 4n another, and when in effect they" dp so, thk- only' ' lnter- i