V THE MORNING OREtiOXIAS, MONDAY, iJAlvUARY 30, 1905. The "Quality Shop" Tke'Bttttvt Store' $ .5? wsjira Portland's Largest Stare Tkt'Binenut Store- rj 5 5' y dvslffJM Sts. IPEOIAL XOTICE TO "GXAEGE CUSTOMERS" ANY GOODS BOUGHT IN THE STORE ON CREDIT ACCOUNTS, TODAY OR TOMORROW, JANUARY 30 OR 31, WILL BE CHARGED ON FEBRUARY BILLS. SIX-MORE DAYS OP CLEARANCE SALES-SIX PuMicTea Room Secoad Floor. Vaitr tke auspice of Portland Y. W. C A. "Grandma" Muara, Htcsl MENU FOB MONDAY, JAX. 39, m Tju Coffee. CkocoUte. Milk ia Bottles. Cream ef Temato Soup. Fruit. Salad, lira Saadwie&es. Hot Roils. Brraii sad BaMer. Tea Cakes. from $40.00 to Extra! The Street Suits, is regular raises up frotnSllLaO Aher keiw ia the citv ever offered equal qualities. MAGNIFICENT CALLING GOWNS, HALF PRICE. In very latest modes, and beautifully ruumed ia rare, rich laces, velvets and hand embroideries. Here again the immense variety makes letrnptieas f little use Come and select your Calling Gown from the largest stock of superb crea lie that were erer .hown by aay Portland house. Regular values up from $40.00 to $250.00 this wk at HALF PRICE. We prefer our patrons would benefit by this present loss than run risk of damage te the gowna during the department's renovations. A Problem-Its Solution PROBLEM: (Given by the People.) "l!w is it the O. W. & K. Store always has, as tl claims, the best and largest number of REAL bargains of any Portland establishment?" SOLUTION: Largest stores usually have Um is Portland 'a largest store. QUESTION: "When and how did it become lanr.!" ANSWER: Fin-t-In the Fall of 1904, upon I he additios of its five-story, Sixth-street annex budding, with its two additional monster modern pawgfr eleratore. (The only building in the my with five elevators, three exclusively for pau sewger service, making chopping as easy and con rrjucBt en the fourth floor dark in other stores that are as high, and used oaly for storage as on the s&ain floor. I The only Mere in the city using far floors exclusively for kale&rooms, while the Aflk is lightest of all, and occupied by the leading Mail Order IIoue oa the Pacific Coat, sample aud exaxuiBiBg rooms, carpet workrooms and lunch rooms for employes. (A day nursery soon to be added.) Second By doing best store keeping, a4 keeptag eternally at it. A permanent New Yrk effiee, at 43S Broadway, New York, under tke charge f two eagle-eyed, lohg-hesded, shrewd and calculating buyers, who are reinforced twice yearly (frotae go three and four times annually) by twelve of tke cleverest skilled store btryereia tketr respective liar oa tke Coast. No. 2 QUESTION: "Do you get ALL the bar--atasf" ANSWER: Oh, no! No more than a mowing machine gets ALL the long grass in a field. The stragglers, with the old-fabhioned sickle, get a few blades arouud the hummocks and rocks that might dull our big blade to approach but it's mighty jKor grs.s aaa scattering. QUESTION t "Doe the O. W. & K. store own its goods at lower prices than competitors that it can afford to tell for less as it does?" ANSWER: We do. "Reaoa why?" Easiest f all. You've read already a good part of the aaswrr; the rest is in "classic" phrase, a "cinch" -two words, LARGEST OUTLET. Big manu facturers coae ie us with big lots of goods the world's befet. Hundreds and thousands cost less per ait than dozen and scores. We've the outlet -they knew it, and want it. Result, big sales, quick er, little expense and only a broker's profit. We transfer to you on the same plan. Trc medous sales, nominal expense, and satisfied with a fair brokerage. When clean-up time comes we want everything wiped off the board, willing to areept some loss. It's MODERN MERCHANDIS ING -that's aM. Problem solved. QUESTION: "But won't some other store some time leant the solution" ANSWER : Don't know-can 't tell, don't care. Might vesture an pinioa about 2005 A. D. per haps; but by then we'll have had nigh on to 12S years of experience. Good morning. Last Opportunity Sale in the Men's Tog gery Shop Stla-rt Abb ex. First' Flr, A Full Cmb1cc AaMrtatrmt f Meat's Fmr- lktajr at Cicsraac Pliers. MEVD 3Sc SOX FOR 17 r. 3ls m fir black oettea Hom. real combed Mac, una ath pMed feel and double aeles. full reg ular mtule one ef ettr very bt bete at Sic; spe rial Clre Rale prtc. ike pair. ........... .17e E-V S4kr MLK HANDKERCHIEFS FOR SSc. Aa OTMtlrrti sew Itae of zaea's fcnoy Stlk Handker Mefa. the trl i te laad at tke regular price. Hf, pUl at. eiu-h . , 33e J JO iHIHTX. WOKTII $1jM TO FOR -. A broken Kmc ma Golf Shirt, coed pattern. Ottr 51 aad 51 2t values. pvcil Clearance priee. ra eoc MR.V 2S- HAt'DKEKCUIKFK FOR A e4 ( mHi' Hbni hrtssttteaed Handker- aw miii f Ksrd9aa Maea. Our Sic value: Mrial af. e-a . 1M MUX'S I'KDBKWKAK, UOKT1I $L3S. FOR 37r. 0r of s&ea Derby ribbed eottea Under- 'r. tae futsou tHaley makr. In aaedlura weight. wH French aek aa4 well Oaisbed. lu eeru only. or 5t r value: plat Clearaaee price each.. 87c KKS 3 l .VnnRHXAR FOR Sr. 944- Xrrb rtlbed hiob fleece I'nderwear. iu tVrti r. aa -xrH-m garment Oar Mc value; pHt a tac tra-naeat aac MJ7A Mr.tTTJ, WORTH TO X0O, FOR $I.CW. KM fait regular made worsted Sweaters, in plain . akmr wr 1mnry effects. Values fa the lot up to 52: -mi t s-t $LM Mf H1'ATKRS, WORTH TO flM, FOR $17 Mf- ai-rc: :wfwters. la plaia eelan. black. waste v MttA cardlaal Owr 51 8 value; spe .l ilearaacc twice, tstwk . $17 1 MitI.lL FOR THE LITTLE CHAPS. Calldrcs'a Kail Jackets. Worth $1,341 for Sc. jl Haw mt roUdren a military, hand-knit Jackets, in aat eaiiet sn4 arcea and scarlet a roost rfffertsMe lle esnnmi for the little feliowa. Owr l value rpctia! each tsSe I.EATHBR COOtMt AT CLEARANCE PRICE5. AH of ar lpatter Co4s sura as Suit Cases. Lafh- r grts Hags u . irora lor cnrpri iu mr vcr lrfs Ail at peell Clearance sale prices PORTLAND'S LARGEST, FOREMOST GARMENT STORE FOR WOMEN GRAND SALONS SECOND FLOOR. OPERA WRAPS AND GOWNS FOR THE GREAT MELBA EVENT TONIGHT AT THE MARQUAM. A Remarkable Sale of Magnificent Gowns and Superb Wraps at the Cost of Ordinary Street Garments! Today Only! Today! OPERA WRAPS AND EVENING COSTUMES AT HALF PRICE OR LESS, TO CLOSE. And the sale is particularly timely from the fact that it coaies -jfcherinp in the appearance of the great Melba at the Marquam Grand tonight. The magnificent models and wraps occupy drawers in fixtures that are to be dis carded for newer and more modern ones the coming season. A bit of lace or embroidery torn or any slight damage caused 'by moving would ruin their sale with us, so we'll take no chances. We'll sell, these precious jewels from their present caskets and afford our clientele opportunity to provide themselves with a magnificent Gown or Wrap at price far less than cost in every instance. CHOOSE FROM ANY OPERA OR EVENING GOWN OR WRAP IN THE HOUSE regular value S230.00-AT ONE-HALF PRICE, AND MANY FOR Extra!! Extra!!! A Gigantic, Sweeping, Final Wind-Up Sale of Women's Suits and Calling Gowns at It Starts Today! Every Suit and Every Calling Gown in the House Included! HALE PRICE! to 125.00, at prices already lower than any : This closing week of clearance at HALF PRICE KIANNELETTE GOWNS. Gowns Worth $1.50 for 70c. Women's flannelette Nightgowns of very Rood qual ity. In solid colors and stripe?, made Mother Hub bard yoke and other styles and trimmed with em broider)'. Our 51.50 value; special at, cach....79e KNIT SKIRTS. Skirls Worth fl.00 for 50c KhU Skirts f r women, of good quality, in plain colors er fancy stripes, cardinal, navy blue or pink. Our J 1-60 value; special Clearance price, each..39e BLACK UNDERSKIRTS WORTH $5.50 AND $5.75 l'Oll X49. Ladle Petticoat, made of fine black merccrired fatten and Italian cloth, with deep . circular flounce, trimmed with four stitched bands of Ilk moreen, xome made with deep knife plaiting; and small ruffle?. Our 55.50 and 55.75 values: special Clearance price, each $3.40 CLEARANCE PRICES ON FINE CORSET COVERS AND DRAWERS. Second Floor. Corset Covers, Worth aXSO, for $2J7. French Corset Covers, made of fine quality of nain sook, full front style, with circular yoke, trimmed with very dainty Valenciennes Lace, beading and rlbon, some trimmed with fine embroidery. Our J 2.50 value: special Clearance sale price. ca.$2-S7 Nainsook: amd Cambric Drawers, Worth ?2JSO and $2.75 for $2.09. Ladles Drawers, made of fine quality nainsook and cambric, and trimmed with tucks and deep flounce of cluny lace and embroidery beading; others are trimmed with nundsome embroidery edge; ever' pair In the lot Is worth from 52.50 to 52.75. Special Clearance price, the pair..: $2.00 Last Opportunity Sale of Helps for Housekeepers, Rooming House Managers, Hotel and Restaurant Polk. Shrewd Pro viders Won't Miss tke Chances on 3d and 4th Floors the Last Weelc of Clearance. Here's nn event for housekeepers and prospec tive ones to celebrate. It's not safe to wait longer. Just glance over this list and stock up this week for a year or more ahead. It'a 00i practical economy. Third Floor Housekeep ing Aids. WRINGERS. Wood frame Wringers, guaranteed two years; spe cial, each .-. $1.78 Wood frame Wringers, guaranteed three years; spe cial, eaoh $20 Iron frame Wringers; special, each. $1.13 A fine line of guaranteed Wringers, Pots and Iron Sets at, 'special, each . . , SSc WHITE ENAMEL Vi ARE. Scven-tsca Dishes, each eight-inch Dishes; each Nine-inch Dishes. Pudding special. 13c Pudding special, .....14c Pudding special, 17c Mixing. special. 35c eaon Ten-lneh Bowl; each . Twelve-lacn Bowl; each Mixing special. .37C spe . Sc 4 -pint Mug. eiai.eacn -pint Mug; r-pe- ciaL esch 10c lxi pint Mug; special, eacn 15c Bowls and Pitchers: special, pair 82c House Hammer?: special, each 9c Upholsterers Hammers; special, each....- 6c Black Satin Stove Polish, no Just; special can, ea.l7e STANDARD Al PLATE ON WHITE METAL, GUAR ANTEED. Teaspoons. iet ef six; special, set -49c Dessert-Spoen, set of six; special, set SSc Tablc-Spoons, set of six; special, set 88c Forks, set of six: special, set 8Sc ColJ Meat Forks: special, set 27c Sugar Spoons; special, set 2Sc Gravy Ladles, special, set.... .. SSc TO LESS. COATS HALF PRICE. In order to make the the Coats. In everyvRety anil"style Raincoats included. For one week, to close, positive and final, you may select any coat in the house at HALF PRICE. And we guarantee every regular price to he lower than equal by any Portland house and yet this week you divide that price and save half. WATCH FOR THE GREAT SENSATIONAL SPECIALS of the week in this section. If prices will do it, we're going to clear the racks and tables bare to the walls. Last Opportunity Sale of Women's Undermuslins Skirts, Etc, Infants' and Children's Wear, Corsets and Art Goods ANNEX. SECOND Fl.OOn. Last Week of the January Wiijte Fair "We might extol the virtues of this unseen apparel forever and excite hut mild interest at best. We're going to take a short cut, however, to popular favor, and make price so attractive that it will positively prove irresistible. "We're ready to demonstrate that we have values that are unroatchablc. Every woman recognizes the merit of well-made, specially selected garments, and in these it will be more appreciated after having worn them. ODD LINES SAPPHIRE CORSETS AT HALF. The Sapphire is the very best of Itoyal Worcester Corsets. These corsets combine grace and comfort, and are made of the finest material in black Italian cloth, white Imported coutillc and silk batiste. In blue and pink and boned with the best quality of whalebone. Following; are the numbers Included In the sale, all at HALF PRICE. No. 92 Regular value 515.00; special, pair S7.T.0 No. 93 Regular value. 513.00; special, pair $&50 No. 44 Regular value 513.00; special, pair tsjso No. 4S Regular valui 512.50; special, pair s-S.'ZT o. 47 Regular valfT, 512.00; special, pair 76.00 No. 42 Regular value. 510.00; special, pair SS.OO No. .16 Regular value. 59.50; special pair S4.T, No. 74 Regular value. 58.50; special, pair No. 91 Regular value, 57.50; special, pair $3.7; No. 55 Regular value. 56.50; special, pair $35 BRAIDS AT HALF PRICE. In the Art Shop Annex, Second Floor. A large assortment of rickrack and novelty Braids. regular values 6c to 6oc; special, just HALF PRICE 3c to SSc KNIT SHAWLS AT ONE-THIRD PRICES. OFF REGULAR Shawls made of Shetland floss, both square and cir cular In shape, in black only. Values from 51.90 to 54.00. nt one-third off. or, each 67c-3.00 CHILDREN'S WOOL DRESSES AT HALF PRICE. Children's pretty Wool Dresses. In cashmere, serges, cheviots, etc, here In all the wanted styles and colors, sizes from 2 to 14 years. Priced from $1.50 to 520.00; special at 75c-$10.00 or just nair price. NEW COLONIAL BRILLIANT CLEAR GLASS. Water Pitchers: special, each 52c Water Tumblers; special, dozen 73c Tea. Salad or Berry Bowls; special, each 10c Fruit Saucers Oil or Vinegar Jugs; special, each 18c Pickle Jars; special, each '. 10c Sherbets: special, dozen 75c Mayonnaise Bowl and Plate: special, dozen...... 50c Footed Jellies: special, each loc Syrups; special, each 35c A large assortment of Table Glassware. DINNER SETS. Haviland China Dinner Sets. 105 pieces In fet: spe cial, eacn .- $23.75 Austrian China Dinner Sets, full gold finished and traced. 100 pieces In set; special, set $17.85 Dressmakers' Needs and Every Day Utensils at Penny-Saving Prices Flrst-Fleor Sections. Von save the pennies and any old bank will save the dollars for you. Here's an Olds, Wort man fc King recipe for getting pennies haclc In change that nay save too dollars ere you leave the store at the LAST OPPORTUNITY SALE. 6c SAFETY PINS 4e. Best quality, large size, nickel-plated Safety Pins, one dozen on card. Reg. value 6c; special, card. 4c 15c PIN BOOK 10c. Pin Book contains 144 assorted sizes, black or white, solid head, steel belt pins. Regular value 15c; special, each 10c 10c WIRE HAIR PINS 5c. Black heavy wire Hair Pins, one dozen in package. Regular value 10c: special, package 5c DRESS SHIELDS, 15c, 17c AND 18c. White nainsook covered, ventilating Dress shields: Size No. 2 Regular value 20c; special, pair 15c Size No. S Regular value 22c; special, pair 17c Size No. 4 Regular value 25c; special, pair 18c 15c PEARL BUTTONS 9c. White pearl shirt Buttons, small size. 4 holes. 2 dozen oa card. Regular value 15c; special, card. 8c 10c BUTTONS 5c. White agate underwear Buttons, medium size. 4 holes. 6 dozen on card. Regular value 10c; special, card .r. ...5c 15c WHISK BROOMS 10c. All sizes Whisk Brooms. Regular value 15c; special. each t loc. 25c CAMPHOR 15c. Oriental Camphor. Reg. value 25c; special, box.. 15c 5c TOOTHPICKS 2c. Quill Toothpicks, large size. Regular value 5c; special, package 2c TOILET SpAP, 3 CAKES FOR 10c. Clear glycerine Toilet Soap. Regular value 3c; special. 3 cakes 10c 15e SOAP 10c. Tar, oatmeal and glycerine Soap. 3 cakes In box. Regular value 15c; special box 10c 10c DRESSING COMBS Sc. Metal-back horn Dressing Combs. Regular value 10c: special, each - 6c 10c FINE COMBS 6c. Black, hard rubber Fine Combs. Regular value 10c; special, each 6c S5c HAIR BRUSHES 59c. Extra quality hard rubber Hair Brushes, backs warranted not to warp. Regular value 85c; spe cial, each fic clearance more comnlete. we shall also include LADIES' BOSTON SHOPPING BAGS 28c AND 30c. Boston Shopping Bags. Regular 73c value; special. to close 2c Regular 90c values: special, to close, each 30c POMADE JARS 15c TO $1.50. Pomado Jars, sterling silver tops Regular 23c values; special, each 13c Regular 75c values; special, each ." t....45c HAIR BRUSHES $1.25 TO $2.18. Regular 52.50 values: special, each $L50 Hair Brushes, sterling silver back Regular 52.19 values: special, each $1.25 Regular 53.69 values: special, each $2.00 Regular 53.95 values; special, each $2.19 75c BONNET BRUSHES 40c. Sterling silver Bonnet Brushes, with long. line, white bristles. Reg. value 75c; special, cach..4Ic $10.00 HAND MIRRORS $650. Hand Mirrors, sterling silver back, large size, extra heavy. Regular value 510.00: special. cuch..$&50 25c WRITING PAPER 15c. One pound package ruled white writing paper, 120 sheets, Regular value 25c; special, package.. 15c JOc PAPER NAPKINS 5c. Paper Napkins, white, with colored border. Regular value 10c per 100; special, per 100 5c 15c WRITING PAPER Oc. Box white Writing Paper. 24 sheets and 24 envel opes, plain or ruled. Regular value 15c; special, box 3C 15c GLUE 11c. Best quality Le Page's Liquid Glue, in tin cans. Regular value 15c; special, can ' lie 10c LIBRARY PASTE Oc. Library Paste, in tubes, with brush tips. Regular value 10c; special, each 6c SAFETY" GARTER PURSES. $1.19 AND $1.48. Safety Garter Purses, for money and jewels Regular 51.S5 value; special, each $1.19 Regular 52.25 value; special, each $1.49 LADIES' HAND BAGS. Uand Bags. In real walrus leather, leather lined, with inside fittings Regular 57.00 values: special, each $5.00 Regular 5S.00 values: special, each $6.00 Regular 511.00 values; special, each $.oo Regular 512.00 values: special, each $.oo Regular 515.00 values; special, each $12.00 Important Clearance Specials Prom the Pourth-FIoor Stores BLANKETS. These Blankets are of Oregon white fleece wool; with pink or blue borders, all of them extra nualitiess. 2ur 5H2 va"; special Clearance price, pair.. $3.75 Our 56.00 value; special Clearance price, pair.. $4.75 Our 5 i.OO value: special Clearance price, pair. .$5.65 THE FA3IOUS "OLDS, WORT3IAN & KING" ' Sewing Machines $21 FOIt SEW ING MA CHINES WORTH $27.75. These "Machines are made with cabinet or gold en oak, five drawers, drop head. swell front, h I g a arm and are ball - bearing, arc guaranteed to give satis faction. Our 527.73" value: special Clear ance price, each $21 .00 SEWING MA CHINES WORTH $24 FOR $10. These machines are made with quarter-sawed oak cabinet, hox ton hle-h with live drawers and ball-bearing. Our 524 value:1 special clearance price, eacn?-. $19.00 SEWING MACHINES WORTH $21 FOR $17. Exactly the same as above, save that they are made witn three drawers instead of five. Our 521 value: special Clearance price, each $17.00 Clear ance H Sale of Portieres A fine assort' meat of hand some Por tieres, lint only one or two pairs of n kind. AH go at Clearance d rices. Our 51.75 value: special Clearance price, pair. .$ 1.25 Our 52.50 value; special Clearance price, pair. .$ 1.75 Our 52.75 value; special Clearance price, pair. .$ ljxr, Our 54.50 value; special Clearance price. pair..$ 3an Our 53.50 value; special Clearance price, pair..? Our 56.50 value: special Clearance price. pair..$ 4-15 Our 57.50 value; special Clearance price, pair..$ 55 Our 5S.50 value; special Clearance price, palr..$ 5J)5 Our 59.50 value; special Clearance price, pair..$ C.65 Our 510.00 value; special Clearance price, pnir.$ 7.00 Our 511.00 value; special Clearance price, pair. 8 7.75 Our 512.00 value; special Clearance price, pair.$ SAO Our 513.50 value: special Clearance price, pair.s 0.45 Our 515.30 value; special Clearance price, pair.SlOJM) Our 520.00 value: special Clearance price, pair. $14.50 Our 525.00 value: special Clearance price, pair. 518.00 Our 535.00 value; special Clearance price, pair. $23.00 BIG REDUCTIONS DURING THE CLEARANCE SALE ON CORDED ARABIAN LACE CURTAINS. Our $3.75 value; special Clearance price, pair..$ Our 54.50 value; special Clearance price, pair. .$ 3.75 Our 55.50 value; dpecial Clearance price, pair..$ 4r0 Our 56.50 value: special Clearance price, pair. . 5 5!f Our 57.50 value; special Clearance price. pa!r..$ 6.00 ARABIAN AND RENAISSANCE LACE CURTAINS. A line of beautiful Arabian and -Renaissance Lace Curtains, best qualities and handsome patterns and designs. All go at Clearance sale prices. Our 56.00 value: special Clearance price, pair. .$ 4.50 Our 57.50 vnlue; special Clearance price, pair. .$ 5.25 Our 5S.50 value; special Clearance price. pair..$ .oo Our 59.50 value; special Clearance price, pair. .$ 6.75 Our 511.00 value; special Clearance price, pair.$ 7.75 Our 512.50 value; special Clearance price, pair.$ 8J0 Our 514.50 value; special Clearance price, pair.$l025 Our 515.00 value: special Clearance price, pair. $16.75 Our 516.00 value; special Clearance price, pair. $11.40 Our 517.50 value; special Clearance price, pair. $12.75 Our 521.00 value; special Clearance price, pair. $1625 Our 527.00 value: special Clearance price, pair. $19.50 Our 535.00 value: special Clearance price, pair. 24.50 mm - f' The Slaughter Sale of Second Floor. We've always taken pride In our Christmas Book store, and now wc nuint give up even that, for even with the largest store In the -titponitlon City." we find wc cannot ncaln conjicIentloiiHly take need ed Npare from other departments for the Book Store. So until wc build npaln a year hence wc niUHt do without n book store, even at Christmas and the books are being ruthlessly sacrificed. The book man Is at your service, with ail the wisdom of the owl. He lias knowledge arid fun for ail creation nt his elbow. There's books for everybody here, anil the children's corner Is JoIIIest of nil. There's brightness, snap and beauty in the hooks, and there's hookx for xclentists and theologians. Books for everybody, at leas than cost of prlntinc: in ninny cases. We're denning: out the book stocks, and It's, )thc hook lover's chance to secure gems nt the price of paste. Temporary hook quarters, second floor, near Washington-street clevntor. WEBSTER'S NEW CENSUS The new census edition, published in 1901, In leather, indexed, contains 1500 illustrations, an appendix or 10,060 new words, supplemented with new dictionaries of biography, "synonyms, antonyms, nom dc plumes, foreign phrases, ab breviations. Regular value 52.73; special. each $1.39 WEBSTER'S $35 DICTIONARY' $1.79. Webster's I'nabridgcd Dictionary, half bound In leather, contains 3000 illustrations, appendix and supplement of 10.000 new words, together with' Lossing's History of the United States. Regular value 53.25: special $1.79 LEATHER, BOUND BOOKS. S5c Books 49c. Classics, in prose and poetry, bound in green ooze calf, with gilt top, deckle edge, illustrated and boxed. Publisher's price 51.25; our regular value 83c; special ...49c OSc Books 49c. Dainty birthdav books, bound in ooze calf, gilt edge, embossed design, illustrated with colored plates, quotations from poets at head of each page. Reg ular value 98c; special 49c 60c Books 30c. A line of classics, in both phrase and poetry, bound fn limp leather, gilt top. Regular value 60c; special 30c $1.00 Books 50c. Leather-bound books. In ooze calf, with gilt top. in cluding naked truths and Veiled Allusions, Don'Ls for Boys, the Love Letters of a Coquette, the Wisdom of the Foolish. Regular value 51; special 50c or Half Price 30c Books 19c. ' Librarv nf standard authors, bound in rich, dark red library: binding, with gilt top; contains the best works of the world's most famous authors. Reg ular value 30c; special 19c $i.00 Bibles 69c. Sunday school teachers' Bibles, divinity circuit, leather binding, notes, references, concordance, subject Index, dictionary or Bible names. 32 illus trations of scenes In the Holy Land, colored maps and many helps to the study of the Bible. Reg ular value 51.00; special - 69c 60c Humorous Books 39c. Large clothlbound books, over 400 pages, numerous illustrations, selections from the world's best humorists, including remarks by BUI Nye, Mark Twain. Josh Billings. Eli Perkins. Artemus Ward. Eugene Field and others. Regular value 60c: special, each - ...-.39c 50c Books for Boys 33c. Our best line of boys' books, many copyrighted, stirring, interesting, moral in tone, well bound in cloth, with fancy cover design, painted edges. In cluding the woll-known boys' authors. Ellis. Otis. Winefrcd. Bonchlll and the Jack Harkaway series. Regular value 50c; special, each..... 33c 13c Books 9c. Our standard library of classics, both prose and poetry, bound in linen cloth. Our very best 13c grade: each Oc Handy Pocket Dictionary. Handv Pocket Dictionary, cloth bound, self-pro-" nounclng. indexed: gives correct spelling and def inition of 50,000 words: also a manual of usetui 'information. Our regular 15c value: special... 8e 75c Books 55c. Edition of noets. bound In padded leather, witl title in sold, and ornamented in gold, lnclndine the world's leading poets. Whittier. Wadsworth. Schiller. Proctor, Hugo. Pope. Keats. Burns and others. Regular vaiue iac; special, eacn osc DICTIONARY $1.39. bound