THE MORXiyfe. OREGPNlAy, HONS AY, -JAOTARY; 30, 1&05. IX -KAacTxm-tsx asnxetsnc jtewK xk e tL w iTrill,n t . JfaM wu' Bw. y-C f 3 tr httg, JWlUs. PC- TIIH COLONIAL A HELECT FA MILT HO- "" "" '" 1111 ''' " KICK. LARGE ROOM. WITH GOOD WAJmO--KXCfcLXAXt2UCa. r!. KT Steady gentlemen, separate . fbn: $6 Jt week, no rsle we tat tc utcurmr cjlxu riucm inn la 173 E 7lfc- corner seeiiac-fcasag toraMnrr or aytiag yv 1 TUr mDECU NEW PAMJLT HOTElT . t Market, brt.rco 3 uC 41b. K4ertrie light VtU. t4AXJ eiULL eUL FLOS It TO JV" XUla baths, elegant oul- t ::r-JVt' emiex. tabu. vry low mea tf4- acaa&f6. AAdrtu Q 72- Or rnm . .-, tpt-rr . mil an A4 good. TU ZmJir tS tL Z. hM llaoi. 117. xx cftatv: bAot x-rlas mH Can at tie M MMil MAS tisa uto UAuroux rr. be ax hckxa setij 7ajU. fatt. x txJt m. w au. rws peao hobsbs axo cat. 1 fEW LA3TOB HOTBU BwsTcs Ji lMtf ftefcta a fcctia. tB fct m4 Saler. ftla tr V rucVa. Jm Mk. 7t u St jr day: aelI rats fry wL iCASiC cbla MMi sar Is i mim. Cxwr t& a&C 'ajCMSX sta. us KsBsrsa, wsnagw. . !ac, rep. We UXMTJUIJK. SftM, T, BET. TAT. W- sd hlwt u Uck aauih BO Tbcatar. s-r trtcic tn.rtatoig. lcaMtjr tur- tl tC enld vatar ta mb. (raasJs bath. rw wuk pnwis rrtMs fisc-ii ad tep-. 4n fra -. Y ajk Ukllu f rW fr mm s fw. ac mm nilr wr ta saat up m. su i4fss( 2T St Us . siaar Taw uaiiaxt rm-HMMoi. mouur 1 Wt K dM4t4. n THK KH3CMKMC-KJfit. B, TH. XEAK AA N fc4cfc tNriUs&C CaAtlr fBUbd i. acUn Ut was. 4 TTE OK XlSWS.r FV XaMJfMUS KOOXa. I V7zr. jt.t r.,r: " r vr:'-rr a :.m c v -a-. . -. . u . . I THE COCXOtL SL E. COU TM AKD atOK f".. iws-Kit reesa la tlo dtr; sxax srK cScm a&C day. rate (X (s- Sk aa4 u. U rsiitttg b&tt; (1 ajr. rctt mtxtTim. utua ixm mhe TA or MiWim stort E Tasr. r ls. iwMtiie -wu,m-uteumiM . ka m U ad IU M imu uutmrm -rvaaeumx iknmmi. aod . atrajp saaA Hwao Mud OX. AKtCKKl -JCKW1.T 1 jwsorvs ta- r.i varr mookmk w.min a a4e&jtT TMr BU. 7M-WAHtWraN PfMMT in'MKkHHKIs Fl a. M4 -1ULA.IWAXT F" IMKrT-dWUL MATH. lAUMTTItai UbOorT OSLT $C -MK MONTK HWTT Or TWO gud utcnliM rMu tiu gtv atora. e - SI -r rt:mmu ntxm iiurAnc rd. 4( Xt HT leAHKKT LAJWE letHsME. rHiT i ; mi, urn mtn- i TMB t s W-T KTMNlktMCMI rWAtCT N&M 1 h mm or rnMTK tuotrm motw. -f K .'2.-! tn i saint to IraA. I at -w-tm fk a4 Atter r ' 1 W liSe , AX4MBB sir ZSSLal I ' MKaT. "" I Mr' ".J'.J0 ' osaaoae Bur -. jsfcn f ' sos ta oar. ta nw ! jaasst M I lm ssm m.. vkak tatlon kb kmont wae. or mm. j wijioo wmmi sU IsismH t-a ismo Md r sdni mmim mlsm to uer. Mar ate ' l w J ill in SMilirm fwrmn ., Sl M PtWMM MSJX MM - t ! si-fc X Ha, I MMMMW - KItWLr tT-WMMMlMi. ?' - d. K d..i-d S6 tam at, M MuUutw XAJStmBK. Wit li-Lri. j 1' f s-fcAf ifa- wmc naimi i I " - ',in JLill '" -w i t AaAMHA. rrnnrai-iim itn mi""i77i7I lt W 1 -:rijru "r blm "-- I ; uas I I ' UTtr n KVseMttuu mouk ! rnjoit rn - -e .r .r J r i CC Horary: WaKiB im. . w AaaWi Kawg, sugertatenaeat. tip FUrfiTii . ELf9?NT. WTHDB ROOilJS. STEAM HE.iT : Mw w.v' ' v".. 'Vv linoen PStlXMI 1I 11th t , near ' """"". wia car u&ea, Tamhlti st. with UarC. hot and otd aur. 1-?.X'L HOOiSB WITH HOARD. PRI. KKO.fT KOOU: ALSO sivm v riau. FOR ltBXT-4-ROOM Fl"RNXBJED KLAT -' WoodsUwk or Rlehmend Hne. HJW 8IBK XI4 GRANT ST.. COR. 7TH-.-ff1 r haMment. p- EblL. ELBOAXTI-V BURNISHED. xJ,M?i'Si?VN",lC1,BO flat or .-yJLT '" ANU UN 1'? O-yOOVTA 1ST I7TTJ ST- NEAR Ti. ' tJ- tomUhed apart, f .1 ,uu rf i 8 and 4 ro3; botaad f ftit water; raa raare in urk vu.. U Boor. ukok heaitikix hoous with . -. . - - ' e arse yard, ail n- fair . . I , i" .. . eSii.ITSt "HRT "" AND EVER- V?2?"J? ,B private blth. ,VIm 7T e. reseeeaoe apartmeMf, 1 - - iuwa oravestenee. 1, ffUoao, ftest briak btook on lus Laas ate ytcc UaUn SSex H.A.2FZy,'U "E HANDSOMEI.T J Ak 4(1 ra 411 Uk . . met curePKnt k tubes wt housekeeptnc prh-- f rKK M4AKTH-3 ROOMS FURNISHED fai1nc wtt water, vhese. wod- aad lo4t a T.t.-.. -t-- ilL yt;KXg ROOMS. K INGLE OR aw aad tah: scasoaabie rent 776 GMsan VVKNtKHCD HOCSBKECPINa SUITES- S3 siHfc. oar. CoidJtaRh and i'm-i avea. rLi."! Jff Cr"5 V -Fireproof rfT. and eieetrtrtty; fur- Uhd boosekxytec autta. aad .laCl. rWrci. THE 11 " '" Museaerptax rooms, raa lk. I 10 J3S pr nthV 'ntiUy0--'-il UAKCK- LIUT HOOJ1S J K2uaLI "i '"ARLORfi. WBLL FUR. ba. kuMa. JiarrUoa sc 11 T K11 W"K-LAnOE. CLEAN FUR. bah. im Sfcerman. sear Front. 4!..gAt?KT- UHOKMH.KTK.Y FUR. 5f!?f ertif . od and cas Pt JCVleJMKD KOCKHKKRllva rM T"tfKrz.Kt-t- rtrRNHK housekiiep- 3 JSO.TH ST. NICELY FURNISHEn a ca-eepsBC atrtneats; Msbt front - r MUB dO. JTK LARB HOOVff. NHULT FURNISH. ! e w. u, kUehtil eSil iltfc SC ay arwMyuKt oppotrrTB nrv hall- ViT. wy i.ry. .-j11 f:i ' ,h : snwtw. 17TM - HH-KKi:iC-lNa MOOti Artsss OIKAl-MPT OOOD FURN1S4IDD unfair swti. SMyu- ftark. nioblt mR-sriiiR umuc . :- italn sLTTeat MV.r ? 1 tgSS i?' tk " - UN'FI-H.V tenia Hooijf:. rART OP . bah. Phone 1TTH. rvtK rt -tiKiicTo "ftlll"" rl4r. rt ltNMHKO hot M-KBiCr5- , W2 f-r wta fre-t.K x. j ". "Vf? rs aC MadiMJO-Houae. W-?. UOHT HOOSCXREPLVG PRIV- . &r" berd. - Hit. n.srJeS. LiCWl. MiC 1PT11 KT SRi.ncr Ur rniiiiig-taM-. Pkoas Main 4S3C NHTCLT PURNIBHED HraisBirvBiMvn 1464 riocZ 1 FIKstleaHsXU H M "fEK RRPIN4S SC1TE MTthHar SrM.rtaM 2A4. eth st 7L to ia ix HEAJrr w TtL.Z?. TJ.' 4W Can at , V ysMl: t nywairr, XHAL a. WOODWAXD. 4 STiBir t 1 &U and tassrasceL PjMtae Mala $45. 4 ADMINtTRAT(Mt OF WTitm ! $4 AltOtjM MOUSE. UN FAVIKV c- t r fwraMuir far sale. p! s-i ai Tr. jEfgVJ TRANSFHR CO PROMPT AND Mam itaa. egio. m n. ad st. -" TlATi! AND OOTTACiBi T id- - asm! TrW IC.T AN FLAT ' W 444. MOtMCRN w tt M4 Tarter I '"M 04"K-N MOU8K ON 1KXD ' hM,.M4. Ulk w tW U aad Taster. rastorc N ht- COTTAAE; tat. as-Crn lawemtlair: -IHeitN KUUM CUTTAUK. W K HAH- Mals 46i kkxt 4 ho-vi hie at ur ran T BrT t ROTM HOf 5E S E Cwa FOR FOK KENT. BOBM. WHAT'S THE MATTRn iirvnOr nrifcri: " If you go and have I. Gcvurtr & Son ta mill arMUa lulo m. . They "111 place you rltht. and with a Rood ?- J"r ?ny th of Umc. 171-173 1st - own iram j to t i if. I,JJf: ARil IX 'EB OK GOOD HOCSKJ-, to us and we wUl mto yH or uf""K arouse, i. Gevurtr sew. lil 1st st. OLD, OUn-ROOM HOUSE. WITH BARN f. ?.rT'lcr; orehanS: 30th aad lUwthcne Cbaattt. iwrattaer. Chamber FOH RENT SCOW .r-,,- pl sorae furniture. lIartLand "- " Mmro due. 1'Bose JOaln 100S. FornlabeJ Iloaso. COMPLETELT FURNISHED B-ROOU COT 'r. m jsiiwood. rer rent Feb. 3. 100 fm frsra car line. Isqnlre or ewarr. Madden. isL 'rsi ana Aiaer iu., oadfeltews' ! FL'RNISHEn TtniTKT! np a nnnuc m-rr rtvldrace txlrnborhood. ast Side; cheap ta parties' without children, who wilt slve heuso aw eare; snap, call SCO Ban Rafael. IX)WER rXOOR OP COUPLTrri?t.v tn-n Blshed house to nartlrs without MMrn "5 Cherry st three blocks north of Steel imu(r. s. JiouEKX S-ROOII IWSE. NICELT ioim.TO. in eenirai ana astrabte loct fl-FlVE-ROOM COTTAGn. WITH BATH larce ram and Irult trees. 4Kth nj v ari inquire at 4-ith and lABelment. JABelmea COTTAGI rooms, bath; reasonable to -desirable tenant. jwobi i. Jtuisey dm;. yn n?-'T"TrVIiXISHRD 8-RO03I HOUSE. w"7-i amsc. itatains & Co.. T-ROOM MODERN H'JE ON THE EAST Side; JIj per menu V. Schmld. 100 NICEI.Y Fl'RNIRHEn Hmur xmn orvr '''J rrounds; cood location: Moplc from can FOR RENT FURNISHED 9-ROOM HOUSE. XTooses for Rent Fnmltare for Salts. NEW FURNITURE MOnnnv annnu mi ner house, bajvment. furnace, moderate rent: PhL. t? ,?WAfor TOO: erms. E-ROOM FLAT. MODBRN. RENT $10. NEW "l ire raooer tsan price asked. 600. Hatfield & Smith. HSt 4th it.. roomS VAN HORN TRAXSran f nrr v- -c-r-i nltnre and Pnof moved with icreivest care. " iio, u.ico ij; aiars: iu OOOI) Fl'RNITURn OF AX T;iRrr.rvn bousa for sale; will trad for a suburban riir. j'nene rient 1113. I T J-80 "-TSIDE ROOMS SUITABLE FOR 1 4 fanuIlM Bn' ! 1 1 mm. w . : ' . :r . . . : . " .7 ' w',lP 1 rut reason. yURKlTl'RE 6-ROOM COTTAGE FOR SALE. for rent all new. 23 Grand avel -"- i FURNITURE 7-ROOM FLAT FOR SALE 1 cheap If sold at once. 2C 14th. cor. Tavlor FURNISHINGS OF S-ROOM HOUSE FOK pale; price $250. rent J25. 3SS 7th. FINE LARGE STORK TOR brvt nt lease; near ear. 7th and WiintA t dtodar oslr. B 07. OrecoBiaa. rS?JlSNTJ3-.S? ft" ,lnle room In 8r. eiasa brlek building, centrally located. For Information address S S3, OreroBtan. OKES FOR RENT 2I AND SALMON. AP. plr Sto Mohawk bide. OfSccs. A LARCE HALL; ALSO sample rooms for rent bide. Inquire at elevator. OFFICE AND at Goodnousb FJ5 RENT-PART OF LARGE OUTSIDB ofsce. well furaUBtd. 324 Chamber of Com aeroa. Wlnterand Snmrrrr T:esorts. nJ'EL MOORE. CLATSOP BEACH. SEA. sits, will bs open durtnc Fall and Winter. a PERSONAL. GREAT SPECIALIST COMING X)R. W AU. rustu Pratt. II. 8. M. D.. the world fanMHH American taee SpecUlUt of New York and Cak-afo. will positlveijr treat all defeeu of ?lat?- "r wrlnVlc and all facial Wem lehos by his celebrated Immediate process, for " i-oniano. commencing: Febru. fii' H.-uL,f 5, M- Srtllnc.Hlweh bvtldtnir. Washincton. bet. Weal Park and loth sta. Advance encairenienu made at rooms K and S3, same bulldiruc. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE NEW INST I. tuie. reatted. fully equipped for all classes of work performed at John Woodbury's. New y"-r work done at beaie. Dr. A. L. Neldca the world's beauty king, meth ods emptoyed by Axa Holmes-Rlbbeclte. the only graduate plastic surgeon and dermatol cglst on thU Coast. Portland's best physl clan for reference. arlors. 34 Morrison. WOMEN WAXTRn vl'l.-t.-i.-rTx-- vt.n.. trrcguiar. painful or stoppages, leucorthea " nd all dlseaies of women, old or VS?: fi.y old Dr. Kessler. 234, Vam- 4 nao. ur. x'rivste walllng-rooia Consultatlin free. Call or write. DISEASES OF MEN GONORRHEA. GLEET. SYPItir 19 BLOTCHES. OLD SORE NIGIIT EMlll SIONS. VARICOCELE HYnnni.ttTn rLr'??83?..0?. private organs permanently rured. Dr. Walker, lbl 1st .t- MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD S7?iVr if ear 'i1" taetaod of treatment; we treat diseases of woraen only; eoniultatlon free, private and strictly .onfldentlaL X Ra dtum Institute. ItCfc. 1st. cor. of Morrison 'ti C?.RSh7S -UADE TO ORDER TI I B L-VTiCST I waM. of sar Francisco: ruttloz- and fl-tiiar .V01.. "ai rtJU'.n- d fitting DS2SI;i" "Wv."' SIZKS-$1 A ZZm Z rr "" vmwjing cleaned and Kr n;"i;,!?,rtei LiTai lag Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Ct-rUray's. - M1NT. VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB. B months. $5. Sent iwcurely sealed hi UndT Or8" Wot4ar!- CU-"- Co!. Port' VIM. VIGOR. VITALITV-DU PONT r Cle-. Koia Tablets. Nature's great tJlc fS f fc ? l r-r-v".-, -s. . . . . TaT HVaf erTfoV laU by".ilnt SSSf11 per box: fe fii H .'V mare 1 Co.. SpecUl Agents. 151 3d st. c.ttL.u'TION taeMrb ifce f mw . n. . . .. ewy V: M-alUt. 1S1U Ik ?t Ur- SWEDISH - FINN WOMAN TRAlvrn nurse. Hslsiafom craduiit, r-urirvl mtl, by hand rtbb. 472East ptnl st Telephone Scott 4114. ' Pla the worst case of piles yields to w box of E-re-sa Pile CureTthe' Tretha? ewes hll. other think about It $Tfw, iu uuniu. - ' TO 10 DAYS IS THE TlMv nr-,-., : for Bark-riSl- TH? .RajUUlED for Bark Tonic to cure rbeuWusil Hve? L5L4 tU trouttes; Hlole" aS -4 .(illU. ASTHMA. BR1NVHITIS PKRXavpati - n -aerrr. males We print jwr same en 9 cslhnr earrli er size and stt I - rcs, prop. Brown A gcamaie722a "ut." Pi 5U TOUR PRUSCRIITIONJS irk rv. W. 227 MorrtW'i' i.T1!! l'rJuKrZ !id J KK?r "-B FOR HoeBf. O f-j OrrxsHUan. ' wsgea. aloe FACE AND SCALT MASSare s-r ' fooe Main 4&5a BALM OF FIGS FOR art. r-r . r ... ea - 434 AMer -t. Vtev ZZn LOST AND. FOUND. LOtT OHRWI. HORSK. RUN AWAY WITI1 haraa. Rewni to Wm. Marks. 074 kT loth dir. KarL Reward. LO?XUirVrK COCKER SPANIEL. LICENSE war. ,tt 304 " 4,h r MUL re? BUSINESS CHANCES. e-Rming-housb rooms, in PALE IiHU tTTCQrv m.t..n good bHsineM. Address II 3. Orrgsta. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. TAFT fc CO. 125-6 Ablnstoa Block. Fhoae Main 139. We make .a SPKCIALTT OP ROOMING HOUSES, and Jutve many of the MOST iJuuBLE LOCATIONS that arc for-cale. Good locations are coin? fast. Note our partial Ilsrt below of both Urge and small uacs. 11 mtae oon-t suit, can in: 3 ROOMS BEST LOCATION In the cltr. rent ONLY J275. Including steam heat, two per montn. i'lrase can for further par- -13 ROOMS BRICK. THE VERY BEST LOCATION la the city, two-year lease; rent ONLY per month. This house U POSI- I iir cieannc now above all expenses. uiuuiu. i nw, pan caso. -10 ROOMS Best location In the city; ele taatly fqrnlvhed; rent only 3200 per month: leas for two years; clearing now over 33W per monin; steam heat and all modern con veniences; for a money-maker during the rir mis nouse cannot he beat. Our price. 40 ROOMS-New brick, modern In every i-nus2inss very ?uoa; ill calr mat trecses; for a quick sale we have reduced uie price 10 ?34T3. 35 ROOMS Most elecantlr fumlilm) snait. ment-house In the city; now clearing- about f0 per month; rent only $125, lease. Can w- cia now tor 10W. 24 ROOMS New brick bulldlnc. eam heat, hot and cold water In every room; everything Jfw nl In Rood condition: Rood lease; rent iiuuxs- ery cnoice location, new nouic. new lurniture. furnace heat. This Is one of the neatest and cleanest houses on iac maract; rent only $125, leave. $3750. -t ROOM& Sew. modern bolldlnc. newly larnlfhed, swell location, every room taken, r" only $125, three years.' lease. A pick-up ROOMS-iAI! extra large, splendid loca tion all Moquet and AxmlnMer carpet: good hard fiirnllni-- .... H . " . " has had the house for three' years. A gilt- edge buy for $2500. 17 ROOMS New house and nw furniture. A t f bfart of tne city, cheap rent 7n- il,you wani -wmething EXTRA GOOD, set this ror irr.n 17 ROOMS-Centrally locaud. rent $75. one vrtr ira .e n niirii.i k.... e.nn nuuji-oxi location, well furnished: eheaP rent. lease. Thla Is surely a good buy 12 ROOMS Verv fln.1 t eatlon. very reasonable: good Income. This cAwiuc. ior particulars can. TXr' ittte' tor oa- T0' ,s a Rood " ROOMS Elegantly furnished; rent only TVJ;. c- nrw-ciaas ouy. JEWELRY STOP.B-Bcst location on Wash- lu" exira cheap rent, two years' lease; will sell all or hi Interert. or will v.. u ior turtner -particulars. DELICATER3EV n. i.. n- ,v aoing a rushing buslnesu. but mi.t n account of sickness. A snap for SS50. SALOON Best loxtlnn in fh , 7 ?l1?'r.Ieas'' and raaltnfr Rood money; five nice lUing rooms and with furniture. Goes for $3250. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE-Good Z .1 1 "' T"5 nce business; slck CiA5"".. caure ror selling. This Is worth WE CAX MAtfP TPnuo - Tur. Dn,.- w x ur TAFT & CO., 122-3-5-G Ablngten Block 10C4 Third st. FINE TR.XNS1ENT HOUSE. IS-rOOm new hrirV u-fMn - Yi i. m .v; : lr .. . "c" a"u oi tne ocit i'J" n raonui: lease, moilemta r,nt ie you want a Orst -class place at reasonable hu Vi .-i -"is t uibron. room 21, 14-ROOM PLACE tlfAcvin In dwelllnr. mm rwvi Z i r""""- unuiure new and good: rent $45. If you want a bamin on ... ' now. Ellis & Gibson, room 21 "u 'r. ARTNER. WASrvn a. ntut .i w?Jtl wl" Koanintee purchaser $150 a Sli? fc. "ulre1: duties eisny learned; n-S.liln S,!,p'n 10 ytmr thorough Invest .. IjUTIt St. ILVeI"'R WANTED IN A BUSINESS IN owmr will nlinnl.. r.n.,,.. - I month: Sit) muiri- a... ' IiTf. , i1.1.5; Va"'y tovm ot 6000 Inhabltanu; rSLn3?"0" ,V? "WtV,S-2""?, L dlp-ta only ' wuiraa xx o,, uregonian. NOT, T"1- ROOMING-HOUSE TRUST-.-IF --- uouse at an honest ZV'J S. Keating. 504 Marquani! . I wrsaiai. xi me show them. FOR SALE HINDOO TPnvt- vrnr-n with trunk and complete outfit; one" of the aTv1 ,ac I" "IKT .Wi ' -- - - ", - iw. uregonian. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR LEASE TWIU story building, with complete btkfrTrtck basement, case of Meknew. quiet. See own- ...... jmjj, nwuawa oaitery. Vn,nXnC2.nTOE.-DFLOAT STOCK I A. r-nli.... "uie uniiaxco securities. t?iT".. 6 . "A '1.ura" uiiDert & Co., -..vut. uiwc, uuaaio, l. 22.ROOM HOUSE WELT. trnvim, P" uekeeplng. running full. good lo- smn" 1'. WJX-.'".' "atfield & $1500 AND SERVICES PURCHASES INTER et bt brokerage business In city- seller cuarantr monthly J. V. Crelghtoh & aiM?-V'.fcJ.JgH?' A BAKERY " 7 p- " M"i uuainess. well located trade increasing: ill health bausc otseU lng. P 96. Oregonian. " $15no CASH WILL BUY THE VERY BEST 2eoem bowe In thf city; must be sold lm meAeteiy. Call at offlce. Lee Automobile i- 2iTP . T.I.fT5EST MANUFACTUR- moniniy; raqn cash necessary. J V. Crelghton &' Co.. 1Q 4 HAVE $250. SOME REAL ESTATE AND cU references; I want wholesale houe to set me up In small store. Address Y 7 care Oregonlan. -screes x FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE store With Fostoffiea In rnr. t Harry Tuttle. of Lang & Co.. ls't aid An- SALOON LOf.'ATION: WILL LEASE ONE OF lh best corners on the East Side. The Third -"-i4 Ablngton, 10H FOR SALE LEASE ON GOOD STORE. TJr"y ....... -i. 171, a.uiuBiun n. me Healy In vratment Co.. 210-214 Ablngton. 108U jrl rt. WORKING PARTNER IN ESTABLT;HEn buslne,,; must have $500: wHl ,ell lm??t -" u, uregonian. xcr' ESTABLISHED MEAT f ' " s.,..;' V ' Fy retiring x i. uregonian. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF FINE COR- . t .v.- ir Joiocxs Portland Ho. vii aiicinuun; 1 y. .Park. SALOON CORNER. CENTRAL. LE-VSE elegant fixture, well establlshedrparllculari U E Thompson & Co.. 22S 3d! lft-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE CENTRA I I V Wjrated. must be sold today beforeY o'cfeclT Make offer. Call 24S Stark st. W ' $K0 WILL BUT A NIi'S-PAYING BUINP for a woman; choice location. Henkle Baker. 217 Ablngton bldg. -"enicie & GOOD SALOON. MUST BE SOLD nFmiir February I. m I am leaving city; 522.15 $17 a day. Ill N 3d. ' xerK $10iv TAKES CASH BUSINESS NOW vet" ting $126 per month. J. V. Creighton rvt" ltH Stl at., room A- $ BUYS CENTRALLY LOCATED CIGAR store doing good business. J. v. CrelrhVAr ICh 3d st.. room A. -reightcn. FINE GROCERY STORE FOR SALE- REA son for selling will be explained to buyer O US. Oregonlan. , HAVE $100 TO PAY DOWN ON rvt roomlng-houj-e: baUnce on monthly payments: XX Oregonlan. "4" FOR SALE-7 FRESH MILCH COWS. WITH or 7& Hoed it.' ' ' 'miiton ave. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD RESTAURANT B?i2rES ITMENT, SMALL CAPITAL. V 92, Orercslui BUSINESS 'CHANCES. tAHOAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES . LILLIAV TIF" rf it e. intii-f,- ifar In PorUand. Will Locate and Protect iour inierenu in Buying-. . ROOM 08. ALISKT BLOCK. Xhird and Morrison sts. Fhooc Main 613L i1t!SJ?: furnished; rent $150; lease; roonw V . raret. exclusive. room?, very nice, central. 'P35' 56W cash. baUnce $20 per month; $100 Incomer rent Sin- T,tVIc bcjanlcrs;' income over $100; $30 10 rooms, part furnished, $375. iSflB-Tcroc'rJ' tor. nice stock, horse. r?5n- ' J?,v,ns rooros: '111 Invoice same it sold immediately; owner called away; $100(1. Lunch counter. $15 rent; central: 5223. h v Houses all sizes, all prices. nrti.!r"J' chances. 20 years in Portland. WU1 locate you riBht. LILLIAN nR ITPtTl-n - mn-7n Room 208. Allsky Block. 3d and MoVrison. Phone Main 6151. MERCANTILE AND MANnVACTirnTicr: feit5-T e.w! olnr to enrace Jn en I5??ror l.h.,s character can obtain val .Lnformf.t,onl?m the Ara Mercantile V-" .A 1Ut of -na fide business open ings in thU city and adjacent country is open for Inspection at room of the Ames huiiiuic. -Agency. Ahincton" bldK. FOR SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE FOR - . ri luucr, nuiec system. part of California; modern machinery: fine , mnl m mosl prosperous -PllV,.310?r tra.and entire output marketed v.lCl cT-. A,?dre" 1 D. Cheney. Balls Ferry. Shasta County. California. IB-ROOM HOUSE FOR 4S50. . ,Jn dweiiinfr. close In location, furnl- want a good place and "chean. that'wlli rv 7-. "r"-. rtnc with lease. If you jou w a month clear, see this. Gibson, room 21, 284 Morrison st. Ellis & BEST IN CITY FOR PRICE. ..rooia , .rooraJnc-house, brjck, one floor. ?5?rt LeUy- furniture new and good, rent a f!,ase; Pa $250 a month now. a boannza durlnir Fair; price $5000. Ellis & Gibson, room 21, 204 Morrison st. '."ROOM HOUSE AT BARGAIN. .Neat little rooming house In dwelling near this office rent only $30. Income SCO. You 5?ILb.a,vLt. n?w for 100. Ellis &. Gibson, I -1 284 Morrl.ion ttu NICE S-ROOM FLAT. ONLY $450. Located nlcelv for IrancUnl hti.ln.... nt pay $10 A day during Fair; rent $35;"lt Is a S?31 lt. to3ay- Enu & Olbion. room 21. 2C4 Morrison, st. nr, i urriuc iiumskss xinm tt-t-t-tt cpnvi.r-n I n' cure Interest In an established busl- J-- . P3 00 an average or $150 a n,if; ,dut,es caUr learned. Call 24SK 'WANTED AT I fcturing business: goods established; $500 I ZCVm i ' '" Pr "jontn guaranteed. FO,R SA,t,Ft. SALOON ONE OF THE BEST p,f.c5a n Portland and doing a good business trace, call 245! Stark st. GROCERY GOOD CORNER: $1000 WILL .-t. . "u no oeuer grocery for sale today. Call 24S6 Stark st. FOR SALE RESTAURANT- t rir MonAn iUr: cheaP rent: lease; price $2000. C 100. Oregonlan. I "IV A 'TPn -m mrr nt ttvt. . . - mill With timber anl lv-,l ii," I care Oregonlan. I 10.BOOM iimicc r.r-..T, , . . well furnbihcd. $S50. Hatfield & Smith! 163H -1th st. omiin. FOR SALE A LARGE. "NEWLY FURNISH- ' " "fc-uvLc. jiu agent. Aaaress A 2. Oregonlan. ' WANTED MAN WITH SOME MONEY TO uauuK. uc my at, uo rair. a 87. Ore gonlan. qmck-sellng articles. Call at 604 Dckum. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. I TV TUP tiiotoiw -..rn State fty- the District of Oregon, In the mat-J Thef dSSKfJf' nf GrOSS' ban""Pt. - " ""lie acaira dius ror two stocks of merchandise bcloncjng to this estate, one at Portland Or Eune. Or., until 12 o'clock noon, of Friday. February 3. 1005. Separate bids are desired for the two stoeirs nr m.ivi..njr.. and a. cash deposit of 10 per cent must ac company each bid. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. The Inventories may be sn at my office. Front and Ankeny sta. v --""-":. in. mo nocxvmav Do had at the respective location nf m t r Sabln. Trustee of the Estate of " Charfcs January 26. 1003. Or.. BIDS WILL BE l?F.rpivrn t e .v.- j. "r" ur - ri?,-,0 ,d,,re:tor-general, Lewis and February 1. 1005. for ,W. .m" ' ExDositlon rrn,rJX?L S?8 a'.ts auI,1nir on Exposition Grounds. Plans W speclfica w..o iiwj oe seen at room 5. Stearns bldg.. 0th and Morrison sts. learns BIDS WILL BE RECEI"ED AT THE OF- Clark Centennial . 5 t?.Hn0n; yebnlarJ' 1. 1005. for the con struction of plaster Inclosure for long bridge on Exposition Grounds. Plans and Specifications at rnnm K c . . . . - j , uicuiui ounaing. 6th, and Morrison streets. UNITED STATES ENGINEER rtccr," Portland. Or.. Dec 30. 1004. Sealed proDos- als will be received here for stone for tension of iettv t mA,,t, for eje- River. Oregon and Washington until if A. M.. January 31. 1903. and then public ly opened. Information ra TppSS W Columbla C Langflrt. MaJ. Engra Miscellaneous. C?UTY W'VRRANTS NOTICE IS HERE- i ... iiiai tountv warrant class 30 and 37. the uim : ?rarenterandheinS. T JlJ' 13. 1904. numbered bv T,M, rrom .ol. to 77S9. Inclusive, will, if prop erly indorsed, be paid on presentation at the office of the County Trenmr.. t. est thereon ceases on and after the date of this notice. Portland, ctr 7,n no 1903. John M. Lewis. Countv TrM..,. PORTLAND. OR.. JAN. 25: 1B0S Tr t hereby ordered that the name of the steamer Norman, official number. 200.541. h ,inri,M to Star. I. L. Patterson. Collector of Cus toma FINANCIAL. MONEY TO Iiav On Improved city property or for building purposes. Any amount on .1 in in . with prlvllego to reaav all or rva.. e le afier one year. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses. Mortgages taken up and replaced. . Financial Agent. 1U3 Second st., near Stark. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 217 OREGO. nUh bldg.. loans money to reliable salesmen trainmen, motormen, conductors or other salaried employes, just on his note In rami of $10 to $100 Returnable In 'wnveuTenl f "nUlJy yt7meat'- Payments iS- qdrl,: tlai. No MONEY ADVANCED SAL.VRIED PEOPI E teamsters, etc. without security; eaTry navl meifU: largest business In 4U princinal eitl. Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg. Clay 17587 LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAV Tn salaried people; lowest rates t ttST ElfSSffiSttZ LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON npir or chattel mortgages, personal or salary aZ Fenton bldg. Phone Main 1335. TO LOAN $1300 0 PER CENT- - n-fc $1000 each. 7 per cent; $500. s'per cent--" all on real estate. Newton McCo- V. 713. Oregonlan Bldg. Ji.o. room $50,000 GILT-EDGE 5-YEAR, 7 prn cent bonds; applications received for aWt Ear9l.Sregoni!S.BP- lmere" LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANn-a other securities; lowest rates, s W iSnr room 45. Washington bldg. I'hon-lIw3d41o. IMMEDIATE LOANS. LOWEST RATES ov furniture, nlanos an dehattefT vJP. Co 443 Sherlock bldg.. 3d and dak? cSytg MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OP ?e" I curity; building loans a speclaltyf W H- I funB. w. anenocK oik. Puona day 529 i IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS inor r- n-7T I $500 on all securlUea. R. X. EckerSn f50 s. waamngion bldg. Phone Clar ' I .ial a rent Multnomah jrX'b Thcmai. T. . t-"Jm- com. I Six per cent money to loan oa Clack. n,, rinntv liindx. R E Tll. -1 -'aCJClmaS , . -. j. wo wnam. Com. PRIVATE FUNDS LOANS. So PER rr-v-2 ralnatloa; low rax eg. w. S. Ward. Allakybidxt PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS S Avn 6 percent. Wm. Denholm, 225 Failing bc $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT Wta. G. Back, room SOT, tin Failiaa : bldi" FINANCIAL. .MONET" Pfin sir.nren urnnrf Any wage-earner needing money before Day pay can set it from us; no commission, or t 1 j m anee:. no mortcise or indorser .v. . lleK,y weekly, monthly or semi monthly in amntmt. hoi. ei aroldlnc the payment of the wholr .wwu. oai or any one payday; and hav time, lr oeslred. NELSON & HIND LEY, COS McKay bid. .S MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE flrrr,.- ""'nent positions and responsible vjuicaia ana siricuy conncen- CIL4.TTET. TJIATCCt cialty101"11 propxty; rocmlnK-houses & spe- U1V ERA LOAN Jt TRUST COMPANY. w oinxton ijutiainr. THE STAR LOAN CO. t aiaa employe, w ace-earner, can f. o? n note, without morttsje -onfldentUL Month, -month. Week. f5Sepajr to us i13 or $8.63 or $X25 $J5-Repay to us i 6.65 or $3.35 or $l.a $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 or 32.00 or $1.00 J JiAX, 102 2D. P.VATE PARTY makes real, personal, chat - latin, ao Aiarauam oidr. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Assay-era and Analysis. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, ? Tl-.. - 0l"0. wm,ti;CBiiper. ji; stiver. 50c BAPMEU ASSAYER AND ANA lyst; gold dust boucht. 22SVS Stark st- Buslness Colleges. t GREGG SHORTHAND TOiTrrrr -nroproo business pracUce; positions found for rrad- "J acoooi. .nounes ilusl- ness CoUege. Y. M. C A. bldr. Mala 013. Carpet Cleaning. Sanitary carpet cleaning suetlnn nn pressed air combined: carpets cleaned on ""imutroaovaL Alain sui. East 2594. Clalrvoyaata. THE GREAT. ONLY AND ORIGINAL BUDAH BBRNIQUE. $5 COMPLETE LIFE READING. 50c TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. EORN WITH A DOUBLE VEIL. EDUCATED IN EGYPT AND INDIA. TELLS YOUR NAME. TELLS YOU WHEN AND WHOM YOU WILL MARRY Positively mentioning your sweetheart's full nnm Settles love quarrels and promptly reunites " kcu. aa matter now long standing. London a most famani iimi nn i,t. vpyant Is acknowledged by presa and public . kih nuai you came tor Deiore j-ou Lr uoes not asic questions, no mat. te bat your trouble may be. hihl1 sc wlu sulde you with certainty tV..K , "I""1" power, xeiis you the or oua. PAmliR'10no?. 8'SAII-T AND SUIJDAY. PARLORS. l?ni VI rnRTcrtv i-r , SAME FLOOR AS BOSTON DENTAL PAR. PROF. VAN COR'l'LAND. CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. FULL LIFE READING. 50c. H31,rVASi1NGTON' COR- 0TH. EC-.ELL YOUR NAME. AGE. OCCUPATION AND WHAT YOU CALLED FOP THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PARLOR OR CHARGE YOU NOT ONE PENNY. T ,,prof. m'intyrb; CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. . Reduced Charges. -T-Oc This Week $5.00 Readlngs-50c-50c fi'actlon guaranteed or no fee accepted. HE WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL NAME. fr. ,,, AGE. OCCUPATION. Tens life from cradle to grave. Consulta tion on all affairs, good or bad. Cosmoa Bldg.. 28S& Morrison. -.i.C . T v juu; lens wnac JnJi h ter he,p9 you to Kaln it; makes jou happy; gives names, dates, facta of mar- ,7. ' ' ,aw' money, changes; all wlth- wir . a TVOrd' or your money f " iu o ai. aany. 5th St., opp. Courthouse. Low fee. 5oc. MME. DR. HERZOG FROM BERLIN ;ci j entlflc revealef. tells llfeffom cradlf "o grave. Consultation nn nil nrfoi i vice, sure help, mistake Impossible: re stores lost love and unites separated by sympathy: locates buried treasure. Fee. $1; letter. $2. 207 Park. Chiropodist and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVEST THE Sniy r,scIentl-3S cniropodlsts; parlors' room 203 Drew hide-.. ! m i. ri xir - .i. l" long-nairca gentleman. you are loojung for. Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers, best j 0..14 "ujciwr coite. aso H at. Commission Merchants. ma.n- metzgER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair u nihTior find t1A . 1 . " V iuu Rcnerai commis sion merchant. Front t nt. nri -rl: land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments? TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS P M n "cuanu. aneriock bldg., ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND S .i j A Jfai ana JJavls sts. Carpenters and Builders. T'&i Buckner- office, store fixtures, general ' G?" WV?8RD?2r' COUNTERS. SHELVES, houses built and repaired. 20S4th. Clay 174 Dancing. 4,.-- - V tuuutoa j ciassea .v.Etu awuuciuj. jiwruon sr.. cor. 2d. Dressmaking. SiS5, j , iw. 00 jior. Dyeing and Cleaning. U- W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner. 505 Jefferson. Tel. Main 23l Educational". PRIVATE LESSONS. FRENCH GERMAN Latin Enc-ll.h c.,i -yr i o-r 7. MAJ' ma sr. Fraternal Insurance. Order ot Washington, foremost fraternal i . n a protects tne living. J. l. ""y- c. ui-oia -aiarquam bldg. Harness and Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE sale saddles and harness infra, saddlery . .- uma. i-n otn 3U THE GEORGE LAWRENCE r.n -nrxri-iT 8aiisaddle3 and harnes3 nfra. feather aad Junk. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. hMa ornnl . .n. T. " . V- ,'"r.' "iQ ruooers. Lands. LAND SCRIPS. GENERAL LAND PRAC tice. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. ES- """V u im aings; stock- ton sole leather and cut stock; full line AOS f (UQL SL- THE BREYMAN CO.. LEATHER boot and shoe uoDers. flnitin.. auimllex. leather nf all Vlr.. ro . ..TtorB Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO.. MKJING SAW mllla logging machinery: hvdrnnii " casUnga All kinds repaired, loi Nf 4 tb. THE II. C. ALB EE CO.. SECOND-HA nt macainery. sawmills, etc 243 Grand ave. Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS For bargains zee Weeks; no agents- "Ot cent saved. At 720 Front, cor. Hooker Osteopathy. D."t ?,", IT.": , CARYLL T. SMITH, osteopathic physicians; graduates KlrkVl talYS..'E!tt ttoc inmr , vnn,,. DSmA tSHF- 5f3HllSP' lS EKUM -wrainatlon frea Patent Lawyers. , "ttiutii. uuiitiit; and FOREIGN pate nil; Infringement casea 604 Dekum. J. GEISLER. 530 CHAM. OF COM.. TT a and foreign patenU a speddlty. 3-INCH THICK WALLS. NOT FIR&PROOf" Lockouts opened, repairs, steel ceUlng. safes exchanged. Diebold work. j. e. Davis. 66 3d. Stop Drinking. GCARANTEBp cure; send 50c: UbTet form; mailed Irr pUlp nackagi; has cured thou aad. L. L, C Ca Git praat bldg.. S. F. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, MaseageL- LIFE IS AS V MAKE IT-PERSLVN MAS p strengthens the muscles, cleanses the skin, soothes the nerves i Persian vapor, tub. baths and massage. The Frances, 3th and Morrison. Red 2S3S. yUNGLADl' GIVES VAPOR. STEAM,- AL e?hoIl3atRS'. wlth naxnettc trcatnienSl alsS ,an?-lp. massaK- Under new inanige ment. I45h th st.. bet. Alder and Morrtsoa KK-U7nT FURNISHED FL.VT EXCLUSIVB ly for massage, magnetic, vapor and tub SStant. y2rt yoS"ff nstanu JflU Stark st.. bet 4th and 3th. ;i?,.,S-?OV-DEX B.VTHROOMS', WITH " AT l!"35.: vapor and steam baths; alo jnas X diectr,c treatments. 23lV MorrSon st.. cor. 2d. room 3. Star nwmlnc-hoiwe VAPOR AND SPONGE BATHS 1Im ;p oung lady. oSl Morrison :t. room 1U. Y?.UNav. V JUST FROM ST. LOUIS, gives baths and massage; tub baths a Trml clalty. HQS 4th St.. roms 3 and P REFINED YOUNG LADY GIVES TURKISH YOUNG L.VDY GIVES VAPOR BATHS AND massage. 343 Morrison, room 6. Eet treat, menta In city. FRENCH LADIES GIVE BATH AND MAS saga treatment. 20S 3th st. Mala 5038. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Rubber "Stamps. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. TEL. "vv. tuuuer suunps. seats, stencils. Northwest Vlavl Co. ISWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. w iiu sump ior xieaita uoox. Spiritualists. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. 50c. 60c. 50c. 50c, 50c, 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. 303 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 5TH. W COMPLirrE LIFE READINGS. 50c THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PAR-x-9R,r?E. JV.-XL' TELIj YOU YOUR FULL NAME. AGE. OCCUPATION. YOUR MOTH ER'S MAIDEN NAME. AND WHOM AND HEN. YOU WILL MARRY, and what you called for. without asking a question; will tell the name of your sweetheart or anything you want to know. He sends you away muca wiser and happier than when yoa called. How can I have good luck? How can I succeed In business? How can I mako my home happy? How can I marry the one I choose? How can I marry well? How soon can I marry? How can I conquer my rival? How can I make anyone- love mo? How can I get a letter? How can I get a good position? 303H AVASHINGTON StT, COR. 6TH. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S rtTT "."ie meaium; all la trouble, call and get her valuable advice oa all affairs of life, business, love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. lWfc 4th su. Hussel hid., hours 3-5. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CONSUL1 ed daily at 412 Alder, cor. 11th. Main 6178. MRS. C. CuRNELIUS, 307 Alisky bldg.. 3d " .oaijr. now flu. MRS. STEVEN9r'splritual life reader, scien- wc u-uyy. inmnni, cor- 7ta. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO., "car jaarnei- x'none liiacjc 3133. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COR. um auu xioyt. i-none Main Second-Hand Sealers. SUGARMAN & SONS, highest price paid 2d- uua luraiiure, stoves. -B3 Jjront. Red 3173. Storage and Transfer. SAFES, PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED. vcu ibuij iut Biuypuig ana snipped : an work guaranteed; large three-story brick .flre- prooi warenouse tor storage. Omce. 123 1st. C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 547. C. O. PICK, OFFICE. 88 1ST. BET. STARK mm unit, rnoae outj. Pianos ana furniture moved and packed for shipment; commodious fireproof brick warehouse Front & Clay st3. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT su. nousenoia gooes and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool cheats, sewlnir machines and ail movable articles at reasonable prices. C F. HARDER. PIANOS AND FURNITURE sxoven; icraimre, enma una .lasswart patJcedr for shipping by experienced packers; ail work guaranteed. Phone East 1012. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO., 54 THIRD ST., wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. Typewriters. New typewrltersr-all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN Sz LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OIL Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President A. L. MILLS Cashier - J. W. NEWK1RK Assistant Cashier.. W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier.... B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available in Europa and the Eastern Statea Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold oa New York, Boston, Chicago. St. Louis. St. Paul. Omaha, San Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in sums to suit oa London, Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hong Kong, Yokohama, Copenhagen, Chris tlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Moscow Zurich, Honolulu. Collections mace on lavorable terma PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Tho Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. CAPITAL. $300,000. W conduct a general banking business re. receive savings deposits. We issue time cer UScates and certificates of deposit payable upon 10 daye call, 30 days' call or 90 days' rail with Interest at 3U. 3 and 4 ir n per annum, respectively. Call or send for our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOU. Vlce-Presltlenr B. LEE PAGET Secretary O. GOLTKA. .....Assistant Secretary LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transacts a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposlta Collections made at all nolnta on rivitnki. terniH. Letters of credit lssnerf .it!iii,Ku . Europe and all points In the United Statea aigm kcutoj icji-srapnic transfers sold i New York. Washington. Chicago. Kt ri. n...,, nmnhfl Knn n . points in Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Mon tana anu .Diiiasu .uiuuiuia. Exchange on London, Paris, Berlin, Frank fort. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Manila, an Ho nolulu. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK ruuiLASn OR. FRANK WATSON Preside. R. L. DURHAM VIep-PrM.; R. W. HOST Casnler GEORGE WHOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit lutieri tunii.hi. in all parts o the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK Chamber of Commerce Building. Third ana Head office, 65 Old Broad Street. London. This bank transacts a general hnvin. neso. makes loans, discounts bills and Issues letters ot credit, available for travelers and the Durchase of merchandise In anr riiv r world. Deals in foreign and domestic; exchange. Interest paid on time deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Mgr. WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK Corner second and Washinirtdn. HOMER S. KING ...... President (San Francisco.) R. LEA BARNES t. Ca.hU, WALTER A. HOLT Assistant Cashier (Portland.) General banking buslnem tnnni.ti ex change sold and lettera of credit Issued, aval auic ill txti v. ujq norxu. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Head Office Toronto, Canada. Capital paid up . uVnnivu Reserve s'snn'wi Transacts a general banking business SAVINGS BANK DBPA7TM5!vr Accounts opened for sums of sin -a .. ward and Interest allowed on minimum, month. w . . . "k'piicauon. nASHisGTOX ST. E. A. WYLD. Manager Portland Branch. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK ur i unujA.u, OREGON Northwest cor. Third and Oak sts Transacts a general hanvini- hi.,n.. Drafts issued available in u . United States and Enrani tr!L i . Manila. Col lections made on favorable terms. vw'lEi?;..; J' a ADfSWORTH lce-Preitdnt. vy R aYeb Cashier .R W SCHMEER AsaUtaat Cashier. ...?iL WRIGHT