Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 30, 1905, Image 1

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VOL. XLIV.NO. 13,773.
Grand Duke Sergius Is
in Full Control.
Issues His Orders From Krem
lin Fortress at Moscow.
Poet, Aged Woman Writer and Her
Daughter Are Thrown in PrUon
Father Copen Has Made
Good Hfs Escape.
rTMix aasf tWi gr a m lrtfr in
Wuu . m iiHs mt sto nwww f
W,rtl. r ! rr fnilKif t J
A o-t. iwb M Hmir aviand Ma
m IkwCM to Im mir,.
Tfcf M taM)rtiiM ib J. ?-
a mt tfc )! . uttiuM
7t hmtfmr ml &rmm4 Xmk. liwctwt.
H fcrtsutoit at (m jiMimMi. te J
W4 to iwiiimI Mnnmr XH
4m r Mw rtftw htM W
tsutf sn.m' r Mm- foassSs
U rngwrtri to be Wiiti n i lMc
tito tor sfcr unii rn im -t mm
tMtoe tor
jrfr4 to rytm -r
rr Gtftm. lar ef tt St.
rrtwi -fi, i I
to HMl4a. Ttw Hr
ST. PBTif KH1M "KG, Jsji. 3 Jt:3 A.
SI. 'W9Me to iwnnmhc that
Esjfr Nicholas throwcWut Ue prea
ri4s h acted large)- upws the
4"lct ef grand fmke Brxiu, who is
the a reaetienjixv member C th
Imperial Mailt. t head of triiat 1
denominated tb war party. &ad wbn
the Liberals tiBmtc as Kula
vtt sre-ut. With the rt ap.earaoc
of Father Gjmh n Ue aurtesent Sr-
S-a the 4exwMtm.URjf in tkr jaut
rs4-cic bumt Smc SuiuUr 'c l
h4 to MHM44r4 to have ba
vlfrtbte be the apfolutmcM c Cocrai
Trr-jrr Ui ihr 0torr-OenerxiMi rf
fH PerstHM-a:. rih the cxcepUecaJ
Ora4 IWc Se-rcu m kswn to b
rHBtbit fr thr barc plsosrded
b iMfHMjr CMeT rf PMr lUKidceit. Of
3jr. 'Mh Is imi4c Fwreisa AJtn
iatcr Lm4rS mbrrawet(.
7H H ImiM4 h to lxut te pr
tl t U ma.tirr f antsc ax Prise
FatfM4k-Uraiky'c NKrmMr 1m th
3tlMtoT mt the hmtrU M. Ueuttcao.
a-virr-43esfiral o 2U4ew. who.
tk M iii tra a. Ss ata extreme reaetion.
Thr Axa4 I Tea Is lsZonsed
1rm a Ma urre that Ora&d Duka
riS&m. mtv tibum M WJtta. Is Tviuen
ht Car (ar tartaUwa frs the in
Xrrlai mnfto) rf MlU(r i5-vit-Ilk-!rkr-
fa a a eteotaA
town ml tnmncU mC U oa4re.
A&aM SrKtox" hMruc the AUaUtora
a prtmnmt ar atniaftiy tMerra.
trcUt rolctto Ue Httla alae lo
tlw MrMK mmparta f the Krro-1-u
(mUkm to Mor. M'bmre he Jc
jtrMi Anil- a 4Htr Xo Tarakc-
Poet and Women Put Into Fortress.
Arrw0 cmlfar Xtmmmz Uh teetl
a4tot mmt ommvtiyt Im St. l'alor
a4 J I'mhI frtaaa Yaka&hw
mho port, who arv4 tens X
ito ha IMC r MMNetia wtth the
m atiiUnwrtoj. Mate. moKtr. m
aK4 -nr. mU her 4rlter. Pather
iaaa. K feaa ar feecm 4eAte4r c
tahHi4ii. aait thrvscii Klolanit.
a4 w ars thr puir to
f tor rrnMalhetic frteads. JLt
fr he to aiyni tm b im Stook
haa. A 4ary k-ui heea atarted. aad
" hirh attrShwf i to the pettoc. that
Gxaaa S a Jw.
The wKwt f 5iat. Xlal Nv
Crw4 aa4 Vfcteaartr ha a4wrMe Oa
saM the fc Per4urar ztatta are
f-arCtomUr ha raatr4 r the gmvetu
etl m mtahi wry the iKMMtoeea. anJ
tae T the Uherala are trying to iw
elwce thrn tm rim u. nrKk the e&frat
f MThr e4barrMac the cvns
laeart a4 ewii rlltoig M ta ace4e tm the
rfewaa) fr tte aeawaeatttoa f a eva
Otanat aaaaM'.
A aeeaJ m the ahlaka fra mm
ff the cmtoVral yrwoiaeaa bu oa Her:
the nfiaim t she Aochita4 Preti
taw tk ovriaieA wtiU t ertrt
ae Sat-eaf frwaa the rreaat aetMfUes
Oito try mI4 aCat cneJ4an.
Polish Situation is Threatening
The aituaiia la PAaa4 h inreaa
iCtjr shreaaeiitRg. eatecSatly hm TYar
mv aa4 Lm4x. At the latter 4are la
pee4 tata4 it.tM mrm are est o
Hrtkr Thre are ffHt f exten
ato f She atrike ha 04ea a4 etner
taaatTwextwreac reUec f Seutferrs Kaa
aaa. re te rkm are ttoCter -Kaa4
Mea-awhale prarCleaMy M
ctaaaea aISHpa4e reece4 terrarc
It a aM thM wha the leaders natt
ti the KactaMats that a tnw Ha4 heea
lrM4ame4 laarMrlr after the elnoc
or tha ac&ato cocsrezs. thty were tdd
that the srauatiet would aeaia ha
threwa daw a te the aristooracy, bat
that this time the texerdgn. who wa.n
peclSaNy dealared te be exempt fx eta
dasgnr is the late aotlvities, as shown
la the trial ef Saaeaeff. the asaaselu of
Mtaiater ve. Plehve. weuld be iBoluded
la the efcaJteBe. Attempt especially
are expected wpea the officers who a
week ac rdered the seedier td fchoot.
The reawaptiea f werk Is expected
te beeeme coseral here. The Hewspa
pera are ealy able t hint stroasly that
K msht have beea avoided if proper
maasiares had been taken is advance.
It is extremely sfgalaennt, however,
tbatt att th papers severely criticise
the teferaaaliea aheut KBKls.nds re
peashlUty for the strike. As the edi
tra aH had beea apprised ef Grand
IMke fterrius reapeoslbillty. thetr
eemena are iadireetly eimed at him.
Run Down at Warsaw by Group of
Drunken Hussars.
1JOHDOS. Jan. 39. The oerrespead
tot aX Warsaw ef the Daily Mail tele
crapfcs as fetiews:
A cre4p ef Hussars raa dewn British
VleCeast Mueukata Saturday nickt
im Marshal Kevski street. Two Hus
sars nashed at him with their swerds.
inMcttms; severe cuts acreis h4s face
aa4 lewer Hp. D ripping with bleed.
MHHkaia was oeaveyed te the hospi
tal, where he is new deiag wetL Brit
ish OeamU-General Murray had a tutr
rew eaeape from belnK similarly run
dewn la Wierxbova street. It appears
thas.t the laridenta were dwe te u. oem-pjrH-y
ft Umutmra gcttifj druak and
rvaaaaf a muck.
The same eerrespendeat deserihes
Warsaw as blnir ia a state of com
plete aarchy. Maay have beea killed
er wMaded la charge by treeps. and
the reekleseaesa mt swashhuckllni;
lieHMwrs. he nty.
The ealy eeaveyanes movlnc in
Warsaw teday have beea military sap
ply earts. ambulasee waRens and tum
brils fer the dead. The attempted rls
tmtx ef workmen has failed, and ht
rreat demeastratla timed fer today
has beea xetpened. After seme flght
laiT the wrecked and dlstrauxht city
pus te ret; what nlitht will brlnfr.
Deserihlai; the pillairiBS of h teres,
the erreepeadeat says:
"Maay mark chalk cresses oh their
deers r lighted lkas la their windews
and ittmu secure their safety. The
rfcrters paused befere the saered em
Mnma. The hearse raurmers of the
drewaed the elmreh bells. In sev
eral eaes seldiers lirctl ea loetins
meba. ad ia "He rase la a working
as anhttrb they Ared oaaaen slioL.
heplac te 4toperse the crawd.
"JrtfT-n4itf nt flrinp was proceeding
there M day- Hundreds. f sheps were
wrecked and several stores were burn
ed. Prehabty a few seere were killed.
The ambulances wore busy all day.
There are alarminfiT rumors from the
eeuntry dlittrieta. It is rumored that
the tD ef Hrrrtlitevk is burning.
The Dally Matfs St. I'eterabunr oor
respendeat reperts that Sir Charles
!ardaice. the British Ambassador, has
asked the KuselsH gevernmoBt to make
i4ry it the outrages oa the British
Oeasftl -Genera I aad Vlee-Censul at
Trouble Is Believed to Be at an End
at Moscow.
MOSCOW. Jan. 29. The strike Is
ceatfMered tt be practically over. A
bMxxard has rendered excellent service
te the authorities in keeping the peo
ple indeers. and there was not the
stigbteet disorder today en -the part ef
the MrikArK, The authorities, however,
have taken exceptional precautions te
av4d tae assemblage of crowds. Even
the Sunday markets were closed.
Strang pickets were posted all over
the city, inside the factories and out
side. There are about 30,000 treeps In
the city. It is roperted that the police
tttray night sent 1000 of the most
ebx-treperews strikers back to the vll-lagc-
Pather Petreff. a noted St. Peters
burg labor leader, returned from the
eapMal tonight. He Insures Fathor
Cepea's attitude, as indicated ia his
ie-st prttdaanattoi. Mnaeunciag himself
as a rev4ul!an!t. Petreff declared
that Gepea thereby condemned him
self ladiealleas petal te a general re
sumptlea of work ia the Moscow mills
ad f-aetnrios en Tuesday. The ubI
verHiy wi reopen en Thursday.
3cwwd Duke Sergius will return to
t3c Petersburg temerrew.
Warsaw Sheps Are Pillaged by tha
WARSAW. Jaa. J.-Tbe strike disor
der are becemlag mere serieus. The or
dlnary Mfe ef the city Is tu4te suspo&ded.
Saturday the strikers stepped the street
ear rvle. but remained otherwise or
derly. Today, hewevrr. they began whole
sale uWage. The majority ef the shops
ia Marsh)bevki street and the state
vedka shops were looted. AM the factor
ies, sheps aad schools and theaters are
riesed. and the street lamps are extin
gMfohed. There have been several CAthelens be
tmieea the police and the strikers, and
meaty arrests have been made. Peace
ahhJIag citizen are torrer-stricken.
Military and Naval Commander In.
Charge at Sevastopol.
LWv'DOX. Jan. SO. A dispatch te the
DeMy Graphic from Sevastopol says:
Ia oenseetienec of the gravity f the
stouaailen here, the gevernment has in
vested the aaval and military com
xmaBders with full powers to repress
disorders. Over 900 arrests have beea
Nobility Will Consider Petition.
MOSCOW. Jan. A-Tbe triennial meet
ing ef the BebiMty- ef Moscow province
N be held ea February 2. and at that
time the petitleii arklng Emperor Nich
olas to convoke a national assembly will
be coszidered
Russian Attacks End in
Great Disaster.
Japanese Force the Enemy
Back to Right Bank. ;
Casualties on Both Sides During the
Fighting of Three Days Are
Said to Have Been
Very Heavy.
Jan. 29. vU Xunui. Th r.uuha
atteft te tern the Japanese left ku
rteuited in a complete failure.
The Ruutna chose the went leather
f te wuen, depending; perhaps. ur-n
their famlJarlty with a snawy ceuatrj'
te &M tbem in their eperatlens.
Their artillery attacks on the Japanete
permanent Mne were. It Is thought, a
desienetratJpn te prevent the withdrawal
ef terres fer the purpose ef relnferdnc
the Japaaene left.
AM yesterday afterneon and Into the
nlcht an artillery duel was wared acres
the Fhakhe IUver. There was much
heavy rifle firing- from petitions where
the entrenchments are clescst.
It has been quiet today, except en the
left. The weather Is much milder.
TOKIO, Jan. 38. The Russian advance
movement upon the Japanese loftW.d cen
ter has ended disastrously for the enemy,
and the Japanese forces have driven back
the attacks and conquered all along the
line. In many places the fighting, which
has raged furiously for three days, nan
ceased, and In tho vicinity of Sandepu our
soldiers are now engaged In dislodging the
enemy from the village which they cap
tured Eriday. .
Field Marshal Marquis Oyaiaa has sent
several dispatches to the Imperial military
headquarters. Tho last one, deciphered
Sunday evening, states that the enemy is
in full retreat and has abandoned his at
tempt to turn our left flank.
The arst advance of the enemy's line
towards LIuilachkan Friday was met with
a counter-advance upon the village Itself,
which we occupied. During the night of
Friday the cniimy mode two attacks upon
the position. Japanese reinforcements
had been brought forward and both of the
Russian assaults were repulsed with
hetwy losses. The fighting was continued
In a desultory manner at various places
throughout Saturday until late in the eve
ning, when the Russians executed a counter-attack
upon Hclkantai. which had been
occupied- by our forces during the day.
The attack by the Russians was one of
the most determined ever attempted by
them. It was repulsed, and the Japanese
detachments holding the positions spread
oer the vicinity, occupied Peitsalhotsu
and fortified their position in and around
Hclkantai. Besides this, many minor
strongholds were established and well for
tified In the neighborhood.
Check Entire Right Flank.
Our victories at these points checked
the entire right flank of the enemy, part
of which had crossed the Hun River and
had driven small parties of Japanese oc
cupying the forts toward the southwest
on Thursday and Friday. The Japanese
victories at Hclkantai and at Ltullaokan
implied the retaking of those positions,
and before our advance the Russians re
treated across the Hun River to Its right
bank, and Field Marshal Oyama imme
diately ordered several largo dotachmonts
te the pursuit.
Another unsuccessful attack made by
the enemy occurred on Saturday night
at Chenchiepao and Litajcnton. The bat
tle, which was fought along a consider
able distance In the direction of Chen
chiepao. raged for several hours. Tho
large forces were engaged, and the casu
alties on both sides were great- The
fighting lasted for several hours, but
early Sunday morning the Russians were
repulsed all along the line, leaving many
killed and wounded on the battlefiold.
It Is impossible to state the number of
losses on either side, as Field Marshal
Oyama reports that he Is now investigat
ing the casualties. The rout of the Rus
sians was so complete that about 503 of
ficers and men were made prisoners.
The fighting In the vicinity" of Sandepu
ended Friday night with the capture of
that village by the Russians, and was re
sumed Saturday. The Russians threw a
strong force against the redoubt located
to the northeast of the village, but were
repulsed with terrible loss. They re
peated the attack, with the same result,
and then desisted, sending some of their
attacking force towards Somopu, where
a concentrated force of Japanese was at
tacked by several columns of Russians.
The battle at this point raged throughout
Saturday, and on the evening of that
day it came to a close with a crushing
Russian defeat.
Retreat Over the Hun.
The Russian movement, which began
with aa advance to the left bank of the
Hun River, and has now ended with the
enemy's retreat to the right bank, was In
augurated by desultory artillery firing
Wednesday, which was soon followed by
minor attacks, which on Friday and Sat
urday merged Into a general battle all
along our left- Our right and center was
also engaged Friday and Saturday by
Russian forces, which were apparently
acting under direction to carry the bat
tle line to the left wing of our center
army. The advance against the right
began with desultory attacks by small
Russian forces, which were Immediately
repulsed. Several attacks upon our right
were also turned Into Japanese victories.
Another dispatch received from Field
Marshal Oyama states that Hairhpao,
five miles south of Herkantai. was the
scene of another battle fought on Friday
with the Russian right- The general
opinion In this city is that the Russian
advance has been checked in such a man
ner that General Kuropatkin will retire
all along the line and reoccupy his for
mer positions on the right of the Hun
Russian Demonstration at Front Re
. suits in-'Reputs'e.
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. .20 (12:25 A. M.)
Instead of confirmation of Saturday
night's report that General Kuropatkin
bad tpihxo!gSTireTtipiSsst left,
there came Lieu tenant-General Sakha
rofTs official admission today that the
Russians had beea compelled to retire
from Sand e pas, on account of their In
ability to carry a redoubt. It also Is sig
nificant that dispatches from Russian
correspondents at the front have again
suddenly ceased, which is regarded as an
Indication of the failure of the operation
and strengthens the first Impression that
It was a demonstration undertaken to
distract the people at home from the present-
situation. ICemlrovIch Danchecko,
the war correspondent, who has Just ar
rived from the-Xront, said to the Associ
ated Press today:
"I do not regard tho present offensive
measure as likely to be prolonged. I be
lieve General Kuropatkin does not con
template a decisive movement before a
couple of months. The weather condi
tions till then will be unfavorable. Gen
eral Kuropatkin now Is merely preparing
the way and sharpening his troops which
have recently arrived."
The Russkal Slavo, of Moscow, pub
lishes an Interview with Prince Hllkoff,
the Minister of Communications, in which
ho states that the double tracking, of the
Siberian Railway Is impossible for the
purposes of the present war, but that
minor improvements, especially the con
struction of sidings, will bring up the
carrying capacity of the road to the
equivalent of 22 trains each way dally.
At present there are IS trains dally each
way. Prince HilkofC says he does not ex
pect that the strike in the railroad shops
will continue, but sh'ould it do so. he may
have to order cars and trucks, from for
eign manufacturers.
Russian Column Finds Japanese Too
Strongly Intrenched.
ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. 23. Lieuten-ant-Goncral
SakbarofT has telegraphed the
following report to tha-jtnerol staff un
dejf tto of JuauacK 2 - - -:
"January the enemy icgan to con
centrate in considerable force near San
depas, intending to take the offensive.
January 27 our column on the extreme left
took the offensive against the villages of
Sumpau and Daotsla. south of Sandepas,
which wcre occupied bythe enemy. Dur
ing the whole of January 27-an obstinate
fight was going on here and after mid
night we took Sumpau.
"January 25, another column advancing
up Sandepas, occupied a great part of
that village, but, coming upon a strong
(Concluded on Page Four.)
The Weather.
TODAT'S-Cloudy and threatening; northerly
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 41
dec; minimum. 38. Precipitation, trace.
War In the Far Hast.
Advance of the Russians across the Hun Is
met with decisive repulse. Page 1.
Rout of Czar's soldiers Is so complete that a
large force Is taken prisoners. Page 1.
Emperor Nicholas takes his orders from Grand
Duke Sergius, who shows no mercy. Page 1.
British Vice-Consul at Warsaw is run down
and slashed by drunken hussars. Page 1.
Bomb thrown In cavalry barracks In Polish
town wounds many soldiers. Page .
Representative Burton Is In line for one of the
best committees In Congress. Page 1.
Bryan's effort to keep himself before the
American people. Page 1.
Alaskan legislation receives scant attention In
the United States Senate. Page 1.
Statehood bill Is likely soon to be disponed of
by the Senate. Page 4.
Piles does not have to foot campaign bill run
up bj- Sweeny. Page 1.
Expenses of Sweeny and Foster were very
heavy at Olympla. Page 3.
Addressee by Notable Men.
President Roosevelt delivers. address at dedica
tion of Lutheran church In Washington.
Page 3.
Ex-President Cleveland addresses Philadelphia
Y. M. C A. meeting on "Christianity."
Page 3.
Two young men scalded to death In a New
York bathhouse steam room. Page 4.
Lone robber on Chicago street car robs farmer
and makes escape from pursuers. Page 8.
Carnegie Institution yearbook proposes plan for
organized use of scientific Investigation.
Page 3.
Pacific Coast.
Airship Arrow gives a fine exhibition at San
Faacitco. Page 13.
Bishop Carroll will be installed at Helena this
evening. Page 5.
rile of bones In woods shows fate of Southern
Oregon hunter lost 11 years ago. Page 5.
Manager Edwin Stone, of the C. & E. R. R.,
assaulted and burned in hotel at Newport,
Or. Page 5. r
Portland and Vicinity.
"Four-corner" park mass meeting attracts but
4C people. Page 10.
Dr. J. W. Brougher tells what he would do If
he had a million dollars. Page 9.
Governor Mead, ot Washington, goes heme, but
will return again this week. Page II.
Churches pass resolutions protesting against
amendments to local-option law and oppose
constitutional convention. Page 12.
Recommendations of fishing Industry commit.
tee do not meet with approval of all inter
ested. Page 12.
Oregon Legislature to strain sinews this week.
Page S.
Madame Melba speeds Sunday walking about
Portlande streets. Page S.
Contractor J. W. Cummins dies from myste
rious causes after being found unconscious
on street. Page S.
In address before People's Forum. C. E. S.
Wood declares there Is a plot at Salem to
call constitutional convention. Page 13.
Bvtuxgelist Toy arrivss to begin rellgiou cam
aalrs. Pxa 8.
Probably to HeadAppro
priations Committee.
Record in River and Harbor
Matters Commends Him.
Speaker Cannon Does Not Consider
Any Member of the Present Com
mittee Competent, and Has
Great Regard for Burton.
ington, Jan. 29.-cver before In all the
time he has been chairman of the com
mittee on rivers and harbors has Repre
sentative Burton held out so strongly
against unworthy projects for waterway
Improvements as he has done this ses
sion. Burton has. from the first, fought
projects which had no merit, but he has
heretofore been compelled to consent to
the incorporation In river and harbor
bills of many Items which he did not per
sonally approve.
This year, however, he has been firmer,
and has carried his point. He has suc
ceeded In keeping out of the river and
harbor bill every item that was of a
"log-rolling" nature. He consented to no
appropriations except for projects that
have been Indorsed by the War Depart
ment, after careful examination.
There appears to be method In Mr. Bur
ton's course. "When the next Congress
organizes, Speaker Cannon will have to
select a chairman for the committee on
appropriations. This chairman ought to
be a man of discrimination, a man of
force and a man of highest integrity. He
must be the "watchdog of the Treasury."
He must be a man who can dominate his
committee and hold out against all ap
propriations which are not necessary. He
aiust be able, to withstand the personal
appeals of, members.
The record which Chairman Burton has
made this s5BIon has attested his fitness
to become chairman of the Committee on
appropriations. Not even Speaker Can
non himself, when chairman of the ap
propriations committee, held out against
unworthy projects more successfully than
did Mr. Burton this Winter. And this
record will not Injure Mr. Burton's
chances when the Speaker looks over the
field next "Winter for a chairman of the
appropriations committee.
There is not a single member of that
committee today competent to become its
chairman. And from the Speaker's view
point, there Is not a member In the House
better equipped for that place than Mr.
Burton. Perhaps the chairman of the
river and harbor committee had the fu
ture In view when he took the radical
course he did in dictating the terms of the
present river and harbor bill.
Keeping in the public eye
Bryan Still Has Longings to Occupy
i the Presidential Chair.
ington, Jan. 23. William J. Bryan has
evidently determined to keep himself be
fore the American people and to work up
a sentiment in his own party In favor
of Bryan Ideas and possibly Bryan for
President in the next campaign. It seems
to be his intention to circulate at differ
ent points where his name will get Into
print in connection with politics and pol
icies ot his own parly.
Beyond a question of doubt, he went
to Indianapolis and conferred with Chair
man Taggart and had the fact advertised
all over the country in order that the
people could understand that he was any
thing hut a back number. From there
he went to other places and lectured and
talked politics all the time. He came on
to Washington and talked politics here
and mingled with Democrats who would
naturally give out Interviews, coupling
their names with Bryan and give him a
little more advertising; He also took oc
casion to correct what he said were er
rors In the Democratic programme at
tributed to himself. These erroneous state
ments that were credited to him were
a very small matter, but were sufficient
to give Bryan a chance to keep himself
before the public
It is rather surprising. In view of the
fact that the last National Convention
certainly turned Bryan down, save on the
money piank of the platform, and that
the management of the campaign was
placed in hands distinctly antagonistic to
Bryan, that he- should bob up at this
time and assume leadership without- re
gard to what any of the party wants.
Bryan himself. In talking about Demo
cratic politics, takes the position that he
Is the oracle and that he is speaking
for the party. Possibly the country re
gards Bryan as the leader of the party,
and It may be that more attention Is
given to what he has to say because the
press generally considers that Parker's
overwhelming defeat, the defeat of the
"safo and sane" Democracy, relegates the
party to Bryanlsm with all the radical
features that he supports. It could not
be that so much attention is paid to
Bryan unless that is the generally ac
cepted condition of things regarding the
Democratic party.
It galls such men as Gorman, Bailey,
Williams, Cockran and others In Con
gress to see the deference that Is paid
to Bryan when he comes to Washington,
and that the men -who aided in turning
bim down at St. Louis last July are now-
anxious and willing to make amends and
obtain forgiveness from the. Nebraska
leader. Probably there are other Demo
crats in Congress who think that Bryan
is assuming too much, but they all have
to acknowledge that he stands at the
head of the Democracy, or at least arro
gates that position to himself and is
practically unchallenged by any other
Democrat, and is without a rival In his
particular line.
Untiring Efforts to Pass Pure-Food,
Bill Brings Admiration.
ington, Jan. 29. With the close of the
present session of Congress Senator Hey
burn will be relieved of the responsibility
of passing the pure-food bill. Ia the
next Congress he will be promoted to the
chairmanship of another committee, and
some new Senator will succeed him as
chairman of the committee on manufac
tures. ,
It is always the duty of this chairman
to handle the fight on the pure-food bitl,
a fight that is as hopeless as It is thank
less. Other Senators before him have
made gallant stands in behalf of this
legislation, hut none was more enthusi
astic or more hopeful than Mr. Hey
burn. The Idaho Senator took hold of the pure
food bill, had it reported to the Senate,
and immediately set to work to force its
passage. He really believed there was a
chance of getting the bill through, and
his hope spurred him on. Never did he
lose an opportunity to press thi3 bill,
which Is believed to have enough votes,,
to pass It, but which caa never be brought
to a vote, because of the shrewd tactics
of the minority opposition.
Senator Heyburn's earnestness has
amused his colleagues. No man in charge
of a bill has been more earnest than he;
no man more persistent. If any Sen
ator could have passed the bill, Mr. Hey
burn would have succeeded. But he was
striving to accomplish the unattainable.
He will turn over the task to a new Sen
ator when the next Congress organizes,
and will then be able to devote more of
his time to local legislation. But the ex
perience has done him no harm. The
Senator Is the better for having made
the effort. The Senate admires his stick
ing qualities.
Senators Pay Little Attention to In
terest of Big Territory.
ington. Jan. 23. The determination of the
Senate to dispose of the Swayne impeach
ment case means, according- to Senate
leaders, that most of the time between
now and March 4 will be taken up in
court duty, to the exclusion of legisla
tive matters, save only the necessary
supply bills. All legislation which en
counters objection "will have to go. over.
This meari3 not only the defeat of the
ship subsidy, interstate commerce and
statehood bills, but the defeat of all-leg-Islation
relating to Alaska. It had been
hoped that several Alaskan measures
might be passed before adjournment, but
that hope has been dispelled. Plans had
already been laid for bringing forward
the Alaska delegate bill, passed by the
House last session. But Alaska will get
no delegate by grace of the 5Sth Congress.
Neither will Alaska get much else, save
what is provided In the regular appro
priation bills.
Alaska is weak in the Senate for two
reasons: All Alaskan legislation encoun
ters opposition from a few men, but what
Is more significant, few Senators have
any real interest in the great district,
and not more than half a dozen men make
any effort whatever to push through leg
islation which Alaska seeks. There is
more opposition to the delegate bill than
to any other Alaska bill now pending, and
this opposition will be able to put a
quietus on the Cushman bill, so far as
the present session Is concerned.
Champions in Senate Have Records
for Long-Distance Talking.
ington. Jan. 29. Senators and Represen
tatives from the beet-sugar states are de
termined to prevent the passage of any
bill at the present session of Congress
intended to reduce the duty on Philippine
sugar, and in this fight they will have the
co-operation of delegations from Southern
States which are interested alike in the
cane sugar and tobacco industries. The
prospects are that the beet-sugar men
will win out.
In the little time remaining after the
Swayne trial i3 ended, the Senate must
consider and pass the several appropria
tion bills, and taking out the timerequlred
for this absolutely necessary legislation,
there will be little left for the considera
tion of other measures. So little time
will there be, in fact, that any hill to
which there is any marked opposition will
not be able to get through the Senate.
It so happens that the opponents of re
duction of the duty on Philippine sugar
and tobacco number in their ranks some
of the greatest long-distance talkers in
the Senate, notably, the two Senators
from Colorado. Even If there was no
other opposition, these two men, by com
bining their efforts, could talk to death
any bill to which they were opposed, if
It should be brought forward at any time
during the remainder ot the present ses-.
slon. This being the situation, the beet
sugar men feel pretty confident of winn
ing out.
Much-Married Hoch Has Traces in
Many States.
CHICAGO. Jan. 29 Information as to
the "probable whereabouts of Johann
Hoch, the German who is said to have
had a new wife for every month In the
year, was received today from all parts
of the country. The best clew came
from New York, where a man answer
ing his description applied for trans
portation at the oflices of the German
steamship lines.
The New York authorities have been
requested to watch all Eastern ports to
prevent his escapo across the water.
Piles Owes Election to
Spokane Millionaire.
Political Pirates at Olympia
Overreached Themselves.
King County Man Given Support of
Eastern Washington Candidate
Because He Had Won Hi?
Favorable Impression
OLYMPIA, Jan. 23. (Staff Correspond
ence.) The Senatorial fight which came
to such a sudden end at Olympia last Fri
day shattered many an idol, but they
were all Images of infamy whose de
struction was long overdue. The election
to the United States Senate of Samuel H.
Piles has demonstrated that sentiment
still has a place in Washington politics,
for It was sentiment untarnished by com
mercialism that swept the Seattle candi
date on to victory.
No more formidable candidate than,
Charles Sweeny ever entered a Senatorial
fight at Olympia. With a true and tried
following sufficient in numbers to pre
vent the election of any of the other can
didates In the field, and with millions at
his command, had he been disposed to
make the usual money fight that has dis
graced so many Western States, he would
today be United States Senator from,
But there was a great deal of sentiment
In the make-up of the Spokane million
aire. The spirit of the freeborn Ameri
can citizen revolted at the proposals that
were mada by a few members who mis
represented their constituents. With this
feeling of revulsion came that noble sen
timent which leads the man who is up
to help the man who is down.
Victor Generally Foots the Bill.
It costs a great deal of money to con
duct a Senatorial campaign, and it his
become an established, practice for tho
strongest withdrawing candidate to be re- I
lmbursed by the one in whose favor ho
-withdraws. Mr. ,Sweeny's liberality is in
keeping with his wealth, and his legiti
mate expenses were probably several
thousand dollars greater than those ot
anay other candidate who ever came to
When the contest had reached a stage "
where the votes were needed of a number
of men who by reason of geographical lo
cation and former political alignment, as
well as by their own admission, were
Sweeny men, the support was unobtain
able on any other than a commercial
basis. The amount Involved was smalL
probably less than has ever before stood
between a wealthy candidate and tho
United States Senate. But Sweeny
spurned the offer.
"I don't give a darn for the money in
volved," said he, "but. no grafter will
ever have the pleasure of thinking that
he made a sucker of Charley Sweeny."
Proposals were made to turn his forces
over to Foster or to Jacob Furth, of
Seattle, either of whom would have re
imbursed him for all of the money
spent, but Sweeny had been very favor
ably impressed with Mr. Piles and he
promptly declared that he cared nothing
for the expense already incurred and
would at once do everything he could to
bring about the election of the Seattle
Cost Will Never 'Je Known.
No one. but Sweeny knows how much
the fight had cost him when he aban
doned It, but whatever the amount was.
It was a free contribution to the election
ot Mr. Piles, for which he received noth
ing in return that he pould not hava
received from the other candidates who
had sought his strength and offered to
reimburse him for what he had spent.
No more loyal support was ever given
a man than was extended to Sweeny by
the 2S men who remained steadfast to the
end and then without a protest trans
ferred their strength to the man desig
nated by their candidate. Mr. Piles was
strictly within the limits of truth when
in his speech at Seattle he repeatedly
alluded to Sweeny as "the man who
made me Senator." for nothing but the
wonderful generosity of the 'Spokane man
made It possible to change what seemed
certain defeat Into an easy victory
Mr. Sweeny was highly pleased over tho
congratulations that were showered on
him from all factions of the party, but
nothing in connnection with the coup
seemed to please him as much as tho
discomfiture of the men who had at
tempted to hold him up for exorbitant
sums of money. As some of these men
had already discounted the future by ex
penditures entirely out of keeping with
their perdlem and mileage allowances it
will require the exercise of the most
rigid economy for the remainder of tha
session to enable them to come out even.
Add Tone to Millionaire's Club.
Mr. Sweeny stated In Seattle that ha
thought the sending of a poor man like
Mr. Piles to the Senate might have an
elevating effect on that "millionaire
club." Whether this be true or not, it 13
a certainty that the methods pursued by
Mr. Sweeny In sending him there have
clarified the political air of Washington
and taught a few hold-up artists a lesson
that they willl not soon forget-
The result was accomplished so suddenly
that ti:re was no time to make any new
trades on other legislation and any meas
ures that are passed during the remainder
Concluded on Third Pajre.1