Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 28, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Salmon Fishers to Pay More
to the State.
Bill Passes the House Putting Can
neries in Twenty-Five Classes,
and Other Plants in
Twenty-Two Classes.
SALEM, Or., Jan. 27. (Special.) To in
crease licenses o salmon canneries and
cold-storage and pickling plants a bill
passed the House yesterday, H. B. 142, by
Burns of Coos. Chairman Mayger of the
fisheries committee says the bill will prac
tically double the annual revenue from
licenses, and that he expects to see $25,000
derived from it every year. A bill has
already passed the House to appropriate
$25,000 for salmon hatcheries.
"The object of this bill," explained
Burns to the House, "is to make the
fishery department self-supporting. It is
right that the individuals who profit
from the industry should support the
fishery department. Many packers favor
this measure."
The bill assorts canneries into 23 classes,
according to the size of their packs, and
prescribes annual licenses ranging from
$175 to $2000, according to the class to
which a cannery belongs. Other plants
are grouped into 22 classes, and the li
censes range from $5 to $1200.
"Provided." runs the bill, and the same
provision applies to pickling and cold
storage plants as to canneries, "that if
any person, firm or corporation desires
ato obtain a, license for a cannery which
'had not been operated the year preceding
such application, such cannery shall upon
application be classed by the Board of
Fish Commissioners, and the license fee
to be paid shall be three times tho regu
lar fee according to that class, excepting
in a case where a cannery remained idle
only one season, then and in that case
the license fee to be paid shall be double
the regular fee."
The House today passed a bill to trans
fer the balance of the swamp-land fund,
$4K93.83. to the general fund of the state
and to appropriate $62,571.37 to pay out
standing warrants against the swamp
land fund, toge'ther with interest. May
ger, who Introduced the bill, said that the
state had sold as swamp lands what
were really not swamp at all, for some
of the lands were afterward found to be
on the tops of mountains. The money
derived from the sales had been Jexpend
ed and warrants had been issued to re
imburse the purchasers.
The total of the warrants was $44,716.64
and accrued interest thereon had brought
the Indebtedness up to the amount of the
Senate Memorial to Congress Also
Asks for Tract of Land.
SALEM. Or.. Jan. 27. (Special.) In be
half of the Indian War veterans of 1S53
and 1S5S Senator Browncll today secured
the adoption by the Senate of a memorial
asking Congress to grant such veterans
pensions of $12 per month and, 160 acres
of land each. The memorial is as follows:
To the Honorable Senate and House of
Representatives, Consrcsa of the United
Statea Gentlemen: Tour memorialists, the
Legislative Assembly of the State of Ore
gon, would respectfully and earnestly rep
resent to your honorable body that the pen
sion granted to the veterans of the Indian
wars of 1853 and 1S5U, to-wlt, $8 per month.
Is entirely inadequate to the deserts and
the needs of the few of those noble old pa
triots who remain with us as llvins evidence
of the work performed, in those days, to
preserve this vast and magnificent country
to the peaceful use of the white man and
his family, and to protect their lives from
savage massacre.
The claims of these men to National rec
ognition and gratitude have been already
passed upon and acknowledged by the Na
tion, and by the states which have been
carved out of the vast empire which they
defended, but. In fixing their financial re
ward, we feel that the spirit of economy
was too largely the controlling Influence,
and that while they have the name of rec
ognized pensioners, their stipend is entirely
too small.
We therefore urge upon your honorable
body the early passage of a bill granting
to said veterans an Increase of pension to
the sum of $12 per month, and also the
right to enter a tract of Government land,
wherever the same can be found, to the
extent of ICO acres.
The percentage of veterans now living Is
email. They arc old and decrepit, and tclr
ranks are fast thinning out. The cost to
the Government of the tardy recognition
asked for will be small, and the rising
generation, enjoying the fruits of their
early sacrifices, will feel a greater pride
when the debt to them is paid.
It Is hereby directed that a copy of this
memorial, duly signed by the President of
the Senate and the Speaker of the House,
and attested by the Chief Clerks of the
two houses, be forthwith forwarded to each
of Oregon's Senators and Representatives in
For the better protection of estates of
deceased persons, the Senate today passed
Malarkey's S. B. OS. Under present laws
an executor or administrator must give
a bond for" double the value of the per
sonal property and probable rental of
real property, upon the theory that it
would be Impossible for him to abscond
with the real property. Malarkey's bill
provides that when an executor sells real
property he must furnish an additional
bond sufficient to cover the amount of
money received from the sale.
Senator Wright's dental bill, passed by
the Senate today, provides that the Gov
ernor may appoint members of the Board
of Dental Examiners without considering
nominations mado by the State Dental
Association, as required heretofore.
To prevent deduction of more than five
pounds per bale of hops, as tare, the
House this morning passed a bill of Rep
resentative Settlemler. who explained that
the same law is In force in Washington.
California and New York, the great hop
producing states of the Union.
That all life, fire, marine, accident, plate
glass insurance companies and surety
companies shall publish in a dally paper
in three issues a statement of their re
sources and liabilities. Is the requirement
of Smith's S. B. 1SS. introduced today.
The purpose is to give the public an op
portunity to learn the financial condition
of such companies, the same as -in the
case of National banks.
Senator Pierce notified the Senate today
that next Tuesday he will Introduce a bill
to put County Assessors on flat salaries.
They are now drawing $3 and $4 a day for
eight hours work. Efficiency of Assessors
Is better, says Senator Pierce, under flat
salaries. The bill so far as it has been
drafted provides for salaries as follows:
Clatsop. $1S00; Columbus, $1100; Coos,
$1200: Curry, $500: Douglas, $1200; Lane,
$1500: Josephine. $1500; Lincoln. $1200; Polk.
$1200. Deputy Assessors are to be allowed
and paid by County Courts. But for
Linn County the salary for Assessors and
deputies is to be $0000.
A bill to provide that the surety on the
official bond of the State Treasurer must
be a surety company, and that the state
must pay the surety company's fee. was
Introduced In the Senate today by Sen
ator Kuykendall. The amount of the bond
required remains as at present. $50,000.
The law now requires that not less than
six freeholders shall be sureties on the
Record of Routine Work 'for the
SALEM. Or.. Jan. 27. (Special.) The
Senate was opened with prayer by Rev.
C. F. Robinson.
A petition from the Federation of Wom
en's Clubs, asking for legislation for the
care of feeble-minded, was read.
Petitions were read from several
W. C. T. U. organizations asking the
passage of S. B. 8, raising the age of
Resolutions adopted by Clackamas
Grange were read, asking for the passage
of a law similar to the Harris bill, a
law giving married women the same prop
erty rights as men and a law forbidding
the use of passes.
S. J. M. 5, by Brownell, asking Con
gress to grant the Indian war veterans
of 1855 and 1855 increased pensions,, was
S. J. R. 20". by Rand, for joint session of
House and Senate February 1 to consider
the question of a constitutional conven
tion, was adopted.
S. R. 16, to allow the mailing clerk 400
two-cent stamps and 100 one-cent stamps,
was adopted.
H. C R. 1C, by Capron, for Joint com
mittee to investigate matter of using
Mute School building as girls' annex to
Reform School, was adopted.
Bills Passed in the Senate.
SALEM. Or., Jan. 27. (Special.) Bills
were passed by the Senate today as fol
lows: S. B. 173 To amend the cbartor of On
tario. S. B. 170, by Whealdon To amend the
charter of Dufur.
S. B. 181. by Miller To amend the char
ter of Lebanon.
S. B. 82. by Kuykendall To protect East
ern oysters planted In Oregon waters by
the State Biologist unUl 1009.
S. B. 58, by Malarkey To provide for
Increase of executors bonds when real prop
erty is sold.
S. B. Ill, by Rand To fix the salary of
the School Superintendent of Harney Coun
ty at $1000.
S. B. 112. by Rand To fix salary of Ba
ker County at $1500 and chief deputy at
S. B. 123. by Coshow To amend section
5611, to authorize guardians to sell prop
erty at private sale.
S. B. 135, by Coshow To .provide for ap
pointment of attorney to .serve in place of
District Attorney when the latter Is unable
to serve.
S. B. 160, by Pierce To establish First
and Fourth Eastern Oregon District Fair
H. B. 173, by Newell To fir salaries of
county officers In Washington Count-. '
H. B. 206. by Griffin To amend charter
of Florence.
H. B. 213, by Kuney To amend charter
of Wasco.
H. B. 170. by Cooper To amend charter
of Newport.
H. B. 60 To incorporate Falls City.
S. B. 167. by Wright Regulating practice
of dentists giving Governor power to ap
point dental examiners without recommenda
tion of Dental Association, and providing
that advertising by dentists shall be prima
facie evidence of their practice.
S. B. 1S7, by Crolsan To prevent swine
from running at large in Marlon County.
H. B. . 54, by West To raise salary of
County School Superintendent of Tillamook
to $1000.
II. B. 9. by Richie That Supreme Judges
shall appoint State Librarian.
New Bills in the Senate.
SALEM. Or.. Jan. 27. (Special.) Bills
were Introduced in the Senate today as
S. B. 181. by Miller To amend the char
ter of Lebanon.
S. B. 1S2. by Nottingham To amend the
charter of Milaukle.
S. B. 1S3, by Coke To authorize the Coun
ty Court of Coos County to appropriate $3000
for Lewis and Clark Fair exhibit.
S. B. 184. by Malarkey To amend the
law regarding divorce cases.
S. tB. 1S3. by Kuykendall To amend sec
tion 2409 of the code relating to bond of
State Treasurer, and repeal section 2410.
S. B. ISO, by Booth To amend the inheri
tance tax law.
S. B. 1ST, by Crolsan To prevent swine
from running at large In Marion County.
S. B. 18S, by Pierce To provide for pub
lication of statements of Insurance com
panies. S. B. ISO. by Smith To alttllsh the office
of State Veterinarian by repealing section
428 et seq. of the code.
S. 11. 100 Substitute for S. B. 2.
S. 11. 101, b' Kuykendall To define and
regulate fraternal insurance companies.
S. B. 102, by Coshow To protect salmon
Routine Work of the Representatives
at Salem.
SALEM, Or.. Jan. 27. (Special.) The
House was called to order at 10 o'clock by
Speaker Mills.
Prayer was offered by Dr. X. J. Craw
ford. The Speaker appointed Colwell. of Mult
nomah, and Kay, of Marlon, as members
of the joint committee to investigate the
Boys and Girls' Aid Society.
On motion of Kay. of Marlon, next
Wednesday evening was made the time to
pass on all city charter bills. Bailey
amended by moving that all bills of a lo
cal character be considered.
S. B. 131. by Tuttle. to appropriate $S000
for Lewis and Clark memorials at Fort
Clatsop and near Seaside was Indefinitely
H. R. 23, by Edwards (by request), that
A. C. Jennings be paid $s for services as
Chief Clerk, was referred.
H. J. M.. 4. by Munkers, that Congress
make appropriation for opening of the
Willamette River, was referred.
H. J. R.. 3. by Smith, of Josephine (sub
stitute), providing for expenses of legis
lative committees, was Indefinitely post
poned. S. C. R.. 20. by Rand, for a constitutional
convention, was referred.
H. J. M.. 5. by special water-power com
mittee, that all water powers In Oregon
be Ceded to state, was referred.
Bills Passed by the House.
SALEM, Or.. Jan. 27. (Special.) Bills
passed the House today as follows:
H. B. 103, by Mayger, to Increase sala
ries of Judges in Fifth Judicial District.
H. B. 131, by Llnthlcum, to provide one
form of acknowledgment by corporations.
S. B. 9. Crolsan. to reimburse common
school fund by mortgage of State Fair
S. B. 4S, Crolsan, to authorize purchase
of land at Champoeg.
S. B. 43. Smith, to create commission to
establish boundary lines of Umatilla
County. t
S. B. 61. Malarkey, to amend code on
larceny of railroad tickets.
S. B. 69 Nottingham, to amend code on
transfer of stocks of eoods.
S. B. 26, Pierce, to enable incorporated 1
cities to condemn lands for protection
from freshets.
S. B. 27, Pierce, to authorize transfer of
estates from one county to another.
S. B. 53, Pierce, to empower executors
to execute deeds.
S. B. 15, Tuttle, to repeal black bass
fishing law,
H. B. 142, Burns, of Coos, to Increase
licenses of salmon fishing gear, canneries
and cold-storage plants.
H. B. 203, Newell, to provide for holding
agricultural institutes.
H. B. 233, Mayger. to transfer balance
in swampland fund to general fund.
H. B. 2uS. Bailey, to punish husband who
connives at prostitution of his wife.
H. B. 123. Laws, to regulate salary of
Clatsop County Judge.
H. B. 177, Settlemeler, to fix tare on
baled hops.
H. B. 249. Caldwell, to amend charter of
Newburg. Yamhill County.
H. B. 231. Miles, to amend charter of
Sheridan. Yamhill County.
H. B. 250. Miles, to fix salary of school
superintendent of Yamhill County.
H. B. 172, Newell, to provide for trans
portation of patients to asylum by attendants.
Joint Resolution Passed by the
Washington House.
House Member Would Restrict Ad
mission to Normal Schools to
Those Who Intend to
Teach on Graduation.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Jan. 27. (Special.)
"The 40-cent rate," which became some
what of a campaign issue In the last gen
eral election, received Its first mention In
the Legislature today In the form of a
Joint resolution Introduced by Veness of
Lewis County. The resolution merely asks
the railroads to grant the lumbermen a
Both houses of the Oregon Legislature adjourned yesterday until Monday.
In the Senate. 193 bills have been introduced: In the House, 2S1.
The Senate has passed 75 Senate bills and 10 House bills. The Home has passed
ST House bills and 13 Senate bills.
The Governor has signed eight bill?, all of them of local nature, except H. B. 1.
by Stelner, to cede lake lands In Klamath and Lake Counties to the National Gov
ernment. The only important bill passed by both Houses, beside that for cession of lake
lands, la one appropriating $138,000 for expenses of the legislative teailon and for
certain claims and deficiencies.
Separate bills have passed both houses to appropriate- $15,000 for Indian War
veterans of liw-50.
The most Important bills passed by the Senate are to establish Juvenile courts, to
provide for hunters' license fee of $1; to appropriate $25,000 for the portage read; to
prohibit ticket scalping and to Increase penalty for train robbery: la the House, to
pay state officers flat salaries, to create a State Library Commission, to revise the
militia, code in conformity with the National Dick law, to appropriate $25,000 for
salmon hatcheries, to require Insane persons to be escorted to the State Asylum by
Asylum attendants, and to create a new Judicial district In Eastern Oregon.
The bill to amend the local-option act, now with the House Committee on Re
vision of Laws, will be reported back to the House next week.
The bill to protect forests against fire Is In the bands of the House Committee on
Public Lands.
The bill for county Prosecuting Attorneys is in the hands of the House Committee
on Judiciary.
40-cent rate to Missouri River territory.
Davis of Pierce wanted the resolution re
ferred to the railway commission, when
appointed, but the Senate passed it.
A bill compelling railroads to weigh
cars at junction points was Introduced
by S. T. Smith. Russell presented a bill
which makes It a felony to take explos
ives Into the penitentiary for the purpose
of aiding prisoners to escape.
A bill by LcCrone seeks to increase the
school fund revenue by placing the mini
mum price at which grazing lands by the
state may be leased at 10 cents per acre,
and agricultural lands at 50 cents. Agri
cultural lands may now be leased at as
low as 10 cents.
A bill by Hammer creates a Hen upon
real estate in convictions of Illegal liquor
selling and gambling thereon.
The House took a recess this morning
while in the middle of the calendar, evi
dently for the purpose of enabling the
members to discuss the Senatorial situa
tion. The business of the session was
limited to the adoption of a few minor
amendments to bills on second reading and
to the Introduction of nine new ones.
A bill which has for Its purpose the
furnishing to the Government of a site
near the mouth of the Columbia for a
quarantine station was Introduced by Meg
ler. It provides for the purchase out of
the general fund of two and one-half
acres of state lands and the deeding of
the same to the Government, at a cost
not to exceed $100.
A bill designed to give County Commis
sioners control over the running at large
of stock was Introduced by Bowers of
Spokane. The bill Is particularly Interest
ing to the counties of Eastern Washing
ton having extensive stock ranges. The
Commissioners are empowered to pre
scribe districts where stock may run at
large and the Impounding and sale of
stock found In closed localities is pro
vided for. It now costs $3 In this state
for a marriage license. Bassett of Ad
ams thinks this is too much and has pre
sented a bill reducing the cost to $1.50.
Keyes of Whatcom Introduced a bill
restricting the admission of students to
normal schools to those who will certify
that they Intend to follow teaching as a
vocation. The bill also prescribes a new
system of Issuing diplomas and otherwise
amends the laws regulating normal
Another state road bill was introduced
with Bollnger as author, providing for
a' road from the mouth of the Methow,
In Okanogan County, to Barron, in What
com County. This will connect with the
proposed Marble Mount road, giving the
stockmen of Okanogan County a road to
tidewater. Ten thousand dollars is ap
propriated. Adjournment was taken until 2 P. M.
Monday. '
Heitman Defends His Motives.
BOISE, Idaho, Jan. 27. (Special.) The
Kootenai County division hearing was re
sumed before the Senate committee to
day. Hon. Charles L. Heitman. chairman
of the county committee, vigorously de
nied the correctness of the charges mado
respecting his motives in opposing di
vision. Direct Election of Senators.
HELENA. Mont, Jan. 27. The Sen
ate today passed the House resolution
calling on Congress to amend the Fed
eral Constitution so Senators may be
elected by direct vote of the people.
Government Would Spend as Much as
Spent by State.
SALEM, Or.. Jan. 27. (Special.) There
arc two classes of mining bureau bills
before the Legislature, one class propos
ing the establishment of a bureau whose
purpose shall be to Inspect mines and
gather Information regarding them, and
the other having for Its chief object the
making of geological surveys in connec
tion with similar work on the part of the
United States.
The United States Survey officials offer
to tpend dollar for dollar In this work
in Oregon, in conjunction with persons
appointed by the state. It Is for the pur
pose of securing this Government work
that the latter class of bills has been
Introduced, providing for the employment
of a director of a geological bureau lo
cated at the State University and the
maintenance of a mining exhibit at Port
land. For the purpose of learning what other
state? have done In this direction the
University of Oregon has sent out blanks
to the bureaus and state geological sur
veys of the country, asking for replies
to a number of questions with regard to
their form of organization, etc. Replies
have been received from 23 Kates. 21 of
which support state geological surveys
and two support mining bureaus.
Appointment of the State Geologist, or
Mineralogist, is made in Ave states by
the Governor. In four states by legisla
tive act In eight by commissioners and
in one by the regents of the university.
In one state the State Geologist is -elected
by the people and In one be is ap-
pointed by the United States Geological
In ten of the 23 states the Geological
Survey is connected with some education
al Institution, and in all but three In
stances this is the State University. In
Washington, both the State University
and the Agricultural College are connect
ed with the survey.
Fourteen states regularly co-operate
with the United States Geological Sur
vey. Annual appropriations vary from
$1000 to $40,000, and average about $12,000.
The University of Oregon Is Interested
In Senator Booth's Senate bill 12. which
proposes to create a department of mines
and geology for the purpose of co-operating
with the Government. The university
has received from J. D. Walcott, Direct
or of the United States Geological Survey,
an offer to spend in geological work In
Oregon as much money as the state will
spend for that purpose.
Boarding-House Bill Is Tabled.
SALEM, Or.. Jan. 27. (Special.) A
bill to amend the sailor boarding
house act was tabled this morning in the
House, ostensibly because the members
has not had opportunity to study the act
and perhaps because the bill is said to
have come from Governor Chamberlain
for the purpose of giving him the appoint
ment of the three members of the sailor
boarding-house commission. The bill was
Introduced by Cavender of. Linn and pro
vides that the Governor shall appoint the
commissioners. Instead of the Governor,
the Secretary of State and the State
Treasurer. The measure exempts such
organizations as Seaman's Institute and
the Longshoreman's Union from the li
cense provisions of the act.
Man Held by Police in Seattle Says
He Belongs in Portland.
SEATTLE. Jan. 27. Al Lake, alias Wil
liam Mason, wanted in San Francisco
for alleged forgeries aggregating $3000,
was arrested In this city today on tele
graphic description. Lake was confiden
tial bookkeeper for Robert Trost, a San
Francisco contractor and mill owner. Be
fore the forgeries were discovered he had
lied and was chased all over the country
before finally being located In Seattle.
Chief, of Police Wlttman, of San Fran
cisco, has wired to hold the man until
the arrival of an officer. The man under
arrest denies that his name Is Lake and
says he la In the employ of an insurance
firm In Portland.
Assault on Albany Man.
ALBANY. Or.. Jan. 27. (Special.)
Thomas Cockerel, station agent of the
Corvallls & Eastern Company at Albany,
was assaulted by two men near the
Southern Pacific Depot last night. One
of the men stopped him, and the other
attempted to strike him with a weapon.
Cockerel dodged the main force of the
blow and escaped his assailants, though
his face was scarred by the Instrument
with which the man struck him. Robbery
was undoubtedly the motive of the as
sault. Two men were arrested late last night
on suspicion of being the assailants, and
are being held pending an Investigation.
King Will Reprieve a Murderer.
VICTORIA. Jan. 27. Advices received
from Montreal state that Antonio Gla
connl, an Italian, condemned to be
hanged for murder, is to be pardoned
through the Intervention of King Edward
at the request of the King of Italy. This
is said to be the first time the British
monarch has exercised his prerogative In
reprieving a- prisoner sentenced by a
colonial court.
- Collector After Long Service.
VICTORIA, B. C Jan. 27. John a
Newbury was appointed Collector; of Cus
toms today, -vice the late A. R. Milne.
Newbury wa3 chief clerk for 22 years.
Take TjitiUt Bromo Quinine Tablets. AO
drurrlt refund 111 money If It fells to eur
X. W. Grove's stcsatur is oa each box. 25c
State Senator Dan J. Malarkey.
Mrs. Belle Bales, of Beaverton,
Pays Her Fine.
Charge of Selling Liquor to Minors
Made Against Men Whose Place
Was Wrecked by an
Angry Mother.
HILLSBORO. Jan. 27. Mrs. Belle
Bales this morning pleaded guilty be
fore Justice H. T. Bagley to the charge
of demolishing personal property In
the Rossi & Henriksen saloon, Janu
ary 19. and was fined $30. Mrs. Bales
alleged that she did not have the
money herself, but that a neighbor
would pay the fine. She was admon
ished by the Justice that if she per
sisted in the attempt to do damage of
this nature to the saloon that the next
time he would give her a. more severe
Mrs. Bales stated that she labored
under the impression that she could
not prosecute the saloon proprietors
without expense, and she had there
fore taken the law into her own hands.
The fine was paid this afternoon.
A complaint has now been filed
against the saloonkeepers, charging
them with selling or giving Intoxicat
ing liquor to a minor, and another has
been filed against Louis Tullock, who
this morning testified that he had
bought drinks In the saloon and given
liquor to the son. Shelby Bales. The
saloon men say they will fight the
case, and allege that they have wlt
nesses who will testify that at a
Grange meeting In Beaverton Mrs.
Bales alleged that she had two sons,
one aged 22 and the other 14 years of
age. As the boy over whom the trou
ble originated Is the eldest, the saloon
men propose to put this evidence up
as a defense against he mlnorshlp of
the youth.
The boy this morning swore that he
was 13 years of age.
A. R. Marker Will Represent Univer
sity in Newberg Contest
Or., Jan. 27. (Special.) Andrew P. Mar
ker, of Tacoma. Wash., a member of
Coleman Literary Society, speaking upon
the subject of "Moses," was awarded first
prize In the local oratorical contest held
here tonight for the purpose of choosing
an orator to represent Willamette In the
Intercollegiate contest at Newberg. March
10. Marker Is a Junior and Is registered
In the literary department.
Second place was awarded to Miss Llla
V. Swafford. of the senior class, who
represented Coleman Sorosls, and chose
"The Yellow Peril" as her subject. Other
orators were Ronald C Glover, '05, of
Phllodoslan Society, who spoke upon
"The Ward of the Nation." and Miss Ruth
Field, '05, of Phllodoslan Society, whose
subject was "The American College." The
contest was the best held here In years,
and the decisions were very close. About
1000 people were In attendance.
Sparks Is Pacific Debater.
FOREST GROVE. Or.. Jan. 27. (Spe
clnl.) The local oratorical contest to
night was won by Hugh W. Sparks, a
sophomore and a member of the Gam
ma Sigma Literary Society. He will
represent Pacific In the state contest
to be held at Newberg March 17. The
subject of the winning oration was
'The Hero of the Reformation," a eu
logy of Martin Luther. Second honors
went to Miss Llla Ferrln, '05. whose
subject was "The First of the Blacks."
There were four other contestants
Clara Irvine, '06; W. B. Rasmussen. '06;
John W. Peters, '07, and Arthur Hall,
'05, all but the last having biographical
The judges on composition were Rev.
Austin Rice, of Walla Walla; Rev. E. L.
House and Professor Herdman, of
Portland. The judges on delivery
were Rev. Herbert Boyd and Professor
Robertson, of Forest Grove, and Pro
fessor Barnes, of Hlllsboro.
Vocal selections were given by
Misses Moseley, Brobst and Leiser.
After the contest the members of
Gamma Sigma gave a banquet In honor
of their victorious orators.
Miss Pratt Wins Honor and Money.
CORVALLIS, Or., Jan. 27. (Special.)
Miss Laura Pratt Is the student and
"From Darkness to Light" the subject
that was awarded first place In the
local oratorical contest, held In Col
lege Armory tonight. The theme of
the winning oration is "Helen Keller."
A thousand people witnessed the con
test, in which eight orators, represent
ing as many literary societies, strug
gled for mastery.
To the winner goes the honor of
representing O. A. C in the state con
test, as well as a gold medal and $15
In cash. Second place, a gold medal
and $9 In cash, was won by John Wlthy
combe. and third place and a silver
medal and $6 In cash was taken by Mark
Pretty Bellingham Girl Bids Home a
Hasty Farewell.
""BELLINGHAM, Wash.. Jan. 27.
(Special.) To gratify an ambition to
be a great actress, which she has cher
ished since childhood and against
which her parents have fought for
years, pretty and vivacious Mae Nel
son, one of the prominent society girls
of Bellingham, last night disappeared
from her home, and Is now with Lewis
Morrison's company, which played
"Faust" here Tuesday night.
Miss Nelson has always felt that if
she were only given half a chance she
would win name and fame for her
self. She Is said to have a good so
prano voice, and It Is her opinion that
fortune has at last smiled upon her by
her being engaged by the Morrison
She hastily packed her clothes yes
terday, bid her mother goodby, and
without explaining her actions hurried
to the depot, where she was just In
time to catch the train southbound
from this city.
Effort Will Be Made to Have Linn
and Marion Division Marked.
ALBANY. Or., Jan. 27. (Special.) An
effort will be made at the present session
of the Legislature to have the boundary
line between Linn and Marion Counties
definitely defined. The present division
line Is described as "beginning In- the mid
dle of the channel of the Willamette
River, opposite the mouth of the Santiam
River, and running up the middle of the
Santiam to the junction of the two forks,
thence up the middle of tho north fork to
the mountains, thence due east to the
summit of the mountains."
The expression "to the mountains" Is
rather vague, and different constructions
of jwhere. the present boundary line runs
are possible. The Santiam leaves the
mountains, about at Mill City, and If the
line were taken to run due east from
there a considerable portion of what Is
now considered to be In Marion County
would be In Linn, including the towns of
Gates. Niagara and Detroit. The channel
of the North Santiam River to Its source
has always tacitly been understood to
be the boundary line, but the duty of
properly assessing the Valuable timber
land In the region tributary 'to the San
tiam makes a more exact definition of the
boundary line necessary to avoid future
By a mutual agreement between the au
thorities of the two counties the boundary
will be defined at the present session of
the Legislature to follow the channel of
the North Santiam to the mouth of
Whitewater Creek, thence up the channel
of Whitewater to its source on the slope
of Mount Jefferson. This will define the
line practically where It now runs by
common consent and will make Mount
Jefferson the northeast corner of Linn
County and the southeast corner of Marlon.
Articles for Numerous Companies
Filed With Secretary of State.
SALEM. Or., Jan. 27. (Special.) The
following companies have recently filed
articles of Incorporation with the Secre
tary of State:
Arnold Irrigation Company. Lytle. Crook
County; capital stock. $5000; W. Arnold. F. O.
Harshman and L J. Reed, Incorporators.
Emteon Lumber Company, Ontario, Or.:
capital stock. $15,000;. s. X. Emlson, K. A.
Emlson and Charles winters, incorporators.
Mount Tabor Association of Portland, capital
stock $3000; Henry W. Coe. L. O'Connor and
A. McGIHIvray, Incorporators.
The Deschutes Improvement Company, Bend.
Crook County: capital stock, $25,000: C. M.
Weymouth. "tt. E. Gurrln, Jr., and F. IL. May,
Incorporators. t
Schueler Medical Company, Mount Angel. Or.;
capital stock, $100,000; Fred Schwab, John J.
Fischer and Paul S. Fuchs. incorporators.
Wllhclm Brewing Company. Portland; capi
tal stock. $50,000: W. C. Ktltz. H. H. Xorth
up and Paul C. Bates, incorporators.
Gilliam County Bank. Condon; capital stock.
$20,000; S. P. Barker. C C. Portwood. Jay
Bowerman. L.. A. Lewis and J. X. Teal, in
corporators. Holmes Coal & Ice Company, Portland capi
tal stock. $100,000; R J. Holmes. J. W.
Holmes and H. P. Holmes, Incorporators.
Royal Bakery & Confectionery, Portland;
capital stock, $24,000; G. J. Stuzmann, E.
Hasenmayer, Charles Gels, and A. Hlssler, In
corporators. United Fraternal Savings & Trust Company,
Portland: capital stock, $50,000; A. Titer. J.
L. Mitchell. J. P. Lockwood. JI. Morehead.
L. B. Reeder and "W. "W. Terry, Incor
porators. Charles L. Clough Company. Tillamook City:
capital stock. $5C00; Charles I. Clough. Rose
V. Clough and P. W. Todd. Incorporators.
The Bergman-McWatty Company, Sumpter.
Or.; capital stock. $20,000: E. P. Bergman.
T. J. McWatty and X. M. Bergman, Incor
porators. Deschutes Alfalfa Land Syndicate. Portland;
capital stock. $5000; A. C. Palmer. W. J. Pren
dergrast and C. H. Leadbetter. Incorporators.
The Oklahoma & Oregon Townslte Company,
Portland; capital stock. $25,000; L. G. "West,
E. B. Hall and M. D. West. Incorporators.
The James Johns Irrigation & Power Com
pany. Portland: capital stock, $10,000; James
Johns, A. S. Johns and Andrew L. Chezem,
The Great "Western Lumber & Mining Com
pany. Portland; capital stock. $250,000; George
W. Richy. J. X. Aahbuny. Frank Gray. J. E.
Ogden, Lyman R. Hln&dlll. H. A. Simpson.
Robert Bennle. H. X. Carmlchall. Gilbert
Lapher and C M. Richardson. Incorporators.
The Estacada "Wood Manufacturing Company,
Portland; capital stock. $10,000: J. W. Shaf
ford, A. F. Campbell. G. W. Morrow. R. A.
Stratum and Sayler E. Smith. Incorporators.
Phillips Shoe Company, Portland; capital
stock. $10,000: John M. Phillips. Xathan C
Phillips and William J. Harbke. Incorporators.
Fairy Floss Candy Company. Portland; capi
tal stock. $15,000; Samuel Barnes, H. C Bren
and H. B. Ward, incorporators.
Jacksonville Electric Company, Jacksonville;
capital stock. $10,000; C R. Ray, A. B.
Rcamcs and Peter A. Deiscb, incorporators.
S. B. Barker Company, Condon: capital
stock, $20,000; S. B. Barker, M. O. Clark
and M. C Clark. Incorporators.
Western Trust Company. Limited. Sumpter;
capital stock. $20,000: Xeil J. Sorensen. Ed
ward C. Luce and J. F. Shelton. Incorporators.
Wynne Hardware Company, Cottage Grove;
capital stock, $10,000; .H. F. Wynne, S. E.
Wynne, W. A. Hogate. incorporators.
Lake County Loan & Savings Bank, Lake
view; capital stock, $20,000; W. H. Shirk, S.
P. Mosa. William T. Cresslcr, Dick J. Wilcox,
S. O. Cressler, H. A- Brat tain. Incorporators.
Alblna Lumber Company, Portland; capital
stock. $5000; C. E. Morton. W. J. Makellne.
George J. Cameron. Incorporators.
Burbank Placer Mining Company, Portland;
capital stock. $500,000; John P. McXIchoIas,
A. King Wilson, O. A. Xeal. Incorporators.
Odell Improvement Company, Hood River;
capital stock. $3000; E. T. Folts, H. A. G rosi
er. J. R. Crosby. Incorporators.
L. Adams Lumber Company, Ontario; capital
stock. $20,000; L. Adams, E. A. Clarke, M. 3.
Thayer, incorporators.
People's Market" Association, Portland; cap
ital stock. $50,000; J. R. Reierson, H. Adams,
Arthur D. Smith. J. H. Alexander, Incorpora
tors. The following foreign corporations have
also filed articles: Singer Sewing Machine
Company. Elizabeth, X. J.; capital stock,
$1,000,000; William D. Church, Portland, as
attorney In fact. The Whitney Company, Ltd.,
Detroit, Mich.; capital stock, $1,250,000; Wil
liam H. Curtiss. of Portland, as attorney in
fact. Marshall-Wells Hardware Company, Jer
sey City, X. J.; capital stock, $3,000,000; Jay
Smith as attorney in fact.
Embezzlement and Fraud Charged
Against Men Now in Los Angeles.
RIVERSIDE, Cal., Jan. 27. The
grand jury today returned ten Indict
ments, six against H. T. Hays, ex
cashler of the Orange Growers' Na
tional' Bank, and four against Cclonel
J. W. F. Diss, ex-rlght of way agent of
the Salt Lake Railway. Three of the
Hays Indictments allege embezzle
ment In sums aggregating more than
$10,000 from the Orange Growers'
Bank. The other indictments against
Hay3 allege the obtaining of money
There is a reason, and the best kind of a
reason, why Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair
grow long and heavy.
It is a hair-food. It feeds the hair and makes
it healthy and strong.
Healthy hair grows, keeps soft and smooth,
does not split at the ends, and never falls out.
Give Ayer's Hair Vigor to your gray hair and i
restore to it all the deep,
g IUOm by the 3. C. Ayar Co.. Xowell. Kas.
3 Alia maaufMtarers of
ATEX'S SAHSAPAH1LLA For tta blood.
by .false pretenses from the San Pedro.
Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad.
All of the Indictments against Diss
are for the alleged obtaining of money
by false pretenses and claim confeder
acy In frauds with Hays. Bench "war
rants for the arrest of Hays and Diss
were issued and placed in the hands of
Sheriff Coburn, who left for Los An
geles to make the arrests.
Ex-Cashier Hays Is now under bonds
of $50,000 on Federal Indictments, re
turned In connection with the failure
of the bank. Major Diss was dis
missed from the service of the Salt
Lake Railroad following the exposure
ot alleged frauds In connection with
the land department of the company.
Highest Honor at Stanford Fails to z
Portland Student.
27. (Special.) Alfred L. Trowbridge,
captain of Stanford baseball team, was
today elected president of the senior
class of the university. This office
carries with It the highest honor that
can fall to a student during the senior
year In the college, as it gives him full
direction of the commencement week
programme, which will be carried out
by the graduating class during the
second week in May.
Trowbridge comes from Portland.
Or. He has been actively connected
with student affairs since his freshman
year, having held posltlohs on athletic
and executive committees, playing on
the football squad and on the 'varsity
baseball nine during the last two
Gillnetters Are Getting Ready.
ASTORIA. Or., Jan. 27. (Special.) The
big catches made by the gillnetters dur
ing the last fishing season have had the
result of extensive preparations being
made for the coming season, and it Is said
more new nets are being knit this Winter
than during any one season in several
years. Another change this year Is that
a great majority of the fishermen are pur
chasing and paying cash for the twine in
place of going Into debt to the canneries
for It, as has been the custom In the
Will of Amos D. Hyiand.
EUGENE. Jan. 27. (Special.) The will
of the late Amos D. Hyiand has been ad
mitted to probate. The value of the es
tate is estimated at $100,000 and is divided
among the widow, four sons and six
daughters. N. Grant, Ira B.. Ernest and
Wilbur Hyiand, sons of deceased, are ap
pointed executors without bonds. The
estate consists of stock lands, timber
lands, saw mills, notes, etc.
Woodburn Wants a Foundry.
WOODBURN. Or.. Jan. 27. (Speclal.)
At a mass meeting held tonight at the
Council Hall $600 was raised as a nucleus
for the establishment of a foundry in this
city by John McKlnney, a large manufac
turer of Bremen. Ind.
A committee was appointed to raise a
bonus of $2000 for this enterprise, which
will employ 25 to 30 men when in full op
eration. Fine Hotel for Wasco.
WASCO. Or.. Jan. 27.-(Special.) W. E.
Miller, one 6f the wheat kings of Sherman
County, today paid $4000 for a corner lot
In Wasco, on which he will erect as soon
as possible a two-story brick hotel 100x100
feet. The building will cost $20,000 and
will have all modern conveniences.
Aged Pioneeer Is Stricken.
EUGENE. Or.. Jan. 27. (Special.) Mrs.
M. Wallace, 76 years of age, and a well
known pioneer woman, was stricken with
paralysis at her home In this city last
evening and is in a very precarious con
dition. She was unconscious all last
Young Woman Sent to Asylum.
EUGENE, Or., Jan. 27. (Special.) Nora
Smith was taken to Salem this morning
for commitment to the. .asylum for the
Insane. She was examined yesterday and
was adjudged Insane. She Is 22 years of
age and unmarried.
Hearing in Dunsmuir Case.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 27. The hear
ing of the Dunsmuir will contest today
was entirely devoted to the discussion of
hypothetical legal questions.
Physicians of Rockland County, New
York, are on strike against a reduction
by the Board of Supervisors for perform
ing autopsies from $23 to $10.
In order to allow employes to attend
revival services, business In Burlington,
la., was suspended from 10 to 11 A. M.
yesterday, In accordance with a proclama
tion of the Mayor.
Bishop Ethelbert Talbot, of the Central
Protestant Episcopal diocese of Pennsyl
vania, has been re-elected president of
the New York Alumni of Dartmouth
A war In grain rates from Missouri
River points is on. The M., K. & T. road
reduced the rate to Gulf ports and the
Rock Island to Eastern points, and now
the trunk lines east of Chicago have made
the rate still lower.
A Weather Bureau balloon which had
been sent up by H. H. Clayton, of the
Blue Hill observatory at Hyde Park,
Mass., to take the temperature at high
altitudes, has been found by a farmer
near Oakland City, Ind. It was returned
to Hyde Park in accordance with instruc
tions found upon it.
The Common Pleas Court of Philadel
phia has decided that a divorce can be
obtained in Pennsylvania without service
on the defendant when one party resides
outside that state and the grounds for di
vorce occurred outside the state. The
court holds, however, that such a divorce
Is not binding In states where the laws
conflict with It.
rich color of early life. 1
AYER'S PILLS Per constipatioa.
AYER'S AGUE CUSJB-For mjJiri an int.