THE MORNING OKEGGNIAN, SATURDAY, JANUAUY .28 1905. WORST I S OVER Workmen Won by Rus sian Government. BLOODSHED IN WARSAW Strikers Shot Down by Troops in. Polish Capital, COTTON CENTER ON A STRIKE Liberal Leader Admits Skill of Gov ernment In Quieting Workmen, but Predicts Bomb-Throwing , and Revolt of Peasants. Kvery indication seems to point to the disintegration of the strike movement in Russia. Several largo factories In St. Petersburg reopened yesterday, and a ceneral resumption of work on Mon day Is probable. General Kuropatkln'a report of the success of his latest forward, movement ms to have acquired In St. Peters burg the added importance of being a check to a Japanese advance. It Is probable that thin has had tome effect toward quieting the uneasy populace of the Rustan capital, but In any case the workmen seem to have been con verted to the idea that their surest reliance for remedy of their grievances is In the government. At "Warsaw yesterday there was a bcrlous collision between workmen and soldiers, official reports giving the cas uallties as two killed and seven wound ed. Th; strike at Llbau continues, and there has been no material chance in the situation at Moscow, Saratoff and Lodz. There are grave fears of troubles at Ivanovo Vozcnsensk, the foremost cot ton goods manufacturing town in the Russian Empire. Predictions are made that the ending of the fitrike will result in increased ac tivity on the part of the revolutionists. ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. 27. The au thorities are receiving the news from the front with great satisfaction, being con vinced that It will serve at least partly to distract attention from the strike and Internal affairs generally. At the same time the strike situation generally is improving. In St. Peters burg there is no longer any doubt that the -strike is broken. Fourteen establish ments, including the Franco-Russian, Aboukoff, Baltic, Russo-Amerlcan Rubber Company, and the Ropes American Re finery already have resumed and an en tire starting up of factories seems to be ossured for next Monday. The men who are returning to work are not asking conditions of the employers. They have seemingly turned their backs on political agitators and accepted the government's promises in the matter of shorter hours and an equitable adjust ment of their grievances at their face value. That the government' purposes to com pel the masters to settle upon the gov ernment's terms Is plainly evidenced by Finance Minister Kokox'soffs response yesterday to a deputation of masters, to whom he announced the government's de cision, after an impartial Investigation of both sides of the controversy, to carry cut the letter and spirit of the proclama tion of January 25. To the masters this means that they will have to foot the bills. Conciliating the Workmen. One of the best posted and most famous of Russian Liberals said to the Associ ated Press last night: "While the events of last Sunday have given enormous Impetus throughout Rus Eia to all movements against the existing order of things. It is truly marvelous with what skill and adroitness the govern ment seems to be turning the situation to Its own account with the very men who have suffered and who less than a week ago would have been in open revolt had they been able to procure arms. "The government's proclamation ap pealed to the workmen always to look to the government for redress of grievances, reinforcing this proclamation with quiet missionary work with such agencies as the government knows so well how to em ploy to convince them that the bloodshed and misery brought down upon them on Sunday was the result of listening to etudent agitators and revolutionaries and the government's 111-wlshcre generajy; end the government's plan has evidently been successful with the vast majority. "Outside of Father Gopon's organisa tion of a few thousand, the workmen knew little and cared less for political aspirations. Their sole idea was to im prove the miserable lot of themselves and families; but their imaginations were etlrred by the orator's idea of an ap peal direct to the Emperor, and they joined the movement with enthusiasm. "While the events of the last few days have left many of them forever in the ranks of the Socialists and revolution aries, the vast bulk are going back to work embittered against the programme of the agitators, which seemingly brought Sthem sorrow and misfortune." Peasants Will Revolt Next. Speaking generally of the situation, this man said: "Strikes will sweep over Russia like a wave, but there will -be no revolution: the conditions are not yet ripe. It Is only a Epasm, a convulsion of greater or less duration In different places, accompanied by disorders and perhaps by bloodshed. It will subside, temporarily at least, and reappear again in some other form, now In the cities and aext in the broad agri cultural country. "A movement of which I have received information and which is agrarian In character already is afoot In the province of Kiev. I expect its extension in the Spring throughout Central Russia. It is & protest of Ignorant peasants against a miserable existence, and is directed blind ly against the landlords, some of whom are striving earnestly to help them. It Is similar to the movement In the provinces of Poltava and Kharkoff three years ago. when the peasants attacked thmdlords, burned their property and robbed and often killed them, and possibly It may create a similar reign ol terror In coun- try regions. "The government' embarrassment will go on and the autocracy will fight inch by inch, hut it will be forced to give way, i as it has done here whenever too hard pressed, until finally the contest will end In the granting of a. constitution or a revolution will overtake it." "What of the Immediate future?" was asked. "Bombs," was the reply. "The terror ists will begin to take vengeance." Most Russian newspapers which will appear today have decided. Inasmuch as they will not be permitted to publish full and uncensored accounts of the events of the last few days, to print only the official statement. It Is said that the authorities say the censorship will be removed as soon as the situation again becomes nor mal. Gopon Will Throw Off Mask. A Russian journalist says that Father Gopon told him Saturday night that the time had come when he could take off the mask and declare himself a Socialist. He said he knew the Emperor would not be at the "Winter Palace on Sunday to meet the workmen, and that he knew the troops would fire, although he had preached the contrary at he workmen's meetings. The object. Father Gopon Is reported to have said, was to open the eyes of the workmen and turn them Into revolutionists. Father Gopon's whereabouts are not definitely established, although he Is said to be In the Shafousofsky Hospital, wounded. CONFLICT IN BALTIC CITIES. Strikers Fight Police and Soldiers In New Strike Centers. SPECIAL. CABLE. KIEFF. Jan. 28. Under the outward calm which has settled upon the strike situation in Kieff, a political agitation of most determined character Is progressing. The belief is general that the danger of a general strike, .coupled with political demonstrations of a. desperate character, is by no means over. Several factories have been enabled to resume work after one day's suspension and similar In stances are reported from other cities. Among these are Vllna, Kovno, Riga, Reval: Llbau and Saratoff, where official reports state that workmen have begun to realize that they have been victimized by political agitators. The workmen in these cities, reports state, do not regret having manifested their sympathy with the SL Petersburg strikers, but are now getting ready to take up their dally tasks. A general strike still prevails at Llbau and Riga, but according to official ad vices, both are weakening. At Llbau occurred a conflict in the course of which a Sergent and several gens d' armes were shot and seriously wounded. A small squad of guards came across a body of strikers engaged in destroying telegraph wires. In the fight that followed the workmen used re volvers, but were driven back. A large number of arrests have been made at Riga. There the agitators were inciting the strikers to use firearms. Sev eral shots were fired at the police and thereupon it was decided as the safest way to arrest all known leaders of the revolutionary element. PLANS FOR CONCILIATION. While Czar Discusses Them, Strike Grows Worse at Warsaw. ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. 2S. (3 A. M.) A special council was held at Tsarskoe Selo, at which, it Is reported, various con ciliatory measures were decided on, but no details have yet transpired. . Emperor Nicholas gave a. luncheon yes terday at Tsarskoe-Selo in honor of the birthday of Emperor William of Germany. The strike continues at Saratoff, Khar koff and Lodz. No papers have appeared in any tf these cities. At Warsaw the situation appears to be growing worse. The strike is rapidly spreading, shops have been closed, there are no newspa pers and telephone service has been stopped. BAD SITUATION IN WARSAW. Rich Monopolize Bread Supply, Leav ing Poor to Starve. LONDON, Jan. 27. The situation in "Warsaw is grave, according to the cor respondent there of the Dally Mail. When the bakers struck, rich people besieged the shops and bought the stocks, and the FATHER GOPOX TO BE IIAN.GEJB. SPECIAL. CABLE. LONDON". Jan. 28. The meteoric ca reer of Father Gopon is to be brought to an end by the hangman's rope, ac cording to the St. Petersburg correspond ent of the London raUy Mall. The cor respondent confirms the report that the fearless priest is at the Alfuvof Hos pital, recovering from the wounds he received Jurlng the clash near the Putl loff worvf. After his recovery he will be courmartlaled, charged with high treason, and, if found guilty, hanged. supply of bread Is now exhausted. The Socialist party was Instrumental In or ganizing the strike. The correspondent adds that the general condition in Poland is pitiable, owing to the poor harvest. There are fully 300.000 unemployed persons, not reckoning the strikers. "Warsaw itself Is full of troops. CANNOT STAMP OUT FIRE. Gorky's Reply to Message of Sympa thy From French Authors'. PARIS, Jan. 2S. Tho Society of French Authors has received a telegram from Maxim Gorky, the Russian author. In re sponse to its dispatch expressing sym pathy over his arrest. After thanking the authors for their kind words, Gorky says: "The Arcs now lit will never again be stamped out." Duplicates of the society's telegram to Gorky have been sent to the Czar and Governor-General Trepoff. TREPOFF A PEACEMAKER. Official Announcement Explains Pur pose of His Appointment. ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. 27. A semi official announcement Issued today says: "The expressions In the foreign news papers of lack of confidence regarding the appointment of Governor-General Trepoff as a measure calculated to improve the situation, has created astonishment In of ficial circles In St. Petersburg and on the Bourse. The Impression In St. Peters burg regarding the measure Is quite dif ferent, and It Is manifested In a marked Increase of confidence , Recent events have shown that the people are unable to avert cr direct a strike movement. "Under tho existing clrcumsUaeae. a. person invested with extraordinary pow ers can alone re-establish order, which is ibe first indispensable condition for the introduction of reforms. The Governor- General's course since his appointment proves that be was not appointed with the view of repressive measures nor the es tablishment of order by harsh means, but by satisfying the just demands of the population." WILL GIVE CONSTITUTION. Prediction of Russian Official Who Tells of Frustrated Plot. SPECIAL CABLE. LONDON, Jan. 2S, The proclamation of a Russian constitution Is foreshadowed and the frustration of a plot against the Czar's life revealed in an interview with a high official of the Russian Ministry of the Interior cabled to the London Dally Mail by Its St, Petersburg corre spondent. "Numerous arrests and subsequent ex aminations," said the informant of the Mail's correspondent, "have brought to light the fact that the revolt was care fully but unskillfully organized by a revo lutionary committee. The uprising is now suppressed. "The government does not desire to adopt measures of too great severity and the government also realizes the fact that a. constitution can no longer be with held and that the participation of the people in the country's affairs will have to be permitted before very long. The number of arrests of men of education and culture was less than a hundred. Many of these have already been released, as the accusations against them have been found groundless. "The most Important arrest Is that of a man giving his name as Vacinity Izcor- ezk. The police have good reason to be lieve that this name is fictitious, and ef forts are being made to establish the man's Identity. In his possession were found two false passports and a letter written in his own blood and addressed to the terrorist committee of the Rus sian anarchists' organization. In the let- tor the writer says that he is ready to take the step, resolved upon. He bids farewell to his brethren and thanks them for the distinction conferred upon him. All political murderers, including Von PIchve's assassin, wrote similar letters before shedding tho blood of their vic tims. It Is easy to guess against whom this latest attempt was directed." MOSCOW SETTLING DOWN. Alarm Now Turns to Great Cotton Manufacturing Town on Strike. MOSCOW, Jan. 27. The day passed off quietly. It Is now almost certain that the strike in Moscow and vicinity will wear Itself out within a few days. The printers returned to work this afternoon and two more factories south of the river have reopened, but it is suspected that the men arc trying to evade the order that thev should not be nald unlos thiv resumed work, and that after receiving their wages tomorrow they may again strike. The manufacturers therefore will not be reassured until Sunday has gone by. but they remain confident f the ability of the authorities tn nut iliiTi-n disturbances. This confidence, combined with the anouncement that the Minister oi .Finance is studying the statement of the men's irrlevanccs. cxnlains tho deri sion of the manufacturers' meeting not to maice collective concessions. The Douma, in extraordinary session this evening, decided to take precaution ary measures to safeguard the watnr gas and electric works in the event of rioting and also appointed a special com mittee to Investigate the causes of the present movement. This mmmittM i likely to become the Intermediary for masters and men to help them adjust moir ennerenccs. Alarminc renorts h.iv hmn t-w.i,. from Ivanovo Vezensensk, the Russian .aiancnester. There are 200,000 factory hands there and only a few hundred troons. Reinforcements will k n. .v...- immediately. There Is no confirmation so far of reports of serious disturbances. MONEY FOR ASSASSINATION. Collection Taken at Polish Meeting for Patriot Woman. CHICAGO. Jan. 27. "Such assassina tions as that of Von Plenve cost money,, and the Russian patriots lack the funds to carry on this work." said Bronlsllv Slavinsky, editor of the Polish Rabot-! nick, a socialist paper, at a banquet for Mme. Breshkovskl. the Russian exile, at the Lessing clubhouse, last night. "Mme. Breshkovskl has been a. cham pion of the Russian masses for more than 20 years, many of which she spent In prison," Mr. Slavinsky continued, "and she expects to see reform accomplished, or to fall In the struggle. The present revolution had its origin In a peaceful movement which the government of Rus sia would not permit to continue. There Is an old Russian legend which says that 'From the bones of those who perish an avenger will arise. But we lack funds to carry on the work, and appeal to all llberty-lovlng persons to contribute as liberally as they can." After Mr. Slavlnsky's address a peti tion was circulated and a considerable sum of money raised for Mme. Breshkov skl, who also made an addr.ess, saving she was about to return to Russia, where her presence was needed. She said that when she started for this country she thought revolution and political reform to be far in the future. "Now I think re form will come soon." she added. WILL MAKE CONCESSIONS. Moscow Employers Promise Shorter Hours When Work Is Resumed. MOSCOW. Jan. 27 (10. A. M.) The Prefect has Issued a proclamation de claring that the demands of the work men will be examined and satisfied with in legal limits when work is resumed. The men are urged to resume their employ ments without delay and are threatened with arrest if they attempt to incite a spread of the strike. The master printers and newspaper pro prietors, at a meeting Just held, resolved to act unitedly and not to Increase the pay of the compositors. The Chief of Police. Roudacff, has posted a proclamation pointing out that the gov ernment action will be a reduction of the hours of labor, etc.. declaring that the preservation of order Is Indispensable and urging the workmen to return to work. Although this is payday, the employers, at the request of the authorities, have posted notices at the closed factories that the men will not be paid until work Is re sumed, tlte fear being that If they are paid while Idle they will Indulge in vodka and precipitate trouble. Troops are still posted at various points In the city, but so far as possible they are kept out of sight In order to avoid Irri tating the workmen. CONCEDE MORE WAGES. Employers in Kovno Join Governor in Conciliating Workmen. KOVNO. Russia. Jan- 27. The Governor, in receiving a deputation of workmen to day, promised assistance la improving their relations with their employers. On the Governor's initiative the latter met and drew up a scheme for the ameliora tion of the workers' position, A proclamation has been posted by the Governor urging the strikers to resume work and promising all legitimate help towards obtaining a satisfactory settle sent ol their Just demands, at the same VLADIMIR DE PACHMAM The Great Russian Pianist Soon to Appear Here Vladimir de Pachmann, the great piano virtuoso, is announced for a transcontinental tour of from 80 to 100 concerts in America this coming season, De Pachmann's pre-eminence as an artist is too well known from his former tours in this country, to need even passing mention. He is already engaged by the Boston Sym phony Orchestra for one of their tours in Boston, New York, Brooklyn and Philadelphia, and dates are ar ranged with him as well with Phila delphia, Pittsburg, Cincinnati and Chicago orchestras. He will give three recitals each, in Boston and New York, before he starts "West. After playing all the principal cities of the Middle Vest he will proceed j about January 1st, 1905, to the Pacific ! 'Coast where 15 dates are already i booked. It will be interesting to the 1 music-iovers ol rortiana to Know inai through the direction of Miss Lois Steers, De Pachmaun will appear at the Marquam Grand, February 11. We take pleasure in making this an nouncement as well as to state that De Pachmann will use the Baldwin Piano, as he does on all occasions, the piano that recently took the Grand Prize at the St. Louis Exposition, as well as the Grand Prize at the Paris Exposition in 1900. We are the authorized agents for this renowned piano, as well as the Knabe, Everett, Steck, Hardman, Fischer, Packard and Ludwig, all artistic instruments of the highest excellence and used and indorsed by many of our greatest artists. Allen & Gilbert Ramaker Co. The High-Grade Piano House, Corner Sixth and Morrison. time announcing that he would have re course to the troops In the event of street disorders. A conference of the employers later In the day under the presidency of the Gov ernor decided to increase wages on the resumption of work and to constitute a committee of manufacturers and work men, with the Governor as chairman, to consider Improvements in the condition of the workers. BAD TIME TO BORROW MONEY Russia Suspends Action on New Loan Till Country Is Quiet. PARIS. Jan. 27. A report of the with drawal of the French portion of the new Russian loan has been circulated on the Bourse, but Bourse operators have been unable to secure a confirmation or denial of the report. Inquiry athe banks tends to confirm the report. A representative of one of the banks making up the pros--pective subscribers said he bad been in formed that the loan would go over until April, as the recent Incidents at St- Pe tersburg made the present time inaus picious to ask for subscriptions. M. Hottlngucr. head of the syndicate taking the last loan, said: "The negotiations for the new loan were never seriously begun. Therefore, It Is incorrect to say they have been with drawn or abandoned." M. Hottlnguer declined to make a more specific statement, but indicated that there was no present Intention of carry ing out the loan plans. DEADLY RIOT AT RIGA. Thirty-One Killed and Forty-Five Wounded on Thursday. RIGA, Russia. Jan. 27. Twenty-nine men and two women were killed and 37 civilians and eight soldiers wounded by revolver shots during yesterday's rioting, according to the returns made by the hospitals. At the request of the workmen of Riga, the theaters of this city have been closed. STREET BATTLE AT WARSAW Troops Attack Riotous Strikers, Kill ing Two and Wounding Seven. WARSAW, Jan. 27. A colllslo- be tween troops and strikers occurred In Lesseno street today in which the mil itary used their arms. It is officially stated that the casualties were two killed and seven wounded. The strikers Invaded the Wolskl suburb and broke into liquor shops. There was a sharp encounter with the police. Protest of Russian Students. DARMSTADT. Germany, Jan. 27. Three hundred Russian students marched to the house of the Russian Minister, Prince Koudachew, yesterday. The spokesman for the students said they wished to protest against absolutism, tho war with Japan and the recent procecd- I Ings at St- Petersburg. The students i gave cheers for free Russia. The Min I lster replied that last Sunday bad been a day of the deepest sadness because masses of worklngmen had been misled by thoughtless leaders. The students then quietly withdrew. Riot Averted at Mitau. M1TAU, Russia, Jan, 27. Labor agents from Riga organized a strike here today. Bodies of strikers marched to the facto ries and workshops and compelled the men at work to leave their employment. Troops have been summoned to the scene of the -disturbance. The strikers separately were dispersed peaceably and the troops, with the excep tion of a few patrols In the streets, re turned to their barracks. Liberal Nobles Among the Slain. ST. PETERSBURG. Jan, 27. (U30 P. M.) The morgue still contains many uniden tified dead. The hands of some of 'the victims are white, and on their fingers are diamond rings, the supposition being that they were Liberals of gentle birth In sympathy with the strike movement, who dressed up as workmen and took part in the demonstrations. Strike Fever in Warsaw. "WARSAW, Russia. Jan, 27. A strike was started here today, and Is spreading rapidly. A number of factories are closed. The workmen are quiet. New Prefect of St. Petersburg. ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 27. General de Dieulin, chief of t e gendarmerie staff, has been appointed prefect of St. Peters burg. Italians Express Sympathy. ROME, Jan. 27. Popular demonstrations In sympathy with the victims of the riots 50c Socks at 39c Men's imported fancy lisle Half-Hoseun the very newest designs and colorings, striped, figured and two-toned effects; the best 50c quality on sale at, per pair .39. f We Are Displaying Valentines Our display of valentines last year was magnificent for last year. This season's display is much finer can spend as little as a penny or as much as six dollars. These are the extremes or a. our Valentine collection all in-between price groups in lavish variety. vA All Infants9 Wear Reduced in Price Vrai ran male substantial savinp-s bv buvinp- babv's needs in this store. Everv need- iful article for baby's outfit ILW A Jff Wi MI' A vk 1'MzjL jJ lnM F W 7 KiSiPRV 2X3 L 4VuT l'Sfi2-r- J 47 70k mm 1 u v Many Splendid Corset Specials All those Corsets which you know from experience to be the "best" for your partic ular need on sale now at reduced prices. "La Vida" Corsets made of 1 1 11 1. : 1. 1 ll.-ill WUUieUUIIC. U1UU UUU U1CU1U1U UlUk auii iu , -0 V. a." ana l . a. aia spime lim?- iwnilnrlv S7n and "T.o V?fln" C.nn:ri c irii S rift at $5.00 and .?5.25 ; the $4.50 "Smart Set" Corsets; regularly "Npmn" Corsets. thr &5.75 tmulp. nt .?5.00: the S3.75 irrade at $3.25: tf.ou grade at .'ro.uu; tne z.o grade at tne $z.ou graae at jfs.iv; the S1.50 m-ade at S1.25: the $1.00 irrade at 886 r iTT t t i "m r i. i.t- v. d. rireci-rorai uorbei, si.d (rraae at s.ou: me x.uu "C.. a la Spirite" Corsets, the $6.00 grade at $5.00; the $5.00 grade at $4.39;- the $3.50 grade at $3.00; the $2.75 grade at $2.25 and S2.39 Busy(days at the Handkerchief Counter these days people realizing that the best bargains' of the town are here. 12c sorts at.. 7$ 15c sorts at.. 9 20c sorts at. .12 25c sorts atr.l5 65c sorts at. .33 75c sorts at. .39 at St. Petersburg Sunday last have taken place In Rome and the other principal cities of Italy. They were easily handled by the police. HOCH FLEEING THE COUNTRY Has Bought Ticket for Hamburg, and Police Watch for Him. CHICAGO. Jan. 27. Police Inspector Snippy, who left Chicago Wednesday, night on a secret mission connected with the Hoch case, is believed to be watchlne for Hoch either In New York. Boston or Philadelphia. Inspector Shippy. it is declared, re ceived information on Wednesday aft ernoon that a man answering the de scription of Hoch had engaged passage from a Chicago agent of a German steamship line which runs to Ham burg. He at once left for the place from which he believed Hoch would embark. A picture of Hoch was identified by the steamship agent as that of a man who had engaged passage to Hamburg, but under another name. It Is believed that Inspector Shippy is watching for Hoch In Boston. OFF ON A FALSE SCENT. Burkett Suspect Not Hoch Police Search for the Woman. CHICAGO. Jan. 27. The man whom peo ple of half a dozen small towns near Ar-1, gos. Ind.. suspected of being Joha'n Hoch. was arrested today at Burkett, Ind., and taken to Argos. He said he was Adolph Stclnbaum and had never heard of Hoch. The prisoner, it is said, does not resem ble Hoch. The police are working upon the theory that Hoch is being kept in hiding by some of the women with whom he has been associated. Hls past is being traced In a search for some woman who might be Interested In shielding him. Police In epector Shippy Is said to have trailed Hoch to some small town not far from Chicago. NOT HOLMES' PARTNER. Detective Who Arrested Him Dis credits Story About Hoch. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 27. DetecUve Frank Geyer. who arrested H. M. Mudg ett. alias H. H. Holmes, who was hanged about ten years ago, does not believe that Hoch. for whom the Chicago police are searching, was In any way connected with the murders of which Holmes was ac cused. "In his confessions he mentioned some one with a name like that," the detecUve said today, "but that was a- myth. Holmes always worked alone, and in all our search we never found even the slightest Intimation that he had an accomplice. Holmes trusted no one but himself. Be side, the description of the man wanted In Chicago tallies In no way with the myth ical person Holmes described." Mascots Win Basket-Ball Gamt. The -Third Portland Boys' Brisada de L ipmaruWol f e & $1 Underwear 79c Men's natural gray merino Shirts and Drawers of Spring Weight shirts have ribbed skirt and cuffs and silk front; drawers have reinforced gus sets, suspender tapes, etc.; best $1.00 grades at 79 and more varied and we think even more price-worthy. You m and comfort on sale at great price Infants' long and sliort slips at reduced prices $ .25 to $ 7.9S Infants' lonir and short skirts at reduced orices .39 to 13.79 Infants' long and short flannel skirts, reduced .79 to 2.19 Infants' pinning blankets at reduced prices 41 to 1.19 Infants' wrappers at reduced prices . . .41 to 5.98 Infants' flannel sacques at- reduced prices 62 to 3.59 Infants' crochet sacques at reduced prices 25 to 1.79 Infants' flannel bands at reduced prices 12 to ' .29 Infants' shirts and bands at reduced Drices 22 to 1.25 Infants' worsted booties at reduced prices 10 to 1.59 Infants' bibs at reduced prices 04 to 1.98 Infants' veils fShetland. Tulle) at reduced prices .22 to 1.25 Infants' rubber diapers at reduced prices 22 to .52 XIU.aillS liemuieuu suiuu.j prices, dozen Tni'.intc.' Inner on1 cVmrt fnnt nr. reHnepd Infants' cream and colored silk bonnets fine imported French Contille, boned with ,i:., Vi.o ar,A lnnir liin roonlorlv RR 5 fi corsets, low ana meaiura oust wim iuuj; ."S2.n0. snecial SI. 65 rniflpj nt JSfi.nn and S7.00: thfi &6.00 Grradcs grade at $3.85 ; the $3.75 grade at S3.25 $0, special at $b.5U tne ;?u.uu graae at .70.00, mu graue nn J - i to o:. it. m .1 a graae at ooc Apron Our entire stock of Women's Aprons is on sale at reduced prices. 39 Reduced from 50c for "Women's white lawn, plain, and bib Aprons large size. 19 Reduced from 25c, women's white lawn Aprons, plain and embroidery trimmed. All our 35c Aprons are 26 All our 63c Aprons are 49( 18c sorts at. .10 35c sorts at..l9 50c sorts at. .29 $1.25 sorts at 63 T liTvrpaii.Wolf e feated the T. M. C. A. Mascots in basket bail last night by the score of 24 to 8. The game was played in the Brigade hall, at the Men's Resort, and was Interesting. In spite of the overwhelming defeat of the Mascots. A return same will be played on the association floor next week. BOTH SIDES TO BLAME. Labor Commissioner Wright's Opin ion of Colorado Troubles. WASHINGTON. Jan. 27. President Roosevelt sent to the Senate today the report of Carroll D. Wright. Commis sioner of Labor, on the strike trouble in Colorado. The report is voluminous and gives an entire history of labor troubles in that state, together with all the cor respondence that has passed among the President with the Department of Jus tice, the Department of Commerce and Labor, and Governor Peabody. of Colo rado; also partial reports made by Com missioner Wright and pamphlets by va rious parties connected with the strike. Commissioner Wright says there can be no doubt that the cause of the strike was the effort to establish the Western Federation of Miners in the smelters, in cluding reduction and refining mills, as it already had been established in the mines. In summing up the situation, the Commissioner says: Lawlessness has accompanied the strike aa. labor weapon, and It has accompanied the actions of the alleged law and order element as a weapon against the strikers. The faults In the organization of the union by allowing etrlkes to be determined by a cmroUtee Instead of a referendum, and the faults In the organisation of the Citizens' Al liance by allowing irresponsible mobs to rep resent It, have disturbed the peace of the counties In Colorado in which the conflict has been waged to such an extent that people out side of Colorado wonder If there Is any law or any law-abiding citizens In that state. It Is a fact, however, that order Is being restored. The Commissioner say3 the Injunction granted recently by the United States Court to prevent Interference with the re turn of the deported miners may bring up the whole question of the right to deport or whether deportation is a crime under state or Federal laws. Sold to Its Striking Workmen. CINCINNATI. Jan. 27. The Newport MUNYON'S PAW-PAW Get. Bottle to-day. If It fails .to cure I will refund your money. Munyon, Phila. I ... nrunne if VAT1 fiUl't SleeO. if you axe bilious or constipated or have rry stomach or liver allasst, doa't fall to use Pav-Pw. lHUii Jim Co. reductions. ui, n-uui-iu i" ririefis.. "I f) to it .5C6 at HALF PRICE. . y U LV 2siMWl!J "M the V vViMS . at a iiJMKY ffS 31 , j Specials Co. Foundry & Machine Company's plant at Npwport, Ky., which has been the center of strike troubles for several months, has been sold to a new corporation, 35 of whose members are workmen formerly in the employ of the foundry. The. men will run the plant on a co-operative basis. Runaway Boy Locked Up. Joe Mallahan, whose parents live at 221 East Denny Way, Seattle, was picked up last night by Acting Sergeant Slover at Fourth and Pine streets and locked up. Today the police will communicate with Seattle officials and endeavor to arrange for the return home of the lad. Satolli's Condition Improves. ROME, Jan. 27. Cardinal Satolll. who is suffering from an illness which, may develop into pneumonia, is better today. The Pope Inquires twice daily about Satolli's condition. s Makes its presence known fay many signs, glandular tumors, bunches in the neck, cutaneous eruptions, in flamed eyelids, sore ears, catarrh and wasting diseases. Hood'sSarsaparilla Effects permanent cures. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tosgae Pain, in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. &maM PHI. Small DoMt mail Price. , St crofula