THE MOBJtlKG OltEGOIO, ..SATTODAX STAKUARr ( 28, ; 1905.. V HTTP WAXTEP "FEHAT.T!. 'AXIATEURS WANTED, IMMEDIATELY 5 lake-money, easy work, dramatic vaudeville, acting stage dancing taught: class 1 essoin. 60c In alt branches: positions secured. New man's School of Acting, Lange Hotel, 6th and "Washington. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK Ef SMALL FAM lly, must know how to cook and not he afraid o work: suitable wages for girl of this kind. Call for Mr. Bowman, at Browns ville Woolen Mill Store. DOMESTIC HELP OP ALL. .KINDS-CHAM-bermalds, cooks, waitresses, nurse girls, uso ond girls, housekeepers, housework, 1 12 to $30. Canadian Parlors. 26 Morrison, Fnons Main 1323. LADY COOK 'WANTED FOR BESTAURANT. not over 30. SOS Ankeny et., opposite Post office SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers mnd Clerks. BY A, MEDIUM-AGED MAN OF SEVERAL years experience in dry goods and groceries, a position as salesman; best of reference. 'Y 96, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. 'WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE MAN AND wife, capable of taking charge, roomlng .ioae: must have work; references. Ad dress Q 87, Oregonlan. "WANTED POSITION IN "WHOLESALE house, or as laborer, by young man, 21 years, sober, industrious, good references. H 06, Oregonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN FUK nish domestics, servants, farmer and all kinds of help. Black 992. 203 Everett St. WANTED PLACE BY BOY OF 16, GOOD penman, any kind of work; references. Phone East 1315. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS A PLACE where he can go to school Phone Hood 502. WANTED BY JAPANESE BOY TO DO piecework any kind. Phone Clay 872. MIDDLE-AGED GERMAN OF GOOD HABITS seeks employment. D 95, Oregonlan. SITUATION AS MILLWRIGHT. C 06. Ore gonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. MrPRTP.'T riPTTCFi rrT.'Rn.lf and BTEN ATKinhPT- fivA vrtt rV rTtMr!pnrr nnthlnr less thaii $75 per month. Address O 7, Orego nlan. COMPETENT LADY STENOGRAPHER DE sires position; experienced; with best of . references. Address c Hi. oregonlan. Housekeepers. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WISHES HOUSE keeping, widow preferred, or wilf take charge of rooming-house. ss au. oregonian. Domestics. SITUATION WANTED VERY CAPABLE colored girl, family cook: kooo wages, Yamhill. Phone uiacic abai. WANTED PLACE AS SECOND GIRL OR housework. Miss Augusta Swonson, Phone East S60. A GIRL WISHES POSITION TO ASSIST IN general housework. Address 222 North 12th. EXPERIENCED GIRL AS COOK OR GEN- eral housework. Phone Mam Wj93. Mis ocllon eons. SITUATIONS WANTED CAPABLE WOMAN boardlncr-house cooks, chambermaids, wait resses, housekeepers, nurseo. 230 YainhilL . Phone Black 288L SITUATION WANTED BY A FIRST-CLASS cook in boardlng-houFe or restaurant (German woman); call or address 71 6th st.., room 42. WANTED BY AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN to manage a rooming or boarding-house; can give best references, l'none East -J . BrntJTrnv roiKTOTV. f!Rir,nnEN'K NURSE or governess: "very capable German girl. 230 TamhIU. Phone Black 268L POSITION AS CASHIER BY LADY WHO has had several years' experience; good ref erences. 11 92. Oregonlan COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS WASHING ironing or any kind of work by day. CSS Vaughn at. A FEW ENGAGEMENTS BY THE HOUR. Mrs. Reynolds, mono iiooq asu. WANTED TO BENT. ( ORDER OF RAILWAY CONDUCTORS 251 Alder street. Telephone Main 953. Desire the address of families and others having nicely furnished rooms lor rent. preference will be given those having bath accommodations, telephone, good car service, etc Rooms for use of our visit lng members in attendanco on National Convention In May. is. A. ciem. secretary. WANTED Rooms A In all parts of the city, jmply 220 Ooodnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main 6266. WANTED FEB. 10 BY TWO ADULTS, UN furnished or partly furnished 3 or 4-room flat or small cottage. Address, giving lull particulars, J 95, Oregonlan. WANTED BY A RESPONSIBLE PARTY modern 6 or 7-room house, furnished or un furnished; references, Telephone .Main i;, THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, neat; no children; close In; will pay reason cblo rent, b oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the- "'Fair Deal. "fa N. so. Jfhone Hood &17. WANTED ONE REMINGTON OR SMITH Premier late style typewriter; must be cheap ana not too oia. u vu. oregonian. WANTED-j-ROLLER. TOP DESK. STATE size, condition, lowest cash price: must be a bargain. L &7, oregonlan. INFANT. OR CHILD TO BOARD; GOOD home, txst care, reasonable. Scott 2973. 2S4 Crosby st. WANTED GOOD INVESTMENTS IN LOCAL stocks; mining r Industrial. L 92. 'Orego nlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED TO PURCHASE 50 TO 40-TON standard-gauge four-wheel caddie tank loco motive for logging purposes, or six-wneeL with short-wheel base, might answer; also logging trucks wanted; glvo full particulars and state lowest price, r. o. uox 20MJ, ban Francisco. WE PAY YOU HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR your eocond-hand furniture or anything you cannot use. Phone COM. Portland Auction Rooms, 211 1st 6t- WANTED TO BUY. 1200 TO 1500 TEAM, harness and wagon, cheap for cash. Ad dress, giving description and price. J 93, Oregonlan. WILL BOARD SMALL GIRL. TROM 10 TQ. to i years ot age; gooa nome &na piano references exchanged. Address Q 73. Ore gonlan. WANTED ONE ROLLER-TOP DESK AND one typewriter desk. Immediately, must be oneap ana gooa. Aaaress a w, oregonlan. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 60c AT HOLLA. baugh s. 267 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4 th. WE CALL. FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT. tie of all kinds. Phone East 2233. TOE KENT. LADY WOULD RENT BAY-WINDOW ROOM to appreciative tenant. Depot cars to door. so. 2SS JEFFERSON ST.. OPPOSITE CITY HALL Nicely furnished tangle rooms; gas, bath, phone. SINGLE ROOMS. SI UP HOUSEKEEPING suite. ..ii. cioso in. ou ivw, near bianc 41 ELLA ST. NEWLY FURNISHED rooms; hath. gas. phone; fine location. Cheapest and "best located rooms in Portland, $i . cc. up. uumui, una Aioer slo. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, FROM JO TO a mania, ooa am ex., cor. incoin. FOR RENT ONE. TWO OR THREE PLEAS- ant, sunny rooms. 554 1st st. VERY NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 445 Bin, cor. couege NICE FURNISHED ROOM. RENT REASON BOOMS SINGLE OR EN SUITE: VERY 33E sirable location; bath, gas, furnace heat. 405 10th et. FOB BENT. JtOOTUS. vrrnr T.ivnn hotel. Earoncan nlan? electric Uehts and bells. steam heat and elevator; baths free to guests; rates Wc. 75c and XT per cay; special rxi by the week. Elegant cafe -and bar In con nection. Corner 6th and Washington sts. gm Bauman. manager; Lunge, prop. THE AUDITORIUM. 208J4 3D SI.. BET. TAT- ior iLiiu fcjiirooa. Dine, iww . Theater, new brick buUdinr. elegaatly fur nished, steam heat, hot and cola water In room, porcelain bath, rooms with private baths, elevator; reasonable rates. HOTEL AVALON (EUROPEAN). 413 WASH- lngton St.. 4 blocks west of toe imperial io teir ewi furnished rooms, alnrle or en suite; hot and cold water, steam heat, elec tric light, oath arid ail modern conveniences; tourists solicited. WELLINGTON COURT, FIFTEENTH AND Everett; has floor devoted exclusively to lady bachelors; rooms handsomely furnished; possessing every modem convenience, with reflned and elegant surroundings. THE KNICKERBOCKER, C9 CTH. NEAR uaK-Aew sricK nuiiamg, elegantly xurnisnea rooms, steam heat, modern in every way; tourists and transient trade solicited; terms reasonable. SUTTB OF NEWLY FURNISHED BOOMS, suitable for couple or 2 to 4 gentlemen; steam heat, gas, bath and telephone; fine location. Phone Main 4503. 07 N. 20th St., near Wash, lngton. THE COSMOS, S. E. COK. 4TH AND MOR- nson; best down-town rooms in ins city: seat and service night and day; rates 330 per ureek and up. Including bath; SI day. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR gentlemen or business women: modern con veniences; private family, no sign. Phone jrront 748. 474 xamniii. 190 12TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR ONE FRONT suite; atso one room; an moo era conveni ences; private family; call ercnings alter o'clock. THE KINGSTON FURNISHED ROOMS. 190 3d, adjoining Baker Theater; S2.S9 per wot and up; steam heat. Phone Hood 057. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED CONNECTING heat. 470 Burnsldc. near 12th. 3S7 YAMHILL. THE GRAND. UNDER NEW management, newiy renovated, steam neat; ail conveniences; tourists souoitea. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT BED- room, gentleman, private family, gas, heat. bath. 551 Taylor. Main 2393. LARGE BOOMS NEWLY FURNISHED, modern private house; board, if desired. 95 E. 12th St., cor. Washington. THE ELM, 13TH-WASHINGTON FRONT room, newly furnished, suitable xor two; modern; board if desired. WALKING DISTANCE. FURNISHED ROOMS, men only. sio montn, mciuaing neat. bath, phone. 202 30th. FURNISHED ROOMS. FURNACE HEAT. gas, phone, two blocks from Portland Hotel. 364 Taylor, cor. Park. 753 IRVING, CORNER 23D PLEASANT front room: gas. zurnace neat, porcelain. bath. Take "W" car. PLEASANT FRONT SUITE; ALSO SINGLE rooms: new bouse; four blocks from noiei Portland. Col.i uth. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR two gentlemen, bath and .gas. 432 jenerson. bet. 11th and 12th. THE TEMPLETON, 200 1ST FURNISHED iront rooms, single ana en suiie, duu, cicc- tric Jignt, iranEienu ran -Ttl TTV'n Tr T7 XT onntrn TV k TIRATT tlfully furnished home, ve!Y modem, with phone, gentlemen. i-jt v urn mriVTH ?rrrrE nv ntn good unrurmsnea rooms witn gas stove. s&z a. itmnui. 188 PARK ST. ONE NICELY FURNISHED front parlor, blocK rrom f oruana notei; moa em conveniences. 347 MARKET 4 LARGE ROOMS. FIRST floor; gas and wood stoves; clean ana con venlent; adults. DESIRABLE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR ONE or two gentlemen; modern conveniences, -ciose In. 248 Cth. desirable location; xurnaca oeu, m iw no cnuaren. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT BOOM WITH use of kitchen; also other rooms. 3U3 Salmon st. . NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PRIVATE family, gas, natn, pnonc. 4-3 iamnm su near llth. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR rent, suitable lor one or two gentlemen. 570 Mill St. ' Booms With Board. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL OPENED AT COR vnllts .Orreon. bv sn exserlenccd landlady House recently cleaned and renovated throughout: home-cooking style. General hotel buslncs conaucteo. ana special auru tlon to make comfortable all guests Mrs. Julia Nixon, proprietress. THR COLONIAI-A SELECT FAMILY Ho tel. 165-107 10th st.. cor. Morrison; there are a few vzeancles; fine room, nicely furnished, steam heat throughout the house: porcelain baths, plenty of hot water, nanasome amine room; table and servtoe zirst-ciaas. THE LEJDELL. NEW FAMILY HOTEL, Market, between sa ana 4tn. Electric iigut. iras. steam heat, porcelain baths, elegant out side rooms, first-class table Very low rates. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNIOIM I6TH YEAH rooms with board; use of sewing-room; tve of library; Woman's Exchange. Aoarcss jm. Asabcl Russell, superintendent. S10 Flanders. ELEGANT OUTSIDE ROOMS, STEAM HEAT, electric light, porcelain baths, first-class ta ble, two people. $40. $45, $50 month. Lindell Hotel, Manet, bet. 3d and 4tn. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en tunc; elevator, ouiiaro-room; transients: dou car lines. first class, private." modem home; refer ence. 120 ISth North, cor. Gllsan. THE HESPERIAN. 633 MORRISON - ST. Family hotel, rooms en suite or single. with hoard, hot and cold water. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT PAR' lor. with board for two; also single room. Tho Ella, C55 Washington. 304 ALDER. COR. 10TH FRONT ROOM. newly xuralsned. room with board; first class service; reasonable. NICE. TLEASANT ROOMS. WITH BOARD home cooking; modern, private family; no children. .460 East Davis. VERY DESIRABLE, NEWLY FURNISHED front room, with good board; also table board. 147 w. Park. 295 10TH LARGE. FLEAS ANT ROOMS, with good home cooking; furnace hvcat. bath. gas. phone. LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR TWO GEN tlemen with board; also single room. 275 Clay, cor. 4 th. THE ELM. 13TH-WASHDCGTON PLEAS ant rooms; modem; short order until 1; uinncr J 10 a. CIS Morrison, desirable room, hot and cold water; few mors table boarders taken. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD. $5 TO .$6 per week, 502 Cla Phone Main 3099, NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH OR without board, near car-line. wcidier, GOOD BOARD. ROOMS; TERMS VERY RBA- tunable. 42S stark st. Phone Main awa. THE OZARK, 225 11TE SI. ROOMS EN suite or single, boaro. not one coia water. ROOMS AND BOARD IN FRIStYTB FAMILY. Inquire ita 10th su, near xayior. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 487 E. Morrison st. FRONT SUITE OF ROOMS. WITH BOARD. 153 13th ft., cor. Morrison. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM with board. 255 13tb st. FOR BENT ONE 0-BOOM FLAT ON 13TH. Call at 455 Market. FURNISHED FLAT OF 6 ROOMS FOR i-:T. Y CI. Oregonlan. nynsekeeplnc Booms. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP siren. 2Ot BTH ST.-3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP. ing rcome, ground floor, sink and running water. FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP. lng rooms. 12S N. 17th st. Phone Main 2fu. WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madison Houee- kecpler rooms; transient; oath, electric light. ITOK KENT. HeasckcspUc Boocns, THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST NEAR YAM- hiu New nouee, elegantly rumisnea apart ments, ts suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen: itua heat and bains; Iree phono oa each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms In nicest brick DiocK oa East Side; gas ransyn. bath, etc Logan b!k 108 Union ave. Phona Union 3263. DESIRABLE SUITE HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Address R 96. Oregonlan. giving particulars as to number In family, occu pation, etc. 19 PER MONTH 3 ROOMS FURNISHED housekeeping flat, with water, phone, wooa hed and pantry. C35 7th-st Terrace, near Ebendan. 708 EVERETT ST.. NEAR WASHINGTON, neatly furnished housekeeolng apartments. with homelike accommodations; residence locality. 33 11TH, NEAR CLAY NEWLY FURNISH- ea rront parior ana Kitcnen, iignt nousc&ee- isg, man ana wile or two lacies; neat, sm, phone. 347 HALL VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS. completely furnished for housekeeping; every convenience; pleasant location; reasonable rent. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES everything new. $10 per mo. and up. The Star. 230 Larrabee su. near Steel Bridge. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. NICELY FUR- xushed. $10 per mo. and up; phone and hath. Hotel Northern. N. 12th & Marshall, FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES: $3 per month and up; new and clean, xae ttoicsmitn. cor. ooiaemitn ana Aituna ayes. THE HEILER. 250 Grand ave. Fireproof biiu, jigBiea wiia u ana ciccu.ciiy; iur ZLlshed housekeeping suites and single rooms. THE LOWNSDALE. 15TH AND ALDER Newly furnished housekeeping rooms, gas range ana since, fis to $Z3 per montn. TWO "OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. $10 per month. C5S Williams are. Phone Union 6221, $L75 PER WEEK LARGE. CLEAN FUR- nished housekeeping rooms; laundry ana bath. 1S4 Sherman, near Front. 372 FIRST ST. 4 NEWLY PAPERED furnished bay-window housekeeping rooms, $20; respectable people only. 410 SALMON ST. ONE OR TWO NICELY furnished rooms, with light housekeeping privileges; central; reasoaaoie. 369 SIXTH ST. NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping apartments; light front rooms. Phone Main 4258. 403 10TH THREE PARTLY FURNISHED rooms; furniture new; desirable locality; gas, oato, lumacv neat. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping; also one nice downstairs parlor. 361 14th street. 2S8 JEFERSON. OPPOSITE CITY HALL 2 completely furnished housekeeping rooms. moaem ana reasonaoie. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM modem conveniences, reasonable rent. SZl Eugene st. East 2305. THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED ROOMS. suitable for housekeeping; bath, gas, fur nacc heat. 405 10th. CHEAPEST GOOD FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, ground floor, close In, SC 10th, near Stark. NICELY FURNISHED BOOMS FOR HOUSE- keeplng at 575 Main st.; -heat, lights, bath. .rnonc Main 4wo. SUITE OF THREE HOUSEKEEPING- rooms; vry reasonable; bath, etc 2SS& 34, cor. uoiumma. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED LARGE. light rooms, all modern, well located. 543 3d. near College. 92 17TH. COR. FLANDERS TWO FUR- nlshed housekeeping roomsto parties with out children. mxn mv.uTvnnw PTtwvTciTiark ttnnvtu moaorn. central resiaence; aepot cars to aoor, -i-o 30. FEBRUARY 1. THREE UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, west Side. Phone Main 623T. THREE LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, hot and cold water; bath and phone 2SS 13th st. 5 WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE- (keeplng. Call forenoon, Birkr, 1010 Bel mont st. ROOMS. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING PRIV- Hedges, or partial board, -at 14th. near Joff. THE LEWIS. 193 10TH ST. SELECT FAM- lly rooming-house. Phone Main 4334. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping apartments. 146 Front. Bouses. IF YOU ARE IN TROUBLE ABOUT FIND Ing houses, cottages or flats, go to Gc vurtx' two rental rental agents. They will please you finding some. 171-173 1st st. Main 12S0. FOR RENT 5-ROOM" COTTAGE, WITH basement, modem improvements and In good order, lies high and sightly, near car-line Inquire of E. Gunderson, 701 Chamber of Commerce GEVURTZ & SONS HAVE EVERY VACANT houso In the city of Portland, from I to rooms. If in doubt, go there and be con vlnasd. First and Yamhill. Main 12S0. OLD FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. WITH BARN and three-acre orchard; 30th and Hawthorne sts; $15. Otto J. Kraemer. Chamber of Commerce 9-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, a B. COR. 17th and Columbia: water, gas: house re. cently renovated. Call 434 Mohawk. Main 1007. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST., rtnts and insurance Phone una so. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATE3. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. Phons Main 1&5. Office 110 N. 3d st. FOR RENT 6-ROOM BOUSE. WITH ALL modem conveniences, on car line Call CSS Hroadway or phone .East ibv. 87 B. STH NORTHt-MODERN 5-ROOM. COT tage. newly papered and painted. Phona Main 4032. FOR RENT MODERN C-ROOM COTTAGE and yard; $20. Inquire 94 B. llth, cor. Washington. C-ROOM COTTAGE: GAS. BATH, LARGE basement; moaem improvements. 433 liar. nson. FOR RENT HOUSE. 110 PENNOYER ST. $6, 5 rooms; key at 106 Pennoyer st. Furnished Houses. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5-ROOM COT- tage, in Sellwood. for rent Feb. 3. 100 feet from car line, inquire 01 owner. Madden, the printer. First and Alder sis.. Oddfellows Temple, upstair. FURNISHED HOUSE OF B ROOMS, BEST residence neighborhood. East Side; cheap to parties without children, who will give house good care; snap, call 3G0 ban Rafael. LOWER FLOOR OF COMPLETELY FUR Dished house lncludinc oiano. reasdn&hln rent to parties without children; block from car line bit ii. Jtiumeiac st. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. NICELY FURNISHED bath. Call after C P. M.. 4M Mill st. or between 1- ana 1 iaeiwooa creamery, dtn LOWER FLOOR OF COMPLETELY FUR clshed house to parties without children. 190 Cherry st., three blocks north of Steel Bridge PARTLY FURNISHED FLAT OF 3 OR rooms, large, light and airy, cheap to man and wife, or women alone. Call 360 San Rafael. A MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. NICELY furnished, in central and desirable loca tion. $50. Portland Trust Co 109 3d st tic FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH BATH, large yard and fruit trees. 45th and E. FOR 2 MONTHS G-nOOM COTTAGE. WITH bath. cor. xi ia ana AnKeny. can 7 ii. 14th North. large grounds; good location; block from car! 401 12th st. Houses for Bent Furniture for Sale. ALL NEW. MISSION WEATHERED OAK furniture with Spanish leather cushions. Arabian curtains with Madras orerd rapes and velonr interior draperies in living-room aad dining-room: one bedroom genuine ma hogany furniture: two others fine quartered oak; all enameled beds and felt mattresses; Wilton rugs throughout; new flat, best loca tion, West Side B S3. Oregonlan. FURNITURE 6-ROOM COTTAGE FOR SALE, house for rent; all new. CS Grand are North. - ro& XKXT, Xs-aaea for Xeat raraharo for SaJe. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 3-BOOM FLAT. $135; rent $15; electric lights, steam heat included. Call fiat 101 Burkhard bldg. Phone 1CSO. VAN HORN TRANSFER COMPANY FUR- nlture and pianos moved with greatest care. Phone Main 1018; office 232 Stark st. GOOD FURNITURE OF AN EIGHT-BOOK house for sale; will trade xor a sunuT&an cottage. Phone Front niz. FOR RENT 15,000 ft. storage room In first- class brick building, centrally located. For information address S 63, Oregonlan. FINE LARGE STORE FOR RENT OR lease; near cor. 7th and Washington. Ad crtfH today only, E 97, Oregonlan. PART FINE RETAIL STORE FOR RENT; STORES FOR RENT 2D AND SALMON. Ap ply 310 Mohawk bldg. Offices. WANTED DESK ROOM IN OFFICE IN respectable locality: references exchanged. Address, stating terms. Box 111. St. Johns, Or. A LARGE HALL; ALSO OFFICE AND sample rooms xor rent at oooonougn hldg. Inquire at eleva'tor. FOH RENT PART OF LARGE OUTSIDE office, well zurnueied. szi, Chamber ox com. mere. Winter and bummer Jsesorta. HOTEL MOORE, CLATSOP BEACH, SEA- mice, -cm be open during Fail and winter. - PERSONAL. GREAT SPECIALIST COMING DR. W. Au gustus Pratt. li. o. M. JJ., the world famous American Face Specialist of New York and Chicago, 'will positively treat all defects of feature, every wrinkle and all facial blem lshes by his celebrated Immediate process, for one week In Portland, commencing Febru ary 20, at suites fil, 32. B3, Semng-Hirsch building. Washington, bet. West Park and 10th sts. Advance engagements made at rooms 82 and S3, same building. AZA HOLMES-RD3BECKE NEW INSTI- tute. refitted, fully equipped for all classes of work performed at John Woodbury's, New York. Have your work done at home Dr. A. L. Nelden, the world's beauty king, meth ods employed by Aza Holmes-Rlbbecke. the oniy graauate piasuc surgeon ana aermatoi ogist on this Coast. Portland's best physi cians for reference Parlors, 364 Morrison. MADAME VAUGHN. ONLY GRADUATE dermatologist in Northwest, permanently removes birthmarks, pitting!, wrinkles, tagging, scars, eczema, pimples, moles. freckles and ail blemishes. . Dermatology taught for professional purposes. Third floor McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. Phone Main 706. 77 WOMEN AV ANTED SUFFERING FROM lm-culax. nalnlul or stoppages, ieucortnea (whites) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. K easier, 230 Xam hlll st., Portland, Or. Private waiting-room for ladies. Consultation free, call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHEA. GLEET. SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES, OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELE, HYDROCELE and all affections of private organs permanently cured. Dr. Walker. 181 1st t. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD nromntly to our painless method of treatment: we treat diseases of women only; consultation free, private and strictly confidential. X Ra- cium institute, ltsft 1st. cor. or. lorruousu DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 A month keeps your ciotning cleaned ana pressed, buttons tewed on. rips sewed 'up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co., 347 YYa&uington, opp. corarays. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB- erts Nerve Globules, one month's treatment. $2; 3 months'. .$5. Sent securely scaled by mall. Agents. Woodard. Clarke & Co., Port land, Or. LADLES. ATTENTION I ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy waiers xor saie ny leading druggists; $2 per box; saie ana reliable 3. u. Skid more & Co.. Special Agents, 151 3d at. SWEDISH - FINN WOMAN, TRAINED nurse. Helslnfora graduate, cures rheu matism by hand rubbing. 472 East Pine st. Telephone Scott 4114. THE WORST CASE OF PILES YIELDS TO one box of E-ru-sa Pile cure, the cure that cures while otner taint about it; 11.00, an cruggi&u. - 4 TO 10 DAYS IS THE TTMB REQUIRED focuarxe ionic to cure rneumatism, liver, bowel and blood troubles; 75c bottle, all druggists. We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er izo ana style. c; business cards, $1. urown ez bcnmaie. 1st, -t'ortiana, ur. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARB MORE ACCU rately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Phar macy. iiorneon, Deu 1st ana -a. FACE AND SCALP MASSAOB AT YOUR homes. Ida Rcznor, 127 llth. Phono Main 4858. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder st. Phone Main 4S32. 'LOST AND FOUND. LOST TAN LEATHER WALLET. CONTAIN. ing certificate of deposit; $20 currency. Find er please leave at Grant's Cigar Store, 131 S. Cth. Liberal reward. LOST THURSDAY. SMALL TERRIER dog. light heau. aan: ooay. tan legs, foxed cars and tall. Return to Anderson Bros.' stables; rewara. PARTY KNOWN "WHO FOUND ALLIGATOR purse at nijou meaicr. rieue reiuro ana avota trouble, 10 auou dox uuice. WILL PARTY WHO FOUND BROWN FUR boa Friday night at Star, please return to same place or none lain Mil: LOST MULTNOMAH CLUB PIN. CRIB bagc. 9-2S-UD engraved on back reward at Oregonlan- office A PURSE WAS FOUND LAST WEEK. OWN. er please give .description and address T 95, Oregonlan. BUSINESS CHANCES. , $1500 CASH WILL BUY THE VERY BEST 20-room house in the city; must be sold Im mediately. Call at office Lee Automobile Co.. 15th and Alder. WANTED PARTNER WITH $2000 TO Joint me in Fair concession; will put up same amount: sure money-maker. D 94, FOR "SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE store with PostofSce in store Inquire Harry Tuttie 01 ing c co.. 1st ana An SI 000 GROCERY AND FEED BUSINESS lot. building, stock, fixtures; daily sales $20. Call evenings. 40S llth. Phone Main 4126. FOR SALE CHEAP PLANING-MILL, WITH good machinery and established business at a bargain. Address w ua, oregonian. FOR BALE FURNITURE OF FINE COR ner house, 10 rooms. 3 blocks Portland Ho teL Call afternoons. 1 w. jraric WANTED ENERGETIC MAN TO REPRE sent corporation: salary. $1800 and commis sion; $12(X required. Locxbox 4SS. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF WELL-ESTAB- llshed .business chance omce Office for rent. 165 4th st. I'none uay ojs. nMnpPTlTU.T! VAVIVO RAI.nflV Tnvp lease, reasonable; 2 cash registers; rea son. K"1US ". FOR SALE BRICK HOTEL IN ONE OF best notci ioi ucnctu tvnuuii ana s ramenle S 92, Oregonlan. FOR SALE A GENEKAI, MERCHANDISE store in tne cuwjuj. uuiuk u. gooa nusiaess, AddrC93 U 1, vresouiao. -ivrrn TiTXTKTt I'Wl tv Ttrtcrvrt-er. averaging $200 mcnthly; no4ake; best refer ences. IM, UkUOUUl, ROOMING-HOUSE. 20 BOOMS: GOOD LOCA tlon; must be sold: pay you to see this. 317 Fenton bldg.. M utn. FINE GROCERY STORE FOR SALE; REA. son 1 or Kiuiii, miu uiwucu u ouyer, boum that might suit you. Call 317 Fenton DICg.. J MB. FOR SALE FOUR RESTAURANTS. LONG leases. HI BIgley, Agent. Postofflce box 1017. city. WANTED MAN WITH SOME MONEY TO handle new toy at C3 Fair. D 97, Ore- Party with some- capital can buy territory for qulck-scllng articles. Call at C04 Dekum. FOR" SALE UMBRELLA STORE; GOOD reason xor seiunc. cau at 8a st. FOR RALE RESTAURANT. CENTRALLY located; $600. L 54. Oregonlan. BUSINESS CKANCBS. ROOMING-HOUSES.- t Xf TTTT TP 1 V- PTrvu-L-I r-c rv . 37 Washington bldg.. 4th. and Washlngtoa. BUSINESS CHANCES. HAVE FOR SALE ONE OF THE FINEST 120 acres of piling timber In. Oregon; old growth, very long, convenient location, near Buttevllle. on Willamette River, splendid lana. aoout 4 miles rrom rauroaa; timDer man can clear $100 ner acre handllnr this piling: price, $20 per acre O. W. Emrrnan. vregon uty ur. PARTNER WANTED IN A BUSINESS IN which, owner will guarantee purchaser $150 a monih; $300 required; duties eas ily learned; this business is open toiyour thorough Investigation. Call 24S Stark street. FOR SALE. $5000 1S-ROOM FLAT. 2 STORE- rooms, a living rooms. lower floor. 10 living rooms, upper floor, good bam. 2 lots. 00076. comer Ainsworth and union aye. For terms call Phone East 597. Renting now for $53 a month. FOR SALE AN INTEREST IN A WELL- establlshed machine shop; purchaser must he a practical machinist, competent -to act as loreman. t or particulars inquire 01 Bruce C. Curry. Oregon City. Oregon. FOR SALE FURNITURE AND LEASE OF 10-room residence; large and elegantly fin ished rooms; unexcelled for location or con ditions suited for first-class roomers; cash buyers only. J. H., 251 Alder. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED MINING man and prospector Backing for Alaska, gold fields; have good proposition for party who will furnish part expenses. F 3Cv Oregonlan, FIRST-CLASS GROCERY FOR SALE IN Willamette Valley town of GOOO inhabitants; best location in town; change of climate only reason for selling. Address H 87, Oregonlan. NOT IN' THE ROOMING-HOUSE TRUST IF you, desire an honest bouse at an honest price, see F. S. Keating, 504 Marquam. I have some good bargains. Let me show them. WE EN' CORPORATE AND FLOAT STOCK companies. We handle unlisted securities. Loans negotiated. Horatio Gilbert & Co., Ellicott Square Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED PARTNER IN WELL-ESTAB- llshed and paying business; about $3000 re quired; will bear investigation. 'Address S 95, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE-OLD ESTABLISHED MEAT market sales, $40 per day: party retiring rrom business. Address x 91. oregonlan. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD RESTAURANT Tolth lease. 69 1st st. BUSINESS INVESTMENT; SMALL CAPITAL. v S3, oregonian. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED State for the District of Oregon, in the mat ter of the Estate nf Charles Gross, bankrupt. The undersigned will receive sealed bids for two stocks of merchandise belonging to this estate, one at Portland. Or., and one at Eugene. Or., until 12 o'clock noon, of Friday, February 3, 1906. Separate'blds are desired for the two stocks of merchandise. and a cash deposit of 10 per cent must ac company each bid. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. The inventories may be seen at my office. Front and Ankeny sts.. and inspection of the stocks may be had at the respective locations of tne same. R. L. Eabln, Trustee of the Estate of Charles Gross, bankrupt. Dated at Portland. Or., January -u. l'jua. OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMAS- ter. walla Walla, wash., Dec. 27. 1904 Sealed proposals, In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received In this office until 2 o'clock P. M. Jan. 31. 1903, and then opened for material' and labon necessary in installing interior conduit and wiring for electric lighting of two double barracks at Fort walla Walla, wash. Plans and speci fications may be seen and information ob tained at this office, or that of Quartermas tera at Portland. Oregon, and Seattle and Fort Wright, Wash. Ths right is reserved to reject any or ail bide Envelopes contain, lng proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals tor iiiectno wiring. Fort walla, walla. Wash.." and addrcssetkto Noble H. Creager, captain ana vjuartermasier u. a. Army. NOTICE PROPOSALS FOR DRILLING A well, beaied proposals will be received by tiio jiayur ana council ot conaon. .un 11am County. Oregon, on February 1. 1905. for the drilling of one well to secure & water supply for said town. Bids must be strictly In accordance with the written specifications, which will be furnished up on application at the office of the Mayor. No proposals will be considered unless ac companied by a certified check payable to the order of the Mayor of Condon, certi fied by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate pro posal. The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved. By order of the council. John Jr. iteisacher.. Mayor. BIBS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OF- flee of the director-general, Lewis and Clark Exposition, up to 12 o'clock noon, Februarv 1. 1905. for the erection and com pletion of a fireproof flno arts building on Exposition Grounds. Plans and roeclflca lions may be seen at room 5, Steams bldg., 6th and Morrison sts. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OF flee of the director-general, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, up to 12 o'clock noon. February L 1905. for tho con struction of plaster lnclosure for long bridge on Exposition Grounds. Plans and specifications at room 0, Steams building, Glh and Morrison streets. Miscellaneous. COUNTY WARRANTS NOTICE IS HERE by given that Multnomah County warrants. class 36 and 37, the same having been drawn upon the general fund, that were presented and indorsed. "Not paid for want of tunas." from June 16. 1904. to July 13. 1904r numbered by Treasurer from 7327 to 7789. Inclusive, will. If prop erly indorsed, be paid on presentation at the office of the County Treasurer. Inter est thereon ceases on and after the date of this notice. Portland. Or., Jan. 2S, 1905. John M. Lewis. County Treasurer. THE LUTKB MANUFACTURING COM sany. of Portland, having sold the Seattle branch, begs to Inform its patrons and the public tha.t all the liabilities Incurred bv the Seattle branch, as the LutKe Man ufacturing Company, will be presented and paid by the new company In Seattle, as the Lutke Manufacturing Company, of Portland, or., will oe in no way responsl ble for debts incurred alter Jan. 20. PORTLAND. OR.. JAN. 25. 19CC- IT IS hereby ordered that the name of the steamer Norman, official number ce changed tb Star. L L. Patterson. Collector of Cus toms. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for building purposes. Any amount on 3 to 10 years time with privilege to repay all or part of loan alter one year, ixums appro vea xrom plans and money taavanced as building progresses. Mortgages taxen up ana replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent, 103 Second sr.. near Stark. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wcge-earoer, can get on ms note, wituout mortgage ConfidentlaL Mcnta, -month. Week. $50 Repay to us $13.33 or $6.65 or S33 $25 Repay to lis I 6.65 or $3.35 or $1.B3 $15 Repay to us $ 4.U) or 12.00 or $L00 Z1U it J3I.IU., SO. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO., 217 OREGO nlan bldg.. loans mosey to reliable salesmen, trainmen, motormcn, conductors or other salaried employes, just on bis note, in sums ot iv n iiutu.uio ui cuaveojent weekly or monthly payments. Payments sus pended In case of sickness. Confidential. No Inquiries. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc. without security; easy pay ments; largest business in 49 principal cities. Tolman. 1 Arnatua Diug. ciay 1753. Tm ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PT.A- Tn salaried people: lowest rates; strictly con- gcentiai. .tmpioxe iu.. room TIB, The LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL curity. at low rates. C W. Palette, 304-3 Fenton bldg. Phone Main 1385. $30.000 GILT-EDGE. 5 -YEAR, 7 PER cent bonds; applications received for anv part from $500 up. Interest guaranteed. E 04. Oregonlan. FROM $300 TQ $4000 TO LOAN ON PORT land real estate security; from private State lunds loaned. 0 per cent, W. E. Thomas, state agent Multnomah Co.. 400 rnwT, Com. Six per cent money to loan on Clackama County linrta. EL F. RUey, COS fhVn Com. PRIVATE- FUNDS LOANE. 60 PER CENT Taiuauon; 10-w raica. r . a. n are, iuisxy siog; nXAXCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any vuMtner nttdlnr mnaer before say- day nan .get it -rrom us; no commission or interest In advance; no mortgage or lndorser repaired. Repay weekly, monthly or semi moathly la amounts from $1 and upwards, thus avoiding the payment of the whole amount out of any one payday; and have six montns tint, u desired. NELSON & HIND LEY. 308 McKay bldg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and. responsible firms; easy payments and strictly confiden tial; aiso CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a specialty-. NEW BRA LOAN Sc TRUST COMPANY, 205 Ablngton Building. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities: lowest rates. S. W. King. room 43, Washington bldg. Phone Hood 415. IMMEDIATE LOANS. LOWEST RATES ON rural lure, pianos an acnatteis. jastera votm Co.. 449 Sherlock bldg-.. 3d and Oak. Clay 329. MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF Se curity: building- loans & specialty. W. a. Nunn. &52,-Sherlock Qlk. Piaoue Clay S29. ' PRIVATE PARTY makes rear, personal, chat tel or salary loans. WH Marquam oiog. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. WB. u. uecit. room sot. tne .railing oiog. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Assaycra and Analysts. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 203 STARK St. Prices: Gold. $1; copper, $1; silver. SOe PAUL SAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANA- lyst; fold dust bought, 223 Stark st. Business Colleges. GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWBIT- lng. famous budget bookkeeping, actual business practice: positions found for grad uates; day and night school. Holmes -Business College. Y. M. C A. bldg. Main 013. Carpet Cleaning:. Sanitary carpet cleaning, suction and com pressed air combined; carpets cleaned on floor without removal. Main 5534. East 2594. Clairvoyants. THE GREAT. ONLY AND ORIGINAL BUD AH BBRNIQUE. , $5 COMPLETE LIFE READING. 50c. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. BORN WITH A DOUBLE VEIL. EDUCATED IN EGYPT AND INDIA. TELLS YOUR NAME. TELLS YOU WHEN AND WHOM YOU WILL MARRY Positively mentioning your sweetheart's full name. Settles love quarrels and promptly reunites the separated, no matter how long standing. London's most famous palmist and clair voyant is acanowieagea oy pre ana pusuc tho greatest living DEAD TRANCE ME DIUM. " She tells what you came for before you utter a word; does not ask questions, no mat ter wnat your trouDie may be Call and she will guide you with certainty higher than tinman power. Tells you tho truth, good orTrad. HOURS 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY. PARLORS. 291 MORRISON. COR. 5TH. SAaiJS HUUOR AS BOSTON -DENTAL JrAxv LORS. PROF. VAN" CORTLAND, CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST, $5 FULL LIFE READING. 50c. 313 WASHINGTON. COR. CTH. HE WILL TELL YOU YOUR NAME. AGE, OCCUPATION AND WHAT YOU CALLED FOB THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PARLOR OR CHARGE YOU NOT ONE PENNY. PROF. M'lNTYRB, CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. Reduced Charges. 60c 50c This Week $5.00 Readings 60c COc sattsi action guaranteed or no fee acceptea. HE WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL NAME, AGE, OCCUPATION. Tells life from cradle to grave. Consulta tlon on all affairs, good or bad. Cosmos Bldg., 26S Morrison. MME. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN. SCI- enunc reveaier. tells life xrom cradle to grave Consultation on all affairs. Good ad vice, sure help, mistake Impossible; re stores lost love and unites separated by sympathy; locates burled treasure. Fee. si; letter. $2. 20T Park. Chiropodist and Manleuring. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE oniy scienunc cniropooists; pariora room 203 Drew bldg.. 162 2d st. Phone Main 126L This is the long-haired gentleman. He U the man you are looking for. CHIROPODY AND MANICURING FOR LA dies and gentlemen. 10 Benson bldg. 291 jtomson sc. omce nouse, 1 to 7. a to a. Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers, best coals; foundry ana smelter coke. 329 a st. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commis sion merchant- Front st.. near Main, Port land. Or. cash aavancea on consignments. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO, SHIP BROKERS ( and commission merchants, anenodt bldg.. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts. rortiana. or. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting, jjv atarK. Hiack 914, GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. SHELVES. houses built ana repaired. U3 4th. Clay 174. g Dancing. MRS. GRANT'S adult and children's classes. Western Academy. Morrison St.. cor. 2d, Dressmaking. KEISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring Colleire terns to measure. AiisKy, nail 400. 265 Mor. Dyeing and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner. 505 Jefferson. Tel. Main' 2313. Educational. PRIVATE LESSONS, FRENCH, GERMAN. T .I -I,.ll.h C.t,n OT 1C7 17.1. Fraternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so. clety of N. W.: protects the living. J. L. Mitchell. Sup. See. 612-015 Marquam bldg. Harness and Saddles. sale saddles and harness mfrst. saddlery hardware, leather all kinds. 72-74 5th st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddles and harness rnfrs., leather and saddlery haraware bt-bu 1st. Lands. LAND SCRIPS. GENERAL LAND FRAC tice. coiiins una co.. concord bldg. Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWB RIDGE LEATHER CO. ES tabllshed 1858. Leather and findings: Stock ton sole leather and cut stock: full line Eastern jnmoos. i&u iront st. TTTT7! TOffiTMAS CO.- LEATHTn uro-oo boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, learner ot oil urn as. 72-74 5th. Massage. LIFE IS AS WE MAKE IT PERSIAN MAS sage strengthens the muscles, cleanses tne skin, soothes the nerves; Persian vappr. tub baths and massage The Frances, 9th and YOUNO LADY GIVES VAPOR. STEAM. AL mhnl Kiths. with magnetic hfatmsnt.. .1.. face and scalp massage. Under new manage ment. itia w-" "cl. Aiuer ana Jiorrlson. THE SNOWDEN BATHROOMS. WITH at. tendants; vapor and steam baths; also mas sago and electric treatments. 234 Morrison et., cor. -tn. roam, o, star rooming-houfe. VAPOR AND SPONGE BATHSv MASSAGE and magnetic treatments, by experienced young lady. 351 Morrison st, rooms 11 anil 1 YOUNG LADY. JUST FROM 8T. LOUIS gives Datns ana massage; tUD baths a'spe ciaity. iiu?2 ?m su. (uuu2 o ana YOUNG LADY GIVES VAPOR BATHS AND .m. 1 nil VnnHcnn wim i T . . . QKUU lit VlkJ FRENCH LADIES GIVE BATH AND MAS- sage treatment. 20s otn st. Main 5936. NEW PARLORS AT 289 STARK ST. bet. 4th ana stn. Osteopathy. J)B- L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH. osieopatmc paystcians; graauatea Jturics vile. Mo, 403 oregonian. Phone Main 124 sanitarium, oil 4tn. consuitauon free I DRS. ADDEC & NORTHRUP. 41C DEKUM 1 bias, pnone Atam 4V. ixaminauon. xree BUSINESS BXKZCXOSY. Jnat. Hides aad PeHa. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OS hides, pelts. wdoL furs, tallow, old rubbers, metal t and sacks. 342 Front st. .Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS For bargains see Weeks; no agents; 20 per cent saveo. At v-u -ront. cor. 00 iter. , Machinery. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAW- mills, logging machinery; hydraulic pipes. castings. All ainos repairea. 104 JN. 4th. THE K. a ALB EE CO.. SECOND-HAND Northwest Vlavi Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. Patent Lawyers. B. a WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; lnxrmgement cases, wh uenum. T. J. GEISLER, 530 CHAM. OF COM.. U. S. ana foreign patents a specialty. Paints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sash, and doors, cor. 2d and Taylor. Bobber Stamps. P. a STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER, TEL. Main 719. rubber stamps, seals, stencils. Safes. 8-INCH THICK WALLS. NOT FIRE-PROOF. Lockouts opened, repairs, steel celling, safes exchanged. Dlebold work. J. E. Davis. Cii 3d. Stop Blinking. GUARANTEED cure: send 50o: tablet form; mailed in plain pacaage; nas curca tnou sands. L. L. C Ce. 614. Grant bldg.. 3. F. Spiritualists. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. 60c, 60c, 50c, 50c, 50c.50c, 50c, 50c. 60c. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. S03 WASHINGTON ST.. .COR. STH. S3 COMPLETE LIFE READINGS, 60c THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PAR LOR HE WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL NAME. AGE. OCCUPATION. YOUR MOTH ER'S MAIDEN NAME. AND WHOM AND WHEN YOU WILL MARRY, and what you called for, without asking & question, will tell the name ot your sweetheart or anything you want to know. He sends you away mucn wiser and happier tfian when you called. How can I have good luck? How can I succeed In business? How can I make my home happy? How can I marry the one I choose? How can I marry 'well? How soon can I marry? How can I conquer my rival? How can I make anyone- love mo? How can I get a letter? How can I get a good position? 303 WASHINGTON ST., COR. CTH. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reaiiabia medium; ail in trouoie cau and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. 165 4th St., Bussel bldg., ho urn 9-5. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CGNSUL1- ed dally at 412 Alder, cor. llth. Mala 617U. MRS. C. CORNELIUS, 307 Allsky bldg., 3d ana Aiorrioon, sittings aauy. Hooa 403. MRS. STEVENS, spiritual life reader, scien- uno poimut, 00c. 343ft lammii, cor. tn., Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO., 318 1st, near Market. Phone Black 3123. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. 6th and Hoyt, Phone Main 1403. Second-Hand Dealers. SUGARMAN & SONS, highest price paid 2d- nana xurniiure. stoves, si iioau eo nn. Storage and Transfer. SAFES, PLVNOS AND FURNITURE MOVED. pacaea ready tor snipping ana omyytu, au work guaranteed; large three-story brick firs proof warehouse for storage Ofiice, 123 1st. C M. Olsen. Phono Main 547. a O. PICK, OFFICE. 8S 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. f hone outi. i'lanos ana turniiuce moved and packed for shipment; commodious fireproof brick warehouse Front & Clay sts. FRED BICKEL, STORES AT 31 N. FRONT st household gooas ana luraiiure, piaous, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and ax, movable articles at reasonable prices:. C F. HARDER, PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved; furniture, china, ana glassware p&cxea for shipping by experienced packers; all toc guaranteed. Phone East 1612. Trunk factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 54 THHtD ST., wholesale and retail, send xor catalogue Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and . . 1 oM rr rpi unT repairea, unat a&kukj, oti aw,. Wholesale Grocers. at.t.vX LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY, cor. N. Front and Davis sts., Portland. Or. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK TiMienated Depositary and Financial Agent of uesignaicu- v -te. state3 President -A. L. MILLS SsMer.rr..- J- NBWKIRK EeoEui leslstant Cashier. . . .B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit issued available In Europe and the Eastern States, stt-ht exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston, Chicago, St, Louis, St. PauL Omaha, San Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest, v..i... -. tiiTm tillla drawn In sumii to stilt on iJndon. Paris, Berlin, Frankfort-on-the-Maln, Hone Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen Chria tianUt. Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Zurich, Honolulu. PORTIaAKD trust compant op oregok AVif All I HI. OA. irhB Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. CAPITAL. $300,000. nr induct a general banking buslnesa. W l-receive savings deposits. We issue time cer tificates aUU iCrHlilfcCJ UL UCiAWb- UAiitJ noon 10 days' call, 30 days' call or 90 days mil with Interest at 3, 3 and 4 per cent per 'annum, respectively. Call or send for our b00lC ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJ. L COHEN President H. L. P1TTOCK .....Vice-President B. Ltifci itaukj.... ..wBuu J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADD & TILTON. BANKERS aLJ" ESTABLISHED IN 1S30. Transacts a general banking business, interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorabla terms. Letters ot credit issued available la Europe and all points in the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Washington," Chicago, SL I aula, Tjenver Omaha, San Francisco and various points, in Oregon. Washington and Idaho, Mon tana and British Columbia. woiinnirB on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank fort. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Manila, and Ho noiuiu. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J FRANK WATSON ...President R. L. DURHAM. . Vlce-Tealdent ' R. W. HOXT Casnler GEORGE W. HOYT.. Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A UBiNTKKAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit issued, available! In all parts of the world. I Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. I LONDON St SAN FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. Chamber ot Commerce Building. Third and! ouirx. streets. TTfjul ofiice 55 Old Broad Street. London. This bank transacts-a general banking bust-1 nesu. makes loans, discounts bills and issues letters of creait, avaiiauie tor travelers ana tne purchase of merchandise in any city of the world, ueais w. iwici&u iuiu uuiutuc interest Dald on time deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Mgr. WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK Comer Second and Washington. HOMER S. KING - JPresidenti (ban rrancisco.; R. LEA BARNES... . Cashier WALTER A. HOLT Assistant Cashle tirorttano. ncnpml banking bualneaa transacted. change sold and letters of credit issued, avatl-l able In all parts ot tne wona. -THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Head omce, xoronio, t. anann, Capital paid up $3,700.C Reserve .........- J.ow.l Transacts a general banking business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and upl ward and Interest allowed on minimum: month! ly balances. Kates an application. . 244 WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD. Manager. Portland Branch. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest cor. Third and Oak stsv Transacts a general banking business. Drafts issued available In- all cities- ot United States and Europe. Hong KongSea XfflnlTa . Collections made on favorable terms-. President- - J. C AINSWORT:! Vice-President v. b. AYEi Cashier R. W. SCHMRl Assistant Cashier .....A. M. WRIGH1 ion o