TLLE MORNING OBEGONIA2?, SATUKDA1V JATJAY 28, 190o. it MIS ON RECORD "hey Oppose a -Constitutional Convention. ADOPT STRONG RESOLUTION Amendment of Local-Option Law is Also Opposed i. H. Amos De clares the ignorance of Leg islators is .Appalling. The Multnomah Prohibition Alliance placed itself on record last nisht as un alterably opposed to the proposed con stitutional convention on the theory that the movement is fathered by the liquor interests for the purpose of doing away with local option. This sentiment was expressed in a reso lution introduced by B. Leo Paget and cithusiastically adopted by the members cf the alliance and a number of local cptionists who were present. The resolu tion was addressed to the Oregon Legis lature and copies of it were directed to he sent to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House. At the commencement of the meeting, which was called for the purpose of nom inating officers for tho ensuing year, L H. Amos made a hitter attack on the members of the Legislature, individually and collectively. 4 1 have just returned from Salem, where I watched the present session work and talked with many of its members, and I come back in favor of an absolute mon archy. The Legislature is running the people of Onegon. Instead of being our servants its members are our masters. I found the Legislators, to a man, ignor ant of the local option law. "W. T. Muir, who is chairman of the committee on re vision of laws to which the Jayne amend ment has hecn referred, admitted to me that he had never read the original law. nor tho amendment proposed by Mr. Jayne. This, notwithstanding the fact that the latter had been in his hands for days. "It's enough to give a man paresis to talk to the members of that body. Their ignorance is positively appalling." Other addresses on the Jayne .amend ment and tho proposed new constitution were made by B. Lee Paget, P. McKcr cher, John F. Carroll and, in fact, almost every member present expressed himself on the subject. There was complete unan imity of sentiment, and it was decided tS make a determined fight against any measure which threatened to mitigate against the -workings of the local option law. Tho meeting was presided over by F. McKerchcr. and before adjournment the following nominations for officers were made pending their election at tho next meeting on February 14: President, F. McKcrcher: first vice-president, R. R. Steele; second vice-president, T. S. Mc Danlel; third lice-president. Dr. J. J. "Wiggins; secretary, E. P. Northrup. and treasurer, B. Lee Paget. AT THE THEATERS What tha Press Agents Say. COLLIER MATINEE TODAY. Last Performance of 'The Dictator" at the Marquam. This afternoon at 2:15 o'clock the last performance of William Collier in "The Dictator" will be given at the Marquam Grand Theater. This is the best comedy Mr. Collier has ever brought to tho Coast and. presented as It Is by an excellent company, sets a pace that future farces will have hard work to equal. There will not bo a performance Saturday night. Matinee Today at the Columbia. At tho matinee this afternoon James Keane and the Columbia Stock Com pany will play "The Crime of Dubosq." which will be of special interest to ladies and children, being filled with beautiful scenery, romantic situations and much thrilling action. The play has done a splendid business nil week and created a lasting Impression on tho minds of Co lumbia patrons. Tonight will be the last performance. Matinee of "Nettie" Today. "Nettie, tho Ncwsgirl,'' can bo seen at the matinee today at the Empire Theater and tonight for the last time. Truly har monious in its construction, pathetic, lov able and humorous, appealing in detail to all alike, the young, tho old, the grave, the careless, those who joy or weep, all who have witnessed this drama will have felt a mighty influence from a mighty Play. BLANCHE BATES' PLAY. All Ready for "The Darling of the Gods" at the Grand. Tho war botween Japan, and Russia, which Just now seems to be going all in favor of the Mikado's empire, has served to awaken acute interest in anything and everything Japanese. It is natural to suppose, therefore, that an unusual wel come awaits the arrival of Miss Blanche Bates at the Grand Theater Monday, January 30, when this great artiste, sup ported by tho Bolasco company, from the Belasco Theater, New York, will present for the first time here a drama of old Japan, entitled "Tho Darling of the Gods." This is tho first Japanese play to bo produced in New York, where it ran for two seasons at tho Belasco Theater. It is a story of old Japan, full of poetry, ac tion and sentiment, and the Japanese atmosphero Is not rudely dispelled by the introduction of characters in modern dress. The star of tho organization is Miss Blanche Bates, who, in the role of the Princess Yo-San, daughter of tho mignty Prince of Tosan. has given to tho theatrical world one of the greatest im personations ever known. The companv which will be seen here in "Tho Darling of the Gods" is one of poculiar excellence. Including Bugenc Ormonde, Albert Bru nt ns, , George TVessells, Thomas J. Mc Grane. Rankin Duvall. "Wostropp Saun ders. E. P. Wilkes. Joseph Tuohy. Mrs. F. M. Bates. Ada Lewis. Leslie Preston. Mabel Wood. Lulu Klein, Madge West, with a number of additional minor char acters. COMING ATTRACTIONS. "Moths of Society." Howard Gould, the new loading man. tvill open his engagement with the Colum bia Stock Company tomorrow afternoon In a splendid production of Oulda's bril liant society drama of high life In for eign countries. "Moths of Society." The usual painstaking effort on th part of the Columbia management to secure ster ling attractions only for its army of pat rons is again In evidence. "Moths of So ciety," adapted, like "Under Two Flags." from one of Oulda's famous novels, will hold tho boards all next week. The play offers splendid opportunities for the la dies to wear elegant costumes, and it is announced that "Moths of Society" will -be. without exception, the richest-gowned uroduction ever offered on tho Columbia stage; in fact, win equal any other that has yet been given on any Portland stage. "The Moonshiners." "The Moonshiners" -will be the opening play at the Empire Theater of the Noble Stock Company tomorrow matinee and will run until Thursday night of next week. There are so many plays on the road that style themselves dramas that It is really refreshing whon one of ex ceptional merit presents itself. In "The Moonshiners" Is promised a play that, stands in the latter class. It Is -full of pathos, comedy, and sensation artistically Interwoven. For heart throbs and smiles there has never been a play more clev erly written. The lines are bright, the comedy sparkling and the situations ex citing and novel. "For Love and Honor" will be presented the remainder of the week. "The Silver Slipper." John C. Fishers' b!g musical comedy success. "The Silver Slipper," will be tho attraction at the Marquam Grand The ater next Friday and Saturday nights, February 3-4, with a special matinee Sat urday. Lewis Morrison in "Faust." Seats are now selling for Lewis Morri son, who comes to the Marquam Grand Theater next Tuesday and Wednesday nights in his famous play. "Faust." PayTributetoBttrns' Memory Birthday of Great Voet Fittlajr Jy Observed by Natives of Scot land. He'll ha'o misfortunes great an' ema. But aye a heart aboon them a'; He'll be a credit tae us a'. We'll a' be jirood o' Robin. SO SANG the Immortal Bobbie Burns, Scotland's greatest poet, who was born in a thatched cottage near the "lang toon o' Ayr." January 25, 1759, and last night It seemed as if all that part of Scotland which is located in Portland and surrounding country Journeyed to the Arlon Hall, to help Clan Macleay, No. 122, of the Order of Scottish Clans, pay ho mage to Burns' memory. Tho red lion flag of the land o cakes adorned the east balcony, while British flags lent their presence from several points of view, and on the plat form American and British colors were appropriately entwined together. The hall, whioh was crowded with people, was decorated with potted plants and flowers. True, Burns' anniversary oc curred last Wednesday, but It was con sidered more convenient to celebrate the event at the latter end of the week. Anyway, it was Burns' .night, and the spell of the great prophet of the uni versal brotherhood of man -was cast over alL The evening was one of song and dance. Chief Alexander G. Brown was chairman, and was supported by Past Chief IC K. Baxter, royal deputy for Oregon, Alexander Gavin and James Laidlaw. British Consul at this port. Chief Brown, who hud a feather In his cap, made a pleasing speech that was clear cut and to the point, assuming that most Scots already know nearly everything worth knowing about Burns' life. It was evident from the start that the audience was In an encoring mood, for they insisted on a repetition of every number excepting the speeches. The pro gramme was a skillfully arranged one, and the accompanlsf was Miss Leonora Fisher, who was the hardest-worked per son on the platform. All the singers were in good voice. Three of them are well known here Mrs. Rose Block Bauer, Mrs. Walter Reed and Dom J. Zan. The stranger, to the Scots, was Leon M. Jones. He has a good tenor voice, but It Is hardly strong enough to do justice to such a warlike selection as "Scots Wha Hac." Ho succeeded better In "Afton Water," which he sang with fine feel ing. His voice shows promise. Mrs. Bauer. Mrs. Reed and Mr. Zan are well known here as concert singers, and suffice It to say that they very credit ably mastered the Scotch accent, and sang tho songs allotted to thorn welL Mrs. Bauer's best number, for charm ing expression, was "Twas Within a Mile. Her other encore was stolon Wings," by Willoby. Mrs. Reed's en cores: "O' Whistle an' I'll Come Tae Ye," "Shoggy Shoo" and "Annie Law rle." Mr. Zan'a encorbs: "Klnc Duncan" and "Gypsy John." Thc quartet sang well together. their encoro being: "Bonnie Dundee." The dancers wero also well received. Dr. J. Whltcomb Brougher, of the First Baptist Church, was the speaker of the c"ening and ho lauded Burns love of humanity, say ing that Burns stood for character and not circumstnnce. Dr. Brougher also told of his recent trip to Scotland, and related three amusing Scotch stories that pleased his audience. Dancing, in cluding the Highland scottlsche and Scotch reel, and Jamie Moon's bagpipe selections were popular features of tho aftor entertainment. Parsons' Orchestra supplied dance music Tho committee on arrangements John A. Patterson. James Cormack, IC K. Baxter, A. C Rac, A. G. Brown, A. G. RIddell. J. L. Carswcll and P. S. H. Stevenson. Floor committee: A. W. Hutcheon, John Bowie, James Shearer, T. B. Spence. ELECTRICITY PLAYS PRANKS Marquam Building Charged With the Subtle Fluid From Defective Wiring THE sifting rain drops battled with the drifting wind as it hurled them against the corner of the Oregon Savings Bank In the Marquam building. Willie Collier battled with both wind and rain as he rounded the slippery pavement and started to tho theator to become tho ornament for tho spotlight In "Tho Dic tator." Tho rain and the wind wero moral sprites and apparently akin to the blue laws, for both beat against the unlucky actor. "By tho" he commenced, trying to re member a fitting quotation. The wind filled his mouth and the rain smote hard In his eyes, ire staggered and put out his hand against a brass sign in the doorway of the bank. "Holy snakes." he finished in an elevated tenor key as h snatched Lhls hand away to the accompaniment of feminine laughter floating through the "window above him. 1 "Darn," muttered the actor, gazing hard at the innocont-looking sign. "Wliat in the dickens makes It feel like that?" A woman camo through tho drizzle, surrounded with a rustle of silk and a panting, blanketed lapdog. She -daintily gathered her skirts about her and started to ascond the bank steps. Willie turned his head tho other way and gazed far, far up tho street- "Kl YI" shrilled a very surprised ca nine soprano as a ball of white hair and red blanket hurtled against the legs of the actor. "Epileptic," murmured Mr. Collier, sym pathetically. "Poor dog. Must havo lived a fast life when a puppy." The lady broke in on the soliloquy. "Willie." she expostulated, "what on earth are you doing? Come here at onco and behave yourself." The actor paused, but the littlo bundle marched obediently up to the steps and planted both forefeet on the first slab of Iron. , Then camp a surprised bowl and a bun dle of red blanket ped up the street, pro pelled by a pair of twinkling white legs. KILLED NEAR HER HOME LINNTON WOMAN STRUCK DOWN AT TRAIN TIME. Supposed to Have Been Thrown Against Rail by Swirl of Rap-Idly-Passing Train. Mrs. EJeonora W. E. Batter, wife of Frank Battor. foreman of the Government moorings at linn ton, was kilted yester day afternoon shortly after 4 o'clock, sup posedly by Northern Pacific. No. 7, within sight of her home at LInnton. Just how Mrs. Batter met her death may always remain a mystery- It was evident" that she was not struck by the train, for beyond a deep scalp wound in the back of tho head no bones were broken, nor was the body mutilated. Deputy Coroner A. L. Flndley was notified cf the death of Mrs. Batter, and after viewing the remains he had the body brought to Port land. Mr. Batter and his wife lived In a neat little cottage near the moorings. Yes terday afternoon, -while he was busy at tending to aome work, be noticed his wife, with a bucket in her hand, leave for the house of a neighbor, a short distance away, for the purpose of getting some milk. Just a few minutes before the ar rival of the Northern Pacific train, which passes through LInnton about 437. He also saw her returning. She was within a couple of hundred yards of him when he heard the train pass, but thought nothing of it until he recalled that his wife bad had plenty of time to have reached Mm. Fearing eomething wrong, he first went to the house, and not find ing ber there, started to walk up the track. He had gone but a short distance when he found the body of his wife, lying alongside of the railroad track, dead. As near as can be learned Mrs. Batter was walking along the tracks toward her home when caught In a deep cut. She had evidently bad time to get off the track, so as to avoid the train, but as the engine swept on she was caught in the whirling eddy which follows in the wake and hurled about with such -violence that it caused her death. Train No. 7, the one which killed Mrs. Batter, passed this point at a terrific rate of speed. Engineer W. S. Kayler. who was In charge of the train, stated to the Coroner that he did not sec a woman at the point where Mrs. Batter's body was found, nor had he seen any person alongside of the track. Mr. and Mrs. Batter were married two years ago. Her parents live at Nestucca Bay. They will be notified, but funeral arrangements win I not bo made jjntll word Is received from them. AID HAIL SERVICE. Pneumatic Tubes Help Postoffice In Big Cities. "f. W. -Valine, assistant superintendent of the railway mail service, with head quarters In Portland, returned to the city yesterday after an absence of two months In the East. Mr. "Vallle Is one of three members of the commission appointed under an act of Congress to make an investigation and report as to the needs and practicability of extending the pneumatic-tube mail service, either in cities where the service is now under contract or in such other cities as may hereafter be assigned them. Mr. Vallle reported In Washington for duty on this commission about the mid dle "of November, and lias since that time visited, with the other members of tho commission. New York, Brooklyn, Phila delphia, Boston. Chicago and Pittsburg. In speaking of his trip and tho work of the commission. Mr. Vallle said: "The purpose of this commission is not only to Investigate the pneumatic-tube services now in existenco and report upon their practicability, but to visit those cities that have made application for this service and report upon the Justification of the installation of services. "At present the pneumatic-tube servico Is In operation in New York, Brooklyn, Boston, Philadelphia and St. Louis. "We Inspected all of these services with the exception of that in St. Louis, and had visited Pittsburg for the purpose of re porting upon tho practicability of a serv ice in that city, when one of our mem bers, J. M. Masten, assistant superin tendent of the railway mail service, was ordered to Europe on foreign mail busi ness. This necessitated our postponing our investigation temporarily, but wc will take It up again immediately upon his- re turn, which I think will be towards the latter end of Fobruary. "From the examinations wo havo made I am thoroughly In favor of this mode of rapid city mail service. Of course it Is only of great advantage in largo cities, where tho streets are congested and sur face travel Is slow. But it is now past tho experimental stage and cannot be con sidered a luxury, but a necessity, although it is expensive. "One demonstration of Its service came under our notice In Chicago in the early part of January. On that day Chicago experienced a bad storm, which covered the streets with ice and made wagon traffic extremely difficult. The postofllco was blocked with mail and, towards evening. It was impossible to get even one wagon to take care of the outgoing mat ter. It was then that tho pneumatic-tube service thoroughly demonstrated Its use fulness. From the central station to the depot a pneumatic-tube carrier is sup "Foolish dog," commented the actor, following the fleeting bundle with his eyes. "Should havo minded." He paused uncertainly under an awning. A Chinaman came out of the bank, armed with a bucket of water ,a bottlo of brass polish and a bundle of rags. He planted himself on the Iron steps and reached up with his hand. "Ping tl, TJroa mucka fan tung; whas a malla gosh!" he yelled, scurrying down tho steps and out into the street, while his queue arched up from his head like tho tail of a flea-bitten calf. "Wha's a malla: him -stllnir nnmn hits viic- mn no workee devil shop." And tho Celestial worsniper or unknown things loft his bucket on the step and fled up the street In the tracks of tho tiny dog. Then the man In the bank came out and explained to the actor on the side walk. He said the building was charged. Collier thought that was a very appro priate way for a bank to do. "Electricity." explained the banker. "I thought you meant interest." apolo gized Mr. Collier, much relieved. "I know it was a hard thing to go up against, but it never felt that way to me before." Then the story came out. Down In the oascmentoi tne .Marquam building Is an old wooden switchboard, snd umn thic In some way the wires have gotten out of order until they have become ground ed upon the walls or piping of the big office building. Everything in the entire half block has bwn phnrpcd fnr tho nn.f two weeks, but only In tho last few days has it become so noticeable. Experts were sent for and have succeeded in corralling the truant lightning In the Knights of Pythias hall, but little streaks escape and make life miserable for the unwary. It Is an uncertain thing to turn out the electric lights and worse to try to tam per with the steam Heat. The frolllcking electricity. In bunches of from 24 to 104 volts, lurks In corners least expected, waiting to surprise the heedless. An effort will be made to remedy the de fect, and if that Is not possible, the base ment will be rewired anc the cause of th trouble confined to service and hindered from playing any further pranks. posed to take 15 seconds for tho run. JDn that evening 7SO carriers, containing on an average of 400 letters each, wero sent through the tube in less than 60 minutes, tne trip of the carrier requiring less than five seconds. It would have been Impos sible to have handled this mall had it been required to place dependence on sur face travel. "In New York and Philadelphia the services have not yet-been completed as contracted for, but it has been demon strated that tho latest Innovation In mall matters is of the utmost advantage in large cities. Its cost precludes the estab lishment of the service in small cities, where surface traffic Is not interfered with to any great extent, but while we are on this inspection tour we shall visit all cities that have made application for its installation. " e shall visit San Francisco and while on the Coast will undoubtedly look over other Coast cities, including Portland." ALL "WILL WORK FOR PAIR. State Societies Meet as Guests of Ohio Organization. night at the Knights of Pythias Hall, in the Marauam bulldlnir nnH ontprt nlno members of the Michigan. Minnesota, Ne braska. Illinois. Pennsylvania and Mis souri societies. "The common mimnsn of th t7ipptlni was the exploitation of the Lewis and LiarK tiir, and every member came with the determination to do his share In adontinc and warkinsr out some nlnn. which would bring many more of the old friends In the homo states out to the Coast to visit the Exposition during the Summer. Judge William M. Cake, president of the Ohio Society, directed the entertain ment of the evening and took the lead In the discussion. Arthur LangguUi. president of the Michigan Society, pledged himself and his fellow society members to the work of exploitation. W. T. Vaughn, president ofMhe Illi nois Society, followed Mr. Langguth In telling of his good will and future efforts. John Manning, who wields the gavel for the Nebraskans, also had a few words to say as to what his state and her children would do for the Fair. B. S. Pague, vice-president of the Pennsylvania Society, and Isaac Staples, president of the Michigan Society, also outlined what their plans were, and ex pressed themselves confident that the efforts of the combined membership of all the societies would be able to draw thousands of visitors to the Fair who would not otherwise have come, and that through them better care would be taken of those who had Intended- to visit the Coast in the first instance. The prepared programme of the even ing follows: Baritone solo, "The Storm Fiend," Dr. Keefer; contralto solo, "O Dry Those Tears" (Del Rlego). Miss ConVers; violin solo, "Ave Maria" (Berceuse). Miss Barker; reading. Mrs. J. Allen Leas; soprano solo, "In Thy Blue Eyes" (Bohm), Miss Ethel Lytic A de lightful luncheon was served after the completion of the programme. PILES IS SENATOR. (Continued from Page 1.) Islature of the State of Washington: I can say frankly there is no man In the state who is more satisfied with the se lection that has been made than I am. No man can be prouder of it. unless It is Mr. Piles himself. 1 feel that we have united the Republican party; that all tho great questions that have been before this stato for the last two or three years in the agreement that exists havo been prop erly taken care of. "AH my friends are satisfied with the result, and I think we have done more to unite the Republican party 'and create harmony among that party than any other thing that has over been done, and hope It will continue so. And I am proud to say that at my time of life I have had the pleasure of sending a young man to the United States Senate who, I hope, will romain there a great many years. "Thanking you, gentlemen, very much for what you have dono for me, and par ticularly the delegation that stood with me 2S as true men as ever came to getherand when I told them last eve ning I had concluded to resign In favor of Mr. Piles, every gentleman, while very sorry it had occurred, stood up and said my wish should bo respected. I thank you." Defeated Men Are Invisible. An effort was made to find John I Wilson and Senator Foster, but neither of them was available, and after the conclu slon of Sweeny's remarks, the joint ses slon adjourned sine die. Immediately thereafter tho Houso ad journed until IP. M. Monday. Nearly all the members of tho Legislature departed for Seattle and Tacoma on the afternoon train. An effort was made to secure a Piles special for Seattle, but tho time was so short that they were unable to secure the equipment and wero obliged to get along with a few extra coaches on the regular train. E. W. W. ANKENY PRAISES NEW SENATOR Good Word for the Retiring Member From Washington. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Jan. 27. Commenting on the action of the Washington Legislature today. Sen ator Ankeny said: "Tho only information I have on the subject of the election of a successor to Senator Foster Is a brief dispatch to the effect that Mr. Piles is elected. I can say, however, that Mr. Piles is a very ex cellent lawyer and a very good man, and I have no question that he will make the State of Washington a splendid Senator. I have known him intimately a number of years andNestccm him very highly. 'It Is only just for mo to say of my re tiring colleague that he has wodced faith fully and well for tho best interests of his state and has never been found want ing in the dlschargo of his official duties. He has done much for the State of Wash ington in the last six years, which must redound to his credit." WILD WELCOME AT SEATTLE. Plies Is Nearly Torn to Pieces by Ex cited Cheering Mob. SEATTLE, Wash.. Jan. 27. (Special.) Senator-elect Sam H. Piles was given a reception upon his return tonight that was characteristic of Seattle. When the news of bis election reached the city this afternoon a band was loaded on a street car and sent all over town. A banner on which was painted a sign In dripping red called on the people to gather at the depot They responded to the call to the number of thousands, and ha train from Olympla rammed Its way through a densely packed throng of cheering men and women, while a squad of police bucked and charged like a lot of football men in an effort to preserve a semblance of order. Ex-Governor John H, McGraw was the first familiar face the crowd saw. He was cheered like the champion gladiator returning from the arena. He kept point ihg back to tho last car, smiling until all TXMC MARK WHITE CLOVER BUTTER PACKED IN CARTONS This Butter, so wrapped, -is in an odorless, air-tight, germ-proof package, containing one and two pounds, which preserves all of its original delicacy and sweetness, maintaining the aroma, belonging to fresh-made Butter. This is the only method by which Butter can be kept without contamination of any kind. White Clover is the oldest and best brand of Butter on the market, and this additional safe guard to preserve its sweetness and purity will be appreciated by the public. Accept no other brand from your dealer. We are jobbers exclusively in Butter, Cheese and Eggs. - WHITE CLOVER-IS THE ONLY BUTTER ON THE PA CIFIC COAST PACKED IN A CARTON PACKAGE. his teeth were in view, while his bald pate was shining like a mackerel in the sun, under the glare of the electric lights. The crowd took the cue and surged toward tha rear of the train. When Mr. Piles appeared he was grabbed by a dozen pairs of hands and was literally dragged to the platform. The squad of police tried to form a square to protect the new Senator, but the bluecoats were brushed aside and Mr. Piles was half carried to the carriage. He stood bare headed under an electric light and tried to tell how much he appreciated the dem onstration, but every time he stopped for breath the cheering broke out afresh. Finally his voice rang out above the din to say: "Allow me to introduce Charles Sweeny, that prince of princes, who elected me to the United States Senate." Mr. Sweeny got up In a carriage and waved a slouch hat at the crowd, but his voice was drowned in the cheers that rumbled and roared under the old shed that serves Seattle for a union depot. Mr. Piles finally made his escape on the plea that he was tired nearly to death, but his carriage was followed by a howling mob of men who under ordinary circumstances are reputable citizens. To morrow night a reception will be given Mr. Piles at the Rainier Club and a public ratification meeting is planned for next week. SERVICE OF GOLD. Fifty Thousand Dollars' Vorth of Precious Metal.- New York Press. The most costly dinner of its size ever given in Now York was that of i-r. and Irs. J. H. Hanan at the HoteLSt. Regis, xhlrty-six guests sat down to tho great horseshoe table, and everything that they Late or drank was from gold plate. Tho entire secona noor was usea ior uie occa sion, and the dinner was served In the marble room. The magnificent $50,000 gold service of the hotel, about which so much has been written, was In actual use for the first time. Mr. Hanan having stipulated several months ago that the gold service should bo reserved for this entertainment. Every thing of tilts service is golden plates, knives and forks, comports and cande labra; even the glasses used were deco rated with the precious metal. Mrs." Hanan, who Is an extremely hand some woman, received In the small blue and white reception-room. She was gowned In pearl-colored polnte de Venise and wore some superb pearl ornaments, Including a pearl collar ami necklace. The marble banquet-room presented a charming picture as the guests entered. Tho table was built after tho style of Louis XV, and was in tho shape of an elongated horseshoe. The guests sat around tho outside of the table, and the decorations, of yellow and white 'jonquils and roses, wero arranged along the inner edge. More than 1000 Marechal Nell roses and other yellow blossoms were on the table and In every nook. The souvenirs were very costly. At each plate was a bouquet of gardenias. Each man present received a boutonniere vase of gold and each woman a small gold clock. The Hanans recently completed a new home at 23 East Flftyfirst street. They had intended to open It with a big dinner, but when the time came for making out a list of guests It was found that an affair of any size could not be given in thi house. It was indignantly denied that the date of the great dinner has anything to do with the seventh anniversary of the suit for $105,000 worth of presents brought by Mr. Hanan against Mrs. Hanan when she was Mrs. James H. Thompson. America's Little White Slaves. Field and Stream. Good specimens of "humanity, good specimens of the genus homo, do not grow In mines. In dungeons, in prisons or in treadmills. As the child is physic ally so is the man. The hope of England is in her colonies. The hope of America is in her countryfolk. The hope of Ameri can children is In the outdoor air. Surely If any in the world are entitled to unre strained hours of light and life and sun shine, it is the littlo children. Therein lien the hope of the country. And yet one-fifth of all the children of the United States between the ages of 10 and 15 are at work. There are 2,000,000 little children working for wages In America today. They are la tho coal mines of Pennsylvania, the mills of New England, the factories of New Jersey, the cotton mills of the South owned by Northern capital. They do not see the green grass, the blue sky, at the very time of Uffr when those things havo their chiefest virtue in the foundation of physi cal health and vigor. They are slaves, and such pitiful slaves, little white American slaves. They do not know the forests, the fields, the waters. As a nation, we will pay the price for thl3. for all slave labor exacts an ex orbitant price at one time or another. At the present, child labor does Its littlo best at swelling the enormous totals of American Industrial figures. These little children, who ought to be paddling in the water, or running through tho woods, help give us what we call our commercial supremacy. This is but for a time. ThU state of affairs will presently undermine that supremacy which now" we claim. Tho sort of Americanism which we have today does not seem to us sane from any for Infants The Kind Tou Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has "been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-guod" are hut Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. The Kind Ton Have Always Bonght Bears the In Use For TMCfU)OMPHr.TTMMIW, poiency tnorougmy curoa. no zauure. cure guarameea. YOUNG MJtiN troubled with, night emissions, dreams, exhausting drains, bashfulness, aversion to society, which deprive you of your manhood. TJNFITS VOU for BUSINESS OR Z&AIUUACB. MIDDLE-AGED 3LCN who from excesses and strains have lost taelz KAJiLl' POWER. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, Syphilis. Gonorrhoea,, painful, bloody urlns. Gleet. Stricture, Enlarged Prostate, Sexual Debility, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Kid ney and Liver troubles cured without MERCURY OR OTHER POISONOUS DRUGS. Catarrh and rheumatism CURED. Dr. "Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He uses no- patent nos trums or ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical treatment. His New Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent free to all men who de scribe their trouble. PATIENTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered In plain envelops. Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on or address DR. WALKER, 181 First Street. Corner Yamhill, Portland, Or. UHBMiKiiiewiniai point of view, nor promising any sort of National excellence in tho future. Told by the Archbishop. New York Sun. Archbishop Ireland doesn't mind telling a Joke 'on himself. The arch bishop always dresses so unostenta tiously that no one could guess his episcopal rank from his street garb. Traveling one day in a rural district he met a good-natured woman In the car who. after some general conver sation, asked him: "You're a priest, father, aren't you?" In a bantering mood the archbishop thought he'd try a quibble to put her at her ease, so he answered: "So, ray good woman, I'm no longer a priest." The woman gave him a pitying glance. Then she said, soothingly: "Oh, the Lord help us, father! It wasn't the drink, r hope?" and Children. Signature of Over 30 Years. New york crrr. Twenty Years of Success In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver kidney and stomach disorders constipation, diar rhoea, dropsical swellings. Bright's disease, eta Kidney and Urinary Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, milky oe bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured. Diseases of the Rectum Such as piles, fistula, fissure, ulceration, mucous and bloody discharges, cured without tha knife, pain or confinement. Diseases of Men Blooa Dotson. srleet. stricture, unnatural losaea, lra-