Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 28, 1905, Image 1

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    VOL. XUV.-NO. 13,772.
Wins on the Thirteenth
Ballot at Olympia
All the Other Candidates
Are Deserted.
Coup Engineered by Stevenson and
Baker Is Carried Out, Despite the
Frantic Efforts of Foster, WIN
. son and Jones- Managers.
Piles 1
Turner (Democrat) 6
Absent S
Total 138
OLTMFIA, "Wash.. Jan.. 27. (Staff Cor
respondence.) At the joint session of the
"Washington Legislature, held at noon to
day,. Samuel H. Piles -was elected United
States Senator from "Washington, to sue
ceed Addison G. Foster, of Tacoma.
The day was Friday, and it was the
fatal 13th ballot taken since the opening
ml the fight. There was no hitch in the
programme as outlined in the conferences
held last evening, except that just before
the morning session of the Legislature
the Foster and "Wilson forces capitulated
and expressed a willingness to make it
The coup was sprung so suddenly last
evening and Stevenson and Baker, who
engineered the deal, hustled It along to
completion so rapidly that the Foster
forces were taken unawares, and It was
well on toward midnight before they real
ized the gravity of the situation. From
that time on until daylight they, neglected
no opportunity nnd'together with the "Wil
son and Jones forces made frantic efforts
to break into the ranks of the Plles
Bweeny forces. The morning train
brought heavy reinforcements from Taco
ma, but they came too late, and while
they rushed around and pulled and hauled
at the recalcitrants, the Sweeny-Piles
men, perfectly confident of their strength,
stood by and joshed them.
A Bunch of Good Intentions.
The bandwagon rush was on shortly
after midnight, and Piles was kept busy
from early morn until balloting time re
ceiving the assurances of the men who
fell outside the breastworks but who had
intended to vote for him on the next bal
lot, '-'even If this thing hadn't happened."
This was the first Senatorial election
that has been held in the new Capitol
building, but the scenes and incidents
were much the -same as in the previous
contests. It was pretty well known all
over tho city that the big contest would
be ended at the Joint session, and two
hours before the appointed time the gal
leries were crowded with an expectant
A few minutes before 12 o'clock Charles
Sweeny, the man who had made it possi
ble for Piles to be elected, strolled in and
took a seat at the side of Representative
Llndslcy. The Spokane candidate was
the idol of the hour, and before he
reached his seat there was a tremendous
burst of applause from the floor and the
galleries. Pandemonium reigned for sev
eral minutes, and Sweeny was much af
fected by the spontaneous tribute.
Ovation for the Governor.
Promptly at 12 the sergeant-at-arms
droned out the stereotyped announcement
that tho Honorable, the Lieutenant-Governor
and the Senate for the State of
"Washington were ready for the joint ses
sion. As soon as they were seated Lieutenant-Governor
Coon caught sight of
Governor Mead, who was In the gallery.
Speaker Meglcr and Senator Christian
were appointed to escort him to the
Speaker's platform, and when the Chief
Executive moved up the aisle he was
tendered almost as much applause as was
given Sweeny.
After the customary motion to dispense
with the reading of the minutes of the
previous session. Representative Joseph
Llndslcy. who had placed Sweeny In nom
ination, arose and spoke as follows:
"At the commencement of this Senato
rial contest I had the privilege and honor
to nominate for United States Senator a
gentleman whom I believe every one of
this Legislature has come by this time
to know personally, the Hon. Charles
Sweeny, of Spokane; a lifelong and loyal
Republican, a true friend, a man who de
sires more than anything else in this
life the continued progress and prosperity
of this commonwealth, and that harmony
should prevail in the Republican party of
this state. I am now authorized by Mr.
Sweeny to withdraw from this contest
his name, in favor of the Hon. Samuel H.
Piles, of Seattle. (Great applause.)
"In support of Mr. Sweeny arc 2S as
good and loyal Republicans and freehold
ers as ever stood out for a man as com
petent for any office as any candidate
could be. I am glad to say that as repre
senting these 2S votes for United States
Senator that they will cast their ballot
for. Samuel H. Piles."
Foster's Name Is Withdrawn.
There was a strong feeling of friend
ship between Sweeny and his men, and
Undsley was visibly affected in making
his announcement. Even more so was
Senator "Walter Christian, who managed
Llndsley. In withdrawing the name of
Senator Foster, Christian spoke In part
as follows:
"It Is evident that tho majority f this
body have resolved to support for United
States Senator the Hon. Samuel H. Piles,
of King Count'. On behalf of Senator
Foster and on behalf of the delegation
from Pierce County and on behalf of
the outside support that Senator Fos
ter has received, and on behalf of all
the people of Pierce County, we desire to
join in hearty congratulations, not only
to Samuel H. Piles, but also to the dele
gation from King County. (Great ap
plause.) "We heartily desired the election of
Senator Foster. "We gave him earnest
support in the party and believed that he
would be elected, and I may say frankly
to, gentlemen, it is a disappointment to
us that he has not been elected. Never
theless, wo recognize the ability and hon
esty, the sterling Integrity and high char
acter of the Hon. Mr. Plies, and we do
not feel altogether disappointed that he
has been selected. (Applause.)
"We feel that not only our county, but
the whole state can co-ope rate and will
co-operate with Mr. Plies to assist him
and make his administration a success so
far as administrative features are con
cerned. That Is to say, that as a Senator
from the State of Washington, we feel
that he will represent the entire state.
"We believe that firmly.''
Help Make It Unanimous.
The name of John L. Wilson was with
drawn by Representative Falconer, and
Representative Hare, manager of the
Jones forces, also joined in, making It
Representative Martin Maloney, on be
half of the Democrats, spoke as follows:
"I desire at this time to compliment
the majority party of this state in what
seems to me now a unanimous election
of that peerless, courageous, hon
est, learned gentleman from King
County, Samuel H. Piles, as the
choice for Senator. I further de
sire to congratulate and compliment the
State of Washington on the fact that It
is yet possible for the people of this great
state to elect a poor man to the United
State Senate. At the call of the Presi
dent I shall cast my vote for the Hon.
George Turner."
Senator Moore, the Seattle Democrat
and former law partner of Plies, paid a
high tribute to the new Senator and fin
ished his remarks by explaining that as
his vote was not 'needed to elect Piles,
he would continue to vote for Turner.
The preliminary exercises being over,
the roll was called and the result showed
Piles 125. Foster 2, Turner 6. Represen
tatives Levin and Sheets, from Tacoma,
were the only members who refused to
follow the other Foster supporters Into
the camp of the enemy. After the ap
plause which greeted tho announcement
of the result had subsided, a committee
consisting of Senators Tucker, Clapp and
Christian and Representatives Twitch ell.
Falconer. Barilctt, Undsley - and Todd
was appointed to escort the Senator-elect
to the platform.
Piles Is Much Affected.
Senator Piles was almost overcome with
emotion and almost gave way under the
relaxation of the long strain under which
he has been suffering, to which he has
been subjected. He was given an ovation
as be mounted the platform and soon
pulled himself together and spoke as fol
lows: "This Is the first time In the history of
my life that I have felt myself incapable
of expressing my profound gratitude to
the gentlemen who have honored me with
this high position. When I came to tho
Territory of Washington, now nearly 23
years ago, a poor, struggling lawyer. I
little dreamed that I would ever be a can
didate for the United State Senate, much
lees elected to that exalted position. Gen
tlemen, I Intended when I came over here,
if elected to this office, to discuss some
of the great public questions of the day,
but I am so worn and so weary and so
overcome that it is absolutely Impossible
for me to discuss any public Question upon
this occasion.
"To you men who have elected me, I
want to tell you now, gentlemen, that I
shall leave tills great body determined,
down in the depths of my heart, to rep
resent every county, every city, every
village, every hamlet, every crossroad la
the State of Washington. (Prolonged ap
plause.) The, man who says that I shall
represent the County of King or the City
of Seattle alone does not know my nature.
Servant of the People.
"I have maintained that the first lesson
a public official should learn is that he
is the 'Servant and not the master of the
people. I shall go to the capital of my
country determined to represent the state
and all parts of the state, and all the
people" of the state, and I have now been
elected by your kind suffrages, and, gen
tlemen, I tell you now, frankly, 1 shall
go to the capital . of my country deter
mined that my record shall be such that
I shall serve the people of this state 24
years, or so much thereof as my party
shall continue in the ascendancy. I shall
accomplish this because I shall represent
the whole state. (Applause.)
"These distinguished gentlemen who
have withdrawn from this contest and
united the .Republican party in this state
the first time, I believe, that it has ever
been united in our history I want to
express the deepest sense of gratitude
that it is possible to express, to each and
all of these distinguished candidates. I
leave here on the friendliest possible
terms, and you, gentlemen, who have cast
your votes for me from the beginning
to the end. God knows I cannot say
enough for you, or express my gratitude.
And ti those who have seen fit to cast
you votes against me, I recognize that
you have a right to vote for the man of
you- choice to select your man.
"Jfcnd gentlemen. I have the highest re
gard And greatest respect for each and
every one of you. and I thank you now,
one and all, for this great honor you have
given me." .
Sweeny Responds to Calls.
When Mr. Piles finished there was pro
longed applause, followed by calls for
Sweeny. For a time the Spokane man re
fused to rise, but the demand was so in
sistent that he marched up to the plat
form, and after congratulating the new
Senator, said:
"Mr. President and Members of the Leg-
Foster Puts Ankeny in a
Nomination to -Seattle
office Is Made.
Ank'eny's Efforts, to Help His Col
league End In Foster's Making
Him Appear to Have
Tricked President.
ington, Jan. 27. A brief telegram sent
last night by Senator Foster to Repre
sentative Humphrey brought about
the reappointment of George M. Stew
art, as Postmaster at Seattle today.
Important as this telegram was In ter
minating a postofflce contest that has
lasted more than a year. It -was of far
greater Importance In that it raised a
question -of veracity between the two
Washington Senators and placed Sen
ator Ankeny in the light of having de
liberately misrepresented the facts to
President Roosevelt, thereby endan
gering the standing of the Junior Sen
ator with the Administration. Up. to
today Foster and Ankeny have been
on cordial terms; from now on their
relations threatened to be strained to
the last 'degree.
Rephesentatlve Humphrey, who was
Stwart's -sole backer throughout the
long fight, has gained a temporary vic
tory but It promises to be short lived.
Before Senator Foster departed for the
West to take up the Senatorial fight
In his own behalf, he called at the
White House and made a protest to
the President about the activity of
FeJeral officeholders in behalf of hfs
opponents. Subsequently an order is
said to have gone forth that Marshal
Hopkins should attend ta his official
duties and leave Sweeny to manage his
own campaign against Senator Foster.
All along. Senator Ankeny has dis
played a disposition to assist his col
league in any reasonable way to win
his fight, though at no time did ho
publicly urge Foster's election, nor
would he Instruct loyal Ankeny men
to support Foster as against other
candidates. In fact, it is 'understood
that Foster and Sweeny each had the
support of eight Ankeny votes in the
Legislature, while Piles had six.
Foster Withdraws Objection.
Soon after Senator Foster started
West, Senator Ankeny called at the
White House and stated to the Pres
ident that he hoped no appointment of
Postmaster would be made in Seattle
until aftor the Senatorial contest in
Olympla was settled, as the naming of
Postmaster Stewart at this time would
operate against his colleague and be
construed as a benefit to ex-Senator
Wilson, Foster's bitter political enemy.
He intimated to the President that
such delay would be Acceptable to Fos
ter. The President withheld the nom
ination. This morning Senator Ankeny got
word that In all probability Piles
would be elected today "and he then
telephoned to. the White Souse that,
inasmuch as the Seattle Postmaster
ship was still pending, and as Seattle
is Piles' home city, the President might
desire to consult the wishes of the new
Senator before taking final action,
shortly after this information was
conveyed to the President, Represen
tative Humphrey appeared and pre
sented a telegram he had received
from Senator Foster to -the. effect that
be had no objection to the nomination
of Stewart, and had no desire that the
nomination be delayed. -This telegram,
according to Humphrey, aroused the
PrcsiJent, who in no mild language
expressed the belief that he had been
tricked. Within an hour, Stowart's
nomination was sent to the Senate.
Places Ankeny In Bad Light.
Senator Ankeny finds himself in the
position of having deliberately mis
represented the facts to the President,
whereas he was endeavoring all the
time to help Foster. It is said on good
authority that Senator Foster Is on
record as being opposed to Stewart's
appointment, and, if this be so. his
latest move puts him in the position of
having suddenly changed his mind,
thus throwing all -the responsibility on
his colleague. Senator Ankeny was
confined to his hotel today by a severe
cold, but is determined to make sure
that his position is understood. He
will lay all the facts before the Pres
ident. In Ankeny circles it Is Intimated to
night that Foster, piqued because An
keny would not throw his entire
strength to him, had turned upon his
friend at a critical moment.
Senator Ankeny will ask that the
confirmation of Stewart be deferred,
and his personal request will probably
be "sufficient to prevent confirmation
this session.
Small Chance for Stewart.
On top of this request. Senator-elect
Piles tonight telegraphed to the Pres
ident voicing his opposition to Stewart
and disapproving his nomination.
After March A Piles will be entitled, as
Senator, to solect the Postmaster at
Seattle and It is not likely. In face of
his opposition, that the President will
again appoint Stewart. The only way
Stewart can be saved is by being' con
firmed before March 4 and, in view of
Ankenys opposition, this seems out of
the question. If S.tewart Is not con
firmed, a man of Piles' choice will
probably be nominated during the spe
cial session of the Senate and be con
firmed. Meanwhile Senator Ankeny will en
deavor to re-establish himself with the
Administration and show that his
course was perfectly upright and honorable.
Fostera-Defeat OpenaPIace on Com
mittee, to rlim.
ington, -Jan. 27. Senator Fulton, of
Oregon, Is very likely to secure a place
on the committee on commerce when
the Senate reorganizes next Winter.
The defeat of Senator Foster today
will create a vacancy which, it Is con
ceded, belongs to the North Pacific
Coast. Under all precedent, the new
Senator cannot secure this place and
Senator Mitchell, having secured the
chairmanship of the Isthmian canal
committee, is practically ineligible, so
that tho fight narrows down to Ful
ton and Ankeny.
Washington has representation on
the rivers and harbors committee in
the House and will have it in the next
Congress. This in itself is an argument
In favor of the appointment of Fulton
on the commerce committee, so that
Oregon may be represented on one
committee and Washington on the
First Automobile Crosses Andes.
SANTIAGO. Chile. Jan. 27. The first
automobile has just crossed the Andes at
an elevation of 25,000 feet above the sea
Railroad Men to Wait on.
Pending Legislation.
To Confer With Jobbers Again
in April.
Definite Results of Conference With
held as Question Requires Further
Consideration Before Final
The question of distributative, rates from
the Coast back to the Interior is still a
live question and will be for at least two
months longer. While the conference of
the traffic men and the Jobbers' Associ
ation was a very harmon'.ous one and will,
in all likelihood, be productive of great
good In the future, it will be barren of
results as far as the Immediate pres
ent is concerned.
Two meetings have been held between
the traffic representatives and the job
bers, and one conference between the
different railroad men, and although there
"is a better understanding as to what may
be done In tho future, it has been decided
that no action should be taken now or
no announcement given out to the publlor
Tho reasons for this are many, so It
is held out, and are all-Important. In tho
first place the requests made by the Port
land jobbers,' as well as those of the
other districts, have been far-reaching In
their effect and application and not easy
of adjustment without a careful Investiga
tion into the rate situation of the entire
West and Middle West.
Impediments to a Settlement. -
If this were all, however, the question
would have been comparatively easy of
settlement, for the roads would have been
Inclined to come to some immediate and
sweeping conclusion, but there are other
things which hold hack the "decision. The
Washington Legislature and the action
of Congress are two things which are
very uncertain In result, and the railroad
men think that some delay should be
made by them In the settlement of the
question pending the legislation, adverse
or otherwise, which may be enacted in
the State of Washington and at the Na
tional capital.
The meetings, so all parties interested
concede, have been very harmonious and
very valuable ones, In that they have
brought the shippers and the railroad
men Into closer touch with each other
and created a better understanding be
tween them as to the conditions prevail
ing. It Is the feeling of uncertainty prevail
ing in railroad circles which has prevented
an early solution of the rate question, and
as soon as it is seen what the future
holds In legislation there Is no doubt but
that some action will be taken.
At the last conference of yesterday af
ternoon the railroad men made their reply
to the arguments which the association
presented the day before. It was shown
to the jobbers that a change in the rate
out of Spokane would be of interest not
only to the Harrlman lines and the
Northern Pacific, but to the Great North
ern. In tho same manner any change In
Portland rates running 'back Into the in
terior, even though strictly in O. R. &
N. territory, would affect the trade rela
tions of the Northern and Great Northern
lines. For these reasons it was a large
task to begin to change rates each en
tangled with the charges of every other
line and reaching in effect perhaps as far
east as Chicago.
The requests of each line of business
men and of each section of country were
carefully Investigated and freely discussed
by the railroad men, and in some in
stances Immediate consideration will be
given, provided the changes sought will
not cause a disarrangement of conditions
on other lines.
Final Action in April.
The most definite thing decided, how
ever, was that there would be another
and a final conference held in Portland
either during the first or second week' of
April between the tralfic men and the
representatives of the Jobbers' Associa
tion, and it Is probable that final action
will be taken at that time.
The association has alleged that the
railroads have been dilatory In consider
ing the demands of the jobbers, but this
Is denied by the traffic officials, who say
their action has come as rapidly as pos
sible and will be hurried through. After
the adjournment of Congress and after
the Washington Legislature has shown
what It Intends to do In regard to rail
road legislation, the traffic men will
come to Portland at the earliest
opportunity for their ilnal meeting with
the commercial and jobbing Interests.
Then the rates will be adjusted.
Today the visiting railroad men will pay
mOre attention to the offices of the par
ticular lines 1 served by each and will
make visits of inspection to the traffic
departments of the different roads repre
sented here. In the evening they will be
the guests of honor at the annual dinner
given by the Commercial Club. On Sun
day the three parties will leave for the
North, and will go from there to their
Eastern headquarters.
Brilliant Function Given in Honor of
the Visitors.
The dinner given last nlsht at the Port
land by the Chamber of Commerce in
honor of the visiting traffic men was the
most elaborate in menu and arrangement
ever given In the city, surpassing the
banquet tendered President Roosevelt
upon the occasion of his visit to Portland
more than a year ago.
The large dining-room was a mass of
flowers and was festooned In garlands of
green. The walls were hidden by long
hanging draperies of smilax. while at
every vantage point were posted roses and
potted tropical plants.
The table was a work of art, the center
4JLbai5UC basked In violets, arranged to rep
resent the hills and. plains of a vast
stretch of country. Mountains, valleys,
rivers and plains In miniature reached
from one end of the table to the other.
Upon this small world was built a smaller
railway system, the tiny steel rails being
spiked to wooden ties. The tracks ran
through tunnels under the hills and moun
tains of violets and bridged the river on
slender trestles, showing from the tie to
the locomotive the different parts of a
railway system.
W. D. Wheelwright, president of the
Portland Chamber of Commerce, presided
at the table and acted as master of cere
mohles. He made the address of welcome
to the visitors and directed the speaking
of the " evening. Short addresses were
made by J. C Stubbs. traffic director of
the Harrlman lines; W. W. Cotton, legal
representative of the O. R. & N. Co.;
C. E. S. Wood and others.
The guests of the evening were:
H. M. Cake. J.. C. Stubbs, P. C. Stohr,
J. Munroe, T. M. Bchumaker, A. C
Dutcher, B. Campbell, J. C. Eden, Frank
Whitney. George H. Williams, C. E. S.
Wood. W. W. Cotton, C. B. Bellinger,
R. B. Miller, S. G. Fulton, E. E. Calvin,
A. D. Charlton, A. L. Craig. W. E.
Co man, William Harder, J. M. Hanna
ford, J. G. Woodworth. J". C. Balrd, A. B.
Hammond, H. L. Plttock, L. A. Lewis,
W. A. Hears, William D. Wheelwright.
General C. F. Beebe, W. L. Boise, James
McL Wood. Sol Blumauer, J. C. Flanders,
Carl Spuhn, E. R. Eldredge, W. B. Ayer,
Ben Albers, J. C. Alnsworth, H. W. Scott,
R. L. Macleay, E. M. Brannlck, Henry
Hahn, J. N. Teal, J. Frank Watson, T. B.
Wilcox, L N. Flelschner. W. O. "Van
Schuyver. John McCraken, Dr. G. F.
Wilson. Milton W. Smith, W. B. Glafke,
F. E. Beach. H. B. Miller, W. H. Corbett,
W. M. Ladd, Jay Smith, Colonel .James
Jackson. H. Wittenberg, F. A. Jones'.
F. I. Fuller, N E. Ayer, R. H. Pease,
W. H. Hurlburt, Ion Lewis, N. Lang, Gus
-Simon, H. C. Eckenberger, George
Symonds, H. C Campbell, Edward Cook
Ingham, H. W. Goode, Peter Kerr, Hugh
McGulre, CV F. Adams, T. Kerr, D. C
O'Reilly, Paul Wesslnger, J. L. Meier,
R. R. Hoge. C. M. Gunn, E. E. Lytle,
R. L, Darrow, J. R. Bowles. L. H.
Parker, A. H. Kerr, A. H. Breyman, Otto
ureymaa, A. It. Diamond, Fred "V. Hol
man, C. E. Curry. W. J. Burns, Robert
Smith, Fred Stanley. Fred H. Hopkins,
C. Lombard!. W. H. Beharroll, Richard
Koehler, William MacMaster, S. G. Reed,
L Lowengart, F. A. Spencer, Dr. K. A. J.
Mackenzie, W. A. Gordon, V. S. Hardy,
Captain Baker, Ernest Laldlaw, M.
Mosessohn. T. D. Honeyman, George
Taylor, Jr., W. D. Fenton, H. M. Adams.
The menu was served as follows:
Salted nuts. Mammoth olives. Celery.
Medallion of anchovy.
Toke Point oysters.
Cream, of terrapin.
Mountain trout.
Snipe sur Canape,
llarron croquettes.
Sorbet of grape fruit.
Canvasback. duck.
Potato FltzwiUlam.
Celery salad, mayonnaise.
Railway peach. Petit four.
Republicans Capture Two Seats.
DENVER, Jan. 27. The State Senate,
by a strict party vote, 19 td 12, today
confirmed the action, of the state canvass
ing board In giving seats to Caslmero
Sarela and H. 3 Millard, Republicans.
No ODDOr&inlty was tdvpn the' DpmocriH in
contestant to present evidence In support
or ineir claims. The senate membership
Is now 22 Republicans and 12 Democrats.
The Weather.
TODAY'S Partly cloudy, with probably occa
sional showers; westerly winds.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 63
dec; minimum, 4G. Precipitation, 0.00 Inch.
The War In the Ear East.
Great battle begun in Manchuria, Russians
winning. Page 1.
Japanese Fending- new army against Vladivos
tok. Page 1.
The Outbreak In Russia.
Workmen return to work, government forcing
concessions from their employers in St.
Petersburg and Moscow. Faze 2.
Strike breaks out In Warsaw, where troops
kill rioters, and extends to great cotton
center and Baltic cities. Page 2.
Liberal leader predicts bomb-throwing and re
volt of peasants. Pago 2.
Report that constitution will be granted.
Page 2.
Plot against the Czar frustrated. Page 2.
Premier Rouvler explains policy to Chamber,
which votes confidence. Page 5.
Premier Tlsza defeated in Hungary, and may
be Impeached. Page 5.
Condition of Prince Eltel Friederich no better.
Page 5.
Defects In Hepburn railroad-rate bill. Page S.
Judge Swayne's trial by Senate fixed for Feb
ruary 13. Page 4.
Cruiser Maryland exceeds speed requirements
on trial trip. Page 4.
Cabinet discusses Jiu-jitsu for Army and Navy
cadets. Page 4.
Arguments on Reed Smoot Investigation. Page
Domes tie.
Former Judge and prominent lawyer arrested
for conspiracy in Dodge-Morse scandal.
Pago 14.
Arizona, gambler kills three men and himself
in. one minute. Page 4.
Hoch believed to be fleeing to Europe. Page 3.
Governor Peabody declares he will continue
contest to the end. Page C.
Foster suddenly withdraws opposition to Post
master Stewart, putting Ankeny In bad light
with President, Page 1.
Portland and Vicinity.
Traffic men and jobbers will hold second con
ference in April on rate question. Page 1.
Ex-Senator McBrlde praises advertising work
of Lewis and Clark Exposition officials.
Page 10.
Italian Commissioner appointed for Lewis and
Clark Exposition. Page 10.
Prohibition Alliance opposes constitutional con
vention and Jayne amendments to local
option law. Page 11.
Street Committee recommends that Oregon
Traction Company put up bond to show
good faith in proposal to build electric line
to Hlltsboro. Page 10.
Federal grand Jury finds Investigation of land
company a slow task. Page 9.
Woman gets divorce from second husband after
finding her first alive. Page 10.
Northwest Legislatures.
S. H. Piles elected Senator from Washington
on tbe 13th ballot. Page 1.
Oregon Legislature adjeurns until Monday.
Page 6.
Resolution for 40-eent lumber rate to Missouri
River point3 introduced in Washington Leg
islature. Page 7.
Pacific Coast.
Mrs. Belle Bales, of Hilteboro, pays her fine
and keeps out of Jail. Page 7.
Senator Piles given a Joyous welcome on ar
rival at Seattle. Page 7.
Oratorical representatives of Willamette Valley
societies are chosen. Page 7.
Commercial and Marine.
Storm affects trade distribution. Page 13.
Grain speculation calmer at San Francisco.
Page ICu
Chicago wheat market closes weak. Page 15.
London baying strengthens stock market. Page
Portion cf Government order for hay may be
rt Jpflttlamd -Ta tra. i,
Kuropatkin Claims De
cided Success.
Several Villages Captured Af
ter Hard Fighting.
Amid Bitterly Cold Weather HostIN
ities Are Resumed With Vigor
Japanese Send New Army to
Blockade Vladivostok.
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 28. Additional
dispatches' were received by the General
Staff from Kuropatkin, commanding tha
Russian army south, of Mukden. They
supplement the earlier advices of Russian
successes on the right of the Russian
army, and seem to Indicate that the
movement now In progress along the Hun
River is extending in area and assuming
considerable proportions. The text of!
General Kuropatkin's message, which Is
dated January 27, Is as follows:
"In the capture of Chaun Lutotzo
(Khailotosa). Tutalke and Chelgutal'
(Khelgoutaya), we took about 100 pris
oners. "We have also occupied Tchltaltsa
on the Hun River after a stubborn fight;
which resulted in a loss of 50 men to us
Our positions near Sandepu (Sandy Pass)
were attacked today by Japanese columns'
moving from the south and southeast, but
they were repulsed. Our cavalry par
took In the maneuvering against the Jap
anese .left flank, attacking the enemy from
the rear. Our troops then continued tha
attack on the Japanese position near
Sandepu. After a desperate fight,- which,
lasted until 7 o'clock Thursday evening,
we entered Sandepu, which is a lares
village and was strongly entrenched."
Military experts here, while not at
taching too much. Importance to the re
ported successful movements of the Rus
sian right, express the opinion that a de
termined effort will be made in the near
future by General Kuropatkin to deprive
the Japanese of several villages which ara
serving as "Winter quarters.
The operations of "Wednesday, Tb.urs
day and Friday are no doubt the begin
ning of the programme, but opinion is di
vided as to whether it marks the com
mencement of the Manchurian campaign;
of 1905. Many believe that weather con
ditions will not permit of prolonged opera
tions and that the original plan of waiting1,
for warmer weather before precipitating (
decisive engagements will be adhered toi
by both armies.
Russians Not Only Repelled It, birt(
Took Enemy's Positions.
HUANSHAN, Jan. 27 (6:45 P. M.). Orw
Thursday the Japanese began moving"?
against the Russian right, attacking vl-j
clously Russian positions along the Huns
River, where that stream, bends south-1
ward. Inside the Russian lines the belief!
existed that General Nogi's army, arrived f
from Port Arthur, was In reserve, sup
porting the movement.
The Russians not only beat off the att,
tack after severe fighting, but advanced
In the evening to the line of Hugoudl and
Hounlitadzy. Throughout the night andi
today the artillery was at work, the can
nonading constantly Increasing in strength;
and extending further along the center,
becoming fiercer every minute.
Russians Believe Kuropatkin Turnedf
Tables on Oyama.
ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. 28 (2:20 A. M.)
News of General Kuropatkin's success
ful repulse of the Japanese advance.comejt (
uiuol ui;ui buucij uciicjl kjai2 uutw
Field Marshal Oyama sought to take ad
vantage of any depression prevailing in
the Russian ranks as the result of tha
news from St. Petersburg to launch an
attack against General Kuropatkin's
right; but the Russian Commander-in-Chief
seems to have turned the tables, in
flicting' considerable loss on the Japanese
on Thursday and taking several poslticns
westward along the Hunr River.
Evidently General Kuropatkin Is fol
lowing up his victory, the lafest dispatch
es to the Associated Tess from the front,
dated 6 o'clock in the evening of January
27, indicating that there Is a battle in,
progress extending along the center and
becoming more and more serious. How
ever, it seems to e confined to artillery.
If the fighting develops. Into a general
engagement, military men believe that It
must reach out to the flanks, their opin
ion being that a frontal attack by either
side under the present circumstances is
Reports Driving Japanese From Sev
eral Villages on Right.
ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. 27. General
Kuropatkin, under date of January 25, tel
egraphs as follows to Emperor Nicholas:
The advance has commenced of our
i-IfVif flank n-ralnst tho snpmv. "Wo
occupied Khailotosa and Khelgoutaya;",
' A .v.. . CIA 01
losses at Khailotosa and Khelgoutaya,,
which are seven verst3 southwest of
Sandepas. "We occupied Khallatosa wlth-
Cru!fln.ipd. on Fsuzs J