j VOL. XLIV. NO. 13,771. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS. M PILES HAS WON Seattle Man Will Be Elected Senator. SWEENY QUITS RACE Swings His Votes to King County Man. HOLD-UP WAS TOO STRONG Demands of Political Pirates Grew With the Days, FOSTER CAMP IN BIG FLURRY Enough of the Tacoma and Wilson Forces Will Be Recruited to Give Piles Necessary 'Number to Insure Victory. t .................. ! TWELFTH BALLOT FOR SENATOR. ! Foster 46 Turner 6 ' Piles SO Absent 3 Sweeny 28 , "Wilson ...... 1 Total 1S3 ' Jones - 7 ' i ............ OLYMPIA, Wash., Jan. 26. (Staff Cor respondence.) The big light for the seat of Addison G. Foster In the United States Senate came to an cad at a late hour this evening, when Charles Sweeny sud denly withdrew from the race and named as the legatee of his strength Samuel H. Piles, of Seattle. who will be elected on the first ballot at the joint session to morrow noon. y dfnf The refusal of tMr. Sweeny lb buy his way Into the United States Senate was the primary cause of the unexpected cli max, and as has been predicted since the fight opened, the Spokane candidate re tained a sufficiently strong hold on the situation to name the candidate after he decided to drop out of the fight himself. As forecasted In yesterday's letter, the climax came with a rush and was hast- cned by the refusal of a number of mem bers who were temporarily in the Foster camp, but who had no Intention of stay ing there, to vote for Sweeny as they had agreed to do. The Foster following, numerically the strongest of any of the four prominent candidates in the fight, has from the open lag of the contest been regarded as an chorage ground for a number of pirates who were there not from any love for the Senator from Tacoma, but because his harbor gave them good holding ground until they were ready to up anchor and bear away to a prize. Some Are Honest Gentlemen. This harsh criticism, of course, does not apply to a number of honest, incorrupt ible gentlemen who. by virtue of geo graphical location or friendship for the Senator, would have remained with him until the last without even the promise of a postoffice. Land Office or Custom House. Not all of these political free booters were In the Foster camp some of them were temporarily resting under other Senatorial flags pending the time when It would be to the best Interests of all concerned for them to vote for Sweeny. But Sweeny brought some new ideas down to Olympla with him and he put them into the practice on the day of his arrival. He opened elaborate headquar ters and there was plenty to drink and smoke, and If some speculative Legislator got too much of his paycheck on the high card the Spokane candidate took pleasure In staking him. to a meal ticket and a few dollars. Beyond this point, regardless of his Senatorial aspirations. expenditure ceased, and that was what made It hard for a number of men to vote for Sweeny. Artists in Hold-Up Line, A close-range study of nearly all of the Senatorial tights that have . been pulled off in this city since "Washington was a state has led me to believe that not all of the hold-up artists are on the highways, but nothing In the past Legis latures has equaled the frank, free-and-easy hold-up methods of a few of the members of the present aggregation. As an Illustration of what has brought about the denouement that Is scheduled for to morrow. I recall a conversation with one af the members, who was suffering from a bad cold and the rock-and-rye remedy, a few nights ago. "I tell you." said he. in a buret of confidence, "Sweeny is not running this thing right. Look at Blank, who is vot ing for Foster. He hates the ground Fos ter walks on. and he will never go to Piles or Wilson. Sweeny could 'a had him for $5000 at the start, but it will take $10,000 now and if that Spokane gazabo does not get busy very soon, it will cost him more every day from now on." This was only one of a number of cases which were encountered by the Sweeny men, and while the demands in the ag gregate would have made no material crimp in the pocketbook of the Spokane millionaire, the principle Involved caused him to decline the generous offers. Se cure in the belief that none of the lead ing candidates could be elected without heir uutaUmcc tbcw patriots iave holding off, waiting a purchaser. A ten days struggle convinced Sweeny that the game was not worth the candle tinder such circumstances, and after the ballot was taken at noon today, he decided to throw his strength to Piles and end the tiresome struggle. Smith Arranged the Details. ' The details of the affair were arranged by C J. Smith, acting for the King Coun ty delegation, and George Baker and the Stevenson brothers, who have been man aging the Sweeny campaign, ilr. Sweeny was not inclined to discuss the matter fur ther than to recall an interview printed in The Oregonlan last 'Fall, in which he stated that If he could not be elected by clean and honorable methods be would not be elected at all. Mr. Sweeny eeemed highly pleased over the discomfiture of some of the members who had neglected to climb into the Sweeny band-wagon .before it rolled into the Piles camp. He stated that he would not bo a candidate for election four years hence, and, whether he changes his mind or not, he has made a long stride toward popularity in Washington by the stand he has taken in his brief experience as a Senatorial candidate. To say that the King County men were pleased at the sudden change in their fortunes is drawing it mild. Hardly a man on the delegation would admit yes terday that there was a chance to elect Piles, and up to the very moment when the conference over the transfer of the Sweeny strength began they were serious ly considering the advisability of dropping him and giving John I. Wilson the eagerly-desired opportunity to try what ho could do with the King County forces. Wilson Loses a Chance. Had Sweeny remained in the fight they would probably have given Wilson a try out for a few days and had he shown no greater strength tlian Piles, Judge Burke, of Seattle, and ex-Governor ilcGraw were slated to try their luck with the delega tion. Negotiations leading up to the coup were conducted very quietly, and it was well on toward midnight before the Fos ter people were in full possession of the facts. The Sweeny people met about 10 o'clock and all signed the agreement to vote for Piles on the first ballot tomorrow. The ballot tomorrow will be the thir teenth Joint ballot, and by a singular co incidence it is the same unlucky number on which Harold Preston, Seattle's can didate, went down to defeat before the Ankeny forces two years ago. The 28 Sweeny men who have been signed up to vote for Piles will bring the Seattle man's strength up to a total of 58 votes, and the other ten necessary to an election will be drawn from the Foster and Wilson forces, where some of both the Sweeny and Piles reserve force has been voting. Foster Camp in Wild Alarm. There was wild alarm In the Foster camp when the news of the deal was made public and telegraph and telephone wires to all parts of the state were kept hot in an effort to stay the tide, but to all appearances the Plles-Uweony combi nation has everything locked up so tight that a stay of proceedings is Impossible. There was but one ballot cast at the joint session today, and .there was a gen eral sigh of relief when a moderate de mand for another roll call was voted down. What might have happened on that thirteenth ballot had It been cast today will never be known, but all of the forces were expecting a break in some direction and each candidate claiming it would be in his favor. There was no change in the vote today, except that Senator Earles, who on the second bal lot yesterday voted for Foster, returned to the Democratic fold and. with his party colleagues, voted for ex-Senator Turner. Twelve More Recruits. At 1 o'clock this morning the man agers of the Piles campaign announced that they had secured pledges from 12 men who have been voting for Foster, Wilson and Jones. This would assure at least 70 votes for Piles, and his elec tion Is generally conceded, although Foster's managers have not yet aban doned the fight. v King County headquarters Is in t wild uproar of joy, and so confident are the Piles people that there will ba no slip In the proceedings that they have ordered a special train, brass bands, etc., to carry the victorious can didate home tomorrow afternoon. E. W. W. GIVE THEM ADEQUATE PAY. Senator Fulton Speaks Good Word for Officers Who Train Militia. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, WashT ington, Jan. 26. Senator Fulton took occasion in the Senate today to protest against the provision in the Army bill cutting down the pay of retired officers assigned to duty with the state militia. "There Is no more important duty an Army officer can perform." said he. "than that which he performs in train lng and organizing the state militia. When this Government assigns an of ficer on the retired list to active duty, whether in the service of the state mllltla or elsewhere, he is entitled to have active pay. To reduce the sal aries of these officers would deprive Oregon, I have no doubt, of the services of a very able Army officer who has "been detailed to militia service in that state, and who has done more to build up the Oregon militia and make it efficient than has the service of any other man connected with It. I refer to Colonel Jackson. It would be a great loss to the militia organization in that .state to be deprived of his services; The Government should have charge of the organization of the militia, and when it assigns an officer to train it, this Government should pay the salary of that officer." IADE0HES WANT HONEY. Demand Ransom for Trias Family Cavalry Sent After Them. MANILLA Jan. 35. The leaders of the band of ladrones which recently attacked the town of San Francisco de Malabon and captured the wife and two children of ex-Governor Trias, now demand a ransom for the release of their captives. In response, to the request of Governor General Wright, General Corbln will send to the Province of Cavite the third troop of the Second Cavalry, under command of Major F. W. Sibley, to assist the In sular forces now fighting with lad rones near Sllang. Later advices place the num. USE ONLY KNOUT Cossacks Grow Gentle With Strikers. ' RUSSIAN POT SIMMERS Trepoff Sits oa the Lid to Hold It Down. NO CONCESSIONS- HE SAYS Strike Spreads, but Enters on Pacific Phase Moscow Employers Make Concessions Finns Welcome x the Exiles Home. THE SITUATION IN RUSSIA. With troops patrolling the streets In St, Petersburg, Moscow, Llbau, Odessa. 'Kleff and othtr Industrial centers vf Russia, there were yesterday bo serious collisions with strikers. In Moscow, some of tbe employers are evincing a wllllngnees'to make some concessions to their workmen, but tbere has been no general agreement on that point. In St. Petersburg, tbe return of the workmen has. enabled several factories to resume operations; and the authori ties hope to witriMW & general resump tion there on Monday. The Minister of the Interior has prom ised to consider tbe caaes of the prom inent writers who were sent to tbe St. Peter and St. Paul fertresaJfer their activity to the political and economic agitation, and he has given a qualified promise hat tbey shall be released. LONDON', J as. 20. A dUpntcli from St. Petersburg, timed SxSO P. M., to a news agency report that Pnhl's fac tory and a large cotton mill have bees set on fire and are burntnc fiercely. DORP AT, Livonia, Jan. 2& A crovrd of 2000 persons, inelndlnn; nxitny yt rim es, cngratcetL In an ten 1 1 -ro v e -n ni en t demonntratloB here.. Tbe crowd tv an dispersed by tbe police. ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 27. Despite the fact that Thursday was a day of calm in the Capital City, tbere is a feeling of apprehension among the of ficials. The danger Is not here in St. Petersbyrg; the uprising in this place is checked. The worklngmen have had a lesson they will long remember and the administration of General Trepoff is strongly entrenched, but this is tbe case only In St. Petersburg. The outlying districts are hotbeds of rebellion and reports of clashes have been coming In since Thursday morn ing from half a hundred different cities. So far as can be learned, the number killed was small and the Cossacks used their knouts and not their sabers and rifles in checking the disorder. But the feeling was there, and the manner in which the people cursed the emblems of authority and the uniforms of the troops all indicated the strongest of ill feeling. Prepare for New Move. The authorities are apprehensive of another uprising today. This fact be came plain last night, when the news became public that hundreds of .cipher messages has been sent to every dis WILL BE ELECTED S. H. PILES. trict in Eurppean Russia. They were addressed for the most part to Gov ernors and Chiefs of Police and, while their contents were unknown, they are believed to refer to the rumored con certed action of the revolutionaries scheduled for today. Troops are being hurried to every place where there Is any chance of dJxorde.,- and 4t is cer tain thr.t the Czar has decided to follow but the advice of General Trepoff and again rule with an Iron hand. Trepoff Declares Purpose. General Trepoff granted an audience to a delegation of newspaper men last night and discussed the situation in the district of St. Petersburg with them at some length. He made no secret of his intention .to curb the "agitators," even though they should be compelled to kill off half of the population of St, Petersburg in doing so. He declared that order had already been largely re stored'; that many of the worklngmen are willing to return, to work so soon as they can be guaranteed protection. Pressed by the newspaper men to give them a list of the manufacturing establishments that bad reopened and which were in operation, he declared that he could not do so, for the "list was changing hourly." "There is not one word of truth in the report that I have threatened to. deport all of the workmen who decline to return to their lebors lind" send them to distant villages, he continued. "That story was circulated by the enemies of the government. So far as the general situation Is concerned I am not competent to speak, and, in fact, I am talking now absolutely from my own viewpoints. No Concessions to 'Liberals. "As regards St. Petersburg, however, I can assure you thac order will not only bo restored, but will be main tained. On this the government is de termined, and its resources are suf ficient to accomplish this end. Unim portant disorders .can, of course, be ex pected from time to time, but I believe the worst is over. "I do not think that .there is any ne cessity for any concessions being made to the Liberals, and none are likely to be. I see. no connection between the Gopon movement and the Liberals, and I consider both separate and distinct." GOVERNMENT IS CONFIDENT. Peace Restored in Capital, and Strik ers Return to Work. ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 27 (2 A. M.) Although the strikes In Reval, Llbau, Kleff, Odessa and a few smaller places are extending, the situation 13 nowhere acute. An Increasing number of work men are out in Moscow, but there Is no general tie-up or disorder there. The whereabouts of Father Gopon still re mains a mystery, although It is believed he Is in Moscow. The Russian capital presents almost a normal appearance, and the authorities are confident .that the backbone of .he strike has been broken. Sqtne factories and mills already have resumed, and a general resumption of operations is ex pected on Monday. w The authorities expect that the failure of the strike here will have a discourag ing effect upon the workmen in other cities to which the troubles have been spreading, and believe that there Is no longer danger of a complete suspension of all the industrial concerns of Russia. Minister of the Interior Svlatopolk Mlrsky has promised a delegation of edi tors who called upon him that he will investigate the arrest of a number of prominent writers who are now confined In the St. Peter and St. Paul fortress and secure their release as soon as pos sible. HOLIDAY ON FULL PAY. How Moscow Employers Saved Fac tories From Destruction. MOSCOW, Jan. 26. The day passed with complete quiet, the strikers gener ally remaining Indoors and not visiting the 'heart of the city. Several mills are reported to have offered an Increase In wages to their employes. The Associated Press correspondent (Concluded on Page 5.) SENATOR TODAY OF SEATTLE. WILL NOW BUILD California Passes Lewis and Clark Bill, HAS $90,000 TO SPEND Pians Are "Complete for Splen did Building, ILLINOIS WILL COME ALSO Governor Deneen Indorses Bill Appro priating $35,000 for Exhibit Commissioner Mclsaac Work ing With Committee. SACRAMENTO, Jan. 26, (Special.) The Lewis and Clark appropriation bill, which passed the Senate on Monday by a unan imous vote, today passed the Assembly, again unanimously. It will bo signed by the Governor as soon as it can be en grossed. The money appropriated by this bill., with the appropriation of two years ago, JSO.OOO in all. will be Immediately avail able, under the direction of Governor Par dee, who Is authorized to act in his own discretion. There will be no waste of funds In an elaborate official organiza tion. There are no salaried Commission ers, and only persons will be employed whl will give their time to the work. . There has been prominently displayed In Governor Pardee's office during the last ten days a large architect's drawing In water colors of the proposed California building to be erected on the Exposition grounds. It will be in the form of a Greek cross, with four fronts, one on .each side, each being a replica of one of the famous . California Mission buildings. The architectural style will be of the Mission type. The artist represents the building bathed in sunshine, with the space imme diately about it thronged with a multi tude in gala dress. One Senator re marked, to the amusement of all about, that any artist who didn't know enough to represent a rainstorm and provide the people with umbrellas' ought not' to be em ployed in -designing a building for Oregon. The people of Oregon should know that California makes this contribution to their Exposition in the spirit of cordial neighborship. Not only the generous pro vision but the unanimity with which It was voted attest the entire good will of the state which claims a little closer kin ship with Oregon than with any other In the Union. A. H. ILLINOIS WILL EXHIBIT. Governor Deneen Recommends Appro priation of $35,000 for the Fair. SPRINGFIELD, III.. Jan. 26. (Special.) "With the sanction and official approval of Governor Deneen, a bill will be Intro duced in both branches of the General Assembly next Monday, providing for an appropriation of $35,030 for an Illinois building at the Lewis and Clark Centen nial Exposition, which will open next June at Portland Or. Along with the bill will be presented a special message from Governor Deneen Indorsing the measure and requesting Us passage. Colin H. Mclsaac. Commissioner-General for the Exposition, has been In Spring field several days consulting with Gover nor Deneen and with members of the Legislature relative to a state representa tion, and the agreement for the. Introduc tion of this bill Is the outcome if his ef fortsj According to the present arrangement, Mr. Mclsaac Is to appear before the House and Senate committees on appro priations -on Tuesday fiext to explain the purpose and scope of the Exposition and in behalf of the bill. MUST PRESERVE THE. HOME. President Renews His Declaration Against Race Suicide. WASHINGTON. Jan. 26. Right Rev. Bishop Doane, of Albany, and a com mittee of the inter-churph conference on marriage and divorce called on the President today to confer with him in regard to some of the results of their deliberations. Bishop Doane delivered a brief address to President Roose velt, to which the President replied as follows: There is a certain tendency to exalt the unessential In dealing with our public ques tions, and public men especially are apt to get their attention concentrated on ques tions that have an importance, but wholly ephemeral importance, compared with the questions that go straight to the root of things. Questions like the tariff and the currency are of literally no consequence whatever compared with the necessity of having the unit of our social life, the home, preserved. While I do not know exactly what It Is that you wish me to do. I can say in ad vance that, so far as In me lies, all will be done to co-operate with you toward the end . yon have In view. One of the most unpleasant and 'dangerous features of our American life Is the diminishing birthrate and the loosening of the marital ties among the old native American families. It goes without saying that, for the race, as for the individual, no material prosperity, no business growth, no artistic or scientific development will count, if the race com mits suicide. Therefore, bishop. I count myself fortunate in having the chance to work with you in this matter of vital im portance to the National welfare. Help ryrom British Unions. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 26. At a conference today of representatives of the labor or ganizations of the United Kingdom, hav ing a total membership of 400,000, resolu tions of sympaOiy with the St. Peters- burg strHera. Jcre adopted. Th coafer- ence also inaugurated a relief fund for the benefit of the Russian strikers. Reso lutions were also adopted expressing sym pathy with the German strikers. GIVE COETJB TJ' ALENE AN AGENT Senator Heyburn Proposes to Separ ate Them From Colville Agency. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Jan, 26. Senator Heyburn has pre pared and will offer an amendment to the. Indian appropriation bill segregating the Coeur d'AIene Indians in1 Idaho from the Colville agency In Washington. At pres ent 500 Coeur d'Alenes are under the con trol of the Indian agent at Colville, but their affairs ae not satisfactorily man aged. Senator Heyburn proposes to give the Coeur d'Alenes a superintendent of their own. His amendment is indorsed by the Indian Commissioner and the Secretary of the Interior and by the agent at Col ville. Northwest Mail Service News. OREGONIAN" NEWS BUREAU", Wash ington, Jan. 26. Mary E. Compton has been appointed postmaster at Bay Cen ter, Wash., vice R. O. Lanfare, resigned. Rural carriers appointed: Oregon The Dalles, route 1, Charles C. Crelghton. car rier; Samuel R. Gilliam, substitute. Wash ington Olympla, route 2. Howard L. Rob inson, carrier; Frank Robinson, substi tute. Second Lieutenant Horace U. Little, Philippine scouts, recently appointed, now at "Vancouver Barracks, will proceed to Manila and report to the commanding general, Philippines division, for assign meat to duty. MANY MURDERS BY YAQUIS. American Mining Men Take Strong Escort Torres Will Fight. Them. NOG ALES, Ariz., Jan. 26. William O'Daly, a prominent mining man, reports the situation In the Yaqul country as grave. He says that IS persons have been killed by the Indians during the past week, all Mexicans except the four Amer icans murdered last Thursday near Co bachl. Robert C. Brown, of Washington, D. C, partner of ex-Senator Thurston, and Will iam Sauntrey, of Stillwater, Minn., left Mlnas PI etas last night with a large es cort for the mines of the Yaqul Copper Company, 90 miles east of Mlnas Prietas. C. A. Sawtelle, cf Washington, D. C. a member of the party, 13 returning to the East. It Is stated here that General Torres is preparing a vigorous campaign of exter mination against sthe Yaquie. CONTENTS OF TODAY'S PAPER The Weather. TODAY'S Occasional rain; southerly winds. YESTEBDAY'S Maximum temperature. S5 deg.; minimum. -13. Precipitation. 0.00 Inch.1 The. OntbreajC In Russia. Strte extf'c&s. T8.pld)y, but without aiaardsr, " tffnughtnew trouble Is feared. Page 1. Governor Trepoff says he- will curb agitators, maintain order and make no conessions. Pace L Moscow employers save factories by paying wages to strikers. Page 1. Strike extends to cities along Baltic SesC Page 5. The War In the Far East. Great battle begun on the Hun River. Page 4. Troops from European Russia unwilling to fight, and Kuropatkin advises peace. Page 4. Secretary Hay proposes conference of powers on Chinese neutrality. Rage 3. AH great powers agree to Hay's proposal to preserve Chinese Integrity. Page 3. National. Congress will -he driven by public opinion to act on railroad rates. Page 4. Williams, the Democratic leader, says his par ty will support Roosevelt "on railroad-rate question. Page 4. Senate agrees to restrict sale of transports, but would allow use of private vessels. Page 4. Enough money In Celllo Canal fund to build first lock. Page 3. Marines from Panama hurrying to Santo Do mingo to stop fighting against protocol. Page 1. Domestic Bill introduced In Illinois Legislature appro priating $33,000 for Lewis and Clark. Fair. Pace 1. More revelations about Hocb, the Chicago Bluebeard. Page 14. . Great storm in the East abates and traffic is resumed. Page S. "Foreign, Prlrlce Eltel Frederick's condition serious. Page 5. German coal-owners accept mediation of Parliament, when law is proposed grant ing miners demands. Page 3. Hull fishermen testify before North Sea commission. Page 4. Hungarian elections result in success of Premier TIsza. Page 5. Polities. Call for mass meeting to prevent seating of Peabody as Governor of Colorado. Page 3. Bryan predicts new alignment of parties. Page 3. Northwest legislatures. Charles Sweeny swings his strength to S. H. Pile, insuring his election as Senator from Washington. Page 1. Oregon Legislature will last longer than 50 days. Page 6. Three measures are passed over Governor Mead a veto at Olrmpla. Page 7. Pacific Coast. Mr. Belle Bales, of Beaverton,"saoon-smasher. says she Is ready to go to Jail. Page 14. Blizzard is raging in the Klondike, causing - Intence suffering. Page 9. Deposed San Francisco Police Commiisloner Is giving the grand Jury forr.e pointers. Page 9. Commercial and Marine. Oregon wool production in 1904. Page 15. Storm affects trading on Stock Exchange. Page 15. Wheat closes strong at Chicago. Page 15. No future chartering at San Francisco. Pag IS. Attempt will be made to raise steamer Geo. W. Elder. Page 14. Schooner Mahukona anchors safely at Astoria Page 14. Portland and Vicinity. Manystates to erect pavilions at 'the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Page 10. Company incorporates to build line to base of Mount Hood. Page 11. Religious sect at Spokane plans to found ideal community In Oregon. Page 12 -Rate conference held between traffic men and railroad men. Page 14. tfaV Young contractor found unconscious near his home, and cause of accident . has not yet been learned. Page 10. Land company in being probed by Federal grand Jury on charge of pig frauds?. In Wheeler County. Pace 10. Burglars rob safe at narrojEt-gauge de pot. Page. 19. STOP TIE EIGHT Marines Going to San to Domingo. FIGHTING IN THE CITl Cruiser Dixie, at Colon, Under Hurry Orders. : TAKES HEN FROM ISTHMUS Five Companies From Empire Have Embarked. EMPIRE CAMP ALMOST EMPTU Republic, of W.hich United States- !! Business Manager, Disturbed by Another Revolution, and the Troops Rush to Capital. COLON', Jan. 26. The United States cruiser Dixie na received inrry aril ders to proceed to Santo DomlHo, Is now coalLnR. Tito thousand rimrin Trere brought ' to Colon today fretm Empire Hill and embarked est Ote i Dixie. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 28. A Picayun special from Panama says: Considerable excitement has beia. ere ated on the Isthmus by the receipt of or ders by the converted cruiser Dixie to proceed at once to the Island of San Do mingo, where It was reported flghtli had-broken out in the streets and be coma so general that the assistance of- tbe 50f marihes quartered upon Empire; Kill arsj considered ' absolutely 1 necessary by thf United States. This cabled order reached the Dixie latr yesterday afternoon and at once a mess age was, transmitted to Empire, wher Colonel "Wood had also received similaij orders. These orders were for Colonel Wood to proceed at once to Colon witfil all his force, leaving only a small detach ment to guard the Quartermaster's storey on the hill. Early this morning the orders "were! given to break camp. The battalion o marines at Empire has only been int camp a few weeks, having only beeri brought down to relieve the 600 men whd had for 15 months looked after America! interests during the exciting times wheel the Republic of Panama waa being cre ated. About four weeks ago the Prairl carried back to America this force of men and brought the battalion now ua- der command of Colonel "Wood. This command consists of five compan ies and numbers In all a few over 5dS officers and men. The officers of these commands, nearly all of whom have fam-i Hies, had sent for their wives, and. ia, M number of Instances they had already am rived. The hurry orders which came sc mmexpectedly have created a decided stla In camp and no end of excitement on torn isthmus Itself. j OPPOSED TO THE PROCTOCOUj Revolt in Santo Domingo Is Aim Against American Control. NEW ORLEANS, La., Jan.. 27. (Spe; ciaL) The following special cable dis patch was received In this city- earlf thjs (Friday) morning for a correct spondent now in Colon. The corre spondent is a reliable man and the re port is generally credited here: "The United States cruiser Dixie will leave here for San Domingo "with. 50ft! marines under command of Colonel Wood, who has instructions to land his troops prepared to uphold the peacsjj and dignity of the American Govern ment on that island. "Rush orders .were received front Washington by General Davis, Military Governor of the Canal Zone, to senoV every available marine to Santo Do mingo, where fighting has broken outf in the streets in opposition to the pro; tocol recently declared by the Unite dl States Government. The marines wera! encamped at Empire, midway between.! Colon and Panama, and when order i were received ordering them to pro-j ceed to Colon, considerable surpris was manifested by the populace anSj the men themselves. The troops wer j equipped with full rounds of ammunl-1 tion and provided with rations to lastj several days. "Five companies were rushed acrosi the isthmus and held in trains to enj-j bark on board the Dixie, which willH leave early next Sunday. Colonel Wood and his troops anticipate a grea$ deal of trouble In Santo Domingo." Quaker City's Nose Is Blue. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 26. Bitterly col weather today followed the snowstorm, of yesterday. During the night the wind reached a velocity of 40 miles, and th. temperature was it zero. The sform ha Jjrought about conditions that have txo existed since the blizzard of 18S8. Up ti 11 o'clock today not one through 'train' had arrf-red from the South or North on the Pennsylvania, Railroad, One traik"4 i .v. Tru, o.cn came m iijjh me cot .-... - Later in the day trains from the Sontlj. and New Tork over the Pennsylvania ' nail rir " auvtsncu m ' mt uuvuo,