Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 25, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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Washington, D. C Ebbltt House News
It seems certain that the present Con
gress will enact legislation looking- to
closer regulation of interstate com
merce. Such legislation will deal di
rectly or indirectly -with the rate-making
phase o transportation directly by
some attempt at dealing with rates spe
cifically toy law, or indirectly by con
ferring larger authority on the Inter
state Commission.
There Is little complaint that the gen
eral Tates are unreasonable or exces
sive. Truth Is that the rates in this
country ere lower than elsewhere in
the world, when distances are com
pared. The real ground of complaint Is
favoritism to shippers, through rebates,
private rates, special cars and other
devices through which the shippers
who have not the favors or facilities
are put at a disadvantage that often Is
ruinous to them. It is on these points
that regulation or control of rates by
National law, in interstate commerce,
is demanded; for it is through the
methods of discrimination that such
monopolies as the oil trust and the
meat trust have been built up through
out the country.
It will not suffice to point out the
socialistic tendency of the restrictive
or corrective legislation which 1b pro
posed as a check upon this discrimina
tion. For the wrong Is one for which
some remedy may be found; and If so
cialism ever comes In -this country It
will be because of the greed, the ag
gression, the extortion, of the capital
istic class. So, as the Indianapolis
News puts It, "If the people are ever
brought face to face with the alterna
tive of Government control of industry
or industrial control of the Govern
ment, they will undoubtedly choose the
former. If they are forced to act
through the Government In order to
protect themselves, they will not hesi
tate to do it If they are not strong
enough to abolish the socialism which
benefits the rich, they will supplement
it with the socialism that helps the
poor. This is, we take it, as clear as
anything can be."
It Is admitted that regulation of rail
way rates, In a country of vast dis
tances, like ours, in a country where
products are so varied, where popula
tion Is so unevenly distributed, where
cost of construction and maintenance
of railways can be estimated on no uni
form basis It must be admitted that
regulation of railway rates by law, or
by fixed rules, presents problems of the
most difficult kind. The complexity of
euch problems Is Infinite. No attempt
to deal with it, therefore, can follow
hard-and-fast rules. But it should be
possible, and indeed it is possible,
to cut discrimination out whether
through special rates to favored ship
pers, through rebates, or through own
ership of cars by great concerns like
the large breweries, the meat trust, the
oil trust, lumber dealers, makers of
machinery, and' many more. If assur
ance can be had that rates are strictly
uniform there will be little complaint.
It Is to secure this uniformity on a
reasonable basis, rather than reduction
of rates In general, that demand Is
made for interposition of Congress in
this matter of railway regulation. The
demand includes also removal of vari
ous abuses, with the various devices
by which preference Is given, among
those who use the railroads, to one
class over another such as failure
cr refusal to furnish cars to those
"not on the Inside," while others
are steadily supplied. The real com
plaint Is In relation to facilities, prefer
ential rates, or other expedients that
make conditions unequal. The states
cannot deal with this problem in Its
relations to Interstate commerce; hence
the General Government must. Power
of state control Is too limited. It comes
far short of requirements.
Poetic expression is not usually asso
ciated with popular feeling-at white
heat, and yet it Is In the moments
hn popular feeling Is most fervent
that it finds expression In poetry In
the rough. The widows and orphans,
the strikers, the disaffected soldiers and
the apostles of freedom In SL Peters
burg are speaking of the revolution
they believe Imminent as the "Spring,"
and the Inflammatory proclamations
that herald the revolution are "swal
lows," So the Irish sunburst signified
the "dawn," when revolution was to
usher In the day of HbertyA And the
Russian playgoers used a poetic figure
In bidding the dancer at the opera tear
off her diamonds, which were In truth
"drops of Russian blood." drawn by
Alexis, the Grand Ducal Jeech bloated
with the spoils of the Admiralty.
Just as all the hopes of he people are
concentrated In the word "Spring," so
the desire for an emblem of the cause.
a concrete expression of the vague
movements stirring In the empire, is
met by the leadership of Father Gopon,
who confronts a bristling line .of rifles
"in golden vestments, bearing aloft an
Ikon, and flanked by two clergymen
carrying religious banners." -All the
world loves a symbol, and especially
that Incoherent part of the world called
a mob. The cap of liberty was a Woody
oriflamme, and Father Gopon's -upraised
ikon bids fair to be as potent.
This clergyman, unknown to the world
a day or two ago, is now the most dra
matic figure on the stage of events.
Like Peter the Hermit, he leads a cru
sade, although It was unnecessary to
arouse his followers. They were al
ready on the verge -of action. Gopon
is more to-be compared with the priest
Murphy,- who, crucifix In arms, gener
aled and inspired the uprising Irish of
Wexford in '98. As the Irish peasantry
followed their leader In absolute disdain
of death, so the Russian strikers; ap
pear to believe in Gopon. "Whether -she
will prove himself as energetic a leader
remains to be seen.
The long fight for the Celllo Canal
has been won. The House committee
on rivers and harbors, responding to
enormous pressure from various
sources, has decided to make an appro
priation of $50,000, and It will authorize
the -expenditure, of $200,000 additional.
There is still on hand for the canal a
considerable amount from former apf
proprlatlons quite sufficient to carry
forward the work now under way to the
close of the fiscal year; and the new
appropriation means that no interrup
tion to the great project will be suffered
at that time. The main point now is
that Congress or rather the rivers and
harbors committee has committed it
self definitely and finally to the Celllo
Canal. It has kept faith with the state.
It may not be Inappropriate to re
mark that The Oregonlan first called
public attention to the grave danger
that the Government might not carry
out its engagement with the state to
open the Columbia River. Chairman
Burton, of the rivers and harbors com
mittee, Issued an ultimatum to the peo
ple of the Northwest that they should
choose between the canal and the Im
provement at the entrance of the river.
A disposition was manifest in some
quarters to accept these terms, and it
was reinforced -by unwise and Ill-con
sidered newspaper suggestion that the
canal should be dropped for the jetty.
When The Oregonlan placed the facts
before the public and Insisted that the
Government was committed to both
projects, and one snould not, must not,
be sacrificed for the other, the Port
land commercial community acted with
great vigor, and It was very persist
ently supported by Senator Fulton and
Representative Jones. It Is fortunate
indeed that Representative Jones is a
member of the rivers and harbors com
mittee. -He has been persistent through
out in his position that the canal should
be built. The Pacific Northwest owes
him much.
Oregon has four so-called normal
schools. Their nominal purpose Is to
train teachers for the public schools.
Their real mission Is to maintain local
high schools at the state's expense, to
afford a livelihood for a large number
of instructors whose qualifications may
be educational or may be political, and
to distribute the public money "where
It will do the most good." Four com
munities are thus benefited, while
twenty or more other places in Oregon
of equal or greater population and im
portance are entitled to as much con
sideration, and do not get it. At least
two of these schools were established
with the specific pledge that they would
ask no state appropriation and would
be maintained at no expense to the tax
payer. They have deliberately violated
that promise, and have been fastened
on the state government as a continu
ing and growing expense, and with a
hold that it seems quite Impossible to
shake off. Two years ago the total ap
propriation for these four schools was
something like $88,000 for the biennial
term. At this session the combined
normal-school graft comes forward
with a demand for the enormous sum
of $221,000, which Is to be devotecLjn
great part to new buildings. Monmouth
wants a new dormitory to cost $35,000;
"Weston a dormitory for $25,000; Ashland
a dormitory for $10,000, and Drain new
buildings to cost $40,000.
The State of Oregon has a State Uni
versity at Eugene which It maintains
at an average cost of $1000 per student
for the four years' course. It has an
Agricultural College at Corvallls to
which two years ago It made a dona
tion of $85,000. It has a great many
small colleges In every part of the state
which are sustained somehow by the
pride and private energies of the com
munities within which they are located,
and by donations from various religious
organizations. It is quite probable that
there Is not a s$Ie 111 the Union with
so few people that has so many educa
tional institutions of all kinds requir
ing so much from the public as Ore
gon. The result is to dissipate the edu
cational activities of the Vstate and to
lower the standard of every one of
these Institutions to a minimum of effi
ciency. -It Is not too much to say that
not a single one of them, public or pri
vate, has a reputation for scholarship,
or for discipline, or for thoroughness
and range of Instruction, that extends
beyond the state border. So little can
scarcely be said of any other state In
the Union; and yet It is true.
At Salem today legislators from com
munities In which the four normal
schools, are located are combining to
procure from the state a sum of money
in the aggregate very great, and en
tirely out of proportion to the benefit
to he. given either to the public or to
the students. Unquestionably, having
formed a combination among them
selves, they will endeavor to hold a
club over the members from Benton,
who want a large appropriation for
Corvallls; over Lane County, which Is
Interested vitally in the State Univer
sity; and over Marlon County, which
draws much money for the support of
state institutions. By this species of
log-rolling the graft will succeed. The
method is vicious In the extreme; it is
Immoral; it Is, Indeed, an outrage all
around. If each of the normal schools
does not get Its bonus, every kind of
legislation Is in danger of defeat. The
average legislator, anxious to promote
some measure that may benefit his par
ticular constituents, must yield to the
Importunities of the normal-school trust
or he will go home empty-handed.
Two 3'ears ago the Governor of Ore
gon, with commendable courage and
correct judgment, recommended the
number of normal schools In Oregon to
be reduced by two. The Legislature
took no action. It is now surprising
to find that in his recent message Gov
ernpr Chamberlain seems to have for
gotten entirely his former determina
tion to save money for the state and to
improve the surviving institutions, for
he merely recommends that the four
normal schools now be maintained un
der one Board of Trustees, But the
Governor should not forgets Here Is a
plain opportunity to do the public quite
as great a service as he seems to have
performed, by notifying the Legislature
that he would veto every bill with an
emergency clause where there was no
real emergency. If the Governor will
Inform the co-ordinate branch of the
state government that if this normal
school business Is carried out on the
basis now contemplated, he will veto
the appropriation, or that he will veto
an entire appropriation bill containing
these proposed items, he will without
question break the combination and re
duce these amounts to a basis of rea
son. Public opinion, except possibly in
the communities directly concerned.
would sustain the Governor in that po
sition. Under the circumstances, the
ordinary legislator appears to be un
able to do his whole duty without real
danger of doing Injury to himself, to
his constituency, or. to some meritorious
bill. "With the Executive it Is different.
"With the Legislature he Is equally re
sponsible to the public for the character
and the amount of all appropriations.
Two years ago he did not seek to evade
that responsibility, but vetoed a miscel
laneous aoDrooriatlon bill "because it
Contained some Items which he deemed
objectionable. Let him do It again. It
will not hurt him at the polls.
There should be one State Normal
School, which should be at the State
Capital, where the constitution directs
that all state Institutions shall be lo
cated. As, It Is, the four normal schools
In the slate have been established
away from Salem In open defiance of
the constitution, and each succeeding
Legislature has winked its eye at a
plain requirement of law whenever It
has made any sort of appropriation for
these institutions. It needs no argu
ment whatever to demonstrate that, if
the state were to have one normal
school, it could be maintained on a high
plane of efficiency at one-half the ex
pense now Incurred by the four schools.
Better salaries could be paid to In
structors, finer talent procured. Im
proved methods introduced, better
buildings erected and maintained, and
altogether the whole educational estab
lishment made, a credit to teachers, to
students and to the public generally.
Until this is done we shall continue to
have four weak and expensive institu
tions where we might have one excel
lent normal school at greatly reduced
expense to the taxpayer.
In the news reports from "Washington
to The Oregonlan, published yesterday,
there was some good plain stuff about
the recent uproar In our Southern
States on the race question. Since the
November election the fear of "negro
domination" In the South has disap
peared. No longer are heard those
hysteric shrieks that Southern civiliza
tion Is to be overridden by the negro
vote. It appears, then, that "the race
racket" was worked chiefly for political
effect. The Booker "Washington Inci
dent gets no further notice. Some very
pleasant matter bearing on this subject
comes to publicity through the "Wash
ington Star. A delegation from the
South recently visited Washington, to
Invite President Roosevelt to make a
tour of the South, and to be the gues.t
of Southern cities. This was courteous,
indeed. It showed a fine spirit. A part
of the delegation, starting from Bir
mingham (Ala.), picked up another part
at Knoxville, Tenn. It happened that,
on the same train were Booker T.
Washington and Bishop Barnctt (col
ored). One of the Southern gentlemen,
describing the Incidents of the Journey,
said that Booker Washington and
Bishop Barnett made agreeable and ex
cellent traveling companions, adding;
"We had a rood time. There was an entire
absence of any feeling, real or imaginary, over
the fact that we were dining with Booker T.
"Washington and his colored associate. They
were with us before, during "-and after our
meals, and we enjoyed their company. The
train was our home for a much longer time
than we anticipated, being SO hours late in
arriving here, but we visited back and forth
from car to car, made the best of our common
trouble, and all got to be good friends. "Fun
ny, wasn't it." he concluded, "that we were
dining with the man for whose entertainment
the President we have Just invited to our
Southern homes was so severely criticised!"
The man who told this story Is
vouched for as one of the most sub
stantial Democrats of the South. The
Washington Star comments Incisively
on these remarks of the Southern gen
tleman, thus:
"Funny," ye?, but only as indicating the dif
ference between before and after election. The
hullabaloo about the Booker Washington lun
cheon at the "White House was entirely pollt
leal. Politicians seized It and used it In the
hope of gain at the polls. Not one in a thou
sand of them felt the slightest uneasiness on
the subject of the stability of our social order.
Their shivers were all affected. But the whole
thing fell flat, and now we hear confessions In
mora than one quarter of just what a humbug
in the Interest of partisanship was attempted.
As we all know, had Judge Tarker been
elected, he wpuld have found some-good places
for colored men, and no protect would hav
been uttered by his party friends. The Demo
cratic masagers in New Tork. Indiana. II
llnols. Oh'o and .New Jersey, and even In
Maryland and West Virginia, were Rollcltlng
colored votes, and would not have hcstltatca
to recommend rewards in the shape of office
for colored leaders on their side. Mr. Cleve
land rewarded his colored supporters, and
what would have stood In the way of Judge
Parker following so illustrious an example?
Absolutely nothing. It la possible to name
places in this town, with good salaries at
tached. that would have been bestowed on col
ored men who had been whooping It up for
Parker and "Davis.
It is just as well to-make merry over
this race bogy. The South Is not to be
ruled by negroes, nor should it be. Not
since the days of reconstruction has
there been any danger that it would be.
In all the states where the negroes are
numerous they have been pracilcally
dlsfranchlsed. Not one In a hundred of
them can vote. "TheTace racket" was
political. You will hear of the Booker
Washington luncheon at the White
House no more.
An ordinance so old that It Is new.
forbidding the attendance of women In
bar-rooms as vendors of liquor or their
employment in bar-room entertain
ments, has been reported as an Im
portant "find." If memory serves cor
recti y, this ordinance was passed soon
after the woman's crusade against sa
loons m this city in 1874. It occasioned
considerable comment and met with
some opposition at the time, but was
very generally observed for some years,
finally falling Into desuetude through
the crafty persistence f liquor-vendors
of the lower class, and the carelessness
of the city authorities. Later, a3 one
municipal governmental force succeed
ed another, It was forgotten lost, so
to speak In the shuffle. If Its dls
covcry Is followed by Its active reha
bllitatlon, it will simplify greatly the
control of cribs and dives In the city.
of which Immoral women have long
oeen an auxiliary ix not .the cniex at
traction. The loir-unnoticed existence
of this law shows how little interest Is
taken, even by reformers, who cry out
periodically against the vices pf the
slums, in the enforcement of laws en
acted for the 'sake of public decency.
Good Brother Izer, who with other ar
dent crusaders and temperance agi
tators urged the enactment of this ordi
nance In a far-away period oMhe city's
history, will, wherever he Is now, be
glad, no doubt, to learn that something
at least of the fruit of his labors In
Portland still survives. ' '
The theaters of New Tork, combined
In a "trust," have agreed to shut out a
dramatic critic who Is obnoxious to
them. He Is H. B. Metcalfe, editor of
Life, and his assaults on the theaters
have led to an unavailing libel suit and
a great uproar. Metcalfe says they
cannot legally restrain him from enter
ing any theater, but the managers say
a ticket of Admission Is a "license to
enter," which may be revoked at pleas
ure. The New York courts seem to
have sustained this view In former
cases, holding a- theater can refuse en
trance to any "objectionable" person.
What Is an objectionable person one
who Is merely personally objectionable
to some one In -control of a place of
public amusement, or one who, by his
behavior or appearance, Is objectionable
to his fellow auditors? The latter
would seem to be the reasonable view.
There Is regret not wholly Inspired by
financial loss at the fate of the good
ship Geo. W. Elder. With her sister
vessel, City of Chester, that found her
grave half a score of years ago' In San
Francisco harbor, the Elder was an Im
portant factor In the coastwise com
merce of the middle North Pacific for
many strenuous years. That both these
vessels should have been wrecked In
placid waters after having breasted
safely the fury of many a Winter's gale
on the Pacific Is at least somewhat
strange. Circumstances favored disas
ter in the case of the Elder, as her
wreck was not attended by loss of life.
The City of Chester was not so fortu
nate in her passing. She was run down
In a fog by a huge ocean liner, and
sank so quickly that escape for many
of those on hoard was Impossible.
According to the twentieth annual
report of the United States Geological
Survey, recently published, the total
value of our mineral products In 1903
was $1,419,721,569 an increase of $159,
211,831 over the value of the previous
year. In this grand aggregate iron and
coal lead, the value of the latter being
$503,000,000 and that of the former $334,
000,000. The bulk represented Jby these
values Is so enormous that a statement
of It In weights and measures would
confuse rather than enlighten the aver
age mind. Together with other figures
representing in detail the output of the
mines of the country, these figures are
urged in support of the organization of
a department of mines and mining", the
head of which will become a member of
the President's official family.
Senator Smoot seems to be coming
out of the inquisition at Washington
without discredit. All that can be said
against him is that some of the mem
bers of the church with which he Is as
sociated are still living In polygamous
relations. It may be argued that he
ought to quit the church for this rea
son; but It can hardly be accounted
fair to hold a church member account
able for the acts of some of his fellow
members. Smoot himself seems to be a
very decent kind of man. Of course
his views as to "revelation," "proph
ecy," "aposlleshlp," and so on, are not
more questionable than those of other
The so-called really miscalled local
option law ought to be moderately
amended, so as to make In fact a local
option law. At present the prohibition
element'ls paramount In It. It should
be amended so that prohibition and
non-prohibition should not be yoked up
together. It was carried last June only
through misrepresentation and decep
tion. Now that It Is known It would
if submitted again be beaten by many
thousands. What ought to be done Is
to amend it so as to make it truly a
local option law. This would be ap
proved, by an Immense majority of the
It will be observed that telegrams
from the American Embassy at SL Pe
tersburg were delayed a full day or
more; while the Associated Press dis
patches came with remarkable prompt
ness. It Is evident that the Russian
government gave the news the right of
way on its wires over either commer
cial or diplomatic messages a pro
ceeding quite unprecedented. It Is a
fact also that the only adequate news
Eervice to the United States Is via the
Associated Press.
It Is easy, on the testimony of the
bloodstained snow In the vicinity of the
Winter Palace in SL Petersburg, to
overestimate the number of the killed
and wounded In the clash between the
soldiers and strikers last Sunday. "Two
thousand dead" was the first estimate.
Later estimates the blood stainB being
covered in the meantime by a fresh fall
of snow are that the killed numbered
not more than 500.
Mark Sullivan, an Intelligent newspa
per correspondent, who recently made
a Journey of observation through the
Pacific NorthwesL contributes an elab
orate article to the Boston Transcript
on the Lewis and Clark Fair. The vol
ume of advertising the Fair Is now re
ceiving in Eastern newspapers Is very
greaL and It is all both appreciative
and valuable.
There are no Russian heroes not
alive or In the army. A Russian Ad
miral says General Stoessel's surrender
of Port Arthur was unjustified and un-
"soldierly. Russia's heroes have
hard a time as America's.
It is not confirmed that the Czar Is go
Ing to Copenhagen or that he is going
to issue a manifesto designed to placate
the strikers. His great occupation In
life now is simply to He low.
Four SL Petersburg newspapers, sus
pended by government during the
strike, have decided to defy the censor
ship and resume publication. The world
do move.
How He Achieved It.
Chicago Tribune.
The statesman from Buncombe -was an acute
Observer of human nature.
He leaped Into fame at a single bound.
Instead of striving for It patiently and la
boriously, year after year, as ordinary -mortals
are compelled to do. for the only thing on
earth the statesman, from Buncombe ever did
was to life In his eat one day and Introduce
what has since become that world, renowned
Freak but lc tie Legislature.
It is "highly flattering. If a little embar
rassing, that our highwaymen have taken
to holding- up newspaper" men.
Waffles, the Cracked Amateur Nit,
by E- W. Scorning.
Waffles, a? I knew, was In Scotland.
yet here was that magnetic voice, the
voice that had led me to become' a f enceK
a breaker-lnto of houses, the voice that
had ruined me forever and had caused ma
to lose Angelina, the only girl, but six.
I ever loved.
There was a note of. insistence in the
voice, the voice that "had led me but
why repeat It I looked around the
room. It was as I had left It In the
morning except that a letter lay upon
the table. I picked it up.
The address was In Waffles hand and
the postmark Glasgow. I opened' the en
velope. Waffles jumped, out, with an amused
smile. x
"Yea, my dear, stupid Bunny," he said
In the voice that-- "It's me."
"But I thought you were In Scotland."
" So I was, Bunny, so I was, but Scot
land Yard. Bunny, was there also, so I
quietly mailed myself back to
And now, my dear Bunny, to busi
"Not " y
"Yes, exactly Lord Collects' postage
stamp, the blue .tenpenny Ceylon the only
perfect specimen in existence."
I shivered. Angelina was staying with
the Collects.
Again the magnetic voice conquered.
FTve minutes, later we found ourselves
bowling along in a hansom toward the
house that held the blue tenpenny Ceylon
and Angelina!
Telling the cabby to wait, we squirmed
through a keyhole and stood within the
"How are we to find it?" I asked.
"Hush! I heard it," said Waffles.
"A stamp," replied Waffles, with a
"It's noL" said I, surprised at my own
wIL "It's a stampede."
I was righL The light was switched
on suddenly, and Lord Collects' and An
gelina stood looking at us from the
"Bunny came to get hfc presents back."
It was Waffles who Bpoke.
Angelina quivered. I tried to protest
against the cruel blow Waffles had
struck me.
"He never gave me anything but choco
lates," walled Angelina, "and I've I've
eaten them all," she burst ouL
"Then," said Waffles, "we had better
We wenL
Once outside, Waffles stooped to the
ground and picked up something.
It was theblue tenpenny Ceylon.
"How "
"I culled it In Clnghalese," he explained.
A San Joscman proposes to train mon
keys to pick his prunes. He may be able
to Induce the monks to pick prunes, but
he'll never get the sagacious animals to
eat them.
Soon we shall hear that Stoessel was
not In Port Arthur at all.
"Who's that man attracting so much
attention over there?"
"That's Smith." x
"Smith! "What has he done?"
"He's the only man in Oregon that
hasn't written a letter to the papers ex
plaining how game should be protected."
A Pasadena bellboy got away with
jewels worth $50,000. Almost in the finan
cier class.
Bacon's birthday again, and so far no
translation of his works has been made
for the benefit of American readers. The
task Is one of great difficulty, of course.
largely owing to the fact that the poet
used a number of English words In his
writings!. This peculiarity renders It al
most Impossible to convey the exact shade
of expression In a translation.
Three dollars is to remain the price of a
marriage license. If It Is desired to In
crease the revenues, why not have sev
eral grades of licenses? For Instance, a
$3 license might carry the right to beat
a recalcitrant wife. A $10 license might
entitle the purchaser to free divorce
after the first year, and so forth. We
should not allow a" foolish conservatism
to stand In the way of social progress
Presumably the baby Czarovltch Is
sleeping through it alL
A Pittsburg newspaper man has been
engaged as hero hunter by the Carnegie
Commission. He will travel over the
United States and Canada Investigating
the stories of claimants, and by the time
he gets through should be himself eligible
for one of the rewards.
Chicago has a "Bluebeard" who is said
to have had 13 wives. Thirteen Is an un
lucky number, but no more so than one,
where wives arc concerned.
Kill the trusts, and what will the mag
azine editors nil tholr pages with?
London Ernnss
The danger snots of Russia are the
towns, let ana here Is another arsni
mcnt against a general revolution the
population of the towns forms only one
twelfth of the whole nation. Contrast
mis -nun me urban population of Eng
land 60 per cent of the whole. An
this one-twelfth a full third is mno,i
of foreigners resident In those
take and will take no part In national
pontics, xfius it is obvious that these dan
svr spois arc, aiicr an, mere specks i
the crcat exnanse, of the Ttussfon
Nevertheless, it Is In these towns that
tne danger lies, and at present tl
students," male and female, are the di
turblng clement. Nor are the causes
which arouse their activity merely- na
tural ambition for tlif nrnmm nf i
country or a Slav sensitiveness to Its low
pusiiiuii ilk x.uron.-ii civilization. I De
ll CYC that In addition to these the teniblo
grinding poverty of thousands of these
students Is the dominant factor nrilVi
makes for the new Socialism nnf J(hii
ism. oe it notea or tnt revolting force o
RTR!n The ereat mnlnrlti? nf the .m
dents hold small government scholar-
snips mere pittances, which aro just
larffn enoueh to allure them tn the (ovn
but totally insufficient to support them
wnen tney get mere, xnousanas or the
Russian students cannot buy winter cloth
Incr or even the neeesxarv hoot nnrt III
fed. they throng together In wretched
lodgings, there to declaim their hapless
late ana io uecrj me government
Thin then. Is the one chief element
danger in Russia. It is neither wide
spread nor Dituuuai. -iucm in lis origl
erolttElf In ItK character inil necullar
a single class, it is capable of much rats-
cmei ana many explosions, out it is to
tally Incapable of Infecting the masses
oi uio people ana uie provincial popuia
tion generally.
Its Bearing on the Cue of Senator :
, Mitchell, of Oregon.
New Tork Evening Sun.
A Senator under Indictment for accept
ing a bribe cannot be excluded from the
Senate chamber because he has been In
dicted. If he elects to appear there for
any purpose He may be the victim of a
conspiracy and Innocent of wrongdoing
In fact, tho proceedings against him may
be outrageous and & scandal; but a Sen
ate tradition, or Senate precedent or
good form, discountenances his appear
ance in the Senate until his acquittal of
tne charge against him has been record
ed, or until the indictment is dismissed
by order of the presiding Judge. The In
hibition runs, of course, against his tak
ing part in the business of the Senate
rather than against his presence in the
chamber. The presumtion is that Senator
Mitchell, of Oregon, now under indictment
on the state's evidence of a constituent
named Puter. regarded his personal de
fense of himself" la the Senate on Tues
day and his attack on Assistant United
States Attorney Heney as privileged, but
his remarks will go into the Con
gressional Record, and the Incident was
inereiore benate business. -Senator
Mitchell has alreanv nmtesef!
his innocence in public Interviews which
every Senator must have read, and on ac
count, or nis long career In the Senate, ex
tending over nearly 20 years, with a brief
interval, public symDathv was on his
side. He stigmatized Puter; ho assailed
tne uovernment prosecutor. His strong
language was attributed to a very natural
resentment. Mr. Mitchell's appearance
and speech in the Senate did not add to
his protestation, except In dramatic effecL
Some Senators will think he committed
an impropriety, and others, no doubL do
not approve of the unwritten rule which
requires a Senator under indictment to go
into retiremcnL It was not disregarded
by Mr. Mitchell until he had consulted
some of hl3 colleagues, we think. This
may be Inferred from his explanation that
"I have deemed it not only right, but my
duty to myself and to the members of
this Senate, that I should come hero and
thus publicly deny all charges which I
know to bo absolutely false, and also to
explain publicly the acts upon ray part
which I admit and which ara-now invoked
by the prosecuting officers of the Govern
menL and by a portlon of the public press
as badges of crime."
Is It' to become tho custom of Senators
under Federal Indictment to take the
floor In the Senate, review the charges on
which they are to stand trial, protest
their innocence and attack the Govern
ment prosecutor? Provocation may ex
ist, the temptation may be strong, but the
only vindication that counts will come in
good time, when Liey face a Jury. At
least, that Is tho presumption. If ther-2 is
a conspiracy to ruin Senator Mitchell, It
will come to nothing. Probably there is
no conspiracy. The indictment seems to
have been found, in good faith at the In
stance of an energetic prosecuting attor
ney, whose competence Is not challenged.
He may have been deceived In his wit
nesses, In which case Senator Mitchell
will come off with flying colors. All the
people are a Senator's constituents when
the honor of the Senate is involved and
they will presume in this case that
a colossal blunder has been committed.
Parasitic Grand Dukes.
London Truth.
Whatever may be thought of the
governmental svstem that nrnvoiis n
RUSSia. there can he no ntinaflnn tVio-
tho Grand Dukes are a curse. Their
numoer is enormous, and they form a
son. ot private council of the Czar.
Many of them are dven imnnrt-mt -mil
itary and civil posts, when they either
looit 10 tneir own personal interests
or meaaie and muddle, tn the e-ren In
Jury of the countrv.
.inc Grand Duke commanding- the
Russian army during the last Russo
Turkish war was mixed 11T In monif
dirty monetary scandals connected
wiui mat army. some of the Grand
Dukes sqem to have done their best to
provoke the present war with Japan
because they were connected with Co
rean concessions. The rsr-nnd nnv.
Alexis. Hitrh Admiral nf T?nla lo un
cording to all accounts, an IgnoranL
concenea person, and to him the losses
Inflicted on the Russian- navy have
been larsrelv due. The RmnH Tint.
Serge, the Governor of Moscow, I3 ac-
cusea 01 naving pocKeted money col
lected to lfford some rnmfnrt. tn T.r
sla's sick and wounded soldiers, an.l
ine enure gang, It would seem, has
been urging the Czar to hold fast by
uis autocracy.
I came across the following Howrin
tion of them In an Italian paper, from
one 01 its roreign correspondents:
The Grand Dukes mav he intn v,...
classes the vicious, the ambitious and the re
spectable nonentities. The first spend. Their
life Is lanrelr SDent In Paris nm! rhln.M.
European watering places. They are fast
livers, wim no sense ot seir-respect. They
puDiiciy adore cocottes. frequent restaurants,
and are a dfecrrdlt tn their- mnntnr on4 .n
evil example to the Russian aristocracy. The
second are. witn rew exceptions, ever bent on
sharing power with the Czar. They are given
Important civil and military posts, for which
iney are unnuea. ana tney nse them to rob.
They are an absolute cursa tn tholr rnnninr
The third are harmless, but expensive, for
they all manage to draw large amounts from
xne puouo "exchequer.
"With a strong, determined Czar like
Nicholas I, all these Grand Dukes are
kent In same sort of order nnd fnntrnl
With a weak, well-meaning man like
the present Czar they manage not only
to cret their own war hnt fn nvnwfca
a baneful Influence over him. "What
tney cost their country, not only di
rectly, but indirectly, must be enor
John D. Rockefeller's Pile.
Boston Herald.
A "TVall street banker, the head of
one of the largest financial Institu
tlons," Is the authority quoted for the
latest guess at the wealth of the Ameri
can Croesus. He declares that it is
over $500,000,000, that he has an Income
of $6,000,000 a month, and in no long
time will be worth a round $1,000,000
This Is rather more modest than the.
report that has been current for some
time past that his accumulations al
ready amounted to $1,000,000,000. The pub
lic, thanks to the late Henrj- D. Lloyd,
author of "Wealth and Commonwealth,"
and to Miss Tarbell, who has Indus
triously compiled the history of the
Standard Oil Company, has a pretty
clear idea of how he got his fortune.
But what will he do with It? Ho will
be an old man very soOn and have to
go naked out of the world he has used
so profitably. Unless he begins to be
more generous than he ever has been
he will Incur the disgrace of dying
rich. An annual million ot two -to Chi
cago University goes but a little way
toward depleting his hoard. There are
some things he might do. For exam
pie. he might endow the United States
Navy or the Panama Canal, and save
the people of the country much heavy
taxation. Then there is the American
mercantile marine, said to be in much
noed of an endowment.
Snowstorms in Mexico.
Recent Letter.
For ten minutes from 3 o'clock Sat
urday afternoon, (December 31), the
people of the City of Mexico saw snow
fall. It was the third happening of
the kind In half a centuo. and caused
a first-class sensation. To the lower
order of native folk the strange sight
of swirling white Hakes, that melted
as soon as the pavements were reached,
was a terrifying one. They ran to
hide In the doors of houses and under
arcades. A northerly gale on the Gulf
Coast brought this unwonted snow
flurry and It whitened- the mountains
around the bowl in which the City of
Mexico is seL but not for long. The
greatest snow which the capital of
Mexico .ever saw came in December.
1S53, when a fall of six inches was re
ANEW story of the collapse ot the
"Independent theatrical move
ment which promised to put the
"syndicate" out of business & year or two
was told In Portland last week .by
Sheldon Landon, who was here ahead
a Savaxe attraction. Accnrflne- tn
Landon a time was fixed some 18 months
ago for a conference In New York be
tween David Belasco. Harrison Grey
FIske, James K. HacketL Maurice Camp-
Dell, Henry W. Savage and -some lesser
lights. The purpose of this conference
was to arrange the final details for the
combining of the various interests renre-
sented. for the purpose of. more, effectively
bucking the trusL
The meeting was to have been held in
FIske's private office and all the mem
bers of the proposed combination were
present except Colonel Savage, the Boston
millionaire, who went Into the show busi
ness for fun. and now owns some of the
mo3t valuable theatrical properties In
the world. Savage was very late but it
was impossible to do anything without
him; so the others waited. Maurfee
Campbell, who, it should be remembered
husband to Henrietta CrossmAn. and la
generally agreed to be many things that
are impossible, got It Into his head that
It would be "good comedy" to entertain
the others with an lmnersonatlon of
Colonel Savage, who has a slhrht lmoedl-
ment of speech. Campbell was burlesquing
aavage in a loud tone of voice, and the
others were laughing uproariously, when
the door opened and in walked me man
who made George Ade a millionaire.
xou ougnt to go into vaudeville,
CamDbelL and heln earn the famllv liv
ing," said he, quietly, and addedr "I
5omenow nave a reeling that there won t
be much to this 'independent mdvemenL
I wish you good-day. gentlemen." With
which he turned on his heel and walked
Savasre nwni snma 90 ntijtlr.n
his co-operation meant the success of the
"Independents," but no amount of explan
ation and apology was sufficient to Induce
mm 10 join iorces.
This is not a thrllllntr storv. hut it il
lustrated what Important eventualities
sometimes hang on trifles. The effort of
Flske and his associates failed utterly,
and the managers who remained at that
conference lSst thousands of dollars In
art srttemnf to -n?hln TTlonr Jft. iNllnfr..
whereas Savage has probably made more
money in me tneatricat Dusiness auring
uiese two years man an me omcrs com
bined. When the Element Warred,
THE following vivid description of a
cyclone which she once witnessed
was "recently given the writer by Rose
Eytlnge, one of the most brilliant of
American actresses, who now resides la
"I was playing an engagement In Kan
sas City some years ago, and while there
had the never-to-be-forgotten privilege of
watching a cyclone, which threatened the
destruction of the city. It was in mid
summer, and but a few weeks after the
great St. Louis storm. The day was
frightfully hot and the weather office Is
sued warnings tha.t a cyclone might be
expected. I was staying at the Midland
Hotel, and as evening came on the guests
were notified that they would be safer on
tho ground floor. Immediately com
menced a scurry among the people In the
house to reach the street level, and there
was pandemonium in the hallway.
"I was frightened, but determined. I
had' long cherished a desire to -see-a cy
clone and was bent upon watching the
one in prospect, so I piled the window
seat of my room with pillows and sat
down to contemplate- the appalling spec
tacle. "The sky was so heavily overcast that
premature darkness, black and impene
trable, came before it should have been
dusk. A great hush seemed to fall upon
the world an uncanny quiet, as if the
final doom was about to bo pronounced
upon all creatures that lived. I thought of
Revelations and the end of the world.
"Then came a roaring, as of a mighty
wind or an endless express train crossing
an endless bridge. Off to the southwest
It seemed to be, and I sat rigidly. In the
window and watched the southern sky.
A blinding flash of lightning almost stun
ned me. It was followed by an explos
ive crash of thunder, and then I realized
that the embattled giants of the sky had
marshalled their forces and the battle In
the clouds was on.
"The lightning became so continuous
that I could have read a page of a book
without an interim between flashes. The
heavens seemed to be in flames. A thou
sand pieces of artillery were booming In
unison. In the blaze of fire gigantic fig
ures seemed moving in the sky. uncanny
and fearful. Lurid Hght3 flashed about
them, vivid, royal purple, blood
crimson and the murky white billows of
sea-foam. Above the roar there was
shrieking and moaning and walling, as If
millions of devils were fighting for their
lives. Then would come a lull, anx the
two forces seemed to draw off In sheer
exhaustion to reform. Again the mon
strous cloud armies would charge together
and grapple and wrestle hand-to-hand,
while the light demons' and the thunder
demons sought to shatter the walls of the
"I do not know how long this continued.
It seemed hours, and then the tumult
ceased. The clouds parted and retired.
The moon shone and a great peace came
like a benediction.
"The cyclone had spent itself in the
heavens, and the earth was saved. I
sat in my window for a long time with
the wonder spell of that sublimely awful
scene upon me. I shall never forget IL
It was the grandest spectacle I ever be
held." A. A. G
Mary Morlson "
Robert Burns. Born January 25, 1739.
0 llary, at thy window be.
It Is the wish'd. the trysted hour!
Those smiles and glances let me see
That make the miser's treasure -poor:
How blithely wad I bH the stoure.
A weary slave frae sun to sun.
Could I the rich reward secure,
The lovely Mary Morlson.
Testreen when to the trembling string
The- dance gaed thro the lighted ha.
To thee ray fancy took Its wing,
1 sat, but neither heard nor saw:
Tho this was fair, and that was braw.
And yon the toast of a the town,
I elgh'd. and said amang them a',
Te are na Mary Morlson.'
O Mary, canst thou wreck his peace
Wha for thy sake wad gladly dee?.
Or canst thou break that heart of hla
"Whase only faut Is loving thee?
If lore for love thou wilt na gle.
At least be pity to me shown;
A thought ungentle canna be
The thought o' Mary Morlson.
O my Luve's like a red, red rose. '
That's newly sprung in June-.
0 my Luve's like the melodle - t
That's sweetly playd in tune. -
As fair art thou, my bennie lass.
So deep in lave am I:
And I will luve thee still, my dear,-
Till a' the seas gang dry:
Till a' the seas gang dry. my dear,
And- the rocks melt wl the sun;
1 will luve thee still, my dear,
White the sands o' life shall run.
And fare thee weel. my only Luve!
And fare thee weel' awhile;
And 1 will came again, my Lure,
Tho It were ten thousand mils.