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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1905)
MORNING OBEGONIAN; WEDNESDAY, JANUABY 25, 1905. OREGON HOUSE PASSES STATE LIBRARY COMMISSION BILL ADYIGETO LIBRARIES House? Passes the -.Bill for a State Commission. LINTHICUH" ITS ADVOCATE fcald Secretary Is to Supervise Work of Traveling Collections of Books and, Aid In.,OrganIzing Com missioners Get Expenses SALEM. Or., Jan. 24.-(Speclal.)-To creat a State Library Commission and to pay -It secretary $1300 a year and travel ing expenses Is the object of a. bill passed by' the House this morning by a vote of 33 to 22. Linthlcum (Rep.) of Multnomah. Who introduoed the bill, led the fight for its passage against an opposition headed by Smith (Dem.) of Josephine. Two members of the -committee, on education, Settlemibr of Marion and Fawk of Polk, who had approved the recommendation lor passage voted "no." Smith declared that the bill aimed to create a needless office and to saddle on the state another functionary of gov ernment. The board 4s to be composed of the Governor, the'' State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the librarian of the library 'Association of Portland, -the president of the State University and one other to be named by the Governor. The commission is to "give advice to all schools, free and other public libraries and to all communities which shall pro pose to establish them, as to the best means of establishing and maintaining such libraries, the selection of books, cataloguing and other details of library management. ... It may also pur chase and operate traveling libraries and curculate such traveling libraries. - - -free of cost, except for transportation." The secretary is to "superviso the work of the traveling libraries, in organizing new libraries and Improving those al ready established." Members of the com- mission are to be compensated only for traveling expenses. Unthlcum said that such a commission was needed in systematizing library work throughout the state. He averred that experts were essential to the proper buying and cataloguing of books for li braries. Smith replied that other public func tions needed advice at the expense of the vtata no iv ell n thosn of libraries, and declared that there was no demand for a it. it- -. cnrMiA that fiiTwnsf on the com monwealth for libraries. The bill carries an appropriation of 52000 a year. lae vote was: Ay Messrs. Bailer, Bingham. Burgees, Capron. Cole. Colwell, Cooper. Cranp, Dobbin. TMimnf, fSraJinm Rrav firiffin Henderson. Hermann. Holcomb. Hudson. Jayne, Kllllngs- wnrti TTMiiAr Tjitth TJnttilMlTn Mflvcfif. Mc Leod. Mile. Mulr. Sltz, Sonnemann, Smith 01 u&mer, eieiner, von acr neuen, tveica. West 38. Noes Messrs. Barnes, Blakley, Bramha.ll, Burns of Clatsop. Burns of Coos and Curry. Caldwell, Calvert, Cavender. Chamberlain, Cornett. Ionnelly, Fawk. Flint, Huntley, Jarkson, J agger, itay, junucers. ieweji, BJchie. Settlemler, Shook, Smith of Josephine 23. " Absent Carter. Mears. Vawter. Mills 1. HOUSE PASSES 24 BILLS. Library Commission Alone Encount ers Any Opposition. SAL.EM. Or., Jan. 24. (Special.) Of the 24 bills passed by the House today only one encountered opposition that of Rep resentative Linthlcum, of Multnomah, for the creation of a State Library Commis sion. Tho other bills were: To provide for publication by the state of law enacted by the people under tho Initia tive. H. B. 8S, Chamberlain of Umatilla. To regulate labeling of blasting powder and to prohibit sale of dangerous grades. H. B. 13, Smith of Baker. To reimburse common school fund In sum of $20,065 for money loaned State Agricultural Society. H. B, 119, Graham of Marlon. To incorporate Dayton. Tamhlll County. IL B. 214. Caldwell of Tamhlll. To .give plaintiffs In judicial process priv ilege of naming newspaper In which publica tion of such process shall be made. H. B. 82, Mnlr of Multnomah. To protept mill employes from dangerous ma chinery. H. B. 21. Cooper of Polk. .To allow 1000 each -to Susan E. Jones. Edna Tiffany and Sylvia H. Ferrell, -widows of peni tentiary guards killed In escape' of Tracy and Merrill. H. B. 120. Graham of Marlon. To- prohibit driving and frightening of sal mon; from protected waters. H. B. 43, Burns of Clatsop. To make the taking of depositions the same In suits of equity as In suits -of law. H. B. 20, Smith of Josephine. To extend ' time of filing liens by original contractors and material men from 30 days to IK). H. B. 127, Griffin of Lane, To Increase terms of Circuit Court In Mult nomah to 12 a year. H. B. S3, Craig of Mult nomah. To amend law as to proving of judicial rec ords from foreign countries. H. B. 63, Mulr Of Multnomah. To abolish fish bounty fund. H. B. 70, May ger of Columbia. To provide uniform eighth grade examina tions. H. B. Si. McLeod of Union. To amend school laws so as to authorize teachers' Institutes In various parts of coun ties: to require echool clerks to announce va cancies In school boards and boards to elect successors: to exempt teachers In music, lan guages and other special branches from gen eral examination requirements; to reduce num ber of voters needed to sign petition of certain school districts from ten to five, and to provide for transportation of pupils from one district to another. H. B. 60. Comett of Linn. To prohibit sale of and fishing with hooks smaller than 00 size In Columbia County. II. B. 107, Mayger of Columbia. To. incorporate Myrtle Point. Coos County. H. B. 11, Hermann of Coos. To provide $SO,000 for expenses of legislative session and to appropriate $S3.000 for claims and deficiencies. H. B. 174. Vawter of Jackson. To amend charter of Klamath Falls. H. B. 57. Shook of Klamath. To require tax levies to be made In even mills or tenths of mills. H. B. 17tf. Holcomb of Multnomah and Clackamas. ' To create Eighth Judicial District (Baker County), and to rrovlde for appointment of Circuit Judge by Governor. H. B. 151, Mc Leod of Union. To create Tenth Judicial District (Union and "Wallowa), and to provide for appointment of Prosecuting Attorney by Governor. H. B. 153. McLod of Union. Te authorize tax levies to be filed by school diftriots in Grant. Clatsop and Deuglas Coun ties by February 1 this year. S. B. 57, Lax cook. BILLS INTRODUCED IN SENATE Short Session Is Held snd Adjourn ment Taken Until Today. SALEM. Or.. Jan. 24. (Special.) The Senate was called to order at 10 A. M., by President Kuykcndull. S. B. 50, by Pierce To provide that injured persons may bring actions for damages against the persons or cor porations who are liable for the injury and also against any Insurance com pany that may have Indemnified said person or corporation against loss, was indefinitely postponed. Bills were Introduced In tho Senate today as follows: J S. B. 157, by Coshow (by requeit) To regu- j late the use of water. S. B. 158, by Nottingham To provide for an Indeterminate sentence of criminals. S. B. 159. by Bowennan To amend the law regarding judgments and decrees. S. B. 160. by Pierce To organize the Fourth District Fair Association. The Senate hold only a very short session today, adjourning at 11:15 until tomorrow at 10. Besides disposing of all the Senate business on hand, the Senate , received a few House bills and referred others from that branch to the various committees. The Senators jpent the afternoon on committee Crolsan's bill to protect lawyers in their right to address juries was today reported favorably by the Senate judiciary committee. The bill is to amend section 132 of the code. The law at present provides that the argu ments of counsel shall not exceed two hours on a side. The Crolsan bill provides that the court shall not limit arguments to less than two .hours on a side An emergency clause was stricken otj.t of Senator Tuttle's bill to increase the salaries of officers of Clatsop Coun ty today by the committee on fisheries, of which Senator Tuttle is chairman. Sinco the Governor announced his emergency-clause policy there has been a great deal of caution in tacking on these appendages. Tuttle's bill was re ported favorably as amended. Crolsan's hop-tare hill has been re ported favorably with amendments which make the bill read as follows: "Five yards of baling cloth is tho maximum quantity to bo used in mak ing the bale, and the standard weight of each yard of baling cloth Is hereby fixed at 24 ounces. "Any vendor of hops using heavier sacking than that specified in this sec tion, or using any extraneous matter in the baling thereof shall have the same deducted as additional tare" Senator Coe's bill to raise tho age of consent from IS years to 18 years did not come up today, as expected. It had been made a special order for 11 o'clock, but Senator Coe was absent. and It was continued until the same hour tomorrow. A bill for an Irrigation law has been Introduced by Senator Coshow, by re quest. Tha bill declares the use of water to be a public uso and prescribes the manner of making appropriations of water. The unit of measure for running water is fixed at one cubic foot per second of time, representing 40 cubic inches of water, miners' measure ment, under a six-Inch pressure. The amount of water necessary for irrigation Is fixed at one cubic foot per second for each 80 acres of land. Water appropriated must be put to 'actual use within a. reasonable time. not exceeding three years. Senator Nottingham's bill for an In determinate sentence' law gives a Cir cuit Judge power to sentence a con victed man for an Indefinite tlmo and authorizes the Governor to parole such prisoner during good behavior. A Fourth District Fair Association, composed of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties is to be created if Senator Pierce's Senate bill 160 be comes a law. The bill provides for the re-establishment of the First District, so as to make It Include only Union and Wallowa Counties. The Fourth District Fair Association Is to be gov erned by a board of five commissioners. to be appointed by the County Courts, two from Baker and one each, from Harney. Malheur and Grant. The bill carries an appropriation of $1500 for caci of the districts and $250 each for printing. Senator Bowerman has introduced a bill to amend section 647 of the code so as to permit litigants to appeal from an order granting a new trial. At present no such appeal lies, and tho person Injured by tha order has no redress. The Senate ways and means com mittee today reported favorably on the bill appropriating $5000 for the pur chase of apparatus for a timber and stone testing station at the University of Oregon, the United States to main tain an expert there to conduct the tests. NO DEMAND FOR MINING BUREAU Measure Is Not Likely to Be Passed at Salem. SALEM, Or., Jan, 2L (Special.) Half a dozen bills have Been Introduced at this session for the creation of a mining bu reau, but it Is doubtful whether any of them will become laws. In a general way these bills were discussed by the House mining committee tonight, but no partic ular measure taken under consideration. "As a matter of fact,' eald a member after the meeting "there is no general de mand for a mining bureau. The miners the men who are operating mines are not asking for It. The demand comes principally from men who are looking for positions in the bureau or who perhaps have some personal end to serve. Borne mining men are afraid of such a law. because It might give the director of the bureau Inquisitorial powers which could be used to their detriment. "There Is some agitation among mining publications for creation of a bureau, and some desire that a. good mining exhibit be maintained In Portland. But I have not heard from any part of the state any general demand for the creation of mining bureau such as some of the bills propose." READY TO HEAR PROTESTS. Committee on Railroads Will Listen to Objections to Gross Earnings' Tax. SALEM, Or., Jan. 24. (Special.) Committees on railroads were to hear protests today from representatives of telephone, telegraph and express com panies against Sonnemann's bill for 1 per cent tax on gross earnings of such companies, but the representatives fall ed to appear, and the conference will probably be held tomorrow. The gambling felony bill In the House has .not yet been acted on by the commmee on cities and towns nor the bill to suppress bucketshops. The House committee on water pow ers will confer with Professor E. H. McAllster. of the L"nlverslty of Oregon, tomorrow and Invites any person who has Ideas on conservation of energy in streams for light, heat and power to bring them forward. The committee is composed of KIHIngsworth. Colwell, Hermann, Richie and Smith of Jose phine. Hunters Will Be Licensed. SALEM. Or.. Jan. ZL (Special.)-The game committees of the two houses are laboring slowly with many bills and have yet made but little progress. Today the House committee delegated to Mulr, of Multnomah, and Chamberlain, of Uma tilla, the task of drafting a complete bill covering the whole ground. The committees have practically agreed to recommend an annual hunters license of 5L to prohibit sale of all kinds of game. to cut down the number of ducks allowed to each hunter to 25 a day or 50 a week. and of upland birds to perhaps ten a day. The matter of closed seasons is yet to be decided. TINKERING THE CHARTER MULTNOMAH DELEGATION AP PROVES SOME CHANGES. Penalty on Street and Sewer Assess ments Three Months Delinquent Strip of No Man's Land. SALEM. Or.. Jan. :4.SteciaL Sev eral amendments to the Portland charter were approved today by a special com mittee of the Multnomah delegation, and will be recommended' for passage to the delegation. The committee is composed of Representatives Mills and Mears and Senator Malarkey. The amendments In clude those recommended by the old charter board some time ago, and one to impose 15 per cent penalty on street and sewer assessments three months de linquent. This amendment comes from contractors who have been put to loss by negligence of property-owners in paying assessments. The only penalty now Is a- 6 per cent interest charge, which Is not a sufficient deterrent to delinquency. An amendment which has not yet been finally passed on is one to Include In municipal limits a narrow strip qf land between Portland and St. Johns This strip being without police authority of either municipality Is believed to be In need of annexation to one municipality or the other. Francis I. McXenna. of Portland, Is here advocating annexation of the strip to Portland. Amendments proposed by the Charter Board are to lessen the cost of adver tising street and sewer assessments, to enable the Council to grant rights to street-car companies for connecting tracks and short extensions without ap plication of the general franchise pro visions of the charter; to notify property- owners by postal card when the Council resolves on an improvement. The committee will recommend that the salary of the clerk of the Municipal Court be raised from $75 to $100 a month, and that all amendments be submitted to the people for ratification. Colweus bill for the special levy of 2 mills on tho entire city for bridges will be considered by the entire delegation. RAILROAD BILL WEDNESDAY. Made Special Order for Two O'clock in the Senate. SALEM. Or., Jan. 24. (Special.) "I re sent the assertion that my purpose is to kill this bllL No Senator has a right to stand here and question the motives of another Senator when he asks that a bill be referred to a committee to which it properly belongs." These were the words of Senator Hodson. of Multnomah County, this morning, when Senator Malarkey op posed his motion to refer Senate BUI No. GO to the railroad committee, of which Hodson is a member. The measure re ferred to is the railroad bill which occu pied the attention of the Senate committee on revision of laws until a late hour last night, and upon which that committee had been unable to agree. The purpose of the bill Is to limit the hours of labor of railroad employes. The committee reported the bill this morning without recommendation, and Chairman Malarkey announced that two of the members, Malarkey and CoBhow, were in favor of the passage of the bill, and two, Rand and Bowennan, against it. Sen ator Mays, who is the fifth member of the committee. Is absent. As soon as the report had been made, Malarkey asked that the bill be made a special order for 2 o'clock Wednesday. Hodson was at once on his feet. "Mr. President." he exclaimed. "I have always Insisted that bills should be re ferred to committees to which they prop erly belong. This bill affects railroads, and should have gone to the railroads committee. On the contrary, it was sent to the committee on revision of laws, and that committee Is unable to agree. I think this Senate Is entitled to a report one way or another on that bill, and I move that it be referred to the commit tee on railroads." "That is a move to kill the bill without its getting a hearing on its merits," as serted Malarkey. "This bill has been fully considered by the committee on re vision of laws. "We sat up unUl midnight last night listening to the arguments for and against the measure, and our report shows that we gave the matter due con sideration. I ask that this bill be made a special order, so that we may all know when it is to be acted upon, and It may then receive proper attention from the en tire Senate." The motion to refer to the railroad com mittee was defeated by a large majority, and the bill will be the subject of discus slon in the open Senate at 2 o'clock to morrow afternoon. IRRIGATION CODE. IS DIFFICULT Many Objections Filed to Measure Prepared by State Commission. SALEM, Or.. Jan. 24.-(Speclal.)-Tbe proposed new Irrigation code drafted by . . . t rvimTTilKBlon. Is riving the irrigation committee of the House a great deal or irouDie w- ? . ... . i oro in consideration neaaway naa u of the measure. The committee did practically nothing toaay ana .niwonnro nf J. T. Wh 18 tier ins w' , irrigation experts, and T. G. Halley, of the same town, secretary of the com mission. Henry Ankeny, a member of the commission, is nere. mi t.i..(inno t thA hill are numerous. One is that the measure confers on the State Engineer duties impossible of per formance and that it makes him a virtual dictator. Riparian owners and possessors of water rights, are raising strenuous1 pro- . .1 .I.m. mltilnff fntATQt flrA mm. lesia iuiu jjuuci ...... - plaining that the bill would paralyze their Industry, Complaints are directed against the pro vision that water rights not .already ap propriated by Individuals shall belong to . . . . . ..... t 1 .V.ll Wi. tne state ana mat luuumuan auau uo.g tne rigm 01 eminent huumuu m uic wu demnation of water rights. ADVANCE PRINTING OF BILLS. Measure Indefinitely Postponed In the House With Two Others. SALEM. Or., Jan. 24. (Special.) Three bills were indefinitely postponed In the House this morning as follows: To permit Legislators to have proposed bills printed by the state before the meet ing of the Legislature H. B. 3S, by Smith, of Josephine. To establish a Commission to promote uniformity of legislation in the United States on marriage, divorce. Insolvency, execution of wills and other matters H. B. 64, by Mulr, of Multnomah. To require the same qualifications of at torneys before probate courts as before the Supreme Court H. li. 100, by vawter, of Jackson. Smith made a fight against the indefi nite postponement of his bill, but Vawter and Mulr accepted the "verdict of the com mittees which had reported adversely on their measures. Smith argued that the publication of bills before the meeting of the Legislature would promote the gen eral enlightenment of the state on mat ters of legislation, save printing bills by reducing the number of measures on the same 'Subject and save bills from uncon stitutional defects in enacting clauses. He was opposed by LJnthicum. who talked even louder than Smith, and with quite as many gestures. Linthlcum de clared that the bill. If enacted, would cre- ate extravagance in printing unnecessary measures, would flood the Legislature with them and fall to bring out measures before the Legislature which the public wished to see most. Vawter. of Jackson, took the same view as did Unthlcum. adding that tho enactment of laws by the people under the initiative made Smith's bill unnecessary, because the peo ple have legislative powers outside the Legislature. The bills passed by the House to-day to prohibit the frightening of salmon from places where they are protected against fishermen by law alms to stop the prac tice of driving salmon of protected waters, as below fish ways and dams into nets and other gear. Cooper's bill, which passed the House today, to protect mill employes from dan gerous machinery, provides that mechan ical contrivances shall be installed by em ployers on all such machinery, that ex haust fans shall be provided for carrying off dangerous dust and that flywheels and elevators shall be enclosed so as to pre vent accident. SALE ON INSTALLMENTS. Joint Judiciary Committee' Will Re port Against Recording. SALEM, Or., Jan. 21. (Special.) By unanimous vote tonight the Joint juliclary committee decided to report ad versely the bills Introduced In the two houses of the Legislature requiring that conditional sale3 of personal property be recorded. The loud protest that has come from every section of the state and the showing that was made tonight be fore the committee, led to this conclu sion. Senator Malarkey, who introduced tha bill in the Senate, and who was a mem ber of the committee, readily acquiesced in tne decision after hearing the argu ments, against the bill. The absence of a general demand or necessity for a law such as that proposed Is the chief reason for the adverse report. That the bill has meritorious features was conceded. but it was apparent from the broad view of all phases of the measure, that It would do more harm than good. Extensive dealers In articles that are sold on the installment, presented figures ahowing that the percentage of loss by reason of sales to Innocent purchasers la Dut one-half of 1 per cent. Since this percentage of loss Is so small and the enactment of a law requiring that condi tional sales shall be recorded would al most prohibit the sale of personal pron- erty on the installment plan. It was de cided that the good to be accomplished wouja not compensate for the Injury that would oe sustained to mercantile Inter ests. A number of Portland men protested be- lore tne committee, including H. H. isortnrup. E. iL Brannick. Hennr Jen nlngs, William Gadsby and Frank F. .tTeeman. EDDY LAW A REVENUE MEASURE Bills to Amend May Be 8ent to That Committee at Salem. SALEM. Or.. Jan. 24. (Special.) The diiis to amend tne Eddy corporation tax law so as to exempt mining compa nies Drobablv will be rimnrtiri fa vnr. ably by the committees now having mem in cnarge. Tries e bills were re ferred to the mining committees, which are composed principally of men who are personally interested in mlnfner. If, however, movements now on foot snouia prevail, mining committees will not have the last saw on thn hlllst mn. tioned. The Eddy law originated in the committee on assessment and tax ation and Js a revenue measure. For mis reason. It- is Intended .that bills to amend that law should goJto the same committee. Effort will be made to have these diiis rererred to the committee on as sessment and taxation or to the com mittee on revision of laws. While these bills were Introducer! In tho in terest of mining companies, they relate not atone to mining but more to tax a tlOn. The bills OrODOSn to AT-emnr nn profitable minincr Pnrnnrntlnnn nnn nf them from both organization tax and annuat license ree and another from only tne annual license fee. VETERANS' BILL IN FAVOR. Amendment Adopted to Provide for Widows, Children or Parents. SALEM. Or.. Jan. 24. fKneriiVr Th. Indian War veterans' bill iras rAnnrto.4 favorably today, with an amendment wmcu meets tne ODjectlons which Were made to the mensure ns ni-to-ln- ally Introduced. The bill appropriates $45,000 with which to pay the remain der of the claims of veterans of the Indian Wars of 1655 and 1856. The amendment adopted provides that In case anr veteran has rMp.i inro v. i claim was allowed, the money shall be paia to nis wire, cniiaren, father or mother. In the order named. Tne amendment also provides that If there be no wife, children, father or mother, the money shall be paid to his estate. It is understood that this latter pro vision Is not entirely satisfactory for the reason that the appropriation Is considered a personal matter between the state and the veterann nn'.i thnt tVi money should not be nermitteri tn o-n to persons to whom the state la under no obligations whatever. The bill also carries an emergency clause, a fact that the friends of the om may nave cause to regret, for th Governor may veto It for that reason HUME MAY LOSE A MONOPOLY Fisheries Committees Seems Favor able to Repeal of Special Law. SALEM. Or.. Jan. 24. (SoeclaM Er Representative Hume's so-called salmon monopoly of the Rogue River was the suoject of a long debate before the House fisheries committee tonight. As several points of law have been raised, a report was ceierreu. it is new by some mem bers of the committee that the act which confers the exclusive fishing privilege on Hume Is unconstitutional. No matter what the majority report is. one mem ber declares he will present a report call ing for repeal. . J. Couch Flanders, of Portland, argued liume s side, and Representative 'Burn?, of Coos, not a member of the committee, told of the effect of the riparian rights law, by which Hume, owning the tide lands on either side of a navigable river. controls the salmon business to the ex clusion of others, and argued against the legality and equity of the law which con fers on .Hume his monopoly. The bill now before the House would repeal that law. It Is Introduced by Bums, of Coos and Curry, and a major ity of the committee seem to favor Its passage. Prospect of a favorable recom mendation Is considered good. Notice of Work on Mine Claim. SALEM. Or.. Jan. 24. (SpecIaL) The House committee on mining tonight decided to report favorably on the bill by Smith of Baker requiring that Im mediately after completing the annual work required by law, the owner of a claim must post notice of the character of the Improvements, and the time per formed, and file In the office of the Coun ty Clerk an affidavit showing these facts. which record shall be received In all courts as prima-facic evidence that the work has been performed. This bill also amends the present law as tn wrmlt ft malorltv of rl!rftrrj nf t mining coap&ny to reside outside of the I state, ' 1 TAX UPON LIVESTOC COUNTIES TO RECEIVE BENEFIT FROM PASTURAGE. Southern Oregon Measure Provides for Revenue to Be Obtained From Migratory Herds. SALEM, On, Jan. 54. (SpecIaL) That counties may tax livestock In proportion to the time It is pastured wltnln their limits is the object of a bill Introduced by Representative Dob bin, of Wallowa. The bill has been In Incubation since the session began and various members of the Eastern Ore gon delegation have turned their hand to it. Livestock shall be assessed at the usual time and taxes shall be collected In the usual way. When the animals are driven to another county taxes shall be collected on them by the Stock Inspector or Assessor of that: county for the time they are to spend In its limits. The proceeds shall go into a migratory stock fund. When the animals return to the original county the owner is to be compensated out of the migratory fund of his own county for the sum paid by him in the same fund of other counties. Among the faces seen In the lobby to day were those of George W. Hazen. F. S. Stanley. W. D. Fenton. L. R. Fields and W. W. Cotton, .of Portland, who are look ing after railroad legislation; J. M. Keene. of Medford; I. A. McNary, City Attorney, of Portland; William Hanley, of Burns; H. G. Van Dusen. Fish Warden; B. F. Jones, of Toledo, Lincoln County, ex-Representative; Henry E. McGinn, of Portland. ex-State Senator: T. C. Devlin, City Auditor, of Portland; W. C. Francis, of Portland: Richard Scott, of Mllwaukle; P. S. Noyer, of Grant County. One Senate bill passed the House today, to extend time for filing school district tax levies In Grant, Clatsop and Douglas counties from January 1 to February L F. X. Matthleu, sole survivor of the Champoeg Convention of May, 2, 1843, was honored by the House today by being invited within the bar. Kay, of Marion, who moved that the courtesies of the House be extended, was appointed by Speaker Mills to escort Mr. Matthleu. As the honored pioneer came Inside the mem bers rose from their seats. Speaker Mills was excused from duty this afternoon; and will not return to Sa lem until Wednesday evening. Business affairs have called him to Portland. When he left this afternoon he called Bailey to the chair. Smith, of Josephine, the pepperbox of the House, enlivened the afternoon ses sion by interpolating a concurrent reso lution calling for the appointment of a Joint committee from the House and Sen ate to investigate the reasons for the un usual number of railroad passes being distributed among the members of the House. The committee is to have power to summon witnesses and hear evidence. The resolution was referred to the reso lutions committee, of which Kay, of Ma rlon, is chairman. To prohibit fishing with a smaller hook than OO size in Columbia County Is the purpose of the House Bill of Mavger. passed this afternoon. Mayger states that its passage would protect trout and salmon. Cornett, of Linn, asked .that each member be furnished with a sample hook. Mears. of Multnomah, said that the bill would prevent much flyflahlng in loiumDia county, as large fish were com monly caught with small hooks. The bill passed the House with 40 ayes to 14 nays. Uniform eighth-grade examinations in the DUbllc schools nf the ntntn u the purpose of the bill introduced by Jdcieod of Union which passed the House this afternoon. The Superln tendent nf Public Instruction in tn nre pare the examination questions which are to be sent to the directors of the various districts. Teachers of Union County started the movement and prominent educators of the state took it up with the result that the vote In tne House was unanimous for the pass age of the bill. That no new bills shall he int duced In the House in the last ten llftVB f tllA Dnorfnn nrtA nn . l I 1 in the last five days except by consent Of tWO-thlrds Of the members -urns re solved by the House this morning. To ename tne uouse to take up Senate bills, the rules were amended so as to require tne speaKer to take up the next order of business after the one which was left the day before. Judgment debtors are now exempted from execution to the extent of $75 a month of their earnings, but a bill In troduced by Cornett makes liable to attachment, execution or garnishment, 10 per cent of the $75 that has hitherto been exempt. To provide a more efficient method for collecting poll taxes Burns of Coos has reintroduced a bill to require em ployes to furnish Assessors- with lists of persons in their employ who are liable to the tax, "and upon being re quired to do so, shall deduct said poll tax out of any wages due said employe, and shall on demand forthwith pay the same to the Assessor or Sheriff." A similar bill was introduced by Burns early In the session and was In definitely postponed. To transfer the balance of the swamp land fund, $4,893.33, to the general fund, and to appropriate $52,571.37 from the general fund for payment of war rants outstanding against the swamp land fund, Mayger of Columbia has introduced a bill In the House. The preamble cites that there Is no prospect that future sales of swamp land will bring In sufficient money to redeem the warrants. The warrants outstanding amount to $44,71G.64. A bill Introduced by Representative Stelner of Lake would make It unlawful for anyone except an owner to drive live stock from the county In which the ani mals were raised or kept for six months preceding to another county unless he has in his possession a bill of sale describing the stock in detail, or other evidence of ownership. Justice courts are given Jur isdiction. The fine named for violation is $15 to $150. That newspapers may thrive and the public be Informed, Representative Cor nett of Linn has introduced a bill provid ing for publication of assessment rolls and of general laws and resolutions of tho Legislature, APPROPRIATION DECIDED UPON Little Change in Administration De partment From Last Year. SALEM. Or.. Jan. 24. (Special.) The ways and means committees of the two houses In joint meeting tonight decided to bring in an appropriation bill for main tenance of the administrative executive. Judicial and educational departments of the state, carrying practically the same sums as two years ago. when the total amounted to $405,000. The State Treasurer will be allowed $750 more a year for cler ical assistance, and the Attorney-General an assistant at $1200 a year. Today the House committee recom mended an appropriation of $46,000 for the payment of claims of the Indian War Volunteers of 1E55-6, and of $7000 for buy ing housing and machinery for the plant at the University of Oregon for testing building materials. The committees have not yet passed on the Normal School appropriations,, nor on the $12,500 , asked for by the Oregon His torical Society. SLIGHT BAR TO MATRIMONY. Marriage License Fee Will Remain at Old Figures. SALEM, On. Jan. 24. (SpecIaL) The $5 marriage license fee oprapg up again In the House this morning as a subject o. debate. The House yesterday refused to pass a bill to raise the price from $3 to $3. Bright and early this morning Mears of Multnomah moved to recon sider. When the Speaker put the mo tion a loud "aye" emanated from the throats of the high-license gentlemen and an equally loud "no" from the contrary minded. Speaker Mills hesitated a mo ment and then announced: "The noes have It; the bill will not be reconsidered." Those who spoke for the $5 fee were Mears, Linthlcum and Hudson of Mult nomah, and those against, Kay of Marion, Smith of Josephine. Kuney of Sherman and Cornett of X.lnn. This disposes of the high license fee at this session. Mears said the bill, If passed, would make a total revenue of $20,000 a year. Linthlcum called the bill a good revenue measure and marriage licenses a legiti mate! source of revenue. He pointed out that the dog license was $3 and ' that bridegrooms out to be willing to pay $2 more for a wife than for a dog. Kay replied by declaring the charge would be burdensome and excessive. v Kuney remarked that it might keep some man with only $3 from getting mar ried, and, therefore, he didn't . favor Keeping him out of matrimony for $2. Comett remarked that if he had had to pay such a price for a license he would have had to borrow from the preacher. RIGHTS- OF THE RAILROADS. Discussion Held Before the House Committee on Mining. SALEM. Or.. Jan. 24. (Special.) whether the state should try to compel railroad corporations to sell their lands within ten years and forbid them to en gage In mining or reserve mining priv ileges when they sell their lands was the question before the House committee on mining tonight. Representative Smith, of Josephine, argued for his bills on these subjects, basing his contention largely upon the theory of the old common law of mortmain. The bills are aimed at the Southern Pacific In Josephine County. Smith contended that corporations should be permitted to own no lands ex cept those actually used for the purposes for which the Incorporation was organ ized. The lands are for the use of the people, he asserted, and corporations should not be permitted to withhold them. He opposed the practice of railroad com panies In selling lands with mineral res ervations. W. D. Fenton, attorney for the South ern Pacific Company, replied that corpor ations should be permitted to. own land and make contracts the same as individ uals, and If In the sale of- land It Is agreed between the company and the purchaser that the former shall retain title to any coal or Iron therein, such 'an agreement should be recognized by law as valid. The committee took no final action on the "bills. COUNTY OF LEWIS AND CLARK Northern Half of Grant and Portion of Baker to Be Included. SALEM, Or.. Jan. 24. (Special.) Tha creation of a iewis ana jiaric county is TiPTc- nrnnosal before the Legislature. The new county is to be the northern half of Grant, except a narrow strip aloag the eastern side, and make Jong reeK tne county seat. The Intention Is to eventually tnV in a atrin of Baker also. The House counties committee held a long session early this morning and heard t)u loot nt the witnesses In the Jefferson Cascade counties case. The leaders of The Dalles anti-Cascade delegation were Coua Tnritm a. T5 Take. Judsre G. C. Blakely and J. L. Kelly. A meeting will be held tomorrow morning and a report will prob nhlv he held later in the day. V rfoHsinn hjs vet been reached by the committee and the members aba split thus far. Apparently eacn county nas about an equal chance of creation, but no matter what the report there Is sure to be o mrm rietmta on the floor of the House. The Hot Lake County bill has not yet been considered. DEFINE BOX OF HOPS. Bill Prepared by Winstanley to Fix Weight at Fifty Pounds. SALEM. Or., Jan. 24. (SpecIaL) Manager- James Winstanley, of the Oregon Hopgrowers Association, nas prepared a bill for an act fixing the weight of a box of hops at-50 pounds. Mr. Winstanley says this will settle all disputes over hoppicklng by weight or measure, for if the weight of hops Is fixed by law, as Is the weight of a bushel of oats or wheat, every grower and picker, wlllkoow Just what con stitutes a box. v. . Two Favorable Reports. ratrat. fT-. Jan- 24. fSoecIal.) The Senate committee on assessment and tax ation will tomorrow report favorably on two bills. One Is Miller's bill repealing the laws for the maintenance of health nfrixora Aatnrla Tnnulnn Gardiner and Marshfleld. where the United States will establish quarantine stations. ine otner Is Booth's bill for the protection of hotel- keepers and against deaaneats. LAW FOR KILLING DEER. Meat Not Good After November, Says Eugene Sportsmen. EUGENE. Or., Jan. 24. (Special.) A copy of Senate Bill No. 29 has been re ceived by some of the local sportsmen. and they express their disapproval ot tne bill in very emphatic terms. The bill Is for an amendment to the present game law. so as to make the open season for killing deer extend to December l, instead of closing November 1, as at present. Hunters here all contend that during the month of November, more than any other time, deer hunting should be pro hlblted. because the rutting season is al ways about that time, and the deer are very easy prey and the meat Is not good If killed. Of course, those who know may kill deer In November and it may not be spoiled, because the rutting may be late or early In the month, according to the phases of the moon, but it is a certainty that at the time of the November full moon the deer need protection. Members from this county have been asked to use their Influence to defeat the bill mentioned or secure an amend ment to it. Old Soldier Dies of Exposure, OREGON CITY. Or., Jan. 24. Special.) John H. Taylor, an old soldier, aged about 70 years, died at the home of H. E. Cross at Gladstone last night. The de ceased was found seeking shelter under a tree during, a severe storm about two weeks azo. He was dangerously ill and was cared for at Mr. Cross residence un Ul his death. There were papers on the man showing that he was an old soldier who served In tne late war as corpora l. a sister in Pennsylvania has been notified, but no worn nas Deen received PIERCE'S PLEA VAIN Senate Defeats Bill for Pro tection of Employes AUTHOR EXPLAINS POSITION Corporations Carrying Insurance Against Loss by Injuries to Men in Their Pay Are Likely to Become Careless. SALEM, Jan. 24. (Special.) By a vote of 19 to 9, the Senate today defeated Sena tor Pierce's bill giving injured employes tne right to bring actions for damages against both the corporation responsible ror tne injury and an Insurance company Indemnifying the corporation against loss. This was a bill the passage of which wa3 urgently recommended by the Governor In nis biennial message to the Legislature. The bill was reported without recom mendation by the Judiciary committee, al- tnough a majority of the committee fa vored Its passage. Those wishing to make a favorable report were Senators Malar key, Brownell and Pierce, while Rand and Coke were opposed to It. When the bill was reported last week without rec ommendation It was announced how the Judiciary committee stood, and In order that tho question might be Investigated by the members of the Senate, It wa3 made a special order for this morning at 10 o'clock. An attempt Indefinitely to postpone the bill without taking a vote upon the final passage resulted in a misunderstanding which for a time threatened to sever the friendly relations which have existed be tween Senators Rand and Pierce. As soon as the bill had been read Senator Rand moved that further consideration be in definitely postponed. As the president Ttfas putting the motion. Pierce rose to his feet. but did not address the chair. The vote was taken and the result announced be fore Pierce secured recognition. Wnlte with rage, the Senator from Uma tilla and Union sank Into his chair, and when approached by friends refused to listen to their explanations. Finally Sen ator Rand went to the irate father of the bill that had been so summarily disposed of, and after a long conference. In which Pierce used language that was. forceful. If not elegant. It was arranged that the motion should be reconsidered. This was done without objection. Rand explaining1 that there had been no desire to shut oft debate. "For the first time during my servica as a member of this body' said Pierce, "my feelings have been hurt by the treat ment I have received, from other members of the Senate. However, the wrong has been righted, and we will let that pass. "I believe that thl3 measure Is a good one, and I am willing to have my position made known. It Is the practice of cor porations employing many men to tak Insurance against loss by reason of in juries suffered by their employes. Hav ing insured themselves, the employers arff in no danger of loss, and they becoma careless in the management of machin ery and In providing protection to work men. When an accident occurs the em ploying corporation Is often 'willing fo set tle with the Injured person by paying a reasonable amount of damages, but the insurance company employs attorneys by the year and always '"compels the cor poration to fight the damage suits In the courts. "The real party In Interest, and the. party that conducts the defense, Is tha insurance company, yet the injured man must sue the employer alone. Were it not for this practice of Insuring in this manner employers would be more careful and would settle with Injured persons". The passage of this bill would accom plish tha desired result because the In jured person could make the insurance company a party defendant. As it Is now, a poor man who is injured knows that he must go through the courts in order to get justice, and must flsht an insurance company at a disadvantage, and he fre quently abandons his- case rather than, take -the chances of such litigation." As soon as Pierce had finished, the mo tion to Indefinitely postpone was renewed, and without any further debate the mo tion was carried with the following vote: Aye Booth, Bowennan, Carter, Coke. Crol ean, Farrar, Haines, Hobson. Hodson, Hol man. Howe. Laycock, XoUghary, Nottingham. Rand. Slchel, Tuttle. "Wright. President Kuykendall 13. Noes Avery. Brownell, Coshow, Malarkey, McDonald. Miller, Pierce. Smith. "WhealSon 9. Old Man Hangs Himself. CHELAN, Wash.. Jan. 24. Peter John son was found hanging to the rafters In the barn on his ranch, 15 miles northwest of town yesterday. He was about 70 years of age, and left a wife and two sons. He came to Chelan three years ago'" from Preston, la. THE PILLS THAT WEAK WOMEN NEED For eight years," says liCrs. Mollis E. Millar, of Wilmington, Ohio, "I suffered from dizziness and palpitation of the heart, f was weak, nervous, down hearted and, could not steep. Every month I vras prostraled for a full weak. The approach of that time always filled mtwtth dread. Lastsprlng I was Induced to try the remedy that brought me the first relief. Weakness, melancholy and restlessness soon disappeared and I have been COMPLETELY OUflEDby Dr.Williams3 Pink Pills for Pale People P9ft SALE BY ALL DRVOtttSTS.