"VOL. XLIV. !NO. 13,769. OBEGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUAEY 25, 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS. GZ Ah S AC Reformers Will Create Government AND CALL ASSEMBLY Bombs the Weapons to Be Used in Revolt. WILL FORM REBEL ARMY Leaders Go Into Provinces to Recruit Patriots, SOME OF THEM ARE IN PRISON Government Strives to Kill Nucleus of Revolutionary Movement Mutinous Reservists to Join the Rebels. SPECIAL. CABLE. ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 24 (9:00 P. M.) Russian officials today stand aghast be fore the possibility of a provisional gov ernment being established toy a number of Liberals and moderate Socialists who, It Is stated, are men of wealth and posi tion. The authorities lost no time when this report became known In arresting M. Annesky, one of the few leaders of this latest movement whose names are known to the public, and It is stated that Maxim Gorky, the novelist, also identified with the political revolt, has received warning to withdraw from active partici pation If he values his liberty. Others are ulsd "stated t& have been taken into cus tody, but their names wllf not- be divulged at present by the omcials. Bombs the Next Thing. At this hour it would seem as though the government had succeeded In impress ing the strikers with the uselessness of mob resistance to the guns of the troops, The general opinion is, therefore, that clashes will become less frequent, and that those who consider violence the only lilting reply to the government's course will resort to bombs. One incident of this character, at least. has already occurred, but the attempt was frustrated. The crowds. It Is thought. may now scatter. Their places will then. according to the Socialist leaders, be taken by small groups of two or three. who will make their way to the govern ment buildings and palaces, and, by plac ing bombs, inflict more damage and loss of life than would be In the power of the full force of strikers. Form Provisional Government. But even this outlook does riot frighten Russian ofilclals so much as does the fear of establishment of a provisional govern racnt. It is argued that such a body could call a parliament and proclaim a const! tutlon, and, by gaining the confldonce of a large percentage of the population. maintain a semblance of authority, the stability pf which would bo dependent upon the moral support of the outside world. The Idea that the Russian govern ment could exert Its physical power to the xtent of placing under arrest or dispers ing by main force the members of such a parliament Is scouted by the political leaders of the movement. It is not ex actly clear upon what hopes or assur Hin-es they base this belief, but their con Jidenie wems to be sueh as to warrant Uv assumption that the agitation has already borne fruit In some hitherto un euHpectod quarters. Popular report has It that funds In plenty will be available within a short time and that much of the money Is to come through the agency of the so-called "Illegal Red Cross Society." which has Its working headquarters in Berne. Switzer land, and is said to have members among some of the highest and wealthiest fam ilies of Russia. Organizing Rebel Army. In connection with these facts may be recorded the rumor, though it Is entirely without corroboration so far, that the or ganization of a revolutionary army Is in progress and will soon become a fact. Xike most of these reports, the story cannot be traced to any particular source. The only substantiation so far obtained is to be sought In the mysterious activity through out the country districts of well-known student leaders and other agitators. Hun dreds of these men have been from their regular haunts for days. It Is barely pos sible their disappearance is due to their having been arrested by secret order. But their number is so great that in sonic in stances, at least, the public would have received an Inkling of their Implsonmcnt and It is therefore assumed that these men are at liberty and at work on some concerted plan. Leaders Arouse the Provinces. Until yesterday the general beHcf was that they had made their way Into tho provinces for the purpose of acquainting the peasantry with the happenings at St. Petersburg, Moscow, Sevastopol and other strike centers. Since the announcement of tho intention to establish a provisional government, however, the rumor Is heard on all sides that hese students and So cialist leaders are organizing an army, mainly In Russian Poland, which, is to serve as the material backbone of a popu lar parliament to come. The reservists. many of whom are already under arms, will. It is stated by those who place credence in the report, serve as the nu cleus of Russia's revolutionary army. Incidentally it is stated that plans have been formed for the smuggling of large quantities of arms and ammunition into Russia by way 'of the Prussian and Austrian frontiers, particularly the latter. These reports are recorded in this dispatch with all reservations. PROCLAIMS HOLY WAR. Gopon Absolves Soldiers From Oath of Allegiance, Destroying Discipline. ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. 25, 12:30 A. M. -A letter from Father George Gopon is in the hands of the Russian soldiers. It was smuggled Into tho camps and bar racks by emissaries, many of whom have already been arrested, but the damage has been done, and the words of the proc lamation are being repeated from moutn to mouth. "This Is a holy war," writes Father Go pon, "which is being fought in the cause of liberty and truth. I promise you, the soldiers of Russia, absolution from the sin of violating your oath of allegiance. It is your duty towards your brothers to join in this holy crusade. I bless you all who will take part In this war for trutn and liberty." This new development Is being viewed by the authorities with great consterna tion. The correspondent of the Publish ers' Press has been Informed by a high army officer that this letter Is the worst blow .which has been struck at the disci pline of the army since the outbreak of the insurrection, xie expressed the opin ion that It will be an extremely dangerous proceeding to ask soldiers who have read thft letter to shoot at the strikers. .Last night the name of Father Gopon was again on everybody's Hps, as it was on the day of the uprising. Another manifesto has been published signed by 250 literary men, lawyers and well-known reformers, all of whom enjoy the highest respect of the community. This " proclamation is addressed to the population of St Petersburg generally, and was distributed freely at all points. It recounts the events of the last few days, giving some details of a frightful character which have hitherto been un known. It continues: "The public should understand that the government is not protecting property or preserving order, but that It has declared war on the entire Russian people. "We summon all of the vital energies of so ciety to the assistance of the worklngmen who have begun the struggle for the com mon cause of the working people. lt shame overwhelm those who oppose the people and join In the ranks of the hang man." STRIKERS FORCE SUSPENSION They March Frem'Factory to Factory, Vhile Soldiers Patrol Moscow. MOSCOW, Jan. 4. Employes of the Bachrushln Mlchalloff, Binder and Schraeder factories have joined in the strike. The strikers here at noon today totaled 10.000. A body of strikers at noon today forced their way into, the works of the firm of Hopper and compelled 500 men to join the strike. Simultaneously factories and other works were closed throughout the district adjoining Dalntoff street. Small groups of workmen collected In the suburbs during the day, but the city and the Kremlin district are quiet Traf fic and business are proceeding as usual The employes of the Bari Boilerworks began work this morning, but the strik ers forced their way into the works and ordered the men to cease work. They im mediately complied. Infantry and cavalry are patrolling the city tonight Several groups of drunken demonstrators have been forcibly dls persed. A conference of employers met at the Bourse today, but achieved nothing, as the strikers have at no time formulated their demands. CANNOT QUENCH LIBERTY. Moscow Paper Openly Denounces the Massacre in St. Petersburg.' MOSCOW, Jan. 2i. The Liberal paper Rusky Viedomosti has created a. sensa tlon owing to Its common t on the official statomont of the St Petersburg shooting. The paper says: "This official report docs not come from the scene of war; the vlctlmsfchave not fallen on the battlefields of Manchuria, nor In a light with a foreign foe, but In a bloody conflict between troops and Rus sian burghers. Arms and slaughter may avail to put down a peaceful demonstra tlon, but force Is not powerful enough to quench the aspirations of the Russian heart ward off the consequences of Sun day's volley and prevent the movement for liberty and a justly organized govern ment from coming to a full fruition." FINNS WAVE RED FLAG. They Parade Streets of Capital and Smash Many Windows. HELSINGFORS, Finland, Jan 24. Thousands of workmen joined In a demonstration liere tonight Assem bling on the huge steps of the Xicolal Cathedral, they paraded the streets until midnight waving red flags. The windows of public houses, hotels and a number of newspaper offices were broken. The police interfered, arresting 30 of the workmen. REFORM MAYOR RE-ELECTED. Moscow Council Shows Sympathy With Revolutionary Movement. MOSCOW. - Jan. 24. The Municipal Council today, by a vote of 113 to 10, re elected Prince Galitlzln Mayor of Mos cow. The Prince is a prominent leader in the local reform -movement and resigned recently on the Issuance of the Govern ment declaration condemning the re formers' propaganda. , Deny That Sailors Mutinied. SEVASTOPOL. Jan. 24. The report that the fire at the arsenal on Monday was the outcome of a. mutinous outbreak of sailors and troops is wholly unfounded. Tho commandant of the port reiterates that nothing definite is known as to the origin cC the fire, SITE OF SIEGE Will Be- Proclaimed in Capital. FEAR RULES RUSSIA Trepoff Appointed Gov ernor of Great City. HAS POVER OF A DESPOT Reform Leaders Arrested and Thrown in Prison. GOPON FAVORS DYNAMITE PopVilar Chief Urges People to De stroy Government by Force, and Seize Arms and Provisions for the Purpose. (Special Cable.) ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 23. A. new grave dosser has ariaen In the Inter ruption of dlapntch of Hupplics to the front nm a result of the ntrlke. Un Ichm Home jne&ns enn be found to se cure the provisions and other muni tion (if irar -which, were to be started from St. Petersburg on January 30, General Kuropntkla's army may find Itself In a most serious predicament. ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 24. St Petersburg will be declared in a state of siege tomorrow. General Trepoff. until recently Chief of Police of Mos cow, has been appointed Governor General of St Petersburg, and has taken up quarters in the "Winter Pal ace. Strangely enough, the onlypre" cedeut is the case of General TrepofTa : father" during the reign of Nihilistic terrorism under Alexander II. and It is also a strange coincidence that un successful attempts were made on the lives of both. General Trepoff Is a man of great energy, but the measures ho adopted at' Moscow for the suppres sion of the student demonstrations in December last provoked much resent ment, and the revolutionists recently condemned him to death. The aspect of the Russian capital is decidedly more calm. Business, which had been at a complete standstill, has been resumed upon a limited scale. The employes In a few of the smaller fac tories went back to work today, and the crowds of strikers In the streets were diminished. The troops in evi dence were not so numerous as on Mon day, and a more confident feeling ex ists in official circles. The energetic measures which have been Inaugurated will insure the safety and quiet of the city. Secret Plotters at Work. Beneath the surface, however, the ferment continues, and the public nervousness and apprehension as to future developments is still unallayed. Secret meetings of different classes In opposition to the existing order of things were held In various places dur ing the afternoon and evening, but tho divergent elements which were sud denly brought together by the tragic events of last Sunday arc advancing on divergent planes, and no common ground of action has yet been found. In the meantime the police are ac tively searching out the leaders. Three well-known Russian authors were ar rested today, and prisons were filled with agitators, revolutionists and stu dent orators. Such measures may re sult In bomb-throwing and terrorise the people,but the concensus of opin ion is that the future action of agi tators will depend upon what occurs in Moscow and other large cities of Rus sia, Where the workmen are beginning to strike. Moscow the Storm Center. Over 100,000 men. are out in the old capital of the Empire tonight A tele phone message from Moscow to the Associated Press at midnight reported that there had been no disorder there as yet There will be a big demonstra tinn in Moscow tomorrow, and It is feared that It will be accompanied by bloodshed. The situation confronting the mllltary authorltles at Moscow Is much more seri ous than that In St Petersburg. Out of over one million Inhabitants of Moscow over two-thirds are workmen. Including an exceedingly rough and turbulent cle ment The troops are fewer, and the city does not lend itself, like St Petersburg, to natural barriers to prevent the congre gation of men- The center of the town has no bridges and no canals, and hills and narrow streets make it difficult for the troops to act Only the gates pierc ing the walls of the old Chinese town which surrounds the Kremlin would af ford the military natural places to bar demonstrators. At Kovno and "Vilna, where strikes also have been begun, the workmen are fol lowing St Petersburg's plan of marching about the city" and inducing or forcing other workmen to leave their employ ment The windows and doors of- practically every 6hop and residence In St Peters burg are boarded up( and at midnight thej streets, as on Monday night, are com pletely deserted except for troops. During the day there was a great crop of sensational rumors, including stories of strikers marching cn ITolplno to sieze tho small arms factory there, and of tho assassination of General Tulton, Prefect of St Petersburg, all of which on investi gation have turned out to be false. The Inhabitants have again been warned, to remain indoors. Father Gopon a Dynamiter. It Is not known definitely whether Father Gopon, the leader of ithe work men, is In Moscow or in St Petersburg. A -proclamation, said to emanate from MbtIri Gorky, Author and Leader la Buscisn SeTolatios. him, has been distributed. Indicating that he has gone over, body and soul, to the Social Democrats. The proclamation declares that . since the Emperor and the Emperor's Ministers have refused to listen to the people's grievances and fired upon them, the gov ernment has outlawed itself, and, that every man's hand should bo raised against it and calls upon the people to slay the outlaws and destroy the govern ment root and branch. It authorizes the (Concluded oa Page Four.) C02ITENTS OE TODAY'S PAPER The "Weather. "YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. M de crees: minimum. 43 degrees. Precipitation, ---) ox an lncn. TODAY'S Occasional rain. Southerly winds. The Outbreak In Rtufla. Strike spreads to Moscow and many other clues and, m,ore riots occur. Page J. Retrm leaders will t.tabllsi-.' provfoonat jcov- ram3t and Borsna &. rwUatnefc. Pap ij Open resistance- tu abandoned hi favor -.of oTBiraiie comas. M"age 1. I Reformer IirocUlm. xaelr progTaJirue. snd So- i .i.ifvo kmi pcu-ie in arras, j-ajje i. Finns riot Ia Helslngfors and wave the red nog. j-asaiir Father Gopon "lsus proclamation absolving soldiers from oatb of allegiance to the Car. Page' J. "The War In the rnr East. China's answer to Russian note received by Secretary Hay. Page 4. London Times correspondent says Stoessel's surrender was discreditable, fool and am munition being abundant. Page 4. Foreign. Meetings throughout Germany denounce coal mlneowners. but they refuse to yield to strikers. Paga '4. National. Efforts to revive candal about campaign funds proves failure. Page 3. Senate organizes as court for trial of Judge Swayne. Page 1. House discusses Increase of teachers' salaries In "Washington. Page 3. Northwest wins fight for appropriation for Cetllo and gets funds for Columbia River ietty asd.lower river. Page 1. Investigation of Senator Smoot nearly ended. Page 3. Charge against United States Judge La combo of Xcw York. Page 3. Domestic Peabody trustees give $1,000,000 to Nashville School for Teachers and have $1,200,000 mor for education. Page 5. Hoch. tho Chicago Bluebeard, had 13 wives, all of whom died suddenly. Page 4. Tucker convTcted of murder or ilUa Page, Page 4. Bllrrard brings the Middle "West coldest weather of the Winter. Page 5. Man confesses he shirked suicide with woman after watching ber die. Page 4. Politics. Elections of Senators In several states. Page -1. Nledrlngbaus loses more totes. Page 4. Northwest legislature. Two ballots, wttfi no result In election of Sen ator at Olymfafi Page 0. Proceeding? ofth'dregon Legislature. Tage 7. BUI for 37&.OO0pproirtatlon for 1905 awaits the signature' of Washington's Governor. Page C Pacific Coast, E. C Tldcorabe, formerly of Portland, kills his wife and hlnvelf in San Francisco. Page 6. C B. Wade, ex-cashier of Pendleton bank, arrested on forgery charge. Page C Sheepman wounded In defending range in Southern Oregon. Page 0. Sports. Manager McCreedte will soon announce line-up of local ball team. Page 11. Portland and Vicinity. Representatives of transcontinental lines ar riving to take part In conference on distri bution rates. Page 30. Taxpayers o" South Portland pes t solution In support of. House Bill 130. Page 9, Juror Phelps, who is missing. Is said to cave been dismissed -and sent home. Page 15. Jndge Sweek and J. M. Long express dfep chagrin at the mention of th-ilr names In connection with the stubborn Jurors In tt Sorenson bribery ease. Page 14. East Slders complain of Morrison-street hxldge and send resolution to the Executive Beard. Page 9. Electric road plinned to WashougaL Page 1 Commercial mad Marine. Big deal in Alaska salmon. Page 15. Subsidence of activity In stock market. Page 15." Wbeat tra&Ie restricted by Russian situation Page 15. . First. of new clip California, wool reaches San Francisco market. Page 15. French bark charttred for Portland loading- at lowest rate on record. -'Patge 14. Investigation of accident on steamer Olymp U. WILL DIG CANAL Battler" for the Open River Is Won. FUNDS ARE ASSURED Burton Yields to Weight of Argument. NO COMPROMISE MADE Bill Will Allow Expenditure of $250,000 This Year. AMPLE FUNDS FOR THE JETTY Determined Fight by Jones and Ful ton Won at Last Good Allow ance for Lower Columbia and Other Coast Projects. RIVER AND HARBOR FUNDS FOR OREGON. Appropriations which will be made by present Congress: The Dalles-Celllo Canal. 5250.000. Mouth of Columbia River. J 800.000. Columbia and Willamette.- Portland to the sea. $300,000 to $400,000. Smaller euros for projects on Oregon coast. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Jan. 24. The Government will bulla The Dalles-Celllo CanaL This- decision Was reached Jy the Rivera and Harbors Committee tonight alter sev eral houra spent In final consideration of the project. The Rivers and Harbors bill, which will probably be Teported to the House tomorrow, will appropriate 530,000 cash for Immediate use on the canal and will authorize the expenditure ot $200,000 additional, this money to be carried in the sundry civil bill; probably at the next ses sion. Today's action of the committee com mits the Government to the canal project and insures the ultimate construction of this waterway by the Government -at an aggregate cost of $3,500,000. The fight to secure adoption of this project Is one of the hardest that the friends of the Columbia River have ever been called upon to make. In some ways It was harder than that In behalf of the Xewis and Clark Exposition bill last ses sion, for on that measure the delegation had the active support of President Roose- celt. This fight was made without such aid. Result of Jones's Fight. Senator Fulton, Representative William son and Representative Jones have been working unitedly and unremittingly on be half of the Celilo Canal project ever since the Rivers and Harbors Committee com menced framing its bill. Representative Jones, by reason of his membership of the committee has been able to render and has rendered most valuable service. He was the only -man on the entire committee to stand up and Insist upon an appropria tion for this canal. Chairman Burton early announced his opposition and declared the project was too expensive and said there was grave doubt as to Its practicability. Other mem bers of the committee either lined up with Burton or kept hands off. But Jones was strongly backed up by Senator Fulton and Representative Williamson, both of whom have had repeated personal interviews with Burton, and who presented such a strong . ahowhjSjpf ,f acts as In the end shook oyen Burton!3 5oubt as to the jtj&c ticablllty Qt the canal. Only today, Just before the committee took final action, Senator Fulton had a half-hour conference with Burton, Jones being present. He insisted In the strong est terms that this project be adopted and that an appropriation be made to be gin work. He stated that the State of Oregon had already purchased the Tight of way for a Government canal, assuming that the Government would proceed in good faith and open the river; he told Bur ton that if the Government failed to un dertake the building of this canal it would be charged, and justly so, that Congress bad broken faith with the State of Or egon. Fulton Takes NoXompromise. Burton urged Fulton to accept a com promise and consent to have another ,ex aminatlon made to finally determine whether or not the canal Is advisable and whether commerce would justify so large an expenditure. Fulton would not com promise." Instead he presented to Burton an array of facts that left no question as to the feasibility of the project and which showed beyond any doubt that the bene fits that will accrue from the canal would easily Justify the expenditure of $3,800,000. He showed the-vast area of country which is dependent upon an open river la order that It may ship Its products to the sea board at reasonable rates He convinced Burton that, when the river Is opened, commerce will develop and tho farmers of Eastern Oregon, "Washington and Idaho away beyond what it will cost the Govern ment to build this canal. Fulton knew ha was making his last stand, and he took a firm position. He was backed up In every assertion by Jones, and when Fulton left and tho com mittee resumed Its session Jones again went over the entire ground and repeated to the committee all the arguments in be half of the canal project. He also laid before the committee written statements prepared, by Williamson showing the cry ing need of an open river, explaining the demand that Is being made for the con struction of the canal and pointing out how important Is this canal to the devel opment of the Inland empire. Burton at Last Gives in. Altogether, the showing made was so strong so unanswerable that Burton gave in and consented to the appropriations above named. The committee readily ac quiesced and 5250,000 is assured to 'begin work. While the amount Is not as large as at first hoped for, if Is $250,000 more than was really expected, in view of Bur ton's position. The fact that an appropri ation is made is most essential. If the amount actually carried Is comparatively unimportant, the canal will be built; that Is the main point. Ample for Jetty and Lower River. Another cause for congratulation is the fact that the committee did not sacrifice the appropriation for the mouth of the river In making the provision for the Cel ilo Canal. As agreed .upon tonight, the bill will carry "PQOiOOO cash for the mouth of the river, and will authorize the ex penditure of an additional $300,000, making $600,000 in alL In the opinion of the Chief of Engineers, who was before the com mittee today, this is all that can be ex pended on the jetty during next year, there being quite a. large unexpended bal ance still on hand, not to mention the large amount covered by existing con tracts. Between three and four hundred thousand dollars will be appropriated for the Willamette and Columbia River from Portland to the sea. While not all that was recommended by the engineers, It is liberal In proportion to most other appro priatlons. Smaller amounts will be carried for maintaining various minor propects along the Oregon coast and smaller pro jects In the interior of tjie state. There will be sufficient appropriations to dredge out the Puyallup waterway, in Tacoma Harbor, and smaller amounts for a num ber of minor Washington projects. New Survey of Seattle Canal. Because of tremendous pressure for the Lakes Union and Washington Canal at Seattle, the bill will authorize another survey to determine how its cost can be reduced and to determine whether or not a canal with one lock can be substituted for the two-locks canal provided for in tHe last survey. In view of the great opposition which he had to face. Representative Jones has acquitted himself well. This is the first time a river and harbcr bill has been re ported since he became a member of the river and harbor committee. There Is a prospect that the appropria tions for the Celilo Canal and for the mouth of the Columbia may be increased when the bill reaches the Senate. Just what increases can be secured It is Im possible to say. Especial effort will be made to get more money for the Celilo Canal, so that there need be no delay on that work when it once commences. Sen ator Fulton will interest himself in behalf of that project at the proper time, and has hopes of getting a material increase In this Item,, as for that for the mouth of the river. Other increases will be asked for. but these two will receive the most careful consideration. IS A SPLENDID VICTORY. Portland Business Men Are Gratified at Recognition of Celilo Canal. The news that the rivers and har bors bill would contain an appropria tion for The Dalles-Celllo Canal was telephoned to a number of Portland business men. Others were included in the list, but could not be reached. Those to whom the dispatch was read were highly pleased. Henry Hahn said The news from Washington, is pleasant surprise. I have always felt that with proper recognition the Gov ernment would do the proper thing. We, of course, knew that the appropria tlon was held back by reason of econ omy. What we most desired was that the canal should be put under a con tinulng contract, buCtne $50,000 ap proprlation at hlsytlme rSlLhe ni03t welcome." "I am extremely gratified," said R. J. Holmesr president of the Manufac turers" Association. "It 'will be a great thing for this country, especially Ore gon. It was a glorious victory that Oregon s delegation won for the canal, and Representative Jones should come In for a share of our thanks." J. W. Allen, President of the Board of Trade, said: "It is a splendid victory for Oregon. I think that Oregon owes a vote of thanks to Representatlv Jones, of Washington, and to our own delegation. Portland's commercial bodies are also to be. congratulated. It lsa splendid victory." ADDS 50,000 TO ITS CAPITAX Santa Fe Railroad Votes Stock and Bonds for New Lines. TOPEKA. Kan., Jan. 24. Practically no opposition was manifested at the meet ing of the stockholders of the Santa Fe today to the proposition to increase the common stock of the- company and issue $30,000,000 of convertible bonds. The only opposition was expressedVby the proxies of a small number of the holders ot stock. The common stock of the company Is thereby increased from $102,000,000 to $152, The money realized from the sale of the bonds will have to be used solely In build ing or acquiring actually new and add! tlonal mileage or property. Work on ex istlng lines is taken care of in a separate account. Southern Pacific Train Wrecked. OGDEN, Utah., Jan. 24. Southern Pa cific passenger No. 1, known a3 the Overland Limited, which left here at 3:55 P. JL yesterday, jumped the track at Kodak, four miles east of Lovelocks, New, about 5 o'clock this morning, and eight of the ten cars composing the train left the rails. Reports from the scene state that no one was seriously In jured, although a number were bruised badly. . There Is a cut at the point at which -the derailment occurred, and as the wrecked train Is in the cut, it will be necessary to build" a "shoo-fly" track beiora. trains -can b operated. TO THY SWAYNE Senate Organizes as High Court. SCENE IS IMPRESSIVE Chief Justice Administers Oath to Senators, SWAYNE TO APPEAR FRIDAY! Piatt of Connecticut Will Preside Trial Will Probably Continu Until Expiration of Pres ent Congress. WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. The Senate today took an Important step in the Im peachment trial of United States Judge Charles Swayne, of the Northern district of Florida. The organization for the trial was affected by the swearing of the Senators for that purpose; the managers of the House were received for the pur pose of formally presenting tho articles of Impeachment, and a resolution sum- monlng Judge Swayne to appear was adopted. Piatt of Connecticut was elect ed to preside at the trial sessions. Fur ther proceedings were postponed until Friday next, when Judge Swayne is ex pected to appear before the bar of the Senate. The ceremony was impressive and was witnessed by a full Senate and by well-filled galleries. Estimates as to the length of time that the trial will occupy vary from ten days to a month after It Is once begun. It 13 believed that when Judge Swayne appears next Friday he will ask a few days to make answer, and that when he does an swer a day or two more will be given for the presentation of the replication. A number ot witnesses will be heard and considerable time will be consumed by attorneys. It is therefore probable thaC a conclusion will not long precede the day of final adjournment in March. It is stated, however, to be the purpose of Sen ators to press the matter as rapidly as possible, and the present expectation Is that the dally sessions will be advanced an hour or two. A part of each day will be given to the trial when, the prelim inaries are disposed of. Judge Swayne is now In Wilmington, DeL, and. Sergeant-at-Arms Ramsdell, oC the Senate. left for that city tonight to serve the Senate's summons on him. Other proceedings of the Senate today consisted of a speech on the statehood bill by Mn McCumber and discussion of the-Bacon resolution of Inquiry concern ing the agreement between the United States and Santo Domingo. The resolu tion was referred to the Senate Commit tee on Foreign Relations. Notice Given of Impeachment. When the. managers on the part of tha House in the impeachment proceedings against Judgq Swayne made their ap pearance, of the seven managers only five appeared. Powers and Olmsted being absent. They were escorted to their seats by Sergeant-at-Arms Ramsdell, who then, ascended to the president pro tempore's stand, and Impressively and in stated terms demanded silence: saying: "Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye! All persona are commanded to keep silence on pain ot imprisonment, while the House of Repre sentatives Is exhibiting to the Senate of the United States articles ot impeachment against Charles Swayne, District Judge for the Northern District of Florida." Palmer was then recognized and read the articles of impeachment. Immediately afterward the House managers withdrew! and Fairbanks presented a resolution pro viding for the appointment ot a commit tee of two Senators to wait on the Chief. Justice and ask him to appear in the Sen ate chamber at 2 P. M. to administer tha necessary oaths to Senators and members of the Impeachment court. The resolution v was agreed to, and Fairbanks and Bacoot were appointed to perform that duty. President pro tern. Frye announced his, decision not to preside during the impeach ment proceedings. He said that he had" not entirely recovered his strength since. his recent illness and feared it would nog be sufficient for that duty and for his work as presiding officer in legislative session. Piatt of Connecticut was selected to pre side over the impeachment court. A resolution by Allison authorizing tha payment of the expenses of the trial from the contingent fund of the Senate was ac cepted. Impeachment Court Organized. At the instance of Piatt (Conn.) a roll call was ordered a few minutes before 3 o'clock in order to insure a full attendance at the time of the administration of tha oath. Seventy-two Senators responded to their names and the last name In the list had scarcely been announced when Chief Justice Fuller appeared at the door of the Senate chamber, flanked on the one side: bv Fairbanks and on the other by Bacon, He was clad In the full robes of his office The entire Senate had risen when the Chief Justice was announced and remained t standing until he was seated on the left of President pro tern. Frye. He proceeded immediately to administer the oath to the president pro tem. and then to Piatt as the presiding officer for the trial. After he had been sworn in the roll was called and Senators appeared In groups of ten be fore the bar to take the oath, which was administered by the Chief Justice. The Chief Justice retired at the conclusion, of the ceremony and Piatt succeeded Frye as presiding officer. Resolutions directing that the House be notified of the organiza tion as a court and that a summons for Judge Swayne be Issued, returnable Fri day next at 1 P- M., were passed. '"-Philippine Railroad Bill Passed. The Senatorial court then adjourned un til that time and the Senate proceeded with the legislative business. The entire ceremony consumed only a little more than 30 minutes. McCumber spoke in support of h!3 amendment to the statehood bill provldlng for the admission ot each of the four Ter ritories as a State. The conference report on the Philippine Railroad bill was agreed to without dis cussion. Proctor, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported the army appro priation bill. A resolution introduced by Gallingef, calling upon the Commissioners of the Dls- viCohcIudeC. ,oa Paga. Pive.Jj