Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 24, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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Chief of Police Issues Order to
Municipal Judge Hogue's Discovery
of Forgotten Law Results in
an Ultimatum to Certain
North-End Proprietors.
THE ULTIMATUM. Chief of Police
Hunt last right sent forth an order pro
hibiting -women from- selling drinks In
ealoons, or being in any room connected
with drinking establishments.
trict along Burnslde street and north;
cast of the west line of Third street.
In this are Included many saloons where
women are employed, and where the
selling of drinks by barmaids has been
the custom eince Portland was a border
town. It Is presumed the order will be
extended to cover the entire city.
HOW IT STARTED. Municipal Judge
Hoguc discovered that In eetlon 'JO of
ordinance 14.049 there is a clause that
prohibits women from celling drinks or
being in barrooms, and also prohibiting
performances or concerts where drinks
are sold. He strongly recommended
that the ordinance be enforced.
Fr"j police headquarters last night
wcr -J5ne order dreaded by keepers of
" yiblnatlon" saloons since the dls
cc'ery by Municipal Judge Hogue and
Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald of a
section of a city ordinance that pro
vides for the elimination of women
from drinking establishments, or rooms
connected therewith. Chief of Police
Hunt sent forth the ultimatum to
places In the territory east of the west
line of Third street and along Burn
side street east of Third, that no more
barmaids will be tolerated.
Although not officially given, it Is
understood that keepers of similar sa
loons outside of the district named
may as well prepare to part with the
women who have been engaged in sell
ing drinks on commissions since Port
land was a "Wild "West" town.
Unless some flaw is found In the or
dinance, officials thinks Portland will
soon witness the abolition of what is
regarded by the authorities as a very
insidious evil, and it is said that later
the police will also close all so-called
"shows" where drinks are sold. The
same ordinance section provides for
this, and it is said It is the intention
of the authorities to enforce that por
tion, as well as the part dealing strictly
with women selling drinks.
"Why only that portion of tbe city
named above was specified In the order
of Chief of Police Hunt last night is
not known. It is regarded as quite
certain, however, that If proprietors of
saloons elsewhere do not take warning
and voluntarily discharge women en
gaged in the business of selling drinks,
the police will see to it that they do
so. There is also a strong rumor, veri
fied in part by a police official, to the
effect that may be revoked In
any of the .places that persist In em
ploying barmaids.
No Raids Are Ordered.
No raids were ordered last night.
Chief Hunt's instructions were for the
patrolmen to notify keepers of so
called "combination" saloons of the recently-discovered
ordinance, and to
warn them of arrest In case of viola
tion. It is regarded as sufficient no
tice, and raids may be looked for, it is
said, on establishments the proprietors
of which do not comply with the law.
Establishments hardest hit by the
order of Chief of Police Hunt are those
operated by Blazler Bros., on Burn-
side street; Fred Fritz, Second
nnd Burnslde, and August Erlckson,
whose saloon and concert hall occupies
the building from Second and Burnslde
to Third street. In these places night
ly performances have long been given.
women taking leading .parts. Accord
ing to the new ordinance, not only will
the women have to quit the premises,
but the performances will also have to
be cut out. if the strict letter of the
Jaw Is observed.
Opinions differ as to what action
proprietors will take. It is the gen
eral belief that the end of dance halls
and of women selling drinks has come
In Portland. Indeed, officials state,
there can be no alternative for the
owners of "combination" houses but to
discharge the women and run on a
different basis. Some think, however,
that fight will be made to test the val
idity of the clause under which the ac
tion of the police is based, as It Is the
belief of a few that perhaps at some
time that section was repealed, and got
into the new ordinance book by mis
take. Thl3 appears to be only a faint
hope of those interested, for officials
who are familiar with the history of
the city's laws, say it has never been
Ordinance Accidentally Found.
Section 29, of ordinance 14.049, un
der which the action of last night was
taken, was -accidentally discovered by
Municipal Judge Hogue two weeks ago.
He was looking over the law carefully
to ascertain the limit he could give Jed
Hart, proprietor of the notorious Green
Front saloon, at the time charged with
vagrancy. When he read the entire
section, he called the attention of Dep
uty City Attorney Fitzgerald to the
clause, and after a short consultation
they decided it was possible under the
section to abolish the custom of selling
of drinks by women and to close per
formances connected with saloons.
The discovery of the law was pub
lished, ard created a sensation among
those directly Interested. To those
who had long desired reform of this
kind. It was a glad surprise. Judge
Hogue said he regarded It as the most
important thing required at this time
to purge the city of a bad stain. He
has no doubt of the validity of the
ordinance, and states his belief that
when in operation throughout the city
It will have a magnificent moral effect.
When the police make the order ap
plicable to all portions of the city,
other largo places, further uptown, will
be included. The Orphcum. Fourth and
Stark, and the Maze. Third between
Yamhill and Taylor, will be affected.
There are a large number of smaller
which may be affected by the passage
of the various corporation tax bills
It lias been understood that the
joint committees from the House and
Senate will meet in a short time to
consider the corporation tax measures
which have been placed before the
Legislature and it Is to keep in touch
with these that the meeting was
called. It is the desire of the miners of
the state to be able to get one good
and comprehensive law out of the sev
eral bills introduced, and they wish
to have a representative or represen
tatives before the committee when the
bills arc being considered, so that the
miners' side of the question may be
It was decided at the meeting of last
night that, if the occasion would war
rant, a committee from the association
would be sent to Salem when the bills
came up for discussion before the committee
The Story of Chief Campbell
and the Man Who "Wanted to
"Klgh tu de Fire."
I exhibited considerable prowess as 'a
raconteur of talcs at the City Hall yester
day. This one Is on himself:
A son of sunny Italy called at the de
partment headquarters some time ago,
and seeing the captain, said:
"I lika see Dava dc CambV
"Dava de Cam'b. Christopher Colom
bo. Dava de Cam'b. Chief of de Fire."
"Oh, Chief Campbell. He is home sick."
The Captain gave the Italian Chief
Campbcll'a address. The Chief, by the
way, was reclining on a couch at home
suffering dolorously from an attack of la
grippe. Whllo thus occupied the doorbell
rang and Mrs. Campbell went to answer.
"Well?" said Mrs. Campbell, on perceiv
ing the Italian.
"Dava de Cam'b in?"
"Dava de Cam'b'. You no know Dava
de Cam'b. Chief of de Fire?"
"Oh," exclaimed Mrs. Campbell, and re
turning to the room where Chief Camp
bell was writhing with pain, said:
"Mr. Campbell, there Is a gentleman to
eee you."
"Dave" arose and meandered, to the
door and discovered that the Italian was
one, "Harry" by name, who had been
pestering the life out of Mayor Williams
for a position.
"Hello, Harry," said the Chief gra
ciously. "Hello, Dava dc Cam'b'. Whas mattah?
You maka de seek?"
"What do you want, Harry?"
"I gota de let' froma Goorga de Will'."
"You no know Gcorga de Will', de
"Oh, yes: you want a job, eh?"
"Yes. datta right: I wanta de Job."
"Well, Harry, you go up to the Civil
Service and get an application blank."
"Clvltl serv'? Dava de Cam'b. whas
a datr
"Civil Service Commission. You get an
application blank and tell them all you
know abo,ut the hose, engines and coup
lings and then come and tell me. You
get a blank and fill it out"
"Me fllla de blank out? Say. Dava de
Cam'b. I no de lawyer. Ef 1 be de law
yer, I no wanta worka de fire."
"Well, you go up there and take the ex
amination and if you pass we will give
you a Job."
"Say. 1 no wanta be de Chief of de
Fire. Clvltl serv'. Before de 'lecshon,
dey coma to me an' say: 'Harry, you
gooda de boy, ah' pat me on de back.
Now, clvltl serv. I no wanta to be de
Chief of the Fire. I wanta go up on the
roof and choppa de thing an eata de
smoke. Data de kind of clvltl serv.
And Harry walked away highly indig
nant at the service ho suffered in "the
hands of Dava the Cam'b'.
"But that can't hold a candle to the
one Judge Williams tells on himself," said
the Chief, with a broad smile.
"There used to be a fellow named Burns
who called on Mayor Williams every day
looking for a job. The Mayor couldn't
do anything for him. and Burns became
a regular nuisance. -One day he dme in
the office and with a brogue peculiarly
his own said:
" 'Your Honor, for thorty years Ol hove
been a Dlmecrat and whin they put
G'orge H. Williams oop fer Mayor I be
came a Repoobllcan.'
" 'So?' said Mayor Williams, musingly,
and looking askance at Burns. The lat
ter felt that he was not making an Im
pression, and hastened to say, patting the
Mayor on the shoulder In a friendly way:
" 'And be Jabbers, Misther Williams,
whin you die you'll hove the biggest fu
neral ave any mon In Oregon.
"The Mayor said afterward that he
guessed he would have to die soon and
find out how popular he was."
City Officials Are
Anonymous Letter Says "Ilel
rstat" Men Are Trying to De
fraud City.
yr DIABOLICAL plot to defraud the
" city has been unearthed. Yester
day Auditor Thomas C. Devlin received
an anonymous letter addressed to the
Park Board, which Is as follows:
Portland, Or..
Honcbele Jan. 1903.
Gentlemen: Wee have notesd that some
Kelestat man thrugh some Pursone are
workeng a schem out here. Ther lnte&nson
is to work you for to spane money on what
the call Columbia park. Wee dont believe
Its to any use out here. It would be money
trowed away In thes lokason. these park Is
good enough now for thes lokalety out hcer.
Thes Relestate schemers are tryieng to work
you look out Respactfully
The missive If a masterpiece of rheto
ric and . may possibly be taken seriously
at the next meeting of the Park Board.
It Is of such an emphatic tenor and so
delightfully conceived that before many
moons a great corps of clever sleuths
t may be employed to seek out the
"Relestat men who are tryieng to work
I the City to snane money on what the
i call Columbia Park."
Committee May Be Sent to Salem to
Look After Their Interests.
A meeting of the executive commit
tee of the Oregon Miners Association
was held last night upon the call of
President W. D. B. Dodson in the office
of Philip S. Bates. In the Oregonlan
The meeting was called in order to
discuss the advisability of sending a
committee of minors to the Legisla
ture to look .after ihe mining interests
New Ladies' Suits Covert Jackets.
We have got them; today we will show
a fine lot of new advance Spring style
suits. You don't need to buy out-of-date
garments. Wc manufacture all our gar
ments right here In Portland. These new
styles arc grand. The goods Is all shrunk,
won't spot. An olcgant line of covert jack
ets, new styles. You will know our gar
ments arc advance styles as soon as you
see them. There is not today a new ad
vance style ladies' tailor suit In Portland
ntitsM of mir etfirp. ftthr Via t .
i and get them from the East.
iau arouna. jsce mese new. stylish
garments. Easy payments. If you like $1
per week.
I Fifth and AIW st-
Principal Poril4 Agamis for Batterick Patterns u4 Pilicatks Fk. DtliMtior 1 5c
1 If Baby Is Cutting Teeth,
j Be cure and use that old and well-tried remedy.
I Mrs. Wisslowa SooUusg Syrup, for children
1 teethlnr. It soothes the child, -softens the gums.
allays ail pain, cure wind colic and diarrhoea.
Keep the liver and kidneys In order.
I ulate theco organs. I
The Meier Frank Store
Annual Clearance Sale; Every Article Reduced
Fifth week of the great preinventory Clearance Sale fmds the Mekr &. Frahk Store distrib
uting more and better bargains than ever before In every department money-saving op
portunities are presented by the thousands Get your share before k is too late
Women's "Cravenettes" at Half Price
it HIH W
Portland's Largest and Best Store
Lively times in Portland's leading cloak store all day yester
dayThe great half-price sale of our entire stock of wom
en's Raincoats brought out an enthusiastic throng of buyers
and judging by the returns everyone mast have bought
Half-price offerings are rare at this store, merchandise being
marked at too reasonable a margin of profit to permit it,
but when we do say "half-price" on any particular line,
Portland women turn out enmasse Today's offering in
cludes every Cravenette in our immense stock, the only
j: i - Ij vt r i i . t
complete qispiay m me cny wswesi materials, cesi siyies,
olives, oxfords, tans and mixtures, belt backs, or belt all
around, braid, button, velvet and leather-trimmed effects,
shirred, plaited and yoke styles, all sizes, three times the va-
riety of any store in
town The values range
from $12.50 to $50.00
Half Price
Curtains, Upholstery Goods
Rope Portieres, all colors, suitable for doors up to seven feet
wide, desirable styles
$6.00 values $4.35 $3.50 values $2.15 $2.00 values $1.27
50-incli Ramie, suitable for furniture covering and cush-
ions, five colors, great special value, yard .JswC
50-inch Cotton Tapestry, six colorings, regular 75c grade, .fY-
on sale at the low price of, yard . .OUC
Figured, and plain Cotton and Jute Reps, two-tone effects, 50
inches wide, all colors, makes the best kind of plain f?flr
portieres, $1.00 quality, for, yard OC
Best $L25 quality on sale for, yard 98
50-inch Cotton Tapestry, very heavy,, best wearing material for
furniture covering; five colors; small floral ASK
designs; $2.00 value V t0
15 patterns of White Nottingham Lace Curtains, figured all over,
54-in. wide, 'Sy2 yds. long, $2.25 quality, pair $1.65
Five patterns Scotch Lace Curtains, Arabian color, lead glass cen
ter effects, 50 in. wide, 3Y yards long, $3 value, pair. . .$2.35
All Brass and Iron Beds at Clearance Prices.
Custom Shade and Drapery work our specialty. All work
promptly executed at Uvw prices.
Sole Portland Agents for Ostermoor Mattresses.
Petticoat Bargains
Sateen and cotton-finished Mo
reen Petticoats, black and black
and white stripes, $1.50 values,
well made, stylish skirt... 92
Good quality Alpaca Underskirt,
flounce, ruffle and stitched
bands, tan, brown, grays and
black, $5.50-$6 values. .$4.45
Black and "White Checked Alpaca
Underskirts, deep circle
flounce, great value at. $4.95
Dressing Sacques in Eiderdown,
.Outing Flannel and Flanelette;
plain or figured; red, grays, blue
and pink; this season's best
$1.35, $1.50 Values 89c Ea.
Women's Flannelette and Lawn
Wrappers and Matinee Dresses,
also long Kiomnas, light and
dark materials, $l.o0
to $2.75 values
All Silk: and "Wool Waists at Clearance
All Silk PetUcoats at Clearance prices.
Sale of Kitchen Goods Basement
Gray Granlteware Sauce Pans
2-qt. size for. ...32c 3-qt. size for. ...40c
4-qt. dlze for. ...4Sc 5-qt. size for.... 52c
6-qL size for.... Sec 8-cjt. size for.. ..72c
Up Sauce Pans or Kettles
Z-quart for 19c 3-quart for 20c
4- quart for 24c 5-quart for 32c
4 -quart Rice Boilers reduced to 52c
1 - quart Rice Boilers reduced to eoc
-quart Rice Boilers reduced to 68c
2- quart Rice Boilers reduced to 72c
3- quart Rice Boilers reduced to 82c
1- qt. Granite Teapot at low price of.. .34c
li4-qt- Granite Teapot at low price of . .2Sc
2-qt. Granite Teapot at low price ot 32c
2?5-qt. Granite Teapot at low price of.40c
6-qU Teakettles. 72c S-qt Teakettles. SOc
5- ln., 9-In., 10-ln. glazed Jardiniere
marked at 91.5, 92J&. 2.90
Nickel-plated Tumbler and Tooth Brush
Holder 40c
Nickel-plated Soap Dish for bathroom. 40c
Robe Hooks, In sets of 3 48c
Metal Towel Kings, each 8c
18-Inch Nickel Towel Bars 8Sc
Metal Towel Racks, nickel-plated, great
value 12c
Toilet Paper Holders 4c
All Cutlery at Clearance prices. "
25c .Scrub Brushes for 20c
43c Washboards for .....32c
20c Japanese Teapots for 18c
10c Wire Potato Mashers, each.. 8c
6c Wire Potato Masher 4c
15c Egg Beaters for 12c
Egg Whips, each 2c
Chopping Bowls, each..... 24c
Chopping Bowls, each J5c
50c Tin Dlsnpans 40c
40c Tin Dlshpans 32c
25c Flour Sifters 20c
51.50 copper rim Wash Boilers. 51.20
51.10 copper bottom Wash Boil
ers v SSc
"Peninsular Steel Ranges at
Clearance Prices.
Bowl Strainer, each 6c
25c Kxtcnslon Strainers..... 20c
Spout Tea Strainers, each 4c
Cake Turners, each............. 8c
Wire Porks, each . 4c
Can Openers, each 8c
Match Holders, each 4c
Corn Poppers, each lOc
Stovelld Lifters, each ...3e,Sc
Stove Pokers, each 8c
Mincing Knives, each...;... 8c, 12c
Clothes Hooks, dozen 12c
51 Wooden Wash Tubs, each... 80c
80c Wooden Wash Tubs. each... 84c
90c Galvanized Wash Tubs 72c
10x14 Drip Pans, each 115c
Cast Iron Skillet 40c
90c Waffle Irons, each 72c
Hammers .-...8c, 16c, 14c
2Qc Frying Pans 18c
J-quart Coffee Pots 28c
Hi-quart Coffee Pots 40c
2-quart Coffee Pots 44c
12-quart Water Pails.. 72c
Mr. Pott's Sad Irons, set $1.00
5-hole Mouse Trap Se
35c Monkey Wrench 2Sc
Wire Toasters, each 15c
Large Tin Water Palls, each. ...20c
Mopstlcks. each ....12c
Silwerware. Cut Gloss, Cutrcry, at
Clearance Prices.
Laces and
Fine embroidered Mull and Linen
Bands for Shirtwaists, beautiful styles,
5 to 9 inches wide pleasing variety
Values up to $2.75 for 98c Yd.
Values up to $4.50 Yard for
$1.98 Yard
Spangled and Crepe de Chine Robes,
black, white and colored, magnifi
cent styles, values up cm nr
to 5125 . $50.00
535.00 Spangled Robes and Lace Robes
in pretty styles, values extraordi
nary for the low price $20j00
Flowered Chiffons, values hq
up to 51.75 yard D7C
Swiss. Nainsook and Cambric Embroi
deries, 3 to 12 inches wide, large va
riety of dainty designs, values jrr
up to 65c yard for, yard 5JC
"1905" Foulards
Cheney Bros. Foulard Silks. 1905
styles, in dots and figures, newest col
orings, a superb display and every
yard marked at Clearance Sale prices.
Opportunity to buy your Summer
Dress Silks at a big bargain
70c Yard. 80c Yard $1.00 Yard
Our entire stock of black and fancy
Silks and Velvets marked at low
Clearance Sale prices.
Dress Trimmings at Clearance Sale
Ribbons, Notions, Linings at Clear
ance prices.
Portland Agents for "Ostermoor Elastic Felt Mattresses
Willamette" Sewing Machines at Clearance Prices
Specials in Men's Furnishing
Uneaiialed Furnishing-Goods specials for thrifty buyers
Our entire stock is reduced to phenomenally low Clear
ance Sale Prices Economical men should take advantage
Men's 50c Lisle Hose in the very best
patterns and colorings, all sizes,
wonderful value at, pair.... 25
Men's Silk Ascots in stripes and fig
ures, large variety, 50c val. . .19
Men's $1.00 Flannelette Night Shirts,
in the best styles and designs, all
sizes, at the low price of 69$
Men's and Boys' Golf Shirts, two col
lars to match, desirable patterns,
at the low price of 39
Men's heavy ribbed Sweaters, in
blue and maroon, great special
value at 35
Men's derby ribbed Underwear, in
blue or'browrij all sizes, shirts and
drawers 35
Men's extra quality gray cotton
Hose, best 25c values, for 17 $
Men's $1.00 Golf Shirts, each. . .63$
Sale Table Linens
Hemstitched Satin Damask Tray
cloths 35c values 28$ 50c values 37$
60c values 42 Toe values 55
Hemstitched Satin Damask Tea
cloths in handsome designs and
fine quality
$2 values $1.72 $3.50 values $2.60
$3 values $2.20 $4.50 values $3.70
Half-Bleach Satin Damask Table
Linens at extremely low prices
this week. Best patterns
$1.00 grade 88
$1.25 grade :.S1.04
$1.50 grade $1.23
"Mail orders filled.
Full size Fringed Bedspreads, fine
patterns, reg. $2.00, ea..$1.34
Satin Marseilles Bedspreads, very
large, handsome de- O
signs, $3.25 grade.. V0
Our $6.50 grade of fine Satin Mar
seilles Bedspreads, magnificent
quality and patterns... 5. 20
$7.50 Marseilles Bed- r Qt
spreads on sale for.
The Meier & Frank Store
Artistic Picture Framing One-Fourth Off Regular Price
Peninsular Stoves, Willamette Sewing Machines R.edced
Trunks and Traveling Bags at Clearance Prices 3d Floor
New Spring Headgear Is Arriving
We have just opened our
second big express shipment
of new Sprkig Hats Wo
men contemplating a trip to
Southern California will
fini here the latest fashions
suitable for wear in a warm-
er climate Many of the
fancy braid and chiffon crea
tions are desirable for Port
land wear Included will ke
found the new "Charlotte
Corday" bats in silk chif-
fons, m alines and fancy
braids, all leading shades,
strikingly pretty effects for
street and dress wear Prices range from $3.95 to $3.50
New Sailor Caps, for boys m navy blue, red, brown and
white serge, 50c to $2.00 each SDk Tourist Hats for
women and misses, white amA colors, all sizes, 75c
Children's Bonnets at low clearance prices.
New Covert Jackets $18 and $20
Two more great lots of Women's
Tan Covert Jackets came by ex
press yesterday Natty styles and
exceptional values at $18 and $20
each We are also showing an un
usually large variety of 24-in., 25
in., 26-in., 27-in. Tan Coverts at
$22.50, $24, $26 and $28 each;
handsome, serviceable garments
for spring wear; tight-fitting,
collorless or with collar; rich.
plain effects; cloth-strapped or fan
cy-stitched; velvet and braid-
m iw i
trimmed novelties.
Our entire stock of Suits, Coats, Skirts, Costumes and
and Wraps is being offered at remarkably low clearance
sale prices children's garments at low prices.
Clearance Sale Bargains in Domestics
4000 yards of 36-inch Lonsdale Long Cloth, marvelous q
Clearance value at, yard
50 dozen good, heavy Cotton Pillow Cases, size 42x36 9
inches, wonderful value at, each .. C
3000 yards of Dress Ginghams, immense assortment of q
patterns, 12c quality, for, yard C
45c-50c light and medium weight fancy White "Waist- c
ings in a big variety of patterns, great value, yard .WC
2000 yards of superior quality Sheeting, 72-inch, yard. 18
Advance Spring styles of "Wash Materials at Clearance Prices.
New Homespun Silks, Dotted Silk Organdies, Flowered" Chiffon
Organdies, Silk Stripe Voiles, Silk Dot Crepes, etc.
A Great Clearance Sale of Gloves
Extremely low prices for the best Perrins' real French Kid
Gloves Our entire stock of Golf Gloves and Mittens at
Clearance Sale Prices
Women's Wool Mittens, pair.
Perrins" real French Kid Gloves. 2
clasp, fancy embroidered backs .
black, white and. all the leading1
shades, sizes 5 to 7; best
$1.50 values, on sale, pair. . .p 1
Perrins' "Lamure," 3-clasp real French
Kid Gloves, black, white and all the
leading- shades, all sizes, ci
regular $1.75 values, for. ..."I.ry
Perrins best K. P. medium-weight
Walking Gloves, heavy embroidered
backs, P. K. seams, black, wnlte and
all the best colorj; all sizes, I en
$2.00 valued for - ImDf
Perrins extra Quality Gloves. 3-clasp,
overseam. silk embroidered backs, J
oil nlnw host to ualnpI - I
are on sale for, pair...
Women's and Children's Wool Golf
Gloves, black, white, red,
gray; all sizes, pair -.IOC
Women's wool and mercerized Golf
Gloves, black, white, red,
gray; 50c values for, pair JJC
Women's $1.03 silk lined Golf Q
Gloves, all-colors, pair C zfC
Women's Silk Mittens. $1 value. 70c;
$1.25 value, 87c; $1.50 value, 91.17.
17c SSc, 43c
All Flannels at Clearance Sale Prices
5000 yards of Flannelettes in the very best patterns and col- r,
ors, immense assortment of styles, reg. 12c value, yard. . .OC
25c Outing Flannel Skirt Patterns in the very best styles, c
great special value at, pattern lv
65c and 75c "Wool TVaistings, plaids and dots, desirable Cc
colorings, great Clearance value at, yard JVC
35c Snowflake Flannels on sale for, yard 27
Rugs at Very Low Prices
n ,1.1. 3 w.V.nV.lA Vaffe-
! 7 i i i wmm t? ! tro MiiA -and white, red and
f?" I 'fls. I i white, gree'n and white.
1 i ji 36x3fi in 91.15 27Xo4 in.... 2
1 6 ' jK & 36x72 in., great value '....vsjw
3 z. tor; oS0 manufacturers samples 01 vel
vet. AXIainsrer ana urusscis wr
pets. all are 1 yards long and
suitable for Rugs, best pat- a-
terns and colorings, each...70C
Empire Brussels Rugs, beautiful se
lections, size 9x12 IC
feet. $20 value JIO.OJ
Closing cut 25 English Art
Squares attractive patterns and
1 : 9x12 feet ?mse
k'TJt 9x10 ft. 6 In 93.43
Extra super an-wooi Art squares
Great values at
9x9 ft 9 720 9x12 ft. .9 8.72
9x10.6 ft.. 9 8JSI 10.6x12 ft 911.34
12x12 ft. ,912.86 12x13.6 ft.. 91458
6x9 Brussels Rugs...... 97.35
9x9 Brussels Rugs.... ....... .9935
13 I