THE MORXIKG OREGOSIAS, TUESDAY, JAXUA&Y 24, 1905. 13. MARKETS AREUPSET St. Petersburg Revolt Disturbs Financial Centers. BREAK .IN NEW YORK STOCKS Prices Recover Later on More Favor able Advices, but Selling -Near the Close, Due to Apprehen sion, Causes Easiness. NEW YORK. Jan. 23. The revolutionary aspect taken by affairs at St. Petersburg over the Sunday interval proved V disturbing In fluence today In all the world's markets. The effect was quite as acute In Wall street as on any other market. The Russian crista proved to be the deciding- factor In a tendency which last week vu already growing up In New Tork toward a spirit of hesitation and suspi cion. In fact, when our market opened the day was already so far advanced in St, Peters burg, owing to the great difference In time, that the more tranquil conditions them were known to be established. The early weakness of foreign 'stock markets had also passed away to some, extent and effective recoveries had been achieved. Tet prices were broken here all the way from i to 2 polpts for the prominent active stocks in the first few min utes of trading and the feverish -contest be tween the opposing tendencies was not "directed in favor of recovejy until the first hour had about expired. -There was fons substantial effect on the side of depression In the shape of selling for Kuropean account in this mar Vet, which reached unusually large proportions.- Efforts to interpret the events in St. Peters burg were confused and varied. The known programme of the -revolutionary propaganda in Russia undoubtedly Impresses the financial world, but -there was question whether the Sunday outbreak was perfectly Identified with the revolutionary movement believed to be In contemplation. Sentiment during tho day be came more reassured, and there was consid erable recovery. When the time had passed for the operations for foreign Account, the tendency was quite clearly toward recovery. The settlement of the threatened Pennsyl vania strike and the resumption of operations in the Pall JUvcr cotton mills contributed cheering influences. The local traction stocks, in their advance la sympathy with the rise of Interborough Rapid Transit on the curb to a new ulgh record, helped to Inaugurate the rally, and Consolidated Gas joined the group on the strength of Its annual report. Tho ef fect of the unprecedented loan expansion of last week by the banks was partly explained away by attributing it largely to the transfer of loans from the trust companies, according to the usual course when money rates became so cheap as to be unattractive to those Insti tutions. Railroad reports confirmed last week's Im pression of a lull In the freight movement. both East and West, and a decided easing in the car supply. The lower level of railroad earnings disclosed by the reports for the sec ond week In January 1 tnus made likely to be carried over Into the third week returns. On the other hand, the open wrather conditions are for the benefit of operating expenses and the conservation of net earnings, The selling in the last ten minutes seemed due to dread of unfavorable developments over night, and it made sudden inroads uponthe afternoon recoveries. The closing wan weak. Uonds wrre Irregular. Total sales. $6,610.- OUO. United Statt bonds were all unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Atchison do pieiorred Atlantic Coast Line.. Baltimore & Ohio . . . do preferred ...... Canadian Pacific ... Cow. of New Jersey, ChApeakf t Qbp Ihtrigo Alton-.... 8,800 8Gi S5 3.-W0 100 SBita 20 13.W& 100 ",tm 500 2J sw 122 1211s 101b 1W 182 1U5 4Si S SO 22K 221W 174 254 i4 I2 Si Sf. Slfe 7S (12 MT :w 155 20Ti 2int 13BV 170 754 n;- 22 Ui ttt 14S 103 i6 1328 Il5i4 41t 2?. 101 Wi 1IU 104 4Ri rl 220 173U 14U 241i "Zi t'.i 30?t 182 do prerrreo lliKMgo Qreat West. . 12.4(M Chicago & N. .. .. .bOO 226 Chi., Mil. ft St. P. Chi. Tor. S; Trans.. do preferred C , C. C & St. L.. Colo. & Southern... do 1st preferred... do 2d preferred ... Delaware & Hudson. Delaware K & W. Denver & Rio G... do preferred i.rlc 34.0UO. 1744 0.200 10 16.100 2.Hi 2.4U 100 2,(XK) 0U0 2TU Jl5i 24S sou 183 40 96,'iOO . s.ieo 4,400 100 I'M) 3.005 .""::oo . l.OtW SS 7 !lii t7 41 7fcs S7 SK4 lMVs do 1st prerarrej..- di 2d preferred.... Hocking Vallj-.,., do preferred Illinois Central Ion a Central do preferred K C Southern...... preferred ...... Lnulpvalle & Nash... Mashattan. L Met Securities .... Metropolltay St. Ry. Mexican Central Minn. & St. Louis. .. M.. St. P. i S. S. M. do preferred Mlssouti PnSlfic Missouri, K. &. T d profemfl ...... Nat. R R. Mex, pfd New York Central .. N. Y.. Ont. Wort. Norfolk & Western.. 2Vi 68 20?i rs - n.woo 11.4'JO 137V4 IS'lVt 1711s IIWX X.200 7tPi 74'.- &. H7',4 115W ri.OUO 2S 22 S00 04 t2i 13,20 1WH 105U 3055; 1.200 81 30 307i HJ r, Cr tUa .UGO 42 41i 41 143 48i 4,41V) 144 3.70M 4 4,1HX 784 14S4 77 130 " su'vi 911 82 7oVs 25 CO to. 117W 77S- lo preferred Pennsylvania 8S.2O0 Pitta.. C. C. & St. L Pending 0S.7O0 du 1st preferred.... 4(Hl do 2d preferred.... 1.70) Koi-k Island Co 3C.StX do preferred ...... 200 vz 75 7 SOU, fcTJi P U7i 130 S7V3 S2 71 2 fllt.J 117S, S4U St. U & S. F. 2d pfd. St. Louis S. W.. 2.1O0 3.N0 2:t.)6 2.300 15,800 70 di preferred ..... Suthrn lacltlc ... d preferreW S'utheni Railway .. do preferred ..... Teva6 & Pacific ... Toledo. SU L. & W. do preferred .... Vr.ion Paelflc ..... do preferred 3.1 1HH 31 f.2V9 117V 2H 424 if 44 28H 221 113 240 7U IXJU 4fi 3Mi 34 100 11S.400 4 no 400 1,100 3t0 llRf 117 211i, 21 12H 42U 1SU is Wabarh - do preferred" . . ... ' WhAclins; & L. Erie. Wisconsin Central .. . d preferred Kxpresw Companies Adam v American I'nltrd Siatrrt ...... . Wells-Farm Miscellaneous 100 221 221 Aroaleamated Cop.. Arc Car & Foundry 2700 l.fiOO 500 ts S2fe 82 73.i do preferred American Cotton OH. . do preferred American Ice ....... . do preferred American Linseed Oil . do preferred American Locomotive d) preferred Am. Smelt. & Rfs.. d preferred Am. Surar Reflnlns Am. To , pfd. eer.. Anaconda Mlnlnc Co Brook. Rapid Transit Colo Fuel &. Iran . . . Consolidated Gas Corn Troduets do preferred rltl!lers' Seour General Electric International Paper. do preferred ...... . International Pump.. . S4 W 17 55 34 105 S5H 114 141 i2-i l6tj 45; 10 75 200 3-ai 37?4 2.P00 S4V, i 7.000 RlVi S.JWO 114 113 8.400 141!4 14 f2L TM IfVlv, 105H At, 44?t 1P7H 19 7 3tU oih x4h ifu 74 7H 1.4.V1 7 1.0. K 4H 304 1-MiS If- 2IH 21U .... 76tf .... JW 00 preferred . National Tad . North American . ll.Si9 2Wi 24V rarUir :lll reople-'s Gas ........ Preyed Steel Car.... do preferred PuHrin Palace Car.. RerubMc Steel do preferred ...... Rihbf r Good do pferred Tenn. Conl & Iron.. 2.20rt 2D0 2,ino syo 44 loat "i5i CJi 2H 43 42, 24 15H 7i 2 4 V 5. Leather d" preferred 7' S. Realty . I S. Rubber de rreferred ,Av -.niZ i-flS i? 'S Jjf !'US 17? ''ilS SiE 4O0 r S. Stel , dc preferred Virginia Car. Chem dn preferred Westinprioupf Kle-. Western Union 7.7W 1.0 300 100 J2 i .v. ta ii ii 1774 17SU .... 2H 17Si Total mles for the day. 827.900 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK. Jan. 25. Closing quotations: U a ref. 2s reg.l04Atrhisnn AdJ 4s. $i do coupon ...104HID. ft R. G. 4..101 U S. 3 rg. ..l03i'N. Y Cnt lst.100, do coupon 104HiNor. Pacific S 774 V 8 new -4s rep 130 do s . do coupon 131 U. So Paciilc 4s .37 s; old -4s reg-lWUflrilon Pacific 4s.l03 co coupon ...105i wlr. Central 4s. viu Stocks At London. "LONDON. Jan. 23. Consols for money. 87 11-1C; consols for account. SC: Anaconda 5U Atchison SSU do preferred .102i Ner. S: Western. SO do preferred .- 94 Ont. A Western. 4M Bali & Ohio ...104H Pennsylvania Rand Mines . Reading do 1st pref do 2d pref So. Railway do preferred 0 Can. Pacific ...125K Cbes. & Ohio . . 49 10 U 45U 47 44 35 89 Gt. Western. . 28 C. M. & St. P.. 170 DeBeers 17i D. & R. G 524 So. Pacific COri Brie 41 5 (Union Pacific 120 do 1st pref ... SO do 2d pref C3H Illinois Central. 158 i L. & X. 144 do preferred ..100 U. S. Steel 29 do preferred .. 95"ii Wabash 22 Al, K. & T...... S3 do preferred ..43 N. T. Ontral...l484jSpanlsh 4s 80 & Money, Exchange, Etc NEW TORK, Jan. 23. Money on call, steady, li2U per cent; closing bid, lii per cent; offered at 2 percent. Time loans; easy; CO day?. 2fj2l per Cent; 00 days. 2i per cent; sir months. 354 per cent. Prime mcrcan-. tile paper, 2iG4i per cent. Sterling exchange, strong, with actual busi ness In bankers bills at $4.S775$M.S7S0 for de mand, and at $4. 53054.8535 for CO dy.-. Posted rates, $4.S6g4.fcSH- Commercial bills, $4.85Vi. Ba.r silver, 60T4C. 'Mexican dollars, 47J4c Bonds Government, steads'; railroad, irreg ular. LONDON. Jan. 23. Bar sliver, firm. 2S3 per ounce. Money, 132 per cent. The rate pf discount in the open market for short bills is 2V45T2 9-18 per cent; three months' bills, 2H per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 23. Silver bars. 60&c, Mexican dollars. 50c Drafts Sight, 7c; telegraph, 30c Sterling on London. 60 days, $i.S5Vi; sight, $4.SSft. Bank Clearings. dearitigf. Portland jeW.OSj Seattle 6-n,032 Tacoma 539.7V2 Spokane 528,2:t; Balances. $ 20.8P9 18T..RM 3f..0t2 118,1170 Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. Today's Treasury statement shows: Available cash balance S137.270.S80 Gold 06,234.540 rOKTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour. Peed. Etc. The wheat market is stagnant, -with dealers shovinc no disposition to trade and farmers equally indifferent about Felling. Prices are largely nominal, but the undertone of the mar ket Is steady. Oats and barley are also quiet, but firm. Hay is fairly active. WHEAT Walla Walla, S3c; blueetem, 88c; Valley. S7c per bushcL FLOUR Patents. 4.654.S5 per barrel; straights, $4,306-4.45; clears, J3.s5iM; Valley, $4.1034.25: Dacota Hard -wheat, I6.o087.5o; Graham. $3.5J-4; whole wheat. $44.25; ryo flour, local. (5; Eastern. $50-3.10; cornmeal, per case, $L00. BARLEY I'eed. $22.50 per ton; rolled. 223.50 24.50. OATS No. 1 vhlte, Sl.3281.35: rray, $L35 &1.40 per cental. MILLSTUFFS Bran. J19 per ton; mlddUngs, $25; shorts. $21: chops, U. S. Ullle, $10; Unseed dairy foods, $18; linseed ollmeal, car lots, $29 per ton; less than car lots. $30 per ton. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 80 pound racks. $6.75; lower grades, (5S6.2S; oat meal, steel cut. 50-poucd sacks, $8 per barrel: 10-pound tacks. $4.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground). 50-pound sacks. $7.50 per barrel; 10 pound sacks, $4 per belt; split peas, $4 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxs, $1.16; pearl barley, $4 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes, S1.2T per box; pastry flour. 10-pound carks, $2.50 per bale. HAY Timothy. $14?16 per ton: clover. $110 12; grain, $11012; cheat. $12313. Vegetables. Trull, Etc. Three cars of California vegetables were re ceived yesterday, but they cleaned up troll at goad prlcw. A new car of bananas trill be offered today. Medium sizes of oranges arts carc, but a carload Is expected Thursday. VEGETABLES Turnip. $1 per sack; car rots, $1: beets. $L2S: parsnips, $L25; cabbage. California lfec, Danish 2c; lettuce, 1 head, 30v pfcr d&ien; parsley, 25c dozen; tomatoes, $2 per crate; cauliaorver. $l.t)0f2 per -crate; egg plant. 0C15 per -pntmu; o-lery, O?65o Ik 1 dozen; puas. 10c per pound; beans, green. l2Vtc; wax. 11c; pumpkins, ltfllic per pound; pepfrs. Us per pound; sproHts, 6c. ONIONS Fancy, $1.8502.25. buying price. 1 PCTATOES Oregon fancy. S5ii5c; common. 00675c. buyers' jrice; Merced sweets, lc; new California. 4c per pound. KAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4 -crown. 7c: 5-layrr Muscatel raisins, 7Hc; unbleached eeed leu)' Sultanas, Iondon layers, 3-crown, whole boxes of 20 Kunds. $1.85; 2-crofrn, $L75. DRIED FRUIT Applet, evaporated. tJtfSfci per pound; ftundrlod. sacks or boxes, none; apricots, 10311c; peaches. 010'ic: pears, none: prunes. Italians, 4fJ5c; French. 2H?ic: Ilge. California blacka. 5Hc; do white, none; Smyrna. 2or; Fard dates, tic; plums, pitted. Cc DOMESTIC FRUITS AppUs. -Uer Bald wins. $L25; Spltxenberge. $I.75Q2; cooking,' 754j90c: figs, 85cx$2.50 per box; cranberries, $V.Strf?ll per barrel. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancj-. $2753 3.75; choice, $2.75 per box; orangts. standard. $1.3091.75: fancy. $1.0062; mandarin. Gf C5i per box; tangerines, $L5G(j2 per box; grape fruit. $2.7Sj3 per box; bananas, per pound; pomegranates, $2.23 per lox. Butter. Eggn. roultry. Etc Oontr' produce was dull. Receipts ef poul try were light, and there was but little in quiry' (or the ftock that had been carried over. Eggs moved slowly. Butter was unchanged. EGGS Oregon ranch, 272Sc; Eastern, 21c per dozen. BUTTER City creameries: Extra, creamery. BO0S2&C per pound; fancy creamery. 22 Vi 32 6c State " creameries: Fancy creamery, 25f50c; Caluomla, fancy creamery. 25Q27ic; to.- butter. 12012HC CHEESE Full cream twins, 13015c; Young Americas. 14015KC POULTRY Fancy hens. 12Vs013c; old hens. 12c; mixed chickens, ll&012c: old roosters, lOfeiOVc; do young. llSflllte; Springs, lVj to 2-:ound. 14S15c; broilers, 1 to Ife-pound. 18 Sr20o; dretJKxl chickens. 13614c: turkeys, lire. 1717xc; do dressed. 18920c; do choice. 22, '621c; getc, live, per pound. bH&c; j8 dressed. ll-124c: ducks, old. $bfy.6o; do youRg. as 10 sue. pigeons. $11.25. GAME Wild Keee, $464.50; mallard ducks. 52.50S3; widgeon. $1.7502; teal. $1.5001.76. Meats and Provisions. BEEF Dressed, bulls. 2VJC3fec; cows. 3tHc; country' steers, 405c MUTTON Dressed, 507c per pound. VEAL Dressed, 100 to 123. SfeBSc per lb.; 126 to 200. 5406c; 200 and up. 40Gc PORK Drced. 100 to 150. 6h07e per pound; 150 and up. ttJ6Hc HAMS Ten to 14 pounds. 12$ie per pound; 14 to 16 pounds, 12ic; 18 to 20 pounds. 12io; California (picnic), 9c; cottage hanM. 9fec; shoulders. boiled ham, 21c; boiled picnic ham. boneless, 14c BACON Fancy breakfast, 18c per pound: standard breakfast. 17c; choice. 15c: English breakfast. 11 to 14 pounds. 14c; peach bacon, 13c SAUSAGE Portland bm. 12Ho per pound: minced ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17tic; bologna, long, 5sc; welnerwurst. Sc; liver. 6c; pork. 9c: blood. 3c; headcheese, 12fec; bologna saurage. link. 4Hc DRY SALTED MEATS Regular short clears. 10c salt, lie smoked; clear backs, 85ic salt, lOXc smoked; Oregon export, 20 to 23 pounds, average, lOVic salt, ll',e smoked: Union butts. 10 to IS ponnda. average. 8c salt, 8c smoked. PICKLED GOODS Pickled pigs' feet, u-bar- rels. $5; i-harreK. $275; 15-pound kit, $1.25; pickled tripe. H-barreis. $5; fc-barrels, $2.75; 15-rwund kit. $1.25; .pickled pigs' tongues, it-barrels. $8: U-bnrrels, 53; 13-peund kits, $1.59: pickled lambs' tongues, H-barruls, $9; K-barrels, $5.50; 15-pound kits, $2.73. " LARD KetUe-rendered: Tierce. Uc; tubs. 10c: 50s. 10r; 20. lOHc; IOs. lftfec; 3s. ltHc Standard pure; Tierces. c; tubs. I'c: 50s. tne: 2fla. JVc: 10s. &iic: 5s. 9T4c Compound: .Tierces. 6kc; tubs. 6tic: 50s. o.c: 10s. 7Uc: 5. 7?ic. Groceries. Nuts, Etc COFFEE Mocha, 262Sc; Java, ordinary. i 02tc; Costa Rica, -rancy. 1502Oc; good, 16? iSc: ordiuary. 10212c per pound; Columbia roatt. cases, 100s. $13.5u; 50. $14; Arbuckle, $lii3: Lion. $15.35. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. $5.37ls; Southtrn Japan. $&5t; Carolina. 4V:ftCc: br.'i;liead. 2c SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis. SI. 75 per dozen; 2-pound talis; $2.40; 1-pound 4 Bau- 1-85; faacy. itri-- H-pound nau. SL10; Ate tails. S5c; red. 1-pound tal l-peundtalls, $1.75: I-pour pound cats. Atecks. pink, 1-pound tails. $1.43: socxevea. pound flats, il.85. SUGAR Sack basis, loo pounds: Cube. SC. 50: powdered. $6.25; dr- granulated. $C1S; extra C. (5.65: golden C $5.55; fruit sugar, IU.15. ad vance cver tack basis ns ro.tows; Barrels. 10c; half-barrels. 25c, boxes. 50c per HJ pounds. (Terms: On remittance within 15 days, oeduct ic per pound: if later than 15 days and with in 30 days, deduct Mc per pound; no dis count after 30 days.) Best sugar granulated. $3-!5 per 100 pounds; maple sugar. 15018c per pound. SALT California. $9.f0 per top; 51.30 pr bale. XJverpool. 50s. $130: ltt. $15: Suos. $14 K)r-hair ground. lOOs. $53; 30s. $3-73. NUTS tVaUiots. I3?ic per psond by sack, le extra, for lts JTvan nack. Brazil nutn. 15c; fil berts. 14c pecans. Jumbos, lie; extra large. 15c. almonds. L X. L.. 163hc; chestnuts, Ittl- Una. 15c; Ohio. J 4. 50 per 25-petmd' drum; pea-' null. raw. THc per pound: roasted. 9c; pine; nuts. l(XfI2Hc; hickory nets. 7c; cccoancts. 5Wc per dozen. BEANS Small white, 0c; large white, 3c; pink. 3Kc: bayos. SXc; Lima. Sic Oils. fr GASOLINE Sfve gasoline, cases, 24Vjc; iron; barrels, l&e: 6-deg. gasoline, cases. 32s; iron' barrels cr drums, sflc. ' COAL OIL Cases, 21c; Iron barrefr. 15Hc; wood barrels, nose; 63 deg.. cases. 21Vrc; bar rels. 18c; Washington State test burning oils, except headlight, fee per gallon kigfeer. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels. 54ci cases. Kc Bailed: Barrels. fiOc; cases. 61c; 1c less in 259-gallon lots. TURPENTINE Cases. jS5e; barrels. Sic. WHITE LEAD Ton Aots. 7Vic; -pennd lots, 75ie; less than 500-pound lots. 8c Hops. Wool. Bides. Etc HOPS Choice. 2S829c; prime. 27c per pound. -WOOL Valley. l320c per pound; Eastern Orcgoo. ld317c: mohair, 25Q23 per pound for iTfrvcr ,a. icn 1 it , 15ei3S5 per pound; dry glp. No. 1, 5 to 18 pounds, 12c; dry calf. No, 1. under 5 pounds. 16c; dry salted bulls and stags, one-third Jeiui kX..81 I2et1?&.?xaj9 Se; under 50 pounds and cows, 6tB7c: stags and bulls, sound, 4fHHc; kip. sou no. 15 to 20 pounds, 7c: under 10 pounds. 8c; green tun- salted). Ic per pound less: "culls, lc per pound: norr maes, saiiec i-w eacn: cry. 1L50 etch; colts' hides,- 25Q5uc each; goatskins. common.. 10015c each: Angora, with wool on. 25c8$l TALLOW Frtme. per pound. 4B5c: No. 1 and greass. T&9Se. UVESTOCK MARKET. . Prices Quoted at Portland Union Stockyards Yesterday. yesterday were 47 nheep. 238'cattle and 104 hegs. The market was quiet. The following most El lne e Qa "P 1 prices were quoted at the-yards: . 1 ut,on 0,1 My be,nC J1-15' nel a,n of CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers. $48 ' lc 4.25: caws and heifers x3t"V 1 plt traders were free sellers of corn early IIOG5 Best large, fat Hogs, $3.50; black and China fat. 4.5034.75. SHEEP Beet Eastern Oregon and Valley, $4.25-4.00. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. rrices and Receipts af' Omaha anil Chicago. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 23. Cattle Receipts 10,000; market steady. 10c lower. Natives. $3.5065.75; stockera and feeders. $X00& 4.25; bulls. $2.30fr4.00; Wcctarn fed sts?rs. $3.50 C 5.25; Western fed rows. $2.0993.75. Hogs Receipt 7500; market 5c higher. Bulk of sales.- $1.6004.50; heavy. $4,769 4.85; packers. $4.654.S0; pigs and lights. S4.004.75. Sheop Receipts COOO market steady and active. Muttons. $.30Q 5.75; iambs. $0.00,0 7.50: ranee wethers. S5.00fiiA.60! fed ewea. $4.2565.13. SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 23. CatUe Re ceipts 3100; market steady to easier. Na tive steers. $S.30S?5.73; cows and heifers, $2.50&4.10; Western steers. $1.502.50; stockera and feeders. $2.50 4. 10; calves. $2.50 6.75; bulls, stags, etc.. 52.00 f 3. GO. ' Hogs Receipts 5 WW; market 5c higher. Heavy. $4.C54.75: mixed. $1.6064.65; light. $4.504.00; pigs. $3.7504.25. Sheep Receipts C000; market steady. Western yearlings. $5.5096.35; wtther.. $5.005.60; ewes. $4.2594.40; lambs, $4.40 7.50. CHICAGO. Jan. 23. Cattle Receipts 32. 000: market -steady- to 13c lower. Good to prime steers, $3.7090.25; poor to medium. $3.75 6 5.60: stockers and feeders. $2,250 4.25; cows. $1.25&4.40: heifers. J2.00ff5.10; oanners, $L23ff2.45; bulls. $2.1004.00; calves. $S.W)S7.00. Hogs Receipts today 33.000, tomorrow 30.000; market 10c higher. Mixed and butch ers. $4.6094.75; good to choice heavy, $4.70 P4.P0; rough heavy, $4.5594.70; light. $4.30 4.t3: bulk of sales. S4.6504.SO. Sheep Receipts 25,000: sheep and lambs 10c lower. Good to choice wethers. $3.00 5.50; fair to choice mixed. $4.000 4.90; West ern sheep. ?4.25jfS.50; native lambs, $5,756 7.73; Western lambs. $5.7307.05. Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 23. Official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Alta ... ...$ .041 Hale Nercross.$1.40 Alpha Con. ISlJustiee .17 2.13 Andes- 31 j Mexican .. Belcher z5jOgcMntc Con.. .88 uest & uclcner. l.o.-.l Ophlr ... 6.75 .20 .15 .39 .87 .47 .H6 .OS .19 .20 Bullion .24) Overman .. Caledonia Challenge Con... Chollar Confidence Con. Cal. & Va.. Con. Imperial . Crown Point ... Exchequer ..... Gould &Curry.. 40jPotosi .30, .29 .03 1.70 Savage Seg. Belcher ... Sierra Nevada .. Silver Hill Union Con. .01 10 Yellow Jacket .. .22 NEW YORK. Jan. 23. Closing quotations: Adams Con. $ -20! Little Chief Ontario ... ..$ .03 .."3.50 .. 8.00 .. .00 .. .12 Alice Brcece Brunswick Con.. Comstoek Tun.. Con. Cal. &. Va., Horn Silver .... Iron Silver . Leadvllle Con.., .60' .201 Ophlr Phoenix ... Potosl ... . .OR .10 1.53 Savage ... .25 .40 .26 LSO l.nslsierra Nevada. 2.00 Small Hopes .0: Standard BOSTON. Jan. 23. Closing quotation: Advefeture a.30 19.50 Mohawk .$ 32.50 Allouez ... .. Amalgamated. Am. Zinc .... Atlantic Bingham .... Cal. & Heola.. Centennial . . Copper Range. Daly West Dominion Coal Franklin Gran by Isle Royale ... Mass. Mining. Michigan Mont. C. & C Old Dominion. 4.3S 26.00 73.001 1 Oseeola Parrot Qulney . 93.00 , 29.00 . 103.00 S.00 . 127.00 . . 7.75 . 22.1.1 . 10.23 . 41.50 5.00 . 11.25 . 107.00 .16.00, 32.25 675.00i Shannon 20.25Tamarack .... Ofl.00jTrinlty ljnV. a Mining.. 60.00U. S. Oil 11.00 Utah 5.13 Victoria ... . 25.00 Winona a.o Wolverine 11.301 Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Jan. 23. The London tin mar ket was easier, closing at 1.30 for spot and 1.29 12s Cd for future. Locally, the market was unsettled by the lower eables and recent arrivals for near-by delivery, and etos-id 2&.25029.5OC for spot. Copper was also lower In the Esgttsh mar ket, closing at fCS 2b 6d for rpot. and at 68 for futures. Locally, the market Is quiet, but is nrmly held. Lake Is quoted at 15.50c; elee trolytk-. 15.37t0I5.SOc and casting. 15015.25c Lead declined about 2 6d in London, closing at 12 15s. Locally the market was quiet -nd lower also with spot quoted at 4.4504.55c; the inside price being for full carload lots. spelter was unchanged at 24 17s 6d in London, and C.20S6.3CC in local markets. Iron closed at 53s 9d In Glargow. and at St o-i in Mlddieaboro. Locally Iron continued firm. No. 1 foundry Northern to quoted at $17.50017.95; No. 2 Northern. $17.50; No. foundry Southern and do soft. $17.75018. Dried I'ruit at New York, NEW YORK. Jan. 23. The market for evap orated, apples is not more man moderately ac tive, bat the demand is steady and prices wrll maintained, common are quoted at 405Uc; prime. BHtyCHc; choice. 5(rc. fancy. 6S07c Prunes continue quiet. There is a little mere Inquiry reported, but buyers and sellers are said to be apart in their views. Quota tlona on pot rsnge from 2c to 5Hc. according to grade Apricots are firm, with business restricted by the small offerings at preeent prices. Choice are quoted at lO01Oc; extra choice. 11912c: fancy. 12015c. Peaches also .are firm, choice quoted at Sfee extra choice. 10H31&V. fancy. 11H-S12C Dairy Produce In (Ke East. NEW YORK, Jan. 23. Butter. Jrrrgular; f-treet pricts: Extra creamery, 29 523 lie. Of ficial prte: Extra creamery. lS3f Cheese, firm. Eggs, firm; Western fancy -selected. "c; western average nest, ic. :. CHICAGO. Jan. 23. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was qaiet: creameries. 19629c: dairies, 18024c Eggs, firm at mark. lS023c; fine. 24c; prime, firsts. 26c; extras. 2Sc Cheese, active. 11012es Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, Jan. 23. The market for cof ft futures dosed very steady, net 5 to 10 point lower. Sales. 211.003 bags, iftdudlitg: Mrch. 7.437.50c: April. ".One; May. 7Tatf 7.80c; July. 7.i6Se; September. 8.103S.20C: r October. is20&25c: November, S.25& and De cember. 8.35c. Spat RfG. nominal; No. 7 ln xolee. &c; mild. quicL Sugao Raw. steady; fair refining. 4-Sc. -en-trlfngal. M test. 5V4e: molasses sugar -4,r, refined rtrad: , crushed, $S.$5, powdered, 6.25. granulated. &&I5. GOOD ADVANCE IN WHEAT FOREIGN.; SITUATJ.ON AFFECT -PRICES IN 'CHICAGO PIT? Further Violence in Russia Might - Cause-Stoppage of Grain Ex ports From That Country. CHICAGO. Jan. 23. At the opening the sentiment in the wheat pit was Inclined to I hearlshness. in spite of the bullish tenor of j weekly statistics. World's shipments were considered small, and the amount on passago I wxs correspondingly light. As an offset. how- t cver- cHps in the Northwest showed decided , increases. The market at Minneapolis was wrak. .Traders here were more inclined to be . Povcrned by domestic conditions than by the , , .. .. , ... , f(,rt!sn situation. Opening quoutlons on May 1 wrre a shade higher to UtrSc lower, at $1.13 ' to $1.14?. The pit crowd generally was bear- 1 iv but seilimr was restrained by the critical condition 'or affairs in Russia. A fear was en tertained that further violence might result disastrously to Russian commerce, and per- haps caused a steppage of grain exports -from that country. Late in the day the market de- j veloped considerable activity with a higher ! price In values. Dispatches from EL rcters- burg added to the anxiety ofshorts. advices 1 atsrrtlng a renewal of disturbances at the t "avancea 10 lae-marcet ciosea ai- In tn'e session, resulting In some weakness. but later the market became firmer. May closed at 45, the highest point, a gain of 1-5 A steady tone prevailed In the -oats market, and trading was largely of a scalping ch"r aetr. May closed at 30:i31c A gain cf 10c In the price of hogs at the yards caused fairly active covering of pro visions by -shorts, resulting in a firm market. At the close May pork was up 17Hc, at $12.65; lsrd was up 597h?. at $7.02'-i; ribs were 10c higher, at $S.S5&S7H The leading futures ranged as follows; WHEAT. -imen. Hlfu Low. Clos May July ...$1.13i. $LUVU $1.13s $1.15 .7Ts -OSfc ! . j January 'May ... I JulJ -. CORN. .42H ' .42H .44h .45. .44U ASM OATS. "ibji "in"" JZ'Jli .31 MESS FORK. iz.lo 12! or, - LARD. .4214 .44H .45 .4tf .45 Jancary May ... .Sfltj .31 .31 July .... ,30i January May 12.77 12.J 12.50 January 6.77H 6-97?, 7.10 6.R2, 7.05 7.13 6.77H 6.87 b 7.10 6.82 V, 7.02i3 May .... July .... T.lo SHORT RIBS. January May ... July ... C.C21 .87, 6.80 ft.67!a 6.7715 aiC", 7.00 6.02i Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Dull. Wheat No. 2 Spring. $I.1301.14U; X0. 3. $1.0201.14; No. 2 red. $U5iiL18H. Corn No. 2, 43c; No. 2 yellow. 43Uc Oats No. 2. 30?ic: No. 2 white. 3I0S2c: No. 3 wane. 3OH03IC. Rye No. 2. 75 Vic. Barley Jocd feeding. 37c: fair to choice malting, 4304Sc Flaxaeed-No. 1, $1.15; No. 1 Northwestern Jllfc. Timothy Prime ed, $2. SO. Mefls pork Per barrel, $12.75012.80. Lard Per 100 pounds, $tf.87H. Short ribes sides Loow. $6.57U06.62. Short clear sides Boxed. $6.0236.15. Whlskj. basis of high wines $1.23. Clover Contract grade, $12.73. Receipt. Shipments. Flour, barrels .. 21.&M) 10.600 Wheat, bushels 27.000 371.600 174.000 3.0W 52,400 27.400 102.300 Corn, bunhels .. Oat, bushels ., Rye. bushels . . 73.000 21.000 Barley, bushels 1,-600 Gralaouid Produce at New York. N'EVYORK.Jsn. 2T. 1-ur Recefptr. 14 20 ban-cls; exports. 8100 barrels. Market. steady, but dull. Wheat Receipts, 13.650 bushels: soot firm: No. 2 red, nominal elevator. S1.20U f. o. b. afloat; No. I Northern Duluth, ?1.25j f. o. h. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. $1.11H f. o. b. afloat. Options had a firm start on tho bullish cable news and smalt world's shipments, but sustained a severe break under heaviness In the Northwest, liquidation and larger Spring receipts. Following this came a second ad vance on & scare of shorts, and the market cksd firm at Mc nl adrance. May closed $1.14H: July closed $1.0214. Ilepo Steady. Hides Quiet. Wool Firm. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23. Wheat and bar ley, stronger. Spot quotations Wheat-Shipping. $1.47Hgl.52H: milling. $I.5Styi.G3. Barley Feed. $1.16iL17H: brewing. $1.1SH 1.20. Oats Red. $1.401.53; white, $1.42ffl.57H: black. $1.3001.(35. Call board r-alas Wheat May. $1.47; December. $1.31. Barley May, $1.16: December, 91 He Com Large yellow. $1.251.30. Visible Snpply of Grain. "NEW TORK, Jan. 23. The visible supply of grain Saturday, January 21. as cftnplld by the New York Produce Exchange, follows: Bushels. Wheat 39.SS3.000 Corn 1 1.312.000 Oats 19.351.000 Rye .SC.00O Barley S.911,000 Increase. Decrease. 202,000 233.000 11(9.000 54.(1)0 4CO.0O0 Wheat at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 23, Wheat March, l4d; May. 7s d: July 7 Hd. Wheat &t T&com. TACOMA. Jan. 23. Wheat unchanged, stem, 90c; club. 85c. Blue- DALLY CITY STATISTICS. Births. January 7, to the wife of Henry L. Whls-ler.-574 East Oak, a son. January 20, to the wife of Rutherford M. Rau. 331 Gllsan. a daughter. Death. January 20, Englebert Schott. aged 60 years. 2 months and 13 days, 43 Ella. In terment Sublimity. Or., January 23. January 20, William B. Lob ner, aged 42 years. C months and 24 days, 247 Dixon. Interment Crematorium. January 24. January 19, Cclla Goodman, aged S years, S months and 29 days. 714 East Madison. Interment Talmu Forah Cemetery. January 20. January 20, Catherine Kate Neagle, aged 02 years. 2 months and 2"days, 733 York. Interment Rlvcrvlew Cemetery. January 22. January 20. Anthony F. Carroll, aRed 72 years. 4 months and 13 days, 249 Grant. In terment Mount Calvary Cemetery, January January 18. Mary E. Gould, aged 8 years and 7 months. North Pacific Sanitortuni. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. January 20. January 20. Ming Li (Chinese), aged 30 years Second and Alder. Interment Lone rlr Cemetery. January 21. January 20, Dorel Wise, aged 64 years, Ilwaeo. Wash. Interment Ahayal Sholom Cemetery. January 22. January 20, Nettle Follett, aged 34 years. 3 months and C day. 123 East Thirtieth. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. January 22. January 10, John O'Donell. aged 73 years. St. Vincent's Hospital. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. January 21. Contagions Diseases. Violet Leonard, aged 0 years. East Twen ty-nlnth and Sandy Road. chicken-pox; case mild. Building Permits. B. M. Lombard, Broadway, between Thir tieth and Twenty-ninth: $2000. B. IS. Lombard. Hancock street, between Thirtieth and Thtrty-arst; $2550. B. M. Lombard. Hancock street, between Thirty-first and Thirty-second; $2350. B iS. Lombard. Schuyler street, between Thlrty-Srst and Thirty-second; $2250. B. M. Lombard. Hencock street, between Thirty-first and Thirty-second; $2550. Herbert Keroa. W&sco street, between East Downing, Hopkins & Co. Established 1893 WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor Twenty-fonrth and East Tweijty-flfth; $1900. B. M. Lombard. Broadway street, between Thirtieth and Thirty-first; $2200. L. W. Watts. Sherman street, between Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh: $1000. W. J. Danforth. Jordan street, between Oberlln and Dawson; $1000. J. S. wlrtslow. northwest corner East Eighteenth and East Washington: $2500. Articles ' of Incorporation. Incorporation articles of the Western Lumber Company were flled yesterday by Elmer B. Colwell. William E. Pettlnger and William T. Mulr. In the County Clerk's of flee: capital stork. $15,000. The objects are to operate sawmills. Marriage Licenses. Thomas Watson. 48; Katherlne Kane. 37. Edwin .Hutchinson. 33; Lena B. Leflcr. 22. Fred L. Ecker. 32; Myrtle Mott. 26. Frank Healy. 31, San Francisco; Mrs. Mar garet Hcaly, 34. Rial Estate Transfers. AVllllam EL Bralnard and wife to C. I. Snyder, lot 16, block. 6, Terminus Ad dition $ 290 Mary F. Wrinkle and husband to A. V. Lfarneo. block 23, James Johns Second Addition to St. Johns 3,350 Board of School Trustees to H. L. Mar tin, west Vs lot 6; south 44 feet 2 Inches of west lot 6. block 261. city 6,500 F. W. L id better and wife to F. W. Baltes, undivided Interest lot 3, block 49. Couch Addition 2.750 Percy H. Blyih and wife to same, same 2.730 P. H. Marlay and wife to George H. Stevens, lot 10. block 37. Sunnyolde.. 1 Melvln Goldsmith to R. E. Sauvain. lor tt. block. 6. Smith's Subdivision to Smith's Addition 300 George W. Brown to H. P. Anderson, lota 12. 1 3. block 5. Evelyn 233 Portland Truit Company to J. C Graham ei si., lot 1. biock u. .rortsmoutn villi, Extended 160 Mary Cadegan and husband to J. Schmurr. lot 8. block 4. Wynkoop Villa 400 Christopher D. Bruun and wife to L. J. Amos. lot 1. block B 11. Dolan's Ad dition 1.000 N. C Mergts to E. Westberg. west end lots 5. 6. 7. 8, block 65. Linnton .... 1 S. F. White and wife to C. W. Hender son, lot 7. block 2. Dent's Addition.. 1,500 Aloys Harold to Mrs. R. Hall, lots 3. 6. block 26, West Portland Park 1 Same to E C Hall, lota 3. 4, block 26. West Portland Park 7 F. A. Helm et al. to H. Julian, lot 4, block 1. Mount Scott Park 223 J. H. Nash and wife to J. McRo'jert. lot 10. block 3, Nash's First Addition 600 J. L. Hart man et aL to Portland. Gas Company, part of block 48. A. L. Min er's Addition to St. Johns 750 Total $20,827 Murphy Will Coach Rowing Club. BOSTON. Mass., Jan. 23. Dan J. Mur phy, of this city, former coach of the "Winnipeg crew, which went to England and also xvon both American champion ships at the Saratoga regatta- In 18K, has Mgned and forwarded a contract to coach the Portland Rowing Club after several weeks negotiations. He will not be among strangers, for several of his old friends from Winnipeg are located near Portland. Murphy Is a rare judge of speed and form required by aspirants for the winning place and has a brilliant sculling record. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. Mrs C Roy and daughW F Barrett. Chicago. Medfcrd H Hinges and wf, NY; L R Plachner. St PJG J Lambley. N T M H Eastman. S F L Pragcr. S F P R John, S F H W Rice, Seattle L W David. Blaine S Kronbwg and wife. R Smith. Spokane 1 New Tork W J Webster. S F -F W Matthews. Washington, D C T T Ifcfes. Idaho J F Moroney, S F A McCarthy. S F T C Ruppel and wife. New Yorlc P Splcer, Vancouver It M Tnttle and wife. Mandon. Mo H N Anderson. Vancv H B Black and wlfe.lA W Middleton, Vane V S A W A Grubb, San Frn J A Brown and wife. Fergus Falls F Lee. Seattle B Campbell. St Faul C Williams. St Paul L Allen. N Y J J Swafford, K C R C Coffey and wife, Kansas City P Zemansky, S F T H Curtlss, Astoria R II King. Chicago E B Reed. Milwaukle T Burke. Seattle H G Klrkpatrick. Colvllle I A P Jacobs, city F B Thayer, city B W Mulkey, Vale O E Pollock. .Vale II Boenlke. Clevelnd' A M Smart, Chicago A K Fletcher. N Y W I. Clarke, S F F N Dewey. Watertni THE PERKINS. Mr Naylor. Boston ID E Murphy, Omaha John Shields, Salt L B F Wilson. Omaha Albert Tozer.- Tacoma Jas Stewart, Aberden J I Wilson, Chicago A J Shelton, Condon, S R Mutter, Fossil Mrs Multer. Fossil J Sflranson. Chicago F Davenport. Hood R Ben Newman. Hood R Otto Vetter. Chicago C II Voegttey. Burns C F Gilbert. Dallas C R McCully. Dallas M E Weathcrford, Olex. Or Mra Magulre. Seattle Emory Roller. S F J F Day, La Grande D A Fitzgerald. G Pss Mtss B BarUett, St L L W Irvine, Riverside John Holmes, Cove A B Cameron. Okla Mrs Holmes, Cove Mrs Cameron. do J W Uunn. do Ben Newman. do J G Stevens, Cove Mrs Stevens, Cove Miss Stevens. Cove Elsie Henry. Albany Sarah Fastabend, Ast R J Young. do E Gustovork. do Mrs .Gustovork, do A F Peterson, do W B Stone. do P L Pauley,- do A B Stone. do W B Castle. Wal Wal R E Armstrong. Cond G Bukersok. Tekoa H W Harrold. Ncwbrg F A Morris. Newberg W 31 Carruthers. apoit THE IMPERIAL. W Van Doun. DutchHlNathan Jacobs. Kan C Chas Scott, city jW C Albee. Tacoma Chas Snyder, city F A Seufert. T Dalls Anton Nolte. PendltniT Swlek. Grant's Ps L Lomax. Bal:er Cl C E Hutchinson. Ba- ker City j Miss M K Brlnck. Baker City A M Sollce. Ontario G D Emery. Everett H A Canlleld. Seattle J W Condon, T Dalles C F Condon. T Dalles A C Dougherty. Moro Herman--Bortx, Wis Fred Paasch. Hood Rv B Solomon, Texas W E Brock. Pendleton C J Howard. Seattle a Tt Ruford. Wal Wall F Heacon. N Y H G Sommermon, w 1. wmtmore. cngo Glendale U K Anderson. acorn J Demartlnl. SXF H G Van Dusen. Asto J R Banzan. G Pass H G Smith and wlfc.1 Vancouver W D Simpson. N P J S Van Orsdale. Pndl H E Ankeny. Eugene Mrs I H Bingham. Cottage Grove H L Swaggart, TendlJ THE ST. CHARLES. FCook E Hs-worth L H Campbell T Comstoek. Dundee H C Miller. Seattle J S Vaughan Chas Powers. Seattle C E Morris, Columbia Wm Fraser, Clatskan Mrs Fraser. Clatskan Mrs Fraser. Clatskn J P Bishop, city R TW Grant. Scappoos Victor Wallace J S Cogswell. Or City! C E Zelglcr A S Cunningham. SFioick Hammer, city Mr Cunningham, s i-IDan Acker, Stella .T T Peterson. WIsig LoDakleo B Chambers, LaCentlG W Staler, Roseburr Mrs Chambers, a ;w R Munkey A X Johnston. IndpIslH Ellertson j B Huninger. SponlE Oleen; Deer Island R D Crandall JE P Dodge. Mullno J E Marchand. city IF D Haight. Albany Dr Gloze. ClatskanleiA L Macon. Reno Mra Gloze. Clatskanl Sirs. Macon. Reno R L Eberraan ! Jesse Ridings. Dexter C R Celler. city jF Kuehnel. Wasco G E Beeaon, VanevrjChas Nelson, Alaska II W Davis, Halsey jj B Emery. Astoria Rov Kreltr. Dayton Ed Hogan. Cascades G C Beavers iWm Robinson. Or Cty Mrs Beavers i Green Chance THE SCOTT. J E Relley. 8 F " JJas Cooley. Coos Bay A C'Hawley, Mlnnpls P A Clancy. Oakland E A Converse. Oakld JI G Flynn, Oakland L P Singer and wife. Seattle H J Taylor and wife. San Francisco A -B Terrll. San Fran C D Hall, and wife. Arlington H B Hall and wife. Arlington M J Ransey. Seattle Mrs Wlsner. Stevensn Miss Wlsner, Stevens Mrs Truax and daugh. Eugene C E Bates and wire, Vancouver. B C Chas Hunter and wf. I Eugene K J Paulson. Hood R I B Coffman, S F M J Dickinson and I A Baum. S F wife. McMtnnvIlle 1 P Luther and wife, B H Karris and wlfe.t Ashland San Francisco Miss Luther, Ashland v v vanstrana. -xaco( Tscoms Hotel. Taeenta. American ptan. Hates. S3 and up. Hotel "Donnelly, Tacoma. First-class restaurant in connection- Chamber of Commerce BOOM, IN BUTTER PRICES san frantcisco firms take ad Vantage of light receipts. Market Also Strengthened' by Actlvo OuUide Demand Satisfactory Auction Sale of Oranges. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 23. (Special.) The local hutur market Is excited and higher. Ow ing to light receipts, z. number of houses wtre short of supplies, and those who had butter took advantage of tfie opportunity to boom prices. Creamery extras advanced to 2682H5 centiv some specials wllfng at 2S cents. An other cause of the firmness Is the active outside demand. Twenty-three large wholesale houses here have petitioned the Legislature to pass a bilt Just Introduced requiring the weight of every package of butter between half a pound and six poundr, to be plainly registered there on, to secure uniformity of weight and protect consumer. Cheese is In ample supply, but steady. Eggs are lower. Receipts. 31,500 pounds butter. 6,800 pounds cheese. 18.200 dozen eggs. Grain dealings In the new hall of the Mer chants Exchange were not extensive, but prices gradually strengthened and closed firm for the leading cereals. Rye was strong, with a ale at $1.50. Feedstuffs were quiet and easy, owing to rain. The auction sale of oranges was the largest and most satisfactory held this year. Six car load? cf navels sold readily as follows: Fancy. $1.2091.70: choice. $1.10f71.40; standard. $1.05 1.30. A carload of fancy tanxerlnes broucht iODOc. The open market for all citrus fruits was quiet. Apples were easy. Tropical fruits were in ample supply. Ordinary potatoes arrived heavily, and were easy, but prime offerings remained firm. Sweets were higher. Fancy onions advanced to $2.70. VEGETABLES Garlic. 8810c: green peas, 4S3c; string beans, EfflOc; tomatoes. $1.01.50; SG plant. 7 6- 10c. ruiLTlll-Turkey gobblers'. 19'g21c: rooit- ers. old, $4.503: do young. $5.506.30; hrcll- ers. small. $2.3033; large. $393.50: fryers, $4.5085.50; hens. $4.5036.50; ducks, old. $4.50 5.50; do young. ?(VS7. CHEESE Young America. Ilgl2"4c; East era. 13&15c. BUTTER Fancy creamery, -Yzc: creamery seconds. 25c; fancy dairy, 23c; dairy sec onds, 20c. EGGS Store, 24f25c: fancy ranch, 28c. WOOL Lambs'. 16glSc. HAl wheat, $10915; wheat and oats. $10 14; barley. $9Q11: alfalfa. $0611.50: clover. IT 69; stock:. $57: straw. 4,Kgo5c MILLFEED Bran. $19.5OS20.30; middlings. $2Sef2S. HOPS 1904, 27&30C. FRUIT Apples, choice, $1.75; do common. 60c; bananas. 75c$$2.60; Mexican limes, $4.50 go: California lemons, choice. $250; do com mon. $1; oranges, navels. $102; pineapples, $1.50-33. POTATOES Early Rose. $1.30&1.45; River Burbanks, 05990c; River reds, 55865c; Salinas Burbanks, $131.43; sweets, $ie,L10; Oregon Burbanks. $11.30. RECEIPTS Flour. 6260 quarter sacks; wheat. 1465 centals; barley, 10,210 centals; oats, 5920 centals; beant. 270 sacks; corn. 1200 centals potatoes, 633 eacks; middlings, 100 sacks; hay. 370 tons; wool. 52 bales; hides, 425. London Wool Sales. LONDON, Jsn. 23. The offerings; at the wool auction sales today amounted to 12,982 bates. There was a keta demand for a good selection ot isew boutn wales and Queensland grey merinos at urm rates. Faulty descriptions wens steady. Scoureds were difficult to buy at late rates, crorc-breds hardening under ani mated buying. American buyers securing grey merino, cross-breds and half-bretls. Cape of Good Hope and Natal was steady at full rates. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 23. Cotton Futures closed steady at a net decline of 11017 points January. -6.50c: February. 6.53c: March. 6.59c Apr!l,6.6(c: May. 6.67c; June. 6.72c Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Jan. 23. Wool Nominal medium grades, combing and clothing. 23929c light fine. 1822'(ic; heavy fine. 14918c; tub washed. 27011c. Elgin Butter Market.' ELGIN. 111.. Jan. 23. Butter Firm and un changed at 29Hc; sales for the week were 438.400. OE OMMISSION GRAIN and STOCK BROKERS We Cbarge Na Interest lot Carrying Long Stock General Office tf !2Ws aUNNEAPOLia. MINX. ZL K. lliVa, Corns pcxd cat. Room z. Greaad Iloor, numfejf ! Commexoe. , TRAVELER'S GUISE. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY PORTLAND to THE DALLES Regulator Line Steamers BAIL! (ElCtPT SOtiDAT) 7 A. H. Direct 11ns for- MoZetl's. St. Martin's and Collins Hot Springs. Connecting at Lyle, Wash., with Columbia Klvtr & Northern Ry. CO.. for Goldendale ana Klickitat Vailey points. Landing toot of Alder st. Phona 5Uin 114. 8. M' DONALD. Agent. For South -Eastern Alaska Steamers of the company, or for which it Is agent, ieava SEATTLE 9 A. M., TACOMA C P. il.. day previous; steam ships COTTAGE CITY (Jan. 2, rria muubw ana Biixa; Jan. 17. 31. SKAGWAY DUtECT.l RAMONA (Jan. 10. 24. tivr. way direct): both vessels mat ing regular s. - Alaska ports ot van: toiuge iry calls at Vancouver: "Ramona CALLS AT VICTORIA. FOR VANCOOVER. CTTY OF SEATTLE leaves Seattle Tuesdays, Thuradajs. Sundays. 10 P. M. ; call at Everett and Bellingham. ileturning. leaves Vancouver Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, calling at Balllngham only. Steamers connect at San Francisco with com. panys steamers for porta in California. Mex ico and Humboldt Bay. For further informa tion obtain folder. Right Is reserved to change steamers or sallinz date. TICKET OFFICES. Portland 249 Washington st. Seattle 113 James u and Dock. San Francisco .10 Market sr. C D. DUN ANN, Gen. Pass. Age, Xti Macet r San JTranclsco. TRAVstLstJt'S GTJXDX. OBEGOftf Shout Lure ak union Pacihc 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullmaa standard and tourist sleep- tng-cars dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spokane tourist sleeping-car daily to Kansas Cltyj through Pullmaa tourist sleeping-car (person ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Recltning chair-cars (seats free) to the East dally. UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrive-. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:15 A. M. S:2& P. M. SPECIAL for tb East Dally. Dally, via Huntington. SPOKANE FLYER. ':cP.Jt j5-. For Eastern Washington. Walla Walla. Lw Uton.Courd'Aleae and Great Northern points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. ... a xt 7-15 1 v fothe.East rtx Hunt- 7fe RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 P.M. 3:00 P. M. way points, connecting Daily. Dally with steamer for Uwa- except except -co and North Beach Sunday. Sunday steamer Hassalo. Ash- Saturday. street dock (water per.) 10:00 P. M. FOR DAYTON. Ore. , K.n-p m gun City and Yamhill S,t River polnta. Aah-swt aS. dock (water permitting) FOR iEWISTON. 5:40 A. M About Idaho, and way points. Dally. 5:00 P.M. from Rlparis. Wash. ex. Sat. . ex. Fri. TICKET OFFICII Third nrt tVashlnirto-B. Telephone Main 712. C. TV. SUnger. City Tick et Agent: A. L. Craig. General Passenger Agent. fan Franclco & Portland S. S. Co. For San Francisco every flvo days at 8 P. 1L. from Alnsworth dock. S. S. Costa Rica, Jan. 31., Feb. 10th. S. S. Columbia, Jan. 25. February 5. 1905. Portland Astatic S. S. Company. For Yokohama, Kobe, Moji and Hong Kong. takisg freight via connecting steamers tor Nagasaki. Shanghai. Manila, Port Arthur and Vladivostok. S. S. Nlcomedla. February 17. S. S. Numantta, March 9. For freight and further particulars, apply to JAMES H. DE4VS0N. Agent. Telephone Main 268. 243 Washington St. PAQT LrtvJi SOUTH UNION DEPOT. I o teJrtlAiJL iX I ntxS TRAINS 8:S0 P. U. Ifor aalem. KOse-l 7:23 A. M. uurg. Ashland. l-Ue-l.amcnto, Ogden. ban1 "ranciauo, ilojave. Los Angeles. .1 Paso. New Orleans and th East. Morning train con naop. a. nect at Woodbum (dally except aan- day) with train lurj uountAngei. ativer- ton. Brownsville. Springfield, Wend. Ung and Natron. 4-00 P. K- Albany passenger noao, connecti: at wood burn, with MLAsgeli . and suvertoa local. 7-30 A. M. 11430 P. M. Corvallls passenger, 3:30 P. SC. HS-25 A. M. Sheridan pa&ienger. Daily. UDaUy exct")t aunaay. PORTLAND-OS WE GO SUBURBAN 8ERVICS AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Leava Portland dally for Oswego at 7:39 A M 12:50. 2:05. 325. 620. 6:25. 7:45. 10:19 P. Ml' TJafly. except Sunday. B:S0. 630. J33w, 1025 A. JL. 4a. 1130 P. M. Sunday, only, S A. M. Returning from Oswego arrive Portland dally 830 A. M-. 1:05. 3:05. 435. 6:15. 7:35. 85, 1110 P 1L Dally except Sunday. 6:25, 72o, 9-SO. 10:20. 11:45 A. M. Kxcent Monday. 13:23 1 iL Sunday only, 10:00 A. si. lava from ame aepot for Dallas and inter medULts polnu dally except Sunday. 4 P. M. Arrive Portland. 10:20 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth motor 11ns oper ates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. connecting with S- P. Co. trains at Dallas and Indepeac- eCvfrtcUos far from Portland to Sacrament end San Francisco. 20; berth. $5. Second class fare $13; second-cUsa berth. $2.50. Tickets io Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and TIME CARD OFJKAINS PORTLAND Deport. Arrlva. Puget Sound Limited for Tacoma, Seattle. Olympla. South Bend and dray s Harbor DOlnta 8:30 am 4:45 pip Norths Coast Limueo tor Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane. Butte. St. Paul. New York. Boston and all points East and Southeast 3:00pm Twin City Express; for Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane. Helena, bt. Paul, Minne apolis, Chicago, New York, .boston and all points East and Southeast 11:43 spa -I4a 7:00 pa Puget Bound-Kansas City Si. Louis SpsclaJ. for Tafoma. Seattle. Spokane. Butte. Billings. Denver, Omaha, KsnmT City, St. Louis and all points East and Southeast .. 3:30 am 760 9 All trains daily, except on South Bsad hranclu A. D. CHARLTON, ' Assistant General Pas. senger Agent. 235 Morrison su. corasr Thlra, Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. msik vnV 70 ft Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. rjajiy For Maygers, Rainier, Daily. Clatskanle. Westport, CUf ton, Astoria, War. 8:00 A. M. renton. FUvei. Hans. 11:19 0 mond. Fort Stevens, Uearbart Park. Sea side. Astoria and Sea shore. Express Daily. 7:00 P. M. AsWrlaExpreaa. 9:40 P. 34. C A STEWART. J. C MAYO, Comm'l Agt... 248 Alder st. G. F. A P. A, Phone Mala 906. City Ticket Office. 122 3d st. Phono 6M, 2 0VEBLAHD TEACTS DAILY O The Flyer and tho Fast MalL SPLENDID SEEICE UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT COUKTEOUS EMPLOYX For tickets, rates, folders and fall itw formation, call os or address B. DICKSON. City Psjweager aad Xtaltot Agt 122 Third street. Portland. Or. JAPAN-AMERICAN LINE S. S. SHINANO MAU rtr Japan. Chins and all AsiotJev Parte Xert teeeUUo afeost 7ek. Utk,