TUB MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 190o. x . , 13 KELT WANTED MALE. V FOB KENT. ' " rOK KENT. FOK KPiT. BUSINESS OUSCW. BPSLXEgS PCBECTORY. BPSDCESg DIRECTORY. Bookkeepers aaA Clerks. Xoobu. Housekeeping Sooms. Hwoes for "Kent Furs! are for Sole. GREAT NORTHERN MINE. BLUE RIVER Assayon and Analysts. " 'Habbcr Staaaps.- - district. Limited amount of, treasury . 1 DO YOU "WANT A MAN WITH REFERENCE NEW LANGE HOTEL. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. OR WILL ALL NEW. MISSION WEATHERED OAK stock now selling: at 23c; safe, responsible ' MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 20S STARK P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. TEL. and familiar with work as bookkeeper, cash. European plan; electric Heats ana bells. furnish to suit, fine new residence, very furniture with Spanish leather cushions. and hlchly profitable; a developed' pro- St. Prices: Gold. $1; copper, $1; silver. 30c Main 719. rubber stamps, seals, stencils. ier, agent, solicitor or teamster; must have steam heat and elevator; baths free to guests; sirable location, close In, on But Side, near Arabian curtains with Madras overdrnpes ducing mine; Immediate returns on your 1 work of some kind Immediately. X 61, Ore- rates 60c. 73c ana V- per day; special rates all car lines, walking distance, all modern and vetour interior draperies tn . living money! can refer you to plenty of re 11- PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANA- Safes. gonlan. by the -week. Elegant cafe and bar In con- conveniences, furnace heat, electric light. room and djnlng-room: one bedroom genu- able people who have made personal la- lyst; sold dust bought. 228 Stark st, i nectlon. Corner 6th and Washington sts. wood for cocking, eta; price unfurnished, lne mahogany furniture; two others fine veatlgatlon and bought stock: you cannot NEW AND SECOND. LOCKOUTS OPENED; Miscellaneous. Sam Bauman. manager; F. Lange. prop. f20; furnished. $23. Telephone East 1310. quartered oak; all enameled beds and afford to miss the present opportunity. Call Bastaeas Colleges. repairs. Dlebold Agency. J. E. Davis, ti 34. r " felt mattresses: "Wilton rugs throughout; or address H. C Mahon. 213 Commercial . BY A MAN OF 20 YEARS WITH ENGINES WANTED THE ONEONTA. 1ST 17T11 ST.. NEAR YAM- new flat, beat location. West Side. B S3. block, Portland. ' GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWRIT- Second-Hand Dealers. and machinery: 8 years with Ice and re friz- Rooms hill New house,- elegantly furnished apart- Oregon! an. -rr lnV famous budget bookkeeping, actual erating machinery, as engineer, or with come In a11 D-rt o the ments. In suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and I HAVE FOR SALE ONE OF THE FINEST business practice; positions found for grad- SUGARMAN & SONS, highest price 'paid 24- roachlnery firm in or out of city; give par- Apply 220 Goodnouga bulMing. cold water; gas range in each kitchen: steam 5-ROOM COTTAGE. RENT $10.30: FUR- 120 acres of piling timber in Ores on; old uates: day and night schooL Holmes Bust- hand furniture, stoves. 233 Front. Red 3173. ticulars of Job and salary. N 53. Oregonlan. 1 Exposition Accommodation uureau- teat and baths; free phone on each floor. nlture almost new; $200. Union 2421. 90 E. growth, very long, convenient location, rear ness College. Y. M. C A. bldg. Main 51X . '. Z. 'Under direction of Lewis and Clark c.v, v ' Buttevltle. on Willamette River, splendid . D ,, . WANTED POSITION AS PLUMBER'is Falr Corporation. Phone Main C-OC. FINE SUITE. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ' land, about 4 miles from railroad: Umber Carpenters tad Builders. ' Spiritualists. helper by young man. two years' experience. , . Morrfron st- Address B 34. Oregoaian. K'v- 4.ROOM HOUSE FOR -RENT AND FURNI- man can clear $100 per acre handling this . P, ,Trvnvt- talfea other shoxperiei Address Hi THE AUDITORIUM. 208 3D SI BET TAY- lnS panlculars as to number In family, oc- turef or -ale cheap. 503 Spokane aw.. Sen- plUag; price. $20 per acre. O.W.Eastman. CABINET-MAKING AND FURNITURE 3 SSjg BgP ool AS0cT 30cl -Xi J., 2(0 Morrison st. . cu wood. Oregon City, Or. ffi? ReS FfSSl VAcifbRAkl JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN FUK. rteam heX not and water la FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES Winter ana bammes- Eeaarts. BEST PAYING PAWNBROKERS' BUSINES3. 1 1 , SICOMPLETEE R&VDIGSSOc. nlsh domestics, servants, farmer and all F- Jf.1 . J?, , Private everything new. $10 per mo. and up. The established ten years, can be handled for W. L. Buckncr. office, store fixtures, general thh mmfnt To,' ?tck his pin- kinds of help. Black 692! 263 Everett st. baths, elevator.- reasonable rates. Star. 230 Larrabee at, near Steel Bridge. HOTEL MOORE. CLATSOP BEACH, SEA. about $7000. This proposition will bear Jobbing, contracting 330 Stark. Black LOlpHB WILL TELL YOUYbUR -TJLL YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED IN JtUNNING ROOMS - NEW BUILDING. JUST COM- HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. "NICELY FUR- . MK ovestoelVwnU taoSS mfere-ts GEO. W GORDON COUNTERS SHELVES -iTIMoS automobiles, both nsflu and electric, de- dt'honn5inUP;S'aflV lam-iSr- , eLvra- d,: ,V.at t- quiring his whole attenUon. O 70. Oregonlan. houses "built and re'palredl 20S4tm Clay 174. WHEN YOU WILL MARRY, and what you sires position. K 61. Oregonlan. rms f or ue of guests, hot and cold ; run- Uotcl orthern - fc Marshall. err prr kttt ,vn irm. nnnmr r-Tnv nn ,vnmntHT to rv- : called for. without asking a question; will THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED JAPANESE g water in eadTroonl 207 14th , near FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES; $S TrU S.S nJYus tvout SffiS TSTSSPjS S jvanw poslUon in hotel or restaurants. Taylor- gSaS?,?? iSd JS&JSo, AtS ward- 546 SUrfc TeL Mala if nTTM1 Sanitary carpet cleaning, suction and com- SScn wiser and bailer thai "wtaa you Frank. 268 Everett st. . A GENTLEMAN DESIRING A BEAUTIFUL Qolcsmlth. cor. Goldsmith and Alblna avts. mi.mTT w l SivfE u,r hdZ Pressed air combined: carpets cleaned on called. WANTED A SITUATION; A JAPANESE VS'wIthrhTsunc- THE HEILER. 2S0 Grand ave.-T,reproof orlry1"? StSJg' $8&&J$FvS& "' tloorwithout remov.L Main 3334. East UMH. SlKSL: .r'434'1-- --etVn- S& 1 STORES F0R'P.ENT-2D AND SALMON. AP. i HAVE A LARGE LIVERY AND FEED lropo4Ut and Manicuring. 5 S iSfe BI Oresonian. -- ply 810 Mohawk Wdg. - barn In a splendid location, for rent or sale WM DEVEVY & EqTTi t v tipwvv tup hSw L Sarr wSl EXPERIENCED WASHER WANTS WORK n vrru.T ......,. ...., THREE NICELY FURNISHED CONNECT- i or trade; a new hotel having been located oarlnUfle eh uSii?,??arinrV ram How c5L I mam-? in lty or country .steam laundrj'. C. Prelss- B,p. , f f:rrt,LY FURNISHED BOOMS. ing housekeeping rooms; no obJecUon to chll- Oficea. near this barn makes It a very desirabio lo- SS5" t!S2? L.S : pivors: Jm 52 i,nl ler. 387 E. StaVk. ?S.,fbIJor!Sip,-e r ? .t0 f eoHfae,?; "tlo? 123 14th St.. corner Washington. 1 : cation. Will E. Purdy. Newbirg. Or. bWc;. M t on Stto Sw I Sfke Iirna ll m qct73 heat, gas, batli and telephone: fine location. . TOR RENT-PART OF LARGE OUTS ID EJ . 1361. This Is the long-haired gentleman. 0,31 I malce anyone loe mel JAPANESE BOY WANTS TO MAKE BEDS fnb 'jB,n 450S- 07 N- at" near Wajh THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOLSEKEEP- offlcefVeU furnlstitd. 224 Chamoerof Com. SHOE STORE FOR SALE-ONE OF THE He la the man you are looking for. How can I get a "t1"? ... . OaT elMU "aEeS- GM,Care tLTmo. . tsn MnR" S SS 2b3F ggS4& ' : SSSSSW Clalr,oyant.. 303 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 3TH. SITUATION WANTED AS FIRST-CLASS 35 TAYLOR ST. NICELY BURNISHED ZxtLJ0 Sft!L " THE GPT.ONLYVD ORIGINAL VC YBARS PMggUtSgg miner or powder man. L S3, Oregonlan. . & Tn - NOT IN THE ROOMING-HOUSE TRUST-,,- COMnca. 30c iSSSS ATST10 SFSSF YAMHILL ST. NICELY FURNISHED WS JiTI BplSSuU tF East sfd'e'f SSUS. taStoSSblS vlenranroV COSSET FOR. SALARIED PEOPLE. bave some good bargains. Let me .bow them. EDUCATED IN EGVPT INDIA. JL2 SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. W Union 3203. leniences, gas range, free phone. ' 1 WANTED RELIABLE PARTY TO -.TAKE TeIlOVHEND fcoU TWO VICELY FURNISHED POOMS FOR SL1T OF ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR j jaiereta advance:" no TmortUge toawer mtereat In cash business, paying $130 and WHOM YOU "WILL MARRY. to c.a at 41- Alder, cor, llth. Main Blip. Bookkeeper, and Stenographers wltaiFo? burtna ffi housekeeping. $11 rr montn; no cblWren. 'rei Repay weekly. ihlr l Kn.- ees monthly: $1200 reoulred. J. V. Positively mentioning your sweetheart-. MRS. C. . CORNELIUS. 307 Allsky bldg.. 3d r.,-P,Durn wirnm-T cvnwrmp veniences; private family, no sign. Phone aW phone Pnlon s l monthly in amounts from JUioipvirdi, Creighton. 165 Jd at., room A. full name. and, Morrison; sittings dally. Hood 403. STENOGRAPHER, WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE -pmnt 748 -Vnmhiti thus avoiding the paymeEVof the -wbolo Settles love quarrels and promptly re- : . of office work. de?ires a position for expe- r""" Jamnl"- , 372 1ST ST. FOUR NEWLY PAPERED FLR- amount o-ol-j&f aaysE-taj-tlay; and lavt I"OR SALE OR TRADE FOR A GROCERY, unites the separated, no matter how long MRS STEVENS spiritual life reader scien. riencc; salary no object. Address E 53. m 12TH j-j. BET YAMHILL AND TAY- nlsht bay-TT,n!0W, housekeeping rooms; rea- Eix znovvZtTlZeTil desired. 160 acres fine yellow pine In Central Oregon. standing. tiflc palmist. 30c 343 Yamhill, eor. 7th. care Oregonlan. Tor-One front suite'- alM one Citable sonable; respectable people only. NELSON & HINDLEY. SOS McKay bldg. good timothy land, five miles from sawmill. London's most famous palmist and clajr- ' COMPETENT LADY STENOGRAPHER DE- 'gj' veniences; private Two OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED lOaxb MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE TZTlZTr .gffi W SiC8 Showcases. Bank and Ston, fixtures. elres position: experienced; with best of ref- . housekeeping rooms, reasonable, two blocks holding permanent positions and responsible GOOD BUSINESS. FINE LOCATION WANT MEDIUM. .,..m, L ' erence Address C S4. care Oregonlan. THREE BLOCKS OF LEWIS AND CLARK "mi Washington. 23 N. 11th. firms; easy paymenu and strictly conflden- .JLlJlS111 She tells what you came for before you IyibVih' vni'Ka taut' tusirpc vn?TTTOv as EtxposlUon grounds; fumlsheA rooms; batb. two oowvpctivb nnmiq vraxiKHPn UaI; ,, 5fr c m oSilanV utter word: doe" not uk Qiestlons. no y ' ae. Ts5tenNopDa8DSlae ffSeping" jg gSgV' "Uh0llt b0ara' kSSSctSS! ace on' person! Sfrtoe, a sp Oregonlan. lnl feh cer PORTLAND SHOWCASE 1 FTXTURD CO.. D 61. Oregonlan. 05 aughn, at. rtnt reasonable 223 11th et. clalty w" " I WANT A PARTNER. YOUNG MAN. GOOD .-inti. hJr than hSman SSwlr Tells 1st, near Market. Phone- Black S133. TTonsekegnera. PLEASANT FRONT SUITE; ALSO SINGLE W)P RENT-UVFURNiqitED nonSFKFBP 5fEW RJ0 JC VSS COMPAXT' hlvf soSe SnlLl-ceTok wUh truth, good or bad. " " goiMkcepers. rooms, uee of sitting-room.' borne privilege. Jl ned J? w o 203 Ablngton BuUdlng. gave some pUal. office work, with salary. HOURS10 TO g DAILY AND SUNDAY. Stop Prinking. LADY WOULD LIKE SUPERVISING 2- 'our b,ocks HotcJ PortlanS' Ppir Jeffers Cn1' MONEY TO LOAN Oregonlan. f02 ilPfJI? GUARANTEED cure; send 30c; tablet form? housekeeper position, hotel, rooming-house or -50 - BUu . On Improved cit? proper or for building "SlANTED PARTNER TO BUY SHOOTING S?ooa AS BOSTON DENTAL UTOUedtapIaln package; has cured, thou Z2s&tir?sti 'LSSS SSSSWSPa TOSS- wirav., ff-1 tS?S? iSSST 3decofuamb: sands. LuacwtoiT. - sonable. 470 Bums.de near 13th. bath. Phone Main 4660. ane vanrLuS . M rpvT; Storage and Transfer. XSSSJk SOnrjvafnS oomsfurnlturf nwfeljraeocancr; Sfa 8 gonrocafth CTLAND 'j PIANOS ?,YJ'??j3JrtXaJ - ONE OR TWO FURNISHED ROOMS WITH 3 R0051S BAT"- AS. EVERYTHING THE STAR LOAN CO. WASSSES& CTH- P?r n125n MSf M-08 WANTED-POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER: b;S0 RBnvridnul!t nrivS ?amHv- new; ,f something extra nice, call Any salaried employeT wageeamer. can WANTED PARTNER WITH $400 TO IN- 50 CENTS. C M. Olsen. Phone Main 34,. able to take charge of a large house. Ad- Si TS oStn nj. no Sunday. 353 Fargo st. Set on his note, without mortgage crease business established 10 years; paying c n pipit OFFirF 8S 1ST BET STRK drees D 75. Oregonlan. children. P o3. Oregonlan. : Confidential. Month. -month. Wwk. from $200 to $400 monthly: references. R S3. c-f KlS h P&'fSnltSrl mmcUc. DESIRABLE ROOM. SUITABLE ONE OR FffiInH1?Dm PiSFgHBD HOUSE- ffR'P Jo u, $1X33 or $3.65 or $X25 Osonlan. MTNTYRE. rnved d packed tli shipmStrcommodlous IMimestlcs. Fcntiemtn new house rtou In modern Keeping rooms, with gas. bath and heat, free $25 Repay to us 3 6.65 or $3.35 or $1.63 .. .tnvnvi YT tvn oir xtiq-r flrenroof brick warehouse Front & Clay sts. MmfniencS -isii nth t raooern phone. 4l Jefferson. . $15-Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 BUTCHER SHOP FOR SALE. INCLUDING CIIROYAXT AND PALMIST. nreproot Dricic arenousc. jront. SITUATION WANTED AS FAMILY COOK; conveniences. .48 Bth st. . "10 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 2D. hone and wagen. well located, doing aood uu-uv-T),!. wiv f?SZZ.:t-TA. -a- prto tiiokft qrORra AT 31 V FRONT cxiK-rienccd Snvedtoh grrl; wages. $35. 230 THE EARLE "(liu id stvewlt FUR FOR R ENT THB EE LARGK UNFUR- . business, low rent; price. $503. R 78, Ore- "SKTSS.SS , nS?SS sL hSiShold 4odVnd furniture ptoos. YamhllL Phone Black 2881. THER SD STNEWW FOR- ed toNe for housekeeping; cen- THE CRfCENT WAS CO HJCg wfLLTEOUYOUR FmlfNAME. chessewg auTad WANTED BY SCHOOL GIRL. PLACE TO Room, With Board. .iScMetSri EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO SB- ,.fe Consultation t" artlciea at reasonable prices. work for board and room. Phone East 17Mi. Rooms With Board. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKKEPING salaried employes, just on his note. In sums cure old-established grocery, good stand. 'i," 'TS.m J Consultation ,RDER PIANOS AND FURNITURE rooms, ground floor; sink. gas. pHoae. 251 of $10 to $100., Returnable ln convenient fine location, low rent; $2300. Y 81. Ore- on mSS- MmS Morrin moved-ralture chTnilindware packed ' v ' - Montgomery, cor. 3d. klr or omenta. Pa-ments stu- gonlan. Cosmos Bldg.. 6S Morrison. 0"" SITUATION WANTED CHILDRENSNURSE GET ON WITCH HAZEL, Front and MadUon-House- toggles. aeat1"- N FOR SALE - GENERAL MERCHANDISE fh,? L "RZCVfT BBRMT SCI- guaranteed. Phone East 1612. or governess; very capable German . girl. THK wtlTING LIST keeping rooms; transient; bath, electric light. . . T store with Postofflce in store. Inqulro H?. tifiJ , - if? t? 1 "ri0 1 , . t 230 YamhllL Phone Black 28S1. ., Tn elerant outaldVom in the X MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLEv Harry Tuttle. of Lang & Co.. 1st and An- ?Tf-ve- ConsultaUon on all affairs. Good ad- Trunk Factory. v-?-TT- 1 rvm-r 1 nm'vn . 1.. xfl., .. 1 ROOMS. LIGHT. HOUSEKEEPING PRIV- teamsters, etc without security; easy pay- keny st. T,ce- "aro heIP ntake Impossible; re- - A YOUNG LADY WANTS POSITION AS JjS S certW F : Hedges or partial board. 200 14th. near Jeff. roents; largest busmes in 49 principal cities. 7 U stores lost love and unites separated by PORTLAND TRUNK CO. 54 THIRD ST convalescent nurse; woman or child; mas- reoms steam heat eoTric licht tas Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg. CUy 175S. "WANTED PART Y WITH SMALL CAPITAL jrmpathy; locates buried treasure. Fee, wholesale and retail, faend for catalogue. euw. R 53. Oregonlan. plrcm bathflrSt & , UMe; &&la 21. .V5SS5S2. "OUSEKEEP- EASY-PAYMENT Pr ,v to to Join adverUsers In manufwturiw a use- U letter. $2. 207 Park. DreMmak low rate,. Phone Main 35G1. y ing rooms, also single rooms. ed 'ppl?; tf TtricUy Jn- agrlcuUnr1 P'n"- 53, OregonUn. Coal Dealer.; Typewriters. ' Hocses. gdentlal. Employes' Loan Co.. roomJIO. The FOR RENT. UNFURNISHED 04 ROOMS. . ' n New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and SHIRTWAIST SUITE, $3.50 AND UP: CHIL- 7 Pekum. 3d and Wash, sts. Phone 224. brlck bulldtnc one block from Imperial Ho- ES1TERnN0FB5D .AN YXJ' F0C.7"P,n05 repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. dren's sewing a specialty. 270 Market St. 5 YOU DESIRE TO RENT YOUR UN- - nl. p,-nTTr-rrv r.v tel. Call 317 Fenton bldg.. S4 6th st. Main 1013. Castle Gats Coal blacksmith 1 : " THE COLONIAL-A SELECT FAMILY HO- WS. STSorK RESTAURANT "0x00 FEET 100 FEET ' ' Wholesale Grocs. ?tUccUaneop'- ftJTSJS1 ihPxt&lMtSSZ curity. " owtes. a TV Palette. BrromatnNTntranlf to groSndsf VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers, best T TT. GRQCERr SITUATIONS WANTED CAPABLE HOUSE- stelm WugbouTSe' hoffe; ' pSrcetofn . H Awards. 1S3 to 101 1st. Fenton bldg. Phone Main 13S3. paid for one year. L 52, Oregonlan. coals; foundry and smelter coke. 323 B st. A.aTp0G: SS efedlC'"' MfSWS M Commission Merchants. - none niacK jsi. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION-1SCK YEAR- "tt"h'? c they know he has the finest room S. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. U30. 33 Russell bldg., 163 4th L" HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF XOST AND FOUND. KUUJSa 3.1&J2Z "In ln thC Cty- fJf CIGAR. FRUIT AND LUNCH HOUSE, STA IoST-SCOTCH 00 sig D AnlbelAussell, superintend 310 Flfnders: A? &Jfi& UZ?J "632! SS5.-S gi 1? f SITUATION WANTEDNEAT GIRL TO AS- TOrllUl?: SES" onU S" Si? man. "TK Sulan?, WANTED MAN WITH MONEY TO HAN- TAYLOR. YOUNG St CO. SHIP BROKERS d Si SS. ' JercWSr ES fflS&fi? "SgfwJ?raJ& A!S? phone number. K 62: Oregonlan. ' family. Phone Main 6183. Call 704 Flan- fc Truss Co.. 0 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Nunn. 00- aaw.aca. o.jt. .t-noce- t.iay 523. nets In the West. Q 61. Oregoaian. Portland. Or. ' and receive reward. 0VSC, LADY WISHES POSITION AS AS- W, .t AVPVpa $25-MODEr!v IIOI C HOOM- BATH Y ffiftodlSt." & ra''0141 HSnfS-S.rS fPUfi.tSSi a5TOffl MRS. GRANT'S adult and children's classes. JSS'SiAS 1 SveW 2 : bllllard-room; transientii: both car lines. Taykr; good Jawn. Powers Furniture Co., sute rund loancd. 0 pr w. E. Thomas, sai B-HALP 1 ISTEPE3T IV RFVT "tern Academy. Morrison St.. cor. 2d. Anderson Bros. Suibles and receive rcwarc LADY WOULD TAKE CARE OF ROOMS IN 131 and Talor. wt eTit Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. lih,fAi'ECr intinn hSn n. LOST-FOX-TERRIER PUP ON 5TH ST. exchange for housekeeping rooms. K 54. GOOD ROOMS. BATH AND PHONE 32 N. ,MOOM MODBRX nn,19P ..F. F. . eAd,IOrS?nlkr 1 Dyeing and Cleaning. tfSStJiSw to name "Ace? FlSder Oregonlan. "th. opposite Armory. One front alcove, re- C-HOOM MODERN HOUSE. NEAR STEEL slx per cent money to loan on aackamas Ing. Address D l4. uregonian. . nSTa Shone Main 45S3 627 3th st. fe. s duced price for three. Phone Main M. ffii cPcSSSScfc,,XS. County lands. B. . Ri.ey. COS Chan, Com! HARE CHANCE FOR TODAY $150 WILL .eTTr jfsS r XmnTv v BUYYIFLY WANTED AGENTS. THE TENNESSEE, COR 4TH AND MADI- 1K PRIVATE FUNDS WANED. 30 PER CENT cnS,stltilar,kl5ta ?2 t0 ad C'eaDar- SfHiStZ BEST MONEYMAKER FOR AGENTS OS aJ'tairl: T'' OLD FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. WITH BARN valuation: low rate. W. S. Ward. Allsky bldg. week. Call -48 Star k... EdnotlomJ. fefbf rttunSng to 405 3d st. OTiVloa-n XHE HESPERIAN. 3 MORRISON f ffiSHIon KS will do: 88.000 sold in Minneapolis; resells F?U' teL rooms en suite or single. wnmerce. T. .v. qTO Address D .1. Oregonlan. ers d'fl Regard. m ram, territorj-; costs 7c. sells for 23c. h board, hot and cold water. T.,,np . room mmrp ffmr JCJO.0CX) TO LOAN. XT 5AND 0 PER CENT. OPENING FOR A WOMAN mTH Fraternal Insurance. ' C- VERY DESIRABLE. NEWLY FURNISHED "-fS Wm. G. Beck, room 307. the Falling bldg. g, 1TK P..g8? . room, with board; modern conveniences; also acres clover hay. inqulro E. -6th and Tay- areas 11 a urecoruan. clety of N W protects the living J L. Reward WANTED GOOD MEN ON SALARY OR table board. 147 W'est Park. lor- PERSONAL. SALOON LONG LEASE WEST SIDE GOOD Mitchell. Sup. Sec. 612-615 Marquam bldg. - Pamu'perienc'ed1 raen offr568 The PAYING GUESTS RECEIVED; TAULB DONALD G. WOODWARD. 2JC STARK ST. AZA HOLMES-R1BBECKE - NEW INSTI- i,!, "jf?105 '"" Ca" ' Harness and SaddleZ BANKS. Cre,ccntQandPa,ntCo,C,ed,oI,ho? rl' JSS&SSSSogtt EAT VJTw?5.w '0 GOOD niW, THE BREYMAnTeaThTb Z WHOLe' lANTS' NAT BANK- &FcS$SnSZ THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON FOR RENT 15,000 ft. storage room In first- lt WKsl SeDH ffiSrfl TZZSM President good Serliry TOmmlJUon Aolv rKC front room. Also single room with claw brick building, centrally located. For- ods employed "by Aza Holmes-Hlbbecke. the Call 47 North 6th st. hardware, leather all kinds. ,.-,4 5th st. j. rBANK W ATSON vVelprel dwt rom Srurnybld. dTn'daylor board: modern conveniences. Information addre, S , OregoaU.. onjy atuplastic "g-g BpslXEg8 xoNS. 400 FEET FROM THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WIIOLE- . rW"Sg "nhldS. IZ VS&.'filSSl rar'"- MOrTte- gng'Sgssg MCCOr' aiiS.1 1Cather tkaNSATS AGEABANkSg 4MMar?eara'SS,0n- taMC PnW ' uatflogLWorwesl SSSSg FOR SALE-GROCERY. WELL ESTAB- lather and Finding,. JfeS availabl, ' ' ' PLEASANT ROOM WITH BOARD. PRIVATE KADDEKLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND removes birthmarks, plttlngs. wrinkles. Ushed; good central location; price. $1100. CTnnwRTlrnrR TPATHPB rn ' , 5Sofa2 worli avallabla family, nice neighborhood, central location. reliable piano and furnltuie movers. Pnons laggings, scars, eczema, pimples, moles. G 54. Oregonlan. J .A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. ES- In a parts of tne worio. dustbouitht. WANTED TO RENT 487 B. Ankeny. near 8th. Main 1683. Office 110 N. 2d tt. freckles Tand all blemlshesT Dermatology ' .. r.-,- tabllshed 183S. Leather and fl ndlngs: Stock- Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. MA-EEU -tu aiai. . t-urnt for nrores-lonal Durposes. Third NICE RESTAURANT. GOOD LOCATION. ton sole leather "and cut stock; lull Una , TO . vr,.. . i ANTED TWO FURNISHED HOHSBKEEP NOTICE KOSHER! A KOSHER RBSTAU $35-FINE 5-ROOM COTTAGE. MADISON. flcor McKay bfeg.. 3d and Stark. Phon. sale; reasonable prlee. Address V 33. Eastern J.umboa. 188 Front st. LONDON & SAN gfCO BANK- II11 rant .lnopt6,nh. near Davis. Sun- Powers Main 706. THE BREYMAN CO.. FATHER MFRS.. Chamber of CawUl Third and private family; rent $12. B 51. Oregonlan. Jan- Furniture 10.. ana iawr. wml?v WANTED SUFFERING FROM FOR RENT-CHOICE LOCATION FOR RES- boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store iSZVt ta WANTEDTO RENT. 0 OR 7-ROOM MOD- ALDER. COR. 10TII-FURXISIIED LOWER FLAT 5 ROOMS AND BATH. WITH inrf paTntul s lcc taurant or cigar store. 33 6th St.. near Stark. supplies, leather of all kinds. 72-74 6th. tran sacU SKaaUnSSst. orn dweUing near High School F 32 Ore- trotll Toorru flm floor arS; good use of stable: 33th and Belmont sts. George (whites) and all dUeaies of women, old or : ,UIJ loans .discounts bills and Issues gonlan. service, reasonable M. Strong. 163 W. Park st. ounc' roa0,OrDrp!1e'rwa SPBCIAL NOTICES. Machinery. rscredltTavallable for travelers and th ABOUT fi-ROOM FimNISHFD HOT7SF FOR 285 1 0TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. HOUSES. FLATS AND COTTAGES FOR f! rSadiWultaTiTOrec''6 Cfl 'orwrite -- ' B. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAW- ,5 neals Sclgnd' domestic ehang! lone term- -late nriccP O box IMS suitable for two; home cooking; modern. rent all over the city. Powers Furniture Co., Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. Proposals Invited. mills, logging machinery: hydraulic pipes. trir.?laid on UmodeposlSf . L3!: - - ---.irL- T Phone Main 3S02. 1st and Taylor. . . castings. All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. mteres. pai- v w A MACRAE Mgr. ' THE O'NEILL LE PAGE INSTITUTE PROPOSALS FOR COAL QUARTERMAS- , : ' WANTFIi MTSriTLAVFOITK THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON. CAN $16-NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGK, O.N EAST of dermatology, halr-dresslng. manicuring ter-s Office, Seattle. "Wash.. January 16, 1903: THE H. C. ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND pus faRGO & CO. BANK "1''-""'--wt". accommodate four at $25. with room and Aeh. corner 22d. Powers Furniture-Co., 1st and beauty culture; complete or partial Sealed proposals in triplicate will be re- machinery, sawmills, etc 24S Grand ave. corner Second and Washington. ,t, ornv t tv vn-n TDn-rnvn board; modern. nA Taylor. course given; diploma granted graduates; celved here until 3:20 P. M.. Pacific standard n!FR S. KING - Presldene ')lJBT 1 t LtJII ?H ? . best references given. Strictly first-class time. February 9. 1003. and then opened for Massage. tuwa-J. a. (Saa Franclaco.) nr,P?w 0.k LARGE FRONT ROOM. "WITH BOARD; 87 E. STH MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE). work. 340 Morrison. Phone Black 1843. the delivery at ship-side Honolulu? H. L. . - tea BARNES Cashle ,h "V" fa1"- P"- neat and ione. private family. Bey papered and painted, gas. Phone . not lat- than May J. 1305. of 5000 Iopg tons LIFE IS AS WE MAKE IT PERSIAN WALTER A. HOLT Assistant Caahle l"fton 'nts. trips made monthly, sales- 453 h. line. Main 4632. DISEASES OF MEN. best specially selected lump coal sc-eened and massage strengthens the muscles, cleanses wALinJit (Portland.) J. ana tandlng. "V fc-. Ore- . GONORRHEA. GLEET. SYPHILIS. picked twlc and free from dirt, slate ana the skin, soothes the nerves; Persian va- n-neral banking business transacted. Ex- oman- $4 WEEK SMALL ROOM. WITH BOARD; 7-ROOM HOUSE ON RAST S1DEI. "WALKING BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EM IS- other ImpurfUer. subject to 20 per cent ln- por. tub baths, and massage, tho Frances, .mm. d and letters of credit Issued, avall- - . .... a Urge room, $4.50 weok; bath. Tbone distance. $15. HatfleW & Smith. 103 SIONH. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and crease or decrease. Preliminary Inspection at 9th and Morrison. Red 2838. Sit b in all parts jot the world. L PAY -iOU HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR Union 4536. 4th st. " all affections of private organs permanently port of loading and subject to Inspection as able in v your second-hand furniture or anything you . cured. Dr. Walker. 181 1st L to condition, quality and weight at Hone- THE SNOWDEN BATHROOMS. WITH AT- Vwe CANADIAN BANK. .OF COMMERCE-- cannot use. Phone 5&5. Portland Auction BLAKELEY HALL. 270 BTH ST. ONE NICE 6-ROOM COTTAGE; GAS. BATH. LARGE lulu. Customs duties on foreign coal to tendants; vapor and steam baths: also mas- Head Office. Toronto. Canada. Kooma. -ll 1st et. large room, with flrst-claee board. Telephone basement: modern Improvements. 430 Har- MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD bo paid by contractor. Bidders to state name sage and electric treatments. 234V Morrl- capital paid up ..$8,700,000 7Tt , T,, , . T TTT 2631. rlton. promptly to our painless method of treatment: of coal and definite location of mine. All son St.. cor. 2d. room 3, Star rooming-house, peserve 3,500.000 . "J1!"' "u JP TO , . . we treat diseases of women only; consultation bids must be accompanied by a bond In the . Transacts a general banking business. to 12 years of age; good home and piano; ns Morrison, desirable room, hot and cold ONE BLOCK HOUSE AND ORCHARD IN free, private and strictly confidential. X Ra- sum of $3000. Certified check for tnls YOUNG LADY FORMERLY OF RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, references exchanged. Address Q 73. Ore- water: few more table boarders taken. Alblna; $12. L Vanduyn. 270 Washington. dlum Institute. 162 1st. cor. of Morrison st. amount may be furnished ln lieu o bond. bldg.. gives steam baths and magnetic mas- Accounts opened for Hums of $10 and up- gonlan. 1 . Contractor's bond will be $5000. For fur- sage; strictly first-class. Call and be con- -ward and Interest allowed on minimum month- FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD. $5 TO Furnished Houses. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 A ther Information apply here. Right U re- vlnced. 143 6th sL, rooms 1-2. iv balances. Rates an application. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHINQ ?(j per Weelc. 502 Clay. Phone Main 5033. month keeps your clothing cleaned and eerved to accept or reject any or all bids ' 244 WASHINGTON ST. and shoes; highest price pcld. Call at th KOR RENT-NKWLY FURNISHED MODERN pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed up. or parts of same. Envelopes containing pro- VAPOR AND SPONGE BATH. MASSAGE E. A. WYLD. Manager Portland Branch. "Fair Deal. ' 62 N. 84. Phone Hood 517. THE OZARK, 225 11TE. SI. ROOMS EN borne, every convenlrtnce. piano, machine. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor- posasl should be marked "Proposals for and magnetic treatments, by experienced TTTr suite or single, board, hot and cold water. urae. Call Sunday. 753 E. Salmon St.; Mt. ing Co., 347 Washington, opp. Cordrays. Coal," and addressed to F. A. Grant, Cap- young lady. 331 Morrison St., rooms 11 ttvtTED STATES NATIONAL BANK T ANTED OREGON GRAPE ROOT AND Tabor car. Phone Bast 308S. . tain and Quartermaster. U. S. Army. and 12. OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Cascara Bark. Northwest Chltten Co.. Che. LARQE FRONT ROOM, ALSO SINGLE ROOM 1 MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB- - Northwest cor. Third and Oak sts. halls. Wash. with board. 835 Morrtson-lOtb. FURNISHED HOrPE EIGHT ROOMS. GOOD erts Nerve Globules. One month's treatment. PROPOSALS FOR PLUMBING SUPPLIES YOUNG LADY. JUST FROM ST. LOUIS. Transacts a general 1 banklns business. w.vrrn.mi fv ,Di.mTn r-rv -nnrT ' locso. easy walking dtrtance from center $2; 3 months'. $3. Sent securely sealed by Office Depot Quartermaster, 86 New Mont- slvea baths . and massage; tub baths a spe- Drafts Ueued available In all dtleg of th 1 ANTED-J1R00 ON lMPRO ED CTTY PROP- nats. if town; gas and electricity; references. Y mall. Agents. Wood aril. Clarke &. Co.. Port- gemery stT. San Francisco Cal.. Jan. I. clalty. 110 4th st., rooms 8 and 3. United States and Europe. Hong Kong and -rty. two or three jcara time. L 54. Ore- 53 Oregonlan. land. Or. lOUS.-Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject Manila. J . , t Konlan. WEST SIDE UP-TO-DATE. FIVE-ROOM. . to usual conditions, wlU be received here 3IISS JULIA ROUT GIVES EXCELLENT Collections made on favorable 'term , ' Jower flat: large bailment; iennanent LOWER TLOOR OF A COMPLETELY FUR- LADIES, ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH until 10 o'clock A. M.. Standard Time., on batfca and massage: parlors Just opened at President..... J- C. AINSWORTK ?,. H,; S v.vP" tenants: $25; adults. 7th and Grant. Open. nlshed house to parties wkhout chlWren. 130 Tansy Wafers for sale by leading druggists; Tuesday, Jan. 24. 1905, and then opened, fcr 343 Morrison, room 0. Vice-President W. B. AlER. baugb s. 267 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. Cherry st.. three Woe It north of Steel $2 per box; safe and reliable. S. G. Skid' furnishing plumbing supplies for Fort Mo- .. Cashier...-. B. W. SCHMEBR Tfnl.--.g 3-ROOM MODERN FLAT. UNFURN1 SH KD. brMgc. more 4 Co.. Special Agents. 151 3d st. Klnley. P. L Thl United States reserves JUST OPENED, MASSAGE AND BATH PAR- Assistant Cashier. A. M. WRIGHT VE CALL POR DEAD HORSES AND CAT. inquire flat A. Sevilla. 227 Market. Phone . -right to accept or reject any or all bids or lof y yong lady, at 283 Stark St., bet. Ue of all kinds. Phone East 2233. Maln 61c. v NEATLY FURNISHED COTTAGK. FIVE SWEDISH - FINN WOMAN. TRAINED any part thereof. Further Information 'fur- th and Bth. - FIRST NATIONAL BANK- room, rent reasonable. 320 Fremont sU: nune, Hchilngfors graduate, cures rheuma- nUbed on application. Envelope contain- - .r.,.0.-, " , . . : 7, It , rTV 1) 1 - FOR RENT-8-R003I FLAT. CLOSE IN. take Upper Alblna car. tttm by hand rubbing. 472 East Pine mu Ing proposals to be marked "Proposals for SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE GIVEN. APPLY 533 Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of YOB BENT, elegant furniture for eale. 2S0 Tark, oor. 1 . Telephone Scott 4114. Plumbing Supplies; No. 22." and addressed 5th sC; at your homes or the above number. the United States Jefferson. 6 ROOMS. MODERN. COZILY .FURNISHED. to Major C A. Devol, Q. M., U. S. A.. Depot tT ,.. ' : President- .... LMILI lioom- . 5; furnace, gas and steel range; Urns term. G0 THE WORST CASE OF PILES YIELDS TO Quartermaster. FRENCH LADIES GIVE BATH AND MAS- Cashier........--- J W NEWKIRK rv- v,w m.pv.,eCT, ' TWO "MCELY FURNISHED FLATS; PHONE E. Burnrtde. one box of E-ru-sa Pile Cure, the cure that sage treatment. 208 5th st. Main 5036.' Assistant Cashier........... -V . C. ALVORD FOR RENT-MCKL1 F1RMSHED FRONT and batb. 332 Jefferson st. cures while other think about It; $1.50. all OFFICE OF C. Q. M.. VANCOUVER BAR- Second Assistant CmWw....B. . F. STEVENS room. lth alcove, suitable for two: modern NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT; druggists. racks. Wash., Jan. 13. 1905.-S?aled pro- Marble and Granite Letters of : credit issued available ln Europe conveniences 4t Taylor. 6-ROOM FLAT OF FURNITURE FOR SALE lerge grounds; good location: block from car. . posals. in tripilcate. will be received here, or and the Eastern States. -.T gT. - at 455 Taylor. 401 12th sc 4 TO 10 DAYS IS THE TIME REQUIRED atofflces of the respective post Quartermas- MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS s,fv" SS? S$t ChK, b?. ONLY $6 PER MONTH SUITE OF TWO for Barke Tonic to cure rheumatism, liver. ters. until 11 o'clock A. M.. May 19. 1905. For bargains see Weeks; no agents; 20 per n eS.2rit' p&afm .rinrinal good unfurnished rooms with gas stove. Housekeeping Booms. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED. 4JJ5 E. bowel and blood troubles; 75c bottle, all for furnishing wood at Forts Egbert and Gib- cent saved. At 720 Front, cor. Hooker. yaul Omaha, San 1 Francisco and the principal S82 E. lamhilL . Clay ft. t druggUts. bon. AUska. for fiscal year commencing July , 7 . time bl drawn in sums to suit on , .. ..PITtv,-v. " 3S3 6TH NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- 1. 1303. Information furnished hire or by Junk. Hides and Pelts. TjS" Mpi, S Fnnktort.SSJ THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON keeping apartments; light front room Houses for Real Furniture for Sale We print your name on SO calling cards, prop- Quartermasters at potts" United States re- : fd ai? jZh Can m& Lsrge front room, also single room. $2.50; rhone. Main 425C. er eUe and style. 25c; 250 business cards. $L serves the right toreject or accept any or L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF Jfon, K55kholm st'pelerabu-l Mosww board If desired. 0-ROOM MODERN CORNER HOUSE; GAS. Brown & 8chmale. 229 1st. Portland. Or. all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes hides, pelts, wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers, rzj!z Hmolulu 5" ' . --...o $10 TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING furnace, basement: moderate rent; furniture : containing proposals should be marked; "Pro- metals and sacks. 342 Front st. rv,'uinn mnAit on favorablo trms NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS CHEAP BY rooms, water and phone. 311 17th st. S. new; ail sunny front rooms; very dtUrable YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARB MORE ACCU- posaln for Wocd at addressed to Post . Collections made on favorablo terms. fleek. or month. No. . Lnlon ave. ..orta. l'hone Main 4174. location for boarding; $750. J 85, OregonUn. lately and reasonably filled at Eyuell's Phar- Quartermaster. Fort Egbert or Fort Gibbon, Lands. vnu-rj and TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON . near Burnslde. ; macy. 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. Alaska, or F. G. Hodgson, C. Q. M.. Vancou no iro THTRD ST ,TT, o.tt- r GOOD FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED FOR SALE FINE HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ver Barracks. Wash. LAND SCRIPS. GENERAL LAND PRAC- Th Oldest Trust ComDany in Oregon 402 4TH-FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE OR hukeeplng rooms, cheap, close In. .v tare, practically new. sufficient to furnish FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR Uce. ColUns Land Co.. Concord bldg. The 010 CAA$aO0O j-n ujte. references exchangeC; reasonable; i0la near stark. C rooms; terms cash or Installments; party homes. Ida. Rexnor, 127 11th. Phone Main 4853. GENERAL DEPOT Q. M. DEPT.. JEFFEH- conduct a general banking 'business "We housekeeping. must leave city. Address C 54. Oregonian. aonvllle. Ind., January 18, 1303 Sealed pro- Osteopathy. ,r: svlnes deDosits. We Usue time cer- ,wf. ,.r . ' TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS- posals. in triplicate. Indorsed on cover "Pro- . ifntls and certificates of deposit payaSIa Ft RNISHED ( ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN. IN houwkeeplng. wth water. $12 per month. 588 7 LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR eases. 434 Alder st. Phone Main 4S32. posals for Q. M. Supplies," and addrused to DR. L. 3. SMITH. DR CARYLL T. SMITH. uoon lO daM caU. 30 days' call or 30 daya 5- vfiu . ' housekeeping rooms. 123 Pcttygrovo at. 3 families, very cheap It sold soon; going undersigned, will be received here until 10 osteopathic physicians: graduates Kirks- call with Interest at 3J4. 3. and 4 per cent N. iin U . . away: cash or pan cash; cheap rent. Call o'clock A. M.. February 17, 1805. for station- vile. Mo. 403 Oregonlan. Phone Main 12-12. cer "annum, respectively. Calr or send for our iti v-r-r.-T T-nvi, 0 THE TEMPLETON. 20 1ST FRONT mrntngs. 544 Gllsan. BUSINESS CHANCES. ery. miscellaneous tools and hardware, range Sanitarium. 614 4th. Consultation free. book ot 403. lOTii NEvvlx FURNISHED ROOMS; houtkeeplng and tingle rooms, with bath and ; and wagon parts, harness, etc. as per sched- ILLUSTRATIONS. Cttv:A ,ocatIoni furnace heat. gas. batb; electric light. NEW. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED MODERN Party with some capital can buy territory for uje, which will be furnished on application DRS. ADDIX & NORTHRUP. 416 DEKTJM BENJ I COHEN ...President no cnuore n. p-roora flat, oak furniture and best of crpeti qulck-scllng articles. Call at 604 Dekum. to this depot and the depots at San Fran- bldg. Phone "Main 346. Examination free. H Ll PITTOCK .....Vice-President iTrc-vT ranvr nftn 300 4TH ST. -SINGLE AND DOtTBLE FUR- a bargain; raHSt sell ImmedUtely; price $730. 1 cisco and New York City. Preference given B. LEE PAGET - Secretary FLEAbANT FRONT ROOM IN rRIATB shod housekeeping rooms; alw eae room for Call 3S7 4th. FOR SALE 1S-ROOM HOUSE; LEASE OVER to articles ot domestic production or manu- Northwest TIavt Co. j. o. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary famll. 530 touch et.. bet. ISth and 19th. lodging two. Fair; toap. Address D S3. OregonUn.- facturc The right Is reserved to reject or . . . . . , : T : 7 . . . . TWO WELL-FURNISHED HOUSES FOR accept any or all bids or any part thereof. L3WIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS 5ES . . f.li located rooms In Portland, rxWNSTAIRS HOl'SEKEEPrNG ACCOMMO- le. S and 9 room, cbf-ap rent, good Joca- RESTAURANT GREAT BARGAIN THIS J. M. Marshall. Assistant Quartermaster- call or send stsmp for Health Book. ESTABLISHED IN 1S30. $! week up. Gilman. 1st and Alder sta. datlons for a couple, private familj. 3S3 tlon. bo agents Phone Front 1712. day for $650. Call 248 Stark t. General. Depot Quartermaster. . Transacts a general banking business. -, I77Z Yamhill st. . . Patent Lawyers. Interest allowed on time deposits. NICELY BURNISHED ROOMS. FURNACE . FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM COT- LODGING-HOUSE-10 ROOMS. BEST OFFER BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OF- .. Collections made at all points on favorable heat, bath and phone, a., West Park. ONE OR TWO FURNISHED HOUSE KEEP- tage. cheap rent, with leaic of houte. -481 takes It today. Call 24S Stark et. Cce of the director-general of the Lewis and R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN tenner. Letters of credit Issued available ln ..,,, ' ing rooms, gas. 323 12th. near Clay, and "E. Ankeny. Phone East 170. Clark Exposition up to 12 o'clock noon, Jan- patents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. Europe and all points in the United Statesi NICEIA FURNISHED ROOMS. $1 WEEK 70 J. 14th. . CONSERVATIVE BUSINESS INVESTMENT; uary 23. 1905. for the wiring of the Audi- Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold UP Close In. HQ 10th. near Stark. $15. IF SOLD AT T3NCE: SUITABLE FOR small capital. R 51. Oregonlan. torium building. Plans- and specifications T. J. GEISLBR. 530 CHAM. OF COM.. U. S. on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Lonlst m.icm-n rrrr- r: NICELY FURNISHED 'HOUSEKEEPING roomers; business center. West SMe. T 55. may be seen at office of director of worki. and foreign patents a specialty. Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and various FITFUSISHED ROOM; $5; ALSO HOUSE- rooms-with phone and bath. SiS E. Everett Oregonlan. SALOOON MUST SELL TODAY: $1200 RE- Room 5. Stearns building. - . points in Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Mon- koeplng rooms. -414 Main st. jitreet. quired. Call 248 Stark st. : Palate. Oils aad Glass. tana and British Columbia. . 14 -ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. Fl RN1TL RE 1 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FOUR BUILD- Exchange on London. Paris, Berlin. Frank- UN FX RNISHED THREE OR FOU& FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS TO 'or eaJr, one block from Washington. 432 FOR SALE RESTAURANT. V ROOMS UP- lags to move; contract let to lowest bidder. BASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils. fort. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Manila and Ho- Phone. bath. 148 T'hl taker, J, respcsclble party. Phoaa vn 210. I Etark su atalrs. 2 3d. FrasV Cos, Aberdeen. Wash, 1 Sis-, cash, and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylcr. Lnolulu,