VOL. XLIV. IHO. 13,766. POBTLA1SD, OBEGON, SATURDAY, JA2TUAEY 21, 1905. PEICB FIVE GENTS. Li Ooes Up From Russian Workingmen. REVOLUTION ATHAIND Angry Mobs Parade St, Petersburg Streets. CITY ALMOST IN DARKNESS Strike Spreads to Every In dustry in the Capital. WILL MARCH TO THE PALACE Headed by Adored Father Gopon, Half a Million Will Present De mand for Reforms, Despite Officials and Bayonets. I'LAXS OK THE LEADER. SPECIAL. CABLE. IXJNDOX. Jan. 21. The correspondent of the Standard at St. Petersburg cables an interview with Gopon, the priest who has figured .o prominently in the strike in that city. The clergyman said: We have notUied Minister of the In terior Svialopolk-Mlrsky that it is our desire to meet the Emperor and hand th6 petition from the workingmen to him personally. Should he refuse to ac cept or to aft in this vital matter, the result would- be a terrible uprising. "I expect 'Vat S00,QQO people w be igalherea together in. the palace Square 1 & -Sunday.: .and tlipngh possibly I iJty pfrlsh, I .ata convlt,7J TbariMbodshii. I U comes; Trill bring jftJerly ho V Tone-suffering people." ST. IKTERSBUIU;. Jan. 21. It U rumored that M. Smirnoff, niassger of the ratllofT Iron "Work, where the srroat strike, began, rrnu murdered la the -tight. SPECIAL CABLE. ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 21. With riotous strikers to the number of hun dreds of thousands parading the streets of the capital city, and the continual spread of the feeling 'of unrest through out the empire, the Russian government Is In a terrible predicament. Even worse than the news of the disasters In the Far East is the alarm in official quarters felt over the domestic situation. Troops are guarding the palace and all public build ings, but It is not deemed wise to call upon them to suppress the disorder, ex cept in extreme cases. Late Friday evening an organized mob attacked the Marcus cardboard factors and attempted to throw the manager from the window, and It was reported that the utrike fever had extended to the Alexan drovsky Machine Works, where 7000 men are employed; the Baltic cartridge fac tory, owned by the government, and Baron Strcglltz cloth factory, the latter employing 3000 people of both sexes; the Jtatc distillery and the Kallcr and Beck man distilleries. The employes of the Husso-Amcrlcan 'Rubber Company, the Youkoff hoop factors, and a new cotton fiplnning establishment were the latest acquisitions to the tted-up industries. At the latter works the police were unable to control the mob of strikers and the mil itary were ordered to their assistance. It was learned late Friday night that the employes of the State Playing-Card Fac tors, the Vagounlnc Paper Mills, employ ing 1000 hands: the Atlas Machine Works, the Wolff & Max printing works and nu merous other large plants had joined in the strike. City Almost in Darkness. Tile city is almost in darkness, owing to Uie strike of electric light employes, and it is stated that newspaper publica tion will be suspended. The situation grows Tiourly darker, and the prospects for a settlement of the difficulties vanished when the Minister of Finance refused to receive a delegation of workingmen. It has been doclded bs the workmen to hald a great representative mass meeting t 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon in the palace square, to present a great petition tor the redress of their wrongs. The work men havo agreed to go to this meeting unarmed, and will not meet violence with violence. Father Gopon. the priest who heads the strikers procession, dressed in clerical attire and carrying a crucifix, is much in evidence, and will lead the pro cession on Sunday. Incendiarism Breaks Out. Despite the efforts of the police and mllltarj. the agitation Is growing, and this (Saturday) morning an unconfirmed report said that a large tobacco factory at Moscow had been fired b incendiaries and completely destroyed. Notwithstand ing the peaceful tone of the strikers manifesto, there is a deep undercurrent of bitterness, and the least spark will suf fice to enkindle the flame of revolution. In addition to the army of striking work xneo. there is another serious proposition .for the Imperial government to consider. Students riots, the activity of Zemstvo ists, famine in Bessarabia and the Re servist uprisings all go to show the stats of political unrest In Russia. ON VERGE OF REVOLUTION. . Whole City on Strike, and Agitators Sowing Seeds of Disorder. ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 20. With tho Russian capital seemingly .on the verge of an incipient revolution, thousands of workmen parading the streets, agitators and fanatics sowing the seeds of disorder, half of the city in darkness and without Are protection owing to walkouts, the situation was hourly growing more tense tonight, -when the authorities decided to adopt energetic measures tto preserve order, prevent rioting and overawe the violent ro.Inde-3, at the same time seekiug to placate the j-trlking workmen by offer ing satisfaction for their demands in so far as they are just and reasonable, thus acting with combined firmness and mod el atlon. The government tonight augmented the garrison of St. Petersburg with 2500 cav alry and 1000 Infantry from Tsarkskoe Selo and filled the streets, especially in the disaffected quarter, with heavy pa trols of soldiers. ' The refusal to permit a delegation of workmen to present p.- -petition to the Emperor Nicholas at Tsarskoe-Sclo has made it known that the great demon stration planned for Sunday, with its unlimited possibilities for an outbreak, will not be permitted to take place. At the same time, acting in conjunction with a conference of employers, it has been determined to offer concessions in the terms of employment, which the employ ers declared the great majority of the workmen would be inclined to accept if they were guaranteed protection from the more violent faction. Father Gopon Arrested. Late tonight it was reported that Father Gopon. leader of the workmen, had been quietly spirited away from his bodyguard and taken into custody, in furtherance of the plan to disorganize the elements that are threatening the peace of St. Petersburg. The authorities believe that by these steps they have the situation well in hand and announce they expect a peaceful solution of the prob lem. The situation had entered an acute stage today, and the strike had assumed an open political phase. The day was one, of intense excitement. Mill after mill and factory after factory closed. The crowds of workmen paraded the street and, when " their colleagues refused to join them, broke down gates and forced out the men. The whole industrial' cen tu ts Idle. All the textile mills and every printing office in St. Petersburg: are closed. Ono electric light pjant.and one water plant "haye tjeerf shut Sown," and. over 100.000 men are .jut. 4' Throughout the day workmen's meet ings wcrVlield;:at?whTcn" speeches were made, the wildest threats being uttered" as to what would come in the event of the authorities and employers failing to meet their demands. The nervousness and dread of what the next few days might bring forth was Increased by the reports that the -workmen of Moscow, Kieff, Kharkoff. Kishinef and other large cities in the interior might join In the move ment!. While the government and em ployers temporized, the telegraphers and railroad employes threatened to join the walkout, paralyzing the communications of the country- Many foreigners are pre paring to send their families abroad. Ev ery newspaper in St Petersburg has been forced to suspend publication owing to the strike. Strike a Great Surprise. The suddenness of the strike and the far-reaching nature of the workmen's or ganization was largely a surprise to the government and cmplojers. Starting with the walkout of a few thousand employes on the Putlloff Iron Works, due purely to industrial causes, it spread as rapidly as a conflagration through the labor masses of St. Petersburg and became gen eral. At first only Industrial demands were presented, such as shortening the hours of labor and Increase of wages: but poverty and discontent, under the incite ment of Social Democratic agitators, led to the formulation of political demands. A petition was drawn up and largely signed, which, going beyond the com plaints on which the strike originated, at tacked the whole capitalistic system of the country', bitterly assailed the present government as one of bureaucracy and demanded reforms, asserting that death -was preferable to existence under such conditions. This was to have been pre sented personalis to Emperor Nicholas. A deputation of workmen endeavored to see His Majesty at Tsarsko-Sclo and ap peal to him to come to the Winter Pal ace Sunday to be present at an immense demonstration of the industrial classes. It was planned to" have the workmen In SL Petersburg, headed by their leader, the priest Gopon. in full gorgeous canon ical robes, march to the palace and as semble In the great parade grounds In front of the palace and there present the petition to His Majests. The deputation, however, will be refused admission to Tsarsko-Sclo. The government believes this will reader a meeting on Sunday im possible. Concessions Are Offered. The employers at the same time, after" conferences with the Ministry of Finance, which was the first to recognise the gravity of the situation, determined to offer concession? In wages and other con ditions of labor tC individual emploj-es, but declared it was impossible to grant an eight-hour day without general legis lation affecting competitors and price regulations for piece work. Compliance with the emploes demands for the pay ment of -wages during the strike was held to be out of the question and the em ployers declined also to permit of dicta tion of the terms bs other than their own employes. Thcj expressed the belief Via mnt nf their pmnlovps Trri desirous of accepting the concessions and return ing to work it they could be assured of safety from personal injurs. Father Gopon's History. The priest Gopon is an Interesting per sonality. He Is Idolized by the workmen who, since the beginning of the strike. -(CsacJuded . Tf -i HIS BOLT IS SHOT Foster's Strength Is on the Decline. LOSES ONE VOTE ENTIRELY Forces Expected to Fail Prey to Other Candidates. WILSON A HARD MAN TO DOWN Getting One Recruit at a Time Does Not Seem to Discourage the Tire less Worker From the Puget Sound City. . THREE BALLOTS YESTERDAY. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth. Foster 44 4 44 Plls.. 33 - 33 34 Sweeny IX 27 27 Wilson ...If.. 16 17 Jones U 7 7 God man (D em. ).... 7 S 5 Absent 2 2 2 Totals .133 ISft IS OLTMPIA. Wash., Jan. 20. (Staff Cor respondence.) Charles Sweeny and John Zi. Wilson each gained a vote today as the net result of three ballots cast for United States Senator. There were other changes in the first two ballots cast, and In the third S. H. Piles received one more vote than he had yesterday. This extra vote, however, was not of the staying kind, and no particular significance attaches to it as it was also lent to Foster for one bal lot today. Foster was less fortunate, for while he closed tho joint session with the same number in strength as he had yesterday, he had lost one Republican vote and only held his own by the temporary use of a Democratic vote of a complimentary na ture. The Jones contingenTTDst one man. 3 the Democrat be VotV-wbJcE was cast for Judge M. id. God man, -was three shy, on account of the absence of Senator Graves and the flirtation of Bar lea and Harper with the Republicans. A There were two changes in the first ballot, but the relative strength of the leading candidates was unchanged. Grif fin, who had been voting for Foster, go ing over to Piles, while Keyes, who has been voting for Piles, landed In the Fos ter camp. The result showed: Foster, 44; TUt3K 33; Sweeny, 26; Wilson, 1C, Jones, 8; Godman, 7; absent. 2. Expectation Is Aroused. Since balloting began it has been in dustriously rumored around that there -would be a number of changes between the fifth and the tenth ballots, so when the customary motion that the joint ses sion be dissolved failed to carry and an other rollcall was demanded, there was a murmur of expectancy both on the floor and in the galleries. The changes on the second ballot of the das -were not great, but they made a new high mark for both Foster and Sweens. Earles of Whatcom and Harper of Ferrs, both Democrats, voted for Foster, bring ing his total up to 46. votes. Long of Garfield, who has been voting in the, air since balloting began, lined up for Sweens. Increasing the Spokane man's strength to 27 votes, with one man of his old guard not present. Excitement was running high after the changes of the two ballots, and Senator Walter Christian, who Is manager of the Foster campaign, was on his feet before Lieutenant-Governor Coon had completed his official announcement of the result, and moved that the session be dissolved. This motion was howled down by up roarious demands for "Rollcall," and the reading clerk began calling the names of the third ballot for the das and the sixth for the session. Davis Votes for Wilson. Nothing happened until the name of George L, Davis. of Chehalls.was reached. Davis is a prominent lumberman, and was supposed to be firmly in line for Foster, but when his name was called, he voted for John L. Wilson, amidst liberal ap plause from all hands except the Foster people. Senator John Earles. with a commendable desire to please hi political opponents, regardless of results, changed back from Foster to Piles, thus disclosing the Intuitive wisdom of Walter Christian on the endeavoring to head off that dis astrous sixth ballot. The last ballot showed: Foster 44. Piles 34, Sweeny 27. Wilson if. Jones 7. Godman 5. Absent 2. While the changes were numerically insignificant, there was considerable meaning attached to the slight deflection from the Foster vote. Representative Davis Is a lumberman who has been con sidered one of the Foster stand-bys. and Representative Griffin has also been re garded as a fixture in the Foster camp. It Is thus easy to see that Foster was the only candidate damaged by the changes made today. He lost two good Republican votes and gained but one Re publican and one transient Democratic vote. Piles fared better, for while he lost one good Republican vote he replaced It with another and also secured a tran sient vote. Sweeny and Wilson each gained a Republican vote and lost none. Touch of the Unexpected. The changes today were hardly ex pected, as it was thought that the mem bers would take only the customary single ballot. Were it not for the fact that a large number of the members left today and more will leave before balloting Is taken up tomorrow, it Is believed that there would be a further revision of fig ures tomorrow. So many have paired off. however, that there may not be much more than a quorum present, and it is hardly probable that any fireworks will be set off with so many absentees, and one ballot to comply -with the law. will be about all that Is attempted. Opinion differs as to the length of time necessary to shake out the unsettled members and land them in the camp where they are ultimately expected, to line up to stay, but there is a general be lief that there will, be a decrease in the number of candidates before the end of next week. The elimination of John L. 'Wilson from the fight will not be so easy as It seemed earlier in the week. One vote at a time Is not many, but John L. Is a tireless worker and even his adversaries admit that he can add a few more votes to his column before his present Jn visible strength has all been cxhaustefL-uLesa con-. fidence is expressed In the uiOity of the leading cwdldateWtncreasc his lead and fro m iO-Au the Foster forces will be the prey of all the- other contestants. Earles Will Vote Around. Senator Earles will probably continue to pass his vote around among his Re publican friends until the supply of new candidates is exhausted. He will vote for either John L, "Wilson or Joaes to morrow. It is now pretty definitely settled that there will be no Senator elected until the Railroad Commission bill is either out of the way or far enough, along on the road to passage to prevent any votes getting away which might be secured on a Sena torial trade. Senator Van de Vanter, of the railroad committee, left for Seattle this afternoon and before leaving stated that he had no tified the railroad men to be on hand early next -week and show cause why they should not be favored with a regulative commission. E. "W. "W. May Bring Santo Domingo to Terms. WASHINGTON. Jan. 20. Commander Dillingham, who has been In Santo Do mingo in consultation with the officials there respecting the debts due to Americans, has advised the Govern ment here that he will leave for the United States next week. His sug gestion that a naval tender be station ed In Dominican waters for a time will be carried into effect. President Mor ales is believed to be willing to enter into & proper arrangement for meeting the island s debts. Bay City Paper House Burned. SAX FRANCISCO, Jan. 20. The paper house of Bones teel & Richardson was de stroyed by fire totnlght. resulting In a loss of JSO.OOO. Crossing of electric wires is believed to account for the origin of the blaze. Two firemen were injured, neither seriously, by failing down an ele vator shaft. CONTESTS OF TODAY'S PAPER Tho WerJher. TODAY'S flila: easterly winfij'-i - otR-, -x-ujum-sa, as. rTeeipitauo-v ncnf Tj -- v " Kevelatien is RbmIi. Nearly all workmen Jn St. Petersburg strike and join In demand for free government. Page 4. Father Gopon declares that he wilt lead 500, 000 men to the Palace, in spite of bayonets. Tage 4. Petition demands both political and Industrial reforms. Page 1. Manager of Putlloff iron .works murdered. Face 1. Incendiarism breaks out in UoncoV, anil strike spreads to other cities. Page 1. The War la the Far East. Baltic fleet sot expected to reach seat of war for three months. Page 3. Japanese talk of pumping out Port Arthur harbor to reach sunken ships. Page 3. Forels-B. Kaiser William angry with coal mlneowners of Germany, and popular sympathy is with miners. Page 5. National. Senator Smoot testifies In his own defense. Page 1. Williams may resigo as Democratic leader In the House. Page 1. New Mexico protests to Senate, against Joint statehood. Page 6. House passes Army appropriation bill. Page 5. United States may use force against Vene zuela in asphalt dispute. Page. 4. rolitles. Pueblo grand jury says great majority of bal lots were Illegal. Pare 4. Committee on Colorado contest finds half bal lots in one box bogus. Page 4. Niedrlnghaus loses another vote In Missouri. Page 4. . Domestic Senator Mitchell wilt come borne and demand speedy trial. Page S Lawson made money by making false predic tion about Amalgamated Copper dividend. Page 3. Randall expelled from coal miners convention for his attack on John Mitchell. Page 4. Pacific Coast. Mrs. Belle Bales, of Bearerton. Or., smashes up saloon where liquor .was sold her son. Page 5. W. S. IT Ren denies being mixed up with th Portland machine. Page 7. Negro in Nevada nearly lynched, suspected of attempt to murder white woman. Page 6. Northwest legislatures. Washington State Senate pasres appropriation of $100,000 for Lewis and Clark Fair. Page 7. California Senate makes 1905 Fair bill rpeclal order for Monday. Page 7. New counUes, local opUon and fisheries the burning Issues before the Oregon Legisla ture. Page 6. Foster weakens in Senatorial contest la Wash ington. Page 1. Commercial aad Hariae. Sugar trust boscotts San Francisco dealers. Page 13. Amalgamated Copper under prexsure In stock market. Page 15. Chicago wheat closes firm, after break. Page 16. Oregon potatoes higher at Saa Francisco. Page 15. Progress more rapid hi manufacture than in distribution. ,Page 15. Schooner Gerald C. reaches Astoria In distress. Page 11- Blg cotton shipment for Orient goes on Arago nla. Pace 11. Portlaaa aad Vicinity. . Committees are taking active part towards adding portion ot the Lewis and Clark Ex position .grounds and Hawthorne Park to the city's parking system. Page 10. J Blshep Morrii-. of the Protestant BsUcopal Church. Is to have a coadjutor. Page .11. Passenger and freight agents of California will come to inspect Lewis and Clark Fair. Page 10. Executive Board calls on bondsmen of Con tractors Riner. Page 16. Wholesale Liquor Dealers and Brewers Asso ciation deny (Charges of Tailing corruption fund. Page II. t Toons burglars sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary. Page 0. Elaborate plan made for music- at the Expo. alUca. Page 10- STORY Told by Senator Smoot to Committee. ASSERTS HIS LOYALTY Opposed to Polygamy and Does Not Practice It, FREE FROM ALL DICTATION Utah Senator Spends -Whole Day in Defending His Right to His Seat He Demanded Investigation of Polygamous Apostles. "WASHINGTON. Jan. 20. Senator Reed Smoot was testifying the whole day be fore the Senate committee on privileges and elections, which Is inquiring into the protest against his right to retain his seat. He went over the whole history of his life, his political career, his relations with the Mormon Church and his opinions and policy toward polygamy. Senator Smoot was at his ease, although every eye in the room was directed to him. The first questions were as to the Sena tor's nativity. He said be was born in Salt Lake City In 18S2. His father and mother arc both dead. His mother was a plural wife. Concerning his own fam ily, he said he was married September 17, 1SS4 and has but. one wife. They have six children. He said that at the time of his marriage he did not take the en dowments, but that In 1SS0 he had gone through the endowment house, at the re quest of his father, for the benefit of the tatter's health. He said he told his father at that Umo that he did not care much about taking the ceremony. Senator Smoot said he had been engaged, in the mercantile business most of his life. The only office In the church that he has held, other than that of apostle, was counsellor to the president of the Utah Stake of Zlon. and he declared that he had taken no oaths of any character when he became counsellor, nor had he taken any oath when h became an apotfe- - - -4 Oath Does Not pledge Vengeance. ' Mr. "Worthlngtor. asked Mr. Smoot about the endowment ceremony, and he replied "I could not give it If 'I wanted to." "Why not?" "Because I have no distinct recollection ot the ceermony." Mr. "Worthlngton read what witnesses have alleged to be the "oath of venge ance." and asked Senator Smoot if there was anything of that character in the ceremony. "There was not." "Was there anything of vengeance upon this generation?' "No, sir." "Was there anything about avenging the blood of Joseph Smith?" "There was not. And it would have been very strange If there had been. Joseph Smith wat the Instigator of the endowment ecermony. and It would have been very strange If he had asked his people to avenge bis blood when he was alive." "Was there anything In the ceremony which would affect your loyalty to your countryr' "There" was not." "How came you to be a candidate for Senator?" "Well. I had been rather active in pcJI tics before the division was made on party lines. I took the leading papers of both National parties, and at first believed my self gradually drifting to the principles of the Republican party, and Joined that party when the division came." The Senator said that in 1S& bis political friends in Provo, most of them non-Mormons, asked his to either run for Gov ernor or for the united States Senate: "I told them." he said, "that I did not care to run for office until we could get our own county in the right political col umn, and that when that time came I should like to go to the Senate. We or ganized and carried Utah for the Repub lican party In 1900. I announced my can didacy for the United States Senate in 1302. Of course I knew of the rule which required me to ask the presidency of the church if I could run." Church Gave Leave of Absence. Here Mr. "Worthlngton interrupted and asked him to explain this rule. Senator Smoot replied that It referred only to officials of the church, and amounted sim ply to a leave of absence from the church duties. He said he went to the first pres idency while it was sitting In one of its regular meetings and formally made ap plication for a leave. He told the first presidency that If elected he would re quire a leave of absence so as not to in terfere with his duties as a Senator. "That consent was given me sometime early In May. and I announced my can didacy May 19. 1902." continued the Sen ator, "and I immediately began to organ ize my forces for a campaign." "Do you mean to organize Republican forces or your church friends?" asked Mr. Worthlngton, "The Republicans, most assuredly," was the reply. "Was the Mormon Church a factor In politics In your candidacy for the Sen ate?" asked Mr. Worthlngton. "Not In the least. No more than the Presbyterian or the Methodist Church. No man or woman can say that I ever asked them to vote the Republican ticket because I was an apostle. "What ever I did to promote my candidacy was based upon Republican arguments alone." Would Not Allow Dictation. "Did any one ever attempt to Influ ence you or to dictate to you in your politics. "Not In any way. I would not per mlt IL" "Is the leave of absence received by you a church indorsement of your can didacy" "Not at all, and the people do not re gard It so." "If the Dresldent of the church should ask you to. vote according to his wishes, what would De your attitude? "I would vote as I believed was for the best interests' of the country." "What would be your position if the president of the church should attempt to Influence your vote as a Senator?" 1 would not submit to it for a min ute." "What was the state of your knowl edge regarding the polygamous rela tions of Joseph F. Smith up to the time he testified before this commis sion?" "I knew that he had more than ono wife, but I knew nothing of the man ner ot his living." Surprised at So Many Smiths. "Witnesses have testified here that the statement of President Smith took the people by surprise. What was your feeling in regard to that?" "I was surprised at the number of children born in his families since the manifesto, but not surprised aCall as to the number of his wives." . "Whatwas the state of your knowl edge concerning the family relations of other apostleB?" The Senator explained that he had not intimate acquaintance with the families of the other apostles at the time he be came an apostle In 1900. When asked about their general reputations and whether he had made any protest against those reputed to be living in polygamous relations, he said the Government of the United States had accepted the existing conditions; that there had been no prose cutions and that the attitude of the peo ple was that of toleration. Ho declared that the people felt that the best and in fact the only way to settle the conditions was to let the polygamlsts die off. Mr. Worthlngton asked If that sentiment of toleration ex tended to plural marriages which have occurred since the manifesto. No More Plural Marriages. "Oli, not at all," replied the Senator earnestly. "I don't believe there la a good citizen ot Utah who would con done new plural marriages." "What action did you take to put a stop to the polygamous relations of the other apostles?" asked Mr. Worthlngton. "None at all. I never thought of It any more than any other citizen would have done." Senator Smoot said he attended mnst of the meetings ot- the apostles. In reply to Mr.. Worthlngton, he said that the meetings were held In a private room in the temple, and Mr. "Worthlngton then asked: "In reference to the charge here that tho apostles had entered Into a conspir acy to further polygamy, what can you say?" "Such a thing was never referred to at any of the meeting'?." Senator Smoot said the apostles frequently were called In to advise the president of the church, but that he had the power to do as he pleased after the advice was given. He was asked If anything ever had come up at any of these meetings that might be regarded as furthering polygamy, and he replied more emphatically than before: "Polygamy was never mentioned." Continuing, he denied that there was a particle of foundation for the story of a conspiracy. Asked again concerning the testimony ot President Snith that he had five waives and was living with them In violation ot the law. Senator Smoot said that until that time he bad no more knowledge than any other man. Senator Smoot said he was not present at the conference in April, 1904. that sus tained the presidency and the apostles of the church, but he did attend, the semi ( annual cjornferenee hruOotobar of last S'ear, Will Investigate Cowley and Taylor. The Senator spoke of a meeting of the apostles and the first presidency before the October conference, and he said that at that meeting he inquired of President Smith If Apostles Cowley and Taylor had been sustained at the April conference In view of the testimony before the Sen ate committee that both of these apostles had taken plural wives since the mani festo. The Senator said he objected to have the men sustained at the October con ference, and was told by President Smith that as a member of the church he ought to know that an official or a member of the church could not be excommunicated or disfellowshlpped without an investi gation and hearing. "I realized this," continued the Sena tor. "but was told that an investigation would be made, and I have no doubt that a very rigid Inquiry Is now in progress. Without this promise. I would not have voted to sustain them. Up to the time of the testimony before this committee I had ho knowledge that either of the apostles had violated the law in that re gard, nor had I heard anything ot the kind against any other apostle, except from the testimony given In this room. Concerning a meeting held Immediately before the October conference. Senator Smoot said that he had not been Informed that the name of Charles W. Penrose was to be presented by President Smith to fill the position of apostle made vacant by the death of Abram O. Woodruff. The Senator was asked If he objected to the election of Mr. Penrose. No Polygamlst Officials. "I did not object to Mr. Penrose. At that time I thought he ,had only one wife, but I do not want to hide between that," the Senator continued hastily, "for I take the position that when a man was mar rled before the manifesto he can accept a purely church position. He has not violated a law of the church, and for a purely ecclesiastical position, I hold that he is eligible. But I don't think that a man in that status should hold a Gov eminent position either elective or ap pointive. Neither do I feel that there Is a man in Utah who thinks a polygamlst who continues to violate the laws of the land should hold such a place. To the best of my knowledge, there is not a Federal office in Utah filled by a polyg amlst. j. Known tnat a postmaster was removed on that ground, and there have been other cases of that kind." "Have you referred to the President the appointment of a polygamlst to a Federal officer asked Mr. Worthlngton. "No, sir: and I do not Intend to," re plied the Senator. Further Inquiry was made by Mr. Worthlngton as to the investigation under way In the cases of Apostles Cowley and iayior. and tne witness said: "If it should be found that these apostles or any other officers of the church have taken plural wives since the manifesto, or have solemnized plural mar riages for others since the manifesto, I win not vote io sustain them. In answer to another question bv Mr. "Worthlngton, Senator Smoot said that he had never advised or countenanced any man or woman to live m polygamy. At the afternoon session, Mr. Worthlng ton resumed the direct examination of Mr. Smoot. He called attention to a discourse by President Smith at Ogden. which Mrs. Bathsheba Smith, one of Pres ident Smith's wives, attended. Relative to President Smith's remarks. Senator Smoot said the President declared the endowments were promulgated by Joseph Smith, and not by Brigham Toung. as had been stated in Utah. Continuing, the Senator said: "As I understand his remarks, he wished the people to understand that the endow ments were Instituted by Joseph Smith Instead of Brigham Young, and also that polygamy itself was a revelation received by Joseph Smith, and had been practiced during his life. He also wished it un derstood that he was not advocating or teaching polygamy, but was giving a mat ter of history. In reference to sending Apostle Heber ACoscIudes oa Page 14J 1Y STEP DOWN Williams Likely to Re sign Leadership. PARTY DOES NOT FOLLOW Retired Officers' Pay Question Divides Democrats. COCKRAN MAY BE ELECTED Democratic Chief, Ane-ry at Refusal of Party, to Aid His Championship of Miles, Calls Caucus to Receive Resignation. WASHINGTON. Jan. 20. (Speda. The probabilities are that John Sharp Will lams, ot Mississippi, the minority floor leader in the House, will resign his posi tion as leader next Tuesday night and allow some other member of his party .o don the mantle he has worn so easily dur ing the past two years. Tbe trouble causing this state ot affairs arose today from" the lack of unanim ity in Democratic sentiment and Demo cratic votes on the amendment .to thar Army appropriation bill, providing that no retired Army officer above the rank of Major shall receive full pay when as signed to duty with state troops. Mr. Williams contended that the amendment was aimed directly at General Nelson A. Miles, and thought it ought to be defeat-" ed. The Democrats on the military af fairs committee and their colleagues on the floor who voted with them argued, that It was not aimed at General Miles, and voted for it because, it tended to pro mote economy in the expenditure o the Government money. As soon as Mr. Williams had demanded this afternoon an aye and no vote on the proposition, and had seen that the Democrats failed to support him, he sent to the Speaker's desk for the roll, and, atter examining It, notified Representa tive Hay. ot Virginia, chairman of the. Democratic caucus, that he would like to haYS.e'caalId.jfor .next. Tuesday evening." 1 There is talk that Bourke Cockran may be chosen Democratic leader it Williams resigns. HIS PURPOSE IS FOILED. . . Democrats Withdraw Signatures to Williams' Caucus Call. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. The Post to morrow will say that Representative John Sharp Williams late yesterday afternoon called a caucus to resign his leadership of the minority. A sufficient number ot names was secured to the call, when the Democrats discovered Mr. Williams' pur pose, and many ot them withdrew their names, so that the Democratic leader said last night that he could not say whether the caucus would be held. He did not deny his purpose of resigning when asked If it were his intention. AGAINST THE. BEEF TRUST. Interstate Commission Condemns One of Its Perquisites. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. The Inter state Commerce Commission today an nounced ita decision in the Chicago live stock case, sustaining that organization's complaint ot discrimination on the part of railroads that exact higher rates for transportating cattle and hogs than for carrying livestock "products" to Chicago from points west, northwest and south west. The commission finds that the discrim ination is not justified in any way and that it subjects the livestock interests to unreasonable prejudice ahd disadvantage, giving to the traffic In the "products' of livestock unreasonable preference. SEES SOCIALISM AHEAD. Senator Lodge Advises Conservatism in Railroad Rate Laws. BOSTON. Jan. 20. United States Sena tor Lodge was the chief speaker at a din ner given In his honor tonight by the Middlesex Club. He declared against the supervision of railroad rates by the In terstate Commerce Commission and in favor of a special court to have power only to revise rates, not to fix them. Mr.. Lodge said: "Those who regard the policy of the President as radical and likely to make great changes, are liable to make mis takes. I think that the policy suggested by the President is conservative. "Four years hence we will be brought face to face with a great radical Social ist proposition to put all railroads into the hands of the Government. It we meet It now, fearlessly, without cither thought less conservatism or thoughless radical ism, we shall settle it with great benefit to our country, to our race and to West ern civilization." Br.isson May Be Premier. PARIS. Jan. 20. The Cabinet crisis is still In progress. President Loubet today received a number of Senators and Deputies,- but did not give the slightest Indication of his intentions. If Henri Brisson Is called it will be a formal courtesy, as he is not willing to act, owing to his recent defeat for the Presidency of the Chamber, showing his Inability to command a majority. After M. Brisson, the names of M. Rouvler. with a new or revised polipy, and M. Sarrlen. with the old policy, are mentioned. Borden Finds 'a Seat at Last. HALIFAX. N. 'S.. Jan. 20. R. L. Bor den, leader of the Canadian Conservative party, who was defeated in the general election last November, has been provided with a seat in Parliament by the resigna tion of Edward Kidd, M. P., of Carleton, Ont.