THE MOBKHfG OKEGONIAS, PRIDAT, JAjJprABY 20, 1905. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OKEGONIAN'S TELEPHONES. Ceuntlne-Room T.-ilsIn CfTT Uanaglng Editor - Main (36 Sunday editor ilaln 62T4i City Editor Main J6 Society Editor Main 6235 Compoilnc-Room Main CSS Superintendent Eulldlnc ............Red 'JSSM Est Side Office East 1 AMUSEMENTS. COLUMBIA THEATER 14th and "Washington) Tonight at 8:15. "The "Wire." MARQUAM GRAND THEATER (Morrison st.. bet. 6th and 7th) Tonight at 8:15 o'clock. "The Sultan ot Sulu." EMPIRE THEATER ProfkcsMr Thomas C Nye. hypnotist. STAR THEATER (Park and TVashlncton) Continuous vaudeville. 2 to 10:30 P. M. BAKER THEATER (Third and Tamhllp Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M- LrTniC THEATER (cor. Alder and "Wr0?' tinuous vaudeville from 2:50 to 10:80 P. Free Exhibit or Conns PicronES. The remarkable beauty ot the Curtis In dian pictures as exhibited yesterday after noon at the TVhltc Temple to the Ma zamas and their invited friends, has1 brought forth much comment. The col lection, which will continue on exhibition this afternoon, embraces 1000 pictures, most of them Ilfe-flie, and all of them masterpieces In photography. Art-lovers generally place many of them on a level with some of the world's great paintings. Particularly interesting are the new color studies, in Tvhjch it is almost impossible to believe that the effect is produced pure lv in the printings without the use of the brush or any artlflclal coloring whatever. This Is the latest and most wonderful revelation in photography. These pictures have carried by storm the connoisseurs and art-lovers of New York and Wash ington, upon Mr. Curtis' recent visit to the East. Moran, who has no -superior as an art critic, pronounced one of these pictures "equal to anything that lias rved been done In painting." an astonish ing statement, certainly, from so severe, fastidious and authoritative a judge of art. The various tribes of the United States- are grouped separately, and. viewed from an educational standpoint, the representations of Indian village life, quaint customs, festivals and religious rites are of the highest value, and have been so recognized by the United States Bureau of Ethnology, ilany secret and hitherto unknown ceremonies are por trayed in full, such as the Moki BnaTce dance, buffalo dance, sun dance and mys tic yeblchla ceremony of the Navajos. All ilazamas and their friends are expected to turn out in force this afternoon for this freo exhibit of a most -wonderful col lection of photographs. Promotion for. Christian "Workers. Major and Mrs. Dubbin, of the Salvation Army, commanding officers of the pro vince of Oregon and Washington, have received orders to remove their headquar ters from Portland to Kansas City, where they will be In charge of the province of the Southwest. They will leave Portland on Tuesday. The army members -In this city are glad to learn of the deserved pro motion of Major and Mrs. Dubbin. It has not been ascertained who will be as signed to the headquarters of the province of Oregon and Washington, but the local army people expect to ue made aware of the names of their new" leaders within a few days. Major and Mrs. Dubbin have been located in Portland for the past three years. Farewell services will bo held in their honor before they depart for their new field of labor. Stmpatht d; Child-Training. The "Place of Sympathy in. Child-Training" Is the heading of a chapter in one of H. Clay Trumbull's books, read by Mrs. J. Eliot King at the Home Training Association's meeting yesterday. Mrs. King inserted many original thoughts of her own as Fhe read, the principal idea brought out being that while many parents fall in successful training of their children it is not from lack of love, but from a lack of gonulne sympathy with the child in his Joys as well as sorrows. 'Very able pa pers were read also by Mrs. W. H. Be harrell and Mrs. Alan Welch Smith. At the meeting on next Thursday Miss Val entine Pritchard will address the associa- tjon on the benefits of the kindergarten. Cost of Insurance- Lowered. Fifty Eoven of the Improved fire hydrants re cently made for the city have been placed in unprotected districts on the East Side. Seven are located on Bast Twenty-eighth street, between East Stark and Sandy road. One of the property-owners in that district said that these Are hydrants re Nulted in reducing the cost of his Insur ance $9 and the same remark was made by a resident of Irvington, where a num ber of the hydrants were located. The remainder of the hydrants are located In Hawthorne Park Addition, on Hawthorne avenue and near the public achoolhouses, that were without adequate fire protec tion, including the Highland. Thompson, Central and Clinton Kelly Schools. To Decide Watts Case Today. Tho case of Attorney John F. Watts, charged with embezzlement, will not be decided by Municipal Judge Hogue until today tho case being yesterday continued In or der that the Judge might consult authori ties. The evidence In the case, taken yesterday, was contradictory, Watts con tending that he never collected the $11 he is alleged to have taken. Missionary Societies to Meet. The January meeting of the Woman's Homo and Foreign Missionary Societies of Taw lor-Street Methodist Episcopal Church will be held today in tho church narlors. The business session will be held at 2 P. M., and at 3 o'clock Bishop Moore will deliver a missionary address. All women Interested are cordially Invited to be pres ent. Jesuits to Hold Service. a Catholic mission service will be held at St. Pat rick's Church, Nineteenth and Savler streets, Sunday. January 22, at 10:30 A. M., by the two famous Jesuit missionaries, P. J. Munconry and T. McKeogh. These mis sionaries are from St. Louis. The mis sion will close January 23 at 7:S0 All are cordially invited. To Address Congregation Ahxvai Sholow. Isaac Swctt wilt deliver an ad dress at the new synagogue of the Con gregation Ahavai Bholom, corner Park and Clay streets, this eveninsr. 8 R. M.. taking for his subject. "What We have Accomplished and What We Have Not Accomplished." Everybody is cordially invited. Local Banks Not Affected. R. L. Barnes, cashier of tho Wells-Fararo Bank. of Portland, yesterdav announced that tho merger of the Sa"n Francisco offlca or tne ells-Farsro Bank with the Ne. vada National does not affect tho other orancnes or wells-Fargo banks. .-sew parochial School. Work ha3 commenced on the foundation of the new Kchoolhouse for tho Sacred Henrr Pnrih on Milwaukie and Kaywood streets. It win do a two-story building, it is being built under the direction of J. Spcldrtch. Will Address Ladies. Bishop David n. .Moore, resident bishon of Portlan.i will speak to the ladies of tho Foreign aua fiomo juission&ry society at Taylor Street Church. Friday afternoon at 3 o ciock. ah ladles arc invited to be present. A Spscial meeting of the German La- cles Belief Society will be held January 20. 2:30 P. M.-. at 162 Second street. Hail 301. Some very important business to be transacted. Wanted Cigar salesmen to travel for wholesale house. Must have experience. Jtrierences required. M 52, Orcgonlan. No- One Can Afford to Miss the rare money-having opportunity presented at Rosenthal a Inventory sale. Mazauab. attention! Tou arc all re quired to attend the Curtis lectures at the hue Temple tonight. Rosenthal e. 1 Third street, have launched the greatest shoe sale in the hSMcry of Portland. B. and R.. homeopethics, now SOT Wash., .nignt L'rug co.. agents. 'Phone 2633. The Great Shoe Sale at Rosenthal's ts drawing crowds of eager buyers. Wise Bros., den Oils, Third and Wash. Speaks to W- C T. TJ. Mrs. Whiteside, county president of the W..C, T. V. met with the Sarah M. Kern Union resterday afternoon in the First Evangelical Church. East Sixth and Market. streets, and delivered an Instructive address. She spoke mainly of the plans ot the W. C T. I. for the protection of young girls attending the Fair, and of the visit of the National officers. President Lilian Stevenson and Vice-President Anna Gor don, to Portland during the Fair. She explained tho plans in detail as far aa they have dovclopcd. The two National officers will be entertained by the W. C. T. U. as an organization during their stay, and the members are looking for ward to their coming to Portland with 1 much interest. Mrs. Whiteside's talk was j appreciated. It was decided to hold meet- logs in the First Evangelical Church here- J after, on the first and third Thursdays of each month. Finds Defective Wiring. District En gineer Holden, with Fire Superintendent Robinson, arc investigating the condi tion of all large buildings on the East Side, with reference to defective electric wire insulations, and the accumulation of combustible material in ba&ementa. These Investigations are required to be made frequently. In some of the larger struc tures the wiring was found to be defect ive and dangerous, and basement were found to be filled with combustible ma terial The wiring will have to bo rc palredand made safe. District Engineer Holden says tho requirements to make jthc wiring safe must be complied with, and that many fires result from defective wiring. All Praise New Tear's Issue. A tall pile of letters received rest on the desk of Manager Tom Richardson, of the Com mercial Club, In acknowledgment of cop ies of the New Tear's Oregonian sent by him all over the United States. He saw to it that copies were received by libra ries everywhere, and drawing on his own wide acquaintance ot Influential men in railroads, exploiting work and other pub lic utilities, sent copies to them also. There are very few of the acknowl edgments received by Mr. Richardson which do not show that tho receivers of the paper had their curiosity aroused by tho Information contained In it, and wish to learn more. Narrowlt Escaped Death. Yesterday afternoon a Vancouver car returning from the Columbia River nearly ran down a small boy about 10 years of age. Tho car was on Union avenue near Killlngswortb. at S:50 P. M., when the boj. who was playing near the sidewalk, without warn ing turned and ran directly in front of tho rapidly approaching car, barely es caping by a few Inches. It was only by the quick action and judgment of the vet eran motorman. James Garbcll. that a shocking accident was averted. Scottish Rite Rectoon. The semi annual reunion of the Ancient and Ac cepted Scottish Rite began yesterday at me ocotusn itite cathedral. Quite a large class is going through the mysteries of the higher Masonic degrees. Tho reunion closes this evening, and tomorrow night the Mystic Shrlners will hold their semi annual ceremonial for the reception and initiation of candidates. As usual, there are many visitors, not only from all over the state but from most every part of the Union. Union Services Begin. Union revival services were begun last evening in the Second Baptist Church, East Ankeny and Seventh streets, under the auspices of the Second Baptist and Centenary Methodist Episcopal Churches. Rev. Ralph Glllam, tho well-known evangelist, is conducting the meetings. Store Closed Todat All Dat. Our store closed all day today. Fire and srooko sale begins Saturday morning at 8:30. All prices greatly reduced. W. H. Markcll & Co. Drt four-foot fir wood. J3.73: sawed, $4123 per cord, at Hoover's, 313 Water street. Phone Main 4596. - Dr. Vial, physician and surgeon. 217 Abington. Try the Cottage Wafflo today. US 6th. HEiniY HtVING'S GREAT PLAY. "The Crime of Dubosq" to Be Pro duced at the Columbia. The coming week, beginning Sunday. January 22, at the Columbia Theater, will be especially memorable. It Is the week Intervening between the departure of the leading man, Ed gar Baumc, and the coming of the ever popular new leading man, Howard Gould. By special arrangement with Morris B. Dudley. Manager Ballard has se cured the right to produce for the first time in America Henry Irvlng's great London Lyceum success. "The Crime of Dubosq," with the most promising young star in tho United States. James Keane. playing the leading role, which Is a dual character as Intensely dra matic as "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Mr. Keane will be supported by the full Columbia Stock Company. Miss Coun ties will play the part of Jeanne, the part taken In 'London by Miss Ellen Terry, and Miss Douglass will be Julie, who bears the heart-interest burden of the play. The Columbia is becoming eclebratod for its elaborate productions, and "Tho Crime of Dubosq" will be produced in a magnificent manner calculated to startle even the Columbia's regular patrons. Mr. Keane Is to star all over this country, and this is his first ap pearance in the part. As a stock star production -probably there has never been nothing as fine and Intensely in teresting in this city. Tho play, al though tragic and replete with the most tense thrills, ic wholesome, dramatic to a degree, and. In conson ance with the best playright'a good judgment, ends happily. It Is consid ered on a par with Henry Irvlng's great play, "The Bells." with the one signifi cant exception that the ending Is sweet and wholesome. It affords the great est possibilities for magnificent work for Mr. Keano and all the members tif the Columbia company. It will be one of the most important theatrical hap penings of the year In this country. SNOWBALL WAS TOO HARD. Young Boy Arrested for Throwing Mlssle at Expressman. Willie Schlelger. aged 15 years, was ar rested by Mounted Patrolman Croxford yesterday afternoon on a warrant Issued out of lhe Municipal Court, charging him with assault and battery.. It Is alleged that he threw a snowball. In which a rock was concealed, -at M. Donahue, an expressman, and that the assaulted man may lose the sight of one eye as a result. The trouble occurred near tho Williams avenue school, in Alblna. two days ago. Donahue W3s passing along the avenue with his wagon, when a crowd of boys began pelting him with snowwballs. The one that struck him in the eye. he aver?, was thrown by Schlelger. The latter spent several hours in the City Jail, but was finally taken home by his parents, who furnished S10 bail. SEATS TOR MELBA. Advance Sale to Open Next Monday Morning. The advance sale of scats for Mclba will open next Monday morning. January 23. In the lobby of the Marquam Grand Theater at 10 o'clock. This world-renowned prima donna and her excellent company of artists will be heart at the Armory Monday evening. January 30. Address out-of-town orders to Calvin Heillg. Marquam Theater. For Postmaster of Cottage Grove. OREGONIAN- NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Jan. 15. The Oregon delegation ha? recommended f. J, Howard for Post master at cottage Grove. AT THE THEATERS "The Sultaa of Solo." Kl TUrn Thomas IVhWen Colonel JeOerscn Budd. George O'Donnrll Lieutenant "William Hardy -'. Walter A. Lawrence Hadji Tanteng... Fred Frear Ditto Mandi Robert W. Parkin Wakeful 31. Jones William Curtlso Dingbat James L.' McGee ra-eant Standptpe..Wm. Hetherinzton Ramus....." John T. Kosartr IMdytnu w..John T. O'Dajr Henrietta Beca Maude X. Williams Pamela Frances Jackson. May Monttord Chiqulta Nellie V. Nichols Galula Helta Tomllnoa Maurlcia Bcrnlcc Harte Ramona ...... Julia Corwln Popita ...........Clara Tichecor Natirldod. .Margaret GIrocd Natalia . Maude Henry Selina Louise Goodwin Miss Itoxbury..: Octavla Broike Allan Dorchester Helen Rockefeller MIm Cambridge. ...... Ma tUe Rlveabur? Hiss Newton Effle Hasty Last night, for the first time since it was produced in Chicago nearly four years ago, George Adc's initial attempt at stage writing was presented In Port land. An audience which filled the Mar quam Theater saw it and liked the piece and the company. It is safe to say that the "Sultan of Sulu" has more bright lines in it than any musical comedy ever seen In this coun try. George Ade never docs anything mediocre, and ha wrote tho "Sultan" when his soul was in his work. He spread himself upon it and got a world of humor in the lines. Musically the piece Is not remarkably good. There arc a few pret ty numbers, but now as originally it is Ade's lines that make the show a good one. This year'e production Is made without regard to cost In the matter of costumes and scenery. In this respect It is perhaps the finest we have had this season. The part of Ki Ram, potentate of all Sulu, is being played by Thomas Whif fen. 1 saw Frank Moulon in tho part once and am prejudiced. Whiffen misses some of tho best points, and the famous "R-e-m-o-r-s-e" song, which used to get any where from six to ten encores, fell rather fiat. He was best in the "Come Back to Manistee" quartet, but moro should have been made of this number," which Is prob ably the cleverest thing In the entire show. Fred Frear. who has been playing the excrutiatingly funny private secretary al most from the first performance, is the best comedian in the company, and the only one who has been long Identified with the "Sultan." Although he sug gests Frank Daniels just the least bit, he is still great In the part. This season George O'Donnell is ap pearing to splendid advantage as Colonel Budd. the Intensely patriotic American commander from Arkansas, who expects to return home and go to Congress. In my opinion, he Is the best man who has ever had the role, but he should make up as an older man. Walter Lawrence, who Is cast as Lieutenant Hardy, has an excellent singing voice, and did the "My Own Sweetheart" song beautifully. The "Henrietta" this year is Maude William?, well known in musical comedy. She pos sesses a voice which is nice, but lim ited. Nellie V. Nichols, as Chlqulta. tho favorite wife, is a dashing musical In genue, and her dancing won instant and unmistakable favor. The chorus is the best feature of the performance, being large, pretty, grace ful and well equipped for singing. "The Sultan of Sulu" is an entertain ment well worth the money. It is bright, diverting and in most respects entirely satisfactory- There will be performances tonight and tomorrow afternoon and night. A. A. G. Tells of Indian Life Illustrated Curtla Lecture Proves of Unusual Interest Lifelike Scene of Picturesque Plncrs. inpHB pictorial lecture given at the I White Temple by E. W. Curtis last night, under the auspices of the Ma zamas, was one of the most artistic and Instructive entertainments ever offered a Portland audience. Mr. Curtis spent six years in collecting the rarely beautiful photographs of Indian life which he pre sents with the stereoptlcon, and the fact that each picture faithfully represents the ethnology of the most interesting tribes of American red men, now4 fast disappear ing, Ionds incalculable value to the illustrations.-. A large audience' greeted Mr. Curtis, and after Introduction by Judge H. H. Northup. president of the Maxamas. he stated that his pictures would do most of the talking. They proved sufficiently realistic and complete to tell the life story of the various tribes of the Pueblos, and frequent applause Interrupted the speak er's explanations of each. One of the chief charms of the Incomparable repro ductions of the primitive life of these picturesque tribes was the background of the endless desert and the rare cloud ef fects shown in many of them. In the 250 pictures shown last night the eth nology of the Zuni. Moqul and A coma Pueblos was llluRtrated In a manner which the historian with only a pen can j never hope to Imitate. Mr. Curtis Is well named the photo-historian, and his an nouncement that It will take another six years to complete his work only goes to show that he intends to make it as com plete as living Indians will permit. The village lite and customs' of the Moqul or Hopi Indians was first taken up, the habits, characteristics and per sonnel of this tribe being given in detail. This was followed by tho Zunil and Aco mas. The moving pictures of the cele brated snake and buffalo dances of the Moquli proved, a treat. The cliff-dwellers of Acoma was one of the best features j of the evening, these pictures being full or atmospnere ana coior. Jir. uurus quo ted a remark of a, priest whom he met there which seemed singularly fitting: "There are only two places to dream Venice and Acoma." In the Sunday-school room of the White Temple is displayed a large collection of the C'irtis pictures, and these will be open to tbe public this afternoon, when all will be welcome. An opportunity to view such a collection is rarely given Portland, and should not be neglected. The second and last lecture of the series will be given to night at 2 o'clock, when the Navajos The wine of the banquet and ultra-brilliant Functions, is pronounced by connoisseurs to be GOLD SEAL America's Best CHAMPAGNE SPECIAL DRY BRUT Exquisite in bouquet, bead and flavor all the delicious qualities of the French product, OoidSeai PPeEKLMi at haIf the cost. Seld by all leading greccrs aad wine merchants For sale by Blumauer & Hoch, S. A..-Arata & Co. and J. M. Gellert. and the White Mountain ana Jlcarilla Apaches will be given historical illustration. aCCHIGAff NATIVES ORGANIZE Meeting Well Attended and Work Taken Up Wlti Enthusiasm. , The second, meeting of the newly formed Michigan Society of Oregon was well at tended last night, and its organization completed by the adoption of the consti tution and bylaws. The principal feature of the meeting was the-nthuslasm shown and the action taken by the society in regard to arousing the interest ot Mich igan In the Lewis and Clark. Fair. Arthur Langguth. president, epoke'at length on the beneficial results that could be at tained through concerted action, and sug gested f;veral lines on which the mem bers might work. He thought the great est good could be accomplished through personal lettters written by the members to friends throughout the State of Mich igan, urging them to use their Influence with the members of their legislative body for the purpose of securing representation of their state at the Fair. A lkt of the Michigan legislative mem bers was also read and those present at tho meeting took down the addresses of such Senators or Representatives as they were acquainted with and promised to write to them immediately on behalf of the Fair. Since the Michigan Legislature will convene very shortly. Immediate ac tion was urged by the president. Following Mr. Langguth. Manager Tom Richardson, of the Commercial Club, offered the help of the Commercial Club to the society in whatever manner it might wish to use it. and asked that a. list of Michigan residents be furnished the club so that literature might be sent to them. A letter was received by the jwclety asking the members to bo present at a meeting of the Ohio Club on January 27, at which time the Pennsylvania and Illi nois societies will also be guests. It was voted that the InvItStion bo accepted, and the members will attend in a body. The next meeting ot the society will be held In the City Hall next Thursday evening. The following names were added to the rolls: C. C Hood. Dr. C S. Hosmcr, A. c. Emmons. Charles Rastira, George Besaw. Phil Bodway. George C Brad ley, Mrs. George C Bradley. Mm. F. C Kcbs. E. V. Carlton, C S. Russell, Mrs. C S. Russell, A. L. Potrie, Mrs. A. L. Pctrle, R. C Warner, John Kryger, Mrs. J. Eastman. W. C Barker, Samuel F. Owen. L P. Hower, Eugene, Or. Committees were named as follows: Executive committee M. J. McMa hon, R. C Warner. A. C. Emmons, Charles K. Motl, IL A. Start: finance committee. Judge George J. Cameron, J. A. Eastman. J. S. Ready-: committee on place of meeting. O. R. Baker, Dr. C S. Hosmer, R. C Warner; printing committee, J. Kryger, O. R. Baker. Mrs. Frank Hood. ANOTHER FOR THE EAST SIDE A Beautiful and Costly Chickering Piano for a Handsome Home on Rodney Avenue. The elegant Chickering: baby upright piano in the window at Eilers Piano House, which is attracting much at tention, is destined for the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. White.' No. 462 Rodney avenue. The lovely mahogany, exquisitely polished, in which the piano is cased, seems especially adapted to the classi cal Colonial style in which it is finish ed. No style could be more appropriate to the pure, clear, musical tone which characterizes the Chickering piano, and which was pronounced by Mrs. White the most beautiful she had ever heard. This decision was reached by her only after havjng made a very thor ough and extended comparison of the various leading makes now offered in Portland, an investigation which ex tended over a period of some months. So thoroughly convinced are Mr. and Mrs. White that they havo the very best piano made that they cheerfully paid a price considerably in advance of what was asked of them for other makes ot pianos. GLOVE ARTIST 'GOES- HOME. Barry Fails to Make Terms for Fight With Burns. Dave Barry, who was to have boxed Tommy Burns January 26. packed up his boxing gloves and punchlng-bag and re turned to San Francisco last night. Burns' manager wanted Barry to fight in Seattle, but he could not meet Barry's terms, so the match was declared off. Barry and those who were promoting the match are naturally sore over the fact that Sheriff Word would not let the match take place. PERSONAL MENTION. Edward R. Root, of tho N. P. Termi nal Company, left yesterday for Stock ton, Cal.. being calle'd there on account of the death of his father. N. T. Root. W. E. Rothery. owner and editor ot the Everett Independent, now the Everett Herald, during the years of 1S3S and 1K. and who afterwards owned and edited the Los Angeles Capital, has become a resident of this city and will represent the Calkins Newspaper Syndicate. Miss Jennie Arnold, of the Couch School, who was suddenly taken ill with brain paralysis on Monday, is at SL Vincent's Hospital and is still in an almost unconscious condition. Miss Arnold is one of the most popular teachers in the city schools, and her friends will be sorry to know that there is small hope of her recovery. NEW YORK. Jan. 19. (Special.) Northwestern people, registered at New Tork hotels today as follows: From Portland P. J. Flynn and wife, at the Everett. From Belllngham. Wash. A. B. Clark and wife, at the Savoy. From Baker City, Or. J. F. Hutch inson, at the Grand. From Spokane A. Jeffrey, at the Everett. From Tacoma D. Gross, at the Bel vedere. BED EYES AND ETEXXDS. Granulated Eyelids and other Eye troubles cured by Murine Eye Remedy, it don't smart. Sold by all druggists. Burnett's Extract of Vanilla Is tba leader all the world over. Ui no-vOt&tr. two would make trip chief and detective inlvulge In disagreement. Hartman Thinks He Should Go After California Captive While Chief Details Welner to Go. After being traced' from place to place for more than one year by Detective Lou Hartman, of the Portland Police Depart ment, S. IL Hoober was arretted in Oak land. Cal.. yesterday morning and Is now being held in the jail at(San Francisco awaiting the arrival of an officer from this city to bring him back here for trial on a charge of embankment. An open fight between Chief Hunt and Detective Hartman Is on. regardless of the military discipline supposed to be in vogue in the local Police Department, and there is Ho telling where It will stop. Last night, without notifying Hartman ot the arrest of Hoober, Chief Hunt assigned Detective Welner to make the trip to the Golden Gate city and bring the prisoner back. Although Detective Hartman has been handling the case for nearly IS months, and notwithstanding the fact that he traced all the movements of Hoober and caused his tirrest yesterday morning. Chief Hunt did not notify Hartman of the ar rest. At 9 o'clock last night Hartman was notified of the arrest from another source and also of the fact that Detective Welner had been assigned, to make the trip. "Welner will not make the trip you will see he will not," was the exclamation from Hartman. "Do you suppose that I will follow a man for IS months, get him arrested and then permit myself to be cheated out of the trip? I'll fight It out, I tell you." Detective Hartman was at home when Informed of the arrest. He immedltaely went to police headquarters, expecting to see Chief Hunt. The Chief was at home, however. Hartman called him by .tele phone and asked him about the matter. He was Informed that the arrest had been made and Welner named to bring Hoober back for trial. "But, Chief, that's not using me right," said Hartman. The order stands, how ever, as far as Chief Hunt is concerned. "This is a pretty thing," said Hartman, after talking with the Chief. "I wonder now a man can be expected to do good work when, after working on a case all this time and bringing it to a successful termination, the Chief names a man like Welner, who is a notorious character and could not pass the civil service examina tion, to make the trip. I'll not let the matter drop." In thp event that Hoober fights extra dition, which he probably will. Hartman may yet secure the trip. In that case Dis trict Attorney Manning names a suitable officer to go. and the Governor confirms. Hoober was a driver in the employ of Manager Talt, of theTroy Laundry, and In addlUon collected bills. He Is said to be about $500 short. A reward of $23 was paid for his arrest yesterday. WHKKE TO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant, fine, private apart ments for parties. 306 Wash., near Sth. Women, from their sedentary habits, are often subject to headache and consti pation. Theee are quickly removed by Carter's Little Liver Pills. A FREE PACKAGE I want every prsea wK? la hflice or has. any atcsuch ce liter all nest to send for a frt ptcxace of ray Paw-Pair Sills. J iraat to prora that tiey positively car ladixestloa. Soar Stom ach, BelcaiajT. Wind, Headache. Kerross&ess, SleeplesKieM, asd are as lafalirMa car for Coattlpatisa. To do this 1 aa willls to sir otniosa of free pacx res. I take all th t&c Bold by dronlsts fcr 23 cents a tUL For free package addrtu MUNYOIN, Philadelphia All Pianos We carry are thorocrfcly good planes; thor- oncniy gooa means as to tne. interior The Vital Part of the Piano Every piano case In ocr store la veil con structed from choice selections of beautiful wood. but everyone can iuden ot the outside for hlsuelf. It Is tbe Inside, "the business part." that should b looked after carefully. Our Pianos will stand the most critical inspec tionare all old reliable xna&ea that hav worked their way Into public favor on their merits alone. We do not carry the "Just aa cood" pianos mat no one icnoirs anytnmr ci -SEE WHAT WE HAVE TIME PAYMENTS ACCEPTED HEAR MELBA AND THE STEIN WAY PIANO JANUARY 30 Soule Bros. Piano Co. 372 and 37 Morrison it., cor. "W. Park. Wherever Schilling's Best you see Ua co'Sm VaViaj-pewier f lyorfif extracts spxes soda there is fair dealing too. At ycu; grocers; moaeySifV. COAL FOR HOUSE USE Rarea Nut CoaL delivered at SS.75 per tea Karen Lamp Coal, delivered at 6 JO per tea Kenton Lump CoaL delivered at 7 .CO per ton Australian Coal, delivered at 7.50 per ton Carbon Hill Coal, delivered at.. 7.M per torn Hock Springs Coat, delivered at 8.56 per tea Screened Coal Full TVelxnts. VULCAIN COAL CO. Office Pnoae Mala 2778. 3ZD BarnsJde St- PHOTOS FOR CUTS Residence views, interiors, flashlights, machinery photos. Kodak developing and printing. Photo enlargements of all kinds. GEO. (VI. STRONG 163 W. PARK ST. Commercial Photography Exclusively. FredPrehn.D.D.S its Deknm bide. OF"JCB HOOXU Frcxa 8 A. IX. to 5 P. H. EVENINGS. MON DAY AND THURS DAY UNTIL. IP. K. cbwab Printing Co. IXSTtrOXX. TX.ICXX 347K STARS STUItT Connoisseurs Understand That There Is Nothing Better Than YELLOWSTONE HThiskey. Old, mellow and delightfully palatable, it is the ideal stimulant ROTH CHILD BROS., PORTLAND, OR., Sole Agents TATIONERY JUST THE THING FOR EMBOSSED MONOGRAMS W. 0. SMITH & WEDDING AND VISITING CARD ENGRAVERS Oilmen, Physicians, Liquor Dealers, Sailors, Soldiers, Engineers and Machinists. Always Ready. No Trouble. Gives 4000 io 5000 lights before battery needs gunpowdel or cellar full of leasing gas. For sale by Western Electric Works SI SIXTH STREET. rhoBa Xala 1Q&8. Portland, Oregon. CONFIDENTIAL Just as the other muscles cate muscles that control the severe eyestrain, headaches and blurring of vision and means that your eyes need attention by THE HOUSE THAT KNOWS HOW WALTER 133 SIXTH STREET PRICES FOR LOWER Quality coBalderttl. than aaj- other Needles, OH, Repairs FOR AIX MAKTS AT SINGER STORE 463 Washington. 354 axerrtkoa Street. C46 William Avcane (But Side.) Portland. Orezoa. TEETH SPECIAL CUT RATES Boston Painless Dentists Are new glYlns thalr aanual lut RATE PRICKS on all dental work. Tha charfM sxa less than colleee prlcaa, and all work done by our painless sys tem and by specialists of 12 to 30 years experience. TEETH . Kxtnetteg Fro. KxaeatestioB 3rea. Bver roHas....35eGoi& ZllKags 7ta esU Orewss ...fS.MlFull Sat Xeet.. .. ALX. WOItiC GUARAJTT.BSBD FOR TEST TKASLS. Save your teeth extracted wltnettt jaln and. replaced wltn new onsa the game. day. Come In at once and take draatas;a of low rata. B sure yost r ts tk; right place. Boston Painless Dentists Flftn ssi Herriaea Streets. Zatranoe 291& Korison Street. (rs;et Dental concern la tbe fneH . 4 Else, lee to 50c Each. A. 8ANTAELLA it CO.. Makers, Tampa. Fla. 8E8S0I I mi, Disiribuitn, Portend, Or. FREE LAND IN OREGON j to tb richest grab, fruit and stscSt tection in the world. Tnottsanss of acres ofland t actual cot of rrrijaden, Deri direct from State of Urfjen. wniii. lutwi. i ana MAP FX EE. Deschutes Irriprien and Power Com-" pw.SiCHii-iaMcKajBcliinj.PortliaJjOrtfaa. FROM NEW YORK. CO. WASHINGTON BUILDING THE FAMOUS EVER-READY ELECTRIC FLASH-LIGHTS Just the thing for Watchmen, Policemen. Hunters, Plumbers, renewal. Can be put into keg of EWCASTLE HIGH-GRADE COAL Nut - - $5.75 per ton Lump - $6.50 per ton , THE PACIFIC COAST CO. Chas. H. Gleira. A ret. 249 Washington Street TELEPHONES 229 AND 237. 109 I CHAT NO. of the body tire, so do the deli- $ action of the eye. This causes REED THE OPTICIAN OREGONIAN BUILDING m vi. n i r ..I iiuiii w 1 1 rt i lull i 'ii i-f'i rinji' HUfY UtlllGI I GlWti 4XH AND MOBK1SOX ST&. rORTT.ftJO). OREGON. Having Juat completed remodeling, re furnishing; and. re-equipplns our offlce wltk all the latest Improved, modern appliances, both electrical and mechanical, we are feet terprepared than ever to complete all kinds or operations with great s&W and dispatch. Our specialists of world renown win treat all trno come with the courtesy and cars that the 2ew Tork Dentists are ao well known by. "We do not try to compete wltk cheap dental worlc. but do all kinds ot first class work at about half that charged by others. All operations are guaranteed pain less. Yon can have your teeth out in tke morning and go home with your XSW .t.i.jh "that fit" the same day. All work guaranteed, with a protected guarantee for 10 years. TEETH EXTRACTED AND FILLED ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN, by our ia.tts scientinc methods applied to the gums. No sleep-producing agents or cocaine, These are the only dental parlors in Port lai.u naii i-Al ... TED APPLIANCES and Ingredients to extract, fill and apply gold crowns and porcelain crowns undetect able from natural teeth. Alt work. doss, by GRADUATED DENTISTS of from 12 to 3 7ara experience, and each department la charge of a specialist. Give us a call, and you will find us to do exactly as we adver tise. T7e will tell you in advance exactly what your work will cost by a 5"KEZ IX AM1NATION. SET TKBTH SS.M GOLD CROWNS 96.M GOLD HLUNG8 XLM SILVER FILLINGS Me MO RLATES New York Dental Parlors Hours SU50 A. If. to 6 P. IL: Sundays, and, holidays. 8:30 to 2 P. M. MAIN OFFICE: Fourth and Morrison Sts.. Portland. Or. COAL WE SELL ALL THE LEADERS niAMANn II NFW rATI F AUSTRALIAN WASHEDNUT ROSLYN II BLACKSMITH Full Welfcht and Prompt Delivery KING COAL CO. Front and Kearney Sts. Main 1425 wm 6s ua tl aari fsr til's Qj S l