Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 20, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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II . . C ' V
Up -River Interests Present
Bills a Salem.
Open Season in August Five Days
Less Fall Fishing to Begin
Ten Dayg Earlier Than
at Present.
SAX.EM. Or.. Jan. 13. (Special.) A
-vigorous element in the Legislature Is
planning to decapitate K. G. Van Dusen.
Master Fish Warden, and to enact a.
new salmon law for the Columbia
River. Senator Whealdon Introduced a
b.Il today lor those two purposes and
Representative Jaync -will do the same
tomorrow In the House.
Both bills take the appointment of
tho Fish "Warden from the board com
posed of the Governor. Secretary of
8 ate and State Treasurer, and srive It
to tho Governor. The mon who aro
pjshlns the bill say Governor Cham
berlain -will appoint a Republican to
succeed Van Dusen if the Legislature
will confer on him the authority to
make the selection.
The two bills will lengthen the
Spring closed season, shorten the open
season In August live days and flx the
opening of the Fall fishing season at
September 1, ten days earlier than by
the present law.
The bills are presented by up-river in
terests and will be fought fiercely by the
lewer river people, who -want the open
season in August lengthened five or ten
days, rather than shortened. The up-river
people declare confidence In their ability
to lift the scalp of 'nn Dusen. and say
they have the Legislative votes in sight
to accomplish their ends.
The bills prescribe heavy penalties for
failure of the warden to enforce tho law
and provide forv confiscation of fishing
gar. ro deadline is established at the
bar nor arc licenses changed. zThe salary
of Master Warden Is reduced from $2J
to J20CO. and that of the deputy is raised
from 51000 to $1500.
A big fight Is sure to be waged in the
Legislature over the fisheries. Twenty
fishery bills have been introduced and still
tho Important bill for the Lower Columbia
Interests has not been brought forward.
Chairman Tuttle. of the Senate commit
tee, and Chairman Mayger. of the Houso
committee, said tonight that nothing will
be done as to the Columbia until the Joint
committee of the House and Senate, ap
pointed today, shall have conferred with
the "Washington Legislature for concur
rent legislation.
Next week the Washington Legislature
Is expected to provide a similar joint com
mittee and ten days hence the reports of
the joint committees are expected to be
received at Salem and Olympia. But the
fishery Interests represented here are ald
not to be wholly satisfied with tho per
sonnel of tho Oregon Joint committee,
and to have intimated that the Washing
ton Legislature may lake no action.
The fight at Salem will not be con
tined to committees and will surely
break out on the fldor of the Legisla
ture. Van Dusen's failure to enforce
trio law will undoubtedly make him
the object of sharp attacks.
Tho Legislature pay not consent to
take the appolntntent from the pres
ent board, and If it should refuse Van
Dusen s enemies will try to Induce the
Legislature to do tto itself. In that
case H. A. Webster, deputy warden, is
1 kcly to be brought forward for the
appointment. Ho has strong barking
in the Legislature and is regarded as
an efficient officer. State Treasurer
Mopre is known to prefer another
"Warden than Van Duson. but has not
combined with the Governor, because
the latter insisted on naming a Dom
ocnt and Secretary of State Dunbar Is
backing up Van Dusen.
Smith' Bill for Eastern Oregon
Agricultural Society Is Passed.
SALEM. Or.. Jan. (Special.) The
Senate was called to order at 10 A. M.
and opened with prayer by Rev. "W. R.
S B. 7. by Smith, to establish a Third
Eastern Oregou District Agricultural So
ciety, was pawed.
S B. 11. by Booth. tbVmend the char
ter of Springfield, was passed.
S. B. 27. by Pierce, to authorize transfer
of estates in guardianship from one coun
ty to another, was passed.
S B. 30, by Loughary. to authorize dis
trict boundary boards to condemn prop
erty for school purposes-, was passed.
S, B. 32, by Rand, to fix salary of deputy
county clerk of Baker County, was passed
S. B. -to. by Smith, to establish county
and c'ty boards or health, was passed.
S B. 66. by Miller, to require teachers
in public schools to give 50 days' "notice of
1-tcntion to quit, whs pas.ed.
S B. CS. by Nottingham, to prevent sale
cf adulterated, linseed oil. was passed.
S B, 20. by CroUwrt. to fix the fees to be
charged by county recorders, was passed.
II B. 22, by Edward;, to amend the
charter of Junction City, was passed.
II B. 5?, by Chamberlain, to incorporate
-VMienn, was passed.
55 B 23. by Pierce, to amend section 2021
c the code relative to game In Eastern
Oregon, waa pawed.
S B. 26, by Pierce, to authorize chics
t? condemn land for levees, etc.. was
S. B. 45, by Smith, to amend the veter
inary surgeon law. was passed.
S. B. 61, by Malarkey. to make It a to steal railway tlckots. was passed.
S. B. 43, by Laycock. to regulate costs
?n Justice courts In criminal cases, was
indefinitely postponed.
a B. 13, by Coe. that the Secretary of
State be authorized to draw a warrant In
favor of F. C. Mlddleton for services a
assistant clork. was adopted.
A special committee of the Legislature
fr i9C3 reported that there is now no
V a:o Jn Oregon institutions for defective
'oaths and. epileptics, and that the etate
should provide such a place.
New Bills in Senate.
SALEM, Or.. Jan. lD.-tSpeelaU-The
Allowing bills wore introduced In the
Senate today:
8. P, 120, by Browne!! by requcsO-To rec
Vit the praxitlee of ostejthj".
P B 111. by Whealdon For protection of
S B 122. by Xottlngham-To amend the code
o as to change the name of the State Reform
8 hool
S. a J23, by Coalucw To amend cection
MIX r coda relating to ralefe by guardian.
S B. 124. by Pierce For atate convention
county School Superintendent.
8 B. 123. by Pierre To compel attendance
e children at chool.
S B 125, by Nottingham IUqutrlnc ait en
'nncea to ealoons to be in tbe front or mon
crart'tcuoua place.
? R 127 by Rcoth (by request) -To protean
i- 4tllteepeni.
8 R 12S. by WbeaJdon, precorlbing form
cf official band of county officers.
B. B. 129. by TVtirht (by request) To
amend the code relating to elctlons.
S. B. ISO. by Jlalarkty To prevent fraud
upon travelers.
S. B. 131, by Tuttle To appropriate iSOOO
for Lewis and Clark memorial monuments.
S. B. 182, by Malarkey To appropriate
? 10.000 for reclamation of wayward cirla.
S. B. 133. by Loughary (by request) To au
thorize County Superintendents to dispense
with teachers institutes In 1905.
S. B. 134, by Miller To abolish all State
Normal Schools, except one.
8. S. 135. by Cochaw To amend section
1002 regarding duties of Dlttrict Attorneys.
S. B. 136, by Brownell (by request) To pro
vide for creation of a Bureau of Mince.
President and Speaker Give Out List
of Thirteen.
SALEM, Or.. Jan. IS. Special.)
Thirteen joint committees for Investi
gation of state offices and institutions
were named by the - President and
Speaker this morning, two Senators for
each committee and two Representa
tives. The committees will be aided by
clerks who have been chosen by a Joint
committee appointed for that special
duty and will receive compensation for
necessary expenses. The committees
are as follows:
Blind School Representatives Bramhall,
Kuney. Sonneman; Senators Slchel,
Soldiers' Home Representatives Cor
nett. Laws, Smith of Baker; Senators
Loughary. Smith.
Secretary of State Representatives
Kay. Chamberlain, Miles; Senators Ma
larkey, Rand.
State Treasurer Representatives Bailey,
Bingham, Donnelly; Senators Coe. Coke.
State Library Representatives McLeod,
Hermann, Smith; Senators Holman, Mc
Donald. Penitentiary foundry Representatives
Griffin, Killlngsworth, Burncs; Senators
Hodnon, Booth.
Canal and locks and portage Repre
sentatives Huntley. Richie, Newell; Sen
ators Bowerman. .Whealdon. '
Reform School Representatives Hoi
comb, Edwards. Burgess; Senators Howe,
Fisheries Representatives Crang, Coop
er, Burns of Clatsop; Senators Tuttle,
Insane Asylum Representatives Jack
son. Welch. Huntley; Senators Hobson,
Penitentiary Representatives Von der
Hellen, Hudson. Sltz; Senators Crolsan.
Land Board Representatives Jaggar,
Stolner. West; Senators Nottingham,
State Land Agent Representatives Dob
bin, Settlemlcr Col well; Senators Lough
ary. Brownell.
Summary of the Proceedings of the
Oregon Representatives.
SALEM. Or. .Tun 11 fCrw-iol
House was called to order by Speaker
Mills at 10:15. Prayer was offered by
Rev. W. C. Kantner, pastor of the Con
gregational Church of Salem.
The courtesies of the House were ex
tended to E. E. CoovcrL of Portland.
The courtesies of the Hnnu wtv. At
tended to V. S. Fields, County Clerk of
Multnomah, on motion of Mulr of Mult
nomah. The courteslps nf tho TTmio .in
tended to L. J. Davis and Clarence Craw
ford, on motion of McLeod Of Union.
H. J. R. 13. bv Smith nf .Tninnhlnn
special committees submit to committee
on salaries ana mileage reports of actual
cicnscs, tvas rererrea.
IT. J. M.2. by Caprop. from Portland
Chamber of Commerce asking for .aboli
tion of $50,000 bond required of lire In
surance comoanlen miri for ifc-uintirn
prevent combinations of companies and
tunscqueni raising oc msurace rates, was
H. R. 13. bv Muir. that the.
State furnish each page with stamps and
rappers, was reierrefl.
H. B. 42. bv Barnof" rplallnr- m .ho...
of venue in criminal trials, was Indefinite
ly postponed.
H. B. 75. by Smith of Joscnhhif. tn tSb-
. . ' "iuiil iiwii i O 1
Per cent, was Indehnilely postponed.
j. iu, nums oi i;urry. for col
lection of polltax. was Indefinitely post-
Protection Afforded the Railroads and
the Passengers,
SALEM. Or.. Jan. in.-rsru.riat t..
der to secure reduced passongcr rates for
tho Lewis and Clark Fair, and to pro
tect the railroads that grant the low
rates. Senator Malarkey today Introduced
in the Senate a bill
scalping. While this bill proposes to pro
tect railroad companies from ticket-scalp-
.-. ii Hiso proviacs protection for the
tdavellng nubile bv remilrint- .. nitn.
companies to redeem unused tickets.
inc m requires that railway com
panies Shall Issue tn IhMr llro.n.
certificates showing their authority, which
v-- uiu't of posica in tnoir of
fices, and it ahall be unlawful for -any
person to enlace in srlllnn- tirirn wt.K
out having such a certificate.
For the nrotectlon nf lho
llc It Is provided that, upon the presenta
tion oy me lawiui Holder thereof to any
ticket acent. the whole, nr nn-
an unused ticket, the railroad company
must redeem the tlckot by paying the
purchase price. If the ticket is entirelv
unused .and If the ticket has hon nxniv
used, by paying the difference between the
purcnase price atiu tne regular rate be
tween tne points traversed.
benator Malarkcv boilrvi ttiic un
fair to all concerned, and la dti as a moo
ter of justice to railroad companies which
grant cpeap rates to tbe Fair.
Marked Progress Is Made in Business
at Salem.
SALEM. Or.. Jan. 19. (Sntviut -kTtnth
houses of the Oregon Legislature will ad
journ tomorrow afternoon until Monduy,
so that the members may spend Sundav
at home. Hard work has been the pro
gramme tbu weok. and very marked
progress has been made. Committees are
giving prompt attention to bills referred
to them, and In order that this work may
oe lacuiiaiea. ine committees are hold
ing sessions mornlntr. noon and
One committee was In session as early as
S o'clock this morning.
Fifteen hills were passed by the Senate
today, of which the most Imoortsnt n-r
Smith's, for tne creation of county and
ciij uuarus oi neaun: fierce s prohibit
ing the sale of game, and Crolsan'a reduc
ing the fees to be collected hv rvmnt r
corders. Two of the bills "passed wore
Mouse oiiis amenamg the charters of
Atnena ana Junction City.
In the House 12 bilks -arm nsuiui
of them being charter bills. The "most
important measures passed by the House
were Ritchie's, giving the Supreme Court
power to appoint the state librarian-
Kay's, to nav state frrmTnfM
and Bailev's. to PTtwirl thn .Cl
present Labor Coramlreloner from Juh l
Owing to a defect In the enacting clause
of the St. Johns charter, nassrf
day. the bill was paas-d again today.
Russia Buya Two steamers.
steamer Prlne VaMlmlp n.t
... - ,u Bicomtr
Slam have been purchased by Rusaia from
mo AEiaue b i earn a nip Cbmpany.
Cavendish's Resolution Calls for Joint
- Committee to Investigate, Looking "
Toward Restoration to Public.
SALEM. Or.. Jan. 19. (Special.)-Fierce
denunciation of the Northern Pacific
Railroad for taking possession of thou
sands of acres of timber lands by placing
Its scrip upon them, rings through every
line of a resolution of Cavender, of Linn,
read in the Houso this morning.
The resolution, which is concurrent,
calls a Joint committee ot five, three
from the House and two front the Senate.
to investigate the lands now held by the
railway company and to learn their value
and the possible means of forcing the
company to relinquish "the lands, that
they again be a part of the public do
main and open to vettlers. Tbe resolu
tion was referred to the committee on
resolutions, of which Kay. of- Marion. Is
chairman. The text of the resolution fol
lows: Whereas. The Northern F&clnc Hallway
Company ha been, by the Federal Govern
ment, allowed to reUnaulah Its deaert landa
in nates other than Oregon, and for such
land so relinquished, has been given scrip
Whereaa, The "aid Northern raclflc Hall
way Company managed to have passed
through Congress a bill allowing Its scrip
to be placed upon lands owned by the Fed
eral Government In any state Into which
Its road extends.
Whereas. By said bill the Northern Pa
cific Railway Company was allowed to take
lands tn advpnee of the survey, a preroga
tive never allowed homesteader?.
Whereas. The paid Northern Pacific Ball
way Company immediately upon the paa
sagt ot said bill, and before the citizens of
this state knew that such bill had been
paesed. Hooded the state with timber lo
cators and In the Oregon City Land OOce
district laid scrip upon about 200.000 acres
of land, and in the Koseburg Land Office
district on about 200.000 acres of land. In
which were included thousands of acres of
the best timber lands in Oregon.
Whereas, Said Northern Pacific Railway
Company, by taking lands in advance of tho
survey, ousted hundreds of squatters who
were located upon said lands with the ob
ject of acquiring homes as soon as the aur
very had bt-en made.
Whereas. Said Northern Pacific Hallway
Company has but 40 miles or track In thia
state, and has secured, by stealth and In
equltablo laws, landa of the reasonable value
of $40,000,000.
Wherear, A great injustice has been done
the commonwealth thereby.
Whereas, There is danger that, as fast as
Government lands In this state become sub
ject to settlement, by the relinquishment of
reserves now created, and by the ourtlng
of Illegal timber speculators and fraudulent
homsteaders and timber claimant, the said
Northern Pacific Railway Company will step
In and take them, to the exclusion of bona
flde homeseckere.
Whereas. The nonrosidenl corporation,
having little. If any Interest In Oregon, ex
cepting In the lands thus wrongfully ac
quired, will own and control an area great
er In extent and more valuable In potential
wealth than some principalities: therefore,
be it
Resolved, by the House, tho Senate con
curring. That a committee of five, three
from tho House and two from the Senate,
be appointed to Investigate and report as
to the probable amount and probable value
ot lands to taken In this state by tho raid
North Pacific Railway Company.
To report upon ways and means to pre
vent said company from acquiring more lands
la this Ftate. and as to whether there Is
any means by which aald lands, so ac
quired, or any part thereof, can be re
turned to the public domain.
To rvport a memorial to Ccngtess. asking
thnt such step; be taken as will prevent
said Northern 1'nclflc Railway Company
from, acquiring any more land within this
A noteworthy bill. Introduced this morn
ing by Carter of Benton, reduces the sal
aries of count officers of that county.
As the result of a mass meeting held in
Benton County Monday night, a new
schedule of salaries for the officers of that
county is proposed. It is a straight cut
of 30 per cent.
After the first Monday in July, 1506. or
as soon thereafter as the present terms
expire, the County Judge Is to receive $73)
a year Instead of the Sheriff 1 in
stead of JIOOO. the County Clerk ?10 in
H?ead of I1W0. the Recorder J0 Instead ot
J10, the Treasurer H00 Instead of $500,
the County School Superintendent JS09 iu
place of $1000, and the Assessor will be
cut down the same amount
Payment of $1000 to each of the widows
of penitentiary guards who were killed In
the escape of Tracy and Merrill In IKK
will be recommended tomorrow by the
House committee on claims, of which Col
woll of Multnomah is chairman. Repre
sentative Graham, of Marlon. Introduced
a bill to pay each of the women J 2000, and
the bill was parsed on by the committee
as above indicated.
The womon are: Susan E. Jones, widow
of S. Jl. T. Jones; Edna TifTanv. widow
of B. F. TlfTany, and Sylvia Ferrell, wid
ow of F. B. Ferrell.
Chief Clork Thpmpon. of the jouse,
has plenty of troubles, but today these
were partly compensated for. Mr. Thomp
son had the pleasure of writing a letter
to the President ot the United States. He
got out tho stationery delicately printed
"W. Lair Thompson, Albany, Or.," and
had the following communication trans
cribed: Mr. President I have the honor to present
yeu herewith a copy of House Joint memorial
r-f-aolutlon No. 1, whleh wa adopted by the
Iloiue of Representatives ct the Oregon "Legis
lature in 23d biennial neuion assembled Jan
uary 10. 1SXO, and by the Senate January 11.
1096. Jtespecttully yours,
The resolution Is a formal Invitation to
the President to visit the Lewis and Clark
Twice today when charter bills were
brought up for passage Representative
Cavender, of Linn, brought up the ques
tion whether the bills liad been framed
to conform with the local-option law. His
questions gave notice that he will oDnose
any effort to pass charter bills which ex
empt towns from the local-option law.
One of the charter bills passed, that for
Junction City, Representative Edwards
said was not in conflict with the local
option law; therefore the debate which
Cavender seemed about to bring upon the
House did not develop. The other charter
bill was sent back to the committee for
elimination of an unnecessary emergency
R. E. Morse, of Hood River, is the
latest addition to the delegation working
for the creation of Cascade Countv. Dis
trict Attorney Menefee, of The Dalles, Is
here opposed to its creation."
Livestock of every description is to be
prevonted from running at large in Sher
man Count by tho bill Introduced by Ku
ney this morning. A person taking up
such stock must publish notice of his
brands. If the owner appear within 15
days and pay the costs, the stoek shall bo
turned over to him.
Should he not appear, the stock may be
sold at public auction, and the receipts,
less costs, be turned over to the' County
Treasurer. Within five years the original
owner may recover the balance from the
Count- Treasurer.
The State Librarian to receive his
appointment from the Supreme Court
instead of from the Legislature is the
purpose of a bill of Representative
Richie, which passed the House this
morning. Smith of Josephine proposed
to raise the Librarian's salary from
JlOOa a year to J1S00, but his motion
to refer to committee for that purposa
Tvas defeated.
Kay explained that the Librarian
now receives in perquisites about J300
mora than his salary.
The enacting clause which Is ap
proved by both, houses is. "Be it enacted
by the people of the State 'of Oregon.'
A number of billa which came up for
.final passage today were sent back to
(Committee to have the enacting clausa
conform to the approved style.
That the county may- name an "up-
i-et" price In selling to the highest bid-
U der property to which It has acquired
tax title, Llntbicum of Multnomah has
introduced a bill in the House. The
bill comes recommended by L. R. Web
ster, County Judge of Multnomah. The
law now requires su,ch property to be
sold to the highest bidder, whether the
County Court. deeniB tho price bid as
reasonable or-noL
Heavy punishments for men who
livi by the earning of fallen women
are provided In the pill Introduced by
Representative Bailey, of Multnomah,
this morning. Anyone who places his
wife or allows ner to be placed in
house of ill-fame .shall be liable to Im
prisonment In the penitentiary not less
than one year nor more than ten
years. In all prosecutions the wife
shall be a competent witness against
ner nusband.
By the second section any man who
lives by the earnings of a prostitute
or solicits anyone to enter a house of
Ill-fame or who decoys or places
girl under 18 years In a disorderly
nouse, snail be deemed gulltv of :
felony, and shall be liable to i.-npris
pnmcnt in the penitentiary not lesa
tlian one year nor more than five years
and to a fine of not less than $1000 nor
more than 50000.
The Regents of the State AcTlcul
tural College are authorized to hold
institutes for the Instruction of cltl
zena in agriculture by the bill of
Jewell, or Washington, which ap
peared today. The most investigations
in meoruticai and practical agrlcui
iure snail ue presented. A fund of
szojo a year Is appropriated for this
By tne bill introduced by Jnyne. of
vtasco, mis morning any person ma-
uciousiy injuring or destroying
water ditch, flume, pipe -or reservoir
or water-wneei or drawing oft th-i
-water irom tho same shall unnn
vlction be punished by a fine of not
less man 510 nor more than $500.
.Because counties arc frequently
compoljed to care for an aged person
whose near relatives refuse to sup
port him though able to do so. Kuney.
of Gilliam. Sherman and Wheeler haa
Introduced a bill which changes one
section in the existing poor law. A
person may by this bill be forced to
provide for a mother, father, brother
or sister, and the cost will not fall
upon i no county
New Bills in the House.
SALEM. Or.. Jan. 13(Spcclal.)-Scvcn-leon
new bills were Introduced in the
nouse toaay. as follows:
H. B. IDS, by Kuney To prevent livestock
luiiuing ai large in Sherman Countr.
. is. !.. by Kuney Amending law as
to support of poor.
II. B. 19S. by Cornea To prohibit sale
up-iana game birds.
u. ti. I H3. br Blncham Tn T.iri
tain mining corporations from Eddy license
H. B. 200. by EdwardsTo prohibit hunt-
ihb game oiras with aogy.
H. B, 201. by Jayne To prevent Injury
of watar ditches.
H B. 202, by Jayne Abolishing prlrate
H. B. 203. by. Newell For holding agricul
tural Institutes and appropriating money
thersfor. .
II. B. 2(rt. by I.tntlirvim T 'rir'tiKx. -.i.
vvviiy m -wmcn county nas acquired
tax title by empowering" .County Court to
fix "upset" price.
It B. 205, by Kay Extending scislons of
-uearan oc nqtuuizailon.
iu .B. oo, b Griffin To amend charter
oi norence.
H- B. 207. by Grinln Eucene charter
H. B. 20S, by Bailey Making It a felony
r wen o iivc on; inc earnings or prostl
II. B. 209, by Bailey Regulating payment
of wages.
U. B. 210. by We.t Authorizing Tillamook
-cumy lourt to levy s-inlll tax for new
II. B. 211. by Carter Fixing salaries of
county ofiVers of Benton.
H B. 212. by Cavender For transcripts
of tax records from Lane4p Linn.
House Bills Reported.
SALEM, Or.. Jan. 19.-(SpccIal.)-HpuSQ
bills were reported back to the House to
day by committees as follows:
11. B. 55. by Linthicum That articles
of Incorporation be prima facie evidence
of a corporation's right to do business;
IL B. SS, by Chamberlain For publica
tion of laws enacted under the initiative;
cmorgency clause recommended stricken
H. B. 55, by Miles To protect forests
and timber from fire; favorably.
H. B. 90, by Hudson To raise marriage
licenses to $5; favorably.
IL B. 53, by Smith of Baker To regu
late labeling ot explosives; favorably.
Object to Having Cost of Bridges and
Fills Saddled on Entire City.
SALEM, Or., Jan. 19. (Special.) The
Taxpayers' League of Portland charges
tho Council of that city with conniving
to saddle the cost of bridges and fills In
the special assessment districts on the
entire city. Representative Colwcll's bill
to authorize the Council to levy a spo
clai tax of 2 mills on the entire city, for
bridges and fills, which the present char
ter Intends -to be paid for by special
districts, has brought forth vigorous pro
test from the league.
The protest was received tonight by
Speaker Mills, who is chairman of the
special charter committee of Multnomah
delegation. After arguing the subject at
some length to prove the unfairness of
Colwell's bill, the league winds up by
"Tour petitioners have reason to be
lieve, from the refusal of the Council of
Portland to levy the assessments for
these bridges when completed, and for the
fills made in South Portland, and from
a proposed agreement of certain mem
bers of said Council to pay Interest for
causing delay In the payment therefor,
that It was never the Intention of some
members of the Council to have the dis
trict created to pay for these bridges and
fills, but to carry the matter along until
the meeting of the Legislature, and then,
by legislalve enactment, have the charter
Indirectly amended and the cost cast upon
the entire city.
The protest Is signed by F. W. Mulkey,
president, and Leo Frlede, R. L. Gllsan.
L. Goldsmith. S. A. Brown and- Isam
Charter amendments will not be brought
up in the Legislature this week.
Age of Consent Bill May Pass.
SALEM, Or., Jan. 13. (Special.) Sen
ator Coc's bill raising the age of consent
for females from 16 to IS years did not re
ceive final consideration today, as was an
ticipated, but was made a special order
for tomorrow at 11 o'clock. The advice
of the Attorney-General will be secured
upon some features of it. Senator Coe
has been working zealously In behalf of
the measure, and has secured the promise
of 20 votes In the Senate In favot of the
A thorough canvass haa also been made
In the House, and the member aro being
lined up for or against the bill. It seems
probable that the bill will pas both
Marlon Senator Advocates Theory
That Such Income Should Merely
Pay Office Expenses.
SALEM. Or., Jan. 1?. (Special.)
-There was a contest In the Senate this
afternoon over Senate bill 20, by Cro
Isan. to reduce the fees to he collected
by. County Recorders. Senator Crolsan
asserted that the fees now charged are
so high that the office of County Re
corder is -more than self-supporting. He
took the position that the Tees for these
offices should be only such as will pay
the expenses ot the office, for the fees
must be paid chiefly by poor people.
Senator Pierce took exceptlou to this,
and said that It is no objection tp the
present schedule that It brings In a
little more than the expense of conduct
ing the offices. The reduction would be
only 10 or 15 cents upon each deod a
uirrerence so small that It would be
Immaterial to each IndlviduaL
Senators Miller, Smith. Booth and
Haines took the same view as Senator
Crolsan, and said that although tho
Crolsan bill does not meet their Ideas
In all respects, they believe there
should be a reduction In the fees at
presont charged.
. Tbe fees to be charged under tbe
Crolsan law. and those provided for
under the act of 18Q3 aro as-follows:
First For recording any deed, trust deed,
declaration, contract, mortgage. chattel
mortgage, bill of sale, or any Instrument
In writing required or permitted by law to
he recorded, for each folio of 100 words in
such Instrument, the rum ot 20 cants, but
no charge ahall be made for the nilng or
Indexing of audi Instruments, or for the of
ficial certificate attached thereto. (Present
fee, 25 csnu.)
Second For entering and attesting satis
faction, assignment or release, on the mar
gin of the record, ot any mechanics' Den,
real eatata or chattel mortgage, or other
Instrument. 25 cents. (Present fee 50 cent?.)
Third For flllngi and making the entry of
any transcript of Judgment In the. Judg
ment lien docket. SI. (Present fee tho same.)
Fourth For furnishing private parties
copies of records and flies, for each folio
10 cents, and for each official certificate
thereto. 25 cents. (Present fee tho same.)
Firth For entering of record every dec
laration of intention ot an alien to become
a cltlren of the United States, and furnish
ing to the declarant a certified copy lliero
f. S1.50; and forenterlng of record every
naturalization of an alien, and furnishing to
the person naturalized a certified copy there
of, is. (Present fee the same.)
To abolish all'Stato Normal Schools but
one Is the plan of Senator Miller, of Linn
County, who has Introduced a bill In the
Senate directing that the State Board of
Education shall select one of tho Institu
tions pow known as State Normal Schools
to be continued as such, while all others
shall be discontinued, and their property
turned Into the common school fund.
The bill docs not Indicate any manner
in which a choice is to be made, other
than that t lies In the discretion .of the
members of the board. The Normal
Schools now In existence are located at
Monmouth, Ashland, Drain and Weston.
At several of these a part of the prop
erty was donated to the state by private
aducatlonal Institutions.
The osteopaths have a bill before the
Legislature again at this" session, a hill
having been introduced in tbe Senate to
day by Senator Brownell. for the" purpose
of creating a State Board of Osteopathic
Examiners. The board is to consist ot
five members, to be appointed by the Os
teopathic Association.
The bill provides that persons now prac
ticing osteopathy in this Btatc and holdlnff
a diploma from a legally authorized col
lege of osteopathy may be granted a
license upon submitting such diploma to
tho board and passing a satisfactory ex
amination In anatomy, physiology, chem
istry, histology, pathology, gynecology,
obstetrics and theory and practice of os
teopathy. After March 1, 1005. those de
siring to commence tho practice of osteop
athy must present diplomas from a col
lege recognized by the board, pass the re
quired examination and pay a-fee of 510.
The bjll further provides that the prac
tice of osteopathy shall not be construed
to be the practice of medicine. A bill ht
this kind was defeated two years ago,
after a hard contest.
Side doors to saloons are in H uhnl.
ished. if Senator Nottingham's Senate bill
Bargains for 24 People
Yesterday afternoon a defective water-prpe above stairs in tine building we
occupy burst and caused a deluge of water to pour through the ceiling and down
onto the pianos on our main floor. Before the instruments could be moved out of
the way the cases of 24 of them had been damaged. Fortunately, the accident
was discovered before the water had gotten down into the inside of the pianos.
It really would not take a great deal of time to refinish these cases and put
the instruments in perfect condition. But our repair department is exceedingly
busy, and as there is danger of the ceiling falling as a result of wetting it re
ceived, we" are obliged to clear our floor for a considerable space; consequents
we are very much put out and crowded. We have therefore decided to dispose of
these pianos as fast as we can, just as they are. We are not only going to give
purchasers the advantage of adjustment already made with the owners of the
building, but allow an additional discount as an inducement to get the pianos off
our hands at once.
This conclusion was arrived at too late to give entire list of pianos and
prices. A few of the bargains are:
Marshall & Wendell, established 1853, beautiful quarter-sawed
mahogany case '. $375 now $218
Barnes & Son, mahogany case , T 350 now 193
Foster & Co., lovely mahogany case 285 now 230
Lester, one of the m'ost beautiful cases . : , 450 now 285
Schiller, largest size, fine mahogany case 450 now 218
Weser, quarter-sawed oak case . - 375 now 198
Haddorff, handsome walnut case, patent take-up action . 500 now 310
Schumann, largest size, mahogany case 425 now 250
2ier brains: A handsome $2p0 stje, now ?i37; one that sells regularlv
for $2iD now $156; a fine $300 st'le for ?190.
Every instrument fully guaranteed, and should anv defect develop as a re
sult of this mishap, we will gladly repair it free of charge.
First come, first served. If you want the "best bargain, come early. Pianos
ordered by phone or telegraph can only be held a short time. Eilers- Piano '
House, 351 Washington street, corner Park.
12S becomes a law. The bill applies to"
cities as well as unincorporated portions
of the state, and require that the en
trance for the usa of the public must be
in the most conspicuous part ot the front
of the saloon.
The purpose of the bill is to prevent the
use of entrances which encourage youths
or females to visit such" places
Hotclkeepcrz and boarding-house keep
ers are to be protected by the enactment
of Senator Booth's Senate BlU 127, which
makes It a misdemeanor to remove bag
gage from a hotel without paying or
board and lodging furnished, or to secure
such food or lodging without disclosing In
ability to pay fox the same. If such in
ability exists.
Coshow's Senate bill 135 proposes to
authorize Circuit Courts to appoint per
sons to act In the place of Prosecuting
Attorneys who may be interested in cases
which it would otherwise be their duty
to try-
Senator Whealdon wants 'bounty Courts
to pay the fees incident to the furnishing
ot official bonds upon which surety com
panies are sureties. Ho has introduced
Senate, bill -.8 for this purpose.
Senator Pierce's compulsory education
bill provides that whenever the atato or
United States provides a school where
lodging, food and clothing arc, furnished.
It ahall be the duty of parents of chil
dren between the ages of 5 and IS to send
such children to such schools for not less
than nine months laeach year.
The bill applies to Indian schools and
schools for the blind and deaf.
Senator Nottingham la father of a bill
to change the name of the State Reform
School to "State School tor Boys."
Senator Pierce's bill providing that the
Superintendent of Public Instruction shall
call an annual convention ot County
School Superintendents requires County
Courts to pay the traveling expenses of
such superintendents, except hotol bills.
To appropriate $250 for the use of the
State Food and Dairy Commissioner in
enforcing the law prohibiting the sale of
adulterated Unseed oil. Is tho purpose of
NotilnghamVScnate bill 63, which passed
the Senate today.
A third Eastern Oregon District Agri
cultural Society is to be created by Senate
bill 7, Smith, which passed the Senate to
'day. The new district, to consls. of the
counties Df the Sixth Judicial District, is
to have an annual appropriation ot I15C0
and a printing privilege to the amount ot
J250. The counties referred to are Uma
tilla and Wallowa, and the fair Is to be
held at Pendleton.
When this bill came up for final passage
In the Senate, Senator Hodson. of Multno
mah, moved that It ba re-referred for
amendment. Senator Smith, of Umatilla.
was tafcen by surprise and asked what
amendment was desired, for the bill had
been before the committee on agriculture
and no amendments had been offered.
Senator llodson made no explanation and
his motion was overwhelmingly defeated.
In expressing his surprise at Senator
Hodson's motion. Senator Smith remind
ed the member from Multnomah that "we
cheerfully voted for your 00.000 Fair ap
propriation at the last session, and see no
reason why you should oppose our fair
appropriation of J1500 now." The bill
passed with only three dissenting vote3.
Territory West of t ie Cascades to Be
Left Out of Miles' Bill.
: SALEM, On. Jan. 19.-(Special.) All of
the territory -west ot the Coast Range
will be exempt from the provision of the
Miles' .House' -blU. -which makes Aujrust 1
to September 15 a close season, during
which no clearing fires may be set. The
Houso public land committee will rec
oramond this second amendment tomor
row By the first amendment, only Tilla
mook and Clatsop were exempt, but the
other coast counties pleaded so hard that
they could not bo denied.
By the bill the time from June 1 to
October 1 Is named as a fire permit sea
son, during which permits for brush Area
from the County Clerk are necessary. But
for. tho rest of the state. Including Lane
and Douglas Counties, east of the Coast
Range, from August 1 to September 13 is
an absolutely close season, during which
no fire permits can bo granted. Only In
the exempt district can the permits be
granted, and fires set during the time of
greatest danger from forest fires.
It Is expected that the Wlllamete Val
ley Representatives will raise a howl of
protest when the report of the committee
is rend tomorrow.
Multnomah Delegation Thinks' It Is
Enough That He Should B
Given an Extra Man. " ?
SALEM. Or.. Jan. 13. (Special.)
The Multnomah delegation is at log
derjieads with John Manning over the
appointment of the third deputy
whom Manning regards as necessary
to the furniture of his office. Manning
wishes) to name the deputy, bur, the
delegation does not like to make that
concession to a Democrat, Inasmuch
as It regards Uselt as doing enough,
for a Democratic District Attorney in
allowing him to have a third deputy,
without allowing him to appoint one of
his own political faith.
Last Tuesday night Manning "went
before the delegation to plead his
case. His petition was well received
but the two Ingredients did not mix on
the manner of appointing a deputy.
After he was gone the delegation se
riously considered a proposal to haver
the County Court name the deputy,- but
that plan has been abandoned and the
sole question now Is whether the del
egation will allow Manning to choosa
his own deputy.
Manning said he would keep Gus
Moaer aa deputy who. in his opinion.
Is a good Republican, but the members
of the delegation take a contrary view,
saying Moser 1 not of ttieir crowd,
having worked with, the Simon fac
TTpn In the last primaries. To cap the
climax- the Governor is understood to
have threatened to veto any measure
for a deputy which dirt not confer the
appointing power on Manning.
. The deputy I to receive S1500 a year
salary. The third deputy is now Bert
Haney'ho receives 5100 a month, con
tributed by Manning and the two
deputies allowed by Iaw Moser and
According to the present law. be
fore a signature may hecome legal and
binding it must be prefaced by the
word "(Signed)". This has been char
acterized as an unnecessary relic of
the past. By the bi!t "introduced by
Jane, ,of Wsco. this morning the ne
cessity of the so-called private seal
Is eliminated. The bill will abolish
"the use of private scajs on all deeds',
mortgages, leases, bonds and other In
struments and contracts In writing."
but all instruments in which seals are
required by statute shal be acknowl
edged in the manner prescribed by
A bill making jt unlawful to hunt
game birds with dogs was introduced
hi Edwards, of Lane, today. The pun
ishment provided Is a tine of not less
than J25 nor more than ZQ0 together"
with costs.
Four Charter Measures Go Through
Lower Chamber.
SALEM, Or.. Jan. 19. (Special.) Twelve
bills passed the Houso today, four ot them
municipal charters. Tho bills are as fol
lows: II. B. 22. by Edwards To amend charter of
Junction City; carries emergency clause;
II. It. 124. by Hlta For charter for West
fall. Malheur County; passed.
H. B. 62. by Bramhall Charter for Tta
cada, Clackamas Countr: passd.
H. B. 39. by Chamberlain Charter . for
Athena. Umatills. County: carries emergency
clause: paesed.
II. li. 60. by lilehie To place appointment
of State Librarian In hands of Supreme Court;
II. B. M. by West To raise salary of School
Superintendent of Tillamook County frpm $6X
to S1C00 a year; pajssed.
II. B. 3. by Vawter To authorize State Iand
Board to execute certain papers without ac
knowledgment: passed.
H. B. 41. by Vawter To authorize state to
aequlre by condemnation real property, water
rifthts. etc.: paed.
II. B. 71. by Kay To pay employes of state
Institutions monthly instead or quarterly:
II. B. 62. by Fallej- Extending term of
present Iabor Commissioner to January 1.
1807: pasacd. .
II. 01. by Cole To incorporate town of
Iexinston. Morrow County, for better ater
supply: pactl.
H. B. OG. by Killlrgsworth To Incorporate
St. Johns. -