Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 20, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Meteorite's . Possession
Is Fought in Court
Infinite Tojl of Ellis Hughes
in Moying Mass.
Owners of Property Adjoining Oregon
Ircn L Steel Company Are Also
Defeated in Attempt to Ob
tain Big Piece of'-lron.
Feet. Inches.
length 10 54
Brctdth 7
Vertical hetsht : 4
Clrcumfereneo of base 25 i
Tcr cent. T
Ircn ; oi.ta I
Nickel ... 7.8S I
Cobalt 21
Phosphorus 09 t
Specific sravlty, 7.7. I
cinity in -which. the. meteorite was dlscor
crcd, filed a. suit against the Oregon Iron
& Steel Com pan j. in which they asked lb
have restored to them the contested prop-j
erty, which they alleged had been re- ;
moved from their land, or to be relm- '
bursed In the sum of $JO.O00i It was this j
suit thai "has Just been concluded.
It developed at the trial of the case that !
there are now two holes in the earth near I
where the meteorite was originally dls- 1
covered, either -of which Is of the proper j
dimensions to have been the resting place ',
or tne iron mass. One of the holes is lo
cated on the land belonging to the Oregon
Iron & Steel Company, and the other Is
located on the property belonging to Koer
ner and Myers, each opening in the earth
being about 300 feet distant from the claim
line that divides the two properties.
Hughes Is Not Called.
In the trial of the case. Hughes, whose
testimony would have boon essential In
settling the controversy, was not called
to the stand,, but nine witnesses were
called by the plaintiffs, the majority of
whom testified to the effect that the me
teorite was positively removed from the
excavation on the Koerner and Meyers
In its defense, the Oregon Iron & Steel
Company offered testimony to show "that
at the original hearing of the Hughes
case there existed no opening in the earth
on the Koerner and Meyers property such
as tliat which Is now found there. Tues
day and "Wednesday were occupied In- of
fering testimony, the case not being sub
mitted to the jury until S o'clock last
Female. Legislators Vpted
With Party for Him.
OREGON CITS'. Or.. Jan. 19. (Spe
cial.) After deliberating for six hours
a jury in the Circuit Court at 3 o'clock
this morning returned a verdict for
the defendant in the case of R. Koerner
and K. J. Mcyei' against the Oregon Iron
fc Steel Company. This suit was brought
lor the possession of an 18-ton meteor
ite, valued at $10,000. discovered near
this city several months ago, and which
has been in dispute as to its owner
ship ever since its discovery. The trial
of the case occupied two entire days.
This is the second time that th
Oregon Iron & Steel Company has es
tablished Its legal claim to the molten
mass, having defeated a slmilaj suit a
low months -ego. in which Ellis Hughes,
the discoverer of trye meteorite, claimed
Jfs possession by right of discovery.
The principal value of the Immense
metallic curiosity lies In the fact that
It is the largest meteorite of its class
that was ever discovered In this coun
try and the third largest in the world.
It has been reported that the Iron &
Stoel Company will eventually present
the meteorite to the Portland Museum.
Lodged on a Kill6lde.
Tho discovery of the- meteor was
made by two prospectors. Ellis Hughes
and "William Dale, in the Autumn ot
1902. It was found lodged in a hillside,
three miles above the mouth of tho
Tualatin River, and about two miles
northwest of this city. They soon as
certained that their supposed strike
was on land belonging to the Oregon
lvon & Steel Company, and in prose
cuting their investigations as to the
extent of the mineral deposit, discov
ered shortly after that their supposed
iron reef, which was but ten feet long
and but a yard deep, was a meterolte.
They became more secretive than ever
and covered their find most carefully
by concealing its surface with a quan
tity of brush and dirt.
In August, l?0rt. Hughes conceived
the idea of moving the great iron mass
to his home about three-fourths of a,
mile distant. Possessing only one ;
horse besides himself and ln-year-old ;
for, as motive, power, this seemed an j
impossible task, but being a practical !
miner, resourceful in pluck and energy.
Hughes set about the task, and at tho!
pd of three months had successfully
landed the molten mass alongside his j
hous. j
The Rape of the Meteorite.
Hughes tlrst fashioned a simple cap
stan with chain to anchor It. and a
long braided-wire rope to roll up on It.
as his horso travoled around it as a
winch- He then constructed an In
genious car with log body timbers and j
sections of tree trunks as wheels.
These, together with some heavy double-sheaved
pulleys, constituted his
outfit for the difficult undertaking.
Slowly and tediously did he raize the. !
immense missile, which was finally cap-
sired upon the car. where it was sc- i
curely lashod. He then .stretched out
his 100-foot hauling wire rope, attached
one end of it to the car and the other
end to his stakcd-down capstan, and '
started ills norse going, wmi tuc result
that the meteorite was successfully
transported, some days not to exceed
f'C length of the our, while on aiiothor
da 50 yards would he covered.
Visiters Thronged to See.
S quietly did Hughes and hi$ son con
duct the work that their near neighbors,
not a mile distant, did not surmise any
thing until after, the meteorite had beBn
deposited at Hughc house. Visitors from
ail sections of tire. Valley thronged to
scrutinize the Strang" mineral mas. while
fMcntists from the National capital and
Chicago visited the Coast to make a wl
entSflc investigation.
Representatives of the Oregon Iron &
Steel Company conducts a quiet investi
gation, and. having sa tie tied themselves
that the meteorite was taken from land
belonging to the company, advised the
bringing of a suit to recover possession
0 the curiosity.
Claims Right by Discovery.
At the- December. 190S. term of the Cir
cuit Court, a. suit was filed by the Oregon
Iron & Steel Company against Hughes.
In Ms defense, nughes' alleged rightful
ownership of the meteorite by reason of
its discovery. On the ground that the par
ticular property coming from without the
world, and its ownership being vested in
no person or corporation, it belonged to
him s its original discoverer.
Counsel for Hughes called as witnesses
two local Indian characters. Jos Susap and
Sol Clark, who gave testimony that a
tradition had been handed down to them
bv their ancestors relating that the early
Indian tribes In this section had wor
shipped the monster as an Idol, the pur
pose, of this testimony being to prove
that the meteorite was an abandoned
property, and as such might 'be claimed as
abandoned or lost property.
In instructing tho Jury on this question,
the court hfeld that, while the molten mass
came from without the world and was the
property of no one, still It was to be con
sidered the gift of God to the man on
whose property it was deposited. The
Jary awarded tho meteorite to the Oregon
Iron & Steel Company. An appeal Is now
pending In the Supreme Court.
Two Holes of Equal Size.
A month ago. JL Koerner and Fred
Meyers, superintendent and boss me
chanic respectively, ot the Oregon City
W oolen Mills,' who own land in the vl-
Prisoner Tries to Interrupt Words of
Prosecuting Attorney.
"May It please the jury." said G. R.
Feeley. who was on trial, together with
"William Gutman, In the State Circuit
Court yesterday, for larceny.
"Sit down." commanded Judge Frazer.
Deputy District Attorney Moser was ad
dressing the jury and telling them Feeley !
ana uutman were a bad pair, and de
served a long term in the penitentiary.
Mr. Moser denounced the men as thieves,
and Feeley chafed under the castlgatlon.
He wanted to tell the Jury that he
thought he was being badly treated, and
that the remarks of the prosecuting offi
cer were not justified by the evidence
submitted at the trial. Feeley arose and
insisted upon talking to the Jury, even
after he had been rebuked by Judge
Frazer. but he desisted when he was
Only Draw trie Line at Polygamists
and Gladly Show They Do Not An
tagonize Mormon Church
Why Kearns Was Bolted.
WASHINGTON. Jan. . Two prominent
Gentile women of Utah. -one a member of
the legislature 'which elected Senator
Smoot. were witnesses today In 4 the
Smoot Inquiry before the Senate commit
tee on privileges nnd elections. Both
,women gave Senator Smoot an excellent
reputation, and testified that they would
not vote for a polygamlst. Professor
James E. Talmage. of Utah State Uni
versity, finished his testimony. The
counsel for Senator Smoot exhausted tholr
list of witnesses on hand, but expect sev
eral will arrive In time for the bearing
-Judge R. W. Tayler. counsel for the
protestants, conducted a rigid cross-examination
of Professor Talmage. The
witness was asked as to the obligations
administered to him in the endowment
ceremonies, but concerning specific obli
gations he said he could not remember.
In answer to Chairman Burrows, the
witness Eaid he felt that he was under
obligation not to reveal anything con-,
nected with the endowment ceremonies.
At the afternoon session Colonel Rich
ard W. Young, of Salt Lake City, a former
witness for Senator Smoot, was recalled,
and said that the president ot the
church has no power to alter a revela
tion after It has been sustained by the
church. Chairman Burrows asked hlra If
there had been any vote of dissent at the
last conference to sustain President
Smith, the conference having been held
since President Smith testified that he is
as a bride,' and -who has been prominently
connected with the Liberal and Republi
can parties in Utah, testified that neither
she nor Senator Smoot had Joined the
silver Republican party, and said that
both of them bad "too much, sense."
On cross-examination, the witness said
she did not believe a polygamlst could be
elected to office by either eGntlles or Mor
mons. "How about Mr. Roberts?" asked Chair
man Burrows.
"That was so long ago. I do not know.
I was not working for Mr. Roberts, and I
rn glad you-dld not permit him to take
bis" seat," she Tcplied.
(Continued from Page I.)
denied that the service was more expen
sive than private service would have been.
The amendment of Humphrey was de
feated on a viva-voce vote.
As president of the American branch of
the Inter-Farllamentary Union of Inter
national Arbitration, and chairman of the
reception committee which entertained the
International organization, Bart hold t
(Mo.) secured the floor to make a report
on the recent convention at St- Liouls. He
.read a history of the organization In order
that it might become a part of the Con
gressional Record.
The reading of the Army bill was con
cluded, and as a separate vote was de
manded on the amendment relating to the
retired pay of Officers, It was agreed to
take this vote tomorrow.
To Receive Wlllard Statue.
The House fixed Friday, February 17, as
the date for holding appropriate exercises
in Statuary Hall, accepting the statue ot
Frances E. Wlllard.
A bill was passed allowing a sub-Judge
to ait as Judge In the District Court of
the United States in the Territory of Ha
waii, in case of temporary incapacity of
the Judge of that court.
A bill was passed extending the extra
dition laws of the United States to the
Phtllpplne Islands. Also a bill amending
section 3G45 of the Revised Statutes by
removing the limitation of XZXfi as the
amount of a lost check which can bo re
issued. At the present time a lost check
in any amount over the one named can
not be reissued without an act of Con
gress. The House nonconcurrcd In the Senate
Great Work Intended for the Youth of This State to Be Published In The
Sunday Oregonlan
.At the time of his death, a few weeks ago, Horace S. Lyman was engaged in writing a his
tory of Oregon. His special purpose was to interest the youth of the Pacific Northwest and
thus stimulate them to reading everything that was available concerning this new empire.
The Sunday Oregonian secured from Mr. Lyman's sisters the incomplete manuscript and
will begin its publication serially inthe next issue. Its spirit is bestr expressed in the first
words of the historian's introduction :
Every boy and girl in Oregon would like to know the story of his state which we all love next, at
least, to tho Union itself. All would like to know how it came to be a part of the American Union, who
brought here the American flag, who planted the farms and towns and made the settlements, and ' what
sort of a time they had doing it. e all like heroes, and we want to know whether Oregon had any heroes.
We like- to read aboul the people who dared In the beginning of American history to cross an unknown
ocean, to meet an unknown climate with unknown -Rinds and storm, or a new kind of soil and products
and a new -ltind of men. We know that Columbus, John Smith, Roger Williams, Lord Baltimore and other
early explorers or settlers otAmerica met with many superstitious notions and, had to conquer many fears
and doubts, perhaps of their own as well as of their friends, and even of the most learned and best-educated
men of their time, before they completed the discovery and settlement of the Atlantic Coast. We like
to read of all these difficulties and to see how a braVe heart and a steady hand and a humane purpose
brought success. PUBLICATION BEGINS IN
forced back into his seat by Deputy Sher
iff Downey and told to subside.
Gutman and Feeley were tried on an
indictment charging them with stealing
various articles of Jewelry valued at over
$100 from the residence of Eva Burrows,
at 25i Second street. Cecil Brabart. a
Frenchwoman, testified that the prlson'ere
had rooms at her house, and brought
some of the stolen articles there. David
Stein, a second-hand dealer, identified
Feeley and Gutman. as two men from
whom ho purchased some Jewelry for U.
Detective Joe Day was also a witness.
Gutman and Feeley took the witness
stand in their own behalf and denied
everything, and W. T. Vaughn, attorney,
made a strong plea to the jury for the
acquittal of the two young men. The
case was submitted to the jury at t:Z0
o'clock, and flvo hours later a verdict of
guilty was returned.
There Is also a charge pending against
Feeley and Gutman of stealing goods
from the house of Mrs. B. S. Vaughn, at
62 Grand avenue.
Stanford Student Gets Divorce Be
cause He is a Minor.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 19. (Special.)
Betoro Judge Hunt, of the Superior
Court, was today unfolded the. story of
the runaway marriage of a Stanford stu
dent and an actress. They came to this
city from Sulsun. and were wed under
assumed names. Now there Is regret for
the step, and, because lie was under age
when he contracted the marriage, Will
iam Downing, son of Dr. W. G. Downing,
of Sulsun. was able to get an annulment
from the court.
Downing was in court, but the actress
is busy attending to business of her pro
fession in Portland, though she knew
what was transpiring today, and that
t-he would be Tree from restraint to con
tract future marriages. Her maiden name
was Sadie M. Ostander. and she lived
within a block of the Downing home at
This young couple were declared hus
band and wife on Juno 13. 1S08. Ho gave
the name of John Franklin, and she the
name of Marie Hoyt. The first news of
the marriage came with today's proceedings.
Despondent Editor Ends Life.
BUTTE, Mont.. Jan. 19. Daniel J.
Walsh, night editor of the Butte office
of the Anaconda Standard, shot himself
In the-head with a. pistol at S o'clock this
morning, and died three hours later.
Despondency, caused by 111 health, was
the motive. He leaves a widow, who is
the daughter of a prominent Army officer
and a former Washington, D. C, girl, and
one child. Mr. Walsh was an Elk and
an Eagle. He was formerly connected
with the Washington Post.
Fruitmen Are Well Pleased.
HOOD RtVER. Or.. Jan. 19. tSpeciaL
E. U Smith, A. I.vMaspn. E. H. Shopard.
G. R. Castler and A. P. Batham returned
this afternoon from Boise, where they at
tended the meetlrg of the Northwest
Fruitgrowers' Association. They all de
clare this to have been the best gather
ing of fruitmen ever held In the North
west, and feel that they have been well
repaid for the trip.
Thief Quickly Sentenced.
OREGON CITY, Or.. Jan. 39. (Special.)
John Farley, a faithless servant, was
today sentenced to 25 days ia the County
Jail for the larceny of a ring, the prop
erty of Mrs. Richard Greaves, at Bolton.
His arrest and sentencing to th County
Jall followed In less than two hours after
the theft.
living in polygamous cohabitation. Colo
nel Young replied that he had not heard
of any dissent.
The chairman also inquired If the ab
sent apostles had a special mission to
keep out of the Jurisdiction of the subpena
of the committee on privileges and elec
tions. Colonel Young said he had heard
tho "absent apostles" were trying to keep
out of the way. Both absent apostles are
reputed to be polygamists.
William Langton testified that James H.
Wnllis, Sr.. who recently gave to the
committee what he alleged to be the en
dowment oaths, could not be believed.
Mormons Bolted Kearns.
Glen Miller, formerly United States
Marshal in Utah, who had been a candi
date for office several times, testified that
he had defeated Mormon candidates in a
strong Mormon district. He declared
Mormons to be fair In politics, and that
Mormon officials gave impartial adminis
trations. Senator Dubois asked the witness what
had caused Mormons to bolt the Republi
can candidates at the last election In Salt
Lake City. Mr. Miller replied that they
objected to Senator Kearns' management
of the party, and charged that money
had been used in the pre-conventlon cam
paign. Mr. Worthlngton objected to
bringing In the names of Individuals, and
at his request the name of Senator Kearns
was expunged from the record.
Following an inquiry by Senator Mc
Comas, which brought out the statement
that the Mormons held the concessions
for light and power, street railways and
other franchises in Salt Lake. Mr. Miller
said that the street railway and the light
ing companies -were on the market and
were bought by the Mormons. He testi
fied also that the majority of the business
in Salt Lake was controlled by Gentiles.
John W. Hughes, of Salt Lako. editor
of a weekly paper, testified that the sen
timent among Gentiles was that Presi
dent Smith was a fanatic in religion, but
that he was thoroughly honest and was
keeping the church out of politics. He
believed the Gentiles thought it was best
to let polygamy die out. as there were
few polygamists left. Ho had made an
Investigation into the number of polyg
amists in Salt Lake City, and found that
there were only 74 men. nearly all ot them
old, only two being under 50 years of age.
Woman Who Voted for Smoot.
Mrs. Mary G. Coulter, of Ogdcn, a Gen
tile and the wife of a physician, testified
in regard to political affairs. She was a
member of the Legislature that elected
Mr. Smoot a Senator. She said she went
unpledged, but was glad, to abide by the
result of her party's caucus. Before vot
ing for Mr. Smoot. she said she ascer
tained that he was not a polygarolst
Speaklngjf the Mormons in political af
fairs, sheTsaid they "sired up" very well
with the Gentiles. Polygamous relations
were never flaunted by the Mormons, said
Mrs. Coulter, and the young Mormons
particularly were opposed to the contin
uation of polygamous relations. As a
member of the Legislature, she said she
was asked by as many Gentiles as Mor
mons to vote for Smoot.
On cross-examination. Chairman Bur
rows asked if it would have made any
difference in her vote for Senator If she
had known that a majority of Mr. Smoot'a
fellow-apostles were polygamists. Mrs.
Coulter replied that possibly she might
have voted for Smoot. because many
Gentiles welcomed the opportunity of
showing that their antagonism was not
directed against the church, but merely
against the principle of the church known
as polygamy. She said further that she
would not vote for a polygamlst.
"What do you think of a man who
would vote to elect a polygamlst as an
apostle?- asked Chairman Burrows.
The witness replied that she could not
sit In judgment in such a case.
Mrs. W. 11. Jones, of Salt Lake who
said she went to Utah at 16 years of age.
amendments to the bill transferring Juris
diction of the forest reserves from the In
terior to the Agricultural Department, and
the bill was sent to. conference.
The Military Academy appropriation bill
was reported to the House by Chairman
Hull, of .the military committee.
President Indorses Emmons' Report
on Effects of Immigration.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 19.-ln transmit
ting to the Senate today a report by Lieu
tenant G. T. Emmonc, of the Navy, on
the condition of tho natives of Alaska, the
President sent a message saying:
I.IeutcnaM Emmons had for many years pe
culiar facilities for ascertaining- the facts about
the natives of Alaska and has recently con
elm! rd an Investigation mad on the ground
or ns- special direction. I very earncttly ajk
the attention of the. Congress to the facts set
forth in this report as to the needs of the
native ptople of Alaska. It seems to me that
our honor as a nation Is involved in seeing
that these needs arc met. I earnestly hope
that legislation along the general lines advo
cated by Lieutenant Eamoni can be enacted.
In his report Lieutenant Emmons says
that the Inrush of white men in Alaska
has caused a complete change of condi
tions; that the game Is being rapidly
killed off and the food supply of the In
diana rapidly exhausted; that they are
like grown-up children, and incapable of
taking care of themselves in the new con
ditions, and that It will be necessary to
do something substantial for them at an
early date to prevent actual suffering.
Woman's Army and Navy League
Petitions Senate Committee.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 39. On behalf of
the Woman's Army and Navy "League.
Mrs. Josephine Kelton. widow of the late
Adjutant-General J. C. Kelton. today pre
sented a petition to the Senate committee
on military affairs In the Interest of- the
re-establlshment of so much of the can
teen an permits the sale of beer at Army
posts. The petition was signed by 300 la
dles, most of whom are related to the
officers of the Army and Navy, including
the wives of General Chaffee, Admiral
Schley and Admiral Sampson.
Mrs. Kelton said the ladies speak from
personal experience, as to the beneficial
effects of the canteen, and continued:
As women, we admire the Women's Chris
tian Temperance Union and we think It Is
doing a xreaderfal -work in the country at
lance, but we believe that it does not under
stand conditions in the Army, and therefor!
la not as cancble of advlslne la this matter as
it might be in other.
Chairman Hull remarked after she had
concluded that .there would be no legis
lation on that subject at this session.
Favors Change in Land Laws.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 15. At today's ses
sion of the National Board of Trade the
committee on irrigation In its report fa
vored the plan of Government Irrigation
of the arid lands and their subdivision
into small tracts for the benefit of actual
settlers: favored forest preservation as a
conservator of water supply: urged upon
Congress the repeal ot the desert land
law and the commutation clause of the
homestead law; favored the consolidation
of the various forestry branches ef the
Government into the Bureau of Forestry
of the Department of Agriculture: and
strongly opposed the proposed Increase in
homestead entries from 160 to 0 acres
la several states. The report was adopted.
nilbeon To musician touched his notes -rry
rentl. Glttwrro Tjh but the tanker ni even
more rratlr. be wouldn't touch them at aJL
Town and Country".
Buy your Suit or Overcoat now and take
advantage of the great reductions. -Ever
garment in this sale is of our regular line of
high-class clothing. . - - .
$12.50 Suits and Overcoats"
reduced to '.,
$15.00 Suits and Overcoats
reduced to . . . . ... .
$1S.00 Suits and Overcoats
reduced to
$20.00 Suits and Overcoats
reduced to
$25.00 Suits and Overcoats
reduced to
$30.00 Suits and Overcoats
reduced to
SI 6.75
Cosmichl nal hr Hut &J. ifu. , vM
Monument to the Late Gov
ernor Rogers Unveiled.
Lowering Clouds Are Broken by a
Beam of Light as Canvass Drops
From Memorial to Dead
Washington Executive.
OL-YMPIA. Wash., Jan. 13. (Special.)
Nearly 200) people stood In the rain today
and listened to the eulogies upon the life
of Governor John R. Rogers, In whoso
memory the school children of the state
have erected a monument in Capitol
Park. The rain continued to fall until
almost the exact moment when John R.
Rogers, the little grandson of the late
Governor, pulled the cord that held In
place tho covering of the monument- As
tho "canvas fell to the ground the bright
sunlight streamed on the reverent gath
ering and granite statue It was the only
bright moment In the day.
Senator Cary L. Stewart presided at the
unveiling ceremonies. The addresses were
delivered from the front steps of the Cap
itol. After a prayer by Rev. Dr. R. M.
Hays, of Olympla. Senator William Hick
man Moore, of King County, was pre
sented. Senator Mcore's address was de
voted largely to a history of the move
ment which culminated In the unveiling
of the monument today. The Idea ot
erecting a monument from contributions
from the school children of the state was
conceived by tho teachers of the schools
of Puyallup. Governor Rogers' old home.
Principal J. M. Lahue, of the Puyallup
schools, presented the matter to the
Teachers' Institute of Pierce County,
which approved the plan and appointed a
committee to take full control of the col
lection and building ot the monument,
composed of Senator C. L. Stewart and
J. M. Lahue. of Puyallup; Aldcn J. Ble
then. of Seattle; C. J. Lord, of Olympla;
N. W. Durham, of Spokane: E. A. Bryan,
of Pullman: J. EL Bell, of Everett: C. M.
Eastcrday, of Tacoma. and John L. Wil
son, of Seattle.
Mayor George P. Wright, of Tacoma,
was Introduced as an intimate acquaint
ance and friend of Governor Rogers. Mr.
Wright spoke at length ot the character,
qualities of mind, habits, attainment? and
peculiarities of Governor Rogers'. His
statements were moderate In tone, yet
Do You Fear Consumption?
"When we take into consideration
the fact that one out of every seven In
this climate die of consumption. Is it
any wonder that it Is feared by tne
people of Portland who have weak
lungs and chronic colds and coughs?"
said a member of Woodard, Clarke &
Co., our local druggists, to an Orego
nian reporter.
"A famous London physician has for
years urged his patients, when the
slightest tendency to consumption ap
peared, to takn all the cod liver oil
possible Into their systems, and phy
sicians everywhere have recognized its
value for coughs, colds, bronchitis,
consumption and all wasting diseases,
but, unfortunately, few could take It
and derive any benefit from its use. on
account of the indigestible grease
which It contained.
"Now." continued this member, "I
want every person in Portland to
know the value of our new cod liver
oil preparation, Vlnol. It actually con
tains in a concentrated form all of the
body-bulldlng elements of cod liver oil
actually taken from fresh coda' livers,
without a drop of oil or grease to upset
the stomach and retard Its work.
"Therefore, wherever old-fashioned cod
liver oil or emulsions will do good. Vlnol
will do far more good. We guarantee
Vlnol will Improve the appetite, strength
en digestion, make rich, red blood, cre
ate strength, cure chronic coughs and
colds and strengthen weak lungs.
"We have letters from people who have
been given up to die in consumption and
claim to have been cured by Vinol. Among
others Is the following from Mrs. J. G.
Brown, of Andenon, Ind.:
" 'Our daughter was on the verge of the
grave with consumption. Our family phy
sician said she could not possibly recover.
She was so weak we could only give her
half a tcaspoonful of port wine at a time,
this being the only thing she could take
Linto her stomach. We tried Vlnol. how
ever, and after taking several bottles our
daughter, was up and taking her meals
regularly, and is now as healthy as she
ever was. We hope other dear ones may
be saved as ours was. and words are in
adequate to express our gratitude to you
and ynur splendid cod liver oil prepara
tion. Vinol. If Vlnol falls to give satis
faction to our customers, we return your
money without question." Woodard.
Clark 1c Co., druggists.
were laudatory of the character and
mind of the lato chief executive.
Ex-Governor McBrlde followed Mayor
Wright. He referred to the alarm felt
by many people at the time of Governor
Rogers' first election, because of the ex
treme views with which he was credited.
These views." said Governor McBrlde,
"If he held them, were tempered by the
responsibilities of office, and he proved
to be a wi3e, safe and able executive,
fully demonstrating that the confidence
reposed In him. had not been misplaced."
Governor Mead's was the closing ad
dress. In conclusion he said:
"I esteem It a special honor, as his suc
cessor In office, to render homage to his
memory as one who contributed his part
In laying deep and broad the foundations
of the public educational facilities of this
young commonwealth. This state, whose
progress he advanced, whose welfare he
cherished, whose good name he helped to
preserve, receives this monument 4rom
those who have affectionately contributed
to Its creation, and pledges itself that It
will sacredly preserve this granite block,
fashioned and shaped by the sculptor, so
that the children and the children's chil
dren of those who 'drank deep from the
Pierian spring of popular education un
der the guidance of this state may look
with reverence and respect upon this
mute and silent figure."
As the Gdvernor concluded the clouds
parted, the sun broke out and the canvas
fell to the earth. There was a subdued
handclapplng. and Dr. Hayes then pro
nounced the benediction, and the people
returned to their dally work.
Robbed While He Slept.
A mysterious robbery occurred between
midnight and 2 o'clock yesterday morning,
which detectives are ndw attempting
to unravel. Louis Fresnot, a com
mercial traveler from Woodburn, was
the victlfn. He lost ?24. The sum
was taken front his room in the
St. Charles Hotel, while ho slept. "I can
not understand how any one could enter
and rob my room while I was there," said
Fresnot, "but such was the case. I had
left a call for 5 o'clock, and when I awoke
thought the clerk had rapped on my door.
I lighted a match and at once discovered
my loss." Fresnot reported immediately
to police headquarters. Detectives were
set to work on the case yesterday, as it is
believed a clever roomworker is operat
ing in Portland. Other cases of a similar
nature have been reported to the police
Professor J. E. George Dead.
CHICAGO, Jan. 19. Professor J. E.
George, instructor in political economy
at Northwestern University, did to
day at Wesley HosnitaL Hn nor? hin
f a sufferer for some time from heart
No woman's happi
ness can be completa
without children ; it
is hex nature to love
and want them'
as much so as
it is to love the
VAftlffftl an A
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that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension, and horror.
There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful
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the trying crisis without suffering. M M
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We treat successfully all private ner
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We Cure Gonorrhoea
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The doctors of this Institute are all
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We guarantee a cure tn every case we undertake or charge no fee. Consulta
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We cure the worst cases of. piles In two or three treatments, without operation.
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Office hours. 9 to 5 and 1 to 8. Sundays and holidays. 10 to 12.
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Doctors of the St Louis Bkpensary
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Every man who Is afflicted owes it to himself and
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cessful practice In Portland prove that our methods
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Call at our offices or write, and if we find that you
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