Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 20, 1905, Page 15, Image 15

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Portland's Clearings.Increased
Over 7 Per Cent Last Year.
Large Growth in Transactions at St.
Louis as Result of -World's Fair
Comparative Figures of
Large Eastern Cities.
Portland ranked 32d among the cities of the
United States last year in ameunl ot bank
clearings. The total for the year, as compiled
by Bradstreet's. vu $I&S.&13,4C6- In the
preceding year, -when Portland stood In the
ame rank, ;be clearings were $175,553,741.
The increase in 1904 over 1003 was 7.6 per
ent. Seattle last year dropped to 2Sth place
rom 27 Ih in lf03. with clearings showing a
gain of 7.3 per cent, the amount In 1904 being
$222,217,300 and in J303 $20,913.S21. Taooma
maintained hr rank as the 4Sd city, with
tieariiigs of $115,763,900. a gain of 15.2 per
cent over the preceding year, when the figures
were $100,474.16. Spokane advanced from 42d
to 41st place in the list, with a gain of 10.0
per cent in clearings, those of 1904 being"
J12J.1CS.C11 and of 1903 $111,935,820.
In the California cities. San Francisco re
mained In seventh place, with clearings of
91.534, 634.130 last year, an compared with
31.SZ2.19S.48S in 1003, or a decrease of 7.10
Tfr cent. Loa Angeles showed a gain of 12.3
per cent and advanced from 22d to 19th in
rank. Ten years ago Los Angeles was number
38 In a Old of 75. Clearings in 1904 amount
ed to $345,343,956 and In the previous year to
Of the great Eastern cities New" York leads
-with clearings more than half as large as
th-e of the entire country combined. In 1904
New York's clearings were $08,049,418,673 and
in 1SG3 $65,970,337,955, having Increased 4 per
een. Chicago was second with an Increase
f 2.7 per cent, the clearings last year being
SS.flS9.0S3,761 and the year before $8,775,553,
650. The 'World' Fair at St. Louis was respon
rtble for an increase of 11.2 per cent in the
cltarlng-houbc transactions of that city. The
clearings of St. Louis last year were $2,793,
233.918 and in IMS $2,510,479,245.
Ninety-two cities contribute to Bradstreet's
compilation. The grand aggregate for 1904 is
$111,784,452,867. a gain of 2.9 per cent over
1903. The latter year, it may be recalled,
-howed a lo&s ot 7. per oent from 1902.
which in turn showed a decrease of a frac
tion or 1 per cent from the record year 1901.
Of the 92 cities reporting. G2 show Increases
ever 1908. while 32 show decreases. In other
words, about two-thirds of all cities show
gains. A grouping of the cities showing de
creases brings out the Tact that New England
and the Middle States groups furnish six
each, tho State of Ohio by itself seven and
tho South three, while the balance Is scat
tered widely among the other groups. Four
"arge cities Bostou. Philadelphia, Pittsburg
and Baltimore show decreases, the first two'
ot about 1 per cent each, the third of 12,4 per
cent and the last-named of 3.7 per cent. The
decrease or 13.4 per cent hown by Cleveland
Is no doubt traceable to effect of quiet in1 lake
"flde growing out ot depression In Iron, the
lae opening of navigation and the lake strike
early In tho shipping season. The largest
gain made by any city Is that reported by
Ja ksonvlllc. Fla.. 49 per cent, but Wichita
i-hows a gain of 37.6 per cent and Memphis
cne of 21.7 per cent. The largest decrease re
ported l that by Topeka. 36.3 per cent, fol
lowed by Worcester with a loss of 21.5 per
-ejit, and at a little further distance tiy FaJJ
River, Akron and Toungstown, with losses of
abeut 21 per cefjt each.
tlianges in rank from 1903 among prominent
cities are not very numerous. It might be
noted, however, that Cincinnati passed Balti
more, taking eighth place from the scacoast
city, no doubt aa a result partially of the
great fire early in the year. Minneapolis also
took twelfth place from Cleveland, which fell
behind over $100,000,000. while the former In
creased by that amount: Louisville moved up
one point at the expense of Detroit, gaining
6 4 per cent, while the latter increased 0.5 per
cent Milwaukee took ICth place away from
Omaha. In 1903 these two cities were almost
Among- Canadian cities Vancouver and
Quebec showed the only changes, the former
taking sixth place away from the latter.
Montreal lost about $48,000,000 from 1903.
while Winnipeg gained $48,000,000. Decreased
tock speculation at the former, and the
growth of the latter city in keeping with the
Northwestern development are no doubt rea
fn for'thlF.
But Mecl Corporation Working Nearly
Full Time.
NEW TOHK. Jan. 19. -With norae minor
rx or-iienx the markets all along the line have
been rather quiet during the past week and
t--r are. says tho Iron Age. some alarmists
who fIiow symptoms of uneasinefiji. The very
1 that the trade Is producing and consuming
eo enormous a quantity for thl season of the
ears seems to Inspire doubts as to tho pons I -b'llfy
or maintaining the pace. On tho other
Vjunl, the principal preoccupation of other
conservative interests is that there may bo
danger of a runaway market as the usually
busy reason--Spring approaches. Powerful in
furnroB are arrayed on the sHe of keeping
rri'-ea of finished materials at the present
1 et. with the poselbjr exception of wire
rroduots. .ind this causes hesitation on the
"art of smaller manufacturers to book much
additional business whn they must cover the
nw material at the present range of price.
Pome of them look forward to another period
er premium over official prices for prompt
in spile, of the fact that the Steel Corpora
ti. n is turning nearly every wheel It controls,
the management Is forced in many finished
!lce to pro-rale shipments in the order In
which specification have- been received, being
vrable to All (Ih demands of all. Tho Steel
Corporation Is running 94 per cent of Its blart
furnace capacity, has every teel plant, ex
cept Columbus. In operation, is operating 93
per cent ot the tin-plate mills. 8S per cent of
the sheet mills and U runing full on tubes,
bars, plates and shapes.
considerable tonnage of re is being con
tracted for. Eastern furnace men have taken
fvcral hundred thousand tons of non-Bessemer
Mesaba ores on the basis of $3 a ton. as
compared with $2.40 a ton last year. The
Eastern furnace already liave bought koikp
otisidcraM quantities ot European and Cu
ban ores, while Eastern home producers are
crowded for deliveries beyond their capacity.
The event of the veek has been the purchase
cn the part of the Steel Corporation of 25,009
tosa of Bessemer pig at $15.50 valley fur
rare. Otherwise, the crude metal markets
vne been exceedingly quiet In all the disturb-
1g centers.
TJte attltudo of sellers and buyers as to the
u ure ha been InMeated by the outcome of
tnv targe Inquiries far the second half of
'he vear. The makers asked, an advance of $1
a ton over present prices, which the sellers
dr. ,,ne to consider.
fhere has been wmtewhat marked activity
an. J mr advaiK-o of about $3 a ton in Su'elp.
71! re have ie)n a number ot larpe Irani-ar-t'
ns in Pittsburg, the eastern and central
PT.nsyfv2U mills participating Jn the busl
ine rleel nurket U quiet. The makew ooti
t'nue ctmAdenr. and count on kome very heavy
irjrns later for the West and Suthw-jft.
Grain, Flour. Feed. Ktc.
WHEAT Walla Walla. 83c; blueteai. SSe;
Valley. S7c per bubliel.
FLOUR Patent. $4.654.S5 per barrel:
trr.ighta $4JOi-(.45; clears. $3.85fi-t; Valley.
S4 104 25: DaKOta nard wheat. $8.o0ff7.50;
Graham. S30$-4; whole wbwu. HQ4.2!; rj-e
f.our. local. $5; Eastern. $5tr5.10; oornmeaL
per case. $1.P0.
BARLEY Feed. $22.50 per ton; rolled. $23.50
OATS Na I white. $L32H:CfI.35; gray. $1.33
CI 40 per cental.
MILl-STX'FFS Bran. $13 per ton: middlings.
$2S abort. $21: chop. U S. Milk. $19: Unseed
dairy foods, (18; Unseed oilcieal. car lota. $29
per ton. lea than car lots. $30 per ton
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 90-
pound sacks, 35.75 , lower grades, $506.25; oat
meal, steel cut. 50-pcund sacks. $S per barrel:
10-pound fades. $4.25 per bale; oatmeal
(ground), 60-pound ecko. $7.50 per barrel; 10
jwund sacks, $4 per bale; epllt peas. 54
per 200-pound sack; 25-pound boxes. $1.15:
pearl barley, $4 per 100 pounds; 25-pound
boxes'. 51.25 per box; pastry flour, 10-pound
sacks. $2.50 per bale.
HAY Timothy. 14816 per ton: clover, $110
12; grain. $11312; cheat. $12313.
Vegetables. Fruit. Etc.
There was more activity than usual on
Front street yesterday. Receipts were mod
erate, but the market ifas well supplied with
all varieties of vegetables and most kinds ot
fruit. Apples were rather scarce and firmly
VEGETABLES Turnips. $1 per aack; car
rots. $1; beets, $L25; parsnips, $1.25; cabbage,
California lVic. Danish 2c: lettuce, heart,
SOc per dozen; parsley, 25s dozen; tomatoes,
S2 per crate; cauliflower. $1.902 per crate;
egg plant. 10915c per pound; celery, 60865;
per dozen: peas. 10c per pound; beans, green.
12 Vic; wax. 11c; pumpkins, l&lc per
pound; peppers, be per pound; sprouts, 6c
ONIONS Fancy, $1.852.25. buying price.
POTATOES Oregon fancy, 8385c; common.
60975c. buyers' price; Merced sweets, XV-'Q
! RAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4-crown. 7c:
6-layer Muscatel raisins. 7c; unbleached seed
lets Sultanas, tf$c; London layers, 3 -crown,
whole bcxes of 20 pootids. $LS5; 2-crown, $1.76.
DRIED FRC1T Apples, evaporated. GtfSVic
per pound; sundried. sacks or boxes, none;
apricots. 10311c; peaches. 8glOVic: pears,
none; prunes. Italians, 45c; French. 2V&&8c;
figs. California blacks. 5 Sic; do white, none;
Smyrna, 20c; Fard dates, Cc; plums, pitted. G.
DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples. 4-tler Bald
win. $1.25; Spltzenbergs. '$1.7582; cooking,
75685c; figs, S5r$$2.50 per box; cranberries.
$9.&uQll per barrel.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. $2,759
3.75; choice, $2.75 per box: oranges, standard.
$1.3061.75: fancy. $L902; mandarins. G9C5;
per box; tangerines. $1.602 per box: grape
fruit, $2.7503 per box: bananas, S&5&C per
pound; pomegranates, $2.25 per box.
Butter. Eggs, roultry. Etc.
The chicken market ehowed less firmness
yesterday, as buyers held back, most of them
being overloaded with game. Dressed turkeys
were in good demand. Eggs were easy and
about a cent lower under heavy receipts and
less Inquiry- No changes were made In but
ter prices.
EGGS Oregon ranch. 2S823c; Eastern, 24c
per dozen.
BUTTER City creameries: Extra creamery.
8032Jic per pound; fancy creamery, 22Hgr26c
State creameries: Fancy creamery, 25jj27iic:
California, fancy creamer'. 25Q27Hc; store
butter. 12S12Vic
CHEESE Full cream twins, lSglSc; Young
Americas, 14T15Hc
POULTRY Fancy hens. 13Ji0Hc; old hens,
12nc; mixed chickens. Il,gl2c; old
roosters, 10211c; young roosters. lliiS12c;
Springs. 1HST2 pounds, 14H5c; brollera. lftVA
pounds, 18i20c: dressed chickens, 13i414ic:
turkey, all-e, 1717fec; turkeys, dressed. 103
2ic; turkeys, choice, 22Jiff23e; seesc. live, per
pound, SSOc: geese, dressed. llV412'.-c;
ducks, old. $7.50&6; ducki, young as to size.
58.5069: plseons, $11.25.
GAME Wild geese. $3,759-4.25; mallard
ducks. $3.253.75; widgeon ducks, $1.7532.25:
teal ducks, $1Q1.50.
Heats and Provisions.
BEEF Dressed, bulls. 2ViV4c; cows, 3Q4c;
country steers. 405c.
MUTTON DreseeJ. 5g'c per pound.
VEAL Dressed. 100 to 125. bV-$9c per lb.;
125 to 200. 5Vi86c; 200 and up. 4fcc
PORK Dressed. 100 to 150. CVj7c per
pound; 150 and up. GQC'c
HAMS Ten to 14 pounds, 12c per pound;
14 to 16 pounds. 125ic; 18 to 20 pounds. 12ic:
California 'picnic), 9c; cottage bams, 9&c;
shoulders. 9c; boiled ham, 21c; boiled picnic
bam, boneles. 14c
BACON Fancy breakfast. ISc per pound;
standard breakfast. 17c: choice. 15c; English
breakfast. 11 to 14 pounds. 14c: peach bacon,
SAUSAGE Portland ham, 12Vjc per pound:
minced ham, 10c: Summer, choice dry. 17c:
bologna, long, 3Hc; welnerwurst. Sc; liver. 5c;
pork. 9c; blood. 5c; headcheese. 12Ke; bologna
sausage, link. 4jc
DRY SALTED MEATS Regular short
clears, 10c salt. 11c smoked; clear backs, 9iio
salt, 10c smoked; Oregon export, 20 to 25
pounds, average. lOfeo salt. HHc smoked;
Union butts. 10 to IS pounds, average, Sc
salt, 9c smoked.
PICKLED GOODS Tickled pitaf feet. 4-bar-rels.
$5; U-barrels. $275; 15-pound kit. $1.25;
pickled -tripe. H-barrels. $5; U-barrels. $2.75;
15-pound kit. $1.25; pickled pics' tongues,
barrels, $6; U-barrels, $3; 15-pound klt,
$1.50; pickled lambs' tongues, -barrels, $9;
-barrels. $5.50; 15-pound kits, 52.75.
LARD Kettle-rendered : Tleroes. 8Vic; tubs,
10c: 60s. 10c; 20s. lOHc; 10s. lO&c; 5s. 10ic
Standard pure: Tierces, ,9c; tubs. 9Uc; 60s,
PUc: 20s, 9ijc; 10s. 9?ic; 5s, 9c Compound:
Tierces, Che; tub. 65ic; 50s, 6ic: 10s. 71ic;
6s, 7C
.Groceries. Not. Etc.
Beet sugar declined 10c per 100 yesterday,
and is now quoted at 20c below dry granu
lated. Eastern advices reported a 10-polnt
advance In refined grades.
COFFEE Mocha. 262Sc; Java, ordinary. 16
620c; Costa Rica, fancy. 16220c: good. 169
v18c; ordinary, 10012c per pound; Columbia
roast, cases, 100s. $13.50; 50s. $14; Arbuckle,
$15.58; Lion. $15.3S.
RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. $5.37:
Southern Japan. $3.50; Carolina, 4h&6c;
brokenhead. 2c
SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis.
$1.7G per dozen; 2-pound tails. $2.40; 1-pound
flats. $1.S5; fancy. lrlU-pound flats, $1.80:
3.i-pund flats, $1.10; Alaska pink. 1-pound
talis. 85c: red, 1-pound talis, $1.45; sockeyea,
1-pound talis, $L75: 1-pound flale, $LS5.
SUGAR Sack basis. 100 pounds: Cube. $6.50:
powdered. $6.25: dry granulated. $6.15; extra
C. $5.65; golden C, $5.55; fruit sugar. J6.15, ad
vance over eaek basis as follows: Barrel f, 10c;
lialf-barrels. 25c; boxes, 50c per 100' pounds.
(Terms: On remittance within 15 days, deduct
Uc per pound; If later than IS days and with
in 30 days, deduct He per pound; no dis
count after 30 days.) Best uugar granulated.
55.95 per 100 pounds; maple sugar, ISglSc
per pound.
SALT California. $9.50 per ton; $1.30 per
bale. Liverpool. 50s. $15.50: 100a. $15: 200.
$14.50: half ground. 100s. $5.25; 50s, $5.75.
NUTS Walnuts. 13c per pound by sack, lo
extra for less than back; Brazil nuts, 15c: Al
berts, 14c; pecans, jumbos. 14c; extra large,
15c; almonds, I. X. L., 16c; chestnuts. Ital
ian::, 15c; Ohio. $4.50 per 25-pound drum: pea
nuts, raw, 7-c per pound: roasted, Pc; pine
nuts. l0i?12Hc: hickory nuts. 7c; cocoanuts.
fc5ft90c per dozen.
BEANS Small white. 9c: large white, Sic;
pink. SVic; bayou. 3c; Lima. 6 Vic.
GASOLINE Stove gasoline, coses, 24Vtc; Iron
barrels, 16c: 86 deg. gasoline, cases, 32c; Iron
barrel or drums. 26c
COAL OIL Cases, 21c; Iron barrels, 15Hc:
wood barrel x. none; 63 deg.. cases. 21Hc: bar
rels, 18c; Washington State test burning oils,
occpt headlight, ,tc per gallon higher.
UNSEED OIL Raw, barrels. 54c; cases. 59c
Boiled: Barrels. 30c; cases, 61c; lc less In
25b-gallon lots.
TURPENTINE Cases, S5c; barrels. Sic.
WHITE LEAD Ton loU. 7ic; 690-pound
lots. ?c; less than 500-pound lots, Sc.
Hops. Wool, niden. Etc
HOTS Choice. 28329c; prime, 27c per pound.
WOOL Valley. 19&20c per pound; Eastern
Oregon. 1017c; mohair, 2526c per pound for
HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds and up.
15ST154c per pound: dry glp. No. 1. 5 to 18
pounds, 12c: dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounds.
16c. dry salted bulls and stags, one-third less
than do flint; salted hides, etoers, sound. 7Qi
Sc; under 50 pounds and cows. CM9"c: stags
and bulls, sound. 4ff4Vic: Up, sound. 15 to 20
pounds, 7c: under 10 pounds. Sc: green (un
called), lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound:
horse, hides, salted. $1.50$2 each: dry. $161.50
each: colU bides, 25Q-50C each: goatskins,
common., 10915c each; Angora, with wool on.
TALLOW Prime, per pound. 435c; No. 1
and grt&M, 21i53c
t Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. Jan. 19. The London tin mar
ket was higher, with spot quoted at 131 10c
and futures at 131. Locally the market,
while quiet according to all accounts, bowed
a firmer, tendency, with pot quoted at from
29.50c to 30c
Copper was higher in the London market.
Spot. JCC3 7s &I; futures. 6S 10c The local
market continues firm with some producers
taJd to bo asking prices that are enough above
the quoted rate to be prohibitive for the time
being. Lake, 15.50c: electrolytic. 15.S7H9
15.50c. and casting 15$15.25c.
l.ead quiet hut Arm at 4.03N.7Oc in tho
local market and At 12 17s 6d in London.
Spelter unchanged In Louden. The local
market tihows a slightly easier tone, with spet
quotod at 6.23ff6.30c
Iron doted at Ms in Glasgow asd at 45s
7l-d In MMdlesbore. I.ocaMy iron was un
changed. Wool Purchases In Australia.
BOSTON. Mass.. Jan. 19. Cable advices
from Melbourne state that 69,000 baleo e
wool have parsed through the Americas Con
sul's office. 50.000 at Melbourne and 19.000 at
Sydney. Aggregate purchases for the UnMed
States are about 70.000 bales. .New Zealand
w-orks are in full .swing with prices on a. par
with December London quotations, and trans
actions Xr English account very large. Buenos
Ayre? prices are. unchanged with Americas
buying strongly In evidence. A little CaX
fcrpla and Texas wool is wiling at 20921c
Wool AucUoa Postponed.
LONDON. Jan. 13. The wool sales which,
were to have born held here today were
postponed on account ot tog.
Manipulation of the Coaler Is "Sus
pected Amalgamated Dull De
spite Action on Dividend.
NEW YORK. Jan. 19. Transactions oa the
Stock Exchange were aot as large today as
yesterday, but 'sales reached about tho
1.000, OOO-ahare mark asd the leas congested
dealings in Reading sufficiently accounted for
the contraction In the total. The movement
of prices was hesitating and irregular, the
level fluctuating constantly' throughout tho
The violent advance la Reading, instead of
proving an Incitement to thebuylng of stock
elsewhere, developed Into a positively deterrent
factor. The rocket-like rise In that Mock ta
above. 90 In the first hoar proved a wet blanket
to speculative enthusiasm, and tho upward
course which prices had taken, at the opening
was reversed. When Reading was let back
and quieted somewhat, prices were .pushed up
ward at some ether points and efforts made
to rvive the animation of the market. It
was diligently sought to "convey the impres
sion that the excited rise in Reading was due
to its heavy earnings and the highly prosper
ous condition of the anthracite trade rather
than to any large outstanding abort interest
or to any danger of a corner in the stock, as
began to be feared yesterday. Rumor con
tinued very busy with associations of a abort
interest In tho stock which was in distress
and there was much conjecture as to its iden
tity. At the same time, the way in which the
prosperity ot the anthracite trade and the
earnings of tho coalers were enlarged upon
caused a diversion of the speculation into the
other coalers, the easiest recourse for the mar
ket leaders. The movement turned Ont into
Ontario &. Western and then Into the Erles.
Amalgamated Copper enjoyed an early ad
vance on the strength of the increase of the
dividend disbursement by a subsidiary coia
jiany and the expectation of corresponding ac
tion by its own directors during the day. But
the speculation in the stock proved unusually
quiet for a day set apart for dividend action,
and it was under pressure on reactions with,
the rest of the market. Besides the misgivings
aroused by the feats of trouble among a short
interest In Reading the threatened strike ot
trainmen in the Pennsylvania service caused,
an undertone of anxiety throughout the whole
The earnings for the second week in Janu
ary, which came to hand, failed to fchow the
same rate ot increase over thooe of last year,
which has been the rule in the recent pa&t.
thus confirming the views of traffic officials
that a Intd-Winler lull had occurred in trade
activity. Talk of disputes over Western and
Southwestern grain rates also received atten
tion. Brooklyn Transit weakened on 'the re
port submitted to the State Railroad Commis
sion concerning the large outlay which would
be required to secure the effective operation
of the system. This movement and pressure
against Reading and Amalgamated Copper
helped to make the closing eaty.
There was a. broad and active demand for
bonds of practically all grades and the course
of prices was generally upward. -Total sales,
par -value, $6,006,000. United States bonds
were all unchanged oa the last call.
Sales. High. Low. bid.
Atchison 8,300 ifiH 8T &7i
do preferred ooO 10i Hirii lw?i
Atlantic Coast Line.. 400 122fe 122 122
Baltimore & Ofaie 20,100 KJK IWtfe 1WR
do preferred iHHt
Canadian Pacific .... 700 13 13b
Central of N. J 500 105 ll 194
Chesapeake & Ohio.. 7,500 5ttV4. 4pfe
Chicago & Alton.... uOO 42b 42 41
do preferred Su
Chi. Great Western. 11,309 23fe 225 23yi
Oil. & Nerthwebteru. 7.200 213 2tVj 211
Chi.. Mil. SU Paul 11.1HW 174ft 170 173
Chi. Term. & Trans. . 400 S?s 9
do preferred 1.000 lb IMa 18f
C. C. C & St. L... 2.U00 l2fe Difc 2U
Colorado & Southern ..... 22b
da 1st preferred.... 300 Oils 01 Ol
do 2d preferred 33)
Delaware &. Hudson lS2fc
Del.. Lack. & Wort. 338
Pcnvcr i Rio Graade 100 S2U 32i 32?i
do pref erred M
Brie 155.500 41fi 40 41i
do 1st preferred.... lU'.OO 7f4 78 7tj
do 2d preferred..... tt.400 63 6I74 CT-i
Hocking Valley SU
do preferred 1.100 iCb 01 00
Illinois Central ..... 5.300 156 Vi 155 V, 150
Iowa Central 29b
do preferred 55b
Kan. City Southern.. 6. 400 30?i 3b
do preferred 13.200 50 56 5Sb
Louisville & Nash v.. 2,800 141)4 Utn 140
Manhattan L. 1.500 100 16Si ltfcVj
Metro p. SocuriUes ... l.OuO 7db 74 73b
Metropolitan St. Ity.. 1.200 117U H&? UM
Mexican Central 3.500 23? 2$b 2SA
Minn. & St. Louie... 200 GO 00 57
M., St. P. & S. S. M. 800 04 USb &3U
do preferred 100 140 141 148b
Missouri Pacific .... C.100 107;, 107 107,
Mo.. Kan. & Texas.. 6,100 3SU 32T4 3b
do preferred 2,400 07b 6b Wi
National of Ilex. pfd. 400 44W 45 42
New York Central... 7.O00 144b 142b 142
N. Y.. Out. & West.. 43.200 45V 44 44
Norfolk A Western.. 4.900 73U 7b 7ft
do preferred ...... tc
Pennsylvania 27. KK) 187li 136S 137
P.. C. C & St. L. 75i
Reading 20S.400 Wl S7 87V,
do 1st preferred .. 2.500 9ii P2Ji SSV
do 2d preferred 2,000 SO 87 S7b
Rock Island Co 57.600 37 37 b 37b
do preferred 1.90O 83 .sx' ha
St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd. 200 7lVi 71t, 71
St. L. Southwestern. 3.3O0 2T, 26 24PA
do rrefrrc-d 2,600 01b fi 61
Southern Pacific .... 23.S00 67 63 67
do preferred !KK 11 "U H7b 117
Southern Railway ... 9,500 35- 24 SS
do preferred ..... 99
Texas & Pacific 700 34 3414 34U
Toledo. Si. L. & W.. .'. 34
do preferred 53
Union Pacific 84.400 llBji 118H 113H
do preferred P7
Wabash 200 21Tt 2l?i 21
do preferred 100 -3 43 -43H
Wheeling & L. Erie 18b
Wis con bin Central .. 400 21 21 21b
Ao preferred 200 45 46- 45b
1 Ixprees companies
Adams 25$
American .. 300 22 220 23
Vnited States ise
WllE-Fargo 23s
Amalgamated Copper 56.S00 76 74
Anier. Car & Foundry 2,500 S3 33 SH
do preferred 400 JfSb 92H
American Cotton Oil. 600 33 36 34
do preferred VI
American lc 300 6b b
do preferred 400 374 37 37b
American Linseed Oil ..... 15
do preferred . .. COO SS 36 36
American Jcomolve 200 35 34 b
do preferred . 200 10514 105' 105
Aroer. Sm. & Refining S.400 83 S4Ti S3
do preferred 1.100 114 113b 113
Amer Sugar Refining 6,200 144 148. l4Si
Am. Tobacco pf. cert. iVY) A3 02b 02b
Anaconda Mining Co. 100 112 112 Ho
Brooklyn R. Transit. 15.200 64 621 62U
Colorado Fuel &Jron 2.200 47i 47 47
Consolidated Gas ... COO 165 197 197b
Corn Products 100 20 1 lu
do preferred 76'
Distllers' Securities. COO 573i 37U 37U
General Electric .... 400 1RSH 1K7 cr
International Paper.. 300 2S 22b 22
do preferred 200 78 77 77
International Pump 3S
do preferred ..... h
National Lead 2
North American ..... pj
Pacific Mall 2.100 46 . 45 45
People'e Gas 2.600 107U 10UU ion.
(Jessed Steel Car 000 37' 3 37
fifo preferred 100 S9 68 a
2'uJlman i "a lace Car. 280 246 246 244
Republic Steel 260 j6 15 13
dV preferred ....... AGO no OS CSU
Rubber Goods 3C0 27 26 20b
do preferred 200 b Mb JMb
Tenn. Coal & Iron... 300 72b 72 71b
IT. S. Leather 3,200 13 13 1
do preferred JtfO losu 102 lor"
U. S. Realty 200 7P 70 7S
TJ. S. Rubber........ 2.2O0 3tU 2C. 36
do preforred 000 IOOC loo 10
U. S. Steel 48.0rj0 3U 28 3b
do preferre 50.000 9U m
Va.-Carollaa Chemical 1.1V 3ijj 35- 355
do preferred 3.60O ICS 10S 187'i
WesttagtNHwe Elec... 200 lS2b J'b 1S1
WeMern Vaton 380 ft2Jfe 92b 92
Total salts fur Ux- day. 1.017.269 shares.
NEW YORK. Jan. l'J. Closing quotatiofts:
U. S. ref. 2s rcg.lOlblAtchlson AdJ 4a. 05
do t-oapon ...104JD. & It. G. 4a.. 101 S
LT. S. 3s rep. 10JN. Y. Cent, lsts.100
do coupon ...104bNor. Pacific 3s.. 77b
U. S. new 4s reg.1801 do 4s lOSVs
do copo ...131iJS. Pacific -Is.. S0b
I", a M li reg.JWVe Union Pacific 4s.lft5
do coupon ...lOSblWis. Central 4s. 91
Stocks at London.
LONDON. Jae. 19 Consols for money,
SS's ; consols for account, SS 5-1C.
AnaoeBda 5 Nor. & Western. Sib
Atchl&en St( do preferred .. Pi
do prefermd .105 jOnt. & Western. 46
Bait. A- Ohio , -105VPennsylania - . 70
Can. Pacific ... 137i Rand Mines ... 11
C Gl Wcsttra, 25 Reading . . 43b
( M & St. P 177 ! 1st pref .. 47
DeBeera . ..... 17 Til do 2d prst ... 44
. 36
. PS
- 63b
. 09b
. so
. 06
- 22b
N. Y. Central... 145b I do preferred .
Money. Exchasce, Elc
NEW YORK. Jan. 19, Money on call steady:
per cent: closing bid. 2 per cent; of
fered. 2 per cent.
Time leans easy; CO days. 2 per cent: SO
days. 3 per cent; she months.-23-3 per cent.
Prime mercantile paper. 48-4' per" cent.
Sterling exchange strong, with acutal busi
ness In bankers' bills at ?4.S775 for demand
asd at S4.8535 for 60 days. Posted rates,
H.8G?4.SSb- Commercial bll, 54.84ff4.83b.
Bar silver. CObc.
Mexican dollars, 47bc
Government bonds steady, railroad bonds
LONDON, Jan. 10. Bar silver quiet.
27 13-lCd per ' ounce.
Money. 1S2 per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market for
abort bills is 2 per cent; for three months
bills, 2b per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 19. Silver bars.
Mexican dollars. 50c
Drafts, eight. 5c; telegraph. 'He
Sterling on London. 60 days. ?i.S5b; sight.
Dally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Today's Treasury
statement shows:
Available cash balances $130,314,002
Gold 00.7S6.413
Bank Clearings.
? 122.626
- S3.9b3
Cause Break Id Chicago Wheat Prices
Feeling of Uncertainty.
CHICAGO. Jan. 19. The wheat market
opened fairly steady, with May unchanged to
HSc lower, at $1.16gLlGb to Sl.16. Trad
ing, however, lacked animation. While pit
traders generally were bearish, a feeling of
uncertainty held them in check and prevented
any great amount selling. The fact that the
tig holders were doing nothing in the way ot
marketing their wheat bad a tendency to re
strict 1 offerings. News In general was favor
able to the tears. The highest point on May
was reached at 51.16. Late In tho day a
sharp break occurred and May sold oft to
5L14. The decline was primarily due to an
announcement by a British statistician that
this week's shipments from Argentina would
approximate S00.000 bushels, as agaltut 216.000
bushels last week. The break was accom
panied by heavy selling. The market closed
weak with May at 51.14.
Influenced by higher cables and light re
ceipts, the corn market was firm early in the
day, but weakened on heavy selling and the
break In wheat. May opened unchanged to
be, higher at 45c to 45c, and closed at
44fM4c x
Continued light receipts Imparted a firm
tone to the oats market at the start, but later
prices sagged off a trifle In sympathy with
the weakness of wheat. May closed Uc to
c lower at 30H631c
Only a limited volume of business was
transacted in provisions. At the cloee May
-pork was off 2b35c. at 3!2.G2b- Lard and
riha were each unchanged at 36.S5 and J 8.07b
6.70 respectively.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Lew. Close.
May 51.16 SMOb $1-14 51.14
Jaly .OSfe' .6 .05 .03
January ,
45 .4Sb
43?i ,45b
January .30U
May .......... .31.
July 31
.5b .3fl'.i
.30?! .
.31 .31
. 12.37 b
12.62b 12.63
May ...
. 12.62b 12.65
January' 6-B2b 6.62b 6.65
May tali 6-S5 6.82b R.85
July 6.05 6.07b 6.05 6.07b
January .....I 6.42b
May ...... 6.67 C.70 6.67b -70
July e.S2b CS2b 0.80 6.0255
Cash quotations were as fotows:
Flour Easy.
Wheat-No. 2 Spring. 51.1231.15; No. 3, 51.02
1.14; No. 2 red. 51.161.1K.
Corn No. 2. 42c; No. 2 yellow, 43c.
Oats No. 2. 3014c: No. 2 white. 32c: No. 3
white, 31lc
Rye No. 2. 75c
Barley Good feodlng, 3773Sc; fair to choice
malting, 43648c.
Flaxseed No. 1, 51.13; No. 1 Northwestern.
II. 12.
Mess pork Fer barrel, 512.403EM5.
Lard Per 100 pounds. 55.12b
Short ribs sides Loose. 56.25gC.50.
Short clear sloVw Boxed. 50.5060.62.
Clover Contract grade, 513.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 23.100 25.00
Wheat, bushels t.(O0
Corn, bushels 273. XK) iro.&.'jO
Oats. buKheH .............. 64.000 102,200
R-e, bushels 1.C00 3.000
Barley, bushels C1.000 10,4'j0
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK. Jan. 10. Flour Receipts,
III, 000 barrels; exports, 32,000 barrels; quiet
with prices lower.
Wheat Receipts, 23,400 bushels: exports.
25,661. No. 2 red, nominal, elevatcr; No. 2
red. fl.l&K. f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 Northern
Duluth. 51.25. f. o. b., afloat: No. l.hard
Manitoba. 51.11b. t. o. b.. afloat. Options
opened easier on account of commission sell
ing and after a brief rally on Western bull
support were weak all day. declining rapidly
after mlddaj. The close showed be to lc
set loss. May closed at 51.14; July closed
Hides Firm.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 10. Wheat aad
barley stronger.
Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping. 51.47bSl.32b: milling,
Barley Feed. 5L16g.l.l7: brewing. 51.18
Oats Red. 51.40S1.K.
Call board tales:
Wheat May. 51.46U.
Barley May, $1.17.
Corn Large yellow, 51. 23 tr 1.30.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON, Jan. 10. Wheat cargoes oa pas
sage quiet, but steady; English country mar
kets Una.
Wheat at Liverpool steady; March, 7s d;
May and July, Cs lld- Wheat In. Paris firm:
flour la Paris steady. French country markets
dull; weather In England foggy and cold.
Wheat at. Tacoma.
TACOMA. Jan, 13. Wheat unchanged;
Muestem, 00c; club, 5c
Dried Trait at New York.
NEW YORK. Jan. 10. Evaporated apples
are rather less active: common. 4itSc; prime.
5U4Wic; choice, 3bfc. and fancy. 6b7c
Thero Is seme export Inquiry for prunes from
the Vocal market, but prices offered are below
hoMera views and the situation chows little
improvement. Quotations ranee from 2c to
3"c. a coo riling to grade.
Apricots are Arm. Choice. lOgiO'.ic: extra.
H. and fancy 12$ 15c.
Peaebcs are practically the same as apri
cot. Choice held at 9c; extra, choice, lObf
10c; choice. ll12c; fancy. 12815c.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 19. Cotton rutures rioted
steady. 3 to 6 points net higher. January,
6.78c; February. 6.81 o; March, 6.86c; April,
6.0U; May, 6.95c; June, 6.00c: July, 7.05c.
The Cotton Exchange here will be closed on
Saturday, February II and Monday, February
13, in obervance of Lincoln's birthday.
Woo! at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 19. Wool nominal. Terri
tory and Western mediums, 2122c; fine me
dium. 1771Sc; fine. 16617c.
Eeilned, .Sugar Advances.
-NEW YORK, Jan. 18 -All grades t refused
sugar advanced 10c a hundred today.
D. & R. NG. .... 33jSo. Railway
do pref erred 5S1 do preferred .
Erie .. '41bISo, Pacific ....
do 1st pref ... 79UnIoa Pacific ..
do 2d pref ... 63 f do prefered .
Illinois Central. 1C0 IV. a Steel ....
4 N ..144 I do preferred .
M. K. & T. 34 IWahash
Downing, Hopkins & Co.
Eitab'lahed 1893
Room 4, Ground Floor
Grain Freights at a Standstill Apple
Market Firm Potatoes
Continue Strong.
SAN FRANCISCO. CaL. Jan. .-(Special.)
Rumors that additional inquiries for barley,
oats aad hay for Oriental shipment are in the
market are current asd serve to keep holders
firm. The steamer Tottenham Is loading
large quantities of these products, bought
e time ago. for either Russia or Japan.
Two vessels are saki to be beading this way
to load for this account, but it is sot definitely
known what supplies they will take. Specu
lative prices for leading cereals opened weaker,
owing ;o dullness and lower Eastern markets,
but closed steady.
Spot values were well maintained. No oats
have arrived for two days and holders exact
full prices fer choice. Hay and fecdstuffs
were quiet on local account, as green feed Is
Grain freight to Europe are at a standstill,
but business with the Orient Is helping out
the market.
All grades ot oranges, exeept a few fancy
brands, are easy. Lemons are plentiful.
Bananas are in large supply. Good medium
and fancy apples are in fair demand and firm.
Supplies were moderate today, but larger re
ceipt arc expected soon.
Arrivals ot river" potatoes were less liberal
and the market continued Strang asd active.
The steamer Columbia, with small shipments,
arrived too late for today's trade. Fancy
sweets were higher. Onions wero strong at
52.25 to 52.O0 and an advance Is expected to
morrow. Garden vegetables In shipping con
dition were firm.
All dairy products are steady, but quieter.
Receipts. 24.SOO lbs butter. '.7,200 lbs cheese,
15.G0O dozen eggs.
VEGETABLES Garlic. SglOc; green peas,
385c; string beans. 6910c; tomatoes. $131.50;
egg plant. SglOc
POULTRY Turkey gobbler;. 20822c; roost
ers, old, 5464.50; do young. 55.5036.50; broil
ers, email. $252.50; large, $34?3.50; fryers, 54
64.50; hens, 5 1.50S6; ducks. . old. S36: do
young. $6-7.
CHEESE Young America. Ilbl2bc; East
ern. 13CH5c
BUTTER Fancy creamery. 24c; creamery
fteconds, 20c; fancy dairy, 20c; dairy seconds.
KGGS Store. 252rtr; fancy ranch. 27bc
HAY Wheat. 510815; wheat and oats. $108
14; barley, 50$11; alfalfa. 59811.50; clover. 57
t?0; stock. 55S7; straw. 45805c
MILLFEED Bran, 510.50g20.50; middlings.
HOPS 1004. 27330c
FRUIT Apple, choice". 51.75; do common,
COc; bananas. 75et52.50: Mexican limes, 51.50
6; California lemons, choice. 52.50; do com
mon. 51; oranges, navels, Sl2; pineapples,
POTATOES Early Rose, 5t-301.45: River
Burbanks. C5300c; River reds, 53ft65c: Sa
line Burbanks. 5I4J1.45; sweets, 00c34l.O5;
Oregon Burbanks, 5161-25.
RECEIPTS Flour. 5605 quarter sacks:
wheat, 59,022 centals; barley, S2SI centals;
corn, 105 centals; potatoe. 7114 backs; hay.
tns, 716; wool, 6 bales; hides, 457.
Prices Quoted at Portland Union Stockyards
Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards
yesterday were 457 hogs and 237 sheep. The
following prices wur quoted at the yards:
CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steera, $4
tH.25; cows and heifers. 53g3.25.
HOGS Best large, tat hegs. 53.50; black and
China fat. 54.60&4.75.
SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley,
rrlcc and Receipts at Kan,as City, Omaha
and Chicago.
KANSAS CITY. Jan. 19. Cattle Re
ceipts 7000; market slow to steady. Native
steers. 53.50 35.75: Blockers and feeders,
53.0I4.25: bulls, $2.25 g 1.00; Western fed
steers. 5X50&3.23; Western ted cows, $2.00
Hogs Receipts 13.000; market strong.
Bulk of sales, $4.GU4.S0; heavy. $4.56,
4.8S; packers, $1.C5$4.S0; plga and lights,
Sheep Receipts 3000: market steady.
Muttons, $4.2565.75; tamDs, $6.0007.50:
range wethers. $5.506.60; ted ewes, $4.00;
SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 19. Cattle Re
ceipts 3200; market steady. Native steers.
$S.505.55; cows- and heifers, $2.60 & 4.70;
canncrs. $L50&2.50; Blockers and feeders,
$2.50:4.00; bulls, stags, etc, $l.i03.40.
Sheep Receipts 7200: market strong.
Western yearlings, 53.509025; wethers.
$5,0043.50; ewes. $4.25(15.25; lambs. $6.40
Hogs Receipts 0500; market steady,
heavy. $1.5064.55; mixed, ? 1.50 tf 4.55: light.
$4.2594.55; bulk of sales. $4.504.57b.
CHICAGO. Jan. 10. Cattle Receipts 17.
000; market steady to slow. Good to prime
steers, $5.73 8 0.25; poor to medium. $3.75 tJ
5.50; stockers and feeders, $2.254.25;
cows, 5L25&4.50; heifers, $2.0035.25; can
ncrs. $L252.43; bulls. $2,100-1.10; calves.
$3.00 7.00.
Hogs Receipts today 35,000. tomorrow
26,000: market steady. Mixed and butchers,
J4.40g4.65; good to choice heavy, $L65
4.70; rough heavy, $4.4084.55; hulk ot
sales. $4.45&4.60.
Shcp Receipts 20.000; sheep and lambs
steady. Good to choice wethers, $5.05
5.C0; fair to choice mixed. $4.0065.002
Western sheep, $4.3503.60; native lambs,
$5.75 6 7.75.
Coffeo and Sugar.
NEW TOKK. Jan. 10. Coffeo futures closed
steady at unchanged prices to a decline of
5 points. Sales 27.500 bata. including Febru
ary. 7.00c; Mareb, 7.S0c: May, S3S-05c; July.
&20c: September, S.40S.45c; December, S.63
4j?6.60c Spat steady; No. 1 Rio, S"c
Sugar Raw firm; fair refining, 4ic: cen
trifugal. 06 test. 5iic; molasses sugar, 4bc
Refined firm; crushed. $6.75; powdered, $0.15;
granulated, $6.05.
Dairy Produce In the Eat.
NEW YORK. Jan. 10. Butter and cheese
Eggs easier. Western selected, choice, 28c;
Western average best. 27c.
CHICAGO. Jan. 10. On the Troduce Ex
change today tho butter market was easy:
creameries. 19850c; dalriee. 13K!T24c. Eggs
weaker at mark. cao. 19Q25c; cheese firm.
Races at Ascot.
L03 ANGELES, Cal.. Jan. IS. At Ascot
today favoritei and second choices wero
successful in all tout two races?. Weather j
clear; track fast. Results:
One Mile Montana Peeress won. Ban- 1
dlllo second. Flora Bright third; time, j
Five xurlonsff-WItehhaze! won. Sweet 1
KitUe Bellalrs second. Light of the Day 1
third; time. 1:00.
. Five and one-half furlongs Dalvay j
won. Tim Hurst second. Pasadena third; I
time. l:CCb. i
One mile, handicap Oxford won. High j
Chancellor second. Princess Tulane third;
time. 1:40. .
One mile and one-sixteenth. DatUol J
Chamber of Commerce
von, Akela second, Varro third; time.
Six furlongs St. Winifriedc won, Komo
mobo second. Durbar tliird; time, 1:1L
Billiard Experts Play in Denver and
Make Another Match.
DENVER, Jan. 19. Jake Shacfer defeat
ed "Willie Hoppo at JS-inch balk-line bill
iards before the Democratic Club tonight.
Tho game was for 4C0 points, and Shaefer
scored in 13 Innings. His highest run.
which was the highest of the game also,
was 98. Hoppe made 215 points with a
high run of 75.
Th t-Wfl fTftffB nrr tAilav mit.hiw1 .
play in St- Louis for the world's chamXj
plonship and $2300 bet, the date to be sc-
iccieu later.
Races at Oakland.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 19. Three fa
vorites won at Oakland today. "Weather
cloudy; track sloppy. Summary:
Three furlongs Busy Bee won. South
ern Lady second, Achellta third; time.
Five furlongs Batidor won. The Ha
waiian second, Em Rcubold third; time.
Five and one-half furlongs Mabel Bates
won. Mogregor second. Dust third; time,
One mile Briers won. War Times sec
ond. Barrack third; time. l:45i.
One mile and one-quarter Lansford
James won. Glenarvon second. Theodora
L. third: time, 2:14?;.
Six furlongs Salable won. Bob Ragon
second. Squire Johnson third; time. l:lo!.
Zllinlng Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 19. Official closing
quotations for mining stocks today were as
Alta .
.$ .031 Julia $ .04
Andes "l).TnM-.
. .17
. 2.15
. .88
. G.3S
,. .23
.. .14
. .38
. .00
Belcher 20 Mexican
Best i Belcher. l.lOJOccldental Con.
Bullion 23Ophir
Caledonia 40i Overman ... .
Chalenge Con... .21Potosl
.OOiSeg. Belcher
Confidence ....
Con. CaL & Va.
Con. Imperial .
LTOiSicrra Nevada
OljSilver Hill 6S
Crown Point ..
. . .16
Union Con.
Exchequer 32
Gould & Curry.- .23
Hale 4: Norcross 1.45
Utah Con
Yellow Jacket
Adams Con $ .
10. Closing quotations:
20jLlttlc Chief
.$ .05
.001 Ontario
.55Savage ... ...
30 j Sierra Nevada
.00 Small Hopes .
02 Standard ... .
Brunswick Con..
Conistock Tun
Con. Cal. & Va.. 1
Horn Silver .... 1
Iron Silver 2
Lcadvlllc Con...
Adventure . . .$
Am. Zinc ... .
Bingham .
19. Closing quotations:
7.23Mohawk $ 33.
:Q.50iMont c. & r
74.50joid Dominion.
12.25Osccola ... ...
21.00Tamarack ....
10.501 L S. Mining..
Cal. & Hecla..
Centennial ....
Copper Range-.
Daly West . . ..
Dominion Coal
Granby .
Islo Royale ...
Mass. Mining.
uv.wmu. S. Oil
Victoria ...
Winona ...
Wolverine .
Sale of Speculator Held Up.
BUTTE, Jan. 19. Judge Donlan has
mado an order restraining the Speculator
Mining Company from selling its prop
erties to the Amalgamated Coppcn Com
pany, or any of Its tributary companies.
The order was asked for by Steohen
Northey, through his attorney, Bernard
Coon, and the order of the court wa3
made returnable January 23.
It was stated that the Amalgamated
Company has a ten days" option on all the
Speculator properties. Northey has a suit
pending, and he alleges he would be Ir
reparably injured in the event ot a sale.
Banker J. A. Creighton, of Omaha, owns
the controlling interest of the Speculator
Company. Tho Speculator Company sev
eral days ago bought the Edith May mlno
for $150,000.
We Charge No Interest for
Carrying Long Stock
Genera! Office SSn
auxNEJUroua, uccr.
S. Alien, CcmspoBdeat
Koom 7, Ground Floor,
Chamber ef Coauscrca.
Line Steamers
Direct line for MOCett's. EL. Martin's nnn
Collins Hot Springs. Connecting at Lyie,
Wash., with Columbia. River & Northern ity.
Co.. for Go!dcndal anu Klickitat Valley points.
Landing foot of Alder at. Phone Main 014.
S. M'DONALD. Agent.
For South -Eastern Alaska
SUamcrs of the company, or
i0i.SS1.cil iL u ant. leave
SBATTLE a A. M. Tiwui
6 P. M.. day previous; steam.
una aiiKa: Jan.
RAMONA (J4n. 10. 24. bkag.
way direct); both veswis ma ic
ing regular S. E. Alaska ports
01 -au; ..uilkc Liiy calls at
Vancouvr: Ramona CALLS AT VICTORIA.
CITT OF SEATTLE leaves Seattle Tuesdays.
Thursdays. Sundays, 10 P. M.; call at Everett
and Belilngham. Returning, leaves Vancouver
Mondays. Wednesdays and .Fridays, calling at
Belllnxham only.
Steamers connect at San Francisco with com
pany's steamers tor ports In California, Mex
ico and Humboldt Bay. For further informa
tion obtain folder. Right is reserved to change
steamers or sailing date. v
Portland.......... ..249 Washington tV
Seattle. , ..112 James sr arxf Dock.
Sen Francisco . -.10 Market st
C D. DUN ANN, Gctf. Pas Agt..
20 Market sr.. San Francisco.
ax Union Pacific
Throngh Pullman standard and tourist sleeping-cars
dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spokane;
tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansas City;
through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (person
ally conducted)- weekly to Chicago. Reclining
chair-cars (seats free) to the" East dally.
chicago-portlan d
SPECIAL for tb Kajt
via Huntington.
3:13 A. M.
SPOKANE FLYER. 8:15 P- Is.-00 A. JC.
For Eastern Washington. Walla Walla, Lew
laton.Coeur d'AIese and Great Northern points.
for the East via Hunt
Ington. S:l5 P. 31.
FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 P.M. 5:00 P. M
way points; connecting Dally, Daily
with steamer for Ilwa- except ext-nr
co and North Bach Sunday. Rand.T
steamer Hassalo. Ash- Saturday,
street dock (water per.) 10:00 P. M.
got? WOfc. oTmT
lE?? LEKSStP!!' 3:40 A. M About
? nd Points. Dally. 5:00 P. M.
from Rlparia. Vaaa. ex- Sit. ex. FrU
, - "j , T iimu nail Y tt3uuifi.u.
Telephone Main 712, a W. Stlngtr. City Tlcx
t Agent; A. L. Craig. General Passenger Agsnt.
For San Francisco every five days, at 8 P.
M.. from Ainworth dock. S. S. Geo. W. Elder.
January 21. 31; S. S. Columbia, January ZS,
February 5.
For Yokohama, Kobe, Mojl and Hong Kone.
taking freight via connecting steamers lor
Nagasaki. Snanghal, Manila. Port Arthur and
Vlldavostok S"- S. Nlcomedla, February 17;
S. S. Numantia. March 9.
For freight rates and further particulars,
apply to
248 Washington st.
Telephone Main 2Cd. Upper Alaska Dock.
3:30 P. M.
I for balem. Ito-
7:23 A. M.
Durg. Abliund, sac
.amuitu, ogdn. San
' "'ranclsco AioJav,
Los Angela, Ki
Paso, Ntw or 1 tans
jand the East. i
j Morning train con
jnects at Woodbum
itdaily except SUn-
8:30 A. M.
7:10 P. M.
jcay) wlta train fori
iMount AngeL Sllver-i
ton, isr6nsvill,
Springfield, Wena.'
Unz and Natron. .
I Albany passenger 10:10 A. M,
Iconnectr at Wooi-I
burn with Mt. Aogell
and Silverton local, j
730 A. M.
iltJO P. M.
Sheridan passenger. Ja 3 A. "M.
Dally. HDally. except Sunday.
Leave Pottland dally' 'or Oswego at 7:50 A
M., 12:50. 2:05. 3:25, 5:3). 65. 7:45. 10:10 P.
M. Dally, except Sunday, 3:30, :30, 80.
10:25 A. M.. 40, 110 P. M. Sunday, only.
9 A. M.
Returning from Oswego arrive Portland daily
8:30 A. 11., 1:55. 3:03. 4:35. 6:15, 7:33. a;55.
11:10 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 6:25, 7:23.
9-JO. 10:20, 11:45 A. M. Kxcept Monday;' 12:25
A- il. Sunday only 10:00 A. aL
Leave from same depot for Dallas and inter
mediate points dally except Sunaay. 4 P. it
Arrive Portland. 10:20 A. M.
The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper
ates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. connecting
with S. P. Co. trains at Dallas and Independ
ence. Flrst-claas fare from Portland to Sacramento
and San Francisco. 23; berth, $3. Second
class fare. $15; second-clssa. berth. $2.50.
Tickets to Eastern points and Europe Also
Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia.
CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and
Washington streets: Phone Main 712.
Depart. ArrlTe,
Puget Sound Limited for
Tacoma, Seattle. Olympia.
South Bend and Gray's
Harbor points 8:30 am 5:30 pea
North Coast Limited for
Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane,
Butte. St. Paul. New York.
Boston and all points East
and Southeast 3:00 pm 7:00 aa
Twin City Express, for
Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane.
Helena. St. Paul, Minne
apolis; Chicago. New York.
Boston and all points East
and Southeast -.11:45 pm 7:0 pa
Puget Sound-Kansas Clty-
St. Loula Special. for
Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane.
Butte. Billings, Denver.
Omaha, Kansas City, St.
Louis and all points East
and Southeast ... 8:30am 7:00 aa
All trains daily, except on South Bepd branch.
A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas
senger Agent, 255 Morrison st-, .comer Third,
Portland. Or.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives.
Dally. For ilaygers. Kilmer, Daily
Clatakanle, Westport,
Clifton. Astoria, War-
8:00 A.M. renion. Flavel. Han. u:10 a. It
mond. Fort Stevens.
Gear bar t Park. Sea
side. Astoria and Sea
shore. Express Dally.
7:00 P M. AstorDs.EyprtM- . 9:40 P. M.
Comm'l Agt... 248 Alder at. , O. T. & P. A.
Phone Main' 005.
City Ticket Office, 122 3d it, Phone 630.
Tho Flyer and the Hail.
For tickets, rates, folders and full In
formation, call on or address .
H. DICKSON. City Passenger aad Tlckei
Act.. 122 Third street. Portland, Or.
For Japan, China and ail Asiatic Ports, will
Leave Seattle about Feb. 15th,