Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 20, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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Taxpayers' League Objects to
Improvement Act.
Petition Takes Strong Stand, Urging
That City Should Not Pay for Dis
trict Improvements Suggests
Original Plans Be Followed.
The Taxpayers' League Is opposed to
House bill No. 130. The members of this
body see In It many objectionable features
and urges that the bill, which provides
primarily for the city to levy special taxes
for the construction of bridges elsewhere
than across the "Willamette, should not
In a petition to the Legislature the ex
ecutive committee of the league sets out
that such an enactment would saddle upon
city at large minor improve
ments that benefit the few. It is
also set out that there are two un-pald-for
bridge,? across Marquam Gulch
330 feet apart; that the City Coun
cil having originally planned to pay the
:ost of these through a district assess
ment should adhere to this plan. In fact
It la suggested that the council acted In
bad faith In providing for the payment of
the cost of the bridges and other im
provements in this manner, having evi
dently intended from the first to carry tho
matter into the Legislature.
Here Is the league's official statement
In full:
Portland. Or.. January 19. 1005. To the
Legislative Assembly of the State of Ore
gon: The undersigned, the executive com
mittee of the Taxpayers' League of the
City of Portland. Multnomah County.
3t&te of Oregon, do hereby protest against
the passage of an art known as House bill
Ho. 130. to authorize the City of Portland
to levy special taxes and to appropriate
the proceeds of the same in the construc-i
tlon of such bridges, elsewhere than across
the Willamette Hli-er, in the City of Port
land, the estimated cost of which by said
city shall not amount to less than $20,000
each, and for the payment for HUe bridges
which have been constructed or are now
under construction by said city and not
paid for. and to pay Interest upon the
money due upon contracts for the con
struction of such bridges, and to limit the
amount of such special taxes for any one
year. etc.
Meaninc of the Bill.
And thereabout your petitioners respectful
ly show:
That under and by virtue of the provisions
of section 1 of said act the City of Port
land Is authorized to levy each year a special
tax in addition to the tax authorized by
its charter, of not to exceed - mills upon
the dollar upon all the taxable property
of the city, to be used for the purpose of
paying for the construction of bridges in
said city, elsewhere than across the Wil
lamette River, the estimated cost of which
by said city shall amount to not less than
30.000 each, and to pay for any like
bridges, not across the Willamette River,
which were constructed by the city In the
year 1004, and which are not yet paid for,
or which are now in the course of con
struction under contract with this city; the
provisions of the act, however, not to in
clude elevated roadways, tramways, or other
structures than bridges across gulches and
That by section i! of said act the City of
Portland Is further authorized, until said
special tax shall have been collected, to
pay out of Its general fund, and after the
said tax shall hae been collected to pay
out of said special tax fund, legal Intercut
upon, all money due upon contracts for the
construction of bridge or bridges built by
the City of Portland in the year 1S)04, and
which are now under construction under
contract with said city: and directing that
said city shall take no further steps or
proceedings under its charter towards the
collection of special assessments for the
construction of said bridges referred to.
Section 3 provides that the power and au
thority authorized by the act shall be en
forced and exercised by the city, and that
said bridges shall be constructed under and
In accordance with the provisions of its
charter. Said act further repeals all other
acts or parts of acts in so far as they con
flict with the provisions of the proposed
act. Said bill also has an emergency clause.
Said bill, if passed, is practically a repeal
and amendment ot certain provisions of the
charter of the City of Portland, without on
Its face purporting to be such change or
amendment, and no such amendments or
changes should be adopted, in our opinion,
under any circumstances without being first
submitted to the vote of the people of the
'City of Portland.
No Authority In Charter.
Tour petitioners further show that there
is no authority under and by lrtue of the I
charter of the City of Portland, under thei
provisions of which said bridges were con
structed, to pay interest thereon, and the
lds were made and contracts let and accepted,
well knowing this to be the fact.
Your petitioners further show that under
and by virtue of the authority granted by
the charter of the City of Portland, the
Council has power to create districts to
(cover Improvements not limited in area and
only limited to property which the Council
deems specially benefited thereby.
That shortly after the present charter of
rthe City of Portland went into effect the
residents of South Portland, feeling the
taeed of better street Improvements and
connections with the main portion of the
city, urged upon the Council of the City
of Portland the building of a number of
fills and bridges in that portion of the city.
That In accordance with the express de
sire of a large number ot the residents of
'the southern portion of the City of Portland
the Council proceeded to make and enter
Unto contracts for building bridges and mak
ing nils throughout said taction ot the city.
That early In the year 1003 it was deter
mined by the Council to erect a bridge on
'First street across Marquam Gulch. In the
City of Portland, and in purusuance of the
charter provisions In such cases made and pro
vided, laid out a district containing lots and
parcels of land which said Council deemed spe
cially benefited by euch Improvement, said
lota numbering 8142;
That on the 1st day of October. 1003. a con
tract for the erection of a pteel brldce on
eld First street, crowing Marquam Gulch,
was let for the sum of 549.639. and on Sep
tember 23, 1904. said bridge was accepted for
the sum of $59,36(1.10; that the preliminary
CMesament covering the lots specially benefited
by said Improvement was duly advertised on
the h day ot November. 1JK4:
That said proposed assessment has been ob
jected to by numerous property-holders, and
the cost thereof has been computed three
times-; that the present condition thereof U
that said assessment is again being computed;
That thereafter and on or about August IS.
1904. a contract for another steel bridge on
Front street, crossing said Marquam Gulch,
was let tor the contract price of $53,313; that,
in addition to cald price, there wilt be other
amounts to pay. bated upon the quantities or
material furnished and work done on said
bridge, and which, in the opinion of petition
ers, will make the cost of said bridge net !e
than $05,000;
Small District Benefitted.
That the district found by the Council to be
specially benefited by said Improvement con
tains S142 lots; that said bridge Is within 200
feet ot the First-street bridge above referred
That there were numerous protests against
the said improvement, not being sufficient In
number, however, to defeat the same;
Your petitioner further how that Water
and Hood streets, about 300 feet east or
Front rtrcet, were also improved with a tonr
b'.otk pavement during the year 1904, which
also furnish connection with South Poruand,
That on March 22, 1904. a contract was let
for the building of a bridge n Tnurman
street, in he City or Portland, at the con
tract price of $30,364: that the same ha been
completed and will come before tfce Executive
Board for acceptanee on January 1:
for the sum of $34,956.13; mat Inctodrtf In
the assssement district found by the Council
to be special- benefited by i!d bridge are
about S33 lots;
That each and all of said bridges were built
and all proceeding? thereabout taken under
the provisions of the charter of the City ot
Portland, and no citizen thereof had the rlgNt
of protest or the right to be heard in connec
tion therewith, excepting those situated with
in the assessment district; nor had they any
right to be heard as to the neeessltr of two
expensive bridges Mtuated 200 feet apart;
That under and by virtue of the provisions
of the franchises of the City & Suburban
Railway Company, and of the Portland Rail
way Company, now known as Portland Con
eolldated Street Railway Company. One-fourth
of the cost of each of said bridges and the
maintenance thereof H to be borne by zald
street railway company; but under the pro
visions of the proposed act the cost thereof
will be thrown on the City of Portland, and
the eald street railway company may be dis
charged of its obligations under its franchises:
That on its face, it is manifestly unfair
and unjust at this time to endeavor to cast
upon the entire city the cost oi these bridges,
when the Council of said city have already
declared officially and determined the partic
ular portions of the city to be benefited there
by, and when taxpayers in other portions ot
the city had no voice as to the necessity or
character or number ot said bridges;
.Entitled to Fajrncos,
That within the city limits ot the City ot
Portland there are about 23.000 acres of land
of varying physical characteristics, and eacn
and every portion of said city 1k entitled to
be treated fairly, justly and equitably, and
It is unfair and unjust to saddle upon certain
portions of the city, the property-holders
whereof have for years been constructing.
maintaining and repairing irtreets for the use
of the general public the cost ot Improve
ments of special benefit to property situated
In other portions of the city;
That there is no similarity of conditions be
tween bridges crossing the Willamette River
and bridges crossing gulches in various por
tions of the city, for the WlHamette River
absolutely divides the city Into two parts,
and there can be no communication between
the two main portions without the use of
bridges or ferries, and therefore the entire
city as Huch Is directly benefited by euch con
nection; furthermore, before the law providing
for the building of the Morrison-street bridge
became effective it was submitted to the vote
of the people of the city;
Furthermore, your petitioners have reason to
believe., from the refusal ot the Council or
the CJfy of Portland to levy the ansessments
for these bridges when completed and for the
fills made In South Portland, and from a pro
posed agreement of certain members ot sala
City Council to pay Interest for causing delay
In the payment therefor, that it was never
the Intention of some members of the Council
to have the district created therefor pay for
these bridges and fills, but to carry the mat
ter along until the meeting of the Legislature,
and then by legislative nactraent have the
charter Indirectly amended, and the cost there
of cast upon the entire city. Such, in our
opinion, being the original Intention of said
members of the Council, It would have been but
fair and Just to have waited before making
these Improvements tn order to determine
whether or not the city would care to pay for
this character ot Improvement or to have them
That a copy ot this petition be lent to the
chairman of the Multnomah delegation of the
Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon,
and copies thereof be furnished to the dally
papers of the City of Portland.
Wherefore, your petitioners pray that sala
act be not passed or enacted into law; and do
respectfully but firmly protect against the
parage of the same.
F. W: Mulkey. president: Leo Frlede, R. L.
Gllsan, S. A. Brown, Isem White. L. J.
Goldsmith. W. M. Ladd, executive committee.
Taxpayers' League Sends Petition to
City Council.
The Taxpayers League has draughted
a petition which will be presented to the
council at its next meeting, and which Is
in text of a nature that threatens war
with the council members unless assess
ment is made for the payment of con
tracts on certain improvements which
were accepted in 1901.
Apparently the main contention of the
taxpayers is that members of the coun
cil have agreed to puy contractors Inter
est on deferred payments; and as this is
In opposition to the charter, the petition
avers, uny attempt to assess for the pay
ment of such interest will be fought in
The payment held up by the council,
according to the petition, aggregate 598,
6SG.30, and are for the construction of the
Marquam Gulch Bridge, two tills on Front
street and one on First.
All the contracts have been duly accept
ed, says the petition, and there Is no rea
son why the contracts are not paid, ex
cepting that the council has adopted no
method for collecting the assessment.
Concluding, the petition is as follows:
Your petitioners have further been advised
that the reason the Council has not and will
not agree upon said aske&sment Is because
of the Intention of at least one, and pos
sibly others thereof, to have the cost there
of cast upon the city and havo the city as
a whole pay therefor and pay the Interest
thereon; and in connection therewith your
petitioners desire to advise the Council that
In their opinion this method of treating
contractors who have faithfully performed
their contracts Is calculated to prevent re
liable contractors from bidding upon city
work, enhance the price of such work, and
nerlously affect the credit of the contractors
and bring into contempt the law under
which this city is acting and has Its ex
istence. Your petitioners further desire to advise
the Council that they protest against the
acts of the Council in not providing, through
the means authorized by the charter, for
the collection of money Justly due these
contractors for the work done, and so far
as lies in their power will contest and de
feat any attempt to require the city to pay
interest on deferred payments; aad that it
warrants are issued therefor, they will con
test the lawfulness of the same and will
insist upon the personal liability of the
persons authorizing the issue or Issuing the
Wherefore, your petitioners pray that the
assessment for said Improvements proceed
In due course of law, and that the said lm--provements
be paid for as provided in the
city charter of the City ot Portland.
V. "W. Mulkey. president, and L. Y.
Goldsmith, secretary, sign the petition.
Woodmen to Entertain.
This evening the "One Thousand"
campaign committee, "Woodmen of the
World, will give the eighth of its
series of free entertainments at Mult
nomah Camp's hall, East Sixth and
Alder streets. This entertainment will
be entirely different from any yet given
by the committee. Among- the social
features will be an exhibition of Jlu
JItsti by Professor Ringler and two
clever Japanese athletes. The attend
ance is limited to men only. Professor
W. C. Hawley, of Salem, one f the
head "managers of the order, will de
liver an Interesting address.
Workmen Install Officers.
Summit Lodge. A. O. U. W.. at Boring,
last night held its installation and the
following were put In office: John Davis,
past master workman: Edward Edwards,
master workman: Charles Pugh, overseer;
J. 8. Murphy, foreman; Oscar McClung.
recorder: William Morand, financier: Wal
ter Wllmath. guide; Orvlllc Palmer, in
side guard. An oyster supper was partaken
of after the more serious lodge routine
and the members and families present pro
nounce the affair a most enjoyable one.
Cases Set in Supreme Court.
SALEM. Or.. Jan. IS. (Special.)
Cases were today set for hearing In
the Supreme Court as follows:
January 31 Thornburg vs. Gutrldge,
State ex. r.el. Thornburg- vs. Gutrldge.
February 1 Kaston vs. Storey. Kas
ton vs. Paxton.
February 2- -Stlnchcombe vjv the i
j New York Life Insurance Compam, J
I State vs. Clarke
Sailor Boarding-House Com
mission Is Organized.
Columbia River Lightship Brought
Here After Four Years' Hard
Service Dalles City on the
Ways Arrival of Christel.
The new Suilor Boardlhg-House Com
mission is ready now for business. A
meeting was held yesterday by tho three
members "William MacMaster. Captain
Andrew Hoben and A. M. Smith and the
Commission was formally organized by
the election of Captain Hoben as presi
dent and Mr. MacMaster as secretary and
treasurer. Captain Hoben. much a gal net
his will, accepted the position at the head
of the board, but the other members right
ly Judged that he was the best qualified
for the place by his long experience with
shipping matters and his knowledge of
conditions at this and other ports.
The policy of the new Commission was
Captain Andrew Hoben, Elected Pres
ident of the Sailor Hoarding-House-Commission.
not fully outlined, as a bill Is now before
the Legislature providing for changes in
the law. The object of the bill is to per
mit such charitable institutions as the
Seamen's Mission and the People' Insti
tute to place sailors on shipboard without
paying the boarding-house license of $230.
When this bill and any others that may
be introduced are finally acted upon, the
Commlealon. will determine upon a pol
icy. The meeting yesterday was held In the
office of Mr. MacMaster, In the "Worcester
block, but In the future the Commission
will meet In the rooms of the Chamber
of Commerce, in the Mohawk building, at
the call of the President
There Is only one sailor boarding-house
in operation now, that of Jack Grant and
the "White brothers, and it is not consid
ered likely that they will rush up and
pay the high license in a hurry. In view
of tho condition of shipping at the pres
ent time. The grain movement is at an
end for the season, and the harbor will
soon be almost barren of oversea sailing
ships of all kinds. The few craft yet to
leave will not have many vacancies to
fill, and, therefore, the boarding masters
would probably" not consider themselves
Justified In taking out licences until there
Is a revival in the shipping Industry.
Vessel Will Afterwards Be Brought
Here and Put on Drydock.
The Columbia River lightship Is moored
at the coal bunkers, where she will re
main several days while repairs are be
ing attended to. The Portland Iron
Works has the contract for the work,
which will consist In the placing of new
tubes In her boiler and making some re
pairs to her machinery- The work will
cost about $700. The lightship will leave
down for her station off the river next
week, and in the Spring will be brought
back here for a general overhauling,
when she will toe placed on the drydock.
The lightship has been in continuous
service off the river in all kinds of
weather since 1901. In that year, while
anchored at her station, 11 miles off shore,
she broke her moorings and drifted on
the sands at Xorth Beach. The high
winds forced her far up on the beach,
and all efforts to get her into deep water
proved unsuccessful. Captain J. H. Rob
erts, of this city, then took the contract
for floating her, which he did in a most
unusual way. With the aid of horse
power and steam winches he moved the
vessel overland, as a. housemover would
transport a dwelling, and finally launched
the ship in the still waters of Baker's Bay
at Ilwaco. Two months' time waa con
sumed in taking the vessel across the
narrow neck of land. Repairs to the
lightship's hull were made while she was
being moved overland, "and afterwards
ehe was towed to this city, where her
machinery, decks and rigging were thor
oughly overhauled.
Captain Harriman. who was then in
charge of the lightship. Is still her master.
Mr. Peterson, the first mate, was after
wards transferred to the Umatilla Reef
lightship and promoted to captain.
Harbor Will Be Well Cleared Out
Next Week.
There will be a general cleaning out of
the harbor fleet next week, when five
deep-sea ships take their departure, one
with grain, two with lumber and two in
ballast. The Italian ship S. Celeste, which
bids fair to be the tall-ender of the grain
carriers this season, completed her barley
cargo at Irving dock yesterday, after
numerous delays, and will leave dowrt tho
river early In the coming week, bound
for the United Kingdom.
The lumber vessels Anna and Falrport
will also get away, the former completing
her cargo at Victoria dolphins Tuesday
and the latter finishing at the Xorth Pa
cific Mill Wednesday. The Anna goes to
China and the Falrport to Chile. The
French barks Marthe Roux and Yille de
Mulhouse. unable to secure business here,
have been ordered by their owners to
proceed in ballast to Australia. "The pros
pects there are better and the ships, at
the same time, will be favored In tho
movement by the workings of the French
bounty law.
Injuries Received by Striking Sunken
Rock Were Trifling.
" The Regulator Line steamer Dalles City
was hauled out on the ways at the Port
land Shipbuilding Company's yards yes
terday and an examination of her hull
showed that the injuries she received in
striklnc the Mibmers! rorlt near Stevcn-
fee i
Furniture Is
a Specialty
of Ours. No
Matter How
Badly It Is
Damaged. We
Can Restore
It to Its
We Make
Furniture to
Don't hesitate to ask
us to give you estimates
on work you want done.
We employ men for that
purpose. It's part of
our business.
son were In no way serious. None of the
frames were injured In any way and the
sole damage consisted In a few bruised
planks on the bottom.
The boat came down from the upper
river under her own steam and had busi
ness been rushing: could have gone back
temporarily on her old run until repairs
could have been made, but as traffic Is
light on the river, the company decided
to have the repairs attended to now. The
Dalles City will resume her regular serv
ice la a few days.
Lights and Buoys Replaced or Moved
In This District.
Captain L. C. Hellner, lighthouse In
spector, reports the following changes in
lights and buoya in the Willamette and
Columbia Rivers and on the coast in this
Swan Island Bar upper post Hcht Hereto
fore reported carried away, was replaced and
the light re-established January 1C.
Columbia River Outer buoy, a perpendicular-stripe
first-class can, was moved January
7. and Is now In 52 feet of water about one
half mile n. w. Vz w. of Us former position:
North Bead lighthouse, n. i e.; Cape Disap
pointment lighthouse, n. e. "i n.; Point Adams
(discontinued) lighthouse, e U easterly.
Peacock spit buoy No. O A black first-cla-vi
can, found missing January 7, was replaced
the same day.
Inner buoy A perpendicular-stripe flrst
clasa nun, was established January 9 in 25
feet of water on the Inner edge of the bar;
Xorth Head lighthouse, n. 4 e.. northerly;
Cape Disappointment lighthouse, n. e. by n.:
Point Adams (discontinued) lightnou'e. e H s.
South Channel Shoal buoy A horliontal
strlpe first-class can. was discontinued Janu
ary 9, the shoal spot wlhch It formerly
marked having disappeared.
Peacock spit buoy No. 1 A black Crst-clas
can. found missing January 6, was replaced
the same day.
East side ot Middle Ground buoy No. G A
red first-class spar, found missing December
20, was replaced the same day.
Wlilapa Bay Wlllana Bay outside bar
whistling buoy, perpendicular stripe, marked
"Wlilapa" in white, picked up January H In
disabled and sinking condition." was replaced
January 17 by a perfect buoy.
Tulallp Bay South spit buoy No. 2. a red
first-class spar, reported adrift January 16,
will be replaced as soon a practicable.
Hale Passage Point Francis buoy No. O. a
red first-class spar, reported one-quarter mile
southeasterly of Its station January 6, will bo
replaced aa soon as practicable.
Hayden Brown Due at Tacoma.
ASTORIA. Or., Jan. 19. (Special.)
The master or the barkentine J. T.
Kveston reports that the American
bark Hayden Brown, which was sup
posed to be overdue at this port from
Port Los Angeles. Is not coming' to the
Columbia Kiver. Just before the bark
sailed her orders were changed, and
she left for the St. Paul mill at Ta
coma. where she will load lumber.
Appeal of the Tug Traveler.
ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. 13. (Special.)
Tho Northwestern Lumber Company,
of Hoquiam. owner of the tug- Travel
er, which was fined $500 by Collector
Robb a few Jays ago for towing: a
barge from Gray's Harbor to this port
with her crew short two men, has filed
an appeal to the department in Wash'
ingtim, asking- that the fine be mitigat
ed. The appeal ay3 the tug has bee:
For the balance of January we shall make
this discount on all upholstery fabrics used
in all new and "done-over" upholstery work
brought to us before February 1. 'Twill pay
you tG have your renovating down now.
We'd like everyone to know that we have the hest equipped Upholstery
Shop in the Northwest. . The men who work there are thoroughly compe
tent and under the direction of a skilled and experienced foreman. &b
work is too difficult for us to undertake. "We carry a splendidly assorted
stock of fine and medium-priced Upholstery fabrics and we're always glad
to have you come in and get an estimate on any work you want done; or, if
you prefer, telephone us and we will call for any furniture you may want
done over. You can then come in and select the fabric. We'll tell you the
cost. But come this month and you'll save money.
permitted to do towing- between Gray's
Harbor and Wifllapa Harbor, while
carrying- but one mate and one engi
neer, and the owner did not suppose
It was necessary to secure two more
men, when making- an extra tow of
only IS miles to the Columbia river.
The appeal adds that neither the
owner nor the master had any deslro
to evade the statutes and the shortage
In the crew was an oversight.
German Ship Brings'Part Cargo From
The well-known German ship Christel,
which arrived at Astoria yesterday noon,
brings a part cargo of coke, plglron and
firebrick to Balfour. Guthrie & Co., from
Shields. The ship will be brought up In
a few days.
The Christel left the Tyne July 15, and
arrived at Port Los Angeles after a pass
age of 13S days. She left a part of her
cargo there and sailed north on New
Year's day. making a fairly smart run to
the Columbia River. The ship was here
last Winter, sailing on January" 2 for
Queenstown with 111,775 bushels of barley
and 15.000 bushels of wheat. Captain
"Wurthmann is still ia command of her.
The vessel has no outward charter.
Extensive Repairs to Manzanita.
Secretary Metcalf has recommended
J that $40.00) be expended on the lighthouse
tender Manzanita. and If Congress passes
the bill the steamer will be practically
rebuilt. The Manzanita lias been in serv
ice for over a quarter of a century. The
Government will also build a new tender
for the Eureka station and another for
service In Hawaiian waters.
Murderous Attack by Skipper.
PLYMOUTH. England. Jan. 13. Tho
British ship Tamar, from Hamburg for
Seattle, put into this port today with her
commander. Captain Griffiths, in irons.
Later he wa3 taken into custody by the
police on the charge of having attempted
to murder the mate and a sailor who was
at the wheel by shooting at them with a
revolver. The captain was taken before a
magistrate and was remanded.
Centennial Rams the Amasis.
SEATTLE. Jan. 13. The San Francisco
steamer Centennial today rammed the
German ship Amasis while the latter ves
sel was loading lumber for Panama at a
local wharf. The bowsprit of the Centen
nial was splintered and several plates on
the stern of the Amasis were strained.
Marine Notes.
Duties collected on imports at the Cus-tom-House
for the District of the Wil
lamette in the last quarter of ltM amount,
ed to J15S.367. For the same period or 1303
the collections were $117,503.
The owners of the Holt Hill, the British
ship lately chartered to load lumber for
Chile, have decided not to have her put
on the drydock here, asserting that the
charges for docking and labor are less at
the 'Chilean ports, an assertion that is
disputed by Portland shipping men who
know the conditions In South America.
The Great Northern steamship Minne
sota, which will sail from Seattle for the
Orient tomorrow, will take out 25,000 tons
of cargo, practically a full load. Prior
to Ihe arrival of the Minnesota on this
coast Great Northern freicbt traffic: offl-
clals were very zealous in booking freight
for shipment by her. It is due to their
efforts, spread over a period of some five
weeks, that the big- steamship is taking
out a full cargo. Shipping men as a gen
eral rule are not very optimistic regard
ing the Minnesota's chances of securing
another full cargo for some time.
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA. Jan. 19. Arrived down at U:30
last night and sailed at 9:30 A. M. Steamer
Aurella, for San Francisco. Arrived down at
5 and sailed at 10:20 A. M. Steamer Alliance,
for Coos Bay and Eureka. Arrived down at
0:45 and sailed at 9:30 A. M. U. S. dredge
Chinook, for San Francisco. Arrived at 8:45
and left up at 9:40 A. SI. Steamer Geo. AV.
Elder, from San Francisco. Arrived down at
8:50 and sailed at 10:43 A. SI. Steamer Re
dondo, for San Francisco and coast ports. Ar
rived down at 9:30 A. SL Schooner Irene. Ar
rived at 9:40 and left up at 10:15 A. SI.
But Doesn't It Look Reasonable?
This may read as though we were put
ting It a little strong, because it is gen
erall ythought by the majority of people
that Dyspepsia in its chronic form Is in
curable or practically so. But we have
long since shown that Dyspepsia is cura
ble, nor Is It such a difficult matter as at
first appears.
The trouble with Dyspeptics Is that
they are continually dieting, starving
themselves or going to the opposite ex
treme or else deluging the already over
burdened stomach with "bitters" "after
dinner pills," etc. which invariably In
crease the difficulty even if In some cases
they do give a slight temporary relief.
Such treatment of the stomach simply
makes matters worse. What the stom
ach wants is a rest. Now ho can tho
stomach become rested, recuperated and
at the same time the body nourished and
This Is a great secret and this is also
the secret of the uniform success of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. This Is a
comparatively new remedy, but its suc
cess and popularity leave no doubt as to
Its merit.
The Tablets will digest the food any
way, regardless of condition of stomach.
The sufferer from Dyspepsia, according
to directions is to eat an abundance of
good, wholesome food and use the tablets
before and after each meal and the result
will be that the food will be digested no
matter how bad your Dyspepsia may be.
because, as before stated, the tablets will
digest the food even If the stomach is
wholly Inactive. To Illustrate our mean
ing plainly. If you take 1800 grains of
meat, eggs or ordinary food and place it
in a temperature of 98 degrees, and put
with it one of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
it will digest the meat or eggs almost as
perfectly as If the meat was Inclosed
within the stomach.
The stomach may be ever so weak, yet
these tablets will perform the work of
digestion and the body and brain will be
properly nourished and at the same time
a radical, lasting cure of Dyspepsia will
be made because the much abused stom
ach will be given, to some extent, a
much-needed rest. Your druggist will
tell you that of all the many remedies
advertised to cure Dyspepsia none of
them have given so complete and general
satisfaction as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets, and not least in importance in these
hard times Is the fact that they are also
the cheapest and give the most good for
the least money.
We Carry
the largest
Line of Fine
Fabrics in
Always at
Your Service
We Have
to Make
Have you any furni
ture that needs "doing
over"? Just telephone
us and we will call for it.
You can select your
fabrics here to suit.
Steamer AVhlttler. from San Francisco. Left
up at 11:30 A. SI. Schooner J. L. Eviston
Arrlved down at 10:30 A. SI. and failed at
noon Steamer Roanoke, for San Francisco.
Arrived at noon German ship Christel. from
Shields, via Port Los Angeles. Outside at 5
P. SI. Schooner Zampa. Condition of the bar
at 3 P. M.. smooth; wind southwest; weather
St. Helens. Jan. 10. Passed at C:30 P. SI.
Steamer J. L. Bvlston.
San Francisco. Jan. 19. Arrived at 2 P. SI.
Steamer Columbia, from Portland. Arrived
Steamer Enterprise, from Hllo; schooner De
fender, from Honolpu; steamer Jcanle. from
Seattle; steamer Despatch, from Astoria;
steamer Areata, from Coos Bay. Sailed
Schooner O. SI. Kellogg, for Slahukona; bark
Kalulani. for Honolulu; ship Lynton. for Slel
bourne. vlo Port Townsend; bark Hoillswora.
for Now York: bark JoinvIUe. for New Cale
donia; brig Lurllne. for Gray's Harbor; schoon
er Advance, for Coquille; schooner Volant, for
Gray's Harbor.
Hong Kong. Jan. 19. Arrived Empress of
India, from Vancouver, via Yokohama.
I SIoJl, Jan. 19. Sailed Forest Brook, for Se-
' attle.
San Francisco. Jan. 20. Arrived Steamer
1 Slanchurla, from Hong Kong, via Yokohama
Delicate enough for the soften
skin, and yet efficacious in removinj
any stain. KeeDS the akin In nrFiM
, condition. In the bath gives all tha
desirable after-effects of a Turkish
bath. It should be on every wash
j stand.
4k Tr rfrmitt far I
If h cannot ssddIt t
other, but send stamp fcr il
lustrated book tciTes
mil D&rllenlAn and liirr-Jlons In-
TMnable to !adlr 8tinVKLi CO.,
41 Park Bow. New York.
Thesotiny Capsules are superior
to Balsam of Copaiba, f
CufaebsorlnjectionSi. .MPf
the same diseases without
Sold by dl JrttgristT.
NATHAN JOSEPH, Wholisale Dealer
604 MERCHANT ST.. Sao Francisco, California
Relics, Works of Art, Idols, Indian War Club j. Spears,
Shields Slats, Bassets, Bows, Arrows. Rolen. War
BRONZES. COINS. Carvings in any materaL, Nairn
Clothes, Armor, War Medals. Send for paotaerash.
,gk Every Woman
jnM5wviTOV UlnUretedam!Ivouidlnow
' tS? J-W-Xiul about the wonderful
i flj!l MARVIL Whirling Spray
' ii&tCfs!i. The New Ladles Syrlns
v Best. Safest. Most
Sgsgmi' B.J"Wy..'-r Convenient.