THE MORNING OREGOnVan; THURSDAY, A-NUJlRY ill, 193. 1$ TOR KENT. THE COSMOS, S. E. -COK. 4TH AND HOR. rises; bett down-town room la the city: h-aat service sight and day; rstes $3-W per week and up, including bath; $1 dir. 1ARGE FRONT BOOM, NEATLY FURNISH ed. bath, heat, phone and pt, -email rooms also. 12) 13th St., bet. Washington and Alder. KM MADISON. JUST BELOW 6TH. 4 blocks from Hotel Portland Two finely fur nished rooms, sunny and pleasant; heat, gas. bath. FURNISHl!D FRONT BOOM. IN PRIVATE family, suitable for two; batb, gas. phone and beat, tosrd IX desired. Call 704 Flanders. 250 TTH ST. HANDSOME. WAKM FRONT rooms, modern conveniences; piano If de sired; centrally located; gentlemen. 181 FIRST ST.. COR. YAMHII,L-SPLEN-dldly furnished rooms, euites, single; reason able: transient. Phone Clay 755. NEW FURNISHED BOOMS, ALL CON venlence7 bath, gas, electric light phone and heat. Phone Union 3301. FURNISH15D BOOMS THE KING. 503 JEF ferson st.. Just furnished. strictly modern; J2.50 per "week and upwards. CONNECTING SLEEPING APARTMENTS, elegantly rurolsheu. private- entrance. 429 34 at.; modem conveniences. XABGE FRONT BOOM. NEATLT FUR nlebed, suitable for two; also small -room; fine location. 42S Alder. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT BOOM, transient or otherwise; batb, gas, phone 168 Park, near Morrison. PLEASANT FRONT SUITE. ALSO SINGLE rooms, new house, four "blocks from Hotel Portland. 250V: Sixth. ONLY $6 PER MONTH SUITE OF TWO gcod unfurnished rosmj with gas stove. 362 E. Yamhill. 205H WASHINGTON FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without housekeeping, $1.50 week up. Phone Hood 446. "NICE FURNISHED. BOOMS BY DAY, week or month; ateam heat, -all conveniences. 287 Yamhill St. 403 10TH NEWLY FURNISHED BOOMB; desirable location; furnace beat, gas, bath; no children. 10 BOOMS ABOVE- STORB. GOOD LOCA ion, Went Side, $20. Portland Trust Co., 109 3d st. TOR RENT (1 ELLA: NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, frttb, heat, phone and beautiful loca tion. Hotel Butler. 409 Vi Washington Elegantly fur nished rooms: tourist and transient solicited. MRS. SMITH. M 13T ST.. HAS NICELY furnished room for rent; all conveniences. Cheapest tind best located rooms in Portland, $1 week up. Oilman. 1st and Alder sts. NICELY FURNISHED BOOMS FOR BENT very reasonable. Call at 168 11th st. 736 IRVING-NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two gentlemen. 7S6 IRVING NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two gentlemen. FURNISHED ROOM. GAS. 'BATH AND and phone. 30S Lincoln st. COMFORTABLE. WABM BOOMS. 201 10TH street, corner Taylor. FURNISHED BOOMS FOR RENT. CALL 7i N. 5th, cor. Ankeny. Booms With Boar. BOOMB AND BOABD. If you wtst to room and board In the best house In the city call at the ASTOR HOUSE. Everything flrst-claes at exceedingly low rates. 251 7th St., comer of Madison. Tel. Main 623L THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO tel. 165-167 10th St., cor. Morrison; there are a few vacancies, fine rooms, nicely furnished, steam boat throughout the house; porcelain baths, plenty of hot water, handsome dinl&g room; table and service first -data. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION I5TH YEAR; rooms with board: use of sewing-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Anabel Russell, superintendent, 610 Flanders. ELEGANT OUTSIDE ROOMS. WITH FIRST class board. 2 people. $40 and 545 month; electric light, steam heat, porcelain baths. The LlndeH Hotel, Market bet. 3d and 4th. NICELY FURNISHED BOOM. BATH AD Joln'.ng: nicely furnished front harlot-; prl " family; board if desired; reasonable. 35 N. 18:h. near "Washington. PLEASANT BOOMS.' FURNISHED. WITn or without home board. Call at real estate office, end of Sunnytlde and Mount Tabor car line. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en eulte: elevator; billiard-room; transients'; both car lines. 'J HE HESPERIAN. 533 MORRISON ST. Family hotel, rooms en suite or single, with board, hot and cold water. PAYING GUESTS RECEIVED TABLE 1ST class, private, modern home; references. 120 N. 18th. corner Gllsan. 394 ALDER ST. FURNISHED SECOND story front room, with board; first-class rervlce, reasonable. THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON SIN gle or en suite; modern; board, if desired; home -cooking. 515 Morrison, desirable room, hot and cold water: few more table boarders taken. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH board, for two. $50. The Ella, 655 Wash. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD, $5 TO $6 per week. 602 Clay. Phone Main 5090. THE OZARK. 225 11TE. SI. ROOMS EN mite or single, board, hot and cold water. LARGE FRONT BOOM. ALSO SINGLE ROOM with board. 395 Morrlson-lOth. NEW MODERN 5-BOOM FLAT. ONE BLOCK north Steel bridge, fronting river. Inquire 2S8 Larrabee. V NKl'K.MSHED FLAT. THREE OR FOUR rooms; bath, phone; take S car south. 148 Whltakcr st. FOR RENT 1 SIX-BOOM FLAT. ON 13TH near Market; 1 furnished house. Call 455 Market. NICELY FURNISHED FLAT FOR BENT. Apply 428 Taylor St. Phone Main 2623. FOUR NEW FLATS. CENTRAL. H. E. ED wards. 185 to 181 First. Housekeeping Booms. 828 MAIN. 3 BLOCKS FROM HOTEL PORT land. nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; bath, gas. phone. 8P9 6TH ST.-NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng apartments: light front rooms. Phone Main 1256. FURNISHED ROOMS. CAN DO LIGHT housekeeping, bath and phone. 123 14th, cor. Washington. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeping; heat, lights, bath and phone free. 32i West Park. THREE PLEASANT FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms for a couple; private famllr. 555 Yamhill st. FINEST HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS IN CITr C?r. ih5, prtce. 161 rrk onc Mock west Hotel Portland. WELL-FURNISHED SUITE OF HOUSE keeping rooms, a snap; $225; cheap rent. J TP. Oregonlan. THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON AL- core suite, furnished for houseWwulnc- mi. bath, phone. MANITOU HOUSE 3134 FIRST ST. Housekeeping and single rooms for rent reasonable. 1314 MARKET. COR. 2D FURNISHED housekeeping room!, $10 and up; wood or gss ranges. THREE FINE FURNISHED ROOMS. $JS. AT 7S Mln St.; beat, light, bath, Fhone Main 4660. CLOSE IN. 86 10TH. NEAR STARK CHBAP wt and best housekeeping suites and single rooms. 189 13TH ST. FOUR FURNISHED ROOMS first floor; piano; barsaln to right party" adults. J ' WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House, keeping rooms; transient; bath, electric light. BEE THESE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms at The Templeton. 206ti 1st st. BOOMS. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING PKn llcdgea or partial board. 2C9 14th. near Jeff. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD FURNISHED,Cyiimfc rooms at it oin, on car-llnr. , DESIRABLE FRONT HOUSEKEEPING ' suite, reasonable. 48 Taylor st. j LSSnED OUSEKEEP .lag room. MS Morrison. TOR KKNT. Hoasekeeylae Bmim. TWO OR THREE ROOMS. UNFURNISHED or Turnlshed to salt; flno new residence; best of locations, close In. on East Side; walking distance; alt modem conveniences; furnace heat, electric lights, etc.; no children. Tele phone East 1310.- THE ONEONTA, 187 17TH ST- NEAR TAM htll New house, elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2. 3 and 4 roomsx bo: and cold water; gas range la each kitchen; steam beat and baths; free phone on each floor. FINELY FURNISHED THREE BOOMS; RUN nine hot and cold water, furnace heat, all conveniences: modern house, near Washing ton. 66 N. 21se. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES everything new; 910 per mo. and up. The Star. 330 .Larrabee U. near Steal Bridge. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. MI CELT FUR nished. $10 per mo. and up; phone' and bath. Hotel Northern, N. 12th & Marshall. I THE HEILER. 280 Grand ave. Fireproof oncx. iigntca wiw gas ana electricity; fur nished housekeeping suites and single rooms. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES; $8 per month and up; sew and clean. The Goldsmith, cor. Goldsmith and Albtna ares. FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, UPPER OR lower furnished flat, reasonable pries, to responsible parties. J 44. Oregoalaa. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, with gas. bath, heat and free phone; reasonable. 442 Jefferson. 403 10TH THREE PARTLY FURNISHED rooms; furniture new; desirable locality; gas, bath, furnace heat. 6454 WASHINGTON ST. DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms In suites; phone; bath, gas range; no children. 372 FIRST ST. 4 NEWLY PAPERED FUR. nlshed bay-window housekeeping rooms, $20; respectable people only. 38S JEFFERSON ST. FOUR NICELY FUR nlshed rooms, complete for housekeeping; no children, reference. THE J EFFERSONI AN. 10TH AND JEFFEB son Finest furnished suites In the city; all modem conveniences. , THREE LARGE. LIGHT. FURNISHED rooms, private family -modern, reasonable: close in. 643 3d st. ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; ALSO SINGLE rooms. 235 6th, cor. Main. Houses. IF YOU DESIRE TO BENT YOUR UN tenanted houses, flats, or rooms, list them with us; we do not let the moss grow on the steps: we rent them without charge. H E. Edwards. 1S5 to 181 1st. WHY DISTRESS AND TIRE YOURSELF needlessly hunting bouses, flats and rooms when by calling on ns our man. Mr. Young, will locate you without cost. H. E. Edwards. 185 to l&l 1st. HOUSES FOR RENT. RENTS COLLECTED and property cared for. The Title Guarantee Sc Trust Co.. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Ground floor. 4th-atreet side. SEVEN HOUSE-HUNTERS MADE HArPt yesterday; you arc next, if looking for cot tages, houses or flats. I. Gevurtz & Sons, First and Yamhill A STRICTLY MODERN COTTAGE, SEC rooms, batb and basement. 224 East 2d st. North, near Holladay ave. Inquire Room 301, the Dckum. 6-ROOM 'MODERN HOUSE), NEAR STEEL bridge. East Side. $25 per month. John P. Sharkey. 201 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 180. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST., rents and Insurance. Phono Main 315. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. 8-ROOM HOUSE. $22.50, S. EL COR. 17TH and Columbia; lately renovated, bath and gas. Inquire 434 Mohawk. Main 1957. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main 16b5. Office 110 N. 3d st. 89 N. 15TH. TWO BLOCKS FROM WASH Ington: gas, electricity, wood elevator, laun dry Drake, 205k Washington. FOR RENT A FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. 280 Williams ave.. bet Clackamas and llalsey. Inquire 88 Park went side. LOWER FLAT 6 ROOMS AND BATH. WITH use of stable; 39th and Belmont ats. George M. Strong, 163 W. Park st. HOUSES. COTTAGES AND FLATS FOR rent any part of the city. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor st. 22-ROOM BRICK ROOMING-HOUSE. NOW under construction; central. 1L E. Edwards. 285 to 101 First. 48-ROOM MODERN ROOMING-HOUSE. NOW under construction; cc&iral. H. E. Edwards, 1S5 to 191 First. 4 UNFURNISHED LARGE ROOMS. "-BLOCKS from car line, rowers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor sts. $27-FINE NEW DOUBLE HOUSE. 20 rooms, near car line. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. DON'T WORRY. BUT GO TO GEVURTZ, IF you want houses, cottages, or lots. First and Yamhill. FOR RENT A FIRST-CLASS MODERN 0 room house. Inquire 658 Broadway. Irving ton car. 1C-ROOM BRICK ROOMING-HOUSE: SPLEN tlld location. H. E. Edwards, 165 to 191 First. 6-ROOM COTTAGE; GAS. BATH, LARGE basement; modem Improvements. 430 Uar rlson. FOR RENT 2 HOUSES ON JEFFERSON st., 6 and S rooms, with bath. Inquire 51 2d st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 172 E. 2STIL Inquire 93G E. Couch. Phone Main 1370. S-ROOM HOUSE. 11TH AND MILL STS. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor sts. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. 206 Whi taker sz. Apply 821 Front st. 9-ROOM HOUSE: SPLENDID LOCATION. II. E. Edward. 165 to 191 First. FOR RENT-$10; 4-ROOM COTTAGE. CALL 309 7th et. Fnmlshed Houses. FOR BENT AN ELDERLY LADY Liv ing In a large, well-furnished house, beau tiful location, close to car line a few miles from Portland, desires to rent & portion of her house to a small family; amount of rent not so much of an object as to have companionship and protection; people must be refined and willing to ex. tend courtesies, and especially neat and careful In their housekeeping arrange ments; lady might board with the fam ily if agreeable. Address V CS. Oregonlan. giving full particulars and references. WELL - FURNISHED 8-ROOM HOUSE, family of adults; select neighborhood. In quire 211 6th st 6 ROOMS. MODERN. COZ1LY FURNISHED, furnace, gas and steel range; long term. 680 East Bunulde. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT; large grounds; good location; block from car. 401 12th st. COMPLETELY FURNISHED MODERN COT tage, n rooms. East Side, on car line. Phone East 3021. FOR RENT FURNISHED 5-ROOM MODERN cottage. S4S Belmont, near 27th et. Houses for Bent Furniture for Bale. SEVEN LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS for' three families; wry cheap if sold soon; going away; cash or part cash; cheap rent. Call mornings. 644b Gllsan. FURNITURE OF 3 ROOMS. STEAM HEAT, electric lights; rent $15. Call flat 101 Uurk hart bldg. Phone East 1060. 0 ROOMS. NEW FURNITURE. GOOD PIANO. Urge attic, basement and yard; price today, $6T0. 218 Goodnough bldg. FOR SALE FURNISIHNGS DOUBLE house. 16 rooms. $700; rent. $33 a aide. 3SS XK 7th. ELEGANT FURNITURE. fa SELLING. Htrfch building; reasonable; parties going away. FURNITURE FOR SALE OF C-ROOM FLAT at 435 Taylor. Stores. FOR RENT BUSINESS ROOM IN ST Johns; good opening for any legitimate busi ness. SU Johns Land Co.. phone Union 3104 FOR RENT STORE. 25x180 FEET. NO. 146 Front lU bet. Morrison and Alder. Apply to EL A-Baldwln. 66 4th st. PART FINE RETAIL 6TOKB FOR RENT; art or Jewelry preferred. F S. Oregoaiao. FOR BENT HALF" OF LARGE STORE Lo cated In shopping center. B 76. Oregunlan. FOR RENT SPACE AT 4095 MORRISON, suitable for ladies furnishing goods. STORES FOR RENT 2D AND SALMON. AP ! 310 Xosawk bldg. FOR KENT. Wlsrtar mmM. ba HOTEL MOORE. CLATSOP BEACH. EBA. side, will b open during Fall and Wlkttr. FOB RENT PART OF LARQB OUTSUDB fSea. wall fumtafes.- 224 Chaster of Com Bseree. OFFICES AND NEWLY FURNISHED lodge halla. Alltky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. rXHSOXAL. AZA HOI.VES-BIBBECKE. NEW IXKXI. tute. refitted, fully equipped for all classes of wora; periorsnea at John Woodberjrs, New York. Hare your work -doae." at home. Dr. A L. Nelden, the -world's beauty inr meth od employed by Axa Bolmes-Ribbecke, ,th only graduate plastic surgeon and dermatol ogist on this Coast. Portland's best pays! clan for referwiee. Parlors, 364 Morrison. DON'T BE LONESOME! JOIN THE INTER state Introducing Society and meet or cor respond with reputable residents of Oregon and Washington, who wish to marry. Many wealthy members, both sexes, enrolled re cently, seek poor, but kind and affectionate life companions. Send stamp for particulars and address of reception parlors. Box 1079. Portland. T7 WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM Irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhea (whites) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler, 230 $4 Yam hill st.. Portland. Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write, inclose 10 2-cent stamp. . DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES, OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and all affection of prlrate organs- permanency ui. wiucr, latest ax. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our painless method of treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consultation free, private and strictly confidential. X Ra clum Institute. 162K 1st, cor. of Morrison st. DRESS SUITS. FOR RENT. ALL BIZES-$1 A month keeps your clothing cleaned and preseed. buttons sewed on, -rip sewed up. Prompt calls and dellreries. Unique Tailor leg Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Cordray. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. BOB. ert 2terve Globules. One month' treatment, $2; 8 months. $5. Sent securely sealed by malL Agent. Woodard. Clarke & Co.. Port land, Or. LADIES ATTENTION 1 ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers for sale by leading druggists; $2 per box; safe and reliable. G. Skld more &. Co.. Special Agepts, 151 3d st. TUB WORST CASE OF PILES YH5LDS TO one box of E-ru-s Pile Cure, the cure that cures while others think about It; $1.50 all druggist. , 4 TO 10 DAYS IS THE TIME REQUIRED for Barke Tonic to cure rheumatism, liver bowel and blood troubles; 75c bottle all druggists. We print your name on 30 calling cards, proper size and style. 25c: 250 business care. $L Brown & Schmale. 229 1st, Portland. Or. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ABE MORE Accu rately and reasonably filled at Erase'' Phar. tnacy. 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 24. YOU CAN SAVE 1-3 TO & ON SUB TO magarlnes. Send for free club list. Jones Book Store. 291 Alder st. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Rexnor. 127 11th. Phone Main 4&5S. Watches, diamonds, easy payments; onen evenings. W. H. Leah. 513 Dekum. Clay &b. DETECTIVE-HIgh-cIass. honest work, charges moderate; best references. L 88. Oregonlan. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS esses. 434 Alder st. Phone Ms4n 4832. S7clix ivoncxa. Proposal Invited. PROPOSALS FOR LUMBER -QUARTER-master!! offlce. SeatUe. Wash.. January i7!5aIwd Proposal in triplicate will be received here unUl 12 o'clock noon. Febru ary 13 1805. and then opened, formishinr approximately 40.000 feet of rough nil ?d flr ,unlr fr conmmcuon of two storehouses at Fort William McKinley PL Bids must be submitted upon the Vetrular Prescribed blanks, with the guaranty mu1 5IPI: cmed. OrrtWed cSSc for 5 per cent of amount of bid may be furnished in .llf,u 9f bond. Specifications nVr S u. o. Army PROPOSALS FOR STEAM VFSSF-lnn , 1905. Sealed proposals. In triplicate Will & w WA" orclockXaL'. Flbrut ary o. I80u. and then opened, for the il. "trnctlon. complete, of a it rim veWl clflcatlons and pUns may been ,Pt ther information obtaSed T thUoMce offices of the Quartermasters at Poniard Oregon. San Francisco Cat. ud lr master's Agent. Tacoma. wih Blto be eubmltted upon the regular nm?iS blank, with the guaranty claweP SSl executed, and must tatVtlrae tot co&tiMl 0t Vr0T,JCfrUnfli cJ for 25 p$? Snt S amount bid may be furnished In lieu ofbond aJ1?L I"BO,Is for Steam VesaeL? and PROPOSALS FOR LAUNDRY TUBS-OFPir-p of Chler Qumermaster. viScouTei B?r? racks. Wash.. January 12, IMS? Sealed PosaK in trlplltr wll?b rIvM at Si ficev of -.'L uermater. Vauver ita r iwnlS?" untJ' ML, FbruarFl. 1905. and then opened, for furnishing all mai 5EJ.1 la,b0r "ulrrt Installing laun h.?Mtiiia .ba.7.fkJS 8 aUit:t and Sdouole ?niiW1in?lLat..lhat .V Specifications and iS11, '"fonnation will be furnished by the Post Quartermaster upon application: The H-J3- rtK"t to accept TtjSt any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposal? Vhouid be mfkrf:. "Proposals for laundry tubs and addressed to the Post Quartermaster; Van- aUQrM " Wash- F - HS. FI1E P-SBURSING QUARTERMASTER, Portland. Or.. Jan. 10. 1905. Sealed posals. in triplicate, will be received here until 12 M Feb. 7. 1903. foFfuralshlng lumber, moldings, stairs, window sash and . If 5 lni a,nd doors for construction of brigade headquarters building, cold storage building and pumphouso at Fort William McKinley. Manila. P. I. Fiirthcr information furnished at this offlce United States reserves the right to reject or ac cept any or all bids, or any part thereof Envelopes containing proposals should be marked. "Proposals for Brigade Head quarters building, etc. Fort William Mc Kinley," and addressed to Jesse II. Baker Capt-. Quartermaster. U. S. A.. Disbursing Q. M. OFFICE DISBURSING QUARTERMASTER. Tortland. Or.. Jan. 10. 1803. Sealed propos als. In triplicate, will be received hire un til 12 M February 13. 1005. for furnishing lumber for construction of Post Exchanre building at Fort. William McKinley Ma nila. P. I. Further Information furnished at this office. United States reserves the right tp reject or accept any or all bids, or any part thereof. Envelopes contain ing proposals should be marked "Proposals for lumber for Post Exchange building . Fort William McKinley," and addressed to Jesse M. Baker. Capt. Quartermaster U a A.. Disbursing Q. M. OFFICE DISBURSING QUARTERMASTER Portland. Or.. Jan. 10. 1805. Sealed propos als. In triplicate, will be received here un til 12 31. February 13. 1805, for furnish ing lumber for construction of two store houses at Fort William McKinley. Manila. P. L Further Information furnished at this office. United States reserves the right to roject or accept any or all bids, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked, "Proposals lor lumber for storehouses. Fort Wm. Mc Kinley' and addressed to Jesse M. Baker Capt. Quartermaster, U. S. A., Disbursing Q. M. MlsceUaaeon. NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS OF SEIZED GOODS Notice la bereby given that the following articles have been seized at this port for vio lation ol tne unuea aisies customs and r nut laws, to-wii: ito ooze earthenware. 6 boxes cigars. 1 package tobacco. 6 cans opium. 1 copper kettle, quantity erode opium and opium seconds. All persona claiming (r above, or any part thereof are hereby noti fied to file their claims with the Collector ut Customs. District or Willamette, within 20 cays from the first publication of this notice, to-wit. the 29th day of December. 1004. L L. PATTERSON. Collector of Customs. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE OLD ESTABLISHED GROC- cij t" icwiuk mauutaciurinr town, stock In first-class condition. O 77 Oregonlan. SEE THE HURST MANUFACTURING CO for Investment. 303 lj Washington at. room 28. IF YOU WANT SOLE STATE BIGHTS ON quick selling articles, call at 604 Dekum. SAWMILL OR SHINGLE MILL SITE irre. j. t. uoairey. tt tieiens, or. CONFECTIONERY STORE, 504 WASHING toa. for sale, reasonable. . BUSiNSsse cHAXcaa. JENNINGS' CO. ESTABLISHED 1S6s7 ESTABLISHED 1SSX SaCtv WASHINGTON ST. The Placa N To Buy Rooaalsg-Houses And Business- Chances Of All Kind;. : Large List to Select From. Wo Protect Our Clients. A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. 60 rooms," select board and room ..$4,000 SO rent $125, cor. brick. 1st St.. 8,000 60 " near Fair Grounds , 3,001 47 ' modem cor. on Wash. St.... 4.7M 46 " rent $150. Income $500 7.750 45 " lodging-house. Income $350. 2.750 42 " rent $125, including 4 stores. -4,250 40 steam heat. EL lights.. 7.500 40 " rent $80. clears $223 month.. 5. wo 88 " new building, new furniture.. G.CKX) 86 ' transient, good Income..... 4.600 36 " on 1st et., cor. brick S.&vo 28 " rent $53. Income $lbO 2.600 35 " iron beds, hair mattresses... 3,500 35 " rent $100. gocd lodging-house. 3,000 34 " lease cover Fair, central.... 5,10t 34 " Oth St., near Depot.,, 2,500 83 " good cor. bldg.. clears $100.. 3.000 82 " modem, fine furniture 6,000 81 " income $400, good comer 3,500 SO " rent $150. income $450.. . 8,000 28 " Market St., rent $63 2.400 23 " Income $130, rent $75 1,700 26 '" new bldg.. new furniture..... 4,500 25 '' rent $100. lease, inc. $400... 3.250 X " rent $60. Income $190 l.bOO 24 " 11th St., near Washington... 3,500 22 " 8 years' lease. Income $260. 3,000 22 " Taylor, near W. Park. 2,300 22 " Alder st., fine housekeeping.. l.bOO 22 " 17 furnished, on East Side.. 1.000 21 " with 18 extra beds 1,500 19 " part housekeeping 1.600 15 " lease cover Fair 2.630 18 " fine rooming and transient.. 2.100 16 " boarding, close In 1.400 16 " clears $50 a month 1,100 15 " rent $25, clears $50 900 14 " loth st.. new fur., new bldg.. 1,200 14 " refit $3o. part housekeeping.. VSQ 12 ' housekeeping, N. 6th st 1,400 11 " rent $0(, Income $115 l,S5o 11 electric lights. furnace heat.. 1,150 11 " 2 yeara lease, rent $45 1.000 11 furnace heat, very central... 1,000 11 " rent $25. Income $85 800 10 " furnace heat, select board... 1,400 10 lease, straight rooming 1.100 10 " income $72, rent $40 1,100 10 housekeeping, rent $30 950 0 on' Main, near 6th st 900 10 " rent $45, Income $S5 850 10 ' furnace heat, gas 750 10 ' housekeeping, rent $10.... 650 10 N. Oth st 600 " on 5th st., rent only $30.... 900 7th, near Taylor, low rent.. 950 9 3d. near Madison,- rent $22.. 900 8 good furniture, very central.. 850 0 rent only $35, housekeeping., fcoo 9 ' tn 4th St.. housekeeping 750 9 board. N. 9th, rent only $30.. 600 9 " S. 4th. rent only $30 450 8 close In. rent only $30........ 350 8 rent only $20, lease 800 8 " on Yamhill St., rent $20.. J... 65U 8 N. 10th. rent only $20 323" 7 6th. near Mill st Boo 6 steam heat, E. L. 650 W have at least 60 other good bargains. LIST YOUR HOUSES WITH JENNINGS. & CO. Nearly all the above have good leases and are well located. We have a large amount of money on, hand, and will be glad to assist buyers at legal rat of interest. JENNINGS Jt CO 332S5, WASH. ST. BUSINESS CHANCES. Confectionery. Ice cream and soda water, on Washington St.. fine chance Tor a couple of ladles. Price reduced from $1900 to $1400. BUTCHER SHOP In Oregon town $1500 DELICATESSEN and lunch room 850 CIGAR, candy and fruit store 1000 GROCERY. In fine location; will in- Tolca . 2500 SALOON on one of the best streets.. 4730 GROCERY with living-rooms 475 FAMILY LIQUOR STORE In this city 3000 RESTAURANT, one of the best town 3230 GROCERY and feed store in suburbs.. 1200 10 good saloon propositions and other good chances not advertised. JENNINGS & CO 332Ji WASH. ST. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS 75 rooms, steam heated, low rent: a rare bargain for $6250. 30 rooms, very central, clears over $200 month; $3500. -60 rooms, with board, select patronage; 90jooms. modem corn erf partly furnished; 25 rooms on Wash. it.. 20 more rooms to be added to lnilM!ng;'2COfr. - - Several others: terms on any. THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO., 210-214 Ablngton. 10614 Third at. A BUSINESS PROPOSITION FOR BUSI NESS MEN. The Buffalo Automatic Boiler Window Ecreen Company has opened ofnoes In tno Oregonlan bldg., suite COO. It offers an ex traordinary opportunity to business men In any part of the United States whereby a highly profitable business may be ac quired. Full information will be furnished business men of standing by calling at the office of this company. Out-of-town cor respondence will receive prompt atten tion. W. J. Cook, Pacific Coast Agency. HOTEL ONE OF THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS in Southern California: buildings and fur nishings Included In sale; building contains nearly 200 rooms, elegant furnishings, every thing in keeping with a first-class hotel; cont of same over $135,000. On account of liquida tion of the corporation, this desirable busi ness will be sacrificed at $50,000; terms. H cash. Call or write Schwelnhard Co.. 1016 Market st.. opposite 5th it.. San Francisco. Phone Jessie 3t41. GREAT NORTHERN MINE. BLUE RIVER District, will soon bo one of the heaviest producers In the state: big property, big ledges, free milling ore. Ideal conditions, certain amount of treasury stock now sell ing to pay for Increased equipment; if you wish to make a highly profitable Investment with the element of chance left out. take a block of this stock. Call or address H. C Mahon. 215 Commercial blk. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY FUR nlsh reliable information on business oppor tunities in the Northwest Coast. Those de siring to engage in any kind of business are Invited to call at their offices. Ablngton bldg., for full details. The Ames Mercantile Agea. cy. Alblngton bldg. BEST PATING PAWNBROKERS' BUSINESS, established ten years, can be handled for about $7000. This proposition will bear closest Investigation: will pay big Interest on Investment: owner has "other Interests re quiring his whole attention. O 79. Oregonlan. A BABE OPPORTUNITY IS OFFERED TO a live man to take part interest in a Port land weekly paper doing a good business; a small amount of cash required; good salary to right party: will stand full investigation. B 80. Oregonlan. TWO LOCATIONS TWO DIVIDEND-PAY-lag general merchandise stores for sale; clean stocks: $0000 each. For further par ticulars see D. B. Richardson. Helix. Uma tilla. Co., Or. PARTNER WANTED FOR SALE U-INTER-est In the best paying clothing business in the city; one 6f the best locations; Investi gate this at once. O SO, Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED OFFICE WORK;1 must be steady, reliable man. satisfied with $18 to $25 weekly; duties easily learned: $200 required. Call 2Si Stark st. BAKERY FOR SALE. ONE OF THE FINEST locations In the country; obliged to sell un account of sickness; doing fins business. R 76, care Oregonlan. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE, central: rent $20; valuable lease; a glltedge bur. $175. Oregon Associated Exchange. 2SS'i Washington at. SNAP IF TAKEN NOW NICE. CLEAN restaurant. 2 years' lease; rent $25; well equipped; good reason to sell; centraL A 71. Oregonlan. BAKERY FOR SALE, SELLING ON Ac count of other business: excellent business. W. S. T. Derr. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED-PARTNER. $500, FOR HALF IN terest best-paying furniture, household goods store. Addrets A 80, Oregonlan. IF PARTY WITH $2500 CASH WILL PHONE Main 6183. they can be placed In the best rooming-house in this city. HALF-INTEREST IN FINE PAYING MAN ufacturing plant, $1800. J. V. Creighton & Co.. 1C5S Third at-, room A. IF PARTY WITH $2S0O CASH WILL PHONE Main 6193. they can bo placed la the best rooming-house in this city. FOR SALE GOOD PAYING CASH GRO cery, centrally located. J. V. Crelghtoa i Co.. 165H Third sL. room A. ASSOCIATE WANTED IN ESTABLISHED business; small capital required; no fake 418 Oregonlan bldg. $1000 GOOD-PAYING CASH GROCERY AND feed business. lor, bulldtng. stock, fixtures. F 66. Oregonlan. 7-CHAIR BARBER SHOP: GOOD LEASE, fine location: good reason for selling, ll 79, Oregonlan, CIGAR AND COFECTIONERY STORE cheap for cash: 'cash only 50 North 6th. FOR SALE RESTAURANT, baslaes. 592 Washington. SPLENDID SCBCNBM CK&XCM. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. TAFT. ft CO. 125-8 Ablngton Block; Phons Main 158. We make a 'SPECIALTY OF ROOMING HOUSES, 'and have many o the MOST DE SIRABLE LOCATIONS that are for sale. Good locations are going- fast. Note our partial list below of both large and small cues. If these don't suit, call la: 41 ROOMS Best location In the city; either for Fair or after the Fair. Mralahlags all good. GUARANTEE PROFIT NOW OF OVER $350 PER MONTH. Very low rent; $8500, part cash" If desired. 40. BOOMS New brick, modem la every way. furnishings very gocd; all hair mat tresses: for a quick sell we have reduced the price to $3475. 88 BOOMS Swell est place In the city, all Axmlsster carpets, golden cak and mahog any furniture; clearing over $200 per montn; cheap rent and good long lease; bonafld reasons for selling; exclusively with us. Price for quick sale. $5500. 35 BOOMS Most elegantly furnished apart ment'house in the city, now clearing about $200 per month; rent only $125; lease. Can befcad now for $4 SCO. 32 ROOMS Apartment-house, rent $113 per month. 2 years least.- This la a good buf fer $2200. 24 ROOMS Very choice location, new house, new furniture, furnace heat. This Is one of the neatest and cleanest houses on the market: rent only $125; leise- .$3730. 20 ROOMS Furnishings fine; good, nice, clean house; 2 blocks Portland Hotel; lease: rent right. $2150. 18 ROOMS Good location, well furnished: cheap rent: lease. This is surely a good buy at $1600. 10-ROOM HOUSE New. good furniture and' new; lease for 1 year. This Is a good one; $350. 9 ROOMS On Taylor' it.. cboleelecatloa; t rooms rent for $85: owner occupies 3 rooms; rent $40. Price, $850. fc 9 ROOMS Furniture all good, location Terr central; rent right. Price, $S50. WE CAN MAKE TERMS ON ANY OF THE ABOVE. " ALL TITLES GUARANTEED. BUYERS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. WE WANT 10 TO 15-BOOM HOUBES: ALSO 20 TO 40. FOB SALE. LEASE.', 36 acres. 12 acres In new strawberries, 1000 bearing fruit tree7'60 hogs. 1 cow, 25 chickens. horses, all tools and im plements, right on street-car, 5c fare. 20 mlnuta service from Portland. Price. $1300, part cash, or will trade for farm property or rooming-house. TAFT & CO. 122-3-5-0 Ablngton Block. 106VS Third St. EXTRA SPECIAL. SALOON LARGE BAR: also 10 well furnished rooms upstairs; have 3 year lease at $80 a month rent; we will sell this saloon with the 16 rooms furnished and transfe. the lease to you today for $2500. Call 24S' Stark st. WANTED TO BUY A WEEKLY NEWSPA per In Oregon or Washington: county seat preferred; state prices, material, circulation and all facts. Address W. T. Buchanan, Des Moines. Iowa. 21-BOOM BOARDING-HOUBEL Icated near Fair; full of paying boarders, good lease, a bonanza during Fair and paying $10U a month now; $1800. on terms. Ellis & Gibson, room 21, 264 Morrison st. SALOON PARTNER WANTED; $1000 WILL buy half-Interest In nlco, clean saloon doing $25 to $35 dally business; experience not neceSsary. but purchaser must be reliable. Call 218 Stark st. $630 BUYS FURNITUBE OF S-ROOM MOD ern house, vicinity 10th and Washington; nice premises, profitable renting rooms: snap; come at once. Ellis & Gibson, room 21. 2U4 Morriton st. BUSINESS WOMAN WHO CAK DEVOTE her time to office while partner works on the outside; can make large returns on the In vestment; please Investigate. Address T 79, Oregonlan. 14-ROOM FLAT. ONLY $1000. In good location, well furnished, cheap rent,-rooms always full; net monthly profit. $75. Ellis Sz Gibson, room 21, 264 Morrison street. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR REAL ESTATE, valuable patent right for Oregon. Washing, ton and California; money-maker for right party. -24iH Morrison sc. room 12. ACTIVE BUBINESS MAN HAS BETWEEN $1000 to $200,000 to invest Ina legitimate business, with services; principals only. D 80. Orrgoolan. "WANTED PARTNER IN WELL-ESTAB-llshed manufacturing business; $650 neces sary. J. V. Creighton &. Co., 1054 Third st., room A. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE store with PostoClce In store. Inquire Harry Tuttle. of Lang & Co.. 1st and AAn keny st. GOOD FURNITURE STORE AND Busi ness for sale; party going Into another en terprise at once. Address Box 38, Ban don. Or. BUTCHER SHOP FOR SALE. INCLUDING hone and wagon, well located, doing good business, low rent; price, $500. R 78, Ore gonlan. WANTED PARTNER IN 46-ROOM LODG-lng-house: fine location: $2000 required. J. V. Creighton fc Co., 165$ Third st.. room A. FOR SALE BOARDING-HOUSE OF 14 nicely furnished rooms, best residence part of the West Side: $1500. O 70. Oregonlan. WANTED ENERGETIC MAN TO REPRE sent corporation: salary, $1800 and commis sion; $12C0 required. Lock Box 4S5. FOR SALE 9-ROOM BOARDING-HOUSE, well furnished, full of boarders; price $1000. Phone Main 4019. 434 21st North. FOR SALE RESTAURANT; BEST LOCA tion and business In city. J. V. Creighton & Co., 165'i Third St.. room A. $6C0 BUYS A BUSINESS THAT WILL MAKE you $100 to $150 a month; experience un necessary. Call 24SH Stark St. HALF-INTEREST IN ESTABLISHED, GOOD paying real estate business; good partner: $300. X 79, Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT; state full particulars. T 80, Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY A STORE LEASE IN good location. V 80, Oregonlan. FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wage-earner needing money before pay day can get It from us; no commission or interest In advance; no mortgage or lndorser required. Repay weekly, monthly- or semi monthly In amounts from $1 and upwards, thus avoiding the payment of the whole amount out of any one payday; and have six months time, if desired. . NELSON & HINDLEY. 3CS McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for building purposes. Any amount on 3 to 10 years time with privilege to repay all or part of loan after one year. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses. Mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. 103 Second St., near Stark. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage Confidential. Month. -month. Week. $50 Repay to us $13.33 or $0.63 or $3.25 $23 Repay to us $ 0.63 or $3.35 or $1.65 $15 Bepay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 2d. SALARY LOANS YOU CAN BORROW money from us on your salary or income for one to six months. In any amount from $5 to $100; lowest rate of Interest; no wait; no delay: all negotiation strictly private and cocfldentlaL Payments suspended in case of sickness. The Crescent Loan Co., first floor to the left, 217 Oregonlan bldg. LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people: lowest rates; strictly con BdentiaL Employes Loan Co., room 716. The MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF SE cunty; building loans a specialty. W. U. Nunn. 552 Sherlock blk. Phone Clay 629. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C W. Jaltte. 304-3 Pen ton bldg. Phone Main 1383. IMMEDIATE LOANB IN SUMS FROM $3 TO liOOjjn all securities. Rt I. Eckerxm t Co.. room 8. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND ether securiUe: lowest rate. E. W. King, room 45. Washington bldg. Phone Hood 4l3! LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT ON REAL. PER. tonal or chattel security. Sleiaieeta as Keat tegv 504 Marquam. State funds loaned. O per cen. w. & Thomas, atste arfnt Uultnomah Co.. ,4oa Cham rvin. Six per cent money to loan on Gackassss rvnntv 1an T T T?rlv GOB V- PRIVATE FUNDS LOANED. 50 PER CENT valuation, low rates. W. S. Wardr Allsky Wdg. FINANCIAL. LOANS' MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLH holaing permanent positions and responsible firau; easy payments and strictly confiden tial; also , CHATTEL LOANS ea jfersfOBal property; rooming-houses, a spe. elalty. NSW XRA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 306 Ablngton Bulldtng. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc., without security; easy pay ments; largest business in 49' principal cities. Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg. Clay 1758. TMMEDLVrB LOANS. LOWEST RATES ON furaltura, pianos and chattels. Eastern Loan Co., 449 Sherlock .bldg., 3d and Oak. Clay 528. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wa. G. Beck, room 807. the Falling bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion PlalUsr. MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG.; accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Assayers and Analysts. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 208 STARK ST. Prices: Gold, $1; copper, $1; sliver, 00c PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dust bought. 22Si Stark st. Business Colleges. GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH. TYPEWRIT lng; famous budget bookkeeping .actual bual ness practice; -positions found for graduates: day- and night school. Holmes Business Col lege. Yj. M. C, A, bldg; Phoae.'Maln 513.' . Csjrpeaters aj-4. Ball il era. W. L. 3UCKNER, officii, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting- 330. Stark. Black 014. GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS, SHELVES, houses built and repaired. 208 "4th. Clay 174. Chirnpnillst asd . Maa! curing. WM. DEVENY ESTELLB D EVENT. THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors room 2U3 Drew bldg.. 162 2d st. Phone Main 1381. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are looking for. Clairvoyants. THB GREAT. ONLY AND ORIGINAL BUDAH BERNIQUE. $15 COMPLETE LIFE READING, 50c TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. BORN WITH A DOUBLE VEIL. EDUCATED IN EGYPT AND INDIA. TELLS YOUR NAME. TELLS YOU WHEN AND WHOM YOU WILL MARRY Positively mentioning your sweetheart's full name. Settles love quarrels and promptly reunites the separated, no matter how long standing. London' most famous palmist and clair voyant Is acknowledged by press and public mo greatest living DEAD TRANCE ME DIUM. She tells what you came for before you utter a word; does not ask questions, no mat. ter -what your trouble may be. Call and she will guide you with certainty higher than human -power. Tells you the truth, good or bad. 1 HOURS 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY. PARLORS, 291H MORRISON, COR. 5TH. SAME FLOOR AS BOSTON DENTAL PAR LORS. PROF. VAN CORTi-iAND, 813 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 6TH. ASTRO TRANCE MEDIUM, CLAIRVOYANT, PALMIST. The Greatest Living Adviser on the Continent. The name Van Cortland a double guarantee. Reduced Charges. 50c 50c This Week $15.00 Readings 60c 50a Satisfaction guaranteed or no fee accepted. MME. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN, Sci entific reveaicr, tells life from cradle to grave Consultation on all affairs. Good ad. vice, sure help, mistake Impossible; restores lost love anr unites separated by sympathy; locates burled treasure. Fee, $1; letter. $2. 207 Park. Coal Dealers. WESTERN FEED & FUE.. CO. PHONE Main 1018. Castle Gate Coal, blacksmith coal, coke, charcoaL Office Front and Hoyt. VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers, best coals: foundry and smelter coke. 329 B st. Commission Merchant. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commis sion merchant. Front it., near Mail, Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKER3 and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg.. Portland. Or. . ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO ouce merchants. Front and Davis sts., Port land. Or. Dancing. THE MATTINGLT ACADEMY OF DANCING, 269 14th. cor. Jeff. WalUlng a specialty. MRS. GRANT'S ADULT-ana children's classes. Western Academy. Morrison St.. cor. 2d. Dyeing and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER, PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner. 605 Jefferson. Tel. Main 2513. Educational. PRIVATE LESSONS FRENCH. GERMAN, Latin, English. Suite 27. 187 17th street. Fraternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W.: protects the living. J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Sec 612-613 Marquam bldg. Harness and Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLB sale saddles and harness mfrs.. saddlery hardware, leather all kinds. 72-74 5th st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddles and harness mfrs., leather and saddlery hardware. 80-86 1st. Junk. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES, pelts, wool. furs, tallow, old robbers, metals and sacks. 342 Front st. Lands. LAND SCRIPS. GENERAL LAND PRAC tlce. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. Leather and Findings. J. A. BTROWBRDDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. .Leather and findings; Stock ton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front st. THE BREYMAN CO.. LEATHER MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 72-74 5th. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAWMILLS, logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, castings. All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THE H. C ALB EE CO., SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc.. 248 Grand ave. Marble and Granite. M ARB LB AND GRANITE MONUMENTS For bargains see Weeks; no agents; 20 per cent saved. At 720 Front, cor. Hooker. Massage: YOUNG LADY. FORMERLY OF BALBIGH bldg.. gives vapor, sponge, alcohol baths: also massage treatment; best attention given to patrons: select only. 145fi 6th. st., rooms 1 and 2, Marquam rooming-house. THE SNOWDEN BATHROOMS. WITH LADY attendants; vapor and steam baths; also massage and electric treatments. 234 H Mor rison st., cor. Second, room 3. Star rooming house. DON'T TAKE A PILL FOR EVERY TLL Persian massage will fill the bill; Persian vapor, tub bath, and scientific massage. The Frances. 9th and Morrison. HOVi 4TH ST. PARLORS UNDER NEW management; young lady Just from St. Louis baths, with professional massage; strictly first-class patronage. VAPOR AND SPONGE BATH. MASSAGE and magnotlc treatments by experienced young lady. 351 Morrison st.. rooms 11 and 12. SCOTCH LADY GIVES BATHS AND MAS- ELgc li T-iHiLirii.a. AW7 imm HI., alm House, room 9. FRENCH LADIES GIVE BATH AND MAS sage treatment. 203 5th et. Main 5933. Osteopathy. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH osteopathic physicians; graduates Klrks vllle. Mo. 409 Oregonlan. Phone Main 1242. Sanitarium. 614 4th. Consultation free. DRS. ADDIX &. NORTHRUP. 416 DEKUM bldg. Phone Main 349. Examination free. Pa teat Lawyers. R. C WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN (csu; uuiutuucui jjexum. T. J. -GEISLER. 530 CHAM. OF C05L, U. 8. Step Driakisg. GUARANTEED cure; send 50c; tablet form; mailed in plain package; has cured thou sands. L. L. C. Co.. 611. Grant bldg.. Si". SUSINESeJ IXECTOXY. Norsk wes Ylavl C. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. Call or send stamp for Health Book. Pateta. OUs aad Glass. BASMUSSEN CO.. JOBBERS. PAINTS, oils, glass, saafe. and doors. Cor. 3d ax J. Tay lor. Rabber Stassps. P. C STAMP WORKS. 240 ALDER. TEL. Mala 710. Bubber stamps, seals, stencils.. SecoBd-Haad Dealers. SUGARMAN & SONS, highest pries paid 2d hand furniture, stoves. 233 Front. Red 3175. Spiritualists. TBANCE CLAIRVOYANT. SOc. 50c 50c 50c 50c 30c 50c. 50c SIR Jj-RANCIS DRAKE. 303 WASHINGTON ST.. COlt. 6TH. $13 COMPLETE LIFE .READING, 30C THE MOMENT, YOU ENTER HIS PAR LOR HQ WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL NAME. AGE. OCCUPATIONYOUR MOTH ER'S MAIDEN NAME, AND WHOM AND WHEN TOU WILL MARRY, and what you called for. without asking a question; will tell the name of your sweetheart or n-thlng- you want, to know. He sends you away much -(ler and happier than when you called. How can I have good luck? How can I succeed In "business? How can I make my home happy? How can I marry the one. I choose? How can I marry well? How soon caa I marry? How caa I conquer my rlral? How can I make anyone love me? How can I get a letter? How can. I get a good position? 303 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 5TH. MRS. WALLACE., 23 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all In trouble, call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love troubles; absent friends a specialty. 163J4 4th st-. Bussst bldg., hours 9-5. MRS. LADD FINN! CAN CAN BE CONSULT ed dally at 412 Alder, cor. 11th. Mala 6179. MRS. STEVENS, spiritual life reader, sclen. tiflo palmist. 60c 343J4 Yamhill, cor. 7th. MRS. C. CORNELIUS, 307 Allsky bldg., 3d agd Morrison; sittings dally. Hood 403. Safe. NEW AND SECOND. LOCKOUTS OPENED": repalro. Dlebold Agency. J. B. Davis, 66 3d. Showcases, Bank and Store Hxtsre. THE LUTKB MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. 6th and Hoyt; branch. SeatUe, Wash. PORTLAND SHOWCASE Jt FIXTURB" CO.. 348 1st, near Market. Phone Black 3133. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved, packed ready) for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage. Office, 12S Is. C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 647.. a O. PICK. OFFICB 83 1ST. BET. STARK and oak. Phone 596. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment: commodiemi fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay streets. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT St.. household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 34 3D 3T wholesale and retaiL Send for cafalogu. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stack. Tel. 1407. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE" GROCERT. cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or- LOST AND FOUND. LOST IN RUNAWAY ON SAVlER ST near comer of 28th, a tairse containing sum of gold and a penny ot.JS.". Please return to cigar stand cor 27th and Thurman. and receive liberal reward. LOST GOLD WATCH CHARM-LOCKET, with buckle, 2 photos Inside and Masonic emblem on side; reward $5. Dr. Carpenter, Vancouver Barracks. Wash. LOST-THURSDAY EVENING. CHILD'S gold chain bracelet, on 23d and Gllsan. 23d st. car or lit. Scott ar. Bsward by return ing to Oregonlan. r LOST SMALL GOLD FOOTBALL WATCH charm marked "R. A. C, 3900": suitable re ward. A. II. Blrrell, McKay bldg. LOST BLACK HORSE FROM 3S4 EVERETT st. Pleaso return Park French Bakery, 3Si Everett. Reward. FOUND PURSE CONTAINING MONEY AND locket. Call at room 32. Russell bldg. for same LOST GOLD BAR NUGGET BIBPIN. FTND cr call up Scott 5174. Liberal reward. LOST BUNCH OF KEYS. RETURN; 88 1ST. Receive reward. BANKS. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OR. t FRANK WATSON President R L. DURHAM Vice-President r! W. HOYT Cashier OEORGB W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, a vail oils In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. T nN'ElON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK -" LIMITED. r-hamber of Commerce Building, Third and Stark Streets. Head Offlce, 55 Old Broad Street. London. This bank transacts a general banking busi ness makes loans, discounts bills and issues letters of credit, available for traveler and th-i mirchasa of merchandise In any city of th world Deals in foreign and domestic ex chance. Interest paid on time deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Mgr. WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK Comer Second and Washington. HOMER S. KING .President (San Francisco.) r. LEA BARNES ...CashUr WALTER A. HOLT Assistant Cashier (Portland.) General banking business transacted. Ex change sold and letters of credit issued, avail, able in all parts of the world. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ' Head Office. Toronto. Canada. Capital paid up $8,700,000 Reserve ;v 3.500,000 Transacts a general banking business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward and interests allowed on minimum montn lv balances. Rates on application. ' 244 WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD. Manager Portland Branch. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK u OF PORTLAND OREGON. Northwest Cor. Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a general banking business. Drafts issued available in all cities of th, United States and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. Collections mads on favorable terms. President J. C AINSWORTH" Vice-President W. B. AYEIt Caa her R- W. SCHMEEK Assistant Cashier A. ML WRIGHT FIRST NATIONAL BANK . OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of. the United States. President - A. L. MILLS Cashier .J. W. NBWKIRIC Assistant Cashier.-... W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier. B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit issued available In Europo and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston. Chicago. St. Louis. St Paul Omaha, San Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on .. London. Paris, Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln Hoog Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen, Chris, tlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Moscow, Zurich. Honolulu. , Collections made on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. NO. 109 THIRD BT. The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon. CAPITAL. $300,000. We conduct a general banking business. U' receive savings deposits. We Issue time cer tificates and certificates of deposit payable' upon 10 days call, 30 days' call or 90 day- call, with Interest at 34. 34 and 4 per cent per annum, respectively. Call or send "for our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJ. I. COHEN Presldenr. IL L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET. . Secretary J. O. GOLTKA ....Assistant Secretary LADD 4t TILTON, BANKERS Transacts a general banking business. ? Interest allowed on time deposits. terms. Letters of credit Issued available in Europe and all points in the. United States. on New York. Washington. Chicago. St. Louis Denver, Omaha. San Francisco and various tana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris, Berlin. Frank fort. Hone Konr. Yokohama Mnii . noluiu.