THE MOBXIHG- OREGCvNIAN, SATUKDAY. JANUARY 7, 1905. Public Tea Rooms Seceai Fldor. Auspices Y. W. C. A "Grandma" Munra, Hostess. MENU .TOR TODAY, JAKTJAiY 7. Tea, Coffee Chocolate, Bouillon, Milk in Bottles, Salad, Hot Bolls, Bread and Butter, Sandwiches, Tea Cakee. THE "DrTTEXEKT STOfcE," FIFTH, SIXTH AND WASH INGTON tTKEETS. THE CITY'S "QUALITY SHOP," FIFTH, SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. : PORTLAND'S LARGEST FOREMOST STORE. POXTLAND'S LARGEST. XOKKKOST STORE. Twenty-Seventh Annual Clearance Sales Are Now On ABSOLUTELY EVERY ARTICLE IN THE HOUSE DRASTICALLY REDUCED CONTRACT GOODS ALONE EXCEPTED. NO MATTER HOW GREAT THE PRESSURE OP BUSINESS, THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED AT THE REGULAR HOUR ON SATURDAYS, N0T ONLY DURING THE MONSTER CLEARANCE SALES, BUT THROUGHOUT THE YEAR! This is in accordance -with our long-established custom, -which has been adopted by. leading merchants in all the principal cities of the country, an example which Ave have no doubt will be followed in due time by all stores, of the better class. A store that has been thronged all day should be thoroughly cleansed and ventilated at night. Strict observance at all times of this indispensable, sanitary rule, together with the lofty ceilings and strictly down-to-date methods of ventilation, gives this'store an air of cleanli ness and brightness that places it ia the front of all Portland stores in a class alone, not only Portland's largest, but her Foremost Store. i Furthermore, employes who have done afull day's work of such arduous character as is called for these busy days by this great human hive of industry and strenuous shopping, should not be asked to continue their labors into the night;aud ikis unfair to ask our customers to accept the services of overworked salespeople, who for obvious reasons may be unable to do themselves or their employers full justice, no matter how willing they are. This Store Closes Today, as Ever, at 6 P. M. Get Your Shopping Thro' by Day light! A few reminders for last day of the week shopper, with price appendix to sbow how much less you'll pay for things than you expected at the "DIFFERENT STORE." This last day of the week should be the busiest in Women's Suits, Coats, Wraps, Waists and Furs Grsuul Salons Second Floor. LARGEST AND LEADING- APPAREL STORE WEST OP MARSHALL FIELD'S OHIO AGO CLOAK HOUSE. "Were you among the enthusiastic throngs taking advantage of the extraordinary values the past week? If not, come today I by all means. The great Clearance Sale is a tremendous suc cesshow could it be otherwise? Bear in mind that this is not a sale of job lots or unsuccessful styles, but a pre-inventory clearance of the very models that have given this store even greater prestige than ever before in ready-to-don garments. Though individual lots are small, quantities in most of tho price groups are large and there are numerous one's and two's in both Suits and Wraps that are reduced beyond precedent. We shall be indeed surprised if today is not really the busiest day of all the week or sale. Extra Special Today One-Half Price for Any Women's Crave nette Rain coat or Raglan In the m Hnii5ip- Description is superfluous, so great is the variety and generous the choosing. The greatest bargains ever offered even by this big house of value creations. Values range up from $12.50 and down from $ou. Handsome Cravenette materials in neat Ox fords, Navys, Tans and Plain Blacks. Strappings, velvets, but ton effects and every stylish trimming in present vogue. High est class of workmanship and man-tailoring is embodied m these exquisite garments. Fit for wear in all weathers; protectors of the gowns and the most fashionable over garments that women wear, regular values, ZJ3V to ou.uu. special, today onl-, choice of any at HALr THEIR PRICE ! Women's Winter Coats Values to $35 for $4.95 All lengths, from the 27-inch jackets to the full-length New markets; last season makes. Evening Waists, $15 to $45. Special at One-Half Price. Fancy Velvet Goats, $12.50 to $75 values. Special at"One-Half Price. All Velvets Suits One-Half Price. All Walking Skirts Reduced All Long Goats Reduced. Every Suit in the House Reduced Every Ceat Reduced. EXTRA SPECIAL! TWO SENSATIONAL SALES OP HIGH-GRADE SUITS POR WOMEN-TWO STARTLING, STIRRING VALUES POR TODAY. Women's $35.50 to $62.50 Suits for $24.95 Women's $65 to $55 Suits for $36.65 A last grand final and drastic clean-up of the high-grade Street Suits and fancy call ing Gowns. All wanted ma terials, embracing broad cloths, cheviots, Venetians and smart, fancy, mannish mixtures, in blouse, Eton and tight-fitting jacket effects. Every wanted and voeueish color and popular mixture is included. Also every stylish trimming effect. For today only VALUES TO $62.50 FOR. . $24.95 VALUES TO $85.00 POR.. $36.65 The greatest Suit values in America. Women's Tailored Shirtwaists 95c Values to $5, Today Only, 5 to 1 2 A. M. But 8 to 12 A. M. ONLY Handsomely tailored, splen didly made waists, of flannel, alpaca, wool etamine and granite cloth materials, in black, reds, blues, white, tans, browns and beautiful fancy plaids. All have stock collars and fancy tie; as an inducement for early shopping today, we offer them from 8 to 12 only, values to $5, for 98 The Great Sales of the Week Conclude Today at Closing Time. All Evening Gowns and Cos tumes, up from $S5, at One Half Price. All Opera Coats, up from $40, at One-Half Price. None reserved; all go in the Sale. Unusual Millinery Values for the Children Saturday Jjl the Bbit Year-'Ilound Millinery SsIork Serosa Floor Aann. Saturday Is always "Children's Day" in the popular realm of dainty milli nery that rules the Second floor an nex salons. Today unusual attractions are spread. Children's $6.50 Trimmed Hats $1.95 A pretty line of Children's Dainty Trimmed Millinery, in all col- nrino-H nnn Ktvusn snanes. ineiuainnr tiOKes wnn soil rurciea brims and jaunty tailor effects, values up to 56.50 speciaL today only, for $L9S CHILDREN'S "MIDDY" CAPS in blue and red reg-ular 50c values, special today at, each 19c "WOMEN'S TRIMMED HATS lot values to 56.00. special louuy ai, cacu ........................................... Eknant Skirt A Star Feature in the Big "White Fair" Today TJndermuslin Annex Second Floor. $1.25 Petticoats 37c Absolutely the biirerest value of the ereat January Sale of White, feuy what you need today at this rediculously low price. Ladies' knee petticoats, of fine nainsook, 2 clusters- of fine tucks, deep flounce, with 3-inch fine torchon lace edging, or of fine cambric, 3 tucks, one-half inch deep, lawn flounce, with 3 hemstitched tucks and 3-inch Valenciennes lace; regular Special today only 87 Fifth - Street Annex First "Floor- Rich, shimmering, rustling Black Silks, full of worth and quality; one must rey largely on a store in buying silks: could you nlant reli ance in more fertile ground; i 1 a - T Li .1 ; iubu utue i m jl ucuuuu a RELIABLE Silk Store. These most wanted Black Silks, specially reduced for baturday selling in addition to all advertised specials of 4 Tin Tronlr Regular 75c Black Taffeta, 19-inch, special 49 yard t i or. tm t m rri -in : -i. :,.l ero4 .7 xveguior ooa .diuck. j.iuima, j-o-mtu, epcbuu. ...... oo jmu Regular $1.00 Black Taffeta, 21-inch, special 69 yard Regular 1.10 Black Taffeta, 23-inch, special 79p yard XVejJulut ipx.ZO XJlUCa. liuiuioj iji-mtiij sjicuai Uiy jaiu. SI.RO ttlsiclr Tftffetn. 36-inch. sDecial SI .19 vard Regular $l.t)0 Black Peau de Soie, 19-inch, special . . 69 yard Regular $1A Black Peau de Soie, 20-inch, special. . 79p yard Regular $1.25 Black Peau de Soie, 22-inch, special. . 89 yard TCjxmlni .?! .50. "Riant Pean de Soie. 22-inch, special. . 98c vard Regular $1.75 Black Satin Duchess, 22-inch, half-price, 8o yd Kegular 2.UU UlacK aann uucness, s-incn, naii-pnce, oi,vo Regular $2.25 Black Satin Duchess, 22-inch, half-price, $1.13 Regular $20 Black Satin Duchess, 22-inch, half-price, $1.25 to buy your Drop Skirts, Suits and Waists. Bonnet's Silks all reduced. Keen Cuts in the Women's Knitwear and Hosiery Shops FIRST FLOOR Bayiajr Is Kolnic ok with a arris and a vim here tkat shows noaea appreciate the values we're raaklnc Ib tht srreat Clearaaee Sale. Extra special today Sataraay Womem'R SI. OO Underwear for 85c Women's Worsted Vesta and Tights, In white or silver gray, the "Merode" our 51.00 value, special Clearance price, each 83c Women's S1.75 XTBderrrear tor flviS Women's "Merode" Vesta and Tights, in silk and wool, white or gray our 51.75 quality,, special at. each S1.4S Womra'a Silk asd Wool TTBderrrear Worth 91.75 for $1.48 Women's Swiss ribbed Silk and Wool Vests and Tights, in white, pink or blua our 51.75 value, special at. each S1.4S Womea'a Union Suits Wort a J1.00 for 83e Women's cream - tinted Union Suits, slightly fleeced our 51.00 value, extra special at, the suit 85r Ob the Underwear barfpUa counter are srent lots of Women's Csttoa and Wool UBderwear at woaderfnl ly low prices. Ask to see them. HOSIERY FOR WOMEN AND CHILD REX AT SPECIAL CLEAR ANCE SALE PRICES. Women's Black Caikmere Hose, fine, full finished Our 60c values special at, pair ,42c Our 76c values special at. pair SSc Our 51.00 values special at. pair , 85c Women's Black Cotton Hose, absolutely the best lines in town at the prices ' x - Our 25c value special at, pair -. . .21c Our 25c value special at, pair........ 90c Our 50c value special at, pair 42c EXTRA VALUES Olf THE HOSIERY BARGAIN" COUNTER. Womea Black Cotton Hose, full finished our 50c and 75c values. special at. the pair 30c Woa&ea's Faacy Hose our SSc to 50cvalues. special at, the le Yes, Mrs. Siik-Buyer, the BLACK SILKS Go Down to the Execution Block To day, and Prices Are Beheaded Prudence Directs Saturday Buying of HOME NEEDS in Clearance Sweep 4th Floor Stores Clearance Sale Flae Pillows Fmrta Floor. .Slrta Street Annex. Ptllaws All feather-filled, extra large size, ssven. puuuui iu y 57.00 value, special clearance price, at, the pair - S4.75 Pillows Very fine, half down and half feather-filled, cover or linen uck. Splendid 57.00 value, special Clear ance Sale Price at, the pair ....S4.75 CLEARANCE PRICE ON BLANKETS Fourth Floor. Blankets Worti, S0 for S3.1S5 A1I- wool vicuna brown aianKets our 54.60 value, special Clearance Price, the pair S3.15 Blankets Same as above, only finer our 56.00 value, special at, the nair $4-23 Blankets Worth 34.00 for S2.75 All-wool mottled gray Blankets our 54.00 value, special Clearance Price, the pair S2.u Blankets Wortk S4.00 for $2.75 Plain silver cray all-wool Blank ets our 54.00 value, special, tne pair 5 Saturday Pootwear Bar gains TO ADD TO THE GREAT LIST OF VALUES OF THE WEEK TS The "Fair -Way" Shoe Store Sixth-Street Annex First Fleer. SHOES. Woman's Stnrm Rubbers. S width, snecial. pair.. 33c wn-vmvs SSM SHOES S1.68. Women's Shoes, heavy or light soles, patent tips, miiunrv nr Hnban heels. Regular value 53.00 snecial. pair - .$1.88 $3J50 AND S4.00 SHOES SL9S. Women's Shoes, turn or welt soles, patent kid or patent colt, military neeis. teguiar a.ou ana 54.00 values special, pair .81.88 BOYS' 81.75 SHOES 8Sc. Boys' box calf Shoes, sizes 11 to 1 Regular value 51.75 SDecial. oair Sc HISSES' 26 SHOES SL9& Misses' box calf or vicl kid Shoes, heavy or light soles, iixes 11 to 2. Regular value 52.00 spe cial, pair pair Black Worsted Hose our 2Sc value, special at, "the XSc Wonaei pair A Banrala la Children's Hse Children's black worsted and black Cotton Hose our 25c to 45c values all go at one price, -special, the pair 18c GREAT BOOK CLEARANCE CONTINUES Getas Oat ef the Book Baslnes Stocks to be sold out clean to the shelves. The Book Shop has been moved to the second floor. ALL THE NEW 81 .SO COPYRIGHTS FOR Se EACH. The Seekers By Harry Leon Wilson Four Roads to Paradise.. By JIaud Wilder Christmas Eve on Lonesome By John Fox, Jr. The Georgians By Will N. Harben Vergilius 3y Irving Bacheller The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rugen Rulors of Kings.... By Gertrude Atherton Order, No. 11 By Caroline Abbott Stanley The Queen's Quair..By Maurice Hewlett Sir Mortimer By Mary Johnson And many others of the latest books at the same reduction in price. Our 5150 value special at, each - Mc Extra Special Today Cloth-bound books, sets of popular authors, including Oliver Optic, Marie Corelll. G. A. Henty. Hall Caine, Mary J. Holmes, Captain MarrvattL John Ruskln. Charlotte Braeme. Honore De Balzac and Jules Verne. Regular 51.00 special, each . ...S7e COMIC BOOKS HALF PRICE. All nur Tpft-nver Comic Books. Including AlDhonse and Gaston. Pore Lil Mose. KatzenJammer Kids. T&ers and Adventures of Mr. Jack. Regular 60c special at half price, or, each 36c 18c FOR BOOKS WORTH 35c RnnkK hr th sterliner author. General Charles King, well bound, Gap, Trumpeter Fred. Found in the Philippines, A Garlson Tan- .ii A XtTmiTtrtnA Tfifrrm and Vrihl RTood. Rpsnilar VAlun 3Sc special, each - ....ISc TALES TOLD IS THE NEW ANNEX SIXTH STREET Saturday Bargains in the Men's "Toggery Shop,? Today we offer ameag: oar Dlen's Specials lxtler Salt Cases worth 98.00 for 94J)S Handsome Leather Suit Cases, leather-lined, with shir tf old and inside straps, sizes 22. 24 and 26 our 53.00 value. Clearance Sale price; each $4-85 Ties worth 50 cents for 25e A small line of Imperial Four-In-Handfrr our 50c value, special Clearance Price, each 33c Beys' Sweaters wortk L25 for G8c Boys' Brownie Sweaters, in fancy and plain effects, some regular sweater style, others but toned on shoulder, sizes 18 to 24 our 51.25 value; Clearance price, each - 8c "aildjcet Ties worth 25c for 10c The remainder of our line of Silk Midget Ties, In fancy stripes and ngures our -'oc values; special Clearance price, each 10c . Men's Natural Woel Uaderwear Our 75c value, special at, thf j garment .......55fl Men' Caxnelsaalr Uaderwear An extra good quality; our 51.001 value; special at, each ' Mea's Derby Ribbed Fleece and Flat Fleece-Lined Underwear ' In pink, blue and natural; our 50c value; special at, each.. 25c "Ualaaadered White Shirts Our celebrated O. K- brand Unlaun- ' dered White Shirts, special at, each 43c, 83c aad SSc Men's Sox the 3 pairs for 50c klad, for 10c Men's natural gray and black merino sot: our 3 nairs for 50c value; special at. the pair -,.lc Men's Wool Sweaters, worth tZJM, top SI .18 Men's, wool sweat ers, in honeycomb or aiamona weave, in emeraia ana pmit, black and scarlet, black and green and emerald and -scarlet; a splendid 52.o0 value; special at, each.... $l.l Hen's Fleeced, Ribbed Cotton Underwear In a pretty salmon snaue; drawers wun nouDie seat ana iacea 10 pa, an esira ouc value;, special today only-at, per garment 3Bc IN THE CHINA STORE Third Floor SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR TODAY. CROCKERY Umbrella. Stands, Japanese finish special, ea.38c Tubular Lanterns, best quality special, ea. 30c iriour miters special, eacn... c Scrubbing Brushes, 8 Inches long Bpecial, ea. 5c Ironing Wax special, package lc Hammers, 1-pound size special, each 10c White Bowls and Pitchers special, pair 65c I Covered and Balled Slop Jars special, each 4Sc! Mottled Cuspidors special, each Sc Salad or Berry Bowls, tinted and decorated. 9"4- inch special, each 22c Salad or Berry Sets, 9" -inch bowl, 7 pleces special, set 3Sc $110 French China Dinner Set $73.00 Rich Dec orated French China Diner Set, heavy gold lace pattern, 112 pieces to set regular value 5110, special, set 973.80 117-PIece Set Regular value 5130, special, set S78.00 S78 DINNER SET, $52. Border pattern green and gold. 65 pieces to set, regular value 578; special f5JI $144 DINNER SET, $96. Border pattern, green and gold, 117 pieces to set, regular value, 5144; special, set $06 $210 DINNER SETS, $140. Richly decorated, green and gold. 117-plece set; regular value 5210; special $140 $237 DINNER SET, $151. Green and gold, heavy border, 117-plece set; regular value 5227; special $151 A choice line of decorated plates, cups and saucers, at third off. Try and Shop in the Morning m Today in the v W LINEN and Domestic Aisles TA5U& Ilmeh First Floor. Economical and particular women nave been quick to recognize the superiority of the values In these everyday commodities offered by this organization. January is the month of months for restock ing the linen closets and furnishing the little necessa ries offered in Domestic aisles. Altho we have near ly doubled the space allotted these sections and added to tho number of helpers there. It Is next to impossible at times to wait on the throngs with our accustomed care. We are doing all possible, however, to make shopping easy for all. and kindly ask our friends to aid by doing "all pos sible shopping in the morning hours when crowds are not so dense. But, if you can't come in the morning, come anyway and share these rare values today. Great Slices off the Cost of these Staple and Household fabrics DAMASKS AND DOMESTICS. Richardson's fine satin finish Table Damask, a dozen new pat terns special Clearance price, yard .$L35 Full size Dinner Napkins, to match Table Damask special Clear ance price, dozen $&6 Heavy snow white Table Damask, trig line of patterns, 72 inches wide Clearance special, yard 73c, 77c, SSc Good quality bleached Table Damask, 62 and 64 inches wide, at special, per yard 50c, 54c aad 88c Full size Marseilles Bedspreads, a variety of patterns in hand some raised effects regular value 53.00, Clearance special $2.35 Fine plain sheer Nainsook, soft finish, for underwear, 12-yard pieces nicely boxed value 52.00, Clearance special at $1.50 FLANNELS, WAISTINGS AND SUITINGS. , German Flannels, "velvet finish. In pretty patterns, and plain colors value 35c yard, special Clearancft Price, per yard.... 18c Tiain and fanev idl-wool Flannel Walstings value 50c Clear ance snecial. vard ...........35c Tiflvr Cream Shaker Flannel, nice and soft for nightrobes and underwear special Clearance Price, yard .' Te TTntriish Cashmeres. 28 Inches wiJe. all colors regular 40c quality gncTal Clearance Price, yard - ..3$c rttnih mnTio nil nninrs. In two widths, exact copies of fine im- - ported woolens, for durability they have no equalspecial Clearance prices: 25-Inr.h width, vard - 13c? SE.inch width, vard 31 C nil