THE 2I0RXISG- OKEGONIA', SATURDAY, JAArUAKY 7, 1JW5. KELP WANTED TEXALE. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM bermalds, cooks, waitresses, nurse girls, sec ond glrlaj housekeepers, housework, SIS to $30. Onartlan Parlors. OH Morrison. Phon Main 1223. WANTED SINGERS, PERFORMERS. Mu sicians, etc, big jealary, for vaudeville cir cuit, Portland World's Fair. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, Raleigh, 61b. and Wash ington. WANTED IMMEDIATELY HOUSEKEEPER, farm, widower; good home, long time; Swed feb preferred; no objection to child. 230& Yamhill. Phone Black 2S8L WANTED THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED second girl, first-class private family; wages $25; Eastern preferred. Call 2304 Yamhill ,sL Phone Black 2&S1. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED LADY TO KEEP house for elderly gentleman; reference. Phone Main 2720. 67 Ella stT SITUATION WANTED mat.b, Bookkeepers and Clerks. CLOTHING AND FURNISHING SALES man and stock keeper employed In East, desires to come West; a to 7 years' ex perience; best reference Address M 66, Oregonian. POSITION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED hardware man, thoroughly understands the business, having been In business for himself the past few years. Address S C5, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTEDfc TO SELL BRAIN AND MUSCLE for 1905; through change in business roust have employment; reference furnished. N 65. Oregonian. A JAP BOY WHO WORKED IN HOTELS, restaurants and any business house and able to talk English. Address 245 Couch st. JAPANESE BOY WISHES SITUATION general housework or help cook, for small wages. 29 N. 2d st. B 66, Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASS'N CAN FURNISH domestic servants; farmer and all kinds of help. Black 12. 2C8 Everett st. CTOCNG MAN. FIVE YEARS, BUSINESS experience, desires employment; will take most anything. A C7. Oregonian. EX-SOLDIER OF GOOD CHARACTER, strong and active, wishes work In the city; handy man. K 66, Oregonian. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION dishwashing or general houseworklng. 45 N. 1st st. BOBER. MARRIED MAN. COOK, WANTS position In city restaurant or hotel. M 65, Oregonian. "WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, THREE OR four hours' work each day. F 67, Ore gonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO any kind of work except cooking. Black 142. GERMAN, 28. SPEAKS ENGLISH, WANTS any kind of work. J 64, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG LADY BOOKKEEPER AND STEN ograpber desires position; experienced; modest salary. B 64, Oregonian. COMPETENT LADY STENOGRAPHER DE elres position; experienced; with best of references. H 64. Oregonian. Housekee per, YOUNG WOMAN. WITH GIRL 4. DESIRES situation housekeeper, widower's family. 230b Yamhill. Phono Black 2881. LADY OF MIDDLE AGE WANTS SITUA tion In respectable place as housekeeper. G 64, Oregonian. Dressmakers. PLAIN SEWING, SHIRTWAISTS SOc AND up. 270 Market st. Dressmakers. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING AND plain sewing; guaranteed satisfactory. 611 2d t. S. SEAMSTRESS WANTS SEWING BY THE day, children's and family a specialty. J 53, Oregonian. EMPLOYMENT WANTED BY EXPD rienced girl waiting on party tables, teas or receptions. Phono Main 2397. . ' "tt ANTED 3Y EXPERIENCED "GIRL. DIN-lng-room or chamber work. Phono Front 12S8. NORWEGIAN GIRL WISHES PLACE AS upstairs or tecond girl. Phone East 1005. SWEDISH GIRL WANTS PLACE TO DO general housework. 42 Ella st. Miscellaneous. A LADY. UNIVERSITY GRADUATE AND experienced teacher, desires position In good private school or family; very excel lent testimonials and references. Address V 56. Oretonlan. SITUATION WANTED CAPABLE GIRL chambermaid, iirst-class waitress; good girl assist housework; housekeepers. cooks, nurse. 23u.i Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. NEAT AND EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL or waitress wishes situation; can give ref erences. Main 4930. WOMAN 35. WOULD LIKE POSITION rook or housekeeping, city or countrv. 361 Alder. WANTED AGENTS. CASH IN ADVANCE EACH WEEK TO OUR salesmen: choice territory now open; write quickly for particulars; eend references with first letter, and state where you want to work; outfit free. Address Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. WB START YOU IN PAYING BUSINESS; no capital, sure money-maker. Acme Nov elty Co., box 2433, San Francinco. Cal. WANTED THREE SOLICITORS. SALARY or commission, $4 to 5S per day. Room 22, Labbe bldg.. Portland Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Rooms In all parts of .the city. Apply 220 Goodnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main 6266. BY MAN AND WIFE. GOOD TENANTS. C or 8-room modern house on West Sldp. be tween 11th. 14th. Yamhill and Harrison. Can wait for houo to be built. W4H take long lease. Donald G. Woodward, 246 Stark. Phone Main 345. WANTED TO LEASE 5 OR 6-ROOM COT tac new or to bo completed in February; prefer Irvlngton or Hawthorne: state partlc ularK and pric to re?ionslblc party. Ad. Ureas Y 63. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT ABOUT 18 OR 25 room unfurnished house "e as private sanitarium, ocupy Fob. 1; give price and location In answer. A G2. Oregonian. WANTED SMALL COTTACE OR FLAT wrt Fid. walking dUtanct, pern i&nently; reference. Addrr M 67. Oregonian. WANT-D SMALL KVRN1SHED COTTAGE or fiat, either in vicinity of Steel bridge or Irvlngton. Tel. Main 295S. WANTED IN PRIVATE FAMILY. 2 ROOMS and board for young man and sister; West Side. O 64. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT A FARM FROM 50 aorcs up. near Tortland. Write particulars, etc.. L 66. Oregonian. 2 OR S UNFURNISHED ROOMS WANTED lth heat sad bath. West Side. Address N 66 Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT A FURNISHED rooming-house, centrally located. P 60. Orr gontan. T ANTED SMALL HOl'SE FOR TWO FAM iler. near the Fair grounds. O 65, Orego nian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; hlghect price paid. Call at the "Fair DesU" 62 N. 3d. Phone nood 517. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU SELL your cecoad-hand furniture. Portland Auc-ion-Rooms. Phone Main 5655. WANTED--A TEW HUNDRED DOLLARS, rood chattel security, for a short time C 67. Oregonian. A GOOD SECOND-HAND ROLLER-TOP desk; state else and price. H 48, Oregonian. WANTED 100 TO 150 GOOD CIUCKENS; state kind and price. C 66. Oregonian. SHOES HAI-r-SOLED FOR 60c AT HOLLA acgh's, 28TH Taylor, bet. Sd and 4 th. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT. tie of all kinds. Phone East . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY YOU HIGHEST CASH PRICES tor your second-hand furniture or any thing you cannot use. Phone 5655. Port land Auction Rooms. 211 1st at. FOR KENT. Rsu ROOMS NEW BUILDING. JUST COM pleted; everything first-class and up to date;. lurjXace heat, pnone and bath free, large parlor fcr use ox guests, hot and cold running water in each room Don't fall to see this elfgant house; rooms, $15 per month. 207 14th aUj near Taylor. THE AUDITORIUM. 20SH 3D ST.. BET. TAY lor and Salmon, one block south of Bake? Theater, new brick building, eles tly fur nished, Btesm heat, hot and cold water in room, porcelain bath, rooms with private baths, elevator; reasonable rates. HOTEL AVALON (EUROPEAN) 413H WASH ington st., 4 block weet of the Imperial Ho tel: newly furnished rooms, single or en suite: hot and cold water, steam neat, elec tric light, bath and all modem conveniences; tourists solicited. THE KNICKERBOCKER. C9 SIXTH ST, near Oak New brick building, elegantly furnished rooms, steam heat, porcelain bath and every convenience; tourists and transient trade solicited. THE COSMOS. S. E. COK. 4TH AND MOR. rison; best down-town rooms In the city; heat and service night and day; rates $ 5v per week and up. Including bath; $1 day. THE NEWCASTLE, 3D AND HARRISON Elegant, up-to-date furnished and unfurnished housekeeping and other rooms; heat. bath, light free; reasonable prices. NICELY FURNISHED LARGE. DESIR able room, everything modern, one or two gentlemen: breakfast If desired; private home. C 65. Oregonian. 168 12TH SUITE OF FRONT ROOMS WITH bay window, hot and cold water, suitable fbr two or more people; also smaller rooms, all well furnished. LADY WITH NEW MODERN HOME WILL give a young woman a nice room free for her company. Address X 66, Oregonian. FHfELY FURNISHED LARGE FRONT room, $4 per week: furnace heat; private family; central. 394 Yamhill st. $2.50 PER MONTH PLEASANT FUR nlshed front room, with stove, for one or two. Address Y 66 Oregonian. THE ELM. 121 13TH, COR. WASHING ton Newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; modern conveniences. HANDSOME WARM ROOMS FOR GENTLE men; centrally located: piano If desired; bath, light, phone. 250 7th. WELL FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; GAS. heat, bath, phone; pleasant, convenient loca tion. 590 Couch, near 16th. THE DEXTER NO. 124 12TH. COR. WASH. Ington, nice comfy rooms, single, en suite, transient. Phone Green 486. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT housekeeping priviliges; furnace heat; gas. bath. 266 Harrison st. , PLEASANT FRONT SUITE ALSO SINGLE rooms, new house, four blocks from Hotel Portland. 250 Ji Sixth. WELT, FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR rent; suitable for two gentlemen. 170Vi 10th et. Call afternoons. ONLY $0 PER MONTH SUITE OF TWO good unfurnished rooms with gas store 362 E. Yamhill. WELL FURNISHED BOOMS. WITH FUR nace heat. gas. bath, phone 533 Flanders street, near 16th. ROOM TO RENT A BUSINESS LADY desires a lady to share room at the Montgomery. 403 10TH NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS: desirable location; furnace heat, gac, bath; no children. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLE man: bath, gas. 432 Jefferson, between 11th and 12th. ONLY $8 PER MONTH SUITE OF TWO good unfurnished rooms with gas stove 382 Yamhill. FIRST-CLASS ROOMS FOR RENT. FUR nlsbed and unfurnished. 430 Hawthorne avenue NO. 1 UNION AVE. FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without board; also housekeeplns rooms. NICE. NEW ROOM. FURNACE HEAT, . bath, and phone; very convenient. 251 10th. ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED: team beat, bath, gas. 2C9 14th. near Jeff. Hotel Butler. 409 Washington Elegantly fur nished rooms: tourist and transient eollclted. 166 10TH. NEAR MORRISON WELL-FUR-nlshel rooms, furnace beat, gas, bath. 736 IRVING NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two gentlemen. MRS. SMITH. 194 1STH ST.. HAS NICELY furnished room; two gentlemen. CHEAPEST AND BEST ROOMS. CLOSE IN. 6 10th, near Stark. Rooms With Board. ROOMS AND BOARD. If you want to room and board In the best house In the city call at the ASTOR HOUSE. Everything first-class at exceedingly low rates. 251 7th St., corner of MadUon. Tel. Main G231. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY Ho tel, 165-167 10th St.. cor. Morrison; there are a few vacancies, fine room, nicely furnished, ttte&m heat throughout the houses jKtrcelaln baths, plenty of hot water, handsome dining, room; table and service flrst-clase. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 1STH YEAR; rooms with board: use of sewing-room; ue of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Anabcl RussclL superintendent, 510 Flanders. ELEGANT OUTSIDE ROOMS. WITH FIR3T class board. 2 people. $40 and $45 month; electric light, steam heat, porcelain bathe. The Llndell Hotel, Market beu -2d and 4th. VERY PLEASANT LARGE ROOM. WITH board; every convenience and a pleasant home, one block from M car. Phone Main 25U4. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elevator; bllllard-roozn; transients; both car lines. ROOMS EN SUITE OR SINGLE, ALL MOD ern conveniences; table and service first class. Waldorf. 147 13th. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. ALL MOD ern conveniences; also first-class table board. 147 W. Park. NICE FRONT ROOM FOR TWO. HOME cooking: bath, gas, furnace heat, phone 295 10th t. 394 ALDER. COR. 1 0TH NEWLY FUR nlshed room, with" board; first-class serviee; reasonable. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD; HOME cooking; English family. 215 12th, cer. Sal mon. 515 Morrison, desirable room, hot and cold water: few more table boarders taken. BY JAN. 1. LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH board; also single room. 395 Morrison-10th. THE OZARK, 225 11TB ST. ROOMS EN fcuito or single, board, hot and cold water. Xlata. FOR RENT ROOM IN NEW FLAT; SUIT able for one or tivo gentlemen; furnace heat, light, bath. Phone Main 6840. or call 574Va 3Ui; references required. FOR KENT I SIX-ROOM FLAT. ON 13TH near Market; 1 furnished house -Call 453 Market. NICELY FURNISHED FLAT FOR RENT. Apply at 429 Taylor. Phone iiain 2023. MODERN LOWER FLAT OF 3 ROOMS. FUR nUhed. including piano. 494 Columbia. Housekeeping Rooms. TOR RENT 6-ROOM FLAT. COMPLETELY furnished. Call Sunday or evenings at flat. 204 H 7lh. FOR RENT CHEAP 2 OR 4 FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; bath. gaa. 700 First st. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, hot and cold water in kitchen. CGI Yam hill. 354 CLAY-3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms, ground floor; no small children. WITCH HAZEL, front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient; bath, electric light. TWO SMALL FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms, ground floor. 268 Jefferson st. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, oil Cherry st. Phone East 1757. . 402 4TH ST.. NEAR HARRISON FURNIBH-ed- housekeeping rooms for rent UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, close In. 86 10th. near Surk. - Oil KfcN'i. BtousekeeslBaT Jjonwis. THE ONEONTA. 1ST 17TH ST- NEAR YAM hlll New house, elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2, 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen; steam heat and baths;, free phone on each, floor. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SUIT able for housekeeping; hot and cold vaster; also single rooms; 3 blocks from Portland Hotel. 209 10th st. LAWNSDALE APARTMENTS. COR. 15TH and Alder Elegantly furnished housekeeplns suites, large rooms, gas range and sink In every kitchen. See them. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES everything new. $10 per mo. and up. The Star. 230 Larrabee . near Steel U ridge HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. NICELY FUR nlshed, $10 per mo. aad up; phone and bath. Hotel Northern, N. 12th & Marshall. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES; $ per month and up; new and clean. The Goldsmith, cor. Goldsmith and Alblna aves. FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. UPPER OR lower furnished fiat, reasonable price, to responsible parties. J 44, Oregon Inn. THE HEILER, 2S0& GRAND AVE First-class furnished -housekeeping apart ments, $10 to $15; .modern brick. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, bath, phone, light. 143 Whi taker st. Phone llaln 3669. 372 1ST FOUR NEWLY PAPERED, FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms, $15; also two $11; respectable people only. 313 14TH ST.. COR. CLAY 3 OR 4 FUR nlsbed or partly furnished rooms, first floor, central, modern, large yard. $10 TWO WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, pantry, bath, wood-room, ground floor. 191 Park. OR 3 COMPLETELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; gas range, bath, phone. 447 5th: adults. THREE NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, a 20 month; one block Hotel Portland; gas, bath, phone. 1C4 Park, TWO NEWLY PAPERED ROOMS, FUR nlsbed for hourekeeplng; fine location; central, phone. 229 11th st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. CLOSE IN; also furnished rooms at 28S 3d, cor. Co lumbia; bath, etc ELEGANT FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms at 575 Main st. Phone Main 46C9. Heat, light, phone. CHEAPEST AND BEST HOUSEKEEPING suites and single rooms; close In. 80 10th. near Stark. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeplng: heat, gas, phone and bath. 327 West Park. NEW AND ATTRACTIVE UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. The Jefferson, Sth and Jefferson. 2 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 4CS Taylor st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 109 11th st. Houses. IF YOU DESIRE TO RENT YOUR UN tenanted houses, fiats, or rooms, list them with us; we do not let the moss grow on the steps; we rent them without charge H. E Edwards. 1S5 to 191 1st. WHY DISTRESS AND TIRE YOURSELF needlessly hunting houses, flats and rooms when by calling on us our man. Mr. Young, will locate you without cost. H. E. Edwards. 165 to 191 1st. HOUSES FOR RENT. RENTS COLLECTED and property cared for. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co.. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Ground floor. 4th-street side. A STRICTLY MODERN COTTAGE. EEC rooms, bath and basement. 224 East 2d it-. North, near Holladay ave Inquire Room S01. the Dekum. DO YOU WANT A HOUSE. COTTAGE, OR flat? We have them, all sizes, all localities. L Gevurtx & Sons, First and Yamhill. Tel ephone Main 12b0. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, NEAR STEEL bridge. East Side. $23 per month. John 1. Sharkey, 291 Cnamber of Commerce Phoae Main 180. ARB YOU TIRED HOUSE-HUNTOJG? Como to us. we will place you. I. Gerurtz & Sons, First and Yamhill. Telephone Main 12S0. 100 HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. ALL parts of the city; rent from $5 to $40 per month. Apply I. Gcvurtz Sons. 173 1st. $10 C-ROOM 2-STORY HOUSE. LAWN, basement one acre grounds. In Montavllla. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST., rents and Insurance Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. COTTAGE. S9 N. 15TH; LAUNDRY, GAS, electricity, $30; also houses wanted; collec tions. Drake, 205 Vi Washington. -KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main 1685. Office 110 N. 3d et. $50 10-ROOM NEW MODERN HOUSE, furnace heated; East Side, close in. H K. Edwards, 185 to 191 1st sU LOWER FLAT 5 ROOMS AND BATH. WITH use of table; 29th ana Belmont sts. George M. Strong. 163 W. Park st. $16 NEW C-ROOM COTTAGE ON EAST Side, very good. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. $103 UNFURNISHED ROOMS WATER Included, close In. Powers Furniture Co-, 1st and Taylor MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE: CHOICE ROSES. 303 Hancock, bet. Williams and Union. Phone Scott 1449. $25 C-ROOM HOUSE, WALKING Dis tance. West Side 11. E. Edwards, 185 to 191 1st. HOUSES. FLATS AND COTTAGES FOR rent. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Tay lor sts. 6-ROOM COTTAGE: GAS. BATH. LARGE basement; modern Improvements. 430 Har rison. TO LET 10-ROOM HOUSE. 315 N. 22d st. Call 359 13th. $20 5-ROOM COTTAGE, W. SIDE. WALK lng distance H. E. Edwards. 185 to 191 1st. HOUSE TO LEASE ON MORRISON ST.. West' Side. May. 1905. D 46, Oregonian. . FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. 200 Wh I taker st. Apply 21 Front st. 9-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sale 327 W. Park. Furnish ed Houses. 7-ROOM HOUSE. NEATLY FURNISHED; $32.50. East Side, ckwe In. Apply M. a. Hentery. Sherlock bldg. WELL - FURNISHED 8-ROOM HOUSE, family of adults; select neighborhood. In quire 241 0th L M.S. MODERN. COZILY FURNISHED, furnace, gas and steel range; long term. "GOO E. Burnside. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT; large grounds; good location: block from car. 401 12th st. - NICELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM COTTAGE, heart of city, cheap for cash. G 67. Ore gonian. NICELY FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE for rent. S E. 11th S. Call at 520 E. Ankeny. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC trlc lights, bath; central. Inquire 273 H 7th st. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. NEATLY FURNISHED; central; $25. M. S. Rentery, Sherlock bldg. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. CARPETS. CURTAINS. SHADES. STOVES, etc. of very desirable modern ft-room corner house; owner building; will tell cheap;- rent $22.50; S E. cor. 16th and Belmont sts. Phone East 2050. FOR SALE FlTtNTTCRE OF 3-ROOM FLAT; rent $15. Including electric lights, steam beat. Call fiat 101 Burkhart bldg.. or Phone East 10S0. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF NINE-ROOM huoe. close in; rent $40; price $525; no agents. Addrers H. 67. Oregonian. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE FUR nlture of an S-room corner house; no agents. 314 Mill st. A SNAP 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FUR Blture for sale. $139. If taken Immediately. P 67, Oregonian. NICELY FURNISHED 10-ROOM HOUSE, central; price $675, part cash. Call at 335 Madison it- 6-ROOM FLAT OF FURNITURE FOR SALE at 435 Taylor; piano and sewing maei . eluded. FOR RKNT. Wlater aad HOTEL MOORE, CLATSOP BEACH, SEA slde, will be open during Fall aad Winter. FOR RENT STORE BUILDING AND TWO living rooms; good location. East Side; $29. Portland Trust Co.. 109 3d st. FOR RENT STORE. 25x180 FEET, NO. 140 Front it-, bet. Morrison and Alder. Apply to EL A. Baldwin. 88 4th st. PART FINE RETAIL STORE) FOR RENT; art or jewelry preferred. F S, Oregonian. WAREHOUSE SPACE FOR RENT: 100x106; freight elevator. S. e cor. 6th and Oak. STORES FOR BENT 2D AND SALMON. AP ply 310 Mohawk bldg. Offices. FOR RENT LARGE, LIGHT OFFICE room, partly furnished If desired." Inquire suite -45. Concord block. FOR RENT PART OP LARGE OUTSIDE offlee. well furnl ud. 224 Chamber of Com. mere. OFFICES AND NEWLY FURNISHED lodge balls. Allsky bids.. 3d and Morrison. DESKROOM FOR RENT. 314 COMMERCIAL block. Bar LARGE BARN. EAST SIDE. CHEAP. AP ply to Wakefield. Fries &. Co.. 229 Stark. FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wage-earner needing money before pay day can get It from us; no commission or lntereit In advance; so or lndorser required. Repay weekly, monthly or semi monthly In amounts from $1 and upwards, thus avoiding the payment of the whole amount out of any one payday; and have six months' time, if desired. NELSON & HINDLEY, SOS McKay bids- MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for building purposes. Any amount on 3 to 10 years time with privilege to repay all or part of loan after one year. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building progre ee. Mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent. 103 Second st., near Stark. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage Confidential. Month. H -month. Week. $50 Repay to us $13.33 or $6.65 or $3.25 $25 Repay to us $ 0.05 or $3.35 or $1.65 $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $L00 210 M'KAY BLDG., 102 2d. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsible firms; easy payments and strictly confiden tial; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-homes a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN TRUST COMPANY. 205 Ablsgton Building. SALARY LOANS YOU CAN BORROW money from us on your salary or Income for one to six months, in any amount from $3 to $100; lowest rate of Interest; no wait; no delay; all negotiations strictly private and confidential. Payments suspended in case of sickness. Tha Crescent Loan Co., first floor to the left. 217 Oregonian bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters; etc.. without security; easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Toiman. 2t Ablngton bldg. Clay 175S. LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people: lowest rates; strictly con fidential. Employes' Loan Co., room 71S, The Dekum, 3d and Wash. ill. Phone 224. IMMEDIATE LOANS. LOWEST RATES ON furniture, pianos and chattels. Eastern Loan Co., 449 Sherlock bldg., 3d and Oak. Clay 523. MONEY TO LOAN TO SALARIED PEOPLE or others on collateral security, small loans short time; notes bought. 333 Mohawk bids. MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF Se curity; building loans a specialty. W. it. Nunn. 552 Sbenock Due raone Clay 629. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C W. Palette, 304-5 Fe ton bldg. Phone Main 13S5. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $3 TO $5W on all securities. R. L Bckerson Co.. om 6, Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates, s. W. King, room 45, Washington bldg. Phone Hood 410. HAVE $30(-0--TO -OAN ON WEST SIDE real estate; state what you have and where locate. D 64. Oregonian. LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT ON REAL. PER. sonal or chattel security. Stelnmeu Keat ing. 604 Marquam, PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. 5 AND 6 per cent. Wm. Denholm, 225 Falling bldg. State funds loaned, u per cen. W. . Thomas, state agent Multnomah Co., 400 trham Com. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas County lands. E. F. Riley. 603 Cham. Com. PRIVATE FUNDS LOANED. 50 PER CENT valutlon; lo rates. W. S. Ward. Allsky bldg. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 207. the Falling bids. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED MAN FOR RESPONSIBLE OF flce position; experience not necessary; must Invest $300; don't answer unless you mean business. Room 36. 16514 4th et.. from 10 to 3. WANTED LADY PARTNER WITH $600 to take half Interest In 10-room lodging house; transient; established trade; a snap. Call at once, 617 Commercial bldg. WANTED MAN TO REPRESENT CORPORA tion In Southern California; salary. $1800 per year; must take at least $1000 worth of stock In corporation. Address L 43, Oregonian. WE INCORPORATE AND FLOAT STOCK companies. We handle unlisted securities. Loans negotiated. Horatio Ollben & Co.. Elllcott Square. Buffalo, N. Y. $600 WILL BUY HALF INTEREST IN cash business; money f ecu red and owner will guarantee $100 month; duties easily learned. Call 24SH Stark st. FOR SALE SAWMILL. NEW. 30,000 FEET capacity, good-sized tract, fine fir, complete logging outfit, rail and water shipping. In quire 320 Falling bldg. CIGAR STORE BUSIEST PART SIXTH Bireet: dally iecelpti, $30: reasonable rent, with lease. J. V. Crelgbton Co., 165U 3d St., room A. SALOON $1500 REQUIRED; CHANCE TO double your mqney; we have opening a3 partner requiring $750; long lease Call 2484 Stark st. FOR SALE ONE-HALF OR WHOLE IN terest In a Are Insurance and real estate business; references required. Address S 59, Oregonian. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE store with Postotficc in store. Inquire Harry Tuttlc. of Lang & Co., 1st and An keny st. WANTED RESTAURANT IN EXCHANGE for well-located 12-room lodging-house. J. V. Crelghton A Co.. l&Vfc 3d et.. room A. JOIN OUR ALFALFA LAND SYNDICATE: monthly payments; big profit; Illustrated booklet free. ilS Oregonian building. HONEST MAN CAN SECURE BUSINESS today with $225 that will make him $18 to $25 weekly. Call 24Ss Stark st. WANTED A STORE. OR WOULD TAKE part of store in first-class location for Jewelry business. V 65. Oregonian. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE: present value $359; will accept $275 to day. Deal with owner. 50 N. 6th. BAKERY FOR SALE. SELLING ON Ac count of other business: excellent business. W. S. T. Derr. Vancouver, Wash. A GOOD PAYING BUSINESS REQUIRING only a few hours dally to look after the same for $650. Call 272 Oak. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE CHEAP. 2 chairs, good location, cheap rent. Address Box 24C, Forest Grove, Oregon. BY OWNER 54-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE, very cheap, lease, close in. easy terms, no agents. R 65. Oregonian. $1700" WILL BUY RESTAURANT AND 10 room house at 29 N. 3d st. Inquire at room 3. Phone Main 2113. $1000-GOOD-PAYING CASH GROCERY AND feed business, lot. building, mock, fixtures, F 66. Oregonian. FOR SALE MEAT MARKET DOING A good business; must sell at once. Address, N 67, Oregonian. PARTNER WANTED CAS H BUSINESS, $200. J. V. Crelgbton &. Co.. 16 3d st.. room A. Watches, diamonds, easy payments; open evenings. W. H. Lesh. 513 Dekum. Clay 303. FOR SALE LUNCH COUNTER. GOOD Lo cation; lease; cheap. H -66. Oregonian. BUSINESS CHANCES. " A BUSINESS " PROPOSITION. FOR BUSI - jjjsS MEN The Buffalo Automatic " Roller Window Screen Company hu -opened offices In the Oregonian bldg suite 600. It offers an ex traordinary opportunity to business men tn any part of the United States whereby a highly profitable business may bp ac quired. Full Information will be furnished business men of standing by calling at the office of this company. Out-of-town cor respondence will receive prompt atten tion. W. J Cook, Pacific Coast Agency. FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCES, INC 165S 4th. Clay 538. JOSEPH FORD. Manager. GREAT BARGAIN IN ROOMING-HOUSES 40 rooms, good furniture, lease. .. .$2200 2S rooms, lease, rent $65, central... 1900 IS rooms, good location, fine...... 700 IS rooms, finely furnished, snap 750 THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY FUR niaa reliable information on business oppor tunities In the Northwest Coast. Those de siring to engage In .any kind of business are invited to call at their offices. Ablngton bldg., for full details. The Ames Mercantile Axes cy. Alblngton bldg. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE IN connection, first-class lunch counter, fix tures, first-class marble soda fountain, five showcases: open-front folding doors; guarantee good business. Call at store 106 N. 6th. LODGING-HOUSES. WEST SIDE 24 rooms, close in. rent $150 ..$2200 10 rooms, elegantly fumls hed $1000 0 rooms, well furnished $ 400 Also several other well located. J. V. Crelgbton Co., 1654 .3d st. room A. ROOMING-HOUSE. 46 ROOMS. WELL FUR nlsaed. .AsUnster and Brussels carpets, new and clean, well located; rent"$15Q" per month, lease to 190C; must be sold at once'-.-tm ac count of sickness. 'Hatfield & Smith; room 32. Russel bldg.. 165& 4th et. A RARE OPPORTUNITY IB OFFERED IN purchasing halt Interest for $900 In lobbing btrslnesa. established for years, bearing high est reputation. In the business; a good chance for the right man; references exefcansed, T 39. Oregonian. THOROUGH MAN WANTED AS PARTNER well-established merchandise brokerage of fice, with good lino Eaatcm agencies: $1500 required; will guarantee $200 monthly. J. V. Crelghton & Co., 165H 3d at,, room A. I HAVE $4000 CASH. OR ANY PART OF it to loan or Invest in strictly legitimate business tn Portland; no answer unless loca tion and business Is given; no agent. H 65, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE, 10 ROOMS, IN CHOICE location, now paying well, for sale at a bar gain; owner must leave city. Hatfield & Smith, room 32, Russel bldg., 165 4th st. JOR SALE DRUGSTORE. INCLUDING LOT and building, small country town. 25 mile from Portland: good reasons for selling; in voice about $1200. G 65, Oregonian. 9-ROOM HOUSE. 2fc BLOCKS FROM Portland Hotel; price $S00. Call at 449 Sherlock bldg. PARTNER WANTED. CASH BUSINESS, $300. J. V. Crelghton & Co., 163 H 3d st., room A. $1250 GROCERIES. FIXTURES, 2-YEARS' lease, horse and wagon, 4 living-rooms. SCO E. Alder. CONFECTIONERY STORE, 504 WASHING ton, for sale, reasonable. PERSONAL. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE. NEW INSTI tute. refitted, fully equipped' for all classes of work performed s John Woodbcrj's, New York. Have your work done at home Dr. A. L. Nelden. the world's beauty king, meth ods employed by Aza Holmes-Ribbccke, the only graduate plastic surgeon and dermatol ogist on this Coast. Portland's best physi cians for reference Parlors, 364 Morrison. MADAME VAUGHN. ONLY GRADUATE dermatologist In Northwest, permanently removes birthmarks, plttlngs. wrinkles, Baggings, scars, eczema, pimples, moles, freckles and all blemishes. Dermatology taught for professional purposes. Third floor McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. Phone Main 70S. 77 WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM Irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhea (whites) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler, 230 Yam. hill St., Portland, Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation free Call or write Inclose 10 2-ccnt stamps. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHEA. GLEET, SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and all affection of private organs permanently Cured. Dr. Walker. 131 1st st. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our painless method of treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consultation free, private and strictly confidential. X Ra dium Institute. 162b lt. cor. of Morrison st. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES$1 A month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor lng Co., 347 Washington, opp. Cordraye ALL OR PART OF COMPLETELY FUR nlshed lower floor In elegant corner house, three blacks from Portland Hotel; gas, bath, phone heat, reasonable; single rooms. $3 up. 221 W. Park. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB. erts Nerve Globules. One month's treatment, $2; 3 months. $5. Sent securely sealed by malL Agents, Woodard, Clarke Sc Co., Port- land. Or. GENTLEMAN OF SOME MEANS WOULD like to correspond with lady between 25 and 40 of some means, matrimonially Inclined, that we may work together. K 63. Oregonian. $5000 WANTED IN ESTABLISHED BUSI nets paying 75 per cent a year; salary guar anteed: no experience necessary; open to thorough Investigation. C 21. Oregonian. VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY DU PONT ET Cle's Kola Tablets, nature's great tonic for either sex; 23c box by mail. Albert Bern!, 2d and Washington, agent, Portland, Or. LADIES ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers for sale by leading druggists; $2 per box; cafe and reliable S. G. Skid more & Co.. Special Agents. 1C1 3d at MIDDLE-AG ED WIDOW WISHES TO meet an elderly respectablo man with means and home; object, matrimony. Ad- dress B 60, Oregonian. THB WORST CASE OF PILES YIELDS TO one box of E-ru-sa Pile Cure, the cure that cures while others think about it; $L50, all druggists. 4 TO 10 DAYS IS THE TIME REQUIRED for Barke Tonic to cure rheumatism, liver bowel and blood troubles; 75c bottle, all druggists. We print your name on 30 calling cards proper size and style. 25c; 250 busmen cards $L Brown Scbmale. 229 1st, Portland, Or! YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Accu rately end reasonably filled at Eyssell's Phar macy. 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. PALMER HENDRICKSON WE DO MISS you so; please come home or write to your anxious mother. DETECTIVE Hlsb-class, noceec work, charges moderate; best references. L 98. Oregonian. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Rcznor. 127 11th. Phone Main 4S58. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder st. Phone Main 4832. .FECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. OFFICE DISBURSING QUARTERMASTER. Portland. . Or.. Dec 10. 1904. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received here until 10 A. M. January 9. 1903. for fur nishing C850 tons hay and 4550 tons oats, old crop, at Portland. Or., for Manila. P. L Information furnished at this office. United States reserves the right to reject or accept any or all bids, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked. "Proposals for hay and oats for Manila. P. I.," and addressed to Jeeso M- Baker. Cap. Quartermaster U. S. A.. Disbursing Q. M. PROPOSALS FOR EQUIPMENT PROPOSALS for furnishing equipment for portage rail way will be received at office of J. N. Teal room 314 Worcester block. Portland. Oregon! Particulars furnished on application. Miscellaneous. I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR-ANY debts contracted by my wife Llna. Hoereth. from this date. January 7 1903. Andreas Hoereth. RATH & SANDYS HAVE SOLD THEIR EN tlre Interest In the popular restaurant. 145 1st and 228 Alder, to D. J. Byrne. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Aseayers and Analysts. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 203 STARK ST. Prices: Gold. $1: copper. $1; silver. 50c PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST gold dust bought.- 22S Stark st. Art rornlture. HAND-CARVED CURIOS. EGYPTIAN CHAIR a. nd br rware fcr sale 244 Alder it. msspirsa poacToxi. - business directory. -nslnees Colleges - gglrltuaJiat. ORBQQ SHORTHAND TOUCH TIP-VVRrE TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. - 1T-S. ftBous badset bookkeeping, actual bust. 30c. 50c 50c. 50c. 50c, 50c, 50c, 50c, Bess practice; positions found for graduates; SIR FRANCIS DRAKE, day and night school. Holmes Business Col- 3036 WASHINGTON ST., COR. 5TH. lege Y. M. C A. bids. Phone Mala 51X 515 COMPLETE LIFE READING. 50c THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PAR. CklropodUt as MaHlcarlsg. LOR HE WILL TELL YOU YOUK FULL . NAME. AGE, OCCUPATION, YOUR -MOTH. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLB DEYENY. THB ERS MAIDEN NAME, AND WHOM AND only scientific cfclropodlita, parlors room -J3 WHEN YOU WILL MARRY, and what you Drew bldg.. 103 2d si. Phone Main 1361. called for. without asking- a question; will This la the Ions-haired gentleman. He la tha tell the name oC tout sweetheart oc an- man you are looking for. thins you want to know. He sends you. aA&y . ntnen wiser and happier than when you Carpesters and Builders, called. How can I have good luck? W. L, BUCKNER. office, store fixtures, general How can I succeed In business? Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stork. Blade 914. How can I make my home happy? How can I marry the one I choose? GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. SHELVES. How can I marry well? houses built and repaired. SOS 4th. Clay 111. How soon can I marry? How can I conquer my rival? Carpet Clrwffilar How can I make anyone love me? . How can I set a letter? Sanitary carpet cleaning, auction, and. com. How- can I set a sood position? . pressed air combined; carpets cleaned on floor 303a WASHINGTON" ST.. COR. 5TH. without removal. Phono Main 5534. ' PROP. VAN CORTLAND. Clairvoyant!. 313H WASHINGTON ST., COR..6TH, ASTRO TRANCE -MEDIUM, THB GREAT. ONLY AND ORIGINAL CLAIRVOYANT. BUDAK BERNIQUE. PALMIST. J 15 COMPLETE LIFE READING, SOc. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. The Greatest Living Adviser on the Continent. BORN WITH A DOUBLE VEIL. Established In Portland and Seattle 7 Years. EDUCATED IN "EGYPT AND INDIA. The name Van Cortland a double guarantee. TELLS YOUR NAME. Reduced Charges. - TELLS YOU WHEN AND 00c 50c This Week J 15. CO Readings d0a-50o WHOM YOU WILL MARRY Satisfaction guaranteed or no fee accepted. Positively mentioning your sweetheart's - fuU nam. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS. PORTLAND'S Settles love quarrels and promptly reunites most reliable medium; all In trouble call the separated, no matter how long standing. and get her valuable advico on all affairs London's most famous palmist and dair of life, business, love, troubles; absent voyant Is acknowledged by press and public friends a specialty. 165& 4tb St., Rustet the sreatest living DEAD TRANCE MS- bldg., hours 9-C DIUM. , , . She tells what you came for before you MRS. LADD FINN! CAN HAS RETURNED; utter a word; does not ask questions, no mat- can be consulted dally, 4J2 Alder, cor. 11th. ter what your trouble may be. Call and she win guide you with certainty MRS. STEVENS, spiritual life reader, sclea. htgher than human power. Telia you the "Ac palmist, 50c. 343 Yamhill, cor. 7th. truth, good cr bad. . HOURS 10 TO 8, DAILY AND SUNDAY. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. 307 Allsky bldg, 3d PARLORS, 291H MORRISON. COR. 5TH. and Morrison; sittings dally. Hood 403. SAME FLOOR AS BOSTON DENTAL PAR. " LORS. Safes. MME. DR. HERZOO. FROM BERLIN, SCI NEW AND SECOND. LOCKOUTS OPENED entitle revealer. tells life from cradle to repairs. Dlebold Agency. J. EL Davis, tie 3d. grave. Consultation on all affairs. Good ad- vice, sure help, mistake impossible; restores Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures, lost love and unites separated by sympathy; - locates burled treasure. Fee, $1; letter. ? THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR, 207 Park. 6t and Hoyt; branch, Seattle. Wash. Coal Dealers. PORTLAND SHOWCASE "FIXTURE CO.. . . 2-13 1st. near Market. Phone Black 3133. WESTERN FEED fe FUEL CO. PHONE Main 10 IS. Castle Gate Coal, blacksmith Star-go and Transfer. coal, coke, charcoal. Office Front and Hoyt. ' SAFES, PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved, VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers, best packed, ready for shipping and shipped; all coals; foundry and smelter coke. 329 U st, work guaranteed; large a-story brick, flre- . proof warehouse for. storage. Office, 12S 1st. Commission Merchant. C. M. Ola en. Phone Main 517. HERMAN METZGHR. PURCHASER OF C. O. PICK. OFFICE S3 1ST. BET. STARK hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old And oak. Phone 506. Pianos and 'furniture rubber and old metal and general commls- moved and packed for shipment; commodious sloa merchant. Front St., sear Main. Port- fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. streets. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHE? BROKERS FRED BICKEL, STORES AT 31 N. FRONT and commission merchants, Sherlock bldg.. household goods and furniture, pianos, Portland, Or. trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. ALLEN Sl LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO- duce merchants. Front and Davis sts.. Port- Trunk Factory, land. Or. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 54 3D ST., Daaciag. wholesale and retail. Send, for catalogue. MRS. GRANT'S ADULT and children's classes. Wholesale Grocers. Western Academy. Morrison st., cor. 2d. - . ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY. Dyelag aad Cleaning. cor. N. Front and Davis sts., Portland. Or. H. W. TURNER, PROFESSIONAL DYER T.nT n TTlTTVT and cleaner. 605 Jefferson. Tel. Main 2513. -ua- asp JUtau. J Ednealloaai " LOST LADY'S SMALL GOLD WATCH. muc-uumu. Waltham, attached to gold Gibson pin. PRIVATE LESSONS FRENCH. GERMAN. a."ds0ln ftTwj3 00Cl 2S' th0 Latin. English. Suite 27. 187 17th street! Antlers. 10th and Washington. Fraternal Insurance. PERSON WHO CLAIMED AS HIS OWN p " " eyeglasses left In L car 51. Tuesday evening. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so- J!"1 VaCm1h!0Wn by clety of N. W.; protects the living. J. L. lng same at 73Q Marquam bldg. Mitchell. Sup. Sec. 612-ttl5 Marquam bldg. OSTIN THE VICINITY OF PARK AND Haraeas aad Saddle Montgomery, child's gold necklace locket. , Inscribed Loretta; reward. 374 Park st. THE BRBYMAN LEATHER CO. WHOLE- Telephone West 1047. urg-,- ay f--s THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOLE- axt!LSJaaaT' RCtUm l 80 4th and sale saddles and harness infra., leather and receive rearo. saddlery hardware. 80-86 1st. LOST LADY'S CHATELAINE PURSE. BE- Juak. Hides and Pelts. tween Olds King's, Park st. and Morrl- , son; $2.50 reward offered; return Ore- L SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES, gonlan. pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals r ,vn T i ,v and sacks. 342 Front st. IXST-BETWEEN 5 AND 7 E. M., ON D La 24, a small leather purse containing Sou lc Kindergarten, gold. Return same to Oregonian and receive reward. KINDERGARTEN THE MATCTNGLY KIN- -..C'r. dergarten. 289 14th. Phone Main 3833. . LOST SHORT MINK BOA ON 12TK SX. TJE- tween bridge and Tillamook at. Finrer Lands, please return to 550 Tillamook. Receive re- . ward. rLaCnTw10- LOST-LADIES' DIAMOND RING, TWO ' wt. imn (jnjonjj, 8et across ring. Ample rc- cather and findings. . ward given. 753 E. Salmon. Scott 3871. j 7 STROWBRIDGB LEATHER CO ES- LOST ROSE GOLD LOCKET. MONOGRAM VbUehrf 1S5& "Lather d 4mgs; Sto. "H. I. R." Return 560 E. 8th st.. or phone ton sole leather and cut stock; full line East 311. Reward. Eastern Jumbos. 1M Front .t. LOST BLACK AND TAN GORDON-SETTER. THE BREYMAN CO.. LEATHER MFRS. Return to 202 Hancock, or Honeymair Hdw. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store Co- Reward. supplies, leather or all kinds. 72-74 5th. r . BANKS. Machinery. 1 TTV1TED STATES NATIONAL BANK B. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING, SAWMHuLS, OF PORTLAND OREGON. tossing machinery; hydraulic pipes, castings. Northwest Cor. Third and Oak Sts. All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. Transacts a general banking business. Drafts Issued available in all cities of tha THE H. C. ALBEE CO., SECOND-HAND United States and Europe. Hong Kong and machinery, sawmills, etc, 248 Grand ave. Manila. . . Collections made on favorable terms. Marble and Granite. President J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President W. B- AYEK MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS Casher - K-. TV- SCHMEER For bargains see Weeks; no agents; IX) per Assistant Cashier... A. M. WRIGHT cent saved. At 720 Front, cor. Hooker. . , . . FTRST NATIONAL BANK Massage. ixxvao. . Qp PORTLAND. OR. . Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of MASSAGE BATHS OF ALL KINDS GIVEN the United States. .., by young lady, formerly of Raleigh Preildent-. t w vrwirim? bldg.. room 27; pleased to see old cus- rnHr' W52vORn parl" Marguam Jfi avauabla ent?.4 JSSSfSi SVScr1hwe7ClSCO glows. Courteous treatment to all. The o?tt and 'time bills drawn In eums to Raleigh. 6th and Washington, parlors 15- J5 10. first floor. London Paris, Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. . Hone kong, Yokohama, Copenhagen, Chris. LURLINE BATH PARLORS-VAPOR BATHS Sla Stockholm. StP Petersburg. Moscow. and massage, electric treatments, manicuring, zurfch- Honolulu. chiropody, scalp and facial treatments; young coiiecUons made on favorable terms. lady and assistant. The Balelgh. suite 7-a, first floor, 3ta Washington st. -PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. f . i-u NO. 109 THIRD ST. DON'T TAKE A PILL FOR EVERY ILL The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon. Persian massage will All the bill; Persian CAPITAL, $300,000. vapor, tub bath, and scientific massage. We conduct a general banking business. W The Fjances. 9th and Morrison. receive savings deposits. We issue time cer- . ttficates and certificates of deposit payable VAPOR AND SPONGE BATH, MASSAGE uooa 10 days' call, 30 days' call or 90 days' and magnetic, treatments by experienced call with Interest at 3U. 3 and 4 per cent young lady. 35 Hj Morrison et., rooms 11 per "annum, respectively. Call or send for oui and 12. hook of C0Olc OL ILLUSTRATIONS. I LADY GOES OUT GIVING MASSAGE BENJ. I. COHEN President Swedish and magnetic treatment: for la- H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President dies only. Phone Main 2397. b. LEE PAGET..- Secretary J O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary YOUNG. LADY GIVES MASSAGE AND ' ., baths and electric treatment. 169 3d. the LADD & TILTON. BANKERS Palm, room 2. ' ESTABLISHED IN 1S30. Transacts a general banking business. FRENCH LADIES GTVE BATH AND MAS- Interest allowed on tlmo deposits, sage treatment. 208 0th st. Main 6038. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit issued available in Northwest Tlavl Co. Europe and all points In the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfer sold LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STs' on w V'iSvrSlf; Call or send, stamp for Health Book. Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and various points in Oregon, ashlngton and Idaho. Mon- OsteoDotbr. tana and British Columbia. J Exchanse on London, Paris, Berlin, Frank- DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH. toru HonC KODS' Tokobama' Manlla 4 Ht- osteopathic physicians; graduates Kirks- lulu- vllle. Mo. -10U Oregonian. Phone Main 1242. . nm,,VTt! wnnvAT TtAVTT " Sanltarinm. 614 4th. Consultation free? MERCHANT 3gg$ggt orV DRS. ADD IX & NORTHRUP. 410 DEKUM TmSjI80 VlcPrlfldln! bide- Phone Main 340. ExamlnaUonree. 0""'"'"".! ' p1mIll GEORGE W, HOYT Assistant Cashlet ralaalstry. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING WANDA READS TOUR LIFE FROM CRA- United StetSlfebsItary. d,,eto .TvL lo, foJonion's Drarts and letters of credit Issued, avallabU wisdom; consult the best. 4th and Salmon. jnn parts of the world. ' 1 I-; ' Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. alent xwyers. . LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN LIMITED, patents; Infringement cases. 004 Dekum. Chamber of Commerce Building. Third and - - Stfl.rlc Streets T. J. GEISLER. 530 CHAM. OF COM.. U. S. Head Office. 55 Old Broad Street. London, and foreign patents a specialty. Tills bank transacts a general banking busl ness. makes loans, discounts bills and Issue: Rubber Stamps. letters of credit, available for traveler and the . purchase of merchandise In any city of th P. C STAMP WORKS. 240 ALDER. TEL. world. Deals In foreign and domestic ex Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils. change. Interest paid on time deposits. . . W. A. MACRAE. Mgr. Stop Drinking. . WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK GUARANTEED cure; send SOc; tablet form- Coroer Second and Washington. mailed In plain package; has cured thou- HOMER S. KING r. .Prcsidenl sands. L. L. C Co.. 614 Grant bldg., S. F. (San Francisco.) R. LEA BARNES Casblei Point. Oils and G!a. WALTER A. HOLT Assistant Cashlei (Portland.) BASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS. PAINTS, General banking business transacted. Ex oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Tay- change sold and letters of credit Issued, avail- lor. able In all parts of the world. Second-Hand Dealer. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Head Office. Toronto, Canada. SCGARMAN & SONS, highest price paid Capital paid up rl $8,700,004 2d-hand furniture, stoves. 233 Front. Red Reserve 3,500,00c 3173. Transacts a general banking business. 1 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Typewriters. Accounts opened for sums' of $10 and up- ward and Interests allowed on minimum month New typewriters, all makes, rented. ooM and ly balances. Rates on application. repaired. Coast Aunc. 531 S'-arfc, lei. 244 WASHINGTON ST. 1407. . A. WYLD. Manaser Portland Branch.