ler THE XOKKIXG-' OBEGONIAN, SATUBDJtg, jAffU JJElT 7, 1905. END OF STARR .WOES HUSBAND AND WIFE HAVE HAD SIX YEARS OF LITIGATION. They Now Agree to Disagree, and Mrs. Starr WIN Have Divorce, Property and Money. The differences between Nannie L. Starr and William L. Starr, -which have result ed In much litigation within the past six years, have at last been settled. Starr has transferred to his "wife a house and two lota on- Whittaker street, known as the home property; has paid her some money, and Mrs. Starr Is to obtain a di vorce because of desertion. In September, JS99, Starr sued his wife In the State Circuit Court Jn Oregon City for a divorce. On .motion of her attorney. John F. Logan, the case was transferred to Multnomah County. Judge CIcland or dered Starr to pay 5100 attorney's fees for his wife, and $25 per month alimony, and Starr, to escape payment, dismissed the suit. Mrs. Starr in November, 1893, filed suit against her husband for support, and ob tained a decree in her favor for $35 per month. In February. 1501. Mrs. Starr sued Starr and others to set aside a transfer of the home property on Whittaker street. It was. first deeded by Starr Jo the Associated Banking & Trust Company, as trustee, and after wards by this company to Mrs. Kate XL Kaiser! Starr contended that the transfer of the property was regular, and that one purpose of It was to secure the payment of fees- to his attorney, Martin Ix Pipes. There was evidence that Mrs. Kaiser was to well the property, liquidate -with Pipes, and give the balance to Starr. It was also shown that Judge Pipes had received his fees. Mrs. Starr signed the first deed, but testified that she did so in advertently. Mrs. Starr won this case, both in Judge CI eland's court and in the Supreme Court. In April, lSOl, Starr having failed to pay his wife the 535 per month for support ordered by Judge Cleland, she sued him In the District Court at Anaconda. Mont-, and attached certain real property of her husband's in thai place, and collected a judgment amounting to 5600. It was Starr's turn next- In July, 1903, he commenced suit against his wife for a divorce in the Superior Court at Spokane, where he then resided. Mrs. Starr ap peared In the case and asked for money to pay attorneys and for support. The court ordered Starr to pay 5100 attorney's fees and 525 per month to Mrs. Starr. He refused to obey the order of the court, and consequently could not proceed with the divorce suit. Since July. 1903, Starr occupied the pe culiar position of being under obligation to the Washington court to pay Mrs. Starr 525 per month for her support, and of the State Circuit Court of Multnomah County. Tinder the decree of NovenYber. 1899, to pay her 535 per month for support. John P. Logan, attorney, appeared suc cessfully for Mrs. Starr in all of these cases. For some months past Starr has made offers of settlement to his wife. Starr is well known in Portland, where he was born and reared, and also In other Northwest cities, as he has traveled con siderably. Mrs. Starr. In her complaint asking for a divorce, merely recites tha,t they were married in 1S89. and that ten years later the defendant willfully abandoned her. Starr undoubtedly will not contest the. suit. DENIES WASTING MONEY. Sheriff Word Issues Statement of County Jail Expenses. In answer to the criticism of County Commissioner Lightner that the expenses of the County Jail have been much great er than formerly. Sheriff Word has pre pared a statement purporting to show that the Jail expenses during the first five monthR of his term was 5S37.3S less than the jail expense during the first five months of the term of W. A. Storey as Sheriff. The figures, Sheriff Word says, were obtained from the records in the office of County Auditor Brandes. A copy of the statement is as follows: Actual Jatl expenies, leas prisoners feed 1002. I 1904. July 5 443.12;july 5 370.3: August .... September October ... November . 737.88 789.23j 270.70 358.25 August 541.3S September . . . 132.75 October 109.02 November ... 550.73 Total 52(J11.1S Total 51773.85 18,610 meals served in 1002. at 17H cents 52381.75 E2.134 meals served In 1904. at 17 cents 3875.45 ;8524 more meals served In 11)04 than in 1802.) Actual saving in jail expenses of 1904 oxer 19j2. J837.3S. Sheriff Word states further that there are expenses of the rockpile prisoners in the statement which should not be charged under the head of jail expenses. In making comparison with the first five months of the-tcrm of Sheriff Storey, be cause the prisoners were not worked dur ing the first five months, - when Storey was Sheriff. The rockpile Items referred to are as follows: Shoes, 519S; handcuffs, 54S; repairs to handcuffs, 57; tobacco. 538: repairs to handcuffs and handcuff keys, 510. GETS DIVORCE FOR CRUELTY Mrs. Rosencrantz Relieved From Liv ing With Brutal Husband. Because of cruel treatment, Annie Ko sencrantz was granted a divorce from J. -Rosencrantz yesterday uy Judge George. Mrs. Rosenkrantz testified that she was married In North Dakota. In January, 1887. und has lived In Portland with her husband for the past 16 years. For sev eral years past he treated her harshly, swore at her in the presence of their children, and frequently threatened to kill her. She said her son Eugene Interfered to protect her several times, and was cruelly beaten by Ills father for doing so. Rosencrantz owns a furniture store, and the court will order him to provide for the support of his three children until .they have each reached the age of 18 years, GRAND JURY QUITS TODAY. Final Report Will Touch Upon the Public Institutions. The local grand jury will make its final report today and will be discharged by Judge George. There will be several in dictments returned, but none of a sen sational character. Yesterday three of the members. G. H. Thomas, F. M. John eon and J. M. A. Laue. were engaged in making up the report, tho contents of which had previously been agreed upon by all of the members. The report will deal with city and county affairs, public offices and institutions and other matters, and no doubt will attract much attention. WANT INDICTMENT DISMISSED Claim "Made That Finding Against E. A. Goodwin Is Irregular. On the ground that the statute does not permit a wife to testify against her hus band In an adultery case. William Reld. attorney, has filed a motion in the State Circuit Court to have the indictment against Edward A. Goodwin dismissed. The motion states that Alice R. D. Good win, the wife, gave evidence before the grand Jury as a witness In the Investiga tion of the charge against her husband, contrary to the law. Section 724. of tho statute, provides that a wife shall not be examined for or against her husband without his consent, but the exception does not apply to a criminal action or proceeding for a crime committed by one against the other. Section 1401, of the -rimin&I code, provides that in a criminal case -where the husband is tho party ac cused. the wife shall not be competent to testify in such case unless toy the con sent of both ofNthem. but In cases of per sonal violence one shall be allowed to testify against the other. The Supreme Court, In construing sec-, tlon 724. has held that "this section does not apply to criminal actions, as the crim inal code is complete in that respect:" The Supreme Court has also held .that neither the husband nor wife can be ex amined for or against tho other during marriage, or afterward, without the oth er's consent; also that where a husband has testified In a case, his wife is a com petent witness on that subject without his express consent. "Home Defenders" Incorporate. Incorporation articles of 'the Home De fenders were filed In the County Clerk's office yesterday by A. Tilzer, J. P. Lock wood and C. H. Phillips. The objects and purposes of the corporation "are to furnish life insurance at the lowest possible rate consistent with the safety and protection of Its members; to unite in fraternal bond all white persons of good moral charac ter over the age of 16 years, and under 60 years, who are socially acceptable; to .provide a benefit fund from which, after a member reaches 70 years of age, or upon death, sickness, partial or perma nent disability, the member may receive Jiot to exceed 52000. to be paid to the per son named as beneficiary, eta Boy Culprit Is Penitent. Frank Seeley, who wan employed in. 'the Hotel Scott as a bellboy, and who stole numerous articles belonging to the guests, pleaded guilty before Judge George yes terday and expressed contrition for his acts. He said he did not know what prompted him to steal. Seeley Is only 17 years old. On account of the youth of the prisoner. Deputy District Attorney Moser says he will ask Judge George to be as lenient as possible in passing sen tence. Legal Jottings. Articles of Incorporation of tho Des chutes Alfalfa Syndicate were filed In the County Clerk's office yesterday by A. C. Palmer, W. J. Prendergast and C. H. Leadbetter. capital stock 55000. The objects announced are to buy, sell and lease land, and to carry on general farm ing business. Decisions will be announced by Judge George this morning In the following cases: Jennings vs. Seed, garnishment pro ceedings against Frazler & McLean. Dickey vs. Jackson, motion to strike out parts of answer. State vs. Feely, State vs. Gudeman; de murrer to Indictments. Bates vs. WIegand et al.; motion to strike out parts of answer. Plymoth vs. Goss; demurrer to com plaint. Omet vs. Yeon; demurrer to complaint and motion to strike ouL Stafford vs. Isensee: demurrer to an swer. G. J. Stuzman, E. Hasenmayer, Charles Gels and A. HIssler have filed articles of Incorporation of the Royal Bakery and Confectionery, capital stock 524.000. The objects are to conduct a general baking and confectionery business, wholesale and retail. W. H. Dougherty was appointed Stock Inspector for Multnomah County by the County Court yesterday. It Is necessary to have a stock Inspector to pass upon the health of cattle shipped from Port land. Mr. Dougherty was appointed at the request of the Union Stockyards Com pany. He serves without compensation from the county. AFllzer. W. W. Terry, J. L. Mitchell. J. P. Lockwood and L. H. Reeder filed incorporation articles yesterday of the United Fraternal Savings & Trust Com pany, capital stock 550,000. The objects are to deal In real estate and personal property, receive deposits, etc In the Shadow of the Bars BY RICHARD ROE. THERE was a time when George was an actor. He was a bad actor then; he is a bad actor now. George was walking down Burnslde street the other evening, when he met a friend he had known in those happy by gone days which return to men only as the stuff dreams are made of. George stopped the old-time friend, and shook him gladly by tho hand. Then they Jour neyed to a thirst emporium and had one. Also several more. From the thirst emporium, George and the old-time friend wandered to another resort where water is an unknown quan tity. There they had several more. George began to be Imaginative. He looked Into the past like a fortune-teller, and began to see things. And the things didn't crawl, either. George Imagined he was a care-free youth back in old Kentucky. He could see the thin blue smoke rising from a In the Shadow of the -Bars. neighbor's illicit still. The wild roses wavered In the soft breeze, the hills were green, and among them, after the man ner of a great serpent, the dusty road wound its weary way. George Imagined he was drinking illicit whisky, but he wasn't. He was drinking stuff duly labeled by the Government in spectors. Also he was paying for it. Finally George and his dreams and the old-time friend wandered Into a rear room, where an Irresponsible Individual was piping on a clarionet, while a siren accompanied him on the piano. George Imagined that lie was at an old-fashioned country dance in that same Kentucky, that the fair maids of the South were pining for a sign of recognition. And just to show them he was all right, all right, he gave signs of recognition to them all. Also he gave wine, wmch costs more. Above the din. George raised the clarionet and continued to" pipe. George paid the piper. Back to the barroom they -wandered, George and the old-time friend. The dreams increased as the supply of Government-labeled stuff diminished. He thought he -was in the mountains in that same Kentucky. He saw a little, alert man creeping through the underbrush, rifle in hand. George knew him for a revenue officer. He remembered that "he carried a small revolver in his hip pocket. He drew out the small revolver, gave a yell Intended to strike terror to tho HOTEL Fifth ftd Washisfton Streets UROfEAN-PLAN Raens. fl.M to t-M Per Dar. I. T. DAVXBg. Pre. St. Charles Hotel CO. OX COXPO KATE D- F$ONT AND MORRISON STREETS. PORTLAND, OREGON EsrepeaB Plaa Reams 50c tm $1.50 First-Class, f?estauraftt Ib CenaectloH ! HOTEL SCOTT CO. ! A. J. DEITZ, Manager Portland's Newest and Best Equipped Hotel Rooms single or en suite, with private bath. European plan. Elegant cafe in connection. Free 'bus will meet all trains. SEVENTH AND AN KENT STREETS. PORTLAND. OREGON. DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE SCIENTIFIC DENTIST Who relieves pain in all dental operations. The most modern and best equipped dental parlors in the Northwest. 342 Washington Street, Corner Seventh hearts of his foes, and fired. The bullet passed the ear of the old-time friend by a narrow margin and sought out a plate glass window, through which it passed to liberty. Then the police came. After George had been duly surrounded and had surrendered without even the honors of war, after he had been taken to the station and spent a night behind the bars, he appeared In the Municipal Court, over the door of .which should be a sign, "Abandon funds, all ye who enter here." George abandoned 520 worth. THEY WAITED 357 DAYS. Marriage License Issued Last Jan uary Not Used' Until This Week. "What caused Hurold E. Jackson and Johanna Toulse Johnson, a well-known young Portland couple, to wait a year to be married, after the license was is sued, is a secret known only to them selves, and In which their friends or the public at large are not supposed to have any Interest, The license was Issued by County Clerk Fields on January 13, 1S01. and yesterday a return -was received at the office from Rev. H. J. McDevitt, stating that he had married tho couple on January 3. 1903. No explanation was given by Father Mc Devitt concerning the delay, except that the contracting parties for private rea sons had decided to postpone the event. The Information was obtained In the Clerk's office that the records do not show, so far as is known, that such a thing has ever happened before. Federation Session Is Prolonged. EVERETT. Wash., Jan. 6. A long dis cussion over a proposed change In the method of electing officers kept the "Washington State Federation of Labor In session all the afternoon. Instead of ad journing, the session will last probably all of Saturday. An attempt was made to amend the constitution through reso lution providing that a referendum vote be taken on the proposed amendment, which provided that the officers of the state federation be elected by referendum vote Instead of by conventions, nomina tions to be made the last day of each convention, and the vote of the various unions to be taken subsequently. The effort failed, 93 to 69. Seattle favored the measure, Spokane. Tacoma and Everett opposed. A resolution was adopted asking the passage of an act excluding Chi nese and Coreans from the United States. Resolutions favoring numerous labor measures were favored, and another for the protection of the salmon Industry was adopted. This proposed a closed sea son, with liberal appropriations for hatch eries and prohibits the use of ftshwhcels. Candle Set Ranch House Afire. TVEIBER, Idaho, Jan. 6. (Special.) The residence of Hiram Smith, a rancher living six miles west of "Welser. was de stroyed by fire last night. The family -were in bed and escaped in their night clothes. Nothing was saved from the names. The fire was Ignited from a candle left burning. The loss is about $1700. with no Insurance. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Jan. 0. Maximum temperature. 47 deg.; minimum. 28. River reading at 11 A. M.. 6 feet; change In past 24 hours, 0.6 .foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. none; total since September 1, 1604. 1T.C1 Inches; normal. 20.81; deficiency. 3.20. Total sunshine January 5. 1005, 4 hours and 50 minutes; pos sible. 8 boors and 4S minutes. Barometer (re duced to sea level), at 5 P. M-, 30.14. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. IS 5 Wind. 5 "23 s af-'S 2 I3" stations. s ngis is ? c JT.x o - I ? I! h i Baker City J26;o.OO "is Bismarck 181 T J14.NW Boise B4 0.00, ;nw Eureka ISaSO.OOi ;e Helena 132, T I C.SW Kamloops, B. C... 154 ,0.001 0 North Head 150 O.OOjlO E Pocatello 2SO.uO. ,E Portland 4;o.00, C E Bed Bluff M.O.OU, SE Rofreburc , 40jo.00. NW Sacramento 2,0.O0 NE Salt Lake City (3410.00i X San Francisco ;52l0.00 GJX Spokane 34.00 N SeatUe J4S0.00 ;X Tatoosh Island .....;48!0.00;20,B Walla Walla ?30)o.OO) S tCleudy (Clear .Cloudy (Cloudy 'PL cloddy 'Cloudy (Clear IClear i Cloudy JPt. cloudy '.Cloudy J Cloudy i Clear Pt. cloudy iCloudy ! Cloudy (Cloudy 'Cloudy Light. T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS The barometer is rapidly falling over "the western portion of Washington, but as yet very little Changs has taken place In the PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON Xfeat-Clasa Cheek Mtittamt. Camoted With Ketd. C O. DAVIS. See. aa4 Treaj. THB ESMOND HOTEL 6SCU UBQSM, Hw&V Freat and Merrlsea Streets PORTLAND - OREGON TREE 'BUS TO AND FROM ALL. TRAINS. Rate European plan. 60c. 73c. J LOO. $LM. 12.00 per day. Saxnpla rooms In connection. weather. Xo rain or snow has. fallen any where In this district, and the changes In tem perature have been small and unimportant. The Indications are for generally fair weather Saturday east of the Cascade Mountains and Increasing cloudiness with rain to the west o! this range. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 2S hours ending at midnight, January 7: Portland and vicinity Increasing cloudiness, followed by rain; southeasterly winds. Western Orepon and Western Washington Incrasinc cloudiness, followed by rain; south easterly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair and warmer. EDWARD A. DEALS. District For-casler. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms," "Rooms asd Beard.' "House keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted." 15 words or less, 15 cents; IS to 20 words, 28 certs; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 38 cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. IMPORTANT The low second-time rate on advertising that runs either in the clans tflcd columns, or under head "New Today," will be giTen only when advertising Is inserted oa .consecutive days. Dally aad Sunday issues. Advertising that Is scheduled to appear at intervals of one or more days apart will bo charged for at full one-timo rate each in sertion. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per liae. Srst Insert I oh; 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlaa, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed is sealed envelopes. No stamp is required on such letters. The Oregoalaa will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through tho telephone. MEETING NOTICES. ALBIXA LODGE, XO. 101. A. F. z A. M. Stated communication this (Saturday) evening at S o'clock. All M. M. cordially Invited. By or der W. M. A. J. HAXDLAN. Sec B. P. O. ELKS The members of Portland Lodge, Xo. 142. are requested to meet In our lodgeroom, in the Marquam bldg., on Sunday, January 8. 1904. at 1:45 P. M.. to conduct the funeral services of our late brother, Mark E. Ferrey. Visiting brother? Invited to be pres ent. By order of the Exalted Ruler. JOHX B. COFFEY, Secretary. DIED. SHAVER In this city. Jan. C. 1905. at her late rwldence, 4 CI Xorth 22d St.. Mary C C Shaver, aged 50 years. Funeral notice here after. FUNERAX NOTICES. ECKERT-In this city. Jan. 5. 1903. at her late residence. 263 7th et.. Eliza A. Eckert. aed 56 years. Funeral services private. Victoria. B. C, papers pleaee copy. VAUGHX In this city, on Jan. 5, 1905. at her late residence, 41 Xorth Bth at.. Mrs. Honora Vaughn, aged 75 years, beloved moth er of Mary and Lizzie Vaughn. Funeral Saturday. Jan. 7. 1903, at 8:30 A. M.. from the above residence; at 9 A. M. from the Cathedral, cor. 15th and Davis sts. Rela. tires and friends respectfully Invited to at tend. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. SCHLEIQER The funeral of the late George Schlelger will take place today at 2 P. M. from the Zeller-Byrnes Co. chapel, 273 Russell st. Services at the cemetery will be conducted by Alblna Camp. 101. W. O. W., of which camp Mr. Schlelger was a member. Interment at Lone Fir Cemetery. Friends Invited. QALBREATH Died at his residence, near Tualatin Station. Washington County, Ore gon, on Jan. 5. 1903, Captain Oliver Gal breath. Funeral rvlcea will be held at his residence on Sunday .morning. Jan. 8, 1005. at 10 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend. Burial at cemetery near Tualatin Station. BECHER In this city. Jan. 5. 1905. Emma Becher. aged 74 years and 4 days, mother of Mrs. A. Raleigh and F. H. Kelly, of Wallace. Idaho, and F. M. Stru.' of Butte. Mont. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Finley'a Chapel, at 2 P. M.. today, after which the remains wIU be taken to the Crematorium. DCNNTNG, McENTEE GILBATT.GH, successors to DuBalng Campion, under takers and embalmers. modern la every de tail. 7 tli aad Pise. Phone. Mala 43. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLM AX CO.. Undertakers and cmbalBers. have moved to their sew bolld lag. Third and Salmon. I4j assistant. Telephone No. 57. J. P. ITS LEY SON. Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and 3adJsa. Offtce et Cowsty Cor cser. Lady atslstint. Telephone No. 8. T. S. SUNNING, Undertaker, 414 Xact AMer.- Xady a Istaart. Tclgphoao Xaot St. 5& Columbia Theater t&. Last two performance today and tonight. The Columbia Stock Company In Daly's scintilla ting comedy. The Last Word .ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAOR DINARY STARTING TOMORROW THE HOLY CITY KarqBam Grad ThealerHTidftr Phone Main 86S. LAST TWO PERFORMANCES TO DAT, BEN GREET PLAYERS E pec la-price matinee, 3 o'clock, the famous morality play, "EVERYMAN" Tonight at 8:30. Shakespeare's delightful comedy. "TWELFTH NIGHT" Matine prices 11.00. 75c. 50c. 35c. 25c Evening prices $1.50. J1.00. 75e. 50c. 35c, 25c Children under 14 years of age. 25c to any part of the theater at the matinee. Empire Theater Bftker' Order seats"by phone Main 117. Prices Evening. 15c.' 25c, 35c and 50c. Matinee. 10c. 15c and 25c. Two more performances, matinee and night, of the phenomenal success. THE SHOW GIRL Next Week, Beginning With Sunday Matinee Broadhurst & Currle's musical farce, Rudolph and Adolph STAR THEATER Portland's Eaahlonablo Vaudeville P lay House. . A GREAT BILL THE OKABE6. THE MOLASSOS. A HERN & BAXTER. GUS LEONARD. THE GARDEN TRIO. ROBERT ELLIS. THE PROJECTOSCOPE. Admission, 10c; referred box seati, 25c. THE GRAND THEATER EVERY ACT A HIT! 10 GREAT NUMBERS 10 TED E. BOX. Eondon Artist and Whistler, by special arrangement with Orpheum, 8. F. TEGGB AND DAXIELLS. Gems of Mirthful Nonsense. CHRISTT AND WILLIS. Tramp Jugglers and Danseuae. SID PHILLIPS AND HIS 3 English Daisies 3 THE HAMLINS. Matchles Dancers In "Music Mad." Pearl MELNOTTE TWINS Coral In latest hit. "Fishing!" ALF BONNER. NEW SOXO. "Down In the Vale of Shenandoah." THE GRANDISCOPE. Latest Parisian Film. "Life of Louis XTV." Admission to any seat 10c. box seats 25c BAKER THEATER XT.aTINP te FLOOD, Managers. Third, and Yamhill. LARGEST CONTINUOUS VAUDKVXLXJI BOUSE IN THK WORLD, EVERY SEAT lr Os perfarmanc alternooa; two very creates. ARCADE THEATER Portland's Xloneer Vaudeville Theater. JONES AND SAMBO. MTGREEZY AND JACKSON. LEONARD HELD. STANLEY AXLEEN. LILY PALOMA. ARTHUR LANE. AMERICAN BIOSCOPE. Admission to Any Seat, 10c LYRIC THEATER (Corner Aider and Savsath.1 HIQH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30; 7 JO to 10:30; Sunday. 2 ta 1J ?. M. Thill ad. aad 10o will adnUt two psoU any suulnee. except Sundays an4 holidays TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. NEW TODAY. IRVING'S HARBOR VIEW $900.00 and up for lots near Steel bridge on Benton between Dixon and Dspont streets. W. H. Grindstaff 246 STARK STREET ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Osr records an complete and up ta data W furnish abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On ImproTed Portland Real Estats. SECURITY ABSTRACT TRUST CO. 214-215 Chamber at Con&merea. $1350 Takes It 100 ft. on Irving near 21st sts.. Nob Hill district; rare chance to get a choice home site In finest residence part of city for compara tively little money; H cash. C H. KORELL. 251 Washington. Very Easy Terms S975 Big Bargain Corner S. W. corner 50x50. on 22d and Tburman sts. Inquire Beno & Ballls. Phone 44. 50x100 ON OLISAN ST. $7000 Lot on GUsan St.. near 8th t Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 0 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. 50x50 ON GLISAN ST. 56500! 50x50 feet and buildings leased for $450 a year. Title Guarantee i Trust Co.. li and 7 Chamber of DAVIS-STREET LOT $3000 Near 15th. new residence to be built at once on each side of It. Fractional lot Flanders, near 22d. cheap and fine. R. II. Wilbur. 306 McKay bldg. Business Lot: 50x100. Improved. on 4 th st.. two blocks from Morri son: monthly rent al $170; price. S1S.000, half cash. C H. KORELL. 251 Washington st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Addition: street, eewer and cement walks in ana paia; couuas bo suuu bcq cocbji w be had: must go at ones. 740 Chamber ot Commerce, FOR SALE A NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE, well built and finished; price 91000. In quire on premises. 1030 E. 12th St.. N.i Union Vernon car. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS- AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R Acoiton. xienu. ur. iin jlu ocoti civ ac. TO 6 ALB RKAL JMTATX. FOR SALK REAL, ESTATE $2586 -MBase. i rooms, and 100x100 feet, cor. Mason" M and Mississippi ave.; three blocks from. Thompson School; L car passes uroperty. 11750 Ivy street, near - Rodney ave-.. lot 50x105 feet, and house. 5 rooms and bath, street lmnroved and sewered. $2750-'Rodney ave.. near Eugene st.. 60x123 feet, and house. 0 rooms, hath, gas; rents 220 a month. 51 SCO La its bee sL. near Dixon, fine lot, 20x100 feet, five minutes walk from Steel hrlge. $leO West Irrlngton, cor. E. 10th and Tillamook. 100x100 feet, concrete sidewalk, on Tillamook st. 5-4000 BL 6th and E. Tamhlll sts.. 100x100 feet. This is future business property. tmx Cor. E. Couch. andB- 24th St.. lot SteW feet and house, & rooms, concrete base BBtnt, gas, barn, sewer In and paid. 30C0 E. Taylor. bt E. 23d and E. 25th. lot COxlOO feet and bouse. Z rooms, gas. J2T0V E. Otli. near Caruthers at., lot 53x100 feet and two houses? well built, brick, founda tion: rents $23 s. month. . $4200 E. 13t3l an E. Main sts.. lot 50x100 feet and new haute, s njoaiJ, furnace and all modern conveniences.. S1400 Sunnyalde, EL 37th. near E. Taylor, lot and cottage of 5 rooms, stable. $2100 Belmont St.. cor. E. 33th St.. lot 60x100 feet, house 5 rooms; rents S1G.S0 a jnonth, $1700 Belmont and E. 3lst sts.. 3 fine va cant lots. THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO., 8 and 7. Chamber of Commerce. NASHVILLE. PORTLAND'S CHOICEST suDuro; see Joe Nash about buying a home for cash or on easy terms; 5-room cottage. $1100. J25 down. $15 per raoncn; 5-room house, all finished and new, large -fruit trees. $630. 1-3 cash; 6-room, cot tage. IUX; $50 down. $15 per month: modern 5-rooai cottage, not quite com plete on Inside for $600. cash, 2 choice building lou. $125 "each. $3 down. $5 per month; see owner. Joe Nash. Nashville Station, on Mount Scott, car. Phone Union 156L BEGIN THE NEW TEAR WITH A HOME OF your own rooms. 1114 East salmon. $2000; $100 down. $25 monthly. 5-room new mod em, porcelain bath, adjoins above, $1800; same terms. Tour choice 10 sew cottages. MontavlUa. COxlOO. J 1100 to $1400; $12.50 and $15 per month. It you can pay rest, you can buy oa theso terms. Phone Union 4015. FOR SALE $250 In Woodstock. Portland's most attractive suburb; lots 100x100; every lot a corner. We will loan you money to build; you can pay us in Installments. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 109 Third street. WEST SIDE, 23x100. FOR $1500; SAT. ! -will bring you big returns and always ready to cash upon a few days' notloe, you look at this; 10 blocks from 3d and Morrison; fine location: must selL 740 Chamber of Com. merce. WHY PAY $150 TO $400 PER ACRE FOR land, wnes we can sell you just as good at one-fourth the price on your own terms; all on the O. W. P. electric line. 10c car fare. See Lambert & Sargent. 404 East 'Aider at. $375 A FRACTIONAL LOT. FINE SUR. rounding. - easy walking distance; 10th seat B. Bursaide; Improvements in asd paid; this price asd location talks to you. so be quick. Owner. 740 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. GAS. ELEC- tric ugnt; strictly modern; 15 minutes' walk to Steel bridge; ' will sell cheap If sold this week. 32S San, Rafael, cor. Rod ney ave.. Upper Alblna. FOR SALE NICE NEW 5-ROOM COT- tage with z lots, uresham. Apply 326 E. 7th. North. Portlasd. Phone Union 1074. FOR SALE 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE: price oowj. inquire on premises. 123 e. 12th; take Sunnyalde and Mt. Tabor car. $08003 MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSES. close m; yearly income oui; terms. Apply Osborn Hotels East Side, Phone East 375. IDEAL HOME HOUSE. HARD FINISHED; easy terms; Buy xrom owner. ZiH East 37th St.. bet. Madison and Hawthorne. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE. ALL COMPLETE. $600 cash; large fruit trees. Phone Union 1561. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. IMMEDIATE LOGGING PROPOSITION 4.500,000 feet fir timber, -mlle from river, i-mlle from tidewater, a snap. Whltten & Bryant, 718 Marquam bldg. CALL ON US FOR TIMBER LANDS AND fine logging proposition on water. Imus fc WlUoughby. Kalama, Wash. TO EXCHANGE. H-BLOCK. BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE property, win onng mommy, use lo cation In city; will trade for good country property. A. R. Spreadborough; 841 Front st., Portland. FIVE ACRES. SUITABLE FOR PLATTEs'G. near city, to exchange for small farm, with some Improvements, south from Portland preferred. Hatfield & Smith,. 165H 4th st. SECOND-HAND TALKING- MACHINES' OF all makes bought, sold and exchanged; bargains In second-hand machines asd rec ords. 180 3d st. TO EXCHANGE: GOOD FARM. 6 MILES from Portland to exchange zor rooming house. For particulars address F 56. Ore gonlan. IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY TO Ex change for rooming-house; might pay some cash difference. Hatfield & Smith, 165 Fourth at. PORTLAND PROPERTY FOR TACOMA. Seattle or Eastern property, city or sub urban. Room 202. Commercial block. TO EXCHANGE 480 ACRES NEAR PRINE- vHie for auto, launcs or aiamonas. I'none Hood 297. WANTRD REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES, $2000 to $10,000; also business properties. $5000 to $20,000. Have buyers. L. W. Whit ing & Co.. 40S Ablngton bldg. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready tor Immediate use. LOWEST PRICES. H. F. & F. B. Riley, 603 Chamber Commerce. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR securing title timbered or agricultural land. H. B. Compsos. 618 Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE, SANTA FE AND OTH cr guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate. Maglnnls & Son, 227 Falling bldg. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER scrips; general land practice. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. 400 ACRES WHEAT LAND EASTERN ORE gon, 380 acres cultivated, $IL30 per acre. 240 acres wheat land. Eastern Oregon, all In cultivation, $12 per acre. 20 acres, pleasant valley, iear Portland; $1300, 1-3 cash, balance easy terms. This is extra choice land. B. a COOK & CO.. 231 Alder at. 15 ACRES, RIGHT Uf TOWN; GOOD building and all household furniture; 60 acres ready for hops. Price $2330. 40 acres, all cuIUyated and In crop, Vt miles town. $40 per acre. B. S. Cook & Co.. 231 Alder st. FOR SALE FARM. 0 MILES SOUTH OF city, 40 acres, 28 under cultivation, 100 Royal Anne cherry trees, good house and bam; span of horses, wagon, cow, chickens, etc Price, $3500 cash. Address F 65, Ore gonlan. 633 ACRES. 340 ACRES PLOWED AND considerable In crop to go with place, one of the best farms In the state at a low figure; $18 per acre. B. S. Cook & Co., 251 Alder st. FOR SALE 160 ACRES VIRGIN LAND; 18 miles from city. See D. E. Budd about bargain. 110 1st et. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles aad Harness. FOR SALE YOUNG TEAM. 4 YEARS; weight. 1300 each. G. Balslger, 847 Mal lory ave. , WOLFSTEEf buys asd sela horses, wagoaa, harness, buggies, farm lmplemeats. 237 Frost. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AN SD-HAND vehicles on Ccast for sals or hire 211 Wash. 24 HORSES FOR SALE AT 4TH AND BURN side. FOR, SALE GOOD PIANO. USED BUT LIT tle; a great bargals for cash; Isvestlgate. 532 Broadway, cor. E. 14th N. , $260 CASH WILL BUT $425 PIANO; USED a tew weeks; must sell at ones. A 30. Ore gesUa. FOR SALE GOOD PIANO AT A BARGAIN; cash or Installments. 10 Washington bldg. XlseelUBeeM. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD SET BAR fixtures, msutre Jta btn. FOB.- SALC Steals DOES TOUR. ROOF LEAK.?. Repair It with Elaterlte; it roll, easy t lay; needs no painting or coatlag; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; best for sew roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co.. room 2. HamlHca bldg. FOR SALS NEW AXD SECOND-HAND BIL Uard and pool tables; easy payments; wo rent tables, with prlvtlsge of buying; modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Ualke-Colle&der. 40 3d st. FOR SALE A 3-YEAR-OLD - HEREFORD bull, or will trade for one of same breed; to be seen at Union Stockyards, city. C.Mln slnger. HOP ROOTS FOR SALE PURS ENGLISH Cluster cuttings for mla at reasonable. Price. Room 314. Allsky bldg.. Portlasd. Or. BEST DRY 4-FOOT FIR WOOD, $3.73 PER Water st. Phose Main 4306. FOR SALE 2000 SHARES G ALICE CON solldated Mines Co.'s stock at 10c, A 63. Oregoslan. 12. COWS AND HEIFERS CLOSING OUT cheap; bargain It you take the lot. 227 Front. HOP ROOTS TO SELL; HOP RANCH TO k or nrau Appiy jvingsoury. Uti Haw thorne ave. TWO CAGE CIRCUS WAGONS. ALL KINDS vehicles bought and sold. 211 Washington. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. GOOD AS new. In fine condition. 10 Washington bldg. Bargains In typewriters, supplies, office goods, rubber stamnsi safes.. Coaar Co.. 211 tiV FOR SALE A GOOD FIREPROOF SAFE F. S. Akin. 023 Chamber of Commerce. NO. 6 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. NEAR ly sew, cheap. L 67. Oregoslan. A GOOD BUFFET CABINET FOR SALE cheap, call up East 2716. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN THE ORIGINAL JNO. A. MOLEU'S Barber College, 644 Clay et.. Son Franclscc. Is the largest, lightest and cleanest college 13 America; trade taught Jn 8 weeks; positions guaranteed: tuition earned, while learning; expert Instructors; constant practice. Write correct No. (644 Clay) for terras. WANTED A STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS Ex perienced outside man, one capable of figur ing on mill, mining, marine, railroad and logging, repairs and manufacturing; to be located In Portland. Or.; must be thoroughly experienced; no other need apply. Address Iron. Box 113. Seattle. Wash. LOGGERS. MILL AND YARDMEN, LABOR ers, city asd country; men and teams, farm, hands asd milkers, restaurant and- mess-house help; work bt all kinds'. Canadian Employ ment Co., 240 Burnslde asd Morrison. Phone Main 3074. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN 8 weeks and secure positions; constant prac tice; expert Instruction and examination; wages earned while learning. Catalogue mailed free. Moler System College. Baa Franctrco. CaL EMPLOYED OR UNEMPLOYED IF YOU are a competent manager, salesman, technical or office man, we can help you to a gxid posi tion. Call or write for plan and booklet. Pacific Commercial Bureau, suite 45, Cos cord bile. 2d asd Stark. 50 AMATEURS WANTED IMMEDIATELY -uatte money, easy woric. dramatic, vaudeville acting, stage dancing taught;, positions guar anteed. Newman's School of Acting, Raleigh bldg.. 6th asd Washing ton. WELL-DRESSED YOUNG MEN, PLEAS ast talkers, on first-class canvassing prop osition; salaried, basis; only competent people need apply; bet. 7 asd 8 P. Mi, room 23, Raleigh bldg. WANTED SINGERS, PERFORMERS, Mu sicians, etc.. big salary, for vaudeville cir cuit. Portland World's Fair. Newman's Vau deville Circuit, Raleigh, 6th and Washington. wanted men and boys to leaRN, -v y-H Dlumblnc trade. Covna Bros. Co.. A-hnni f -- Practical Plumbing. Send for catalogue. Ad dress 4873-75 Eastos ave.. St. Louis. Mo. ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES. RE muneratlve commissions; newspaper, ag azines. Clyde's Advertising- Bureac S38 Chamber of Commerce. Established 1815. WANTED COAT AND PANTs-MAKER AT once, pay $10 for coat asd $3 for pasts; must be first class. A. H. Marquarat. La Grande, Or. TRA.VEUNG SALESMAN; MUST BE thoroughly experlpnced in .hardware and, crockery. Call suite 45, Concord block. SUBSCRIPTION HUSTLERS. $3 TO . $5 dally; canvaes saloons, restaurants, buslneis places. 638 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED BOY ABOUT 15 YEARS OLD; salary $3 per week. Apply at Remington Typewriter Co., 249 Stark st. WANTED-SOLICITORS WHO CAN FUR nish bond. Apply Tuesday morning. 531 Chamber of Commerce. BOY. 16 YEARS OR OVER. LXQUIRE To day, rooms 2 and 3. The Francis, cor. Mor rison and West Park. SOLICITORS. LADIES OR GENTS. BEST article on Coaet; enormous profits. Room 18. 223 Flret st. WANTED MEN FROM 18 TO 35 YEARS old to prepare for railway mall exam. R 64, Oregonian. WANTED STENOGRAPHER. $25 MONTH; good firm. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison at. BARBER WANS TO BUT SHOP IN COUN try town. Address P. O. Box 375. Port land, Or. CARPENTERS I WANT HOUSE BUH.T ON Installments. McCoy, 86 10. sear Stark. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber College. 741 Howard sr., San Francisco. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST. CURES ALL PRI vate diseases of men. KELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. PHYSICIAN REGISTERED IN WASHING ton, with $500; lady preferred; good business opening, if taken at once. D 67, Oregonian. $18 PER WEEK EXPENSES PAID IN AD vance; reliable firm. Address 411 Good nough bldg. ANY ONE WISHING TO JOMT A CLASS Hi telegraphy call at 305 1st st. HELP WANTED FEJIALE. 50 AMATEURS WANTED IMMEDIATELY Make money, easy work, dramatic, vaude ville acting, stage dancing taught; positions guaranteed. Newman's School of Acting, Raleigh bldg., 6th and Wasblsgton. WANTED WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSB work. at Hlllsboro; good home; no children; middle-aged preferred. Inquire D. M. Watson, Perkins Restaurant. WANTED GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WOM an for general housework; wages. $20 per month. Apply to Mrs. C A. Buckley. Grass Valley. Or. CHAMBERMAIDS (COOK FOR ONE), housekeeper (bring child). $15; domestics; Japanese for Eugene, Drake. 205)4 Wash ington. LADIES EARN $20 PER HUNDRED WRIT, lng. short letters. Send stamped envelops for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co.. Cassopolls. Mich. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 250 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. WANTED LADY COOK PARTNER FOR nice clean little restaurant: small capital required. O 67, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERA I housework: good wages: references re quired. 822 Johnson st. WANTED EXPERIENCED CHAMBER mald. German or Swede preferred. Oilman Hotel. 1st and Alder. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply at Pacific Coast Blacult Co., 12th and Davis. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. family of two; must be good cook. Apply 330 N. 23d st. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR massage parlor. 1101' 4th, corner Wash ington. . WANTED YOUNG WOMAN DISHWASH er. 300 Ankeny St., opposite PostotHce-. WANTED GIRL FOR -LIGHT HOUSE work; small family. 783 Williams ave. WANTED MILLINERY APPRENTICES. Apply to Lowesgart & Co.r 82 Front st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOCSE-wo-k; small family. 181 E. ,16th. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 770 Irving eU WANTED NEAT SECOND GIRL: APPLY morning, 8 N. 10th st.