THE -MOUSING OlSEGOmXy WttWK&tff I XAJlBX 1,. 1005. FFECT IS SLIGHT larket Ignores Port Arthurs :all and Securities Decision. VENTS LONG ANTICIPATED lesurnption of Lawson's Newspaper Campaign Has "Deterring Effect on Speculation Dullness Rules at the Close. NEW TORK. Jan. 3. Developments of un- :pected Importance confronted ibe stock mar t for its interpretation with the opening of e New Tear's business this morning. The 1 of Port Arthur and the decision in the orthern Securities Injunction ult have lone n awaited as events o prime importance y those operating: in atocke. The moderate eet today Is easily explainable irom me ery fact that these events were lone antlcl- ated. There was tome rather wide fluctuation dur- c tbo morning, but the moderate proportions t the dealings warned thoee sharing In them at they were not In a large company, ana market settled down toward the latter art cf the day to a rather dull tone and with he advances Indifferently held. There was come disposition to attribute this ffect to a third widely expected event, name-. the resumption of tbo campaign by pub- lahed advertisement against the prices of locks. There was not. In fact, any very pow- rjul evidence of the dire effects threatened or the market by this morning's proclamation. ut U is not improbable that there was some read of the occurrence of euch events which Lad its part In deterring operators from active eatings, The sudden rise In Amalgamated Copper to bove 74, with evidence of some confusion mong the shorts In the stock, was the mo- lve of a late rally wbich made the closing trceg,, ftoutln news of the day was all fa vorable to values. Call money worked easier during the day. nd supplies were abundant. There was a broad market for bonds at lgher price. Total sales, par value. $6,020,- jO. United States 2s regular aecimeu ana e 2s coupon advanced per cent on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Cloning Sales. High. Low. bid. tchUon 8,950 S7H S84 do preferred 1.300 101 lOOi 1K! tl&nUc Coast Une.. 400 124 12Sj 124 tlmore fc Ohio.... 40,100 ioo iua xvu do preferred ....... ..... '"Vs ladlan Pacific .... . lMt "7S Central of N. J MX) lUOls IW'h i Chesapeake & Ohio.. 1.600 4 4S 400 43Vj 42 200 8.1 VZ 13,300 23 22i 48 tilcago Si Alton 42Vs 81VV 234 208 172 11 213i 01 23 2Vl do preferred ?hl Great Western.. Cht. & Northwestern. 00 20aVa 03?. 'hL. Ml & 8t. Paul 39,400 175s 172 Jni. Term. &. urans.. 1.400 12 do preferred 400 I Colorado & Southern 2u0 roo 23 2W 23S, 01 do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred...... 39 185VS 184 340 Delaware & Hudson. I Del.. Lack. &. west. iDenver & Klo Grande 31H 8SVt 3D 76, 5HT 00- do preferred (500 80 31)i 57 OOfc S64 H7 77 tK) lErle ... 54.700 5.400 do 1st preferred.... do 2d n referred 2,400 3,400 Hocking Valley do preferred 01 1584 156 30". 30 50 5 2S 28 52 62H ISO 141 Illinois Central Iowa Central 3.1KK) 200 200 .57 30 56 28 52?s do preferred I Kan, City Southern.. 300 COO 00 preferred Louisville Ac Nash v.. 2.800 Hl'i I Manhattan L 000 10.VV 165 165 Oletrop. Securities... Metropolitan Et. By.. Mexican Central .... Minn. & 8U Louts... 31 . St P. & S. S. M. 1.700 78U 79 4.300 121V 120U 120 3.400 ""266 22 22 01 01 1)0 PO 148U do preferred 1 Missouri PaeWc . . , L100 lUSTs 107 200 StiVi 32 I Mo., Kaa. & Texas.. 324 :i9 do a referred 2,300 04 02. National of Mex. pfd. Jfcw York Central... 3.100 1.W10 8,500 43 141 143 4Ui 41 41H 80T 70 80 Vj N Ont. & West. Norfolk & 'Western.. do Breferred Pennsylvania 4V.906 Vsovi Va'sH l39i r . r . c & st. l... Beading 20,000 soy, 02 85 37 n 84 71U '584 7BV5 02 KS 36V4 84 71 SO n; 84 35 83H il 25 do 1st preferred.., do 2d cref erred..... 700 COO 29.300 200 3W Hock J pi and Co do preferred Bt 1 & S. F. 2d pfd. cl l. ssoumwesiern.. do preferred .......... 1.500 Southern Pacific . 63,700 2? 00 preferred , Southern Railway .. da preferred Texas & Pacific Toledo. St. I. & IV.. do preferred X nion Pacific .......2 do preferred "Wabash , do 'preferred "Wheeling & L. Erie. Wisconsin Central .. do preferred ; Express companies Adams American Vnited States "Wells Fargo 00 116 115 115 fi.lOO 36 35 0 3.500 700 07 354 35Vi 200 54U JM 54 11.200 116?i 114i 1164; 07U 21 07 215, 43 13 22 '45tf WO 500 00 200 43 10U 22J 45 42 18?4 21M. 43i 236 209 110 2S3 100 210 210 100 Slisrellaneoub Amalgamated Copper 7S.40ft 70 34 04!4 74 34, 04 3G 04 ADifr, v-ar : tounarj l.wo 344 04 do preferred American Cotton OH. do Trefe.-red American lee do preferred 700 000 014 37 15 37 103 82 113 14M 03 109 61 ; 10s 100 4f 107 .18 00 237 1B 05 American Unmed Oil do preferred American Locomotive 2.600 do preferred Amer, Sm. & Refining 4,000 ' do preferred 35H "82H 34 'sV Amer, Sugar Refining Am, Tohateo pf. cert. Anaconda Mining Co. Brooklyn n Transit. Colorado Fuel & Iron Consolidated Gun ... North American .... Pacific Mail People's Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do preferred Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do preferred Ttubber Goods do preferred Term Coal -& Iron... V F Leather do preferred V R. Realty........ 8.CO0 143 142 1.400 03 02 Va 700 HOti 8.600 01 7.200 47 2.100 10S GOO 102 8.500 48Vi 1.700 107 100 61 46V; 1074 101 45 107 ob 2S7 10 IL1 100 100 600 BOO 200 00 2S7 17i 71H 273 "Vl'U 2.800 8.10O 101 Hi 14 131 '13V 3.400 102U 101 101 78 X". s Rubber loo do preferred ....... 500 V S Steel 74.200 do preferred R.60O Tw-Carol'na Chemical 2.800 33 09 29 02 ,S5 180 03 33 08 30 03 3S 100 179 04 00 30 03 20 do preferred 400 100 "WeMlnghPuse dec TVetrm X'nlcn .... 100 1RO 2.000 03 Total salea for theday. 007.100 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK. Jan. 3. Closing quotations: P S. ref 2s reg.l04lAtchlson AdJ 4s 103H do coupon ...104HID. tc R. G. 4S.100U r S. 3s reg....l03iN. T. Cent. 1st. 09 do coupon ...104jNor. Pacific 3s. 77 X P. new 4s reg.l30( do 4s 104 do coupon ...130;so. Pacific 4s.. 03U X' & old 4ag.l05UnIon Pacific 4s.l05 do coupon ...105Wis. Central 4s. 00 V Stocks at London. LONDON. Jan. ft Consols for "88 11-16. consols for account. SS. money. Anaconda 5 Atrblsoa ... .. 91U INor. & "Western 82 do oreferrrd 03 42 71 11 41 47 43 36 00 do preferred .103 jOnt, & "Western Bait & Ohio ..108 Pennsylvania . . Canadian PaciflclSO iRand Mines . .. Reading .. .. do 1st pref Ches. & Ohio . 50 C Gt -Western. 23 C. M & St. P.. 176 DeBeers . . ..18 D & R, G S3 1 do 2d prtf .. 6o. Railway . . I do preferred . ISo. Pacific . do preferred . 70 Erie do 1st pref 39 itTnlnn Pacific ..lim! 77j do preferred .. 09 57 llT S StiMl niti do 2d pref Illinois Central. .161! do preferred .. 06 1 N 144 IWabash 25 M, K. & T. ... S3 do preferred .. 44 N T Central.. 146Spanlsh 4s' 80 Bank Clearings. Clearings. $1,157,402 , 872. 0K5 540.760 666.866 Balance. J163.S62 113.4S3 52.SC8 52.0S1 Portland Kea)e . Ta-trna Spokane Money, Excbange, Etc. NEW TORK. Jan. 3.r-Monei' on call, steadv. j-r cent; cioeing. 2 per cent; -oSered, m per cent. Time loans, flrmert-60 -and J80 day. 3 per cent; air mohtnr,S&I per cent.' Prime mercantile caper, 484 per cent.. Sterling exchange, weak: closed Armer, with actual business In- bankers bills at .&4-80S59, 4.8695 for demand, and at 14.84654-8470 for 60-day bllb. Posted rates. $4.S54.SS. Com mercial Tjllls. f.4.84- v Bar Mlver. 61c Mexican dollars. 4 Sc. , .f Bonds Governmcit, Irregular; raltroid. nrm.- LONDON. Jan. 3. Bar Ter.-o(et. '28 S-ltd per ounces Mone-. Iff2 per cent. i' The rate of dlseouht lnthe -0P!' market- for short bin Is 2 6-16S2S per cntrthrrenioatla' J Dins is st per cent. , SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 3. Sliver bars, Clc Mexican dollars, ,31c ' . ; -i - Drafts Sight, 2c; telegraph. 6c Sterling on London, CO days, 4.8; sight, ?4.S75. Dally Treasury Statement. "WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. Today's Treasury, statement: Aarllable cash balances .....S146.S82.CSS Gold - O..alB PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Flour, Feed. Xlc. The wheat rade continues quiet, tut dealers expect a resumption cl activity soon. Flour la steady, with more Inquiry from the Orient. Bran and other kinds" of mlllfeed are strong. WHEAT Export values. Walla Walla, Ale: Uuestem. 65c; tallllng, Walla Walla, 85c; blu istem SSfroc; Valiey. S7c: J2atera basis, Tl'alla Walla. 83Wc; bluestem. 0a B ABLE V Feed, 122 per ton; rolled. S23.5O0 24.50. . OATS No. 1 white. S1.32QL35, gray, S1.35 Qil.40 per cental. FLOUR Patents. J4.C534.S5 per barrel; straights. J4.3064.45; clears. S3.R534; Valley. I4.10SH.23: Dakota hard wheAt, tG.507.5u; Grafeam. 5304; whole wheat. J4fi4.25; rj flour, local. $6: Eastern. $53.10. MILLS TUFFS Bran, SID per ton; middlings. S23: shorts, 121; chops. U. S. MUla. $19; Uaswed dairy food. 118; linseed ollmeal. lc per pound. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 00 pound sacks. 16.75; loner grades. 15fl.25; oat meal, steel cut, 50-pound sacks. $8 per barrel; 10-round sacks. $4.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground). 0-pound sacks, 17.50 per barrel: 10 pound sacks. 14.23 per bale; split peas, $4.50 per 100-pound, sack; 25-pound boxes. 1.25; pearl barely. $4 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes. $1.25 per box; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks. 2.50 per "bale. HAT Timothy. 114916 per ton; clover, lll? 12; grain. 11112: cheat. 412Q18. Vegetables Fruit. Etc. The market was weH supplied with fruits and vegetables, and a'ood demand was re ported br dealers. Ntw offerings consisted of a car each of oranges, sweets, and celery and cauliflower. VEGETABLES Turnips. 11 per eack; car rot. SI; bfcetn 31.25; parsnips, si.25; cabbage, J California. lc, Danish. lc; lettuce, head. 1 15? per dozen; parsicy. mo aoxen; loauuoes, 11.25 per crate; cauliflower. SL803 per crate; egg-plant. 10&15c eer pound: celery. 60gC5c ?er doten, peas. &6c per pound; beans, green, c; wax. tc; pumpkins. lCHHc per pound; peppers 5c per pound; rhubarb. SLS5 per box. ONIONS New, S22.15. buyers" prices. HONE Y 5333.25 per case. POTATOES New Oregon, fancy. 75GJ85C: common. 60ff65s, buyer' price; Merced sweets, IQ:1V; new California. 4c perpound. RAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4-crown. 7c; C-Iayer Muscatel raisins. 7c; unbleachd seed less Sultanas. Cc; London layers. 3 -crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds. 11.85; 2-crown. 1.75. DRXED FRUIT Apples, evaporated, 8Jf8Jc per pound; eundried. sacks or boxes, none; apricots, loeilC; peaches, 0810c: par, none; prunes, Italians, 4&5c. French. 2Sc; flgs, California blacks. 6c. do white, none; Smyr na. 20c; Fard dates. 6c; plums, pitted. Sc. DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, fancy, 41Q1.S0; cooking. 6075c; figs, 5cS20 per box; rrapes, California. S1-2581.CC; pears, pound. 76c tffl: cranberries. 59.50011 per barrel; persim mons, J1.25 per box. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. $2,759 S.76: choice. $2.75 per box; oranges, new na vels, $23-2.50 : mandarins, Coeioc ier box; tangerines. $1.50&2 per box; grapefruit, 13d $.50 per box: bananas, 585hc per pound; pome. rranatcA $2.25 per box. Batter. Eggs, Poultry, Etc. There were large receipts of egg yesterday, and the mraket was further weakened by the slowness of buyers to take hold. The top price quoted was CO cents, with the bulk of business done at 20 cdnts. One fair size lot was disposed of at a half-cent below this fig ure. Thero were moderate arrivals of poultry, which cleaned up quickly. Butter Is quoted about steady. EGGS Oregon ranch, 28H30e; Eastern, 24 ifl!5c. BUTTER City creameries; Extra creamery, SOc per pound; tancy creamery, 222Sc Statt creameries: Fancy crcimery. 255f27tc; Califor nia, acy creamery. 25S2c; store butter. 1214c CHEESE Full cream twins. 13$15c; Toung Amerieas. 14C15c POULTRY Hens. ll12e; old hens. 11c; mixed chickens. lOffllc: old roosters, 83; do young. 10610c; Springs. J to 2-pound. X2G12c; broilers, 1 to 1-pound. 14S15c: dressed chlrtcens. 12ffl3c: turkeye. drussed. average. 15&17C; choice, 20622c. geese, live. $869; do dressed. 10612c; ducks, old. $6$7; do young, an to sire. $7QTS; pigeons. $11.23. GAME Wild geeec. $383.50; Mallard ducks. $2.50e3.50;a widgeon. $2; teal. $1.5061.75. . . Meats and Provisions. BEEF Dressed, bulls and cows. 23c; steers. 34c MUTTON Dressed. 35c per pound; lambs. &flGc per pound. IlAMll-Ten. to 14 pounds, J2o per pound: 14 to 16 pounds, 12c; 18 to 20 pounds. Li: Calllornla (picnic). Oc; cottage bams, 0c; shoulders. 9c; boiled bam. 21c; boiled picnu bam, boneless, J4c VEAL Dressed. 100 to 125, 788c per pound; 125 to 200 66c; 200 and up. 394c. PORK Dressed. 100 to 150. 68"5ic Pr pouno. 150 and up, 56c BACON Fancy breakfast. 16c per pound; standard breakfast. 17c: choice. 15c; Englisb breakfast. 11 to 14 pounds. 14c: peach bacon i:e:AUSAGD-Portland ham. 12c per pound; minced ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17c. bologna, long, 6c: welntrwurst, 8e; liver, tte; pork. Oc; blood. 5c; headcheese, 12c; bologna sausage, link. 4c. , DRY SALTED MEATS Regular short clears, in. lr lie. smoked: clear backs. 0c salt. 10c smoked; Oregon export, 20 to 25 pounas, average. 10c salt. llc smoked; Union butts, 10 to 18 pounds, average, be salt, 9c smoked. PICKLED GOOD Pickled pigs' feet, -bar-rels. $5; -barrels. $2.75; 15-pound kit, $L25; pickled tripe, -barrels. $5; -barrels, $2.75; barrels. $8; -barrels. $3: 15-pound kits, $L50; picaiea lunn lunsucs, umj 71--reia, $5.50: 15-pound kits. $2.75. LAUD KetUe-rendered ; Tierces, 0c; tubs. tn. n- iiu. Tut',.' in. inuj. A. ial:. Standard pure:"Tiercei 8c; tubs. 9c; 55s. 0c; 0ct tubs. Cc; 50s. 6e; 10s. 7c: 6s. 7c Groceries. Nuts, Etc COFFEE Mocha. 28928c: Java, ordinary. 16 2CW; Costa Rica, rarity. lftffSOc; good. 16tfl8e; ordinary. 10012c per pound; Columbia roast. casts. 100s. 513.&0: mm, i; Arouckie. 10.33: Lion. $15.38. RICE Imoerlal Japan. No. 1. $5.37: Soulb- rn Japan. $3.50; Carolina. 4Sf6c; brokenbead. 2c. . i.t. Tl . ..... ..It. cwjji u i -J luiauia a-wuuu . $1.75 cer dozen: 2-1ound' UUs. $2.40: 1-pound flats. 11.65: fancy. 191-pound flats. $L8U H-pound flats. $11 0;Alaska pink. 1-pound tails, coc. rea, ipouna utiii, kkkjci, 1-pound talis, $ i-pouna stu, Kt'OAR-Sack basis. 100 tound- Cube. $0.50 powdered. $6.25: dry granulated, $6.15; extra. C. $5.65. golden C. $5.55; fruit sugar. 6.13. ad vance over sack basis as follows. Barrels, 10c; Half barrels. 25c: boxes. 50c per 100 pounds. iTorros. On remittance within 15 days; deduct Vic per pound: If later than. 15 days and within 30 days, deduct c per pound; no discount after 50 days ) Ueet sugr granuiatea. 53, co per jv? pounds, maple sugar, 155fl8c pershound. SALT California. $9.50 per Ion; $L30 per bale; Liverpool. 50S. $15.00; loos, xjq; -jws, $14.50: half cround. 100. $5.25: &0s $5.75. ' NUTS Walnuts. 13c per pound by sack, 1c extra for less tbati Brazil .nuts, 15c: SI- bcrtB, 14c; pecans. Jumbos, 24t; extra Urge.v l&c; aimonos. X. -V- ioc; cnessiuu, Ital ians. 15c: Ohio. 54.50 ner '25-pound drum: Pea nuts, raw. 7o per pound; roasted, Oc; plne- nuta. iojfl2c; nicttory nuts, c; cocoanuii, 85000c ner dozen. BEANS Small while. Oc; Urge white, S&; pink. 3e; DayM, 3c; Lime, 5c Hops. WooL Hides, Etc, HOPS Choice. 2930c: prime, 17028c per pound. w "WOOL Valley. 10620c per pound: Eastern Oregon, 10gl7c; mohair. 25S26o per pound for choice. 15fffic per pound; dry glp. No. 1. 5 to li pounds, ltc: dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds. ICc; dry, ratted bulls and stags, one-third less (nan dry. flint; salted hide, steers, sound. Q Tc: under 50 pounds and cows. C&7c: stags and bulls, sound. 4if4Vsc; kip. sound. IS to 20 zaan. luc ioceach. Angora, wun wool on. 25c3i pounds, 7c; under 10 pounds. 8c; green (unsalt ed. lc per pound less; culls, jc per pound; fcorss hides, altcd, 11.5052 each; dry. $161.50 each: colts' hides. 2550c each; goatskin, common, log 15c each; Angora, with wool on. 25c$L TALLOW Prime, per pound. 435c: No. 1 and grease. i-4C3c. Oils. GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases. 24c: Iron barrels, lSc. 86 dcg. gasoline, caees, 3zc; Ircn parrel or arums. 26c. COAL OIL Caves, 214c; Iron barrels, lc; wood barrels, none: C3 its., cajn. rCc: bartels. lSc Washington Slate test burning oil, ex cept aeaangnt. c- per gajion signer. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels. 64c; cases. 69c, Boiled- Barrels.. 50c. rasas. Sic; le less is SMvgsuoa 1MB. TURPENTINE Cases. S5e: barrelr. Sic WHITE- LEAD Ton lots.- Tc; 'AOV-pound. c; jess L&an wo-pound iots. sc. . SXRONQEST AT OPENING SyHEAT PRICES SLUMP ON FALSE REPORT OF VISIBLE. Loss 1$ Recovered on Fair Buying. but Closing Values at Xhl V . ?cago ' Are :Eiy.- CHICAGO. Jan. 3. The greatest strength .of the wlieat market -was at -tba Immediate "'epea lng. Initial Quotations in .Ma deliverr showed a gain' of fliCc, at $1.15 to Sl.lWi.' The-prM- clpal source of strength lay la the weekly statistics. "World's shipments were 3.500.000 bushel smaller than the previous week. Fur thermore, the quantity ef ocean shipments de creased 7,326,000 bushels. In addition. - the weather In Arrentina was unfavorable to. bar- vesUng operations, being wet la all four prov inces. The domestic eltuatlcn also was con strued as favorable for the bulls, the arrivals In the Northwest being much, smaller than J those,: of last week. Late In Ihe day a rumor that the visible supplies haj Increased nearly 2. 000, COO bushels caused a decided conunotloa In the pit. For a time offerings were much In excess of the demand. The result was a harpj break In prices. May dropped to $1.13- Offlclcl figure, however, failed to confirm the sensational report, tbe Increase being esti mated at only 001.000 bushels. The market recovered a portion of the Iocs in -consequence, of fair buying brought out by the more bull ish aspect of the statistics, and closed easy, with May c off at $1.14. In consequence of the bearish character of weekly statistics, the corn market exhibited considerable weakness. May closed SSc down at 44yjc. The decline In corn had a depressing effect on tbe oats market, prices showing a -slight Iocs. May closed at 31C31c. Considering a decline of 10c In prices of bog?, tbe. provision market displayed Srmness. At tbe close May . perk and lard were un changed at $12.80 and'$7.02V7.C5 respective ly. Ribs were a hada lower at $6.70. The leading futures ranged as fellows: Wheat. Open. High. Low. Close. $1.15 $1.14 .08 .Oij; 44k .44fc .45 .45 lii(t !i .31 .31 s " i ' 12.40 12.40 12.77 Va 12.80 C.77H 6.774 7.02fc 7.05 . 6.27 6.40 6.70 6.70 Mas- .$1.15 S1.I5J4 . .05 -COU CORN. . .42 .42H . .45 .454 . .45 .15 OATS. v - .23 . .nifc .31 . .31 -31H MESS:PdRK .12.45 12.45 " 12.77& 12.92H -BXRD.:" . fl.80 -80 ' r 7.02ii' 7,07i SHORT RIBS. . 6.324 . C.70 6.75 July January May ... July ... January 1'ay July .... January . May January .. May January May Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Firm. Wheat No. 2 Spring. $1.1061.15; No. 3, OSc ?$i:i2; No. 2 red. $1.1531. 1SH. Corn-No. 2. 42V4c; No. 2 yellow,. 4214c Oats No. 2, 20c; No. - white. 31G32c; No. 3 white. 30HJB2c. Rye No. 2, 75e. Barley Good feeding, 36Q37c; fair to choice malting. 41048c . Flaxseed No. 1, $1.15; No. 1 Northwestern. $1-22H. Mess pork Per barrel. $12.40012.45. Short ribs eldei Loose. ffl.l2g0.37'. Short clear Bides Boxed. $6.K2'.t.75. Clover Contract grade, $12.75. Receipt. Shipments. Flour, barrels . Wheat, bushels 5.400 8.400 28.000 ....305.600 .... 71.100 .... 2.000 .... 64,000 41,900 Com. bushels . 357.500 Oats, bushels 184.000 bushels .. Barley, bushels bo! 300 Grain and TToduco at New Xoric NEW YORK. Jan. 2. Flour Receipt. 21.- 000 barrels;, exports. 11,000 barrels. Market, dull, but stead)-. Wheat Receipts, 121,300 bushels: soot, firm: No. 2 red) nominal elevator, and $1.23 f. p. b, afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.25 f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard. -$1,10 f. o,. U afloat. Op ticas opened higher gn hullUh weekly statis tics and strong Liverpool cables.- followed- by reactions under the liberal trade West. . On subsequent report of a good Northwest cash demand and better bull support, the market rallied again, but finally broke under liquida tion, closing H-c net lower. May closed $L14; July closed. $1.02. Hops and bides Steady. ., Wool Firm.- N Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. S. Wheat and Bar ley; firm. . Spot quotations "Wheat-Shipplng. $1 j451.60; milling, ! $1.52 Barley Feed.- $1.126-L15: brewing, $1.16H 01.18. Oats Red.. $1.4pi.55; white. $L453L57: black. $L30ff.l.CStt Call board sales "Wheat-May. .$L45: December, $1.31. Barley May, $1.1 0i. Corn Large yellow, $1.2SL27. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Jan. 3. Wheat Cargoes en pass age, quiet but firm: Engllih territory mar kets, quiet. "Wheat and flour on passage t United Kingdom. G1C.000 quarters; to Con tinent. 350,000 quarters. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 3l Wheat Firm: March. 7s Id; May. 7s dr July. 7s Sfcd. Wheat In Paris. Arm; flour In Paris, firm; French coun try markets, dull. "Weather In England, cold -and damp. Visible Supply of Grain. -NEW YORK. Jan. 33 The visible supply of grain Saturday. December 31, as com piled by the New York Produce Exchange. Is as follows: Increase. 001,000 2,360.0"0 127,000 55,000 "Wheat, bushels 40,610.000 Corn, bushels 0,587,000 Oats, bushels 22.S82.000 Rye. bushels 1.3S3.000 Barley, bushels -.v...... 6,008,000 Decrease- Tacoma Wheat Masket. TACOMA. Wash., Jan. 3. Wheat Un changed; bluMlem. 8Sc:' club. SJc LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices at Portland Union Stockyards Yes trrday. Receipts at tbe Portland Union Stockyards yesterday were 300 sheep and 50 hog. The following prices "were quoted at the yards: CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon .steers, $3.75 6'4; cows and heifers, $2.75J3, HOGS Best large, fat hog, $3.50; black and China fat, $4.504.75. SHEEP Beit Eastern " Oregon and Valley, $4-1.25; lambs. $3.256S-50. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices and Receipts of Cattle, Sheep and Hogs at Kansas City. KANSAS CITT. Jan. 3. Cattle Receipts 7000. Market steady. Native steers, $3.75 QG.09; native cows and heifers. $1.73 6 4.50; Blockers and feeders. $2.73 .OO; bulls, $23 04.00; calves. $3960; "Western steers. $3.50 t?5.25; "Western cows, $1.75 3.50. Hogs Receipts 40,000. Market steady. Bulk of sales. ?423lj,4.50; heavy. $ 1.30 O 43; packers, $4.33 6 4-30; pigs and lights, $3.73(?4.40. v Sheep Receipts. 3000. Market was steady. Muttons. $465.50; lambs. $5.30t?7.00; range wethers, $3(56.00; ewes, $3.73 e 1-75. SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 3. Cattle Receipts 2600. Market 10c lower. Native steers, $3.23 6C00; cows and heifers. $2.5004.00; can nerx. $1.5002.40; stockers and feeders. $2.50 3.85; calves. $2,306-5.50; bulls, tags, etc $1.75 3.40. Hogs Receipts 7000. Market 5c higher. Heavy. $4.3064.43: mixed, $4.7 64.43: light. $4.4064.50; pigs. $464.40; hulk of sales. $1.37 04.45. Sheep Tteeelpts ssoo. Market stronger. "Western yearlings. $565.65; wethers, $1.60 65.30; ewes. $4 4.75; common and stockers. $2.5064.60; lambs. $5.3566-70. CHICAGO. Jan. . Cattle Receipts 3500, Market steady. Good to prime steers. $3.50 . C C 33 ; poo r. to xaedlum. f3t7563.33;,stockera adT.ieeders $70 4.23; cosriijf'i'OO heifers, TlMtSW: xacwerx; " "$I.-4: bulls. $204.10; calves, $30 7. 0. Hes JEtectfts to4T. 3S.M;etkjt for tomorrow tt.MC. Market star. AtxM CssX butchers. $4772; gooi" 'to choice heavy. $4.404.75; rough heavy. $1.15g.5fe; light; $4.23 4.55; bulk of sales. $4JC)fr, 4.03. - " - - " t EhM? Xsceipts 1S,.. 'Market stresg? Good to choice wethers. $5 5.75; fair to choice nixed. $4.8003.00: native lambs. ,$5 "SEATTLE P.BO Dt7 CE V.4JtKETS . Jsbblag Prlee QsMtesl at the fsgsg gonad' . : - '.o6rV i ' V - Jij' H SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 3. SpecUL) The following are today's produce quotations in this city: - . WHEAT Club. 56c; bluestem. 88c OATS White, per ton, S289C9; gray, per ton. $26323. . BARLEY Feed, per ton. $24625. HAY Timothy, per ton. $1020; clover, per ton. $U15; grain, per ton. $22. POTATOES Fancy, per ton. $23tl. ONIONS Fancy. pr cwt., $2.5082.75. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 32c; ranch, 220 26c. ' EGGS Best ranch, per dozen, 34fJS5c. APPLES Fancy, -per box. $L25f 1,30. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Jan. 3. There was a bad break In the Jcndon tin market wth spot at 132 2s 6d and futures at 131 10s. Locally, the market was easier In sympathy, spot quoted 029.07Ha Copper wa higher agaU In London, closing 6S 12 61, and futures at 68 18s Od. Locally, there was no change, with Lake quoted at 15.12615.25c: electrolyUc, 15gl5.25c and castlar. 14.626'14.S7c. A good 'cosiness Is reported under way. and the tone of the, mar ket Is firm. . . . Lead was higher In London, closing, "at 12 l&i Od. Locally, prices were unchanged, rang ing from 4.C0e-J.75c. Shelter was quoted at 25 5s in London, and at fi.10ee.15c locally. Iron was a little higher abroad, closing at 54s in Glasgow and at Sis- 6d In Mlddlesboro. Locally, the market Is Arm. with some parties asking full outside prices, while other busi ness Is caid to be well within the quoted range. No. 1 (sundry Northern Is quoted at $17,254 17.05; No. 1 foundry Southern 'and do' eott, $17.75315. Wool Markets. . BOSTON. Jan. 3, The wool trade consists almost entirely jl lots tot piecing out larger purchases-previously msde. That high. -valuta are to be. maintained on both wool and woollen goods seems assured, as all tbe available sup ply In sight has been bought at high prices. Territory wools art Ann and pulled grade! sUady. Quotation; - Territory Idaho fine. 18810c; heavy line. ie&17c: fins medium. lSHtflOe; medium. 22 23c; low jnedluau 23tJ2c "Wyoming Fine. 17ei8c; heavy fine. 150 16c; fine medium. 1716c; medium. 23$34e; low medium, 23321c "Utah and. Nevada Fine. ITCISc; heavy fine, 15316;: flhe medium. J7S15c; medium. 223 23c; low medium, 23624c. Montana Fine choice. 21623:; fine average,' 10320c; fine medium choice. 214122c; average. lOflCOc; staple. 263c; medium 'choice. 230 ST." LOCIS. Mo.. Jan. 3. "Wool Nominal: territory and "Western mediums, 21922c; fine medium, 176lSc; fine. 16817c. Dairy Produce la the East. NEW YORK. Jan. 3. Butter-Strong. Western- factory, common "to choice. 14&17C; West ern Imitation creamery, common to choice, 17 Cheese Strong: state full creams, small, fancy, 12c; do fine, Jlc Eggs Steady; Western fancy," selected. 28c; do firsts, 27c CHICAGO. Jan. 3. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was steady; creameries. 17620c; dairies. 16324c Eggs, firm at mark, caws Included, 20S24c Cheese, steady. Ilffl2c ; . "Wool Deliveries at-Bestea. BOSTON. Mass.. Jan. 3. (Special.) Deliv eries or wool. estem and foreign, during De cember on the Beaton market wet 36,258.827 pounds, exceeding receipt by 10.113,604 pounds. Deliveries were Surpassed by Only one month November when 35.45O.G20 pounds were Jorwarded. The latter figures lare th largest on recordfor one ttionth. The Decern- ber movement makes tbe year's total 25S.S7C 472 'pounds. 22.638.422 pounds' larger than de liveries during 1X3. Weekly deliveries durinc 1004' averaged nearly 0.700.000 pounds, und the monthly average was over 21,500.000 pounds. Dried .Fruit at New York. ' NEW YORK. Jan. 3. Evaporated apples, quiet, with demand moderate, hut attractive fruit Is firmly held at tbo recent advance. Common. 464c; prime, 4C5c; choice, 5 5c; fancy, 667c Prunes, quiet and unchanged. Apricots are also without Changs. Choice. 0t?10c; extra choice, lOHOllc; fancy, 12 IOC. Peaches .are quiet, but with little offerings, quotations are Arm. Choice, 0c; extra choice. lOftClOHc: fancy. ll612c Coffee asd Sugar. NEW YORK. Jan. 3. The market for coffee futures dosed steady, net 5610 points higher. Salts. B8.000 bags. Including: January. 7.70c; March. 7.0037.05c; April. 8.10c; May. 8.15? 8.20c; June. 8J568.80c; July. 8.3368.40c; Sep tember. 8.3088.55c: October. 8.G5C. and N overs ber. 8.70c Spot Rio. steady: No. 7, 8c. Sugar Raw, market, steady: fair refining, 4Hc; centrifugal, 06 test, 4c; molasses sugar, 4c; reflned. steady; crushed. $6.55; powdered. $5)5; granulated. $5.55. New York CottoR Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 3. Cotton futures closed firm at a net advance of 18624 points, or about 42 to 45 points above the-lowest "price of Isst week. January, a 60c: February. 6.30c; iiarch. 6.04c: April. 7.04c; Mar. 7.0Sc; June, 7.16c; July, 7.24c. Gold Experts Begia Early. NEW TORK, Jan. 3, Lazanl Freres an nounce this afternoon they wilt take $100,000 In gold . from the Subtreasury tomorrow for smpmeni aoroaa. Re&sed Sugar Adraaces. NEW YORK. Jan. 3. All grades of reflned jrjcsr were advanced 10s a hundred pounds today. Mining Stecks. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 8. Official closing quotations for -mining stocks today were as follows: Alta $ -OTlHale i Norcrosi.Jl.03 Andes $8 Justice .12 Belcher 38 Best tc Belcher. 1.20 Mexican . . Occidental . ... 2.25 Con.. .87 Bullion 33 Oshlr ... 7.73 .21 ... .28 ... .43 ... .08 .. .61 Caledonia ... .53 Challcnse Con... .2S Chollar 40 Confidence S5 Con. Cal. t Va.. 2.15 Overman .... Potort Savage Seg. Belcher Sierra Nevada. Silver "Hill .. Union Con. . Con. Imperial .. .01 ... .66 Crown Point ... .20; ... .03 Exchequer 31 Utah Con. . ... .11 Gould t Tirry.. .sajYellow 'Jacket NEW TORK. Jan. 3. Closing quotations Adams Con. ..$ .zOILIttle Chief Alice ... ....... .TuJOntario ... Breece ISiOphlr Brunswick; Con.. .OOfPhocnlx ... ..$ .03 3.75 .. 6.50 .. .07 Comstock Tun.. -OOiPotosl .. .20 i Con- x- Ve l-3Savage v .2 .55 Horn Stiver 1.50iSierra Nevada.. Iron Sliver .... Leadvllle Con. . 2.00!Small Hopes . .02Standard .. 1.50 BOSTON. Jan. 3. Closing quotations Adventure 6.50Mohawk $'53.50 Allouex . . 20.00 Mont. CL & CL. 5.00 Amalgamated . Arn. Zinc ..... Atlantic ..... Bingham Cal & Hecla. Centenlal .... Copper Range. Daly "Wen ... Dominion Coal Franklin Grancy ... ... Isle Royal e ... Mass. Mining .. 73.SS bid Dominion Osceola .-. Parrot 2S.23 .-. M.50 .. 20.50 17.30 34.30 630.00 23.30 68.38! 12.30 61.00 Qulney ... Shannon . .. 110.00-1 S.S5 .. 120.00 .. 16.00 Tamarack ... Trinity U. S. Mining. V. S. Oil ... 24.75 11.00 42.58 5.00 12.00 103.00 12.00 Utah 5.00lVlctorla 27.50 Winona ... . O.SOjWolverine ... Here Is Sound Judgment. Safem Statesman. The Oregon editor who advocated the confinement of prisoners in idleness In order that they might not compete with any kind of free labor, and, also, to add To their punishment, proposes a. system that would soon transform the "prison Intcpan"" 1 nsari e"asy 1 u m. " GOOD DEMAND FOR GRAIN TRADING RESUMED UrDER FA VORABLE AUSPICES Oranie Arriving far Firat Auctlar. Szle.of Seassn, Which Opens Today. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 3. (Soecial.1 Stocks Of grain In regular warehouses of . the Mer chants' Exchange" arenas follow: WhSt a- 230 toas; barley. 2L53S tons; oats. 3234 tons; corn, 431 tons; bran. 239 tons; beans, 154.057 saeka. Cicparcd with oc .month ago, MtociM Of barley show a heavy and wheat and oats a. .small decrease while corns, bran, and beans have, had a moderate Increase. Grain trading was resumed under firm au spices. Barley and oats- were la good con sumptive demand, with talcs of choice spot leu at full figures. JVheat was inactive, but closed stronger. Bran was firmly held. Hay was quiet, bat steady.' . , Ten carloads of o ran res arrived since Sat urday, Including several for the first auction sale of the ceasos which opens tomorrow, with cnenr.g or about even -carloads. Most of the rece,p:a ana present stocks are choice. Faner navels move slowly at easy prices, while stand ards are scarce and firm under a good dereand. utaer citra fruits are quiet at unchanged quotations. Offerings cf bananas and pineap ples are ample. Apples are more active and steady. Two carloads arrived front tbe North. - Fine grade potatoes, sell rapidly" at sustalnsd. prices. The remainder of tbe shlnmenta of Oregon Burbacks by the Columbia cleaned up at S3 cents to- $1.10. one small lot extra fancy cnngipg Receipts of ordinary potatoes from the river are heavy. Onions are very weak. Dxlry products are dragging and -easv. Re ceipts. 65.500 pounds butter. 10,000 pounds cneese. z.toq 3ozn eggs. VEGETABLES Garlic OSSc: creen Deas. $63c; string bacs. 366c; tomatoes, 73c6$1.25; egg piant. 3c POULTRY Turkey gobblers. 2lS2So: roost ers, eld. $14.50; do young. $536; broilers, smalt, $2.5083: Urge. $363.30: fryers. $4J03.- htns, $490; ducks, old. $365.30: do young, $5.5086.50. CHEESE Young America. 12V4ei3Uc: East ern. 13lSc BUTTER Fancy creamery. 23c: creamerr seconds. 10c; fancy dairy. 10c; dairy seconds, 17e. EGGS Store. 28330c; fancy ranch. 39c "WOOL Lambs'. 16618c HAY Wheat. $10614; wheat and cats. $I0O 13: barley, ?01I; alfalfa. $0611.50; clover. $76fl; stock. $57; -straw. 45855c. MTLLFESD Bran, $10320: middlings. $23 62S. " - ' HOP3 1XM. 2562SC FRUIT Apples, choice. $1.30: do,. 60c: bananas, $163; Mexican limes, $464.50; California lemons, choice. -$2.75; do common. $1: oranges, navels, $162; pineapples. $1,500 3.50. POTATOES Early Rose. $161.20; River Bur banks. SOSSOe: River reds. 50660c; - Salinas Burbanks. $161.45; sweets, 50975c; Oregon Burbaaks, 85c6$1.10. RECEIPTS Flour. 7600 quarter sacks: wheat, 140 centals: barley. 7570 centals; oat. 2144 cental; beans. 2079 racks; corn. 680 centals; potatoes. 10.700 sacks; bran, 1015 sacks; hay, 627 tens; wool. 34 bales; hides, 112S. JTRTUE OF THE EEFUBIIC. A Sign Wherein the. Nation, Should Conquer. GLADSTONE. 6r.. Dec 29. To the Edl tor.) To the "brilliant virtue of the Em peror," stout old Admiral Togo ascribes the long-drawn-out success of his blockading fleet at Port Arthur. "Modest, diplomatic oiu Doy, i neara an elderly gentleman comment, aa he read his Orecanian the other day In the car.."What rot; reads like a bit of the comic opera of the Mikado! spoke up "xoung America" (a faint Incipi ent aflvm hardly darkening his upper Hp.) xsowaaays it ma&es a man sick to see sucr tnings in the- papers' ! But was the Admiral to far wrong or was he using the language of diplomacy alone; Not observing any comment in your n-uiuiunj ncre aucn reiuarss are so oiicn handled by your skillful stafft I am per tonally tempted to look a little closer. On the one side the Russian Bear, grap pling together roughly under an artificial despotism, conglomerate, but not homogel- ous races, with a canker at headquarters, the cancer of the disaffection and corruption thieving army contractors on land and ships carelessly built for sea by nihilistic worxmen a ring or government noDies. love of country on their Hps, but "graft" and tribute In their pockets and over all '& somewhat feeble young man. amiable father, but easily hoodwinked Emperor. -4 On the other hand a temperate and physic ally trained race, marvelous In patience. unsurpassed in patriotism, moved to a com mon purpose of "do or die" under a mysterious yet popular ruler. So. after all, as stern Crom well returned thanks to his God after the "crowning- mercy" of Dunbar, yet did not forget, but included, his well-tested Ironsides, so. perhaps, this modern fighter merely eym- DOllxes, under "the brilliant -virtue ot we Emperor" the whole collective greatness ot his people to which he does homage. But is there no mesage for us today in this? True, we have no trappings of King or Em. peror, and gave up such symbolistic panto mime long ago. But what of tbe American Nation?- Could we. If tested In a stronger trial than that with Spain, look confidently to aserlblni? all victory to "the brmiant virtue ot the Republic"? It need r.ot be In the horrid arbitrament of war. .Long aa we are able truthfully so to boast, perhaps mere physical warfare will have fallen Into disuse, the blood' rusted bayonet flung into the limbo of the Past. But sooner or later the "tecttng time" will come to our great country. May she not be tried beyond her strength. That ebe may not, we welcome today all fearless and honest Roosevelta. all true-hearted Bryans (It Is not party question), all upright Judges, all commercial flmur celling only un adulterated goods, all faithful artisans, worthy clerks, dutiful wemen. all victories over car "ruptlon. whether In Mlsouri or New York- aye, or in Portland. Lt us give lull swing io civic righteousness. Honor the public official who does his duty strange that to do one's dutr these days, and duty only, earns a mead of astonished praise. Let us listen to the bet ter voices, no matter with what accent they come, whether raised on Presbyterian brose, EDlfconal eoun or agnostic sauerkraut. "With no money in the corporation coffers, he can yet stretch forward to the great individual enterprise of this, coming year, becoming great er every day as It comes nearer tbe Expo sition of 1005. So let us as individuals, each do what in us lies to hasten the coming of a more moral age. when will be exhibited acrotis this broad continent a banner bearing no longer tbe Ominous 'warning. "Men, mene. tekei. uphartlnr but a bright rainbow ot promise above all churches, schools, or institutes, yet containing and. surmounting ail the motto that all things great are achieved "by the brlUlant virtue of the Republic." Surely, all of us as citizens, however humble, should rxn this down as one hopeful resolution for the coming far! Then In due time will arts: a new America, already a Republic traiu ecendlng far in Importance that of ancieni Rene when at Its oest. and not to be ezceucu by any nation in civic virtue ana Conor. "We may not live to see the day. But hope shall glisten in tbe ray Of the 'good time comlag. boys. "Work a little longer!" JAMES HEATLET. Sewlng-Jil2chine Agents Strike NEW TORK. Jan. 3. Sewing-machine agents to the number of SCO have started to inaugurate a strike here. Nothing; of the kind has ever occurred before in tbe profession, and no union had been tbought.necessary. KccenfV the agents determined that their grievances were In need of adjust ment. and called a meeting which result ed in the call for a strike. They demand the restoration of commlfstons recently abolished, and readjustment of the sys tem whereby they are held liable to the company when dishonest purchasers buy machines on the Installment plan and then leave for parts unknown, the machines only partly paid for. with Talk With the Dead? Professor James H. Hyslop In The "World Today. That there would be jrreat difficulties in communicating; If spirits actually exist, would naturally b taken for granted by intelligent people. The silence of so many discamate spirits through tho ages. .If they exist, would be sufficient proof of that fact, as well as what we know of the difficulty of communications between living people when they have-no tewaiBa -IsAgiMee- m a t lt But there happen if be additional reasons fw this IfUeulty, and x'htv shetila fc sweatlone J erit that the layraan ii ought not tft mervtJba'It to the tdenUst) may see ana-appreciate "15 e reasora "wot the csMiuakatlflAs- Uke the form which they how. The nrsc of tcese Is the ab narajal -mental ai physical conditlen oi tnt -Baeaiuan, sbcicsjiy to- illustrate, as In the cue of :Hrs. Piper. But this Is not the chief reason, that the ceramuntemtions' are trivial and con fused, or lacking; In the kind of Informa tion wanted. The reason for these "char acteristics is deeper stilt It Is that the communicator Is himself In an abnormal mental condition while communicating. It may he ccw pared to s' delirious dream, or to certain types-of secondary personality In the living', or even to the trance of Mrs. Piper, in som of its aspects. .The only question for the' sscietrOfic man to raise Is - whether there is any evidence for auch an "hypothesis. So I. 2angwlll Gava It te Walter far Tip. New York; 9ut Israel 2anwnL the novelist and play wright. is -absent-minded.. He and his wife, are living at an uptown hotel, where the room keys are flat at the handle end. which is round ahd. about the size of. a quarter; of a dollar. At, dinner the Other night -Mr. - Zangwll absent-mindedly handed the key to a waiter, when he and his wife went to their room he. fum bled In his pocket for the' key. but could not find it. "Tou certainly had the key, said Mrs. Zangwill. "You. arc right, my .dear." said Mr. Zangwill, "I did have it. It has Just dawned on rae what I did with iC I- gave It to the waiter for a tip. You know the erfd of it- feels UJte a coin-." - Mr. Zangwill found the waiter and learned that his key had been handed In at the -office. He recovered It and this time rewarded the waiter with a niece of real coin. What s Baby Is. New York Press. A London paper offered a prise for tho best definitions of a baby. The. last one of the .following- took the prlzer "A bachelors horror, the mother s treasure, and the despotic tyrant of the most republican household. "The xnornlnir caller, noonday .crawler and midnight Dawler. "The only precious possession that never excites envy. The latest edition Of humanity, of which every couple think they possess the finest cony. A native -of all countries, who speaks the language of none. A few inches of coo and wiggle, writhe and scream, filled with suction and testing apparatus for milk and automatic alarm to regulate supnly. A thing we' are expected to kiss ana look as if we enjoyed it. Speaker Cannon Meets Dr. Hale. New York Evening Mail. Mr. Cannon met Dr. Edward Everett Hale on Pennsylvania avenue late last week. and. as is usual -when they meet anywhere, except at funerals, they "sauared off." "SDent an hour at homo last night. doctor, looking- through that volume or your arayers at the Capitol. "Glad to know you ever devote any time to religious matters," retorted the clergyman, with a lunge at Mr. Speaker. "Very fine collection. Indeed. Lacks only one thins: to make it complete. "What Is thatr "A prayer to heaven to forgive you for prinunsr the others. "Honesty is de best floliey." said Miss 311 ami Brown. "Yes." answered Mr. Eras t us rinkley. "but dat don change de fact dt "policy is about ae. sorer xin on non esty dt Is.. Washington Star. OE OMMISSION GRAIN and STOCK BROKERS We Charge Ne Interest for Carrying Long Stesk General Office Iffim MXXXEAPOU5, MINN. X. X. Aides. Ccrrasyestiesj. Xoona Z, Grouaa Float, Chamber ef Cuouaercs. SB. CHICHESTER'S IMfcUSH GjTTv wncutmi ua wuy msum. F04UKSATE. iiKiiiniaii Uto,uimaUi U XED ai Sld nuai ktzu. mint I vltfc Mm rikbm. Take ae etaer. JUfaM I Dassrreiu Sebttftotfoaa sad lsttis- tfeas. Xy f rwir DricxUt. rt e4 4. Ix im JUSJi. lo.veoTastiiiaiUK. Sal4r KentMstMfT. Xa4ssa fteBsrs. PBLUa. PA. CURIO ANTIQUITIES VSSS NATHAN JOSEPH, Wholesale Dealer 604 MERCHANT ST., San Francisco, California INDIAN STONE, ARROW OR SPEAR POINTS, Relics. World of Art. Idols. Indian War dabs. Scesrs. Shields, Mats, Baskets, Bonrs, Arrows, HoIm, Wax Impkcents. SKULLS OF ALL NATIONS, ANTIQUE SILVER. FLINT GUNS. PISTOLS, BRONZES, CuINs. earrings inaaT matesa. xiaun Clothe, Armor, War Med lis. Send for photographs. TRAVELER'S GUIDE. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY PORTLAND to THE DALLES Regulator Line Steamers MILT (EXCEPT SBtHY) 7 A. H Direct tins for MoSett's.' Et. Martin's and Collins Hot Springs. Connecting at Eyie, tVash.. with Columbia Biter t: Northern By. Co.. for Goltfeccale aaa Klickitat Valler points. uncicg loot ot Aiaer si. none Main an. E. M' DONALD. Agent. For South -Eastern Alaska Steamers Of the comnanv-- or lor- wuica n is agent, leave SEATTLE 0 A. M., TACOMA a f. n. osy previous, steam ships -GOTTAOE CITT (Dec. fDec IT. tit KlUhmoo and SlU kaK (1c is. via KUllsnoo and Sitka; Dec S, SKagway direct); both vessel making regular S. ii. Alaska porta oz can; uottagt City calls at Vancourer; Ramans. CALLS AT 'VIC TORIA- FOR VANCOUVER. rrTY OP SEATTLE leaves Saattle Tuesilavs, Thursday. Sundays. 10 P. M.; call at Everett and Betllngbam. Steamers connect at Ban Francisco with com nanv' steamers for- oorts In California, lltx- Iso and Humboldt Bay. For further informa tion obtain folaer. Rignt is reserved to change steamers or sailing aic TICKET OFFICES. Portland Washington sr. Eeattle 113 James st. and Dock San Francisco .....10 Market t. JX. ,X., Gen. Pass.' Agt, r lo Market it, Saa mudsca. ' ' - TVKtout'S .rxMsV 0RN 0$E60ff am Union ffecme 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman, standard and tourist sleep ing-cars dally to Omaha.- Chicago, Spokane; tourist sleeping-car dally to Xansas. City: through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (person ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining chair-cars (seats free) to the East dally. UNION DEPOT. leaves. Arrlyea. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:15 At Us P., It. SPECIAL, for the East Daily. Dally, via -Huntington. SPOKANE W.TEE. :M, 3 :00A.M. Tor Eastern Washington. Walk Waia. Jjim latcn.Coeur d'Altne and Great Northern points. ATLANTIC KXPKSSH. ,, v v Sgtc-nf S"t VU HUJU XI VEX SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA acdS.-OOP.M. 5:00 P. X. way points, connecting Dally, Dallv wlth steamer for llvrsu except extent co and North Beach Sunday. Sunday steamer Massalo. Ash-Saturday. street dock twatsr per.) 10:00 P. M. E"OR DAYTON, Ore. Tvv. . --at,xt gen City and YaahU. - "iv Klver points. Ash-street J' .?StrI cock (water permitting) Sua" ex. Sua. FOR UBWISTON. 3:40 A. M About Idaho and way potnw. Dally. 3:00 fVM. from -Rlparla. Wash. el. Sat- ex. Frl. TICKET OF31CH. Thlrrt tCuSllTrtAR- Telephone Main 712. C. W. Stinger. City Tick t Agent; A. Lt. Craig; Ceneral Passenger Agent. SAN FRANCISCO POKTLANB 8. S. CO. For San Francisco, every five days, from Alss worth d6ck S. S. Geo. W. Elder. Jan. 1. li; S. S. Columbia, Jan. a. 16. Balling from Atnswortb dock. p. it. PORTLAND & ASIATIC 8. S. COXTANT. For Yokohama and Hons Konr. calling at Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taklhg freight via connecting steamer for Manila. Port Ar. thur and Vladivostok; S. 6. Angaria, JS- 2. S. S. Arabia, Jan. 2. For freight ahd further particulars apply to JAMES H. DEWSOX. "Ageat. Telephone Main 2G8. Upper Alaska Dock. EASTm SOUTH Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrlvet. OVEBLAND EX KESS TICUNSI 8 :30 P. SI. for aaJem. Boe- 7SS A. M. trurg, Alhlaad. Sao .amento, Ogden. San tancHco. Mojave. Los Angeles, iu Paso, New Urleass and the E&4t. 90 A. M. Morning train ton 7:10 P. 1L ntcU at Woodburn rdallr exceoL Sua.' day) witn train lor llocnt Angei. biiver. ton. Brownsville. Bprlngfleld, Wend. ling and Natron. 4:00 P. M. Albany passenger! io:lo A. M eonnecu at wocm-i nam with Mu Angel I and Sllverton local.! 7 :30 A. M. 114:30 P. M. Corvallls passenger.! S:30 P- M. sntnean passenger. lst35 A- 3S Dally. llDaily. except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN' BSSWICS AND TAMHIT.Ti DIVISION. Lave Portland dally 'or Oswego at 7:30 A, M 12160, 2:05. 00. 833. 7:45. 10-JO P. Dally. eJtcept Sunoay. 5:50. 5:30, 8:a3. 1025 A. ii.. 4:00. 110 P. M. Sunday. only. 9 A M. Be'turnlag Irom Oswego arrive Portland dllly sSS AT mT. 1:58. 86. 4:33. 6:15. 75. 9:65. 11-10 P M. Dally except Sunday. 7:23. 95U. I0I20. 1L:45 A. M. Except Monday. 12U& A. M. Sunday only, 10:00 A. M. Leave from same depot for Dallaa and tnUr mediate points Oally except Sunday. 4 P. il. Arrive Portland, 10:20 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth motor line aer ates daily to Monmouth and Alrlle, connecting with S. P. Co. trains at Dallaa and Independ- "Ftrst-clasB fare from Portland to Sacraatnta and San Francisco, 20; berth. 3- Second clasa fare, $15; teeond-clsaa. berth. $2.50. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia. CITT TICKET OFFICE, comer Third and Washington streets. Phone Main 712. TIME CARD OFTRAINS PORTLAND Debart. Arrive. Puget Sound Limited for Tacoma, Seattle. Olyrapla. South. Bend and Qrays Harbor points 8:30 am 5:30 pa North Coast Limited for Tacoma. Seattle. .Spokane, Butte. St. Paul. New Tork. Boston and all points East and Southeast 3:00 pa 7:90 aa Twin City Eacpreea. tor Tacoma, Seattle. Spokane. - Helena. Et. Paul. Minne apolis. Chicago, New York. Boston and all joints East and Southeast il:4Spct 79 pea Puget Sound-Kansaa City- St. Louis Special, for Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane, Butte. Billings. Denver. Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis- and all points Eaat and Southeast 8:30 am 7:00 aa All trains dally, excebt on South' Bend branch. A. D. CHARL.TON. Assistant General Pas. senger Agent. 2S5 Morrison St., corner Third Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. Dally. For Maygers. Rattier. 1 Dally ' Clatskanle. Westport, Clifton. Astoria. War. 8:00 A. M. renton. Iflaveh Ham- u:jo X. M. mond. Fort Stevens. Gearbart Park. Sea side.. Astoria and &sA sbore. Express Dally. 7-00 P. M. Aatorla Express. a-.ib P. M. Dally. a A. STEWART, J. C. MATO. Com IB.' I Agt... 24S Alder St. G. F. & P. A. Phone Main 90. (fiREATNORTHaW City Ticket OMce. 122 M st, Phem- 638. 2 0VEBlED THATSS DA3XT O Tho Hyer asd the Past MalL SPLENDID SERVICE UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMFLOySS For ticket, nttea. foUers aad toll la forraatloa. call os or stddreea H. DICKSON. City Passenger as Ticket Act-. 122 Third street. X'ertlaad. Or. JAPAN-AMERICAN. LINE 5. S. KANAGAWA MARU . Par Jam. China aad all Asia Be Ports, will LesYvs) Seattle afeest Jas. 17ttu