40 THE MORNING OJIEGONIAX, MONDAY, JANUARY . 2, 1905. FLEE HON PORT Russian Vessels -Take Refuge at Chefoo, ARTHUR HARBOR TOO HOT Four Torpedo Craft Chased by' Japanese. OTHERS TO GO T9-TSINGTAU Heavy Guns on 203-Meter Hill Have Drives Out All the Czar's Ships Ceaseless Storming by Besiegers Reported. CHEFOO. Jan. 2. (9:13 A- M.)-Four Russian torpedo-boat destroyers, the Skory, .Stratni, Vlastnl and Serdlty. ac companied by a large launch, arrived here this morning from Port Arthur. Two other destroyers are reported to have gone to Tslngtau. The activity aboard the destroyers seemingly indicates an intention o put ting to sea again. What appears to be Japanese destroyers can be seen -with the aid of glasses in the dim distance. A bundle of dispatches was sent ashore from one of the destroyers. The captain of the Stratni says that they left Port Arthur because Jt had been Impossible for ships to live In the harbor since the Japanese captured 208-Meter Hill. The destroyers encountered no Japan ese warships on the way to this port For the past five days the Japanese are reported to have been ceaselessly storm ing Port Arthur on all sides. BURIED BY THE EXPLOSION. Japanese- Dig Up Prisoners From the Debris. f "WASHINGTON. Jan. l.-Cable advices received at the Japanese Legation today are summarized as follows: "The Port Arthur Admirals admit that, as prearranged, they blew up the para pet of Sungshu Fort at 10 A. M. Sunday, whereupon they assaulted and securely occupied the whole fort at 11 A. A part of the enemy fled toward the heights eouth of the fort, while the other part was burled in the earth as a result of the explosion. "When the earth was removed, two of ficers and 160 Russian soldiers were picked out and made prisoners. They stated that there still were 160 Russians interred by the explosion. The trophies, which consist of field and machine guns, etc.. are still under investigation. "Saturday evening our detachment fac ing the cast fort .of the Panlung Moun tain blew up a part of the old inclosure of the forts. "The central corps, driving the enemy before them, occupied H fort at 7 A. M. on January 1, and then captured the fort of Panlung Mountain. "Thus the whole line of Panlung Moun tain and H forts were brought under our occupation. The right wing commenced a bombardment at 6 A. M. and occupied the heights south of San Tanitaua vil lage, despite the stubborn resistance of the enemy." GREAT JOY IN JAPAN. Believed That the Fortress Will Soon Be Capitulated. TOKIO, Jan. 2 (10:30 A. M.). General Yogi's telegram announcing that General Stoessel was prepared to discuss terms of capitulation reached Toklo early this morning, but was not made public until 10 o'clock. Its receipt sent a thrill of pleasure through the officials, who have long awaited such a communication. The news is Just reaching the general public, and It is expected that the day will bring ample evidences of popular Joy. Besides the barest announcement of the receipt of General Nogi's telegram noth ing is known about the terms or condi tions proposed. The fall of Wantai, pop ularly known as Signal Hill, following the loss of Rlhlung. Sungshu, "H" fort and now Panlung. Is regarded here as a. clear Indication that the Port Arthur gar rison has lost its power of serious resis tance. The facts do not reveal It, but It Is probable that the back of the Russian defense was broken when 203-Meter Hill was captured. The Russians desperately sought to retako that eminence andi sent In fantry and marines against it in a se ries of counter attacks, fruitlessly los ing thousands of men. Following that, the extension of the Japanese right compelled the Rossians to fight over an extended line and made concentra tion difficult. Despite the lack of knowledge of General Stdcssel's letter it is confi dently believed that there will be no hitch and that there will be a prompt capitulation, ending one of the most remarkable sieges In history. FORT A LIVING HELL. Arthur Garrison Brought to Direst Extremities. CHEFOO. Jan. 2, Noon. Captain Kar low. commanding the torpedoboat de stroyer Vlastnl. which put into this har bor thjs morning from Port Arthur, says the Japanese expected to enter Port Ar thur Tuesday, but- General Stoessel, who was sick, will resist with the remnant of the garrison on Llao Tla Mountain. Captain Karlow denies the report from Toklo that General Stoessel offered to surrender yesterday. The Russians blew up two of their own forts near the railway and completed the destruction of the cruiser Bayan. The destroyers Smlrll and Bolki also left Port Arthur yesterday. Their fate is unknown. Port Arthur is described by today's arrivals as .a living hell. The hospitals are said to be nearly all destroyed. Receiver Gets Trunk and Satchel. CLEVELAND, Jan. 1. The mysterious trunk and hand-ttchcl belonging to Mrs. Chadwlck. which was taken from the Holland House in New York while the woman was stopping there prior to Tier arrest, arrived in this city today, con signed to Receiver Locker. Neither of Die rccepldclcs has as yet been opened. Receiver Ioeser left for New Tork to night, and It may be they will not be dis turbed until hla return. The trunk and -satchel are supposed to contain Jewels and bonaflde papers. NEW HAVY-rOfc XHBSIA. Several Programme's Have Been Ad vanced, None Definitely Decided- ST. PETERSBURG. JaxC 1. With refi crenco to the' report published in the .Uni-. ted States under a St, Petersburg date that Emperor Nicholas has petitioned tho expenditure of JSO.000,000 for rebuilding the navy, the fact is that Russia's naval proi gramme has not yet been definitely de cided or promulgated. All that is posi tively known-Is that the plans cover a long period of years. The absolute necessity of a sea power is one of Russia's latest lessons of the present war, and with practically the complete detraction of the Port ,Arthur fleet the government Is determined not only on filling the gap but on building up a fleet which will keep Russia fully abreast of other first-class powers. The press has unanimously supported the plans for the regeneration and reorgani zation of the navy, and to thi3 end it has been determined to build trp great ship yards at home. The figures given, however, are not con firmed. The Rusk. December 30, specu lated upon a five-year programme with an expenditure of 5250,000,000, and on De cember 3 upon a 15-year programme and $730,000,000 expenditure. GREAT TRAVEL TO COAST. Western Railroads Are Providing to Carry Tourists and Settlers. CHICAGO. Jan. 1. Travel to the Pacific Coast during- 1905 promises to be a record-breaker, according to Hamilton Wright special commission er in tho East of the California pro motion committee. Nine conventions have already been determined upon for California and eight fpr Oregon this year. ( . "All the Western railroads," said Mr. Wright tonight, "are now provld- FCRECAST OF TODAY'S FOOTBALL, GAME. VavrUng Expects Succtm. "The Multnomah team expects a far different engine in today's rame from the former one with Seattle. Then wc played after a nlsht on the train and on a slippery field. We could not with stand their llne-plunglng a well as I believe we can today. I believe, how ever, wc have the hardest same before us that we have had this year, but I think we will win. I do not expect to be able to play myself." E. S. Dowllng, captain of Multnomah football team. From the Seattle Standpoint. "Today'n same will furnish the public a splendid exhibition of football," said Dr. Roller, Seattle's fullback, last night. "The teams are equally matched, and both have many brilliant Individual players. The score will be very close, whatever it Is, and 1 feel satisfied that the came will be thoroughly clean. The match should become an annual event. This, the first ot the games between the two athlKIc clubs, will prove to be In teresting enough to make it worth while every year." ing not only for tho heavy tourist travel, which will be largely augment ed by the Lewis and Clark Exposition, but also for the colonist travel, as every Indication points to an unusually large number of settlers leaving the Middle West for the Pacific Coast this year. Passenger officials are in re ceipt of a larger number of inquiries than usual for prospective settlers new living In Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa and other Middle West States." STARTS OF AT LIVELY GAIT Russian Torpedo-Boat at Perth' Am boy on Mysterious Mission. NEW YORK, Jan. L The torpedo-boat Gregory, which, according to published -reports, was built for the Russian gov ernment by Louis Nixon, left Perth Am boy, N. J., on what those in charge of the boat said was her trial "trip. At a late hour tonight she had not returned. She was In commission, fully stored and equipped and after awaiting orders for several days she started off at 25 knots an hour. It Is improbable that the Gregory will be self-propelled across the Atlantic at this season of the year. Nine consorts of Jiers arc still at Perth Amboy, loaded in sections on the deck of a barge. NEW ZI0N IN MEXICO. Dowle Says Tract of a Million Acres on the Gulf Will Be Used. CHICAGO, Jan. L John Alexander Dowle, in addressing his followers in Shiloh Temple. Zlon City, today, gave definite confirmation of the report that he proposes to establish a second Zlon City. The new Zlon City will be located in Mexico. Dowle told his followers, and will occupy a portion ot a tract of 1.000, 000 acres fronting on the Gulf of Mexico. He announced that he expected to have the modern Zlon City In full operation before January 1, 1908. Command Made for Skrydloff. ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. 2. 6:30 P. M- It is reported In naval circles that Ad miral Skrydloff, who Is expected to arrive at St. Petersburg about the middle of February, will be given command of the third Pacific squadron, which Is now be ing prepared for sea at LJbau. It is ex pected that the squadron will start for the Far EastJtant the first of April. It is bellVcd tlHl'aptaln Ciado, who was detailed fronTAdmlral Rojestvcnsky's squadron to give testimony before the international commission on. the North Sea affair, will be Skrydloff chief of staff. Murder Over Sheep Range. HELENA. Mont.. Jan. 1. Jeff Llper, a sheephcrdcr, today shot "and killed another shecpherder. Theodore Grl mond. near Wolf Creek, In this county. The killing was the result of trouble over the range. It is said that Llper has barricaded. the door of the cabin at the sheep camp and defies the authorities to take him. However, a posse is guard ing and if he attempts to escape it is expected there will be trouble. The Sheriff will not reach the scene of the trouble until morning. Hodges Is Choice for' Speaker. HELENA. Mont-, Jan. L W. E. Hodges, of Fergus County. was chosen as a candidate for Speaker by the Republicans by a caucus vote of 36 to 11 over A. J. Bennett, of Madison County. This Is equivalent to . -ejection, C. E. Wright, of Great Falls, was chosen sec retary of the Senate Republican caucus. Squadron Held at Suda Bay. PORT SAID, Jan. 1. The departure of Rear-Admiral Botrovpky's third division of the.' second Pacific squadron from Suda Bay has been postponed. Client This bill of "yours Is exorbitant.' There are veralHltems In It that I don't understand at all; Lawyer I m perfectly wllllnc to explain It; the explanation will coet you J 10. Nw Xorkxr. SENDS GOOD WISHES Kaiser Expresses Friendliness of Germany fo America. GROWTH CAUSES PLEASURE v. Emperor Wishes American r!rofesir Ccu Id Lecture in Teuton Universi ties and German Professors Came is United States. ' BERLIN, Jan. L Ambassador Tower called at the palace today to present his New Tear's congratulations to the Em peror and Empress of Germany. "I desire," said Emperor William, "to send to the President and people Of the United States my wishes for a fortunate and happy New Year. President Roose velt is leading the American people to an advanced position of power and influence In the world. -Germany looks on the In creasing greatness .of the United States without concern ;ln the procession, be causq Germany has nothing but friendly feeling toward the people ot the United States." Tho Emperor alluded to the recent ra velling of. the statue ot Frederick the Great at Washington. "President Verloef feld," he said, "has told me with whaj kindness he was treated. His account of what he saw and how he was received gratified me very much. I appreciate It." During the conversation, which continued some time, the Emperor said: "I wish that an arrangement could be made under which American professors could come to our universities and de liver courses of lectures each year, and for German professors to go to American universities and deliver lectures there." Mr. Tower replied- that he felt confident that the arrangement would be welcomed in America, and he assured the Emperor that he would bo happy in helping to carry it out. Greetings Sent to President. COPENHAGEN Jan. L King Christian gave the New Tear reception as usual to day to the diplomatic corps. The King extended his cordial greetings to tho Pres ident of the United States ana his wishes for the prosperity of America. His Maj esty was in excellent health and con versed with all with animation. Crown Prince Frederick also sent his greetings to President Roosevelt. DUTY TO THEIR KING. Pope Advise Clerical Roman Alder men to Go to Qulrlnal. ROME. Jan. L For the first time in the history of United Italy clerical Al dermen were among the officials who went to the Qulrlnal today to extend New Tear's greetings to King Victor Emman uel. It is reported that the clerical Al dermen had consulted Pope Plus X as to their attending the King's reception and were advised that they should do their duty as royal subjects. Among the many subjects discussed at the reception at the Qulrlnal the King ehowed especial Interest In the war In the Far East and the situation at Port Arthur. After the reception the officials were received by the Dowager Queen Mar gherita, who. conversing with Deputy Pavla, spoke ot the St. Louis Exposition and paid she reiterates that she had been unable to visit the Fair, as she had wished to do, adding: "America Is a most interesting coun try." BRILLIANT RECEPTION AT TOKIO Emperor and Empress Receive States men, Peers and Fighting Men. TOKIO. Jan. L-(6 P. M.)-The Em peror and Empress held brilliant New Tear's ceremonies at the Imperial Pal ace today. Since early morning the Em peror has received in audience Japanese statesmen, peers, naval and military of ficers, who rendered their homage in the order ot precedence and prominent offi cials. At 2 P. M. the Emperor received the diplomatic corps. Frigid Gales Sweep Europe. LONDON, Jan. 1. The New Tear was ushered in with a suddon falling tem perature throughout Europe, accompanied by gales and bllzards and much damage vto life and property. In Switzerland a 20-hour blizzard isolated many Alpine vil lages and Interrupted all preparations for merrymaking. Austria suffered from heavy gales and snow storms. All the Continental capitals are tending similar reports, f Conversions by the Wholsesale. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 1. Rev. Reuben A. Torrey and Charles Alexander, the Chi- COLD CURE A 3 ft Ssd' ; longs alaost dJttely. I WILL Xmm YtM MftMCY IF IT FAILS. MUjNYON, Philadelphia. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver His. A CLEAR HEAD; good digestion; sound sleep; a fine appetite and a ripe old age, are some of the results of the use of Tutt's Liver Pills. A single dose will convince you of their wonderful effects and virtue. A Known Fact An absolute cure for sick head ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stomach, dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and all kindreat diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills cago evaagfeUeta, today e eatd the. last two weeks of YaIr revival cnfe&de here with stirring; seeses. A wiiue observ ance ot 2few Tear's fey whs tfce Attribu tion broadcast in the city fey personal de livery t paMers-fey, ia private totterfeexes in saloons, etc.. of aw.eee white cards in scribe ahayly la glarifi red type, "Get rSgat Vrtta God." Wholesale conversions have resulted from tMs plaa. d crawls made ywbllc conf at t wight's meeting at Tournament HH. Four tfeausand eearerts have already iaecrlbed their pastes; and it expected that 890 will have made' confession before the evangelists ga to Lbadon for a five months' crusade, which will be on a larger scale thaa any similar crusade undertaken. He Mr fer Retfrifif Ambxttafer. LONDON. Jan. L The royal family cir cle spent New Tear's day qaletly at Sandrlngham. The customary New Tear's honors were omitted, but Sir L J. Monson. the reUrifig" Ambassador at Paris, tu given a baronetcy, and the Kins placed a resldesce In Richard Park At hie disposal on his retirement from the diplomatic service. Sir Charles. Hardlage, the Ambassador at at Petersburg, was decorated with the grand cross of -St. Michael and St, George. A number of Indian officiate were similarly honored. Tisza Utters Reproaches BUDAPEST, Jan. L Responding- to the New Tear wishes of a deputation repreJ scnting his party. Premier Tlsza warmly reproached the Liberals, who have thrown their powerful Influence In the obstruc tionist scale and spoke of Count An drassy's proposals 'for reconciliation. He said he doubted whether the role ot mediator was suited to a man who had identified himself with all the opposition parties. TDEES IN A PALACE. Great New York Newspaper Moves Into Specially-Constructed Quarters. NEW TORK. Jan. L The New Tork Times, tonight Is being moved into Its new building In, Times Sauarc. a struc ture which has been referred to by ex perts as one of the notable architectural triumphs ot the world. In recognition of this contribution to "tho architectural beauty of New Tork. the city govern ment some time ago named the district from T"orty-second street north for seven blocks along Broadway and Seventh ave nue. Times Square and the Subway sta tion, in the basement of tho building, bears the same title. The occupancy of the new building by the New Tork Times began at midnight last night, and the occasion tvas cele brated by an elaborate display ot fire works from the observatory of the build ing, more than 400 feet above Broadway. The moving. Including the 30 linotype machines, brought from Park Bow to. the Times Square, over a distance of three miles, began after midnight. A force of 150 expert machinists accom plished the work without the slightest hitch or delay, and tonight the machines were setting up the paper that did similar work 15 hours earlier three miles away. In a special edition, published today to celebrate the occupancy of the build ing, there Is an elaborate description of Its construction and equipment. Among the features mentioned in this edition is thaVthfe building is the tallest structure, from base to top being 31 stories, with an extreme height of 476 feet; that a new record In steel tonnage has been made in Its construction, as It contains a larger percentage of steel to cubical con tents than any other office building, hav ing at the same time the strongest and sUffest steel frame structure of similar dimensions ever erected. It contains a 20-ton girder, the largest in any office building, and in its construction 80,000 field driven rivets were .used. A 50-foot railway runs obliquely through its base ment without contact at any point. The presses aro located 55 feet below the level of the street, while tho paper la written and set up from the 11th to the 23th floors. The .press plant has a capacity' Of Ht.900 16-page papers every hour. and. provision has been made to increase this capacity to 422,000 papers per hour. The foundations ot the present com pleted building were laid In June. 1902, and since then 299 days were lost by strikes and SS days by bad weather. Judge Is Called as a Witness. NEW TORK, Jan. L The January grand Jury, which meets Tuesday, is ex pected to set the machinery of the law in motion in the Dodge-Morse case by an investigation that will be thorough5. Among tho witnesses subpenaed for Tueaday are Judge Edgard Fursman and his eon, James C Fursman. Judge Furs man was a member of a law firm ot Fursman. Little & Schwarekop, when he acted as counsel for Mrs. Morse. He ad mits that he was a witness before the grand Jury last February, and that ho appeared for Mrs. More in the annul ment proceedings at the request of her husband. Charles W. Morse. Judge Fursman I? directed to produce all the books of accounts and books used by the firm. Washington Fair Building Sold. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 1. The Washington state building at the World's Fair, re cently offered to the City of St. Louis, has been Bold for (1260 to a Missouri stock raiser. The building sale does not Include the marble staircase nor the booths of (Spokane and Seattle. The building cost about $33,000. ytz REPAIR .AND RjECOYER, We want everyone in Oregon to know that Allesina is mak ing and selling- the best umbrellas for wear and rough usage to be had any place. In order to get you to help us advertise, this fact we are having what we call our ADVERTISING SALE, and all of our umbrellas will be so reduced in price that every person buying an .umbrella of us during this sale will be sure to tell their friends and neighbors about the umbrellas Allesina is making and selling for so small a price. The Largest Assortment of Canes on the Coast. ' 286 Wisfrington Street 5: , TOBaY our store will lie closed all day in order that A our employes may have a holiday before starting in on the work of the new year. Tomorrow morning we shall commence business with a fresh vim and snap and, as in previous years, devote all our energies to pleas ing you in every detail. ' WATCH TOMORROW'S PAPERS iC: FOR' ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUR GREAT NEW YEAR OFFERING 'TWILL PAY YOU TO SEE AD THREE DAYS' WORK Senate Will Take Up State hood Measure. . PURE-FOOD BILL MUST WAIT Upper House Ccmmittee on Legisla tive Executive and Judicial Bill Will Complete Work Before Adjournment Friday. WASHINGTON. Jan. 1. It Is said that not more than three days of the present week "will be devoted to legislation by the Senate. Congress assembles after the holiday recess Wednesday, January 4. and the present Intention Is that the Senate adjourn on Friday until Monday. The first day there will be a contest for place for the bill creating two states of Oklahoma and Indian Territory and Arizona and New Mexico and the pure food blU. The steering committee of the Senate decided to give preference to the statehood bill, and the pure food bill has been accorded time when nothing else was under consideration. Chairman Beveridge. of the Committee "J on Territories, will move consideration of the statehood bill and Chairman Hey burn, of the Committee on Manufactures, will antagonize it with the pure-food measure. It Is generally understood that the statehood bill, however, will have the sanction ot the steering commit tee and will be made the unfinished busi ness. Tho legislative, executive and judicial bill, which has been before the commit tee during the recess, wilt be completed during the week. Hill Currency Bill in House. WASHINGTON, Jan. l.-Before ad journing for the holidays the House of Representatives made the Hill currency bill the continuing order until disposed Your Liver Will be roused to its natural duties and your biliousness, headache and constipation be cured If you tax Hood's Pills Sold by all drocsist. 35 cents. ALLESINA'S ADVERTISING SALE OF UMBRELLAS ALLESINA - - - TWO FACTORIES L0Sit 10DAY of by a vote of displaced by a privileged matter. The bill will come up Wednes day, Boon after the House meets, accord ing to present programme, and possibly a vote may be reached upon it Thurs day. Friday will be devoted to war claims. The Appropriations Committee have the fortifications appropriation bill about ready to report and it may be con sidered in the House Saturday. Another effort may be made to secure consideration of the resolution allowing tho use of the Pension Office for the in augural ball, but objections are' likely, and the resolution in all probability will go. over until the following Monday. The committee having In charge the different appropriation bills have been pushing them with Vigor, and this week will see them well advanced. Especial effort Is being "made to get the supply bills over to the Senate at an early date. Scotch Observe New Years. With a full observance of the old Scotch EYE SIGHT OUR PRACTICE IS THE LARGEST OF ITS KIND IN THE NORTHWEST, AND IS MORETH AN THREE TIMES TH ATOF AN Y OTHER OPTICAL HOUSE IN PORTLAND a THERE'S A REASON FOR IT" Headquarters for Shur-On Eye-glasses, Tbric Lenses, Invisible Bifocal Lenses. Bring us your oculist prescriptions and save money. Oregon Optical Co EXCLUSIVE 173 FOURTH STREET X. M. C. A. BCDG. It is useless for us to mention prices in this advertisement, for it is impossible for us to tell you of the great bargains in umbrellas we are offering unless you call and see the umbrel la's themselves. UMBRELLA QUALITY We make our umbrellas dif ferent from the common store umbrellas, for we consider wearing qualities and rain protection more important than locks, so we use our patent RUST-PROOF and WIND PROOF frames and materials, selected especially for service. DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR AD TOMORROW customs, a Hogmanay party was tendered to a band of the canny ones on New Year's eve by Mr. and Mrs. A. Ga'in-at their residence, 400 East Ninth street. Although 7000 miles away from home, the guests were on Scottish territory and the occasion was one that made home seem near. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Baxter.. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs.' R. Mcintosh. M-. and Mrs. M. M. Picken, Mr. and Mrs. D. Milne, the Misses Mar garet Gibson, Daisy Gibson, Picken and Mcintosh; Messrs. Dr. A. D. Mackenzie. A. M. Wright. Robert Gibson, Oswald Gibson. R. Hewitt and James Gavin. Re freshments were served by the hostess, and true to the old Scotch traditions lib eral dispensations of "Auld Reekie" and the "Auld Kirk" were given the men. In the "wee sma " hours a merry party of first-footers made a visit to their friends, conveying the greetings of the season. SPECIALISTS OPTICIANS Send for Our Latest Book, "The Eye aad Its Care." It's Free but Interesting. WE ARE THE MAKERS OF THE PATENT WIND-PROOF A d RUST-PROOF UMBRELLAS THEY COST NO MORE THAN THE COMMON KIND. BUT WEAR TWICE AS LONG. See Our Solid Whalebone Driving Whips With Ivory Handles. 309 Morrison Street -