Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 02, 1905, PART THREE, Page 33, Image 33

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NIGHT is not regarded as the safest
time for a traveler to "bo over the
Trail" by those who live In a new country
and know the dangers attendant upon
such a trip, but the old hunters and trap
pers of the "West will And their experience
eet at naught by the greenest tenderfoot
when the exposition opens next June. In.
stead of pitching camp as dusk settles
down over the main buildings, the Trailer
will dine at the nearest restaurant and
there on every hand and the combina
tion work Its majic change on old and
young alike. Intoxication will lurk in the
merry -laugh of the passerby, and under
the glare of the electric light and Influence
of song and Jest the most trivial occur
rence will be charged with the spirit of
Money the Open Sesame.
Frivolity will be the password of the
Trailer. That and an average pocketbook
will carry him through everything along
suave Jew of the Orient will persistently
ask passers to buy his wares.
'Wandering on to the next attraction,
the Trailer may again find the dancer,
but this time of an entirely new type.
The gay ballet girl of Paris will smOe at
him as she jauntily kicks two feet above
her head or whirls lightly about on her
toes. As the curtain falls on her gyra
tions, the visitor will step from France
to the plains of the "Wild "West. A buck
ing bronco with a yawning rider will be
a startling change, but nothing is
One Way, March 1 to May 15
then "hit the Trail" in search of ad
venture. In its S00 feet of length more thorough
fares and streets of various descriptions
will be represented than in any similar
piece of roadway in the world. The
Trailer will And there snatches of the
Bowery of New York, the bazaars of
Turkey, the caravan paths of the Sahara
Desert, the Jungle roads of India, the pic
turesque streets of Pckin and Toklo, the
brilliant cafes of Paris, and at the water
end of the bizarre highway the gondolas
of Venice and the Indian canoes of Amer
ica will illustrate the waterways of civili
zation and savagery.
The music of all nations will mingle
with the laugh of the sightseer as he
watches the flying feet of the old planta
tion negro in his Inimitable Southern Jig,
or stands spellbound before the graceful
undulating movement of the Oriental
dancing girl.
Light and music and laughter will be
the line. The latter is Indispensable only
when the Trailer wishes to see the Inside
of things, for, as the Italian souvenir
seller will tell him. the Trail Is never a
Via Dolorosa, but sometimes is a "waya
dollar outsa."
By using the password, even as early as
this, a glimpse of the frisky boulevard
may be seen.
Several contracts for shows on the
Trail have already been closed and the
concessionaries are even now preparing
to take their material from St. Louis to
Portland. On the Pike in the former city
they were favorites with the thousands
who thronged that giddy street.
First, among these in point of frivolity
is the Foolish House, or Temple of Mirth.
For pure foolishness, the kind that makes
person doume up witn laugnter ana
then laugh at himself for doing so, this is
the door that the Trailer should enter. It
Is a good cure for indigestion, for the
visitor Is first tangled up in a mystic
maze of mirrors which show him gro
tesque images of himself, and then ab
ruptly introduced to casts of faces ex
pressing all stages of Imbecility and mer
riment. The mirrors are convex or con
cave, and different shapes make the ob
ject reflected take on the most absurd
appearances that can be imagined. At
the end of the journey the visitor steps
unexpectedly from a high platform into"
a spiral slide that Is shot to the ground.
Dancers From Many Lands.
Near by the Temple of Mirth will be
situated the theater and booths of Fair
Japan. -Japanese acrobats will do
stunts strange to American eyes within
mimic gardens that seem transplanted
fom the Orient, In the theater the dainty
Geisha girl will execute the sun dance.
the cherry dance, the fan dance and
others, to the montonous chant of the
singers. From the booths surrounding
the gardens, bits of carved ivory.
klmonas and Japanese wares will be of
fered by shy, dark-skinned salesmen.
while the scent of burning Incense will
rise from every counter.
Furthcr-slong the Trail a scene of com
plete contrast will be offered by the
gaudily dressed natives of the familiar
streets of Cairo. Camels and donkeys
from the East will bo found here waiting
for a burden. Others will nass on the
run with shrieking girls and young men
clinging to the swaying "ships of the
desert" in an effort to escape sea-sickness.
From the theater will sound the
click of castanets and the swift shuffle of
dancing feet, where the dancing girls of
the East hold sway. Outside again the
strange on the Trail. In the burning
cabin, the Indian attack on a stage
coach or a battle between the white and
Theee Will Contribute to Fratern
al Building at Lewis and
Clark Fair.
"Woodmen of the "World 15,000
Independent Order of Odd
Fellows 11.000
Ancient Order of United
"Workmen S.743
Rebekahs S.500
Ancient Free and Accepted
Masons 7,000
United Order of Artisans 6.000
Degree of Honor. A. O. U. "W. B.SSO
Knights of Maccabees 5,820
Order of Eastern Star. 6, SCO
Knights of Pythias 5,173
Modern "Woodmen of America. 3.500
Order of Washington 3,200
Fraternal Order of Eagles 3,100
Foresters of America. 3.000
"Women of "Woodcraft 2,500
Ladles of the Maccabees 2.025
Order of Lions 2,000
Grand Army. 2,000
Improved Order of Red Men.. 1.500
The Order of Elks 1,250
Knights and Ladies of Se
curity 1.300
"Woman's Relief Corps 1,133
Rathbono Sisters 1,100
Brotherhood of America 1.000
Order of Pendo 950
Royal Arcanum , 650
Ancient Order of Hibernians. 62
Independent B'nai B'rith 610
Fraternal Brotherhood 600
Modem Foresters 600
Tribe of Ben Hur 600
Royal Neighbors of America.. 500
Brotherhood of American Yeo
men 450
Catholic Knights of America 425
Catholic Order of Foresters.. 450
Order Railway Conductors.... 350
Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers 325
Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen 30)
Fraternal Tribunals 275
Protected Home Circles 105
Various other societies with
scattered membership in the
state 2,000
Total .115.743
red men, tne scenes of the early day
"out West." will recall tales of suffering
uj uic. ytuuccAo " iiw uiauc wie West
A bit of the unearthly may lie next the
'tmi I v
Omaha and Kansas City to Portland, Oregon, Colonist, $25,00
St. Louis
7 -.' V.;.
Round Trip, May to September
Omaha and Kansas City to Portland, Oregon, and return, $45.00
St. Louis
Correspondingly low rates from other points. For partic
ulars as to exact selling dates, limits, etc., ask any agent of.
the Union Pacific Railroad or ,
By sending 4 cents in Btamps to A. L. Craig,
General Passenger Agent of the Oregon Rail
road & Navigation Company, Portland, Or., yon
will receive a handsome 88-page book (with
map) of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Four
cents will also bring yon a beautiful Columbia
River folder.
E. LLOMAX, G. P. & T. A
Union Pacfic Railroad,
Omaha, Neb.
scene of vigorousUlfe, and visions worse
than those of Danto affright the timid in
the representation of an after world. Here
and lakes of real water, a drop that leaves
one suspended in midair for several sec
onds, will complete this hair-raising ride.
a guide will conduct parties through loty -
into the lake will make an evening of ad-
caves where dreary wails and snricKS
come from the darkness. Skeletons will
be seen dropping suddenly through the
darkness from 'nowhere In particular.
From clefts In the walls of the caves more
skeletons will dash and run among the
spectators. Phosporus lines on dark suits
make the wearers almost invisible and aid
in this hallucination- Scenes from, smother
world are painted In lighted places and
suggest terrible torments.
The noise of a rifle will break the wicrd
effect of the abode of the dead and, on
.emerging from the other world, the vis
itor will be relieved to see that the ani
mals In the shooting gallery spring up and
continue their flight, even after being
A little more commonplace entertain
ment, but one that never fails to bring
excitement, will appear in the shape of a
scenic railway. Up and down mimic hills
with the speed of a train, past landscapes
venture as varied as it is exciting. Six
teen shows, each with a frontage of 100
feet, are the minimum number that will
make up the Trail.
Gondolas and Love-Songs.
To conclude the evening and compose
himself, the visitor may hire an Indian
canoe at the lakeside, or take a Venetian
gondola and drift about in quiet. This con
cession has been granted. The gondoliers
will make the evening more romantic by
singing love-songs of old Venice.
Twenty of these singing boatmen will be
sent from St. .Louis, where they kept time
to their songs with the swing of oars.
Those less Inclined to excitement may
Indulge in a walk around the water prom
enade or along the Bridge of Nations,
rimmed on one side by souvenir and candy
booths and on the other by boat landings.
Columbia Southern Railway
Its Territory Wonderful Story of the De
velopment of Central Oregon Magic
Transformation Wrought By Irrigation
Mecca For the Homeseeker and Investor.
Probably no other section of the
Northwest has experienced as rapid
development as the territory served
by the Columbia Southern Railway, in
both the value of its land and prod
ucts. Fourteen years ago the terri
tory embraced by the boundaries of
Sherman County tvas a part of Wasco
County. In the year 18S9 Sherman
County was set apart from Wasco
County, taking in a population of less
than 1400 persons and assuming as its
share of the latter county's indebted
ness, about $15,000. In the less than
ten years of its existence, and in three
years after the construction of the Co
lumbia Southern Railway, it paid off
its indebtedness, built a fine and -well-appointed
two-story brick Courthouse,
and at this time has discharged all of
its obligations and has a balance of
from $15,000 to $20,000 in its treas
ury. During the past eight years the rel
ative increase in the value of Sherman
County land is from $2.50 to $7.50
per acre to $25 to $45 per acre, and
the aggregate value of products from
$450,000 to $2,225,000, increasing its
population from less than 1500 people
to 5500.
WASCO is located 10 miles south
of the Columbia River on the line of
the Columbia Southern Railway.
Since 1S97 the population has in
creased from 300 to 1200, and it is in
even,' respect a modern little city. It
has a well-equipped fire department,
good water system, one Trtekly news
paper, two hotels, one public school
(graded) and three churches; two
flouring mills with a total capacity
of 400 barrels per. day; two banks,
numerous general stores- and shops,
two livery stables, five grain ware
houses with a capacity of 450,000
bushels. It is the trade and financial
center for a vast agricultural region.
Wasco is the first and only town, in
Oegon to resort to the use of crude
petroleum on its streets for the pur
pose of keeping down the dust About
a year ago the city experimented with
oil on a short section of street with
such success that every public street
has been treated, and has been found
an entire success in allaying the dust
and shedding water.
MORO is the county seat of Sher
man County. It is located 27 miles
touth of the Columbia River on the
line of the Columbia Southern Rail
way. Since 1S99 its population has
increased from 250 to about 1000, has
electric light, good water and sewage,
systems, well-equipped fire department,
one weekly newspaper, two hotels,
one public school (graded)j and two
churches; a number of general stores
and shops, representing almost every
branch of trade necessary t- a rapidly
developing agricultural community.
It has one flouring mill with a capac
ity cf 200 barrels per day, one feed
mill, two lumber yards and one wood
working mill, four grain storage
warehouses, capacity about 425,000
bushels. Its location, geographically
about the center of the valley, gives
Moro an immense trading population.
GRASS VALLEY is located 39
miles south of the Columbia River on
the line of the Columbia Southern
Railway. In four years it has in
creased its population from 100 to its
present population of 950 and is
growing rapidly. It has electric
lights, excellent water system, a good
public school (graded), one academy,
two churches, several general and de
partment stores, a livery stable, a
good hotel and four grain storage
warehouses with a capacity of 450,000
bushels. The rapid development of
the agricultural region surrounding
Grass Valley gives it a wide territory
from which to draw and is adding
daily to its trading population.
KENT is located 53 miles south of
the Columbia River on the line of the
Columbia Southern Railway Two
years ago nothing but a station plat
form marked its location. It now has
a population of 250 and is growing
rapidly, has several general stores and.
shops and two grain storage ware
houses, capacity 275,000 bushels.
SHANIKO is the trade center and
distributing point, it being the near
est, or, in some cases, if not the near
est, the most accessible railroad point
from Crook, Lake and Grant counties.
Its population, about 250, is chiefly
engaged by the railroad and forward
ing houses. It is the only gateway to
the irrigated lands in Crook County,
of which 75,000 to 100,000 acres are
now under water and ready for settle
ment. These lands are being settled
rapidly; the several companies now
engaged on various segregations, ag
gregating 500,000 acres, are being
pushed to their full capacity in order
to keep pace with the applications for
these lands.
Irrigated Lands.
The farmer in an irrigated country
has many advantages over the one
who has to depend upon the ca
priciousness of the -weather. Having
water available in lii ditch or reser
voir, the irrigation farmer can turn it
on and distribute it when and where
it is needed, and in such quantities as
experience has taught him will pro
duce the best results. Furthermore,
the local conditions making irrigation
necessary to the production of crops
practically insures immunity from
damaging storms during the harvest
season and, other things being equal,
a crop is assured beyond doubt every
The agricultural possibilities of the
irrigated lands in the Deschutes Val
ley , have passed the experimental
stage, and it has been demonstrated
that these lands will grow immense
crops of wheat, rye, oats, barley, al
falfa and fruits. The soil, which
varies in depth from three to five feet,
is composed of pulverized lava and
abounds in all the elements necessary
to plant growth. When dry it is of a
light color, but turns to a dark, rich
color when wet.
Every grain or vegetable produced
in IoVa or DJinois may be produced
here. The soil 'is rich enough and
well adapted to the growth of corn,
but the evenings, nights and mornings
are too cool.
The. yields of cereals, vegetables,
grasses, etc, equal the most favored
localities in the United States, the
quality of all crops or fruits is first-
class, and when grown is harvested
without loss from rains or storms.
It is assumed that flax will be
largely grown in this territory. The
reports of the United States textile
experts give to Oregon the first
place as to natural advantages for
flax-growing. Wild flax grows in
various places in Crook County. Of
course it is only scattering, but it
stands from 24 to 30 inches high, with
a vigorous stem, producing flowers
and seed, showing that flax as a crop
will prove desirable, making a quick
cash return. Wherever grown in Ore
gon, Washington or Idaho, the seed
crop has been large, and has proved
more" profitable than wheat. Where
a crop must be hauled a few miles to
market there is a great saving in
freight, the price for flax being from
$L00 to $L25 per bushel. It does not
here received" the Summer showers
which in the East give length to the
stalk or straw, and therefore it is only
grown for the seed, but with irriga
tion the fiber will be long and valua
ble. The demand is already large for
coarse articles hich can be made
here from flax, to say nothing of linen
On- a thousand tables and more a prominent
place is held by
The Olympic Four
Olympic Patent Flour
Olympic Pancake Flour
Olympic Wheat Hearts
Olympic Cake and Pastry Flour
The Portland Flouring
Mills Co.
The Lutke
Manufacturing Co.
Manufacturers of
Bank '
Office and
Store Fixtures
Cor. 6th and Hoyt
Telephone Main 1408