Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 02, 1905, PART TWO, Page 22, Image 22

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PTER all, the greatest exhibit Ore
gon has to make to visitors to the
J905 Fair is herself her fertile fields.
vast forest, gold-veined mountains, broad
stretches of natural pasture, streams
abounding in fish. The Exposition will
enow what human energy has drawn from
Nature's bounty. A tour of the state
Itself will show the sources of these prod
ucts, and the endless opportunltlty which
yet remains for the appllcatldn of human
energy and skill in the application of capi
tal to the same ends. It will show also
what sublime scenes have formed the in
spiration to the Americans who in a sin
gle century have transformed a wilder
ness inhabited by wild beasts and almost
equally wild men into three highly civil-
lred states and parts of two others, popu-
lated by almost 2.000.000 people.
Two railroads lead through the finest J
scenic parts of Oregon the Oregon Rail
road & Navigation- along the Columbia
River and through the Blue Mountains,
and the Southern Pacific up the Willam
ette Valley and through the Callapooia
and Siskiyou Mountains into California.
Up the Columbia River.
The finest scenery along the Columbia
may be seen in one day's round trip from
Portland. Leaving in the morning, the
passenger seos every feature of the great
gorge which the river has cut through
the Cascade Mountains. On the south
bank of the river, whore the road runs,
are the great natural pillar called Rooster
Rock: Multnomah Falls, which leap S00
feet down a perpendicular cliff, and where
the train stops five minutes to give pas
sengers an opportunity: Horse Tail and
Bridal Veil Falls, which spread into a
lacelike spray In their rapid descent; One
onta. Gorge, a cliff in the mountains
through which a stream flows; and the
Pillars of Hercules, two giant rocky col
umns which guard the track on each side.
Any one of these points is a delightful
place for a day's picnic for one who does.
not fear a little climbing. Multnomah
Station s 30 miles from Portland, and
passengers who stop off there can see
Multnomah Falls at their leisure and then
walk two miles down the road to Bridal
Veil Falls, or three miles up the road to
Oneonta Gorge. Another beautiful water
fall is Latourell, a quarter of a mile from
the station of the same name but not visi
ble from the railroad. This is only 23
mites from Portland.
To one who wishes to see a great deal in
a day, a delightful programme will be to
ride up "to Cascade Locks, 40 miles from
Portland, by rail, meet the Regulator Line
6tcamer there on its way down and return
by water. In this .way one will have a
close view of all the scenic beauties of
both sides of the river Castle Rock. St.
Peter's Dome and Cape Horn, u great cliff
whose front has been fretted into numer
ous columns, on the Washington side, as
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well as the points already mentioned on
the Oregon side.
By taking two days, the trip may be
extended to The Dalles, one of the princi
pal towns of Eastern Oregon, and one can
get a good view of Table Mountain, the
great ridge from which the Bridge of the
Gods once stretched across the gorge, ac
cording to Indian legend. Good hotels will
be found at The Dalles at which to spend
the night, Vnd the next day may be spent
entirely in the, return trip -to Portland by
steamer, or part of It may be occupied In
seeing the orchards and wheat farms of
the vicinity, and a- later start may be
made by train. In either case, one ar
rives In Portland In time" for dinner.
By taking the train to Pendleton, one To See .Willamette Valley. I MBifeJBl MSkMr II fcili!---!!'
may see all the great rapids of the Colum. An exceptional opportunity of seeing the I jHwW si rtKt MHBR L II T"?""--1--: -xwZTfcMlBMS?;-
bia. from The Dalles, where the river whole Willamette. Valley has been afford- I rjj5jiJBMEBBML.. :dVf ' Tpfe-JP y T"- JHS. '
bolls through a deep, narrow fissure in ed by the Southern Pacific in arranging a I 2mKHBHBH j" ' 'vNlj' I '
the obstructing rock, to Celilo Falls, where
the huge volume of,water plunges over a j
cuii. un arrival at j-enuieion, one is. in
the heart of the wheat belt of Eastern
Oregon, which may be seen at close range
by taking a drive around the city. A short
railroad trip thence to Walla Walla takes
one to a beautiful valley where a similar
drive may be had among wheat fields and
orchards. To return, one can leave Walla
Walla at night and arrive in Portland
next morning.
A Journey of 12 hours from Portland will
carry one still farther through the wooded
heights of the Blue Mountains, through
the Grand Ronde Valley, a great garden
cpot encircled by mountains, to Baker
City, the center of the mining and stock
growing country. Thence a short trip
over the Sumpter Valley Railroad will
take one to Sumpter. from which the great
gold mines are within easy driving dis
tance. MountaitvCliftibing Made Easy.
It Is not such a serious undertaking, as
regards time, to climb the great peaks In
slgh of Portland as It may seem. By
taking the morning O. R. & N. train to
Hood River and the stage, which runs
daily in Summer to Cloud Cap Inn, 6S0O
feet up the mountain and 26 miles from
Hood River, one can climb the mountain
In the morning and be back in Portland In
the evening or a total of two days and a
night on the round trip. It will cost less
than J20 In all.
Mount St. Helens can be reached by the
Northern Pacific train to Kelso, whence a
wagonroad runs up the Kalama River to
Spirit Lake, at the base of the mountain.
The round trip to Mount Adams can be
made in two days. If desired, though any
one who loves fishing will be tempted to
stay longer. The best way is by O. R. &
N. train to Hood River, cross the Colum
bia by Ferry to White Salmon, take the
stage to Trout Lake, a distance of 30
miles, a good town, where there are com
fortable hotels, and thence take a pack-
Jiorse to the snow line on the mountain,
which may be reached the first night,
leaving the ascent for next morning.
The great sights at the mouth of the
Columuia may be enjoyed by taking an
O. R, & N. steamer at night, sleeping In
comfort on board and arriving at Astoria
early next morning. There one can see
the site of the first American settlement
In Oregon and' spend a day visiting the
fisheries and Fort Stevens, on the Oregon
side, or go by steamer across the broad
estuary and Baker's Bay to Fort Canby
and Ilwaco, on the Washington side. A
few days on the beaclv where the sea
breeze will Invigorate one, may be en
joyed by taking steamer and train to
North Beach, or train to Seaside.
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loop trip up one side of the Valley and
down the ottier, crossing the river at Al
bany, which will be completed between
S:30and 5:15 P. M. The trip may be made
starting up either the West or East Side.
Assuming that one starts up the East
Side, the train follows the river for 25
miles, and passes Willamette Falls at
Oregon City, which light Portland and
run its machinery. It runs through French
Prairie, the first white settlement in Ore
gon, which was established by French
Canadians and which has the first church
built In the state: past the Chemawa In
dian School, one of the largest Institutions
of the kind in the West; through Salem,
the capital and the prettiest city in the
Valley, affording a view of the various
state institutions and of Willamette Uni
versity. The tourist arrives at Albany,
the city of churches, in time for lunch,
and after a hearty meal again boards the
train and crosses to Corvallls, 12 miles
distant, where he sees the State Agricul
tural College, with Its experimental farm
of 200 acres. The trip continues down the
West Side to Independence, through one
or the greatest hopgrowlng counties -of the
United States: through Yamhill County
and its chief town,McMinnvilIe. one of
the richest and longest-settled counties;
through Forest Grove, the seat of Pacific
University, and Hillsboro, the center of
the dairying section. Finally the railroad
drops down a hill to the Willamette Val
lay again, affording a splendid view of
Portland from the summit, and run
through Its center to the station.
But no lover of Nature can ride through
the Willamette Valley without expert-
enclng a desire to get out Into the moun
tains which shut It In. especially to climb
the line of snow peaks In the Cascades.
Th2 expense need not be great, for the
round trip from Portland to any of them
can be made for J20 or less, except to Cra
ter Lake, which would cost nearer $30,
and It would only consume from two days
for Mount Hood to five days for Crater
Routes to the Peaks.
To climb Mount Jefferson, take the
Southern Pacific train to Albany, and the
Corvallls & Eastern train thence to De
troit, on the S ant lam River, where there
Is splendid trout fishing. Pack-horses
should then be hired and the Journey
continued about 14 miles along the rail
road grade and then about 15 miles to
Pamellia Lake, at the foot of the
mountain, where good fishing may be
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enjoyed. There is a good hotel at De
troit, where one may stay over night
if desired. The route, usually taken is
over Minto Mountain, to Hunt's Cove,
as the summit of Minto Mountain gives
a fine view of Mount Jefferson and the
distance Is about the same. From either
Pamellia Lake or Hunt's Cove It is
about five miles to snowline on the
It seems somewhat more of an under
taking to reach the Three Sisters, but
a man in a hurry can make the round
Urlp between Portland and the, summit
in three days. The train takes him to
Eugene and then .he takes a stage for
60 miles up the Mackenzie River to
Mackenzie Bridge, where there is a good
hotel where one may stay over night,
while in the neighborhood are Foley
Springs and Belknap Springs, both with
comfortable hotels. At that point one
must either hire pack-horses to make
the trip of 25 miles to timber-line, or
hire a team and drive to Mountain
Meadow, within five miles of timber
line. Crater Lake forms the center of the
last great National scenic park created
by Congress. It occupies the crater of
the extinct volcano. Mount Mazama, and
Is elliptical in shape, ranging from 4,
to 6 miles across. Its surface is
6239 feet above sea level, and the steep
walls of the crater surrounding it
range from 520 to 1989 feet higher.
In the center is Wizard's Island, a cone
supposed to be the summit of the vol
cano, which caved in after the sides
were blown out by eruptions. At the
top, 845 feet high. i3 a crater 110 feet
deep, in which snow lies 1.11 Summer.
The clearness of the water and the
vari-colored reflections which it casts
are the wonders of the lake.
There are two routes through Ore
gon to the lake, by way of Medford
and by way of Ashland, both of which
towns are on the Southern Pacific rail
road. From Medford the distance Is
85 miles and accommodations for the
night may be found at Trail. 28 miles,
and Prospect, 52 miles,, but at the lake
visitors must camp out. The distance
from Ashland is 97 miles, and good
places to spend the night may be
found at Hunt's Ranch, Pelican Bay
-and Fort Klamath.
- On the Oregon Coast.
The most accessible place on the
lower Oregon Coast is Taquina Bay,
where there is a fine stretch of beach
in front of Newport, with good, modern
hotels, open-air concerts on Summer
evenings and ample opportunities for
bathing, fishing; hunting and boating.
A beautiful place
for excursions id
Cape Foulweather
lighthouse, and
along the beach are great rocks haunt
ed 'by the sea otter. Taquina Bay 13
reached by the Southern Pacific, to
Albany or Corvallls, and thence by the
Corvallls & Eastern to Newport.
Coos Bay is the greatest commer
cial center of the Oregon coast, though
cut off from the interior of the state
by lack of a through railroad. It 13
best reached by the Southern Pacific
to Roseburg, thence by stage to Myrtle
Point and thence by rail to Marshfield
and North Bend, It is the home of
several of the largest sawmills In Or
egon, the only working coal mines in
the state, butter and cheese factories
and shipyards, and the county has
proved a good country for live stock,
fruit and agriculture.
The points mentioned are only those
which could be visited in a few days'
Jaunt from Portland as a starting
point, but there are others well worth
seeing if one desires to thoroughly
know the state. A short distance from
Ontario, in Malheur County. Is the
great tract of arid land which the
Government Is soon to Irrigate, and
near It "may be seen "what irrigation
has done. In Central Oregon, which
Is reached by the O. R. & N. and Co
lumbia Southern roads, is the great
tract of land in the Deschutes. Valley
now being Irrigated. In the Southern
tier of counties east of the Cascade
Range is the great range country,
where numerous lakes afford constant
water supply . and are the resort of
hunters in the Fall. Whether In
search, of pleasure, a good home, a.
good investment or inspiring scenery,
the visitor will find it hard to exhaust
the resourced of Oregon,