14 THE MORNING OBEGOKIA, MOXDAT, 'JMsTJABY 2, 1905, 1 HONORABLE rivalry has stirred nearly every county In Oregon to prepare to do its utmost in making a creditable display of its products at the Lewis and. Clark Fair. . These exhibits -will bo massed in the Agriculture and Horticulture building, but each will ap pear under the banner of its county and prizes will be given for the best collec tive county exhibits. The State Commission has agreed to pay half the expense of each county ex hibit up to a maximum of $1000, that is, it will supply $500 to meet the first $500 expended by each county. All expense above that sum will be borne by the counties alone. This condition does not daunt the counties, for some of them are prepared to expend several thousand dol lars. Coos County will erect a building of its own and .spend a total of $10,000. Marlon is preparing a thorough exhibit without any definite limit as to cost. Union appears to have placed little re striction on expense and other counties are equally liberal. Clackamas will spend $3000 in addition to the $500 given by the state. Judging by the applications for space, all the Willamette Valley coun ties will engage in a warm but friendly contest for supremacy. It is yet impossible to say how many counties will be thus represented, for it is likely that some of those which nave taken no action, among which is Clatsop, will relent In time, and that some which have decided not to exhibit will change their minds. Among the latter are Grant, Lake and Wheeler, which are too remote from transportation, but Klamath, Mal heur and Harney will be represented, in spite of distance. Multnomah wllll make no county exhibit, for It will be abundantly represented by the separate exhibits of its citizens. When all is considered, there is assur ance of such a display of the 'manifold products of Oregon as has never been gathered In the state's history- BENTON. BENTON COUNTY will have an elab orate exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Fair. No appropriation for the pur pose has been made by the County Court, and the reliance is on the patriotism of the citizens and their desire to sea the county's resources displayed in a fash ion commensurate with the occasion. The exhibit and Its collection is in the hands of H. L. French, for the past two years collector of the county's exhibit at the State Fair. A feature will be the display of grains and grasses, including best specimens of forage plants and a wide variety ,of cer eals, for production of both of which the county is famed. An exhibit will bo made of every variety of manuafactur lng woods in the country, and will be ot novel character. Especial pains will be taken with the fruit exhibit for which wide collections have already been made. Unseasonable fruit will appear preserved In the natural form In glass, and will embody many fine specimens. Tie wool and mohair exhibit will be an especially extensive feature. The county is studded with fancy stock farms, with sheep and goats of the best blood obtainable, and careful arrangements for gathering of best samples have been made. Specimens of hops of splendid proportions and rich in lupulln were se cured in season, and will be representa tive of the considerable Industry in that lino in the county. The vegetable collec tion. Involving that part to be out of season when the Fair opens, has been provided for, and comprises mammoths in beets, potatoes and other crops. A vast part of the collection Is. yet to be arranged for. but" when completed the exhibit will far surpass any previous rep resentation of the products and resources of the county. CLACKAMAS. OREGON CITY, Dec 3L-(Special)-Con-fldent of their ability to gather and exhibit a collection of resources superior to that of any other county in the state, the people of Clackamas County are un usually active in gathering the cream of their varied products for the Lewis and Clark Exposition. To that end an organ ization has been formed through which creditable representation of the county will result A general committee, con sisting of one member from each of the 37 precincts, was named at a mass meet ing of the citizens of Clackamas County held early In October. This general com mittee subsequently named an executive committee of nine members to which was delegated the specific task of supervising, assorting, arranging and transporting the exhibit to the Exposition. The executive committee consists of: Henry Gans. Os wego; J. T. Apperson, Abernathy; W. B. Stafford, Oregon City, No. 3; Mrs. Mary S. Howard. Mulino; Dr. J. W. Thomas, Molalla; George Lazejle, New Era; Mrs. George A. Harding, Oregon City, No. 2; J. W. Boots, Boring, and Harvey Stark weather, Mllwaukie. Organization of the committee resulted in the choice of Hon. J. T. Apperson as president, and Mr. Starkweather as secretary. The two com mittees are acting In conjunction and have facilitated the collecting of the exhibit by appointing an active representative for each section of the county to perform this service in hla locality. In this way an ex hibit more thoroughly representative of the county will be procured. In addition to the appropriation of $1000 that has been made by the County Court to defray the expenses of the exhibit, the members of the executive committee are. working on a plan that proposes the rais ing of $2000 more by popular subscription. The people of Clackamas County feel that they have something to show the Fair visitor that Is worth seeing and arc going to spend what Is rieceseary to collect and resources of the great Coos Bay country. It Is planned to spend $10,000 on this dis play, and to this end the county will be asked to appropriate $3000 from the public treasury. There Is $500 left over from the money raised for an exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. The Boards of Trade of Bandon. Myrtle Point. Coqullle. North Bend and Marshfleid will exhibit the same. Interest In the exhibit each make liberal contributions. The peo- from this county was greatly stimulated 1 pie of Coos are interested in making the in gathering the exhibits. A committee has been appointed In every precinct ot the county, whose duty It will be to look out for and collect the, articles desired. One of the features decidedly novel will be a display of Juniper wood, which 13 peculiar to the arid West, worked into highly polished ornaments and furniture. AnotheV will be the Hereford exhibit. This family of cattle Is bred almost ex clusively among our cattlemen, and the 1 ' -SOXES AND MJCTAIXITBGY BUttDING. BUILT BY THE BURRELL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. A........ - - - when Clackamas captured first honors at the National Grange Fair at Portland In November. The best of the products that were shown at that time have been turned over to the Lewis and Clark Fair commit tee, forming a splendid nucleus for the more comprehensive exhibit that Is to be made at the 1303 Fair. The agricultural, mineral and manufacturing Interests of the county are all working in behalf of the exhibit. Other arrangements are being made by the people of Clackamas County to show the Fair visitors "what can be produced in this section. During the last year the County Court has expended thousands of dollars in the Improvement of a numbcrJ of its highways so that the Easterner who is as certain to visit Oregon City as ha is to attend the Fair, may be made ac quainted with the land of Clackamas' County, besides being furnished an oppor tunity to enjoy the unrivalled river and mountain scenery In the vicinity of ure gon City. Before the gates of the 1S03 Fair aro thrown .open the County Court will have completed a number of beautiful driveways leading out of Oregon City, not able among which will be one on the v est Side, and another extending up the Clack amas River to the Government natcnery. Matchless river and mountain scenery in. addition to a large acreage of rich orch ard and agricultural lands are to be viewed from either ot these driveways. COLUMBIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY'S exhibit will be for the purpose of Inducing capital to Invest in manufacturing and mining, as well as to demonstrate to the home- seeker that there is good opportunity for those who desire to secure cheap lands near good markets at very reasonable prices. One feature will be a display of the mineral resources of the county, In coal, iron and marl. No attempt will be made to show immense logs, but there will be a good exhibit of the different woods of the county In slabs and blocks, the hardwoods being, polished to show their beauty and adaptability for furni ture manufacturing. If the commission provides facilities, there will be an exhibit of cold-storage salmon, one feature being a mammoth chlnook salmon in a block of crystal Ice. The stone quarries at St. Helens will have a wall built out of the basalt rock which Portland uses to pave Its streets. Rainier will exhibit the products of Its sash and door and soap factories, and it is hoped there will bo a good exhibit of creamery products, which are second to none In the state or elsewhere. It is also intended to have a photo graphic exhibit, consisting of 400 large views from the logging camps of the county, showing the processes of lumber ing, from the felling of the tree in the forest to placing the finished product aboard the vessel. These will be ar ranged as a border around the entire exhibit and will occupy about 100x5 feet of wall space and give the Eastern vis ltor a very complete Idea of the manner In which this great Industry Is conducted- No especial attempt will be made to have a display of the agricultural and horticultural products of 1S04, but spe clal pains will be taken with the crop of 1SC3, and as fast as It matures samples of the best vegetables, fruits, grains and grasses will be placed In the display. It is also understood that, while fruit will not be given away indiscriminately, there will be enough on hand every day after the new crop is available to tickle the palates of genuine inquirers. The work of organization has Just be gun and will be vigorously pushed. Owing to Columbia County proximity to Port land and the numerous vehicles of trans portation, it will be comparatively easy for this county to keep its exhibit of ag ricultural and horticultural products con stantly replenished. There are but thre Lewis and Clark clubs In the county, the oldest one being the Woman's Club; of Clatskanle. in the north end of the county. It Is thought and hoped the dif ferent Granges of the county will consti tute themselves Lewis and Clark clubs and co-operate with the Commissioner appointed by the County Court to have charge of this matter. R. S. HATTAN, County Judge. Fair a success for the good of Oregon, and some handsome private subscriptions will be made. The feature of the Coos exhibit will be a county building, on a plot of ground 100 feet square that has been reserved at the request of the Coos Bay Chamber of Com merce. This building will be finished en tirely in Coos County woods, and this part of Oregon Is particularly equipped for a fine exhibit in this respect. Here grows the beautiful hardwood myrtle. This, wood is" black and white in -the same log, and gives a finish like onyx. The homes of Mayor Sengstacken, of Marsh field, and Mayor Simpson, of North Bend, have halls, and mantels finished in myr tle. The celebrated shlp-bulldlng Port Orford cedar is found only In Coos and Curry Counties. The yellow white oak of this eounty is equal to the very best Eng lish oak. The yew and maple are also beautiful woods. The other woods are fir. ash. alder, chittam. madrone. hemlock, spruce and white pine. There is within easy reach of the harbor 40,000,000,000 feet of standing timber in the Coos Bay country. Coos Bay also has the only coal in the State of Oregon. This Is a lignite, and makes a superior domestic coal, with lit tle ash and no soot, and samples will bo exhibited. Coos County has a gold belt running through the southern part, and some rich mines have been discovered. A fine cabi net of minerals will be collected to take to the Fair. Coos County has a number of people who have made a specialty of collecting rare exhibits. Mrs. Henry Sengstacken has probably one of the most valuable collections of Indian baskets In the West Frank E. Rogers, of South Coos River, is great nunter and an amateur taxider mist, and has mounted some fine animals. Mrs L. J. Simpson also has a rare col lection ot Indian baskets, fur robes and horns. If the patriotism of these people is drawn upon, the" Coos County building can be made highly attractive and interesting. But probably the greatest benefit to Coos County will be the plan to exhibit a model ot the harbor of Coos Bay. It is proposed to make a relief map on the lawn in front of the building, showing the bay just as it really is, with its smooth water and wooded shores. It is not much over five miles from the entrance' to the head of Coos Bay. and yet, withMls many inlets, it has over 100 miles 'of water front In the hands of an artist a model of this bay can be made a fine attrac tion. There is no land more beautiful in the world than the Coos Bay country. COOS. rtEOPLE fn Coos Count- fully appreci Ir ate the value of the Lewis and Clark Exposition as an advertising medium, and will take advantage of the opportunity to place before the visitors an exhibit of the care exercised, together with the favor able conditions under which they have been raised. Insures high recognition. The feature, however, in which Crook County feels that It will excel without fail Is the sheep exhibit Among the stock sent will be the famous Louisiana Pur chase Fair prize-winners from the farm of the Baldwin Sheep & Land Company, of Hay Creek. As these are undoubtedly the highest type of sheep in the world. we are reasonably sure of one first prize. Other exhibits will include fruits, vege tables and cereals, and. although the ex ploitation of our agricultural resources ranged, and some very creditable speci mens can be had. "Very lfttle mineral de velopment has occurred, but that which is attracting most attention is the cinna bar lode, on Lookout Mountain, 25 miles past of this city, and the Mayflower gold-producing- property at Howard. The former mine has in the course of develop ment shown unlimited quantities of cin nabar, carrying very high values in quick silver, and it Is believed that future de velopment will place it in the ranks of the great quicksilver-producing properties of the world. These and other things will be represented at the Fair, and our people will be there, whoso duty It will be to call attention of the outside world to our exhibits. If present plans carry out, these will 5e of & very widely diversified form, and will do ample Justice both to the re sources of the section and the- energy of the citizens. KLAMATH. L WAVE of prosperity and great de- velopxnent Is sweeping toward Klam ath County. The Immense tule swamps and sagebrush plains bid fair to become a thing of the past In the near future, and be replaced by fields of waving grain and alfalfa. The Government engineers that have been In the field during the past Summer estimate the amount of land that can be reclaimed at the vast amount of 320,000 acres. All of this land is of the best quality, and adapted to the growing of grain, alfalfa and potatoes and beets. While Klamath does not pose as a fruit country,, apples, prunes, plums, apricots, pears and cherries of the very best quality are grown, as well as nearly all the small fruits. ' The pine forests of Klamath County are too well known to need mention, as tim ber claims have been taken by residents of about every stato in the Union. The assessed valuation of Klamath County is $3,262,575, making it in propor tion to population probably the wealth iest county in the state, and, with the reclamation of the vast area proposed by the Government will be heard the hum of Immense mills and the shriek of the lo comotive, as well as the whistle ,of the steamers, on our lakes. The great area of contiguous land adapt ed to the raising of alfalfa will, with the advent of transportation facilities, make Klamath County the greatest feeding ground for beef cattle on the Paclflo Coast The opening of the Lewis and Clark Fair Is ioo early fort Klamath, as we are still plowing and Seeding, while some parte of the state afe haying. However, Klamath has askeir for space, and will before the season is over come to the front with an exhibit of the.various kinds of timber grown here, as well "as grains, grasses, alfalfa, frult3 and vegetables, and expect to give the other counties a worked to mako it a possibility. He flr went before the Commercial Club, whlcl appointed a committee to take charge of the matter and present a plan to the County Court This committee secured from the County Court an appropriation of $500 to defray the expense of collect ing materials for an exhibit Mr. E. M. Warren was selected by the committee to collect and arrange the exhibit and take charge of It and at once commenced work. By the date of the opening he will havo Lane County represented in fitting shape. Mr. Warren already has a large part of tho grains, grasses, commercial canned fruits, dried fruits, hops, etc., which are to constitute the exhibit He has been for years engaged in growing and col lecting grains and grasses for exhibition purposes, and has one of the most com plete collections in this line to be found in this state. He has samples of every variety of grains add grasses produced? In the Willamette Valley. These are all carefully bundled and stored in a dark room, where they are not in danger ot damage from light, dust, mice, etc Here they will remain until about tho opening of the Exposition, when they will be carefully prepared and shipped to Portland. Both Mr. Traver and Mr. Warren are doing all in their power to make a fine showing. Besides . what they have now, they will at once 'secure seeds from the Agricultural Department at Washington, which they will have sown and carefully tended on some of the best soil. Vege tables will be grown In the same man ner, to be placed In the exhibit fresh at tho proper time. In the line of fruits they have now some 250 jars of commer cial fruits, and will add to this collec tion very largely. Lane County has an almost endless variety of products, and these will be collected by these 'interested and ener getic men, and it may be that an exhibit will be made that will not only be an object of wonder to the visitors from the East, but also to many who have spent their whole lives In this valley. 0 LINN. UR population 13 too small; our farms are too large; and we need .more people up here in the valley, and our aim will be in a general way to show the visitora at the Exposition something of our resources and productions, with the Idea of attracting Immigration. Ono thing i3 certain. Linn County will be there with an exhibit, and when you re member that we have carried oft as many, if not more, first prizes for coun ty exhibits than any other county at the annual meetings of the State Fair, you can rest assured that the people of the state will have no reason to be asham4 of us. Linn is an agricultural county, and nat urally the larger part of our exhibit will CROOK. CROOK County's exhibit will be a com prehcnslve representation of every re source known to Central Oregon, Includ ing agricultural, timber and mineral prod ucts. ,It Is the policy of the County Court to provldo a liberal sum, which will be used In co-operation with Individuals EUROPEAN "EXHIBITS BUILDING. BUHT BY ROBERT WAKHHIEXJX has only begun, our exhibit in this line will be a revelation to the outside world. The fine products of the Agency Plains country, and the Deschutes, Ochoco and Crooked River sections, includipg pota toes, wheat oats, barley, rye, sweet po tatoes, fruits and alfalfa, will do more when placed on exhibition to forever dispel the idea that Crook is an arid coun ty than years of advertising In any other form. The famous timber belt of the Upper Deschutes will be represented, but no defi nite arrangements have been made along this line. The main trouble in preparing an exhibit of yellow pine Is the trans portation feature. Being Isolated nearly 100 miles from the railroad, the county cannot arrange a display that could do our forests justice. The mineral products, including gold, silver, coal and cinnabar, will be ar- run for first place among the prize-winners. Klamath will most likely depend on views and printed matter, but may de cide . to have a' representative on the grounds at least a portion of the time, and; if ail attend who say they will, Klamath will be represented at all times. GEO. T. BALDWIN, County Judge. LANE. ' THAT Lane County will have an exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Exposition Is an assured fact ani if it is not the best county exhibit it will not be far behind. The matter of making a county exhibit was talked of by a few for some time be fore it took definite shape. Finally H. L. Traver, president of the Southern Oregon District Fair Association, took an active Interest In the matter, and at once be along that line, but we have quite a' number of manufacturing enterprises within our borders, and we shall do our best to have them all represented. Our dairying Interests have forged ahead re markably in the last few years, and we shall try to bring this also to the atten tion of the people attending the Expo slon. Still our chief exhibit will no doubt be of grains, grasses, fruits, vegetables, hops, etc C. H. STEWART. County Judge. K MARION. T a mass meeting of taxpayers of Marion County three months ago It wa3 decided by unanimous vote that this county should be properly represented by an industrial exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Fair. The people who attended AGKICULTUKE AND HOKTICULTUKE BUIUJIN'G. BUILT BY J. JE. BENNETT.