THE MOKNING OREGONIAN, SATUEDAT, DECEMBER 31, 190 IS HE BRIBED? Chief Hunt Said to Have Accepted $300 FORSLOT-MACHINE PERMIT Accused Official Makes Em phatic Denial. GRAND JURY INVESTIGATES E. A. Magoon Writes Employers That Police Chief Had Been Paid $300, but Machines Could Not Be Run. ntrt c.Mp.t of Police Hunt receive $300 from E. O. Magoon, a slot-macnme agent, In October last, as a rjriDe to percnu. nlckel-ln-the-slot machines to be oper- ated for money? Magoon wrote a letter to nis company in the East in which tms statement i made. Chief Hunt denounces me atser- tnn i most tiosltlvft terms as false, Th rrand iurv was engaged in lnvestl gating this question yesterday. The storv told around town, in connection with the affair, is that; on October 14, 1904. E. O. Matroon wrote a letter to bis principals In the East in response to one ho had received from them, Informing them he had been grafted by Chief Hunt xo mu v-w, ' -- ---- to run tne macnines ior Magoon explained, further, that gambling was all closed In Portland, due to the action oi uic Diiiu.. Flrm Takes Matter Up. The firm in the East, in an effort to nnllor mnnw due from aKCntS in UllS part of the' country, sent on a lot of correspondence received from these agents to Murdoch os Moser, local at torneys. This letter, speaking of the pay ment of the $300 to Chief Hunt, was among the number. Miller Murdoch, of the law firm ln question, was a witness before the grand jury yesterday afternoon and. as he has shown this letter to sev cral persons, he, no doubt, submitted it to the members of the grand Jury for thoir Inspection. Inquire Into Police Affairs. Tho investigation of Chief Hunt and his manner of conducting police department affairs took up considerable of the time of the grand Jury session. Police officers. called as witnesses, were L. Hirsch, C. E. Foster, H. F. Gibson, J. A. Lee and Officer Goltz. Other witnesses who appeared before the Jury were: John Bain, Robert Living stone and D. A. Pattulo, members of the Municipal Reform League. W. M. Kill Ingsworth and Councllmen Flegel, Sigler ana waiting, xt is reportea inai police regulations generally are still a subject of Inquiry by the grand Jury. The reason certain saloons persistently break the 3 -o'clock closing ordinance and ,other things are being looked into particularly. Chief's Denial Emphatic. TVhon Chief Hunt learned that a story was in circulation to the effect that the grand Jury" had "been shown a letter, al leging ho accepted money for his prom ise to let slot-machines run, he made an emphatic denial. "A great many things have been said from time to time that I have given no heed because of the irresponsible sources from which they sprang," said the Chief. "This has been particularly true ln the past few weeks, during which time abso lute falsehoods have been published by persons who knew them to be false. But R'hcn a matter such as this comes up, and direct charges of grafting are made against mo, I will not permit them to go unanswered. "It Is not true, and will be proved that it Is not. but at this time I am not In formed very well regarding the allega' tions, If any have been made, because ine sessions oi tne grand jury, I sup posed, are secret, and having no relia ble Information, I hardly know what, if anything, has been charged against me before the grand jury. "I shall ask a full investigation, and will demand that those who mav have charged things against me show their proof. DRAKE FAMILY'S TROUBLES. File Conflicting Documents in Di- vorce Case. F. P. Drake, an employment agent, says he entered Into an agreement with his wife, Mathilda Drake, on October 24. 1904, under tho terms of which they were to dlvldo what property they had at that date and "play quits." He says he further agreed to pay her $75, and she was thereupon to release him from all matrimonial vows and to sign away her right and tltlo to all property belonging to mm. jjraxe sots up tnis agreement as a defense to a suit recently filed by his wife for support In tho State Circuit Court. Ho says that by this agreement Bne released him from all claims and de mands ior maintenance and from all matrimonial or marriage vows. Notwith standing this contract, Drake recites that he is willing to provide a home for Mrs. Drake and provido for her support If she will return to him and live with him as his wife, which, he says, she has refused to do. He alleges that he will not do anv. thing towards her support so long as she Iivos separate and apart from him. Mitchell & Tanner appear as his attor neys. In her complaint, Mrs. Drake sets forth tnat her husband sont her to Minnesota. in June last, for the purpose of ridding himself of her. She returned and he told her he had a homo for her, but would not tell her whore It was, or provide for nor wants. WANTS NO OPPOSITION. Restaurant Man Sues to Restrain New Enterprise. Leo Leon Mandelay, who asserts that Russell &. Blyth agreed to lease to him a store at 4 North Sixth street to conduct a restaurant therein, yesterday filed suit against the firm in the State Circuit Court to restrain them from leasing or renting, on the same block, another place for a restaurant. Mandelay, in his complaint, alleges that he was to have a lease for one year at a monthly rental of $120, and that it was made a. part of the contract that there should be no other restaurant In the block except one, which is already there. .rvu&sou ta ijiytn, it is alleged, now threaten to lease another portion of the block to parties for restaurant purposes. Wants Money for Assault. xraiwv weuen, a cook, asserts mat an attempt to assault his little daughter orace. a years old. was mado on Christ mas day by C. Kellogg, a restaurant- keeper, at 289 Stark street. Gellert. as tne guardian or his child, has sued Kel loss In the State Circuit Court for $5000 damages. Soon after the alleged assault occurred Gellert caused a warrant to be Issued In the Municipal Court for the arT rest of Kellogg, but the latter could not be found -when officers -went In search of him. Gellert has applied to the State Circuit Court for the appointment of a receiver to take charge of the restaurant.. Do Not Lke to Walt. The attorneys of Portland have filed a petition in the State Circuit Court asking that the argument of motions, -where. only a brief time will be taken up, be given preference over motions wnere tne arguments consume an hour or two. The object is to prevent attorneys from having to wait around the courtroom until long arguments have been completed before they can present short motions, as some times occurs. Judge George, who is the presiding judge, will, no doubt, arrange to make the -desired change. Suit in Foreclosure. The United Artisans have sued the Sun set Land Company in the State Circuit Court to foreclose a mortgage for 57000 on 3 acres of land. Interest Is due from November 12, 1903. hislop pays $250 A lot. Compromise Reached in Union Ave nue Fill Assessment. The old Question of the Union-avenue fill was the principal bone of contention at the street committee meeting yesterday afternoon in the City Hall. Messrs. Zim merman, Merrill and Bentley were absent. A report was received from viewers Sharkey and Sherrett relating to the Union-avenue controversy. This was aug mented by an affixed report of Engineer nrpenlen. who delved Into the intricacies f trlironometrv and demonstrated that tne contractor's claim of removing: 125S yanja 0f earth was erroneous, In so far, a matter of fact, the excavation was but 874 yards. The total assessment for the work of improving Union avenue where this fill haB been made amounts to 513,780. Of this sum Thomas Hislop was assessed. $2174, as follows: Block 88, lots 7 and 8, S6S2.49; block S3, lots 7 and 8, $943.57; block 94, lota 1 and 2. $548.72. n ' v,i ,, nthBr!i interrt' Mr. Hislop was present at the meeting, sUted fhgLt he was mng to pay an ass&eement o ?100 tne iot ln other words he WQUld fQr lmprovement at the rate of 50 cents on the dollar, onenng tne city aS an alternative a law suit. He fl- comprlmised by paying $250 a lot. Mr. ' transaction. He jdId not seem to llke the committee's ac- tion and In addition to that figured in a verbal tussle with IL R. Dunl way who ""J luai mi. -H-iaiuy uou pic sumed to make a settlement, regardless of the Interests' of other property-owners who will be affected by the action of the street committee. Several residents of Overton street were present to protest against granting a fran chlse to the Oregon Traction Company to place the tracks and other equipment for Its Hllls-boro railway on that street. They suggested that as Northrup street was already tracked, a few rails more or less would not depreciate the value of prop erty on that thoroughfare as much as by "placing rails upon Overton street, which had never had a road Northrup street property-owners were also present and maintained that they were favored with an absolute sufficiency of rails, but compromised with the Over ton-street people and suggested that the committee grant the franchise for any other street. The matter was finally passed up to tho Council for disposal. George F. Rltter was present to protest acainst raising the trradn on Benton street between Dupont and Shamrock. It de veloped that Rltter had erected his real dence so close to the line of the sidewalk that if the grade were Talsed he would have to walk flown to his front steps on a perpendicular ladder. For this reason he did not wish the grade raised. FOE BETTER PUBLIC SERVICE New York Man Gives Interesting Ad dress on Subject. "Volunteer service for the public good," was the central thought of an interesting address delivered last night in the Temple Beth Israel, by Alexander Johnston, gen eral secretary of the National Conference of Charities and Correction, of Now York. The lecture was all the more Interesting because air. Johnston is the advance guard of those workers for civic and Na tional reform who will hold their annual meeting ln this city next July. "I am only a door-keeper in the house of the Lord. In our Conference of Chari ties and Corrections, we have no priests but many prophets," began Mr. Johnston. A historian, writing a century hence, of our day and generation may wonder at the existence of graft In our cities, and how men are only appointed to a position so that a political debt may be paid want to talk to you of a public service that cannot be had for money, about workers who work not for fame, but who have a positive passion for service. In those states where there are the most culture, refinement and enlightenment. you meet with this nubile service which comes from an emotion not yet popular Ized or put Into words. For Instance, this state is not a mere aggregation of people, but a living organism so built that no one part can suffer without the whole suffering. Just as the fever of a wound of one member effects all the body. hope the time is coming when you will have jl Board of State Charities. When you do, get men for officers, not because they are Republicans. Democrats or So clallsts, but because they are good men good for their positions, who mean as well as do. men who see their duty. The business of the board will not be to ad minister, but to inspect, advise and re port." Mr. Johnston tomorrow evening, leaves for his home ln Indiana, en route to New York. Ban on Firearms Police Have Orders to Stop Nctv Year Shooting. jjay asiao your nrearms, turn your powder ln a heap and prepare to indulge In occupations where pistols or other weapons are not needed In tho celebra tion of the birth of the New Year. Chief of Police Hunt yesterday got busy and issued an order to tho captains of police. Instructing them to arrest and bring to the City Jail any and all persons caught ln the act of discharging guns of any sort ln the corporate limits of Portland. If ycu have got a supply of nolso-nro ducing stuff together and are waiting to hall the coming of the glad New Year by waking your neighbors from their slumbers and causing the air to ring with the roports of pistols and rifles, change your programme and arrange to go to watch-night meeting or dance; don' think you can escape the police If you fire off your weapons from your second-story windows, or from a tree top, for they: be after you. It's according to orders. Many years have rolled Into history. each one having been greeted by the dls charge of numerous firearms, since the advent of human beings ln Portland, as elsewhere. But the "cops" will get you this year. If you don t watch out. EEW YORK LIES POLICY HOLDERS York Life financial methods in tho cur rent numbers of the Era Magatlne; cents, all news stands. Your Grxadmothcr used Fiso's Cure. It Btill lhe bat rem tor Xer Couxh. FORCER IN THET0IL8 Samuel Waller Is Placed Un der Arrest. SAYS HE NEEDED MONEY Slim and Talkative Young Man Falls Into Trap Laid by Detectives, Acknowledges Forging' All the Checks. STORY OF FORGERIES. For many "weeks checks ranging from $5 to $12, and having: the names of prominent firms forged, have been passed upon unsuspecting merchants. The en tire staff of detectives were working on the cases, and up to last night foiled to run the forger to earth. Detectives Hartman and "Weiner laid ln wait for many hours yesterday after noon at the home of Samuel "Waller, and when he came ln, took blm Into custody. "Waller admits passing tho forged checks, saying he was "hard pressed" for money. He Is a veteran of the Philippine campaign, and Is a son of x.Pollceman M. T. "Waller. District At torney Manning released htm on his own recognizance at first, hut later ordered him locked up. Ho wilt appear m court today. Samuel "Waller, son of er-PolIoeman M. V. "Waller, veteran of the Philip pine campaign and well known in Portland and vicinity. was taken Into custody at his home last night by De lecuves narunan ano weiner on charges of forgery. He fell into the trap laid for him and was compelled to accompany the officers to headquar ters. He admitted his guilt to the do lice and an Orcgonlan reporter. He THE NEW YEAR'S OREGONIAN The best advertise est for the 1905 Talr that OrrgoH's people caa nend to their friends in the East, will be a copy of the New Year's Oregoniaa that will be published Monday morning next. The illustrations of the beautiful Ex position buildings and the Exposition grounds will be made a special feature of the ow Tear's somber. The paper will be mailed to any address in the United States or Canada, postage prepaid, for 10 ceats a copy. Address Tho Orcgonlan, Portland, Or. was at flrst released on hia own recog nizance by District Attorney Manning, upon his father's promise to produce him In court this morning, but was later rearrested and locked up. For two months Na well-dressed young man, described as 'tall and good-looking, neat and talkative," de fled the efforts of the detectives. Not until yesterday morning did Hartman and "Weiner receive what proved to be correct Information as to the forger's identity. Hartman went to "Waller's home, Hawthorne and Union avenues, where he remained during the afternoon. Mrs. "Waller was there, but was kept from the telephone. After the long wait. during which time Weiner Joined his partner in the case, the husband ar rived. As he opened the door the de tectives displayed their stars, Inform ed him what they were there for, and made him accompany them to head quarters. There he was Joined awhile later by his father, who scathingly lec tured him for his misdeeds. "While Chief Hunt and the detectives talked to tho prisoner the father sought Dis trict Attorney Manning, and arrange ments were made to release the young man, and he thus escaped occupying a cell temporarily. 'I started this business because' I was ln a hard pinch for money," said young "Waller. "There was another fellow with me. "We passed about 12 checks, realizing about $70 from them. "We will pay up all we owe and settle the trouble." Being the son of ex-Policeman "Wal ler, the young man was 'well known to the offlcers. It was a hard and dis agreeable task for Detectives Hart man and "Weiner to arrest the prisoner. as both had known him since boyhood. To this was added the painful experi ence of the boys rather, who was deeply humiliated by his sons arrest. Furthermore, his mother lies critically ill at the family home. "I guess Til have to search you, old man," said Acting Jailer Endlcott, as ho entered the prison. "I hate to do it, but you understand. You got oft wrong, my boy. "Yes, I got oft wrong," answered young Waller as he rose to be search- Sam Waller, Who Coafeoees to the forg ery of Thirty Checks. ed. Before the task was completed however, word reached Chief Hunt to rolcasc him, and he was permitted to go home. The following list of checks was shown to Waller, who admitted passing them: East Side Bakery, $5; Grand Avenue Cigar Store, $6; G. Lindon, 342 Front. $10; Conrad Repp. 760 "Onion avenue. $12; A. Bingham, SI Third, $9.50; A. P. Gran. 281 Benton. $12; Mr. liohr, Clinton and Milwaukic, $5.85 Chlndlan Sisters, 111 Grand avenue, $9.4E; Metchlln, 387 East Pine. $6; I.. Simons, 403 Williams avenue, $9; Frank Burkhardt, 349 First. $11; F. A. Root Forty-eighth and Hawthorne, $9; A. Munroe. 420 Washington. $7; B. Daw- i fawish, 103 North Sixth, $11.50; Merges, Russell street, $7; another Russell- street cigar store, $9.50. At each place waller purchased small amounts of goods and received the bal ance ln cash. He forged the names of Lang & Co.. Marshal-Wells. Allen & Lewis and other firms, and signed var ious fictitious names to the checks. He used checks in a regular book. He says he got a book with 200 checks at Lip- man & "Wolfe's store, where they are kept for tho convenience of customers. RIVER IS SWOLLEN. Heavy Rains and Warm Weather the Cause. There is a falf-slred freahet coming down the "Willamette, caused by the heavy rains and warm weather of the past few days. It is impossible to say what its ex tent will be, as that will depend on tne weath. "I cannot sefe the end yet," said District Forecaster -E. A. Beals yesterday, "but when the crest of the flood reaches Eu gene. I will be able to make a forecast. All I can see now Is 14 feet, and that stage will be reached in two days. The water has been rising at the rate of six feet a day, but cannot keep up at that rate, as the increasing width of the river as it rises will tend to check the advance." A 16-foot stage will put the water over some of the lower docks on the water front, and In consequence of the warning there was lively hustling at many of the wharves yesterday where freight had been stored on the lower floors. Reports from points above Indicate that the water will come up rapidly today and will continue to rise slowly Sunday. After that, unless heavy rains come, there will be a fall. The prospects now are for only occasional rains ln this district today. No fears need be felt of a damaging freshet at this time unless a hard rain storm comes before the flood has a chance to run off. Current Does Damage. No damage has been occasioned to wa ter-front property here in the early stage of the freshet, but the current was re sponsible for one of the worst log Jams seen In this harbor in recent years. Three booms of spruce logs, some of huge size. which were moored Just above the Multno mah box factory, and were the property of that Company and the Standard Box Company, broke loose shortly after mid night yesterday morning and piled up ln a tangled mass against the piers of the Madison-street bridge. Morrison-Street Bridge Threatened. One later worked its way through and brought up against the Morrison-street bridge piers. They blocked the way through the eastern draw channels and threatened to do some damage to tho bridge structures. As soon as it was day light steamboats were sent to thr Rcenc The No Wonder secured the raft at JMor- rlson street and soon had It made fast to tis old Southern Pacific dock. No damage was done to either of the brldcpji. hut truffle -nran iaiava Qf xrni I son street from 12:45 P. M. until 1:55 P. M. nexc "witness ana remained witn tne nnd Kitty remaining silent like tne pou while the steamers were clearing away JurY until the hour of adjournment. tlclan who is the balance of power and the debris In tho draw channel. DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Marriage- Licenses. Arthur B. Chase, 21; Maud Goabejr, 18. Isaac Bloom, 24; Sablna Blrger, 21. Deaths. Deoember 28, John "Wesley Bank son, aged 08 years, 11 months and 10 days, 320 Grand ave nue; valvular heart disease. Interment Ixmo Fir Cemetery. December 28. Harry G. Moorehcad. accd 35 years, months and 2 days, 630 East Burnslde, aDscess of tne brain. Interment Seattle. "Wash. Births. December 4, to the wife of F. P. McCarthy. 161 Jage, a daughter. December 7, to the wife of George Olsen. 131 juiort, a son. December 0, to the wife of J. M. Evans. 7U0 iiicnigan avenue, a daughter. December 14, to the wife of C. O. Jones. 01 East Tenth, a aon. December 20, to the wife of Walton B. Bend er, Xorthem H1U, a daughter. December 5, to tho wife of J. C. Vcnnum. &y stanton, a son. December 25, to the wife of "William Carri- gan, Benton and Hancock, a daughter. Building Permits. "William McLean. Fourth, between Market ana Clay, repairs, two-story dwelling; $1500. Real Estate Transfers. Sheriff to A. Olsen. lots 6. 21. block 12; lots 1. 2, 3, block 15. Good Morn ing Addition $ 15 v. ai. and wife to K. S. Farrell. 4. Garrison's Subdivision 1 fahenff to A. Olsen. lots in Peninsular Addition No. 2 3i Tneodore is. Wilcox and wife to R. a Farrell. block 3. B. 40 feet lots 1. 2, block 4, Garrison's Subdivision... 1G0O U. W. Eames to I. D. Earaes. 6-70 Interest lots 0, 11, 13. 15, block 48, Irvlngton Park Mrs. J. Eccles to H. Boycr. lot S. block 8, Railroad Shops Addition 2175 wiuiam irvm and wire to It. S. Far rell. undivided 8-10 Interest block 3; E. 40 feet lots 1. 2. block 4. Gar rison's Subdivision J. B. Sleromons to E. House, lot 7, block 70. Carter's Addition to Port land 25 George w. Brown to J. J. Heldt. lota 9, 10. block 4. Evelyn 210 Same to P. IX. A, Heldt. lot 13. block 4, Evelyn 125 Same to William H. Heldt. lot 12. block 4. Evelyn 110 Same to A. A. Heldt. lot 11. block 4. Evelyn '. 110 Frank A. "Wills to M. G. "Wills, lots 21 to 24 inclusive, block 9; lots 22. 23, block 13, Tremont Place M. Grace "Wills to F. A. Wills, same property 100 P. Mlnkler and wife to c I. MInkler, lot 5. Taylor's Subdivision of section 2. T. 1 8, R. 2 E Everdlns & Farrell to F. O. Frymire, lot 2, block 2. Center Addition Annex S. C. Gustafson and wife to A. C Ler entren, lot 7. block 21, Portsmouth.. Allevez A. Clark and husband to C Echerer. N. 25 feet lot 3. block 78. 500 125 Stephens Addition 1000 J. Frank Watson and wife to E. J. Carlson. 8. lot 8. tract E, Overton Park 150 Ida H. Fullerton and husband to J. Reed, lot 2. block 20. Lincoln Park Annex - 1 Oak Park Land Co. to C. Zelgler. lot 2. block 2. Oak Park Addition 1 HANDSOME DECORATIONS. The fine trees that grace the Hotel Portland court and which contributed so largely to the decorative effect at Mar ager Bowers' Christmas reception last Tuesday, are the sweet bay (laurus no- bllls). It is not generally known here. although a few specimens are growing In the open in private grounds. They came from Belgium, and wero imported by J. B. Pllklngton, a local nurseryman. Will Address Congregation. . Ben Greet the distinguished actor-man. ager of London, has accepted an urgent invitation by Dr. Stephen S. "Wise to de liver an address at Temple Beth Israel next Thursday night, the exact time not having been decided upon. Mr. Greet is one of the foremost authorities on the English drama ln the world and is a moving spirit in the Elizabethan Society of England, and has done more than any one man to preserve the early English drama. He is a scholar of International reputation and a lecturer of note. His address will be an Important literary event. MAY TAKE A REST Federal Grand Jurors Prob ably Adjourn Today, HENEY GOES TO CALIFORNIA In the Absence of the Assistant Dis trict Attorney, Consideration of Land-Fraud Cases Will Be Postponed. It is possible,, that the members of the Federal grand Jury will be given a. rest for a few days during the first of the coming week. F. J. Heney, who. as Deputy District Attorney, is con ducting the examination of the wit nesses before the Jury, is compelled to go to San Francisco to argue an im portant case now on appeal in the Superior Court, and will have to be in San Francisco on January 3. "When the Jury convenes this morning the ques tion of a recess will be discussed and in all probability the Jurors will decide to take a brief respite from the work they have been doing for so long. In the event that they wish to continue their investigations, the consideration of the land fraud casqs will be post poned until Mr. Heney can return from California, and in the meantime several matters which District Attorney Hall has to bring before the body will be taken up and put out of the way. It Is probable, therefore, that the Jury will adjourn this afternoon until Fri day, January 6, at which time Mr. Heney will return to Portland. Hermann Case May Be Up. The examination of yesterday would lead to the belief that the case of Blnger Hermann is directly before the Jury. In the morning the flrst witness I called was ex-Senator Charles Hilton, of Wheeler County, who was in the Juryroom for some little time. No one outside of the Government and tho Jurors has any idea as to the nature of the testimony which was offered by Mr. Hilton, as he has not been con nected with the case heretofore, so far as is known. Following Mr. Hilton, District At torney Hall was called Into the room and remained there for a quarter of an hour. He was followed by W. J. Burns, the secret service man, who has been working on the cases for some time, and who Is supposed to be in posses sion of a great deal of information which will be damaging to the two Congressmen. cnris aiuller, who was a messenger during the administration of Mr. Her mann, was the next witness called and he remained in conference with the Jury for some time. Ho was followed by Elliott Hough, a clork in the pub lic lands division of the General Land Office, who was one of Mr. Hermann's Private clerks during his administra tion. air. juougn was also in extenaea conference with the Jury and when he was released S. A. D. Puter was tho lnriirtmnt Mav Re Dolaverl. There are a great many witnesses yet to be called by the Government, S?f "."SlLVi80 the Jury will be done inside of throa weeks. If the adjournment' for a week is taken, the time will stretch out longer than that It Is practically cer tain, at any rate, that no Indictments will be returned, at least against Mr. Hermann and Senator Mitchell, until Mr. Heney returns from California. The cases against these men, so it is said, have hardly bogun and a further con sideration will have to be suspended pending ths California trip of Mr. Heney, nothing will develop for some time xet to come. ur. w. i. uavis, or Albany, ap peared before the court yesterday morning with his bond. The 54000 sure ty was signed by J. W. Cusick, a banker of Albany, and D. P. Mason, a merchant of that city. Dr. Davis asked for tlrns in which to plead, and tho court set January 9 as the date. S. B. Ormsby also appeared with his bond of $4000, signed by J. H. Albert, the Salem banker, and George F. Rod gers, a DOOKDtnuer of baiera, and a son-in-law of Mr. Albert. Mr. Ormsby asked, and was given, five days in which to plead. George Sorenson also came. forward with his bond, which was indorsed by the united States Fidelity & Guarantee Company of this city. WILL DELAY TAX K0LLS. New State Law Is Encountered County Clerk. by County Clerk Fields, who expected to have the tax-roll In 1S05 ready for tho Sheriff to begin collections January 15 to 20, has encountered an obstacle to his plan In a stato law which goes Into operation next month. The law in question pro vides that ho shall submit to the Secre tary of state on or oefore January 15 a statement of the county expenditures for each of the past five years. On this statement. In connection with like statements from other counties, the state levy Is fixed for each county. Tho law provides, In particular, that in order to ascertain the proportion of state tax to bo paid by the several counties, the Governor, Secretary of Stato and State Treasurer shall ascertain from the roports of expenditures of tho several counties the average amount of expenditure of each county during a period of five years past. and each county shall pay such proportion of said state taxes as Its average amount of expenditure for said period bears to the total amount of expenditures ln all of tho counties ln the state. o i .i.- r v 0m'AMi rvmrTT mn.Lci Kf v,tw iftr- Tnninrv 1 fc -will H m m.t v. ,t, ti, pnnniv niorir .r.. not extend the tax-roll until this lew Is received. It might bo as late as February 1 which would delay tax collections one month from the time previously calculated upon. The statute allows 3 per cent re- bate on all taxes paid on or before March 15 ln full. The sooner tho roll Is opened tho better. If the tax-collection force has two months to work In prior to March 15. a less number of clerks will be re quired than If there is only one montn's time before January 15, and clerk hire win be saved. Interest on outstanding war rants will also be saved If tax moneys como in earlier, because many warrants can be called ln sooner. Mr. Fields has written a letter to the Secretary of State in an effort to expedite the matter as much as possible. This year Multnomah County paid a Ut- tlo over 31 per cent of the etate tax, or a total of $3S2.5CT.oO. GROOM MUST STAND TRIAL. Aged Eloper Held on a Kidnaping Charge. In custody of Detective John Barck, G. M. Landerking was taken to Seattle yesterday afternoon to stand trial on the charge oi Kidnaping, preferred against him by tho father of Helen Baskett, now the wife oi landerKing. Landerking was arrested by Detec tives Hartman and Weiner Thursday afternoon, upon telegraphic instruc tions from the Seattle police. He was charged with kidnaping, although the grl in the case was married to him at The Dalles December 17, according to their statements. Landerking spent the night in the City Jail, while his wife was held at the receiving home of the Boys and Girls Aid Society. HEARD IN THE TROUBLE SHOP DVE Is like death It Is inevitable and It never comes but once! To 'Frank Kornce It has como with a sudden bump, and as suddenly has bumped away again. The romance of Kornce began without a moment's warn ing and ended in the Police Court, when Judge Hogue ordered the swain to keep away from his lady-love. Kornce Is a carpenter and wields a hammer with such good grace that he has advanced to that stage of financial standing where he believes himself ca pable of supporting a Mrs. Kornce In proper manner. Some time ago Kornce, In a rapturous moment combined with lucid interval, met pretty, 18-year - old Kitty Hollnege. Kitty looked so en ticing to Kornce that he attached himself to her train and there determined to stay. Then he dis covered that Kitty had a father. Also other relatives too numerous to men tion. "When Christmas time approached the heart of Kornce was "Wcnt Kornce him opened, and thlnkins of the acts of good self." generals he planned a coun d'etat calcu lated to melt the heart of his lady-love and the sterner hearts of the relatives mentioned. Kornce bought presents. JNor was he contented with a diamond ring or a gold watch or such trifles as other swains are wont to give their adored ones. Kornce bought household goods by the trunkful. There were pre3- ents for all the relatives also, and the lot found their way at the appropriate time to the Hollnege home on Sixteenth street. There, for a space of time, there was great rejoicing. Following closely on the heels of the presents went Kornce himself, with love in his heart and hope in his mind. He re ceived the thanks of the assembled fam ily, paid his respects to the relatives and then called the crowd Into executive ses- SIUU. J. I lUll UIO U1UW y- fell on the head of X, Papa Hollnege. Kornce announced that the fair Kitty had captured his heart and that he de sired to take unto himself the girl as a wife. Papa consid ered that he did not know Kornce very well and entered an emphatic denial. This Haze and Indlgna- stariea a not aeoate, tion possessed tne Kornco taking the ul of Kornce. affirmative, the entire family the negative therefore valuable. I A onnnlnclnn nf ihn Atthatt it hf. " . , tr. t,,f ,?a mn. tion was lost. Moreover, so were tho Psents he had purchased to soften .the stern hearts. He began to rave. Tiien he swore. Papa Hollnege attempted to quell the riot and tho battle which fol lowed left the room looking like a nair mattress after being struck by a Kansas twister. Rage and indignation possessed thr snul of Kornce. He stated that he wanted "dem presents back. "I want dat bran new cooK-stovot I want dat chair." That was what Kornce sang. After the annir he expostulated again. No use. Papa was urm: jfapa stated that the pres ents had come with out the asking, tho family needed the goods and that tho family was going to retain the goods or papa was going to know the reason why. Ho offered to snow -ivumut:. x uu i swain requested to be shown. Papa showed him! By a largo majority! "When he had fin ished the police came and carried away the mangled remains. "What was once Papa showed blm. Kornce appeared be fore Judge Hogue yesterday morning. "Were you drunk?" inquired the Judge. "Drunk with love, ' pleaded Kornco. His Honor considered, then he smiled. The smile of His Honor means things. "When an old offendor sees His Honor smile ho turns to go back to jail and all he want3 to know 13 the number of days. Ho knows the rest. The Judge smiled; then he spake. "You must remain away from the vi cinity of Kitty," said His Honor. "Wo can havo no moro trouble of this kind." Kornce declared that he loved Kitty and would lovo no other. Hence he desired to go near the residence. juuge nogue was arm ana ixornce walked from the courtroom a free man, but with the knowledge ln his heart that he must stay away from the vicinity of Sixteenth street. Love may laugh at locksmiths, but not at Judge Hogue that would be contempt. A New Town Booming. WALLULA, Wash., Dec. 30. (Special.) A new town Is arising at Two Rivers, "Wash., soveral Portland capltallfts being Interested In the venture. It will blossom with Irrigated land, and is being built by SDokano canltalists. tho water Doing sup- nlled from the Snake River by a canal i now unatr coihuuvuuh uwmj lSneQ. A nOW nOlOl OL o IUUIU3 J UOUUU comolotcd. as also a livery barn and sev- crai aweuin flf. ' uviuius wu with a capacity of 300 barrels is to be erected on the tracks of the Northern Pa cific near the Columbia River. The town of Two Rivers Is near "Wallula, and Its development and the belt of land that will be made productive are being watched with Interest by people over a wide sec tion. The lands are said to be well adapted to the growth of fruits and early vege tables requiring intense cultivation. Scale Walls and Escape. Tiring of confinement in the Home of the Good Shepherd, Laura Ames and Maud Gould, girls aged 16 years, last night made an "escape from the insti tution by scaling the walls and run ning for their liberty. Officials of the home telephoned to the police about the escape, giving tho details of the case and description of the girls. Both of the girls climbed through the windows of their rooms. went down a ladder and then over the walls to the street. Captain Moore detailed Detective Hawley, of the Boys and Girls Aid Society, to handle the case, up to late hour the escapes had not boon located. It Is thought two men as sisted In tho escape. TXOATTS'G SPOTS BEFORE BTE3, Dimness of vision and weak eyes, cured by Murine Eye Remedies. A. home cure for eyes, that need cure, gold everywhere. GOODBYE TO '04 Watch Parties Will Speed the Departing Year. GREETINGS FOR NEW ONE Thousands Will Wait Up Tonight in Churches, Clubs and Homes to See the New Year Ushered In. Throughout the city tonight there will- be watch parties. Social gatherings on the one hand will vie with prayer meetings and watch par- tle3 at churches on the other. The clubs. the societies, the churches each will have a hand in welcoming the New Year and. wishing success and nrosnerity to 1S05. The Old Year will be laid to rest with appropriate ceremony, and the youngster tenderly cared for by thou sands in Portland, for the New Year brings much to the city and to the state. At the Y. M. C. A. preparations have been made for a large watch nartv. The evening exercises will begin at S o clock. There will be a gymnasium show and athletic events, basket-ball and baseball, and later ln the evening a musical and literary programme, which is billed to contain many interesting and amusing features. A large bell' will be at hand and will be rung promptly at mid night. Both ladies and gentlemen are invited and there will be no admission fee. The following programme will be given in the auditorium: Ballad, horn solo, F. E. Coulter; tenor solo, C. M- Godfry; reading. Miss Anna Welch; solo, Miss Grace Gilbert; violin solo. Miss Cornelia Barker; tenor solo, U. S. Ackles. There will be a watch meeting at the Men's Resort, at the Seamen's Institute and at the various homes. The Voun- teers of America at their rooms, in 267 Ankeny street, will serve coffee and cake free during the evening and will watch the old year out and the new year in with appropriate ceremonies. Practically every church In the city will hold meetings. Several Important social events are scheduled and will be turned into watch meetings. At the va rious clubs there will be midnight feasts. Bells throughout the city will toll. whistles will blow and a din will herald the coming of Exposition year to Port land. Watch Service at White Temple. At the "White Temple there will be an exceedingly Interesting meeting and a fitting farewell will be paid the old year and a welcome extended to the new. There will be special music and a special programme has been arranged for each hour, commencing at 8 o'clock and last ing until midnight. All Baptist churches in the city have been invited to join in the service. Arrangements have been made with the Consolidated Railway Company for cars to run until 1 o'clock Sunday morning to carry the visitors to their homes. The following services nave oeen arranged: 8 P. M., prayer and praise service; 9 P. M., meeting of the .Baptist union. Dr. "Wooddy presiding, the annual report will be made and several addresses de livered: 10 P. M., social hour and recep tion, refreshments being served; 11 P. M., preaching and consecration ; service Dr Brougher will preach on "Tho Trodden and Untrodden Path." Grand Prize A WARDED TO Walter Baker & Co.'s Chocolate Cocoa Tho Highest Award mver mmdm In this Country LOOS TOT. THIS TB4J7S-XAHK HIGHEST AWARDS IN 45 EUROPE and AMERICA A nw Illustrated reclpo book ssnt fro Walter Baker&Co.Ltd. EtiaiEiktdijiO D0XCH2STZ2, MASS. I" ? TVJTJZl!1? Tf 1 AA1VJ.JJL Ia 2 Pie 10c Packages Is also Good In CAKES PUDDINGS and COOKIES Ridpea .and Premium List in tHc Packages. Merrell-Soule Co., Syracuse, N. Y. StLouisFair WTLI. POSITIVELY CURE Kidney and Liver Disease, Rheumatism. Sick Headache. Erysipelas, Scrofula. Catarrh. Indi gestion, Neuralgia, Nervousness. Dyspepsia, Syphilitic Diseases. Constipation. 12.2S6.C50 peo ple -were treated ln 1003- 25c All druggists. FREE LAND IN OREGON j in the richest grain, fruit and stock section in the world. Thousands of acres of land at actual cost of irrigation. Deed direct from State of Oregon. WRITE TO-DAY. BOOKLET and MAP FREE. Deschutes Irrigation and Porer Ccm-pany,6zo-li-lzMcI7Buc1n;,Port2aad,OTeaa.