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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1904)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, . TECEaiBES 31, 190jf. 7 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF She Oregonlaa'a Telephone. Cocatlag-Room ..................Main 601 litsaging Editor Main 63S Bandar Editor Main 6233 City Editor Main 1S8 Society Editor Main 6235 Composing-Room ................Main 6 S3 Superintendent Building Red 282S East Side Office East 61 AMUSEMENTS. COLUMBIA THEATER (Hth sud "Washington) -Matinee at 2:15. tonight at 8:15, 'The Charity Ball EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison) Matinee at 2:13, tonight at 8:15. Marie Heath in "For Mother's Sake." MARQUAM GRAND THEATER (Morrison st., bet. 6b and 7th) Matinee at 3oclock, even ing at 8:30. "The Star of Bethlehem." GRAND THEATER (Parte and Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2 to 10:30 P. M. STAR THEATER (Parle and Washington) Continuous vaudeville, 2 to 10:30 P. M. BAKER THEATER (Third and Tamhill) Continuous vaudeville. 2:20 to 10:30 P. M. ARCADE THEATER (7th and Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2 to 10:30 P. M. 2JIJQU THEATER (Sixth, near Alder) Con tinuous vaudeville from 2:30 to 10:30 F. M. X.TRIC THEATER (cor. Alder and 7th) Con tinuous vaudeville from 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. St. Johns Charter. The new charter prepared for St. Johns, which is mainly The work of City Auditor Thomas C. Dev lin, Is being retouched preparatory to be ing submitted to the Council and finally to the people o that new city. The t barter committee was fortunate In se curing Mr. Devlin's aid in framing the (barter, as he has accurMe and full knowledge of the wants of a municipal government Insofar as he assisted in drafting the Portland charter. The com mittee Is gratified that the work Is so noar completed that the charter may soon be submitted. At a meeting of the com mittee a few evenings ago with Mr. Dev lin and several interested citizens, some of the provisions were gone over and bevoral changes agreed upon. On the whole. It is considered probable that the charter will be adopted with but a few changes here and there. "When submitted to the public there will probably be ob jections to some clauses. It is expected that the Council will hold a special meet ing to consider the charter. "Under the now charter the first election of city officers of St. Johns will be held the first Monday in April, 1903. Petition for School. Addition. A pe tion to the Board of Education has been circulated in Upper Alblna asking that an addition to the Williams-Avenue School be built during the coming vaca tion. It is set forth that the "Willlams- avemie building Is In the center of a thickly-settled district, that the building is now overcrowded and that there Is ample room on the south side of the present structure for eight rooms if need be. There are 17 rooms at present, occu pied with about 900 pupils, two outside rlasssrooms being on the school ground. In a short time a public meeting will be held in the neighborhood to show the de sire of the people. "Work of Vandax. "Windows of the Scandinavian Church, on East Grant and Tenth streets, were broken by young vandals one night last week. The loss Is very severe, as most of the windows broken were art glass and costly. A police officer has boon detailed to Inves tigate the outrage and he has obtained the names of several boys supposed to be implicated. It is considered probable thttt the offenders will be arrested. This church was recently completed at large expense and the pastor and congregation are indignant that it should thus be marred. Mili, "Wheels Turn. The machinery of the new flour mill of the Jobes Mill Company, In St. Johns, was started up Thursday, for the first time, to warm up the bearings. It is expected that the mill may commence grinding In a few weeks. The capacity Is 400 barrels a day. Those competent to judge say that the plant Is lirst-clas In every respect. About 15 men will be employed when In full operation. Bies Real Estate Transfer. One of tne most Important of recent real estate ttansfor was recorded yesterday in a deed given to W. G. McPherson by A. D. Mar shall, conveying the lot of 50x100 feet on tiie northwest corner of Seventh and BunwJde streets. The purchase price of this property, was 516,000, and it is under stood the lot will be used for business purposes. Arranging for Banquet. The St. Johns Commercial Club will hold a ban quet In the St. Johns Hotel about the first of February, A committee, with L. Chap pel as chairman, has the arrangements for the affair in hand. The banquet will be held to bring the business men ana leading citizens together for the general welfare of that new and growing city. Readt Reference Atlases. We have received from the publishers a shipment of Roady Reference Atlases and War Maps in colors. Those who failed to get them heretofore may now obtain them at the Business office of The Oregonlan. Apply at once before the supply is ex hausted. Price, 10 cents. By mail, 12 cents. Liatb Cars will be run on all city lines of the Portland Consolidated Railway Company, on New Year's Eve. Cars will leave the end of all city lines, coming in, at 12:30 A. M., and will leave the center of the city, going out. at 1:00 A. M., ex cept St. Johns, where the last incoming car will leave at 11:50 P. M. No Longer Missing. Information re ceived yesterday from Seattle is to the effect that Miss Raye Pillsbury, con corning whom some anxiety has been felt of late, is visiting a friend in Seattle. She disappeared and It was feared maybe some accident had befallen her. She lived at Stella, Wash. Ankual Meeting T. P. A. The annual meeting of the Oregon and Washington division of the T. P. A. will be held this aftornoon at 2 P. M. In the parlors of the Portland Hotel. The election of officers and other Important business will be transacted and a full attendance Is re quested. Choice Meats Is the only kind the In dependent Market, 127 First street, tele phone Main 3277, offers to the public. Choice boiling meat, 5 and 6 cents; rolled roast, 9 cents; sugar-cured corn beef 6 and 7 cents, are surely inducements " to come to 127 First street. Accused of Theft. Julia Hazy, cham bermaid in a First-street rooming-house, was arrested by Detective Hartman terday upon complaint of B. Anderson. &no is accused by him of stealing ?S0 in cash and check for $100. Burglars Took Cigars. Early yester day morning burglars entered the Horse shoe saloon. 325 Washslncton strft an robbed the till of $10 and a box of cigars. Entrance was gained through the front door. Dividend Notice. At a meeting of the directors of the HIbernia Savings Bank, a dividend of $3 oer sharp was dpolnrofl payable after January 1, 1905. Lansing aiout, uasmer. Grand Ball will bo given by Kalserln Augusta Lodge No. 5, O. D. H. S., on De cember 31, 1901, at Eagle's Hall, Second and Yamhill. Admission 25c Dr. Brougher preaches at the White Temple Sunday. Morning, "The Simple Life;" night, "If I Had My Life to Live Over Again." Baptism. Stealer Northland sails for San Francisco and Loa Angeles Sunday noon. Thompson. Ticket office, 128 3d st. No One Can Afford to Miss the rare money-saving opportunity presented at Rosenthal's Inventory sale. Rosenthal's, 149 Third street, have launched the greatest shoe sale in the his tory of Portland. The Great Shoe Sale at Rosenthal's is drawing crowds of eager buyers. Turret Dinner, Woman's Exchange 133 Tenth, today, from 12 to 2. ' Dr. John Sellwood has resumed prac tice. Telephone East 239. B. B. Rich Curio Store is selling out, C. R. Holt, dentist. 216 Falling Bids. Abducts His Own Children. Some where in Portland, hiding from the po lice. Is C H. Lucas, and with him is Delia and Lilas, his daughter and son. According to a letter from his wife, re ceived by Chief Hunt two days ago, the father and husband knocked her down December 5, at Walla Walla, Wash., hurried to the public school, took the children and boarded a train with them for this city. She says she has positive information that they are still here. In a. strong and most pathetic appeal, she begs the officials to assist her in recovering her children and in trying to arrest Lucas, Mrs. Seton Not Missing. Mrs. Eleanor Seton, who was reported to the police as missing, was merely visiting friends. Mrs. C. A. Kressman, with whom Mrs. Seton was living, feared something had hap pened to her and, after searching since Monday, cabled on the police. Hatchet Not Buried. Although to day marks the end of the time allowed for the consideration of the differences existing between the Franklin as sociation and the Job printers in Portland, there seems to be but little chance of a settlement today. The printers still hold to their original demand for an eight-hour day, while the association shows no apparent Inclination to recede from Its proposition of a nine hour day. The question of hours seems to be the only difficulty, but unless this can be adjusted It is said that the print ers will walk out. The rumor of a lock out appears to lack confirmation, and the officials of the association disclaim any thought of taking such a step. Elect New Officers. At the annual business meeting of the Grace M. E. Sunday school, held last night, the fol lowing officers were elected to serve dur ing 1903: Miss Carrie A. Holbrook, super intendent; Walter J. Gill, assistant su perintendent; Mrs. F. H. Fleming, lady assistant superintendent; Mrs. F. R. Chown, second lady assistant superin tendent: Walter E. Chown. treasurer; Percy Freeman, secretary; Sidney Ras mussen, librarian. The installation of these officers will take place in Grace M. E. Church Sunday morning at the regular Sunday school hour. Favor Women's Auxiliart. Prelimi nary steps were taken last night at the meeting of the Federated Trades Council toward the organlzaton of a general women's auxiliary to the council. The idea of having such an auxiliary with its membership open not only to the rela tives of union men, but to all working women as well, has been under consider ation for some time, and it is now thought that a complete organization will be effected shortly after the first of the year.- Will Welcome New Officer. This evening at the Salvation Army Hall, 128 First street. Captain Davis, late from the Hawaiian Islands, who is coming to assist Ensign Kuhn and Mrs. Kuhn In the command of Corps No. i, will have his welcome service. Tomorrow, as usual, the meetings will be at 11 A. M., 3 and 8 P. M. Ensign William Crabtree will be the speaker In the evening. Every one is cordially invited to attend. Good mu sic and speaking. Workman Is Injured. While working on the Government building at the Expo sition grounds yesterday morning. Sam uel Terry, aged 64 years, fell from the scaffolding to the ground, a distance of 20 feet, and sustained three fractures of the jaw. He was removed to the Good Samaritan Hospital for treatment. He is from Canby, Or., and his wife arrived last night to attend him. Rescued From River. L. E, Long, cm ployed as a clerk at Alaska dock, was rescued from death in the river yester day morning by Henry Brandenberg, a longshoreman. Long stepped on a board that projected over the edge of a lumber barge. Brandenberg had to swim quite a distance to reach and rescue him. A HArpr New Year and good cheer. Richards', Saturday, Sunday and Mon day, table, d'hote, with wine, $1.00. Excel lent music Main dining hall, corner Park and Alder. The reliable steamer Redondo sails Sun day morning for San Francisco. Cabin, $12; steerage, $8. Thompson's Ticket Of fice, 128 Third. Majllard's Chocolates, for one week only, reduced to $1.00 per pound, on acct. double shipment at Beary's; your gain. WORK WELL BE BELAYED. Storm's Havoc at Columbia Jetty Will Take Months to Repair. With the abatement of the storm off the mouth of the Columbia the destruc tion of the Jettv suDcrstrueture hp- comes more evident. While the stone work, as far as can be seen at this time, is undamaged, practically all of the trestle and track work has been swept away. It has not been learned definitely yet Just how much of the track nnd trnstlft is left, but there Is very little of it anu it is aouuLiui u uus will stand much lontrer now. The weather officials renort that there is but 500 toM. of last year's trestle work left, while Major vv. i. iangnit nas received reports that there is at least 2500 feet left stand ings It is ltnown, however-, that over 4000 feet was carried away in the storm of Thursday night. As soon as the weather permits an investigation of the jetty will be made by the United States Engineer's denartmnnt with fh object of ascertaining- the extent of the ioss ana jusi wnat ropairs will be needed. It is the opinion of the department officials that it will take at least two months or more to repair the damage done by the recent storms. This will be a serious setback to the extension work planned for next vonr. sin.n ii the track and trestle washed out must ne repiaceu before actual extension worK on me jetty can begin. It means u serious loss! of valuable time, and GRAND PRIZE (the highest &esar) AWARDED TO ESTERBROOKS Steel Pens AT THE St. Loui Exposition Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY TTsad by people of refinement for OTtr & quarter of a century PREPARED BY We Have Moved t RUBBER BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, ETC, BELTING, PACKING, HOSE Goodyear Rubber Company B. H. PEASE, FRESH) EXT. XEW ADDRESS, 61, 63, 63, 67 FOURTH, CORNER nTE ST., PORTXAKP. OR. 1 SHAW'S m PTIRF BLUMAUER & HOCH 1 or end 110 Fourth StreaC jftet Dtatribstere for Oregon, asd FOOTBALL FOR NORTHWEST CHAMPIONSHIP EATTLE vs. MULTNOMAH MONDAY, JAN. 2 At Multnomah Field, 2:30 R M. RAIN OR Tickets, 75c Tickets on sale at Aldrich Pharmacy, Nau's Pharmacy, Schiller Cigar Co., Rich's Cigar Store. money as well. The work of repair will begin at the earliest opportunity and wlun begun will be rushed to a finish. The United States Engineer's office yesterday, issued an advertisement for bids for furnishing and delivering stone foretty construction during the coming year. Bids will be received until 11 A. M., January 31, 1905. While the quantity of stone to be furnished Is dependent upon the ap propriation received from Congress, It is thought that at least 600,000 tons will be required, and bidders are asked to figure on this amount as an approximate basis. Delivery of the stone Is to be made either by rail or water at Fort Stevens, Or., and should begin by April 1, 1905. WHERE TO DENE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant, fine, private apart ments for parties. 305 Wash., near 5th. Park's Delicatessen, near 13th on Wash, lst-clasg home-cooking; lunches all hours. New Flour Rate Spreads. The freight department of the North ern Pacific has announced that on Jan 'The Store Noted for the Best The Sleepless Store Now Offers Thousands of Bargains The season is at hand for reduction in stock, which means reduction in prices. A reduction here means something to economical "buyers. At any season our prices quality and style considered are much less than any store in the city. Clearance Sale Prices are correspondingly low so much so that we earnestly ask you to compare goods and prices, then "buy where you find the "best goods for the least money. Here at this season of the year EVERYTHING IN THE STORE IS REDUCED Dress Goods, colored and black, also silks, suits, coats, skirts and waists at 26 per cent less than former prices. Now's the time to "buy. HOLIDAY BROKEN LOTS OOESETS-Worth 75c and $1, sizes 27-30 only; take 'em to day 25 LADIES' GOLP VESTS Heavy comb, all colors, sizes 36 and 38; worth 2.50, choice 69 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Fleece lined ribbed drawers and shirts worth 60c; today 35 MEN'S SOFT SKLRTS-Golf shirts worth 1.00, 1.25, 1.50; your choice 7 "QUEEN" UNDERMUSLTNS Embodies everything to be de sired in style and finish Gowns, Drawers, Corset Covers, Chemise and Skirts are richly trimmed Clearance Sale prices less than cost of material. The Only Exclusive Dry -Oar New BIWIag- America's ORIGINAL MALT WHISKY Without Rival Today MALT Wuhl&rtos. KRUSE'S Table D'Hote New Year's Day for $1.00 2 TO S P. M. IT ISN'T TOO STRONG a statement to make that this restau rant will serve the best New Year's dinner in Portland, fully up to Its high standard of quality and service. Re serve your tables. FOURTH AND STARK STS. SHINE. uary 3 the 5214-ccnt rate on flour, rpppntlv made from all points cast of Ellensburg to Chicago and Missouri-River points, will be concurred In by the Chicago & North western. Chicaco. St. Paul. Mlnnpnnnlls & Omaha and the Chicago, Milwaukee & at. .fam roaas. Heretofore the rate has been common to the Northern Pacific and the Burlington. The rate will also apply- to Peoria over the Chicago. St. Paul. MIn neapolis & Omaha and the Chicaga & Northwestern llnrs. ADVANCE SALE SEATS FOB THE WORLD'S GREATEST TIAX1ST will open 3IOXDAY 3IORX1XG. JANUARY 2. 1005, In the lobby MARQUAM GRAND THEATER. Concert at the Armory, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JAN. 4, 1005, at 8:20 o'clock. Prices Iiower floor. $3, ?2.50, $2, $1.50, $1; balcony. $2.50. S2, $1.50. SI. Goods at Lowest Prices.' GLOVES Odd lot, slightly soiled from handling and trying on; values 1.00, 1.50, take your pick 25 WOOL TAM O'SHANTERS Just the thing for school chil dren; 25c values 10, 50c values 25 MOUNT HOOD SHIRTS Fancy percale shirts for men and boy3; worth 50c, 75c and 1.00, today 35 MEN'S TIES Four-in-Hand, worth 50c, to close today 25 Goods Store in the City. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Sreat Involving the Greatest and Men's and Boys' Clothing, nishings in the Northwest is PRICES FOR Quality considered, than any other Needles, Oii, Repairs FOR ALL MAKES AT SINGER STORE 402 WauhlnRton. 354 Morrison Street. 540 William Avenue (Enxt Side.) Portland, Oregon. New York Dental Parlors 4TU AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. Having Just completed remodeling, re furnishing and re-equipping our office with all the latest improved, modern appliances, both electrical and mechanical, we are bet ter prepared than ever to complete all kinds of operations with great skill and dispatch. Our specialists of world renown will treat all who come with the courtesy and care that the New Tork Dentists are so well known by. "We do not try to compote with cheap dental work, but do all kinds of first class work at about half that charged by others. All operations are guaranteed pain less. Tou can have your teeth out In the morning and go home with your NEW . ,.-j'Ji "that fit" the same day. All work guaranteed, with a protected guaranteo for 10 years. TEETH EXTRACTED AND FILLED ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN, by our iate scientific methods applied to the gums. No sleep-producing agents or cocaine, These are the only dental parlors in Port land iiaving f.1 K.N'TED APPLIANCES and ingredients to extract, fill and apply gold crowns and porcelain crowns undetect able from natural teeth. All work done by GRADUATED DENTISTS of from 12 to 20 years" experience, r.nd each department in charge of a. specialist. Give us a call, and you will find us to do exactly as we adver tise. We will tell you in advance oxactly what your work will cost by a PREE EX AMINATION. SET TEETH $5.00 GOLD CROWNS ?3.00 GOLD FILLINGS $1.00 SILVER FILLINGS 80o ffl PLATES New York Dental Parlors Hours 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M.: Sundays and holidays. 8:30 to 2 P. M. MAIN OFFICE: Fourth and Morrison Sts.. Portland. Or. A BEAUTIFUL WOMI U ofiea Ohtmsti by Cnr or btdlr Bluched Kfe Imperial Hair RegsnsrafoT, will remedy this. Any shade from BUclt to the lightest Ash Blonde produced. Colors arn dnr&bla- Eanllr mtralled. ATv olnWy baraleM. Sample of hair col. IMPEEI1L CHEUICIL B0. CO. 155 H. 22 J ST., SEW TOBX Sold by Woodard, Clark & Co. COLUMBIA HARD MOULDED OffS-r-v RECORDS "We play the records for you. GIBSON CO.. 345 Wash.St., Portland, Or. LOWER Wm S. W. Corner Fourth and Jlnnual After inventory we find that our stock is en tirely too great, owing to our lavish buying in many instances lines are still unbroken. Come today and pick the cream of the splen did bargains. Every article reduced except a few contract and agency goods. A few items of interest for today. Men's Excellent Business Suits Overcoats and Cravenettes $8.85 and $11 SEE DISPLAY IN FOURTH-STREET r WINDOW. Boys' Sturdy Suits and Overcoats $2.15, $2.85, $3.35 and $4.25 . See Our Men's Trousers at $3.35 ' and $4.35 ' FOURTH-STREET WINDOW NOTE Between 7. and 10 tonight we will offer One Dollar Baratheo Silk Neckties for 356, NEW YEAR OPERA GLASSES Just the thing to even BEST IN MARKET F WALTE S THE OPTICIAN 133 SIXTH STREET OREGONIAN BUILDING 2 STORES 312 Washington Near Sixth and 293 Morrison Near Fifth. SPECIAL All our umbrellas froth $6.50 up 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT. All our umDrellas from S10.00 up 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT. REPAIRING AND RECOVERING. HARRY SPEARS Formerly of England, believed to bo living In Portland, Or., or vicinity for the past 25 years; his present address sent to M. C. E., 45 John st.. Lowell. Mass., will be to Mr. Spear's advantage. Fred Prehn. D.D. S 405 Deknm bldff. OFFICE HOURS From 9 A. M. to 5 P. 1L EVENINGS, MON DAY AND THURS DAY UNTDL 8P.1L chwab Printing Go. BZST WOKK. RZASOKASVZ PRICES 2 STARK STREET BOYS' AND GIRLS' FOOTWEAR SALE See Window Display Inspection Invited Mail Orders Promptly Filled Morrison Stock of and Fur- in full blast 9 up Xmas presents with LOWEST IN PRICE TEETH SPECIAL 1 CUT RATES : Boston Painless Dentists Are now giving tholr annual OTT KATE PRICES on all dental work. Th charges ar leas than oollego prioea, and all work done by our painless ysi ttem and by specialists of. 12 to 30 year .xperlencs, . TEETH N rrHOUTPWTt SPECIAUi, Extracting Free. K-rnmlnstlons FreS. filhrer Fillings SBclGold Fillings SioJd Crowns ...?3.00FuU Bet Teeth... $3.M 1 ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS. Have your teeth extracted irltheaf pain and replaced with, new onea th ame day. Come In at once and ta&C advantage of low rates. B sure, you ro in the right place. ; Boston Painless Dentists . Fifth and Slorrteom Streets. Entrance 291 Morlson Street. f i$Arsest Dental concern. In Ui wcrkU j Sale CONTINUATION OF OUR Introductory Sale Of Boys' and Girls' Footwear at unmatchable prices for the reliable kinds. NOT A BROKEN LOT But every wanted size and width. Fullam on a shoe is a guarantee of merit 283-285 MORRISON STREET