Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 31, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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The First National Bank of Conneaut
closed. its doors nearly two weeks ago,
after a run upon It the preceding day.
The bank has a capital stock of ?50.000.
The cause of the run. the bankers said
at the time, was that the report had
gained currency that Mrs. Chadwick had
succeeded in securing large loans from it.
The bank officials deny holding any Chad
wick paper.
LipmanWpIfe a Co
Rumored Wove for Receiver of
President Choose's New
Bright With Bargains
Choate Will Retire From Dip
lomatic Service.
Porter Will Leave Paris, but Suc
cessor Is Not Decided On Meyer
at Home and Storer at Vienna
Likely to Remain.
T Great Britain IVhlteiaw Reld, of
Jfew York.
T Martoa Ed iv4 n H. Conger, of Iowa.
To CMna-Wittiani TV. Reckhlll. Wash,
jr.gtos. D. C.
Xexr Coasufo-Grneral.
T Paris F. H. Mason, of Cleveland,
now at Berlin.
T BerMn John Louis Griffiths, of
WASHINGTON. Doc 30. President
Roosevelt is devoting some time at pres
ent to oofMMcratkm of Important ap
"Mntmeni in the diplomatic and con-
alar servtcc. which are to, be made for
nailj by him nt the beginning: of next
Ms'i-h. Secretary Hay had a conference
wjth the President today before the
" '"tin; of the Cabinet, and it Is under
"d that the matter of appointments In
"ir diplomatic service was one of the
iJt6 Hscus-od. While no official ari
unrnmeiit of the President's Intention
. rjrsrding the positions has yet been
made. It Is known that he has decided
jn evwHl changes.
T---ph H. Choate. Ambassador to the
urt of SI. James, has indicated that
V dor; not desire to continue In that
"HiFition. and he expects, when relieved,
return to America to look after his
i fronal interests here. He will be suc
ceeded ly WhltclRW Reid. proprietor of
r." New York Tribune, who was at one
'.me Minister to France.
'Jeneml Horace Porter, American Am
ivvudor to France, will retire from that
"st soon after March 4. He was ap-
inted by the late President McKIhley
- 1, with Uie expiration of his present
e'm. wHI have served the United States
i the French Capital eight years. The
president has decided on General Porter's
'jreHsor. but at this time no announce
rs r.t of his decision cun be made. ,
"harkmgne Tower, lAmerlca'h Ambas,
y uior to Germany, and Robert SVMcCor
"uck. American Ambassador to'SRussia,
v 1! eoatlnue at their respective Hosts.
lUuuy Storer. American Ambaksedor
Ausirtm-Hungary. will eontlnuerin his
vre.Mit place until the President decides
transfer him to another post In the
d':'lmatlc service.
- to the Ambassadorship to Italy,
thing definite can bo said now. It has
Vr-rn rumored that Ambassador George
--n L. Meyer Is to succeed General Por-t-
r at Paris but it can be said that such
change not certain. The probabilities
. rr that Mr. Meyer will remain at Rome.
'Jeneral Powell Clayton having decided
relinquish his post as Ambassador to
"Mexico at the end of the present admin
istration, he will be succeeded by Edwin
"I vnner. now United States Minister to
Mna. It Is not expected that Mr. Con
fer will continue long at the Mexican
apltal. as he Is understood to intend to
-rtam to his home state of Iowa to be
i andidate in succession to Governor
:mmiiw He will be succeeded by David
Thompson, of Nebraska, who at pres-c-it
is Minister to Rrazil. Mr. Thompson
'epted the appointment to Brazil with
he understanding that he would be ap-i-
mted to a higher place In the diplo
matic service as soon as opportunity af
' rded.
Mr. Conner will he succeeded at the
mrt of Pekin by William W. Rockhill.
present Director of the Bureau of
me1cn Republics, who is recognized as
r' authority on all subjects pertaining to
'una and the Chinese.
Jlm K. Gowdy. who was appointed by
1 resident McKinley American Consul--ieri
at Paris, will be succeeded by
H Mason, who is now Consul-General
Kerlln. In succession to Mr. Mason,
j--1.Ii Lewis GriRiths, of Indianapolis, will
ur named.
It is expected that some other changes
will be made In the corps of American
Ministers, hut at this time they are not
'i-tainaMe for publication.
Ball Cartridges Among Blanks Are
Traced to the Packers.
"WASHINGTON. Dec. 30. As the result
4 ' investigation made by direction of
t.nrrni Crozier, Chief of Ordnance, it
been ascertained that among 'the
1 :.009 blank cartridges issued last Sum-"v-r
to the regular and militia troops
v hi'h took part in the maneuvers at
lanH&ms, Va., and In California, two
1 i: cartridges were found, one at the
"V rginia camp and the other in California.
V person who packed the California
-rtridges was traced by the initials on
1 ' box ad was promptly discharged. In
e YirfctniR ease it was impossible to
-il the offender.
As an additional precaution, all the
inK carrrmge cases at the Frankford
rvenjtl have been overhmilorf' -md
- '.ghed. with the result that one ball
Tinag was rouna. in tnot case the
- rson who packed the case was dis
armed. T" .gaurd against the possibility of such
a occurrence. General Crozier has dl-
ted thMt eaeh hrv of lilnnlr MrirWit
fv11 he weighed before sealing. The
i soiice n a taii cartridge can be easily
detectf-d hy this method.
Conneaut President and Cashier In
volved in Chadwick Scandal.
CLBVKLAND. O., Dec 30. Cashier
O. t LilMc and President C. M. Traver
f the National Bank of Conneaut. O.,
were placed under arrest this afternoon
rt fotutoaut by VUnlted States Marshal
handler upon a Warrant charging them
with a violation of the national bank-
ig Jaws, the specific charge in Mr. LI1
'p's case being the making of a false
Titry m the books of the bank. Mr.
""raver is charged with being an accom
plice of the cashier in the alleged falsi
f ratio.
Mr. IMHc waived preliminary cxamina-
n aai wave ball in the sum of 110,000.
May Irwin Comes to the Relief of
Nan Patterson.
NEW YORK. Dec. 30. May Irwin,
the actress! has offered to furnish
bail in any amount up to $50,000 for
the release of Nan Patterson from the
Tombs prison, where she is now held
charged with the murder of Caesar
Young, according to an announcement
made by Miss Patterson's counsel.
Miss Irwin called personally at the
Tombs prison today, and left .a letter
addressed to the former show girl, and
the announcement followed a few min
utes after Miss Irwin went away.
When District Attorney Jerome's at
tention was called to the offer of
bail, he said he had no statement to
make, and was not prepared to say
what course the prosecution would
take. Miss Patterson's bail before the
recent mistrial was 520,000, but after
tho jury's disagreement she was re
manded without baiL
(Continued from First Page.)
Governor Black is to. succeed him in the
Senate. "I probably shall remain in the
United States Senate as long as I can. 1
had entertained the thought or resigning
if Mr. Black had been elected in Senator
Depew's place. I was as much interested
in the return of Mr. Depew as if I myself
had been the candidate."
"When asked what effect the return of
Senator1 Depew would have on the organi
zation. Senator Piatt -said:
"I don't see that it will have any par
ticular effect."
"Your friends are saying that you now
will resume active leadership of the or
ganization," it was suggested.
"It is useless to discuss a matter of
that character at this time," said the
"Do you expect to confer with Governor
Odell on organization matters?"
"I don't know what I should confer with
him about," said Mr. Piatt. "I may see
him. I suppose he will send for me. I
expect to see Speaker Nixon before the
organization of the .Legislature."
"Will you have any recommendations
with reference to committee places?" he
was asked.
"I am always Interested in good govern
ment. I've a little list of recommendations
that I shall make to Mr. Nixon and to the
Senator Depew and Louis Payn called
at the office of Senator Piatt today and
the three had a private conference, it is
supposed over the result of the Senatorial
contest. Mr. Payn has been represented
to be a stanch supporter of ex-Governor
Black's candidacy, but after the confer
ence he said:
"I am glad to see Senator Depew win
out and I have congratulated him and
told Senator Piatt that it was all right.
Senator Piatt and I have been friends for
40 years. I have been advising Governor
Black for six months that It would be bad
policy for him to enter the race and nog
lect his business. I never believed that he
would make the race. Everybody Is satis
fled and harmony prevails in the party."
Deny the Judge's Authority.
DENVER, Colo., Dec 30. A Republican
special from' Santa Fe, N. M., says that
attorneys today refused to proceed with
cases before Justice Baker, claiming that
he had no right to sit as judge of the
Territorial Court, although the order re
moving him recently was revoked by
President Roosevelt. The attorneys base
their action on Federal decisions which,
they say, hold that an order revoking the
removal of a United States appointive
officer does not reinstate him, but that
he must be again nominated by the Presi
dent and confirmed by Congress in regular
form. This was not done in the case of
Judge Baker.
Truce in Delaware Wrangle.
DOVER, Del., Dec 30. The Legislature
tonight in extra session, after disputing
nearly all day over a division of offices,
effected an organization, passed the bill
extending to January 1, 1906, the time
when the new Judgment Hen law shall
go into effect, also an appropriation bill
covering the expense of the extra session,
JG10, and then adjourned until tomorrow.
An agreement in the dispute over officers
was reached by the Union (Addicks) Re
publicans conceding to the Regulars one
half the offices of the Legislature with
an understanding that those selected
would seri'e only In the extra session.
How to Fix Tariff Rate on Sugar.
NEW YORK. Dec 30. The quality of
sugar for tariff purposes must be deter
mined by the scientific polariscope test,
according to a decision today by the
United States Federal appraisers. The de
cision was given on a protest filed by Im
porters against a recent ruling of the
United States Circuit Court of Appeals.
The protest declared that the regulations
upon which the decision of the Circuit
Court was based are iinconstitutionnl. In
overruling the protest, the board holds
that the phrases, "testing by the polari
scope," and "decree shown by the polari
scope," as used In the tariff act should bo
Interpreted literally. The protestants
contended that the so-called trade test
or commercial test would have been suf
ficient under the regulations. The largest
sugar Importers In the country are In
terested in the settlement of the question
and it probably will be taken to the
United States Supreme Court for final
decision. The amount involved in the
case already has reached many millions
of dollars.
Mob Awaits Bank-Wrecker.
O'NEIL, Neb., Dec, 30 Sheriff Hall
reached here early today Xrom Phoenix,
Ariz., with President McGreevy, of the
failed Elkhorn National Bank, of O'Nell.
A crowd had waited most of the night
at the depot, but the anticipated violence
did not materialize. Sheriff Hall took
his prisoner at once to the county jail,
where he was placed in a cell and a
guard placed about the Jail. While the
Sheriff does not anticipate serious trou
ble, he has taken steps to guard against
such an emergency, and will do anything
necessary to prevent violence to his pris
oner. Boston's Subway Is Opened.
BOSTON. Dec 30. The submarine tun
nel connecting Boston and East Boston
was opened for public travel today. it
is double-tracked, 1.4 miles long. 2700 feet
of which is under the harbor waters. The
cost of construction was $3,000,000. The
tunnel was built by the City of Boston,
which has leased It for a term of 25 years,
dating from 1S97. to the Boston Elevated
Railway Company, which will use It ex
clusively for the passage of its electric
cars between Boston and East Boston.
Three-Cent Fares for Cleveland.
CLEVELAND. Dee. 30. President Hor
ace E. Andrews, of the Cleveland Elec
tric Railway Company, signified today the
willingness of his company to try an ex
periment In 3-ccnt fares for a distance
of two miles from the center of the city
on the lines of that road. The 3-cent fares
will run only In the 3-cent district. The
5-cent cars will go the regular distance,
Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding PUm.
Tour dra grist will refund money if paxo Oint
ment tf'l to cure you In 0 to li days. Juc
His Enemies Say He Is Hiding in
Boston He Promises Answer to
Charge That "the System"
Has Bought Him Off.
BOSTON, Mass., Dec 30. (Special.)
A rumor has been currept here to
day that Thomas W. Lawson's purpose
In going to Newark, N. J., last night
was to apply for a receivership for the
Amalgamated Copper Company.
He wired his private secretary that
he would answer the stories of the
Standard Oil-Amalgamated-City Bank
crowds buying him off and winding- up
his "frenzied finance" articles with' a
statement In a few hours. He also de
clared in this telegram, given out to
the press later, that the next Amal
gamated dividend would be Increased.
Publisher Barren, of the Boston News
Bureau, declares that Lawson is "lak
Ing" and hasn't been out of the city,
but on the contrary, is here and doing
business at the old stand, but carefully
hidden away from the public
Mr. Ridgway. of Everybody's Maga
zine, emphatically denies the sale of
that publication or the withdrawal of
Lawson's articles.
France Still Negotiating for Safety
of Foreigners In Morocco.
PARIS. Dec. 30. The measures contem
plated by the French government for the
security of the neighborhood of the towns
in Morocco have not yet been completed,
partly owing to the fact that there has
not yet been the time necessary for the
purpose since France first undertook the
task, and partly because many matters
of detail remain to be settled when the
French representative, M. Saint Rebe
Taillander. meets the Sultan at Fez at
the end of this month. Oriental dllatori
ness also counts for something in the
There are already 500 French native
troops at Tangier, under Captain Four
nler and Lieutenant Seuqira, and there
is another French native contingent of
25 men at Rabat. M. Saint Rene Tall
lander, who was appointed two years ago,
has not yet beon to Fez. He will remain
there two or three months, and will ex
plain to the Sultan the necessity of tak
ing special measures for the security of
the neighborhood of the towns and the
development of the Moroccan military
and police forces. He will doubtless en
deavor to come to an agreement with the
Sultan on all essential measures for the
public safety that can be carried out
without regular military operations.
Meanwhle the lawless element was
much excited by the turn taken by tne
Perdicarls Incident, and it would appear
that the recent trouble Is due to that
circumstances as much as to the unavoid
able delay in the adoption of fresh meas
ures for maintaining order by the French
Brigands Return for More.
NEWr YORK, Dec 30. The town ol Al
cazar Is again menaced, by a large num
ber of mountaineers belonging to the Ka
byles tribe, according td a Herald dis
patch from Tangier. They are the same
tribesmen who recently besieged the town
in consequence of a dispute between a
Moor and a Spaniard. The money then
paid has merely aroused their greed, and
they now demand a much larger sum.
The town la not well prepared for de
fense. Sultan Yielding to France.
PARIS, Dec. 31. According to a dis
patch from Tangier to the Figaro, the
Sultan of Morocco has received M. Guil
lard, the French Vice-Consul at Fez,
and informed him that the dismissal
of the French military mission had
been cancelled. At the same time the
Sultan urged that the diplomatic mis
sion of M. St, Rene Tallandlei (the
French Minister to Morocco) start at
once for Fez.
Government Removes Embargo, and
Experiment Is Success.
DUBLIN, Dec 30. A new era has
Just opened for Ireland. Not only will
she be a manufacturer of tobacco, but
she appeurs likely, after many experi
ments which have not proved alto
gether successful, to be able to grow a
good leaf of her .own.
From the lands of Colonel Nugent
Everard, at Rundulstown, County
Meath, i) acres of tobacco have been
safely harvested, and Professor J. N.
Harper, of Kentucky University, the
famous American tobacco expert, de
scribes It as "a tobacco crop of the
highest quality, quite equal to that
grown In Virginia and Kentucky."
Professor Harper also pronounces the
Irish climate to be almost perfectly
suited for tobacco culture
Colonel Everard has been supported
"by the Irish Department of Agricul
ture, and this is the first experiment
in producing a tobacco crop in Ire
land on a commercial and practical
The Department of Agriculture
agreed to assist any one who would
experiment with tobacco culture to the
extent of ten acres by bearing the cost
of the drying- and curing , plant.
Colonel Everard agreed to lay down 20
acres. The best procurable seed was
brought from Virginia and planted
early in the Spring-, and since Sep
tember the process of curing, sorting
and drying has given employment to a
number of local hands.
The 20 acres nave yielded about 14.000
pounds weight of leaf. This is a re
markable result for what Is practically
an initial experiment; it Is estimated,
however, that the average yield per
acre will be about 1000 pounds of to
bacco. Dublin manufacturers and ex
perts have valued the samples already
grown as high as 7d and 8d per pound
for the best leaves.
The government has removed the
prohibition against tobacco culture, and
undertaken to refund the grower one
third of the duty levied. The conces
sion, however, is limited to five years,
anJ it Is impossibe to expect farmers
to undertake the heavy Initial cost for
this limited oeriod.
Russian Newspapers Renew Demand
for Representative Body.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 30. The agi
tated state of public opinion throughout
the country over the reforms apparently
continues unabated. The war has distinct
ly taken a secoud place While the under
standing is that the committee, of Minis
ters Intends in considering the various
reforms outlined In the Imperial manifesto
The Store
Our Great Sale's Many Bargains
Our Men's Furnishings Store has always been a most
low-pricing. ' Our Great'Sale ' ' has made the Men 's Store
Men's 25c Socks for 19c
Men's Merino Socks, fully seamless, very soft, choice of
tan natural and black; sold always at 25c; choice of
them now for .- 19
Men's 50c Neckwear 39c
Men's Four-in-Hand T4es, made of rich heavy silks
Marvelous bargains.
50c Handkerchiefs at 35c
Men's fine Irish linen, hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with
fancy colored initials, 50c value at 356 or 3 for $1.00.
Boys' 50c Waists at 25c
Twenty-five dozen boys' unlaundered Waists, actual 50c
values on sale at 1 25
All Hosiery Reduced
We present herewith a plain matter of fact list which is wortliy
of your perusal on account of the saving it indicates.
Women's black wool Hose, lxl rib, reduced 25e to 19
Women's black wool Hose, rib top, reduced.,.. ,.25c to-19
Women's black heavy wool Hose, reduced. . . .50c -to 39
Women's black fine worsted Hose, reduced ...35c to 28p
Women's black 1x1 ribbed cashmere Hose, reduced .50c to 39c
Women's black full-fashioned cashmere Hose, reduced. .... .50c to 42'
Women's black lieece lined, cotton Hose, reduced-. 2oc to lyp
Women's black fleece lined cotton Hose, reduced ........... 35c to 2S
Women's black heavy cotton Hose, reduced ...25c to 19
Women's black heavy cotton Hose, reduced. ........... . . . .35c to 28
Women's black lace lisle Hose, reduced . . . ..25c to 19
Women's black lace lisle Hose, reduced v... . : .50c. to 35
Children's lxl ribbed heavy wool Hose., reduced. ,25c to 19
Children's lxl ribbed medium worsted Hose jreduced'?'. 35c to 2S
Children's 2x1 ribbed heavy woil. Hose, reduced.-.. . ..-f.- .35c to 28jp
Children's ribbed' extra, heavy o6raosd,'redUice(rj7 . . 1 y ,.o0js to 39
Children's fleece ribbed, full-fashioned' Hose, redupecL .'..2c-'o ;!L9
Infant 's ribbed cashmere Hose, reduced ........ 7: . -. : 25c to 3.5
Child's ribbed heavy cotton;trIose, reduced. . . . .- Vv ,c H
Child's ribbed heavy cotton Hose, reduced. .. rrr.VV.... 20c to 15
Enough of these Hats left for today's selling All in all it's the best hat bargain of the year. The Hats
are all this season's production and sold at $1.'50 to $4.00 in order to clear shelves and tables we offer
them at . a ridiculously low price 25. . v : .
Th& offering consists of trimmed ready-to-wear and tailored Street Hats, every one this season's make;
there are Turbans, Toques, Walking and Large Dress Shapes, former prices were $1.50, S2, $3 and $4;
choice while hey last for 25
to consult with the classes Interested, the
fear is quite openly expressed that the
proposed measures may be smothered' by
the cumbrous bureaucratic machinery be
fore they are eventually crystallized into
laws, thus sharing the fate of many -former
beneficent intentions of the monarch.
As a means of avoiding such a. catas
trophe the papers press more or less open
ly the advisability of the committee of
Ministers securing the direct co-operation
of legally elected representatives of the
various classes. The Zemstvos under the
threat contained In the government note
seem to be acting with considerable clr
oumspectlon, and no more have followed
the example of the Moscow Zemstvos In
adjourning sine die. Neither have there
been recurrences of the disturbances. The
revolutionary organization, it is said. In
addition to Grank Duke Serglus and M.
Trepoff, police chief of Moscow, have con
demned Procurer-General PobedohostzefC
of the Holy Synod, and Minister of Jus
tice Muravieff.
Criminals Use Motor-Car, but Are
Caught With Plunder
PARIS, Dec. SO. The latest form' of
house robbery In Paris Is burglary oy
motor car.
The concierge of a fine block of flats'ln
the Avenue Makaloff was standing at the
front door this week, when a large motor
car drove up, containing three young pas
try cooks assistants and the driver, whoso
face was masked by a pair of huge gog
gles. They asked the concierge to di
rect them to the fiat of M. Merino, and
assuming that the tenant named was
about to give a dinner party, the con
cierge directed them to the third floor.
Presently a well-dressed man carrying
a leather bag came up, and, telling the
concierge that he had come about the
menu cards, passed up to the same flat.
The driver of the motor car, after wait
ing a few minutes, decided that he would"
go and give his comrades a lift with
their work, and asked the concierge to
keep an eye on the car.
The obliging janitor did so, and to such
good effect that he saw In the bottom
of the vehicle a collection of suspicious
looking Instruments, Including- electric
batteries, skeleton keys, -jimmies and
saws. He spoke to a passing poHceman",
who at once procured 'assistance, and
waited for the return of the party. The
well-dressed man was the first to appear,
carrying his bag, which, was" muchf-awol-len
in dimensions. . He was. promptly
seized by the police, as were also the
. That's tHe condition of things in Portland's best
storea state of affairs that will no doubt prove -highly
satisfactory to you, because you are 'enabled to buy all
personal and home needs at priceshich insure substan-
tial savings- '
Women and Children's
$1.50 to $4 Hats at
Lipman,woire a Co
supposed pastry cooks' assistants and the
masked driver. They had rifled a flat
on the fourth floor, the owners of which
were away, and had in their possession
goods valued at 10,00O.
French Government Explains Why,
Religious Orders Are Shut Out.
PARIS, Dec, ?0. The following
statement was published here .ths
"Some papers, continue to throw
doubt on the, declaration of. the 'Prime
Minister relative to thq protectprate of
Catholic establishments. The Mfnistry
of the Interior authorizes, the state
ment that It positively contradicts the
official communique of the Vaticah,
published In the Observatore Romano
as to the voluntary withdrawal of the
subsidiary request for authorization
made by the Dominicans, the Francis
cans and the missionaries of tho Le
vant (Capuchins) for their schools'
abroad. It is untrue that conditions
which they could not accept were im-.
posed upon these orders. The only doc
uments which they were asked to -pro-sent,
and which, in -faat "almost all of.
them did present, are those provided,
for under the law of July 1, 1001, the
approval of the bishop-of the locality
being one of them. Four bishops had
already given this approval when the
Archbishop of Paris formally, refused
his own. and his act received the. sanc
tion of Xhe Holy See, to the great-' dlsr
satisfaction of the orders concerned,
which were thus 'obliged to withdraw
their requests. This they did Ir. letters,
as follows, dated June If . and 16,. 1903: .
" 'Owing: to circumstances Independ
ent of our wilt, we find It Impossible to
realize oiir Intention of asking for the
authorization of our missions. We con
sequently request you to regard as null
and void the steps already taken with
this object' "
London Police Capture Forgers of
Bank of England Notes.
LONDON. Dec. 3a Tho city police today
arrested two important members of an
InternaUonal -gang which for two or
three years Is alleged to have heen con
ducting extensive forgeries in 5 Bank of
England notes. Large quantities of the
notes. It is said, have been circulated In
America and on the Continent. One of
attractive place on account
still more attractive. Ever
Meiv's $1.50 Underwear: 98c . !r
This is the celebrated "Roots" Camelshair .jttndenyear,'"
which is made and finished in the best-manner. We sold
this all season at $1.50;' choice while it lasts . . . .- $8$
Men's 51.75 Underwear: $1.19
This Underwear is made -of -pure natural wool; by the
"Root" Manufacturing Company. These garments are
absolutely, perfect in fit and finish, are .soft tothevskm
Sold by us all season, at $1.75 choice of themAvhile' they
last ;$l.i9
All Underwear Reduced
Our great sale offers opportunities without
end for the buying, of dependable Underwear
at remarkably low prices.
QOi Instead of $1.50 for women's ribbed wool
27 Ol" Vests aid Pants White and natural gray.
AjQft Instead of G3e and 75c for women's medium
rx23 weight ribbed cotton Vests and Drawers,
in regular and extra sizes cream only.
QQai Instead of 50c. women's" fleeced cotton
OOw ribbed Tcsts and Pants choice1" of white
and" cream.
$1 instead Ypf $3.00, .women's "Vassal-"
27 Union 'Suits, part wool, glove fitting,
white and. natural.
fc; O CInstead of $5.00,. women's "hut-to-fit
white and blue. . . . ' V
Instead-. qt ,$2.00, women's "Oneita"
Union -ijSuifsJ strictly all wool .white"
and natural.
the men arrested Is an engraver. He is
charged with being the manufacturer of
the notes. The police are shadowing a
number of foreigners who are believed to
be in London with the object of obtaining
fresh supplies of the counterfeits.
Russian Paper Objects to Our Med
dling in European Affairs.
.ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. 30. The Novoe
Vremya today publishes an article on the
"new Monroe Doctrine of America." While
not 'objecting to what lt-termsvthe "hands
oft' policy of the United States, nor even
to the "honest broker's" policy If . Jthe
charges. are not too high, It declares that
the trouble is that "they do not seem to
want td co'nflne the doctrine to- South
America-, but to ."have a finger In every
European pie." j
.Promises Redress to. Jews.
ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. 30. Interior
Minister Svlatopolky-MIrsky has promised
a, deputation of' Jews from Nikolaievik,
which claims that the position pf 25.C00
co-religionist? Iri Kherson province is Jeop-'
.ardlzed by the new;passport laws put I.ntoJ
enect oy me jaie inferior jAinisier . von
"Plehve last year, to give the matter his
Immediate atteriUon."
Victoria, Cross for a Hero.
LONDONi 'Dec. 30. The King ;has
conferred . the Victoria ross, on Lieu
tenant Herbert Augustine, Carter," of
the "Sixth Indian Mounte'd Ihfahtry, Tof .
conspicuous bravery In Somaliland.
During a reconnaissance- near JldbalU.
when a smaU British, force was pur-
No Appetite
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I sued by a force of Dervishes that out-
numbered It by 40 to 1, Lieutenant
Carter rode, back alone, a distance of
i -100 yards to the assistance of Private
Jai Singh, who had lost his horse. Ho
took the Sepoy up. behind him and
brought him safely away. The London
Gazette, In notlcinsr this appointment,
states that, the distinguished order
previously conferred Is canceled.
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