14 THE MORNING OBEGONIAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1904. DUTY CULLS Senator Mitchell Leaves for Washington. - HE DEFIES HIS ACCUSERS Asserts His Innocence of Com plicity in Land Frauds. -CONNECTED IN NO WAY 'He Declares That Only by Testimony of Self-Confcssed and Convicted Thieves and Perjurers Can He Be Involved. SENATOR MITCHELL TO HIS ACCDSERS. "I defy my aooueors. I have lived In this state over 44 years. I have served In tfce United States Senate nearly 22 years, and I defy any man to charge me ftiocesslully with any conduct that Is otherwise than honorable, and I am sure I cannot be connected In any manner with any land frauds, except by the grossest perjury of self-confessed and convicted twleves and perjurers." Sen ator Mitchell's statement. Senator Mitchell left last night over the -Nerthern Pacific for "Washington to be present at the opening of Congress on January 4. The Senator sees no reason why he should remain in Portland longer, waiting for the action of the Federal grand jury, and thinks that his public du ties In Washington demand his presence there, where many important measures re lating to the good of Oregon and the Northwest are pending before Congress. The Senator was seen last night in his aimrtments at the Portland and was asked whether or not he would remain longer in Portland. "It is now about 12 days since my name 3as been placarded in almost every news paper of the United States by press dis patches from this city as being connected with the land frauds in this state." said Senator Mitchell. "The Federal grand Jury liasbeen in session every day since Mon Ha..v. DMpmhor 2G. and is H11 In session. I have been here personally in this city ever- hour since Friday evening, Decem ber 23, and have given every opportunity to the prosecuting officers to examine me to the fullest extent in regard to the land frauds, and 1 have given the prosecuting officers to understand that I claim to be absolutely innocent, and I here now again assert my absolute innocence of any crim inal connection with any land frauds or with any person or persons who have been engaged in the land frauds, and now . I have staled I believe it to be my duty, after defending my character as above stated, to proceed to my post of -&uty at the- earliest possible moment. "What may be done in my absence, of . course, I do not know, but if these charges of criminal conduct upon my part con tinue to be asserted In the newspapers, or should the grand jury hereafter make an accusation against me, I defy my accusers. I have lived in this state over 44 years. 1 have served in the United States Senate nearly 22 years, and I defy ay man to charge me successfully with an' conduct that is otherwise than honor able, and I am sure I cannot be connected Jn any manner with any land frauds ex cept by the grossest perjury of self-confessed and convicted thieves and per jurers." "Although several days have elapsed since I was before the jury. I have heard nothing further whatever in re gard to the case from either Mr. Heney or the foreman or any other member of the grand Jury. And I have not up to this moment been advised by any ono that any testimony whatever has been brought before the grand jury -which in any wise implicates me in land frauds or any other frauds, and now my presence In Washington is imperatively demanded. Many things in the Inter est of this city and state are now de manding: my presence there. As chair man of the important committee of ln teroceanic canals it is of the utmost Importance 1 should be there at the earliest possible moment, as several im portant measures in the Interest of the speedy construction of the Panama Canal are now pending: before that committee and are awaiting- considera tion as soon as Congress reconvenes, which will be on next Wednesday, January 4. at noon. It is even now im possible for me to reach the city by that hour and day. but by leaving this evening-, and I have no detention on the road. 1 can reach the city by 3 o'clock of Wednesday, January 4." The Oregon Irrigation projects and tke river and harbor bill were also mentioned by Senator Mitchell as need ing his immediate attention. THE FATE OF A HUNTSMAN. Trespass Warrant Issued for Charles Burckhardt. Charles A. Burckhardt is wanted in Columbia County to answer to a charge of shooting game on -some other person's preserve. Sheriff Word is in possession of a warrant issued at SL Helens, by Justice of the Peace Watkins, which recites that Burckhardt entered upon Inclosed prem ises with intent to kill wild fowl. The warrant Is indorsed "good for service on Sunday or any other day." and is dated Docomber C, 1SKH. It was delivered to Sheriff Word for service only recently, and the fact that the Columbia County Constable hold It for over three weeks indicates that he expected that Charlie would come down some Sunday for an othe'r shoot, when he could arrest him in Columbia County. As he did not como he has been sent for. The offense is only a misdemeanor. The name as It is written in the war rant is Charles Burkhart. Sheriff Word, however, has been instructed to arrest Charles A. Burckhardt, ex-deputy post master, as the person desired. "PREFERS TO BOB WOMEN. Mrs. c. W. May Added to List of HoId-Up's Victims. Women are the preferred victims of a .thug who is making1 this city his headquarters at present. The latest in stance of the criminal's "work" is the case of Mrs. C. W. May, who, last night, reported that she was held up. close to the elk's fountain in the Plaza blocks and robbed of hor watch and $7 in cash Mrs. May was bound or her home In the Pleasanton House, at about 8:20 o'clock when, so she says, the hold up emerged from the darkness and attacked her. He advised her to keep still and make no outcry, until after he finished his work of robbery. She obeyed and said nothing. He took her sold watch and $7, then left her. She reported to Captain Moore last night. MACCABEES TO CELEBRATE. New Year's Housewarming and Feast to Be Held by Portland Tent No. 1. Portland Tent No. 1, Knights of the Maccabees, will celebrate the opening of the new year with a gala housewarming and annual feast on the evening of Janu ary 3. The combination menu and invita tions which have just been mailed are most unique as regards topography and conception. Following the insignia of the order is this phrase, "'Stamp this on the tablets of your memory." Under a generous-sized Interrogation point the invitations say: "Ask no questions. Just get your friend who .you think will Join the order and bring him along." Then a verse from Cooper's (not James Fennlmore) famous poem Is quoted. It reads: When your heels bit hard and your head feels queer. And your thoughts rise up like the froth on beer; When your knees are weak and your voice Is strong:. And you laugh, like thunder at some darn fool eonsr, Tou're feelln' fine, by gosh. The menu must be read to be appreci ated: SOUPS. Cream of Tanner-Creek sewer. Sullivan's Gulch dltohwater. FISH. Suekers. Duffers. Bluffers. Beefers. Kickers. Chubs. , COLD DISHES. Cold feet. Cold shake. Stale speeches. RELISHES. Old-line companies. Bum stories. ?10.00 per week. ROASTS. Crow, undressed. Jack rabbit, Morgan style. Pot roast a la Newberg. ENTREES. Frank Motter, with statue of Library salad. Charles Bolen. with C & S. salad. Dlvll By-Gash, with Ash ton salad. GAME. Politics, Delch. Baseball. Sherwood. Drop the handkerchief. Pinochle, Westermlre. Fantan, Eulng. VEGETABLES. Thistles. Apple cores. Oak balls. Chlttam bark. Wapatoes. PASTRY. Tanglefoot. Tarpaper. Mucilage. Shingles. Wahlberg note. DESSERT. Great Sahara. Coyote. Jack Frost. . Divorces. Nit eggs on the half shell. FRUIT. NUTS, ETC. Adam's apple. Old maid's Joy.'-Horse chestnuts. Hard Cole at'tjf DRINKfeP' Water on the brain. Punch in the mug. ATTACKS LAW'S VALIDITY. Habeas Corpus Arguments Are to Be Heard Today. Judge Bellinger yesterday granted a postponement, until today, on the return of a writ in the habeas curpus proceed ings of Earnest Hutchinson. The writ was returnable yesterday, but further time was asked for by City Attorney Lu A. McNary. Hutchinson was arrested on December 23 under a warrant Issued out of the Municipal Court, charging a vio lation of city ordinance No. 14053. which provides for the licensing of certain busi ness establishments. The specific charge against Hutchinson was that of having sold trading stamps and merchandise by means of trading stamps without having first procured a city license. The license fee for such a business is 4200, while the fine for the offense charged Is $500. In the petition for a writ of habeas cor pus Hutchinson alleges that he is a citi zen of Ypsilanti, Mich.: that he is a mem ber of the firm of Hutchinson & Hutchin son, .known as the National Stamp Com pany; that they are engaged in the busi ness of general merchandising through means of trading stamps, and that they manufacture and sell to the trade "buy ers' stamps," otherwise called trading stamps. It Is further alleged that he is at present restrained from liberty through arrest under an ordinance that Is uncon stitutional and void. The petition states that this particular ordinance is against public policy, and that it causes a re straint of trade and commerce, not onlv state, but Interstate. The validity of the ordinance, and therefore of the arrest, will be attacked on these grounds. DELAYED BY A WASHOUT. Southern Pacific Train Held Back by Heavy Rains. The delayed north-hound Smiths Pacific train which should have reached .foruana early yesterday morning; ar- nvea iasi nignt at- o'clock, having been delayed 12 hours hv Cow Creek Canyon, one mil nntii r "West Fork. The heavy rains of the past iew aays naa so softened the ground that on Thursday night the imiuis ui me canyon caved in for a distance of several hundred feet covering- the track with tons of finn-A in,,i. ders, stumps and masses of earth. wrecKing crews were sent to the scene from Roseburg and Grant's Pass and these succeeded in clearing the track after 12 hours' work. The reg ular schedule was resumed last night, and it is thoucht that will be experienced alone the line. un me aeiayed train were E. E. Cal vin, general manager of the O. R. & N. and the Southern Pacific lines' in Oregon, who has been on an extended inp ver ine lines or the Southern Pa cific in California; R. R. Ritchie, gen- j-auuic voast agent or the Chi cago Northwestern, from San Francis co, and M. J. Roche, traveling passen ger agent of the Denver & Rio Grande Company, who was returning to his home In Portland, after having at tended the anual convention of the American Association of Traveling Pas senger Agents, which met not Ion ago in Mexico City. b PERSONAL MENTION. C. M. Levey, of Tacoma, assistant to the president of the Northern Pacific, is in Portland for a short time on business connected, with his road. Xu S. N. Normandin. a well-known busi ness man of Mount Tabor, has started for his old home in Canada, where he will visit his father, whom he has not seen for 30 years. Mrs. J. A. White has returned from an Eastern trip, during which she attended the St. Jouis Exposition and a number of the principal cities, Including New York, Washington, D. a, and Chicago. E. S. Blair, general agent of the Great Northern, was a Portland visitor yester day while on his way home to San Fran cisco, after a visit in Seattle. Mr. Blair cartie up from San Francisco to Seattle on the Minnesota when that vessel made Its trip up the Coast, and Is now return ing by rail to his home. - NEW YORK. Dec 30. Special.) Northwestern people registered In hotels here today as follows: From Portland A. B. Cansen. at the Westminster. BOSTON, Mass., Dec. 30. (Special.) L. R. Prince, of Portland. Or.. Is In Boston for a few days, and Is registered at the United States Hotel. Old Officers Rule Tammany. NEW YORK, Dec 30. Tammany Hall has organired for 1903 by re-electing prac tically every one of its officers; J. Ser geant Cram was reelected chairman of the general committee and Daniel F. Mc Mahon was re-elected chairman of the legislative committee. Store Will Be Closed Ail Day Monday-Credit Purchases Made Today Go onJanuaitpWORT Principal Portland agents for Butterick Patterns and Publica tions. Delineator subscriptions taken at $1.00 per annum. Drug Sundries Mennen's Talcum Powder. . .12 Lyon's Tooth Powder 12 Cammelline 26 Wisdom's Roberfine .. 28 Cherry Tooth Paste 29 Oriental Cream 97 Pasteurine Tooth Paste 12 Holmes' Frostilla 13p Capillaris 39 Herpicide . . 54 Brilliantine 19 Florida Water large 33 25c Smelling Salts 14 Yiolet Ammonia 11 & 16 Colgate's Talcum Powder. . . .15 Sheffield's Dentrifice ll Rubifoam 13 Sozodont 12p Woodbury's Cream 12 Arnica 'Tooth Soap 12p Glycerine and Rose Water. . . 6p Vaseline Cold Cream 9p Glovine Cleaning Fluid 12 Moth Balls, pound 4 Hurler's Cocoa Butter 6 La Blache Face Powder 26 Pozzoni's Face Powder 3l Java Rice Powder 2l Williams Shaving Stick 16 Fairy Soap, dozen, cakes 35 Kirk's Glycerine, box 17 Buttermilk Soap, box ll Armour's assorted, box 8 Kirk's Juvenile, cake 12 Woodbury's Facial, cake....l5& Pear's Soap, cake ll Cuticura 16 cake, three cakes to a customer. Packer's Tar Soap, cake..,.12 Stationery, Jewelry, all Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods, Clocks, Watches, etc., at clearance prices. The Meier Frank Store Open Tonight Until 9:30 Giving those who are employed during the week an opportunity to take advantage of the thousands of Clearance Sole Bargains distributed throughout the entire establishment. As far as our employes are concerned, they prefer working behind open doors Children's Garments Very Low Priced We've made ridiculously low Clearance Sale Prices on onr entire stock of Children's Wear today We want a thorough stock-cleaning before the Clearance Sale has passed by Every Coat, every Dress has been reduced to prices that must be of great interest to parents Styles are the very best, including all our "Peter Thompson" Coats and Suits, "Buster Brown Sisters" Dresses, Russian Dresses, Etc. Let us show them to you Second Floor Children's Long Coats in Cheviots and Kerseys, red and navy blue, ages 6 to 12 years, great $10.00 and j 9 c $12.00 values at 4C .HfD Children's "Buster Brown Sisters" Dresses, also fancy dresses in dark colors; ages 6 to 14 years; SiQ great $5.00 values, at iJw.O" Children's Long Coats and Reefers, plain box styles and fancy cape collars, made of Melton Cloth, blue, tan and red; ages 8 to 14 years: $6.50 values Children's Coats of Ladies' Cloth, blue, red and tan, circular cape collar with braid and applique trimming, ages 3 to 5 years, wonderful values at Children's Cashmere Dresses in sailor styles, fancy waist eftects, braid and silk: trimmings, Diue, red and j ajj brown, 4 to 14 years, $3.00-$3.50 values, for. . .' Boys' Clothing Overcoats, Waists, Dresses, Kilts, etc., at low Clearance Sale prices. Second Floor. stock Suits, "Willamette" Machines As good a sewing: machine as money can buy; 15 models, 512.9S up to $35.00; every one guaranteed for ten years. Easy payments if desired. Second floor. During the grefe are doing artistic$CirCuY of 9K D from regular price 4 Groqf. Portland's Gre nra Dri nn t WfcWW V tIty 17 lbs. Western dry Is tne o for J but 100-lb. sack Western 100-lb. sk. fruit, Wes- lbUi ail jmicner xierrj . 3 Packages cseeoea naKUppiy nf TWloc Cnnnev's OH . L" f.JSpreaeiw Fig-Prune Cereal, pacwiu te c r B The is 1-lb. Box Stuffed Uates ecn,p:eted 9i-lh. f!nn Tomatoes. 2r-iy ' tic Nabisco, all flavors, boxfejjjf1 it in nnOLhs. Meief wports th 2 f cny 29.0 Famous Mocha an sat ot u JavaCoffee on sale a mitl it's equal xo ine aui: withal u jr I'm M urumui v glutei v aiuics. i . . ' n I it sma! a racKages ol xigs j.or. . st8t0S in 14-oz. Jar Queen Olives it efcc Cl UUllS 1UUUCI99 JL Vidi-iHiil. . J0JlglDg on sale for f Van Camp's Plum Puddir "Victor" Flour, guaranc! the best, sack Wonderful Bargains in Men's Furnishing -Goods Store To A carnival of bargains in Men's Wear today Everything in desirable, fashionable furnishings on sal lowest prices of the year The phenomenal sales of last week have simply spurred us on to greate of bargain-giving Economical men by the hundreds will plan to get their share of today's matchless mgs See that you get your portion Store open tonight until 9:30 Near the Morrison-street enti 50c-75c Neckwear, large English Squares and reversible Pour-in-Hands, immense variety of the very best pat terns and colorings, also a great lot of 'Id Tecks ; your choice Z?G 25c Neckwear, Now 2 for 25c All our fancy Colored 25c Silk Neckwear, Tecks, Four-in-Hands, Band Bows, Midget Ties, String Ties and Shield Bows; immense variety to select "$ E from; 25c values lOr &OC Extra special in Men's Dress Kid Gloves, sizes 6, 7, 74 and t Y2 ; many ot the very best styles and 9 a TL-aTla. shades ; $1, $1.25 and $1.50 values, on sale for. . . Men's Linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs, y and -in. hems, best 15c values, at, each Men's Muslin Night Shirts, plain white and fancy trimmed; great values Bargains in Hosiery, Umbrellas, Hats, etc. Men's All-Wool Sweaters, royal, navy and maroon, $2.00 values, on sale for ...9c 39c $1.3? Till' 1 -. 1 4 jt" 10-90- pound ah our si and .zo coiorea-oosom snins in new si and figures ; all sizes, immense variety ; won derful values today at this low orice. each Extra heavy weight blue and brown Derby-ribb'edJ wear, shirts and drawers, all sizes, remark able value today at the low price of . . Extra quality natural wool Underwear, the d best $1.25 value, on sale at the low price of. Wright's Health Underwear, the best quality matu regular $2.00 value, shirts and drawers, ff all sizes, at the special low price of F v $1 to $1.50 Golf Shirts 63 Great extra special value in Men's Gold Shirts, Madra and Oxfords, few with corded silk fronts; very he: patterns and colors ; all sizes, values extraordinary at , Men's 50c Work Shirts, navy blue, also light and dark stripes ; great special values Boys' Furnishings at Clearance Sale prices 2?i Picture Department Bargains All Framed Pictures at one-third off regular prices. Medallions of all Icinds at half price. All Oil Paintings at half regular prices. Picture Framing at one-fourth off regular prices. Unframed Water Colors and Sketches, one-third off regular prices. All Gilt Picture Frames at one-fourth off regular prices. Matted Pictures and Passepartout Pictures 11c kind, 7c 14c kind, Oc; 19c kind, 1-tcj 25o kind, 17c. Brass Toasts, 12c each. $1.00 Passepartout Sets, S4c. Indian Baskets, half price. Passepartout Bindings, 4c, 8c. Novelties in Inkwells, Pen Racks, Paper Weights, 25c to 40c values, for 11c each. Second floor. Neckwear Specials New silk Stock Collars, cmbrotd- ered In colors, 35c value 1C Ecru and white heavy lace oj Cape Collars, 52.25 value. 07 White embroidery Turnovers, deep and narrow styles. 25c values for only ItC Narrow Silk Collars, dainty designs and colorings, each... 11 C Silk Stocks with Turnovers, colored embroidered tabs, 65c value , 6C Entire stock of Feather Boas, high class Lace Collars, etc., at clearance prices. . CLEARANCE SPECIALS IN THE BASEMENT Medium size nickel Coffee 5f Machines for pc&U Chafing Dishes, best nickel-plated, fancy cover, 3-pint sizes, great spe cial value at this low Dricpt .... .JO.UVJ Chafing Dishes, wrought- s-rs Iron stand. 3-plnt size 3S.OVJ 5-oClock Teas, with nickel c stand, great value viOU 12-Inch Mckel Trays, value n extraordinary, each OVJC Bronze Candlesticks, neat Art designs, each OUC Clearance sale prices prevail on Sil verware, Cut Glass, Pottery, Bronzes," Cutlery. Iamps, etc iu. a cupper-ouiium wuau 0 Bollets. each OOC Large size Galvanized Tubs, each.. 71c Glass Wash Boards, each 32c Guaranteed Clothes Wringer, each.. 52 No. 8 Teakettle, each 31 White Enameled Covered Sauce Pans, 1-quart, 40cj 2-quart, 48c; -n 3-quart, 52c j I-quart DUC Sauce Pans, without covers, . 40c, 52c up to $1.UU 3, -1, 5-q.uart Sauce Pans, a granite iron, 20c, 24c OC No. 7 and 8 Granite Teakettles, .each. 72c and OVJC Granite Coffee Pots, each. 32c, 35c 40c Granite Dish, Pans. 4Sc, 60c, 6Sc....72c Great Clearance Sale Bargains Suits, Coats, Cravenettes, Etc, Etc. Portland's largest and best Women's Apparel Store pre sents for your choosing at Clearance Sale Prices the only first-class, complete stock of Ready-to-Wear Garments in the City Dress and Walking Suits, Tourist Coats, Craven ettes, Skirts, Waists, Petticoats, Etc. This season's very best styles and materials New, attractive garments that women will delight in The reductions will appeal to every woman having Clothing Needs to supply Second Floor All Cravenettes at Clearance Sale prices. All. Tailored Suits at Clearance prices. All Silk and Velvet Suits at Clear ance prices. All Dress Skirta reduced; this season's styles. All Walking Skirts reduced ; large variety. All Furs at very low prices; Coats, Scarfs, etc. All Tourist Coats at low prices; 1500 of them. Silk Waists at very low prices; this season's styles. Wool Waists at very low prices; all new styles. Silk Petticoats, Satten Petticoats, Alpaca Petticoats, Moreen Petti coats, all at Clearance Sale prices. Millinery Clearance Sale 2d Floor Entire Stock of Trimmed Hats at Less Than Half Price Women's and Children's Beaver Hats, $6 values, 91.50; . art -$2.50 values, at, each OVC Special lot of Infants' Wool m Bonnets, at, each 1UC Special lot of ChUdren's lrt Tam O'Shanters, at, each....lvTC 300 ready-to-wear Hats, values up to $2.50 each, on sale for 6JC Ostrich Plumes. Fancy Feathers. Jet Trimming. Braids, etc, all marked at ridiculously low clear ance prices. Today's Extra Specials Great special lot of Women's Lace Hosiery, Hermsdorf dye, the best 50c grade, op sale s for all sizes C Great clearance of Women's Kid Gloves, black, white and colors, $1.00 and $1.25 values, f.Qn at the low price of, pair. Women's 65c-75c fancy hand-embroidered and taped bordered Handkerchiefs, great AXc values at 3C Women's Fabric Golf Gloves in all colors and sizes ; great special values at, pair. Entire stock of "Perrins" real French Kid Gloves at Clearance Sale prices. Fancy embroidered and hemstitch ed Handkerchiefs, 35c y and 40c values, at, each. . 1 C Women's fancy Leather Belts and Crush Leather Belts, in all col ors, values up to $1.25, on sale for Women's black chain or leather handle Bags, great spe- 9 cial values at, each I C 19c Underwear Women's all-wool gray Union Suits, button across the chest, A y regular $2.00 value i.t Women's nonshrink'able heavy ribbed natural wool Vests and Pants, best $1 values for "C The Great" White Fair"-2d Floor Brisk selling of fine Undermuslins going on here; Thousands of dainty pieces finding new owners every day. The largest and handsomest showing we have ever made, and includes the newest and most exclusive styles in Corset Covers, Gowns Skirts, Chem ise and Drawers. The Clearance Sale prices mean a big saving on every garment. Men's and Young Men's Clothing Men's and Young Men's Clothing of the very best grades at unusually low Clearance Sale Prices Clothing from such well-known manufacturers as Stein-Bloch. L. Adler Bros. & Co., Hart, Schaffher &. Marx, Washington Co., A. B. Kirschbaum and others Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes and Trousers are all included Men's $10.00 Suits 8.60 Men's $15.00 Suits $10.85 Men's $25.00 Suits $19.65 Men's $20.00 Suits $15.95 Men's $22.00 Suits $18.15 $35.00 Tuxedo Suits $38.90 Overcoats and Cravenettes This season's best styles and materials. $10.00 values at $ 8.60 $15.00 values at.." $11.65 $22.50 values at $18.85 $12.50 values at $ 9.35 $20.00 values at $16.15 $25.00 values at .$19.75 Young Men's Clothing Entire Stock Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes at the Follow: $10.00 values now. $ 8.60 $12.50 values now. $10.90 $13.50 values now. $11.55 $15.00 values now $12.80 ing Prices $16.50 $18.00 values now $lo.6o $20.00 values now $l6.9o Second Floor.