THE MOBSnre OKEGQNIAX, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1904. 13 GE OF WOOL lQf Supply Alarms ton Traders. IS LONG1 WAY OFF carried Into the New Year tallest in Many Seasons, ie Mills Are Heavily Stocked. IDrr SO. Th8 dojc Batn far the year 1004 is characterised able shortage In the amount of S"d Itl ffLT-f ourAlti- tb :ioiung traders hi this, the cWef of the United State, considerable as lo whether seriouo conditions -untcred before the arrival of a hn Commercial Bulletin has Just its annual canvas of the wool sup- h 'Wintry, it will say tomorrow that f-eta 1005 "with a startling situa- flnde that the supply of -wool, de- 'orelgn on hand unsold hore Is tbc f-rried over In 15 years. The Journal thcro arc. of all kinds of woel. KDOO pounds on Kale in Boston," and, 3 small total but 23,000,000 pounds. - Only 42,000,000 pounds of lc- "3 Is Jeft unsold In tbc United : 112,000,000 last year. The T of all kinds in the country is less 100.000 pounds. This is eaid to be fee supply on band In the United Ions iirac 2 bo stated that the raUls are heav- 1 and that millions of pounds lle- r.D them and, not for sale still are this country. The Boston wool mar- ns Arm. PORTLAND MARKETS. Groin. Hour, Iced, Etc I Export values. Walla Walla, file; 5c; milling, Walla WTalla. 85e: blue- B300c; Valley, 87c; Eastern basis. alia, S3S3a; blucetotu, 20c -.1 Feed, $22 por ton; rolled, $23.50 No. 1 -white, $LS2'l-36; sray, $L85 tr cental. IK Patents. $4.G5g.65 per barrel; S4.80&4.45; clears. $8.S&fr4; Valley, 1.25. DakoU hard wheat. $tS.50&7.50; Is. $3.504; whole wheat, Jil&4.25; rje Jd. $5; Eastern. $55.10. TUFFS Bran, $19 per ton; middlings. e. $21; chops. U. S. Mills, $19; linseed f ood. $16; linseed oilmeal. lc per pound. ILAL FOODS Rolled oat. cream, 38- sacks. 56.75: lower grades. $560.25: oat- teel cut, 50-pound sacks, $S per barrel; d eacks, $4.25 per bale; oatmeal J, 50-pound Hacks. $7.50 per barrel: 10 I sacks. $4 25 per bale; split peas, $4.50 : X pound sack: -25-pound boxes. $1.26; farf C 44 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes. per dox; pastry Hour, lu-pouna socks. fx Timothy, $14616 per ton; clover, $11 xiiQiu; oncat. Vegetables, Fruit, Etc. 1 -sugh receipts were light. Front street wrll stocked -with fruit and vegetables lay The demand was only moderate, of orange was received, but the Los a celery and cauliflower failed to arrive. jETABLES Turnips. $1 per eack; oar- L, beets; $L&; parsnliw. si.2o; cabbage. Ccmla. lWc. Danish. 19ic; lettuce, head. rer dozen: parsley. 20c dozen: tomatoes. it ner crate; cauliflower, $1.00&2 per crate: K ijCant, i0&15c per pound; celery. 00C3c Urta, peas, wjbe per pouaa; ueans, green, ytsm. be ik-t poend: rhubarb. $1.85 Derbox. 1 rHO'IEY $363.25 per case. POTATOES New Oregon, fancy, 75JfS0c; unsaenn eoswac. ouyars price; Pierced sweets, vCiff . new California. 4c per pound. RAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4 -crown. 7"ic: U'.iwr Muicalci raisins. 7Uc: unbleachd seed- IttB fdianas. oc; ijnuon layers, -crown. Lhou boxes pi 20 pounos. -crown. si.a. nrJED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. COSlc (vr touna. sunaned. sacks or boxes, none: fcprli. lOJTllc; peaches. t10c: peara, none; (prunes. Italians. 4t?c; irencn. -vicac; ngs. f Caufornia oiacKs. 054c: ao wniic, none; &myr. at 2t Fard dates. 0c; plums, pitted. 6c DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, fancy, $1Q1.50; cooking. 60675c; figs. &5c(r$2.50 per box; tXJCXS, California, $1.2591.05; pears, pound, 75c QiX. cranocrries. t"-0vcn per Dairei: perHim rsoss. $L25 per box; strawberries, $1L50 per box. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy, $2,753 S.7S ajoicc. $2.75 per box; oranges, new na vel. S2S2.50; mandarins. 0070c per box; tanrwlnes. $1.5092 per box; grapefruit, $3J $-ptT box; bananas. 55c per pound; pome, granalui $2.25 per box. Butter, Egr, 1'oultry, E(c Xaerc was a strong demand for all kinds of etultrr and offerings -were quickly taken up st rood prices. Eggs slumped off, as expected. ad were hard to move Xhlrty cents was iho CcneraJ Quotation, but some houses asked 31 ccaSs, Butter wap steady and unchanged. EGGS Oregon ranch, 30931c; Eastern, 24 C25c ' BUTTER City creairibries: Extra creajr.ery, 30c per pound; fancy creamery. 22fe26e. State creameries: Fanoy creamorj-, 25r27Vfcc; Caliror cls, fancy creamer-, 2520c; store butter, 12514c CHEESE Full cream twine, 13915c; Young jbnerlcas, 14tJ16Hc. PCULTRY Hens. HH:12c; old hens. 11c; r.lxe3 chickens, lOClle; old roosters, S$Oc; is ycung, 10g10Hc; Springs, 1 to 2-pound, J2IT12V broilers, 1 to 1-pound, I4tfl5c; d-etcd chickens, 12fl3t; turkeys, dreaded, sverage, 15ffl7c: choice 20fi22c; geosc. live, &i dressed, lOgilS'.iC; ducks, old. $C7; do nusg. a size. $7S: pigeons. $11.25. 'AMEWlld geese, $88.50; Mallard ducks, 475083 50; wldyeon, $2; teal. $L501.75. Meats and I'rovl&ions. wEFDressod, bulls and eow. 2Gc; XVTTON Drowsed, 8Co por pound; lambs, m-as6c ter pound. M&S-Ten to 34 pounds. 12c per pound; tolSpounds, 12c; 18 to 20 pounds. l"c; 74rernla Jplcnlc). 9c; cottage hams, DJic; Pci boiled ham, 21c; boiled plcnl 1JLLred.C100 to 125, 7Se per pound; ,.5oO 5e6c; 200 and up, 34?4c rORED3Sed' 100 to 1B0 C? pounQj fit k&5 UP. 5iGJc iboS Fancy breakfast. 18c per pound; .Iri breakfast. 17c; choice. 10c: Baglish gjafit, 11 to 14 pounds. 14 c: peach bacon .-pAGBPortland ham, 12c per pound; Jrrtid ham. 10c: Summer, choice dry, 17c; rnL long. 5Vic. welnerwurst, 8c; liver. 5c; ISPik blood. 5c; headcheese. 12c; bologna ?cnt UnJ. lic SSv HALTED MEATS Regular bhort clears, ..r 1L lie smoked; clear backs, 0?ic salt. rrcon PXDOrt. 20 to 25 rvounrin M to" El. ,;rioDPlekled nlcs feet. V,.bar. .tvVbarrelf. $2.76; 15-pound kit, $1.25; tripe, barrels. $5; -barrels. $2.75; SSmd kit! $1.26; Pickled pigs" tongues. ItS it I H-barrcls. $8; 15 pound kits. $1.50; JKT; faaW tongues, - barrels. $9; -bar- 15-pound Wts. $2.75. -ntwkttle-rendered : Tlerees. OVJc; tub. lnsrd ra: TIT:??-?e; SVici 8c: LCTnT 10. &Hc; 53 0,c- CompoHnd: Tierces, tub. B5c; u?tC' 4c: OB- '?c' Groceries, Nuts, Etc r .r-rsMoo ba, 28ff26e; Java, ordinary. JC Ct-r-L4-" -utrt. faucv. 1SSK!0?: rood. HlWilAr- jj-. cis.Iju: i; .vrDuoi:ift. ro JaPnT-M; Caro,,na' 46c: brokenhead. - -.UimhlB WIVRr l.nm.mA .nil- Jr Joxcn; 2-pound tails. $2.40; 1-pound '3a2:Jk, red. 1-Pound talis, $1.45: aockeyes, -VVslU $1"5: 1-Pound flats. $LS6. an s over si."-r;" :r rJ"- M fW -TCiJ,,. .V... ,W U' UUl-i w tf iater man is iays and within Cayo. cnrar cnnu!itl.! SU ni t-- inn ii.." iie 3lr, J5S18c per poundL !tH( IBS $9 50 per ton; $1.30 per 6 ALT Can' nale: Liverpool, 50s, $15.50: 100s. $15; 200s, $14.50: half ground. 100s, $5.25; 50s $3.73. NUTS Walnubg, 135tc per pound by sack, 3c extra for lees than sack; Brazil nuts, 15c; fll berts, 14c; pecans. Jumbos, 14c; extra large, 15c; almonds. L X. 1. lSc; chestnuts, Ital ians, 15c; Ohio, $4.50 per 25-pound drum; pea nuts, raw, me per pound: roasted, Oc; pine nuu. 10 12 Vic; hickory nuts, 7c; coooanuts, S5O0c per dozen. BEAKS Small white. 3c; large White, 3c; pink. 3J4c; bayou. 3c; Lima, Sijc Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS Choice. 290c; prime, 27g2Sc per pound. "WOOL Valley, 1920c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1017c; mohair, 25320c per pound for choice. HIDES Dry hides, No. 1, 16 pounds and up 15&15c per pound; dry glp. No. J, 5 to 10 pounds, 12c; dry calf. No. 1, under C pounds, 16c; dry, salted bulls and stags, one-third less fnan dry, flint; salted hides, steers, sound, 7B Tc; under 50 pounds and cows, 0V-7c ; stags and bulls, sound, 44c; kip, sound. 15 to 20 mon,.1015ccach; Angora, with wool on, 25cg$i pounds, 7c; under 10 pounds, 8c; green (unsalt cd, lc per pound IfTc; culls, lc per pound: horse TALLOW Prime. ncr nound. 4Glic' sn i grease. 2&Q$c Oils. GASOLINE Stove gafllne. cases, 24c; Iron barrels, 18c: SO deg.- gasoline, cases, 82ei iron barrels o rdrums. 2Cc COAI OIL-Caseg, 21c; Iron barrel. 1BC; wood barrels, none; 05 deg., cases, 22c; barrels ISfcc Washington State test burning oils, cx- klS&t. ir gallon hiBher. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels. 54c; cases. 59c Belled: Barrets, 60c; cast. 01c; lc less la 250-gallon lots. TURPENTINK Cases, S5c; barrels. Sic WHITE LEAD Ton lots. Tfcc; 500-pound, 7?4c; lees than 500-pound lots. Sc. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. Gmln Board Will Be Open Today for De cember Deliveries. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 30. SfeclaL) The local Grain Board will open tomorrow to en able final deliveries on December contracts for wheat and barley to be made, but will be clcsod hi Monday. Despite continued rain In Northern and Central California, which caused easier prices at tho opening, speculative options for both cereals closed Mronger. Meat of the December contracts have been oovered and tomorrow's deliveries are expected to be light Oats -were quiet and Arm. Stormy weather interfered with trade In the fruit market. Holiday business at this time baa been a great disappointment to dealers. Receipts of oranges wore light the past few day, but stoeks arc ample for requirement. Only well-colored, sweet navels show rteadi ntss. Promoters of the auction sales My that Ave carloads of oranges are already n the way for the initial offering to 'be held next Wednesday. The apple market is quiet and steady. Bananas are plentiful. Large dealers in potatoes and onions agreed to clee at n&an tomorrow until Tuesday. Re ceipts of potatoes were larger and the market tfuleter, but juices were steady. The steamer Columbia arrived too late for trade to com mence in her potato cargo today. The onion market is congested and weak. Six carloads from the North are In the railroad yard, be sides two carloads from Colorado. Garden vegetable are easier. Drereed turkey are flaaer. Dairy preduefe continued dull. Recelpta, 25,000 -lbs butter; 19,500 lbs cheese; 18,500 dozen gg, VEGETABLES Garlic, OftSe: green peas. 3 6c; string beans, 47c; tomatoes. 75c$L50; egg plant, 54? 7c. POULTRY Turkey gobblers, 2153c; roost ers, old. $4-4.50; do young, $5f; broilers, small, $2.503; large. $S3.S0; fryen $4.S0S; hens, ?4gC; ducks, old, $55.50; do yeung, $5.506.50. CHE96E Young America, 12fc18c; East ern. 1815c BUTTER Fancy oroaraory, 28c; creamery seconds. 19c; fancy dairy, 30c; dairy second 17c EGOS Store, 2S60c; fancy ranch, 40c WOOL Lambs', lGQ18c. - HAY Wheat. $10fl4; wheat and oats, $10 13: barley, $ill: alfalfa, ' $OiM1.50; clover, ?7Sjfl; stock, $C7; straw, 45C5c MILLFEED Bran. $18.6019.60; middlings, $25e2S. HOPS 1904, 252Sc FRUIT Apples, choice, $1.50; do common, 50c; bananas, $13; Mexican limes, $4; Cali fornia lemons, choice. $2.75; do common. $1: oranges, navel. $12; pineapples. $1.509R,50, POTATOES Early Rosa, $11.10: River Buim banks. 50 80c; River reds, 50000c; Salinas J jjurwjiKB, ivi.tu. awecu, iuis 'c; vrcgos Burbante, S5cl.l0. RECEIPTS Flour, 100S. iuar;ej sacks; bajJ ;oy. i coiuaus; oaJwi, centals; poiatocv 5295 sacks; hay, 290 tons; wool, 1 bale; 'hides, 33S. LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices at Portland Union Stockyards Yes terday. Receipts at tho Portland Union Stockyards yesterday wore 20 cattle, S44 sheep and 148 hogs. The fallowing prices were quoted at the yards: CATTLE Boat seers. $3.5025. 75"; l" modlum, $2.758.2o; cows. $2;254J2.50. HOGS Best large, fat hogs, $4.605.50; light hogs, $4.25. SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley, $3.7564; lambs. $3.25. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Current In Chicago, Kansas City nnd Omaha. KANSAS CITY, Dec 30. Cattle Receipts 3000; market weak. Native steers, $3.7506.00; native cows and heifers, $LZ54.75; stoekera and feeders. $2.7564.00; bulla, $2.2504.00; calves, $3.006.50; Western fed steers, $3.50 5.25; Western fed cows, $1.753.50. Hogs Receipts 7000; market steady. Bulk of eales, $4.404.65; heavy, $1.0004.70; pack ers, $4.504.C5; pigs and light, $S.904.55. Sheep Receipts 1000; market etrong. Mut tons, $4.005.25; lambs, $5.00.25; Tange wothers, $4.504.75; ewes, $3.254.75. SOUTH OMAHA, Dec 30. Cattle Receipts 3000; market wesfk to 10c lower. Native steers, $3.50iJ.10: cows and heifers, $2.504.10; West ern steers, $S.OO4.75; Texas eteers, $2.73 3. GO; range cows and heifers, $2.4038.05; can ners, $1.7592.35; stock ors and feeders, $2.50 S.80; calves, $2.50u.50; bulls, stags, etc., $1.75 S.50. Hogs Receipts 9500; market 5c lower. Heavy, $4.454.5S; mixed, $4.504.55; light, $1.55 4.00; pigs, $4.004.50; bulk of sales, $4,503 4.55. Sheep Receipts 1700; market eteady. West ern yearlings, $5.0095.05; welhers, $4.5035.40; owes, $4. 00g-4.95; lambs, 45.2520.75. . CHICAGO, Dec. SO. Cattle Receipts 000; market averaged lower. Good to prime steers $5.406.40; poor to medium. $3.8065.40;. stock era and feeders, $2.85gH.S5; cows, $1.5034.25; heifers, $2-255.00r calves, $3.507;S5. Hogs Receipts today, 10,000; tomorrow, 14,. 000; market strong. Mixed and butchers, $4.504.S0; good to choice heavy, $4.70$ 4.87; rough heavy, $4.504.63; light. $4.49 4.70; bulk of sales, $4.05&4.75. Sheep Receipts 10;000; sheep strong; lambs, 10c higher- Good to choice wethers; $4.90 5.50; fair to choice mixed. $4.0034.60; "Western sheep. $4.09S5.50; native lambs, $5.25S7.40; Western lambs, $ Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 30. -The London tin market underwent a considerable rcaatlon from the recent sharp advanco and dosed' at 134 for spot- and 133 10 for futures. Lo cally the market was easier in sympathy with spot, which was quoted at 2?.2529.C5c Copper was 'lower, in London, dosing at 08 Gs Gd for spot aid at 6S 10s for futures. Lo cally the market remains firm and a good business is reported. Lake Is quoted at 15.1215.25e; electrolytic. 1515.25c and casting 14.0214.S7c The London market for lead was a little higher, with spot at 12 17s Gd. Locally, however, prices were unchanged at 4.C0SM.7QC Spelter was higher In London, closing at 25 5s, while . locally the price remained un changed at 6.10ai5c. Iron was ' unchanged at 53s 9d In Glasgow, while Mlddleeboro reported a slight advance at 50s 9a. L&oally the market was advanced. No. 1 foundry Northern. $47.25fja7.95; No. 2 do, $17017.50; No. 1 do Seuthern and N6. 1 do soft, $17.75. Coffee and Sugar. " NEW YORK, Dec. 30. The market for eefTeo' futures etoMd steady, unchanged to 5 points. higher. Total sales aro 18,000 bags, including February, 7.j5C7.70c; March, 7.85c; April, 7.90e: May, 8.05S.10c; July. 8.25a; September, S.46S.5de. Spot Rio steady; No. 7, c. Sugar Raw steady: fair refining. 4fjfe; cen trifugal. 9 test, 44c; molasses ,eujjar. 4c Refined firm: crushed, $G.55; poWaored, $5.S5; granulated, $5 75. " ' REACTION IN STOCKS DOES NOT IMPAIR CONFIDENCE IN THE FUTURE. Stiffening in Call Loanate' Appar ent Cause of Selling Specula- tlon in Union Pacific. . . s & NEW YORK, Doc 30. Today's reaction in stocks received various cxplanaUons, but did not materially Impair the confidence rwlth which the outlook upon the new year Is re garded. The stiffening' of the call loan rato during the day wns the most immediate and apparent causo of the celling. The surprising fact Is that the rise In call money was de ferred until practically the last day of tho year on the Stock Exchange. Loans made on the Stock Exchange carry over unUl Monday, and in this case until Tuesday. Preparations have been making for ,tho4largcst January 1 disbursements in the history of Wall street. The call loan rate has been apathetic up to date, and tho maximum rate touched today was 5 iter cent. Meantime the usual cuU mates by bankera indicate that, the Inflow of currency by express has been sufficient to offset the Sub-Treasury absorption and- leave a margin of gain of upward of $ 4.000,000. The cnanges to bo shewn -In-tho lean item of tomorrow's bank statement are likely, of course, to be large, owing to the annual set tlements. It ie not probable that any deep anxiety over the money market was reflected in the day's, movement. The steady uplifting of prices has developed little inclination to eell steaks up to today, and up to yesterday there bad been little appearance of trailing for a turn in the .market. The profit-taking which met the movement today was the usual result of a movement of a speculative nature. It served us an admonition that a too rapid rise In pricas would have to reckon with selling to realize. Amalgamated Copper displayed rather acutely the reactionary effect of the speculative operations which, caused its' wide advance of yesterday. The tolling was not exjdained by news bearing on values in the general list. There wrc an aggreseive specu lation in Union Pacific Tho various' move ments were abandoned on the reaction. Last prices were not far from the lowest and tho closing was easy. "Bonds were Irregvlar. Total tsalos, par value, $0,620,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. STOCK QUOTATIONS. : Closing Sales. High. Low. bid. Atchison 1U.200 &?H S3 SS do preferred 1S.S00 lOlfe 101 . 101 Atlantic Coast' Line.. 700 124(6 121 128 Baltimore & Ohio..... 48,100 105U 1&3 103 do preferred 100 96 05 Canadian Pacillc 6,000 134i 13S 133 Central of N. J. 100 101 191 190 utesapeake & Ohio.. cw 4ft sl . -to Chicago & Alton 500 43 42 42 .- bo 27.S00 23 28 23U uo preferred Chi. Great Western ChU & Northwestern l.OOyO 209 207 2081 ChL. Mil. & St. Paul 18,200 174fc 172 172ft" u. xcrm. & Trans.. wo i2si laji. -itm- do preferred 700 C. .. C. &St L... 500 Colorado & Southern. 500 do 1st preferred.... 300 do 2d preferred 500 2i 25 28 91 23 12 ii 91 1- ite aw 02 0.1 X7 37 Delaware & Hudson.. Del.. Lack. & West-. I'nver & Rio Grande de preferred Erie da 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred Hocking Valley do preferred - Illinois Central Iowa Central ....... do preferred Kan. City Southern.. do nroferred Louisville & Nash v.. 400 18G- 185 : 1S6 800 340 -338 340 32K 88 . 8 lJ 3S 37 37 70 75 75 - 56 55 55 92 aii 90 03 9S 92 500 18.000 8,-100 700 200 500 7.000 15S?i 157 IROJi WKl ls 31 SOK 400 571', 56tf 50 1.300 29 2 2SV" 1,000 53 52 62 4.10O 141 Manhattan L. 18.000 Metrop. Securities... 1.000 Metropolitan St. Ry.. 7,000 Mexican Central .... 19,100 Minn. & St. Loula 164 104 '79 1225 12 28 22 M.. SL P. & S. S. M. do preferred ....... Missouri Pacific .... Mo., Kan. & Texas... do preferred National of Mex. pfd. 1,100 90 Vi'666 ibo" 10.700 33 900 5 300 40 G.Tloo I48n: Icw lork Central. -. x.. unu v west-. ,OW 41 Norfolk & Western.. 7.10O 80 Pennsylvania 58,900 140 " P.. C. C. & St. L... 400 77 Reading 58.200 SI do 1st preferred.... LIDO 92- do 2d preferred.... -700 65 Rock Island Co 63,300 371 do preferred 500 5 St L. & S. F. 2d pfd. 500 72U St. L. Southwestern. 400 28 do preferred 70 5S"i Southern Pacific .... 53.800 GGU. do preferred ...... 1,600 lis" Southern Railway . G.G00 3G do preferred ....... 4,000 97M. Texas & Paclflce 3,000 30M Toledo. St. L. & W... 100 38 115 116H 35 36 ao preicrrea aoo 54 Union Pacific .. .103,6000 115. 114 do nref erred roo 98 Wabash noo do preferred 1.000 Wheeling & L. Brie. 2,500 Wisconsin Central .. 300 do preferred 800 Express companies Adama American ...... United States Wells-Fargo MINellaneous Amal. Copper 13S.OO0 Ainer. car & Foundry 5,000 ao preiorrea American Cotton OH . do preferred 700 94i 94Ji 600 37 37M" American Ice ... do preferred ... . i.OOO " "(5 American Linseed Oil .... do preferred American Locomotive 4,300 do preferred - 35 Araer. Sm. & -Refining 8,400 do preferred l on iio?J CIV LB!ir Refln!nff 10S00 144 142 143" Anaoonda Mining Co. 2400 114 .108 100 Colorado Fuel & Ironll5,600 405$ 48 47 K 203 193J 109 Corn Products do preferred Distillers' Securities . General Electric .... International Paper.. do preferred International Pump'.. do preferred .... National Lead North American .'... Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed 6teel Car.... do. preferred Pulman Palace Car. Republic Steel do preferred ....... Rubber Goods do preferred Tenn. Coal & Iron... U. S. Leather 2.200 22 21 21 000 "S 77 1,500 40 39 2.000 189 187 " 2,100 23 23 j 400 --77 77 7SU 39 1S7S 23. 70 3S 88 11. 200 87 3,700 25 1.000 102 8 24i 101 1.900 4G 44 3.700 lOSf, 107 107fs r.0rt jni. "ni" 91 'iV 70 28 "ta" 90 90 235 17 70 27 93 71 13; 500 300 800 4.s66 70 27 11.400 14 is?;. CO preferred r. jnn inn u. k.- Realty....":: iu-?8 Ui S' R"bDer 1.300 "Zi'u. TTd Preferred 1.S0O 09 U. S. Steel. . 51.000 Sl dn preferred 76.600 93U. Va.-Carollna. Chemical vgoo 4ii 10154 101 38 09 30 98 33 98 30 93 preferred 300 111 nou imu 41 -tr.. ' "V" Jv l&Jbi 180 Total sales for the day, 1.112.100 shares. ' Ex dividend. BONDS. NEW YORK Dec SO. Closing ouotMn.. u. h. rer. 2s rog.104 U. S. 58 conpon.110 Atchison Arif Ab uv ao coupon ...104 U. S. Sn reg. 104lD. & R G. 4k. .wu ao coupon .104M.IV -V . U. S. new 4s rog.l30Nor. "Pacific 3s.." 75 nn rauruin ilnr 1 . do coupon ...130 QO 4b . . . . inn U. S. old 4s rcg.105 do coupon ...100 U. S. 5s reg..-.100 So. Pacific 4s.. 94 Union Pacific 4s.l00 Wis. Central 4s. 94 " Stocks at London. LONT5ON. Dec 30. Consols for "money. SS; consols for account. SS. Anaconda ..... 5 Atchison ... . . 00 do preforred .104 Bait. Si Ohio... 107 Can. Pacific ...132 Nor. & Western. S2 do preferred .. 95). Ont. & Western. A1V. t-ennsyivania 21 iRand Mines 11 . 41 47 - 43 . 38 . 99 - 08 .118 . 99 . 32 . 97 Ches. &Ohlo 50iilRefldlnf- C. Cit. Western. 23 J do 1st pref C. M. & SL P.. 178 do 2d prof DeBeers IS ISo. Railway D. 4&.TJ. G 38 do prefered doproferred . 19So. Paejflc .. Erie 3 Union Pacific do 1st pref ... 77 j do preferred do 2d prof ... 37 U. ,S. Steel . Illinois Central .102j do preferred J K 145 i Wabash 22 N. J. V. Gontxalj.SlSpanlsh s :..jl S0 Bank Clearings. Clearings. ...... $5t9.37S ...... 599.181 572.255 ...... SC0.S7S Ralaners, .$ 83,5182 1C2.415 43.281 33.072 Portland Seattlo , TMema Spokane Money, Exoitangc, Etc NEW YORK. Dec. 30. Prime mercantile 'natfe'r !'itf4Vt'"nef "cent. ' " Sterling exchange Steady, with actual bust- ncss in bankers' bills at J4.S71034.S715 for de mand, and at $4.84S05'4.84S3 for GO-day hills: posted rates.. $4.85 and $4.&S; commercial bills, 54.84. Bar silver GITic Mexican dollars 45c. , Bonds Government bonds, steady: railroads. Irregular. . Meney On, jcall .strong, higher 35-per .gjpnt; closing' bid;. 4 per cent; pffcred. 4 per cent, Time' loans 'easy anddiill;. GO and 90 days, 3 per cent; six .months; 33 per.cenL SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 30.-SUrcr bars, 61c : ' - j Mexican dollars 51c. ."- ;vDraftsSlsht,'2c; db tercgraph, 5c;"stcrlln5 on "London. GO-days, $1.S5; sight,' $4.87. This exchange- adjourned " until' Tuesday. January j. . , v " LONDON, Dec .30.-Bar silver, Steady. 28 9-16d per ounce ' t '' Money 2g3 per ,c$nU. The rate of discount lnUie? open market-for short bills Is 22 per cent: for three-months-bills, 2S72 pcrccnLi .' " . Daily. Trcasnry latezacitt., " WASHINGTON Dec. 30.' Today's statement of the Treasury balances 'shows: i Available cash balance .'...f?f42,795.100 Gold J9yx,131,23S ' ' T.l: DROPS ,ON HEAVY SELLING. Chicago Wheat Market. Turns Weak at the Close. CHICAGO, Dec 30. A" stampede of belated shorts resulted' in.-ian advance- of over 1 cont In tlie price olf-May tyheat during the- first, hour of trading.. ..Influenced byhlgrh'cr . cables ami exceedingly-, email reeciptaT'in'' the North west, opening prices showed a fair gain. May being up 64sc $1.141.14. On' ad urgent demand from shorts and' several prom inent commission houses, additional sains were made. An active demand from Northwestern houses, which seemed to indicate a belief In a further reduction of receipts In the Northwest, gave rone wed encouragement to .local bulls and the buying became more aggressive May sold up to $1.15$s... For a time. the market continued extremely strong, with prices near the highest polnl. Later In the day, sentl 'ment suddenly- changed and a- sharp reaction occurred. Ona conspicuous feature- of -late trading was heavy Milling by .the leader of the bulls. The claim was made thai 2,000,000 Dushels were sold by. this ono o porn tor. Tho selling was quite general during the last hour. The market closed weak and practically at the lowest point, final quotations' on May be ing at $1.13L13. a . loss of ?c Early In the day the advance In wheat hod a strengthening lnfluenco on tho corn market. May opened &A higher, at 4345Hc and closed at 45c The volume of trading In oats was a slight improvement over that of recent days. May opened c higher at 31g31c. and closed at 3161c Provisions were subject to profit-taklg, which bad a weakening effecL May pork was off 25c; lard was down 2c, and ribs wore a shade lower. The leading futures ranged as 'follows: "WHEAT., Open. - High. 'Low. Close. December ..r.$1.13 $LH $1.13 $1.14 May 1.14 1.15 1.13 1.13 July 99 .99 .9S?s .9S ' - CORN. December 48 , .48 .44R .44 May ......... .45 .45?! .45?j . July 40 .VI .44?fe .-urn OATS. December 29 ?20 .29 9 May .31 .31 . -31 .31 July 3l ,si- .81 .31 MESS PORK. January ....12.46 12.47 12.33 ' 12.37 May 12.77 12.82 12.75 12,77 r,.t;" - LARD. January . . Cr75 , 6.80 0.75 , 6.77 May 7.05 7.05 7.00 7.02 SHORT RIBS. January 6.40 6.40 6.35 ' 0.37 May 0.67 0.70 G.85 . 6.07 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. t Wheat No. 2 Spring. J$1.101.16; Nc 3, 9Sc $1.12: No. 2 red. $1J5L1S. Corn No. 2, 43Q44c; No. 2 yellow, 4344c. Onto No. 2, 29c; No. 3 white, 31632c Rye No. 2, 75c Barley Good feeding, 3G7c; fair to. choice malting, ,414Sc ' ' V ''"". . T Flaxseed No. 1, $1.16; No. i Northwestern, $1.24. Timothy seed Prime, $2.72. Mesa pork Per barrel, 1L0511.15. Short Tibs sides Loose, $6.12fi0.37. Short clear sidesBoxed, $8.G256.75. Clover Contract grade, $12.75. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 21,300 27,500 Wheat, bushels 31.000 44,500 Corn, bushels , 284,400 439.900 Oats, bushels 65.300 174.400 Rye, bushels l.OuO 13,300 Barley, bushels 34,700 31,200 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. Dec 30. Flour Receipts, 16. 700 barrels; exports, 17,400 barrels. Wheat Receipts, 60,000 bushels; spot market firm: Njo. 2 nominal at elevator and $1.22 U o. b. afloaL Options had a strong early ad vance to a high point on the present bull move ment, influenced again by manipulation at Chi. cago and a scare of shorts. Later, the market weakened and closed c net lower, except for December, which was lc net higher. May olosed at $1.14; July, $1.02; December, $1.22. Hops, hides and wool Steady. ' Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 30. Wheat and barley, stronger. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, .$1.45li50; milling. $1.52 1.03. x Barley Feed, $1.121.15; brewing. $1.18 01.1S.- Oats Rod, $1.4031.55; whlte,$1.45gr37; black. $1.301.62. Call board sales: Wheat May, $1.44. Barley May, $1.10." " 'r Corn Large, yellow, $1.2531.37. , European Grain Markets. LONDON, Dec 30. Wheat cargoes on pas sage nominally unchanged. English country markets, quiet but steady. Indian shipments of wheat to United Kingdom. 2S5.000 quarters; to Continent, 52,000 quarter. LIVERPOOL. Dec 30. Wheat steady; Mareh, 7s; May, Gs Ud. Wheat in Paris quiet; flour In Paris dnll. Weather In (Eng land unsettled. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. 'Dec 30. Wheat un'changcdf blue- stem. SSc; club, 85c. SEATTLE PRODUCE MARKETS. Jobbing Prices Quoted at the Puget .Sound City. SEATTLE, Wash., Dec .30. (Special.) The following aro today's produce quotations In this oily: WHEAT Club, S7c; bluestem, 89c " OATS White, per ton, $2S29; gray, per ton, $26048. BARLEY Feed, per ton. $24Q25.' HAY Timothy, per ton. $10g20; clover, per ton. $14015; grain, per ton, $22. POTATOES Fancy, per ton, $22. ONIONS Foney, per cwtt $2.502.75. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 32c; ranch, 250 28c . ' , . EGGS Best ranch, per dozen, 33037c. APPLES Fancy, per box. $1.23ffl.50. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Dec 30. Evaporated apples "are in fair demand fox attractive grades, and prises Were steady to firm. Common .are quoted at 44e; prime, 405c: choice, 5f?3c; fancy, 0S"7c Prunes show a slight. Improvement in tone, although the general range of prices remains at 2c to 5c, according to grade, for Califor nias, while Oregon prunes are ranging as high as 8c on- the larger species.' Apricots show no further cnante. choice beine- held at v10; extra choice 10isllc: fancy,' Peaches are said to be in small supply, and are -firmly held with, choice at !9c; extra choice. 10$lOc; rancy, ll12c. -- Dairy Produce in. the. EasL NEW- "YORK, Dec 30. Butter. - cheese and oggn unchanged. CHICAGO, Dec 30--On the Eroduce Ex change today, the butter market was firm; creamery, 17fi2Sc; .dairy. 16324c Eggs Arm. 20823c; extras, 27c' Cheese steady, ll12c YEAR A SATISFACTORY ONE MAKES BETTER SHOWING THAN SEEMED POSSIBLE AT OUTSET! Amount of Business on Books of Leading Industries;.PromisesMore, Improvement jn 1905. " ' -t ' - . " . ' .NEW YORK. Dec. 30. Dun's weekly re view of trade tomorrow will say: Holiday week" 'brought the customary' ulet conditions . in. the business " world, inventories1 and preparations for annual scttlomento mo nopolizing attention except in some' branches of manufacturer, tvhero deliveries were re quired. . Severe . storms also Interrupted com munication and transportation, .particularly at the West, Vut on the whole the elements were helpful, for the drouth was broken In the Pittsburg, region. .;. Annual reviews indicate that the year has made a much bettor showing than seemed pos sible at the outset, -tho second half comparing Aery favorably; with the flrst six months, and the amount of business on tho books, in the leading industries promises still- further Im provement In 1905. Traffic returns of Decem ber indicate that gross earnings of the rail ways were 7.2 per cent larger than In the previous" year, and foreign Commerce for the" test week-afc this port shows an Increase of, $1,543,163 in exports and avery large gain .of $3,819,245 in Imports, as compared with 1903. Buoyant sentiment prevails In tho Iron and steel industry.. Supplies of native hld& are accumulating-, owing to the liberal movement of cattle, and .the tone -la-easy, but small stocks' of branded blues' maintain that department. . Woolen goods are advancing because of the upward tendency of raw wool, and purchasers arc more, willing to place contracts at prcvail lrgv rates. Failures this week number' 252 in the." United States, against 232 last year, and 11 in. Canada, .compared with 17 a year ago. ENDS BETTER THAN IT BEGAN. Trade Reports Are. Generally Favorable - -Wholesale Trade Light. NEW-YORK, "Dec 30. Bradatreet's. tomor row jwill . say.: Distributive trade generally is marking time, while past results and future prospects are subjeots of consideration. A period of marked activity In holiday goods of higher than usual quality has brought to a close a year which, because of marked Improvement in the last quarter, has ended better than It began and certainly la far better shape than seemed possible at the turn of tho year. Wholesale trade Is naturally of the lightest at this season of stock taking and Inventory, and stormy weather and tho flurry in raw cotton have been additional chilling Influences. Rather lees than the usual annual clearing falec have occurred because of the notable absence of stocks of finished goods pressing for tale. Collections show some effect from the. recent heavy circulation of money In retail lines. ' Industry is of notably largo volume for this season of the year, especially In Iron and steel and kindred lines of manufacture. Railway returns are favorable In that in creased earnings are quite general, and tho only drawback 1s the wide reports of car .shortage. At the West an important feature has been the breaking up of the WInterwheat drouth. Prices of metals have hardened this week, copper advancing to the highest point yet reached. Wool Is strong and stocks in dealers hands are the lightest in years. Business failures in , the United States for the week ending December 29 number 218, against 249 lost week and 209 laet year. In Canada failures for the week number 20, against 37 last week and IS last year. Wheat, including flour, exports for the week ending December 29. aggregate 981.140 bush els, against 1.0S0.70S last week. 2,015,300 last year and 4,818.471 in 1902. From July 1 to date the exporta aggregate 34,748,327 bushels, against 88,150.786 last year. Bank Clearimjs. NEW YORK. Dec. 30. The following table, compiled by Bradstrect, shows tbc bank clear ings jlI the principal cities for the week' ended December 29, with the percentage of Increase and docrcoso as compared with tbc correspond ing week last year: Inc. 22.1 16.3 ' 6.7 10.8 8.4 8.5 20.1 12.3 16.1 Dec. New- York Chicago ..... $1,283,102,000 155,873,000 ' 103.571. COO U2.808.000 46.205.000 37,712.000 31.538,000 19.44S.OOO 19.581.000 17.1SS.000 19.84S.000 11,747,000. 15.355.000 8.530,000 8.890.000 7,114.000 7.441,000 5.534.0CO o,15;,000 5.024,000 5.8S7.000 6,242.000 3,724.000 4.9S0.000 4.833,000 5,5S8,000 3.725.0CO 3,913,000 3.419.000 3,288, &00 3,432,000 2,950,000 5,082,000 3.123.000 3.070,000 2.0S7.000 2.767.000 2,727.000 2,170,000 2,212.000 1.550.000 2.345.C00 2,638,000 1.660.000 1.010.O0O 1.403,000 1.651,000 1,087.000 021.000 1.170.000 1,572.000 953.000 1,179.000 1.043,000 Boston Philadelphia .......... SL Louis .. Pittsburg . San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City New Orleans Cleveland ........... Minneapolis ........ Detroit Louisville Omaha , Milwaukee - Providence ......... Buffalo ....... Indianapolis SL Paul Los Angeles ........ SL Joseph Denver 'Columbus Memphis Seattle Richmond Washington Savannah Albany Portland, Or. Fort Worth Toledo, O Salt Lake City...... Peoria Atlanta Rochester . Hartford Nashville Des Moines ......... Spokane. Wash...... Tacoma Grand Rapids New Haven Dayton Norfolk .Springfield, Mass Worcester Portland. Me. . Augusta, Ga. ....... Topeka Sioux City Syracuse Evansville Birmingham ........ Wilmington, Del.... Knoxvlllo Davenport Little Rock.......... Wllkesbarre Fall River Macon Wheeling, W. Va...- Wichita - Akron Chattanooga Springfield. Ill Kalamazoo. Mich.." Youngstown Helena Lexington ' Fargo. N. D New Bedford ....... Canton, O Jacksonville, Fla... Lowell Chester.. Pa. Greencburg. Pa...... Rockford. Ill , Binghamton ......... Springfield. O. Bloomlngton, 111.... I Qulncy. Ill Sioux FalH. S. D Mansfield. O Decatur. Ill Jacksonville, 111 FremonL Neb. ...... Houston Galveston ............ Charleston. S. C... 1.0 10.2 1S.0 12.2 17.6 25i "O 14.4 29.8 27.1 11.8 37.1 17.9 176 is'i 219 14.1 39.1 41.5 16.1 10.0 11.2 52.7 25.6 27.3 27.U 26.3 2.3 23.4 3.5 14.8 4.0 10. s 16.1 5.3 2.1 14.4 14.8 106 10. 0 201 1.1 6.9 21.5 0.3 58.3 36.0 21.4 1U.9 20.5 1.430.000 1,437.000 919.00 966,000 090.000 810.000 835,000 4&9.000 383.000 633.000 783.000 453,000 720,000 841.000 688,000 431.000 705,000 406,000 500.000 361.000 376.000 780.000 ' 370.000 312.000 349,000 '504.000 359,000 341.000 281,000 303.000 190. 080 194.000 287,000 283,000 191.000 13.311.000 10,108.000 1.002,000 28.5 15.0 17.1 13.7 157 1U0 8.3 61 32.2 r.r.2 32.1 1.0 15.9 1.0 23.5 12.9 8.2 2.7 24 1U.7 2.8 80.3 36.4 S.8 13.3 1.5 17.6 11.0 Totals, V. S. Outside N. Y. ....$2,020,538,000 .... 755,375,000 CANADA ....$ 18,849. 000 .... 13.698.000 .... 5.704,000 1.83J.00O .... 1,579,000 L417.CO0 1,301.000' 1.100.000 .... 731.000 441.000 Montreal ...... Toronto ....... Winnipeg' Ottawa Halifax Quebec Vancouver, B. i Hamilton London, Ont... St. John. N. B. 12.3 16.8 23.7 21.8 7.0 20.7 176 8.2 25.1 137 Totals. Canada ....$ 45.72ft.00O 13.2 Silver Scarce and Price Advances. NEW YORIv. Dec 30. The recent advance In. the price of silver calls attention to the increasing scarcity of the floating supply of that metal. Bar silver -was quoted today at 61 c an ounce, while Mexican dollars ranged firm 48c to 48c These rates, it was said, were merely nominal, and any great demand for bars" would cause an advance of the price.. Conditions in the silver market are now ?uch that the. consumer waits on the producer. The war In the Far Bast, the steady absorp tion by East India, and this country's in creasing trade with China are -responsible experts ay. for . this, very complete reversal of conditions. Mining- Stocks. f.t.t xwilt.u, xcc .u. umciai closing i quotattonsfor mining' stocks today were as follows: Alta ,$ Andes Belcher .07i Justice . . .40 Mexican . 24 1.13 Occidental Con. Best & Belcher Bullion. Caledonia'-.;- . Ophlr . . .' Overman - U3iRotosl Challenge . Con... .23 Cholhir - .: . . : . . .29 Confidence . ... .75 Con. CaL. & Va.. 2.03 Con, Imperial . . .01 Savage ... .. aeg; iieicner . 'Sierra Nevada Silver- Hill t... Union "Vm. Crown Point . . . -lTJUtah 'Con. Excheauer . . . .4ft Yellow Jacket Hale & Norcross LOO NEW YORK, Dec 30. Closing- quotations: Adams Con."... S .20f Little' Chiet .-..$ .05 Alice .Ontario. 3.75 Breece ... ' Brunswick Ccn.. Comstock .Tun. -Con. Cal. & Va.. Horn Silver Iron Silver .... Lcadvtlle Con. .. 4.30 .08 -1.1 .30 .42 .28 1.50 .OSIPltoenlx: ... .. .OSlPatosl 1.75iSavage . . 1.50jSierra Nevada' 2.00lSmali ,Hopes -02Stapdard BOSTON, Dec 30- Closing quotations: Adventure . . Alloucz ..... Amalgamated. Am. Zinc . Atlantic Bingham. .... Cal. & Ilecla. 8.00 19.50 70.63 Michigan $ 10.75 Mohawk ""--... 52.00 MonL C. & C. 55.00 . 12-00Old Dominion. 27.0 . 17-OOfOscfOla' 06.& 00 50 34.50 650.00 Parrot . , - . Quiiiey ... . 29.00 115.00 10.50 21.75 11.00 42.00 ueaicumai . . . .: oiOTVInltv Copper .Range-. 02.00 U. S. -Mining V. S. Oil ... Daly West 12.00 Dominion Coal Franklin ..... G rancy ...... (32.00 Utah ll.SOIVlctoria - 3.00 .13 Winona , 11.50 Isle Roynle . .. 27.50Wolvcrine 10S.00 . Npvr 'York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec 30, Cotton futures closed very -steady,. not 103tl points higher. January, 6.59c; February, 7.70c; March, 6.78c; April, 6.84c; May, 6.89c; June, 6.93c; July, 7.03c; August, '7.08c WASHINGTON; Dec 30. The .final bulletin of the Census Bureau on cotton ginned in the United States up to December 13, Issued today, places the number of bales at 11.971,477, count ing round bales-as half-bales. The Items are: 11,747,403 pquaro bales; 276,602 round, and S5.72S sea Island. Wool at St. Louis. . ST. LOCIS,. Doc 30. Wool nominal; territory and Western mediums, 21g22c; fine; mediums, 17lSc; fine,. lG-gl7c WORK FOR POSTAL STATION. Residents of East Side Intend to Have Full Service. A committee of East Side residents and business men, composed of Joseph Buch tcl. Dr. R. A. Wilson, E. M. Branick. Ed ward Newbegin", Mr. McFall and H. H. Newhall broached the matter of the res toration of Postal Station A, in full, to Senator John. H. Mitchell and Congress man BInger Hermann laat night and re ceived assurances that they would do all In their power to reopen the station with Increased facilities. Mr. Mitchell explained that the station was discontinued on.' the recommendation of Inspector Flint, of San Francisco, who mado two reports on the subject to the department at Washington. Mr. Hermann said that in other cities large postal sta tions were maintained, apart from the general postofflce, and he saw no reason why East Portland should not have mall facilities equally as good. Tho committee decided to invite Post master John MInto to a conference with business men of the East Side and ask for his co-operation in securing the restora tion of the station in the near future. AH the papers and petitions will be made ready for filing with the Postofflce De partment at Washington in a few days. 0MMI5SI0N GRAIN and BROKERS We Charge No Interest for Carrying Long Stock General Office JfiS 5SxSu MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. XL K. Airf"", Correspond eat. Boom 2. Ground Floor. Chamber of Commerce Scott's Santal-Pepslo Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Tor Inflammation orGatarrhof the jJUddor&aa uiseacea ua noTt. xocunx.worAT. Cures tialcKly ana permutsstir me nont riRrn of fionorrsMI and Gleet, no matter of how long steading. Absolutely harmless. Sold by drasgists. T-J CI M k. ra.11 nut. paid, tl.C0,3 boxes, 2.73. iTUFSIHTALPFPSIHCfl. iMJr R!!efontalne, Ohie. WOODARD. CLARXa A CC PORTLAND. Ble 6 u a non-poifonoct remedy for Gonorrboaa, Gleet. Spermatorrhoea, Whites, unnatural dis charges, or any iaflamma' tlon of mnoous aenr r a i to 6 itju I not ta ctriatora. Prrrtati nntsfioB. rHsEYlSsC-HOIIOALCfl. hrns. Non-astrinssnt. C!8eiasiTl,0.PJ Sold by Drvgzfrts. S.ll, 7, I or sent in plain tmpper. by erpress, prepaid, fol U . or 3 DOttleS, fT.73, Cirtolor ssnnoa mocsti TRAVELER'S GUXDK. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY 514 PARTI AND tn THF nAI I K Regulator Line Steamers DAILY (EXCEPT SlifcDAT) 7 A. H. Direct line Xor Moffetfs, St. Martin's and Collins' Hot Sprmse. Connectlns at Lylc, Waaji.. -with Columbia River & Northern Ry. Cc. for Groldcadale ana Klickitat Valley points. Lanams xool or Aiaer rnone Alain an J S. 2dJ DONALD. Asei ent. For South -Eastern Alaska Steamers of the comuanr. or for which It is oxent. leavx SEATTLE 0 A. M, TACOMA 6 P. M., day previous, steam ahips COTTAGE CITY IDei 5, 31 SIC.GWAT DIRECT; JLl-W A vCk AJJiiaUUO auu Oil- ka): RAMONA (Dec 13. via KHUsnoo and Sitka; Dec. '23, Skagway direct); both vessels making regular s. B. Alaska Dorta- of call: Cottnce Clv calls at Vancouver; Ramona CALLS AT VIC TORIA. FOR VANCOUVER. CITY OB SEATTLE leave Seattle Tuesdays Thursday, Sundaj-s, 10 P. M.; call at Everett and Bellingham. Sttamers connect at San Francisco -with com pany's trt earners for porta In California, Mex ico and Humboldt Bay. For further Informa tion obtain folocr. Right Is reserved to change steam em or galling date. TICKET OFFICES. Portland.. 249 Washington st. Seattlo 113 James st. and Dock San Francisco 10 Market st. C. D. DUNANN, Gen. Pass. Axt. 10 Market St., San Francisco. .17 mm i bbi iir 1 vi vi fri TRAVELER'S GUIDE. II Illm OREGON am UNION R4CIF1C 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and tourist slep-lng-cars daily to Omaha, Chicago. Spokane; tourist Bleeplng-car daily to Kaaeas City"? through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (person ally conducted) weekly to Chicago- Reclining chair-cars (seats free) to the East daily. UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTr.A xn 0:15 A. M. 5:25 P. M. SPECIAL for the Easti Dally. Dairy. via ituntington. SPOKANE FLYER. J6:D5anyM" P'oaUy1"' L.'S'on. Walia Wola. Lew lston.coeur d Alene and Great Northern points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS, o-i-t. a for the East via Hunt- 8- f-r- 'A"ir- lngton. Dally. Dally. RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORLA. and 8:00 P.M. 5:00 P. M. way points, connecting Dally. Dally, with steamer for Uwa- except except co and North Beach Sunday. Sunday, steamer Hassalo, Ash- Saturday. etreet dock (water per.) 10:00 P. M. FOR DAYTON. Ore. -.m . ,r ' son City and Yamhlh ' 'S? M 5:5P: M River pointy Ash-etrc?" Daily- t)ai1ir- dock (water permitting; ex sun ex sun- TOR LEWISTO.N i:40A.M" About from Rlparia, Wash. ex. S&t. ex. Frl. t-1 7 ri.i 1Dlra Washingtoc Telephone Main 712. a W. Stinger. City Tlck et Agent; A. L. Craig. General Passenger Agent. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. CO. For San Francisco, every fivo days, from A'nsworth dock S. S. Geo. W. Elder. Jan. 1, 11; S. S. Columbia, Jan. 6, 16. Sailings from Alnsworth dock. 8 P. M. PORTLAND Ss ASIATIC S. S. COMPANY. . For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calllns a: Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight a. wuui-viiiuti a learners ior Jaaniia, jrori -v.- mur imu v laaivosioit; a. s. Aragonia. jan. m. S. S. Arabia, Jan. 2. For freight and further .J.VilES H. DEWSON, Agent. Telephone Main 2CS. Upper Alaska Dock. EAST VIA SOUTH Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. OVERLAND EX RESS TRAINS S:30 P. M. for Kalrttn Tfi-lJ 7:23 A. M. iburg, Ashland, Sac l.amento, Ogden, San I rancisco, Mojave, ;Lo3 Angeles. Ei Jfaso, isew Orleans and the Ease 3:30A- M. Morning train con 7:10 P. M. nects at Woodburn (daily except Sun day) with train for Mount Angel, silver ton, Brownsville. Springfield, Wend. lung and Natron. 4:00 P. M. Alhanv nr )n i-.r Inoao A- M. connects at "VVrtrt- b'um with Ml. nrfel pna anverton jocai. 7:30 A. M. 114:30 P. M. ICorvallls nasaencerJ S:Srt. Ml-. Sheridan passenger. llSX'.Mr. , Daily. (Dally, except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICE'' AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Leave Portland dally 'or Oswego at 7:30 A. M., 12:50, 2:05. 3:25, 3 .TO. 6:25. 7:45. 10:10 P. M. Daily, except Sunday. 5:30, 0:30. 8:33, 10:25 A. M., 4:00. 11 M P. M. Sunday, only. 0 A. M. Returning from Oswego arrive Portland dally 8-30 A. M., 1:53. 3:05. 4:35. 6:15, 7:35, 0:55. 11:10 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 6:25, 7:25. 9:30. 10:20, 11:45 A. M. Except Monday, 12:23 A. M. Sunday only, 10:00 A. M. Leave from same depot for Dallas and Inter mediate polntB dally except Sunday, 4 P. M,. Arrive Portland, 10:20 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper ates daily to Monmouth and Alrlle. connecting with S. P. Co. train at Dallaa and Independ ence. First-class fare from Portland to Sacramento and San Francl3co, 20; berth, $5. Second class fare. $15; second-clesa berth, $2.50. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan, China, Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone Main 712. : i TIME CARD OFJRAINS PORTLAND Depart. Arnvc Puget Sound Limited for Tacoma, Seattle, Olympia, South Bend and Gray's Harbor points S:30 am 5:30 pm North Coast Limited for Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Butte, St. Paul, New York, Boston and all points East . and Southeast 3:00 pm 7:00am Twin City Express, for Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, HelenaT St- Paul. Mlnne- apolls, Chicago, New York, Boston and all points East "" and Southeast .11:45 pm 7:00 pa Puget Sound-Kansas City- St. Louis Special. for i Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Butte. Billings, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and all points East and Southeast S:30am 7:00am All trains dally, except on South Bend brancX A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas senger Agent, 255 Morrison St., corner Third, Portland, Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. Dally. 8:00 A. M. For Maygers, -Rainier, Clatskanle. Westport, Clifton, Astoria, War renton, Flavel, Ham mond, Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park, Sea side. Astoria and- Sea shore. Express Dally. Astoria Express. Dally. Dally. 11:10 A. M. 7:00 P. M. 0:40 P. M. C. A. STEWART. J. C. MAYO. Comm'l Agt... 248 Alder st. G, F. & P. i Phone Main 806. City Ticket Office, 122 3d st., Phone 630, 2 OVERLAP) TEALNS DAILY O The Flyer and tho Fast Mall. SPLENDID SERVICE-UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES For tickets, rates, folders and full In formation, call on or address H. DICKSON. City Passenger and Ticket Ast.. 122 Third street. Portland, Or JAPAN-AMERICAN LINE S. S. KANAGAWA MAIU For Japan, China and all Asiatic Ports, will x.cave aearcie anout Jan. xitn.