Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 30, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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    lWaB3 stoek is a complete as at any time, this season, of lTEWS $15.00 and $18.00 SUITS at the nomi- $ 3.95 OverCOatS - - $2.95 , . S&EBMW
Extra Bargain inThree Hundred
Boys' School Suits
These are made of the celebrated
DICKEY Cassimere, known for its
wear-resisting qualities. All sizes, 7 to
15 years. Always excellent value at
$3.95 for this SALE ONLY, $2.93
Every Boy's Suit in the house reduced.
By a close observation of above prices and comparison with other stores you will find that our reductions are not only genuine but startling. We do not make nominal reductions of a few pennies, simply for appearance, but CUT PRICES that cre
ate great money-saving possibilities. IP YOU HAVE ANY SHOPPING TO DO, DO IT HERE. DO IT NOW; TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE.
Discussion Before American
Economic Association.
Professor Commons Says It Is Labor's
Protective Tariff Safeguard Is
Not Absolutely Necessary In
'Great Many Cases Cited.
CHICAGO. Dec. 23. "The Theory of
Alonoy" was tho topic discussed by the
Amorican economic Association at the
University o Chicago today. Professor
J. Lawrence Laughlln, of the University
of Chicago; David Klnley, of Illinois, and
A. Piatt Andrew, of Harvard, read papers,
after which a discussion was opened by
William A. Scott, of Wisconsin.
The afternoon session was devoted to a
discussion of the "Open and Closed Shop,"
papers bolng read and speeches made by
a number of college professors, business
men and representatives of the trade
Professor David Klnley, of the Uni
versity of Illinois, read a paper on
"The Relation of the Credit System to
the Value of Money." In speaking of
the influence of the credit system on
prices, ho took the ground that, in
general, a business community will
make its exchanges with credit or by
money, according as one or the other
is cheaper at the time, saying that
the credit system is really a regulator
of prices and allows changes in the
volume of business without making
necessary any change in the supply of
money. An additional supply of
money, moreover, which by Itself
would tend to make prices rise rapidly,
rtimulates credit and thereby increases
business so that the demand for means
of exchange is in time Increased and
the upward trend of prices is retarded.
Considered through long periods of
time, ho said, the Influence of credit
under the modern system of produc
tion is to cause a gradual fall of
prices. The more the credit system is
oxionaea. ana me cneaper tne ex
change by credit bocomes to society,
tho longt? is the price-level to falL
ProfessoC Lawrence Laughlln, of the
university ft Chicago, in discussing
"The ThedSy- of Prices," said:
As a rule, price 1b the outcome of condl
iteiMi antecedent to the formal act o ex
change of Roods In the market for any
terms of money. The amount of purchasing
pewer is not synonymous with the amount
of the medium of exchange in circulation,
but corresponds rather with salable goods.
Very often the ntfflla of exchange arc creat
ed as & conseatsvtco of the transaction In
geedE. Hence tbey can have no effccl on
the making of prices. All the elements
teuohlng the acquisition of an article (Labor,
material, etc.), the intensity of dema?4 .for
It from consumers, the influence of monop
oly conditions all those are in constant op
eration In determining" the price wLch will
be settled upon by tho seller a.d the buyer.
"When these forces have dea their work
and a price has been fixed if. the markets.
th goods thus valued in tcTins of standard
(geld) are actually exchanged by some me
dium of exchange, which In these days is
seldom the standard commodity.
To me, therefore, the other quantity the
ory was an Improper application of tho law
of demand and supply, since it treated only
or the demand Tor and the supply of "mon
ey (and did not even define this "money")
as regulating the general level of prices,
while it omitted all consideration of the
forces on the good side of the prlco ratio.
Professor John R. Commons, of the Uni
versity or Wisconsin, in discussing
Hundreds of our choicest styles to select from. Our
stock is as complete as at any time, this season,
owing to recent arrivals, and our already modest
prices wilt he cut so as to cause a speedy clear
ance. $15.00 and $18.00 RAINCOATS -f 1 Q
$20.00 RAINCOATS and l5QC
OVERCOATS $ 1 0.03
$25.00 RAINCOATS and ' 1 1 Q QK
$30.00 RAINCOATS and (tOA QK
All Our New Topcoats at the Same Reduction.
'The Causes of the Union Shop Policy,"
Tile union shop is labor's protective tariff.
It is. necessary where that kind of protection.
Is not found. Wages in Government em
ployment depond on politics and universal
suffrage and do not need the protection of
the closed shop. Railway employment is
similar, and tho railway brotherhoods are
protected by a long line of promotion, while
the scale of wages Is issued as a general
order by the company, and applies to non-
unionists as much as to unionists. The
Machinists' Union, which is compelled to
protect itself by closed shop agreements in
general manufacturing, makes only open-
shop agreements with the railroads, where
employment is in the hands of small com
peting contractors, as in the building and
clothing trades, the closed shop is necessary.
The nonunion contractor, with cheap and
imported labor, would -drive the union con
tractor out of business. In the stove indus
try, bituminous coal mines and others, the
agreements are open shop, but this is be
cause the employers' associations are strong
and willing enough to enforce the agree
ment on all of their members, which the
unions could do only by the strike or closed
In these cases the open-shop question is
only academic, because one association docs
not try to destroy the other, but only t
destroy the excesses of the other. A ques
tion, which la tho realm of pronouncements
ana abstract rights provokes class hatred,
brings Its cwn solution when men acknowl
edge mutual rights. In many cases the em
ployer gttr a consideration to which he is
entitled ocly when he agrees to tho closed
shop, ac when he gets tho advertising of the
union tbtl. or when he gets the support of
a national uMon In enforcing a local con
tract, as la the case of the Typographical
Union, the Longshoremen and many others.
The circumstances differ greatly in different
industries, and. the question cannot be set
tled on union principles, but take the prin
cipal circumstances into account.
John (Graham Brooks, president of
the Amorican Social Science Associa
tion, read a paper entitled 'The Issuu
Between tho Open and tho Closed
Shop." He said:
There is little use in discussing this sub
ject apart from the temper and purpose of
the parties Involved. A good many trades
unions have used the closed-shop principle
and its weapons both brutally and stupidly,
but plenty of employers are using the open
shop in a spirit that is probably more dan
gerous to social welfare than the coarsest
ruffianism of the trade unions. Bide by
side with these excesses we have open and
closed shops in which business is conducted
with admirable and common satisfaction.
There is not the slightest danger that the
closed shop will become universal in this
country. Strong and well-disciplined unions J
do not need IU weak and struggling trade
unions may get a temporary advantage that
is at the same time a social advantage. A
large group of. employers is now making its
tilt in the name of "liberty," but industrial
organization on both sides has Introduced
something so like a. revolution that we do
not know what "liberty" means as applied
to a specific industry like garment-making
in the overflowing market which low-class
labor offers through immigration in a place
like New York City. The employers In that
Industry have won the open shop, but If It
should be found that petty, warring con
tractors could not be controlled; that wages
should be cut and hours lengthened, is that
consistent with "liberty." and "true Amer
icanism" ?
If with the closed shop- the union win $2
a day and eight hours, it may well forego
some aspects of personal feeling. Or shall
we say that the open shop of the sweater
with $1.25 and a 12-hour day is more desir
able because the workers are "free"?
In industrial conditions like these, we are
not to be comforted by any unctuous rhet
oric about Americanism and freedom. For
any formal limitation on this freedom there
may be conceivably the amplest, compensa
tion. In such special industries as I have
Indicated, social utility and security must
test even, the biggest phrases.
If, again, the dosed shop, brought about
without any violence and with the consent
of the employer, as in some of the cigar
factories, results in a good living wage with
eight hours and improved conditions, whllt
outslds the union there remains a destruct
ive competition and many children em
ployed, is it not grotesque to make .words
llko "liberty" and "Americanism" synony
mous with that kind of haphazard compe
tition? Liberty is not adequately defined In
terms of the employer's pecuniary interest.
It also has social connotations which wo are
only beginning to learn.
Professor A. Pratt Andrews, of Harvard
University, spokd of "Credit and tho
Value of Money."
His final conclusion was with re
gard to the influence of credit, that
it can only servo as a substitute for
coin when it exists In transferable
forms. The fixed forms of credit can
not definitely settle payments, ho said.
and they fall accordingly of making any
real or permanent extensions of tho
currency supply. For a limited inter
val they may make possible a moro
ample trade or may support a higher
price-level, but in the long run they
only serve to enlarge the subsequent
demand for actual currency. They aro
in no sense substitutes for money and
only rarely does their existence tend
to lower money's value.
Professor Reinsch Says Commission
Should Be Given Free Rein.
CHICAGO, Dec 29. Professor Paul
Reinsch, of the University of Wisconsin,
made a plea for better government of tho
Philippine Islands before the American
Political Science Association today. His
subject was "Colonial Autonomy."
"We have been telling the Filipinos," ho
said, "that if they learn English and vote
they will be happy, but what we must do
is to give them an opportunity to live."
Political considerations, he asserted,
were at the bottom of our taking over
the islands, and have played too great a
part In the methods of administration:
"Up to the present time the Philippine
Commission has had Its eye on Congress
and upon public opinion," he continued,
"It should be given a free hand and bo
responsible only to the Insular Depart
ment of tho Government, and not made
to answer to Congress and an uneducated
public opinion."
Tho tweaker declared that the United
States is carrying out a mixed policy f
assimilation and autonomy through the
assimilation of our institutions. He as
serted that he did not believe In such
assimilation as would give the Filipinos
statehood, because our experence with
the negroes and Chinese, ho believed, has
shown that there are some races that will
not assimilate.
James W. Cook Entertains a Notable
Company at Dinner.
James W. Cook gave a most enjoyable
dinner at his residence, 1S1 Eleventh
street, last night for a number of C3d
degree Masonic brothers.
The table was tastefully adorned with
Christmas greens and the walls of tho
dining-room were draped with the Stars
and Stripes. One American flag, among
the others, attracted especial attention, it
having been in Mr. Cook's possession for
29 years. It did service In decorating
Clifton, Or., at the birth of the Centennial
year, when It was, entwined with more
than S00 others.
Mr. Cook's guests last night were:
Irving W. Pratt, sovereign grand inspec
tor for Oregon; Philip S. Malcolm, Ben
jamin G. Whltehouse. Louis G. Clarke,
John M. Hodgson. Judge John B. Cleland,
Colonel John McCrakcn, Donald Mackay,
Jacob Mayer, Seth L. Pope. ex-Senator
Joseph Simon. Douglas W. Taylor, Judgo
M. C. George, Henry L. Plttock and Gen
eral Thomas M. Anderson.
May Retain Esquimault.
VICTORIA. B. a, Dec. 29. Advices re
celved at Esquimalt from the British Ad
miralty state that the proposed abandon
ment of Esquimalt by the navy may be
reconsidered. The Admiralty Is influenced
in this- regard mainly by the question of
expense, and whatever the fate of other
stations in the empire, many high officials
hold the Importance of Esquimalt makes
its retention worth the expense.
in nncitinn n nflfW n flom anr? linhrnVpn linfi KBEMfr
Every one of these Suits is HAND jMAQE. Most
stores charge $20.00 for similar grades. They are
mostly single-breasted sacks; a few double. A
GRAND BARGAIN rarely to be obtained.
EVERY SUIT in our immense stock, including
FULL DRESS AND TUXEDO SUITS, greatly -reduced.
PrivateThompsonWorries Jiu
Jitsu Wrestler.
After American Athlete Had Beaten
Jiu-Jitsu Man Gen. Nil, Although
Injured, Retrieves Japanese
Wrestling Honors.
At the first exhibition of the Japanese
jlu-jltsu stylo of wrestling ever given
In America, Private B. L. Thompson, of
tho Nineteenth Infantry, physical In
structor at Vancouver Barracks, with the
American stylo of wrestling, defeated the
first opponent pitted against him. Ho
was only thrown by the second and mas
ter wrestler, General Nil, after a severe
struggle. The exhibition was held in the
Marquam Theater last night, and the
little brown men showed to a large audi
ence the many tricks of their art, but
met with an unusually strong opponent
in Private Thompson. General Nil de
cided not to meet Thompson himself, as
he had suffered a broken rlbt and left
him to his understudy, who ' was no
match for tho husky American, with all
his fancy tricks.
Redeem Lost Honor.
So General Nil, not to give victory to
the American, left the stage and reap
peared in a few minutes In wrestling cos
tume. Mcanwhlje Thompson had been
entertaining the audience with some
gymnastic trlrcks of vaudeville charac
ter. When he met General Nil, for the
first few moments he treated him much
as ho did his understudy, but after
thumping the floor with the wiry little
Jap, found ho was the victim of ono of
tho best of the jiu-jitsu holds, the
throat hold, and "was vanquished.
It was a strictly Japanese night, for all
hut two of the performers were subjects
of the Mikado. The exceptions were E.
L. Thompson, physical Instructor at Van
couver Barracks, and Prof. M. M. RIngler,
who is a student of General Nil's. Pro
fessor" RIngler," in addition to explaining
to the audience the many different kinds
of attack apd defense, gave an exhibition
with S. Jahlwara and M. Nakajl. Within
a very short time Professor RIngler has
gleaned a considerable knowledge of Jiu
jitsu, which is said to be. In a large
measure, responsible for Japan's constant
victories against the Russians. On the
number of points gained Professor RIng
ler was beaten, according to the way tho
Japanese count points, but at all times
he proved a worthy opponent of the wiry
little Jap.
Woman Holds Off Assailant.
The parts of the programme that
pleased tho audience roost were the Jap
anese fencing: more, perhaps, on account
of the funny exclamations they made
when they won a point than tho actual
mode of warfare. The "Attack In the
Park," whence a little Japanese woman
successfully defeated, and with a ven
geance, too, a big Jap twice her size,
showed conclusively what an American
woman could do if she was familiar with
this science. Tho little Japanese girl not
only defeated the big fellow, but she did
something that was not on the pro
gramme. Little Koyama was so deadly
In earnest that when she got a strangle
hold on her opponent, she did It with
such a vengeance that he was left lying
on the stage unconscious. General Nil
was forced to use his method of restora
tion. Tho big Jap was so sorely handled
that he could not take part in another
$ 3.95 Overcoats
5.00 Overcoats
6.00 Overcoats
10.00 Overcoats
Every Overcoat in the house reduced.
Sailor Suits-Exactly Half
$2.50 Sailors 1.25
$3.00 Sailors . ......l $1.50
$5.00 Sailors : 2.50
part of tho programme on which he was
to appear.
When Private Thompson came to try
conclusions with a Jap, there was a great
deal of interest taken in that event.
Owing to a broken rib which General Nl
had received on Monday, ho had not in
tended to appear, but when Private
Thompson, who by the way is a splendid
example of the American athlete, defeated
tho Jap that was pitted against him, Gen
eral Nil, seeing that the honor of Japan
was at stake, decided to take Thompson
on. In justice to Thompson it can be said
that he was well tired out In defeating his
first man, and he was also greatly handi
capped by wearing the Japanese coat in
which they do all their work. In splto
of this, Thompson made a good showing.
His defeat was due to the fact that Gen
eral Nil used a famous Jlu-jltsu trick on
him. Nil fell to the mat and during the
struggle for holds got the famous jlu-jltsu
strangle hold on Thompson, and then,
falling backward, burled his foot in
Thompson's throat. The soldier tried to
break the hold by bouncing Nil on the
mat, but the Jap refused to be torn loose,
and ho soon had Thompson strangled into
submission. Thompson Is anxious again
to meet General Nil and Is still willing
to trust to the American style of wres
tling as against the jlu-jltsu. Taking
the whole performance, it was a success.
Multnomah Men Working Hard for
New Year Game.
The Multnomah team put in a, hard
hour's practice last night, all the men
showed up and the work wnnt smoothly.
Plowden Stott, Stanford's quarter and
formerly Multnomah's quarter, was out
with the team and helped with the coach
ing. He taught the team a couple of
Stanford's best ground-gaining plays, and
these will bo worked against? Seattle next
Pratt and Stow showed up especially
well, and Captain Dowllng, in spite of the
Injuries he received at Seattle two weeks
ago, was In the game all the time, and If
his sora shoulder gets well as fast as ho
expects It to, ho will play his usual fine
game. He was unfortunato in going Into
the game last Monday with a badly
wrenched shoulder, which kept him from
doing his best, but the team hopes to see
him in shape to play against Seattle. In
case he Is not, Stott, who took his place
against O AC, will play that end, so
the club will' be well provided for at any
Lonergan and Horan, two of the best
backs Multnomah has ever had, showed
their mettle also, and the way they worked
their plays bodes no good for the aggre
gation from the Sound City. Keller at
center will be the fixture for Monday
and Dolph will play his usual brilliant
game at fullback.
It is up to Multnomah to put her strong
est team. In against Seattle, as Seattle de
feated Multnomah 5 to 0 In Seattle on, De
cember 17, and unless Multnomah can play
a better game than she did at that time
the wearers of the "blue and white" will
turn the trick again. Seattle will send
down a stronger team than the one that
defeated Multnomah in Seattle, and the
game promises to be one of the hardest
and fiercest struggles played on the local
gridiron this season and after the Mult-nomah-O.
A. C. match, this Is saying a
great deal.
Seattle Athletic Club Makes Changes
for New Year's Game.
SEATTLE. Wash., Dec. 29. (Special.)
Lawrence Bogle, an "old Seattle High
School boy, who missed the team at Stan
ford this year because Wellcr crowded
him out, will accompany the Seattle Ath
letic Club eleven to Portland, and may
be used either In the line or behind It.
Bogle Is In his second yea'r at Stanford
and has Improved on his form he showed
here while with the High School team.
Being home for the holidays, he turned
out last night at practice with the Ath
lete Club team, and showed up well In
his work.
Bogle will be played In ono of the tack
- -
- -
- -
17. Mr
les, or at end, if he Is put in the line, and
at either half or full If he .goes bohind tha
line. The Athletic Club Is planning new
line-ups for offensive and defensive play,
and it may be that Bogle will' be used In
two positions.
The High School boys still with, tho
lower school team are going to Portland
with the club delegation. Ike Dowd, tha
165-pound left end of the High School
team, will be in tne same position with
the club. Dowd is a good, aggresslvo
player, and a tower of strength on de
fensive play. Lewis, a second High School
boy. goes along as a substitute, and may
go In at either tackle or end.
Aside from Dr. Roller, the star of the
Multnomah game here, the club draw3
on the State University for two local lads
who wll bo in the team at Portland Sat
urday. These are: Tom McDonald, de
fensive quarter and offensive left guard,
and Dan Pullen. who will be sent- either
to tackle or end. Both Pullen and Mc
Donald were In the university team this
year, and both are In good condition.
The definite line-up of the Seattle Ath
letic Club has not been agreed upon, and
it is likely there will be a number of Im
portant changes ovor tho team that met
Multnomah before. All these changes will
serve to strengthen it, for the cream of
finished men is being chosen for the In
vasion. THE DAY'S RACES.
Results at New Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 29. Tho results
today were:
Seven furlongs Pawtucket won, James
H. Reed second, Harpoon third; time,
1:30 3-o.
One mile Gravina won, Bengal second.
Homestead third; time. 1:42.
One mile and one-sixteenth Foremast
won, Gregor K. second, Court Maid third;
time. 1:48 4-5.
Six and one-half furlongs Aurevoir
won. Vestry second, Heldern third; time,
1:21 1-5.
FIve furlongs Triple Silver won. Oris
kany second, Baywood third; time. 1:01 4-5.
Six and one-half furlongs Moorish Dam
sol won. Antimony second. Midge third;
time, 1:21 3-5. '
No Favorites Won at Ascot.
LOS ANGELES. Dec. 29. The 18 books
at Ascot today had an easy time of it, as.
every favorite was bowled over with reg
ularity. There were no features except
tho winning of Red Damsel, at 20 to 1. In
the first race. Hlldebrand was fined $100
for crowding and cutting off Cerro Santa
with Interlude In the second race. The
weather was clear and the track fast.
One mile Red Damsel won, Varro sec
ond. Great Eastern third; time. 1:42.
Six furlongs Durbar wop, Cerro Santa
second. Interlude third; time, 1:134.
Silver Slipper handicap, one mile Elie
won. Princess Tulane second, Evea G.
third; time. 1:40.
Slauson course Tim Hurst won, Joe
Kelly second, Anona third: time, 1:10.
One mile and one-sixteenth Blissful
Mp-- have Elgin Watches. "Timemakers and Timekeepers," H
WfM? an illustrated history of, sent free upon request to
Girls' Coats
Are TAILOR MADE. About 50 in the lot, to
be closed out at ONE-THIRD LESS.
$12.00 GIRLS' COATS AT S7.95
$10.00 GIRLS' COATS AT $6.65
$8.00 GIRLS' COATS AT $5.35
$5.00 GIRLS' COATS AT 3.35
Boys5 Sweaters
$1.00 Sweaters ..65 p $1.50 Sweaters -98T
$2.00 Sweaters 1.35
won, McG-athiana Prince second, Akela
third; tim 1:46.
Seven furlongs Lomred won. Golden
Light second, The Major third; time,
Three Favorites Land Money.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 29. Today's
card at Emeryville had no special fea
ture. Three favorites landed money. The
Five furlongs Bronze Wing won. Emma
Rubold second, Troy -third; time. 1:02.
Six furlongs Sad Sam won, Sol Llch
tensteln second, Mlmo third; time. 1:14.
One mile Adirondack won. Barney
Dreyfus second. Batidor third; time. 1:43.
Five and one-half furlongs A. Musko
day won, Piatt second. Smithy Kane
third; time, 1:08.
Futurity course Dainty won, Mistys
Pride second, Martinmas third; time, 1:10.
One mile and one-sixteenth StlHcho
won. Budd Wade second, Sunny Shore
third; time, IMS.
Domlnick to Ride for Smathers for
Six Thousand Dollars.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 29. (Special.)
James Hnnby has closed a contract with
Sam Hildreth for the services of Jockey
Eddie Dominick for next year. The con
tract was made by Hildreth for E. E.
Smathers,. and dates from January 7 to
November 5. The price paid for first call
on Dominlck's services for that period is
$6000. Domlnick will also be paid for all
of his mounts.
Hildreth has a string of over 30 coming
2-year-olds that are said to be the finest
in the country. He has sold them all io
E. E. Smathers, but will have entire
charge of their racing. Dominick has not
been riding here In many races, for the
reason that ho finds It too hard to reduce
his weight in this climate.
Arrangements Under Way for Cham
pionship Meet.
The Peerless Athletic Club is attempting
to hold an amateur boxing contest for
the championship of the Pacific Coast and
the Pacific Northwest. Entries are now
being received and the leading amateur
athletic clubs of the Coast have been in
formed by Fred Mullcr, of the Peerless
Club, of his intentions. He intends hold
ing contests some time late in January
in feather, light, middle and heavy-weight
classes, and expects local men as well
as talent from Washington and California
to take part.
At the Peerless Club tonight there will
be a contest for the feather-weight cham
pionship of the club between Fred Dcm
mitt arid Jim Dranga.
Patience I thought you had a collie- dog?
Patrice 1 did before I moved. "But this
is a daschund?" "Yes. 1 had to make a
change: the ceilings are so low." Yonkers