THE MORXIXG OKEGOSIAN. FHIDAY. DECEMBER SO, 1904 TELLS THE JOT BingenHermann Ends His Testimony. BROWHELL IS ALSO HEARD United States Marshal thews Is Called, Mat- HENRY MEbDRUM TESTIFIES" Federal Grand Jury Will Be In Ses sion Three-Weeks More Only In dictments of Lesser lmpor- tance This -Week. The Federal grand Jury ;may be doing a great deal but It Is making but very little noise about It. Up to this time It has been possible, to a greatcr-or a lesser, extent, to judge, from the personnel of those who were summoned to give their testimony, something of the nature of what they would say to the Jurors. This time has now passed, und no one outside of tho grand-jury room an conjecture with any reasonable' degree of certainty Just what subjects are up for considera tion. Sonator Mitchell has finished with what he had to say, and so has Mr. Hermann, and the witnesses now being summoned are those whose connection with the cases is not known from any former trial or public proceeding. Mr. Hermann's Testimony Ends. Blnger Hermann finished his testimony yesterday morning at 11:30 and will not be recalled before the jury again. He resumed his conference in the morning when tho Jury convened for the session of the day, and was closeted with the inves tigating body the rest of the forenoon. When ho left he bade each man farewell and seemed not to have been greatly dis turbed by what had been said or done during his stay in the roomJ Baldus Gildner, formerly a cigar manu facturer of Portland, but now a resident of Dallas, was tho first witness called at the. afternoon session of the jury. Mr. Glldner"s connection with the land-fraud cases is a mystery, as" he has not been mentioned up to this time. He was in the room for some time, and when he came out, left immediately after having received his discharge from further at tendance from Mr. Heney. George C. Browneil Appears. State Senator George C. Browneil, of Oregon City, put in an appearance at the j Courthouse at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and went into seclusion irr the bailiff's room, whore he talked of the organization of the Legislature until called before the j Jury at 3 o'clock. The Senator remained In the room but a very few minutes, and when he emerged was as affable and un ruffled as usual and loft the building im mediately for his home. There Is some speculation as to what connection Mr. Browneil has with the case at this time, and the shortness of his stay was a sur prise to those who were watching In the corridor. Henry Meldrum, who has been before i the public in connection with his conduct while holding the office of United States Survoyor-Goneral, was the next witness following Senator Browneil. His stay was also short, and when he left the room I'nited States Marshal Matthews was called as the next witness. W. F. Matthews Called. Mr. Matthews' was the last witness of , the day, remaining before the Jury for over half an hour. It is stated that his rcsumony naa notning to do directly with I he land-fraud cases, but had simply to 3o with some points desired to be cleared up before further advance was made in the deliberations of the jury. After Mr. Matthews had left the room no other witnesses were called, but the remaining time was taken up by discus sion in which Mr. Heney seemed to take the leading part A short time after 4 o'clock the Jury adjourned for the night and will again meet this morning at 10 o'clock. George Sorensen, who Is under indict ment, has returned from his Eastern trip but has not as yet given the 54000 bond asked by the court. He appeared before the United States Marshal yesterday morning and promised to have secured his bond by today, and was therefore given until this morning to secure the amount asked for. Mr. Sorensen is tieep lj grieved that he has been brought into the land conspiracies, and states that all his deeds will be placed in a fair and favorable light in a short time, and that he has no fear of what may come. S. B. Ormsby Gets Bonds. S. B. Ormsby has secured signers to his bond among his- neighbors at Salem, and will be down this morning to deposit his surety with the clerk of the court. He was allowed to have a day in which to return to his home, in order to secure his ball among his friends In his home town. Dr. W. H. Davis, of Albany, will reach Portland this morning with his bond for 54000. having secured It among his friends and business associates in Albany. Henry Young is supposed to bo in Cali fornia, but It is not thought that he will return to Portland for trial. As the crime for which he is Indicted la not an extra ditable one, it is very doubtful as to whether or not ho will ever be brought to face the charge against him. There are others, besides, who are of more im portance to the case of tho Government at this time, and no especial effort will be wasted on tho former football player from Astoria. Sessions to Last Three Weeks. Tho grand jury will in all probability bo In session for three weeks more. Judging from what seems to be the course of tho Government. There are many witnesses to bo brought before the body who have not as yet been brought to Portland, and some df them will need time in which to tell what they know about the situation. Mr. Heney has delayed his intended de parture for Washington for another month and will not leave Portland until some time in February. After the land-fraud cases have been finished, there are other matters which will bo brought up by Dis trict Attorney HalL It Is not expected that indictments will be returned against Senator Mitchell and Mr. Hermann, If any are returned, until during the coming week. As far as is known but little evidence has been given relating to the charges which It is thought will be brought against the two Congress men. It is probable, however, that some indictments or a lesser Importance may bo returned during the latter part of this week or the first of next Heir to Wealth Is Missing. NEW TORK. Dec. 29. Heirs to the es tate of Jacob Lawson, a manufacturer who died recently from accidental asphyxia tion at his. home in Brooklyn, are seek ing to locate his son, Edward J.. sup posed to be somewhere In the West. Law son, who was supposed to be only fairly well off, was found to have left an estate amounting to 51,500,000. to be divided among three sons and a daughter. The missing son, Edward, Is said to have gone to Cali fornia some years ago, after a disagree ment 'with the father, but recently was heard from In St. Louis. SEEN TO CLIMB TEE MOUNTAIN Franklin and Mrs. Bouton Were Often Seen Together. ' COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Dec 29. Many new clews were received by the po lice today to strengthen and verify the information which they already bad as to the time Milton Franklin, alias Bouton, was in this city in company with Mrs: Bessie Bouton, believed to be the victim of the Mount Cutler murder. The last trace the police have of the couple dates back to. October 20. Shortly prior to this they are known to have takn several drives In the direction of neyenne uanyon, ana were seen oy citi zens who now remember the description of the couple. They were also seen climb "ing the sides of Cutler Mountain. The efforts of the police are now directed to ascertaining the time when Franklin left this city and whether alone or accompan ied by Mrs- Bouton. Movements of Mrs. Bouton. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Dec 29. Proceeding on the theory that the- vic tim of the Cutler Mountain murder' 'is none other than Mrs. Bessie - Bouton, the Chief of Police is engaged In check ing up the movements of Mrs. Bouton and Milton Franklin from the time they arrived in -Denver. The results so far attained, in brief, are these: '''The couple arrived in Denver May 15, and left there on July 13. They arrived in Salt Lake City tho following day, and left two days later for the Pacific Coast. They arrived in Santa Barbara about the middle of August, and left there the latter part of 'that month. They finally reached New Orleans, but from there the Chief has been unable to trace them. Nor has he been able to learn the time of their arrival In this city, 'or where they stopped while here. The conclusion has been reached that the woman was murdered on one of the last four days of November, and that the deed was committed by Franklin, who is probably In the safe seclusion of London. Eng land, by this time." MBS. CHAD WICK MAY LEAVE JAIL Bail Is Said to Be Ready When She Gives the Word. CLEVELAND, Dec. 29. The Plaindealer tomorrow will print the following: It was reliably stated last night that Mrs. Cassie L. Chadwlck will be released on bail within a few days. At least, an effort will be made in that direction. Mrs. Chadwick herself has expressed her desire to terminate her residence In the county's bastile, and, according to her attorney. Jay P. Dawley, she alone has the deciding ballot on the question. "Ball can be given In ample quantity." declared Dawley. "The minute she wants to she will be released on bail." Mrs. Chadwlck Is reported to have said last night her original reasons for refus ing, bail no longer exist and she Is now ready to avail herself of the proffered aid. Alienist Visits Mrs. Chadwick. CLEVELAND Dec 29. Dr. a T. Alrt- rlch, an alienist, called upon Mrs. Chad wlck at the. County Jail today and had a conierence with ner. Dr. Aldrlch has been called as an expert in a number of criminal cases heretofore whrrn h defense claimed Insanity. The visit of Dr. Aldrlch today is taken to indicate the line of defense that will be set up In Mrs. Chadwlck's caee. Resigns as Warden. OLTMPIA. Wash.. Dec 29. fSnerinl 1 F. A. Dryden, warden of the state peni tentiary, nas directed a letter to the State Board of Control tendering his TesIrnnHnn as warden, to take effect immediately up on the Inauguration of the new adminis tration, or as soon thereafter as his suc cessor can qualify. Chairman Grant Neal, or tne board, declined to give, out any reasons for the resignation, If any are mentioned by Mr. Drydten. HEADACHES PROM COLDS. Laxative Bromo Quinine removes the causa. To cpf thn iritnnin --ill v, ..n . look lor the signature of EL TV". Grove. 25c DEBUTANTES AND FINE MUSIC Alexander Farewell Concert One of Season's Notable Events FAREWELL CONCERT. Quartet from the song cycle. "In. a Persian Garden," (Liza Lehmann), Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, Mrs Walter Reed, Arthur L. Alexander, and Dom J. Zan; sone, "O, That We Two Were Maying," '(Nevln), and "Gon dolier's Sontr," (De Koven), Mrs. An na Selkirk Norton; prologue from "II PaBllacd" (Leoncavallo) Dom J. Zan; Aria from "Tonnhauser," "Dlch The tire Halle" (Wagner), Mrs. Rom Bloch Bauer; songs, "FrUche Briso," (Max Strange), "Don Juan's Sere nade. (Tschalkowsky), "A Toi," (Bomberg). A L. Alexander; "Largo," (JIandel-Damrosch), and "Absent," (Godard), Orpheus Male Chorus: "Pastorale In E minor," (Scarlatti), and "En" Courant," (Godard), Mrs. William A. Knight; scene and rondo, (Cbe Faro Scnza Eurldlce." (Gluck), Mrs. Norton; aria from "Joan of Arc," "Farewell. Te Htllff," (Tschalkoweky), Mrs. Fletcher Linn; duct and quar tet from "In a Persian Garden," (Leh mann). Mrs Bauer, Mrs Reed, Mr. AlezandeV and Mr. Zan; song, "Lo Chevalier Bolle-Etoile," (Augusta Holmes), Mrs. "Walter Reed; three songs. "Dream Song From 'Manon " (Massenet). "Ich GrolU Nicht," (Schumann), "Amour, Amour." (Alex ander), A. L. Alexander. Shakespeare In his "Romeo and Juliet" says: "Good night, good night; parting Is such sweet sorrow." And the farewell concert given last night at the White Temple before a large society audience, composed principally of musical people, was an eloquent "good-bye" to the guest of the occasion, Arthur L. Alexander, tenor and accompanist, who leaves this city early next month to make his home In Paris, France, where he will further perfect himself in his studies. Alas, on many occasions when musi cal es are given. It is difficult to fill a hall with people when moderate prices are charged, and it Is a remarkable tribute to the popularity of Mr. Alexander and those who appeared with him on the same plat form that the church -was filled last night with people who paid $1 apiece to be present The concert is one of the most memorable of tho season, from the ex cellence of the music and from the num ber of debutantes who made their flrat appearance before the public and pleased. Mr. Alexander, naturally, was, the center of friendly attention, and this gifted young musician probably got the recep tion of his life. He 'was down on the pro gramme for six songs, and each time he was vociferously encored. His voice Is stronger than when he first sang at a private musicale at the Hobart-Curtis, September 13, and although It Is sweet and tender in quality. It lacks resonant power. But this will all arrive with the coming years, as Mr. Alexander is still a youth. In his songs he showed mastery of both German and French, his encores being Clay's "I'll Sing Tho Songs of Araby," and Jan Gall's "Maidens With ELOPERS ARE TAKEN .Runaway. Couple From Seattle Is Arrested, GIRL IS SIXTEEN YEARS OLD G.'M.. Landerking, Age 50, Meets His Love ja Tacoma, and They Go to The Dalles to Be , y . .TMarried. " WJien , detectives arrested G.'M. Lan derking, .50 years old, yesterday, on a charge of kidnaping, It story of the clope- C. M. LANDERKING AND HELEN BASKETT LANDERKING. ment of a pretty 15-year-old girl, a meet ing in Tacoma, a flight to The Dalles, final marriage and return to Portland, was brought to light. The prlsonor as serts his innocence, as does also the wife, but today he will be taken back to Seat tle, where the girl's parents have pre ferred charges against him. The father, M. A. Baskett, of Seattle, is the complainant. The arrest was made by Detectives Hartman and Vaughn, upon telegraphic instructions from Chief of Po lice Delaney, of Seattle. Although able to prove tho marriage and to show that the girl Is his wife, he was held at the City Jail by order of Chief Hunt, and slept In a cell last night. His wife occupied quarters In the receiv ing home of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, as there Is no fit place for an innocent woman in Portland's city prison. Landerking and his wife, formerly Miss Helen Baskett, were willing to talk of the affair, and at police headquarters the prisoner related his side ot the whole the Lips So Rosy." At least the Bemberg and Schumann numbers on the pro gramme last night were also sung by him at his musicale last September, but they were none the worse for another hearing. It is a treat to listen to a slngor who so artistically plays his own accompaniments and Invests all his work with such deft, clever touches. Mrs. Norton, contralto, in making her first public appearance here, met with a cordial reception, and her deep, mellow contralto voice was heard with pleasure In tho ever-loved Nevln's "O That We Two Were Maying." Her tone Js a good, even one, and no doubt many vocal stu dents envied Mrs. Norton her calm, col lected platform manner and hcr distinct enunciation. Her encore was a careful repetition of tho Nevln number. Mrs. Fletcher Linn is not known as a concert singer here, and she. showed marked prog ress In her art by tho fine Interpretation she showed in the "Joan of Arc" num ber. Her voice is a pleasant one and she throws a warmth Into her singing that is commendable. Her encore was a number, like Tschalkowsky's selection, that Li not well known here, Walthew's "May Day." Mrs. William A. Knight, planiste, ought to play more in public, as she Is a most welcome addition to Portland's piano so loists. Her touch Is a dainty one, and her work full of pleasant light and shade, with skillful technique. Her encore was Nevin's "Shepherds All and Maidens Fair." The Orpheus male chorus, Mr. Alexan der, conductor, turned out 15 voices, and the singers can be congratulated on the fine impression they made. True, people expected more singers In the chorus, but the boys sang so well last night that the absent ones whoever they are wero not missed. The chorus was best In unaccom panied work, and showed a beauty of ex pression and attention to piano and forte effect that was pleasing. The encore was "Marching." by Brahms. The Alexander quartet Mrs. Bauer, Mrs. Reed, Mr. Al exander and Mr. Zan covered itself with everj- mark of popular favor. The voices blended well In the Lehmann selections, and It is too bad that tho quartet has met only to part. Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, in einging Wagner's "Dlch Theure Hallo," chose a most ambitious number, but in her most dramatic singing she invested the number with a fire and triumphant Joy that Gadski did not venture to give. Mrs. Bauer caught the true Wagner spirit, and her top notes were admirable. Her en core was "The Tears at tho Spring" (Beach). Mrs. Reed excelled herself in the Massenet selection, and was- In grand voice. She received a tempestuous double recall, and was forced to sing two. songs Mayhew's "Shoggy Shoo" and "Kevin's "The Nightingale and the Rose" before the audience would allow her to go. She never made a better appearance here. Dom J. Zan again sang the prologue from "II PagliaccI" better than before. Invest ing the work with fire and emphasis. His encore waa Allltson's "KIng Duncan'3 Daughter." Edgar E. Coursen was the principal accompanist, and A. T. Baldwin played a piano accompaniment during the Handcl-Damrosch number. So the Alexander farewell concert has passed Into history. Nearly every number was encored and the audience a most en thusiastic one story. He Is close to 59 years old, and seems deeply In love with his bride of 16. Frequently while narrating his experi ences, ho would turn to her and seek affirmation of bis. statements. He was never disappointed,, for she would quickly corroborate him In every detail. "Blackmailer," Says Landerking. "This Is simply' a blackmailing scheme qn the part of Helen's parents," said Landerking. "They, have been opposed, to our marriage ever since I refused to pay them 5150 In cash and sign a receipt for several hundred dollars more which they took, from Helen. I am willing to return and face them, for the truth will not hurt me. It will hurt them. This Is a long story, but reflects, no credit upon them, I tell you." Here Landerking turned to his wife, who sat beside him. "That's right, isn't it?" ho asked of her. She said it was, and told him to go ahead and tell all. ; Owns Claims on Tanana. "I am a marine engineer," continued Landerking, "and for some years have been navigating boats on the Yukon River, While lnAIaska I made the best of the opportunity and staked some claims. I, have one on the Tanana for which I was recently offered J30,!00. I refused to sell for It is worth many times that. I also have property at Nome. "I was at Seattle during last March, and It was then that Helen and I became engaged. I had spent considerable money In one way and another at the old. folks' home, and they seemed to like me and had no objection, apparently, to the match. I had to return North, but before going, made Helen a present of a piano, but made It In the name of her parents. I remained in Alaska several months, during which I sent Helen sums of money. One time I sent her a check for $253. With this she was to purchase everything need ed for the wedding. Well, when I re turned, I found out her parents had made her give them all of the money I had sent. More than that, they had com pelled her to turn from me and to say she would have nothing further to xio with me. "By investigation I learned that Helen's parents had used the money I sent her to purchase a team of horses and somo furniture. Three weeks ago things came to a crisis. I had to leave Seattle, but Helen told me she would follow me every where I went. Sho kept her word. We met In Tacoma, where I had gone to secure work, and then arranged to be married at The Dalles, where she had friends. We became man and wife there on December 17." SET EIRE TO HIS BED. Nathan Hart Arrested for Attempted Arson of American House. Apparently demented, and caught In the act of an attempt to set fire to tho Ameri can House, on Third street, between Davis, and Everett streets, Nathan Hart was taken to tho Police Station at 3 o'clock this morning. r Hart had secured a room In the hotel for the night and at a late hour retired. Shortly afterward three men, who hap pened to bo In the hallway, detected an odor of smoke, and upon investigation found It to be In Hart's room. After gain ing an entrance to the room they found that the kerosene lamp had been upset on the bed with the purpose evidently of setting the house on fire. The fire was put out immediately and luckily before any damage was done. Upon the call for rullrc, Oflicci Jones responded and took Hart to the Central Station where he Is held for hearing today. PERSONAL MENTION. Rev. Myron Coolcy, formerly editor of the Pacific Baptist, of this city, Is In Portland on his way to North Dakota, where he goes to accept tho appointment of superintendent of missioRs of that state. He will be In charge df all Baptist churches in North Dakota, and the post Is an Important one. Mr. Cooley will preach at Imrnanuel Baptist Church Sunday morning. He has been engaged In min isterial work in San Pedro. Cal., during the eight months since leaving Portland. Get Legacy From Michigan. SALEM, Or., Dec 29. (Special.) News -was received here today that an estate In Grand Rapids, Mich., valued at ?60.000, has come Into the possession of C W. Parrlsh, of Burns; Halllo Par rlsh Hinges and Nina Parrlsh, of Salem; and Mrs. E. L Cox, of Seattle. The property was willed to them several years ago, but was subject to a life in terest held by a cousin, .who recently died. The property consists of a hotel, which was sold today for $60,000. Portage Road Contract Signed. SALEM. Or., Dec. 29.-(Special.)-The Portage Railway Commission today signed tho contracts awarded last Monday for the construction and equipment of the portage road between The Dalles and Celilo. The contracts will be taken to Portland tomorrow morning to be signed by the contractors. When Yon Hare a Cold. When troubled with a cold give Cham berlain's Cough Remedy a" trial. It al ways cures and is pleasant and safe to take. The enormous sale of this remedy at home and abroad for more than a quarter of a century Is certainly sufficient guarantee of Its superior excellence. For ale by all druggists. COST IS NOT HIGH F. M. Butler Defends Bridge - Company's Charges. MAYOR ASKS FOR MORE FACTS He Wants' to Know Actual Amount of Mdney Paid by Pacific Con struction Company for Steel Stringers.- The bridge commltteo of the Execu tive .Board met In tha Mayor's reception room at the City Hall yesterday afternoon to take under consideration Expert Charles S. Blhler's report and the charges of George H. Howell relating to alleged mismanagement In the substitution of steel for wooden stringers on the Morrison street bridgo. Those present were Mayo Williams, City Engineer W. C. Elliott, Whitney L. Boise, Rodney L Glisan, H. W. Goddard and H .C. Wortman, tho committee, and F. M. Butler, representing the Pacific Construction Company. His Honor opened the meeting by read ing an explanatory communication from Mr. Butler to the effect that in bidding for the substitution of steel for wood stringers In the Morrison-street bridge, the Pacific Construction Company had used the same basis of figuring as In the original contract, and they were therefore justified in their bid of $37,170. Regarding the findings of Expert Blhlor the epistle explained that his figures were based upon the current prices of steel existing at that time, and as the Pacific Construction Company "was under con tract with the American Bridge Company to purchaso all material for tho Morrison-street bridge, they were necessarily forced to pay for the substituted steel stringers at the American Bridge Com pany's rate on previous purchases. Relating to George H. Howell, the let ter Implied that he was attempting to dis credit his fellow-members of the Execu tive Board and stated that Mr. Howell's charges were absolutely without founda tion and an unjust attack. After reading the letter. His Honor stat-. cd that fie did not deem it sufficlently expliclt and had requested Mr. Butler to prepare a more detailed statement ac knowledging the money paid the American Bridge Company and other Incidental ex penses Incurred by his company in the construction of the bridge. "When can you give us that statement, Mr. Butler?" asked Whitney L. Boise. "Well," replied Mr. Butler, "of course, you know, gentlemen, such a statement as that will necessitate considerable study and I must go over the entire matter care fully. We are not willing to withhold anything, but any figures I could now give offhand would be mere suppositions and not accurate. This substitution contract must be made to bear Its proportion of the contingent expenses, which naturally arise In a proposition of this magnitude. We have expended, to say roughly, $60,000 for contingent expenses from the time we started work up to today expenses that are purely contingent ones, and may not be charged to the raw material or to any part of the bridge. "For instance, the other day we had to tow a schooner through the draw, one of the conditions settled upon us by the United States Government, as you know. As I was saying, we agreed to take this loaded schooner through the draw. For the purpose of accomplishing such things as this wo have to maintain a tugboat at the bridge, which is another contin gent expense. Our boat carried the schooner's bowline and an O. R. & N. boat was supposed to have had a stern line. Such was not the case, however. Thero was a heavy current on this par ticular day and a down-river wind. As the schooner was coming through the draw .her towllne broke and she crashed helplessly Into the Sarah Dixon, and that she did not totally wreck this boat was little short of miraculous. Damage was done to the extent of $800. It is not fair to figure Just the cost of labor and ma terials and a small percentage of profit. Such contingent expenses as I have Just cited, the cost of getting tho material here, getting it to and putting it in the bridge, are all Included In our figures. We work under different conditions here than in the East. We shall give you a detailed account of all our expenditures as soon as wo find It possible." "Then, Mr. Butler," said Rodney L. Glisan, "according to you, that clause of 15 per cent and the cost of material and labor doe3 not apply to the substitution of the stringers." "If you had not anticipated that th change would not be termed 'extra,' " re plied Mr. Butler, "you would not have stated specifically In your specifications, 'unless otherwise agreed.' We absolutely would not have taken a contract of such magnitude for 15 per cent and the cost of material." "As the specifications provided for tho change,' Interposed Mayor Williams, "in my opinion It seems ridiculous to call the steel stringers 'extras.' "When the provision was made," con tinued His Honor, "It was not supposed that the substitution of the steel for wood would come under the head of extras. Mr. Blhler said 'that wood would answer.' but I beg to differ with him, regardless of his standing as an engineer. We made a correct decision when we concluded to make the change, finding, as we did, that wo had sufficient funds at our disposal to rpV th stiMtutIon." "I do not think," said Mr. Glisan, "that there Is any question as to tho steel being better than wood, and I feel that we are fortunate In getting an original bid for less than our appropriation." Mr. Wortman feaid that some time ago vigorous protests were made to tho effect that ti.e rac.iic tuiisuuciioii Company naa used spurious materials in the Morrison street bridge, and upon Investigation it was found that the charges were wholly unbased, and, quite contrary to expecta tions, It was discovered that the materi als were as good as the specifications re quired. The bridge matter was finally tabled un til Mr. Butler can prepare his second statement, when a special meeting will That sparkling, beady tang be longs exclusively to Gold Seal The champagne of clubman and connoisseur. It contains the corked up essence of the sunbeams from America's most highly cultivated vineyards. Equals quality of French wines costs only half. Two kinds, Special Dry Brut. Sold by all leading gro cers and Tvine merchants. Urhana Wine Company. Urbana, New York. Sole Maker. For 1 by Blunjauer & Hoch. S. A. Arata. &. Co.. and J. M. Gellert. Lea & Perrins Sauce THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Seasoning: Man's heart is reached through his stomach. Thft woman who wishes to surprise and please her husband will add to the dipping mixture one teaspoonful of Lea ( Perrins' Sauce. be called . to take the letter under con sideration. WILL NOT INCORPORATE. Mount Tabor Votes to Continue as a Suburb. A mans meeting of the citizens of Mount Tabor, held last night. In the Bap tist Church, under the auspices of the Mount Tabor Improvement Association, to discuss the question of Incorporation, voted that it waa the sense of the meet ing' that It would be unwise to incorporate. This vote was about 3 to 1 against Incor poration. H. Q. Piatt presided, and at the opening George H. Andrews, chairman of the com mittee which prered tho charter, made a short talk explaining the provisions of the charter and showing the safeguards It threw around the property-owner. Fol lowing the statement, by Mr. Andrews came a very he'ated discussion. C. "W. Gay, who has been a resident of Mount Tabor for 40 years,, spoke against incorporation, and said he could not see any possible advantage to come out of It It could not hasten the time when the people could get Bull Run water, and he said he had It from tho members .df the Portland Water Committee that water could not bo supplied Mount Tabor until another pipe line should be laid to the head works. Mr. Gay remarked that Mount Tabor was really a part of Port land, and that its prosperity depended on tho prosperity ot Portland, and that If any change In present conditions were to be made it would be far better to be annexed to Portland than to organize an Insignificant little city. Secretary H. W. Hodges, of the Im provement Association, made a long and vigorous speech In favor of incorporation, and said, among other things, that It was In tho direction of progress, and took Mr. Gay to task for calling Mount Tabor an insignificant place, intimating that Mr. Gay was not abreast of the times. . It was plain in the end that the meet ing was strongly against Incorporation. It was announced from the floor that re- t monstrances signed by about 200 voters j were In circulation. Chairman Piatt gave all opportunity to speak on the subject i for or against Incorporation, and then put I the question, the result of which sounded ! the death knell of Incorporation for the J present. ; Boy 'Admits He Robbed Store. t CHBHAL.IS, Wash., Dec. 29. (Special.) Louis Marshall, the 17-year-old boy who was picked up by the Portland police, has , been returned to Sheriff Urquhart charged with robbing Ratkowskl's store at Napa- , vine two weeks ago. The boy admits his guilt, and will plead guilty when brought to trial. Six of the housekeeping questions are settled : tu oe&M baking-powder favoring extnets spista eda and settled for good. Schilling's Best at you! grocer's; moneyback. potency thoroughly cured. No failure. Cure guaranteed. -., YOUNG MUIV troubled with night emissions, dreams, exhausUng drains. bashfulness. aversion to society, which deprive you of your manhood. UNFITS. YOU for BUSINESS OR MARRIAGE. MIDDLE-AGED MEN, who from excesses and strains have lost their MAJBLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, Syphilis Gonorrhoea., painful, bloody urine. Gleet Stricture Enlarged Prostate, Sexual Debility, Varicocele. Hydrocele, Kid ney and Liver troubles cured without MERCURY OR OTHER POISONOUS DRUGS. Catarrh and rheumatism CURED. Dr Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He U6es no patent nos trums or ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical treatment. His New Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent free to all men who de scribe their trouble. PATIENTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered In plain envelops. Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on or address DR. WALKER, 181 First Street, Corner Yamhill, Portland, Or. Doctors of the St Louis STl Dispensary SPECIALISTS IN DISEASES OP MEN VARICOCELE, HYDROCELE practice in Portland prove that our methods ot treat ment are safe and certain. The Maiter Special!! Call at our offices or write, and If we And that you ef ForUaad, who core cannot be cured we will NOT accept your money Baea only, who UNDER ANY CONDITIONS t and if we nnd you are patient personally. curable we will guarantee a SAFE AND POSITIVE Established 1879. CURE In the shortest possible time, without Injurious after effects. Our charges will be as low as possible for conscientious, skillful and successful service. Consult us before consenting to any Burtrical procedure upon Important blood vessels and organs. SPECIAL HOME TREATMENT. It you cannot call write us. Always la close ten 2-cent stamps for reply. OFFICE HOURS! 8A.31.tuSP. M.; SUNDAYS 10 to S ONLY. THE DR. KESSLER St. Louis Scaiand Dispensary Cor. Second and Yamhill Streets, Portland, Or. Fried Oysters. MatexiaIs; One egg slightly beaten, one tablespoonful of oyster liquor, twenty-five, oysters, fine stale bread crumbs. JOHN DUNCAN'S 50NS, Agent, NEW VQfcK. Fascakes maa ' of Falcon Self-RWrar Pan cake Flour are seafiy Braccrl ana their quality nerar variM. Falcon. Self-Rising Pancake Flour is tested in our own labcr&tery &ad k war- ; ranted to contain tha most raloafeia iooii portions of wheat, corn aed rys. The , best for the stomach. Tha portion of , each groin adepts Falcon in all sea sons end it suits all storoaahi. cest tor pancakes. Economy Brand Evaporated Gream coes farthest. I because it is most concentrated; i is most nourishing, because richest in cream; most perfect, because most skillfully prepared. Its purify is guaranteed under forfeit of 55,000 to anyone able to prove any adulteration In our product. Twenty Years of Success In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kidney and stomach disorders constipation, diar rhoea, dropsical swellings. Brlght's dlseaso, etc Kidney and Urinary Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, mljky or bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured. Diseases of the Rectum Such as plies, fistula, fissure, ulceration, mucous and bloody discharges, cured without the knife, pain or. of Men Blooa notson. uleet. stricture, unnatural losses, im- NERVOUS DEBILITY BLOOD POISON, RUPTURE, KID NEY AND URINARY DISEASES and all diseases aha weaknesses 01 men, due to in heritance, nuults. excesses, ui tub reauu ux specino diseases. Every man who Is afflicted owes it to himself and his posterity to get cured sately and positively, with out leaving any lilight or weakness In his system. We make no misleading statements or unbusiness like propositions to tne afflicted m order to secure their natronaKe. The many years of our successful