Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 30, 1904, Image 5

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January Clearance Sale
This Sale is meeting with phenomenal success better, in fact,
than we expected. Why? we do just as we say we will no reserve
with us. Every Suit and Ovefeoat reduced, including the staples
Blue Serges and, Black Unfinished, Worsteds. These garments
were-not bought up for this sale but are of the famous Stein-Bloeh
Co. and Hart, Sehaffner & Marx make. - ;
Copyright 1904 by Hart Schaffner 6? Marx
Plan for Exterminating the
Codlin Moth.
If Scheme Is Successful, California
Applegrowers Will Be Greatly
Benefitted by Freedom
From. Hungry Insects.
cial.) The largest consignment of
beneficial parasites ever imported into
California to kill off pests was re
ceived today by Horticultural Coramis
Hloner Cooper.
There were more than 1200 of the
parasites in all. They are all to bo
used for the propagation of the millions
of lice that are expected to extermi
nate the codlin moth in California, and
thereby to add millions of dollars to
the annual value of the apple crop of
this state. They were received from
George Compere, who secured them in
travels In Sputhern Europe. It is be
lieved that they are the proper insects
to do the most good.
The first of the codlin moth destr6y
ers will hatch out In the Ferry build
ing, and the first distributions will be
made among the horticulturists of the
state during the coming year.
Basis of Suits Brought Against Clat
sop County and Sheriff.
ASTORIA, Or., Dec 29. (Special.) A
number of affidavits were filed In the
Circuit Court today by District Attorney
Allen in connection with the suits recent
ly brought by five timber-land syndicates
against Clatsop County and Sheriff Lin
vlllc The principal ones are sworn to by
the members of the County Court and
Board of Equalization, which passed upon
tho 1903 assessment roll. The affidavits
assert that the assessments were made
in good faith, and there was no effort on
the part of the Assessor Or other county
officials to discriminate against the tim
ber land owners; also that heretofore the
timber lands have not borne their just
portion of the county expenses, and the
valuation on them was raised for that
reason. Theaffldavits further assert that
the timber-land owners have at all times
concealed the true cash value of their
holdings, and cite the fact that in nearly
all the transfers of timber lands the con
sideration named Is from 51 to 53. Rela
tive to the selling price of this class of
property, the affidavits cite' the sale of
the Parsons tract near Bugby, which
brought 5125,000, the sale of the Kinney
tract near Big Creek, which brought
552,000, and sever! other deals, showing
that the average selling price Is far above
tho valuations as assessed.'
The petitions asking for temporary in
junctions restraining the Sheriff from
selling the plaintiff's property for taxes
will be argued before Judge McBrlde to
morrow, and should the court decide to
grant the temporary injunctions, the
county's attorneys will ask that the cases
be tried at once.
Publishers Wanted to Stop Directors
Ordering Supplementary Texts.
OLYMPLA, Wash., Dec 29. (Special.)
Seven opinions were handed down by the
Supreme Court today in actions arising
out of acts on the part of the Directors
of the Olympla School District, which. It
was alleged. Impaired the contracts en
tered Into between the State Board of
Education and several publishers for sup
plying uniform text-books to the districts
of the state for a period of five vears,
beginning September 1, 1900.
The suits were applications for injunc
tions to prohibit the directors from
adopting a supplemental course of study
and selecting books for use in addition to
those prescribed in the contracts with the
The actions were brought by Harr
Wagner, Eaton & Co.. the Westland Pub
lishing Company and Rand, McNally &
Co. In connection with these actions, the
district attacked the validity of the con
tracts at large, alleging that they had
been obtained through fraud. When the
Men's Suits, Overcoats
and Raincoats
$12.50 Suits and Overcoats
reduced to $ 9.7o
$15.00 Suits and Overcoats
reduced to $12.15
$i6.50 Suits and Overcoats
reduced to , '...$13.20
$18.00 Suits and Overcoats
reduced to "...14.75
$20.00 Suits and Overcoats
reduced to . ." $16.75
$25.00 Suits and Overcoats
reduced to $19.75
$30.00 Suits and Overcoats
reduced to $24.50
lower court held that the district could
not raise this question, several taxpayers
were Induced to intervene and attack the
contract on the same ground, but their
petitions for" right to intervene were de
nied on the theory that the state was the
only party that could attack the con
tracts. While the Supreme Court upholds the
contracts entered into with the publishers
by the State Board, their validity, in a
true "sense, is not passed upon. Neither
side gains a signal victory, the gist of
the opinions being that neither district
nor taxpayers can attack the validity of
the contract on the ground of fraud, and
that the district has the power to fix a
course of study, to the extent tha such
course of study does not interfere with
existing obligations entered into by the
state in behalf of the district.
The judgments of the lower court, hold
ing that the contract of Harr Wagner
and the Westland Publishing Company
are not Impaired by the adoption of the
supplemental course of study, and deny
ing the. injunction asked for, are affirmed;
while a similar judgment against Eaton
& Co. Is reversed. The judgment of the
lower court giving Rand, McNally & Co.
the injunction prayed for is affirmed.
Flames at Midnight Wipe Out Stores
and Offices Worth 515,000.
GARFIELD, Wash.. Dec 29; (Special.)
At 12 o'clock last night fire destroyed
property in Garfield worth 515,000. The
fire started in the laundry-room of the
Merchants' Hotel, and soon the whole
three-story structure was In flames. The
proprietor had only time to awaken his
family and guests and get them out of
the burning building when It collapsed.
The Garfield Land Company lost its of
fice and all books and valuable, records.
The Inland Empire Company lost its
building. Gwlnn Bros.' building, filled
with furniture, was destroyed. Faulkner
& Carruthors lost their brick property.
Overby & Stivers' meatmarket was dam
aged to the extent of 51200. All the plate
glass windows on the opposite side of the
street were badly damaged. The fire de
partment was on the ground early, and
together with hundreds of citizens, saved
the town from burning down by confining
the fire to the block In which It origin
ated. The hotel loss is 55000, partly cov
ered by insurance.
Cheyenne Indians Not Starving.
HELENA, Mont, Dec 29. Register
Gordon, of the United States Land Office
at Miles City, says that the reports of
starving among the Northern Cheyenne
Indians, at Lame Deer agency, are ex
aggerated. The Indians have been on
half-rations a number of years, and
every Winter the whites complain, as
they do now, that the Indians kill their
siock. josepn jsrown, a leading cattle
man of that section, complains that in
side of a year the Indians have killed
fully 75 cattle Mr. Gordon saw Agent
Clifford, of the agency, a few days ago,
and he knew nothing of trouble on the
Enjoin City Hall Construction.
ABERDEEN, Wrash., Dec. 29. (Spe
cial.) J. B. Dabney and wife have se
cured a temporary injunction against
the City of Aberdeen from DroceecHnir
any further in letting bids and erect
ing a 530,000 city HalL The plaintiffs
are the owners of considerable real
estate and allege that the city is about
to cast an illegal, burden on the tax
payers Dy the creation of an unauthor
ized and unlawful Indebtedness.
Storm on Gray's Harbor.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Ttcc. fRno
clal.) The heaviest wind storm of the
winter, accompanied by a driving rain,
struck tho city late last night, and did
not spend its fury .until early this
morning. An unusually rough time
was experienced on the water, and tho
tide sweat In from tho
highest point. The wind played havoc
with the telephone system and many
wires were aown.
Snake With Two Heads.
PHILOMATH. Or.. Dpi?. 2!K fRnoMoi -v
Arthur Pugsley has on exhibition here
a curious zoological specimen In the shape
of a two-headed snake. The serpent was
cantured by David Chesliv aig-
It appears to be of the garfer type, being
aoour. eignt incnes long. Two perfectly
developed heads terminate the ophidian,
marking It as an anomaly In biological
Blue River DistrictBusy.
EUGENE, Or., Dec 29. (Special.) Min
ers coming down from the Blue River
district report the .Lucky Boy mill has
shut down and that the company is de
voting most of-Its time to further devel
opment of the mine. With 40 stamps run-
Sam'l Rosenblatt
ning It was found difficult to keep the
mill supplied with ore, hence more de
velopment was .necessary to increase the
facilities for supplying the crusher. Other
mines in" the district are working as us
ual, the snow that has fallen up to the
present time not being sufficient to in
terfere with the work to any extent.
Five Thousand Feet of New Trestle
Washed Out.
ASTORIA, Or., Dec 29. (Special.)
Nearly all of the Jetty trestle at the mouth
of the river" has now been destroyed.
During the past few months several sec
tions of the structure were carried away,
but it was principally of the old portion
that had been condemned. Last night,
however, over 5000 feet of the trestle that
was constructed last season was torn
down by the gale and heavy seas, leaving
only about 500 feet-at the extreme outer
end standing. As that section Is now en
tirely without support from the shore.
there is every reason to believe that it.
too, will go before the Winter ends. The
damage wrought by" last night's storm
cannot be estimated, for while the jetty
Itself is not injured, the destruction of the
superstructure will so delay operations
that it Is doubtful If any extension work
can be done before the latter part of next
Summer. The gale which struck this
vicinity about 2 o'clock this morning and
which Is responsible for the Injury to the
jetty trestle was an unusually. severe one
The best advertisement for the 1005 Fair that Oregon's people can send to
their friends in the East, will be a jopy of the New Year's Oregonian that
will be published Monday morning next. The illustrations of the beautiful Ex
position buildings and the Exposition grounds will be mode a special feature
of the New Year's number. The paper will be mailed to any address in tho
United States or Canada, postage prepaid, for 10 cents a copy. Address The
Oregonian. Portland, Or. ,
The barometer dropped to 29:15, and the
wind attained a velocity of SO miles per
hour, while the' rain came down In tor
rents, over four Inches falling during the
24 hours ending this morning. Beyond the
breaking of a few windows and signs no
damage was done in the city.
Word was received this evening that
another section of the jetty trestle was
carried away this afternoon. During the
early Winter a force of men was employed
by the Engineers' Department In replac
ing the portion of the trestle that was
destroyed last Fall by building from the
shore end around the gap. This afternoon
about 400 or 500 feet of this new work
was carried away by the gale and the
heavy seas.
Architect Turned Down.
OLTMPIA, Wash., Dec. 29. (Special.)
The Superior Court of Thurston County
has entered a judgment dismissing two
actions brought by W.- A. IRltchle, archi
tect of the Capitol Annex, against the
state. One of these suits was to recover
51400 for designing the furniture for tho
legislative halls. Mr. Ritchie presented
a bill to the last .Legislature for this
work, but it was disallowed. The other
action was to recover 51500 for preparing
plans for alterations In the building
which had been decided upon subsequent
to the adoption of Mr. Ritchie's designs
for the structure.
Power for Trolley Roads. f
, EUGENE. Or.. Dec. 29. (Special.)
Chief Engineer DIers, of the Willamette
Valley Electric Railway Company, Is now
preparing to put a force of men at work
at Martin's Rapids, on the McKenzie
River, where the waters are to be takes,
out by means of a flume and conducted
to the site selected for the power station
some distance below. The engineer esti
mates that 5000-horsepower will be devel
oped, which, he thinks, will be sufficient
for operating the entire system of elec
tric roads as planned at the present time.
Merchants Form Association.
LA GRANDE, Or., Dec 29. (Special.)
The merchants of La Grande, at a meet
ing last night, formed a protective asso
ciation, the organization being perfected
through the efforts of the grocers of this
city. The following officers were elected:
President, E. E. Romig; vice-president,
W. McFarland; secretary, A. S. Geddes;
treasurer, J. D. McKennon. This will be
come a permanent organization In the
the city.
Patricide Held for Trial.
CHEHALIS. Wash., Dec 29. (Special.)
Tom Brown, the 17-year-old boy who shot
his father, Charles Brown, last Friday,
waived examination before Justice White
this morning and was held for trial Jn
the Superior Court without ball.
A Few of the Many Reductions
in the Men's Furnishings
"Wool ribbed Underwear, $1.25 values, reduced to,
p.r garment H)
Fancy Monarch Shirts, $1.00 values,
reduced to 75
"Golf Shirts, vy.prc"tty-patterns, $1100 values,
reduced to 75
Fancy all-wool Sweaters, $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50
values, reduced to $2.50
Silk and wool Underwear, .$3.00 values,
reduced to, per garment $2.25
Kid Gloves, dressed and undressed, $1.00 values,
reduced to f. 75
Corner Third and Morrison
Jocelyn Dies the Day His Claim
is Granted.
Land on the Columbia Was ApproprI
ated by the Government in 1855
57 for Use as a Military
A letter has been received by attorneys
here announcing that tho claim of E. S.
Jocelyn, of this city, against the Govern
ment for 51500, for deprivation of the use
of the claimant's farm on the Columbia
River in 1S55. 1856 and 1S57, is to be paid
out of an appropriation to be passed by
the present. Congress. During the year
of the mentioned time the claimant's land
was used as a military station by the
United States troops engaged in suppress
ing an Indian outbreak.
In the half-century that has intervened
Jocelyn has been engaged In pushing his
claim. On the day that the letter an
nouncing that It would be paid was writ
ten, Jocelyn died, and the claim will be
paid to the widow.
Hearst Case Is Postponed.
WASHINGTON, -Dec 29. The Inter
state Commerce Commission today, by
stipulation of counsel, postponed to an
early day In February, the hearing of
arguments In the case of W. R. Hearst,
of New York, against the anthracite
coal-carrying railroads. The arguments
had been scheduled to take place in this
city January 5 next.
Isthmus Barracks for Marines.
WASHINGTON, Dec 29. General Taft,
after a conference with Secretary Mor
ton on the question of barracks for ma
rines on the Isthmus, cabled General
Davis to make provision for housing the
detachment on duty there.
Appeal to Be Made by Prohibitionists
Whose Ticket Was Defeated.
PULLMAN. Wash., Dec 29. (Special.)
An effort Is being made by the Problbl-'
tlonlsts of Pullman to shut saloons out
of the town by an appeal to the Legisla
ture for special leglsltaion. The Prohi
bitionists failed to carry the city election
on December 6, when a straight prohibi
tion ticket was placed in the field and de
feated at the polls. Since the city elec
tion the Ministerial Association has taken
up the fight and has had 1500 petitions
printed and sent to the members of the
State Ministerial Association for signa
tures. The movement has been on foot for some
time, but was worked so quietly that It
has just become public Many business
men say they will tight the proposal.
Pullman has four saloons, each of which
pays 51000 per year license.
Mrs. Mary Wingate.
THE DALLES. Or., Dec 29. (Special.)
Mrs. Mary Wlngate, widow of the late
Edward Wlngate, died today at her resi
dence in this city, after a prolonged Ill
ness, at the age of 71 years. Mary Jane
MUlls was a native of Maryland. On No
vember 24, 1853, sho was married to Ed
ward Wlngate. and shortly after, with
him went to Nebraska, where they lived
Boys' and Youths'
Suits and Overcoats
$3.50 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $2.25
$4.00 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $2.75
$4i45 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $2.95
$5.00 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $3.50
$5.45 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $3.95
$6.00 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $4.25
$6.85 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $4.95
$7.45 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $5.45
$10.00 Suits and Overcoats reduced to. . .-.$7.45
$12.50 Suits and, Overcoats reduced to. .$10.00
$15.00 Suits and Overcoats reduced to. .$13.00
& Company
until 1S61, when the Immigration fever led
hem to cross the plains, Intending to
find a new home in California. The immi
grant train stopped at The Dalles to re-"
cuperate. Mr. and Mrs. Wlngate decided
to remain, and made this place their
home. In a few years, Mr. Wlngate be
came one of the foremost merchants of
this section. With the exception of a
few months' absence on visits, Mrs. Wln
gate has lived continuously In The Dalles
since their arrival here. She leaves an
adopted son, Edward Wlngate, of this
Miss Raye Plllsbury, of Portland,
Supposed to Have Gone on Stage.
KALAMA. Wash., Dec 29. (Special.)
Miss Raye Plllsbury, the daughter of M.
W. Plllsbury. of Portland, has disap
peared from Stella, Wash., where she has
been teaching school, and no trace -of her
can be found by her family and friends.
Miss Pillsbury is 20 years old and is a
tall and striking brunette. She has been
teaching- the Blair school, near Stella,
for some time on a permit granted by
the County Superintendent. She tried to
gain a certificate at the November exam
ination, but failed to pass, and her school
was to have closed on December 1.
.Miss Plllsbury visited her parents in
Portland during the Thanksgiving holl
davs. After having spent several days at
home she started to return to her school,
but stopped over at Kalama to see tho
Superintendent In regard to her failure to
pass the examination. After having called
upon him, she ostensibly started for her
school, which had but a few more days
to run. Since that time she has not been
Mrs. Eva Plllsbury, the mother of the
missing girl, was In Kalama on Wednes
day last searching for her daughter, but
could find no trace of her. The mother
stated that her daughter had always had
a desire to enter upon a stage career, but
had been restrained by the objections of
her family and friends. It was Mrs.
PHIsbury's opinion that her daughter was
either in Seattle or Tacoma.
The father of the girl is a traveling
salesman for the Pacific Coast Biscuit
Company and lives at 593 East Taylor
street, Portland.
Stove in Millinery Department Starts
Fire Costing $35,000.
WASCO, Or., Dec 29. (Special.) Wasco
has again been visited by another disas
trous fire. At 2 o'clock this morning the
general merchandise store of Jones &
Macpherson was discovered to be on fire
and was totally destroyed. The fire orig
inated In the millinery department and the
Inflammable material aided the fire In
quickly spreading over the entire store.
The exact cause of the fire Is unknown,
but Is supposed to have started from the
stove in the millinery department.
The los3 is placed at 535,000, with 520,000
Insurance. About one year ago - the de
partment store of the Oregon Trading
Company was totally destroyed by .fire.
College Students Marry.
PHILOMATH. Or., Dec. 29. (Special.)
At the home of the bride's sister, . Mrs.
O. V. White, today, occurred the wedding
of G. W. Betts, of The Dalles, and Miss
Bessie Bradford, of this place. Bishop
Nicholas Castle, D. D., officiating. The
parties to the marriage contract are prom
inent here in social circles. Both spent
several years In Philomath College, the
groom graduating from the normal course
In the class of 1904. Following the cere
mony, a wedding breakfast was served to
the bridal couple, consisting of 20 guests,
after which the couple left for The Dalles,
whlc- Is to be their home.
Reserve Land Restored.
OREGON CITY, Or., Dec 29. (Special.)
By the recent order of the Interior De
partment there Is reinstated for public
entry substantially the same acreage In
the Cascade forest reserve that was with
drawn about one year ago, pending an
investigation by the department. Much of
this land, having been restored to settle
ment, will be open to settlers within three
months through the Oregon City Land
Damages for Dead Husband.
CHEHALIS, Wash.. Dec 29. (Special.)
Mrs. Lillian Warring, for herself and
.three minor children, has filed a suit in
Ithe Superior Court for 523.000 damages
against the Northern Pacific Railway
Company for the death of her husband,
who was killed In Chehalls two weeks ago
by a Northern Pacific train.
Oppenheimer Is Released.
ASTORIA, Or., Dec. 29. (Special.)
The case against B, Qppeaheimer, the
Portland traveling man, who has been
held in the County Jail for some days
to await trial on a charge of obtain
ing money under false pretenses, was
dismissed today and the accused re
leased. His brother in Portland is said
to 'have advanced the money which
Oppenheimer obtained on a draft that
was afterwards dishonored.
M E TJImer. N Y
P W Shattuck. N Y
L S Huntington. Spok
P D Tull. Spokane
G Mlsh, Spokane
C W Stults, N. Y
V A Glenour. N Y
F McEntee, N Y
Ben Greet. London
S Thomdlke. London
C S Blhler. Tacoma
Mrs G C Wagner, do
Mrs S Rice. Tacoma
W H Klrkpatrlck,
Cleveland, O
A Johnson, N Y
C E Townsend, S F
J C Donln. San Fran
J Keller, Seattle
F D Seymour. Seattle
F A Cram. Hood RvlMr and Mrs H C
Miss Havenson. Call Pierce. N Y
Miss Delllnger. CallflJ S Clonlger, Kalama
J Ii Houston, S F G B Doris. Eugene
B H Cooper, CblcagoJT H Curtis, Astoria
A C Kemp. Mill C Mrs McPherson. Bolsej
E C Brandeberry,
Jos Ell, Pendleton
C Meletus, Seattle
K C Egbert. SUetz
E F Thayer, Astoria
P J Schlstall. Astoria
H M Watt, Bay City
W R Hudson. Palmer
E E Galbreatb, Los A
Mrs Galbrcath. Loa A
G Birmingham. SllvrC
Mrs fllrmingnam. uo
D L Rice, Ashland
Master Rice, Ashland
S M Gallagher. Asto
Mrs T A Hyland. Asto
J L Wlthrow, Goble
Mrs Wlthrow. Goble R L Lord, Astoria
E G Patterson. SeattleB G.Crandall. Bozeron
C McAlvary, Helix Miss Patterson, T Dls
Mrs A E Cromwell, (John Harrison,
Tacoma I Brownsville
Hazel Mixer, TacomalH W B Smith, BakerC
W A Minor. HeppnerlC E Skinner, Seattle
V Davenport, HoodRlJ J Spencer, Lexingtn
W H Hidden, VancvrfJ Robinson, Chicago
C Dehmlng, NapavlnnW Kalunkl. Astoria
L B Metcalf, N Y Alex Corlund. Astoria
F A Taylor, city D Hansen, Astoria
Jack Robinson, ChlcgoG E Reynolds, Tacoma
Wm Billings, Chicago) G W Stevens, Langdn
Ed Swltzer. PendletonJ W Brumbaugh, Abrd
C E Woods, SunnysIdeP Gardner, Tacoma
F E Mojonmer. Wl WG L Hawkins, Dallas
A Comeggs. Salem R T Burnett, Ashland
C A Savarlan, SeasIdejF A Koser, Rlckreall
Mrs Savarlan. Seaside H T Lermons, Tacom
W H Bratyn. PullmnjMrs Lermons. Tacoma
Mrs Bratyn. PullmanlF J Chapman, Dallas
N P Knettle, PomroyJMrs E Lonsdale, Hlllb
J A Denholm, Tacom
O P Thompson. Eugen
J E Balstone, Blaine
J D Atherton. S F I
M S Woodcock, Corvl:
R L Vlnlng, Seattle
Mrs Wm Irwin, Arllng
Ethel Irwin, Arlingtn
J Buckle. Salem
I Ellen Wilson, Tacoma
J H Tomllnson. UmatjJ X Strahn and fam
J O isaKer. Pasco i lly, San Fran
Miss Williams, Bakr(Jas Sobay, Seattle :
A McPherson, Boise jMrs Sobey, Seattle
R W Shaw. HoultoniGeo C Dufer, Kalama
P P Caroll. Seattle )E K Brown, Eugene
K O Loane, Seattle iGeo H Baker. Goldndl
Mrs Stlmmelz, For GJW C Miles. Goblo
A L Lovelace, SalemlGeo Albers. Seattle
Mrs Lovelace. SalemlA B Levis, Valdes
Rebecca Wilson, (Mrs Lewis, Valdes
Dufur F H Stohl, Wal Wal
G A Hoffman. Seattle! Mrs Stahl. Wal Wal
L R Long, Cottage GJ W Blood, Spokane
F O Brown, Eugene P H Reid, Colfax
Ralph Ackley. TMmkJMrs Reid, Colfax
Mrs J L Stone, Asto'F S Barnes, For Gro
There is a reason, and the best kind of a j
1 reason, why Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair
j grow long and heavy. j
j It is a hair-food. It feeds the hair and makes I
1 it healthy and strong. 1
j Healthy hair grows, keeps soft and smooth,
does not split at the ends, and never falls out.
Give Ayer's Hair Vigor to your gray hair and
restore to it all the deep, rich color of early life.
H Hide by the J. C. Ayar Co.. Iiowill, M&is.
S Also manufacturers of
AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL For coagha. AYER'S PILLS For constipation
H AYER'S SARSAPARILLA For the blood. AYER'S AGUE CURB For nuUria. niiM.
Copyright 1904 fry
Hart Schaffner &f Marx
R J Owens, Astoria
Mrs Owens, Astoria
SIg Llpraan. S F
Geo I Slocum, Hood K
W P Jones, Pendletn
C M Jones. Pendleton
C C Llghtfoot, Gervs!
C C Iilghtfoot. Asto
J J Mays j
A H Porter, Warren
Edw Nauler
E Hackett, Stella
AUck Larson. Eufaul
C A Smith, Hoqulam
Lee Carlton, Hoqulam
H West. Scappoose
Peter Betton. Brownvl
Mrs Betton, Brownsvl
J P Jenson, Mt Angel
Wm E Clark. Deer Isl
Mrs Clark. Deer Islna
Clare Bradley, Daytn
E L Marble. Mt Plea
Flora Marble. Mt Pis
J W McArthur. Eugii
H A Sherman, Boston
Chaa Larson, Ostrndr
Henry Larson. Ostrnd
Miss L West, Scapps
H A Shields. Troutdl
J E Monahan
Chas Rader, Corvolls
W E Starr. CorvalHs
jWm Nelson, Ostrand?
Paul Martin, Vancvr
R E Willis. USA
J B Martin, VancouvjR M Watson, Tillmk
J Sharlnghousen. city
L B Zlemer, Tillamk
M H Grant, Eureka
D Finch. Olympla
Minnie Kroft, For GrV
T Whltbeck, Lowell t
B E Hanley. Eugene
Mrs T B Watts. Rcubii
E A Downing. BeavrtjMlss Moudle, Brooks
A L GUbretb. T Dlls,
J Warren. Tillamook
E J Conkllng, T Dlls
W D SUHwell. Tlllmk;
W S Grim. Astoria
H K Cronlse, CorvalHs
P S Chandler, Fisher
W Murray
Bud Coffey. Seaside
W H Squires, Salem
Mrs Squires, Salem
Edw Behm. Rlslev
Annie Knight, Ctnby
Eleanor Walker, do
N Merrill, Clatskanle
M Lovegren, Clatskan
John McFarland, Ostr
J Freelund. Ostrander
C Hcnan, Rainier
Mrs Henan, Rainier
E J Hughes. Lexngtn
IW D Hughes. Lexntn
A L Sherer. Wolf Ck
G A Ferguson. T Dlls
F Kernan, Mt Angel
E Glazier, Carson
J KcIIey, Astoria
W PIttlekau. Carroltn
J T Baxter. Bannock!
Mrs Baxter. Bannock
H Peters, Seattle
N Nicord, Salinas
jMlss Baxter. Bannock
B E Grey, Kelso
W R Hansell, Carrltn
S T Kerr. Carrolton
J C Darland, Goldndl
E Larson. OystervlH
W McKenzIe. "Vancvr
J T Robertson, Catlih
G W LeSeur. Edlnbro
F T Thompson, T Dllsl
C Josephson. Rainier- '
G Watson, Salem t
J Larson, Salem
H Hansen, Spokane
J Nelson, Spokane
A Wallace, city N
F Wlnkln, Jamestwa'
E W Scars, Albany x
R C Turner. Aberdeen
N Hammond. Corvallsi
J K Nash. Goldendale
F McAdam. Stella . ' "
E J Harris. T Dalles
Mrs McAdam, Stella
Mrs Harris, The Dalls
Mary Hutton, Goldnd,!
W H Scott. Crawfrdv
ii a ierevre. lexmgtn
H Carmuckle, Crabtr
J Duerst, McMlnnvlll
W Reid, Cowema
A Wysong, Independc
Mrs Duerst, McMlnnvl
C J Crook, Or City
O C Wysong. Illinois)
Mrs A B Addams, J Mrs Barrett. Leigh,
J C Munroe, city
W H Stetson, lone
Miss M Wright, Spok
D Z Peters and wife.
A G Vestfall, Seattle
Mr and Mrs Johnson.
Geo Walters and
G F Thorn, Omaha
C A Thomas, Omaha
G J Allen and wife,
Miss C Allen, Buffalo
J P Hartman. Jr. Ch
P P Hamshler. S F
A H Shirley and wife.
daughter. Denver
Mrs C Hammond,
P J Clarkson, Ralnrj Ashland
Wm Clayton and wf.
A B Couch and wife.
St Paul
Geo Clayton, St PauljThos Malcomb, Eugna
Miss Phillips. Stevnsnl Geo Malcomb. Eugne
C H Healey, St Pauljn bz gfl gn kfl kflkfl
J M Woodruff, city
Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma.
'American plan. Rates. 53 and up.
Hotel Donnelly. Tacoma.
First-class restaurant In connection.