THE MORXISG OREGOXIAK, FRIDAY, DECE31BER 30, 100. TO SHOOT Lord Robert Advice to British People. WARFARE HAS CHANGED Terrible Lesson in Store .Tor Nations Behind the Times. RESERVE FORCE NECESSARY Every Able-Bodled Man in the Coun try Should Undergo Some Sort" of Military Training in His Youth. LONDON, Dec- 29. "The army as it was and as it is to be," is the text under which Field Marshal Earl Roberts, in the January Nineteenth Century, reads Bri tons a noteworthy lecture on the duty or all classes If Great Britain would meet The demands of modern warfare. After frankly pointing out existing deficiencies, Earl Roberts writes: "A 'terrible lesson awaits the nation whose soldiers find themselves opposed by equally brave, but better trained oppo nents on the field of battle. No amount of money, no national sacrifices will then avail, for modern warfare moves fast, and time lost in peace can never be made up during the stress of a campaign. I hold this view very strongly, and would urge my fellow-countrymen with all the force at my command to look the plain facts in the face." Earl Roberts does not advocate com pulsory service, "because it Is distasteful to the nation and Incompatible with the conditions of an army which has a large proportion of 'units in foreign service," but maintains that Great Britain must have a large reserve force, and "if the citizens of so great and prosperous a na tion as ours are to remain exempt from compulsory service In time of peace with out the safety of the empire being endan gered, the right class of men must be at tracted to the regular army by good con ditions of pay and pension, and it is the bounden duty of the state to see that every able-bodied man in this country, no matter to what grade of society he may belong, undergoes some kind of military training in youth, sufficient to enable him to shoot straight and carry out simple or ders if ever his services arc required for national defense." Changes of Fifty Years. Earl Roberts interestingly reviews the changes of the last 50 years, describes the military system prior to the Crimean."VTar, and points out how the Introduction of modern guns necessitated the complete abolishment of the Idea that men must be mere machines. Officers, he says, are no longer directly able to control the men, because the fighting formation has been changed, and. therefore, the men must have a far higher standard of individual intelligence, while among the officers in telligence, self-reliance and type of lead ing must be on a proportionately higher level. "The sooner this is realized to the full est extent," Earl Roberts says, "the bet ter for all ranks when the hour of trial comes." Earl Roberts says the report of the com mittee on the war in South Africa made It clear that much is still needed bofore Great Britain has an army fit in all re spects for war with a modern foreign power. Among other things, she must have a larger proportion of mounted troops for rapid reinforcement, and in or der to quickly seize points of vantage. He refers to the action of the government in ordering new quick-firing guns for the complete re-equipment of the army, as re ported by the Associated Press yesterday, and says these guns will be lS-pounders for horse and lSt-pounders for Held artil lery. Millions for New Batteries. Simultaneous with Earl Roberts' ar ticle. It is officially announced that 100 batteries will be supplied with new guns at a cost of 517,500.000, and that the order will be executed within 20 months. Earl Roberts concludes his article as follows: "It will be necessary to have a reserve force of officers amounting to some thou sands. Those can be made available by a system for the military training of the entire youth of the country. Such a re serve Is ossential to our success, no mat ter by what system our army may be organized." THICK MIST IN THE MERSEY. Transatlantic Liners Are Compelled to Drop Anchors. NEW YORK, Dec. 29. The Mersey be low Liverpool has been again enveloped in thick mist, and all ships were fog bound at the mouth of the estuary, jsays a London dispatch to the Herald. The Teutonic was unable to reach the land ing to take up her passengers for New York, and they were taken oft In a tender. When a start was finally made the Teutonic got no further than the bar and had to anchor. The Majestic, from New York, with 3000 bags of mail on board, was also fogbound at the mouth of the estuary. The liner Yucatan, which arrived in the Mersey from New Orleans, had a ter rible voyage. Heavy weather was en countered almost all the way across. At the height of the storm the quartermas ter, while giving orders to the deckhands, was washed overboard.- He was seen holding up his hands in the trough of the sea in an appeal for help, but noth ing could be done, the deck being clean swept by the breakers, and he was car ried astern and speedily lost to sight. Just before the completion of the voy age, the second mate's left leg was broken by a huge wave, which knocked him down the companlonway. The steamer was considerably battered. Her funnel was crusted to the top with salt TROUBLE NEARER TO HOME. French Correspondent Hints of Euro pean Complications. SPECIAL CABLB TO THE LONDON TIMES AND PORTLAND OHEGONIAN. PARIS, Dec 30. Very sinister reports, both of a public and private nature, con tinue to reach Paris, showing that the agitation on behalX of reform Is for from j subsiding as a result of the Czar's decree. As a matter of fact it seems to have materially increased and threatens to assume alarming proportions. This Is a matter of grave Importance for all Eu rope, and It is impossible to foresee what might come of a great internal commo tion In Russia. Already the turn taken by the war In the Far East has con tributed to disturb that equilibrium or balance of power which was one of the chief guarantees of peace on the Continent. Should Russia now be distracted by grave trouble at home. It could not fall to produce a shock to the general politi cal situation, even now. Not quite re assuring have been lately certain Indica tions that the relations of some of the European powers are not as satisfactory as could be desired. Some recent events would appear to have acted as fresh stimulants of old enmities and where there arc strong grounds for assuming that not all those who talk loudest of peaceful Intentions are the principal pro moters of peace. Altogether it will be more prudent while having one eye fixed on the Far East to keep the other on Europe, where a domestic catastrophe in Russia might have untoward consequences affecting other powers. LOAN FOR TWELVE YEARS. Russia Is Borrowing Large Sum- in German Capital. - SPECIAL. CABLE. LONDON, Dec -.30. The London Times says today: "We understand that arrangements ihave becnmade for an issue on or about January 12 in Berlin of a Russian 4 per cent loan for 500,000,000 marks (5125.000.000). This is 5.000,000 ($25,000,000) more than was expected in well-Informed quarters some weeks ago, but events have moved since then, and where a war loan Is In question It is always safer to arrange for ample supplies of cash if it is possible to get them. The loan is to be issued by Messrs. Blcichroeder and the price will be 95. "We understand that the Russian gov ernment undertakes not to redeem the loan for 12 years. Details of the Russian loan which will be Issued In Paris will probably be known in a few days." Sultan's Life' in Danger. LONDON, Dec. 29. Ion Perdicaris, the American, , who, with his son-in-law, Cromwell Varley, a British subject, was kidnaped and held prisoner for ransom by Ralsull, the Moroccan bandit. In May of this year, in a signed dispatch to the Standard 'says: " "The present situation in Morocco is most serious. The Sultan's life is en dangered and those who now direct affairs in the Moorish court arc liable at- any moment to go en bloc to the insurgent leader, who claims the throne as the elder brother of the.prefjnt Sultan." Mr. Perdlcarls says the entire country is determined to resist exclusive control by any one foreign power. Von Koerber Is Sure to Go. VIENNA, Dec. 29. Though there k? no official announcement of the acceptance of Premier von Koerbers resignation. It is positively stated that he will retire. The only question seems to be whether the entire Cabinet will follow his ex ample. If the Cabinet resigns. It is be lieved Emperor -Francis Joseph will ask them to remain in office and that he will appoint a new head of the Ministry, in which case the Cabinet will retain its present character as a Ministry of offi cials,1 but not as a Parliamentary Min istry, s Moorish Robbers Steal Cows. NEW YORK. Dec 23. In a garden of a British subject, only one mile from Tan gier, a bold murder has been committed y Moorish robbers, according to the Herald correspandent of Tangier. The -Moors entered the garden and carried away four cows belonging to tho British owner, after murdering a Spaniard work ing on the place. One of the robbers was severely wounded by the wife of the Spaniard. It is rumored from Totuan that the garrison there, which had re ceived no pay for two months, has de serted and fled from the town. Auto Owner Sent to Jail. NEW YORK, Dec 29. Senor Avellaneda, son of a former president of the Argentine Republic who resides in Paris, has beon sentenced, according to a Herald dispatch from that city, to one month's imprison ment, a fine of $100 and 12000 damages for an automobile accident, which oc curred last June. A young woman who was run down by Avellaneda's machine, died the next day. Develonmpnt ihn irial of the machinist led the police to prosecute tne owner, who, witnesses de clared, was handling the car himself. Student Killed at Fencing. NEW YORK. Dec 29. Anton Von Hollebcn, a relative of the ex-Ambassador to America, has lost his life through an injury received in fencing practice, says a Times dispach from Berlin. Ha was a student of the Technical High School at Dantzlc His opponent's rapier passed through Holleben's wire mask and penetrated the skulL The young man died after an operation. Going After the Ovambos. BERLIN, Dec 29. The continued ship ment of troops to German Southwest Africa at a moment when the Herreros are completely vanquished and .the "Wit hers are suffering from one defeat after another, finds an explanation in colonial circles that the government Intends to be gin a campaign against the Ovambos as soon as the rest of the colony Is pacified. French Navy-Yard Is Active. TOULON. France, Dec 29. Owing to the crisis in Morocco the navy-yard here shows great actlvitly. Preparations are going on to have a naval division con sisting of the battleships Charlemagne and Lena and two cruisers in readiness to proceed to Morocco if the crisis accentu ates. I KED EYES AND EYELIDS. Granulated Eyelids and other Eye troubles cured by- Murine Eye Remedy, it don't wmart. Sold by all druggists. Just before retiring, if your liver Is sluggish, out of tune, and you feel dulL bilious, constipated, take a dose o Hood's Pills And you'll be all right In the morning. Tutt's Pills Cure AH Liver Ills. Arrest disease by the timely use of Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures , SICK HEADACHE sour stomach, malaria, indi gestion, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. TUTT'5 Liver PILLS KAZNAKOFF IS ILL Admiral Is Recalled From North Sea Investigation. D0UBASS0FF TO TAKE PLACE It Is Suggested That Officer of Junior Rank Will Succeed, BecauseOther Nations Have Not Sent Full Admirals to Commission. ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 23. Admiral Kaznakoff Is returning to Russia, and will be replaced by Vice-Admiral Doubas soff as Russian Commissioner on the In ternational Commission at Paris which" is to inquire into the North Sea Incident. Doubassoff starts for Paris next week. Vice-Admiral Doubassoff was given an audience of the Emperor just before His Majesty's departure for the South. This is regarded as confirmation of the report that Doubassoff is to replace Admiral Kaznakoft on the North Sea Commission. Ioubassoff is eminently fitted to reprev sent Russia on that Commission. He is energetic and speaks the English and French languages fluently. It is understood that Doubassoff would have been sent to Paris in the first fclace but for the fact tliat the Emperor did not wish to spare him from the important work of the naval technical committee, and so Admiral Kaznakoff was selected. It was hoped that his health would bear the strain of the duties imposed upon him by the appointment, though there was some fear that he might break down, and for this reason his son, a young Lieutenant, was detailed to accompany the Admiral to Paris. KAZNAKOFF WILL NOT TALK. Rumor That Recall Has to Do With Renewed Naval Activity. PARIS, Dec. 29. The members of the International Commission on the North Sea Incident were surprised to hcaroday that Admiral Kaznakoff, the Russian member, had been recalled, as no intima tion that a charge was contemplated had beon communicated to the Commission, the dispatch from St. Petersburg an nouncing the change was laid before Ad miral Kaznakoff tonight by the Associat ed Press, with a request for a statement. The Admiral returned the answer that he must decline to discuss the matter. The members of his suit also refused to dis cuss the subject. The retirement of Admiral Kaznakoff causes much comment here. It is con jectured that It is due to renewed naval activity in Russia in connection with the possible dispatch of a third squadron to the Far East, as Kaznakoff ranks as a full Admiral, and therefore has seniority over Skrydloff and Rojestvensky, com manders of the first and second Pacific squadrons. It is also suggested .that Great Britain and other governments having sent Vice or Rear-Admirals to sit on the Commission, Russia deems it not necessary that she should be represented by an officer of tho highest rank. Subsequently a member of the Russian delegation who was Interviewed ex pressed surprise at Vice-Admlral Dou bassoff replacing Admiral Kaznakoff. He said he had been aware that Doubassoff was coming to Paris to confer with the French Minister of Marine, and therefore if the news 6f Kaznakoft's recall was true it probably was because-Emperor Nicho las, having more Important duties for Admiral Kaznakoff at St. Petersburg, had Instructed Vice-Admlral Doubassoff to combine tho two missions, conferring with the Minister of Marine and sitting on the North Sea Commission. LipmanWolfe & Co. -Tg Our Great Sale: Pertinent News Compare the following extraordinary values with those offered elsewhere quality and low price stand out boldly in this brilliant list of rare money-saving specials. ' " Every personal or home need can be filled here to your pecuniary advantage. 0 UR Great Sale's Hosiery Bargains V This great sale pre sents Hosiery for women an3 children of just" the sort and weight that is proper just now, and all of them values that can not he bettered and sel dom if ever equaled at their prices. Prudence will dictate the buying of a 12-months' supply at these prices. 1 Women's black wool Hose, lxl rib, reduced from 25c tolOc Women's black wool Hose, rib top, reduced from. 25c to 19c Women's black heavy wool Hose, reduced from.. 50c to 30c Women's black fine worsted Hose, reduced from 35ctoSSc Women's black lxl ribbed cashmere Hose, reduced from. . . .50c to 38c Women's black frill fashioned cashmere Hose, reduced from. 50c to-42c Women's black floece lined cotton Hose, reduced from 25c to 10c Women's black fleece lined cotton Hose, reduced from 35c to 28c Women's black heavy cotton Hose, reduced from 25c to 19c Women's black heavy cotton Hose, reduced from 35c to 28c Women's black lace lisle Hose, reduced from 25c to 19c Women's black lace lisle Hose, reduced from SOctoSHc Chlldren'3 lxl ribbed heavy wool Hose, reducesd from 25c to 10c Children's lxl ribbed medium worsted Hose, reduced from. .35c to 28c Children's 2x1 ribbed heavy wool Hose, reduced from 35cto2Sc Children's ribbed oxtra heavy wool Hose, reduced from 50c to 39c Children's fleece ribbed, full fashioned Hose, reduced froim25c to 19c Infants' ribbed cashmere Hose, reduced from... 25c to Child's ribbed heavy cotton Hose, reduced from 15c to 11c Child's ribbed heavy cotton Hose, reduced from 20c to 15c UR Great Sale's Underwear Bargains All those women who have to buy additional pieces of warm Under wear can find here just what they want at just the price they will care to pay. 3SC Instead of for wom en's ribbed wool Vests and Pants White and natural gray. Instead of 63d and 75d for women's medium- weight ribbed cotton Vests and Drawers, in regular and extra sizes Cream only. 3tr Instead of '50d, women's fleeced cotton ribbed Vests and Pants Choice of white and cream. Instead of $3, women's "Vassar" Union Suits, part wool, glove fitting, white and natural. 8i - Instead of Jp5.00, women's "knit to fit" Union 'O Suits, all wool, black, natural, white and blue. 4 Instead of S2.00, women's "Oneita" Union 7 Suits, strictly all wool White and natural. $2 Women 5s $1.50 to $4.00 Hats at 25c The above sounds like a fairy tale, we're free to admit, but it's true, nevertheless. It's the final clean-up in Millinery when former cost and value is completely forgotten in the desire to have clean tables and shelves on the advent of the new season. The offering consists of Trimmed Ready-to-Wear and Tailored Street Hats, every one this sea son's make; there are Turbans, Toques, Walking and large Dress Shapes, tormer prices were $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00; choice while they last Admiral's Health Has Failed. ST. PETERSBURG, Dec 29. Admiral Kazankoff Is returning because of ill health. It seems not yet determined ab solutely whether he "will be able to con tinue as a member of the commission. At the Admiralty the news of his breakdown did not cause surprise, it being feared when he "was appointed that he would not support the strain. 66 95 Great White Carnivi This is ono of the most important money-savins' opportunities presented to Portland shoppers during- tho year. The assortment is so comprehensive that every possible demand has been anticipated, and the garments have been made, according to our exacting specifications in the most generous proportions and will be' found perfect in fit. Increased selling space and a largely aug mented force of salespeople have been provided to assure for the buyer every possible convenience. CORSET COVERS in endless assortments. Special values at 25c, 20c, 30c, 40c, W)c, 69c, 70c, OSc and up. GOWNS of cambric, lawn and muslin. Special values at 50c, 70c, OSc, $1.20, $1.30, 91.50, $14)8 and up. DRAWERS Special lines at 23c, 30c, 40c, 60c, OSc, $1.20, $1.08, etc. SKIRTS of muslin and cambric with lawn flounces and ruffles Remarkable values at eOc, 70c, OSc, $1.20, $1.30, $1.50, $1.38, $2.75 nud up. CHEMISE In short and combination styles Marvelous values at 40c, 50c, 70c, OSc, $1.20, 91-30 and $1.0S. UVfMlf'Tl TlTldfri H those dainty pieces of hand-made French muslin xibuwu uuigwiiu wear Many of them elaborate and fine enough to be classed as objects of art Also all of our Italian Silk Underwear Are on sale at much less than former low prices. Russ Attacks Naval Policy. ST. PETERSBURG, Dec 29. The Russ, in the course of a sensational article at tacking the policy of building Russian warships abroad and the marine adminis tration generally, refers as an examplo to the case of the American-built Russian cruiser Variag, the plans of which, the paper says, when the Japanese wanted to raise her, the Cramps sold to Japan for 53000. The Russ also rakes up the old report that "Vice-Admiral Messer made in 1E9S, In which he severely condemned the bat tleship Petropavlovsk, the protected crui ser Pallada, the battleship Sevastopol and several other ships now with Admiral LiprnaTi,woir4 Rojestvensky or In the Baltic, which were built under Admiral Verkhovsky, Grand Duke Alexis, chief aid, arguing there from the necessity for adequate Russian yards under competent and honest administration. Cramps Did Not Sell Plans. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 29. When shown the St. Petersburg' dispatch in which the Russ charges the William Cramp Engine-Building Company with having sold the plans of the cruiser Variag to the Japanese, In order that the vessel might be raised, Edwin S. Cramp today said: "There is absolutely no truth in the article published In the Russ, Insofar as W. G. SMITH & CO. Washington Bldg., 4th and Washington Sts. Near Seal and Astrachan Jackets, lined with Skinner Satin. Regular $35 values. Durinc our special sale 00 Cluster Scarf In Baum Marten opossum. Black Marten. Australian opossum and and Blended Brook Mink. Regular $7.50 value at .....$5.00 Regular $5.00 value at $3.50 H. LIEBES & CO., 288 Morrison 5t, Portland EXCLUSIVE aJAMJFACTUBING FURRIER S . J. P. M.AOEJIAXN', Maaacer. this company Is concerned. We have never been approached by the Japanese Government with reference to the plans of the Variag. Our relations with the Russian Government have always been friendly, and the article is a pure fabrication." Rehearing in Arabia Case'. ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 29. The Ad miralty Court has agreed to a rehearing of the American claims In the case of the Portland-Asiatic line steamer Arabia, cap tured by the Russian Vladivostok squad ron July 22, If It can be shown that the claimants were unable on account of lack of time to perfect their appeal from the decision of the Vladivostok court. The rehearing will at least assure the release of the flour, and if the Vladivostok court is sustained, as has been Intimated in the case of the machinery, it will enable the authorities at "Washington to make diplo matic representations. No Guarantees for the Future. ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 29. The nego tiations which have been in progress be tween Japan and China for the occupa tion of Southern Manchuria, by Chinese troops, in order to lighten the task of the Japanese armies, have failed, according to a dispatch from Pekin. because tho Japanese had not furnished guarantees for the future. The same advices represent Japan's influence at Pekin jis all-powerful. The visit of the Japanese Minister to To klo is asserted to be in connection with the possibility of early foreign complica tions for China. Burnett's Extract of Vanilla Ladies' lll?7fcW Fourth Outfitters wllYvl i&CAU, 3 and Morrison OUR GREAT Annual Clearance Sale Continues to offer the grandest values in Ladies', Misses' and Children's wear at the greatest sacrifice in prices. Wo have reduced every article in our entire stoci so that you have a complete range from which to choose. $3.75 Hats 98c Sale of Undermuslin As an extra special during our Clearance Sale we We are making one great sweeping reduction on our are offering ahout 100 ladies' fashionable Felt Hats entire stock of muslin and knit Underwear. We in the French Sailor, Countiss Sailor and Turban carry a most complete line df each, including the effects of every desirable color. ats-4rk finest French hand-embroidered lin- f..ff that have been selling from $2.00 to Ojrjf gerie. Every garment offeledat a re- ValO 3.75 at vt duction of ' FURS AT A SAVING . Tou should know that here you'll find the largest and best stock of Furs in the West. We are manufac turers, purchasing all our skins in the raw state direct from the trappers, and closely scrutinizing every detail in their making producing those perfect garments that has caused the nama of Silverfield to become synonymous with "Good Furs." AT MANUFACTURER'S COST Is how we have marked our garments. Wc promise the greatest array of fur values to attract buyers ever shown in the West. A look will convince you. Furs remodeled at a reduction. Send for our great catalogue. .. EVERY FUR GARMENT AT A REDUCTION 75c Neckwear 25c 50c Handkerchiefs 5c We are offering a special line of the newest Neck- We nave about 500 Handkerchiefs, running in price wear, including turnovers, stocks, lace and Batten- ?om t0 5?c' wM(? hale ?mh sed in holiday