2 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1904. H i n i .u... i ALL PURCHASES MADE ON "CHARGE ACCOUNTS" TODAY AND FOR THE BALANCE Of THE MONTH WILL GO ON JANUARY BILLS 27m Annual Clearance 5ales-27th I Absolutely Every Article in the HOUSe Drast ICally Reduced I 27th-AnnuaI Clearance Sales 27th Are Now On J CONTRACT GOODS ALONE EXCEPTED Are Now On 1 Extra Special Today! ForWew Year's Gifts for the Children TOYS, DOLLIES, AT HALF PRICE. The year 'round toy bazaar 4th floor. The children -we have always with us; and the toys and dolls are as necessary to happiness in tne OlUJQ-WDrm luiusa fro ft nu-ui. clamor for. Perhaps some little one "was for eotten at Christmas time at any rate, toys provide Joys for the little ones the year thro' and we furnish them to you now at one-half Prsoelons double tables full monster stock covering 485 feet of double-table length, com prising all our- Immense stock of the following at ABSOLUTELY ONE-HALF PRICE: Dolls, Doll Heads, Boll Clothing, Printing Priss. Animals, Swings, Merry-Go-Rounds, Me chanical Toys, Jugglers, Dancers, Acrobats. Clowns. Metalophones, Accordions, Boats. Topi Chests. Drums, Trumpets, Trombones, Railroad and Trains, Savings Banks, Iron Fire Engines, Hooks and Ladders, Police Patrols, Coaches, Jockeys, Coal Carts, Hose Carts, Wood Saws. Banjos, etc An aggregation of immense magni tude to select from. A toy-selltag pvont nBver before attempted -in Portland. , FLTLLi AND FREE CHOICE AT HALF PRICE THIS WEEK. " Taking Steps in the Right Direction Is What the Throngs Are Doing These Busy Clearance Sale Days Today's 37th "FRIDAY ECONOMY SALE" A Topliner On this Week's Clearance Bill! Today's "bargain events "will "be of ertremest importance to all who are following the Clearance Sales and benefiting from their saving opportunities. Below we print a list of matchless values, which, added to hose of the week, in full force today, present a solid front of extreme price cuts impregnable to competition's pusillanimous attack. An immense force of extra helpers has been retained for every department to wait on the crowds we are confident will be here to share in the grand and unprecedented bargain feast. We expect to be taxed to the utmost, and would advise morning shopping where possible. A million-dollar stock has been ravaged and despoiled of its choicest values for your delectation. If you're interested in securing a mighty lot of this world's best goods for a trifling fraction of their real worth in the cash of the realm, you'll be here today or send for your share of these Clearance Sale "plums." A Thousand Women Should Come for These Suits Today! To Grand Salons Second Ploor. WOMEN'S $12.50 to $20.00 SMARTLY TAILORED EXTRA SPECIAL TODAY ONLY STREET SUITS $6.95 A lot of very handsome and dressy Street Suits, in blouse, coat and Eton styles; blacks, navys, browns and smart mixtures. Materials are cheviots, Venetians, broadcloths and the popular mannish mixtures so much in vogue. This is a very unusual price with this store, as it is well known we never carry lines of inferior quality that this price would represent in average stores. But the selling price of these suits we shall sell todaj' represents only the earnestness with which we enter upon this absolute dearance of the Suit Salons and our determination to close out every vestige of stock before annual inventory time next month. Our buyers leave for the East next week for Spring goods. We're willing to sacrifice half the costs of goods now ns in this case to sweep the garment stores clean for the incoming of the new, next Spring. You buy these suits today at about xhe price of the skirts small wonder vou'll buy enthusiastically ! of suits ranging up from $12.50 to $20.t)0-for a choice at CpHJ.xW SPECIAL END-OP-WEEK FEATURES OF THE Matchless Big "White Pair A Grand Carnival of Peerless Bargains Add Zest to Portland's TJnmatchable Sale of White! Second Floor Annex Sensational values for Friday and Saturday buyers of dainty Undennuslins and immaculate French Lingerie. The grandest bargains of all the year today. Don't miss this chance to save on your year's buying. Children's white India Silk Bonnets, lined and interlined, neatly trimmed in silk cording, ruche, fine tucks and embroidered. Regular price $1.00 special at 39 Ladies' fine cambric Gowns, low neck and Cassock style, elbow sleeves, trimmed in fine tucks, x embroidery edging and insertion, beading and-draw ribbon. Regular price $1.75 spe cial at 88 Ladies' Knit Petticoats, of extra fine wool yarn, full width and length j colors pink; light blue, cardinal, navy and white and black with fancy stripes at bottom. Regular price $2.50 special at . . $1.69 Ladies' Petticoats, of fine cambric, deep Spanish lawn flounce, edged with deep embroid ery, cambric under ruffle. Regular price $2.75 special $1.38 Ladies' fine cambric Knee Petticoats, cluster of tucks, deep lawn flounce, with two clusters of hemstitched tucks and Val. lace edging. Regular price $1.85 special at 93 Ladies' fine cambric Chemise, round yoke, two rows lace insertion, lace edging around neck and armholes. Regular price 85c special at 43 Ladies' fine cambric Corset Covers, full front, three rows of ruffles, with torchon lace edg ing at same, neck and armholes or covers of same material, yoke of two rows of wide Val. lace insertion, two rows of beading, with draw ribbon and Val. lace edging at neck and irmholes. Regular price $1.25 special at G3c Ladies' Drawers, of very fine nainsook, cluster of fine tucks, deep lawn ruffle with three rows hemstitching and 2-inch Val. lace edging. Regular price $l.o0 special at....75 Booklovers Will Revel Among Their Favorites 73 DEFENSE. OfTBECASILE and select from our great stocks, now on Second floor, at great reductions from even publisher's prices. These books must be sold during clearance, no matter what sacrifice. The room they oocupy will be devoted to . other linos after the clearance sales are over. Special for Today Economy Right in Line "With the Books. BOOKS OP HUMOR. WORTH Oc FOR 30c Library of wit and Humor Selections from the writings of the world's greatest humorists including those of Blark. Twain, Bu- gene Fcld, EH Perkins, Dill Nye, Bret Hart and numerous others iOO pages, with illustrations. Also "Bill Nye's Remark" 500 pages and illustrations. '"Shams, or Uncle Ben' Experience Wltk Hypocrite 100 pages. with illustrations. Our 60c value Economy Sale Price, the volume aSc. REMARQUE EDITION OF CLASSICS. Books are cloth-bound, with gilt top, deckle-edge leaves 32 of the world's finest classics included in tils lot Special Econ omy Sale Price, each 21c BOOKS FOR BOYS WORTH 22c FOR lc. Henty Library of Moral Books for Boys, handsomely bound in doth, painted edges Our 22c Value. Special Economy Price, Each ....ii ice Economy Specials from the Crockery Store Third Floer. Haviland Decorated China Dishes at Half-Pricc TEA I'OT, SUGAR AND CREAM SETS OF THREE PIECES. Our $3.90-- value Special Economy Price, set .....$1.05 Our 54.25 value Special Economy Price, set $2.13 Our 55.65 value Special Economy Price, set $2$3 Our 57.50 value Special Economy Price, set $3.75 Our 59.25 value Special Economy Price, set $4.03 Our 511.25 value Special Economy Price, set $5.63 SUGARS AND CREAMS TWO-PIECE SETS. Our 51.85" value Special Economy Price, set 83c Our 52.75 value Special Economy Price, set ..$1.37 Our 53.40 value Special Economy Price, set $1.70 Our 54.25 value Special Economy Price, set $2.13 TEA POTS AND CHOCOLATE POTS. Our 51.S0 value Special Economy Price, each 00c Our 52.75 vatuc Special Economy Price, each fl.3S Our 53.50 value Special Economy Price, each $1.75 Our 54.25 value Special Economy Price, each 1 $2.13 SALAD AND BERRY BOWLS. Our 51.25 value Special Economy Price, eaoh 63c Our 52.45 value Special Economy Price, each 91.23 Our 58.00 value Special Economy Price, each SI .50 Our 53.50 value Special Economy Price, each $1.75 Our 54.00 value Special Economy Price, each $2.00 Dinner Sets Greatly Reduced for Economy Sale FRENCH CHINA DINNER SETS 100 PIECES TO SET. Our 528.50 value Special Economy Price, set $21.00 Our 533.00 value Special Economy Price, set $20.00 Our 50.00 value Special Economy Price, set $3L00 AMERICAN" PORCELAIN DINNER SETS. 100-plece Sets Our S17.S7 value Economy Price, set $11.1)0 112-piece Sets Our 522.47 value Economy Price, set $14.1)5 EO-plece Sets Our 58.00 value Economy Price, set $4.00 A Stirring Item of Economy News From the Men's Shop First Floor Sixth Street Annex. MEN'S SHIRTS WORTH $1.00 FOR O0c A line of Men's Shirts, a standard make and ono. of the best Shirts on the market at the price; here in stripes, dots and fancy figures good 51.00 value A remarkable bargain at the Economy Price of, ach SOc A Bargain Trio That's Sure to Swell the Crowds That Throng the Domestic Aisles First Floor. The homely needs of everyday life shorn of profits and part of costs. Saving chances for our masses. LONG CLOTH WORTH 16c FOR 10c 500 pieces of long cloth, full yard wide, nice soft finish, our 15c value; special Economy Sale Price, 10-yard pieces for 51. or.... , , ... 10c the rard BLEACHED SHEETING WORTH 10c FOR 15c. 5000 yards of heavy round thread bloached sheeting, double width, 3-4 bed size, our 19c value; special at, the yard ISc SHAKER FLANNEL WORTH 10c FOR 0&c. Soft finish cream Shaker flannel for night robes and underwear, our 10c value; special Economy Price, the yard 6Vc Friday Economy Specials in CORSET SALONS AND ART SHOP Note Particularly the Sensational Corset bargain Second Floor Annex. Center pieces of extra fine linen, all partly embroidered, round or square ucaloped, plain, hemstitched or fringed edges, stamped in floral designs; regular prlco from 60c to 51.25; all at one-half price today. Flelsher's German knitting yarn, all colors and black and white; regular price. 51 lb. or 25c skein; special price. 70c lb or 10c skein Royal "Worcester Bon Ton Corsets, fancy white, blue or pink bro cade, medium low bust, full gored and medium long over hips; sizes 24. 25, 2C only; regular price, 55.50; special $1.4u "Half-Price" Decides the Chief of the Silk and Dress Goods Stores Fifth-Street Annex First Floor. On these staple, wanted fabrics a buying chance unparalleled by any previous performance of even this great bargain-making store. Add these half-price items to the advertised values of tho week and Incontrovertible reasons present themselves to reason ing folk for their being here- today at the record-breaking FRIDAY SPECIAL Grand Clearance Sale of black and colored dress goods remnants, Yratflt lengths, skirt lengths and suit Ieneth. all the nearest and best fabrics shown this season at EXACTLY HALF-PRICE TO DAY AND SATURDAY. Silk Remnants, all lengths and colon, In plain and novelty weaves, for today and Snturdsr HALF PRICE HALF-PRICE. IMPORTANT CLEARANCES THAT CREATE CLEAR ECONO MIES TODAY IN THE. LADIES' FURNISHING SHOP First Floor. ECON03IY SALE OF HANDSOME LACES, BANDS AND GALOONS. Lace Counter Flrnt Floor. Elegant Braid and Spangled Gnlo'ons and Bands Our 54.50 value Economy Price, the yard $1.03 Point "Venisa Bands and Galoons -Worth to 54.00 and 55.00, Econ omy Sale Price, the yard $1.08 Some very Handsome Colored Embroidered Chiffon Applique, also Black and White Embroidered Chiffon Applique, Point Venlse Bonds and Jet Spangled Galoon Worth to 53.00 the yard. Special Economy Sale Price at, the yard $1.48 Cream and Ecru Bands, Cream and White Net Top Lace Bands and Cream and White Lace Galoon Bands Our 51.00 value all of them Special Economy Sale Price at, the yard 48c LINEN COLLARS FOR LADIES There Is nothing more suitable for morning or business wear than neat white linen Collars. We offer for Friday Econonfy Sale the remainder of our Linen Collars all three-ply linen narrow or medium heights Our 2-for-25 value, special at 5 FOR 23c Friday in the OBj Famous "Fair- fjH Way" foot- wear Store JH Sixth Street Annex First Floor .iBBOKssW Thousands avail themselves JaHHsssssW Of the Clearance Sales to pro- iIbsbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW vide footwear for all the year sbbH9bbbbBBbW at manufacturer's prices. Why HPssss09ss not you? Opportunity never ,bsbbWbsbbbF ' presented grander chances for IbbbbbBv saving than in today's sales. IbbbbbHPSb No matter what the price, "Only KISj0 Good Shoes" and for all the i family. H Economy Shoe Sale 31.8S FOR WOMEN'S SHOES WORTH $350 AND $4.00. Women's Shoes of patent colt or vicl kid, with tipped or plain toes, welt soles and Military heels Our ?3.50 and 54.00 values. Special Economy Price, the pair $L88 WOMEN'S SHOES WORTH $3.00 FOR $1.58. Women's Shoes in 10 different styles, for Winter wear, made of fine kid with patent tip, neat medium round toes, heavy soles Our 53.00 value. Economy Sale Price, the pair $1.58 MEN'S SLIPPERS WORTH 75c AND $1.00 FOR 4Sc Men's House Slippers, embroidered or leather Our 75c and 51.00 values, special at. the pair 4Sc BOYS' SHOES Here in box calf, with heavy soles; good school Shoes; sizes 11 to 2 Our 51.75 value, Economy Sale Price, tho pair 88c OLD LADIES' SHOES WORTH $1.75 FOR 08c Old Ladles' Comfort Shoe?, either Congress or lace, with turn soles and flat heels Our 51.75 value. Special Economy Price, the pair DSc Special Sale of Calendars First Floor. ONLY SOc FOR CALENDARS WORTH $1.00. The International Yacht Calendars are made on heavy cardboard and are copied from the plutos taken of the races between the "Reliance" and "'Shamrock No. 3" Our 51.00 value, special Economy Price is, each 50c "Economy" Causes a Flutter Among the Ribbons Ribbon Counter First Floor. RIBBONS WORTH 30c AND 35c FOR 15c Elegant all-silk satin Taffeta Ribbons, all colors Our regular 30c and 35c values. Special Economy Price, the yard 15c RIBBONS WORTH 75c FOR 33c A lot of fine soft Silk Dotted Ribbons. 4ti inches wide Our reg ular 75c value, special at, the yard 33c HANDSOME EMBROIDERIES AT A HOMELY PRICE. EMBROIDERIES WORTH 50c AND 60c FOR 75c Thousands of yards of Embroideries, some nainsook, some swiss, some cambric Our 50c and 60c values. Special Economy Sale Price at, the yard 25c Economy Specials From Fourth Floor BLANKETS WORTH $15.00 FOR $10.75. Strictly all-wool white Blankets, extra Tieavy, elegant quality Our 515.00 value, special at, pair $10.75 SILKOLINE WORTH 15c FOR Oc. Best quality SUkoline, about 3000 yards of it, In floral designs, all colors Our 15c value. Economy Price, the yard Oc SWELL IRISH POINT LACE BED SETS Consisting of Lace Spread and Pillow Shams, full size, very handsome. N6to tho prices: Our 5S.50 value Economy Price, the set $4.03 Our 510.50 value Economy Price, the set $8110 Our 513.50 value Economy Price, tho set $7.85 Our 516.50 value Economy Price, the set $8.55 Our 518.50 value Economy Price, tho set $10.45 Our 519.50 value Economy Price, the set $11.75 Our 522.00 value Economy Price, the set $12.75 Our 528.00 value Economy Price, the set $1&2S Economy in the Millinery Salons Second Floor Annex. BLACK TAFFETA SILK TURBANS WORTH $3.00 FOR $1.49. We have received a small shipment of stylish Taffeta Silk Turbans; very prac tical for midwinter hats; well adapted for wear during the rainy season, yet dressy enough for any occasion A gositive 53.00 value, Special Economy ale Price, each $1.40 otitT-rnrl Rlllr jiml ViVlvat Turbans. In black, brown, blue and cardinal: very WJiZ styllBh and nandsome Special Econo- ySfPZy V my Sale Price, each $3.00 Jewelry Specials Sixth-Street Annex First Floor. HAIR BRUSHES WORTH 83.09 FOR $2.00 Sterling silver back hair brushes, fine French gray finish, our 53.63 value, for, each. $2.00 CLOTH BRUSHES WORTH S3.8S FOR $2J0 Cloth brushes, with sterling silver back, large size, our 53.98 value; special at. each $2.19 HAND MIRRORS WORTH $5.29 FOR $3.00 Hand mirrors, with sterling silver back, Jlne French ray finish, our 55.29 value: special at. each $3.00 STERLING SILVER TOILET ARTICLES Manicure knives, tweez ers, shoe horns, curling irons, button hooks, erasers, etc., our 35c value; special at, each 17c L IP); Economy Specials from the Women's Knit unaerwear and Hosiery Aisles WORTH Extra for Today Only First Floor. WOMEN'S CASHMERE UNDERWEAR r $1.50 FOR $1.10. women's flue cashmere vests and pants, in white, our 51.50 value; for Economy Sale, special at, each $1.10 WOMEN'S UNION SUITS WORTH $1.00 FOR G5c Women's cotton union suits. Winter weight, slightly fleeced, our 51.00 value; special Economy Price, suit G5c WOMEN'S CASHMERE HOSE WORTH 50c FOR 20c Women's fine ribbed black cashmere hose, good SOc value; Economy Price, the pair 29c CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR". Children's fleece-lined vests, pants and drawers. Winter weight, our 35c value; special Economy price, each 23c Penny Savings to Start New Year's Bank Account Small Wares Aisle First Floor. Notion Aisle First Floor. HOOKS AND EYES worth 5c for 1c Black hump Hooks and Eyes, 2 dozen on card, medium size, our 5c value; special at, the card lc BALL AND SOCKET GARMENT FASTENERS, black or white, our 5c value; special at, dozen 3c NICKEL-PLATED SAFETY PINS. 1 dozen on card; special at, the card 2c WHALEBONE CASING 9 yards to piece, all colors, our 15c value; special at. piece 7c DRESS SHIELDS, light weight, our 20c value: special at. pair. .11c Our 25c value; special at, pair 15c DRESS SHIELDS Odorless, medium size, our 27c value; special at. pair 15c BINDING RIBBON, all silk, all colors, our 10c value; special at, piece Cc SKIRT BINDING, in black, combination Hector braid and velveteen binding, our 12c value; special at, the yard 7c ECONOMY PRICES ON DRUGGIST SUNDRIES. Drug Counter First Floor. TOILET PAPER 5-oz. rolls, our 4c value; special at, 3 rolls for 10c TOILET PAPER In rolls, best quality, our 7c value; special at. roll 4c FRAME TOILET PAPER Finest quality, 1000-shoet.rolls, our 10c quality; special at, roll 7c FANCY TOILET SOAPS Perfumed, hard milled, 3 cakes in box. our 15c value; special at, box 9c GREEN OLIVE OIL CASTILE SOAP Square cake3. hard milled, our 5c value: special at. 3 cakes for 10c ELDER FLOWER TOILET SOAP Our 5c value; special at, cake. 3c IMPORTED ITALIAN CASTILE SOAP White or green, large 4 pound bars, extra quality, our 75c value; special at, bar 49c NAIL OR HAND BRUSHES Largo size, with wood backs; special at. each 4c HAND OR NAIL BRUSHES With solid waterproof back, our 15c value; special at, each ..9c TOILET WATERS Fine French Imported, 8-oz., large size bot tles, our 65c value; special at, the bottle 45c Stationery Economy Specials Stationery Counter First Floor. PLAIN ENVELOPES White wove, size 5x6 Inches, our- 5c value, for. 2 packages for 5c RULED INK WRITING TABLETS Note size, smooth paper, extra size tablets, our 15c value, for. each 9c RULED INK WRITING TABLETS Note size, fine paper, our 10c value, for. each Cc GLASS INK WELLS Plain, with glass tops, square shape, our 12c value; special at. each Sc LEATHER GOODS SPECIALS. Sixth-Street Annex First Floor. LADIES' COMBINATION POCKETBOOKS In Flno seal, alligator of walrus leather, all colors, our S1.60 to $1.75 value, for, each. 75c LADH3S PURSES In black or colored leather, plain or sterling silver mounted, our 51 and 51.25 values, for, each 48c LADIES' PURSES Same as above, our $2 to 52.35 values; special at. each $1.25 COIN PURSES Of chamois leather, our 20c value; special at, each 10c Our 25c value; special at. each 15c PUBLIC TEA ROOMS Second Floor. Under the auspices of tho Y. W. C. A., "Grandma" Munra. Hostess. Mcnn for Today, December 30. TEA, COFFEE. CHOCOLATE. CLAM BOUILLON. MILK IN BOTTLES. v. CRAB SALAD. HAM SANDWICHES. HOT ROLLS. BREAD AND BUTTER. DESSERT CAKES.