Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 30, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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Monday Nxt Jnnanrv 3j. 1905 The First Business Day of the New Year This Store Will Be Closed All Day Do Your Shopping Today and Tomorrow
Judge Williams Can See No
Reason for Indictment
'Other Officials' Duty to Prosecute
Gambling Cases If Indicted He
Will Vigorously Defend
"When askod yesterday In an interview-
for The Orogonian as to -whether
or not he expected to be indicted,
Mayer Williams replied:
"I don't know. I don't know, and
I'd rather not discuss the subject."
Tour attitude toward gambling.
Judge, was precisely the same as that
f the District Attorney, the City At
torney and ex-Sheriff Storey, was it
"No; not legally," answered His Hon
or. "But don't you feel that if an indict
ment is returned against you, they
should also be found against those
is on?" was asked.
"The statutes do not include me,"
said His Honor. "I am the Mayor, and
mt supposed, legally, to prosecute
sweh oases that come within the con
fines of the authority of lessor officials.
Tt ueemts to me that there should be
mare roson to indict all the officials
la the city bofore they indict me."
"Do you expect that an indictment
wM be returned against you?" was
"I don't know. All that I know
about the proceedings of the grand
jtery." replied Mayor Williams, "is
tflaanod from the columns of the pa
pars. From what I have read, I under
stand that they are attempting to find
mho charge upon which I may be in
dicted. I see no possible grourds upon
wWch they may indict me, but, of
oeurse, I may Tiave erred In my Judg
moHt. If thoy do indict me, however,
I shall defend myself; but I do not be
lieve that they will find grounds to
return an indictment against me. ,
"The proceedings of the grand jury
are secret," continued the Mayor, "and
I o not know what the jurors are
City Hall Notes.
L. r! Alderman, Superintendent of
the "Emnhlll County Schools, called upon
County Superintendent Robinson
"Wednesday in confer with him in refer
ence to the educational exhibit for the
Lowis and Clark Exposition. It is un
derstood that Mr. Alderman's efforts
axe untiring and he hopes to make the
Yamhill County exhibit one of excep
tional merit.
Sam Lotan, the urbane and unob
trusive member of Auditor Devlin's
clerical force, suffered a most painful
accidont yesterday while attempting
t drink a glass of water. Mr. Lotan
steod before a stationary washstand
and as he grasped the glass it sudden
ly slipped from his hand and fell Into
the bowl, being broken into fragments.
In atompting to remove the pieces of
glass one particularly sharp fragment
out Mr. Iotan's linger with the result
that the top was removed.
County School Superintendent Robin
son left for Eastern Oregon last night
ad will be out of the city until Tues
day next. He is arranging for the state
educational exhibit at the Lewis and
Clark Fair.
Mayor Williams returned to his of
Jloe yeatorday after a day's trip to The
Exhibits to Be Made at Horticultural
Society's Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Oregon
State Horticultural Society will be held
in Portland in the Knights of Pythias
Hall in the Marquam building, on Janu
ary M aad 11 of next year. Many fine
oxhtbits ' will be made.
From British Columbia there will come
a display of fine apples. Oregon will be
well represented by exhibits, awards be
ing made after they are passed upon by
judges. Officers for the ensuing year will
bo elected at this meeting.
The programme prepared for the occa
sion is very Interesting. On the morning
ml the first day there will be three
addresses. L. M. Gilbert will speak on
the process of drying prunes without lye.
Professor A. B. Cordley will deliver an
address on the pests of the year, and
X4oyd T. Reynolds will read a paper on
advertising Oregon fruit.
In the afternoon of the same day. Dr.
G. W. Shaw, of the University of Cali
fornia, wllf sneak on "Some Essentials of
a Fruit Soil." He will be followed by
George H. Lamberron on "An Amateur's
Garden." and by H. C. Atwell. who will
read a paper on "Amateur Fruit-Growing
la the Willamette Valley."
On the second day, at the morning ses
sion. Hon. G. W. Riddle will speak on
"Dmpqua Valley Horticulture." He will
be followed by C. W. Swallow, who will
ppoak concerning the strawberry, by J.
B. Pllklngton, on "The Nut In Oregon,"
and by H. M. Williamson on "Old Apple
Orchards." In the afternoon of that day
Hon. W. K. Newell will speak on "Odds
aad Ends of 3904." Hon. E. L.. Smith will
deliver an instructive address on Ore
,go horticultural laws.
One pf the most Interesting addresses
f the meeting will be on the same after
noon, when Hon. John Minto is to speak
n "Pioneer Orcharding in Oregon." Mr.
Mteto's address is looked forward to with
great expectation by all who expect to
attond the annual meeting.
A splendid opportunity is afforded for
the study of unorganlc chemistry at the
y. M. C. A. night school. The laboratory
WW accommodate three more men. The
ext term begins Monday, January 2. The
foc are ?6 for a three months' term. This
owvers me cost or cnenucaia.
Death of Mrs. Sweet.
GRE3HAM. Or.. Dec 29. Mrs. Lodema
Hawey Sweet, widow of the late C. A.
Sweet, died at her home in Gresham Fri
day. December 23, 1904. Mrs. Sweet came
to Oregon with her family in 1SS1, locat
ing near McMInnvillc. In 18S9 they te
moved to a farm in Eastern Clackamas
County, on the Sandy River, remaining
..there about five years, when they moved
tm Gresham. Here Mr. Sweet, who waa
an old soldier, died in October. 1900, leav
ing the widow and five children, one son
having been killed in 1893 by an accident
while working on the Bull Run water-pipe
line. Mrs. Sweet had been failing in
health for the past year, and the end was
not wholly unexpected. She leaves two
ans Morris M. and Guy I. and three
daughters Mrs. Hattle L. Wostel, Agnes
and u!a A. Sweet to mourn her loss.
Ton funeral was held from the Baptist
Church, Gresham, Wednesday, December
28. at 2 P. M.
Holiday Beach Rate.
For the holidays the O. R. & N. makes
the vary low rate of for round trip
to beach points. Dates of sale. December
25 and 30. Final limit. January 3. Par
ticulars of C. W. SUnger City Ticket
Agent, Third and Washington streets.
"Willamette" Sewing Machines
15 models of "Willamette Sewing Machines arc being
offered at Clearance prices, which range from' $12.95
to $28.75. They are equal tor the best "agency" ma
chine sold at $25.00 to $75.00. Every one fully guar
anteed for ten years. Easy payments if desired. $5.00
down; $100 weekly. See them on the Second Floor. .
Credit Purchases Made Today and Tomorrow Will Go on January Account
The Meier (& Frank Store
Portland Agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications January Delineator
Custom Shade and Drapery Work Our Specialty Best Materials and Workmanship
Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order Agents for "Ostermoor" Felt Mattresses
"Peninsular" Steel Ranges
"Peninsular" Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves and Heaters
at special low prices during the Great Clearance Sale.
The largest and hest line of Stoves on the market.
Every one fully guaranteed for ten years. Easy pay
ments for parties of good credit. "Peninsulars" give
50 per cent more heating and cooking capacity than any
other make.
Great Clearance Sale Bargains m
China, Cut Glass, Silverware, Kitchen Goods
The Big Basement China and Silverware Store is offering a
wonderful array of splendid bargains for the Annual Clearance
Sale Every article in Silverware, Cut Glass, Bronzes, Lamps,
Cutlery, Fancy China, Dinner Sets, Kitchen Goods, Granite
ware, Etc., at a decided reduction from the regular selling
prices Here are' a few picked at random
Medium size Nickel Coffee Machines for. .7.20
Chafing Dishes, best nickel-plated, fancy cover, 3
pint sizes, great special value at r ff
this low price pOWJ
Chafing Dishes, wrought-iron stand, f
3-pint size HOVJ
5 o'Clock Teas, with nickel stana7 A A
great value v
12-inch Nickel Trays, value extraordinary, ea.80p
Bronze Candlesticks, neat designs, each S0$
Entire stock of fine Cut Glass at Clearance prices.
Fancy China, Haviland China, Glassware at Clear
ance prices.
Entire stock of sterlingt and plated Silverware at
exceptionally low Clearance Sale prices.
No. S Copper-Bottom "Wash Boilers, each 88p
Large size Galvanized Tub, each 72$
Glass "Wash Boards, each 32$
Guaranteed Clothes "Wringer, each S2.00
No. 8 Nickel Teakettle, each (. . . .$1.00
Kitchen Hardware. "Woodenware, Tinware, all at
Clearance Sale prices.
"White Enameled Covered Sauce Pans, 1-qt., 40c;
2-qt., 48c; 3-qt., 52c; 4-qt 60$
Sauce Pans, without covers, 40c, 52c up to. $1.00
3, 4, 5-qt. Sauce Pans, granite iron, 20c, 24c. .28$
No. 7 and 8 Granite Teakettles, each, 72c and.80
Granite Coffee Pots, each, 32c, 36c 40$
Granite Dish Pans, 48c, 60c 68c 72$
Portland's Greatest Garment Display
Splendid Bargains in All Lines
We are doing the greatest mid-winter garment business in our-
history, the reasons for which are not very difficult to find
First, the only first-class, complete stock in the city Stylish
Suits, Coats, Cravenettes, Skirts, Costumes, Wraps, Furs,
Waists, Petticoats, Etc., at Clearance Sale Prices Second, all
merchandise of a desirable character No left-overs from a
hundred half-price sales Third, the varieties, materials and
fashions that please the most fastidious Apparel that you can
find only at the Meier &. Frank StoreIt's to your interest to
look here before buying elsewhere
All Costumes and Wraps at Clearance Prices
All Suits and Tourist Coats at Low Prices
All Walking and Dress Skirts at Clearance Prices
All Cravenettes, Best Styles, at Clearance Prices
All Fur Scarfs and Coats, at Clearance Prices
All Silk and Wool Waists at Clearance Prices
All Silk Petticoats and Tea Gowns at Low Prices
AH Dressing Gowns, Wrappers, Etc., at Clearance
Extra Special
Sale Bargains
Women's 65c-75c fancy hand-embroidered
and taped bordered
Handkerchiefs, great AlLg
values at IOC
Women's Fabric Golf Gloves in all
colors and sizes ; great
special values at, pair. .
Entire stock of "Perrins" real
French E2d Gloves at Clearance
Sale prices.
2500 "Women's Handkerchiefs,
slightly mussed, great 5
Clearance bargain at, ea
Fancy embroidered and hemstitch
ed Handkerchiefs, 35c
and 40c values, at, each. . & 1 C
Women's fancy Leather Belts and
Crush Leather Belts, in all col
ors, values up to $1.25,
on sale for iSrZO
Women's black chain or leather
handle Bags, great f
special values at, each. . . I ft C
Linen Bureau Scarfs with doilies
to match, grand Clear
ance Sale bargain, set.-. .
Stamped Pillow Tops, assorted
patterns, great special f q
values at, each ZrC
Stamped Linen and Canvas Pil
low Tops, great AXe
values IOC
Chiffon Veils in. blue and brown
dotted, white and Persian bor
ders, striped and hem- LQrs,
stitched, $1 to $1.50 val. ."C
Mesh Veilings in gray, black,
brown, white, dotted and
plain, 25c, 35c values, for. C
Stamped Java Canvas Pillow Tops
65c values .47$
White Swiss Pillow Shams, tuck
ed ruffles, great values. .1.23
Great clearance of Women's Kid
Gloves, black, white and colors,
$1.00 and $1.25 values,
at the low price of, pair.
Great special lot of Women's Lace
Hosiery, Hermsdorf dye, . the
best 50c grade, on
sale for all sizes C
500 Women's black Gloria Um
brellas, great assortment of han
dles, natural, silver mounted,
horn and Dresden, mar- qq
velous values at, each -rC
Neckwear Special
New Silk Stock Collars, embroid
ered in colors, 35c value 21.$
Ecru and white heavy lace Cape
Collars, $2.25 value 1.89
White embroidery Turnovers, deep
and narrow styles, 25c values
for only 1.7$
Narrow Silk Collars, dainty de
signs and colorings, each.. 11
Silk Stocks with Turnovers, col.
embroidered tabs, 65c val. 42$
Underwear Spec'Is
Women's All-Wool Gray Union
Suits, button across the chest,
regular $2.00 value $1.47
Women's nonshrinkable heavy
ribbed natural wool Tests and
Pants, best $1 values for. . .79
Children's heavy ribbed Cotton
Vests and Pants, white or gray,
all sizes, 35c value 19
The Great "White Fair"
Portland's great Showing of New Under
muslins is here Thonsands and thousands
of pieces dainty Corset Covers, Gowns,
Skirts, Drawers, Chemise, Sets, French
Undermuslins Magnificent assortments.
Lace and embroidery trimmings, tucks,
mffles, hemstitching, ribbons The new
est ideas in fine Muslin Underwear from
the leading manufacturers in the country.
No skimping in material or trimming The
very best values for your money Fifth
Street Window Displays give you some
idea of the beauty and exclusiveness of
our Muslin Underwear Second Floor
Clearance Sale Prices on Carpets
Melrose Ingrains, best patterns, 65c value, for yard 45
2-Ply All-Wool Pilling, clearing price yard 72$
All-Wool extra heavy, extra super, 2-ply, $1 grade, yard. . .8l
80c Linoleum, elastic finish, square yard, 68; 90c Linoleum,
S1.$ square yard; $1.60 InlaidLinoleum, neat designs, $1.35
square yard; $1.75 Linoleum, S1.58 square yard.
85c quality Smith's Hotel Brussels Carpets, yard 77$
$1.00 quality Brussels! with or without borders, yard So$
$1.25 Windsor Brussels, will not fade, yard S1.05
Prosaic Velvets, the best Wool Velvet on the market, yd. .SI. 35
$1.75 Eoyal Axniinsters, elegant assortment patterns, yd.S1.44
Bigelow Axminsters, extra fine quality, $2.10 value, yard. .$1.89
Picture Department Bargains
All Framed Pictures at one-third off regular prices.
Medallions of all kinds at half price.
All Oil Paintings at half regular prices .
Picture Framing at one-fourth off regular prices.
Unframed Water Colors and Sketches, one-third off regular
All Gilt Picture Frames at one-fourth off regular prices.
Matted Pictures and Passepartout Pictures 11c kind, 7$
14c kind, 9; 19c kind, 1.4$; 25c kind, 1.7$.
Brass Toasts, 12 each. $1.00 Passepartout Sets, 84.
Indian Baskets, half price. Passepartout Bindings, 4$, 8$.
Novelties in. Inkwells, Pen Backs, Paper Weights, 25c to 40c
values, for 11 each.
Boys' Clothing
Boys' All-Wool Flannel Waists,
grays, reds and blues, 6 to 12
years, regular $1.25 OQ
values, for -fC
Boys' Percale Waists, $1 values.
each 63$
Great special lot of Sailor, Norfolk
and Vestee Suits for boys ; good,
serviceable materials, HALF-
Little Boys' Overcoats all re
duced. $3.50 val. .$2.98 $6.00 val. .$4.85
$4.00 val. .$3.30 $7.00 val. .$5.85
$5.00 val. .$3.95 $7.50 val. .$6.20
Boys' Overcoats, ages 8 to 16
years; entire stock at Clearance
Sale prices.
Boys' All-Wool 2-Piece Suits,
$3.95 value, $2.80.
Entire stock of Boys' Suits at
Clearance Sale prices.
Our entire stock of Trimmed
Hats at half price and less ; not a
Hat in reserve, every one included.
$ 2.50 Hats 75
6.00 Hats 2.95
10.00 Hats 4.95
15.00 Hats 6.95
25.00 Hats 12.50
4.00 Hats 1.95
8.00 Hats 3.95
12.00 Hats 5.95
20.00 Hats 9.95
30 Hats 15.00
Women's and Children's Beaver
Hats, $6 values, $1.50; $2.50
values, at, each 89
Special lot of Infants' Wool Bon
nets, at, each 10
Special lot of Children's Tarn
o'Slianters, at, each 10
300 ready-to-wear Hats, values up
to $2.50 each, on sale for. .25
Ostrich Plumes, Fancy Feath
ers, Jet Trimming, Braids, etc., all
marked at ridiculously low clear
ance prices.
Men's and Young Men's Clothing
Men's and Young Men's High-Class, Ready-to-Wear Apparel marked at remarkably low
prices during the Great Annual Clearance Sale Every Suit, every Overcoat, every Rain
coat, included in the Sweeping Reductions When purchasing remember that our regu
lar prices as well as the sale prices are fully 25 per cent below what
equal grades cost you at the exclusive clothing store Such well
known makes as Stein-Bloch Co., L. Adler Bros &. Co., Hart, Shaffher
& Marx, The Washington Co. and A. B. Kerschbaum Co. will
be found
MEN'S $10.00 SUITS $ 8.60 MEN'S $20.00 SUITS $15.95
MEN'S $15.00 SUITS $10.85 MEN'S $22.00 SUITS $18.15
MEN'S $25.00 SUITS $19.65 $35 TUXEDO SUITS $28.90
Overcoats and Cravenettes
This season's very best styles and materials.
$10.00 VALUES AT $ 8.60
$15.00 VALUES AT $11.65
$22.50 VALUES AT $18.85
$12.50 VALUES AT $ 9.35
$20.00 VALUES AT $16.15
$25.O0 VALUES AT $19.75
Young Men's Clothing
Entire Stock Suits Overcoats Cravenettes at the Following Prices
$ 10.00 VALUES NOW $ 8.60 $ 1 6.50 VALUES NOW $ 1 3.95
$12.50 VALUES NOW $10.90 $18.00 VALUES NOW $15.65
$ 13.50 VALUES NOW $ 1 1.55 $20.00 VALUES NOW $ 1 6.95
$ 1 5.00 VALUES NOW $ 1 2.80 SECOND FLOOR
Drug Sundries at Clearance Prices
Matchless Bargains in Toilet Necessities
Mennen's Talcum Powder. ..12
Lyon's Tooth Powder 12
Cammelline 26j
Wisdom's Kobertine 2S
Cherry Tooth Paste 29
Oriental Cream 97
Pasteurine Tooth Paste 12
Holmes 1 Prostilla 13
Capillaris 30$
Herpicide 54
Brilliantine 19
Florida Water (large) 33 $
2oc Smelling Salts 14
Violet Ammonia 11& 16
Colgate's Talcum Powder. . . .15
Sheffield Dentrifice U$
Kubifoam 13
Sozodont 12
Woodbury's Cream 12tfJ
Our Entire Stock of Stationery at Clearance Sale Prices
Gold and Silver Watches and Clocks at Clearance Prices
Hair Brushes, Combs, Manicure Articles at Clearance Prices
Entire Stock of Jewelry at Low Clearance Sale Prices
Soaps, Toilet Papers, Rubber Goods at Clearance Prices
Imported and Domestic Perfumes at Clearance Sale Prices
Sharply reduced prices The great attraction in the Men's
Furnishing Goods Store during the great Annual Clearance
Arnica Tooth Soap 12
Glycerine and Kosewater 6p
Vaseline Cold Cream 9
Glovine Cleaning Fluid ......1.2$
Moth Balls, pound 4$
Huyler's Cocoa Butter 6
La Blache Face Powder 26
Pozzoni's Face Powder 3l
Java Kice Powder 21$
Williams Shaving Stick 16
Fairy Soap, dozen cakes 35
Kirk's Glycerine, box 1.7$
Buttermilk Soap, box ll
Armour's assorted, box S
Kirk's Juvenile, cake !2i
Woodbury's Facial, cake.... 15
Pear's Soap, cake .11
Cuticura 16 cake, three cakes to
a customer.
Packer's Tar Soap, cake 12?
A. "M . C
Men's Golf Shirts, with two collars to match
all sizes, best patterns and color- 5 q
ings, great values, each
$1.00 Neckwear, newest holiday styles, Eng
lish squares and large four-in- o
hands, wonderful values at, each. .OOC
"The Prince" Suspenders, made similar to
"The President" Suspenders, l
great clearance value at, pair
All our 50c "Wool and Golf Gloves at 4:0$
100 dozen Boys' All-Wool Sweaters, Navy,
Oxford, Maroon, 83p each.
All our 25c Silk Midget Ties, fancy stripes
and figures, 1.5$ each.
All our 25c Silk Band Bows, two for 25c.
Men's Flannelette Night Shirts, extra heavy quality, 63$ ea. 1
83 each.
Our Linen, White Goods and
Domestic Departments
money-saving op
portunities to the economical
housewife John S. Brown &.
Sons' fine Table Linens Da-
masks, Napkins, Sets, Cloths,
Etc., at the lowest prices of
the year Bed Linens Sheets,
Pillow Cases, Bedspreads.
Towels, Toweling, priced at a
point where profit is entirely
wiped out White Goods
Nainsooks, Lawns, Swisses,
India Linons, Etc., at decidedly
low prices Ginghams, Per
cales, Calicoes, Etc. at wonder
fully low prices Flannels, Flannelettes, Eiderdowns, Sheet
ings and Cottons All marked at the lowest clearance prices
10-4 White Wool Blankets, with colored barders, great
special value, pair
Three great special lots of full-size Comforters, laminated cotton
filled, great values at $1.07, $1.29, $1.70.
All our high-grade Silk and Sateen-covered Comforters are mark
ed at Clearance Sale prices. Third Floor.
$7.00 extra large All-Wool White Blankets, colored
borders, grand value, pair
Full size fine California Blankets, mottled gray, great
special value, pair
White and Gray Wool Blankets, extra heavy, full size,
great value, pair ,
Entire stock of Blankets up to $27.50 a pair are all greatly reduced.