Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 30, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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Confident of Making
f Speakership.
Can Only Equal Bailey, Candi
date Says.
Marion County Representative De
clares Multnomah Has Changed
Candidates, but Not Added to
Strength in Legislature.
SALEM, Or., ' Dec 29. (Special.)
The action of the Multnomah delega
tion In the House of tho Oregon Leg
islature in putting forth A. L. Mills
as a candidate for the Speakership has
not in the least disturbed the confi
dence of Representative Kay, of Ma
rion County. Kay says he will win the
light, and that his prospects -wore never
bottor than they now are.
"Mr. Mills is a man of ability and
competent to fill the position to which
he aspiros." said Mr. Kay when seen
tonight, "but It seems to be that he
came into the race too late. I do not
see how Mr. Mills can get any more
votes than Mr. Bailey could, and the
delegation acknowledged that Mr.
Bailey did not have enough to win.
Sevoral weeks ago I had enough votes
promised to elect me, and that's the
roason why neither Mr. Bailey nor Mr.
MU)b could get the Speakership."
Mr. Kay was shown a copy of a Port
land paper crediting him with 24 votes.
Mills 18, Vawter seven and six doubt
ful, and when asked what he thought
of the line-up there given, replied:
"The 24 men who are credited to me
are supporters of my candidacy with
the possible excoption of one. I have
no assurance that Representative Gra
ham will support me, but the other 23
aro not all I have. Representative
Cartor, of Benton County, is reported
as a supporter of Vawter, but I re
colved k letter from Mr. Carter today,
tailing me that I may publicly an
nounce that he is for me. I have a
similar letter from Representative
"West, of Tillamook, who Is put in the
doubtful list. Mr. "West told me he
would A-ote for me until I said quit. A
few days ago I met Representative
Huntley, of Clackamas County, and he
assured me thon, as he had done be
fore, that I shall have his vote. He
1ms been reported as doubtful. I have
the promise of the vote of another
Clackamas County member whom I am
not at liberty to name. Representative
Mayger, of Columbia County, wrote me
a day or two ago that he will support
ma, so it was an error to plare him in
the doubtful list.
, "There are five men to be added to the
24 who wore conceded to me by the Port
land paper, making 29 in all, or 2S If I
should lose Representative Graham's
"But that is not all. Seven members
arc glvon as supporters of Vawter, but
throe of thom have promised to support
me if Vawter cannot win. I will be their
tcend choice.
"And that isn't all. I have other prom
ises upon which I can rely, but which I
am not at liberty to make public."
Mr. Kay was asked what he thought
of the probability of Senator Kuykendall'a
being able to deprive him of the three
Representatives from Lane, who are want
'od. by the Multnomah -delegation in re
turn for Multnomah's support of Kuyken
dall. "There Isn't a thing in that story,"
roplled Mr. Kay. "I have a letter here in
my pocket from Senator Kuykendall, in
which he says he will not interfere in
any way with the Speakership fight. He
says he knows the three Representatives
from his county are for roe, and that
neither he nor any of his friends will
try to do anything to shake thorn loose.
Senator Kuykendall is a man of honor,
and I have no fear of his trying to trade
off the Lane County delegation.
"Besides I have received several letters
from the Lane County Representatives
3ledging me their support. A letter came
to me from them today, assuring me that
lhore is nothing in the rumors that they
will leave me. The letter says that if
all my friends are as loyal as the Lane
County delegation I am O. K."
It is this kind of showing that makes
Representative Kay feel assured of the
necessary 26 votes in the Republican cau
cus when the Legislature meets in Salem,
January 9. He says he has not promised
a. single committee appointment, and will
not do so, but will bo free to appoint
mombers to the committees for which
they are best suited.
What the Press Agents Say.
"Charity Ball" at the Columbia.
It is curious to listen to the remarks of
different people as the large audience
move slowly up the aisles and out through
the lobby of the beautiful Columbia The
ater this week. Belasco's great "Charity
Ball" has made people talk for several
years past now, and will continue to be
one of the grandest products of dramatic
genius for a long time to come.
"Wasn't it fine? Wasn't Miss Countlss
just 'grand' as Ann Kruger?" exclaimed
one enthusiastic young girl. "And Edgar
Baume as rector of St. Mildred's oh, I
just fell in love with him!" her compan
ion replied, with all the gushing frankness
of Innocent girlhood.
And thus it goes through the entire
list pf this popular company, especially
when they are playing in a piece for
which they are so perfectly suited, in
whioh each one seems to be transformed
into the living being of the play, the cre
ation of the great dramatist's art Don
ald Bowles, Louise Brandt, Blanche Doug
las, William Dills, George Bloomquest in
fact, ever one of this large and perfectly
select company of players is cast in a
role this week for which he or she seemed
to be born to fill almost, and the result
Is- powor and completeness of production.
"The Charity Ball" is filling the Colum
bia every night this week.
Today at 3 O'CIock, Tonight at 8:30,
Under Auspices Baby Home.
JThis afternoon at 3 o'clock at the
Marquam Grand the first performance
bore of "The Star of Bethlehem" will
be given by the Ben Greet players. The
boautlful Christmas play will be -re-peatod
tonight, tomorrow afternoon at
3 and tomorrow night.
No one who witnessed the remarkable
performance of "Everyman" by this
splendid English company will want to
miss seeing "The Star of Bethlehem,"
which, while possessing tha samo
uniqueness of form of presentation, is
far less solomn, breathing as it does
the spirit and joy of the Christmastide.
Besides this, there is a distinct com
edy vein in the story of Mak and how
ho stole the sheep, all of which is in
splendid contrast to the pomp and
majesty of the figures of Herod and the
three Magi, the three lords of the earth,
who follow the star across the pathless
desert. But the climax in an unusual
impressive and reverent performance
is the scene in the stable at Bethlehem
when, side by side, the Magi and the
lowly shepherd kneel down in adora
tion before the Virgin and her Child.
"The Show Girl" and Football Teams.
"The Show Girl" will be the attraction
at the Empire Theater all of New Year's
week, starting with the usual matinee
next 'Sunday. There will be a special
matinee Monday, which Is a legal holi
day. B. C. "Whitney's production of "The
Show Girl," a musical comedy in two
acts, Is a strictly refined up-to-date musi
cal extravaganza, resplendent with mag
nificent scenery, elaborate costumes,
clever comedians and pretty girls.
Hilda Thomas is the leading comedi
enne of this company of metropolitan fa
vorites, at the head being Sam Mylie and
including Sid Forrester, Lou Hall. Estelle
Bird, Josephine Floyd, Bert "Walnwright.
May Sweeney, Charles E. Parcor. Blanche
Bertram, Louis Langford. Edna Glover.
Thomas Shea. Ida Scott, H. B. Mustard,
Nellie Wilson, Raymond Belmont, the
Apollo Quartet, the Rainbow Sisters and
30 pretty and bewitching singing and
dancing girls. The Multnomah and Seat
tle football teams will occupy boxes Mon
day (New Year's) night.
"The Last Word."
Columbia patrons are promised another
treat next week In an exact reproduction
of John Drew and Ada Rehan's great
New York success, "The Last Word." It
was first produced by them at Daly's
Broadway Theater, and this will bo- tho
first time Portlanders have ever had an
opportunity to see It- It is a comedy,
bright and scintillating, a continual burst
of laughter from beginning to end. "The
Last Word" will opon at the Columbia
Sunday matinee, and continue all week,
with a special New Year's matinee Mon
day, January 2.
Advance Sale Today.
This morning at 1 o'clock the ad
vance sale of seats will open for tho
famous colorod comedians, , "Williams
and Walker, who come to the Marquam
Grand Theater as the New Year's at
traction Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
nights, January 2, 3, 4, with a special
matinee Wednesday, in their latest
success, "In Dahomey."
Special Monday Matinee.
There will be a special New Year mat
inee at tho Columbia Monday afternoon,
January 2, of Daly's great comedy, "The
Last Word." Seats can now be reserved
at the boxofflce and should be secured at
A Genteel Sparring Match.
It is seldom that genteel people, . who
do not care to attend a regulation spar
ring exhibition, have an opportunity to
witness a brisk glove contest under
such favorable circumstances as at tho
Lyric this week. Dave Barry, the
noted pugilist, and his sparring part
ner. Gregglns, also a clever exponent
of the gloves, are appearing at each
performance at the LyrJc this week for
a three-round go for points. Hudson
Labelle, the expert magician, is arous
ing great interest in his mysterious feats;
Lam and Jenkins, with their marionettes,
are an unusually good attraction; Ida
Russell, the lightning-change artist, has
no equal, and Robert Athan, the quaint
comedian, who Introduces his original
Lewis and Clark song, is scoring a hit.
Amateurs at the Arcade.
Dan and Bessie Kelly are making the
Arcade Theater resound with laughter
by their merry one-act sketch. Dan
Kelly is a versatile Irish comedian,
while Bessie Kelly is a soprano of rare
merit- The bioscope pictures of a race
between an auto and a racehorse are
the most exciting of any films ever seen
in Portland. Tonight the amateurs will
add a novel feature to the excellent bilL
Great Bill at Baker.
In order to commence the new year
with a grand boom celebration the
Baker Is giving its patrons one of the
finest vaudeville entertainments seen
in Portland this year. It may be taken
aB a sign that the coming year is to be
far ahead of the one just closing in a
local theatrical way, and the Baker In
tends to set the pace. Bimm, Bomm,
Brrr, the great eccentric musical trio,
which has created a furore wherever it
has appeared, is one of the bright, par
ticular features. Hawley and Vass, the
funniest team of comedians in the busi
ness, are coining laughs, and the Ox
ford Duo never fails to please the audi
ences. Kober Bros., the comedy acro
bats in the great trick-ladder act, and
a number of others equally as good,
appear on the programme this week.
Who'll. Watch the Bijou?
There's a gold watch at the Bijou for
somebody. It will be given away at 9
o'clock this evening. It's worth having
and it will go to some one who has at
tended a Bijou matinee and received a
watch coupon. For this week, Welch and
Maitiand and May and Miles keep the
fun factory running full blast. Burdick,
the mystery man.-helps. See "The Trials
and Troubles of an Automobllist" on the
The Arabs at the Grand.
No theater In this city has ever done
such a business as has the Grand this
week because of the matchless charac
ter of the programme ottered. The
Whirlwinds of the Desert have proved
a great drawing card, and more than
that, they have greatly pleased the
people with the high character of their
The Star's Coupon Matinee.
Three acts that no lover of refined
vaudeville ought to miss are Daisy
Harcourt, the famous and fascinating
London soubrette; Ellis and Paloma,
the operatic singers, and the Taggart
family of skilled acrobats. All these
excellent performers are at the Star
Theater. Today the regular coupon
matinee with the coupon printed on
page 10 of today's Oregonlan.
Women's Bodies Are Identified.
NEW YORK, Dec. 29. Two young wo
men who met tragic deaths in this city
In a manner strikingly similar were 4den
tifled today. The girl who was found un
conscious to Riverside drive and died
without regaining consciousness was rec
ognized tonight by John F. Mangan as
his sister, Mary Mangan. who had been
employed here as a domestic.
The other woman, who was discovered
dead in a basement, was recognized as
Mrs. Cecelia Butler, the widow of a rail
road employe who died two weeks ago.
The theory of murder is being Investi
gated by the police.
Americus Thrown Three Times.
BALTIMORE, Dec. 29. Fred Bool, of
Marshfleld, Wis., threw Gus Schoenlon
("Americus"), of this city, tonight in
their wrestling bout, catch"-as-catch-can
style. In three straight falls of a five-fall
All Multnomah Senators
for Kuykendall.
Mills Supporters Sure He Will
Be Speaker.
Marion County Candidatcfor Leader
ship of House of Representatives
Is Said to Claim Support
Not Really His.
That Multnomah County will give Dr.
W. Kuykendall, of Lane, all its seven
votes for President of the State Senate,
in the Republican caucus, prior to per
manent organization of that body at Sa
lem, one week from next Monday, seems
certain from the present political status
of things. Such has been tho programme
for the six Multnomah Senators who wero
elected on the regular Republican ticket
The best advertisement for the 1005 Fair that Oregon's people can send to
their friends in the I'ast, will be a copy of the New Year' Oregonlan that
will be published Monday morning next. The illustrations of the beautiful Ex
position buildings and the Exposition grounds will be made a special feature
of the New Year's number. The paper .will be mailed to any address in the
United States or Canada, postage prepaid, for 40 cents a copy. Address The
Oregonlan, rortland. Or.
last June, and though they did not indi
vidually enter into that arrangement with
Dr. Kuykendall, they admit that they will
line up with him. Tho seventh Sonator,
C. W. Nottingham, elected as an inde
pendent, will join in with his Multnomah
colleagues if he shall follow his present
In exchange for Multnomah's vote in
the Senate, Dr. Kuykendall and his
friends are to pull for the election of A.
L. Mills, Multnomah's candidate for
Spoaker, because without this county's
aid Kuykendall could not win.
Election Seems Assured.
From present Indications Kuykendall's
election seems assured, and the Lane man
will have more than enough votes to win
tho caucus nomination on the first bal
lot. But the Speakership contest has a
very uncertain outlook. Kay, of Marion
claims more than enough votes to secure
the caucus nomination, for which 26 will
be required, but supporters of Mills in
this county aver that Kay is overesti
mating his hosts.
Certain it is, tho advent of Mills Into
the fray and the adherence of Multno
mah's Senators to Kuykendall put an en
tirely different look on the face of things
from that of three or four days ago. Then
the Speakership appeared to be Kay's and
the Presidency in doubt. But now, un
certainty has shifted to the fight for the
No doubt Kay had promises of support
from a majority or more of the House Re
publicans, when the contest lay between
himself and Bailey. But now that Mills
has taken the place of Bailey, the align
ment is expected to change by Mills' back
ers and Kay's adherents to fall away.
The Mills people say that Kay received
many of his pledges as against Bailey
but not as against Mills; therefore, Kay
cannot now hold them bound to himself.
But Kay has rolterated his confidence
even more strongly since Mills has been
brought out.
Kay Claims Majority of Caucus.
Kay claims the following as la his
camp: Calvert, Richie, Settlemler and
himself, of Marion; Cornett. of Linn;
Bingham. Edwards and Griffin, of Lane;
Miles, of Yamhill; Barnes, Flint and
Newell, of Washington; Carter, of Ben
ton; West, of Tillamook and Yamhill;
Huntley, of Clackamas, and another un
named member from the same county;
Mayger. of Columbia; Shook and Steiner,
of Crook, Grant, Klamath and Lake;
Cole, of Umatilla and Morrow; Dobbin,
of Wallowa and Union; McLeod, of
Union; Smith, of Baker; Stitz, of Har
ney and Malheur; Donnelly and Kuney,
of Gilliam Sherman and Wheoler; Bur
gess and Jane, of Wasco 28.
This Is two more than a majority 'of
the Republican caucus. Besides. Kay
claims that three men now supporting
Vawter will go to him after Vawter shall
have withdrawn.
The Mllls people dispute the claims of
Kay vigorously. They name 24 members
of the house as already sure to support
the Mutnomah man and say that more
can readily be secured between now and
the meeting of the Legislature. Of the
24 they declare that seven are in the
foregoing list of Kay claims.
The votes which Kay concedes to Mills
are those of Graham, of Marlon; Cooper,
of Polk; possibly one of Clackamas and 13
of Multnomah 19 in all; and to Vawter,
Gray and Sonneman, of Douglas; Her
mann, of Coos; Jackson and Von der
Hellen, of Jackson, and Arawter him-self-6.
Multnomahs Strong Power.
That Multnomah, with 20 votes in tho
Legislature, all working as a unit, can
accomplish Its alms and bring into line
enough votes to make Mills speaker,
through its power In legislation. Is the
confident opinion of the political leaders
In this county. There is a widespread
belief that the Mills candidacy has been
sprung later than it should have been,
but that there is yet sufficient time to
capture the plum.
There is a determination In the delega
tion to require Kuykendall to deliver
votes to Mills in the House in exchange
for Multnomah's aid in the Senate. Kuy
kendall's friends have had trouble In
lining up the three representatives from
Lane, and are said thus far to have failed
in their endeavor. But Kuykendall has
given assurances of help from his friends
in other counties, which are said to make
up for the losses In Lane. "
Lineup in Senate.
If any of the Senate allies of the Lane
man were disposed to desert, they have
been brought back to camp by "Multno
mah's adherence to him; besides, tho dec
laration of this county has won him re
cruits. The following Senators are counted as
sure allies of Kuykendall by the latter's
Hodsonr Holman, Malarkey, Mays,
Sichel, Coe, Nottingham, of Multnomah:
Rand of Baker, Loughary of Polk. Booth
of Lane, Douglas and Josephine; Tuttle
of Clatsop. Brownell of Clackamas, Hob
son of Marlon and Linn. Coke of Coos and
Curry, and Kuykendall himself 15.
This leaves to Carter the following:
Farrar of Marion. WiTealdon of
Wasco. Bowerman of "Gilliam, Sherman
and Wheeler; McDonald of Union and
Wallowa, Haines of Washington, Laycock
of Grant, Crook. Lake and Klamath;
Wright of Yamhill. Tillamook "and Lin
coln; Howe of Yamhill, and Carter him
self D.
These two lists leave unplaced Crolsan
of Marlon, who has been holding off to
see how Multnomah would jump, but now
that this county has jumped, the Kuy
kendall people expect him to join their
ranks. Even Farrar, who has been giving
aid and comfort to the Carter clement,
they expect to receive on their side. As
for Hobson and Coke, who are claimed by
the Carter boomers, thooe two men are
included by the Kuykendall ' workers as
among their stanchest adherents. Fol
lowers of the Lane Senator aver also that
Laycock is by no means a sure devotee of
the Carter faith.
Fighting Is Carried on at a Distance
of Nearly a Mile.
CHEFOO, Dec. 29. The Japanese line
at Port Arthur Is now. as a result of the
general attack beginning December 25,
much closer to Llao Ti Mountain. Chi
nese who loft Port Arthur yesterday and
arrived here today report that a greatly
inferior Russlnn force defended the outer
most of the trenches for three days, re
tiring when Japanese artillery had se
cured an enfilading position. The fight
ing mostly was at a range of two-thirds
of a mile, the Japanese fearing mines.
Tho Russians retired to Chingkakao.
Japanese who arrived at Chefoo, many
from Port Dalny, say the recent fight
ing also resulted in the capture of a hill
called by the Japanese Yangthuban (pos
sibly Kekwan Mountain), enabling the
Japanese seriously, to harass land com
munication wijjt- tX Llao Tl forts and
with the forts on Ftsg and Antse Moun
tains. The capture of Ysngthuban Hill
followed several night attacks," during one
of which the Japanaso became confused,
killed each other, and retired when the
mistake was discovered by the appear
ance of the moon.
The Japanese here further report that
severe fighting has occurred on the north
oast flank, particularly at Blblung Moun
tain, where, when the Japanese left Port
Dnlny, the Japanese forces had made
some progress.
Two steamers recently ran the blockade
of Port Arthur. One of them was cap
tured by the Japanese when emerging
from the harbor.
Russians Fire at Random.
via Fusan, Dec 29. No change has
taken place at the front of the second
army. The Russians continue dally
bombardment, firing at random, and
resulting in few casualties. The Jap
anese soldiers pick up 15-centimeter
shrapnel cases, and with them make
charcoal burners to heat the bomb
proofs. Occasional collisions take
place between patrols, tho Russians
always retiring. Both sides seem sat
isfied to remain in the trenches.
Lieutenant - General Sir William
Nicholson, Director-General of Mili
tary Intelligence of tho British War
Office, who was attached to the Jap
anese army, left yesterday on his way
to England.
Movements at the Front.
TOKIO, Dec 29. The Manchurjan army
headquarters, reporting today, says:
"On December 27, at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon, the Russians, with heavy
field guns, bombarded the Shakhe River,
railroad bridge in the neighborhood of
tho station, and the Russian guns at
Talientun shelled Chlhsiantun and
Shulintzu. Russian cavalry, attacked
Hellintun at sunset on the same day,
but were repulsed by Japanese cavalry.
At S:30 o'clock of the same evening the
Russian cavalry enveloped the Japan
ese pickets, who were reinforced, and
finally repulsed the enemy. The Jap
anese casualties were three men
Called to Confer With Czar.
PARIS, Dec 30. The Echo de Paris
learns that Admiral Kazankoff received
a cipher dispatch from Grand Duke
Alexis, informing him that the Emperor
wished to confer with him concerning tho
North Sea Commission. It is pointed out
that there is time for the Admiral to go
to "St. Petersburg and return before the
commission meets on January 9. It is
possible, the Echo de Paris says, that
some other appointment awaits him, but
if so, he is not aware of the fact.
Vlce-Adlmral Doubassoff, the, paper
adds, is expected here on a matter not
connected with the North Sea affair,
namely, the ordering of torpedo-boat
destroyers for his government.
Demand for Russian Murderer.
SHANGHAI, Dec 29. The leaders of the
Nlngpo community here have telegraphed
to the Foreign Offico at Pekin that they
have great difficulty in restraining their
countrymen owing to the Russian Con
sul's neglect to answer the Taotal's je
quest for the surrender of the two sailors
of the Russian cruiser Askold, who are
charged with the murder of a Chinaman
as the result of a quarrel over the hire of
a jinrikisha.
Explore Red Lights
Grand Jury Iny Night Vlult to
North End District.
Piloted by Deputy Sheriff Cordano,
the members of the county grand jury
toured the North End last night. They
visited numerous saloons and disrepu
table places, including the Paris House,
the Green Front Theater, Erickson's,
Blazier's, Fritz' and others.
After traveling about for some time
the members of the jury came across
Policemen Baty and Burke, veteran
patrolmen of the district, from whom
they gained real knowledge of the no
torious establishments there. In a
short conversation with the officers
they obtained information that will be
of great value to them during the re
mainder of their deliberations.
No names of places were given by
the jurymen, but some of them remark
ed that several establishments in the
district should not be granted a re
newal of their licenses. Their visit
most probably hnd some bearing on
the present Investigation into the rent
ing of property to disreputable tenants.
A soap Kis known by the
company it keeps. Pears'
is found in good society,
The use of Pears' Soap
betokens refinement.
Scented, or not, as you prefer.
Thirty-Two Sailing Vessels Clear
From This Port in 1904 Mes
sage of the Sea.
The British ship Glaucus, the last grain
ship to sail this year, completed her cargo
at Irving dock yesterday and dropped
to anchorage In the stream to await a
towboat to take her to Astoria. Her
cargo consists of 117,513 bushels of wheat
worth $1(5.661. She Is dispatched by the
Northwestern Warehouse Company, and
sails to Queenstown for orders. The Ital
ian ship S. Celeste moved up to the Glau
cus' berth from Columbia dock No. 2, and
will begin loading barley this morning.
She will be the first vessel to clear In the
coming year.
With the departure of the Glaucus, 32
grain ships will have sailed from Port
land in 1M. In the order of their sailings
the vessels were the Crlstel. Andorlnha,
Ancalos. East African, Magdalene-, Red
Rock. Marechal de Turcnne, La. Fontaine,
Vcrclngetorix. Thistle. La. Bruyere, Ar
men, Nal. Marechal de Noailles, Laennec,
Rajorc. Beacon Rock. Emelle. Brizeaux,
Eskasoni, Hartficld, Wray Caetle, Carnar
von Bay, Duplelx. Cambronne, Pierre Lot!,
Crillon, Asle, Ruthwell, Jules Gommes,
Dunreggan and Glaucus. Twenty-seven of
these vessels cleared for the United King
dom for orders, three for Durban and
one each for Dublin and Cape Town. In
their nationality, 14 were British, 14
French and 4 German. The cargoes wero
divided up among tho exporters as fol
lows: Balfour, Guthrie & Co., 11; Port
land Flouring Mills Company, 7; Kerr,'
Glfford- & Co., 6; Northwestern Ware
house Company, 3; Portland Grain Com
pany and G. W. McNear, 2 each; J. J.
Moore & Co., 1.
Mysterious Board Found by Indians
Near Juneau.
Carl Schultz, a seaman of the steamer
Alki, has brought down to Victoria from
Juneau, a weather-beaten, water-worn
board with the following partly oblit
erated inscription upon it:
"Dec. 24, 19-0. Aboard schooner Cog
11. All rlgln one. Leak forward, 6 ft.
water d. Adrift 20 days. ions gone
According to the Victoria Colonist,
Schultz secured It from an Indian at Ju
neau, who stated that he had picked It up
on the beach near that port. The In
scription was evidently gouged into the
board with some sharp Instrument. Tho
date is quite distinct, also the word
"schooner," but the name of the vessel
Is spilt In half, so that only the first three
and last two letters are intelligible. After
the name oil the vasscl comes the word
"all," which can with difficulty be made
out; then the letters "r-I-g-I-n" follow con
secutively and are quite distinct, but the
last letter, which was undobutedly a "g,"
was completely obliterated, as well as tho
"g" of "gone." The words "Leak for
ward 6 ft." can barely be deciphered,
and the letters preceding the "d" are com
pletely obliterated, but enough of the
sentence is there to indicate that with
out doubt the sentence was originally
written "6 feet water in hold."
"Adrift 20 days" can be easily made out,
but the letters following and before the
"Ions" are gone. The distance, however,
between the Intelligible parts show that
the word following "20 days" was "pro
visions." The word "gone" is distinct,
but tho remainder of the message can
not be made out. Schultz has turned the
board over to friends, who are trying to
find a trace of the supposed wrecked
Plea of Roscoe's Captain Fined by
Customs Officials.
ASTORIA, Or., Dec 29. (Special.)-Cap-taln
P. Crlra, master of the steamer L.
Roscoe, which was fined $600 by Collector
for Customs Robb yesterday, filed an ap
plication to the Treasury Department at
the Customhouse today, asking that the
fine be remitted. He says ho sailed from
Siuslaw with seven persons, all white, as
a crew, and two fishermen, who were on
board and acted as deckhands, demanded
pay for their services, making a ship's
crew of nine all told, which is the num
ber required by law. Regarding the pas
senger list, he says he kept a list of the
number of passengers in a book which
he had for the purpose, and he had never
received any instructions to keep any
other list He adds that he had as pas
sengers three white men, two of whom
worked and were paid as deckhands, and
13 Chinamen, all of whom were members
of the fishing and cannery crews em
ployed at the plant operated by the own
er of the steamer. Concluding, the ap
plication asks that the fine be remitted,
as there was no attempt on the part of
the captain to x'iolate the statues.
Canadians Fine the Seattle.
VICTORIA, B. C, Dec 29. The
steamer City of Seattle has been fined
$400 for picking up the passengers
on the steamer Jefferson in Swanson
Bay, early in November, and carrying
them through to Seattle, without re
porting it at a Canadian port. The
breach of law committed Involved more
than this, the Victoria customs con
tending that the steamer had no right
to even tak! the Jefferson's passengers
aboard in Canadian inland waters. The
Collector said that had the passengers
been in danger the City of Seattle
might have ben justified in taking
them; not otherwise-
Rescued From. Sinking Schooner.
HAVRE. Dec 29. The British steamer
Anglo-Chilean, from Pensacpla, via New
port News, whlcn has arrived here with
Captain Nelson, his wife and five members
of the crew of the American schooner W.
F. Chester on board, reports having rescued-
them in mldocean. where the Ches
ter was sinking, after having encountered
a four days' storm. Captain Nelson set
fire to the schooner after abandoning her.
The American Consul here will send the
rescued persons home.
Abydos Still Ashore.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 29. Advices re
ceived today state that the Kosmos liner
Abydos is- still ashore in the Straits of
Magellan. She is resting about midships
on the rocks, while her stern is afloat,
and with every roll of the surf she grinds
on a reef in Osarno Bay.
Russ Loading at Rainier.
RAINIER. Or.. Dec. 29. The three-masted
schooner Joseph Russ. of San Francis
co, is moored at DIetz' dock here to take
on a cargo of 400.0CO feet of lumber from
the Nordby & Wilson mill, being part of a
large consignment for California parties.
Marine Notes.
The schooner S. T. Alexander cleared
yesterday for San Pedro with 00.000 feet
of lumber.
The China liner Arabia moved over to
Alaska dock yesterday and began loading
The Italian ship Regina Elena, 1S53 tons
net, has been sold to parties in Trieste and
renamed the Georgia.
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA. Dec 20. Arrived down at 3:20 P.
M. British bark Dunresgan. Condition of tho
bar at 5 P. JL. rough; wind southeast; weather
cloudy. No shipping moving.
San Francisco, Dec 20. Sailed Brlj "W. G.
Irwin, for Roche Harbor; steamer Czarina, for
the piano like the average amateur when he might play like Paderewski or
Bauer, or Carreno or Hofmann, by paying just a little more. Yet this Is just
exactly what one does who buys any other piano-player than the Pianola with,
tho Metrostyle.
Metrostyle Pianolas $250 and $300.
The Weber Pianola Piano is aptly termed the first complete piano. It pos
sesses an absolutely faultless tone, artistic in every feature and the unique ad
vantage over all other highest-grade pianos, of affordrrtg the unskilled music
lover the same opportunity of playing the piano perfectly, that It offers the most
skilled musician, the wonderful Metrostyle Pianola mechanism being built
right Into the space heretofore unoccupied in the upright piano. Prices of
Pianola Pianos ?500 to $1000.
Purchasable upon easy monthly payments. Pianos of all other makes taken
in exchange.
Metrostyle Pianolas, Weber Pianola Pianos, Aeolian Orche3trelles sold only bjr
Eiler3 Piano House, 331 Washington 3treet. corner Park. Large stores also
Spokane and Seattle, Wash., San Francisco, Stockton and Oakland, Cal., Boldo
and Lowlston, Idaho.
Coos Bay; steamer Signal, for Coos Bay:
schooner Albert Meyer, for Bclllngham.
Reactionaries Undid the Work Ac
complished by WItte and Others.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 29. 'They
condemn themselves out of their own
mouths," is the heading of a revolu
tionary circular that Is being distrib
uted throughout the empire. The ar
gument of this document summarizes
the Czar's manifesto from the point
of view of the reformers. It contends
that His Majesty not only make3 out
a good case for profound political
changes,- but also testifies to the suc
cess of the Liberals in bringing about
a state of general agitation and excite
ment. This condition, the circular as
serts, will be made increasingly worse
until government in Russia must be
come representative of the people or
dissolve in anarchy.
Uncertainty hangs over the minis
terial struggle and even the best-Informed
are not sure of the facts. It
seems well established, however, that
M. WItte, although a centralist in gov
ernmental theory, stood valiantly with
Prince Svlatopolk-Mirsky, Prince Khil
koff, General Sakharoff, NKokovtzoff
and Yermoloff against the final draft
of tho imperial pronouncement. These
men Induced the Czar to adopt a much
saner and more effective programme,
but the original copy, after having
been sent to the printer, was displaced
by the document which finally reached
the public
The authors of this untimely docu
ment were the arch-reactionaries Po
biedonostzeff. the procurator of the
holy synod, and the Grand Dukes Vlad
imir and Sergius. The Zemstvos. muni
cipalities, social bodies, the advanced
section of the revolutionists and the
federal nationalities will shortly de
termine broad lines for the liberal
movement of tho future.
To Be Succeeded in Command of the
Pacific Fleet.
ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. 29. Vice-Ad-mlral
Skrydloff, commander of the Vlad
ivostok squadron, will return to St. Pe
tersburg In January.
(It was announced from St. Petersburg
December 25 that inquiries made at tho
Admiralty there led to confirm the re
port that Admiral Rojestvensky would
succeed Admiral Skrydloff in supreme
command of the Pacific fleet, and that
Skrydloff would return to St. Petersburg
as a member of the Admiralty Council.)
Japanese Prisoners' Plea to Embassy
American Embassy here, at the request
of the Japanese Minister In Berlin, has
made urgent representations to be al
lowed to send a representative of the Em
bassy to visit the Japanese officers who
are prisoners at Medvld, Province of Nov
gorod, pointing out In behalf of the Jap
anese government that the latter has al
lowed a similar courtesy on several oc
casions In the case of Russian prisoners
In Japan.
The American Embassy at St. Peters
burg received a letter early in December
signed by 6S Japanese officers, who are
prisoners at Medvld, asking that the Em
bassy send a representative there. No
reason was given for the request.
Resigns Head of Red Cross.
Alexandrovsky, ex-Russian Commissioner-General
to the St. Louis Exposition,
has resigned his position as head of tha
Red Cross In the field on account of criti
cism upon his administration. He will be
succeeded by Prince Vaa3llltchkoff.
M. Alexandrovsky has been offered a
hlch position In the hospital service by
Don't get the wrong idea into your
head that starvation is good for dyspep
sia. It's not.
Those who have not studied the subject
very deeply, or with trained scientific
minds, might think so.
But facts prove omerwlse.
All specialists In stomach and digestive
disorders know that it Is best for dyspep
sia to be well fed.
Why, dyspepsia Is really a starvation
Your f'-'c' doesn't feed you.
By starvation, you may give your bow
els and kidneys less to do, but that does
not cure your digestive trouble simply
makes you weaker and sicker; less likely
to be permanently cured than ever.
No, the only right way to permanently
cure yourself of any form of dyspepsia or
Indigestive iroublc is to eat heartily of
all the food that you find best agrees with
you, and help your digestion to work with
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
This is a safe, certain, scientific, relia
ble method of treatment, which will never
fall to cure the most obstinate cases if
persevered in.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have a gen
tle, tonic, refreshing effect on the secret
ory glands of the ontire digestive tract.
They gently force the flow of fresh, di
gestive juices.
They contain, themselves, many of the
chemical constituents of these juices, thus
when dissolved they help to dissolve the
food around them In stomach or bowels.
They therefore quickly relieve all the
symptoms of Indigestion, and coax the
glands to take a proper pleasure in doing
their proper work.
They coax you back to health.
No other medical treatment of any sort
nor any fad system of "culture" or "cure"
will give you the solia. permanent, cura
tive results that will Stuart's Dyspepsia
Write for a free Book of Symptoms. F
A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
I. J. PadercwskI
There is a vast difference between
simply playing the piano and playing it
like Paderewski.
This difference is not merely a mat
ter of technique. If it were, the Pianola
ivould play better than Paderewski, for
its technique is practically perfect.
It is the interpretative emotion with,
which Paderewski plays, coupled with
his superb technique, which distin
guishes his playing -from that of the
ordinary pianist. And this distinction,
which is so great that Paderewski's
fame will be alive a hundred years
from now, represents precisely the dif
ference between the Pianola type of in
strument as it has been known and the
new Pianola with the Metrostyle.
The Metrostyle deals with interpre
tation. It enables everyone to play with
the expression and effect of the best
pianists. The most famous musicians
in the world have contributed to its
effectiveness, and yet it makes the
Pianola easier to play. It does not
make "ordinary pianists" of those who
use It, but pianists of the most excep
tional ability.
It is hardly conceivable that any
one would deliberately choose to play
General Kuropatkln, and also the position,
of Prince Vassilltcnkoff s chief lieuten
ant, but he has not yet decided which to
accept. The change Is incident to a com
plete reorganization of the Red Cross
early In the coming year on account of.
the Increase of the size of the army. Tho
Red Cross has already spent about $3,500.
000. It has now over 20.000 beds. From
the fund of the Empress, which is inde
pendent. 5750.(100 has ben expended.
Boston Painless Dentists
Are now giving their annual CUt
RATS PIUCES on all dental work. Tha
charges are less than college price,
end all work done by our painless sys
tem and by specialist of 12 to 20 year"
Extractlnc Free. En:nI&atioBs Free.
Sthrcr 111 liars SSelGold milage 7a
Gold Crowns . ..$3.00 Full Bet Teeth...
Have your teeth extracted without
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same day. Come in at once and take
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Boston Painless Dentists
Fifth mad SXorriaoa Stress t.
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A special soap which euen ixes the wbol
ptdy, starts the circulate:: and loaves an
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NATHANJOSEPH, Wholesale Dealer
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Relics, Works of Art, Idols, Indian War Clubs, Spears,
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