THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1904. UNREST VERY GREAT Imperial Manifesto Meets With Lukewarm Reception. EXPECT TROUBLE AT MOSCOW Governor-General of Interior City Is Held Responsible for the Note That May Mean a Revival of Terrorism. ST. PETERSBURG, Dec 28. It is evi dent from the reports received from the Interior that the fairly good impression produced by the imperial manifesto on the subject of reforms may be more than off set In many places by the effect of the government note of "warning to the Zemstvos. Private reports from Moscow especially indicate that much excitement prevails there, and the gravest fears are expressed that the ancient capital of Russia may be the scene of bloody excesses. A ban quet arranged to take place there last night on the anniversary of the Troubot askoi revolution was stopped by order of the police, and the Moscow Zemstvo ad journed sine die as a protest against the government note and the return of Grand Duke Sergius as Governor-General of Moscow. The Grand Duke is held to be responsible for the note, which may sig nal a renewal of terrorism. The Pskoft Zemstvo has also followed the lead of thoEe of Chernigoff and Mos cow, and it Is not unlikely that othors will follow the example. Altogether, the moment is considered critical, although the feelinc in St. Petersburg is quieter. The papers are not disposed to regard the Injunction to refrain from discussing political matters. Under cover of commenting on the mani festo, which they really accept In a spirit of hopefulness, they do not hesitate to pr-int out the vagueness of its terms and the lack of guarantees. The Conservative Liberals fear that a continuation of this course, especially if accepted by a renewal of revolutionary activity, will compel re pressive measures, jeopardize a realiza tion of the fruits of victory gained, and place the Moderate Liberals In a false position. In the meantime, M. Witte, president of the committee of Ministers, is acting with energy in preparing to organize the va rious commissions under the committee of Ministers to formulate the laws projected by the manifesto. The destinies of Russia in the Immediate future seem to be In his hands. The majority of the Ministers are hostile to him, but with the warm support of Interior Minister Sviatopolk-Mirsky as sured, no doubt is entertained that Witte will make himself complete master of the situation. The danger is that a crisis may be pre cipitated, not in the form of an actual rev olutionary movement, but In scattered, demonstrations and a revival of terrorism that will again place the reactionaries in the complete ascendancy. M. Witte, It Is understood, purposes, in tbe consideration of the various subjects touched upon in the manifesto, while avoiding the use of the word "reprcsenta tives," to invite editors, Zemstvolsts and others to participate in the discussions. The big strike at the Baku oil fields. coming at this time, is another cause for anxiety, as possibly forming a rallying cry for the workmen s organizations. The Troubetzskol banquet at Moscow was only broken up at 3 o'clock this morning. Among those present were pop ular writers, professors of the university. mining school and Technlcologlcal Insti tute, editors and Socialist workmen. M, Kedrlne, the well-known lawyer and member of the St. Petersburg Municipal ity, presided. The text of the resolution. which was carried by 766 to 7 votes, after many perfcrvid speeches, was as follows: In view of the horrors of the war. which Is devoid of sense, and in view also of the enormous sacrifices and ruin In which the country is being involved, we representing the liberal professions and working classes, protest against the war . Into which the government dragged the nation without consideration for the opin ions or interests of the Russian neonle. and we express our profound belief that only the nation itself can save Russia from her difficulties throusrh renresenta tives of the people elected by ballot on equal ngnts. our motto Is peace and free dom." ZEMSTVO HAS ADJOURNED. Calm Is Destroyed by 'Note Promul gated by the Government. MOSCOW. Dec. 2S. The Zemstvo ad journed indefinitely yesterday evening after the adoption of a resolution as fol lows: "This Zemstvo, deeply moved by the governments note In regard to nroceed Ings at Zemstvo meetings, is unable to continue its huslness with the necessary calm, and therefore adjourns sine die.' The resolution was signed by 34 dele gates. Seven delegates voted against It Prior to putting this resolution Presl dent Trubelzkol said that two dissentient statements had been appended to the minutes of the previous sitting. One had a single signature attached to it. The other had 13. Tho latter was as follows "We find It impossible to sign the pro posed address to the Emperor. Together with the great mass of the Russian peo pic we firmly believe in the ancient prin clple of the Emperor's autocracy, and un conditionally repudiate any attemnt to limit or bolittle It, regarding it as the fundamental basis of Russia's state life, Every change -which alms at a limitation of the imperial power cannot but be re celved by the people in the most hostile spirit, but they cannot conceive any oth or form of government than autocracy and will not permit any alien Institutions to be Imposed upon them that would be violence to their ancient Ideals and views. "No less firmly do we believe that the autocratic power -will find tho right way to terminate the disorganization of the state and public life and introduce re forms corresponding with the matured needs of the people without recourse to radical rupture of the existing order of things in the state at the present mo ment when Russia is Involved in a serious war. "We regard the attempt to Inaugurate radical government reforms as nartlcu laxly Inopportune. The whole energy of tne people must be concentrated toward the attainment of the goal, namely, the defense of the honor, dignity and might of the fatherland. All Russia must rally round the throne and help to extricate the country from its serious plight. To utilize such a moment for carrying out radical state reforms would bring to head the internal disorders from which the country Is already suffering sufficient ly. By adopting a petition of a political nature the Zemstvo quite exceeds the limits of Its powers and deprives itself by openly infringing the laws of the right oi protesting against interference in the conduct of Zemstvo's own affairs." POLICE CHIEF IS SLAIN. Sakaroff Meets His Death While on Main Street of Shusha. SHUSHA, Russia, Dec. 2S. Police Chief Sakaroff was killed on the main street nere uns morning. ... ,., Congress, of Municipalities. ST! PETERSBURG." Dc. 2S.-The m'u niclpallty today adopted a resolution In favor of oetltionlng that a congress of representatives of all the Russian mu nicipalities should he convened. Cossacks Dying of Plague. ST. PETERSBURG. Dec 28. It is of ficially announced that a disease, the characteristics of which are similar to "bubonic nlasrue. has appeared among the Kirghiz Cossacks in two settle ments of the Ural territory, resulting in 190 deaths between xsovemoer 24 ana December 26. The localities have been declared to be- infected with the plague. Strike in Russian Oil Fields. ST. PETERSBURG, Dec 2S. Tens of thousands of men have struck throughout the Baku (Caucasia) oil fields. OUTBURST OF SPECULATION. Indications That Mood Has Returned Once More. World's Work. There are indications of an outburst of speculation. And what wonder? The in tangible thing called "confidence" asserted itself on election day in a very romarxauie fashion. Of course that was confidence in the President and his party and lis pol icies. But it is an easy transition in feel inc. If not in exact thought, from confi dence in the Administration to confidence In business conditions. While confidence in business conditions is the most power ful force In the business world, a mina confidence in business conditions breeds the speculative spirit Is the speculative spirit, in fact. Then there are other facts, the rignt use of which should cheer us. but the wrong use of which will Inebriate us. It Is the first of the year let us plunge Into Its ac tivities with energy; this is the natural mood of the American man of affairs. We have had good crops, too. The cotton crop, for instance, exceeds all preceding ones. And nencatn it au, tne structure of huslness is sound. The railroad earn ings .are good. The steel trade is active. though at somewhat lower prices. Aaa to these satisfactory conditions a confi dence in the stability of all such public policies as the tariff and the currency and we have a state of trade and a state of mind at once satisfactory and dan gcrous. The danger of the coming of the specu lative mood Is shown in several ways for examples, the amount of money that is passing through the banks Is so much In excess of the usual amount as to sug gest the buying of things beyond ordinary uses; and the continued rise in the prico of stocks, suggesting speculative rather than investment purchases, broke with sensational violence early in December. The encouraging fact has" been pointed out in these pages several times that the business world grows in common sense. A boom or a panic is more difficult to start than it used to be. A Presidential cam paign does not disturb commercial condi tions as it once did. The superstitions of finance are losing their hold on the faith of men. We see a little farther ahead of us than we once saw and we look a little farther backward. The better organlza tionof finance has given us better machln ery to prevent wild action. Still wo are human. Still at bottom we are speculative. We still love to become rich quickly and to take any chance of doing so that presents itself enticingly. In financial life there is credulity that contin ually astounds us. There is, therefore, in spite of all the checks of organization and of the growth in common sense, the same fundamental love of speculation that we have always had. The future seems to offer a secure and continuous prosperity. If we take it with balance and sanity. PROVED HIMSELF A GENTLEMAN Earl of Craven Beats a Fellow-Passen ger, but Is Sent to Jail. LONDON, Dec 28. A. E. Craven, a cou sin of the Earl of Craven, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Martin, formerly of New York, has been sentenced to 21 days in jail for a brutal assault on a fellow- passenger on a train. The latter, while entering a crowded car, humped against Mr. Craven s- knee with his grips. Mr. Craven offensively demanded an apology. and upon receiving a refusal, struck the plaintiff in the face. Mr. Craven then loudly proclaimed himself "a gentleman, whose name would be found in Debrett, and a cousin of the Earl of Craven." The plaintiff declared that Mr. Craven's conduct was not that of a gentleman. whereupon Mn Craven dealt him a violent blow on the nose, drawing blood profusely The magistrate, in sending Mr. Craven to Jail, characterized the assault as most unjustifiable and most blackguardly, for which a fine was quite inadequate. EARTIGAN DEES OF 'INJURIES Superintendent of the Iron Mountain Road Hit by Illinois Central Train. CHICAGO, 111. Dec 2S.-John G. Harti gan, of Little Rock, Ark., superintendent of the Bt, Louis, iron Mountain & South ern Railroad, died at St. Luke's Hospital here today from Injuries sustained last night, when struck by an Illinois Central Railroad train at Daupln Park. Reflections. Dodd Gaston in Topeka Capital. It is mj- notion that no man can oe handsome and wear ear muffs at the same time. ... I have noticed that nothing the father of the girl does is so highly ap predated as his trip upstairs to bed . . . You can't make an Episcopalian believe there Is any other church. . What I am looking for is a dealer who hasn't a "fine line of holiday goods.' If find him I am willing to buy a fair-sized bill. ... I have noticed that while a man may overlook an Insult to himself, he never forgives you if you fail to com pliment his whisky. Fight for Closed Shop. NEW YORK, Dec. 2S. It has been decided by the International -Carriage and wagon workers' Union to mov tho organization's National headuuar ters to Chicago from New York early In January. P. J. Mulligan, the secre tary. said the change IsMjelng made In order to carry on more effoctlvel the fight lor tbe closed shop. Carnegie Approves Plan. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 2S. Andrew Carnegi has approved of the plans for tho new St. Louis Literary building and tele graphed that hi? cashier has been in structed to honor requests up to $1,000,00!) from the proper authorities for the new structure. Thomas C. Moore. KANSAS CITY-, Dec. 2S. Thomas C. Moore, administrator-general of the Catholic diocese, of Leavenworth. Kan and vlcar-general of the diocese under the late Bishop Fink, died at Las Vegas, . M.. today, according to a message re celved. here He had gone to New Mexico for his health. Cruiser Chicago at Valparaiso.. VALPARAISO, Chile. Dec 2S. Th United States cruiser Chicago, in com mand of Captain EL K. Moore, has arrived Fire Loss in Iowa. ESTHERVILLE, Ia. Dec. 28. Fire de strpyed .the-Coon blockand evoraI other buildings adjoining. Loss. JlOO.OOtf. . .Stop, .that. Couch by, using .PJso'aCure for Consumption. All arur&ists. -ic DEMOCRATiS DENIED olorado Supreme Court Re fuses Mandamus to Beshoar. CANVASS AT 0NGE BEGUN Deputy Sheriff Reads an Injunction Through a Keyhole to the Board, but Republicans Are Granted Certificates of Election. DENVER. Colo., Dec 2S. The Supreme Court today announced Its decision not to grant the application of Michael Be- hoar. Democratic candidate for the State Senate In Las Animas County, for leave to file an application for a writ of man damus to compel the State Board of Can- assers to canvass the returns showing his election and Issue a certificate to him. Tnls decision applies likewise to the cotT test from Boulder County, where Senator Charles B. Ward, Democrat, was re-elected on the fact of the returns, and the Re publican attorney has asked the board to issue the certificate to the Republican candidate. The court decided that It had no jurisdiction over the board. The decision of the Court of Appeals two years ago In a similar election-case, to the effect that tho board had discre- THE NEW YEAR'S OREGONIAN The bet advertisement for the 1305 Pair that Oregon's people can end to their friends to the East, will be a copy of the New Year's Oregonian that will be published Monday morning next. Tho illustrations of the beautiful Ex position buildings and the Exposition grounds vrlll be made h- special feature of the New Year's number. The paper will be moiled to any "address In the United States or Canada, postage prepaid, for 10 cents a copy. Address Th Oregonlan, Portland, Or. 4 t tionary power, was cited, and the court declared that the decision was a just one. as two election judges might conspire to gether to certify to false returns, and if the returns were permitted to stand, de spite any protests that might bo made to the board, tho ends of justice would be thwarted. Immediately after the decision was giv en, the board proceeded with the canvass behind closed doors. The precaution of locking the doors was taken in order to prevent tho service of a writ of Injunction issued by District Judge Samuel L. Car penter, restraining the board from Issuing certificates of election to the Republican. contestants, Casimcro Barela and H. B. Millard. The Deputy Sheriff bearing the injunction read It through the keyhole. The board, nevertheless, granted certifi cates to Barela and Millard. When tho doors were opened the writs were served on the members. District Judge Samuel L. Carpenter and Attorneys Everett Bell and John A. Rush were later served with notice to appear before the Supreme Court tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, the former to show cause why the mandamus he issued against the State Canvassing Board should not be dissolved, and the latter two to answer for contempt of court In not obeying the order of the court issued at the beginning of election suits direct ing all courts and members of the bar to cease Involving the election cases by pro ceedings in lower courts. The Supreme Court, after hearing argu ments on the Adams petition, announced that it would render a decision tomorrow at 2 P. M. ADAMS ASKS FOR RECOUNT. Will Not Take Seat Unless He Is Fairly Elected. DENVER. Dec. 28. Attorneys Charles S. Thomas a"rid Samuel W. Belford filed a petition In the Supreme Court today on behalf of Alva Adams, Governor-elect, asking that cither tho court or a com mission appointed by the court shall open all of the 204 ballot boxes used In Denver at the late election and make a thor ough examination of their contents. "I have no question about my election by substantially the majority reported on the face of the returns." said Gov ernor Adams. "I believe if the frauds in outside counties could be unearthed my honest majority would amount to 20.000. But I want no tainted ecat. It Is of far greater Importance that extensive election frauds should be unearthed and punished than that I or any other par ticular Individual should be sworn in as Governor. 'I don't know who committed the al leged frauds In Denver. I know nearly SO men are in jail, ostensibly for contempt of court, but really charged with election crimes. If they are of the character re ported, I feel assured that there are men at liberty far more deserving of jail than those who are incarcerated. I feel that some of those In Jail have been unjustly dealt by. But bo thatvas it may, I want this investigation made; I want it to ex tend from the head to the foot, and I want the truth known." Governor Adams' petition charges that certain evil-disposed persons are using the disclosures made from tho Supreme Court as a cloak under which they may nullify the will of the people as consti tutionally expressed at the polls. The petition recites that prior to the recent election the Supreme Court -appointed watchers named by the Republican organ ization, and that tho men thus designated were present at the various polling places, and supervised the casting of the ballots. Following the election of Adams, the pe tition avers, the Republican press charged the Democrats with wholesale frauds, and the matter was brought before tho Su preme Court. That tribunal ordered some of the ballot-boxes opened, and experts alleged they found hundreds of spurious ballots. These disclosures wero followed by even more extravagant claims of fraud, and the exaggerated reports were pub lished all over the country, according to the petition, causing much Injury to tho state and city. As a result, the petition says, there exists In the state "A condi tion of disquietude and unrest threaten ing the future peace and tranquility of the people and interrupting its prosperity and bringing injury to the best interests of the State of Colorado." The petition insists that, however ex tensive the frauds perpetrated, the legal voters have a constitutional right to have the ballots counted. To that end the court is asked to open every ballot box in the City of Denver and scrutinize Its contents. Realizing that the Justices would probably not desire to give the work their personal attention Governor Adams suggests the appointment of a bi partisan commission to hear evidence, ex amine ballots and report its findings to the court. , CONTEST IN MARYLAND. Republican Congressman Allege De feat With Trick Ballots. BALTIMORE. Md., Dec. 2S. Congress man William H." Japkson, Rep., today served formal notice upon Thomas A. Smith. Dem., that he would contest the seat In the 59th Congress for the First District of Maryland. Mr. Jackson- de nies that Mr. Smith was logally elected. alleging that trick ballots were used. Mr. Smith's plurality In the district, as given to the State Canvassing Board, was olO. Cold Wave In Montana. BUTTE, .Mont.. Dec. 2S. Reports from Northern Montana indicate that a cold wave of unusual severity is sweeping: the extreme northern section, a temperature of 32 below zero at Malta being reported. Low temperatures were prevalent this af ternoon, but tonight the weather shows moderation. Stock is in good condition. Lower Butte shows 23 below zero. Al THE THEATERS Wha the Press Agents Say. "FOR MOTHER'S SAKE" TONIGHT With Marie Heath as the Star, Opens at the Empire Theater. "For Mother's Sake" will be given a splendid production at the Empire Theater the remainder of this week, beginning to night, also at the matinee Saturday. Ma rie Heath, whom theatergoers remember as a bright little sunbeam, will play Jo Pemberton, the boy. With a thorough knowledge of tho re quirements of such a play and with the keen perception of a student of human nature, she began the work that resulted In the production of that charming Idyl of American home life. ."For Mother's Sake," which has proved to be the most popular and successful as it also is the most artistic of all the New England plays. This justly famous comedy-drama will have a finished representation at the Empire Theater. As Saturday night is New Year's eve, no doubt a large number of people will at tend the Empire to pass a pleasant time watching the old year out. "Star of Bethlehem." Judging from the sale of seats, which began yesterday morning. Ben Grect's "Star of Bethlehem" is going, to attract even more attention than did "Every- man." The play Is one that appeals to all ages of people, with the result that the matinees are going to be highly popu lar with the little ones. Nothing more suitable for juvenile theatergoers could be selected than this beautiful story of the first Christmas, while" the grown-ups will be charmed with this thrilling picture of the days of the Nativity. Advance Sale Tomorrow. Tomorrow tFrlday) morning at 10 o'clock the advance sale of scats -will open for the big colored comedians, Williams and Walker, who come to the Marquam Grand Theater as the New Year's attrac tion, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. January 2, 3 and 4. with a special matinee Wednesday, In their latest suc cess, "In Dahomey." Williams and Wal ker and their company have Just returned from a successful season in London and a tour of the English provinces. They en tertained the King and a party of royal guests at Buckingham Palace. The King and Queen expressed themselves as de lighted with the entertainment. Sale of Seats Begins Today. "The Show Girl," which appears at the Empire Theater all next week, starting with the regular matinee Sunday, -also at the special matinee Monday, which Is a. legal holiday, Is B. C. Whitney's musical production. This attraction was secured by Manager Baker through the Stair & Havlln theatrical offices in New York City, and If all press reports are true. It can be said this will be one of the larg est and best companies that will appear hero this season. Through the East. where It appeared last season, full houses were the general rule, and return dates proved better Investments than the first appearance. The company Is.a large one. headed by the charming and vivacious comedienne. Miss Hilda Thomas, and some of the best talent on the American comedy stage today. Tonight, Alexander Concert. Tonight at S:15 the farewell concert will take placo at the White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor streets, to mark tho departure for Paris, early In January, of Arthur L, Alexander, tenor. Tickets are selling well and can be had at Walter Reed's store, Oregonlan building, and no scats will be reserved. Those' who arrive early will get the best seats. The principal musi cians In this city will take part, and the list will Include Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer and Mrs. Fletcher Linn, sopranos: Mrs. Walter Reed and Mrs. Anna Selkirk Nor ton, contraltos; A. L. Alexander, tenor; Dom J. Zan. baritone; Mrs. William A. Knight, pianlste, and Edgar E. Coursen, accompanist. Selections from Liza Leh man's "Persian Garden will be given by the Alexander quartet, and the Orpheus male chorus of 22 selected voices will also make Its debut. The programme Is an attractive one, and the concert Is one of the most notable of the season. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS Daisy Harcourt a Hit. Pretty Daisy Harcourt, the London sou brette, Is a winner at the Star Theater this week. She is a tiny bit of femininity with all- the winsome ways of a London soubrette. Her accent Is delicious and her opening coster song, a pretty bit of character work, while her reappearance as a ballet girl singing "Do That Again arouses her audiences to heights of ap plause seldom witnessed In a vaudeville theater. If you miss the Star bill this week you will also miss the high-class singing act of Ellis and Paloma, both of whom have fine voices, and their songs are artistically rendered, especially the quarrel scene from "Lucia dl Lammep- moor. xne xaggart iamuy oi acrobats, Including two little tots, do an artlstlo acrobatic act, including head-to-head bal ancing and pyramid work. Montgomery and Carter are favorites in a tramp mu slcal and clog-dancing act, full of merry features. The projectoscope pictures of a Japanese attempt to dynamite a Rus slan train, the capture of the Japanese spies and their execution by Russian sol dlers are thrilling and well worth seeing-. Excitement at the Lyric. Scenes of excitement are being enacted at every Lyric performance this week. Nothing like the sensational sparring bout between tho celebrated ring champion Dave Barry, and Gregglns, his sparring partner, has ever been In a polite vaude vllle theater. The contest Is a three-round exhibition go for points, and- the men mix things up lively although all objection able features are carefully guarded against. The event Is remarkable, be cause It gives the ladles and children a chance to see what a prizefight is like without being subjected to the undeslr able associations and the brutality of a finish fight. Thousands of people who would not think of patronizing an or dinary" ring event are flocking to the Lyric to see this great feature of the New Years show. Merry Days at the Arcade. The names of Dan and Bessie Kelly on a vaudeville programme means fast and furious fun. They are at the Arcade this week, and in their train follow mirth and laughter. Dan Kelly appears as an Irish wit, while Bessie KeHy sings some new songs In a sweet soprano voice. The Wal dron brothers arc two of the best comedy Singers ever heard In Portland, and no audience, no matter how hardened, can avoid enjoying their spontaneous fun. Then bioscope has exciting pictures of a race between an auto and a racehorse. The Baker's Laugh Factory. There are many laugh-producers at the Baker this week, and the wonderful Open- lng-of-the-year bill Is conceded to be among the merriest ever offered In local audevllle. Kober Brothers are, perhaps. the leaders, and their trick comedy per formances with tho ladders are Irresistibly funny. In addition to being expert acro bats, they are talented comedians. Edith Clarke, the sunny-haired soubrette. is also a great favorite, and has won Port land by her delightful performance. Blmm, Bomm, Brrr, the great eccentric musical team, are delighting the audi ences, and their every appearance is tho signal for an ovation. The Manning Trio contribute a side-splitting sketch. Haw- ley and Vass compose one of the clever est teams of tho season, and tlie other artists on the programme are "there with the goods." "Red Ravens" at Bijou. Two people, a man and a girl, who call themselves "the Two Red Ravens," swing upon a broomstick close to the ceiling and do all kinds of sensational drops and falls. They are elch and Maltland. the clever est and oddest acrobats who have been here for a long time. They'ro at the Bi jou, the home of good vaudeville acts. May and Miles have a funny skit, and Burdlck. the mystery man. deceives the sharpest eye. Unusual "Bljougraph" pic tures. The Grand's Matchless Bill. The Grand Theater was fortunate to se cure the Arabs, the veritable whirlwinds of the desert, for they have proved so strong a drawing card that not even tho flood of rain last night could keep people away. Think of It! There are ten num bers on the bill a cent a number and one of these numbers the most costly of any now touring in vaudeville in this coun- try-tho Shclk Hadjl-Tahar Arabs. Their act le marvelous, and those who miss it deprive themselves of a treat they may never have the opportunity to enjoy again. Every other number is also a gem that would be considered a rare treat in any theater, no matter what the price of ad mission might be. DEMAND FOR WATER POWER How Waterfalls Enable World to Spare Its Coal Supplies. Garrett P. Servies In Success. Every day sees more and more of the wasted power of waterfalls, which lies at man's disposal In every hilly- or moun tainous country, turned to use in furnish ing electric energy. The power of water falls Is driving the greatest of all tun nels, the double Simplon bore, through tne Alps; It Is sendng another tunnel. by devious ways, behind precipices and under glaciers to the summit of the snowy Jungfrau; and a plan Is now be ing perfected for constructing, once more with the aid of waterfalls, and to be run by them, when finished, a" rival to the Simplon road, which shall cross the Alps between Turin and Martlgny. Everybody knows what Niagara is do ing, and how tho waterfalls of Callfor nla, and of other mountainous states, are being harnessed. A. A. Campbell Swlnton. at the recent meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, presented accu rate statistics, which he had personally collected, showing that no less than 1.500.000 horsepower derived from water falls Is now being utilized In various parts of the world for the development of electric energy. Of this great total which he believed did not represent the full truth, for he thought it probable that the real aggregate is 2,000.000 horse-power. neany one-third must be credited to the united States. There is ono feature of this utilization of water power in place of steam power. wnicn Mr. Swlnton brought out. and which Is seldom thought of arid that is the saving of coal which it effects. On the basis of 2.000,000 horse-power derived from waterfnlls, this saving amounts to nearly 12.000,000 tons of coal per year. But the maximum amount of water power that is available has not yet be gun to be approached in actual utlllza tlon. so that the annual saving of coal must become larger and larger every year. This, in view of the Increasing difficulty of working many coal mines. owing to the great depths to which they have penetrated, and In view of the ap proaching exhaustion of some of the most famous fields, becomes a highly important consideration. Every little while the world Is reminded, more or less sensationally, of a coming coal famine, The fact is that coal, of the better grades. possesses so many advantages and con veniences as a fuel that the earth's sup plies of It should be conserved for Human use as long as possible. Men of science have more than once sounded a warning against the waste of coal, for coal is the gift of a geologic age which cannot be renewed. Thus waterfalls, by enabling us to spare coal, are performing an in direct service only less important than their direct service in supplying electric power. But for them the growing use of electricity would soon make a drain upon the coal mines of the most serious character. The era of waterfalls seems certainly to have dawned. Every great cataract will become a focus of industry, just as every great river valley has always been a center of population, and Professor Brlgham's prediction, that Niagara Is to be the Industrial center of America, may be fulfilled within a generation. Passing of American Forest. Booklovers. Despite the rapid passing of the American forest, lumbering still stands In fourth place among the Industries of the United States. Nearly 300.000 men are employed In lumbering occupations and more than $100,000,000 are annual ly divided among them In wages. . Al though the forests are falling faster than they can ever be restored, the de mand for timber Is Increasing. The re suit seems inevitable, and presents a problem as far-reaching as the area of the United States Itself. The picturesque logging regions of the Northern woods, which once pro duced nearly one-half of our entire supply, today hQld In store but little of the valued pine which made them famous, and the cedar Is also rapidly falling before the sawyers. The cypress trees of the Southland, once despised by the builders, are from necessity go ing into nearly every portion of the construction of handsome homes. The famous logging scenes of Maine will soon live In history 'only, while all eyes turn to the Pacific Slope for a Na tion's supply. This gone, all is tone as far as the United States is concerned except as the efforts of our National and state governments along the lines of scientific forestry succeed In coping with the situation. The National forest reserves now aggregate more than 60.000,000 acres, all of which have been provided for within the past 13 years. Most of these reserves are west of the Rocky Moun tains. The Bureau of Forestry has been making large strides of late in the direction of better management of timber lands and likewise In the actual growing of trees. In Nebraska last year the work of planting 2.000,000 seedlings in the sand hills of the Dis mal River district was inaugurated. State Legislatures are considering the exemption of timber lands from taxa tion. Schools of forestry are growing in number. Arbor day. with its les son. Is observed In 44 states and is a legal holiday in seven. Boulders as Missiles. F. A. McKenzle In London Dally Mall. High atop of the great ridge of Kwan salln lay many companies' of wearied Rus sian soldiers. Grimy gunners had dropped limDlv beside their worn and muddv Of have it. ested, talk SIad ATER S HAIR weapons of death .Lines of unwashed Infantrymen wrapped In gray greatcoats were stretched on the ground around. with heaps of big stones before them on the edge of the ridge. On the hills opposite were-the Japanese the right wing of the first army bitter ly conscious of failure. The keen territor ial rivalry fostered by their military sys tem had made the hours of rest a purga tory for them. They had been up most of the night before, and had fought continu ously through the heat and the wet of tho long day. They had had little to eat, for rice could not be cooked. Limbs were leaden with much exertion. But It was not these things that drove the iron Into their souls. Word had gone round that tho central division of the army had succeeded, had driven the Russians back, and was now on the Russian heights to the south. Could it be that .the Kiushu danzl. who had fought and won for the Emperor during the great revolutionary war. should be surpassed by the To-hok, their hereditary rivals, who 3i years ago had been In arms against them to maintain the Shogunate? Let death come, but not such humiliation. At midnight the longed-for word went forth. Slowly, stealthily. In scattered ranks the men of Kokura moved out, de termined to uphold the honor of their Island. "With mist blinding them and rain beating in their faces, they advanced from rock to rock, near to the bao of the ridge. There was to be no surprise that night. As tho Japanese crept out. the Russians raised themselves, took their exact places on the ridge top, and waited. Now the Japanese have reached the foot of the slope and now began the toll- some ascent. Suddenly there burst on the ears of the astonished soldiers, not the tearing explo sion of shell, not the deadly "plst" of rifle bullets, but the crash of many boul ders pouring down the hill. On and on came great stones. Jerked forward by the Russians at the top. gathering momentum at every yard, striking bigger stones on their way, splintering them and making them join their avalance, until at last. with irresistible dash, they tore through the Japanese ranks. Alas for the man they met on their way. A rifle bullet does not, as a rule, kill, and shell wounds can often be healed, but the doctors afterward said that few whom the stone3 struck drew breath long after, the velocity, weight and jaggednesa of the weapons making men mangled pulp. Even this did not stop the Japanese. Planting their feet in the muddy slopes, clinging to the wet, slippery mountain bushes, they still advanced. Hundreds were hurled back into the valley below, but thousands came on, and like a flood they swept the hill. None asked or gave quarter in that charge; and the Russians were driven down the opposite slope. Now the Japanese had their Innings. Boulder after boulder crashed down upon tho descending Russians. Twice the sol diers rallied and tried to restorm the hill, twice they wero driven back. But when the dim, misty day broke and the Jap anese checked, their muster, they found that nearly -100 would never answer tho roll again. Social Life in Inland Cities. David Gray In Harper's "Weekly. But two or three generations ago these cities were literally villages, and Doctor's of the St Louis , Dispensary SPECIALISTS IN DISEASES OF MEN VARICOCELE, HYDROCELE practice in iroriiuim ytuvu iuui, uui uiviuuua ui ireai ment are safe and certain. The Master Specialist Call at our offices or write, and If we And that you of Portland, who enre cannot be cured we will NOT accept your money nea only, who ee ukoUU ANY CONDITIONS and if we find you ara patients personally, curable wo will guarantee a SAFJS AND POSITIVE Established 1870. CURE In the shortest possible time, without injurious fr Pffacts Our charges will be as low 4e possible for conscientious, klllful and successful service. Consult uS Before consenting to any Snr-tiirTat tirocedure upon important blood vessels and organs. SPECIAL. HOME TREATMENT. If you cannot call writ us. Always in ,,, t-n ".cent stamps for reply. close plffjSuKS 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. SUNDAYS 10 to 3 OSW, THE DR. KESSf.KR St. Louis Medical Surgical Cor. Second and Yamhill Streets, Portland, Or. potency thoroughly cured. No failure. Cure guaranteed. YOUJiG MEN troubled with night emissions, dreams, exhausting drains, bashfulness. aversion to society, which deprive you of your manhood. UNFITS YOU for BUSINESS OR. MARRIAGE. ,..., MIDDLE-AGED MEN, who from excesses and strains have lost- their aLAJBLOOD5 AND SKIN DISEASES, Syphilis Gonorrhoea., painful, bloody urine. Gleet Stricture Enlarged Prostate, Sexual Debility. Varicocele. Hydrocele, Kid ney and Liver troubles cured without MERCURY OR OTHER POISONOUS DRUGS. Catarrh and rheumatism CURED. Dr. "Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He uses no patent nos trums or ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical treatment. His New Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent free to all men who de scribe their trouble. PATIENTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered in plain envelops. Consultation free and -sacredly confidential. Call on or address DR. WALKER. 181 First Street. Corner Yamhill, Portland, Or. course consumption can be cured. Modern medicine teaches it. No one longer doubts it. Babies have it. Young mothers The aeed have it. None I are exempt. For over 50 years doctors have prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for this disease. It quiets the cough, controls the inflammation. If inter this over with your doctor. by th.9 J. O. Ayor Co. .low ell. Half. Also manufacturers of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA. ATER'S AGUE CUSS. VIGOR. ATER 8 FILLS. social life bloomed in the church soci able and the hayride. at which th proverbial butcher and baker were In evidence. These latter persons or their successors in part survive in the ac quaintance of the families which hava prospered and evolved. Moreover, busi ness friends whom the host wishes to propitiate must be considered, and their wives and daughters must be in vited as well. The result, except as an evidence of democracy and kindness, traits which arc not admitted to the more highly organized societies, does not conduce to brilliancy and distinc tion. During- the last 20 years, however, the period when everybody knew everybody, and carriage people could be Identified as far as one could recog nize their horses, has passed away, and their "hired men" hsive become coach men. Nevertheless, the Intimacy of vil lage social life survives, but. a3 it were, multiplied In cliques and sets, so that the society of the large inland cities is really the societies of half a dozen or more villages tied together. And In this condition lies the opportunity for most that is attractive and charming In their social life. Coexisting with that Is bourgeois . and commercial, permeating It. yet as unmlxable as oil and water, is apt to be found a group of people with the tastes, instincts, breeding and manners of a true upper class scoloty. The real social life of this element expresses itself In its small entertain ments. And from these the general so ciety of the town Is barred by a tacit, unformulated, and often unconscious exclusion, which is the more rigid be cause undefinablc. Even at balls and largo companies and in the clubs tho elect dance, talk and amuse themselves with each other, yet without offense or assumption of superiority. Their rela tion Is the natural one of community of tastes and breeding. It embraces all similar persons; It baffles the unlike. The Hole in Her Stocking. "Washington Post. A-very pretty girl stood in front of a department store the other afternoon and waited for a car. She waa prettily dressed but her coat had that hopeless lack of dis tinction which betrays the ready-made, and her hat was obviously of home manu facture. As she stood there, out from the door of the shop swept a grand dame. At sight of her tho waiting footman sprang forward and took tho small parcel she held out. He opened her carriage door with something as near a flourish as good form permits. Milady gathered up her skirts. There was a glimpse of a shabby low shoe, and above It nothing less as tonishing than a hole In a silk stocking. The carriage door slammed and milady drove off. The pretty girl on the corner gathered her skirts In her turn. The edge of a crisp white petticoat grazed the heel of the trimmest polished shoes as? she stepped to the car platform. The only man in sight look on bewildered. He had the air of one whose preconceived notions of things have been entirely upset. Tft for Tat. Atchison Globe. "I am surprised that you cannot give up tobacco." a woman said to a man. "And T am surprised," the man replied, "that you cannot give up corsets. NERVOUS DEBILITY BLOOD POISON, RUPTURE, KID NEY AND URINARY DISEASES end all diseases ana weaknesses oi men, duo to in hentunce, nabiia, exceaaea, or ta result ui apeclno diseases. Every man who Is afflicted owes It to himself and bis posterity to get cured autely and positively, with out leaving nny blight or weakness In his system. We make no misleading statements or unbusiness like! propositions to tne afflicted in order to secure their patronage. Tne many years of our successful and Dispensary Twenty Years of Success In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diar rhoea, dropsical swellings, Brlght's disease, etc Kidney and Urinary Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured. Diseases of the Rectum Such as piles, fistula, fissure, ulceration, mucous and bloody discharges, cured without the knife, pain or confinement. Diseases of Men Blooa Doison. jrleet. stricture, unnatural losses, lm- 4