Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 29, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Bishop Talbot Court
Cannot Try Him.
Board of Inquiry Will Be With
out Power.
Whole Matter Will Probably Have
to Be Referred Back to Presid
ing Bishop Tuttle for
Further Action.
The "World tomorow will publish the
names of the lcncrs of the present
meat against Blchop Talbot, at fol
low.;: Richard Cannon. Philadelphia; J.
Frederick Jenkinson, Philadelphia;
A. J. Arnold, Philadelphia; S. Lord
Gllberson. Philadelphia; Herbert
XoM, New York; J. A. Bell, New
Tork; Arrow McBridc, Kensington,
Ta.; IV. C. Miller. Huntington, Pa.;
W. P. .HJIIer, 'Huntington, pa.: A. J.
Miller. Huntington, Pa.; Joseph N.
Lsngtton. Huntington, Pa.; James
Daitharne. Huntington, Pa.; William
A. "Wilson. Homesburg. Va.; M. S.
Dp Jon. Homesburg, Pa.
"The remarkable feature of this
presentment." the "World will saj-, "Is
the -fact that Ave of the signers are
vestrymen of the Huntington Church
from which Dr. Irvine was expelled
by Blehep Talbot."
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 28. There -will
be no hearing of the charges against
Plshop -Etiiolbort Talbot, of the diocese of
I'ontral Pennsylvania, by .the- court recent
ly appointed by Bishop Tuttle. according
to churchmen who are well posted In the
anonlcaT laws of the Episcopal Church.
A complication lias developed which they
py wIU put a stop effectually to the pro
ceedings of the court of inquiry as now
The trouble comes from a recent change
in the canons of the church regarding
the appointment of a court of that nature.
The first intimation of the trouble comes
In the shape of an editorial in the Church
Standard, the oldest organ of the church
in this country. In .the issue of the Stand
ard, which will appear tomorrow. Rev.
Dr. John Fulton, the editor, saye in refer
ence to tho Irvine-Talbot case that the
presiding bishop' has constituted the board
of inquiry tinder a canon, which was su
perseded by a new canon of tho late gen
eral convention.
Tho new canon will come into operation
en January 1, 1905. The board if inquiry
is oallod to meot on January 10. and when
it does meot on that day it will not be
constituted as the new canon requires. It
will therefore have no .power to proceed
with the inquiry for which it is called.
Rev. Dr. tv. B. Bodine. who will be the
chairman of the committee on Inquiry, in
an interview tonight considers very im
portant the conclusions of Dr. Fulton. Dr.
Bodine explained that under the canon
which expires on January 1 a court of In
quiry is composed of 16 members. The
new canon provides for a court, or board,
consisting of only ten members. These
must be appointed by certain bishops de
signated by the canon. As the new canon
Is not yet In force, no court can be chosen
tinder its provisions and one chosen now
to comply with it would, it is claimed,
have no legal existence now. or at any
other time.
Men vereed In church law say the only
course open Is to let the present court
meet on the date named. It can then
decide that it rto longer has Jurisdiction
in such matters and refer the matter back
to Bishop TuAle. the presiding bishop,
for further action.
The mistake, or oversight, arose, it is
said, because the movement to procure
a presentment against Bishop Talbot was
begun last August and those who had it
in hand failed to tnke cognizance of the
change in the canonical law when it was
made at the 1b general convention.
Too III to Preside at B3hop' Talbot
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 28. Rev. Dr. W.
B. Bodine. of this city, who will preside
at thr -inquiry into the charges of Rev.
Ingraham Irvine against Bishop Ethel
bert Talbot, of the Central Pennsylvania
diocese of the Protestant Episcopal
"hurch. announced tonight that he had
received the presentment, and that it will
not be made public. He also said he had
received a letter from Rev. Dr. Morgan
Dlx, of New York, who declined to pre
side at the inquiry, owine to ill-health.
Dr. Bodine said that it Is probable that
a quorum of the committee will not be In
readiness on January .ao, when the first
session is io do now. and In that event the
opening session will have to be postponed.
Dr. Bodine fuchcr said that the com
mittee of Inquiry can do but one thing,
and that Is to decide whether the case-is
big enough to go to the church for trial.
BiBhops Have Been Summoned.
NEW YORK. Dec. 2S. Bishop Tuttle.
the presiding member of the house of
blfhops of the Protestant Episcopal
Church, has not yet selected a clerical
Timber of the board -of inquiry that is
to hear the case against Bishop Talbot, of
t cntrai Pennsylvania, in place of Rev
Dr. Morgan Dlx, of this city. At 4east, if
this has been done, the fact is not known
to the counsel for the prosecutors In this
Herbert Noble, of counsel for the pre
senter, will go to Philadelphia tomorrow
morning to meet counsel for the preson
ters in that city and formulate a mode
i'f procedure to be followed in the pre
mentation of the evidence they have
against the bishop. All of the bishops
named In the Upjohn letter, which forms
the basis for the proceedings against
Bishop Talbot, have been summoned to
srp&r before the board of Inquiry.
Speaks for Brother Bishop.
PITTSBURG, Paj. Dec. 2S. Concerning
th published statements connected with
tho case against Bishop Talbot, Bishop
"Whitehead, of the Pittsburg diocese.
makes the following statement:
"I wish to say distinctly, out of love
for my brother bishop and in regard for
justice that In tho charges reported as
made against Bishop Talbot, of Central
Pennsylvania, no references have yet ap
peared to any wrong-doing on the part
of Bishop Talbot, but to opinions spoken
or written by him concerning a clergyman
whom Bishop Talbot had deposed, the
clergyman claims, unjustly."
Will Resign as .Ambassador to-England
After the Inauguration.
LONDON, Dec. 28. While numeronsj
statements nave been published here that
Ambassador Choate is about to retire
from diplomatic circles, it can be stated
that Mr. Choate has not sent in his resig
nation or any communlcation-on" the sua-
Ject to President Roosevelt or the State
Department, nor has he received any in
quiry either from the President or Sec
retary Hay concerning his future plans.
It can be safely asserted, however, that
it is Mr. Choatc's intention to tender his
resignation soon after the inauguration
of President Roosevelt.
"Six years Is a Jong-time slice out of
the -life of a man of my age." said Mr.
Choate, recently, to friends here, "and
while I " have enjoyed tho life -and the
people I have England. I have de
termined to go home and devote he re
mainder of my time to looking after my
own affairs."
Would Vindicate Character Against
Cecil Rhodes' Heirs.
LONDON, Dec 29. The Dally Chronicle
states that Princess Radziwlll has decided
to bring action against the executors of
the estate of Cecil Rhodes, with the ob
ject of vindicating her cahracter from ac
cusations in connection with her personal
relations with Mr. Rhodes.
Princess Catherine Radzlwill was sen
tenced to two' years' Imprisonment by the
Supreme Court of Cape Colony. April 80.
1902, for forgery in connection with notes
purporting to have been indorsed by Mr.
Rhodes. It was alleged by the London
papers that Mr. Rhodos' death was due
to the worry which she caused him, and
to the fact that he. was, obliged to return
to South Africa in the Hottest weather to
prosecute the case against her.
Field Guns for British Army.
LONDON. Dec 28. It is announced thnr
the War Offieo has nlnoivl nrrfure
Vickers Sons & Maxim Colony, 'Arm
strong, Whitworth & Co.. and othor ord
nance manufacturers lor sufficient Im
pounder field guns to nracticallv rearm
the whole British army.
Displacing German Instructors.
LONDON, Dec 29. The Moraine Post's
Shanghai correspondent says the Chinese
government is discharging the Gorman
military Instructors throughout the
Yangtse region, and replacing them with
Free of Bubonic Plague.
LIMA. Peru. Dec 2S. Slxiv Aaw "hav
ing passed without any new cases, Callao
has been declared free of, . tho: -bubonic
Portuguese Parliament Dissolved.
LISBON. Dec 28. The Parliament has
been dissolved and elections will be held
in February.
Plead for Aid in Securing deeded Re
forms In Their Country.
BOSTON. Dec. 28. The American Revo
lutionary Federation Commit too In 4Ha
United States of America, which has head
quarters In this city, has- addressed a
letter to President Roosevelt presenting
congratulations on his "trlumnha nt nida
tion to the exalted office of the Presidency
of the United States, and their sincere
appreciation for the sympathetic reception
accorded the delegates of the Catholics
of all Armenian societies." The letter con
"Permit us. Mr. Presidnnf tn rinni
hope that with all legitimate means in
your power you will endeavor to secure
tne mucn-needed reforms which consist
of nothinir more than the safntv nf
life and honor for the defenseless Armen
ian people, who are subjected to a sys
tematic extermination under the Turkish
regime. Other people look with strong
hopes to the United States as the cham
pion of freedom, to which they owe much
for their intellectual development and
progress and which has always resulted
in a noble and disinterested protest in
behalf of people's suffering under the yoke
of tyranny."
James F. Secor.
NEW YORK. Dec 28.-James F. Secor,
builder of the Mare Island Navy-yard in
San Francisco, the Pensacola Yard, and
many of the monitors. Ironclads and dry
docks which contributed so largely to
ward putting an end to the Civil War, is
dead at his country home. Pelham Manor-
He was 90 years old, and, until within a
tew hours of his death, he retained the
mental clearness and physical vigor which
had been the marvel of his friends for
many years.
Born in New York City, Mr. Secor earlv
entered the shipyard which his father
had founded here, and when the Civil
War began it was famous in the United
Though he retired from active business,
which had embraced the presidency or
managing directorship of two Western
railroads, several years after the war,
Mr. Secor was active up to the time of
his death, and devoted hl6 declining years
to the development and beautifying of
his estate in Westchester County. He
took special delight in the old colonial
mansion once the nronertv of Lord Pol-
ham, which came into the hands of the
secor lamuy tnree or tour generations
back. They had lost it, however, and the
first use Mr. Secor made of his fortune
was to buy in the old home of his family.
Dr. J. J. Eisenhut.
DENVER, Dec. 28. Dr. Johann Jacob
Eisenhut, the oldest person in Colorado,
died today in St. Anthony's Hospital. He
was born in Switzerland In 1800 and stud
ied medicine at the Hllson University In
Switzerland. He came to this country
In 1S63, and settled first at Omaha, where
he practiced for ten years. He came to
Central City. Colorado, In 1873.
Dr. Eisenhut retained all his faculties
and could read without glasses up to tho
day of his death. Ho frequently men
tloned the fact that he saw and talked
with Napoleon Bonaparte when he re
turned from tho disastrous campaign in
Russell Coigrove.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. Minister Con
ger, at Pekln, has advised the State De
partment by cable that RusseU Coigrove,
of this city, formerly American Vlce-Con-sul-General
at Canton. China, died on
November 23. No details are given In the
cable message.
Very Cold at Tcpeka,
TOPEKA, Kan.. Dec 28. The first se
vere storm of the season has abated,
though it is still bitterly cold. The ther
mometer at the Government Weather Bu
reau registered 1 degree above zero early
this morning, and" at 10 o'clock it was A
degrees above zero. The wind, which yes
terday was blowing at 25 to 40 miles 4"n
hour, has subsided to about 15 miles an
hour today.
Talk Over Their Troubles and
Agree to Die Together.
Orista Weed Was Highiy Connected
in' Massachusetts, and Leaves a
Wife and Two Children
Companion Recovers.
NEW YORK. Dec 2S. Orista A. Weed,
said interested in the manufacture
of gag meters in Boston, died at a hos
pital here today of morphine poisoning.
Weed and a companion named Benjamin
G. Riley, of Springfield, Mass., were taken
to the hospital from the Grand Central
Hotel. Both were suffering from the ef
fects of the drug. Weed died without re
covering consciousness. Riley was soon
In a statement made tonight to the
Coroner, Riley is quoted as saying that he
and Weed had entered into a suicide pact
and that they came to this city from
Boston on Sunday with the intention of
committing suicide together in the hotel.
Dispatches from Boston and Providence
show that Weed was highly connected.
The best advertisement for the 1005 Fair that Oregon'H people can send to
their friends In the East, will be a copy of the New Year's Oregonlan that
will be published Monday morning next. The Illustrations of the beautiful Ex
position buildings and the Exposition grounds will be made aTpecial feature
of the New Year's number. The paper will be moiled to any address in the
United States or Canada, postage prepaid, for 10 cents a copy. Address The
Oregonlan. Portland, Or.
The wife of ex-Governor Sprague. of
Rhode Island, was liis sister. Another
slBter Is the widow of the late Colonel
Whoator, of Washington. Weed is re
puted to be-wealthy. He leaves a widow
and two children.
Weed was about 32 years old and Riley
is 28. The latter says he was a bank clerk.
He said they had been chums since child
hood. Both had met with reverses, and
while discussing their 111 success In Boston
last Sunday, they decided to commit sui
cide together.
Was About to Start for Portland to
Work. on Fraud Cases.
DENVER. Dec 28. Michael A. Meyen
dorff, special agent of the United States
General Land Office, took strychnine. It is
believed, with suicidal Intent today. A po
lice surgeon succeeded in counteracting
the effects of the poison.
Meyendorff had grown despondent be
cause of Ill-health and upon the failure of
a woman, a friend, to respond to his re
quest to call on him. appeared greatly
depressed. After asking a barber who
had started to shave him to cut his throat
and later requesting a revolver th which
to blow out his- brains, which was refused
him, Meyendorff took tho poison.
Meyendorff- has been in the service of
the United" States.. Government since the
olose of theCivil War. He is a nephew of
General Meyendorff. now in command of
a Russian division In the war with Japan.
Meyendorff had made arrangements to
leave this afternoon for Portland, Or., to
do special work in the land fraud cases
on the Coasts
(Michael A. Meyendorff, the special
agent of the General Land Office, who
attempted to commit suicide In Denver
yesterday, is between CO and 65 years
of age and was appointed to his pres
ent position from New York City in
December, 1S97. He is a veteran of the
Civil War and has had a most inter
esting and picturesque career. His
family is a distinguished one in Rus
sia, where he was born and educated.
About 1S61 he became involved in a
political conspiracy and was sentenced
to Siberia for life. President Lincoln
become interested in his case and as a
result he was liberated from Siberia at
the sharp request of Mr. Lincoln. Mr.
Meyendoift immediately came to this
country and was given a commission
in the Union Army, serving with dis
tinction until the close of the war. He
wasy a specials peotege of President
Lincoln's, and at the conclusion of
hostilities he was given a department
al position. Since his appointment as a
special agent of the Land Office he
has rendered important service in that
department and Is very highly es
teemed. Ifb stopped over in Denver on
his way to Portland to work under
Colonel A R. Greene in developing the
land fraud cases.)
Last Seen Alive She Was Drinking
With Three Companions.
NEW YORK. Dec 2S. The young
woman "who was found dead In River
side Drive last Monday, and who it
was first thought was a victim of
starvation and exposure, came to her
death by violence, according to the
report of Coroner's Physician Weston,
who performed an autopsy on the body
today. Death was directly due to a
broken neck. .Dr. Weston-' says she
may have been murdered or her in
juries " may have been .wholly acci
dental. The body has riqt" yet been
W. H. Arnold, who found" the woman's
body, told tho police that with Edward
Phillips he was In , a roadhousc at One
Hundred and Twelfth street and the drive
Sunday night a'nd saj the woqian drink
ing with three companions, two men and
a woman.
Search for these persons is being made.
Tho police arc not inclined to'accept the
murder theory. They believe the young
woman's injuries were caused by a fall.
MaUed to Sheriff Barry After His Re
turn to New York.
ALBANY. N. Y., Dec. 28. Contrary to
his "expectations, Sheriff Barry, of
Cleveland, did not carry with him on
his return to New York today a war
rant for the extradition of Dr. Leroy S.
Chadwick, but he will undoubtedly re
ceive the papers in New Yorktomor
row. The requisition of Governor Her
rick. of Ohio, was presented by the
Sheriff to Pardon and Requisition Clerk
Jpyce, who. after an examination, pro
nounced it sufficient. Clerk Joyce said
that he wished to communicate with
Governor Odell before issuing the war
rant. Governor .Odell's warrant for tho extra
dition of Dr. Chadwick from New York
to Ohio, was mailed this afternoon to
Sheriff Barry at police .headquarters at
New York. It should reach Mr. Barry
early tomorrow.
Sheriff and Prisoner Disappear.
LINCOLN. Neb., Dec. 28. Sheriff Hall,
In chargo ot Bernard McGrccVy. default
ing president of the O'Neill Bank, has
not been located. The officer left Phoenix,
Ariz., Sunday, and was expectod in Lin
coln today, and was to proceed this after
noon to O'Neill. He did not come, and
the authorities were not advised of his
whereabouts. Feeling at O'Neill is' ex
tremely bitter, and the Sheriff, it is
thought, has decided not to take McGreevy
there. .
Suicide of Army Officer.
CHATTANOOGA, Tcnn.. Dec 28. The
body of Captain Howard W. French, con
structing quartermaster at the new Army
post here, was found today with a bullet
hole through the heart. He Is supposed
to have committed suicide.
New York Chemical Company Dis
claims Knowledge of Mrs. Bouton.
What was depended upon as one of
the strongest sources of Information on
what has become of Mrs. Bessie Bouton,
the supposed victim of the Cutler
Mountain tragedy, resulted this morn
ing In a setback to the Investigation
when a telegram was received from
New York, purporting to come from
the J. Parker Pray Chemical Manufac
turing Company, for whom Mrs. Bou
ton claimed to be a traveling represen
tative, stating that this firm had no
such agent on the road.
Chief of Police Reynolds Is not satis
fied with this telegram, however, and
has wired to New York again, asking
for further particulars as to the move
ments of Mrs. Bouton, basing his re
peated inquiry on the fact that Mrs.
Anna Bethman, a local hairdresser, or
dered tho goods through Mrs. Bouton
from this firm, and received tho goods,
delivery being in the regular course,
with the chemical manufacturing com
pany. as the shipping party.
It is believed that the inquiry be
came mixed up in transmission, and
the police are still confident that they
are on tho track of the woman who
was murdered on Cutler Mountain.
Other Inquiries sent out today are to
Syracuse, to tho relative of Mrs. -Bouton,
seeking to ascertain the name of
the dentist who performed the work on
the teeth of Mrs. Bouton. upon the re
ceipt of whose address he will be sent
for to come and Inspect the work done
in the mouth of the woman whose body
was found December 17, it being fully
believed that an opinion by the dentist
who performed the work on Mrs. Bou
ton's mouth will be conclusive as to
whether or not she and the murdered
woman were identical.
With this point established to the
satisfaction of the officers, a systemat
ic search lor tho men who havo been
connected with Mrs. Bouton in the
facts that have come to the knowledge
of the police will be instituted.
The dispatch published this morning
under a. Denver date line, stating that
Dr. Sherman Williams of that city had
made a positive identification of the
teeth of the-murdered woman as those
of Mrs, Bouton, he having been ac
quainted, with the teeth of Mrs. Bouton
by reason of having treated the wom
an for throat trouble last August, lost
much of its weight today when Coroner
Law declared that the teeth of tho
dead woman had never been out of his
office since the body was brought In
from Cutler Mountain, and that Dr.
Williams had never seen the teeth. The,
physician's identification Is based
wholly upon a newspaper diagram of
the jaiys of the dead woman, purport
ing to show the location of the gold
filled and crowned teeth, and "his iden
tification isv held by the officers here to
be worthless."
Movements of Mrs, Bouton.
A number of developments have been
brought to light by the detectives who are
investigating the circumstances of Mrs.
Bouton, of Syracuse, N. Y., In connection
with the Mount Cutler murder mystery.
It has been learned that Mrs. Bouton re
ceived the ?200 reported tohave been sent
her by her family in Syracuse, through a
telegraph company; that she was in the
city on October 2, and at various times up
to October 29; that between the two dates
she did not spend her time here, but vis
ited other cities in Colorado.
The most important development, per
haps, is that while in this city the latter
part of October she was accompanied by
a man five feet eight Inches In height,
dark complexioned. brown mustache,
heavy set, who wore a dark suit of
clothes, black overcoat and a derby hat.
and whom she Introduced as her husband.
She left the city on the evening of Octo
ber 29 In company with this man, and the
officers have reason to believe ho was a
traveling man for a cigar company of
From descriptions it would appear that
the man Mrs. Bouton identified In Denver
as her husband and the man she Intro
duced here are two different persons.
Syndicate, Headed by Cleveland Man,
Offers Large Sum.
CLEVELAND. Dec 23. A syndicate, of
which Attorney Andrew S. Quigley, of
Cleveland, is spokesman. Is said to be
ready and willing to furnish ball up to
the sum of $10,000 to secure the release of
Mrs. Cassle L. Chadwick. held In jail here
awaiting trial on the charge of forgery
Attorney Quigley would not give the
names of the prospective bondsmen, but
says they are able to furnish any reason
able sum of money required If Mrs. Chad
wick is permitted to go out on bail.
The Federal authorities are said to be
not in favor of giving Mrs. Chadwick her
freedom, and will, it is understood, dis
courage such a proceeding without, how
ever, infringing on the prisoners const!
tutional rights.
Dr. Chadwick Is Delayed.
NEW YORK. Dec. 28. It is nrobahlo
that the Hamburg-American line steamer
jretoria. with Dr. Leroy S. Chadwick on
board, will not reach this nort until tn
morrow, or possibly not until Fridav. Sho
was due to arrive at New York todav. The
delay is owing to the unusually heavy
weather reported by all Incoming steam
ers. When the Pretoria docks Dr. Chadwick
will also be served with a summons In
suit brought by Herbert D. Newton, of
Boston, to recover J00.C00 on two notes now
due. It was understood todav that a nun
ber of Sheriffs from other states are in
the city, for the purpose of endeavoring
to arrest Dr. Chadwick and serve papers
on him preliminary to securing his extra
President Beckwith Very III.
OBERLIN. O.. Dec 2S. President C.
Beckwith. Of tho Citizens National "RnnV
of Oberlin. who la under indictment for
misapplication Of funds of that hank w
taken suddenly HI todav. His nh'sfHan
says the illness Is a rerious case of heart
irouDie and is the result of worry and
anxiety over his financial troubles.
Mercury Above Zero.
WICHITA. Kan.. Doc 2S. Tho minimum
temperature for the day and the Winter
was aoove at b o clock this morning.
At 7 o'clock the thermometer registered
6 anove. rscarly all trains are on time to
day, and conditions are becoming normal.
Quarter Million Acres in Cas
cade Reserve to Be Opened.
Intermingled With Private Holdings
or Are Not Sufficiently Timbered -for
Forestry Purposes Can
File:Next Spring.
ington, Dec 28. Under a recent order of
the Secretary of the Interior a tract of
about 224.000 acres lying on the west side
of the Cascade Forest Reserve, which was
Rimarawn from entry August 3, 1503, with
a view to enlarging the Cascade reserve,
will be Immediately restored to settlement
and will be opened to entry after 90 days'
puDiicauon by the local Land Offices at
Oregon City and Roseburg.
These lands were found unsuited for re
serve purposes, cither" because they were
not timbered or because they are Inter
mingled with private holdings," nnd are
really Isolated tracts. Below Is a full
statement of all lands that will be thrown
open to entry next Spring:
Townships 3. C and 7 south, range 4
east, Willamette meridian.
In .township S south, range 4 east, the
west half of sections 2, 3 to 10, both In
clusive, the south half and northwest
quarter of section 11, the northwest quar
ter of section 14. the north halt and "south
wost quarter section 15, sections 10 to 20.
both Inclusive, the northwest quarter of
section 21. the south half and northwest
quarter of section 20. sections 30 and 31,
and the west half of section 32.
In township 0 south, range -1 east, sections
5. C, 7, 13, and 14, the south half of. sec
tion 15, sections 10 to 30, both inclusive.
In township 10 south, range 4 east, sec
tions 1 to 20, both inclusive, the south
west quarter of section 21. tho northeast
quarter of section 22. sections 23. 21 and
23. the north half and "southeast quarter of
section 20. sections 20 to 32, both Inclusive,
the south half and northwest quarter of sec
tion 33, tho southwest quarter of sectoin
34, the southeast quarter of sectlon33, sec
tion 30.
Township 11 south, range 4 cast, sections
4 to !. both inclusive, sections 10 to 20,
both Inclusive, the north half and the
southwest quarter of section 21, the west
half of section 28, sections 20 and 30.
In township 12 south, range 4 frast, sec
tions 3 to 3S. both inclusive, and sections
33 and 30.
Townships 14, 15, 10 and 17 south, range
4 cast, Willamette meridian.
Township 22 south, range 1 west.
In township 23 south, range 1 west, sec
tions 1 to 11, both inclusive, sections 15
to 21. both Inclusive, and sections 28 to 33,
both Inclusive.
In township 24 south, range 1 west, sec
tions 5 to 0. both Inclusive, the west half
of section 14. sections 13 to 23. both inclu
sive, and sections 25 to 30, both inclusive.
In township 25 south, range 1 west, sec
tions 1 to 23, both inclusive, the north half
of sections 24 and 20, sections 27 to 31,
both JnclusH'e.
In township 30 south, range 1 west, sec
tions 1. 2 and 3, sections 5 to 23. both in
clusive, and sections 27 to 30, both Inclu
sive. In township 31 south, range 1 west, sec
tions 5, 0, 7 and 8. the southwest quar
ter of section 0. sections 15 to 21, both in
clusive, and sections 27 to 30, both lnclulve.
Lashed for Insult to Woman.
NATCHEZ, Miss., Dec. 2S. A. B. Lewis,
a white man. 33 yeans old, whose home
Is In Chicago, was lashed today in the
woods near Natchez and ordered out of
the state Lewis was being taken to the
county convict farm for Insulting a
woman in the streets.
As he was being taken to the farm a
crowd of six white men took him from the
guard. They entered the woods three
miles from town, stripped him and gave
him 60 lashes across the back, then placed
him on a train and ordered him to leave
the state.
Burned With His Home.
SALT LAKE, Dec. 28. Charles Ellis,
a writer and lecturer on Mormonlsm.
has been found burned to death in his
home, where he lived alone. He was
about 65 years old. Tho origin of the
fire, which partly consumed the house,
Is not known.
It is just a common cold, people say,
there's no danger in that Admitting" their
statement, then there are uncommon colds,
colds which are dangerous; for many a
fatal -sickness begins with a cold. If we
could tell the common cold from the un
common we could feel quite safe. But we
can't The uncommon variety is rarely
recognized until it has fastened its hold on
the lungs, and there are symptoms of con
sumption. At the first symptoms the careful person
will heed the warning by taking a mild
laxative ; some vegetable pill that will not
disturb the system or cause griping. About
the best is "Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets."
If the cold starts with a cough, and it
persists then some local treatment for this
condition should be taken. A well known
alterative extract which hes been highly
recommended by thousands of users, is
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
This tonic compound is composed of an
extract of roots and herbs and has a sooth
ing effect upon, the mucous membrane,
allays the irritation and at the same time
works in the proper and reasonable way,
at the seat of the trouble the stagnated or
poisoned blood.
It contains no alcohol to shrivel np the
blood corpuscles, bat makes pure rich red
Dr. Pierce's icoo-page illustrated book,
"The Common Sense Medical Adviser," is
sect free in paper covers on receipt of si
one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only.
F,or 3i stamps the cloth-bound volume will
be sent 1008 pages. It was formerly sold
for $1.50 per copy. Address Dr. R. V.
fierce, Buffalo. N. Y.
Good tea, good coffee, best
baking-powder, best flavoring
extracts, best spices, pure soda,
t-fair-prices and moneyback.
Schilling's Best, at your
Recommends Pe -
Miss Ella M. Miller, one ot Washington's society girls, writes from
140 "F" St., N. E., Washington, D. C. as .follows:
"With pleasure I recommend your medicine for catarrh of
the head. Having taken several bottles, 1 find myself entirely
cured. I cannot praise Peruna too highly.' Ella M. Miller.
RS. MARY MILLER. 17 Old Shield
Block, Indianapolis, Ind., writes:
"Peruna Is a splendid medicine.
I was troubled for five years with fre
quent headache, dizziness and shooting
pains. I grew thin and pale.
"The doctors tried in vain to benefit
me, but nothing seemed to do me any
good until I tried Peruna. Eleven bot
tles made me a well woman once more.
I am now enjoying perfect health, my
appetite is good, my head clear, and I
am entirely without pain, thanks to
Peruna." Mary Miller.
Pe-ru-na Effects Marvelous Cures.
If all the praise that is given Peruna
by the women could be gathered into
one chorus, what a volume of thunks
glvlng It would make. Never before in
all the history of medicine was a rem
edy .3,0 sincerely praised by so many
thousands of women.
All those women who drag around
from day to day, all those women who
have weakening drains, but who man
age to keep on their feet, all those
women who ache, tremble and throbs
but will not give up and become bed
ridden, .ill those women who stagger
under their burdens with dizzy head
and hot flashes, but bravely attcndtp
their household duties as if they were
Ask Your Druggist for Free
Dr. B. E. Wright, the Painless Dentist,
will give away the $900 Automobile on
Thursday evening, Dec. 29, at the Lyric
Theater, corner 7ih and Alder streets, at
7:30 o'clock, P. M. Be sure and be
present with your coupons, as it will pos
itively be given to some coupon-holder
in the house. Come now to have dental
work done and get coupons.
DR. B. E. Wright's Dental Office
342J Washington Street, corner 7th
The Drink Ideal
For Every Meal.
Made Instantly With Hot IvIilk.
ru Friends
not sick, all of those women whose
nerves are on a keen edge, who strug
gle along with headache and backache,
palpitation of the heart and all of the
many disagreeable symptoms of indi
gestion all of this vast
multitude of women are
immediately restored by
Peruna. It is very rare
Indeed that the euro
falls far short of the
The first dose begins
to make them feel better. This im
provement goes on day after day, week"
after week, until they are entirely
emancipated from the thralldom of dis
ease. Pe-ru-na a Boon-to Women Sufferers.
Peruna eradicates catarrh "from the
whole system. This explains why it so
quickly and promptly cures catarrhal
complaints so peculiar to womankind.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Peru
na, write at once to Dr. Hartman. giv
ing a full statement of your case, and
he will be pleased to give you his valu
able advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman. President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
Peruna Almanac for 1905