Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 29, 1904, Page 16, Image 16

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On Account of the Immense Array of Bargains Districted Throughout the Establishment the Friday Surprise Sole Will Be Discontinued Paring the Clearance Sale
Episcopal Bishop Upheld by
Rev, Robert Hope.
Successor to Dr. Irvine Declares That
Latter's Charges Against the Pre
late Are Unfounded Mrs. El
liott's Part in Affair.
Ratoert Hope, D. D., the newiy-appolnted
pastor of All Saints' Protestant Episcopal
Church, Twonty-second and Reed streets.
In an interview last night gave inside ln:
formation as to Dr. I. N. D. Irvine, of
Philadelphia, and Bishop Ethelbert Tal
bot, o the Protestant Episcopal diocese
of Central Pennsylvania, the principals in
tho ooclcsiatsUcal dispute -which -will short
ly culminate in the trial of Bishop Talbot
on an accusation that he Is guilty of con
duct unbecoming a bishop of the church.
Dr. Hope Is personally acquainted -with
both Bishop Talbot and Dr. Irvine, hav
ing temporarily succeeded Dr. Irvine as
minister In charge of the church at Hun
tingdon. Pa., when Dr. Irvine was de
posed. The story has significance in this
part of the country, from the fact that
Bishop Talbot was recently the mission
ary bishop of "Wyoming and Idaho for the
Protestant Episcopal Church in the Uni
ted States of America, and that he has
visited in this city, and has many friends
here. Dr. Hope, takes Bishop Talbot's
side in the dispute.
"First of all, I wish to congratulate The
Oregonian on the enterprise It has dis
played in giving us the facts Irt the case,
although of course the story is ex parte,"
began Dr. Hope, "bp to the present I
had not seen the story published in any
of our church papers. Bishop Talbot Is a
man for whom I have a high regard. For
many years he was missionary bishop for
Wyoming and Idaho, visited In this city
probably in 1897, and about six years ago
became bishop of Central Pennsylvania.
The bishop's work stands for itself. In the
development of the states of Idaho and
Wyoming, and his old friends are back of
him In this affair.
Mrs. Elliott's Generosity.
"After going to Pennsylvania, Dr. Ir
vine, while looking for a church appoint
ment, wrote to Bishop Talbot, and the
tetter sent Dr. Irvine to Huntingdon, Pa.
One of the members of the church at
Huntingdon was Mrs. Emma D. Elliott.
For some little time Dr. Irvine worked in
harmony with her as well as with other
members of the parish, until an incident
happened which will be brought out at the
trial, should it ever be brought to trial.
The incident? Well, at the time to which
I refer Mrs. Elliott made herself prac
tically responsible for a part of the
church's expenses. The organist of the
church at Huntingdon became sick at his
home at Altoona, and wrote to Mrs. El
liott asking for a portion of the salary
owing him. This canfe as a shock to Mrs.
Elliott, as she had previously paid the
money to Dr. Irvine with the understand
ing that he would Immediately pay the
organist. This started the whole trouble.
Dr. Irvine tried to enforce the letter of
the law, when the spirit of the canons
had already been obeyed in the case of
Mrs. Elliott.
By his action. Dr. Irvine was brought
into conflict with the canons of the Epis
copal Church, was tried by a church court
and found guilty. The head of the diocese
happened to be Bishop Talbot. I want it
to be understood that Bishop Talbot had
nothing whatever to do with the matter,
excopt that he was bound to act up to the
law represented by the canons of the
church. Dr. Irvine Instituted suit against
Bishop Talbot and Mr. and Mrs. Elliott
for conspiracy, and in the first Instance
the matter was taken before the grand
Jury but was thrown out. After other
evidence was secured, the matter was
brought before the County Court at Hun
tingdon, Pa., and when Judge Bailey, in
strongly summing up in favor of the de
fondants, sent the case to the jury, the
result was that Dr. Irvine once more lost
his suit- That was In 190L Then Dr. Ir
vine began new tactics against the bishop
and tried to have his deposition rescinded
and ultimately carried tho case to the
General Convention of the church which
mot three years ago at San Francisco.
It was. however, ruled out, as there was
no new evidence to justify the reopening.
Mrs. Elliott Able to Defend Herself.
"Since that time Dr. Irvine has been
ceaselessly at work enlisting the sympa
thy of a number of churchmen, especially
in New York City and Philadelphia. His
wife belongs to New York City, The
present standing of the case is that tho
presiding bishop has called a committee,
under canon 9. This meeting can be called
on application of any five male communi
cants of the church in good standing, and
belonging to the diocese of the accused
bishop, or by any seven male communi
cants from any diocese, but Including two
from the diocese of the accused bishop.
As far as the personal question stands,
Dr. Irvine has lost a great many friends,
and has found some who have taken his
eMo in the ecclesiastical dispute. Mrs.
Elliott's husband, Alexander Elliott, Is
one of the high officials of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad, and is greatly reepected
In the Huntingdon community, where he
has lived for the last 45 years. Naturally
he bitterly resents his purely domestic af
fairs being exploited by a man like Dr.
Irvine. Mrs.( Elliott Is able to defend her
self, and she has the sympathy of all who
know her.
"'With reference to the statements In
today's Oregonian, if Bishop Talbot ie ly
ing there is no such thing as truth. I
have had personal knowledge of this case
at first hand. The letter quoted toy Dr. Ir
vine is a part of the contemptible means
by which he sought to bring pressure to
bear upon Mrs. Elliott. Dr. Irvine, in
writing the letter, now given in The Ore
gonian, to the bishop, gave what the lat
ter supposed to be a hypothetical case.
The bishop afterward heard the issues
laid before him, and agreed in the policy
of the bishops and presbyters who acted
In the case. Since this trouble started,
Mrs. Elliott received holy communion at
St. Clement's Church, In Philadelphia, and
obsorved that Dr. Irvine was one of her
"It was in the year 1900, upon my return
from the -west coast of Africa, that I was
asked to take charge of the parish of
Huntingdon until the return of Bishop
Talbot from Europe. I did eo, for four
"Woman" and "Lady."
PORTLAND, Dec. 28. (To the Editor.)
As a constant reader o Tho Oregonian, I have
sltrays bragged of the purity of Its editorial
BnRll.ih, and have specifically mentioned lta
Ireedem from the vulgar, everyday use of the
word "lady" in place of "woman." I regret
t ray, however, that a change has come over
the editorial page In this respect, and last
Monday I was shocked to see an editorial
bAded in large type, "The Lady Editor."
Would not the word "woman" or "women" in
Uris have been much more elegant than
la4y"? This may look like a trifling matter,
but It marks a wide divergence in taste. A.
To this purist, it appears to be necessary to
explain that the term "lady editor" was used
facetiously. Of course, everybody else under
stood It. The Oregonian was not writing an
essay on mullercbrlty, nor on gynandromor
phology. but something merely about the
Hady editor." Tho purist always takes him
self and his affectation of superior knowl
edge so seriously that he misses much in
The Meier Frank Store
Credit Purchases Made Today, Tomorrow and Satiirday Go on January Account
Custom Shade and Drapery Work Our Specialty Very Best Materials and Workmanship
Trunks and Traveling Bags The Largest and Best Display in the City Third Floor
The Meier Frank Store
Credit Purchases Made Today, Tomorrow and Saturday Will Go on January Account
Portland Agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications Delineator Subscriptions Taken
"Willamette" Sewing Machines Sold on the Easy-Payment Plan $5 Down, $1 Weekly
Our Men's Clothing Department
Offers extraordinary Clearance Sale Bargains in all lines of
Men's Ready-Made Clothing Suits, Overcoats, Trousers,
Fancy Vests, Smoking Jackets, Cravenettes, Etc., Etc. High
grade Clothing from America's leading wholesale tailors at prices
down to actual manufacturing cost Our regular selling prices
are fully 25 below what equal grades cost you at the exclu
sive clothing store, and the Clearance Sale Reductions we have
made are in the same proportions Every garment guaranteed
perfect fitting and the greatest value in the city Second Floor
MEN'S $10.00 SUITS $ 8.60 MEN'S $20.00 SUITS $15.95
MEN'S $15.00 SUITS S 10.85 MEN'S $22.00 SUITS $18.15
MEN'S $25.00 SUITS $ 19.65 $35 TUXEDO SUITS $28.90
Overcoats and Cravenettes
This season's very best styles and materials.
$10.00 VALUES AT $ 8.60 $12.50 VALUES AT $ 9.35
$ 1 5.00 VALUES AT $11 .65 $20.00 VALUES AT $ 1 6. 1 5
$22.50 VALUES AT $ 18.85 $25.00 VALUES AT $ 19.75
All our 50c Wool and Golf Gloves at 40 pair.
100 dozen Boys' All-Wool Sweaters Navy, Oxford,-
Maroon, 83 each.
All our 25c Silk Midget Ties fancy stripes and
figures 15 each.
Men's Furnishings Reduced
Men's Golf Shirts, with two collars to match, all sizes 1Q
best patterns and colorings great values each...:'. ... 2-C
$1.00 Neckwear newest holiday styles English squares and
large four-in-hands wonderful values at each
"The Prince" Suspenders, made similar to "The President3
Suspenders great clearance value at pair
All our 25c Silk Band Bows at 2 for 25.
Men's Flannelette Night Shirts extra heavy
quality 63 each.
Wright's Health Underwear shirts and draw
ers $1.00 grade 83 each.
Portland's Leading Cloak Store
Continues the busiest section of Portland's Largest and Best
Retail Establishment Thousands and thousands of dollars'
worth of High-Class Women's and Children's Apparel sacrificed
during this Great Pre-Inventory Clearance Sale Mammoth show
ing of this season's very best styles and materials All the most
attractive garments that particular women want A complete
stock in all lines Raincoats, Tourist Coats, Suits, 'Costumes,
Evening Wraps, Dress and Walking Skirts, Silk and Wool Waists,
Petticoats, Tea Gowns, Dressing Sacques, Wrappers, Etc., will
be found included The grand bargains are of important interest
to every woman having need for new ready-to-wear apparel.
All Evening Costumes and Wraps have been
marked at ridiculously low prices. If you have
need for a beautiful Theater or Carriage Wrap,
you. can save half on its value during the Clear
ance Sale.
Silk Waists at very low prices; this season's
Wool Waists. at very low prices; all new styles.
Silk Petticoats, Sateen Petticoats, Alpaca Petti
coats, Moreen Petticoats, all at Clearance Sale
All Tea Gowns at Clearance prices.
All Eiderdown Dressing Sacques and Robes
at Clearance Sale prices. Greatest values ever
1500 New Tourist Coats
at Clearance Sale Prices
1500 Tourist Coats, all 1904-05 fashions; hand
somest materials, many styles,, all prices.
Our entire stock of Purs marked at exceptionally low Clearance prices
All Wrappers at Clearance prices.
Children's Coats, Suits, Dresses'and Cravenettes
at Clearance Sale prices. Big reduction on every
All Tailored Suits reduced; best styles; big va
riety. All Silk and Velvet Suits reduced; beautiful
All Dress Skirts reduced,; this season's styles.
All, Walking Skirts reduced; large variety.
All Purs at very low prices; Coats, Scarfs, etc
All Tourist Coats at low prices; 1500 of them.
2000 New Cravenettes
at Clearance Sale Prices
2000 handsome new Raincoats in the latest
styles and best materials are included in the great
Annual Clearance Sale ; all sizes ; immense variety.
Prices range from $8.98 to $o0.
Annual Clearance Sale Every Article Greatly Reduced
Great clearance sale of Women's Kid
Gloves, the great majority of this
lot are black and whites, colors In a
few slzes. values are 51.05 and $1.25,
sizes 5& to 7 your choice while- Q
they last at.
Our entire stock of "Pen-Ins" Heal
French Kid Gloves In all the very
best styles, all shades and sizes are
being offered at clearance prices.
oy's Clothing Clearance
Great special lot of Women's Lace
Lrlsle Hose, latest patterns, Herms
dorf dye, the grade usually sold for
50c a pair, all sizes wonder
ful value at, pair
Our entire stock of Women's. Misses'
and Children's Hosiery marked at
. exceptionally low clearance sale
BOO Women's Umbrellas, black Gloria
covering, great assortment of han
dles, natural wood, silver, polished
horn, Dresden, plain and mounted,
marvelous value at only,
each 99C
Our entltre stock of Men's, Women's
and Children's Umbrellas at clear
ance sale prices.
Women's All-Wool Gray Union Suits,
button across the chest, c ajj
regular $2 value ylH?C
Women's non-shrinkable heavy ribbed
natural wool Vests and Pants, tq
best ?1 values, for..
Children's heavy ribbed cotton Vests
and Pants, white or gray, all i q
sizes, 35c value IVC
New silk Stock Collars, embrold-
ered In colors. 33c value a C
Ecru and white heavy lace ng
Cape Collars, $2.25 value.... 3 1 .OtJ
White embroidery Turnovers, deep and
narrow styles, 25c values for i
only 1 7C
Narrow silk Collars, dainty de- j i
signs and colorings, each 1 1C
Silk Stocks with turnovers, col. .
embroidered tabs, 6oc value C
large size, full nickel trimmed Oil
Heater, largo oil tank, reg- (
ular 54.50 vaL, on sale at j.vJ
Coal or Wood Heater, handsome nick
el trimming, 13-ln. Iron firepot, with
swing top, $9.50 value, C7 rtft
for only .Uw
All our "Peninsular" Steel Ranges,
Cook Stoves and Heaters are being
offered at special low prices during
the great clearance sale.
Buy your Boys' Clothing at the Meier
&. Frank Store and yon are always
assured fall value for your money, and
more if yon take advantage of the low
Clearance Sale Prices now in force.
Boys' all-wool flannel Waists, grays, reds and
blues, 6 to 12 years; regular $1.25 OQ-
values for JZ7
Boys' Percale Waists, $1.00 values, each. . . .63
Great special lot of Sailor, Norfolk and
Vestee Suits for boys good serv
icqable materials at PRICE
Little Boys' Overcoats all reduced.
$3.50 Vol. $2.98 $6.00 Val. $4.85
$4.00 Val. $3.30 $7.00 Val. $5.85
$5.00 Val. $3.95 $7.50 Val. $6.20
Boys' Overcoats, ages 8 to 16 years; entire stock
at Clearance Sale prices.
Boys' all-wool, two-piece suits, $3.95 val. $2.80
Entire stock of B03V Suits at low Clearance
Sale prices.
Drug Sundries Low Priced
Oar entire stock of Drug Sundries, Toilet Articles and
Rubber Goods at the lowest prices quoted by any
store in the city
Mennen's Talcum Powder. ..12
Lyon's Tooth Powder 12
Cammelline 28
Wisdom's Kobertine 28
Cherry Tooth Paste 29
Oriental Cream 97
Pasteurine Tooth Paste 12
Holmes' Frostilla 13
Capillaris 39
Herpicide 54
Brilliantine 19
Florida Water (large) 33S
25c Smelling Salts 14
Violet Ammonia 11, 16
Colgate's Talcum Powder. . . ,15
Sheffield Dentrifice 11
Rubifoam 13
Sozodont 12i
Woodbury's Cream 12
Arnica Tooth Soap 12
Glycerine and Rosewater. ... .6
Vaseline Cold Cream 9
Glovine Cleaning Fluid . .....12
Moth Balls, pound. 4
Huyler's Cocoa Butter 6J
La Blache Pace Powder 26
Pozzoni's Face Powder 31
Java Rice Powder .. . .21
Williams Shaving Stick 16
Fairy Soap, dozen cakes 35
Kirk's Glycerine, box 17
Buttermilk Soap, box lip
Armour's assorted, box. ..... .8
Kirk's Juvenile, cake 12
Woodbury's Facial, cake..,.15
Pear's Soap, cake 11(1
Cuticura 16 cake, three cakes to
a customer.
Packer's Tar Soap, cake 12
The Great "White Fair"
Portland's largest and handsomest display of dainty Under- i
muslins A superb gathering of the prettiest lingerie made
in America 50,000 pieces Every piece immaculate and
marked at a saving price 'Way back last June we started
collecting for this 1905 "White Fair" Our very best
efforts were put forth to make the showing the largest and
best Portland women ever selected from The generous
buying is sufficent testimonial for the splendid undermuslins
and grand values we are offering
Cambric, nainsook and muslin
Long Skirst, with full
flounces, trimmed in clusters
of tucks, insertion, lace and
embroidery, also plain hem
stitched flounces ; big, full sizes, all have separate
dust ruffles ; an immense variety of new styles,
j 69c, 87c, 98c, $1.23, $1.48, $1.52
Up to $35.00
Women's long-skirt Petticoats of nainsook, cam
bric and lawns, dainty lace and embroidery trim
mings, also plain hemstitched.
47c, 69c, 79c, 98c, $1.29 Up to $5.50
Ni cK f Women's Gowns, made of fine
SS cambric, muslin and nainsook.
trimmed in dainty lace, embroi
dery, insertion, tucks, hemstitch-
mg, headings and ribbons; high,
V, square and round necks.
Great Values at 39c, 69c, 87c, 98c, $1.29,
$1.49, $1.98, $2.12, $2.29, $2.69, $2.98.
Up to $30.00
Complete line of extra size Gowns, Drawers,
Chemise and Corset Cover's ; hand-embroidered
French Lingerie at sale prices.
CorSISt Women's fine nainsook, cambric
and lawn Corset Covers, trimmed
vi in clusters of tucks, lace and em-
VfOVCFS broidery edgings, insertions, bead-
' ings, ribbons, blouse fronts,
trimmed and plain backs, round, square, V and
high necks ; an immense display at
22c, 29c, 43c, 48c, 72c, Up to $15.00
f-fanrletmo Beautiful long and short
nanasome, Chemise of ne Dainsook
cambric and lawns, trimmed
with dainty embroidery,
laces, beading, ribbon and
tucks ; great special values at
23c, 39c, 47c, 69c, 83c, Up to $15.00
Wo ITI P.n ' Cambric, nainsook and muslin
wlUdl 3 Drawers, trimmed in fine laces,
v tucks, insertions, headings and
1 r 3. W 8 T S ribbons, full flounce and plain
22c, 43c, 49c, Up to $12.00
Our entire stock of Trimmed
Hats at half price and less ; not
a Hat in reserve ; every one in
cluded ,$2.50 Hats 75
$6.00 Hats ?2-95
$10.00 Hats $4.95
$15.00 Hats $6.95
$25.00 Hats 12.50
$4.00 Hats 1.95
$8.00 Hats ;....S3.95
$12.00 Hats $5.95
$20.00 Hats $9.95
$30.00 Hats $15.00
Women's and Children's Beav
er Hats, $6 values, 1.50;
$2.50 values,, at, each.. .89
Special lot of Infants' Wool
Bonnets at, each 10
Special lot of Children's Tarn
o'Shaifters, at, each 10
300 ready-to-wear Hats, values
up to $2.50 each, on sale
for 25
Ostrich Plumes, Fancy Feath-
ers, Jet Trimming, Braids,
etc., all marked at ridiculous
ly low clearance prices.
Carpets, Curtains, Etc.
Homefurnishings of every de
scription at saving prices dur
ing the great Clearance Sale
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums,
Mattings, Curtains r Curtain
Materials, Couch and Table
Covers, Brass and Iron Beds,
Mattresses, Springs, Window Shades, Screens, Etc., Etc., all
at radically reduced prices Third Floor
Melrose Ingrains, best patterns, 65c value, for yard 45
2-Ply All-Wool Filling, clearing price yard 72
All-Wool extra heavy, extra super, 2-ply, $1 grade, yard 8l
80c Linoleum, elastic finish, square yard, 68 ; 90c Linoleum, 8l
square yard; $1.60 Inlaid Linoleum, neat designs, 1.35 square
yard; $1.75 Linoleum, 1.58 square yard.
85c quality Smith's Hotel Brussels Carpets, yard ,. 77
$1.00 quality Brussels, with or without borders, yard. ........... . :85 J
$1.2o Windsor Brussels, will not fade, yard SI. 05
Prosaic Velvets, the best Wool Velvet on the market, yard. .1.35
$1.75 Royal Axminsters, elegant assortment of patterns, yard. 1.44
Bigelow Axminsters, extra fine quality, $2.10 value, yard. ..1.89
Linen Sale
Table Linens, Bed Linens,
Sheets, Pillow Slips, Bed
spreads, Towels, Toweling and
Sheetings, Ginghams, Calicos,
Percales, White Gods, etc., all
at very low prices during the
annual clearance sale.
Blankets and Comforters
10-4 White Wool Blankets, with colored borders, great g
special value, pair pO02
Three great special lots of full-size Comforters, laminated cotton
filled, trreat values at S1.07. S1.29. S1.70.
All our high-grade Silk and Sateen-covered Comforters arc marked ;
at Clearance Sale prices. Third Floor.
$7.00 extra large All-Wool White Blankets, colored bor
ders, grand values, pair
Full size fine California Blankets, mottled gray, great
special value, pair
White and Gray Wool Blankets, extra heavy, full size,
great value, pair
Entire stock of Blankets up to $27.50 a pair are all greatly reduced.
Great Shoe Bargains
800 pairs of Women's $3.00 Shoes, vici kid, box calf, patent colt, lace
and Blucher styles, light and heavy soles, kid or patent tip, all
sizes, every pair Johnson Bros, famous make; Clear- m
ance Sale price is I 3
$2.50 Shoes for 98c Pair
500 pairs of Women's vici kid Lace and Button Shoes,
spring heel and low heel, $2.50 values, for pair
$2.50 to $5.00 Slippers 98c Pair
Women's fancy Dress Slippers in kid and patent leather, qa
broken lots, odd sizes, $2.50 to $5 values pair r0C
Misses' Shoes $1.09 Pair
Misses' Dongola Lace Shoes, heavy sole: also kangaroo calf, lace
and button styles, sizes ll1 to 2 ; great values at the r fQ
low price of P U"
Boys5 and Children's Shoes
Odds and ends of Infants' Shoes, kid and patent leather,
$1.25 and $1.50 values, at the low price, of "7C
700 pairs Little Gents' box calf and vici kid' Shoes,
all sizes, at pair i3r
Boys' and Youths' Shoes, great valuesduring Clear- tf "
ance Sale 1 .U